#ikevamp shakespeare x you
niphredil-14 · 1 year
hi there! deaf anon here! i don't know if you still write for ikevamp, if not, ignore this! this may be a self-indulgent request, but could i ask for a fic/drabble/headcanon/whateveryouwant with shakspeare (my beloved), and mozart with a deaf MC who experiences the world through touch & sight? deaf culture is very different than hearing culture, and deaf people usually tend to be very physically affectionate, bold/confident, loud (cuz we don't realize how much sound we're making), proud of our deafness, funny, and can be impulsive. maybe MC teaches them signs/about deaf culture? sorry if this is a lot hehe, i love your blog.
It's been a while since I've written anything for Ikevamp, and honestly I've never really vibed with Mozart, so I hope you don't mind that I just went with William.
William would be absolutely fascinated! He's seen so many kinds of people and loves to learn about them all! He could listen to you talk about deaf culture for hours on end. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if he took notes, and I also would not be surprised if you inspired him to create a play surrounding a deaf character.
I think he would love how physically affectionate you are! He definitely is big on physical touch! And he doesn't mind you being loud at all. Have you ever met theatre kids? Those fuckers (affectionate) are some of the loudest people on the planet, so he is definitely used to it.
And oh my goodness, he would love to learn sign!! communication is his life, his career, he would love to learn as many ways to communicate with people as possible! I bet he would even start to hire an interpreter for his plays!
Overall, he's very understanding, and loves to learn anything that you're willing to teach him!
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gunraekae · 5 months
love transcending time - aka the ikevamp prologue still unnecessarily narrated
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>ikemen vampire
>everyone x reader
>a/n: here are chapters 3 and 4 of the prologue. it's about 5k words long, so sit back and relax, and I hope you enjoy. i have some shorter works coming soon!
Chapter III: The Hourglass
Outside the lavish mansion where a puzzling banquet was being hosted was a lush coach stopped just past the grand gates. The coachman turned towards his passenger, a rose-haired man who donned a thousand masks. The man, who sometimes played the part of a king, a prince, a lover, but always in all, a liar. He spoke with the ambiguous tone of someone who could laugh or cry at the next word, “... I apologize my good sir, but I have decided not to stay after all.” He faced away from the cruelly smiling crescent moon to re-enter the coach. 
The baffled coachman asked, “But Monsieur, what about the banquet?” 
The mysterious passenger ominously chuckled in return, “Capricious Fate has invited a guest of fairer mien than mine to take my chair. Hers is centre stage tonight, though I shan’t stay to see how she performs.” His eyes were of opposite colour—the right eye a misty green, the left a bloody red. The coachman shivered at his gaze; this was the first time in their evening he had donned an expression that felt… genuine. And it was genuinely dark. “Let us depart anon.” 
The coachman quickly hurried the vehicle off through the night, while its passenger relaxed into the velvet cushions. With only the laughing moon as his companion, he spoke to her—a bard playing to a lone audience, “O, what upturned expectations have come at the arrival of this new player?” The bard had seen MC but for a spare moment, and yet, he found himself haunted by her vision. “No devil can beguile men to persuasions more than she with an angel’s form. Or be she one of heaven’s messengers behind the horns and wings of temptation?” The coach jolted as it hit a divot in the path, sending the bard’s scripts scrawling to the coach's floor. Visible on the cover was the distinct signature of William Shakespeare. 
“Sebastian, if you would make us a cup of herbal tea? I think anise would be—”
“None for me, it’s okay.” As expected, dinner had ended with none of my questions answered. Le Comte remained true to his promise, however, and invited me to his office for an explanation. Still, my anxieties were left rampant in my head, and I could find no energy inside of me to remain courteous after such an absurd banquet. As Sebastian quietly closed the door to retrieve the tea, Le Comte looked at me with a sympathetic mien. “I just want to know how to get back. My aunt, she must be so worried,” I weakly muttered. 
“I presume you wish to exit through the door back to the Louvre? I’m afraid doing so will be difficult. You see, it only opens under very specific conditions.”
“What conditions?”
“The specifics are difficult to explain.” Le Comte rose from his large mahogany chair and stopped in front of a grand hourglass. It was unusually large and had gold furnishings, the top half full of sand. “The door will open once all the sand in this hourglass has fallen. It’s quite precise and I match that timing with the door’s opening myself.” I don’t like how much sand is in there. And how slowly it’s falling if it even is. 
“... How long does that hourglass run for?” I croaked out in a panic. 
“It takes a month, on average.” A MONTH? 
“Pardon me? I must have misheard,” I laughed in incredulity. I could feel my sanity crumbling between my fingers like the sand in that hourglass. 
“It typically takes a month for all the sand to fall. Doesn’t it, Sebastian?” I didn’t even notice the butler come in with the tray of tea. 
“Yes, M. le Comte. Meaning she will not be able to return for another month.” I squeezed my eyes, hoping this was all some sort of nightmare. 
“We’re in Paris, yes?” I asked in trepidation. There has to be another way to leave. As le Comte sipped his tea, he nodded. 
“I’ll just leave through the front door. How far are we from the Louvre?” No one said I had to leave through that strange door. Why would I need to use that to return? I can just get back to the hotel and apologize to my aunt for being gone for this long. Le Comte picked up a newspaper from his desk and gently placed it on my lap. 
“I’d like you to look at the date.” 
I looked at the date and grew cold. This didn’t feel fake—the news articles, the feel. It was genuine. 
“This is from this morning’s edition. As you’ve no doubt gathered from the date, we’re in the nineteenth century.” 
“There’s no way,” I whispered under my breath. 
Le Comte spoke in the same soothing tone, “We’re in France, but not the one you know. You arrived at this mansion by travelling through time.”
I don’t understand. No words came to my mind. There was not a single statement he said that could be serious. And yet, everything I’ve witnessed so far could attest to what he’s been saying. 
“You look like you’re struggling to believe it.” 
“I’m really quite sorry, you’ve been very kind to me. But there is absolutely no way I’d believe time travel before any number of explanations.” 
“It’s true that a newspaper can be easily faked. Perhaps this will convince you?” Le Comte moved towards a window where an old-fashioned brass telescope was pointed outwards. He gently beckoned me over. 
“What an excellent idea, M. le Comte. Seeing is believing, they say.” Sebastian said. 
“It is our good fortune that, owing to the genius of one of our guests, this telescope provides an excellent view of the city.” I let them guide me to it and peered within. Sure enough, when my vision cleared, the entire view of Paris turned back in time and greeted me. No neon signs. No skyscrapers. No cars. I turned the telescope around, hoping to see any glimpse of a modern city, but only Paris of a hundred years ago was present. Gentlemen in morning coats escorting ladies with bustles. There was no prank elaborate enough to dress an entire city. 
“So I’ve really travelled through time?” I gasped in disbelief. 
“There’s a phrase you use in Japanese. Do you recall it, Sebastian?” 
“Yes, we call it a ‘time slip.’” The name hardly matters, we’re facing the impossible! 
“That door connects to both the past and the present. Like me, you used it to travel here, to the past. You may have read or seen stories about time travel, but in my experience, it is neither a simple nor an everyday occurrence. Time travel has very particular rules. And in this case, you cannot return for the next month.” 
“When the sand in the hourglass falls, can the door take me back?” 
“Yes, when that time comes, either you or I could open the door. Like so, I must also follow the rules. It remains sealed to me for a month as well. If the door hadn’t shut, you could have passed through it exactly the way you came. However, once it’s closed, that passage ceases to exist. And the door requires time before it can open that passageway again.” I could have walked back if the door hadn’t closed. I degraded myself in my head. It was my own stupidity that really got me in this situation. 
“Likewise, all the men you’ve met tonight were gathered here by way of that time slip. That is why people from such diverse times and countries are all here, living in my mansion.” So the men I met at dinner are actually legit? Names from history, famous throughout all the world, transcending time in their glory—and they all live together in this mansion. “I can see you still have some doubts. But I assure you, you’ve just met the real van Gogh, the real Mozart, and the real Napoleon.” If time travel really isn’t out of the question, then I suppose it’s not unreasonable to assume that all these men are the real deal. Still, it’s truly unbelievable. 
“And who are you, Comte, that you were able to collect some of history’s greatest figures to live here in your mansion?” I looked at him, fully admiring his figure. This ineffable gentleman who said that people CALL him Comte de Saint-Germain. 
“I promise I’m not trying to evade your question, but in truth, it’s getting quite late. Please, stay the night. Sebastian will prepare a room. In fact, you’re welcome to stay here for the entire month at no cost. It’s the least I could do to land you in this predicament.” 
“For the night perhaps, but I can’t possibly ask you to welcome me for a whole month,” I fumbled over my words at the Comte’s generous offer. 
“You do realize you can’t return to your time for another month, don’t you?” 
“There’s no need to worry, I can make my own way. I’ve done it all my life.” 
Sebastian regarded me with a severe look, “I believe you’ll find that difficult. This is France at the turn of the century. How do you intend to ‘make your way?’” 
“I-I’m not quite sure yet, but—” He has a point. I knew nothing about this place. I didn’t even know what currency they currently used. But I can’t possibly stay here. There’s something they’re not telling me, but I can’t reveal my suspicions, it’d be rude. “I really don’t want to impose after you’ve been so generous,” I finished. 
“You’re not imposing at all, chèrie.” 
“It’s just that you’re offering me so much and asking for nothing in return.” That’s what scares me the most. 
“Please, take this as my apology. If you’re truly that concerned about it, Sebastian could use a hand around the house. The other residents try to do as much, as well.” 
Now I was faced with two choices. Risk spending a month in a house full of famous, time-travelling figures, who most definitely are hiding a secret. Or make a run for it and face the risks of the nineteenth-century Parisian streets at night. I squeezed my eyes as images of my worried family and friends flashed by. Staying with Le Comte really does seem the safest option right now. I turned towards him with a newfound strength. 
“I accept your gracious offer. Thank you, Comte.” I’ll trust them. For now. 
“I’m pleased we’ve come to an agreement. I wasn’t able to answer all your questions tonight, but we can continue tomorrow if you’d like. I also have something important to tell you, but that too, can wait for the morning.” I looked into those golden eyes that first sold me at the musée, and for the first time this evening, found contentment.
“I look forward to it, Comte.” 
“I will inform the others that you will be staying with us and are to be treated with courtesy. Two of them did not join us tonight, but I expect you’ll have the opportunity to meet them soon.” Even more famous names? Having adapted to my expressions, Le Comte assumed my curiosity. “One is Jean d’Arc.” Joan of Arc? The Maid of Orléans who led the French in the Hundred Years’ War? 
“Finally, another woman,” I sighed in relief, “that’s reassuring.” 
“I’m afraid our Jean is a man, though I can see how you’d make that mistake.” At my baffled expression, he added, “As to that, truth and history have a curious way of becoming distorted in the telling.”
Whispers of the past unheard by anyone but him, haunted the air like the specks of dust that floated in the light. The whispers, often cruelly mocking his soul, rightfully punished his monstrous existence; but tonight, a new voice urged him toward the window. An eyepatch covered the left half of his face, concealed by his long, dark hair. Jean d’Arc was the subject of the crescent moon’s mockery tonight. He watched the moon’s smile morph into a bow, bent to release its message of death, then to a sharp blade mid-slice. 
“La lune se moque de moi ce soir.” His voice became lost within the ghosts’ many whispers, but the moon’s mocking laughter remained. “There’s a curse on this night.” 
“Besides Jean, there is one other who did not join us tonight—” Le Comte was cut off by a dull thump, like something heavy falling against the door. “And that’s probably him. I’m sorry to trouble you, MC, but could you get the door?” He smiled almost knowingly while he gracefully held his cup between his lithe fingers. 
I opened the door of Le Comte’s office, expecting a man but encountering none. Warily, I stepped out of the hallway, only to stumble on something heavy. Before I met the floor, I landed on the lap of a large and hunched-over man. While I toiled in humiliation, strong arms tightened around my waist. The sweet scent of cigarillos and amber engulfed me. 
The velvety rumbling voice of the man hummed in confusion, “... never seen you here before.” Looking at him now, there was no way he could be comfortable like that. Is he sleeping? Finally, he cracked an eye open. His wolfish eyes were the colour of burnt gold. His lips formed a smirk as he observed my features with the same attention a sculptor might have given his subject. “Thought I’d wait patiently until you were done. Took so long I fell asleep.” A huge, brown, leather jacket lined with fur served to make his figure even larger, but the rest of his clothing was unmatched and messy, albeit in a charming way. The delicious drawl of his voice made me shiver, but his lupine gaze had me guarded. “So, you’re the one he was talking to?” He asked me a question but no words came to mind. He wasn’t letting go. I wasn’t sure if I even wanted him to. Then, as if waking up from a drowsy stupor, he realized the provocative position we were in. With one hand pushing him up to the ground, and the other supporting my back, we were finally upright. At my wide-eyed expression, he chuckled warmly and murmured an apologetic “scusa” in a deep Italian accent, “Did I surprise you?” 
I nodded wordlessly. 
He hummed again, “heh. Your words. They match the look on your face. How adorable.” His arm lingered around my waist, and at our close proximity, I caught the pleasant aroma of tobacco lingering on his clothes. 
“And here he is. The last of our residents.” Le Comte emerged from his office with a fond sigh. 
“Hmm? Are we introducing ourselves now? I’m Leonardo da Vinci.” 
“Along with Sebastian and myself, nine of these great historical figures reside in this mansion.” Le Comte finally concluded with the introductions. 
Leonardo ran a gloved hand through his brown hair, his voice tinged with that rough, sleepy quality, “I don’t know what happened, but your luck ran out for you to have wound up in a place like this.” 
“W-why would you say that?” 
“Simply put, Cara Mia, I don’t think you’re going to enjoy it here.” 
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Chapter IV: Somnum Exterreri
It was not only the residents of the Count’s mansion that relayed the passage of time with the shadow-cleft moon. Ropes of moonlight from the High Gothic windows of the church illuminated the hallways, leaving behind the shadow of a darkly cloaked figure. The innocent humming of an old Romanian lullaby betrayed the blood-eyed creature with the heavy boots traversing the light. The snow-skinned creature gazed at the laughing crescent moon, the light reflected off his softly lucent smile. 
His childlike voice contrasted the vile thoughts that swirled behind his blood eyes, “Though it is doomed to the ugliness of utter obliteration, it remains such a beautiful world.” The man, if he could even be called that, crossed under the nave, where two shadows at the end stood obediently waiting. His eyes remained on the cruel moon, but his words were directed to his companions; they were used to his dream-like antics. “Have you seen it? The crescent moon is so beautiful tonight. Let us look at it together. Faust. Charles.” 
The imposing and brutal figure of a priest cast his cold gaze on the man. A frosty German voice muttered in distaste, “...Hmph. All the time at your disposal and you waste it in folly, Lord Vlad? We should make the church an almshouse if it’s to host the senile.” 
A great contrast to the priest Faust, the syrupy voice of Charles-Henri rose up in defence of their master, “Docteur, le Voïvode wasn’t idle, you know that. He was simply doing his job as a florist.” Charles was luscious candy personified; fluffy locks and innocently dressed with a cherub face and a sinful smile. “I’d love a job like that! So many pretty living flowers that all smell so nice and everyone loves you for what you do.” He turned to his friend, Faust, with a gleaming naïvete, “I want to be loved like that! I want everyone to love me more and more…” 
“You do the word ‘love’ no favours, muttering it constantly like a curse. Hungering for it like a depraved beggar. Then again, you do the very concept no favours, you mercurial nagetier.” 
Charles playfully interjects in a sing-song tone, “We humans need love. We crave it. It’s one of our most moral desires.” 
“Did I hear you say ‘we’ — and ‘human?’” 
The creature the two called ‘Lord Vlad’ hunched over in laughter. 
“Euer Hochgeboren?” Faust asked. 
“...Did something I just said make you laugh?” Charles questioned. 
“I simply remember how easy it is to forget my troubles around you two,” Vlad fondly answered, “then I remember how even the good times are destined to come to an end and I become sad.” 
“You feel sadness?” 
“I do. I feel sadness for the moon in the sky, the flowers in the soil, and the humans who walk between them in ignorance. I want to protect them all so they don’t have to ever feel that way.” 
“You love humans more than anything, don’t you, Voïvode?” Charles giggled. 
“Of course. I love them more than anything.” 
He who felt nothing but love, only love, looked out the window and up to the beloved moon. However, it was not just the moon his depthless blood eyes saw, but something beyond sight. More than human eyes can capture. 
“I’m in love with the world. That’s why as the unwilting flower called a vampire, I must bear this garden into eternity.” The vampire’s confession of love was released into the darkness, a promise that his beloved subjects were unaware of, with only the cruel moon to bear witness. 
Finally, I’m alone. The fluffy white sheets of the bed that Le Comte provided for me enveloped me in their plush embrace. I sank onto the bed in bliss, gaslighting myself into believing this was simply a hotel in present-day Paris, and not a mansion full of history’s greatest figures. I closed my eyes and the image of my worried aunt flashed in my head. I can picture her panicking at the Parisian police and contacting my mother and father. I can see my younger sibling, eyes brimming with tears at the thought that their sister was in danger. My family… My best friend’s face appeared next, her livid voice demanding where I was and why I’d left her. If only this was all a dream. I was willing to accept that I’d travelled back in time with everything I was shown. But the fact that I’d just had dinner with a bunch of time-travelling artists and scientists and musicians? It was harder to believe. I tried to recount everyone I’d met—if they were all truly who they said they were, I’d be damned not to remember. 
Vincent van Gogh, the gentle angel who paints masterpieces.
His brother Theodorus, the enterprising devil that sells them. The brothers were complete opposites, but they seemed incredibly close nonetheless.  
The frivolous playboy, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, who created the beloved character, Sherlock Holmes. 
The indulgent charlatan, Osamu Dazai, who penned “No Longer Human.” They were both attention-grabbing, seemingly overcompensating for a secret they were hiding.
Sir Isaac Newton, who was so shy he couldn’t look me in the eye. He was legendary in name, but his presence seemed so small.
Jean d’Arc, who I haven’t met. I couldn’t even picture what she’d—he’d be like.
“Heh. Your words, they match the look on your face. That’s rare.” The dulcet voice of Leonardo da Vinci made me lose myself so easily, but what did his last words mean?
“...As if the banquet wasn’t bad enough.” Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, who made the most beautiful music but had the most rotten attitude. 
And of course, my saviour, Napoleon Bonaparte. The one who tried so hard to rescue me, and protected me until the very end. But what was he protecting me from? 
I couldn’t picture any of them trying to fool me, and honestly, they all seemed so earnest. Besides, what would any of them gain from lying to me? I wasn’t anyone influential or wealthy; there would be no benefit to keeping me here. Having realized all of that, the reality of my situation finally came into perspective. All of this is real. 
“I need to stop thinking,” I muttered to myself. Even though it was midday for me, the crescent moon outside my window brought a wave of drowsiness over my body. I slipped off my jacket and kicked off my shoes across the room. My foolish outfit, what was all of this for? I think back to this morning when I was getting ready in front of my vanity in the hotel with my aunt—joking between ourselves. It wasn’t so long ago and yet everything was so different now. My room had an ornate little vanity by the window, with a mirror that had engravings around it and empty drawers underneath. I sat before it and saw my reflection—my makeup was the same as before, but my face looked as if I’d aged ten years from exhaustion. The glint of my amethyst earrings caught my attention; these stupid earrings that got me in this predicament. Le Comte’s golden eyes flashed in my head—those depthless glinting eyes that I could get lost so easily in. Removing them from my ears, I threw them down on the vanity and stalked towards the bed, my bed now, I suppose. Not even a minute in, the heavy embrace of sleep wrapped around me and pressed me down on the bed. 
The soft crumple of the thick duvet woke me up. Blinking open my eyes, the bleariness showed me the crescent moon beaming down on my room, stretching the shadows. I thought nothing of it until I heard the creak of the bed frame. What the hell? Every drop of blood in my body turned ice cold. Someone else was in the room with me. And they were on the bed. 
“W-who’s there?” 
My eyes cleared and showed the shadowed figure crawling from the foot of my bed. It isn’t safe here at all. I lurched upright, but the figure shoved me back down on the sheets. They crawled on top of me, the heavy figure pushing down my arms away from my body. I was fully trapped. 
“Don’t move.” Their whisper felt like a serpent slithering up my body. Their breath was in my ear. They stopped, and for a few seconds, I wondered if I could force it off of me. Suddenly, sharp teeth sank into my neck. 
A pain unlike any other surged from my neck throughout my entire body. And then, the pain quickly subsided and turned into something indescribable. It’s so… hot. My limbs felt like lead; as if they weren’t my own anymore. Heat flickered across my vision like the fading of a desert mirage. Each warm breath that billowed over my neck made the heat even stronger. A strange longing manifested inside of me, the same emotion I felt when I looked into Le Comte and Leonardo’s eyes. It felt intoxicating. I tried to scream, but instead, a groan laden with ecstasy sounded out. I felt the heat in my core, a slow throbbing pulse that edged me further into blind pleasure. I need to snap out of it! I struggled to open my eyes, which had been rolling back in bliss. Dark red rose petals strung around my bed, snapping me out of my stupor. These weren’t rose petals… They came from me. Blood… That’s my blood! The sight sent my head spinning, but before I lost myself in the void, I heard the figure’s voice. 
“I want it all. Your body, your heart… and your destiny.” NO!
I scrambled out of bed, furiously grasping at my neck. No blood on my fingers, no puncture wound on my neck. My gaze wildly darted around the room. Empty. No shadowed figure. No one who bit me. 
“There’s no one here,” I cried out in relief. That felt too real. My fingers shook as they clutched the sheets. I was shivering. My throat was dry from sleep. My mouth felt balmy, and when I tried to move, everything felt heavy. I need water. 
Though it was difficult to navigate, I retraced the steps I took from the room to Le Comte’s office, and eventually to the kitchen. There were electric lamps that illuminated the room. Sebastian was still up, washing the dishes. After that nightmare, the sight of him almost brought me relief. My footsteps caught his attention, and he turned around.
“Is something the matter?” He asked in concern. Perhaps my appearance exemplified how I felt. 
“Could I bother you for some water?” Sebastian quickly poured me a glass. He guided me to a small table and sat me down, taking the chair beside me. His inquisitive glance obliged me to share my problem. He listened patiently as I recounted my nightmare, leaving out the more inappropriate aspects. “There was someone in my dream,” I began. I told him how this figure was and how he held me down to bite my neck. “...sort of like a vampire would,” I finished. Having confided in someone else alleviated the heaviness in my head. In fact, the more I told him about the dream, the sillier I felt. “Dreams can feel so real at the moment, but talking about them afterwards shows you how absurd they can be,” I chuckled humourlessly. Sebastian didn’t indulge in my laughter. Instead, he seemed quiet in thought. I grew worried he thought I was prattling on. “Anyway, thank you for listening to my silly dream. I hope you don’t find me childish for dreaming about vampires.”
“I don’t find you crazy, nor do I believe it was just a silly dream,” Sebastian unexpectedly replied. My brows furrowed. “Indeed, it’s a good sign.”
“How is my bad dream a good sign?” 
“I believe you saw that dream because you’re here in this mansion.” 
“I’m sorry, I’m not sure I understand.”
“The dream serves as a warning… That you are to give them neither your body nor your heart.” A pang of unease hit me. This must be the foreboding feeling I had earlier. This must be the reason why even the kindest residents seemed to be hiding a terrible secret. 
“The residents of this mansion, everyone you’ve met tonight…” 
“No,” I whispered under my breath.
“They are exactly what you saw in your dream. They are all vampires.” 
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etheries1015 · 1 year
As long as you don't mind, maybe Theo, Arthur, Charles and Shakespeare comforting a fem! S/O going through a emotional flashback?(where you feel the old emotions, but it doesn't feel like you're there there; I know for me I get really dissociated during/after and stim nonstop while blasting music to help ground). Only if you're up for it of course and it's something you'd feel comfy writing ❤️ Thank you so much lovely!
Oh my gosh slay my first ikevamp request thank you this is such a good idea!! I hope you don't mind I implemented a scenario I feel would be a relatable emotional experience: somebody brings up your family, friends, or past loved ones, and you can't help but think back at your life before and begin to spiral and question your choices.
Ikemen Vampire x reader - How they comfort you
Featuring: Theo, Arthur, Shakespeare, Charles
TW: Descriptions of disassociation and (very mild) panic attacks.
General warnings: Fem pronouns, not too in-depth but I hope it's still okay!
Theo I would say is not particularly the best at comforting, and does it in more of a round about way. However he can't help but need to do something....you're far too distracted while on the job. He had you come along with a few business deals with artists and nobles, and one specific thing a noble had said to you made you begin to think.
"Ah! Theo, and the lovely lady (y/n)! I've heard you have been established as a couple now, correct? Great for you! I'm sure your family must be happy you're with someone as stand up as good old theodorus here, huh?" One of the artists you had the pleasure of meeting blurted out. He hadnt meant anything by it and you knew this, however this was the start of you spiraling. The remaining amount of time you spent out and about with theo involved your eyes wandering to the ground, barely blinking while he led you by holding your hand. Your strides were slow and sluggish, and you had barely spoken a word ever since that incident. Finally you returned back to the mansion after he had finally called it a day, theo practically dragging you to his bedroom.
"What's going on with you hondje?" His eyebrows furrowed, "you've been weird ever since-" he stopped short of his sentence when he noticed tears filling your eyes which were colorless, your body slumping on the bed while you tried to distract yourself from the tears by picking at your nails. You simply shook your head, the words unable to form into coherent sentences thus silence was the best option for you. Theo didnt hesitate to wrap his strong arms around you and immediately begin to rub circles on your back, not pushing you any further to share what was going on.
He was content in the silence with you, he was a patient enough man to allow you to return to yourself in your own terms. Although he was gruff and often seen as outwardly brash and rough, however he knows when to hold back his often difficult attitude. Thus the next hour was him simply holding you in his arms, your light sobs soon evening out as you drifted into a slumber within his strong grasp. After laying you gently upon the bed, Theo made sure to take the following day off, for he knew he must dedicate that time to you.
You had began to make preparations for your wedding with Arthur, one of those things of course being a wedding dress. There were so many to choose from, and on top of being stressed about the whole ordeal and your anxiety creeping in, one of the tailors who were measuring you had nonchalantly said, "Oh dear, your parents must be ecstatic! Now tell me, where are they now? Shouldn't your mother at least be here for you while finding a dress for her precious daughters wedding?" You hesitated before gently responding to her that your mother lived abroad and you communicated by letter, and the woman quickly dropped the topic with a quick apology. The room suddenly felt thick and heavy, your chest tightened as you forced the tears that brimmed your eyes back. It wasn't until you stepped into the mansion after your dress endeavors, quickly rushing past any of the residents without so much as a "Hello." Its not as if you really noticed anyone anyways, your peripheral vision blurred and you felt numb. Any voices you heard drowened out, your mind wandering elsewhere. You wanted to be alone, you wanted to burry your face into your knees and try to cry, to forget the world exists, and fade away. you didnt feel real right now, you didnt feel like...you.
"Love!" You heard a familiar voice break you out or your trance, and panic began to set in.
Oh no.
You began to walk faster, 'don't cry don't cry don't cry don't cry,' you kept telling yourself, 'If I see him, I will definitely cry.' And just as you had suspected, Arthur quickly caught up to you and grabbed your arm gently, a look of concern in his deep blue eyes. Your walls had cracked and the floodgates poured. He immediately pulled you into a tight embrace, swaying with you in his arms from side to side as you sobbed into his chest. Before long he was pulling you into his bedroom, instructing you to lay on his bed. He covered you gently with blankets and had gotten you water (and himself some coffee, of course.) He tried to get you to tell him what was wrong but knows better than to force you to talk. So, instead, he will lie down next to you caressing your hair. Your breathing began to even out, the repeated feeling of his gentle touch had calmed you down. You then spend the next few hours talking out your issues while Arthur peppered your face and jawline with kisses and continued to give you as much support as he possibly could.
"Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo? Deny thy father and refuse thy name. Or if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love and I'll no longer be a Capulet!"
The familiar line rang in your ears as the play went on, yet another rendition of your boyfriends ever so popular "Romeo and Juliet." However, this time, the words drowned out and you found yourself staring blankly at the stage. You could see blurred lines moving around in act, and words that were being called out as the play continued forward. Yet you were not listening to any of it. Memories of the past had bubbled up into your mind instead, memories of reading Romeo and Juliet for the first time, perhaps studying Shakespeare with your classmates in school, plays that would take place in your world, and faces of people you were once familar with playing those roles. You began to feel numb, devoid of emotions, living in the past without noticing Shakespeare had lay his hand upon your own in obvious concern.
"(Y/n)," he whispered into your ear, "what ails you, my love? Be not afraid to confide in me, let free that in which plagues thy mind," he coaxed. You let out a trembling sigh and simply shook your head in an indication that you had no intention to explain it right now, it wasn't the time or place, nor were you in the right headspace. He let out a slight sigh and rubbed his thumb loving over your knuckles whilst resuming his gaze on the stage, your mind wandering off once again in those memories now turned sour.
Once you had returned home to the villa, Shakespeare attempting to speak to you in the carriage left him feeling uneasy. You seemed far off, looking out of the window while responding in small one-word increments that left him mildly frustrated. Finally unable to contain the annoyance of being brushed off and failing to get you to speak to him, he had decided to grab your wrists and pin you to the bed, his eyes staring into your own with a hint of annoyance along with the overwhelming concern in his furrowed brows. he was about to demand you tell him what was possibly going on, however sudden movement caused you to finally break down, the tears that had been building up poured over and you began to sob. Any sign of annoyance was quickly replaced by pure panic and love, he removed his hands from your wrists immediately and pressed you into his chest. While smoothing your hair down he spoke poems into your ears, trying his best to distract you from whatever was bothering you. An hour went by and he had recited many of the lines from his plays, not even noticing you had ended up falling asleep within his arms... When you awoke you would find yourself comfortably tucked into bed, a cup of tea and little desserts awaiting you with your lover sitting and reading over a script. He wasn't particularly a patient one...however for you, he was willing to do anything to make it all better.
You weren't into it this time, the kisses he places along your jawline and hands lovingly caressing your sides didn't leave you shivering in pleasure per usual. You were staring up at the ceiling, eyes void and staring out into space, laying still while your boyfriend halted his sensual advances. He furrowed his eyebrows in concern and lifted his head to reach your gaze as he hovered over you.
"(Y/n)?" Charles asked with a tremble in his voice, "are you...okay? Am I not doing a good job? I'm sorry I-" you interrupted him with a sigh and a shaking hand pressing up against his chest, pushing him gently enough for him to understand to remove himself from on top of you. You sat up with your shoulders slumped over and your hair obscuring your peripheral vision and staring down at your hands.
"I just..." You choked out, "just...remembering some stuff," you said, "don't wanna talk about it..." Your voice was barely above a whisper, yet the lack of animation in your movements and tone had strongly caused Charles to worry. He planted a kiss on the top of your head before removing himself from the bed, putting his shirt back on and buttoning it up.
"Well...then you just rest for now, and I will be back with some food! Food always makes things better," He said with attempted enthusiasm. You had not replied. With a sad smile, Charles kissed your forehead once more before leaving you to your own devices, understanding that you may need some space in order to collect your thoughts and feelings. When he had returned, you had covered yourself with blankets. He tried to resist the urge to set down anything and everything and bombard you with a tight squeeze, instead, he gently lay the food upon the tablet in the room, taking a seat next to you as your light sobs were not gone unnoticed by his ears. Charles removed the blanket from the top of your head, cooing in your ear, "I have food here for you, and tea made fresh by yours truly...would you try it, please?" He asked, puppy eyes to try and lure you out. You simply shook your head. With a defeated sigh Charles resorted to humming a tune and drawing circles on your back, he felt your trembling begin to come to a halt and your breathing evening out.
He knew when you were ready and able to confide in him, he was going to smother you with as much of his love as he possibly could. Perhaps together you could learn to forget both of your worries of the past for a little while...
Bonus: Imagine Mozart just playing piano for you. you're crying softly but he doesn't mind, he just continues to play until it eventually lulls you into a gentle sleep. He isn't good at comforting, but his music can convey how he feels about you.
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yanderepuck · 1 year
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Welcome to my blog~
I only write for Ikemen Vampire, but I'd like to let you know that this isn't a fandom blog, it is a personal blog, its just that Ikemen Vampire has been my hyperfixation for the last four years so that's really all that is on here.
I really appreciate it if you could comment and reblog the work of mine that you like so that I can keep writing for you guys.
Commission info
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Napoleon Mozart Leonardo Vincent Theo Arthur Isaac Jean Dazai Shakespeare Comte Sebastian Vlad Faust Charles Drake Galileo
Headcanons for All Things that might as well be canon The Pets
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Trying sushi When mom and dad aren't home Charles x Vincent Platonic: Part 1 - Part 2 Vincent x Dazai Platonic: Part 1 - Part 2 Will x Vincent genderbend Evil Trio group chat Everyone is babies Hunter AU Sword lessons The guys in Twisted Wonderland dorms Me snapping their suspenders Mc with mental illness Secret Santa
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Spicy things Masterlist Just Writer Trio Things Masterlist Pirate AU Masterlist Kiss Event Lines Masterlist Sleepwalking Isaac Masterlist Depressed Vincent Masterlist Charles Route Release Campaign Ikevamp OC Masterlist OC Masterpost Catboy Cafe AU: Part 1 - Part 2 - Mini Story - Cafe Layout Salai Route Masterlist
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How old the guys were when they died How their ages work Vincent's Romantic Life: Part 1 - Part 2 Drake's route chapter 1&2 / Drake's Route chapter 23&24 Why doesn't Leonardo like Will? So how old are the purebloods?
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No one believes each other They actually have vampire abilities No one understands French - Bonus I - Bonus II They have a social media following Mc is a pureblood - Bonus I Mc has an underfunded American public education
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Who is eating the peas with their fish and chips Coffee or Tea? Biting Jude Canon vs Fanon heights
Free to use character sheet
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welp-back-on-my-bs · 2 months
Disability prideeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
IkeVamp x PTSD reader♡
You loved to travel, it got you away from your memories. From the incident.
When you made it trough the door, traveling trough time into the past. Meeting historical figures all liveing together. Maybe your past can die while staying here?
Napolean no matter what allways treated you with kindness and care. His smile was enough to comfort you and reassure you about. If he sees anything that makes you upset, he takes note and either warns you or makes sure it dosent happen. Sebastian is quite helpful when it comes to your triggers. If you ever wanted to try to get trough them, he will be by your side every step of the way.
Mozart is often quiet, but he does pay attention to you and how you act. One of his songs sound like one of your attacks, it was quite horrifying if you're bejng honest. But, you also felt understood when he plays that song. He would be there if you need s one to cry to, cheer you up, motivate you, anything.
Leonardo does his part in makeing sure you feel safe. He does whatever little ritual you need to help you feel safe. He even sleeps outside your door to protect you.
Arthur was quick to recognize your symptoms, and easily empathize with you. He staves off his wants to help you feel safe and cared for. He is one of the first people who comes to your aid whenever you need it. He really loves you for you, no matter the scars within either of your pasts.
Vincint absolutely understands you when you're at your worst. He has been there too. He gives you some tools to help you express yourself. It dosent matter what it is, it dosent matter if it's even on his level. He would tell you it was amazing
Theodore is a professional hype man, he isn't the best wirh comfort. But if he hears you say a word of you talking negatively about yourself, he stops you quickly. He then goes on about everything that makes you amazing, every. Little. Detail. Maybe even giveing little kisses while he comforts you.
Issac comes at it cold, but kindly. He allwayd makes sure you remeber the facts about the situation you're in and to be sure you KNOW you are safe. He would hold you if you wished to be held, or whatever you need of him he will do.
Jean also suffers from some PTSD (like some of the others) and is quite open about when he is suffering and needs to be left alone. So he is going to be SURE your boundaries are respected. Gard boi along side Napolean
Shakespeare listens to your tale, his wishes to know all types of tragedies. So he learns about the tragedy of being by someone you loves side and can barely do anything with their broken peices. But he does what he can to support you, his bun is also there for cuddles too.
Dazai is protective of you, he foment let strangers around you if he can help it. You do get stolen away for random chaos and to have some fun and a sence of freedom and home. He is also a good listener if you need to vent to him
Saint Germain needs to be convinced to not go and obliterate whoever harmed you. Papa bear mode activated. So if he can't take care of what happend, he will take care of you then and there. He made sure you allways had access to atleast one of your (healthy) copeing mechanisms. He would RARELY let you have access to drugs and alcohol, worried about that downward spiral since he knows things of the 'present'.
Sebastian has Notes on your triggers, likes, dislikes, and safe people. He does refernce them and makes sure that you are comfortable at all times.
Vlad gets very worried when you have an attack, but he often just pulls you close whispering "I have you... you're safe...." anythjng he can to calm you. He has you hold flowers for the two of you to make flower crowns for eachother. Also has to be held back fro going to the 'present' for murder
Charles does what he can to keep you happy. He does whatever you want that day, just spending his whole day with you. Just so you can have someone at your side to make you feel safe.
Faust probably asks questions and let's you let everything out. He is going to talk things out with you logically. If you are still panicking, he'll do some tests on you, to distract you on your worries in your mind and focious more on the present.
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cloudcountry · 1 year
unconventional otome game love interest traits each guy would have
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ikemen vampire . . .
guessing their love languages (headcanons of the mansion residents. ~450 words.) — guessing their love language based on the very little information i have about them oops
yearning (isaac newton x reader. ~1k words.) — you fall asleep on isaac's shoulder while he's working.
lipstick marks (mozart, arthur, vincent, & isaac x reader. ~400 words) — you leave a lipstick mark on him, how scandalous!!!
an artist's dilemma (vincent x reader. ~500 words) — vincent sees a masterpiece in you.
painting with vincent (vincent x reader. ~300 words) — after a long day, you find solace in vincent.
lover of flowers (arthur & isaac x reader. ~1k words) — arthur is enamored with the reserved florist & isaac stumbles about her.
hair clips are my love language (ikevamp characters headcanons. ~800 words) — giving the suitors some of my hair accessories.
comte and a vampire hunter (comte de saint germain x reader. ~500 words) — you run into comte (or rather, he runs into you) after you kill a vampire.
mozart & the wire brooch (mozart x reader. ~250 words) — you give mozart a gift.
vlad and the florist (vlad x reader. ~250 words) — it seems you and the florist you met a long time ago have the same idea.
cooking with will (shakespeare x reader. ~300 words) — you teach will how to find his way around the one room in his villa he never uses: the kitchen.
bakery date with theo (theodorus x reader. ~300 words) — theo "takes you out for a walk." (read: takes you out on a date to a bakery.)
baking an apple pie (isaac newton x reader. ~450 words) — Isaac's been working hard lately, so you take Arthur's advice and make him a tasty treat!!
little things they love about you (suitors x reader. ~1,000 words) — the little things they love about you.
shakespearean serenades (shakespeare x reader. ~600 words) — theo yells at you to wrangle your lover. said lover is trying his best to serenade you.
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ikemen prince . . .
self care (yves kloss x reader. ~1k words.) — you're supposed to be doing your skin care routine right now, but teasing yves sounds much more appealing.
small moments with rio (rio ortiz x reader. ~500 words.) — sweet moments with rio C:
guessing their love languages (headcanons of the ikepri characters. ~600 words.) — guessing their love language based on the very little information i have about them oops
dance with me (clavis lelouch x reader. ~400 words.) — you dance with clavis in the rain.
breakfast for you (clavis & yves x reader. ~300 words.) — yves is trying to make you breakfast, but clavis has other plans.
unusual protection (clavis lelouch x reader. ~350 words.) — clavis takes the fall for you, and you're left wondering why.
snowed in with clavis (clavis lelouch x reader. ~1,000 words.) — you get snowed in with clavis. shenanigans ensue.
christmas cookies to save kingdom! (gilbert von obsidian x reader. ~800 words.) — you and gilbert make christmas cookies together!!
sledding with cyran (cyran rose x reader. ~400 words.) — you go sledding with cyran.
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ikemen revolution . . .
pet names (zero, edgar, kyle, & harr x reader. ~400 words.) — you call some of the ikerev suitors a pet name for the first time.
the winter itch (kyle ash x reader. ~300 words.) — you call on your favorite doctor to help you out with some chilly problems.
happy birthday (blanc & kyle x reader. ~400 words.) — blanc and kyle attend your after party. (a birthday gift for vivi!!)
soft kyle ash (kyle ash x reader. ~350 words.) — soft kyle ash, your favorite doctor.
the black army pines (black army x reader. ~350 words.) — some mildly embarrassing things that have happened to you while a certain black army member was pining for you.
baking with luka (luka clemence x reader. ~400 words.) — you decorate a gingerbread house with luka.
decorating with zero (zero x reader. ~500 words.) — you and zero put up holiday decorations in red army headquarters together.
love like a heart is no love at all (edgar bright x reader. ~2,000 words.) — edgar contemplates you.
over and over again (blanc lapin x reader. ~2,000 words.) — to blanc, you are the change he needed, and your pressing secret won't change that.
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ikemen villains . . .
shopping with ellis (ellis twilight x reader. ~300 words.) — you ask ellis to come shopping with you, and he agrees.
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ikemen sengoku . . .
hot springs (yoshimoto x reader. ~350 words.) — you visit the hot springs with yoshimoto.
you are the world (mitsunari x reader. ~1000 words.) — domestic bliss with your husband, mitsunari!!
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mystic messenger . . .
snowball fight for love! (saeyoung choi x reader. ~500 words.) — you take saeyoung completely off guard with a snowball to the back of the head!
jaehee on your birthday (jaehee kang x reader. 360 words.) — jaehee celebrates your birthday!!
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not-krys · 9 months
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It's that time again! Time to count up all the words and reflect upon the past year.
And, friends, let me just say I'm really super happy with this years numbers, probably the biggest numbers I've seen in a long time.
This year, I had a new years resolution to post at least 1 writing thing per month, no matter its finished state, thus putting out a lot of WIP Wednesdays this year.
But, along with doing all those WIP Wednesdays, I found I was finishing more writing things this year because of it and... it's kind of amazing to see the progress across this year.
For previous Writing Summaries: 2020 2021 2022
For this year's art summary, click here!
And, as always, my masterlist, to see all my fics in one place!
Now, without further ado, let's crunch some numbers!
Posted Works to tumblr/ao3: 10
-The Traveling Adventures of Mister Fox and Miss Mouse [IkeSen AU, Mitsuhide x fem!Reader]: 986
-Happy Birthday, Vincent [Ikemen Vampire, Vincent x Abby (OC), NSFW]: 856
-Family Picnic [Ikemen Vampire, Vincent x Abby (OC)]: 1,021
-No Time [Ikemen Prince, Rio x Clara (OC)]: 1,110
-Bittersweet [Obey Me, Lucifer x Miri (OC)]: 1,975
-The Traveling Adventures of Mister Fox and Miss Mouse Part 2 [Ikemen Sengoku, Mitsuhide x fem!Reader]: 2,487
-Birthday Carrots [Ikemen Prince, Nokto x Clara (OC)]: 221
-Reaching Out [Ikemen Vampire, Vincent x Abby (OC)]: 2599
-Kitchen Talks [Obey Me, Solomon & Miri (OC)]: 1,050
-First Kicks [Ikemen Vampire, Vincent x Abby (OC)]: 1,649
Total Word Count on Published Fanfics: 13,954
Published WIPs (That were written in 2023 or Updated in 2023): 19
-Starvation [IkeSeries OCs; Houki, Abby, Maddie, Clara, Ophelia]: 1,716
-Love [IkeSeries and Obey Me OCs]: 2,449
-Grey [Ikemen Vampire; Shakespeare, Vincent x Abby (OC)]: 391
-No Time [Ikemen Prince, Ikemen Vampire; Rio x Clara, Arthur x Thea (OC)]: 1,012
-Nurture [Ikemen Revolution; Harr x Maddie (OC)]: 588
-Nurture [Ikemen Sengoku, Ikemen Vampire; Houki (OC) x Mitsunari, Ophelia (OC), Theo and Arthur, background Vincent x Abby (OC)]: 2,020
-Father [Ikemen Sengoku, Ikemen Vampire, Ikemen Prince, Obey Me; Houki (OC), Thea (OC) x Arthur x Theo, Vincent x Abby (OC), Clara (OC) & Mr. Akatsuki, Miri (OC) and Lucifer]: 2,375
-Flowers [Ikemen Vampire, Ikemen Revolution, Ikemen Prince; Abby (OC) & Vlad, Maddie (OC) & Loki, Clara (OC) & Silvio]: 1,227
-Introduction [Ikemen Sengoku, Ikemen Vampire, Ikemen Prince; Nobunaga & Houki (OC), Vincent & Abby (OC), Nokto & Clara (OC)]: 1,137
-Are You Challenging Me? [Ikemen Sengoku, Ikemen Vampire, Obey Me; Nobunaga & Houki (OC), Arthur & Isaac & Abby (OC), Lucifer & Miri (with minor appearances of other obey me characters]: 855
-Askbox Trick or Treat [Obey Me; Lucifer]: 254
-Askbox Trick or Treat [Ikemen Sengoku; Mitsuhide]: 157
-Askbox Trick or Treat [Ikemen Sengoku; Masamune]: 373
-Perfect Strangers [Ikemen Vampire; Comte]: 839
-Abandoned [Ikemen Prince, Obey Me; Clara (OC) & Rio, Leviathan & Miri (OC)]: 1,358
-Nobububu 2.0 [Ikemen Sengoku; Nobunaga]: 636
-Diavolo and Miri Snippet [Obey Me; Diavolo x Miri (OC)]: 389
-Unfinished Fictober 2023 Houki and Mitsunari [Ikemen Sengoku; Mitsunari x Houki (OC)]: 216
-Sugar and Spice and…? [Ikemen Vampire; Comte x Leonardo x Preg!Reader, NSFW]: 1,127
Total Word Count on Published WIPs (That were written or updated in 2023): 19,119
Unpublished WIPs (that were written in 2023): 1
-A Second Glance Part 5: 1,147
Total Word Count on Creative Works for 2023: 34,220
Essays/Commentary/Asks/Etc: 21
-Ikemen Series Tier List: 225
-Fanfic Writer Asks (Lorei): 371
-Three Characters, One Number Ask (Lorei): 722
-Fic Writer Asks (Lorei): 679
-Fanfic Writer Asks (Emojis, Lorei): 295
-Fanfic Writer Asks (Emojis, Mo): 248
-Let's Get Real Fanfic Writers (Lorei): 396
-Let's Get Real Fanfic Writers Asks (Scummy): 520
-Who Do You Ship Me With (Mo): 82
-Why Do You Follow Me? (Lorei): 512
-Character Opinion (Lorei): 317
-Fanfic Writer Emoji Asks (Mo): 468
-4th Anniversary Questionaire Ikevamp Edition: 1252
-OC Number Asks (Anng): 728
-Send a 💌 and I'll tell you something I love about you (Lorei): 78
-Writer's Truth or Dare (Scummy): 226
-Different Universe, Same Universe 2023 Ask (Julie): 154
-Napo Birthday Asks 1: 160
-What Ideas get completed and posted? (Scummy): 199
-Getting a comment on my old fic: 214
-Uncommon Questions for Your OCs (Houki and Clara, original and my reblog): 799
Total Word Count on Essays, Commentary, Asks, etc: 8645
Total Word Count for 2023: 42,865
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Thanks for all the good times this year and I hope we can bring this kind of energy into the new year too!
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ikewhores · 1 year
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☆.。.:* welcome to our blog! here are the rules and our self intos, this blog is run by 3 people. by reading our work and interacting with us we assume you’re aware of this and have read our rules/introduction <3
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@ajaxsbeloved (navy) name; lee pronouns; any favorite characters; shakespeare, napoleon, mozart etc; dms are always open <3!!
@scarasweetheart (purple) name; aurelius (lius) pronouns; he/it/moon favorites; mozart, comte, vincent etc; literary genius but god nerfed me w all kinds of creative blocks
@riviifetish (icey blue) name; stanford (ford) pronouns; they/he/vex/mx.  favorites; leonardo, dazai, vlad, napoleon etc; surprisingly a lesbian
rules; - all ikevamp suitors are available for requests! we write them all but some more than others due to personal bias and/or lack of knowledge on characters - character x reader only  - smut + nsfw 100% allowed and encouraged - angst + fluff also allowed - no pedophillia, necrophillia, incest, lolitcon/shotacon, etc - no vore or extremely violent acts (especially in nsfw work) - please let us know if you want a specific author to write your request! - nonrequest in inbox is welcomed and encouraged
before you follow; - we will 100% be inconsistent with our writing and may even leave the blog untouched for numerous days/weeks/months -because there are 3 of us, our writing styles WILL be different but you will be able to see who has written what based on our signature colors :)  - lee is the blog owner so lius and ford may not get to your ask/request right away! if lee sees your ask/request in the inbox they’ll inform the others so that there’s no cross-answering 
*・῾ ᵎ⌇✧.* thank you for taking the time to read our introduction and rules! please dm us or send us an ask if you have any questions <3
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fang-and-feather · 1 year
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by  @xxsycamore and @queengiuliettafirstlady
Day 2 - Angels and Demons AU and Day 5 - Forbidden Love AU
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Time with You
Ikemen Vampire - Shakespeare x Vincent
This wasn't on my initial plans for this event. It was supposed to be a project for next month, but I was surprisingly inspired and finished this way early - most like got my burst of inspiration interrupted but realized it still fit this event's prompts and thought it complete enough to fit with most of my fics for this event, a small scene of a much bigger project I may or may not write in full in the future.
First time actually writing a M/M fic without, even if background, polyamory (although my first plan was a triad fic with MC that I still plan on writing next month). It had to be an AU as far removed from canon as I could (and yet not enough) but I managed to do it.
This is one of the pairings suggested to me months ago that I never took for a test-drive fic, but this specific instance was inspired by @yanderepuck.
Despite the dramatic prompts this scene is just a short bit of fluff.
Also first time writing Will. Getting him and especially his dialog in character is still a work in progress (especially with how sleepy I was while editing it)...
AO3 Link / IkeVamp Masterlist / General Masterlist
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Will looked over at Vincent, who’d fallen asleep snuggled up to him, and combed his fingers through the angel’s golden locks.
Maintaining a physical manifestation like they did required regular rest, which he was sure Vincent hadn’t been getting while he worked on one more of his art projects.
Will was much the same sometimes, when deeply focused on his craft, so he understood.
He enjoyed the simple act of having Vincent by his side like this. Every moment they had together was precious. When had he fallen so helplessly in love?
“To think someone like thee could capture mine heart in such a way. How mine darkened soul craves the warmth of thy light, and I wish to trap thee hither with me, far from these misguided angels.”
Placing a soft kiss on Vincent’s forehead, Will shifted enough to pick him up and carry him to bed. Vincent was slightly taller, but his body was light. But when Will tried to set him down, Vincent woke up.
“Will?” Vincent tried to blink away sleep as he sat up, Will sitting by his aide. He looked around, confused, before realizing where he was. “Oh. I’m sorry, Will. I was the one who visited you, yet I was napping.”
“Rest as thee needeth, Vincent. I don’t mind. I enjoy thy company either way. I wilt head to town and procure some ingredients so we can at least dine together and thee can sleep in the meantime.”
“No.” Vincent shook his head and rubbed his eyes. “I want to go shopping with you. I like when we can go out together. It’s just… sometimes I forget I need rest in this form, so…” Vincent smiled, sheepishly “do you mind if I sleep here with you tonight? I know I’ll rest well then.”
Will pulled Vincent closer and gently brought their foreheads together, then reached to caress his cheek.
“T’would beest mine pleasure to has’t thy company for the remainder of this day, Vincent. Nothing maketh me happier than the time we spendeth together. I would keepeth thee hither still, if only thee would allow me.”
Vincent laughed softly at it. He always did. But Will only spoke the truth.
“Will.” It was Vincent’s turn to touch him. Will always found these touches warm and soothing in ways he never imagined being touched could feel. “You don’t have to fear losing me.”
Will knew. Yet, it still bothered him greatly to know Vincent lived among the lost cases that were the other angels housed by the archangel known among humans as Saint-Germain.
Will had been one of them once. One of the stray angels Saint-Germain hoped to save. But he chose to follow his passions, even if it meant falling from grace.
“I knoweth so.” Or he would make sure so, against all odds. He pulled away and stood up, offering a hand to Vincent. “Shalt we headeth for a pleasant stroll together, then?”
Smiling, Vincent took his hand, lacing their fingers together.
“Of course.”
They would have to let go when they arrived at the city but, until then, they had the carriage ride to enjoy each other’s warmth. And even if they had to pretend to be just friends among humans, it was worth it just to have the other close enough for as long as they could.
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IkeVamp Masterlist / General Masterlist
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alby-rei · 3 years
Intermission (Shakespeare x Reader)
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Spoops! I’m just as excited to share this at last! After reading his route, relaxation is just what he needs honestly 🥺🤧 I hope you enjoy this brief intermission from life with your best boy ❤ Happy reading~
P.S. The three takes you mentioned are essential!! I uno-reverse-card them back at you, too!
Wordless “I love you” Prompts #20: Washing their back/hair in the shower.
[Characters]: You, Shakespeare
[Genre]: Fluff, bathing together, established relationship
[Word Count]: ~500 words
[Requested by]: @spoopy-fish-writes
You and Will were enjoying each other’s company in le thermae. He was very resistant to your invitation for a bath, especially at his former abode, but he relented to keep you happy. In truth, Will was very nervous for an upcoming play he was acting in, as a stand-in for an injured lead.
In the bathhouse, he murmured his memorised lines under his breath. He’d reached a line that he blanked on completely, and that’s when you appeared behind him to brush his hair out of his shadowed eyes and into the palm of your hand. You continued reciting where he’d trailed off, much to his surprise.
“A marvelous memory doth mine love possess.”
“Not as marvelous as your creations, my dearest. I just recite what you’ve penned from your own efforts.”
“Perhaps you’d be more suited for the stage, then. How you enchant me with your stage presence,” he leaned back into your touch, catching a glimpse of your smile in his peripheral vision.
Upon your request, Will had let his hair grow out. It reached well past his shoulder blades, cascading down like silk curtains upon his back.
“Oh, don’t be silly, Will,” you continued brushing his hair in slow and careful strokes, making sure to be careful at any knots. “The rightful king to the stage is you, my love.”
“You flatter me, dearest,” he sighed tiredly. His tone carried nary a doubt of your praise, but the importance of his role still weighed down on his lithe shoulders.
You set aside the brush at the edge of the bath. Next, you brought your hands up and around his shoulders, squeezing all the tension out as best you could. Will chuckled at your earnest effort in calming him down.
“You doth grant your efforts on my unworthy self. ‘Tis only right that I be your caregiver this evening.”
“Nuh-uh. You deserve this, too, Will. You work so hard every day, and this is my one opportunity to help you relax and unwind from the stresses of your job.”
The playwright was speechless. He really did enjoy your undivided attention, undeserving as he might call himself. One particular squeeze of your hands at the back of his neck untied a particularly tight knot, sending a jolt of relief through him that he couldn’t suppress. He groaned in delight, prompting you to lean around him to look at his face.
Surprise was painted all over his visage, his reddened cheeks speaking loudly of his bashfulness.
“Prithee, i-ignore that indecent sound.”
You smiled knowingly at him, “I didn’t hear anything.”
“Oh, good.”
“So, I should try again.”
“What, no, please—” his protests were interrupted by his content sighs.
Eventually, Will stopped resisting and indulged himself in your soothing touch until you both felt dizzy from sitting in le thermae for too long. 
In the decades he’d spent donning his renewed life as a vampire, Will had never felt so revitalized. The way you made him relax and unwind was unlike anything else he’d experienced before.
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dear-yandere · 5 years
event prompt 2 + william shakespeare.
--For @weburythesunlight22--
Please excuse my terrible Shakespearean.
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Art belongs to the lovely @alva-radio!
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“All the quaint stars shine for thee, mine love.” His voice was sultry and soulful against your hot skin, tone far deeper than anything you’d heard from him before. His breath hit your skin in warm waves, serving as a painful reminder that this wasn’t a dream -- he was real, the thick shackles on your wrists and ankles were real, this was real.
Hot tears fell from your cheek to his, his eyebrows furrowing with worry. He stopped his ministrations, delicate lips twisting from light smile to a deep frown. Warm fingers brushed over the wet trail on your cheek so delicately you realized he thought of you as a doll -- so fragile, so vulnerable.
“Wherefore art thee crying? Doth thee not concur?” His voice was low with concern and hurt.
“P-please take these off.” You fumbled with the thick restraints binding your wrists, but they were no ordinary handcuffs. The wrought iron clung to your skin only barely tight enough to not restrict your blood flow. The length of the cuffs themselves were almost theatrically long in nature, resembling shackles you’d see an actor wear in a play.
The thought of being his unwilling actress made you sick to your stomach. Yet, the fires of love still burned no matter what he’s done to you, what he will do to you.
Perhaps you were just as crazy as him.
“But they art a symbol of mine love for thee.” His bottom lip trembled at the thought of not being bound to you, of not having you always within reach. “Doth thee not like it?”
You fumbled over your words. The way he pleaded you with those mismatched eyes was beyond disconcerting, easily sapping your confidence with a mere look.
“I... I appreciate it, my love, but I’m not g-going anywhere. Please, there is no need for them...”
You hoped he didn’t hear the lie in your words, but he seemed far more enthralled with running his fingers over the metal handcuffs and your hands, the coldness a stark contrast to your blissfully warm skin. He always loved that about you. Whereas he was as cold as the dead he often wrote about in his human life -- a lesser vampire born of unfulfilled desires -- you were still alive, still idyllically warm and meek.
He simply wanted to protect that fragile humanity. It hurt that you couldn’t seem to understand that.
“Marry, thou art wrong. I love thee with so much of mine heart that none is left to protest.” He managed a guileless smile that unknowingly sent your heart into conflict. Bringing one bound hand upward, his curled lips delicately pressed against your skin in an ardent and chaste kiss. “Heareth mine own soul speak: the very instant I saw thee didst mine own heart fly to thy service. I understandeth anon, I exist to protect thee.”
His words made your heart flutter -- never had someone loved you so wholly, so fervently and reverently that it made your soul sing. There was no deceit in his words, the slight sheen of his teary eyes was proof enough.
“But...” you started, protests nearly dying on your lips. “Is this really l-love? Where I’m from, we don’t shackle our lovers.” You turned your hand around, allowing your fingers to tenderly caress his jawline and reddened cheeks. He seemed to relax against your touch, but a tense darkness still lingered in his eyes.
He hummed in thoughtful contentment and needily rubbed his cheek against your warm touch like a frightened rabbit. Your heart pounded against your rib cage with both love and fearfulness.
“But is love truly such a tender thing?” 
He broke the weighty silence, voice bereft and distraught with reflection. “I hadst lived far longer. Love is too rough, too malapert, too boisterous...”, he briefly trailed off. Your stomach did flips as he took each finger between his slightly cold lips, laying gentle, individual kisses upon each one, before continuing. “And it pricks like thorn, I hath learned. But I shall happily bleed for thee.”
He laid a final kiss on your lips, taking a moment to savor your warmth. You wanted to cry and beg him, now knowing that discussing your freedom was fruitless, but the look of sheer adoration in his mismatched eyes gave you pause.
“I shall never alloweth thee leaveth, mine love.”
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nightkarmaqueen · 3 years
Hello! Can I request an MC who is quiet most of the time and sings songs to herself when no one is looking? Ikevamp Comte Leonardo and Shakespeare?
Melodies Behind the Blinds
----- Melodies Behind the Blinds || Ikemen Vampire (Comte, Leonardo, Shakespeare) x F! Reader (MC)
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Summary : Maybe only heaven knows how the angels sing. But when they heard the voice of an angel they loved singing behind the curtain, they couldn't help but fall in love even more.
WC : 772 Words (Comte), 683 Words (Leonardo), and 802 Words (Shakespeare).
Warning : Grammar errors, mischaracterization, etc.
A/N : Please ignore how I put Taylor Swift songs and various disney songs in this story. By the way, I found my old post with the same theme as the request. So I decided to add a bit of short fiction after the headcanons, I hope you don't mind. I also want to apologize since I haven’t finish both Comte and Shakespeare route so I’m afraid I would ruin the characterization of the suitors. Also, My shakespearean is suck, I really am sorry. Thank you for waiting and please do enjoy what I write below.
Comte de St. Germain
Comte knows best that you’re not the type of person who talk a lot.
He can't force you to talk and he can't shock you either because you'll have a heart attack and have more trouble of speaking.
He even talks about this to the other resident of the mansion and forbids them to surprise you or force you to say something you don't want.
On the other hand, however, Comte was very grateful that you would at least open up to him. If you talk to him, he will listen carefully with a warm, gentle smile on his face.
That day, the mansion was very quiet somehow. You didn't even hear Dazai and Arthur making a fuss at Isaac.
But one thing you know, Comte was attending one of the tea gathering that other noble vampires are holding. He won't be back any time soon.
At least, that's what you think.
Since Sebastian was taking care of Blanc and Rouge supplies in the town, the kitchen was completely yours.
You made the kitchen your hidden stage, remembering that you were alone.
If you look at the clock, it's still far from dinner time. So there is no harm to sing a bit, isn’t it?
You were singing with a sweet smile, circling the kitchen from the stove to the counter. You danced around like in a fairytale movie.
Without you knowing it, your singing was heard all the way to the dining room.
As if captivated by the sweet sound of sirens, Comte tilted his head, curious at the source of the voice he had heard.
"Oh dear, she often sings secretly like this?"
After you finish the song, the Comte gives you a round of applause, leaving you blushing in embarrassment and surprise. You have to be careful next time.
     You hummed softly to yourself as you cleaned the kitchen you previously used to cook lunch. Every now and then you release your voice and sing a few lines of lyrics from a couple of songs.
     You stopped singing when you're done wiping the counter and see your reflection on the marble surface. You chuckled to yourself before you finally humming again and doing your other chores.
     Meanwhile, Comte stepped from the foyer into the dining room. He knew Sebastian was in town, so he looked for other creatures in the mansion to at least welcome him back.
     Comte did return a bit early as the health of the host that hosting the gathering was not good. He didn't really mind that. In fact, he's glad he could at least get back to you soon.
     As soon as he opened the dining room door, Comte immediately heard a very beautiful singing voice. Of course, he immediately recognized the voice. It's your voice. She’s hiding this beautiful singing voice from me? he thought.
     He thought, perhaps because you were alone, you were more freer to express yourself and sing with your hidden yet beautiful voice. "Oh dear, she often sings secretly like this?"
     Comte walked slowly to the kitchen, not letting a single footstep be heard. He peeked a little to see you, found you sweeping the kitchen floor while humming to yourself.
     “I’ve been dreaming of a true love’s kiss, and a prince I’m hoping comes with this~”
     Hearing the lyrics of the song you sing, Comte tried hard to contain his chuckles. For a moment, he lets you continue your private concert, knowing you haven't noticed his existence.
     “So to spend a life of endless bliss, just find who you love through true love’s kiss~”
     Seeing your pretty smile after you finished the song, Comte couldn’t help but remain silent. He came out and stood in the kitchen doorway.
     You jumped when you suddenly hear someone’s applause. You automatically turned around to see who it was. It could be dangerous if it was Arthur or Dazai.
     "Comte?!" Your eyes widen and heat begins to rise to your cheeks. But at least you're grateful it's Comte. "I-I thought you were at the Comtesse de La Motte's mansion with the other noble vampires?"
[ Learning While Simping With Me : I’m searching some history figures to match this story and I think Comtesse de La Motte was the most suitable figure to be a noble pure blood vampire. And she’s an adventurer like rl Comte de St. Germain. ]
     “Ma cherie, I have no idea you have such an enchanting voice.” Instead of answering your question, he makes the blush on your cheeks worse.
     "I-I didn't mean to hide it from you," you muttered shyly.
     Comte simply nodded, knowing that it was the truth. "By the way, do you still want to get your true love's kiss?"
     You jolted once again and looked up to meet his majestic golden eyes. "Comte!" you whined, didn't think he would continue to tease you after knowing your beautiful singing voice.
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Leonardo da Vinci
Everyone in the mansion knows you don't really talk much.
Every time you speak, your words sound soft and gentle.
I mean, who wants to talk about something unnecessary? Save your energy, dearest!
Even so, Leonardo is the one who hears your voice more often than the others. Even your nagging voice that almost no other vampire in the mansion could hears.
"Cara mia, I'll be back at 5 for dinner, The instrument shop owner in town needs my help."
Well, he's the Jack of All Trades after all. There wasn't a person in town who didn't know Leonardo. That's the greatness of your lover.
After giving you a bye-bye kiss, Leonardo immediately went out to the town. As for yourself, you took a deep breath with the cleaning utensil in your hand.
For what? Of course, to clean your lover's room which is always messy, no matter how many times you tidy it up.
One thing that even Leonardo didn't know was your beautiful singing voice.
Soft, gentle and sweet.
You'll always be singing to yourself every time you're alone and doing long works that will bore you.
Songs from the 21st century? Songs from the 19th century where you live now? Or just the tunes of the song you often hear from Mozart's room? You name it! You're like having your own concert when you're alone.
And when Leonardo accidentally heard your singing voice he immediately fell silent as if enchanted by your voice.
Leonardo will not interrupt your song. He will continue to wait for you, listening to you until you aware of his existence.
     A smile on his face, Leonardo can't wait to see you again and hug you after half a day apart. His steps down the hall of the mansion felt light. Of course, nothing can make you happier than being with the person you love after a tiring day.
     “When it’s my turn? Wouldn’t I love, love to explore that shore up above~”
     Just as he was about to push the door to his room, which was not completely closed, Leonardo immediately halted when he heard the voice of a woman who was none other than you singing beautifully.
     Wanting to confirm that it was your voice, Leonardo opened the door slowly. There, he sees you singing the song with his books in hand and tidying them up on the shelves.
     Leonardo knows you don't talk much because you're shy and stuff. But when he heard the soft golden voice coming out of your more often locked lips, there was a certain euphoria in his heart. He knows you only sing to yourself because your singing voice is low but very sweet to his ears.
     You paused for a moment when you reached the climax of the song you were singing. You lowered your voice which even Leonardo could barely hear. “Out of the sea. Wish I could be part of that world…”
     You finished arranging the last book in your hands as you finished singing, smiling faintly and sweetly to yourself. You turned around, intending to go out and help Sebastian prepare dinner. You're sure Leonardo will be back soon to—
     “Goodness!” You jumped in surprise when you see the figure of your lover already standing in the doorway, smiling at you. "Leo?!"
     Realizing the possible reason Leonardo was there, you blushed furiously. “S-since when were you there?!”
     "Who knows? It's not that important, yes?" Leonardo chuckled in his seductive voice. "Won't you give me a welcome kiss?"
     You walked up to him with your burning cheeks. “I-if you heard something earlier… uh, forget what you just heard, okay?” you plead.
     "My, why? I was so surprised when I heard you sing alone. Do you do it often? I thought an angel came down from heaven in my room. Apparently the angel is my compagna."
     Feeling your face about to explode from the heat, you immediately buried yourself on his chest. You thought it would cool your cheeks, but it didn't because the sweet smell of cigarillos clinging to him made you blush even more.
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William Shakespeare
If Shakespeare wanted to, he could get anything from you.
If you're willing to give it, you'll give it. But if you don't want to, then Shakespeare has two options.
He can let you be and choose to give in. Or he can force you in various ways. That's one of the reasons why he's called a yandere, isn't he?
Including your voice when you're singing so beautifully. All the tragedies that were in his mind seemed to be erased for a while. Because there is only heaven that he saw when he heard your voice.
Like an addiction, this is one of the reasons that triggers Shakespeare's heart to be able to hear your voice again.
Shakespeare may brag of it to his acquaintances  proudly or he may make your voice for yourself and for himself.
For the second option, if Shakespeare doesn't let other people hear your beautiful voice, then he will use your shyness as an excuse.
That day, the household had a visitor. But since you have no very important business with the guest, you choose to return to your lover’s room after preparing tea for the two.
To kill some times, you pulled one of the play scripts that Shakespeare wrote in his human life from the shelf.
You pulled a script with the title "Romeo and Juliet". There is nothing happier than being able to read the original script of the most legendary story, right? You sat yourself on the bed and enjoy your time reading the script.
Before you know it, you started to sing a song you've known from your time. You deliberately lowered your voice so that it wouldn't be heard by those in the living room and disturbed them.
Even so, Shakespeare can still hear your faint voice. After he escort his guest to the door, your lover immediately came to find you who was peacefully reading in his room.
Just like Comte and Leonardo, Shakespeare will let you finish what you sing and let you notice his existence yourself.
You only realized Shakespeare was there when Puck jumped into your lap.
"Let the seven heavens beest the witness, how can a story full of tragedy like yond beest did maketh into a very quite quaint tunes as if it have a joyous ending?"
Hang in there, your cheeks will be really blushing afterwards.
     "It's an honor to beest able to talk over tea, gentleman. I wilt ponder the giveth thee hath't did tender me," Shakespeare said with his knowing smile.
     After his guest disappeared behind the gate, Shakespeare immediately closed the door of his residence. He was silent for a moment, trying to hear the very, very small and hard to hear tunes. " I bethink, the curtain yond hath been did close for a long time is opening again but with a quite quaint ending."
     In the playwright's room, you're still enjoying your reading session of the script you found on the shelf. Even in various versions of Romeo and Juliet, you always like the ball dance part where the two main characters meet. It triggers your memory of a song from your time.
     “Romeo, take me somewhere we can be alone. I'll be waiting, all there's left to do is run. You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess. This a love story, baby, just say, “Yes”.” You sing in a very low and gentle voice. There's no way you jump around and sing the song. You can't even imagine it.
     "Oh? Puck, what's wrong?" you asked when a rabbit suddenly jumped into your lap, where you put the script of the play you were reading.
     After getting your attention, Puck jumped back to the floor. Your eyes followed his movements until he rubbed his body with his owner's feet.
     In shock, you raised your eyes, realizing that Shakespeare was already smiling warmly at you. "Will?! S-since when—?”
     "Let the seven heavens beest the witness, how can a story full of tragedy like yond beest did maketh into a very quite quaint tunes as if it have a joyous ending?"
     Noticing your still surprised figure and your blushing cheeks, Shakespeare chuckled. “Ah, i'm mine most humble apology for surprising this lovely nymph. I didn't expect thee to sing so beautifully like yond. Do you always hide your lovely voice behind the blinds, dearest?” Shakespeare asked you.
     “I-I just remembered a song from my time, so I sang it,” you reply, whether it's a truth or a lie. “I'm sorry if it bothers you.”
     Shakespeare nodded. He walked over and sat beside you. His cold hand caressed your cheek warmly. “Don’t be, darling. Thither is nay sweeter tragedy when it is sung by thee. Even a tragedy can be heaven for me.”
     Like I said, hang in there. The day after, he will continue to tease you.
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Have a nice day/night. See you at the next work!
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shookspearewrites · 3 years
There’s this romantic myth that wherever you have beauty marks are your soulmate’s favourite places/s to kiss you in your past lives so, I wanted to write that for myself with some of  my fave ikevamp boys (since i have loads of beauty marks)!
Warning:  le Comte’s story in this post has a mention of partial nudity. Please do not read if you could be uncomfortable with such content. 
- JJ x
Arthur Conan Doyle, (Knee):
“Ah, luv, wait!” Arthur caught MC’s hand in his own as she turned to leave, a sweet smile on his lips as their eyes met, “Your shoelace in untied, my sweet.” The author knelt in front of his lover, smiling softly as he carefully retied the loose lace of her heeled boot, “What am I going to do with you?” Arthur chuckled, his warm hand gently holding on to MC’s lithe calf muscle before he craned his head forward to place a gentle kiss against her knee and then another, “Oh, what’s this?” Arthur quickly untied the lace of his girlfriend’s other boot, a cheeky grin plastered all over his face, “Let me do that up for you, princess.” And he repeated the steps of tying up her shoe and sweetly kissing her knee, smiling lovingly all the while. The vampire rose to his feet, and gazed at MC lovingly, “Hurry back, now. I don’t want you to go too long missing me.”
Isaac Newton, (Shoulder blade):
Isaac rubbed his eyes with confusion; It was the middle of the night, why wasn’t MC by his side and sleeping soundly? The brilliant physicist got out of bed and wandered about the halls of the vast Parisian mansion in search of his beloved until he found her in the library, sleeping with her head resting on her folded arms. Isaac looked down at her, his expression puzzled until he noticed her open diary which had within words of her adoration for him and his face relaxed and softened. “MC?” The vampire whispered to his girlfriend gently, craning his head downward until his lips met her shoulder blade, kissing her twice, not wanting to shock her into waking up, “Come back to bed, darling. You’ll be far more comfortable there ... w-with me.” Isaac scooped MC up into his surprisingly strong arms, smiling down at her as she cuddled against his warm chest, “Don’t you worry, I promise I’ll cuddle you when we get there.”
William Shakespeare, (Wrist):
The music of delicate violins and rich cellos sung through the warm summer air as William held MC in his arms ever so tenderly, his eyes gentle and soft when they met her own. The pair danced for what could have been hours without a care for the rest of the world, so swept up in their perfectly romantic eventide, “Thou art purely enchanting, bluebird of mine.” William squeezed MC’s hand softly as the music shifted from one song to the next, the next tune one he knew well, “ ‘Tis Chopin’s music, to be sure.” The poet let go of his fiancée's hand only to clasp her wrist carefully and bring it up to his lips, kissing her skin before piercing it with one fang, grinning with satisfaction at MC’s beautiful pink blush as he lapped at her blood and kissed the puncture wound he had made on her wrist, “If music be the food of love, play on.”
le Comte de Saint-Germain, (Directly over heart):
“Good morning, ma chérie,” le Comte smiled warmly at MC as she woke up slowly, blinking the sleep from her eyes and snuggling closer to her husband who chuckled softly, “Aren’t you such a sweet little thing?” The nobleman cupped his left hand around the back of MC’s head and stroked her hair gently, as if she were the most delicate thing on Earth - They stayed there for a while, just enjoying the bliss of married life. Comte reluctantly rose from the bed, frowning slightly down at his wife when he noticed that the strap of her silk nightgown had torn, exposing her left breast, “Oh dear,” he mumbled, taking the strap between his fingers and bowing his head to place kiss after soft kiss upon her skin, right over her heart, “At least now I have an excuse to buy you more pretty nightdresses.”
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chaosangel767 · 3 years
Hi sorry to bother could I request Dazai or William the one you like most with prompt #4 🌶 x Fem MC ?Thank you Have a nice day :)
Of Course Darling ^-^ I hope you enjoy!!
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Day 4 - Roses Bathed in Moonlight
Fandom: Ikevamp
Pairing: William Shakespeare x Reader
Prompt: Be my Valentine Day 4: Surprising them with way more roses than expected - slightly tweaked
Type: NSFW - Minors DNI
Warning: making out, biting, blood-drinking, orgasms, vaginal sex, really bad Shakespearian language, horrible clichés
WC: 800+
Tagging: @thewitchofbooks, @queen-dahlia, @queengiuliettafirstlady, @canaria-blackwell, @ikesimp100, @citizensofcradle, @devildomwritersposts, @sarahann-1984, @tele86-  If your name is crossed out I was unable to tag you. If you want to be tagged/untagged please let me know or fill out this form here.
It is a quiet night, as a carriage rolls away from the faint lights of Paris. Looking back to her lover she laces her fingers through his.
“Will, where are we going?” Her voice breaks the comfortable silence of the ride and her lover turns to her.
“My heart wanted a night alone with mine beloved. Thy beauty is for mine eyes alone” His voice is smooth as silk and he cups her cheek, his mismatched eyes staring deep into her soul. Drinking up her figure, he admires the way her dress fits on her body, the white lace and scarlet roses complimenting her skin. His thumb trailing her kissable lips, he closes the gap between them, roughly grasping her wrists as he kisses her. Fluttering her eyes, MC melts, letting Shakespeare dominate her mouth, nails digging into her wrist as the carriage rolls to a stop.
Reluctantly pulling away, Shakespear helps MC straighten herself up before stepping out of the carriage, soaking up Mc’s reaction when she sees the beautiful greenhouse.
“Will? Where did you find this?” Amazement adores her voice and Shakespeare can barely contain the glee at her face, ready to kiss her senseless. Oh, how he wishes he can bare her skin and -. His thoughts are halted when MC turns to him, tugging on his hand as she pulls him into the greenhouse. “I borrowed it from a cousin, tis ours until dawn.” He answers, taking over to give MC a tour, the greenhouse filled with various red, pink and white roses, more than the eye can comprehend.
“Will this is so incredible” Gently kneeling next to a bush, she smells a flower, pure joy evident in her eyes. A softness is reflected in the poet’s eyes as he watches her dance between bushes. When she tires of seeing all the flowers, Shakespeare pulls her down to a blanket in the middle of the garden, roses completely surrounding them as they rest. Shakespeare is once again entranced by her beauty. How could such a tragic man like himself get a chance with a beauty like her? Torn between loving her endlessly and protecting her like a glass doll, his body makes the decision.
In a smooth movement, Shakespeare has leaned over MC, caging her in his arms as he lets down his hair. He captures both her wrists as he distracts her with a kiss, tying her hands in the ribbon that once held back his hair. Soft moans fall from MC’s lips as Shakespeare deepens the kiss, his hands starting to bare her body, exploring every inch of skin.
“Thy skin is so soft mine sweet Rose” his hands roaming down her side. Lips trail down to her neck, teeth dragging along her veins before settling on her pulse, not enough pressure to break the surface, but enough that he can feel the blood rushing through her veins.
Skillful fingers find their way to her core, pressing their way inside as his lips capture her moans, keeping the sweet noises between them. Heat floods MC’s body and her toes curl as his fingers set her nerves on fire. His teeth scrape along her skin as her pleasure overtakes her. Screaming his name, MC rides his hand, pleasure coursing through her veins.
“Such a quite quaint sight, mine goddess, bathed in moonlight and surrounded by Roses:” He murmurs, tongue toying with the sensitive skin of her neck, trailing a path to her breast.
“Will-” MC’s body arches away from the blanket and Shakespeare carefully presses her back down, lining himself up to her core and easing himself in. Distracting her with kisses to her breast he starts at a slow pace.
“By all Gods thee must have been made for me” He groans, increasing his speed as his hands dig into her wrists. MC arches her back as she takes Shakespeare in all the way. Only the sounds of skin on skin fill the garden as lust and desire swirl between the two bodies. As their orgasms approached, Shakespeare scraped his teeth along with MC’s breast, sinking his teeth in with an extra-strong thrust.
“WILLIAM” the overdose of pleasure sends MC spiraling into another orgasm, white-hot desire flooding her body as her core squeezes Shakespeare. A groan is all that leaves the vampire's mouth, he is far too busy drinking the blood MC has to give, the rhythmic clenching of her core milking him for everything he has.
“My beautiful goddess” He finally pulls away, the view of MC under him, bathed in moonlight, with blood against her skin is almost too much to bear. His voice sends shivers down her spine, rekindling the desire in her core.
“Alloweth me maketh love to thee for the rest of the night, and every night until eternity”
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hakuoyuki · 3 years
Hello question now I’m curious on how old ikemen vampire suitors age if you do know, I mean like I know or I think their over 100 years old
This is a tough question to answer because first of all, there's the magic door.
For lesser vampires, their age = the age they were when they died + how many years it's been since they were revived as a vampire.
Note: I have finished all routes and all ends on IkeVamp JP but I still haven't gone through a single end in ENG ver properly yet so I do not know if there may be some variations (since just like IkeSen and IkePri, IkeVamp localization has changes here and there as well. This was very clearly seen when I tried reading Shakespeare's route side by side. Most of the changes were non-plot related dialogues though).
Confirmed Facts
Sebastian's Age: At least mid-late 20s
Jean's Age: >20 years old. (20 + X(X) years since he was revived as a vampire)
Mozart's Age: ~36-37 years old. (~35 years old at death + about 1 year since he was revived as a vampire)
Dazai's Age: <100 years old. (<40 years old at death + no more than a few years/decades)
Charles' Age: <100 years old. (XX years old at death + no more than a few weeks/months)
Faust's Age: <100 years old. (XX years old at death + no more than a few months. He was revived before Charles but woke up after Charles due to having suffered more serious injuries during his "death".)
Isaac's Age: Between 85-90 years old. Most likely *89 years old. (in his 80s at death + about 5 years since he was revived as a vampire)
Shakespeare's Age: >100 years old. (XX years old at death + at least 100 years)
Leonardo's Age: 500 years old. (or in his 400s, rounded up)
Vlad's Age: >1000 years old.
Comte's Age: >1000 years old.
The rest (Napoleon, Arthur, Theo, Vincent) are unknown...
[More details under the cut due to route spoilers ranging from minor to major for Mozart, Leonardo, Isaac, Jean, Shakespeare, Comte, Dazai, Sebastian, Vlad, Faust, Charles]
The Only Human
Despite being human, Sebastian's age also remained unknown. We do know that he graduated from university though so Sebastian is at least mid-late 20s.
Lesser Vampires
The lesser vampire that I remember having their age specified was Jean. In his route Comte had mentioned to MC about Jean's past when he was 17 years old and how he died 3 years later. Which means IkeVamp Jean d'Arc was 20 years old at the time of his death. His age = 20 + x years since he was revived as a vampire. Unfortunately we never got an answer on how many years it's been since his revival.
In his route, it was mentioned that he has only been revived for around a year. Further more, in his route Charles’ route, it was Mozart told MC how he knows Marie Antoinette but died before her death (In IkeVamp, Marie Antoinette was executed by Charles-Henri Sanson himself (IkeVamp Charles was revealed to be single and never had a family). In actual history, she was executed by Charles-Henri’s son and this happened in 1793). Mozart only heard about how she died (by Charles-Henri Sanson) after he was revived into the current era of France. The real Mozart died in 1791 when he was 35 (almost 36) years old before Marie Antoinette’s death and this fact aligned with the confirmed facts above. Taking this into account, IkeVamp Mozart was most likely also around 35 years old at the time of his death. His age = ~35 + about 1 years since he was revived as a vampire. So around 36-37 years old.
With Dazai, it's a bit messy. Dazai revealed that his year of birth is the same as the real Dazai, early 20th century (1909), but we do not what exactly was his cause of death and whether his age of death is the same as the real Dazai but real Dazai did not live beyond 40 years old so we can supposedly assume he died sometime before he turned 40. What we do know however, is that he's revived into 18XX and it's only X decades of waiting until Dazai is "born" in this timeline. Apparently, he haven't been revived for that long so Dazai is most likely <100 years old but exactly how many XX years old remain unknown. His age = <40 years old at death + no more than a few years/decades.
Charles Episode 0 reveals how it's been no more than a few weeks/months since he was revived up until he first met MC in his Chapter 1. Thus we can safely assume Charles' age is something <100 years old. His age = XX years old at death + no more than a few weeks/months.
Similarly to Charles, both his and Charles Episode 0 reveals how Faust was revived before Charles but woke up after Charles due to having sustained much graver injuries during his "death" (he ended up getting himself blew up during a failed experiment). Thus we can also safely assume Faust's age as something <100 years old. His age = XX years old at death + no more than a few months.
Isaac Episode 0 reveals him to be in his 80s at the time of this death.
Quote (from IkeVamp ENG): I'd spent eighty long years exploring the physical truth of our world. My whole life, devoted to that one task.
For additional reference, the real Isaac Newton died at the age of 84 years old which fits in with the age range Isaac gave (and additional information from Comte’s route to be explained in Sharkepeare’s part). Furthermore, it was mentioned that there’s around a 5 years gap between his arrival to the mansion and meeting MC. This means Isaac's age is around 85-90 years old with 89 being the likeliest. His age = In his 80s at death + about 5 years since he was revived as a vampire.
In Comte's route after the flashback to when there was a "war" going on in France (it wasn't mentioned which war this was) but sometime after this incident, after seeing the "devastated future" through the door, once Vlad came back he suggested the plan of reviving Great Men to manage people to Comte. The Great Men who Vlad named were: Jean d'Arc, Isaac Newton, and William Shakespeare.
According to history, Jean d'Arc was around during 14XX. William Shakespeare published Romeo and Juliet in the late 1590s while A Midsummer Night's Dream first premiered in 1605 and was also written during the 1590s. Isaac Newton first published his book Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica in 1687 while he was in his 40s according to history. (This book also plays a role in his route). In addition, Isaac Newton continued to make various discoveries in early 1700s before his death.
Since Vlad named his three men specifically for their achievements, I suppose it is safe to say that by the time the "war" in France happened during this flashback in Comte's route, it was some time after Isaac Newton's death. It could be one of the war during the 1700s but not earlier.
IkeVamp currently takes place in 18XX (the 19th century) and the two old friends said they haven't met for over a hundred years since they parted. That flashback scene was the scene that caused their parting. This means that this scene (their parting) took place during the 18th century, most likely early-mid 18th century (17XX), while the current timeline takes place during mid-late 19th century.
In addition, it was revealed that after Comte parted with Vlad, he very soon went through the door and revived the first Great Men, William Shakespeare, as a vampire. Given that this happened soon after his parting with Vlad and how it's been over a century since they last met... Shakespeare is confirmed to be X centuries old. Lesser vampire's age = the age they are when they died + how many years it's been since they were revived as a vampire, we know for a fact that Shakespeare had been revived for over 100 years in the least. His age = XX years old at death + at least 100 years)
The other lesser vampires are all unknowns.
The Purebloods
Leonardo was said to be 500 years old in his route, so there's that. Despite the fact that Sebastian mentioned Leonardo to be born in “1452″ and how that does not align with the story being set in mid-late 19th century (18XX) because that would make Leonardo in his 400s not 500 years old, it is note worthy that when Leonardo arrived in Vinci, he could have easily falsified his birth and fake his age. Thus, his age could be anywhere between 400s-500 years old depending on whether his birth registration was falsified.
In Vlad’s route it was revealed that X years ago his whole family were killed by the vampire hunters and he was the only one left alive. In the card story (from a gacha after his route release) that contains a flashback to this specific scene from his route, Vlad thought back to how that event happened... “hundreds--- no, thousands years ago”. This was once again highlighted in his 2nd Birthday Story when Vlad was thinking to his “thousands years” of searching and waiting (I will not mention for who, what, and why here because a single paragraph won’t be enough to explain everything and this is the Biggest Spoiler to his route.) In summary, Vlad himself confirmed that he’s over a thousands years old. But how many thousands remains a question left unanswered.
Comte de Saint Germain
Le Comte and Vlad were childhood friends. He knew Vlad ever since Vlad’s family was still alive because their families often met up. Considering that Vlad’s whole family were massacred by the vampire hunters over a millennium ago, Comte too is over thousands years old. But how many thousands also remains a question left unanswered for Comte.
And that sums up all that is known thus far :)
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alby-rei · 3 years
🌙 Resident of the @starlitmanor-network 
Some links for quick navigation to my posts! 
Legend: ✨ New, 💕 Faves, 🔜 Coming soon
~ 🕹 Play Ikemen Vampire RPG
IkeVamp Short Story Collections
Comte’s Ghost Mansion (Ghostbuster!Reader)
Part 1 [ft. Sebastian]
Part 2 [ft. Mozart]
Part 3 [ft. Dazai]
Part 4 [ft. Arthur]
✨ Part 5 [ft. Vincent & Theo]
🔜 Part 6 [ft. Comte]
Pranking the Mansion Residents
Piano Heist [Targets: Mozart, Arthur]
Sorry, Not Sorry [Target: Theo]
What Goes Up, Must Come Down [Target: Dazai]
Non-romantic Short Stories
IkeVamp Bloopers and Outtakes [Multi-suitor]
IkeVamp plays Mafia (part 1)  [Multi-suitor]
💕 IkeVamp plays Mafia (part 2)  [Multi-suitor]
Finding Vincent™ [Vincent, Theo, Shakespeare, Comte]
Class is in Session [Isaac, Napoleon]
Stranger Dreams [Isaac, Napoleon]
Ikemen Vampire x Reader/MC
~Leonardo da Vinci 🐈
Sharing is Caring and that includes Naps
Keep your Eyes on Me
💕 Hugs and Guessing Games
Protect You
My Snowman and Me
In Your Loving Embrace (I almost died)
Cat Naps
The Scent of Home
💕 Whatever It Takes
On Cloud Nine
~Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 🎶
Late Night Lullaby 
A Quarter Rest
~Arthur Conan Doyle 📘
Midnight Snacks 
💕 Arthur’s Pillow 
Blind dating game 
~Vincent van Gogh 🌻
Paint My World in Shades of You 
💕 Painting on Buttercream Cake 
The Wandering Painter 
~Theodorus van Gogh 💼
A Spoonful of Sugar 
A Moment of Peace 
~Isaac Newton 🌌
Defender of Your Dreams 
✨The Shy & Clumsy Physicist
~Osamu Dazai 💜
Hold on Tight (unless you want to fall) 
~William Shakespeare 🎭
💕 Intermission
~Le Comte de Saint-Germain 🥖
💕 Moonlight Waltz
Getting Ready Together
~Sebastian/Akihiko Satou 🤍
Growing Pains
✨Growing Pains: Hand-washing clothes
~Vlad 🌹
Dessert for Two 
Tears of Themis x Reader/MC 
When You Wish Upon a Lucky Star
Warmth in Your Hands, Warmth in My Heart
Who’s beefy, dumb, AND kind in IkeVamp?    
Jean’s New Groove 
Ikevamp reacting to the Lion King 
Puns ft. Dazai, Mozart, Comte, and Jean 
Breaking spaghetti breaks Leonardo’s heart 
Doodles & Gifts for friends
Portrait of the English Bois [Arthur and Isaac]
Portrait of the Big Bambino [Leonardo]
Portrait of Sir Naps-a-lot [Napoleon]
Pikachu Gasp™ [Vlad] 
Isaac and James Newton [for Shookspearewrites’ story]
Chibi Vlad + Strawberries [Vlad; Bday gift]
Kiss the Cook [Masamune; Ikesen]
Do it for Them [Naruto; Secret Santa]
Nobunaga & Mitsuhide as Tokaido travelers [Ikesen; Bday gift]
Darius Morgan SR [Tears of Themis; Bday gift]
Tobirama & Kakashi [Naruto; Bday gift]
Chibi Inumaki [JJK; Bday gift] 
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