#lbc clarence
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mello-bee · 8 months ago
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trying to reach the specific demographic of lbc fans who also play hsr and have no storage
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kaedekolya · 1 year ago
clarence and his counterparts: man or monster?
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So we were talking about Clarence’s new android SSR (Faint Night Light) in the LBC discord server, and it got me thinking about the monster allusions that seem to be a common thread across Clarence’s main stories. Then we discussed the diary entries from his White Day event, and it occurred to me that this monster imagery also ties into his modern-day counterpart – and with that, this post was born.
In other words: is Clarence a man, a monster, or somewhere in between?
[ SPOILERS: Clarence’s main stories and Chrono Theatre diaries. This meta analysis is structured as story-specific sections, namely Godheim, Eden, and the modern world, so you can skip over the world(s) you haven't read yet. No Awakening spoilers, don't worry! ]
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Godheim: Archmage Clarence
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First, let’s talk about Godheim Clarence. As the Archmage, he bears a heavy responsibility upon his shoulders – to oversee the Magi Tower, to fight the Glacial Butterflies, and, ultimately, to protect the country and its people.
In order to fulfil this duty that he has chosen to undertake, Clarence seals his heart and shuts others out. He denies his emotions, and resents himself for having these emotions, to the point that he disparages MC for “[acting] impetuously” and belittles her capabilities when she shows concern for Amelia’s wellbeing. Archmage Clarence’s impassivity is his shield against the emotions he views as a hindrance.
Yet he was not always this way. Clarence is a casualty of cruel circumstances, a tender soul torn apart by trauma. When MC is confronted with the truth of the mages’ magic, having witnessed a mage die before her very eyes, she notes that “[there] is no pain or compassion on Clarence’s face,” because “[this] is a sight he has seen all too many times before.” Decades of watching his fellow mages succumb to the Glacial Butterflies that nest inside them, and decades of having to end the lives of mutating mages under his purview, have conditioned Clarence into numbing his heart to such pain. How else could he have stayed sane, after a century of bearing witness to suffering wrought by his own hands?
Archmage Clarence’s disposition is initially described by MC as an “[icy] presence,” but this is the facade that he projects as a defence mechanism, not his genuine self. Clarence is so accustomed to the chill of the Glacial Butterflies within him that he has taken on the frost as a personality trait, believing that his frigidity defines him. He does not view himself as a human capable of warmth; instead, he thinks of himself as a mutant, as an icy monster.
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Even so, Clarence cannot deny his innate inclination towards kindness. When he notices that Amelia isn’t feeling well, he tells her to sit in the carriage. When Amelia’s temperature drops, he casts a spell to warm the shivering child up, even as he grumbles that he’s wasting his time and magic. When Amelia’s death is imminent, he tries to send her off in the gentlest way possible, then grants her final wish by conjuring a connection to the water mirror. Clarence may insist that he does not care, but his actions reflect his compassion.
It is this very kindness that steers him towards a path of selfless sacrifice, for the sake of his country and its people. The life of a mage may have been forced upon him, by the man that gave a gravely injured child no other option but the potion that would transform him, yet Clarence learns to harness his power for good. He spends his youth eliminating Glacial Butterflies and protecting the village of the snow plains, and despite the harsh conditions of the path he now treads, he does not hold a grudge against the family that sold him off and thrived in the resulting profit. Instead, he returns to check on them from afar, and when an onslaught of Glacial Butterflies attack, he protects them with every last bit of energy within him.
Still, his family’s betrayal left an indelible mark on his psyche. Back when he’d been given the potion, he’d resolved to succumb to his injuries rather than drink it. Despite his instinctive desire to live, MC notes that his “will to live [had been] virtually non-existent,” because there is “[no] despair greater than being betrayed by your own family.” The young Clarence had not seen a reason to live, when his family had forsaken him. It is only when MC saves him, urging him to live on, that he resolves to survive and repay this debt. Each time MC encounters him in her voyage through time, he is on the verge of death, and each time, his dwindling will to live stems from his despair over those he could not save. What ultimately keeps him alive is the vow he swore to his saviour.
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This characterisation is one that carries through his immortal lifespan. Clarence does not live for himself; he lives for others. Whether that means risking his life to defend a village, or sacrificing himself in a ritual to save the country’s inhabitants, the underlying premise is the same – Clarence lives for the person who saved him, and for the promise he made to them. He allows others to form negative opinions of him based on the assumptions they’ve made, in order to keep the secret of the ritual and the Glacial Butterflies from them, because their scorn towards him matters less than their safety. He closes himself off from others, never permitting them to reach out to him, because he cannot allow companionship and compassion to distract him from his purpose. He “[cannot] afford to be sentimental,” because he cannot have anyone or anything clouding his judgement. Better to be the enemy of the state that saves it, than the friend of the state that cannot do anything as it crumbles. 
It is ironic, then, that Clarence’s devotion to his promise leads him from striving to live and fulfil it, to voluntarily dying for that same promise. His life, his existence itself, is secondary to the promise he has made. He will live to protect the world for his saviour, but if the only way to protect it is to die, then die he shall. Perhaps he views it as a penance of sorts, an atonement for the sins he’s committed. Perhaps he believes the new world would be better off without a monster like him.
For all his calculative callousness and stoic solitude, Clarence is deeply self-aware. Not only is he conscious of the suffering he inflicts and the ramifications of his actions, but he also ruminates upon his sins until they turn to guilt in his gut and self-loathing in the deepest recesses of his soul. He does not turn a blind eye to the pain he witnesses; instead, he looks it straight in the eye, internalises it, and forces himself to feel nothing at all.
Clarence may appear to have no qualms about exploiting people and reducing them to cogs in a plan greater than its constituent parts, but his interactions with Amelia prove otherwise. Right before he sends her off on what is meant to be a suicide mission, his carefully-crafted defenses slip, and he asks whether she hates him. Clarence believes that he has failed to live up to the Archmage’s title, that he has fallen short of being a “guiding force for all the mages” and a “protector.” He condemns himself for his callous strategies and merciless manipulation, since he has been treating people like chess pieces and “using them as [he sees] fit.” He disparages himself for “[standing] by on the sidelines, safe and sound.” He believes others hate him because he’s given them all the reasons to, because he deserves to be hated, because he, too, hates himself. All this while, he fails to recognise that he has taken on the greatest sacrifice of all – the burden of leadership, of decision-making, of being responsible for all the blood on his hands.
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This downplaying of his own suffering, alongside his disregard of his own well-being, is what drives Clarence to self-sacrifice time and time again. When a theory about the Glacial Butterflies begins to take shape in his mind, he does not test it out on one of his mages, because he does not view them as expendable despite what he claims. Instead, he uses himself for his experiment, slicing his chest open and bearing the agonising pain in order to ascertain the truth of the magic within him.
On the verge of being overcome by the Glacial Butterflies, despite having prepared for this eventuality by shackling his limbs, he makes one last selfless request. “My Lord, you must kill me before I turn,” he entreats, willing to relinquish his own life for the safety of others. Even when Philip protects him from the Glacial Butterflies, refusing to kill him, Clarence believes that there is no place for him in the future that his Lord envisions.
Decades later, he still echoes this same sentiment. “There is no future without sacrifice,” he tells Lars, and he does not see himself as part of that future, does not see himself as deserving of that future. Archmage Clarence thinks of himself as a monster, not a man, and a monster is better off dead than alive.
It is a revelation, to him, that Amelia does not hate him. MC does not hate him. Lars, Alkaid, the mages that carry on the legacy of the Magi Tower, none of them hate him. They do not view him as a monster; they view him as a martyr, a protector, a saviour. Someone who did his best, and gave his all. Archmage Clarence leaves behind a legacy through his sacrifice, spurred by the human heart he still harbours deep within.
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Eden: Falcon Clarence
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Next, we have the Falcon Clarence of Eden. The lone ranger of the desert, the mercenary that eliminates Sandswimmers with impeccable precision and works with no one else.
“A bait that only knows how to cry is a burden,” his mentor tells him, and Clarence internalises that into his cognitive framework and guiding compass. It is “the first lesson Liore taught [him];” that he must prove his worth in order to live. His scent lures the Sandswimmers to him, and so he must make himself useful by seeking out danger.
Valued only for his utility as bait, Clarence learns that his worth is determined by his fighting skills. With no other way to survive, he becomes a NEOS by fusing Sandswimmer gems into his body. Clarence pays the price of this acquired power through the gradual erosion of his memories, but that is far from the only thing he has lost. His decision to accept the integration of these foreign, beastly objects into his body has changed him irrevocably. He thinks of himself not as a human, but as a mutant being only one step away from becoming a monstrous Lost. Still, he endeavours to “remember [his] humanity,” because he refuses to become a “mere weapon [that knows] nothing but destruction.” Falcon Clarence understands that he is, by definition, a monster, but he refuses to relinquish the last shreds of his humanity.
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In his first encounter with MC, he is rational and pragmatic as always, scrutinising her motives and seeing no reason to work together. Years of solitude, with no one else to depend on, have honed Clarence’s reflexes into an “instinct for self-defence.” Yet his reaction to MC’s request reveals that his solitude has been shaped by circumstance, not entirely by choice. When MC explains her reason for seeking out Eden, even though it does not sound particularly convincing, Clarence accepts it as sufficient and agrees to lead the way. Despite the potential risk of allowing a stranger close, he offers MC a ride on his motorcycle. Subsequently, he continues to help her out, defending the children’s shelter and giving her the gems he’d collected, even as he refuses to follow her any further.
Falcon Clarence claims that he works alone, but everything he does is for the sake of protecting others. He fights in the desert to protect the shelters from Sandswimmers, and he fights in Eden to protect Lin and the other NEOS from the Lost. He brings MC to the NEOS Association, so that she can rest for a night and learn essential skills from Lin. He knows that the night is dangerous, so despite his own preference for working alone, he ensures that MC has a community of protection around her.
Even as he dismisses everything and everyone else as burdens, his actions speak otherwise. Despite having met MC for only a single day, he offers his assistance to her time and time again, from rides on his motorcycle to filling water bottles with her. He could easily leave her to fend for herself, but he chooses not to leave her behind even when that would be the easier way out.
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Perhaps the reason Clarence refuses to work with other people is that he’s afraid. Afraid of dragging them down, afraid of becoming their burden. He fears that history will repeat itself. He cannot bear to lose someone he cares for again, so he refrains from caring about anyone at all. Each time Clarence chastises others for being a hindrance, he is reproaching his past self for his inadequacy. Each time he risks his life to protect others, he is atoning for his failure to save his mentor.
MC says that she understands how Clarence feels, because “acting alone means nobody will be hurt because of [him].” In a way, acting alone also protects himself from being hurt. It is a defence mechanism born from his past, when he had to “learn to accept [his] losses” from a young age. He couldn’t afford to grieve Liore for long, not with the constant threat of the Sandswimmers, and so he could do nothing else but “live on with what memories [he] had left.” He’d forced himself to harden his heart to his emotions, but he could not suppress them entirely.
Clarence blames his moment of weakness, of emotional folly, for causing Liore’s death. It was her humanity, even in her final moments as a Lost, that held her back from killing him and caused her to die. He regrets his choice to this day, and perhaps it is this survivor’s guilt that pushes him to fight harder until he reaches the brink.
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It is this same guilt, alongside his resolve to not lose anyone else he cares for, that drives him towards self-sacrifice. When he realises that MC needs a soul stone – his soul stone – to open the door within Central Control, he unflinchingly raises his gun to his head, as if it were the natural and logical decision to make. He is ready to offer his life without a moment’s hesitation, because that is the utility he can offer in this moment, in order to keep MC safe and help her achieve her goal. She has given him a reason to fight, and he will die trying to fulfil it.
Ultimately, it is his encounter with MC – and the companionship which blooms from it – that saves him. Without demanding anything in return, she cries for his pain, fights by his side, and shoulders his burdens with him. Clarence doubts his humanity, even as he holds fast to it, since he is all too cognisant of the monstrous traits within. In turn, MC’s unwavering trust reaffirms the humanity within him, reminding him that he is worthy of living.
Falcon Clarence may not be fully human on a biological level, and he may still succumb to the effects of the monsters within him from time to time, but he has managed to preserve his heart and his humanity. His tale is one of healing, of opening up, and of learning to value himself for who he is and not what he can do.
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Modern World: Clarence
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Finally, let’s circle back to modern-day Clarence. At first glance, he’s the calm, collected, and capable Student Council president, who always seems to have affairs in order and circumstances under control.
Then, in his Chrono Theatre diary entries, we learn that he had a psychiatrist observing him from a young age, due to his gifted aptitude and exceptional intelligence beyond that of his peers. This revelation sparked a discussion in the LBC discord server, which spurred this message of mine that then became the basis for this meta post:
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Clarence is well-versed in decorum, but that doesn’t necessarily mean it comes naturally to him. It’s likely that he learned social etiquette by picking it up from observing how other people behave, so he knows the appropriate responses to give and the socially-acceptable ways to carry himself. However, because this social understanding is not an innate trait but a learned one, there are often times when he doesn’t recognise the need for social niceties, and instead his instinctual response – founded on his internal logic – comes through.
One example of this can be found as early as his second interaction with MC, after she paints an artwork of him:
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The polite thing to do would be to express interest in or appreciation of the finished product, regardless of one’s actual feelings towards it. However, Clarence “doesn’t show the slightest interest” in MC’s painting. Does this mean that he doesn’t care for it, and doesn’t see the need to put on a pretence? Quite the contrary. Instead, it’s because he thinks he doesn’t have anything useful to offer in response, and thus he stays silent.
Here, we see a disconnect between how Clarence understands the world, and how other people tend to view it. While most people would appreciate receiving praise or validation, Clarence doesn’t particularly see the need to receive either, and thus doesn’t immediately think of giving them to others. Rather, he takes a more pragmatic approach, focusing on utility; a piece of work deserves feedback for the effort poured into it. However, as a law major, he does not have sufficient knowledge or expertise regarding art. As such, he believes that his feedback would not be useful, and thus it is better not to say anything at all.
This ties into how Clarence views himself as his roles, and the functions he can serve. He understands that he has worth, but he evaluates this worth through his services as the Student Council president, or his contributions as a law intern. When he assists others, he doesn’t think of it as going out of his way to help them; instead, he views it as part of his rightful duty.
As a result, Clarence doesn’t view himself as simply “Clarence.” Rather, he thinks of himself as Clarence, the Student Council president; Clarence, an upperclassman; Clarence, a friend. If he can fulfil someone’s needs through a role that he holds, he will do it, even at the expense of himself.
We see this most prominently in Clarence’s “Break Time” R card story:
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When the senior who’s supposed to interpret for an academic speaker falls ill and fails to attend, Clarence steps up to fill their shoes last-minute. William notes that Clarence can be counted on to show up whenever and wherever he’s needed, and MC agrees that he’s “the only one who’s up to the task.”
However, what most people don’t recognise are the sheer lengths Clarence will go to in order to fulfil his duties. On top of his regular responsibilities, filling in for the interpreter caused Clarence to “[burn] the midnight oil” preparing for the speech, and taking care of the sick speaker meant that Clarence could not sleep for two days. He doesn’t recognise that he’s constantly going above and beyond, because to him it’s a given, but he is in fact pushing himself past his limits, and past the line that most people would draw.
It’s interesting to examine MC’s thoughts here, because she interprets Clarence’s willingness to take a nap as a rational understanding that he needs to rest in order to keep functioning. However, this only happens after MC coaxes him into taking a break. If she hadn’t intervened, Clarence would have continued pushing himself until he completed his task – he was already at “the brink of collapse,” and he “only agreed to sleep after [MC] practically begged him to.” Clarence prioritises his responsibilities to the point that he does not recognise his own needs, and thus neglects to take care of himself.
Although modern Clarence doesn’t think of himself as different, or as anything less than a person, it’s evident that he views himself as the roles he fulfils rather than simply as who he is. In turn, this mindset is reflected in his behaviour, which then shapes other people’s perceptions of him. This is how Clarence becomes characterised as the aloof and intimidating Student Council president in the students’ eyes, even though he cares so deeply and helps out so much; most people are unable to look deeper and see Clarence as the person that he is, because he perceives and presents himself through the lens of his roles.
As such, other people often view Clarence as different from themselves – as if he’s operating on a different wavelength, or existing on a separate plane entirely. Modern Clarence’s genius sets him apart from his peers, but more than that, his perspective of himself winds up alienating himself from other people. Clarence views himself as like others, but others view him as unlike them. He blends in well enough, but he doesn’t quite fit in; he has a place in society, but he doesn’t quite belong.
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Clarence, across time and space
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Out of all the Clarences thus far, modern Clarence is perhaps the most well-adjusted, and this reflects the importance of having a support system. Godheim Clarence and Eden Clarence were isolated from a young age and survived alone throughout most of their lives, whereas modern Clarence had family and friends around him. He may not have had the most conventional childhood, but he grew up with his older sister Jaclyn and his close friend Luca, and he also had his psychiatrist Ford observing and monitoring his development. Subsequently, after he enters St Shelter Academia, he gains a circle of friends he can rely on, such as William, O’Connor, and, of course, MC.
Expanding upon Clarence’s St Shelter Academia bonds, we see that Clarence has people around him who genuinely like him for who he is, and are willing to support him unconditionally. O’Connor affectionately refers to Clarence with a nickname – “Shi-kun” in the Japanese voiceover, or “Little Si Lan” in the Chinese one – and for all his devious teasing, it’s clear he looks out for his Student Council successor. As for William, he may whine about Clarence’s by-the-book discipline, but his clumsiness and complaints do not preclude him from helping out when needed. For all that Clarence often chastises William, he still relies on him to assist with Student Council matters, and he knows William is someone he can trust.
Compared to these two, MC is a relatively newer connection, but her bond with Clarence runs deep. Right off the bat, she’s able to meet him on his level and banter with him, and he lets down his guard enough to subtly tease her for trying to trick him. As their relationship develops, Clarence grows to trust her, sharing his inner thoughts and admitting his vulnerabilities. MC is a safe haven for him, and she understands him on a level deeper than most. While the other students may fear Clarence for his aloof disposition, or hesitate to approach him due to his detached rationality, MC sees the earnest sincerity woven into his actions and the warmth laced through his words. Others may think of him as an unfeeling robot or a terrifying monster, but MC loves him for the human that he is.
There’s a subtle but interesting juxtaposition here, in which Godheim Clarence and Eden Clarence – both possessing monstrous mutations within them – view themselves as monsters while most others do not, whereas modern Clarence – wholly human – views himself as human while most others do not. All three Clarences are keenly aware of what constitutes them, allowing this biological understanding to shape their perception of themselves, but they do not recognise that their actions paint a different picture to others.
Regardless of the world he inhabits, Clarence constantly straddles the line between man and monster. His selfless nature and dutiful diligence often lead him to self-sacrifice and superhuman feats, creating the illusion of a monster – but beneath this facade lies, always, the heart of a human.
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thank you for reading!♡
if you have any thoughts about this post, i'd love to hear them! responses are always welcome, and my ask box is open~
up next: android clarence, and the inevitability of tragedy. where is the line between human and machine? stay tuned for my thoughts on clarence's awakening main story!
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airjemsfandump · 4 months ago
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I love how in every universe, where other LI's are like "I swear on my life to keep you happy and safe", "I'll keep you safe even if it costs me my happiness and my life", or "My body is your shield, I'll gladly die for you," Ayn is always the enabler of the warrior spirit within Little Painter. Like the others, he would also gladly put his life on the line for her but he has to make sure she'd still beat anyone's ass who dares to hurt her even after he's gone. And I love that so much. đŸ˜©
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judesmoonbeauty · 1 year ago
⚠ Contains Clarence spoilers⚠
Just thinking about how:
Godheim Clarence was doomed to remember MC alone - for all time.
Eden Clarence was doomed to forget MC - for all time.
Common World Clarence feels the loneliness of his counterparts in his dreams - please don’t let that haunt him for all time. 🙏
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dangopango00 · 1 year ago
FAT Boys Differences Colorized
Someone in the For all time/Lovebrush Chronicles facebook group said they look like the same guy in different fonts lol its not that srs but its just so fun analyzing characger design
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Transcript if u don’t wanna erm. Look at all. That. Its basically the same stuff as in pic tho more utc
- Hair is blatantly different colors although based in a similar color (Alkaids slightly closer to strawberry blonde)
- Lars hair is upturned and fairly wavy/curly; although messy its clearly intentional
- Alkaid hair goes straight down and is just messy (not curly/wavy) though fairly thick
- Lars hair only goes down 3/4 his neck and Alkaid hair goes down to around his collarbones
- Although Lars has a similar bang style to Clarence his is shorter, fuller and more curled
- Although Alkaid has a similar bang style to Ayn his is more full and messier
- Alkaid has a softer curved eye shape and his eyes seem to be a bit larger
- Lars has a more dramatic curve with smaller eyes though it’s difficult to tell considering he is smiling
- Alkaid has a flatter and the smallest nose
- Lars appears to have a more curved nose (he has that bump nose shape idgaf what anyone say its so prety)
- Lars has higher cheekbones than Alkaid
Lips (Note: Its hard to tell from the image alone but you can see the contours of their lips in the high quality sprite images which ill include below not sure if it will be visible thou)
- Alkaid has plumpest roundest lips
- Lars has a more defined cupid’s bow and lips are not as round as Alkaid’s
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- Very similar upon first glance but based in completely different colors (blue and red respectively)
- Clarence hair flows downward like Ayn but is fluffy messy and thin
- Ayn hair flows down but is neater and obviously thicker
- Ayn has more downturned eyebrows (angry brows)
- Clarence eyebrows are softer although a bit downturned
- Clarence hair goes down 2/4 his neck
- Ayn hair goes down only 1/4 his neck
- Ayn has short round eyes with shorter and fullest eyelashes as well as a more dramatic shift in eye curve
- Clarence has long slim eyes with sharper neater eyelashes and a pretty soft curve in eye shape
- Clarence has a more pointy/curved nose
- Ayn’s nose goes pretty much straight down
- Clarence has a less dramatic shift from cheekbone to chin
- Ayn has a more dramatic shift from cheekbone to chin
- Clarence has a sharper stronger jawline
- Ayn has a softer curved jawline
- Clarence has the most defined cupids bow
- Ayn has almost no cupid’s bow (May be more visible on another sprite like smiling or sth??)
- Clarence has slightly fuller lips than Ayn
- Ayn has the thinnest lips
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- Although they have similar bang styles, Lars bangs are shorter and more curled
- Although similar bang styles, Alkaid’s appears more full and is messier
One of these things is not like the others (its him) (he thinks hes on the team)
Just stating the obvious
- Clarence has a mole and glasses
- Lars has ear piercings
- They have very different fashion senses
- Their personalities and, in turn, their expressions/behavior are very different
- All have different eye colors or at least different shades (It doesn’t look it but Alkaid’s eyes are green and Lars eyes are more teal than Clarence’s who dons a pure blue)
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romance-rambles · 5 months ago
qixi clarence | one residence household
Having grown tired of being neighbors, you ask Clarence to move in with you.
1.8k, post-canon, domestic fluff + slight humor, reader is mc, series: none
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THERE COMES A TIME IN every couple's relationship when they must consider the benefits of moving in together—and marriage, though one generally implies the other.
To you, it becomes evident rather quickly that your current way of life is no longer enough to satisfy you. Your days are often some variation on seeing the man you love, either requiring you to wait or to traverse the water with his blessing. And that, for a time, was enough.
But the first thing you see when you wake up is always the empty space next to you, where you wish there would be a man instead.
And when you sit down for breakfast, as a human might, there is always enough food for two. Clarence comes in from the front door, still a guest in a home that may as well be half his. Though he has a key of his own, you have to let him in. Exactly three knocks, evenly spaced, or he'll worry and let himself in.
When it's the other way around, you stroll into his home like you own it.
On days he doesn't come, for whatever reason—you didn't realize it was possible for water dragons to get sick, for one—your longing is enough to conjure an apparition to sit in his place. You've been told it's pathetic, and though it comes from that nuisance of a fox, you can't really deny it.
However, in a bolt of brilliance, you managed to blurt out a particularly witty response the last time you were told so:
Only if I don't do anything about it!
So, here you are, a week after that conversation, with a hint of scarlet on your lips and cheeks—and a table full of Clarence's favorite foods.
You've developed a hobby of writing such things down, though never on paper at first. Not until you find yourself in the quiet of your room, amongst the abandoned love letters you hope he'll never read. The memories attached to them make it too difficult for you to burn them in some remote place, far enough from your home that Clarence does not take notice of the smoke.
And as for the extra fanfare—
You've never heard of a man who doesn't go weak for his lover in red. Or so the books you've managed to get your hand on in the mortal world say. Just a little bit of insurance, not quite a full seduction tactic.
If he says no, you have no choice but to accept that answer.
For now.
But there's nothing that says you can't tip the playing field in your favor before that.
As per your expectations, Clarence reveals his presence by knocking on the door. You open the door immediately. Much like a pet waiting loyally for the return of its owner, you make sure to sit by the door these days, a bowl of noodles in hand.
Because one of the earliest moments in your romance that this house witnessed was you tripping over yourself to open the door—and subsequently getting sauce all over your outfit. Your lover has not let it go. You don't imagine he'll ever let it go.
Your children will know, and their children will know, and you can hardly get mad at a face so beautiful. Being teased by him like this is a much better future than not having him at all.
"Is something on my face?" you ask, the very picture of innocence.
He blinks. Rather stupidly, if you have to add anything else. You take this as assurance of your victory—perhaps tomorrow, at this time, you might be late for breakfast, the novelty of sharing your bed with someone else overpowering your eternally empty stomach.
you look lovely," Clarence says eventually.
The tips of his horns redden. You stifle a giggle and allow him in.
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BREAKFAST STARTS AS IT NORMALLY does, if the pigment on your lips and cheeks is to be ignored. And Clarence does an awful job at it, so much so that the snarky voice in his head can't stop pointing it out.
It sounds surprisingly like that fox friend of yours.
His name is Stellan, and for all that bluster, he seems to care for you deeply. If Clarence ever says anything on the matter, he knows you'd agree. When it comes to the reverse proposition—that you, as well, seem to care for him—he thinks you might deny it to your dying breath.
Part of it, the dragon suspects, might be that you don't want him getting any wrong ideas. The other part might just be stubbornness.
"Is there something you want to say?" asks Clarence, the moment he finishes eating the food you prepared.
He tends to be a fan of taking it slow, carefully chewing everything as much as he can. You inhale your food—it's there one minute, and gone the next. This tends to leave you with much time to stare at him, often with a dreamy expression.
Clarence is not yet privy to those thoughts, but he thinks he can make a few educated guesses.
This time, there's an intensity to your gaze that often appears when you have something to ask of him. Whether it's his thoughts on the food, or if he's interested in going out on a date in the nearby town, he's learned how to speed up the process.
A little nudge, with all the subtlety of a rock.
Resting your chin atop your intertwined hands, you tilt your head cutely. Batting your eyelashes is unnecessary, but it does serve affirm that Stellan's words are correct. He chose to use the word desperate; Clarence, however, prefers the word determined.
"Don't you think getting up every morning to come here is a bit exhausting?" You lean in close. "I was just thinking, isn't that a waste?"
A faint smile tugs at his lips. "How can that be? Especially when I get to see you every morning."
Your lovely eyes shine with affection. In the time he's spent with you, Clarence has come to realize that you're surprisingly easy to read. As they say, the eyes are the window to the soul—and you've never bothered to grab a curtain for those windows.
"But what if you could get to breakfast faster?" you propose, with all the energy of a merchant desperately trying to sell her wares. "What if there was a way to cut that time down to nothing? And—and! You could be spending that time doing more important things."
He pretends to think it over. "It would be nice to spend more time with you."
"Right?" Your hands curl into fists, your excitement leaving them vibrating in the air. "What if you moved in with me? Wouldn't that be—"
"Alright," Clarence agrees.
You blink at him. Multiple times. He waits patiently for you to process his words, passing the time by collecting the dishes and putting them away. When you start sputtering, he takes that to mean you're half way there.
"Just like that?" you finally manage to ask.
"Is that not what you want?" Tilting his head, Clarence pretends to be confused. "If you're not comfortab—"
"No!" You shoot up from your spot by the table immediately. Your stretched hand hangs frozen in the air, hoping to grab something on the other side of the room. "I mean, why don't we do it two
three days from now."
Awkwardness gives way to an endearing sort of confidence. Nodding your head, you cross your arms, as naturally as you can. As if you meant to do so all along. Stifling a laugh, he turns his back to you, distracting himself with the view outside your kitchen window.
"That sounds like a reasonable amount," he agrees.
Truthfully, he could move in today. It wouldn't be particularly difficult. But he elects to leave that for a later time, letting you enjoy your victory in peace.
"Great! I'll go prepare
" You pause. "Stuff. I'll go do that."
Five minutes later, he hears the sound of someone hitting the wall in her unending excitement.
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STELLAN DOES NOT FANCY HIMSELF a meddler or a matchmaker, usually. He's content to watch idiots unwittingly walk to their doom—or, even better, their misery. Neither a conscience, nor any of moral qualification tend to have any say in what kind of entertainment he consumes.
Then, enter the idiot in front of him now.
You sit across from him, unaffected by the half-empty bowl of spicy noodles sitting in front of you. Its scent is enough to make him gag, but he's never been a quitter. He shoves a dumpling into his mouth and waits for you to drop your elegant façade.
That's not a word he ever expected to apply to an idiot like you, but bigger miracles have happened in the past couple of months. Namely, that you managed to rope a dragon on the verge of achieving the ultimate power into staying by your side in the mortal realm.
"Well, then," you start, clasping your hands together. "I guess it's time to talk business."
In attempting to fight back a sneer, he grimaces. "Well, out with it, Rat. I don't have all day."
You raise an eyebrow at him. Whatever retort you have for him, however, dies in your throat, as you go through the inane process of opening and shutting your mouth. Eventually, you decide that you have better things to do.
"Well, if you must know," you say proudly, "I'm getting married."
"Great," he answers blandly. "What does that have to do with me?"
Technically, it's plausible that he played a part in getting you to this point. He did, against his better judgement, seek out that dragon of yours and warn him of your plotting. It is something he hopes never to do again—one idiot is enough for him, especially when she's stupid enough to spend her years waiting for another idiot.
He was not worried about you.
The truth is, it's not satisfying to throw snark at you when you're half a person, wandering around the festivities like the dead. Coughing into his hand, he chases away those thoughts. Your smile widens, for some reason.
"What do you mean?" you inquire innocently. "I wouldn't have gotten this far without you!"
His grimace deepens. Oh boy, here it comes. You'll get the wrong idea and then you'll look at him with that annoyingly earnest look in your eyes and—
"I had to prove you wrong." Your grin grows smug. The words are enough to stop Stellan from cursing your dragon out. "You can't call me desperate anymore."
A snort escapes him.
"Yeah, yeah." The fox waves you off. "You're not desperate—you're unhinged. Make sure the food's good at the wedding."
He takes great glee in the way your lips twist into a scowl. All is right in the world.
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— happy birthday, elisa! it's almost the end of your birthday, but i hope you enjoyed it!
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hollyparrot · 5 months ago
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cuddletime-blog · 1 year ago
How the LBC Male Leads Would Be Like if They Were Drunk
Drunk Alkaid:
Alkaid can be emotional so it would be best if he didn’t drink alcohol at all, but he would most likely be much more honest about his feelings for MC if he was drunk perhaps. He is not the type to drink alcohol and he might have low tolerance and get flushed in the face, speaking cutesy gibberish and exclaiming how beautiful MC is compared to all the of stars in the night sky. Maybe Alkaid would be on a drunken rant or accidentally try to drunk text his cat Sparkles instead of MC.
Drunk Clarence:
Clarence most likely wouldn’t drink at all, but there would be alcohol served at fancy dinner parties after work with other lawyers or businessmen. He would have to attend those work functions and make business connections. Clarence would perhaps drink the very minimum just to be polite, but he is the perfect example of self-control. In fact, he would be the designated driver at parties if needed or be the one most likely to send any drunken people safely home in taxi cabs or uber pickups.
Drunk Ayn:
It’s hard to imagine drunk Ayn, but Ayn and alcohol would most definitely make a deadly combination because it would increase his appeal even more.  He drinks cola and I’m not even sure if he drinks water often enough. However, Ayn might have good tolerance and actually handle his alcohol quite well.  9 out of 10 times, Ayn would not drink alcohol at all unless if it really is for special occasions like weddings, anniversaries, birthdays, and such if he wants to celebrate with some champagne.
Drunk Lars:
He is known to enjoy the occasional celebratory glass of wine (He is a wine connoisseur.) or maybe even cognac at dinners with close friends or business associates. Lars knows how to enjoy wines within reason and he is aware of his tolerance level. He wouldn’t drink to get hungover and he would still remain professional in his behavior. Like Clarence, Lars would drink to be courteous or polite with others in social events. If Lars did get drunk, he would be even funnier if he tried drunk texting Clarence some emojis in some undecipherable gibberish message.
Drunk Cael:
No way that would happen. He is a teacher/professor and he cares about his professional image around others. Maybe drunk Cael would just be more affectionate with MC and perhaps more honest too. He would probably tease Beanie with new cat toys while being drunk and laughing or do something silly and forget about it the next day.
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damatically · 1 year ago
My experience in White day event in Lovebrush Chronicles (mild spoilers)
expectation: romantic date, many kisses and just plain tooth rotting fluff
reality: **drops a lore bomb after lore bomb after lore bomb**
Anyways love that it still acknowledge the events in godheim and eden as to follow the canon timeline of events of the story.
Apparently Clarence was still thinking abt the Chairman or smth related incident but he has no strenght to think mc as the culprit and he knows someone is covering up for mc's track after that. HE ALSO BELIEVES THAT MC IS THE REASON WHY THE EARTHQUAKE STOPS (Eden story) i wanna scream more abt modern clarence abt this omg
Its a good thing he's in love with mc lmaooo. My fave part of this event is his banter with his sister đŸ€Ł
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Im also playing for Cael's white day event bc i missed his valentines one. I actually never finished Valentines event idk what to do in that event đŸ„Č
My other fave moments that relates to mc
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I like my coffee how i like my men: respects my dignity and my autonomy.
Cael's white day route is so bittersweet đŸ„ș i didnt know that they arent officially dating in valentine's event (ofc i wont i didnt finish shit there). Oh yeah since the new main story event will arrive, im not ready for clarence and im certainly not ready if cael also have ssr 💀
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mello-bee · 1 year ago
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kaedekolya · 10 months ago
awakening clarence: the inevitability of tragedy, and what it means to be human
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Human or robot, cyborg or android — how is humanity defined, and where is the line that delineates it? Expanding upon my Clarence monster meta, which covered his Godheim, Eden, and modern routes, this analysis delves into how the theme of dehumanisation presents itself in Clarence’s Awakening route — and why tragedy is endlessly, inevitably, intertwined with his being.
[ SPOILERS: Clarence’s Awakening route and his Faint Night Light SSR story, as well as brief mentions of his Godheim and Eden routes. ]
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“In my mind, I still consider myself human, but you are free to perceive me as you wish. I don’t mind and I won’t dispute that.” This is the faith that Awakening’s Clarence holds fast to — he thinks, therefore he is. He has a concept of his self, therefore he is human.
This can be chalked up to the impact of one’s environment; for example, Archmage Clarence was co-opted into a scheme and transformed into a mutation at a young age, causing him to grow up with no other concept of the self than the monstrous one forced upon him. In contrast, modern Clarence had solid support systems around him, allowing him to develop a reasonably well-adjusted core identity. Since the Awakening stories are not set in alternate universes, but a potential branch of the future that stems from the present-day modern world, it stands to reason that modern Clarence’s perspectives and attitudes would carry forth into his Awakening timeline.
It is this foundation that affords Clarence the fortitude to hold fast to his belief, even when MC counters it with her claims that he is not human. Then Clarence sees how grief-stricken MC’s expression is, and decides to “respect her decision, regardless of the reason,” “if she is so firmly against accepting his view.” He puts her feelings above his own, acquiescing to her opinion despite it contradicting his. Even so, he still hopes that “maybe one day [they] can reach a consensus on this matter.” Deep down, Clarence still yearns for understanding, for someone to view him the way he views himself.
Awakening’s Clarence is an interesting subversion of his usual dehumanisation trope, running counter to how he often perceives himself as a monster despite being biologically human. In Godheim, the Archmage refuses to see himself as anything other than a monster that isn’t human, even though others recognise his good intentions. In Awakening, MC initially refuses to see Clarence as anything other than an android that isn’t human, despite his protests to the contrary.
(As an aside, there are further parallels between Archmage Clarence and Awakening’s Clarence; both put on a stoic front to protect themselves from feeling further pain. Just as Archmage Clarence spent a century in utter solitude until MC returned to his side, Awakening’s Clarence waited for MC to wake him from an eternal slumber, while she wandered that same time in solitude until she found him again. Both stories end with the promise of eternity — or at least a long, long time — together.)
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Clarence’s unwavering sense of self in Awakening makes me think of the Ship of Theseus — when parts of a ship are replaced, at what point is it no longer the original ship? For Clarence, his identity hinges not on his constituent parts, but his awareness of the self. Even if his body is damaged, he is still himself as long as his mind is intact. Clarence’s memories, his reasoning, his emotions, are what form his identity. It is this central focus on the mind and not the body that leads to a lack of regard for his physical wellbeing; his health and safety are secondary to his aims.
In an attempt to figure out the physical properties of his body — whether it is flesh and blood or steel and synthetics — Clarence wounds himself on purpose, cutting through the skin not covered by his mechanical skeleton. He feels the pain as blood flows out, yet the wound heals at an inhuman speed, rendering him unable to “determine if he’s an android, pain and flesh simulated by advanced technology, or a human injected with healing genes.”
Clarence’s readiness to harm himself in order to achieve a certain objective can also be seen in the Book of Tales event, when merman Clarence deliberately hurts himself in hopes of attaining the mermaid’s tear. To Clarence, the injuries sustained to his physical body are insignificant in the face of a greater goal. As long as he can preserve his sense of self, his memories, his purpose, then it is enough for him. Ultimately, Clarence views himself as a tool — as a means to an end.
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Arguably, Awakening’s Clarence demonstrates many traits that could easily paint him as a monster. When a hostile drone poses a threat, he destroys it with his bare hand, bolstered by the enhanced strength of his mechanical augmentations. Combat is woven into Clarence’s being; he is innately capable of destruction, in the same way a monster is. His internal programming makes comments and observations as if it is a separate entity, creating a stark disconnect between Clarence’s consciousness and the programmed voice in his head — almost like it is a monster lurking within him.
As much as his combat may be innate, though, so are his emotions. Clarence feels an instinctual trust towards MC, even if he cannot explain or understand where these feelings originate from. After MC falls asleep, Clarence reaches out to her but stops short of touching her face, empathy guiding his actions. “Have you spent all these years like this, slumbering alone in this barren world?” Clarence asks, not recognising that he too had slumbered alone in the hibernation chamber — only recognising her pain, and not his own. He apologises to her, despite not having done anything wrong, despite also suffering through the same solitude that she has.
Upon seeing MC injured, Clarence grows solemn and sorrowful, remarking that he thinks she is “strong, [admirably] strong.” “It must be tough for you[,] living in this world alone for all those years,” Clarence muses, extending her a compassionate kindness he does not allow himself — neither in this world, nor in others. “I don’t know why I [feel the need] to apologise,” he admits. “But I somehow feel that this should have been my responsibility. I should have stayed by your side. I shouldn’t have left you alone.” Once again, Clarence takes the blame upon his own shoulders, turning the guilt inwards. Even when it is not his cross to bear, Clarence nails himself to it, offering himself as penance for wrongs he has not committed.
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Clarence is so accustomed to taking responsibility upon himself that he always chooses the simplest option, even if it comes at his own expense. Or perhaps it is precisely because it comes at his own expense, and not that of others, that he is more inclined to choose it. The Archmage did not open himself up to any other methods, staunchly refusing to entertain MC’s suggestions, because he was so firmly set in his conviction to sacrifice himself for his country’s future. The Falcon was ready to shoot himself, never considering the possibility of a third option in the dilemma, because his death was the most straightforward way to help MC achieve her goal.
In much the same way, Awakening’s Clarence dies to save others. His android selves were created both to “commemorate [the pioneer’s] sacrifice,” and for the express purpose of sacrificing themselves to keep his original body away from danger. Sacrifice is woven into their beings, just as it runs through Clarence’s veins. It is this enduring selflessness that leads Clarence down the path of a martyr, time and time again.
Awakening’s movie was a warning for Clarence that opened his eyes to the suffering that his selflessness can, and will, wreak in its wake. His diligent and conscientious nature often has him shouldering the weight of responsibility, but it can also lead to him losing himself in his duty. In order to fulfil his role to the best of his ability, he overextends himself, inadvertently letting himself be consumed by what he believes he ought to be and do. Clarence yearns to save the world, to protect the people that live in it, and so he offers himself up as a tool to be used. He gives himself over to his cause, devoting all of himself to it even as the burden of it devours him whole. A selfless sacrifice that saves countless lives, but that selfishly brings pain to those who care for him.
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A good tragedy is at once avoidable and inevitable; avoidable because there are other choices to be made, and inevitable because its actors will always choose the path that leads to despair. It is written into their beings, into who they are as people and what they stand for. There is no other version of this tale, no better outcome, because they are human and they will not pick the rational option. They will pick the option that calls to their heart.
At that crossroads, faced with the risk of venturing towards the power plant and the safety of remaining with his companions, Clarence chooses the former. There is no doubt that he knows he is marching to his death; still, he bears the weight of this sacrifice, in order to fulfil his duty to protect his fellow fighters. Even though there is no guarantee that he will succeed, Clarence undertakes this lonely mission in an effort to do all that he can for the world that he loves. He opts to venture alone into the jaws of danger in order to keep others out of harm’s way, minimising the damage caused to the world and its inhabitants – even if, or perhaps so that, it deals the highest damage to himself. It has always been this way, and will always be this way, for Clarence. The core of the tragedy is that Clarence will always put the world above himself, his duty above his dreams, even if it comes at the cost of everything he is and will ever be.
There’s a parallel, here, with the story of Orpheus. You, as the uninvolved spectator, can criticise him for being irrational, for turning around and losing Eurydice. Yet Orpheus, in that moment, cannot possibly make any other decision. How can you fault a man for having a heart? How can you fault a man for being human?
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For all that Clarence is an android, or a cyborg, or a mutant monster, he is also deeply, painfully human. It is impossible for him to be fully rational and objective, and so he pushes himself to his limits in an attempt to be, and berates himself when he cannot. More often than not, Clarence ends up dehumanising himself – both consciously and unconsciously – in order to fulfil his roles and responsibilities. Rather than having them guide his actions, he gives himself over to them, allowing them to shape the core of who he is. Clarence pushes himself to extremes that are rational in the logic of his worldview, but ironically irrational to the external observer that witnesses the depths of his pain.
One particular line in Awakening stood out to me: “What’s important is that you shouldn’t be sad. You should be happy and free. You should be the beam of light that penetrates the thick clouds.” While this line illustrates how Clarence prioritises MC’s happiness, it also illuminates MC’s role in his story. Her presence in his life teaches him that he can seek happiness for himself, too, rather than solely living in servitude of a greater purpose. She is the light that parts the fog, the sunlight that melts the snow. While she may always be part of Clarence’s motivation to save the world and the people who live in it, perhaps she may also become his motivation to save himself, too.
Clarence is always all too ready to be a martyr, because he often believes that his most significant contribution to the world is what he can do for it. As long as his purpose is fulfilled, then it does not matter much what happens to him afterwards; there will be others to fill his shoes. Yet MC, in Awakening, directly challenges this notion. “Clarence is irreplaceable. Even with the same appearance and body, no one could ever take his place,” she asserts. There can be a second Archmage, or another Falcon, or countless clones in his likeness – but there is only one Clarence, who is precious by virtue of who he is and not what he can do. Clarence, whose worth is not defined by his roles and responsibilities, no matter how much he believes it to be so. This is the arc of his growth – learning to view and cherish himself as a person, not a mere tool to be used.
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thank you for reading!♡
if you have any thoughts about this meta post, i’d love to hear them! responses are always welcome, and my ask box is open~
for more lovebrush meta: here's my brief azure island analysis + theorising! nervously anticipating clarence's route tomorrow...
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just-shushilay · 2 months ago
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Hearts for my beloved~ 💙
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airjemsfandump · 6 months ago
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When you're an Archmage simp and bae is a you simp. I love, LOVE this so much. Thank youuuu. 😭😭😭
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Here's how it looks with flash on. đŸ„č
Anwwwwwww, love the Archmage, love bae sm, I'm going insane. đŸ„č
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judesmoonbeauty · 1 year ago
Eden Smol Babies ❀
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Look at my precious bb Falcon
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dangopango00 · 1 year ago
After Last Night
Waking up with him after a hookup
Pt. 1 | Pt. 2 |
FAT/LBC men x gn reader (William Included for all my Aris out there)
CW: very suggestive, maybe dubcon?? (Mentioned that Lars and reader were both drunk in his)
A/N: waking up with cael is waking up behind bars thats croomf, groomf even 😭😭😭 im jp u dk him since ur childhood here ok this is a safe space
Edit: Alkaid rewrite đŸ„¶đŸ„¶
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more utc
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LARS / LUO XIA (çœ—ć€)
- SCENARIO: You’re in a similar or complementary industry to him and he’s had his eye on you a bit, admiring how you present yourself but you never really became too closely acquainted. One crazy night of drinking during a negotiations meeting later and two lonely busy old people get busy (30 isnt old sorry. Uncalled for)
- You wake up first; he is KNOCKED OUT
- He wakes up with the wildest bedhead normally and even moreso today. He’s drooling and sprawled out across the couch with a loose hold on your body (Just his arm slung around you as he sleeps)
- His grip on you tightens if you try to leave the couch but if you’re insistent he’ll just let you go; whine grumbles about it in his sleep
- He has work and he’s very busy so he’ll have to leave soon but he wants to make it up to you because he wasn’t being professional; he makes the effort to at least chat or have breakfast with you before leaving which you don’t mind since you’re busy as well
- He usually doesn’t do hookups since he’s busy, doesn’t want to lead anyone on and knows he’ll get attached too easily so he rlly dk what happened, he was lonely but ayayay this is a mess. He does his absolute best to make things less awkward for you
- This scenario would actually be so wild bc if you wanted to do it again while sober I don’t think he’d say no LOL as soon as you had breakfast/chatted he started to like you even more I think and remembers last night being really great so
- I don’t think he’d initiate it if you did do it again though because he feels really bad about being unprofessional but ever since that night if he ever sees you his eyes are glued to you, your body and all its curves and/or edges; he’s so distracted help him 😭😭
- It’s even worse if he’s pent up, he actually will just. Avoid you if you don’t assure him it’s alright he doesn’t want to be weird and he knows he wont be able to focus so he gets a little nervous around you from then on
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- SCENARIO: You’re his classmate and more importantly, his film dealer. You’ve been selling him film and camera repairs for a pretty good price compared to how high the quality is from a small shop that doesn’t get too much traction because it’s more of an antique shop but you do offer more. He was usually standardly polite and short maybe with an extra question out of curiosity here and there before becoming a regular over time. You eventually started tacking on a few more comments and questions than necessary but not so many that it’s noticeable, chatting him up a bit im class as well until you started actively seeking him out, being curious about him and you two became friends. Since this is an edit I’m gonna say like Ayn, you’re probably already in a situationship by the time you hook up but unlike Ayn you haven’t kissed yet (he’d at least ask you out or vice versa before kissing i think) You were over at his apartment to study and help bathe Sparkle; just generally hang out and after a PAINFUL amount of tension building with playful comments and little touches so much so that you ended up kissing him and one thing lead to another !!
- You wake up first but likely go back to sleep and he wakes up during that time tbh. I feel like his home is cozy as hell not to mention Sparkle climbing up and cuddling with you
- He let you wear his clothes to bed since yours got messy and he noticed that you were shivering, freezing from wearing. Well. Nothing. So he let you borrow something and his entire face is red including his ears an neck, it’s quite a view— both you and him
- He ghosts his thumb over your features, his gentle touch almost unnoticeable as he notes each unique thing about you as if trying to identify different stars in the sky
- You had already cuddled up to him in your sleep and he lays in bed with you in his loose embrace for an absurd amount of time until he decides his heart has had enough and gets up to make you both breakfast, you stirring a bit in your sleep in the process
- He kept trying to find an opportunity to get up before but you clung to him so he couldn’t find it in himself to leave you gn but when he did eventually get up he just kissed the crown of your head and gently pulled your arms off of him, then laying you down
- His bed head is just his normal hair honestly and he doesn’t move too much, just snores a little bit and slightly drools
- He’s embarrassed the rest of the day, his usual charismatic persona failing on him when he needs it most and he’s a bit nervous not knowing if you’d felt the same as him or if it was just lust. Though all that is quickly nipped in the bud when you give him a kiss on the cheek and confess properly, holding his hands in yours
- Deciding he’s wasted enough time being a dork He offers to take you on your first date in a nearby cafe since it was pretty impromptu but he still says it with a helpless smile and slight blush. On this date he def took pictures and has them pinned on his wall; they’ll quickly become some of his most prized photos
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- SCENARIO: You two went to the same high school all four years and maybe even the same middle school at some point but you never really interacted because he was busy with schoolwork and so were you so you really never felt the need to bother him. Little did you know Clarence had the biggest crush on you since you met and after being acquainted through the student council you became friends. Upon growing closer and some worrying about how little he relaxes later and you mayyy have accidentally made out with him a little in the council room after hours đŸ„ș then took it back to your apartment đŸ„șđŸ„ș and ended up sleeping together đŸ„șđŸ„șđŸ„ș
- He wakes up first and just stares at the ceiling. how did this happen oh my god. Not in a bad way but oh my GOD. -Clarence
- He’s so embarrassed by last night especially with his own behavior. Just remembering the sounds he made and the words he said has him reeling; he must’ve told you he loved you 100,000 times
- he just stays completely still hoping you’re still asleep and once you wake up he shuts his eyes so fast kind of trying to pretend to be asleep but with how tightly his eyes and lips are shut you know he’s awake
- You give him a little kiss on his eyelids and lips and he knows he’s caught; he blushes but then kind of just lets a small exasperated smile wash over his face; he really doesn’t know what to do
- His bedhead is basically the same as his normal but more messy around the bangs also he snores a tiny bit but thats pretty much it
- He’s pretty happy and normal when he isn’t thinking about the specifics of last night’s events
- He even goes ahead and makes breakfast for you and him as well as his cats (they’re probably the ones who woke yall up lol)
- He doesn’t do hook ups and he’s liked you so long so he reaalllly realllllllllyyyyy hopes you’ll consider getting to know him more and let him take you out on a couple dates because even if his hands are clammy the whole time he’d be so happy
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WILLIAM / CHEN ZIHAN (é™ˆć­æ¶”ïŒ‰
- SCENARIO: You two have always been best friends with no question of whether or not your feelings were platonic. Well he had no question. You on the other hand had been crushing on him for a while now but didn’t want to ruin the friendship. That was until college. He started noticing you more and your qualities: how you’ve matured and how you’re there when no one else is, so his feelings have gotten a little bit more than just platonic. He justified it as appreciation and normal friend things all the way up until you two suddenly decided to “test out” what kissing and making out would be like. Platonically of course. Since neither of you had ever been in a serious relationship. The sex part was just testing too, trust 🙏
- You wake up first but that doesn’t stop him from having an existential crisis when he wakes up
- You’re excited although a bit nervous from anticipation honestly since you already knew your feelings were not platonic but you didn’t know what he’d think so instead of worrying you just poke his face and admire him sleeping
- His bedhead is crazy, some of his hair sticks up and he has a pool of drool under him. He snores too— finally getting to release his feelings has him K.Od it was tew good
- You go to make breakfast or shower or something and he’d probably wake up during that time bc he doesn’t feel your warmth anymore
- Like Clarence, Liam wakes up perplexed and embarrassed and he’s worried he may have crossed a line doing what he did last night since you were supposed to be just friends! He’s freaking out so bad! come back he needs reassurance 😭
- When you get back he’s so apologetic and is just so nervous around you until you broach the subject, reassuring him that you don’t mind what happened
- After you sort out your thoughts on what happened and have a loooong talk about it you’re pretty much back to being normal and you even hang out for a bit longer, watching some movies and baking together although he does still blush and fumble his words around you a little
- He’s scared to tell you he would rather be yours than be your fwb (friend with benefits) bc this is his first hookup but considering he’s been your best friend and crush for so long you feel the same way so you end up dating pretty soon after
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romance-rambles · 10 months ago
modern clarence | an appropriate staring distance
While at the beach, you take a moment to appreciate your handsome boyfriend while he's taking a nap—and also when he's not.
1.2k, fluff + established relationship, reader is mc, series: none
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NAVY BLUE STICKS OUT TO you the moment you open your eyes.
Your aching shoulder protests your decision to stay as you are, on your side, facing a still sleeping Clarence. Like this, he looks much younger—you're reminded of the time you had to force him to take a nap. Like this, he's simply the cute guy you managed to score not one but multiple dates with, just Clarence, instead of the incredibly smart and wonderful and kind Student Council President.
You glance at the circular table set between your two beach chairs, taking note of his glasses resting primly upon its surface. With him often having to juggle two different kinds of glasses, you'd offered to put them in your bag so that he could pack lighter. Or, as light as he can.
Right now, it's awkwardly squished behind you, miraculously still on the chair only because it's too big to fall out the gap under the armrest.
Filling in the blanks comes as easily to you as the smile on your face when you get to see your boyfriend, nearly the same one on your face right now—and the expression that goes with it is so endlessly fond that you find yourself with the urge to hit something.
Simply put, your boyfriend is a handsome man—the most handsome one, of all the men your keen eyes have gazed upon. And gazed, they certainly have. But even if they didn't have to pick, then they would gaze at only Clarence for the rest of their life..
You almost giggle at the thought, but think against it at the last minute.
But pressing your lips firmly into a thin line has the opposite effect on your budding smile. You imagine you look rather strange to anyone who passes by—what with your mockery of a wide smile and the silent scream building up in your throat, paired with the quiet thumping of your feet against the legrest.
If you were in a more private space, you would resort to kicking instead.
A proper squish to your still warm cheeks as you begin to sit up helps ease up the passion swirling chaotically across your body. You exhale, then allow your hands to slide off your face. One side of it bears the consequences of your actions more than the other.
With a one last longing at the sleeping Clarence, you start to dig through your bag for the only thing in your arsenal that could substitute for a sketchbook.
There are a few miscellaneous promotion emails waiting for you on the lockscreen. A message from Cael asking about dinner tomorrow too. Somewhere between them, there's a notice about the weather, with the temperature from an almost hour ago listed uselessly.
You swipe past them all and hurriedly slip into the camera app.
The hand holding your phone steadies itself against the armrest as you swing your legs over the edge of your chair. A thumb hovers over the capture button, vigilantly awaiting your command. The fingers of your other hand, meanwhile, busy themselves with zooming in on the captivating scenery.
With each pinch, the focus grows ever narrow—until all that remains is Clarence and nothing else.
At one point, you try to zoom into the mole under his eye, but it doesn't make for a very compelling photo. After a few attempts, quite a few of which involve staring at your screen for prolonged periods of time, you reluctantly give up.
Your pout is soon covered up by your phone. When its front camera presses against your upper lip, your gaze is free to wander back to the sleeping beauty beside you once more.
A healing effect, exclusive to him, takes hold of you instantaneously.
Eyes brimming with fondness narrow slightly. You slide off your beach chair, hands on your bent knees as you take a closer look. You can make out the shadows cast by his long lashes and the drool dribbling past his chin.
He's perfect.
You're content to stay there until your knees begin to ache, reminding you insistently that this isn't a very comfortable position to be in. As a compromise of some kind, you adjust your arms atop the nearby armrest.
It really would be better if you'd brought your sketchbook along—but, you think, remembering his workaholic tendencies, would he even bother to take a nap then?
You scrunch your nose up at the thought.
In that moment, Clarence seems sense to your presence. When you look back at him, you're greeted with the sight of confusion in his now opened, but still drowsy gaze. He blinks, and it earns him an amused grin from you.
"Morning," you say, though it's well into afternoon.
That seems to wake him up. His cheeks flush a warm pink, and he hurriedly wipes away the drool on his face, as though you haven't already committed the sight to your memory.
Clearing his throat, he responds in kind, careful to sit up in such a way that he avoids looking at you.
"You don't have to be so close...I can see you just fine."
You laugh, not unkindly. "What if I'm the one who's having trouble?"
For a moment, when he turns back to look at you, he looks alarmed. Then, his shoulders relax to the tune of a sigh, his groggy mind apparently having caught onto the fact that you were joking.
Without breaking eye contact, you reach for his glasses. But as with the issue of walking into a cave without a flashlight, even if you vaguely recall where your destination is, there's no guarantee you'll actually reach it.
"Give me a second," you mutter, your annoyance making your tone a bit too sharp.
You follow your words up with an apology. His glasses held are carefully by the frames as your sheepish gaze connects with his faintly amused one. Clarence reaches out, getting as far as grasping the slanted tips of the frame before the two of you reach a mutual agreement.
"Well." His cheeks return to being a rosy hue. He coughs politely. "If you would."
Cute. Biting your lip giddily, you shake his grip off. A quick once-over of your surroundings before you stand up shows that no one seems to be paying attention to you. And unless your friends and acquaintences have come to together to unlock the secrets of invisibility, no one you know seems to be present either.
Leaning over, you line his glasses up against his face, the tips of his frame brushing against his cheek. It takes only a moment to slot them into place—and you have enough experience with doing so that they don't snag against his ears.
It takes only a moment longer to give him an innocent peck on the lips.
"There," you murmur, not entirely satisfied with the kiss.
His Adam's apple bobs. Clarence adjusts his glasses with an awkward look that suggests he has some kind of solution to your dilemma. You, of course, beat him to the punch.
"Why—" Your voice cracks a little. "—don't we go find a different spot?"
He smiles, narrowed eyes watching you fondly. "I was about to suggest the same thing."
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#fics by aya#lovebrush chronicles#lovebrush chronicles x reader#for all time#for all time x reader#clarence clayden#clarence clayden x reader#lbc clarence#lbc clarence x reader#lovebrush clarence#lovebrush clarence x reader#rambles from here on (slight spoilers for azure island cgs/mentions of cn cards) ->#so. um THE CGS?? from the event?? very specifically clarence's??#um that killed me actually i'm learning stuff about myself i didn't know before like#idk actually because i've been telling myself glasses are sexy but it took an anime boy being flirted with for me to realize that yes??#but yeah i am THIS close to going blue particularly because i've been staring at his cards too long and there is one specific like#artstyle? that makes him look really hot but like you could almost mistake him for a bad boy. and yes i do mean clarence#he has glasses so it's not. the one where he'd actually approach being a bad boy (the prison?? one??)#according to cn wiki it's supposed to come like feb but the schedule fast so idk#actually looking at it again and it might be how he parts his hair?? anyway clarence in a black t-shirt and dogtag(?) necklace sounds#like he would actually kill me. not because he's actually threatening but because i spontaneously combust whether he smiles or glares at me#also i just realized it's just like his unstyled hair so again having a thing for guys who like minimally style their short hair apparently#also i've figured out which card it is holy shit clarence
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