#matchmaker mysteries
la-muerta · 2 months
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成毅 Cheng Yi as 王权富贵 Wangquan Fugui in the teaser trailer for 《狐妖小红娘 · 王权篇 (Fox Spirit Matchmaker · Wangquan Chapter)》
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mlc-melons · 3 months
Cheng Yi using weapons with his left hand.
He has fight choreography where he switches his sword from one hand to the other (both right to left and left to right).
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difeisheng · 2 months
iQiyi World Conference teaser for Fox Spirit Matchmaker: Sword and Beloved starring Cheng Yi and Li Yitong (x)
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lyselkatzfandomluvs · 5 months
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Chéng Yì 成毅
CY Studio Wb update 2024.02.09
Happy Lunar New Year!
Note: there's a pun on 好運連連 hâo yùn lián lián Good Luck repeatedly, with 蓮 lián lotus.
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madamadragon · 3 months
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Marry me pls
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winepresswrath · 5 months
trying to plot out a xichen/huaisang emma au solely for the purposes of slotting jin guangyao and nie mingjue into the already married siblings role. in theory this leaves us with no one to play emma's dad but no they're both emma's dad for maximum impact. and obviously jin guangyao is also the nanny. and it ends with huaisang vowing to be worse, actually.
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bocje-ce-ustu · 9 months
okay but what in the heavens are even eps 25-26? you can't tell me li lianhua isn't constantly leaving fang duobing and di feisheng alone together to set them up and then nodding approvingly from the sidelines as they eyefuck
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yueli1004 · 2 months
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it hasn't even been a month yet!
I don't even have that many pictures of myself!
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threadsun · 10 months
✨Welcome to Mystery Matchmaking~✨
It's as easy as 1-2-3
There are 12 bachelors of varying genders and species, each with their own alias. You have until Saturday (September 23rd) to ask them as many questions as you would like! Get to know them, and decide who you want to date. At the end of the week, the bachelors will be revealed!
Questions should be the type of questions someone might be asked on an anonymous dating show (i.e. what's your ideal date?, what colour are your eyes?), not questions that would give away too much or are too intense (i.e. what's your name?, what's your biggest trauma?)
You can ask questions of as many or as few of the bachelors at a time as you would like! Simply specify which bachelor(s) you're asking, or say it's for all of them!
*don't worry too much about asking the right questions, I'll simply leave anything that won't work for the game until after the game :3c
To get things started, each of our bachelors has prepared a little introduction:
Bachelor #1: Forest Forager (he/him)
"I'm a nature loving guy looking for anything from a quick fling to a passionate romance"
Bachelor #2: Miserable Mystic (she/they)
"I only hope I'm luckier in love than I am in life"
Bachelor #3: Manic Magician (he/him)
"I'm looking for someone who will open their heart to me. That isn't a metaphor"
Bachelor #4: Bookish Beauty (he/she/they)
"Beauty and love can be found throughout the world. I'd like to find someone to share it with"
Bachelor #5: Feral Freeloader (she/her)
"Looking for someone with a couch I can crash on"
Bachelor #6: Affectionate Angel (he/they)
"I would love to spend your life with you"
Bachelor #7: Intimate Immortal (he/him)
"I am a private sort of man, but I would love some kind company to pass the time with"
Bachelor #8: Wet Weirdo (she/her)
"Looking for someone who likes to swim and is good at holding their breath"
Bachelor #9: Rich Romantic (he/him)
"I'd like a high energy person with a good sense of humour who doesn't mind a little danger"
Bachelor #10: Fun-loving Freak (she/they/he)
"I'm just here to see what you weirdos are up to"
Bachelor #11: Punk Prophet (he/him)
"Are eyebags sexy yet? Please say they are"
Bachelor #12: Tetchy Techy (he/they)
"I didn't even sign up for this stupid thing, why am I here?"
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thedreamerstoryteller · 4 months
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ha-bloody-ha · 1 year
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I think you two make a lovely couple
William Henry Murdoch and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, together at last.
1x04, "Elementary, My Dear Murdoch"
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mlc-melons · 3 months
Cheng Yi x weapons
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BONUS: Xuan Ye, can you see??
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samfred05 · 5 months
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Bro what is this meta??? 😭
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difeisheng · 4 months
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Cheng Yi's latest outfit on the Fox Spirit Matchmaker set (x)
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lyselkatzfandomluvs · 6 months
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Chéng Yì 成毅
Elle Men China - January 2024 (2/2)
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crishel2 · 1 month
Cheng Yi 💕 01/01/24
Cheng Yi 🥰
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Atualização via Weibo Cheng Yi Studio / Weibo Cheng Yi / ( Cheng Yichaohua ) No primeiro dia de Cheng Yi 2024, o sol brilha em toda a estrada e a energia está renovada @成义 🌞 Vídeo Weibo do Cheng Yi Studio
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