#mc x william
traceyc-uk · 1 month
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Alvin @acslytherpuff, Charlie Cagney @heyitszev, Damien Evans @theladyofshalott1989, Chris Mongrel @diana-bluewolf, Fifth-Year, Hellendil Melinae @theravenchild, Sunan Saelee @dom1re, William & Elland @lil-grem-draws, Allan Waite @a-usernamelol
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Silly AU crossover I drew for lols whilst watching
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trophyclown · 11 months
Please stop using AFAB if you just mean cis female.
I’ve noticed more and more writers are misusing the term AFAB and using it as a shorthand to say the reader is a cis women. This is a bit disheartening to see as the term was coined specifically to include trans and nonbinary people. AFAB is purely a physical description and has no bearing on the gender of the reader. It’s a gender neutral term. So please tag accordingly. Continuing to use it like this just further alienates trans people from a word made to include us. Please, just tag female if that’s what you mean.
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abbyshands · 6 months
do i make this fic and if so who do i do it for …
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rene-hl-trashcan · 2 months
I have gone too far with CaRiz and there's no turning back 💀💀
The Mom and Dad
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The children :
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First born, Alise.
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Second born (the older twin), William
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The baby (the younger twin), Lukas
Those eyebags and freckles are definitely hereditary 😂😂
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Can you guess who is the harbinger of chaos@the master prankster among the siblings?
@starryslytherin0, we have gone too far and this legacy is just gonna continue. No turning back with this ship 💀💀
The fact I feel like writing a story of this Slytherin Trio would be hella fun. Continue the Legacy, so to speak.
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I had this idea where Juno wears a mascot suit that looks like his Ppyong form and then FNAF came into my mind
5 Nights at Ppyong's
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the nut of ‘87
this would be a perfect sequel to last year's Halloween event now that Ppyong has a canon "human" appearance
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alrxiin · 9 months
"I can't do this anymore."
Sam x Darlin' (Gender neutral) | angst
TW's : Character d3ath, su!cid3, self-degradation, Quinn, just sad.
I haven't written oneshot's in a while, so this might be bad, but how else can I warm up than write something? :P
I just thought of how awful Darlin' must have felt with the whole Quinn situation when they caught him, and decided to make something of it.
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It was a few months after Quinn has been caught and executed, everything was going well. A day like all the other, that's all it was. Sam, working on his usual job – now that William has put him back on it – and Darlin'...
Sam's phone vibrated in his pocket, finishing up on something, he let it ring for a second before looking at the screen, noticing his mate's name showing.
The Vampire quickly picked up, pressing the phone against his ear just to hear shuffling along with a muffled wince.
- Darlin'? — He spoke softly, trying to pick up on any other noise, before the voice of his lover answers him.
- Sam, you picked up. — Their voice was quiet, strained almost.
- 'Course I picked up, why– scratch that. Darlin' is everything okay? — It felt like the stupidest question he could've asked, hearing as the shifters voice was softer than usual, and the strain on it.
- Sam I... — They hesitated for a moment. Questioning if this call was even the right choice, if this won't ruin what they had planned.
But finally figured, they did have to say a proper goodbye to their mate. The one who took care of them in their darkest moments, and the one they had planned a future that will not come to life anymore.
- I can't do this anymore, my love. — Was all they could've mustered. The petname that should have eased up the situation, bringing it up to a new state of worry for the man on the other side of the phone.
- What...what do you mean by that? Darlin', answer me, are you alright? — It stung their heart to hear his panicked voice, but they had to do it. Didn't they?
- It hurts, Sam. It hurts so much. — A cry escaped them, sending the Vampire running to the closest worker he could find to let himself off work.
- Dammit Darlin', please, be more specific. I need to know what happened. Please. —
- I can't take it anymore Sam. It's like he's everywhere, I can't escape him.
All I see is his features everywhere, and his voice, it's– it's taunting me, and I hate it so much... everything he said was right... I'm just a weak, disgusting thrall. His sloppy seconds. — The words were flowing out of their mouth like a faucet, words that should have never came out of such a precious, and innocent person.
- Darlin' don't say that, don't you dare say that!.. Are you at home? Tell me. — He didn't stutter, using his speed to get there as quick as he can.
- I'm home, please, don't come Sam. I just want him to go away finally. —
Sam didn't listen, talking to Darlin' as he sped to their home, that is before they went silent.
And that silence shot through him. Cry, that's what he wanted to do, sob out pleas for his lover to say something. But he just stayed silent.
The house was so quiet too, so cold, untouched. The Vamp quickly ran through the rooms, only to enter their shared bathroom.
And there they were, his sweet lover, propped up at the side of the bathtub, phone still in hand, and a bottle of pills that were supposed to help them...spilled on the ground next to them.
- Darlin'!... — He whisper-yelled, already by his lovers side, using his healing to fix whatever damage he could.
- No... p-please.. — Voice weaker than ever, they pleaded, eyes barely able to open. - I'm sorry S-Sam. — They finally spoke.
That's when he felt it.
Their body slowly going limp in his arms.
The spark in their eyes fading
And that last breath escaping their slightly parted lips.
- No. No no no no... — Frantic, he begged and finally sobbed, holding his lover close to him, trying to convince himself it was all a dream. Such a bad dream.
But it wasn't, the love of his undead life had just left him, and he was alone again.
He had their pack, yes, but it would never be enough to fill that void losing Darlin' made.
Even years later, he still has a small, hand built toy of a tank on his bedside table. Just another small thing to remind him of you, his Tank, as the others also called you.
On that toy sat a ring. One he could never give to you anymore, but he would always have with him, for it was supposed to be yours.
He knew, that his Darlin' would've loved it, with all their scarred heart, they would've said "yes".
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romance-rambles · 5 months
modern clarence | true love's kiss
The one where you kiss the merman awake, and in return, he wipes away your tears. Meanwhile, William is both oblivious and confused.
2.3k, alternate scene in clarence's azure island route, angst + humor, reader is mc, series: none
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You take Clarence's hand in yours, desperately trying to think of anything but the half-coherent fears buzzing around in your ear. They whisper the same thing over and over again, deliberately circumventing the semi-comforting words of the young medic who had teased you earlier.
He is fine now, but what if.
What if, what if, what if—
Amidst the constant chanting, you make a note to throttle your boyfriend. Honest and deliberate communication can come afterwards, once he's realized how much he worried you. It's a good thing you've developed a habit of listening to your instincts—what if you hadn't been waiting for him on the beach? What if something far worse had happened to him?
Gnawing at your bottom lip, you curse his usual tendencies—so very Clarence that they remind you that this is the man you fell in love with.
"Wake up, or I'll go date William instead," you threaten, in a hushed whisper.
Your voice cracks early on, though it's not as though its trembling quality could lend itself to a threat anyways. Leaning over, you brush his wet bangs out of his face lovingly. Then, your hand slides down with a gentle carress and cups his cheek, wiping away the water dripping from his hair.
With color slowly returning to his lips, you can allow yourself to appreciate his handsome face in an effort to pass the time. Now, you can almost imagine he's asleep, much like the princess in Sleeping Beauty—quietly awaiting the true love's kiss that'll wake him up.
CPR, that is, you correct yourself.
Due to your mistake, your cheeks take to burning, as though the shame flooding through your system will temper your own tendencies. You dare not accept the reminder of the medic's words that your brain helpfully offers you. Instead, you barrel onwards, as if it never existed.
"Ten seconds," you murmur. It sounds like a promise. "I'll kiss the merman—ahem, perform CPR in ten seconds."
A bit too faithfully, unfortunately.
With a grimace, you squeeze Clarence's hand gently. The humor behind your blunder had briefly calmed you down, but as your countdown begins, you find yourself back at square one. You really will throttle him.
In lieu of reaching for his neck, you pull at his cheek gently, just enough that it soothes your worry. Not once does he stir—and perhaps that's what emboldens you. Slowly, the distance between the two of you shrinks, and you are so preoccupied by the almost hypnotic hold your repetition has on you that you don't notice.
But when you do—
I can count his lashes, you realize, blinking away the familiar burning sensation in your eyes.
By now, you've lost track of where you were—both in terms of the countdown and your surroundings. There are people on the beach, but, perhaps, having sensed your volatile emotions, they do not dare cross over to the little spot on the beach you have to yourselves. You start counting again, expertly dodging the temptation of kissing your beloved.
10, 9, 8...
When you reach the final number—zero, not one—you reluctantly let go of his hand. And, mirroring your other hand, the newly-freed one comes to rest on his cheek. The mole underneath his eye disappears under your trembling thumb.
When you hit zero, you finally allow yourself to kiss the merman.
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This, Clarence surmises even without opening his eyes. They're touching his face too, as if even the rarest of treasures are incomparable to him, even as they tremble against him. He knows, instantly, that it is you.
Who else would touch him so lovingly? And who else has touched him so lovingly?
When he opens his eyes, Clarence is rewarded for his guess by the sight of you leaning over him.
Your eyes are closed; unshed tears cling to your delicate lashes, quietly asking him to do something about them. There's little time to be flustered. Yet, paradoxically, it is the best time to be flustered. Your lips are soft and they taste of your favorite chapstick—the one you obsessively put on when you're stressed.
Somehow, though he doubts the formula changes every other day, it tastes sweeter each time he rediscovers it.
For a moment, he closes his eyes, lifting his hand up in the air, just above your arm. His cheeks are still warm, and his ears even warmer, when he rethinks his move and finally fulfills the request.
You open his eyes, startled by his gesture.
"Clarence?" you sputter out weakly, once you've established some distance between them both.
He has half a mind to point out the irony of the moment, before you go ahead and wipe your tears away. His gaze fixes itself upon your hands, clad in the same protective gear as his own. The warmth he felt from your touch would've had him believing otherwise, if he did not have his sight to fall back upon.
Hoping to find something to occupy himself with, he reaches for his glasses. They are, of course, not there—he'd replaced them for contacts before he went diving.
Thankfully, you seem oblivious to his blunder as you wring your hands, desperately looking for an excuse.
"That's, um—"
The black diving suit you're wearing contrasts sharply against the gold and orange of the evening sky. It was early in the afternoon when he dove into the waters, and then—the gears begin to turn in his head, reminding him of how he'd collapsed into your arms. Some leniency, he thinks, is deserved.
"CPR," Clarence says slowly, feeling a sharp twinge of pain in his head as he sits up. "Is that not what you were doing?"
You look at him, clearly bewildered. Soon, as scarlet blooms across your cheeks, you're diving into the crook of his neck with a groan. There's some kind of inside joke he's missing, but he can't find it in himself to worry about it too much.
"Don't," you say fiercely, "ever do that again."
As you adjust yourself against him, your body now pressed up against his, your grip on his diving suit tightens. Coherency leaves him that same moment—all he knows to do is wrap his arms around your trembling form and softly call out your name.
At some point, he'll tell you all that he's learned. About your mother. About the strange python he'd encountered, the one that seemingly shared his voice. But for now, it is just you and him, bathed in the rosy hue cast out by the sun, and—
"Thank you for waking up."
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WHEN YOUR SNIFFLING SUBSIDES, CLARENCE begins to delve into the series of events that led him to stumble into your arms. You listen intently, only ever interrupting him to offer your own conclusions.
That is, until he admits he'd like to face anything and everything in his path with you.
Your sentiments are well-practiced; your only argument, compelling. It's true—you are his lover, and you do occupy an entirely different tier within his heart. There is no one else he'd trust more to watch his back. You cannot do that if you're not by his side.
You offer him your pinky and he links his own with it.
"Okay," he says softly. "I promise, my lover."
Your eyes narrow fondly at him. Slipping your pinky out of his grip, you throw your hands around him. It seems you're still shaken up by the experience, and Clarence—having already put himself in your shoes and concluded that he'd act no differently—can understand why.
"Okay," you repeat. You've both changed out of your diving suits, having exchanged them for your usual summerwear somewhere in between the two events. "I'm going to hold you to it."
His assumption that his agreement marks the end of their conversation soon turns out to be false. You hug him tighter, leaving your soft hair with more opportunities to tickle his cheek. After a momemt, you sheepishly admit:
"It, um, wasn't CPR."
Clarence can feel his cheeks warm up again. You're faring no better, though it'd be easy to miss with the way you're hiding your face. It's hardly the first time you've kissed each other—though the heightened emotions make for what is perhaps one of the most unforgettable ones yet.
"I know," he admits.
"Okay," you say, clearing your throat. The words come out rushed and awkward. He thinks back to when you rendered him speechless in the Student Council's clubroom and wonders how he could pull off the same thing. "Glad we had this talk."
When he can't think of anything witty to add to the conversation, Clarence simply admits the truth.
"I liked it," he says. You inhale sharply, and he thinks he might've pulled his objective off through sheer, disarming honesty. "Though, next time, I'd like to do it when we're both happy. I...know it's my fault, but—I dislike seeing you cry."
You call out his name, and next time comes faster than he was expecting.
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PERHAPS IT'S DUE TO THE recent revelation you bestowed upon him that William can't help but take note of the distance between the two of you. Your hands are still intertwined, though, proving the truth behind what you'd said to him earlier.
He has—
He has a lot of questions. Like, actually, a lot. As in, actually, he'd spent the entire time preparing a quiz worthy of the Student Council President.
Because if it's true, then he's calling dibs on being the best man at the wedding. And William sure hopes it is because he's already made plans to become Uncle William to any of your future children, whether they're of the human or cat variety. The ship has sailed for yours and Clarence's current, combined brood of cats, but he'll try hard regardless.
His progress with Beanie was looking quite promising when he'd visited you before the trip, after all. He's tentatively excited about the play date he's scheduled for himself after the trip.
The only problem is, he can't really wrap his head around it. How? And why? Is Clarence even capable of seduction?
As he plops down onto the sand, now much cooler than it had been in the morning, William makes a show of scolding Clarence. The scary dark mage of the Student Council doesn't need to know that he almost burned a misshapened circle through the rug in his room. Besides, how often does he get the upperhand?
He nods decisively. Right, never.
Thanks to the setting sun, your faces have taken on a reddish hue. And while the fear of potentially losing Clarence—one he can relate to—has rendered you unable to speak without introducing a shrilly note to your voice, the guilt of leading you to that point has left Clarence unable to go a sentence without coughing politely into his clenched hand.
It must've been bad.
You must've been downplaying it when you texted him. It'd been a short message, straight to the point. For a moment, William almost convinced himself it was Clarence before he remembered that the president does not text without proper punctuation.
(And for a small, small fee, William thinks he could be persuaded to remember that scene a bit more clearly—so long as news of it does not reach Clarence's ears.)
"Alright," he says, temporarily putting his plans for a pop quiz on hold, "I think it's time we went back to the hotel. I'm exhausted, Clarence. Do you know hard it was to stare at my phone for so long?"
To William's surprise, his fellow Student Council member smiles faintly. It's a bit strange looking at him without glasses on, as if something is just undeniably wrong with the very fabric of time and space itself.
"Thank you, William," Clarence says, and the pink-haired boy is left to blink confusedly. Something really is wrong. "I'm sorry to have worried you."
"Worried?" he sputters out, his own cheeks growing warm. "I—okay, maybe I was a little worried."
"A little," you echo. Your intentions are hardly as sincere as your boyfriend's—and gah, that's still weird. "Just enough to want to go looking out for him in my stead, right?"
As the couple begins to smile, now looking eerily similar to each other, William hurriedly stands up. The colors of the setting sun don't cling to their faces nearly as much as they once did. Whatever awkwardness was between them seems to have vanished, almost instantaneously.
He can't help but think that his upper hand is no longer his.
"Anyway, I'm starving!" he says, pointing in the direction of a nearby restaurant. The two of you have already changed out of your diving suits, so he figures it won't take too long to get served. "Since this is all Clarence's fault, I think he should pay!"
The man in question chuckles and easily agrees to William's request. Then, as another reminder of his new relationship status, Clarence looks over at you, and William swears he can see hearts in his eyes.
Squinting, he wonders, Should I have been worried about you instead?
Clearly, something spooky had happened when his fellow student council member went to look at the totems. That means—and the pink-haired student shudders at the thought—there's clearly some truth to the legends. And if magic is real, then—
Maybe the dark mage of the Student Council is not Clarence, but you.
"Are you coming?" you call out, cutting through his thoughts. You and your boyfriend are both standing, with an expectant look in your gazes. "I thought you were starving."
He squints at you for a moment. At your kind smile and much gentler countenance, compared to the guy you've decided to date. So what if you tease him sometimes? It just means you feel close to him.
Yup, that sounds right. Having made his decision, he nods to himself and says:
"There's no way!"
When he finally joins his waiting friends and they ask him what he was mumbling about, he only assures them they have nothing to worry about.
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mello-bee · 7 months
since I've been seeing lots of simping for Clarence's dad
context: Clarence lets the group stay in his house while visiting his hometown, until...
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they got banned
og panel i heavily referenced for Despair Clarence ↓ (I PROMISE ITS NOT WHAT YOU THINK IT IS)
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nioumin-draw · 22 days
Lorelei Sanders Year 4 new style
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During summer vacation she decided to cut her long curly hair.
Doesn't she look cute??
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Aaaaand there some Willori ( Lorelei x William) pictures 💋!
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What If
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Summary: The night before Bill’s wedding, Charlie and Kate find themselves squeezed together in one of the Burrow’s rooms. In an attempt to find some sense of normalcy, they allow themselves to be silly and talk about what their lives would have been hadn’t met at Hogwarts. Romance/Hurt/Comfort
Pairing: Charlie Weasley/Kate Williams (hphm mc, original female character) established relationship.
Quiet as a mouse, Kate tiptoed over the creaky floorboards of the Burrow towards Charlie’s room. The door squeaked when she pushed it open and she winced. Not bothering to light a candle, she closed the door behind her without taking her eyes off Charlie’s figure on the small cot.
It wasn’t a big space, just enough to fit a single bed and a dresser next to it. A small round window helped the room not be so claustrophobic.
The man moved on closer to the wall, silently making space for her, and placed one foot on the mattress, leaving his knee up.
Accepting the invitation, she lay next to him on her side. They remained silent for a while, the events of the past days replaying in their heads incessantly. 
George was injured. Moody was killed. A wedding was coming.
Kate eyed him with worry and was about to say something when Charlie twisted the hand closest to her, meaning to caress the nearest body part. Without moving his stare off the ceiling, he caressed her thigh with a knuckle.
“How is he?” He murmured.
Kate sighed and scooted her head closer to rest it on his shoulder, hiding her tired eyes on his shirt.
“Oh, not you too…” he couldn’t hide the faintest of smiles and felt her own against his arm.
“He got extremely lucky.” She added, suddenly solemn. “But he will have it like that for life.”
Charlie turned, limbs clashing and tangling, wiggling onto his side to face her, squirming to be in a more comfortable position.
“Next time, we banish Bill and Fleur from the bigger room.” Kate commented as she hugged his torso with one arm.
He reciprocated her touch and his hand came to rest comfortably against her shoulder blades.
“Oh, I’ll make sure of that.”
Wrapped in a hug, both of them tried to relax their muscles with a long sigh. Some copper curls fell in front of his eyes and she chuckled, keeping on the amused smile as he tried to lift them up with huffs of breath. She knew he wanted to improve her mood, and his own, allowing himself to be silly for once in a long time. Laughs were scarce since the war started and they fed with only crumbs of joy when they managed to find a moment of intimacy.
She studied his face; it was worryingly paler than usual, only his freckles gave him a more natural colour. He was thinner around the cheeks too, and his beard had grown quite a bit as well as his hair.
Noticing her stare, he questioned her with a lift of the brows.
“You will look handsome tomorrow.” He smirked at her comment and squeezed her closer.
“And to think… you were going to make the fatal mistake of wearing that blue dress.” She started to reply, but he kept talking over her, “No, don’t get me wrong, it looks enchanting on you, but then we wouldn’t match.”
Kate shook her head, amused.
“You’ve spent too much time with André.”
“What can I say?” A deep laugh escaped him as she sneaked a hand under his shirt and started caressing his lower back with a thumb.
“I didn’t know you liked it so much that we matched each other.”
He hummed, “Not all the time, of course, just when it’s fancy.”
“Oh, so now we’re one of those couples?” Suddenly, Charlie’s smirk faltered. The question was clear in his eyes. “I’m just teasing you, love.”
He relaxed again, the flash of insecurity forgotten.
“And what kind of fancy events are you talking about?” She added with a chuckle, “We don’t get invited to those, we live in a forest.”
“Hypothetical fancy events. If we were that sort of people who attend balls and such. We must match, that’s a rule. So, if you wear the blue dress, then I’ll need to find a matching tie or something.”
Kate hid her face in the pillow, and in between uncontrollable giggles she added,
“What in the name of Merlin are you talking about? I have never ever in my entire life, seen you with a tie.”
“I’ve seen you with muddy boots, and fireproof vests, and muddy trousers, and fireproof balaclavas, and muddy…”
“Alright, alright, but that’s because you’ve met me very young. I’m getting more…refined now.”
“Sure…” She snickered, and he threw her a smirk, imitating her gesture and lifting her top to touch skin.
“Who knows…perhaps if we hadn’t met I would be a completely different person.”
They remained pensive for a while, considering his statement.
Would they be?
“Somehow, Charlie, I don’t think so.”
He smiled again then, not playful, not teasing, just content.
“In the hypothetical situation where we avoided each other entirely at Hogwarts, do you think we would have met at some point?”
“Well, I think so. Here at the Burrow maybe, you got along with Bill so maybe we could meet when I came to visit. Perhaps here! At his wedding.”
“Oh, you wouldn’t even look at me, then, because I would be wearing the blue dress.” She attempted to tease him again, not expecting him to match her tone.
“No, you wouldn’t, because I was there when you bought it.”
They laughed nose to nose, gripping each other more closely in the process, legs wrapping around one another.
“I would still be working at St Mungo’s”
“I would be at the reserve, no doubt.”
“I maybe, just maybe, would invite you to dance with me.”
“And I would have fallen in love with you just as easily.”
Kate was left stunned by the raw sincerity in his eyes. Her gaze travelled from his irises towards his mouth, barely resisting the urge to touch her lips to his inviting ones.
He closed the gap, trapping her upper lip with enthusiasm. She whimpered and then giggled, surprised by his loud smooch when she was going for a soft peck of the lips.
“And that would have been a problem.” He continued, lips brushing each other. “Because you would have appeared with a renowned Mediwizard by the arm and I wouldn’t stand a chance.”
“Funny you ignore the bubbly dragonologist you would have brought with you.”
“That would have been just for show.” He started slowly pressing against her so she would lie down on her back.
“Maybe, but I wouldn’t know that…”
He hummed when she grabbed him by the upper arms to balance herself and bring him along in the process. Charlie turned and lift himself with an elbow, resting his chin on his knuckles.
He kept his other hand busy, leaving long and slow caresses from her hip to her knee and up again.
Kate’s thoughts suddenly drifted to that imaginary scenario; dancing at Bill’s wedding, both of their companions forgotten somewhere. She had known Charlie since they were very young, and she cherished having grown up alongside him, but she knew at the bottom of her heart that meeting an adult Charlie for the first time would have devastating effects on her. In the best of ways.
Kate knew the smirk he was giving her, she knew he could get inside her head and know exactly what she was thinking. She had to look away.
Seizing the opportunity of her turned head, he bent down to press a kiss right behind her ear and her eyes closed automatically.
“I prefer to think that I would have come alone.” She murmured after a while.
“Both single then?”
“Of course.”
“That’s better.” Kate locked eyes with him again, “Then I wouldn’t feel so guilty about not taking my eyes off you all night.”
“I feel like this alternate-Charlie is very flirty.”
“Would the alternate-Kate be receptive to that?”
“Perhaps…but,” he raised an inquisitive eyebrow, “But I don’t think you would act like that. In this scenario, we would know each other from school. Would you really have the courage? The only thing you would know about me is that I was the Cursed Girl.”
“Scratch that, then. We don’t know each other. You studied in another school.”
“Me? Why me?” She said a little too loud. Charlie laughed and placed the hand that had been on her hip over her mouth.
“There’s no way Mom would allow me to go to some other place.”
She could practically see his eyes darken when she placed a kiss on his palm. Slowly, he withdrew his fingers before caressing her neck with his fingertips. He flattened his hand on her chest and made his way down her sternum, over her waist and finally on her hip again. Kate was left breathing heavily under him. She concentrated on relaxing again, but his fingers against her skin were making it very difficult.
“Fine. I went to Ilvermony. I never met Bill, so forget about the wedding. Where would we meet?” Raising a hand, she delicately drew back the red locks falling on his forehead and rested her palm on his chest.
“I bet you would be bored out of your mind and you would seek adventures in Romania. And I would assist with that.”
“Oh, is that so?”
“Mm-hmm.” He nodded. Making himself more comfortable, he rested his chin on the palm of his hand, their faces getting closer. “Imagine this: tired of the routine, Katherine Williams takes a leap of faith and decides to follow a hunch crossing the ocean towards Romania…”
“Why there?” she interrupted, hypnotised by his deep voice. He always fascinated her with his ability for storytelling, real or invented, he managed to keep her (and everyone for that matter) desperate to hear more.
“Because…” He made a pause, before a toothy grin adorned his face. “because she read that a very curious flower is native to that land, and hungry for more information, she parted towards Transylvania.”
“What does the flower look like?” She whispered. Taking her hand off his chest, she brought it to his shoulder and down his biceps. He delicately squeezed her hip in return.
“Don’t you know?” He teased, “It’s white, purplish in the middle. Somewhat bell-shaped and with big leaves.” He closed the gap between their faces slowly, touching her nose with hers. Her eyes fluttered close when his lips ghosted hers and travelled across her cheek, barely touching her skin. All the while murmuring, “And it’s very, very, poisonous.”
“Wait.” she chuckled, “Are you talking about Datura stramonium?” Charlie placed a soft kiss right before her ear began and resumed his previous position above her.
“What else? You were obsessed with that thing for months. Now let me finish, will you?”
Kate shifted below him, raising a knee up and resting it against his hip, trapping his body between her legs. His gaze lowered to her lips.
“Alright, alright, go on.” She apologised, not missing his lusty stare.
“As I was saying, Katherine Williams tracked this flower across the forests of Romania, but one day the woods were still. Too still.”
“It doesn’t really grow in fores…”
“Shh, right behind the trees, she saw a long horned-tail disappear. She decided to follow the creature…”
“Absolutely not.” She snickered.
“...and after walking for a while, the forest opened to reveal the valley where a Dragon Reserve was settled. She figured it couldn’t hurt to ask around about the flower, and rest in the meantime.”
“Did anyone there know about it?” Kate asked with a raised eyebrow.
“Of course not.” They shared a hushed laugh while Kate lifted his shirt slightly, caressing his side absentmindedly. “But they offered drinks and some food, and a bunk bed in one tent if she needed it.”
“Who offered?” She smirked, knowing the answer.
“The handsome redhead of the bunch. They connected, “Charlie raised the hand on her hip to snap his fingers quickly, “just like that.”
“Wow, she really lucked out that day, huh?”
“As did he.” Kate pressed her leg against him, trying to bring him closer. His fingers moved from her hip to the back of her other leg’s knee and just when she thought he was going to lift her leg, he caressed his way back up. “They explored the forest together from that day on, naturally, she needed a guide, and he was quite smitten with her. And that’s it.” He finished, surprising her.
“That’s all? That’s how it ends?”
“Well, it’s a love story, it doesn’t need to be complicated, does it? They fell in love and lived happily. With no bigger concerns than his dragons and her herbs. He built a tower for her and everything.”
Suddenly, the small smiles playing on their lips curled down. Was it wrong indulging in that wishful thinking? Could they ever have that life someday? The life they thought they had been building before everything went down? Their eyes met, a little watery, a little bittersweet.
“They grew old?” she asked with a small voice. Charlie let out a breath, holding back emotion, and leaned down to place a lingering kiss against her lips. Not soft, not teasing, just loving and reassuring. She lifted her head to reciprocate the pressure, and they both parted slowly after that.
“They did. With some scars and burns, but they did.”
Without another word, he lifted himself up slightly and let his weight fall on top of her slowly. The arm he was leaning on disappeared between them and he allowed his head to rest against the crook of her neck, his face buried against her skin and hair.
Kate’s arm curled around him, automatically searching his red locks, anchoring him to her. They lay in silence, her massaging his scalp and him hugging her waist, each lost in their own thoughts.
“I was thinking more along the lines of ‘dragonologist follows a dragon across the world…,” she said all of a sudden, “and ends up severely injured…’”
“Kat!” Charlie gasped, “I know you’re a healer, but I don’t need to get hurt in this invented scenario.”
“And you woke up in a bed, a little disoriented, but with your wounds taken care of and a healer sitting at the end of the bed.”
He shook his head against her neck.
“I don’t think I like this game anymore.”
“But I patched you up so nicely, not even a mark on you remaining.” At his silence, she started rearranging her story to a lighter tone when he asked, face still buried against her hair,
“And then what?”
“Well… I needed to keep you there for a few days to make sure you were alright. And you argued with me, whining about your lost dragon.”
“Listen, it was of utmost importance. And I was clearly alright, why wouldn’t you let me go?”
“I was just doing my job… I let you go then, and we didn’t see each other for a few days. Until one night, you came to the hospital looking for me.
“Was I injured again?” He asked with an uninterested tone as she kept her finger massaging his head.
“No, you found me hunched over some scrolls and asked me to go to a bar you discovered the day before.”
“Oh..?” She felt him smirk against her neck. “How did I know you would be working so late at night?”
“A quick and correct assessment of my personality that took you less than a day and you bragged about all the way to the bar.”
The redhead pressed himself against her, squeezing her waist with teasing intent. She felt his mouth opening against her skin, and with practiced delicacy, he wrapped his teeth around her skin.
“I knew you were going to accept the offer.”
Kate repressed the urge to squirm under him but cursed to herself when he noticed her shifting her hips towards him.
“We had such a great night that from that moment, you came to pick me up after work every day for a few weeks.”
His eyebrows met his hairline. “Only a few weeks?”
“Well yes. You had to go back to Romania.”
Charlie raised his head, breathing some cool air and turned slightly so he would look at her. Kate felt he was about to say something, so she let him a moment to figure it out.
“I didn’t touch the portkey.” He said softly, making Kate hum, a question written on her face.
“We parted after our last night at the bar. But I couldn’t take you out of my mind all the way to the portkey station…”
“And you saw me there,” she interrupted. “I apparated there to stop you.”
“And I did.”
Kate averted her gaze to the ceiling, swallowed once more by the recently acquired fear of the unknown now that a war was looming around the corner. She felt Charlie’s hand raise from her waist, and he gently placed a finger on her chin, making her turn to look at him.
“It seems only fair, Kate,” he whispered with an uncharacteristically serious expression, “That when the time comes you find a life away from Romania, I will follow you. Wherever you lead. Just as you did for me years ago.” When she didn’t answer, he added, “I would not touch a portkey for you as well. Not just in your invented story, in our reality as well.”
Her hand moved from his curls towards his face, cupping his cheek, her thumb drawing circles across his freckles. And she didn’t resist leaning in, silently thanking with a slow kiss his words, his presence there with her, his support, his friendship, his love. She tried as hard as she could to kiss away his worries and doubts that mirrored her own, letting him know with every rocking of lips and every caress of her thumb that whatever happened they would get their lives back. They would get their simple and uneventful love story they so wished for and was currently threatened.
They would make sure of it.
A/N. Once again. It turned out more angsty than I had planned. Why am I like this? Someone tell me. Also, it was a bit of a nod to the world cup fic eh? They’re just like that what can i do. (is their love lowkey insipred by where you lead by carol king? unintentionally yes.)
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jubileexoxo · 6 months
yall don’t understand this may not be canon cove but i truly believe this man can be a whole BULLY in the bedroom, he’s of course, not serious and checks up on you to make sure you’re okay but given the right mood, this man is a menace!! I’m talking like teasing and edging that may go on for hours (i suppose.), retracting his warm embrace, just overall teasing you and not giving you exactly what you want!! Neway! Goodnight jubilee nation!
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niphredil-14 · 1 year
hi there! deaf anon here! i don't know if you still write for ikevamp, if not, ignore this! this may be a self-indulgent request, but could i ask for a fic/drabble/headcanon/whateveryouwant with shakspeare (my beloved), and mozart with a deaf MC who experiences the world through touch & sight? deaf culture is very different than hearing culture, and deaf people usually tend to be very physically affectionate, bold/confident, loud (cuz we don't realize how much sound we're making), proud of our deafness, funny, and can be impulsive. maybe MC teaches them signs/about deaf culture? sorry if this is a lot hehe, i love your blog.
It's been a while since I've written anything for Ikevamp, and honestly I've never really vibed with Mozart, so I hope you don't mind that I just went with William.
William would be absolutely fascinated! He's seen so many kinds of people and loves to learn about them all! He could listen to you talk about deaf culture for hours on end. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if he took notes, and I also would not be surprised if you inspired him to create a play surrounding a deaf character.
I think he would love how physically affectionate you are! He definitely is big on physical touch! And he doesn't mind you being loud at all. Have you ever met theatre kids? Those fuckers (affectionate) are some of the loudest people on the planet, so he is definitely used to it.
And oh my goodness, he would love to learn sign!! communication is his life, his career, he would love to learn as many ways to communicate with people as possible! I bet he would even start to hire an interpreter for his plays!
Overall, he's very understanding, and loves to learn anything that you're willing to teach him!
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la-ven-en-rose · 4 months
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Kate as the queen of hearts
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♡ 𝔏𝔬𝔳𝔢 𝔘𝔫𝔥𝔬𝔩𝔶𝔠 ♡
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🍷 = Smut/Thirsts
🧸 = Angst
🫀 = Fluff/Safe for Work (Sfw.)
🍮 = Headcanons
🥀 = Long Reads
🐻 = Short Reads
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♡ 𝑨𝒍𝒍 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒔 ♡
Making a Fresh Batch, please wait a moment! ♡
♡ 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑼𝒏𝒉𝒐𝒍𝒚𝒄𝒔 ♡
Making a Fresh Batch, please wait a moment! ♡
♡ 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑯𝒖𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒔 ♡
Making a Fresh Batch, please wait a moment! ♡
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Making a Fresh Batch, please wait a moment! ♡
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Awaiting an Order!
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Awaiting an Order!
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Awaiting an Order!
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Awaiting an Order!
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Awaiting an Order!
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Awaiting an Order!
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little-paperboat · 1 year
take my hand, wreck my plans | ch. 3
chapter 3 is finally here! it took me longer than planned but i’m back on track and hopefully i can deliver the next one on thursday. 
i really enjoyed writing this chapter, especially the banter between sebastian and effie, it’s always fun to write x 
i’m really excited to introduce ominis in the next chapter and to start following the main questline for a little bit... and with some little twists 👀
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anaflcres · 11 months
going to be dropping mood boards leading up to my fic release in about a week 🫶🏼
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