#md analysis
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rascallyrose92 · 1 month ago
Was rewatching Murder Drones and caught this at the end of ep 8.
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I brightened it a bit to make it easier to see. This is the image that appears when Uzi flickers. It looks similar to Cyn’s true form.
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For your theorizing, analysis, and AU needs.
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velvet-vox · 10 months ago
V and Doll; trauma, mental disorder, and low empathy.
(Warning: this post is slightly outdated and contains some incorrect medical terms that don't correspond to the modern classification of ASPD. You can still read it if you are curious, but don't take anything stated here as hard facts. They are not.)
Very recently on my notifications I received a reblog by @aroaceweirdos101 to a response I've made to a post talking about how Doll went through so much more pain than V, and it made me realise that the response in question was actually, like, really good.
I had genuinely forgotten and underestimated how good of an analysis of both V, Doll, mental health and societal stigma it really was.
Now, of course, I disagree with the sentiment that Doll suffered more than V and fully believe that out of the two V endured way more pain and trauma than Doll; yet, although the responses in the comments checked out with what I previously said, they felt... meaner?
Like, the answers went to the opposite extreme of the original comment and tried to downplay Doll's trauma in comparison to V's, almost implying that Doll was a b##ch (which she was) for snapping as hard as she did when V still managed to retain a sense of restraint; and I disagreed with that, so in response I wrote this:
*Look, I believe both Doll and V are interesting characters, and although I feel more sympathetic towards Doll, I definitely believe V went through so much more pain than Doll and had way more reasons to snap and be the way she is now, but I just really hate people who use that as an excuse to label Doll has the more evil of the two or "she was always just a psycho, she just needed an excuse to snap"; it's especially disheartening when people straight up interpret her as unreademable or pure evil, when V and N's body count is 10 times higher than Doll's.
Also, I'm sorry but I really can't stomach the possibility of Liam redeeming the genocidal war machine and not the broken orphan created by said psycho, it literally would be the fictional pinnacle of "since these are the protagonists, they can get away with as much as they want and are always in the right"; I'm fine with the way Doll died because it was done by Cyn and there wasn't any moral lesson to be gained from our protagonists about it, but if it was done by N, Uzi, or worst of all V again, it should have played out like "we have reasons to do the things we do, and you have yours, unfortunately we're on opposite sides and you are hurting us so we must kill you now".
The human (worker drone) mind is extremely fragile, and some people, due to a probably inherited and undiagnosed mental illness or a particular personality type, are more at risk of snapping then other people, yet instead of being understanding towards those who are born with more issues than others (especially women, look up Azula or Ashley Graves) we tend to isolate, demonize and then kill them because they were incapable of fitting into the larger societal standard of acceptable social behaviour, even when said society never did anything to help them meet its unreachable standards because it required too much work from society's side to give you the special attention you needed in order to make you work and fit in.
V was a quiet kid because she was shy, Doll was a quiet kid because she was introverted. Those are two very different types of people and one of them (Doll) was inherently more at risk of developing mental health issues than the other due to their personality type and how it's stigmatized.*
Here's also the original post made by an anonymous user on @md-confessions
Also, here's the link to another post still talking about V and Doll. I made two comments in response, but neither of them is particularly well thought out and since you can't correct them I left them as they were.
Now, back to the highlighted part:
I want to use this response as a springboard to talk about the main differences between Doll and V when it comes to their different handling of their decaying mental health and why it's unfair to say that one of them was worse than the other based on their actions and attitude towards the problem.
(Also, all of the Murder Drones characters are extremely complex, and the fact that the show doesn't have filler makes it harder to get a good grip on one's particular mindset, so if it seems like I'm talking more about Doll than I am about V, it is because V is the most complicated character in the cast and I'm not as confident to talk about her as I am with Doll; it took one entire year to finally understand Doll as well as I do now, so V is a touchy subject for me that's why I might not do her justice).
First of all, it has to be said: Doll is a sociopath, V isn't, despite appearing like one. And that's ok.
When I say that I feel more sympathy towards Doll than I do for V, this is what I mean: I don't sympathise with Doll heartlessness more than I do with V jackassery; rather I understand and relate with Doll's low empathy since I also have low empathy as well, and it is quite common for people like us to be misunderstood for uncaring individuals.
It's the same reason why I and many others tend to like villains and sympathise with them more than we do with the heroes (Lord Shen from Kung Fu Panda 2 is the perfect example for this); it's quite common for villains to be written as individuals with low empathy, as an highly empathetic individual tends to be harder for the audience to buy as an antagonist, since you need to justify why someone this caring is committing all this heinous and terrible stuff, but if that person is already unemphatetic by nature, than it's just a matter of establishing their goals and motivations. These people also tend to be ostracized by their environment and go through a gruesome and violent death because it's socially acceptable to let these despicable individuals find comeuppance through death since they lack the traits that make a person traditionally good.
So, when people use the "So what? She's got dead parents. Many others do, including Uzi, who's also infected with the Absolute Solver, yet they have not become cannibalistic serial killers obsessed with revenge" as a slight against Doll it's not entirely fair because from what we've gathered in the show the other worker drones don't suffer from sadistic impulses and sociopathy like Doll does, even if they (Rebecca) are pretty uncaring. (Side note, Uzi also suffers from sadism/sadistic impulses, but not from sociopathy, hence the main difference between the two).
V, on the other hand, despite what her introduction and psycho girl persona might trick you into believing, was never a sociopath nor did she struggle with low empathy, she was, instead, a pretty timid maid who suffered through unspeakable physical and psychological trauma that led her to adopt this fake identity to cope for the atrocities that she was now committing for the company (Absolute Solver) and the safety of N; V cared about N in a pretty normal person kind of way: she kept N at arms length and hid the truth from him so that he wouldn't get hurt, all while detaching herself from the actions she was now committing, not saying Doll wouldn't or didn't commit any of these actions, but V did them in a way that better aligns with someone who doesn't suffer from sociopathic disorder.
Speaking of N, since he has been mentioned, I'll say that while Uzi suffers from sadism but not low empathy (she has shown to be pretty empathetic many times), N doesn't suffer from sadism but from low empathy; as better explained by a section of this post made by @melissa-titanium :
N x Doll
Don't believe me? Then maybe you should rewatch the series again because N's unemphateticness is his own can of worms to delve into.
But back to Doll, it's time to dissolve (😏) one of the oldest misconceptions surrounding her character:
Doll reached out for help. A lot. She just didn't have any luck with it.
Call me crazy, but the more I thought about it, the more I realised that the fandom wide spread belief that Doll rejected all the help that was handed to her to be a massive lie, and in fact, Doll actually tried to reach out way more than you thought, arguably, even more than Uzi:
The impact that Yeva's education has had on Doll's life can only be noticed in this way: Yeva extended her hand to Nori and she accepted it, thus, it is fair to assume that Yeva taught Doll to be pretty open to others and to give a hand to someone in need (the show was rewritten after the pilot, so ignore the incongruences with Doll's initial characterization), and in fact, after enduring the trauma of watching her parents die, she opened up to Lizzie for help and support, unfortunately, Lizzie wasn't exactly the right person to talk about these things (no offence to her, all of Uzi's classmates suck for one reason or another, including Uzi herself, I guess that's what happens when you are stuck inside a bunker your whole life), after all, Doll was still killing and cannibalising her classmates.
Then, before she went back to gain her revenge, she tried to get Uzi on her side, which wasn't an attempt to open up, but she was still willing to connect, even if for the wrong reasons. Finally, once she discovers that Uzi also has the Absolute Solver, she promises to help her out, and at this point, Doll wishes to talk it out with Uzi, but because she is surrounded by the Disassembly Drones (V), she can't.
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And now, for the most interesting discussion, there's this brief and frankly weird moment in episode 5 where Doll compliments Khan for raising Uzi, and while Khan laughs it off immediately, since he is a dumbass, this could have been a perfect opportunity for him to reach out to Doll and reason with her, since she's clearly putting aside whatever her objective actually is to talk to him, but he doesn't catch on, and this leads Doll to immediately closing herself off again and returning to the mission, and like, maybe we all kind of underestimated how much significance this moment carried, but consider this:
Doll, at this point in time, has been living out in the cold for what... a month? Six months? A YEAR? If we exclude J and Cyn from the equation, this is probably the only social interaction she ever had since The Promening, yet, because of Khan's lack of touch, she immediately reminds herself of the massive disconnection between her and the other workers (eh ehm sociopath) and thus storms off rapidly; this moment is actually quite painful when you look at it from this perspective, yet it's also, the only interpretation that makes sense? Otherwise how do you explain the existence of this moment when Murder Drones is a show infamous for his high plotting and lack of filler? They had to go out of their way to animate this, so why did they play it off in this way?
Tessa is a meanie
Penultimately, and again, I want to bring up a post by @capnsaltsquid since that's where I got the inspiration to write this paragraph off, Doll opened up to J and Tessa to get the answers she was seeking, yet not only Tessa shot her in the face for s###s and giggles, but then proceeded to fraternise with her parents murderers, and at this point, she closes herself off enough to realise that she might have to unintentionally kill Uzi and leave everyone in the dust if she wants to get anything at all.
But unfortunately, that is not the case, she dies of a lonely, meaningless, gruesome death, and at this point, she still tries and finally succeeds in reaching out to Uzi, and yet, like all of her previous tries, this is unsuccessful, as Uzi has other things in mind right now.
To wrap things up nicely, both V and Doll went through severe amounts of trauma and handled said trauma in a similar yet also different way, since they are different individuals who process emotions and love differently, thus the actions they took made sense for the person they were and should only be judged in the context of their writing and characterization.
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mandareeboo · 2 years ago
N didn't infect Uzi with murder drone syndrome...
In my last theory, I posited that N may have accidentally infected Uzi with the murder drone virus. This new episode has given me pause to reflect and realize it's much, much worse.
He didn't infect her with robo-vampirism. He infected her with Cyn.
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"Home" gave us a lot of interesting backstory and details, but in this case I think the fact that Cyn can control murder drones- hell, she seems to have built them from scratch- is what we need to focus on. V and J both were taken over by Cyn's control, and they were forced to do some wack shit under that power.
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But some robots weren't. N seemed entirely out of Cyn's control, beyond some gentle manipulation of his emotions. This explains why N was considered the worst murder drone- unlike the others, he was always of full sound mind.
We don't know why, exactly. There's plenty of possibilities. Maybe something in N's hardwiring rendered Cyn unable to. Maybe she just enjoyed his company as is, and that's why she wiped his mind over and over again- to keep that dynamic. The point is- while Cyn wants to be close to N, she shows no interest in taking over his body.
Which means she has to go elsewhere.
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JC Jenson may or may not know about Cyn. It doesn't really matter. What we know they're aware of for sure is that an entire party was ripped to robo-shreds by a herd of self-healing robots with metallic wings. Who better, they decided, to become their soldiers? The acid seems to be something they put together- something Cyn has since decided to evolve a tail to mimic.
Cyn wants to be free. She wants to keep chatting with N, and to do whatever her heart desires. There's very little she can achieve as simply a program inside of every murder drone. She needs a body.
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When N stabbed her (or when he healed her, it's hard to say; but I'm banking on the former for a reason I'll get into soon) Cyn was inside his body. She's inside of every murder drone- it's why they heal. And part of her escaped into Uzi.
Uzi's showing every sign of slowly being infected.
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THIS is what Cyn does. THAT'S how Cyn controls every murder drone. She's a virus, infected them and turning them into puppets OR a fancy new suit for her to wear.
And Uzi's not the only one! Doll's afflicted too, and I think it comes from V murdering her family. It's entirely possible that Doll cut herself on some claws, or escaped with "only a dent". I think Doll's taking longer because she's not in close contact with N. But does it matter? They're both suitable hosts. And I think...
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I think this is the result.
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wintersnails · 6 months ago
House has definitely sent Wilson a dick pic or several but he sends them by email because they are both old men and the titles are things like ‘URGENT: please identify if lung cancer’ or ‘patient biopsy results - respond ASAP’ so that Wilson’s guilt complex makes him feel obligated to open each one just in case someone’s life is actually on the line
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therealneilperry · 4 months ago
Like, the crux of House and Wilson’s relationship for Wilson is that Wilson is somewhat preforming kindness and empathy, and around House he doesn’t have to. He can be fucked up and a little weird, and play increasingly destructive pranks. He can fight with house, and punch him in the face and ask him to dinner a second later and he doesn’t have to preform normality because there is genuinely nothing he can do to ruin this friendship.
And the crux of House and Wilson’s relationship for House is that Wilson see past House’s bs and sees the sliver kindness in House’s heart, the one house keeps hidden away deep under layers of sarcasm and insults. It’s not all the time, as house still gets defensive when Wilson says something that hits a “sore spot”, but House is still kinder with Wilson than he is with anyone else, he shares his fears with Wilson, and makes sacrifices to make him happy. He doesn’t have to preform his “asshole persona” because Wilson’s the only safe person to be venerable with.
This is why they need each other, because they have to preform with everyone else, and they always end up back together because we all need someone we can be authentic with, and it’s why they’re so lonely without each other.
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linatheweirdooo · 2 months ago
V's glasses: an analysis about how a single item tells a story.
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The glasses are a symbol of the old V. The weak drone at the Elliot manor who was taken advantage of by the solver, who couldn't stand up for herself.
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Seeing her glasses shattered by the solver seems like she lost that part of herself. It seemed like a loss, the start of her decent into insanity. But when N puts them on later in episode 5, she sees what she's doing, and for the first time tries to fight though the solver in her head.
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Obviously, it still didn't work, and that was kind of the last we see of this V. After this, she got turned I a disassembly drone and starred to loose her mind over how weak she used to be and her obsession with proving she isn't that person anymore.
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She spends the rest of the show trying to protect N, but too scared of telling him why, which buried her deeper into this hole she dug for herself and she unintentionally hurt the one she was trying to protect.
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Things will never be the same again. But the next time she wears her glasses in episode 8, it's an important moment I don't think enough people talk about. The glasses are shattered, like her old self.
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But she still wore them. Because she finally came to terms with the past. And when she wore the glasses, she was able to use the strength and weaknesses in both versions of herself.
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She cares about the people she loves most, who are N and now, Uzi too. She'll do anything to protect them. The selflessness she had in the past comes back as her sacrifice, while her current day strength is able to stand up to the sentinels.
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And because she's now come to terms with that fact. Now that she stopped hiding her past and is able to grow and change, when her glasses get shattered by the sentinels, she doesn't try to stop them. The past is in the past.
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The glasses aren't her anymore, V is herself. V is the powerful and strong willed disassembly drone she is now, but she's also kind, and the people she loves are everything to her. The glasses no longer represent what V lost at the manor.
V has finally accepted herself, with all her strengths and weaknesses.
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housepilled · 1 year ago
i don't know if anyone has talked about this before but i've been thinking about the symbolism of cancer in connection to house and wilson and. i am going insane.
wilson has a stage II thymoma and he's given a 5 month sentence. from my (limited — i am not a doctor nor particularly good at science) research, this seems unrealistic; everything i've read about them says that thymomas are rare and slow growing. it seems incredibly unlikely that a stage II thymoma could only be treated by chemotherapy and would only give wilson 5 months to live. so why did the writers decide to do that? it's like the medical version of an anachronism — something (in the real definition of an anachronism, historically) inaccurate used to make a specific point. so what is the point?
well, thymomas are cancer of the thymus gland, which is right in front of and above the heart.
and then that got me thinking about house's (faked) cancer in season 3 (e15 half wit). he pretends to have brain cancer.
so their cancers are literally in the heart and head.
david shore i am in your walls
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s-wave-entertainment · 2 months ago
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Yeah okay that's a pretty terrifying thing to see, and I can pretty logically assume this is hallucination on N's part, but does that stop him from literally CATCHING HER IN THE NEXT THREE SECONDS???
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CAN WE ALSO TALK ABOUT THE CHANGE IN EXPRESSION THAT I CAN ONLY ASSUME IS DUE TO WHAT HE SAW?? Like also I assume yeah obviously he's worried about Uzi because who the fuck wouldn't be (Cyn) but like LOOK AT THIS BULLSHIT
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"Myrah what the fuck are you on about it's 8:30 in the damn morning?"
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lapdogchase · 2 months ago
fascinated and distressed by chase's disordered relationship with sexuality + his emotions abt his own trauma & abuse
thru the beginning of the show he doesn't even realize he's hot despite being objectively attractive. when he finds out he's hot he then realizes people pretend to be interested in him as a person in order to have sex with him and gets super upset about it
he starts having a bunch of meaningless sex as a coping mechanism when cameron leaves him. and also a lot of other times. whenever something bad happens, basically, he starts going out with a bunch of women, just to feel something, presumably
^to the extent where hes known within the hospital as a slut. and has had sex with an insane amount of nurses. as well as presumably women who are not at his place of work.
he says doing this made him hate himself so he stopped. it's the b-plot for an episode and then he's back having meaningless sex again by the end of the episode
even his coworkers know this about him. and have called it out, masters even says she thinks he doesn't respect women bc, in her words, he's with a different one every few days or maybe he finds comfort in meaningless relationships
goes back to having meaningless sex within weeks of getting stabbed. which is really bad for wound healing reasons too. genuinely it seems like such compulsive behavior for him considering he keeps doing it even when its objectively not only a bad idea but actively dangerous
house even directly says he's "a serial slut" because he's "terrified of intimacy." incredibly accurate assessment
his relationship with his sexuality reads so heavily as someone who thinks they're not good for anything else
see also: dissociation & avoidance
we know he has a lot of trauma especially in childhood- he never really gets into it let alone into how he Feels about it but what we know is already bad & that's just the stuff he's okay with sharing with his coworkers or patients
in general he's very avoidant of his own trauma- when he gets stabbed he says he "can't change what happened, can only make better choices from here" as if it was his own fault, and refuses thru the whole episode to acknowledge that being traumatized by this would be a really normal reaction that he is definitely having. instead he just blames himself
also, he dissociates from traumatic things that happen to him - says "there was a stabbing" rather than "i was stabbed" for instance
when he's talking abt his childhood trauma he does it in a very similar way - he talks about it very bluntly and doesn't ever get into how he actually feels about it.
see also: dr. fawn response
general passive willingness to go along with anything- when cameron says they should have sex in s3 he's surprised and then he just kinda goes along with it. not bc he didn't want to bc he obviously did, but he's just generally very much someone who does whatever other people want him to do. i feel like he and cameron both tend to seek validation thru sex in an unhealthy way that i'm still gnawing on like a dog with a bone i have to go rewatch s3 to really articulate it though
he has a sort of desperation for praise and approval especially from anyone he views as an authority figure. he does whatever authority figures tell him out of this idea that it'll bring him approval and therefore safety
like no matter what house does or says to him he doesn't argue or retaliate or anything. even when house punches him he collapses on the ground in pain and then just keeps talking about the patient like nothing happened.
the scene in 3.10 after house punches him where he's in the ddx room and house walks in and throws the file at him and chase is startled and tries to pretend he's not. and he looks up with this huge fuck ass bruise on his jaw swallows heavily and pretends not to be upset. and house asks if he got that looked at as if he wasn't the one to give it to him and chase just swallows and says he's fine. dr fawn response :(
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wilsonsmcgillsweatshirt · 2 months ago
Wilson having NPD is one of my favourite headcanons. I know everyone says House does, but I truly believe he's just autistic. And I know people are going to say, "How can he have NPD he's so selfless." Which, first of all, people with NPD can do selfless things. But mainly, I don't think Wilson is selfless at all. In fact, I'd argue he's one of the most selfish people on the entire show. Yes, he helps people a lot, but he's not helping people just because he genuinely cares and wants to do good. He helps people because he needs to be needed. He wants people to rely on him, and he craves that constant attention. Honestly, you see it with his ex-wives. He finds someone needy, and he comes in like a knight in shining armour, sweeping them off their feet. And then they have this honeymoon period where that person is so smitten with Wilson and relies on Wilson, and Wilson thrives under all the attention. But the second that that person doesn't need to rely on Wilson anymore, and that person becomes more emotionally independent, Wilson leaves. Because the helping people isn't about them, it's about him.
I mean, House straight up points it out, and they talk about it multiple times.
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the-mighty-e · 11 months ago
While I'm drawing a small nuzi confession comic (on paper sorry) have this thing I noticed
When N patted Uzi's head for the first time ever, she slapped his hand away
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I hate them so much WHY ARE THEY SO CUTE??????
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imagopersonal · 1 year ago
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They could have been happy
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atomicradiogirl · 1 year ago
i find it a very interesting choice that house md ends on enjoy yourself rather than you can’t always get what you want or maybe even the actual lyrical version of teardrop by massive attack.
enjoy yourself is the most optimistic of the songs and i’ve seen people complain that it kind of comes from nowhere and the actual meaning of the song especially considering that post-canon, wilson will die and house is dead figuratively (and will probably die literally with wilson), the song is not only a call to the viewer to live their lives to the fullest but asks house and wilson to enjoy the time they have left as they drive away from us, their stories are fundamentally over.
enjoy yourself is only referenced one other time in the show when hallucination amber sings it to house at a restaurant just before the hallucination finale of season 5. this presentation of enjoy yourself by “ghost” amber, someone who haunts house from his guilt over her death and near destruction of his relationship with wilson as a result is also a callback to her death in the first place. house is so scared by hallucination amber singing this song to him he begs wilson over the phone to pick him up, the exact request that killed amber. the optimistic song about living out your life to the fullest sung by the manifestation of his guilt, someone who died too soon also coupled with kutner dying 3 episodes prior to this, just makes the final use of this song so fascinating. the house writers obviously called back to this moment because it was house’s fear of death and change that made the initial scene scary. meanwhile house accepts wilson’s death and his death in the finale after healing and growing. this is why i think enjoy yourself is the perfect finale song. the house writers are telling us that they accept that their time is up and we should too, even though death is horrible and tragic and scary at the same time, everybody dies.
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irenespring · 1 year ago
So I rewatched the House episode about the autistic child wherein Wilson correctly diagnoses House as being on the spectrum and then seemingly goes back on it for no valid reason. The most likely reason for this is writer cowardice (they didn't want to have to deal with a canon autistic character), but allow me to present a conspiracy theory: Wilson is autistic.
He has only one friend, who is also on the spectrum, because that friend alone can see and appreciate the side of him he usually hides. He has the same random interests as this friend. He seems to be the only one to understand what his friend is trying to say. He gives House second chance after second chance because he knows what it is like to miscommunicate/tries to give benefit of the doubt.
Most of his social interactions are extremely surface level: he has a pleasant script he sticks to, either for flirting, talking to a patient, or just talking to any random nt person. He gets married to people he doesn't let past the mask both because he wants to conform to social standards. He does it again because he thinks he just messed up the script last time and this time he will get it right. He cheats because he doesn't instinctively link sex and intimacy--what he grasps as a standard mistake is actually a betrayal. This also might explain why his most intimate relationship is with House, the person he doesn't script around, even though they never have canon sex.
He wants to be needed because when he can help people he feels like he is doing socializing right. When someone no longer needs him, he panics, because he either has to stop scripting or increase scripting, and both scare him.
He is also extremely specific about his routines and preferences, and gets annoyed when they are disrupted. He is paralyzed by open-ended decisions: when he is turned loose in a furniture store, he can't make a single choice because there are so many.
Wilson is extremely invested in scripting, to the point where he flees relationships when it no longer works. He spends all day every day trying very hard to be the picture perfect doctor, spouse, friend, etc. So when House is dealing with sensory issues around the carpet, he helps by explaining to Cuddy something he alone of the other characters understands. But when he talks to House about it, he blows this understanding off. In his mind, he works so hard to be so nice, so therefore it is possible, even if damages him. He probably doesn't know it damages him to the extent it does. Therefore, he insists House's behavior isn't because he's autistic, but rather because he's just an ass. Because if autism is an excuse to not mask, he hasn't needed to mask this whole time.
Not saying I'm wholly invested in this theory, but *imitates House's voice* "it fits."
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astal-art · 2 years ago
This is so fucking funny there are so many things about this oh my god
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starjunkyard · 1 year ago
Sorry i genuinely feel like im going fucking crazy What do u mean wilson's ex-wife named their dog after an anagram for Doctor Greg House What do u mean she'd resented house since the very beginning of their marriage solely because wilson was always there for him but never for HIS OWN WIFE "You always needed him, and he was always there for you." "You knew he had a wife waiting at home; you didn't care." "I'm not saying you broke up the marriage, but you didn't help." Is anyone else hearing this .am i going crazy
"When we had people over, he'd nip at their ankles." Ohhhhhhhhhthefuckiiinnggggggg THEFUCKING That statement being a metaphor for how house drives every prospective spouse of Wilson's away Theway house growls and snaps and bites and lashes out at anyone who even shows a single shred of romantic interest towards wilson. Allof wilson's ex-wives canonically actually fucking hating house's guts because of how close he was (and is) with wilson in a way that he was never able to be with them
House gives out bribes so he can acquire confidential personal information about and to blackmail wilson's girlfriends Willgo to their workplaces so he can Talk AboutWILSON Will bark and snap at anything and everything and protect wilson from NOTHING Willscare away anyone who even tries to get close to wilson instinctively intrinsically irrationally Almost AnimalisticallyKILLS YOU KILLS YOU KILLS YOU KILLS YOUUUUUUUUUU))/!!:):):7/)£:);6:£7:7:
Animal motifs OHHHHHHHAnimal motifs FUCK . Fuck. House loves wilson like a dog. Masters will abandon their dogs in the middle of dirt roads and drive off and their dogs will chase after them until their paws are oozing bloodied raw and numb Masterswill shun and kick and starve their dogs and maybe the dog will fight back. Maybe the dog will bare its teeth growl and bite But a dog's loyalty isn't something you can ever beat out of it . Loyalty is hardwired into a dog's dna Loyalty that is blind irrational and suffocating that transcends logic and reason that is Branded and Burnt into their genetic makeup until it becomes their achilles heel; the thing thatwill end up killingthem The thing that keeps them crawling back to their masters no matter what no matter what No Matter What
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