#marital status discrimination
hungercityhellhound · 2 years
I have debated for months about posting this or not. It's very personal but I am actually TIRED of people calling me out and acting as if I didn't know what I was talking about.
I want to address something about my top surgery posts, specifically the people who insist I am exaggerating or not understanding when I say there was a “biased against single people receiving surgery” or continually saying that doctors weren't being biased or whatever. I wanted to elaborate a bit on my situation and experience, both so people understand and if someone else runs into this issue that they have the confidence to ensure they receive care.
(The rest of this deals with discrimination, medical procedures, and cancer discussion. Read at your own discretion.)
A bit of background first. I was comfortable binding and after more than a year talking with a therapist had come to the point where, for many reasons, I was not interested in surgical/medical aspects of transitioning. Around that time my mother developed aggressive, stage four cancer. It was determined that it was related to a genetic mutation, several really, so I went off and got genetic testing. I did not have the mutations my mother had but I do have two others related to breast cancer, one is a mutation that represents a higher risk than BRCA. I was scheduled to have a mammogram and breast MRI every year going forward. After one MRI determined I appeared to have the fibrous tissue that is known to be more likely to develop into cancer (plus the genetic markers, family history, and being over 40). With my geneticist, oncologist and therapist, we came to the conclusion that a full oncological breast removal with gender affirming closure would be the best course of action for my health and well being. I was given a plan that included what the oncologist would do, including 24-48 or 72 hours of hospital stay for post surgery medical testing by the oncology team. (No, that you need someone for the first 24 hours post surgery did not apply to me since I would be hospitalized)
Here's where things get to biased, when I was looking for a plastic surgeons. All of the surgeons I went to listed themselves as trans-friendly and having done gender confirming surgeries. I had one surgeon flat out refuse to do surgery on me until I had a husband or wife living with me. This person also continued to call me she and refer to me in ways aligned with a straight female instead of nonbinary or transgender. Two others that insisted I at least have a roommate. One of them told me I should move and find a roommate, get to know that roommate, then come back to 'discuss being treated'. Three surgeons told me to put off cancer surgery because I didn't have a partner or roommate that I knew well. Another surgeon was doing the exam in the consult and refused to touch me after I mentioned I was pre-cancerous as if I had the plague. They asked me to dress and leave because they would not work on me. This represented months of stressing that I might literally develop cancer before being treated for all the pre-cancerous issues.
Eventually, I did find a plastic surgeon with help of my breast oncologist. They were honest with me and we spent nearly two months prepping, and several consultations making sure I would be successful going through surgery while living alone. (Yes, I still had to have someone to drive me home and emergency contacts. I had all of those at the start of the process before any of my surgical consults) It included many of the physical and environmental things I listed. Weeks of diet and body strength preparation, as well as focusing on medication that I had taken in the past, where possible, to ensure less risk of that being problematic. This included pain medications which I have experience with from a severe back injury and more recently a knee injury.
Between my therapist, oncologist, plastic surgeon, and geneticist we had a full plan and prepared for this surgery. All kinds of notes in my chart about alterations to the surgery, like longer than usual drain tubes and bandaging choices for example, that would be easier for living alone. EVEN with all of this, sitting in pre-op I dealt with whispers of no one should be working on someone who lives alone. Despite all my contacts on my surgery paperwork.. probably being asked 8 times in my hour pre-op about my care and things about how I should be scared and not really do the surgery without being married/in a long term relationship. I got the same kind of thing from some people, not on my team of surgeons, post surgery while recovering in my hospital bed.
I ran into multiple barriers and refusal of CANCER TREATMENT aligned procedures because I lived alone or didn't have a partner. The gender confirming/top surgery aspects of my treatment were secondary to the cancer issues, even in my charts and paperwork. I did not mention the bias against single people on a whim but because it was truly problematic and led to about 6 month delay in cancer related treatment. I thank everything that I didn't develop actual cancer in that time I was looking for treatment. All I think about is what would have happened If I had been less persistent about demanding care and searching for someone who could give me the care I needed in the place I was in my life.
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anotherpapercut · 1 year
god that fucking ridiculous ass post from the person who "works in family law" or some shit where they're like "people who don't want to get married are soooooo stupid. the ONLY reason anyone would EVER choose not to get married is because its too permanent for their tiny brains to handle. don't you know buying a house and having kids are permanent? you childish idiots obviously know NOTHING about the law" is so fucking chock full of straightforward right wing evangelical rhetoric that it's genuinely shocking to me to see it on Tumblr as opposed to the New York times op ed section right next to an article about how trans people are stealing precious little girls
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reasonsforhope · 2 years
LGBTQ+ organizations and allies are celebrating Michigan for becoming the first state in three years to pass comprehensive anti-discrimination protections for sexual orientation and gender identity. The legislation, which now heads to Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D) to be signed into law, finally passed after decades of court battles and hold-ups from Republican legislators.
The bill passed in a 64-45 vote in the Democrat-led House on Wednesday. It amends the state’s 1976 Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act (ELCRA) to include LGBTQ+ people among its protected groups. The law forbids discrimination in housing, employment, and public accommodation within businesses, government buildings, and educational facilities on the basis of religion, race, color, national origin, age, sex, height, weight, familial status, marital status — and now, LGBTQ+ identity.
Democrats had tried introducing various LGBTQ+ non-discrimination measures over the last 40 years, according to the bill’s gay sponsor Sen. Jeremy Moss (D). However, the attempts were repeatedly voted down by Republican-led legislatures. Last January, Democrats took control of the full legislature for the first time in nearly 40 years, finally giving them the chance to pass the protections.
In July 2022, Michigan’s Supreme Court issued a landmark 5–2 ruling that ELCRA already forbade discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity as forms of discrimination based on sex and gender. This followed a 2020 Michigan Court of Claims ruling that said ELCRA didn’t ban anti-gay discrimination as well as a 2018 vote by Michigan’s Civil Rights Commission interpreting ELCRA as protecting LGBTQ+ people from religious-based discrimination...
When the House voted to pass the historic bill on Wednesday, a crowd in the House gallery broke into applause, Bridge Michigan reported. Republican House members had tried adding amendments that would’ve carved out exceptions for religious people to continue discriminating against LGBTQ+ people. None of these amendments passed into the final bill.
Gov. [Whitmer] has signaled that she will soon sign the bill into law. In a Wednesday tweet, she noted the observation of International Women’s Day and wrote, “I’m celebrating trans women who have continuously led the way, despite constant threats to their lives and liberty. I’m proud that we’re finally in a position to expand the Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act to protect LGBTQ+ Michiganders. Let’s get it done!”
-via LGBTQ Nation, 3/9/23
Note: If it's not clear from the language, this is basically a done deal--the bill signing IS ABSOLUTELY GOING TO HAPPEN.
As scary as things are right now, there are so many of us fighting to protect ourselves, our communities, and the queer and trans people around us.
This comes only a day after Minnesota's governor signed a landmark executive order that guarantees the right to gender-affirming care and prevents the state from complying with any other states' attempts to interfere. via them.us, 3/9/23
There is hope, and there are so many people fighting for us.
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arowitharrows · 4 months
These are some links to recourses on different topics, mostly things I want to be able to find again so I'm collecting them here. Please be aware that many of these articles include discussions of queerphobia, racism or abuse. I can't put warnings on every link, so proceed with caution. This is not meant to be a complete or final list, I will most likely be editing it as time goes by.
Aspec terminology / Flags
Queerplatonic coining post on dreamwidth (x)
Sunset aroace flag original post (x)
A History Of Words Used To Describe People That Are Not Asexual (x)
Discussions of aphobia
Note: I am still waiting for the day when aphobia can be discussed without aromanticism being treated as a subcategory of asexuality.
Stonewall report on asexual discrimination, UK 2023 (x)
Scientific America article on medical stigma against asexuality, USA 2023 (x)
Article about the religious right attacking sexless marriage, USA (x)
Podcast about the religious right attacking platonic marriages and general analysis about why the religious right hate asexuality (and aromanticism), USA part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4
Website of Elizabeth Brake, the coiner of the term Amatonormativity (x)
Amatonormativity in the law: an introduction, USA 2022 (x)
Opinion: I grew up in a culture that embraced physical touch. Then I came to America, Ethiopia 2023(x)
'I Dont Want To be a Playa No More': An Exploration of the Denigrating effects of 'Player' as a Stereotype Against African American Polyamorous Men (x)
Romance is not the only type of Black love that matters by Sherronda J. Brown, USA 2018 (x)
Relationship Anarchy
Relationship Anarchy, Occupy intimacy!, Spain 2020 (x) also available in Spanish and catalan
The short instructional manifesto for relationship anarchy (x)
Tumblr post with multiple links about relationship anarchy (x)
Marriage and being Single
Ted talk: how romance and capitalism could destroy our future, 2014 (x)
The escalating costs of being single in America, USA 2021 (x)
Unmarried equality, many articles about discrimination against single people. USA focused (x)
No Shelter for Singles: The Perceived Legitimacy of Marital Status Discrimination, USA 2011 (x)
Loveless Aro
I Am Not Voldemort: An Essay on Love and Amatonormativity (x)
Aroworlds loveless Aro friendly fiction collection (x)
Loveless Aro experiences and explanations (post0 aurea article post 1 post 2 post 3 post 4 post 5 post 6)
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haggishlyhagging · 3 months
This introduction can serve as a working sheet for a beginning consciousness raising group.
The typical consciousness-raising group is composed of six to twelve women who meet on an average of once a week. Groups larger than ten or twelve are less conducive to lengthy personal discussion and analysis. The consciousness-raising process is one in which personal experiences, when shared, are recognized as a result not of an individual's idiosyncratic history and behavior, but of the system of sex-role stereotyping. That is, they are political, not personal, questions.
Generally consciousness-raising groups spend from three to six months talking about personal experiences and then analyzing those experiences in feminist terms. Thereafter they often begin working on specific projects including such activities as reading, analyzing and writing literature; abortion law repeal projects; setting up child care centers; organizing speak-outs (rape, motherhood, abortion, etc.) ; challenging sex discrimination in employment, education, etc.
The following is a list of topic areas generally discussed. Although listed by week, they are not in any particular order, nor is it necessary to rigidly adhere to a one-week/one-topic schedule. The questions are examples of the kinds of areas that can be explored.
Week 1 GENERAL: What are some of the things that got you interested in the women's movement?
Week 2 FAMILY: Discuss your parents and their relationship to you as a girl (daughter). Were you treated differently from brothers or friends who were boys?
Week 3 FAMILY: Discuss your relationships with women in your family.
Week 4 CHILDHOOD AND ADOLESCENCE: Problems of growing up as a girl. Did you have heroines or heros? Who were they? What were your favorite games? How did you feel about your body changing at puberty?
Week 5 MEN: Discuss your relationships with men-friends, lovers, bosses—as they evolved. Are there any recurring patterns?
Week 6 MARITAL STATUS: How do (or did) you feel about being single? Married? Divorced? What have been the pressures—family, social— on you?
Week 7 MOTHERHOOD: Did you consider having children a matter of choice? Discuss the social and personal pressures you may have felt to become a mother. What have been your experiences and thoughts regarding such issues as child care, contraception and abortion?
Week 8 SEX: Have you ever felt that men have pressured you into having sexual relationships? Have you ever lied about orgasm?
Week 9 SEX: Sex objects-When do you feel like one? Do you want to be beautiful? Do you ever feel invisible?
Week 10 WOMEN: Discuss your relationships with other women. For example, have you ever felt competitive with other women for men? Have you ever felt attracted to another woman?
Week 11 BEHAVIOR: What is a "nice girl"? Discuss the times you have been called selfish. Have you ever felt that you were expected to smile even when you didn't feel like it?
Week 12 AGE: How do you feel about getting old? Your mother getting old? What aspects of aging do you look forward to? Fear? Do you think it is a different problem for men and women?
Week 13 AMBITIONS: What would you most like to do in life? How does being a woman affect that?
Week 14 MOVEMENT ACTIVITY: What are some of the things you would like to see the women's movement accomplish?
-‘Consciousness Raising’ in Radical Feminism, Koedt et al (eds.)
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Read about African polygamy
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Historical Context:
Polygamy in Africa predates colonialism and is intertwined with traditional cultural practices and religious beliefs. In many African societies, polygamy was a symbol of wealth, power, and prestige, as having multiple wives signified a man's ability to provide for and protect his family. Additionally, polygamy served practical purposes such as expanding family labor forces and ensuring lineage continuation.
Polygamy, the practice of having multiple spouses simultaneously, has sparked debates and controversies around the world for centuries. While some argue that polygamy can have positive effects on individuals and communities, others condemn it as harmful and oppressive. In this article, we'll examine both sides of the argument to better understand the complexities of polygamy.
Cultural Significance:
In some African cultures, polygamy is seen as a way to strengthen family ties and social networks. It also plays a role in the distribution of labor and responsibilities within the household, with each wife often having specific duties and roles. Moreover, polygamous marriages are often accompanied by elaborate ceremonies and rituals, reinforcing social cohesion and community bonds.
Contemporary Perspectives:
While polygamy remains legal and socially accepted in many African countries, its practice has evolved in response to modernization, urbanization, and changes in societal norms. In urban areas, economic constraints and shifting gender dynamics have led to a decline in polygamous marriages, as the costs associated with maintaining multiple households become prohibitive. Moreover, women's empowerment movements and changing attitudes towards gender equality have challenged the patriarchal structures that underpin traditional polygamous unions.
Title: Debating Polygamy: Exploring the Pros and Cons of a Controversial Practice
The Case for Polygam
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1. Cultural Preservation: For many societies, polygamy is deeply ingrained in cultural traditions and religious beliefs. Advocates argue that prohibiting polygamy infringes upon cultural autonomy and the right to practice one's beliefs freely.
2. Economic Benefits: In agrarian or subsistence-based economies, polygamy can provide economic advantages by expanding the labor force and increasing household productivity. Multiple spouses can contribute to farming, childcare, and other domestic tasks, thereby improving the family's overall welfare.
3. Social Stability: In some contexts, polygamy can foster social cohesion and stability by strengthening family networks and community bonds. Polygamous unions often involve extensive kinship networks, which provide social support and security for members.
4. Gender Empowerment: Contrary to popular perception, some women choose polygamous marriages willingly, viewing them as a means of financial security, social status, or companionship. In certain polygamous arrangements, women may have more autonomy and decision-making power than in monogamous marriages.
1. Gender Inequality: Critics argue that polygamy perpetuates patriarchal power structures and exacerbates gender inequality. In many polygamous societies, women have limited rights and agency, often facing discrimination, abuse, and neglect within the household.
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2. Emotional and Psychological Harm: Polygamous marriages can lead to emotional strain, jealousy, and conflicts among spouses. Children in polygamous households may also experience psychological distress due to complex family dynamics and divided parental attention.
3. Legal and Ethical Concerns: Polygamy raises legal and ethical questions regarding marital rights, inheritance, and child custody. In societies where polygamy is practiced without legal regulation, individuals may be vulnerable to exploitation, coercion, and marital instability.
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4. Health Risks: Polygamy is associated with higher rates of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and HIV/AIDS transmission, particularly in contexts where condom use is inconsistent or taboo. Multiple sexual partners increase the risk of disease transmission, posing public health challenges in polygamous communities.
The debate over polygamy is nuanced and contentious, reflecting divergent cultural, ethical, and moral perspectives. While proponents emphasize its cultural significance and potential benefits, opponents highlight the risks of gender inequality, social harm, and health hazards associated with the practice. Ultimately, the question of whether polygamy is "good" or "bad" depends on one's values, beliefs, and the specific context in which it occurs. As societies continue to grapple with issues of gender equality, human rights, and cultural diversity, the conversation around polygamy will undoubtedly evolve.
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coochiequeens · 7 months
Yet another case for SheWon.com. Not just any case, one where a grown ass white dude was allowed to compete against an 11 year old girl of color in the name of inclusiveness.
By Amy Hamm February 22, 2024
A trans-identified male is set to compete against women as the reigning Women’s Snooker Champion at the English Women’s Snooker Championship on May 24 in Walsall, UK. Jamie Hunter, 27, became the top women’s player following a semifinal victory against a young girl last year.
Hunter first rose to prominence during the English Women’s Snooker Champion finals in 2023 after he came out victorious against Mary Talbot-Deegan, finishing 3-1. Hunter had managed to make it to the finals after he beat out Ellise Scott, an 11-year-old rising star in the snooker world, taking 2-0 against her in the semifinal grouping. The event had been Scott’s debut in the tournament, and, prior to her match against Hunter, she had achieved three match victories against experienced female opponents.
Hunter had been participating in women’s cue sports since 2021, just one year after he “came out” as transgender.
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Prior to transitioning, Hunter played in a mixed-sex amateur league for five years. Speaking with Snooker Zone in 2021, Hunter admitted that he had no intention of competing professionally until he discovered that there was a women’s tour.
“Until this year, cue sports was just a hobby, something I done once, maybe twice a week, but now finding out about the Women’s snooker tour, I believe that will change,” he said at the time. “They make out as if I played snooker as a man, I was rubbish, so decided to do it in the women’s instead. I changed my gender for my wellbeing and my life, not for anything else.”
Hunter received significant backlash after his 2022 US Women’s Open win, when former women’s world champion Maria Catalano criticized the policies enabling males to compete against females. In an interview with The Sportsman, Catalano argued that women’s snooker should exclude males from female categories, as some rugby leagues have, to ensure fairness for women. 
“We have fought so hard for our rights in the past – myself, Reanne Evans and others got people to write letters to allow us to play in leagues and clubs that banned women. I don’t believe that women can compete against men on a level playing field in sport. We are wired differently, we think differently. We are mentally different,” said Catalano. 
The World Professional Billiards and Snooker Association (WPBSA) publishes a mixed sex international ranking of players. The highest-ranking female on their current list, Mink Nutcharut, is listed at 119.
In response to the criticism of his wins against women, Hunter has framed the backlash as transphobia.
“Everybody’s human. Regardless of what choices you make. You should treat everybody with respect,” said Hunter speaking to a BBC journalist last fall. Bizarrely, Hunter was interviewed while he sat in a gaming chair in a dark bedroom — which he refers to as “the dark girl cave.” The room has a transgender pride flag pinned up on the wall behind him.
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The upcoming English Women’s Snooker Championship is set for May 24, 2024. It is being organized by the English Partnership for Snooker and Billiards (EPSB), which is the national governing body for the sport in England. They describe their goal as creating a “structured coaching environment that will inspire all regardless of gender, ability, or ethnicity to fulfil their potential in our sport.” 
The EPSB has a diversity, equity, and inclusion policy with a lengthy section on discrimination, including a ban on any “condition, rule or practice [that]… particularly disadvantages people who share a protected characteristic.” As for their list of protected characteristics, the EPSB includes “gender, gender identity, marital status, sexual orientation, race, colour, nationality, religion, age, disability, HIV positivity, working pattern, caring responsibilities, trade union activity or political beliefs.”  
The English Women’s Championship is set to take place at the Landywood Snooker Club in Walsall, UK, on May 24.
This is not the first time a male has dominated women’s cue sports, sparking backlash from players and fans.
Last November, a female pool player refused to compete against a trans-identified male opponent at a women’s championship in Wales. Lynne Pinches received an outpouring of support as video began to circulate showing her walking away from the table after being matched to play against Chris Haynes.
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Days later, two more female pool players refused to compete against Haynes in solidarity with Pinches during the Ultimate Pool tournament in Blackpool, UK.
In January, Pinches headed an effort to launch a lawsuit against the World Eightball Pool Federation (WEPF) and Ultimate Pool Group (UPG), accusing the governing bodies of subjecting women “to direct sex discrimination and harassment on the grounds of sex.”
What does he have to gain from this?
Entry: £30
Winner: £200 
Runner-Up: £100 
Semi-Finalists: £50
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Things to script - nature or status of realities
This is something I recently started inputting into my DRs to make them better and safe. I got much help from ChatGPT too to categorize all these things. I wanted to share it with you guys too :) feel free to use anything for your scripts. Happy Shifting!!!
All of the below discriminations does not exist in any of my DRs
Environmental injustice
Religious discrimination
Ethnic discrimination
Discrimination based on immigration status
Discrimination based on language
Discrimination based on nationality
Discrimination based on indigenous status
Discrimination based on political beliefs
Discrimination based on marital status
Discrimination based on parental status
Discrimination based on veteran status
Discrimination based on HIV/AIDS status
Discrimination based on neurodiversity
Discrimination based on mental health status
Discrimination based on physical appearance
Discrimination based on cultural practices
Discrimination based on regional or geographical origin
Discrimination based on caste or social status
Discrimination based on educational background
Discrimination based on housing status
Discrimination based on criminal record
Discrimination based on economic status
Discrimination based on access to healthcare
Discrimination based on access to education
Discrimination based on access to employment opportunities
All of the below issues have been solved many years ago and they do not exist in the times of any of my DRs
Economic inequality
Environmental degradation
Climate change
Political instability
Armed conflicts
Civil wars
Humanitarian crises
Global health challenges
Infectious diseases
Inadequate healthcare systems
Lack of access to essential medicines
Educational disparities
Limited access to quality education
Child labor
Child marriage
Gender inequality
Women's rights violations
Child labor
Human trafficking
Forced labor
Modern slavery
Lack of transparency
Ineffective governance
Authoritarian regimes
Suppression of free speech
Violations of human rights
Arbitrary detention
Indigenous rights violations
Land grabs
Cultural appropriation
Technological and digital divides
Ethical dilemmas in technology
Privacy concerns
Data breaches
Cybersecurity threats
Food insecurity
Water scarcity
Access to clean water
Sanitation issues
Housing affordability
Urbanization challenges
Aging population
Elder abuse
Mental health stigma
Lack of access to mental health services
Substance abuse
Disability rights violations
Accessibility barriers
Stigmatization of disabilities
LGBTQ+ rights violations
Discrimination based on sexual orientation
Discrimination based on gender identity
Family rejection
Reproductive rights violations
Access to reproductive healthcare
Maternal mortality
Child mortality
Access to clean energy
Energy poverty
Fossil fuel dependence
Renewable energy transition challenges
Wildlife conservation
Endangered species protection
Animal rights violations
All the DRs I shift to are abundant of the following things 
Environmental stewardship
Conflict resolution
Critical thinking
Cultural diversity
Cultural respect
Ethical leadership
Service to others
Health promotion
Healthcare access
Mental health support
Social support systems
Social justice
Human rights
Freedom of expression
Freedom of assembly
Democratic governance
Rule of law
Accountability mechanisms
Community empowerment
Grassroots activism
Civic engagement
Sustainable development
Responsible consumption
Renewable energy adoption
Biodiversity protection
Animal welfare
Gender equality
Women's empowerment
LGBTQ+ rights
Disability rights
Indigenous rights
Racial equity
Anti-discrimination policies
Social welfare programs
Poverty alleviation
Economic empowerment
Access to education
Access to clean water
Sanitation infrastructure
Housing rights
Food security
Global cooperation
International aid and development
Humanitarian assistance
Conflict prevention
All of the DRs I shift into are currently successfully overcoming the following challenges as they rise
Sustaining Progress: Maintaining the momentum of positive change and preventing regression into previous discriminatory attitudes and practices.
Ensuring Equity: Addressing lingering disparities and ensuring that the benefits of progress are equitably distributed across all communities.
Adapting to Changing Circumstances: Remaining flexible and responsive to evolving societal needs, dynamics, and challenges over time.
Balancing Interests: Navigating competing interests, values, and priorities among diverse stakeholders in society.
Preventing Backlash: Mitigating potential backlash from individuals or groups who may resist or oppose efforts to eliminate discrimination and promote positive change.
Addressing Unforeseen Consequences: Anticipating and addressing unintended consequences or side effects of interventions aimed at addressing societal issues.
Managing Complexity: Dealing with the complexity of interconnected social, economic, political, and environmental systems, which may require interdisciplinary approaches and collaboration.
Maintaining Engagement: Sustaining public engagement, participation, and support for ongoing efforts to promote equality, justice, and well-being.
Ensuring Accountability: Holding individuals, institutions, and governments accountable for upholding principles of fairness, transparency, and ethical conduct.
Resisting Entrenched Power Structures: Challenging and dismantling entrenched power structures, systems of privilege, and institutionalized forms of discrimination.
Addressing Global Challenges: Collaborating internationally to address global challenges such as climate change, inequality, and conflict, which require coordinated action across borders.
Cultural Sensitivity: Respecting and accommodating diverse cultural norms, values, and perspectives while promoting universal principles of human rights and equality.
Managing Resources: Efficiently allocating resources and managing competing demands to sustain progress and address ongoing needs in society.
Promoting Inclusivity: Ensuring that marginalized or vulnerable groups are included in decision-making processes and benefit from positive changes in society.
Building Trust: Fostering trust, cooperation, and solidarity among individuals, communities, and institutions to sustain positive social transformation.
Addressing New Challenges: Remaining vigilant and adaptive to emerging challenges and threats to equality, justice, and well-being in an ever-changing world.
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heartofstanding · 7 months
After reading your article, marriages like Eleanor and Humphrey, Katherine and John, Henry VIII and Ambeline are described as women seducing men, and men being victims... But marriages like Owen Tudor and Catherine, Richard Woodville and Jacqueta in Luxembourg, will have completely ignored the subjective initiative of women, and the description of men seducing women should be class/gender discrimination?
Hi anon, I think you're asking about what kind of narratives there were around the marriages between men and women of significantly higher status, the inverse of the type of relationships I was talking about in this blogpost I made on my sideblog that focused on Eleanor Cobham, where women married men of much higher status than themselves.
There seems to be comparatively little scholarship in this area and it would be fascinating to see what commonalities and links a study would produce. The marriage of men to women of significantly higher status than themselves does appear to have been fairly common but does not seem to have generated the same amount of commentary and infamy as the relationships between women who married men of significantly higher status. I don't mean that they didn't contract comment but that there was little sustained comment - who remembers Alice de Lacey and Eubulus le Strange? Katherine Woodville and Sir Richard Wingfield? The only high profile case I can think of is Joan of Kent and Thomas Holland.
From what I could find, there does not seem to be the equivalent narrative of the man of lesser status seducing or bewitching the high-status woman into marriage. Instead, what seems to be the common theme is, as Katherine J. Lewis says, "a standard medieval antifeminist notion: that women were naturally inclined to lust and rendered irrational to it."
Lewis was talking specifically about the case of Catherine de Valois. One contemporary chronicler remarked that she was "unable to fully control her fleshly passions" when she married Owen Tudor and even chastises her for keeping the marriage secret "so she did not claim honourable title [of marriage] during her lifetime". Tudor was described by another chronicle as "no man of birthe nother of lyflode", implying his unworthiness. But there seems to have been little rancour or blame directed at Tudor.
It's not until the 16th century where the image of Catherine as governed by her lust became the dominant narrative around her remarriage, perhaps because the rise of the Tudor dynasty and Henry VIII's marital life lent itself to it. One notable example is Edward Hall, who in 1548 described Catherine as:
beyng young and lust, folowyng more awne appetite, then frendely counsaill and regardyng more her priuate affecion then her open honour
He describes Tudor, on the other hand, as a "goodly gentilman & a beautyful person, garnished with many Godly gyftes, both of nature & of grace" - so the issue here is not that Tudor is a social-climber but that Catherine is at the mercy of her sexual desires. Probably the most extreme example of this is Nicholas Fox's claim that Catherine "bey[ed] like a very dronkyn whore" in bed with Tudor - a factoid often gleefully repeated by historians and commentators to proclaim Tudor's sexual prowess despite the fact that Fox made the claim in 1541 and is far from a reliable source. The fact that it has been almost universally used to celebrate Tudor by demeaning Catherine shows how long-lasting this type of narrative is. Polydore Vergil similarly describes Catherine dismissively as "yonge in yeres, and thereby of lesse discretion to judge what was decent for estates" and then focuses on Tudor's lineage and good qualities. Kavita Mudan Finn notes that he "succeeds in suppressing what on the surface to appears to be her agency - a second marriage of her own free will - by literally changing the subject to Owen, and by extension, Henry, Tudor". This same suppression of Catherine's agency appears again in Michael Drayton's Englands Heroicall Epistles where Catherine appears to be acting on her own initiative, wanting Tudor for herself, but Drayton has Tudor displace Catherine's agency by citing destiny as the impulse behind their union. Catherine "is reimagined as a 'a Royall Prize' for Tudor to claim", per Finn. In short, Catherine appears to be cast as oversexed and/or uncontrollable while Tudor's individual qualities and descent are celebrated and their union is seen as governed by destiny and fate.
Joan of Kent has fared similarly to Catherine in that she is primarily remembered as governed by her lust. Famously described as Froissart as "a woman more beautiful and amorous than any in the realm" and by Adam of Usk as a "woman given to slippery ways", Joan had married Thomas Holland clandestinely, then been convinced by her family to marry William Montagu (the son of the Earl of Salisbury). Around eight years later, Holland then petitioned the papacy to return Joan to him, resulting in a public scandal. When Holland died in 1360, Joan made another shocking match, this time marrying Edward of Woodstock, Edward III's eldest son and heir known to history as "the Black Prince". Joan was sometimes referred to the "Fair Maid of Kent" or "the Virgin of Kent", probably sarcastically. Thomas Austin's wife was alleged to claim that Joan's son with the Prince, Richard II, was "nevere the prynses son and ... his moder [i.e. Joan] was nevere but a strong hore". Froissart recorded a conversation between Richard and his usurper, Henry IV, where Henry alleged that a bastard gotten in adultery. W. Mark Ormrod also suggested that various narratives about Joan in the Peasants Revolt built on her carnal reputation and may have reflected even more salacious tales floating around. Thomas Walsingham emphasises Joan's other alleged, inordinate appetites around the time of her death - gluttony ("hardly able to move about because she was so fat") and a love of luxury.
It is, however, very difficult to determine how much of Joan's reputation was shaped to her marriage to a man of significantly lower status or how much it was shaped by her marriage to the man, at the time, was to be the next king of England and to whom her marriage was both scandalous and unconventional. Likely, her reputation was formed by both marriages, both feeding the other. The deposition of her son also meant that her reputation was used as a way of slandering him. Thomas Holland, on the other hand, barely seems to be mentioned, let alone criticised - even if he was in his mid-20s when he married the 12 year old Joan. In fact, Henry Knighton's chronicle positions Holland as seduced by her, crediting Holland's "desire for her" as the cause that she had been divorced from her second husband, Montagu.
Jacquetta and Richard Woodville do not seem to have drawn the same level of commentary. Lynda J. Pidgeon notes that "the marriage ... aroused no comment from English chroniclers until after the couple’s daughter, Elizabeth, married King Edward IV in 1464". though it was recorded in by continental chronicles, such as Enguerrand de Monstrelet, who recorded recorded:
In this year [1436], the duchess of Bedford, sister to the count de St. Pol, married, from inclination, an English knight called sir Richard Woodville, a young man, very handsome and well made, but, in regard to birth, inferior to her first husband, the regent, and to herself…
This has similar echoes to Hall's and Vergil's comments about the marriage of Catherine and Owen Tudor - Jacquetta marries from "inclination" a man inferior to herself but who is otherwise "very handsome and well-made". Hall includes the story of their marriage immediately after his account of Catherine and Tudor, which, as Finn says, "hints at a growing interest - and indeed, anxiety - about women's desires". Like Catherine, Jacquetta is described as marrying Woodville "rather for pleasure then for honour" and "without coū∣sayl of her frendes". Her family is said to disapprove but can do nothing - sentiments also found in Monstrelat and Jean de Wavrin. Rather than dwelling on Woodville's qualities as he does with Tudor's, Hall describes Woodville "lusty" and notes that he was made Baron Rivers, which may indicate . He does, however, mention the marriage of their daughter, Elizabeth, to the future Edward IV, a subject which he promises to return to.
The continuation of Monstrelet's chronicle links Jacquetta and Woodville's marriage to that of their daughter, Elizabeth Woodville's marriage to Edward IV, "thus linking these two unorthodox women together", per Finn. Here's what this continuation says:
After the death of the duke, his widow following her own inclinations, which were contrary to the wishes of her family, particularly to those of her uncle, the cardinal of Rouen, married the said lord Rivers, reputed the handsomest man that could be seen, who shortly after carried her to England, and never after could return to France for fear of the relatives of this lady.
It is likely that Jacquetta's unconventional second marriage helped render Jacquetta's reputation suspect and tempting to speculate that that it rendered her vulnerable to the accusations that she had used witchcraft to make Edward IV marry her daughter, Elizabeth Woodville. The unpopularity in France and Burgundy of her first marriage to John of Lancaster, Duke of Bedford and Regent of France may have also played into this view. Ricardians have certainly framed her as her as a seductress and her family as scheming, power-hungry social climbers in that regard - while also treating her as driven by her lust for Woodville. However, there is no evidence that this was the view of Jacquetta at the time, either in England or in France.
Richard Woodville is unique amongst the three men I've mentioned in that he seems to have been reviled as a man "brought up from nought", along with the rest of his and Jacquetta's prodigious offspring. This view has been spurred on by Ricardian historians that have reviled Elizabeth Woodville, where the entire family is depicted as a brood of grasping social climbers. An invasive species, if you will. I think it is likely that Jacquetta and Richard Woodville's marriage has helped furnish this view, particularly for Woodville himself. However, this particular image of Woodville and his children only seems to emerge with Elizabeth's marriage to Edward IV and the tensions between Edward, Woodville, George, Duke of Clarence and Richard Neville, Earl of Warwick ('the Kingmaker'), rather than Woodville's marriage to Jacquetta.
In short: the tendency seems to be depict the high-status woman as indulging in her own sexual desires and acting on her own will, disregarding reason, counsel and sense, while the man of lesser-status is considered handsome but bears little or no responsibility for seducing the woman. He is of less interest to contemporary chroniclers. Woodville seems to be an exception, rather than the norm, in being seen as guilty of social climbing and there it is the marriage of his daughter, not his own marriage, that gave that reputation. Owen Tudor, as the patriarchal originator of the Tudor dynasty, was celebrated by Tudor-era writers for his qualities and Welsh lineage - it would be easy to conclude that had he not been the grandfather of Henry VII, he would be entirely forgotten.
There do not seem to be any contemporary claims than Tudor, Holland or Woodville seduced, bewitched or raped their wives, whatever historical fiction novelists or pop historians claim. However, it should be noted that there are many cases where other high-status women could be abducted and forced into marriage. One example is Alice de Lacey, Countess of Lancaster. For those cases, I suggest reading Caroline Dunn's Stolen Women. It is far too long and complicated subject to summarise in a tumblr post.
Caroline Dunn, Stolen Women in Medieval England: Rape, Abduction, and Adultery, 1100–1500 (Cambridge University Press, 2017)
David Green “‘A woman given to slippery ways’? The reputation of Joan, the Fair Maid of Kent”, People, Power and Identity in the Late Middle Ages: Essays in Memory of W. Mark Ormrod (Routledge, 2021, eds. Gwilym Dodd, Helen Lacey, Anthony Musson)
Katherine J. Lewis, “Katherine of Valois: The Vicissitudes of Reputation”, Later Plantagenet and the Wars of the Roses Consorts: Power, Influence, and Dynasty (eds. J. L. Laynesmith and Elena Woodacre, Palgrave 2023)    
Kavita Mudan Finn, The Last Plantagenet Consorts: Gender, Genre, and Historiography, 1440-1627 (Palgrave Macmillan, 2012)
W. Mark Ormrod, "In Bed With Joan of Kent: The King's Mother and the Peasants Revolt", Medieval Women: Texts and Contexts in Late Medieval Britain (ed. Jocelyn Wogan-Browne, Rosalynn Voaden, Arlyn Diamond, Ann Hutchison, Carol Meale, and Lesley Johnson, Brepols 2000)
Lynda J. Pigdeon, Brought Up Of Nought: A History of the Woodville Family (Fonthill 2019)
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eggcats · 1 year
I strongly believe, that about 5-10 years into Maia's reign as emperor, when he's finally confident/able to REALLY shake things up is when he's going to make HUGE sweeping changes in the culture
Every school/university/higher learning has to take in women or risk losing any kind of imperial funding or being sued for discrimination
No discrimination in any workplace or anything based on gender, marital status, race, sexuality etc
Legalizing marriage for marnei/ decriminalizing being marnei
Somehow doing something about nobles forcing their daughters to become wives and mothers to complete strangers JUST to give their fathers more power
(my brain's not working, but shit like that. that like, if he did any earlier his entire court would try to assassinate him for, but now it's just everyone noble OUTSIDE the court who wants to)
Just like, absolutely FUCKING UP the entire power structure that's been the norm for centuries the SECOND he has enough people in his court and enough knowledge to let him do so
The week before the announcements go out for the new laws, he sends a letter to Thara Celehar asking if he is available for a meeting. And he's, Freaking Out. What has he done now? Has His Serenity finally decided to execute him for some offense he's done????
Meanwhile Maia is just SUPER EXCITED to tell him that he's FINALLY made it so he can get married! And Thara is HORRIBLY embarrassed. This is his worst nightmare. Let him sink into the earth this second and no longer exist.
I LOVE the books on Thara Celehar, don't ever get me wrong he's my babygirl and I love him. But I ALSO want more on Maia and how he's handling his reign (maybe not right now, but once he starts bringing in people he can trust and who have progressive opinions) bc I trust him so much and I KNOW he's going to do so much good as emperor!
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newsfromstolenland · 2 years
"Everyone has heard the whispers of country clubs denying membership based on background or beliefs, and one Ontario private community is making zero effort to hide its rule of ethnic exclusivity in a perplexing real estate listing that has quietly sat on the market since 2022.
The listing advertises the typical features you'd associate with a small-town home, along with its country club-specific lifestyle and the associated membership fees. But the home description kind of goes off the rails in the last few sentences of the listing, stating that any prospective buyer must be of "Ukrainian descent" to qualify for purchase.
Hold the phone. What?
Time to dive into the law books for a look at the Ontario Human Rights Code.
Under Part 1 (Freedom from Discrimination), section 2 (Accommodation) of the Code, "Every person has a right to equal treatment with respect to the occupancy of accommodation, without discrimination because of race, ancestry, place of origin, colour, ethnic origin, citizenship, creed, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, age, marital status, family status, disability or the receipt of public assistance."
A handful of these classifications most definitely seem to point towards there being some pretty glaring issues with maintaining restrictive covenants limiting non-Ukrainians from purchasing a home.
In short, all signs point to 'you can't do this in Ontario.'
When asked directly if this listing is, in fact, legal, Rayissa Palmer, the broker associated with the listing, told blogTO, "That's a very good question," and then proceeded to describe the complexities of this community without ever directly addressing the opening query."
Full article
Tagging: @allthecanadianpolitics
This is super illegal and unethical. Their argument is that technically you wouldn't own the land, you'd be a member. And that no one has challenged the legality of this yet. It's time someone challenged the legality of this.
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adarkrainbow · 11 months
One very interesting to note when comparing the "literary" fairytales and the "folkloric" fairytales - the fairytales actually rewritten or entirely written by authors for a literate public versus the oral folktales and "countryside" or "simple folks" fairytales collected by folklorists.
The latter tend to be very conservative, the former much more progressive than you think. Or rather... when you've got crazy nationalist and xenophobes and discriminators of all kinds, they'll turn towards the "folkloric" fairytales - but when you want to research queer, society-questioning, gender-norms-breaking, eerily modern fairytales, you'll go with the literary fairytales rather.
Don't get me wrong, do NOT get me wrong - both kind of fairytales are usually very racist in one way or another because they are from ancient times. The Pentamerone, madame d'Aulnoy's fairytales and the brothers Grimm fairytales all are very not-Black-people-friendly and always depict having dark skin as being ugly, being wicked or being a laughingstock. Because they were written by Renaissance-era Italians and French people, and by 19th century German men, so casual racism is just there.
BUT... Folkloric countrysides tend to play the cards of the casual European racism, and the common antisemitism, and the ingrained misogynistic views, much more plainly, openly and directly, because they were literaly collected among the folks that thought that, among the common population with the "common" views of the time. For example in a lot of French folkloric fairytales (not reprinted for children today) the role of the ogre or the devil or the murder in the woods will often be "the Moor" or "the Mooress", because it was okay to depict Moors are humanoid, devilish monsters used to eat the flesh of Christian children. The casual racism and antisemitism in good handfuls of the Grimm fairytales also prove the point (NOT HANSEL AND GRETEL THOUGH! I think I made my point clear). And the same way, in the Grimm you have the absolute "heterosexual-happiness" structure that was reinforced by Disney movie and is the reason why people think fairytales are inherently homophobic.
However, when it comes to literary fairytales, you have an entirely different song. Because they were LITERARY works, and as with a lot of literature pieces, you often get more progressive things than you think. Everybody knows of Andersen's fairytales queerness today that make them beautiful allegories for things such as coming out of the closet or transitioning or living in an homophobic setting, but if we take less "modern" and "invented", more traditional fairytales, we can be in for quite a surprise...
Take the Italian fairytales classics - the Pentamerone and the Facetious Nights. These works were originally satirical and humoristic adult works. Crude satire, dark humor - they were basically the South Park of their time. Slapstick gore out of an Itchy and Scratchy show, very flowery insults the kind of which you except to come of a Brandon Rogers video, poop and piss everywhere (yet another common trait with Brandon Rogers video, in fact I realized the classic Italian literary fairytales have actually a LOT in common with Brandon's videos...), and lot of sexual innuendos and jokes involving the limits of what was accepted as tolerable (extra-marital affairs, homosexuality, incest, gerontophilia, zoophilia). This was one big crude joke where everybody got something for their money and everyone, no matter the skin color, the religion, the gender or the social status, got a nasty little caricature. It does come off as a result as massively racist, antisemitic, ageist and misogynistic tales today... But it also clearly calls out the bad treatment of women, and takes all kings for fools, and completely deconstructs the "prince charming" trope before it even existed because they're all horny brutes, and it encourages good people to actually go and KILL wicked people who abuse others and commit horrid deeds... These tales inherited the "medieval comedy style" of the Middle-Ages, where it was all about showing how everybody in the world is an asshole, all "goodness" and "purity" is just foolishness and hypocrisy, how the world is just sex and feces, and how everybody ended up beaten up in the end.. (See the Reynard the Fox stories for example - which themselves spawned an entire category of "animal fairytales" listed alongside traditional "magical fairytales" in the Aarne-Thompson Catalogue.
But what about the French classical literary fairytales? Charles Perrault, and madame d'Aulnoy, and all the other "précieuses" and salon fairytale authors - mademoiselle Lhéritier, madame de Murat, the knight of Mailly, Catherine Bernard, etc etc...
The common opinion that was held by everyone, France included, for a very long tale, was that their fairytales were the "sweet and saccharine-crap and ridiculous-romance" type of fairytales. They were the basis of several Disney movies afterall, and created many of the stereotyped fairytale cliches (such as the knight in shiny armor saving a damsel in distress). People accused these authors - delicate and elegant fashionable women, upper-class people close to the royal court and part of the luxurious and vain world of Versailles, "proper" intellectuals more concerned with finding poetic metaphors and correct phrasing - they were accused of removing the truth, the power, the darkness, the heart of the "original" folkloric fairytales to dilute them into a syrupy and childish bedtime story.
But the truth is - a truth that fairytale authorities and students are rediscovering since a dozen of years now, and that is quite obvious when you actually take time to LEARN about the context of these fairytales and actually read them as literary products - that they are much more complex and progressive than you could think of. Or rather... subversive. This is a word that reoccurs very often with French fairytales studies recently: these tales are subversive. Indeed on the outside these fairytales look like everything I described above... But that's because people look at them with modern expectations, and forget that A) fairytales were generally discredited and disregarded as a "useless, pointless child-game" by the intellectuals of the time, despite it being a true craze among bookish circles and B) the authors had to deal with censorship, royal and state censorship. As a result, they had to be sly and discreet, and hide clues between the lines, and enigmas to be solved with a specific context, and references obscure to one not in the known - these tales are PACKED with internal jokes only other fairytale authors of the time could get.
These fairytales were mostly written by women. This in itself was something GRANDIOSE because remember that in the 17th century France, women writing books or novels or even short stories was seen as something indecent - women weren't even supposed to be educated or to read "serious stuff" else their brain might fry or something. Fairytales were a true outlet for women to epxress their literary sensibilities and social messages - since they were allowed to take part in this "game" and nobody bothered looking too deep into "naive stories about whimsical things like fairies and other stupid romances".
But then here's the twist... When you look at the lie of the various fairytale authors (or authoresses) oh boy! Do you get a surprise. They were bad girls, naughty girls (and naughty boys too). They were "upper-class, delicate, refined people of the salons" true. But they were not part of the high-aristocracy, they usually were just middle or low nobility or not even true nobility but grand bourgeois or administrative nobility - and they had VERY interesting lives. Some of them went to prison. Others were exiled - or went into exile to not be arrested. You had people who were persecuted for sharing vies opposing the current politico-status of France ; you had women who had to live through very hard and traumatic events (most commonly very bad child marriages, or tragic death of their kids). And a lot of them had some crazy stories to tell...
Just take madame d'Aulnoy. Often discredited as the symbol of the "unreadable, badly-aged, naive, bloated with romance, uninteresting fairytale", and erased in favor of Perrault's shorter, darker, more "folkloric" tales - and that despite madame d'Aulnoy being the mother of the French fairytale genre, the one that got the name "fairytale" to exist in the first place, and being even more popular than Perrault up until the 19th century. Imagine this so called "precious, delicate, too-refined and too-romantic middled aged woman in her salon"... And know that she was forced into a marriage with an alcoholic, abusive old man when she as just a teenager, that things got so bad she had to conspire with family members of her (and some male friends, maybe lovers, can't recall right now) to accuse her husband of a murder so he would get death sentence - but the conspiracy backfired, madame d'Aulnoy's friends got sentenced to death, and she had to exile herself it her mother in England to not get caught too. And she only returned to France and became known as a fairytale writer there after many decades of exile in other European countries the time the case got settled down. Oh, and when escaping France's justice she even had to hide under the frontsteps of a church. Yep.
Now I am reciting it all out of memory, I might get some details wrong, but the key thing is: madame d'Aulnoy was a woman with a crazy criminal life, and in fact she got such a reputaton of a "woman of debauchery" the British people reinvented her and her fairytales around the folk/fairytale figure of Mother Bunch (Madame d'Aulnoy's fairytales became "Mother Bunch" fairytales in England to match Perrault's "Mother Goose" fairytales, and Mother Bunch was previously in England a stereotype associated with the old wise woman, kind of witchy, that girls of the village went to to get love potions and aphrodisiacs or some advice on what to do once in bed with a guy - think fo Nanny Ogg from Discworld).
And many other fairytale authors of this "classical era of fairytales" had just as interesting, wild or marginal lives. The result? When you look at their tales you find... numerous situations where a character has to dress up and pass off as the opposite gender, resulting in many gender-confusing emotion and situations just as queer as Shakespeare's Twelfth Night. Several suspiciously close and intimate friendships between two girls or two men. Various dark jokes at all the vices and corruption underlying in the "good society". Discreet sexual references hinting that there's more than is told about those idyllic romances. And lots of disguised criticism of the monarchic government and the gender politics of the society of their time - kings being depicted as villains or fools, princes either being villains or behaving very wrongly towards women, many of the typical fairytale love stories ending in tragedies (yes there's a lot of those fairytales where, because a prince loved a princess, they both died), numerous courtly depictions of rape and forced and abusive marriages, and of course - supreme subversion of all subversions - people of lower class ending up at the same level as kings (Puss in Boots' moral is that all you need to be a prince is just to look the part), and other mixed-class marriages (which was the great terror of the old nobility of France, for whom it was impossible to marry below their rank - if a king married a common peasant girl, the Apocalypse would arrive and it was the End of times).
So yeah, all of that to say... All the literary fairytales I came across with had subversive or progressive elements to it ; and this is why they are generally so easier to adapt or re-adapt in more queer or democratic or feminist takes, because there's always seeds here and there, even though people do not see it obviously. Meanwhile folkloric fairytales tend to be much more conservative and reflective of past (or present) prejudices, but people tend to forget it because these stories simple format and shortness allows them to "break" into pieces more easily like Legos you rearrange.
All I'm going to say is that there's a reason wy the Nazis very easily re-used the Grimm brothers fairytales as part of their antisemitic and fascist propaganda ; and why Russian dictators like Putin also love using traditional Russian fairytales in their own propaganda, while you rarely see Italian or French political evils reuse Perrault, d'Aulnoy, Basile or Straparole fairytales.
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simplydnp · 4 months
Re the hospital question - this shouldnt make a difference in the UK due to both the equality act and the nursing and midwifery council code of conduct. Same sex partners can go to hospital and also be recognised as next of kin regardless of marital status (that's not to say discrimination doesn't happen obviously but by law it shouldn't)
interesting! thank you for the information ☺️
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fostercare-expat · 4 months
In this country, only official foster parents are allowed to get the monthly foster stipend. And the current rules are that you must be a married couple (man/woman) to be approved so I can’t apply. Family and kinship carers (the category that I fall into) don’t get any financial support, and aren’t even supposed to get transport although an exception for transportation has been made for me thankfully. I did the math and even if this case goes at the fastest timeline possible, that’s $9,000 USD that I would have been given minimum, and it will likely drag longer. That’s not a small amount of money! I can continue without it, but I’m pissed that I’m being discriminated against because of my marital status, and I’m conscious that while I can make this work financially, many local families can’t and that means there probably a lot of families that can’t support their relatives who come into care because of the money, and the stipend would have changed that. So yes, I’ll be advocating for this policy to be changed.
Don’t know if any long term readers remember that a few years back, I got my local politician involved about how CPS kids were being help at the children hospital just because social workers were not sure what their next placement would be, sometimes weeks at a time, even though there was no medical reason for them to be there. They are sleeping in rooms of 6 beds and the other beds have sick kids and doctors and nurses coming in all night long. This is still the situation because Older Brother just spent 6 nights at the children’s hospital when he could have been released after 1 night and we were ready to receive him but they were sure if they were going to give him to us or his mom so they just kept him there an extra 5 nights instead. And there are beds at the group home so they could have sent him there. Well, a few days ago I read a news report that 2 girls aged 15 and 16 climbed out of a window at the children’s hospital and threaten to jump, and all the police and fire responded, etc. I bet you anything those were sisters in CPS care who have been trapped in there and are feeling helpless after weeks passing while they rot inside a hospital setting when they aren’t sick.
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Arizona’s newly elected Gov. Katie Hobbs (D) signed an executive order extending employment protections to state employees and contractors who are LGBTQ+.
As the Human Rights Campaign reports, the executive order, signed on Hobbs’s first day in office Tuesday, directs the state’s Department of Administration to update hiring, promotion, and compensation policies for all state agencies to prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity and include provisions in all new state contracts to prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.
The executive order goes beyond what is already required under state and federal laws banning employment discrimination on the basis of race, sex, religion, pregnancy, and veteran status, to include factors such as sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, culture, creed, social origin, and political affiliation.
KAWC notes that sexual orientation is already covered under a 2003 executive order issued by former Arizona Gov. Janet Napolitano (D). But as press aide Murphy Herbert explained, “The order from 2003 arguably allowed the state to consider sexual orientation in hiring so long as it wasn’t the only reason for a hiring decision.”
Hobbs’s executive order, Herbert said, “clarifies that discrimination based on sexual orientation is prohibited in all state hiring decisions.”
“Gov. Hobbs has been all over the state and she’s been hearing from communities who say that they want a state that reflects the values and a state where they feel seen and safe,” Herbert told KAWC. “This executive order is one step she’s taking to ensure that everyone in Arizona knows that she is the Governor for everyone and that these communities can and will be safe.”
Human Rights Campaign Arizona State Director Bridget Sharpe said that the LGBTQ+ advocacy organization “was proud to work alongside countless other LGBTQ+ organizations and allies to help Katie Hobbs become Arizona’s Governor. She ran on the promise that she would immediately act to stop the attacks on Arizona’s LGBTQ+ individuals and families and use the full extent of her power to protect our community. On her first day in office, she took an important step towards fulfilling that commitment by signing an Executive Order providing non-discrimination for LGBTQ+ state employees and state contractors. This is what it looks like to have a champion for equality in office. We can’t wait to work with the Hobbs administration to move our state forward.”
But Cathi Herrod, president of the conservative lobbying group Center for Arizona Policy, claimed that Hobbs’s executive order may violate the constitutional rights of faith-based agencies.
Last year, former Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey (R) approved S.B. 1399, which created religious exemptions for faith-based adoption and foster care agencies. “That law should take precedence over any executive order,” said Herrod. “The question is, does the state want to continue to have faith-based agencies providing such critical foster care and adoption services? I think we do.”
Sarah Warbelow, legal counsel for the Human Rights Coalition, conceded that S.B. 1399 trumps the new executive order. However, she explained, Hobbs’s order covers other things that organizations and agencies that contract with the state’s government can and cannot do.
“For example, if the YMCA wanted to contract with the state to broaden summer camps, that new executive order doesn’t say anything about discriminating against the kids who go to those camps,” Warbelow explained. “It does say when you’re hiring those camp counselors, you can’t discriminate on the basis of race or sex, religion, sexual orientation, or gender identity.”
Herrod disagreed. “You can’t discriminate and not award those contracts on that basis,” she told KAWC. “Because if they didn’t award the contract because of the religious entity’s beliefs, then they’re violating their constitutional and statutory rights.”
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ENG: Hello, everyone!
@xxlelaxx pointed out to me that a friend of hers came across a fundraising campaign by a transgender person from Berlin who is currently involved in a legal process for transphobic reasons. Liam had to terminate a contract to prevent a forced outing as well as public deadnaming. Now it seems that Liam could lose the case because some deadlines in the process were arbitrarily changed.
Since I don't know much about the case myself, I included a description of the case in German and English with an ALT text and I'll copy the text below in English and German once more. Maybe some of you can help! (I just want to clarify that I am not personally involved in this and I'm not receiving any money from this, I am only sharing.)
GER: Hallo, ihr Lieben!
@xxlelaxx hat mich darauf hingewiesen, dass eine Freundin von ihr auf eine Spendenaktion gestoßen ist von einer trans Person aus Berlin, die gerade in einen transfeindlichen Prozess verwickelt ist.
Liam musste von einem Vertrag zurücktreten, um ein Zwangsouting und ein öffentliche Deadnaming zu verhindern. Nun sieht es aus als könnte Liam den Prozess verlieren, weil einige Fristen des Prozesses willkürlich verändert wurden.
weil ich selbst auch nicht viel mehr über diesen Fall weiß, füge ich euch eine Schilderung des Falles noch einml auf Deusch und Englisch bei und die Bilder oben sind mit einem ALT-Text versehen. Vielleicht können einige von euch etwas beisteuern! (Um das zu verdeutlichen, ich bin hier nicht persönlich involviert, ich teile nur den GoFundMe)
Help Liam win a transphobic lawsuit!
Liam (left person) is a very close friend of mine and is currently facing a transphobic lawsuit with a University in Berlin.
The next trial date is 07/07/2023, and I am collecting donations for this now so that Liam is not left to pay the costs alone if the lawsuit is lost. Liam is currently working in a precarious temporary project position and would have to go into debt if he loses in court.
Liam positions himself as transmasculine, non-binary, white, and working class (no academic background). Liam is closely networked in the Berlin trans* community and also does a lot of political work there.
In 2021, Liam was offered a job contract at the university as a student assistant for a project. At that time, Liam could not accept this position because the contract was in Liam's deadname and would also be readable by everyone in the technical system. Liam would thus not only have been misgendered, but also forced into a forced outing. In this day and age of increasing trans hostility, this could have been dangerous for Liam.
For the first day of the trial against this university, Liam received legal aid. Unfortunately, Liam lost in the first instance, because the judge arbitrarily postponed the deadline for filing the lawsuit. Thus, the filing of the lawsuit allegedly took place too late. This postponement of the deadline did not exist under the AGG. This is a scandal!
Legally, Liam's lawyer relies on the General Equal Treatment Act (AGG), which stipulates that no person may be discriminated against on the basis of their own gender.
The legal dispute with the university in Berlin has far-reaching significance and affects not only Liam personally, but also the entire trans* community in Germany. This case will set a precedent in court and legally answer the question of whether trans* people can enter into employment with a name of their own choosing even before they change their marital status. It also raises the question of what anti-discrimination work can look like when deadlines can ultimately be arbitrarily changed.
Over the past year, Liam has often been there for me and so has accompanied me through the mastectomy process and surgery. With this crowdfunding campaign I would like to give that back and support Liam in the court case.
If the case is won, the money will either be used for the possible revision or donated.
Thank you for all your donations! <3
Liam ist eine sehr eng befreundete Person von mir und steht gerade vor einem transfeindlichen Rechtsstreit mit einer Universität in Berlin.
Der nächste Prozesstag ist am 07.07.2023. Dafür sammle ich jetzt Spenden, damit Liam nicht allein auf den Kosten sitzen bleibt, falls der Rechtsstreit verloren geht. Liam arbeitet derzeit in einer prekär befristeten Projektstelle und müsste sich bei einer Niederlage vor Gericht verschulden.
Liam positioniert sich selbst als transmaskulin, nicht-binär, weiß und working class (kein akademischer Hintergrund). Liam ist eng vernetzt in der Berliner trans* Community und leistet dort auch viel politische Arbeit.
Im Jahr 2021 bekam Liam einen Arbeitsvertrag bei der Universität in Berlin als studentische Hilfskraft für ein Projekt angeboten. Diese Stelle konnte Liam damals nicht annehmen, da der Vertrag auf Liams Deadname lief und auch im technischen System für alle lesbar wäre. Liam wäre damit nicht nur misgendert, sondern auch zu einem Zwangsouting gezwungen worden. In der heutigen Zeit, in der Transfeindlichkeit zunimmt, hätte das für Liam gefährlich werden können.
Für den ersten Prozesstag gegen diese Universität Berlin bekam Liam Prozesskostenhilfe. Leider hat Liam in erster Instanz gegen diese verloren, da der Richter die Frist der Klage-Erhebung willkürlich verlegte. Damit fand angeblich die Klage-Erhebung zu spät statt. Diese Fristverlegung hat es unter dem AGG so noch nicht gegeben. Das ist ein Skandal!
Rechtlich stützt sich Liams Rechtsanwältin auf das Allgemeine Gleichbehandlungsgesetz (AGG), das festlegt, dass kein Mensch aufgrund des eigenen Geschlechts diskriminiert werden darf.
Der Rechtsstreit mit der Universität in Berlin hat weitreichende Bedeutung und betrifft nicht nur Liam persönlich, sondern auch die gesamte trans* Community in Deutschland. Dieser Fall wird vor Gericht einen Präzedenzfall schaffen und rechtlich die Frage beantworten, ob trans* Menschen auch vor ihrer Personenstandsänderung mit selbst gewähltem Namen ein Arbeitsverhältnis eingehen können. Zudem stellt sich die Frage, wie Antidiskriminierungsarbeit aussehen kann, wenn Fristen schlussendlich willkürlich verändert werden können.
In dem letzten Jahr war Liam oft für mich da und hat mich so auch bei Mastektomie-Prozess und der OP begleitet. Mit dieser Crowdfunding Kampagne möchte ich das jetzt zurückgeben und Liam bei dem Gerichtsprozess unterstützen.
Sollte der Prozess gewonnen werden, wird das Geld entweder für die mögliche Revision verwendet oder gespendet.
Danke für all eure Spenden <3
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