jaketoria4ever · 3 months
I hate to be that person, but...
Spellings, my man!
(To all you fanfic writers out there - it's Hermione. Not Hermoine. Not Herminine. And Definitely not Herimone)
Change the spellings, sure... but then it's your character not Harry Potter fandom's.
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willsolace-loml · 2 months
marauders as things my friends and i have said pt2
james: i headcanon u as bisexual
remus: wut????? how did u guess my canon, it hasnt been stated yet???
pandora: raccoons are almost cats!
marlene: *talking abt the quidditch uniform* if i wear that ur going to see my entire coochie
sirius: peter is the king of the water fairies
prefect remus: *to lockheart* hey willy wonka! schools started, get the hell to class!
sirius: *whispering* oral sex
peter: i shall not be getting involved in controversial business
mary: preach brother
mary: *over text* im in london being a slut and a god
lily & mary: *lights off, looking into a mirror, with a candle* slut, slut, slut, slut, slut, slut
barty: *walks through the door*
sirius: ITS HERE!
peter: *humming titanium in class*
minnie: pls stop humming and singing and other things that make u sound happy
lily: *talking abt muggle churches* for instance, i could be presbyterian-
sirius: ur vegetarian??
remus: *jewish* do those ones like jesus or no??
sirius: *walking by the slytherins table* hey sigmas
lily: *walking up behind mary, low voice* hey little mama, where my hug at?
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painedpen · 7 months
I saw a tiktok about Ron yelling at Hermione and embarrassing her in public (he would never), and Draco punching him in the face and I am so. Tired.
Like. We’ve already established that once Ron is committed to his relationship with Hermione, he’s peak husband material. He’s lovely. Househusband extraordinaire. But the idea of Draco Malfoy beating him up???
I like Draco as much as the next person, but we need to acknowledge that he’s a lil bitch. Every time he pisses someone off, he eats shit. Ron beats that twink into the ground on the regular. Come on people, let’s be real.
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metalomagnetic · 2 years
Snippet from ‘Either must die’
***Delphini comes home for Christmas***
Before dinner, Delphini hands her grade report to Voldemort.
“What am I supposed to do with it?” Voldemort asks, holding the parchment.
Harry doesn’t know, either. Neither of them went through this before, having no parents to show a grade report to.
Is there a protocol?
Delphini looks at both of them as if they’re stupid.
“Nothing. It’s just something people do. Show their progress to their parents.”
“Ah,” Voldemort says, opening the parchment. Harry stands at his side, ladle in hand, having put a stasis charm on the frying potatoes.
She’s done really well, of course. Harry sees Outstanding after Outstanding, and he almost goes back to his cooking when he spots the Acceptable in Potion and Defence, and the Troll in History of Magic.
He almost drops the ladle. Even he never got a T.
Delphini is staring at Voldemort intently, unconcerned with Harry’s reaction.
“How did you get an Acceptable in Potions?”
“The professor is an idiot,” Delphini says. “He insisted nightshade only has three properties.”
“That is idiotic,” Voldemort agrees. “But most people are idiots. Sometimes it’s just best to go along with it and get a good grade. That’s what I did.”
Delphini frowns. “No, that’s not right. If someone’s wrong, you have to correct them, so they can know better.”
“Are you sure you are a Slytheirn?” Voldemort asks, narrowing his eyes. “What happened in Defence?”
“The teacher said not to curse the other students with the jinx she showed us.”
“And I did.”
Harry sighs. He knew about that already, having received a notification when it happened.
Apparently, a kid in her class called Lucius Malfoy ‘a nasty git’ and Delphini didn’t care for it.
Voldemort puts the parchment away.
“Wait!” Harry says. “What’s with the Troll? Am I the only one seeing it? In History? You’re good at History, Delphi! You know more of it than - really, most people I met.”
Delphini has all the goblin wars memorised- not just what happened and the years, but the exact date, day and month and everything. And there have been many rebellions. Harry isn’t even sure about their exact number.
“Binns made us write a paper about the war.”
Oh. Oh, shit.
That’s why Voldemort didn’t ask. He must have foreseen this.
Harry didn’t even think about it. That the war is something they teach in history class now.
“What did you write?” Harry asks, wincing.
She shrugs. “The truth.”
Delphini has strange ideas about what is true or not. What if she said the Death Eaters were right, or-
“I wrote everything correctly,” she assures him. Her shoulders are set in a defensive, stubborn position. “Dates and all. Very accurate, I promise.”
“But?” Voldemort asks, when she falters.
“I said Albus Dumbledore was a manipulative, secretive old man that left the burden of war on the shoulders of children. I said he should be considered a war criminal.”
Harry does drop the ladle, then.
“They gave me a month worth of detention for it, too, when I refused to apologise. Apologise to who? The man is dead!”
Voldemort stands.
“Go get your coat.”
“Why?” Harry and Delphini ask.
“I’m taking you out. You can pick whatever restaurant you want.”
Delphini grins like a cat that got the canary. “McDonalds?”
She always begged for Voldemort to take her to McDonalds, but he refused, time and time again.
“Whatever you want,” he repeats, smiling back.
“Hey, you can’t reward her for getting a T and detention!” Harry calls after them.
Delphini is already out of the room, rushing to get her cloak.
“You constantly suggest I should do nice things for her,” Voldemort says, still smiling. “Show affection and all that nonsense.”
“Not over something like this!” Harry says, outraged.
“Oh, I can’t image a more suitable situation, really. Are you coming? Or will you sit here eating dinner alone?”
“I’m not encouraging it!”
He’ll talk to her about Dumbledore. He never did, outside a few remarks, and now he regrets it. God knows who told her that about the Professor.
Harry knows it wasn’t Voldemort. He never speaks of Dumbledore, either.
Malfoy isn’t a likely culprit. He’s careful with his words, knows Dumbledore is seen as a hero, so he treads carefully.
Probably fucking Lestrange.
“Suit yourself.” Voldemort shrugs and gets out of the kitchen.
Harry stands there, upset. Delphini shouldn’t say things like that. And they shouldn’t reward her for getting detention. True, Harry wasn’t concerned about the letters informing him of her rule breaking, but it’s one thing to let that go, and quite another to celebrate it.
“I want a Happy Meal! Actually, may I have two Happy Meals, father? They come with toys, and I’d like two toys.”
“You may have five happy meals,” Voldemort assures her, in such a rare generous mood.
“Wait!” Harry calls after them, when he hears the front door opening. “Wait, I’m coming!”
If he stays home, he’s just punishing himself, really.
As it is, Harry has a very nice evening. They don’t bring Dumbledore up, and it’s fun seeing Voldemort in a McDonalds, children running and laughing everywhere.
They sit at one of those tiny booths and listen to Delphini speak of Hogwarts, of her friends.
They already know about that, she sends at least two letters home each week, but she says it all again, eating her McNuggets with a knife and fork.
Voldemort only has water. He refused to get anything else, and he sneers at people drinking through straws. Delphini opens the lid of her cup and throws away the straw, eventually.
She got five Happy Meals, like Voldemort promised, but she can’t eat them all. So she carefully packs what is left in one of those cartoon boxes.
“I’m against wasting food,” Voldemort says. “But that’s not food. You don’t need to take it home. Throw it away.”
“I’m not taking it home,” Delphini says.
When they leave the establishment, as they head for the quiet alley they can Apparate from, Delphini rushes across the street and gives the box to a homeless person.
“Are you absolutely sure you are a Slytheirn?” Voldemort inquires again when she comes back.
Harry hugs her tightly, overcome with joy. He forgets all about Dumbledore. It doesn’t matter, nothing matters faced with proof that Delphini is a kind girl.
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squibstress · 10 months
HP Rec Fest - December 5
Theme: A non-AO3 fic
Dark Nights
Pairing: Albus/Minerva
Creator: Morgan72uk
Rating: M/R
Word Count: 8,955
The first war is over, but the shadows remain. What really happened between McGonagall and Dumbledore during the trials of the Death Eaters?
Why You Should Check It Out:
This story shows us an Albus Dumbledore that we don't often see: a man unsure of not just the correctness, but of the morality of his actions. The story is set during the trials immediately after the first Voldemort war, and we see Albus confronting the ugly pragmatism that emerges in wartime and its aftermath through Minerva's tender, practical, and ultimately unsure eyes as she offers him (and herself) a kind of comfort she's not sure is really right.
The Thing About Travelling
Pairing: Hermione/Minerva
Creator: anonymous
Rating: T/PG-13
Word Count: 7,900
Minerva McGonagall goes on a journey.
Why You Should Check It Out:
This story is full of fabulous characterizations with surprising bits of insight, enough description of foreign (to me) climes and locales without making it feel like a travelogue, and a slow buildup to an ending that you suspect is coming, but can't be quite sure of, and that is totally satisfying either way.
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I've written so much today (yay!) mostly The Prank, which somehow led to Hope Lupin who has been an Absolute darling and a) is a hard working farmers daughter who will get through will elbow grease and willpower and b) Don't talk to McGonagal about your perm she doesn't know what that means and at this point she's too afraid to ask
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papercorgiworld · 17 days
Whipped for their tutor
The requested Blaise, Draco and Tom version
The guys are appointed a tutor and they are absolute whipped for her. Reader obviously plays a little game with them.
Read the Mattheo, Theo and Enzo version here.
Warning: suggestive
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“Honestly professor, it’s not my fault. I’m a dedicated student. I don’t mess around. I take this class very seriously. I just got preoccupied with a potions essay.” Mcgonagall judges Blaise through her glasses, not impressed by his excuses and so done with Slytherins and their talk. “Mister Zabini, you will see a tutor, twice a week.” Blaise sighs, but nods. “I’ll ask Nott to explain everything to me.” Mcgonagall almost faints at the suggestion. “No, let’s not. I asked Miss (y/l/n) to free a few hours in her schedule for you.” 
Blaise almost chokes. “(Y/n)?” Mcgonagall nods sternly watching the student in front of her get a little nervous. “Is there a problem, mister Zabini?” An awkward chuckle leaves Blaise’s lips as he unconsciously loosens his tie. “No, she’s fine, perfect… normal, uhm, good, she’s intelligent, I mean.” Mcgongall folds her hands and sighs. I need a raise, putting up with these students isn’t healthy. “Well, I’ll ask her to meet you tomorrow after class.”
Keep cool. You’re a cool cookie, Blaisey-boy, just act smart, no just be smart and impress her. Blaise pep talked to himself as he waited for you in the classroom the professor had reserved for the two of you. A soft laugh from the hallway drew his attention to the door as you appeared waving goodbye to your friend, before locking eyes with Blaise and giving him a gentle smile. As you entered Blaise stood from his chair, making the corner of your lips tug up in amusement. “Blaise Zabini.” He introduces himself, making you chuckle. “I know and I’m pretty sure you know my name as well.” She knew my name. “Yeah…” He trails off as he can’t keep his eyes from wandering, your uniform fits you perfectly. 
You elegantly take a seat opposite of the boy who fails to take his eyes off you and almost stumbles into his chair, watching you. “I actually already know all the material. I reviewed it earlier. I’m smart like that.” Blaise leans back in his chair doing his best to sound impressive and look calm. You purse your lips and let your eyes linger on his white shirt hugging his chest, before a teasing smile tugs the corner of your mouth upwards. “Let’s review your last test then.” You suggest as you pull out his test from your bag. Damn you Mcgonagall, this is not gonna make me look good. 
“Well there’s far more interesting stuff we could do.” Blaise suggests doing his best to regain his casual cool, but his confidence falls as you slide the paper towards him pushing your chest against the table and giving him a perfect view of all things he can only dream of. “Maybe…” Your voice sounds like honey, but then reality hits. “If the review of this test goes well, we’ll have plenty of time for more interesting material.” Ooh, you, baby, are very interesting material. 
“The first question didn’t go well, so how about you try and give a correct answer, since you’ve already reviewed it beforehand.” Reluctantly Blaise pulls his eyes away from your chest and to his failed test. As he is about to make an effort at an answer you elegantly slide your heels against his leg, but your face stays professional, patiently waiting for an answer.
Stutters of a half answer was all you got in the end and maybe some drooling, but it was obvious to you: this Slytherin needed a bit more tutoring. 
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“Outrageous! I don’t need a tutor! Who does Mcgonagal think she is! Wait until my-“ A grinning Pansy interrupts Draco. “Oh please do tell your father how you were so hungover that you failed every test for an entire week. I bought a new black dress and I just know I would look fine as hell, weeping over your dead body after you tell your father this.” Draco rolls his eyes and is about to say something snappy back when he sees you come into view. He shamelessly stares, it was his god given right as a Malfoy to stare at anyone he liked… but he gets a little nervous when he notices you’re walking towards him. “Hi there Malfoy, how are you?” “G-go-good. I’m good. How is-are you– How are you? That’s what I mean.” You chuckle sweetly  at the stutter puddle that you had turned Malfoy into. Mattheo, who was leaning against a wall behind Malfoy, has his cigarette hanging from his lips, his eyes adoring you. “Professor Mcgonagall asked me to tutor you so I reserved a classroom for us this evening. Meet me there, 7p.m.” You hand Draco a note but he’s too busy daydreaming to notice. Pansy jumps in taking the note with the classroom number and the needed books for the tutor session. “He’ll be there.” Pansy smiles, Draco gives you a weak dreamy smile and as you turn Mattheo utters an awkward “bye”. Making you shake your head as you walk towards your friends.
“Real smooth, Draco.” Pansy snaps, turning towards Malfoy. “You think so?” Draco questions, immediately realising Pansy was mocking him by the mean glint in her eyes. “Yeah, great first impression.” Mattheo jokes, making Pansy give him a stupid look, silently reminding him of his awkward goodbye. “I don’t want to be tutored by her.” Draco complains. “She’ll think I’m stupid.” Pansy scoffs. “After watching what I just watched, I’m convinced you are stupid.” Mattheo then leans closer to Draco. “If you really don’t want to go… I could use some tutoring.” Draco’s brows knit together in annoyance, but also realises that he really does not want to miss out on a chance to be alone with. “A tutor can’t fix the problems you have, Riddle.” Pansy snaps.
Draco came prepared, he had a plan. He was a slytherin afterall. He had messed up a few tests, but he knew very well how to study so he arrived early that evening and got his books out, ready to impress the smartest and most beautiful girl in Hogwarts. He had spent a ridiculous time in front of the mirror making sure his hair looked messy but in a good way, like he wasn’t trying too hard, but he was definitely trying. When you opened the door to find Draco Malfoy dug deep in his books and notes, you had to say you were slightly intrigued. His eagerness and slightly unbuttoned shirt definitely made him attractive. 
This should be fun. You gave Draco your most innocent smile when he looked up from his books. “You’re early. That’s a good start.” Draco caught himself smiling like a fool at your compliment and straightened his back to regain his nonchalant act. “Yeah, I just thought I would summarise the latest chapter and mark any questions I have.” Your playfulness ebbs away for a bit when Draco has you convinced that he’s taking this tutoring session seriously. Maybe I thought wrong of Malfoy. However, Draco is quick to show you his usual self. “Turns out I have no questions. I understand it all fine.” He closes the book in front of him and leans a bit back in his chair, before continuing with a smug voice. “I saw you in the stands at my last quidditch game. Great game right?” Ugh, Malfoy… why are you so full of yourself…
“Yes, great game. Berkshire played exceptionally in that game.” You reply without hesitation, swiping that smirk from his lips. “You should introduce me to him sometime.” You play, avoiding his gaze on you as you place your books on the table. “He’s- He’s not that- that good, you know. He had a good day, that’s all.” Draco counters somewhat hesitantly, wary of how you slowly close in on him. Your hand brushes his shoulder as you move to stand behind him and lean closer, reaching for the summary in front of him. Your cheek was so close to his that Draco didn’t dare move. He felt his whole body heat up as your left hand rested on his shoulder. Your sweet perfume made him even more captivated as you hummed sweet sounds while scanning his summary. 
“Looks good, but you don’t focus enough on comparing the different switching spells.” You conclude after reading and you turn your head slightly to face Draco who turns red now that your lips are so close to his. “I-uhm- I know- enough.” You smile sweetly at the slytherin and let your hand resting on his shoulder slide a bit down to his chest. “Then explain it. That way I’m sure you understand and we can do other interesting things.” Now Draco’s body wasn’t just heating up, his mouth was going dry, his heart was racing and his pants were getting rather tight. 
You patiently stare at Draco, but you know very well that the poor guy is losing his sanity under your touch. “I-I-I… I know nothing.” Draco eventually blurs. You smile satisfied with the result of your work and pull away from him to take a seat next to him. “Well, let me explain it to you then.” 
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“What was I supposed to tell the professors? Apologies, I missed a week of classes, but I was busy helping our supposedly dead father break people out of Azkaban.” Mattheo looked meekly at his brother, wondering what else their father would demand of his brother or even him. Annoyed with Mattheo’s saddening expression, Tom changes the subject. “Anyway I’m stuck with a tutor now.” Immediately a chuckle escapes Mattheo, but one stern look from Tom turns Mattheo more serious. “Poor tutor.” 
“Maybe I could use a spell and just extract the knowledge from her head.” Tom suggests, like it's the most reasonable approach. “Her?” Your tutor is a she?” Tom nods, surprised that that is what his brother gathered from his statement. “Yes, (y/n) (y/l/n) will be tutoring me. According to Dumbledore her grades are exquisite and so she’s been assigned to get me up to speed on all the material that I missed.” A smirk forms on Mattheo. “(y/n) (y/l/n). Nice. I would pay attention to her.” Tom rolls his eyes, finding himself way too superior to waste his time drooling over you. “Of course, you would.” 
“Are you really going to tutor him?” Hermione asks, her eyes going wide as she refers to Tom Riddle, emphasising the seriousness of the matter. “Of course she’s not.” Ron says, as you simultaneously answer. “Of course I am.” Both stare at you, but you turn and walk in the direction of the reserved classroom. “What if he murders you?” Ron asks, immediately exaggerating the situation.
“Now why would I do that?” Tom’s calm voice sends shivers down your friends’ spins, making them turn on their heels to see Tom casually walking up to them. “When you gossip and accuse people, make sure you're not doing it in the middle of a hallway, where everyone can hear you.” Tom walks past them and ignores their judgy staring to give you a polite but obviously forced smile. 
With your friends now left behind in the hallway, Tom carefully observes you as you enter the classroom and place your books and notes on a desk. The slytherin was quick to notice that your skirt was a little higher that Hogwarts regulations demanded. As prefect he would normally have something to say about it, but for you Tom would let it slide this time. “I know you’re intelligent enough to study most of the material yourself, but some things can’t be explained in books and need to be practised so I suggest we start with some spells.” Your voice sounds deliciously sweet to Tom and you elegantly take a few steps towards him when you notice he was staring a little. “Sounds good.” Tom says, but there was something uneasy about his voice. He felt himself captivated by your eyes and there was an unusual pause for a man always quick with his words. 
You observe him quietly and bite your lip a bit as he stands rather stiff and unmoving. “Your wand.” You whisper, closing the space between you two. Tom looks at you questioningly for a moment before remembering that you were his tutor and that whatever he was imagining wasn't actually happening. “Oh, right.” You know very well that you almost have him under your spell. Just one little move and you would have Tom Riddle wrapped around your finger. 
Part of Tom knew you were playing games, but he found himself enjoying your little game. You had his attention. “I will show you how to cast the spell Mcgonagall referred to earlier in class.” Tom nods, trying to focus on studying rather than the perfect figure standing so close to him. Without warning you place a hand on his biceps and slowly move it down to his underarm to finally hold his hand, holding his wand. Your back is now pushed against his as you guide Tom’s hand to cast the spell. However, the Slytherin is not hearing a word since he’s too focused on getting his heart down to a normal rate. He was terrified that you would figure out how out of control he felt. He could not let his stoic image fall because of one teasing tutor. “You understand?” You break his train of thoughts, gently tilting your head. Your eyes meet his and he’s sure there’s a challenging glint in your eyes. He smirks, confident that’s not fallen for you, but his arrogance disappears when your brows knit together questioningly. “Tom, did you follow?” He finally manages to pull away from your eyes and look at his hand in yours. His cheeks heat up. No, he hadn’t followed at all and now he looked like a complete idiot. Your fingers gently move. “Don’t worry, I’ll explain it again.” You softly lick your lips and smile, making Tom curse himself internally. She’s winning.
Picture source: https://pin.it/62WhX4ivf & https://pin.it/6FeGzeu5D
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romeosharpae · 1 year
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theodore nott x reader
(Yes after one year I'm back with toxic Theodore Nott). You don't have to read part one..
Warnings; Possessive behavior, manipulation, toxic relationships, mentions of obsession, mature sex scenes, unprotected sex, rough sex, swearing, smoking, degradation (Not a lot), theodore nott × female feader, toxic! theodore nott
parts: 1,
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There was something in the air this morning, a soothing feeling that made you a little more peppy. So as you skipped to the great hall, books clutched tightly to your chest, a small smile couldn’t help but to be on your lips.
It was the winter — your favorite season, so perhaps that was the reason for your sudden happiness this morning. You’d even wore a little grin through transfiguration, your least favorite class at Hogwarts.
But you were a happy girl generally, nice to everyone who crossed your path. You helped little first years avoid experiencing the wrath of Draco Malfoy. You also helped professors (For sure not Mcgonagal) help clean up after compliance lessons.
That’s just who you are.
“You look pretty today,” Is what Hermione Granger, your best friend, greets you with as you took a seat aside her. No you weren’t a Gryffindor — but you often found yourself sitting at the orange and red more than your own.
“Yeah, I like what you’ve done to your hair.” Harry Potter lowly added in with a sly smile, and you simply reflected it. Ron Weasley, who was aside Hermione let out a little snort in response to his best friend’s attempt to flirt.
Harry Potter – the boy who lived, the boy who everyone without any sort of spite or jealousy in their body adores. Sometimes you even found yourself admiring him — considering him as a form of replacement from your last fling.
“Thank you both,” You giggled,
“Well, I’m happy that your happy, Y/L/N” Hermione declared with a smile, “You see how much happier you are now? Compared to when you allowed that psycho to contr--"
And just like that, there was a damper in your happy mood.
Hermione always made extremely bold comments about your previous unhealthy relationship with Theodore Nott; Which is probably why he hated the fact you two were friends, not because she was a muggle. Truthfully, she’s the one that hyped you up to end things with him — but as you more think of it, she forced you too.
Because despite everything the tall raging brunette put you through, you still found your self right underneath him with a dizzy smile. But that hasn’t happened in four months, not since the day he dragged you out of the party. Shivers roll down your spin as you remember the events that happened that day,
You’ve got fourth months with his touch, without his complications.
And despite missing Theodore some nights, you’d be lying if you said it wasn’t a breath of fresh air. Like the air didn’t feel lighter without him breathing down your neck about showing any other male besides him attention – without him declaring that despite his lack of commit now, you’ll be baring his children later.
You recall how hearing those words made you feel months ago — Well, it did make you finish, but that’s completely besides the point — it finally made you realize that Theodore Not didn’t actually love you.
And neither did he want anyone else too.
Not because he loved you, but because had a unhinged obsession for you. The more you thought of it, the more you realized how clear Theo’s behavior displayed fixation.
How did you not realize it back in first year when he got seriously angry with Blaise Zabini for trying to be your friend?
It makes your stomach twist to think that you and Theodore's friendship was build off of an obsession – one that clearly grew worse as the years progressed.
"You alright over there, Y/L/N?" Ron questioned reluctantly,
You pulled yourself out of your thoughts, turning to him with a small awkward smile across your lips, "Yes I'm fine, just got a little distracted, that's all."
"You always seem to suddenly get distracted when I bring up Nott." Hermione mumble, rolling her eyes. Because you're always telling me to leave him.
Is what you wanted to say, but instead you settle for a simple shrug.
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You were sitting criss-cross on an knitted blanket in front of the black lake, skimming over the newest daily prophet in your hands. The full moon reflected softly against the lake water, making you awe.
Everytime a full moon lit the sky your found yourself out here, enjoying the peace. And no one knew about it — you weren't a prefect and your house leader would kill you if they found out you were out here past hours.
Well, you thought no one knew about your secret adventures to the black lake.
It was not until the loud familiar scent of smoke filled your nostrils that you understood that someone was here also. And with the heavy cologne that mixed with it, you didn't have to look back to know who it was.
"Leave. Me. Alone" You growled sternly, ignoring the thudding in your heart.
Of course you'd still hang with Blaise and Pasny every now and then. But when Theo walked in you immediately flee, knowing that being around him would result with him being inside of you in moments.
And your sure he knew that, which is exactly why the brunette is here. "So you don't think I've done that enough for the past four fucking months, Y/N?"
Venom dripped from Theodore's voice, and had you not been so used to Theodore being upset with the stuff you do — The coldness of his tone would have made you scared enough to jump away from him.
Your head snapped back in his direction, generally you were a nice happy girl. But during the times you weren't so sweet, it was Theodore Nott who got that wrath.
Who brought out that side of you.
"No, No." Theo's jaw clenched at your harsh words, lips parting slightly to allow smoke to slip past them. "Because I want you to leave me alone for the rest of my life."
"Did Granger help you come up with that?" Theodore snickered. There wasn't a actual thought in your brain when you rolled your daily prophet and launched it in his direction. He kissed it teeth when the parchment landed softly on his cheek.
The brunette takes another hit short of his cigarette, not giving your outburst a reaction. You stand up to your feet, preparing to collect your stuff and go back on school grounds.
He threw the cigarette on the ground, approaching you. You take a step back, not wanting to feel his touch — the touch that you have been craving for four months.
“Why does everyone get the sweet little Y/N except for me?" He cooed, eyebrows raising.
"What did I do to deserve this nasty side of you Y/L/N, huh?" Everything. "Did I not fuck you good enough last time?"
"You know it is not about that!" You defensively shouted out. Tears began pricking at the corner of your eyes, processing that the only thing you are to him is a fuck. "--You know that it's never been about that!"
You had like Theodore since third year, immediately awed with the matured boy that he became over the summer. And Theo knew your feelings for him — in fact, you told Theo about your feelings right before you had sex for the first time — he just didn't care.
He stared down at you, beautiful eyes glistening underneath the moon light. For a moment you swear you see pity flash in his eyes.. or maybe regret?
It makes you frown — You didn't want Theodore to pity you. It made you feel weak, always finding yourself with him when your in your weakness moments. Because despite his blunt toxic behavior, before your separation, Theodore always is there when you fail a test you study hard for or had complications with your family – He's the shoulder that you lean on, and the root of your problems.
“I miss you"
Something about those words fueled your feelings more, anger bubbling higher. "No you don't Theodore, you miss having me wrapped around your finger."
That regret.. or pity fades away quickly, replaced with anger in seconds.
“Do you even know how many girls I have wrapped around my finger, Y/N?" His mean tone makes you let a small sob. "How many girls wish upon stars that I had the feelings for them that I do you?!" Theodore takes this moment to grab your chin, yanking you closer to him before you got a chance to stop him. He hovers over you, fingers digging into the flesh of your skin. Blue eyes looking down at you like your prey he's prepared to fight for.
“You don't really care about me!"
"Shut up." He growled.
His mouth attacks yours in a feral manner, making you gasp loudly. The faint taste of his chapstick spreads is in your mouth,
And being that naive girl you are, you welcomed his lips eagerly. The hairs of your skin stood up fully, mind becoming foggy while Theodore desperately slides his tongue into your mouth. It makes you sob out louder, tears slipping from your eyes.
Hermione would be so mad if she knew how easily you allowed him in — The lack of fight that you put up with Theo. But you tried, you really did for four entire months..
You really tried your best too stay away from the boy that you loved so deeply.
“I--T--" Is what you choked out moments before Theodore hand slides to the back of your throat, making the kiss much deeper and tongue sloppier. Your noses were smushed against each other — there was nothing you could make out but his scent.
You didn't exactly get to register when it happened or how it happened. But someway, probably with magic, you ended underneath Theodore on your blanket.
Without wasting another second Theodore hooks his finger into the waist band of your shorts and underwear. "Why is things always so complicated with you?"
His words were harsh and the glare on his beautifully structured pale face makes you cry out even harder. The pad of his thumb catches one of your tears when it falls,
“Y/N Why can't you understand that this is perfect?" He wondered bluntly. His eyes look down at your exposed area, "That this is where you should be, with me."
“No--No I shouldn't--" You shouted, Theo grabbed your legs and spread them as far as they could go. "-- Your no good for me"
That makes the brunette scoff defensively – surely thinking that Hermione fed you that. But you knew it was true – If you stuck beside Theodore, you'd be mental by thirty.
A loud gasp fell from your lips when Theo pushed himself into you without any warning. Theirs something in your body that became at ease with the familiar stretch,
As if it been begging for it.
Not giving you a chance to prepare yourself, Theodore bottomed out in you. He groaned loudly as you flutter against him, practically welcoming him in you.
Theo begins snapping his hips forward at a pace that makes your eyes squeeze shut. You wish that you could hate him,
"Yeah, but that doesn't matter.." He finally responded to your comment. The loose curls of his hair brushed against your forehead as Theo leaned down, lips grazing softly against yours. A high pitched whimper left your lips at every thrust he gave you, an hot pain spreading inside in your lower half. Yet you couldn't stop your hips from jumping up, begging for more. “I'm good right now, aren't I?" He mocked,
His tongue invaded your mouth, like he's attempting to swallow your face whole. You kissed back instantly, tongue lapping over his as you both moaned.
Some moments you wished to know what Theodore was thinking when the two of you were together — and other times you didn't, not actually wanting to be right about his lack of love towards you.
His mouth left yours, spit following suit. Instead he began sucking on the skin of your new and chest, leaving bruises. "Mine." Theo growled, squeezing your breast.
You just shook your head frantically at his possessive words, not being able to form a literal disagreement. You weren't Theodore’s.. and unfortunately he wasn't yours.
He squeezed you harder, thrust forming a harsher pace as well, knocking the wind out your chest and making you gasp.
Tears slipped from your eyes from the pleasure, and your fingers began scratching against his arms. If your mind hadn't been so fogged out, you'd be embarrassed from how fast your release caught up.
“Say you won't leave again..." Theo spoke words were stone cold and you tried ignoring them — knowing that you planned on going back into hiding from him.
His cold hand snakes up around your neck, giving it a tight squeeze that makes you squeal. Your sure he notices that your avoiding his request and perhaps that's why his hips began to move at a slower pace – But you really had not expected him to completely stop,
The was absolutely no way he was going to leave you on edge like that. As your eyes flew open you sobbed out, Theodore wore a plain expression. His light eyes were already looking directly into yours,
You attempted to take matters into your own hands by beginning to slip up his length. But Theodore, who clearly wasn't having none of it, pushed you away by your stomach, pulling out of you completely now.
"Say it, Y/N!" He slightly shook you, "Or I swear I'll leave you like this-- Say it--"
"I--I'm not gonna leave!" The words left unexpectedly from your lips. And you really wish you could say you only said it to get your release but that wouldn’t be true. “..Ever again"
Theodore smiled widely at your words, pressing his face against your neck. And you both let out a loud sigh of comfort when he slid back inside of you,
You don't even know how you lasted four months without him.
Part three>>>
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keto-keyes · 8 months
The Slytherins at Valentines
In celebration of the day of love, I have taken it upon myself to commit to paper how I imagine the Slytherins would celebrate Valentines with their S/O
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Mattheo Riddle:
Mattheo would probably act like he'd forgotten until right at the last minute before it was time to head to sleep for the night
and practically dump a whole-ass pile of presents on his S/O's head.
definitely expects you to cuddle w/ him
he's the little spoon obviously
would constantly whisper things like:
"You thought I forgot, didn't you?"
"...Dumbass thought I'd forget the best day ever"
If you correct him, you lose your gifts
If you don't, smug ass bf forever
Choice is yours
He never really shows how touch-starved he is until Valentines Day, when he can snuggle with you and kick all the others out of your dorm without hearing you complain
not that you ever do
Basically, cuddles and rich-man benefits from the king of puppy eyes.
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Tom Riddle:
This man... he is so romantic about how he spoils his S/O
A single rose, or a ring or some other piece of jewellery
Watch out, he'll present it at breakfast with a modest little card and expect you to wear it all day without fail.
might even buy you a crown fitting for the queen of the slytherins
doesn't like PDA, so none of that
Subtle smiles in your direction, maybe even a blown kiss
will love exchanging coded love letters with you like the little nerd he is
if you expected him to be cold like usual, he's not
other kids get time off from being victims, he's moony about you for a change
probably even brings small little things he finds to give you in-between classes
a feather, a dropped quill, some cookies he "borrowed" from some useless gryffindors
Mattheo couldn't stop teasing him after he caught Tom plucking nice-smelling herbs from the potions closet
You might need to stop him killing his brother
he's a gentleman, alright?
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Theodore Nott:
Italians know how to Valentines Day
the saint is literally FROM Italy
and theo is rich. So....
Presents. lots of presents
anything you need
kisses also. lots of kisses
mans really loves kissing you. he'll never say no to PDA
staring at you for HOURS
dude has a stare like looking into the ocean - beautiful but somehow also makes you self-conscious
whispering to you in italian
even if you can't understand him, you know he's either complimenting you or whispering blasphemy about whichever first year last crossed his path
he likes to sit you on his lap when he can and rub your thighs or massage your shoulders
shoulder and neck kisses when you do
he doesn't like to be too far away from you, like any good clingy bf
will definitely need you to tell him to stop holding your hand or your waist before he does
maybe needs reminding multiple times. especially with other guys around
double the soft boy on the day of love
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Draco Malfoy:
expect this boy to become very clingy
he's attention-starved, remember?
but he will give his S/O lots of gifts and presents to celebrate love
cards, messages via flying paper crane, roses, rings, ripped out passages of books from the forbidden section of the library, all the romantic gifts
he prefers to give little pecks on your cheeks when he can, but if not, definitely hand kisses.
i kid you not, he will get down on one knee with his usual gentlemanly demeanour just to kiss your knuckles
give this poor boy lots of kisses please
he needs them
play with his hair, let him be the little spoon
not that he isn't usually
he just won't let any of the others know that
holding hands
terrorising first-years
sending cutesy love letters to one another without the professor knowing
or zipping them right past mcgonagal's ear, if you live on the wild side
either way, he's so soft and squishy
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Blaise Zabini:
i have come to inform you that this man will skip school for you
you're not feeling potions today, rather go out on the town? done
he does not care
you both get good grades anyway
all the sweets
sugar is his love language, and, funnily enough, your pet name
letting you wear his jackets
kisses. give this man some kisses
holding hands whenever you can.
i headcanon his hands are huge.
like giant sized
him smiling to himself whenever he sees you
"How did I manage to score this little sugarcube?"
yep, another sugar-themed pet name
you are like a little flower he needs to preserve (an icing flower, if you catch my drift)
another member of the touch-starved trio
he can do your hair for you (if you have long hair), but ONLY if you sit on his lap
this man knows french. and danish
did you know danish is one of the most beautiful languages on earth? well, you will soon
he likes muttering how pretty you are in danish. and how much he loves you
also, mans is a legit beanpole boy
he will rest his head on yours. he is just that tall
anyway, he loves you in 3 languages fam
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Pansy Parkinson:
probably wants to make sure you both have the same number of presents
you'll always have one more than her somehow. like, how does someone forget they bought you the cat (or some other household pet) you always wanted?
isn't happy until she can constantly see a smile adorning your features
like Blaise, she will do your hair for you (if you have hair)
she buys THE NICEST necklaces and bracelets. not even Tom can compare
she can also speak french, but she'll only open up and start speaking it when you tell her you love her in your native language
will find pretty flowers to put in your hair or behind your ear so you can constantly smell of that flower
holding hands. there is no excuse
showing you off to the boys, making them pretend to have never met you before
no-one is allowed to make you smile except her. so, please stay away from Mattheo and Enzo for the day
will contain her anger and short temper for you
she's the little spoon.
you must comfort her. dealing with 6 boys everyday is tough
you're like royalty for a day, deal with it
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Lorenzo Berkshire:
cheesy gifts. no cap
small flowers out of decorative bouquets? check
a flower or butterfly pin? yessir
constant hand-holding
teasing you
lip bites, squeezing your thighs, twirling strands of either of your hair
he is a major flirt, contrary to popular belief
he thinks you are the most adorable thing ever
loves to tell you how gorgeous you look
master gentleman in action, ladies and gents
singing cheesy love songs
mans will serenade you
he is the big spoon, for reasons you may never know
perhaps he likes holding his world in his arms
that's right folks, you are his WORLD
and nothing will stop him from telling you that as you nap in his arms instead of going to potions
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hp-hcs · 10 months
Could I request some Yan poly Theo and Mattheo x male reader please?
Where he is an animagus that can turn into a cat just like McGonagal.
Where he goes to them in his cat form for cuddles and scratches and stuff because he’s touch starved, but what the reader doesn’t know is that they know who he is and that he’s not a normal cat, and the reason everyone’s been avoiding him both in his cat form and human form is because they’ve made everyone besides him know that he’s theirs and threaten them. Just the usual possessive Yan behaviour from the duo. Maybe they buy him a collar or something in his cat form and he gets all embarrassed because he doesn’t know that they know he’s a human and just has to wear it when he’s a cat-??
I’m so sorry if it’s too detailed
um, obsessed???
also i tweaked the ending you asked for just a little bit cause i never know how to end fics 🫠
i genuinely despise this. fully anticipate me just deleting this and starting over.
also please never apologize for too much detail it literally makes writing these so much easier and faster
requests? 🥺🤲
“He is, most of all, l'amor che move il sole e l'altre stelle.” — Yandere! Theodore Nott x Animagus! Sirius’ son! Reader x Yandere! Mattheo Riddle
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warnings: very mild—mostly implied—yandere possessive/violent stuff
“Ah, Mr. Black. Lovely for you to join us.”
You cringed, hastily smoothing down your hair in an attempt to look like you hadn’t just woken up.
Snape gave you a stern look. “Very well. Now that you’ve elected to make your presence, perhaps Mr. Black can tell us what asphodel is?”
You flushed at the way your professor put you on the spot; the way all of your classmate's eyes were on you.
“U-uh, it’s a flower. It’s supposed to grow in the Elysian fields in the Greek underworld…?” You trailed off uncertainly.
Snape’s lips thinned, a sign that you were correct. “We have a new seating chart—a fact you might’ve known if you’d shown up on time. Over there. Quickly.”
You scurried over to the table he indicated, sitting down in the empty chair between two Slytherin boys.
The boy on your right gave you a sympathetic look, waiting until Snape turned to continue writing on the board before leaning over and whispering to you.
“We’re doing a project in pairs, but me an’ my friend Theo here said we’d add you in ours to make a group of three. Snape wanted you to work with Longbottom.”
The boy on your left—Theo, you presumed—leaned in to whisper, “Yeah, we wouldn’t wish that upon anyone. ‘specially not a pretty thing like you.”
You blushed at the flattering name, whispering back, “Longbottom? Merlin- thank you.”
He grinned brightly, seemingly pleased at your willingness to hold a conversation with him, if the gentle flush of his cheeks was any indication.
The boy on your right tugged at your sleeve with a charming smile. “That’s Theodore Nott, by the way. And I’m Mattheo Riddle, darlin’.”
“Well, I think we’re just about finished,” Theodore mused, sitting up from where he’d been leaning over your group’s poster board. “Think we used enough glitter?”
“No such thing as enough glitter.”
You laughed at the two boys’ antics as the three of you sat on the floor of their dorm room. They had a good rapport with each other, one that you fit easily into. There was no real awkwardness as you all joked with each other. You actually felt like you belonged, like you’d been a part of their pair for years.
It was a nice thought.
“Well, if we’re finished, then I desperately need to go to the library,” you sighed. “Flitwick assigned twenty inches on the difference between the Conservo and the Protego charms.”
The two groaned in sympathy.
“Good luck,” Mattheo shook his head, resting his hand on your knee.
You’d noticed that both boys were extremely touchy. They always seemed to be accidentally brushing hands with you, peering over your shoulder to look at the poster, and finding any excuse to rest their hands somewhere on your body.
You nodded your thanks, putting away your personal reading book, your glitter quills, and your googly eye stickers that you as a group had had far too much fun with.
“See you guys around!”
“Woah- Here, kitty kitty kitty!”
You blinked sleepily, annoyed at whomever was disrupting your nap by the warm common room fireplace.
Two blurry, vaguely boy-shaped blobs plopped down on the floor by you, one of the blobs’ bags spilling out its contents all over the floor. You swatted lazily at a feather quill that rolled to a stop beside you on the rug, quickly losing interest and yawning.
“Whose cat is this?” The shorter one—the one whose bag had dumped parchment and jellybeans all over the floor—asked, suddenly scratching the top of your head.
You froze, an unfamiliar rumble rising from your throat at the odd sensation.
You were purring.
If you were human right now, you were sure your skin would be prickling from the stranger’s gentle touch.
Gentle touch had always been uncommon for you. Your family was odd and disjointed. You grew up without a father, raised only by grumpy paintings and a sour house elf.
And once he returned, on a the back of a winged marvel, with stories of rats and traitors and time, his overjoyed smile had faltered when he learned you wore green and not red. His now ever-present pinched look of poorly hidden disappointment whenever he looked at you, paired with your god-cousin’s short and stiff hugs and forced smiles, you felt like an outsider in your own home.
The strangers startled you out of your reverie. Your ears flattened back, but the taller one just pet your head softly. The short one crossed its arms, shaking its head vehemently.
“No, dude. Why the fuck would you name our cat that?”
“Cause of the book? Dante’s Inferno?” The taller one pointed at one of your abandoned books lying on the rug, most of the stack on Charms subjects, except for that one. You must’ve fallen asleep while reading it, and changed into a cat at some point during your nap.
“Just because you don’t ever read, Riddle-”
You perked up at the familiar name. Blinking away sleep, the two blobs- boys come into better focus.
They’re your fucking group mates.
Fucking Circe.
Theo goes back to petting your head, his steady pets prompting you to instinctively push your head up against his palm to demand more.
“Oh- hi Vee,” he laughed, moving his hand further down to stroke along your spine.
“Wh- We’re not calling it that.”
They ended up calling you that.
They visited the library after school every day now, where sure enough, you’d always be sitting by the fire or sprawled out on the couch.
Some days, they brought extra friends. On those days, you’d always squawk and wind between your boys’ ankles to get their attention when they got too engrossed in a conversation, like an adorable, jealous tripping hazard.
And after you’d turned in your project, you had also remained friends with them as a human. You now lit up every time you saw them in the halls or the common room, and they always grinned whenever they saw you.
It was nice.
~~~ “Hel- oh.”
You watched as your History of Magic table mate, a usually kind and friendly Hufflepuff girl, scrambled out of her seat to sit elsewhere as soon as you set your bag down. You stared after her in shock.
What had you done to warrant that?
As you stared after her, you finally became aware that your classmates around you were staring at you with a mixture of curiosity and fear.
Everyone avoided the seat next to you like the plague.
You sat alone that class.
You set your textbook down on your desk, sitting down heavily in your chair.
Today had been awful. Nobody dared come near you in any of your classes, like you were a leper or something. You ate lunch alone, walked to class alone… you just hoped Potions, as your last class of the day, would pass quickly.
“Hello, lovely,” Mattheo greeted warmly, the corners of his eyes crinkling up as he sat down beside you—the first person to do so all day. “How are you this fine afternoon?”
You rolled your eyes grumpily, steadfastly ignoring him as you doodled on your parchment.
You suddenly felt fingers underneath your chin, lifting your head up until your eyes met Mattheo’s.
“He asked you a question, doll,” Theodore breathed into your ear from behind you. “Answer.”
You shivered at his tone and firm behavior, blushing despite yourself. “‘m- ‘m fine.”
“Good boy,” Mattheo sighed, patting your cheek patronizingly. “Was that really so hard?”
Your cheeks flush immediately at the name, as you remain a bit confused as to their sudden changes in personality.
Where were the lovably awkward pair of dorks that you usually hung out with, both as a human and as a cat? (Although, you supposed, they didn’t know about the latter.)
Maybe you were wrong about them?
You weren’t wrong about them.
You leaned against the side of Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes, watching interesting passerby on the street as you waited for your god-cousin, Harry, to return back outside.
You were so focused on people-watching, imagining backstories for everyone, (especially the creepy Gryffindor who liked to hit on you no matter how many times you said no: Cormac McLaggen. The boy had practically sprinted away as soon as he caught sight of you leaning against the wall. Odd that he also had a black eye and a busted nose) that you were completely startled by arms wrapping around you from behind.
You jumped, but relaxed a bit when they put their chin on your shoulder and whispered into your ear, “It’s Mattheo, doll. Calm down.”
“You just scared the shit outta me. Tellin’ me to calm down,” you roll your eyes. “What do you want?”
“Go out with me.”
“M-me. And Theo. Both. Yeah?”
“Wow. Smooth, dude. Real master of words, aren’t you?” A new voice chimed in sarcastically.
You spun around at the arrival of a second person, relaxing when you saw that it was just Theo.
“What Matty is trying to ask is, will you go out with us?”
You gape at them.
“Both of you?”
“Ideally, yes.”
You blink at them, eyes wide.
Mattheo shifts nervously.
Theodore blinks, like he wasn’t expecting that answer. “Sure? Like- like yes you will?”
The two boys exchange a rather disbelieving, giddy look.
“Uh, how does the Three Broomsticks at seven tonight sound?”
“Works for me,” you shrug, a pleased smile slowly creeping onto your face.
“Oh! Here. We- we got this for you. In case you said yes,” Mattheo digs through his pockets, pulling out a small, rectangular box, like the kind that watches come in. “But, you have to promise you’ll wait to get back to your dorm room before you open it.”
You laugh, shrugging. “Okay, sure. I promise.”
Theo narrows his eyes at you before sticking out his pinky finger. “Pinky promise?”
You laugh again at the way his serious look contrasts with his childish request, obliging and wrapping your pinky around his. “Pinky promise.”
You shut your dorm door behind you, dropping your bag on the floor and collapsing onto your bed. You, true to your word, waited to open the box, pulling it out of your pocket only just now.
It was small, simple gift box, with a scrap of folded parchment taped to the top.
Y/N –
Thought you might like this. We’d love to see you wear it on our date.
– MR & TN
You raise your eyebrows, setting the note aside and lifting the lid, unsure of what to expect.
You were not expecting there to be a blue cat collar inside, the dangling metal tag reading:
If lost, return to either
Theo Nott or Mattheo Riddle
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dwindlinghaze · 1 year
(remus lupin x fem!reader)
summary: remus lupin is a sleepyhead
contents: small blurb, fluff, fluff, sleepy remus is just so :(
  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
somedays, things just take way to much energy. looked up; then the whole room's spinning.
that's what remus lupin is going through right now.
he was not able to sleep with james and sirius' loud voices last night. they were playing around until late at night.
remus wouldn't want to be the killjoy. he lets them have their fun just for tonight.
with that being said, the lack of sleep he had was torturing him.
he can feel his blood running and the sky's falling.
he almost fell in asleep in transfiguration this morning, earning a disappointed stare from professor mcgonagal.
he couldn't take it anymore; his lids were super heavy. even if he tried to open them, he still wouldn't be aware of his surroundings because his mind is slowly shutting off.
he wanted a comfortable place to sleep. someplace that he feels the best. then it came to his mind; your bed.
he once heard the spell sirius used to charm the stairs' to the girl's dormitory. though he never tried it, he's going to now.
he arrived in your bed and completely buried himself in your sheets. it smelled like you- which brings more comfort to him. he's one hundred percent sure that this will be the best sleep he's going to have in weeks.
you didn't see him after your third class, you wonder where he is. you had asked james about his whereabouts but james said he didn't know.
so after your last class, you head to your dorm to change to a more comfortable clothes and in hopes of finding your boyfriend in the way.
you creaked open the door to your dorm and made a bee line towards your part of the room.
you almost lost your breath when you heard shuffling from inside. you were sure nobody's in there.
"hello?" you croaked, eyebrows knitting.
"mhhm," was the only response. your heart slowed down its pace when you heard the voice. you knew who it belonged to.
you saw remus sleeping on your bed. one of your pillows under his head and the other he hugged. you almost melt at the sight. you knew from this morning that the poor boy didn't get enough sleep last night. you were glad he found his way up here.
"hi angel," remus mumbled, fluttering his eyes open. his hair was messy and his face was so adorable.
"hi rem, sorry i woke you up. go back to bed," you kissed his forehead.
remus tugged your hand, "stay with me?" he said- almost like a mumble.
"let me change to a more comfy clothes okay?"
you went back to him after changing and he instantly rest his head over your chest. sighing in contentment. "love you."
you chuckled softly, rubbing the back of his neck because you found that he loves it. "love you too. sweet dreams," you said it so softly, almost afraid if you got any tune louder, remus wouldn't be able to go and find his way back up into the clouds.
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bettysupremacy · 1 year
hi! no sure if you do fred weasley requests so feel free to change to one of the marauders if not :)
i was thinking of a girl in her 6th year transferring from ilvermorny to hogwarts and getting sorted into ravenclaw. and it’s kind of a love at first sight when fred sees her. and go from wherever from there!! love ur work :)
I’ve never written for Fred, but I loved this idea. I hope u like!!<3 I don’t know how I feel
“Don’t be nervous.” Fred smiles, all twinkle.
George chimes in, your head turning quickly to acknowledge him. “It’s not all scary.”
“The hat doesn��t bite.”
Fred elbows George quickly. “He’s twisting your arm.”
“Oh.” You smile politely, anxiety turning your gut. Fred’s ears perk at your accent.
“What’s America like?” He asks nosily.
“And why’d you transfer?” George finishes.
You shrug, polite smile still aching your lips. “Mom got a job at the ministry.”
“Mom.” George mimics. It falls to deaf ears.
“I thought only British born wizards could work there?” Fred pries.
You nod. “She is.”
“Interesting.” George’s mouth is stuffed with potato.
Fred laughs loudly. “Try to sound less like a dick. Please.”
“I didn‘t think he sounded like a dick.” You prod the food in front of you, eyes down.
Fred smiles, pushing his empty plate away. “You nervous?”
“You look it.”
This gets you to smile. A genuine smile. “Maybe a little.”
You’re pretty, he thinks. It was the first thing he noticed about you. New girl, pretty girl. The aura around you practically glows to him. He wonders if Trelawney would see what he saw.
“Ha!” He points like he’s caught you. “I’m sure you won’t be Slytherin.”
George shakes in disgust, mock, but not really mock, revolted. “Probably Hufflepuff.”
“Or maybe Gryffindor,” Fred adds. “Then you’d be able to sit with us. The cool kids.”
“Yeah, right.” George laughs.
“I cant sit here if I’m not Gryffindor?” Your eyes flit between Fred and George. They’re twins. Obviously. But Fred draws your eye, and they can tell.
“I’m afraid not, pretty.” Fred laments dramatically.
“Not during dinner.” George shrugs, with a Oh Well! Sort of expression.
“They don’t really care during breakfast and lunch.” Fred nods.
“Or snack time.”
Hermoine pops her head out from behind Ginny. “What do you mean, George? There is no snack time.”
“For you.” He and Fred grin.
Loudly, Dumbledore calls for respect, the hush of silence deafening the hall. He has an air about him, the title of headmaster sitting on his shoulders nicely. You flinch as he introduces you. Dozens of prying eyes flitting towards you.
It startles you, so many heads turning as Fred pats your knee, helping you up. The teachers table looms over you as you sit in the rickety chair consciously.
The hats barely touched your head before a loud voice booms across the hall.
“Ravenclaw!” The hat announces.
A table erupts in cheer, notably blue. You frown. That isn’t Gryffindor red. Fred laments from the corner of your eye. For real this time.
A hand touches your back, soft and guiding. “That way, dear.” Mcgonagal ushers.
You stand. Lead in your feet. That’s not what you wanted, and the hat seemed to have known that.
“Go on.” She pushes softly.
You walk down the cold steps, more morose than you’d like. Down, step, down step, until you reach the gray flooring of the great hall. Hands reach for you as you draw nearer, claps on the back as you smile wearily.
A girl makes space for you near Fred, patting the bench quickly. Dark hair, dark eyes, she’s pretty you think.
“I’m Cho.” The girl smiles at you.
“Hi.” Your nose scrunches, holding back a nervous smile as you sit.
“Luna.” Another girl reaches out for your hand. You give it, taking in her dazed expression, and odd looking glasses. “No Wrackspurts.” She grins appreciatively.
You startle. “What?”
“Don’t mind her.” Cho eases. You ignore her, smiling at Luna.
It’s a large table, lots of friendly faces. You hold back the guilt gnawing at you for your quick judgment.
“Hi.” You mouth, cheeks aching from the polite smile you throw at a girl down the table. She waves excitedly, and you wave back.
“Psst.” Is whispered behind you. “Pssssst.”
You turn, vaguely expecting Fred’s face. Or George’s. Theirs. So confusing.
He looks happy.
“You’ll love it there.” Fred (you think) smiles, genuinely.
It gnaws in you. Doesn’t he wish you were Gryffindor? You feel silly, you only just met.
“You’re not upset I’m here?” You frown. Like you wanted him to care, he notices.
He shrugs breezily. “Blue looks good on you.”
Yeah. Fred.
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juneberrie · 1 year
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sorry but all i can think about is being engaged/married to ron.
him and his pretty gf— no, fiance moving into a cozy cottage decently close to the weasley family home. waking up to the birds chirping, tangled in each others arms. ron nuzzling his head into the crook of her neck, mumbling about the damn birds, its eight in the morning and her laughing softly and running a hand through his hair.
probably a small spring wedding, near the cottage. the weasleys, hermione, harry, luna, neville, seamus, and professor mcgonagal are invited. luna weaving flowers into her hair as ginny does her makeup.
molly being the best mother-in-law. she knows her favorite foods and every time ron and her come to visit, she's bustling around the kitchen, happily chatting the happy couple's ears off as she cooks up her daughter-in-law's most favorite dish.
fred & george purposely sitting on either sides of her to piss off ron, cracking jokes and mock-flirting with her.
her and fleur being as close as two people can be. after she married ron, fleur takes her under her wing, being like a big sister. both can sometimes feel like outsiders in the big weasley family, but they help each other out where they can.
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i-need-of-a-hobby · 8 months
rating marauders (era) characters on how good they'd be for a group project
james: 6/10, he's secretly great at school so if you can motivate him, you'll do well. big emphasis on the "IF" though- he'd put in a lot of effort like the night before it's due when he's hit with the violent fear of disappointing his peers
sirius: 3/10, you'd have better luck trying to getting mcgonagal to laugh that get sirius to focus on school work. he'd prolly spend the entire time trying to flirt w the teacher to avoid being productive
remus: 8/10, would honestly put together such informative but yet entertaining project. points off for the slightly scary caffeine addiction and the fact that sirius and james don't let him out of their sight, and are constantly trying to distract him
peter: 4/10 he'd constantly ask you "is this good????" after writing like one sentence
lily: 9/10, would be perfect but if you jeopardize her chance for an A, she might end you
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Fig: This dude has got to be evil. That is some straight up villain hair. People who are not villains don’t have that hair.
Prof. Weasley: Mcgonagal vibes. I love her.
Black: That is a shockingly attractive headmaster
Sebastian: If this game has love interests, this is one of them. Look at that hair. Seems kind of cocky and rubs me the wrong way though.
Ominis: Holy hell this is the most beautiful boy I’ve ever seen
Poppy: Aw, she’s cute. Lil cinnamon roll
Natty: Please be my badass best friend
Garreth: Jesus Christ these characters are too damn attractive
Leander: kind of an ass, but a cute one. Also there’s no way he’s NOT related to Garreth, that is some straight up Weasley hair
Sharp: I’m dead I’m deceased holy shit I wanna marry this man the people in this game are TOO DAMN ATTRACTIVE. Wait, why am I extremely attracted to surly potions professors twice my age? That seems like something I should address in therapy
Garlick: please be my best friend
Hecat: this is the most badass woman
Ronen: Absolutely adore him. Professor cinnamon roll
Amit: Am I just going to be attracted to every guy in this game?
Everett: Jesus fucking Christ don’t open your mouth again you rude ass squeaky door hinge my ears are BLEEDING
(Whoops forgot Imelda): bitch calm DOWN I just met you, why are you beefing with me already? I don’t give a shit about beating your flying time, I just wanna pet the cats and steal all the nifflers
Reblog with your first impressions!
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maraudersoncrack1981 · 10 months
James, being an only child, grew up with his parents teaching him that all things such as Santa, The Easter Bunny, The Tooth Fairy, etc were real to the point where nobody could change his mind. Peter having grown up with James was the exact same. Now Sirius on the other hand, was told that things like Santa were all nonsense and that things like that were just make-believe. and Remus just was one of those people who never really did believe in those types of things. So on their first Christmas at Hogwarts, James and Peter were doing all the Christmas traditions, things like making cookies to put under the Gryffindor common room fireplace and hanging up everyone's stockings on their respective dorm room doors. Sirius is really confused because wasn't everyone taught growing up told time and time again that Christmas is but a silly children's tale? He goes to Remus about this and asks why they are decorating and acting so happy at this, and Remus explains that they still believe in Santa, Remus then has to explain to a very confused Sirius what Christmas was all about as Sirius had grown up not celebrating it and thinking it was a silly thing muggles created to just simply lie to their children. That night a heartbroken Sirius cries because he has never got to celebrate such a lovely holiday before. The Marauders decide that they are going to have the best Christmas ever so Sirius's first Christmas will be one to remember. They open presents, they ran around the halls with charmed Christmas cards that sing Christmas songs over and over (until Mcgonagal confiscates them of course), The four of them eat till they can't eat anymore, and then to top it all off, they drink hot chocolate in there dorm room until they all fall asleep in the blanket fort they made in the middle of the room, all of them but Sirius, who sits at the window with a smile on his face, looking up at the stars reflecting on his very first Christmas, on all the gifts he got. On the other side of the country, on a little street in London Islington, in one of the many houses on that street, in a room on the fourth floor, sat Regulus Black looking out his window with tears in his eyes as distant yelling came from downstairs. Regulus had just went through his first ever Christmas without Sirius
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