#mandalorian armor tech
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jastervhett · 2 months ago
The Mandalorian: Din Djarin's Mandalorian Armor & Helmet
Well, since The Mandalorian TV series is going to be a wrap & we're not going to see anything new until The Mandalorian & Grogu film drops, there is one thing I've been wondering about when it comes to Din Djarin's Mandalorian Armor & Helmet….
After his 'Battle of the Mudhorn', Din Djarin & his Mandalorian Armor suffered substantial injury/damage. Even though Djarin did a pretty good job repairing himself, it was quite obvious the Armor took the brunt of all of the damage inflicted by the Mudhorn, and certain parts would have to be replaced. And I liked how they showed Din using his tools to fix his armor; it reminded me of how Tony Stark would use his tools to work on his Iron Man Armor.
But what really struck me were the electronics, circuitry, cabling, tubing & wiring that were exposed just beneath the Armor plating. It seems that Din Djarin's Mando Armor is layered: Outside is the Beskar, while underneath lies the high tech circuits & components. Similar to the hardware that you may see on a circuit board, or what may be seen if you opened up a TV, computer, cell phone or other electronic device.
Although I knew the Mandalorian Helmet was very sophisticated & advanced, I never thought the same of Mandalorian Armor being that complex with electronic components embedded in the armor. I'm curious as to what all of the apparatus & gadgetry are for & exactly what are their functions/ purposes. I also noticed the inner workings of circuitry in a layer of the Armor matches the circuitry located in the interior of Din's Mandalorian Helmet.
Hopefully, some sort of detailed diagram, chart, blueprint, schematic or something similar will be released, showing the layers and the interior build of both Din's Armor and his Helmet.
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cuddles-with-dragons · 1 year ago
Tech: *dressed up for Halloween*
Hunter: I can't believe I'm saying this, but Crosshair's the only other adult here!
Crosshair: Wrong.
*points to name tag that says 'Hunter'*
Crosshair: I'm you.
Crosshair, doing a terrible impersonation of Hunter: Shut up, Crosshair.
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Star Wars really just said, "hey we know we dropped 3 episodes of SW TV today, 2 of which were a gut-wrenching season finale that may or may not have left you filled with anxiety and/or pure sadness. here's some lo-fi beats for you, it'll be okay"
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orgxnas · 2 years ago
Alright so I’ve been been catching up on the bad batch/mandalorian
Oh my word
Oh my word so many thoughts
Jesus Mary and mf Joseph
I will be posting a bit more frequently now with all of the thoughts I have
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wings-and-beskargam · 17 days ago
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I found Captain Gregor at GAR Goth Night! What is he drinking? I’m not sure, but I bet it’ll give him super powers.
The good Captain Breakfast Sparkle-buns was a bit of a collaboration between @eobe who conceived the initial concept sketch but is buried under too many projects, and myself. 🫶
I’ve grown to really appreciate this fellow. The kindness, loyalty, and strength he’s shown through his rather tragic misadventures, including loosing all his commando vode and suffering two traumatic brain injuries, is admirable. He’s always very expressive, makes a fantastic breakfast (@ghostymarni @lonewolflupe @crosshairs-dumb-pimp-gf @foxwithadarkside @eclec-tech remember?) and of course, has very respectable assets (we agreed on that at least, correct @nocturius8015ficore ?)
Perhaps the sweetest Commando with the right amount of sass?
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Since I clearly have to adopt Gregor in Mandalorian fashion, I decided to grant him the Mir’shupur sigil on his buy’ce. He’s very deserving. 🫶
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About the Mir’shupur sigil : In Mandalorian culture, individuals who had suffered debilitating brain trauma could mark their armour with a unique sigil that would indicate their condition to any Mando’ade who saw it. The sigil was comprised of the Mandor runes for M and S, and short for the word mir'shupur—"brain injury," when translated from Mando'a to Basic. It served to notify others of the wearer's disability, while at the same time acting as a badge of honor recognizing the wounded individual's prior service. Mandalorians who saw the mir'shupur sigil on another's armor knew to treat the wearer gently, and to offer ready aid should they appear to be in need of it.
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eobe · 1 month ago
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Dangerous Mikkians sighted at the GAR Goth Night in the 79s clone bar in Coruscant ✨🖤
🩵 Jedi Padawan Eo looks tiny and cute, intendedly chose a pretty Victorian Goth style with a skirt of black lace layers, combined with some shimmering purple brocade corset, satin bands and gloves underlining her natural creamy turquoise skin color, that is fluorescent under the ultraviolet light, but also has a natural bioluminescence in the dark in general – the more turquoise glow on the skin of both Mikkians ✨
Close up on Eo (amused about a daring clone trooper, wo gawks at her tall sister):
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Eo managed to lure out her (literally) big sister, who is unamazed, but joined the very moment she saw what kind of dress her little sister is going to wear at a event full of testosterone – ignoring completely that Eo is a trained user of the Force and not impressed by the info that her whole Owl Squad 🦉 (<– artwork with 5 gothed clone troopers incoming, I lost my mind) AND the Chaos Squad vode 💥 and friends 🫶 are already there or on their way.
💙 Specialist Ayuna is a Mandalorian armorer and seems to be the direct opposite of her little sister with her dark indigo blue skin, but sharing the same turquoise skin glow, especially at the tendril tips. There is very much lore to tell, how they got separated, how Ayuna got adopted by Mandalorians and how they found each other again under craziest circumstances.
Plot is slowly forming, the writing is like a giant towering behind me, everything around The Source Code – maybe one day it'll blurt out of me 😅
Close up on Ayuna (eyeing the daring clone trooper, thinking the guy hits on her pretty sister, not getting it):
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I looped the very deep and melodic gothic metal song "Never Dawn" from Lacuna Coil 🎶 as I drew Ayuna's casual grungy Steampunk Goth style, because that is very much her vibe (and parts of it very much fitting to her and the others stories) 🖤
With enough Spotchka she would sing the female part together with ARC trooper Source (<- one of the incoming clones), who is kind of the actual Cyber goth in Eo's Owl Squad and would shock everybody with the ability to do metal growl singing – OMG somebody lock me up, I can see the scene, I want to draw them, I have too much WIP, I can't go on like this aaaAAAAAHH 🤪✨
🙏 Appreciation shout-out at Lacuna Coil for this song, that nourishes and inspires me ever and ever again. All design credits of that shirt print to the official merch of Lacuna Coil 🤩✨ (Disclaimer: I don't get anything with this, the link shows the design ref and this is just fanart 🎶)
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Chaos vode 💥 and GAR Goth Night friends 🖤 @ghostymarni @eclec-tech @lonewolflupe @wings-and-beskargam @foxwithadarkside @crosshairs-dumb-pimp-gf @fiveminutetrash @skellymom @vimse @ladylucksrogue
Thank you all so much for ever ongoing support, inspiration, hyping and being crazy with me, sharing art, thoughts and incredible wholesome vibes – sending warm Mikkian hugs 🥰✨
Taglist, more goth art (nobody complained yet): @bixlasagna @returnofthepineapple @sunshinesdaydream @covert1ntrovert @general-ida-raven @vrycurious @dystopicjumpsuit @chaicilatte @groguandthebadbatch @spaceyjessa @morerandombullshit @freesia-writes
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yoitsjay · 9 months ago
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Pairings: Hunter x Fem! Reader
Summary: you and hunter had a one night stand, and he left you with a child because of it. You never told him, but when you went back to bounty work you ran into each other, and eventually you told him... how will he react?
Warnings: Canon violence, fluff
Word count: 3,265
You had no idea how long you had actually worked for Cid in the past, you weren't contracted but she did give you some exhilarating and high paying jobs. during the clone wars the senate actually gave you most of your bounties, and you would consider yourself a republic bounty hunter, though you held no allegiance to them and that also made you dangerous. But at the end of the clone wars, maybe a month or so later you had to drop from existence on a little backwater planet called Pabu. It was a nice little place, and it was your permanent home, until you had to leave for jobs again… but the only reason you disappeared was because you were pregnant from a one night stand. The other party had no idea, and even if you could reach out, you wouldn't. He didn't need to know, but you remember him vividly.
Tall, tanned And muscular. He had a hard body tattoo resembling a skull, and the skeleton as it traveled down his body. He wore a red bandana, and kriff knows he never took it off… unless it was to tie your hands behind your back but regardless that was one time, the first and the last… and then he left you with a child, the bastard.
So it had been a full 6 months since you had your child, and with all the support you had on pabu you were able to go back to work, knowing your child was safe.
So, you stood in front of Cids parlor, your helmet fastened to your head, having donned your classic armor previously. Nobody knew this but you had Mandalorian lineage, so certain pieces of armor were made if beskar But were formed and painted in a way to make it look nothing like beskar.
Regardless, you were back, and your looks alone sparked fear into those who walked past you. Your mask was not necessarily a helmet, because the back of your hair which was put into a long braid that draped over your shoulder could be seen. But you had two metal bands that were fastened to each side of your temple, and upper cheek, which was strongly magnetized to the mask, which had a voice mod to hide your voice, and was also connected to a small oxygen tank that was clipped to your small backpack, and attached to that was your long ranged rifle, and vibrosword.
You had two blasters in each holster that was strapped to both your thighs, and a few throwing knives were also attached to one other holster, whilst you had a few knives tucked in your boot, or in a hidden holster under your armor plating, and even in your braided hair.
Your armor itself was painted a deep blue with black accents and very faded and worn gold lines in the dips and crevices of your armor, however the thicker Long sleeved undershirt you wore underneath was a dirty cream color, and your pants were a deep brown.
You patted yourself down quickly, nodding to yourself when you recounted everything you had before walking into Cids parlor.
The Bad batch, that is to say Hunter, Wrecker, Tech and omega since Echo was off with Rex, and Crosshair was working for the Empire, were sitting At their usual table, wrecker and omega chowing down on some Mantel mix. Hunter was the first to notice Joe silent the bar suddenly got, but Texh and the others were not to far behind as their attention went to a stranger who walked in, a bounty hunter by the looks of it. To Hunter though, there was a sense and smell of familiarity, and he furrowed his eyebrows watching you walk to Cids office, the door automatics closing behind you. Hunter turned to look at Tech, who also had furrowed eyebrows.
“Why does that Bounty hunter seem so familiar to us?” He asked, typing on his data pad, searching for any info on this bounty hunter. Hunger shook his head, running a hand through his hair. “Not sure…” He trailed off, staring at the door for a few seconds until Tech grabbed his attention by showing him the data pad. “It is Y/n L/n, AKA Cicatrix, she was a very famous bounty hunter for the republic during th-”
“-I know Tech, We've worked with her before, before the empire…” He trailed off, memories resurfacing in his mind, memories he pushed down because he got too attached.
In the meantime, you were talking with Cid, your helmet was off, and now attached to your left hip were similar magnets were sewn into your clothing to hold your mask, and you were getting the best pick of the bounties and jobs… until Cid spoke up.
“Yeah one thing Trixie-”
“-Its Cicatrix” You interrupted, and Cid cleared her throat. “Right, one thing, in order to do this big jobs your going to have to work with a few other people, a group I like to work with… The Bad Batch.” She explained, and you narrowed your eyes, gripping the fobs in your right hand. “The bad batch huh?” You sneered at Cid, before grabbing the fobs. “Fine.” You muttered, fastening your mask to your face once more, and Cid led you out of the office, and towards the bad batch.
Your eyes scanned over each of them, some familiar, most of them were except for one… however when your eyes landed on that man… the one with the half skull tattoo on his face, you wanted to turn and run… However, you stayed put as Cid started speaking some nonsense that you couldn't really bother to listen to, because even through your mask he seemed to know where your eyes were, and he wouldn't let your stare go… that was until you felt someone tug at your shirt.
You quickly looked down, seeing the small blonde child smiling up at you. “Hi! I'm Omega, and these are my brothers, Hunter, Tech, and Wrecker! We've read all about you- well at least I have on Kamino, But your so cool! I read one story about you where you and a Jedi were on a mission and you got separated! And a Rancor came out of nowhere and you wrestled it till you killed it- and-” omega was quickly cut off as Hunter rested a hand on her shoulder. “Omega..” he muttered softly, silently telling her to calm down
You chuckled, thinking back to your own child on Pabu before you knelt down in front of her, and took your mask off, clipping it to your thigh once more. You smiled at omega, and pointed to a big scar on your face. “I didn't get out unscathed that's for sure, the rancor gave me a big scar, And I had to get a new eye, luckily for me I had the credits and the connections so now I have a cybernetic Eye, and I can scan my surroundings for infrared signatures, like other people or animals when it's dark out. It's pretty cool.” You explained, winking at her as your cybernetic right eye flashed blue before settling to your eye colour again. Omega squealed in excitement, turning to her brother, Hunter.
You stood up, glancing at him as he stared at you, before standing up. “We can work together, just like old times.” He muttered the last bit, but you heard him clearly, and you couldn't help but roll your eyes. “I'll leave my ship here, and come with you on yours. You stated, resting your hands on your hips as you took a step back, nodding to Cid. “You owe me a solo.” You stated, before walking to the parlor doors. “Let's get a move on, we only have so much time.” You stated, walking outside as the batch gathered their things.
Once all outside, you started walking with them, omega mainly at your side, asking you questions about your old stories, and your weapons… however as you answered, you noticed the crossbow on her back, and it piqued your interest. “Is that an energy bow?” You asked, and she smiled and nodded. “Yeah it is! Though I'm still learning how to use it.” She huffed, and a soft chuckle left your lips. “Well I could teach you? In my youth I was quite the bow slinger myself.” You stated proudly, seeing how her eyes lit up. She immediately turned to Hunter, who was walking behind you.
“Can She teach me after the mission? Please?” She asked her brother, who stopped walking when she did. You stopped as well, turning to look at him with your arms crossed over your armored chest, a smug look over your face. Hunter gave you a look which you weren't quite sure what it meant, before he looked at omega and sighed. “Fine. I suppose some training can be useful.” He stated, and she cheered before running to the Marauder, grabbing your hand and dragging you with her so she could show you around. You laughed with her, the same hearty laugh that Hunter heard all those months ago…
He sighed, and entered the ship, closing the ramp behind him before making his way to his seat in the cockpit where Tech already was.
Tech glanced over at Hunter, but stared right at his data pad while he spoke. “You should talk to her, statistics show that being honest yields better results then not saying anything at all.” He stated, adjusting his goggles. Hunter grunted in response, glancing back at you and omega as she showed you around. “Maybe…” He trailed off, his eyes trailing down your figure. You were muscular, and fit unlike most women he had been with, however you were a bit softer then the last time he was with you… like something had changed you…
Eventually omega brought you to the cockpit just as you were taking off, and you quickly handed the main tracking fob to Hunter, your clothed finger tips brushing against each other as you handed off the fob. A spark shot through your spine, And you quickly cleared your throat and placed your hand on the back of the chair instead of by your side. “Its on a pretty heavy imperialized planet, so we have to be cautious when retrieving the goods. I did some more research and found a map of one of the facilities it's in… though I do have an idea on how we could stealth this, instead of going in guns blazing.” You suggested, staring at Tech as they both looked at you.
“There are rounds of patrols, two or three troopers at a time. And they circle around this mountain pass-” you explain while pulling out a holo map, pointing your finger at the red dot that indicates the patrol, and then the mountain
“If we land around here, a small group, most likely Hunter or Tech and myself can take out the patrol and switch out our armor for theirs. We put our gear in this little alcove in the mountain, and whoever is left behind can come pick it up so it's safe. Anyway, we complete the “patrol” and get back to the facility, getting in like we were one of them. I can use my tools to get into the control room, where we knock out the guards and then take the data, and get out the same way we got in when the next patrol is about to leave, we tail them, take em out and go.” You explained thoroughly, and Tech hummed at the plan.
“That is… one of the best plans I've ever heard. Hunter? What do you think?” Tech asked, and you glanced over at Hunter, noticing that he was staring at you already, a very small smile curled on his lips. “Very good, I'll go with Cicatrix then Tech and omega can pick up our armor and get back to the ship and be on standby in case anything goes wrong.” He stated, and gestured For you to sit down as they were about to drop pit of hyperspace. You did, sitting down behind Tech and across from Hunter.
Soon enough you were docked at the area you pointed out, it was a secluded little landing area, hidden by the mountain, but it gave you easy access to the patrol route. So once landed, you and Hunter headed out Towards the patrol, staying closer to the mountain side and in the shadows, so you weren't seen. You and Hunter rounded the corner just as a patrol did, and before you could even think of what to do, Hunter pushed you into what seemed to be a larger alcove, but one that could hide you both. However it was a tight space, and you were pressed up against each other… at least the armor made it so you couldn't feel his warmth, except from the hands that now found purchase on your lower ribs. And you could feel that warmth radiating from him. You sucked in a sharp breath through your nose, not looking at him, and instead watching the patrol of two as it walked by. And once they were out of sight you nodded. “Okay let's go” you whispered, and Hunter quickly tore his hands away, and left the alcove, and you followed after, sneaking up behind the troopers before taking them out. You stripped from your armor before donning the troopers armor, making sure your armor was in a neat little stack before placing it in the alcove you were just in. And finally you placed the helmet on your head, but not before tucking your braid up, as if not to give your gender away.
You turned back to Hunter, and he was already done with his outfit change. He nodded to you, and you both made the trek back to the facility. You had completely missed the warmth in his eyes when he had shoved you in the alcove, the contemplation on his face as he was torn between forgetting what he felt, and actually telling you what he wanted to say. You never saw it, and he never knew when he'd actually tell you, and now he wondered if he'd even see you again after this mission was over…
Regardless you arrived at the facility and got in unnoticed. This place seemed less guarded then what you would have expected, and you raised your guard, just in case. Hunter took the lead from then on, leading you to the control room where he stood look out as you started splicing the control panel by the door to open it up. You were going quickly as you could, and you managed to open the door within seconds.
You and hunter walked in, and you closed the door behind you before taking out the guards and workers stationed in this room, leaving it empty and easier to work with.
You quickly sat down at one of the terminals, feeling Hunters presence behind you as you slid a data stick into the computer port, hacking into the network that the imperials used with ease since it was the same Tech used by the republic, and you hacked into the republic networks a lot. Just for security…
Regardless you downloaded the info and pulled it out of the port, standing up and turning to Hunter, tucking the data stick into his belt. you walked to the door, poking your head out to see if it was clear, and you nodded to Hunter, walking out side by side, passing another patrol group, pretending you just got back from your patrol. The plan was working, and you couldn't stop the grin growing underneath the helmet you wore.
This might have been the smoothest mission you've ever been on-
“Hey! Patrolman! wait up.” A voice commanded, and you and Hunter froze before turning around, one of the clone commandos standing in front of you. “You finished your patrol quickly, and you didn't input your report.” He stated, and you sucked In a deep breath, looking at hunter. He quickly spoke up. “Right, apologies sir, we will do that right away.” He stated, saluting, you quickly copied his movements, and the clone commando seemed to buy it before leaving.
A sigh left your lips, and you nudged hunter playfully before the both of you left the facility, acting like the next patrol. And as quickly as you got in, you got out, halfway down the patrol route as the alarms started going off "they found my handy work, about time” You huffed, taking your helmet off and tossing it down the canyon before doing the same with the rest of the white armor you wore, however hunter just tossed his into the same alcove that your armor was in prior, though it had long been grabbed by Tech and Omega.
Before hunter could say anything, you both had reached the marauder, climbing on board where your beautiful armor was waiting. And quickly you strapped it all on again, feeling comfortable with the added weight. Tech then started up the ship, and off you flew, with the info that you needed, though it was encrypted, but that's what Tech was for.
You and Hunter didn't really speak after that, but the atmosphere around you both wasn't… uncomfortable. Just silent. You were back on Ord Mantell in no time, and you cashed in the info and got your cut. You still had a few other fobs, but they weren't as time crunching… and maybe you didn't have to work alone…
Hunter seemed to think the same as he walked up to you at the bar, sitting beside you, silent for a moment before he spoke up, right when you did as well
“I missed you-”
You both said at once and chuckles fell from your lips as you turned to look at him. You sighed, and stared down for a moment before pulling Put a hold puck, sliding it to hunter.
He turned it on, and saw a small child, six months old with thick brown hair already growing from his head, and the same hazel eyes that he had. He looked like hunter, but as a baby of course.
The man turned to look at you, and you sighed. “one year and three months ago we slept together. Apparently my implant had expired the day we had sex and… well… he happened. And to be honest he was the best thing that ever happened to me…” you trailed off, staring at the hologram. “Hunter, I'm so-”
“I'm a father?” He asked, cutting you off. You finally looked at him, noticing the tears welling in his eyes. You nodded, reaching out for his hand, squeezing gently. “Would you like to meet Tracker?” You asked, smiling gently. “You'll be shocked to know that boy has your talents… I hide his toys sometimes, and he tracks my trail to where I put them, I don't know what he sees or feels but- compared to a regular child hes- he's got your senses.” You explained, and Hunter finally looked up at you, before grabbing your shoulders and pulling you into him, his lips landing right on yours. You were tense for a moment, but quickly relaxed onto him as you reciprocated that kiss.
You pulled away, a chuckle leaving your lips. “I'll take that as a yes.” You whispered, resting your forehead against his as he held your hands in his own.
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kazoosandfannypacks · 17 days ago
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summary:��sabine and ezra finally share their first kiss. unfortunately, it’s on a broadcast to every rebel cell in the galaxy. chapter word count: 1131 a/n: hey remember back in november when i said "wow based on how long it took me to post chapters 3 & 4, we'll probably get chapters 5 & 6 around March 2025. apparently, that wasn't a joke; it was a prophecy. shoutout to the funny and clever @kanerallels for betaing! taglist: @laughingphoenixleader @accidental-spice @kanerallels  @piraterefrigerator @jedi-nurse @dootchster  @lucasbridger @redroverrider  @light-umbra   @commander-tech  @jedimandalorian @notanodinarygirl  {if you’d like to be added to or removed from my Sabezra taglist, let me know!}
also on ao3!
Jetpacks and Sketchbooks Are An Introvert's Best Friend
 Leaving a party is hard enough when you're just a guest of honor, but when you're a guest of honor and also the main focus of the hottest tea the rebellion had spilt since the second fulcrum revealed his identity? That's even worse.
 Fortunately, Sabine was not only a guest of honor and also the main focus of the hottest tea the rebellion had spilt since the second fulcrum revealed his identity, but also, she had a jetpack.
 The jetpack, combined with her Mandalorian training in stealth, provided her a perfect opportunity to make a hasty escape back to The Ghost, and the ship's empty corridors would've provided her a perfect opportunity to plan out the conversations she'd have to have once the ship was no longer empty.
 It only would have, though, because it was interrupted by a message on the comms— not just her regular commlink, which she'd been ignoring entirely in light of the days' events, but the direct frequency for her family on Krownest, used for special emergencies, or plans for upcoming banquets, and the like. Today was a rare exception where she hoped for a family emergency, hopefully one that had knocked out their base's entire network except for this comm specifically, meaning they'd heard nothing of the day's events, and required her to return home as fast as possible and avoid, for the foreseeable future, any more conversations with certain blue eyed Jedi padawans that made her weak in the knees.
 Unfortunately, the minute she saw the smile on her brother's holo-face, she knew her family was perfectly fine— and she wasn't.
 "What is it, Tristan?" Sabine asked.
 "Nothing," Tristan said, "Just wanted to see my big sister one last time before the ol' buirs get to her."
 Sabine covered her face behind her hand. "I take it you saw the broadcast."
 "Are you kidding?" Tristan laughed. "Mom and dad got the whole base together to watch it; thought a message of hope would boost morale."
 "Well, some people's morale has definitely been lifted." Tristan smiled. "Bo Katan and Rau haven't stopped talking about it. Mom, on the other hand, well, she'd like them to stop talking about it."
 "I'm toast." Sabine said, her arms crossed across the holotable. "I'm more than toast. I'm burnt uj'alayi with bas neral sauce."
 She slammed her face down and buried it in her arms.
 "Look on the bright side." Tristan said.
 Sabine looked up at the projection in front of her.
 "The rest of the clan has a head-start on getting used to things." Tristan said. "They won't be surprised in the slightest once you and your jetti cyar'ika send out the wedding invites."
 On instinct, she grabbed her helmet off the seat next to her and threw it at the hologram, and even though they were thousands of parsecs away, he still flinched.
 "That's my cue to leave." Tristan said. "Make sure you tell your meshl'a jetti I said hi."
 He signed off before Sabine had any chance to throw any more of her armor across the room, and, as worried as she was about the aftermath of her parents and entire clan having watched her first kiss, she still liked the way meshl'a cyar'ika jetti sounded.
 She couldn't help but smile as she glanced down the hall to Ezra's room while on the way to her own. Her painting of Ezra and Zeb from all those years ago was still undisturbed on the wall, and several new doodles she'd added had joined them.
 She sighed a little, rolled her eyes a little, then went back to her room and pulled out her sketchbook, flipping past sketches of her cremates, her eyes catching on every hint of that perfect mix of midnight and navy blue staring back at her, skimming past plans she'd laid for murals that she'd planned to hide traces of the Empire's echoes on the streets of Lothal, turning instead to a new, blank page: a fresh start.
 She missed the days when the streets were full of bucketheads and Imperial factories to let out her unhealthy coping mechanisms onto— she still hadn't found a distraction that gave her that same kind of rush. If she sat alone with her emotions, she'd go insane. If she tried to pace the floor, she'd end up wearing holes in her shoes. If she did something dramatic with her hair it would be way too obvious that the day's events had meant something to her. The only thing she had left to do to stay sane was to make something.
 Her hand trembled before the empty page. For several minutes she sat staring, coming up with an idea, sketching it, realizing how bad it looked, ripping the page out, throwing it at the wall, and starting again.
 Finally she brought herself to draw the only thing on her mind, something she knew well enough to draw from memory without any difficulty.
 First came the basic sketch layer. Usually when drawing this subject, she'd write it off as a study of different poses, oftentimes in combat, occasionally studies in lighting, and in how the lightsaber in his hand cast its hues and shadows across him. Today she settled on his typical clueless shrug.
 Next was to add a body to the skeleton of a sketch. Today he'd cleaned up a little for the ceremony, and she could still remember the perfect fit of his jacket and the cut of the neckline of the shirt underneath. She could still feel his arms reaching around her, his fingers loosely ambling through her hair.
 Finally she sketched his face: his hair just starting to grow back again, eyes that always found their way to her, scars from a fight he was lucky to walk away from, a smile both innocent and guilty, complete with the lips that had gotten her into this mess in the first place.
 Then she took to the sketch with paints and ink, choosing each color with intentional fervor, spending almost as long to mix the right blue as it had taken to do the rest of the drawing combined.
 At last, it was finished, and she gave herself a moment to appreciate her handiwork, holding it up in front of her. No artist could've done him justice, but she'd done her best, though she couldn't remember at which part of the process she'd surrounded his face with pink and red hearts, least of all ones with their initials inside.
 She smiled and rolled her eyes, then set her masterpiece down. She was surprised to see that, even when her sketchbook was no longer in front of her face, its subject was still in her line of vision, standing in her doorway with that same smile.
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thecoffeelorian · 2 months ago
Fandom Friday, 1/24: Fanart!
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Hello again, everyone…and welcome to another installment of Fandom Friday, the current series where I go off to find new and interesting fanworks that might need a bit more visibility.
Before we begin, I would like to first direct your attention to the Ko-Fi page of @autistic-artistech , as they have a small assortment of Republic Commando fanart available alongside a few other items. So, if there's anyone out there who would like to help an artist, be sure to check it out.
Secondly, as you'll obviously notice as you scroll down...I may have gone a little overboard with the Mandalorians this time around, but given the state of the world these days, I kinda feel as though I needed a few extra pieces of armor for my mind, even if they are imaginary. So for the time being, I guess I'm wrapping myself in a beskaar forcefield in order to feel better protected outside. ^^;
Anyways! Before I get too distracted, lost, or hauled off for Imperial interrogation...here now are my picks of the week!
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The Clone Wars Fanart--By @vikushat:
The Clone Wars Fanart--By @foxyaran:
The Bad Batch Fanart--By @cookiebeatz:
The Bad Batch Fanart--By @zahmaddog:
Star Wars Rebels Fanart--By @englishwerewolf:
Star Wars Rebels Fanart--By @universesstardust:
The Mandalorian Fanart--By @discopartydruid:
The Mandalorian Fanart--By @muensterfucker:
Boba Fett Fanart--By @terroreignor:
Boba Fett Fanart--By @jbcrochetwizard:
In conclusion, as part of my mission to poke around the Star Wars fandom and highlight those artists who might otherwise go unnoticed…I hope you will check out the links I have included for yourselves and like, comment on, and reblog them, as well as also giving the writers a few more followers to their Tumblr pages.
Please also like and reblog this latest installment so that these links can be spread around to as many other fans as possible, just in case not all of them can tune in at the same time.
An additional thank you goes to @djarrex for making the divider I used earlier in this post, but still want to give credit for.
If anybody likes what they see here AND would enjoy seeing more posts like this; please drop the rock star emoji (👩‍🎤) into the comments or reblogs, and I'll be sure to tag you when the next update comes.
And finally, so that I do not forget…thank you, stay safe, and I’ll see you in the next post!
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No Pressure Tags: @melymigo @algo-o-nada @the-osborn-way @everybirdfellsilent @skellymom
@leos-multifandom-corner @maggie-dylan @leenathegreengirl @gun-roswell @tazmbc1
@bluedeedeedoop @its-time-to-rise-above @tlmtwelve @apocalyp-tech-a and anybody else who might be on the lookout for new SW fanart.
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badbatch-badfics · 11 months ago
Tech x Male Mandalorian Reader; Kar'taylir Darasuum Gar
Characters: Mainly Tech, little snippets of the rest of the Batch.
Relationship: All platonic buddies, except for Tech near the end.
POV: 2nd (you/yours)
Pronouns: He/him
Species: Unmentioned, but you have a normal "human" head (so no horns, lukku, etc.)
Content: Angst to fluff, get really hurt (literally) and then comfort. You're an idiot who can't confess unless their life depends on it.
Warnings: Description of injury and cleaning wounds(ish). Some throwing up blood ig. Cringe lol
Notes: Fem aligned and/or women can interact, but please be respectful. This is a MLM x reader fic. Don't be weird. Thanks. "Kar'taylir darasuum gar" means "love you" in Mando'a- I couldn't find the equivalent for "I." Also- I’m in the progress of making a version for each Batch member 👍
Word count: 5,364
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You sat in the co-pilot’s chair, arms crossed and leaning back.  Tech sat in the pilot’s chair, tinkering with some self-made miniature droid.  Everyone else was asleep, Echo in his hammock, Hunter, Wrecker, and Crosshair each in their respective bunks.  The ship was decently quiet, except for Wrecker’s occasional snoring, which, honest to Kad Ha'rangir, sounded like a Venator class star-destroyer powering up.  Contrasting the man’s tremendous snores, the hyper-drive produced a nice and constant low hum, with beeps sounding out every once in a while.  Tech’s screws and wrenches would clang out, and the sound of sparks would startle you into a more awake state each time it occurred.
Although there was no way he could know, seeing as your helmet was facing directly out the view-port, you were staring from the corner of your eyes.  Hard.  The way he effortlessly moved his fingers across the droid, connecting and severing wires from point A to point B, or how the golden sparks would illuminate his face and reflect off his goggles, casting a beautiful glow that you simply couldn’t get enough of.  Truthfully, you couldn’t have been more grateful for your helmet and culture, knowing full well he would have caught on to your… tendencies, and quick, if you didn’t wear it- bearing all your embarrassing expressions out to the world.
You knew it was bad to be feeling like this.  They were in the middle of war, which was no time for romantic relationships.  And, truthfully, you didn’t even know if Tech, or anyone else, liked you.  For all you knew, they simply had high tolerance for annoyingly secretive men they were assigned to work with.  You had always avoided questions about the culture you grew up with, obviously always avoided taking off your helmet, and hardly took off any of your armor- even when it came time to sleep.  Which must have been unsettling for them, or anyone, really, you were sure.  Someone who was highly skilled in fighting, but never took anything off, always electing to remain in the armor that was most certainly not a comfort to sleep in.  And, clearly, the fact that, out of nowhere, the Republic had hired and assigned you to them.  They had every reason not to trust you- or to, at the least, not like you.
And you had no clue what to do to lessen that mistrust.  Telling them about your culture was out of the question- you couldn’t deal with the…issues revolving when, if at all, anyone would be close enough to take off your helmet.  they might think they were close enough, but you didn’t.  Or, even worse, you might think you were close enough, but they didn’t.  And, Kriff, if they caught on to you hypothetically taking off your helmet more around Tech than the others, they would easily piece together your feelings.
But, hey, maybe you were wrong.  Maybe they found you at least somewhat amusing, somewhat useful, somewhat not a nuisance.  And maybe, just maybe, Tech would even feel the same way.  Doubtful, but since when was love logical?  A beep came through, pulling you out of the deep pits of overthinking and alerting Tech.  He lifted up his head, temporarily setting down the project.  Tracing his fingers over the wheel and control-panel.  “We have almost arrived.  Would you go and wake up everyone?”
You stood up, stretching your arms as far as they could go, audibly groaning.  “Sure thing, boss.”  You first walked to Echo, shaking him gently.  He was an easy sleeper, after everything.  Hunter could sleep well once he was in it, but otherwise, his enhanced senses made it difficult.  Crosshair was easy enough, not incredibly difficult, but you wouldn’t wake him up by simply walking around either.  Wrecker, on the other hand, slept like a rock.  You found out within the first week of your stay that his brothers would simply punch Wrecker in the shoulder, hard, to wake him up.  Hunter had explicitly granted you permission to do the same.
That being said, you wound up your arm before slugging Wrecker square in the shoulder, earning a startled grunt from him.  Once he registered what was happening, he lopsidedly smiled and mumbled a good morning of sorts.  After the four men were awake, you headed back to the cockpit, electing a chair further in the back so they could all sit closer- a common practice.  Hunter gave the mission debrief- same old, same old.  Just beat up a bunch of droids, and nothing special about this mission.  Echo and Hunter had a smaller, but more advanced battalion of droids to defeat within the building, so they needed to go radio-silent.  Crosshair and Wrecker would take a larger battalion, as would you and Tech.  After everyone was 100% certain in their role, everyone split up.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Kriff, this was not going well.  Blaster fire everywhere, explosions left and right, and the only Batch member you could see was Tech, double-blasting his way through any droid he saw.  You used a batch of whistling birds, each miniature missile hitting its mark.  Not that the few dozen marks did much damage against the entire droid battalion circling you two.  You reached for the pouch on your hip, which carried the multitude of bombs and droid poppers necessary for war.  Much to your dismay, there was only one bomb left.  And for better or worse, it was a giant bomb.  It would be incredibly difficult to evade- for both you and the droids.  It was designed with the intent of being far above the enemy- not 10 feet away from them.  But this was your only chance- if you could pair the main explosion and send out half a dozen droid poppers while the rest of them were distracted- it would be a victory.  And perhaps if you could run fast enough, dive, and get as many droids behind you to take the majority of the impact- perhaps you’d make it out relatively unscathed.
And, not that in a million light years would you ever admit it, the most important part- Tech would be safe if you pulled off this stunt.  You’d be able to get rid of at least one third of the droids with the large bomb alone, and sending out droid poppers in every direction during that opening would eliminate, at minimum, three quarters of the remaining droids.  All in all, Tech would have only a handful of clankers left, he would be safe, and the mission objective would be claimed as a victory.  Might as well.
“Run south!” you shouted over the blaster fire, instructing Tech.  For a split second he thought to question you, but decided against it.  He knows what he’s doing, and there’s no time to object, he concluded.  Tech sent a nod your way before running, still blasting his way through what was close.  As soon as he was out of range, you pulled the bomb from the waist pouch.  Maker, did you hope this will work.  You stared at the bomb, hoping you would be shown mercy, as if the bomb was a sentient being capable of choosing who to blast and who to not.  With a remorseful sigh, already having spent too long wondering and not doing, you reared your arm back and threw the ball as far as physically capable.
As soon as the sphere of mass destruction left your hand, you bolted- sending out droid poppers in different directions every few seconds, hoping to any god or higher being that they would take the majority of the impact, and not you.
Unfortunately, any and all higher beings seemed to be tastefully against you today.  You felt the heat and force before you heard it.  A stinging sensation sprung throughout your entire body, sending you crashing forward, groaning.  Apparently, you were not far away enough, and there were not enough droids to take the majority of the impact.  Kriff.  There was an excruciating ringing in your ears, or head-?  You weren’t sure, but it was loud and annoying as hell.  The last droid popper rolled from your palm, effectively killing off the half-dozen clankers headed over.
Although it was primarily obscured by the horrendous ringing in your ears, you could pick up faint sounds of blaster fire and metallic bodies hitting the ground.  You shakily got on your hands and knees, one arm clenched tightly over the stomach region, and lifted your head, groaning.  Although it was incredibly difficult to make out in this delirious state, you saw Tech running towards you.  He’s safe, was all you could think.  The mission was a success and he was safe, what else could someone ask for?  With that, there was no longer any reason to stay awake.
You promptly collapsed onto the cold ground, rolling over, hand still clutched.  You were coughing up blood, which just fell back down to your helmet and mouth, casing your cheeks and lips.  “Y/N!” Tech yelled, attempting to keep you awake and responsive- not his most successful attempts. You felt him lift your body upwards, examining the damage.  A shattered off droid piece had pierced through your abdomen, front to back.  Blood coated your armor, turning it from (color) to a dark ugly mess of browns and reds.  His eyes trailed over you, ever worried.  He and his brothers had never faced such an extreme injury, except for Wrecker’s large scar on his head.
“I need to take off your helmet.  I can hear you coughing up blood,” Tech informed.  You attempted to push him off, delirious of the extremity of the situation.  You were not ready to cross that bridge yet.  Tech felt bad, he did.  Even though he couldn’t possibly understand why a culture would not allow someone to simply remove a helmet, he would respect it, and he would respect you.  But in a situation like this, it truly didn’t matter.  If your helmet didn’t come off, you'd drown in your own blood before dying of the shrapnel was even a possibility.
“That was not a request, it was me informing you of what I’m going to do.”  You wanted to give him a smart-ass response, truly, but you couldn’t speak coherently, let alone think of one.  Accepting defeat in this minor battle, your head lolled back into his palm, coughing once again.  He placed his hand under your chin, just on the edge of the helmet, and carefully lifted.  The helmet hissed as he pulled it off, and your eyes squinted harshly at the bright light, now surrounding you from all sides, not just the visor.  This was not how you wanted him to see your face.
Tech grimaced.  Clear from the blood and sweat caking your mouth and cheeks, you had already coughed up a large amount of blood, and he highly doubted it’d be stopping anytime soon.  “Okay…I’m going to move you to that rock over there- you need to be more vertical than horizontal if I am to treat your injuries.”  A mumble was the only response he got.  Tech put his hand on your back, roping underneath your arm.  Using his other arm to support your lower back, he lifted, and despite all his effort in being gentle, it didn’t do much.  Even though the rock in question was only, at most, twenty feet away, it seemed like an impossible task.
With each step, despite Tech supporting the majority of your weight, it felt like another piece of droid shrapnel shooting though you.  Everything became more fuzzy by the second, dizziness overcoming you.  “We are almost there,” he said, observant of your worsening state.  After what felt like an eternity, you had arrived at the large rock.  He turned you around and gently placed you on the rock, blood coating his armor.
Reaching to his waist pockets, Tech pulled out a pair of tweezers, a large roll of bandages, and bacta-spray.  “I will cut space around your chest plate and clothing.  Do not move.”  You groaned, looking up at the sun.  Perhaps you shouldn’t have done the “throw a bomb and hope you outrun it to save someone else’s skin” plan.  Now you’d need a new chest plate and under-armor clothing.  Fantastic.  Tech pulled out a new set of tools, all to cut the chest plate.  Luckily, the hole was jagged and cracked, so finding a good place to further the diameter would not be incredibly difficult.
Tech carefully pulled out bits of the chest plate, making the hole larger by the second.  Unfortunately, him cutting that close, despite his best efforts, still applied far more pressure than you would like on your wound.  It was not a pleasant experience, to say the least.
“I am finished cutting around the front of your chest plate,” he said, breaking the tense silence.
“Okay…” you breathed out, voice shaky and dry.  He looked at you with pity before quickly tearing through the cloth, all too close to the droid bit.  He noticed your extreme uncomfort, face scrunched up, trying not to cry.  He felt pity towards you, but there was no time for any of that.  If he wasn’t quick and adequate, you could very well die.  Tech’s point was emphasized by another fit of blood coming up, some blood dripping on his armor as your head came forward.
He grimaced, using his thumb in a feeble attempt to wipe off the new blood.  “Can you lean forward while I cut open your back?” he asked, unsure whether or not it would be required to fully turn you around.  “Mhm…I think I can manage,” you mumbled, barely above a whisper and hardly intelligible.  You rocked forward, arms outstretched to hold up your weight.  Tech carefully moved behind you before repeating the process.
Eventually, Tech deemed the cloth and armor to be far away enough from the droid.  He would pull out the droid, then fully take off your armor and clothing, apply bacta-spray, and wrap you up.  Once you were on the ship, he could dig out any excess sharpanel.  Then everything would be fine.  He concluded that the best way to get it out was to not let you know.  He deduced that you were, more than likely, not thinking rationally- and even if you were injured, you were still heavily trained, and he didn’t want to risk you trying to push him off if there was a warning for what was to come.  To be fair, doing it suddenly would surprise you, which wouldn’t be much better, but your reaction time was certainly delayed, so it was still the best option.
“Lean back.”  You obliged, hitting the back of the rock and letting your head fall backwards.  While you were still looking upwards, he gripped the droid piece with both hands.  Pulling hard was most certainly not the best option, but he had already spent too much time clearing the space, and there was no equipment for performing the removal in a safe manner.  You would have to deal with it.
Tech pulled on the droid, and he pulled hard.  Your eyes went wide, and you lurched forward, hands grasping at the wound.  Short, ragged breaths filled the sound of the field, paired with the metallic clattering of the droid being tossed aside.  Tech cupped your face in his hands, looking into your eyes.  If you weren’t in so much agony, you would’ve been a flustered, blubbering mess.  “Hold still and do exactly as I tell you.  I need to dig out the smaller shrapnel, but the bleeding must stop soon.  There can be no distractions.”
At this point, you could hardly respond, choking on any words you attempted to form.  Now that the droid was removed, Tech could slip your chest plate off.  “Put your arms up and do not take them down until both your chest plate and clothing have been removed.”  Vision blurry and shaky, you lifted your arms despite them feeling like a hundred pounds each.  Quickly, Tech pulled up on your chest plate, immediately discarding it among the other debris in the field.  Following immediately after, he lifted up your shirt, slightly more conscious of the injury since the cloth was brushing directly against it.
As soon as he finished discarding your shirt, your hands fell limp once again, and you collapsed onto the rock.  Tech quickly doused the affected area with bacta-spray, not particularly caring if it got it more space than needed.  He needed to be quick, and there would be more time later to fix everything.  He positioned himself behind you, legs wrapped around to give you support as he cleaned the back, making sure to wipe off any large chunks of dirt or pieces of rock.  After your back and front were successfully doused in bacta, he re-positioned himself and you.
He moved about two feet away from the rock, legs straddling your waist.  He had turned you around, eyes meeting each other once more.  Your arms were gripping his shoulders, shaking with every breath.  Tech carefully reached around and grabbed the bandages, unfurling them.  He started at your waistline, moving upwards with each layer of binding.  He would carefully glance over your shoulder and angle himself to see your back to ensure it was all going smoothly- or, at least, as smooth as something like this could go.  The bandages had finally reached above your wound, before reaching over your shoulder for extra support and coming back down for a double layer.  Despite the wrappings having been on for less than ten minutes, the blood was already tainting the once white fabric.
“I am finished,” Tech spoke, finishing off the last layer and grabbing your waist to pull you closer.  He carefully grabbed his comm to relay his position and the situation to the rest of the Batch.  He knew it would have been useless to comm beforehand, as Hunter and Echo were radio-silent while Wrecker and Crosshair were dealing with a smaller squadron of droids.  But now that you were safe- or as safe as possible considering everything- and the rest of the Batch had their objectives completed, he could call them.
“Hunter, I need a pickup at the valley in between the two ridges where the droid squadron was.  Immediately- (Y/N) has been injured.  I have applied bacta and bandages, but it is not adequate.  We must get to proper medical care as quickly as possible.”
“Got it, Tech.  We’re on our way, just hang on,” Hunter replied, voice glitchy and faded out through the comm.  Tech pulled you closer, your head resting on his shoulder.  He placed his hands on your infraspinatus, rubbing small circles in them repeatedly.  The telltale humming of the Marauder approached, blocking out the sun and casting a shadow over the field.  The ship turned to its side before touching down about ten feet away, ramp opening.  Wrecker ran out, panic clearly written on his face.  He slowed down as he approached you, face falling more by the second.
“Wrecker, be careful around his abdomen, that is where the implication occurred.  Do not run or jostle (Y/N) too much, he can not sustain any more injuries than what he already has.”  Wrecker nodded in understanding before gently picking you up, hands under your thighs.  He placed your head in the crook of his neck, out of respect for you never taking off the helmet and hiding your face.  Your arms were draped over his back, bouncing with each step he took, despite the effort to be more gentle.
With a tired groan, you lifted your head up, eyes peering over Wreckers shoulder to be met with Tech’s.  He had stood up and taken off his helmet, the light gray armor tainted and stained with your blood.  You felt the incline of the ramp as Wrecker entered the Marauder, and the sounds of scattered feet and clattering could be heard.  Shortly after Wrecker had entered the ship, Tech followed suit, your helmet and chest plate in hand.  “Tech, what’s the deal with (Y/N)?  What do we need to do?”
“(Y/N) threw a bomb which effectively killed off the majority of the droid army, but was hit with debris in his escape.  He was regurgitating blood and had a large piece of a droid lodged in his abdomen.  I…have cleaned the wound, albeit quickly and not as efficiently as I would have hoped.  Clearly, I have bandaged him and removed the primary source of implication, but did not have time to adequately search through for smaller pieces of shrapnel.  We should not remove his bandages until we are on Kamino.  Someone should be watching him for the duration of the trip until we arrive, and we should attempt to minimize his sleeping until he has proper medical care.”
As Tech explained the situation, Wrecker re-positioned you into a more “bridal style” carrying, before gently setting you down on his bed and slipping his arms out from underneath you, all while avoiding your face.  Your head was propped up on Lula, and Wrecker draped a blanket over your body, the edge draping off the bunk.  He stood still for a second, glancing around nervously.  Tech came up behind him, placing a hand on Wrecker’s shoulder.  “Go in the cock-pit and help with the course.  I will stay here to ensure everything is alright.  There is no need to worry.  If I do require aid, I will request it.”  Wrecker glanced past his shoulder at his brother, sending a short smile of thanks before hurrying off to the cock-pit.  Tech carefully sat down on the edge of Wrecker’s bed, just beside your feet.  The bed made a small creaking noise and dipped ever so slightly.  Tech sighed, back slouching.  He glanced once more at your form, eyebrows furrowed.  You two would be having quite the serious conversation later.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Hunter walked up to the bunk, staring before finally saying something.  “Tech- we’re coming into Kamino.  Take the wheel and comm in (Y/N)’s situation.  I’ll get him prepped and Wrecker will carry him till the medical team shows up.”  Tech nodded in agreement and stood up, walking to the cock-pit.  Hunter glanced down at you, avoiding your face.  He had a few of his spare bandannas in hand, ready to wrap up the majority of your face out of respect.  It wouldn’t be perfect by any means, but any face covering would be better than nothing for you, he reasoned.  Trying his best not to look, Hunter lifted up your head and placed four bandannas on it- two on your forehead, and just one each for your nose bridge and chin.  As soon as your face was covered, he re-angled himself to tie the knot behind your head.
After your face was covered as well as anyone would do while still minimizing the risk of further complications, he carefully pulled the blanket away and lifted you up, cautious of the injury.  He stayed with you until Wrecker and Tech came, the ship having landed.  “There should be medical personnel on their way.  I requested that a droid be the one to attend to (Y/N)’s injuries, but whether or not they listened is… uncertain,” Tech said, glancing over at you, worry evident by the slight crease in his eyes and furrow of his eyebrows.  Hunter was slightly surprised at his brother’s concern for your culture.  There was no reason to explicitly request for a droid, but he did so nonetheless.  Usually, Tech would not have cared for such things- so long as the objective was completed and no-one was severely harmed, what did it matter if some cultural lines were crossed?
Hunter’s thoughts were interrupted by Wrecker picking you up bridal style once again, head draped back and arms dangling.  His loud stomps echoed through the metal corridor, and it was all Tech could focus on.  Which had never happened before- just focusing on one thing and one thing alone.  But here he was, watching Wrecker exit the Marauder, you in hand- unclear if you would survive, and the only thing he was aware of was the echoing of Wrecker’s footsteps, you disappearing along with them.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Tech waited anxiously outside the med-bay door, leg bouncing up and down.  The halls were quiet and deserted, only a lone wandering Kaminaon or clone every dozen or so minutes.  Tech didn’t know if he preferred the silence or the possibility of crowded and loud halls, people shoving past each other non-stop.  He was fairly sure they were both equally terrible options.  Hunter had stayed with him a while, but he needed to get back to the rest of the squad- Tech didn’t blame him.  He held your helmet in his hands, looking over every detail- every mark, burn, dent, scratch, paint chip, design and patterns and colors- everything.  Although, logically, he knew it was very likely that either you or one of his brothers, or himself, would die in this line of work, knowing about it didn’t quite reach the same levels as nearly experiencing it.
The doors slid open, AZ emerging.  Tech immediately sat straight up, more alert than ever.  Before he could even begin asking questions, AZ began speaking.  “(Y/N) (L/N) will fully recover within about 8 rotations.  He is no longer bleeding and all sharnale has been removed and the wound has been treated.  He is to remain on bed-rest until I give the say so.”  Tech didn’t even bother to respond, all he could do was practically jump into the room and land beside your bed.  You looked up at him, trying your best to smile- he was not amused.  In fact, Tech was at a loss for words.  Tech was never at a loss for words.
Actually, scratch all of that.  Tech had an abundance of words for you.  That much was obvious by the way his face went from “soft and glad you were okay” to his signature “are you kriffing kidding me?” look with an extra splash of anger.  Your smile immediately fell.
“What were you thinking- I mean, you decided to throw a bomb which you had no chance of outrunning and for what?  That was the most illogical and poorly thought out plan I have ever seen, and I have seen some very stupid things.”  It was clear he had more to say, but he figured he’d save it for another time.  Tech glared at you for a second longer before pulling up a chair beside the bed.
He let out a long sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose.  “You…are intelligent enough to have realized the risks.  Just explain why you took such… idiotic ones.”
Silence.  “I…I figured that if… you could get out of range, that would be enough.  I would throw the bomb and get far away enough to survive, taking out any more droids in the escape.  Then, you’d be… fine.  I mean, the odds weren’t exactly in our favor, Tech- we were losing that battle- hard.  We’d probably both be dead if I hadn’t done what I did.”  Tech glanced down, thinking over your words.  As much as he hated to admit it- you were right.  There may have been another way he would’ve come up with to save your hides, but at the moment- your actions did save them.
“I… am sorry I saw your face.  Although I do not understand why a culture would prohibit someone from showing their face- I respect you, and so I do apologize.  If it is any consolation, I requested droids only for the medical staff, and Hunter had wrapped up your face as much as he could.  Nobody really saw your face- just small fragments of it- except for me, obviously.”
You were silent, bandaged and calloused hands wringing around each other.  “It’s… it’s alright.  In my Clan, you are allowed to take off your helmet with… certain people.  Those you consider… close.  You can take off the helmet around those types of people.”  You glanced up, eyes just barely meeting.  He gulped nervously.  No-one outside of his brothers had ever considered him close- and if his hypothesis was right- this type of “close” you were describing was most certainly new- not the type of bond one shares with his brothers.
“Are you… implying that you have a romantic interest in me, (Y/N)?” Tech asked cautiously, as though each word represented him taking another step closer to the edge of a thousand-foot drop.
“Is that alright?” you asked tentatively, turning to properly face him, eyebrows slightly furrowed.
“Well… it is not standard military protocol to… intermingle.”  Your gaze fell downwards, grimacing.  So much for a confession.
Then he continued.  “But we have never been ones to follow protocol.”  Your mouth went slightly agape, and you looked back up at him.  Your eyes met each other, and he smiled.  He didn’t smile often.  Tech reached out hesitantly and grabbed your hand, rubbing circles in it.  You placed your free hand on his, like a weird romantic sandwich, and let your head fall back, closing your eyes in satisfaction.
“Y’know- if I knew all it would take to confess and know you reciprocated was to have a near-death experience, I would've done it way before.”
Tech jumped back slightly- “‘All it would take?’” he asked, mocking you.  His eyes were wide in disbelief at your disregard for such an event.  His face was absolutely golden, and you started laughing- evidently, far too much since within a few seconds you were clutching your side in pain.  Tech now wore a mixture of his “I told you so” and “that was not amusing” faces, judging you heavily.
"Regardless, AZ informed me that you would need an 8-day bed rest.  And as you do not contain your own proper sleeping area, you may share with me.  This way I can closely monitor you at the same time.  It will be greatly beneficial.”
You cocked your eyebrow, looking directly at him.  “If you wanted to cuddle, you could’ve just said so.”
“If you are to keep up this behavior in my sleeping quarters, I will not hesitate to kick you out- both figuratively and literally.  Perhaps I’ll just make your “visiting time” as terrible as possible.  I am not above such actions.”  You scoffed at him, rolling your eyes in a playful manner.
“Here- I made certain that I had kept your helmet.  The chest plate was practically unsalvageable, but it is currently on the Marauder.  Although you are… comfortable without it around me, it seems, I assumed you would want it for the walk back.  Am I correct?”
“You're always correct, and you know that.  Thank you, Tech.”  You carefully slid the detailed helmet on your head, somewhat sad.  Although it was clear that you would need to wear it in the halls and in front of his brothers, you still felt sad you two couldn’t enjoy more time, faces and secrets and emotions and everything exposed for the better.  You let the brief moment of sadness wash over- it was better to be grateful.  I mean, Tech reciprocated!  You couldn’t have asked for anything better.
“Let me assist you in getting up- you are most certainly not fit to walk by yourself,” he said.  You obliged, his arms coming up underneath your armpits and hauling you off the bed.  You quickly found your grounding, and swung an arm around Tech’s shoulders.  You two trudged down the long and barren halls of Kamino until reaching your designated barracks, pausing slightly at the door.
You don’t think you’ve ever felt such joy.  You looked at Tech, dark visor meeting his yellow-orange tinted goggles.  “Kar'taylir darasuum gar.”  Tech knew what it meant.  He didn’t need his fancy language visor to tell him what you said.  You loved him and he loved you.  And that’s all that really mattered.  He smiled at you once more before the door opened, Wrecker immediately shouting in joy that you were safe and sound.  Everything would be alright from here on out, war be damned.
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jastervhett · 21 days ago
Mandalorian Jetpacks
Happy Fett Friday! SO glad the lore now allows Mandalorian Jetpacks to fly for longer periods of time.
Even though I ❤️ playing Star Wars Bounty Hunter way back in the day, I absolutely HATED how you were granted only mere seconds of flight time before your jetpack would shut off & force you to land so that it could re-charge/ cool-off from overheating.
In Attack of the Clones, after Jango Fett eliminated Zam Wesell with a Saber Dart, his Jetpack allowed a very quick escape from Obi-Wan & Anakin. And it was a QUICK escape. Unlike in Star Wars Bounty Hunter, Jango didn't fly for a few seconds, then land to let his Jetpack recharge, then fly for a few more seconds, then land again, then fly a little bit more, then once again land, and then….
Hell, he never would have made it out of there if he had to do keep doing that slow-ass shit…
This is what happened. Jango took off. The sound of his Jetpack igniting drew the attention of Obi-Wan & Anakin. They observed Jango flying up higher & higher, furthering the distance between them so rapidly the Jedi realized that a pursuit at that point would be futile.
That's why it felt good to finally see Mandos airborne for extended periods. Throughout The Mandalorian TV series Boba Fett, Din Djarin, Bo-Katan, The Armorer & many other Mandalorians propelled themselves through the air & kicked shebs. During the Battle of Mandalore, it was so awesome to witness waves of Mandos that flew high above Mandalore, engage the Empire in battle & take back their homeworld. Because Mandalorians are stronger together....
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amalthiaph · 1 year ago
Somehow, Mayday returned.
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This is a request by @talesfrommedinastation for their neighbor, the great Redneck Doug based off of this post. Please do check it out for the context. I've been enjoying the Doug Talks Star Wars series and I am more than honored to bring this one to life.
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I actually did some research for this one. I rewatched both 'The Outpost (or The Daddy Warcrimes Christmas Special)' and 'Pabu (or HR Goes to Daytona)' for this artwork and uhh... I CAN SEE WHERE DOUG IS COMING FROM WITH MAYDAY x PHEE. Okay for all the Tech girlies out there, I do ship Tech and Phee, but I just can see why Doug thought these two would look cute together. Mayday would sass Phee, Phee would sass Mayday. They're like poetry. They rhyme.
Me degenerate (respectfully) friend: Why do you accept requests? Me, another degenerate: Because it pushes me out of my comfort zone.
ISTG I used to not draw armors, but the Barbie Mugshot Challenge made me draw three Mandalorians. I also don't draw instruments but for dear Daddy Warcrimes (who's slowly growing on me) I would do both.
Mayday x Phee is the rarepair that I'm so on board, along with that crack headcannon that Qui Gon was actually Anakin's dad but Shmi panicked and said it was the Force.
And uhh
Tech lives. For the love of all things bright and beautiful, he better be or I'm kidnapping Filoni.
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illuminatedquill · 1 year ago
Ahsoka Tano & Sabine Wren (A Quick Analysis)
Grow Beyond
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"The greatest teacher, failure is. Luke, we are what they grow beyond. That is the true burden of all masters." - Master Yoda, The Last Jedi
I've been thinking about this quote a lot regarding these two.
Ahsoka Tano and Sabine Wren; Master and Apprentice. Heirs to the disaster lineage of Jedi (and Sith) stretching all the way back to Yoda himself. The above quote occurs in the scene when Master Yoda is chastising Luke for wallowing in his failure and allowing it to obstruct his judgment. Pass on what you have learned, he points out. Strength, yes, but also failure.
So, what does this mean for Ahsoka and Sabine? How does Ahsoka help Sabine to grow beyond herself? What, specifically, does Ahsoka have to offer Sabine as a Master in terms of successes and failures?
Let's look at Sabine's character first. She was already a formidable warrior, courtesy of her Mandalorian upbringing and the unique advantages her beskar armor bring to any battle. Sabine is loyal to a fault; fiercely devoted to those she cares about. She's fast on her feet and clever with gadgets and tech (as a reminder, she's considered to be a child prodigy). And something I feel that is overlooked, she is compassionate - it's not overt as Ezra's compassion is, which he extends to strangers, but we see it expressed time and again in her actions with loved ones.
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The flip side of Sabine's character runs similar to how Anakin Skywalker was: she's hot-headed, reckless, prone to fits of impulsive anger. And she loves deeply but, like every other Mandalorian in existence, Sabine is unable to express it in a healthy manner (although that is mitigated by the Ghost crew's influence on her during Rebels). Sabine's emotions, as we see throughout Rebels and later in Ahsoka, are somewhat of a mystery - possibly even to herself. It takes moments of extreme duress to reveal what she's feeling: her training with Kanan while mastering the Darksaber, for one instance.
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And, of course, this infamous moment from Ahsoka:
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The difference between these two moments, however, is that Sabine does not self-reflect afterwards in Ahsoka. In Rebels, she has Kanan to offer her guidance and counsel as to why she struggles with the Darksaber.
This is, arguably, Sabine's defining flaw: her inability to really know and understand herself on a deeper level. As a result, her emotions continue to rule over her actions and leads to the terrible consequences that follow.
Which is where Ahsoka comes in. Ahsoka Tano is no stranger to anger and the extremes to which emotions, when unchecked, can carry us. As the survivor of two galactic civil wars, she understands this better than anyone else alive. And, most importantly, she is the padawan of Anakin Skywalker; a fact that weighs heavily on her and, ultimately, affects her relationship with Sabine for the worse.
During her vision quest in Ahsoka 1x05, Ahsoka re-experiences the Clone Wars alongside her master, Anakin. There she asks him an important question, reflecting the core of her struggle with teaching Sabine:
Ahsoka: Is this all I have to teach my own padawan someday? How to fight?
Anakin, at the time, was teaching Ahsoka how to be a warrior - a timely lesson that served her well considering everything that happened afterwards. The problem for Ahsoka is this: that life is all she knows. She never really stopped fighting. She has spent most of her life fighting in a war and even when the Empire was finally defeated, Ahsoka continued to keep finding new battles to fight during a time of peace.
For whatever reason she decided to take on Sabine as an apprentice, Ahsoka must have struggled with this. Yes, she can teach Sabine discipline, lightsaber forms, and basic Force mastery but, outside of that, what else does she have to offer? How does she help Sabine to grow beyond her?
Passing on her failures. How has Ahsoka failed, what she learned from it, and how she can help Sabine to not make the same mistakes.
Returning to Ahsoka 1x05 again, Anakin has this important conversation with Ahsoka about their legacies as Jedi:
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Anakin: You're a warrior now. As I trained you to be. Ahsoka: Is that all? Anakin: Ahsoka, within you will be everything I am. All the knowledge I possess. Just as I inherited knowledge from my master and he from his. You're part of a legacy. Ahsoka: But my part of that legacy is one of death - and war. Anakin: But you're more than that. Because I'm more than that.
Ahsoka is not committed fully to her training Sabine; she's afraid that she'll pass on the failures of her master, also inherent within her, to her padawan. But, as Yoda points out to Luke so many years later, that's exactly what she needs to do. She sees herself as only offering a legacy of death and war to Sabine who has already seen her fair share of such.
But Anakin reminds her that she is more than that, just as he was. Those mistakes, that legacy - despite the darkness inherent within it - is important to pass on. Depriving Sabine of all that knowledge runs against what a Master should do, despite their reservations about what that knowledge could give way to - but that's the problem with Ahsoka prior to her reunion with Anakin in the World Between Worlds. She's afraid.
And Sabine pays the price for that fear. It makes her vulnerable to her own emotions and she makes the choice to doom the galaxy in exchange for Ezra's safety.
How do these fears become manifest in these two women? What causes them to become vulnerable to them?
Isolation. Detachment from others. That is, in my opinion, easy steps towards the Dark Side. For a long time, Ahsoka used this a survival mechanism, a necessity for a fugitive Jedi during the Empire's reign. She had to be detached from others in order to fulfill her Purpose, her Mission: help others and fight the Empire.
But the few attachments she did have after the Order fell, I would argue, were pivotal for her journey: Rex, of course, saving her life and returning upon her request to join the Rebellion - and, more importantly, her meeting with the Ghost Crew. Kanan and the others certainly helped her on more than one occasion but it's her relationship with Ezra - despite only knowing each other for a brief time - that ended up saving her life during the duel with Vader on Malachor.
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But, after a certain point, that isolation and detachment from others stopped being a necessity and started being a hindrance. Especially with her relationship with Sabine, who also had issues with that - those issues being exacerbated after the loss of her family during the Purge of Mandalore. Instead of staying with Sabine and giving her guidance and counsel and friendship during her lowest point, she sought to abandon her instead. To Ahsoka, it was the best possible choice but remember that she, too, was operating under the influence of her own fears.
Ahsoka should have embraced her attachment with Sabine - not shunned it. That is where she failed and continued to do so until the events of Ahsoka 1x05 in the World Between Worlds.
So, how does Ahsoka - the Master - help Sabine to grow beyond her? How does she rise above her failures?
She encourages Sabine to get a life.
. . . This is not a joke. The best possible way for Ahsoka to help Sabine move forward and become a better Jedi than her is to encourage a life outside of being a Jedi.
For all her life, Ahsoka has lived a life of Purpose - but that can't be all there is. That's what led to her failure with Sabine in the first place; she separated herself from others, keeping in contact only when necessary. She didn't cultivate relationships, friendships, find hobbies, other interests outside of her need to keep finding a cause to fight for.
It led to a life devoid of the simple joys that make it worth living. A life filled with Purpose is grand and noble but it's the people in it, the experiences we enjoy, the moments we spend with loved ones that stick with us to the end.
Ahsoka has led a lonely life. And that, in my opinion, is something she should actively encourage Sabine against.
Sabine needs people in her life. Her time with the Ghost crew did so much good for her, as we all know. When they separated, Sabine was adrift in her search for Ezra - until Ahsoka appeared and offered her a new path forward.
And then that path was cruelly taken away. Sabine was alone again with her bitterness, her yearning, and her grief. She - like all of us - are at our best when surrounded by loved ones who encourage us and stand by us when we are at our lowest.
The Jedi of old were wary of attachments - not love, but attachments that could specifically lead to possessiveness, which is not healthy - but the Order fell a long time ago. The Jedi who survived had to adapt in order to survive; some did it the way Ahsoka did, going for a lone wolf approach.
Others, however . . .
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How do Jedi survive in a time when there is no Jedi Order? How do they define themselves?
It is my belief that Kanan did it best. He embraced his attachments; his newfound family, the Ghost Crew - Ezra Bridger, Sabine Wren, Chopper, Zeb, and, most importantly, Hera Syndulla. But he never let his feelings for the others - especially Hera - cloud his judgment when the mission was at stake.
He found a way to honor the Jedi code but adapted it in a way that suited him best.
(Cal Kestis of the Jedi videogame series also followed this approach, but we have yet to see how that ends for him.)
I'm going to paraphrase (probably badly) a post from - I believe but correct me if I'm wrong - @seleneisrising that said something along the lines of that in the absence of a Jedi Order, Kanan and Ezra acted as their own within the Ghost Crew family. They acted in place of an Order but did it in their own way, not strictly adhering to what came before.
The Ghost Crew was a family.
It was Kanan and Ezra's home.
It was their own version of a Jedi Order; one that was perfectly in balance with their feelings and understanding of their Purpose. One that didn't eschew attachments in favor of emotional neutrality but embraced them and allowed those relationships to empower them.
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This is how Sabine surpasses Ahsoka. Not following the 'ronin' lifestyle of her master but finding a home to call her own; a place to be herself, truly, as Ahsoka needs her to be.
Finding a life outside of Purpose. Finding friendships, finding family, and finding love.
You know who that last part is referring to.
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Sabine follows in the footsteps of Kanan and builds her own Order - her own Clan, to honor her own Mandalorian roots. She does it with Ezra, with Hera, with Zeb, with Chopper, and some day, Jacen when he's ready for his journey. And with Ahsoka too. (And can't forget Murley.)
. . . Huyang, too, I guess. If he wants to come along.
To paraphrase a discussion I had with @starryjediknight: Sabine and Ezra become the new Kanan and Hera for Ghost Crew 2.0.
If isolation, detachment, and distrust from others can be seen as a Path to the Dark Side, then the opposite must be true as a Path to the Light; family, community, and trust being the way to break down barriers to love.
We see that with Sabine's reunion with Ezra - how, immediately, she is almost returned to her former self. How she is healed in his presence and then further healed when Ahsoka returns and begins to make amends with her, promising to stick by her no matter what from now on.
In a way, by doing this, Sabine could fulfill the dream that Anakin wished to see realized: staying true to the Jedi way while also being allowed to follow his feelings.
Rebels was always, at its heart, about family - found and lost.
Ahsoka could be about finding your way back, no matter how far you've strayed. Failures don't have to define you but are lessons to be learned from. They can be markers along the way on this journey we call life for those following us to see the pitfalls that loom when we lose the path.
Ahsoka can see those markers clearly now. She can point them out to Sabine.
And then Sabine can grow beyond her. Reach her full potential. Add her story to the legacy that she's inherited from Ahsoka, just as she did from her master.
This time, it won't be about death and destruction.
It can be better.
It can be about love.
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talesfrommedinastation · 1 year ago
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It’s Tech Tuesday, and oh my gravy, my little giblets, have I dropped something for you!
As promised, here’s Tech, post Far Past the Ring. With a beard and a sweet MCRN suit, because….
- He’s captain of the frigate Enkidu and Chief Systems Engineer of the Transport Union.
- He’s part of Camina Drummer’s family now.
- He’s gone full Belter.
- The Empire is going to feel his tungsten toed foot up their butt.
I think he’d adjust his armor to have some flavors of his old life: he still has his pouches, the lights on his hands and arm computer, and painted the pauldrons with Mandalorian yellow for vengeance and bull horns in reference to Enkidu himself.
(I’d like to think Naomi or Prax told him the story of Gilgamesh and Enkidu, and he made the connection between himself and Camina)
(He’s not married to Camina, FWIW)
@amorfista @amalthiaph @eyecandyeoz @wrenkenstein @moosethren @merkitty49 @ilikemymendarkandfictional @techs-stitches @freesia-writes @sunkissedclones @sued134 @commander-sunshine @supremechancellorrex @skellymom @littlefeatherr @marymunchkiin @nika6q @vivaislenska @isthereanechoinhere96 @thecoffeelorian @eclec-tech @autistic-artistech @vimse
Let me know if you’d like to be tagged or not!
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eobe · 3 months ago
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😱✨ UH-OH…
Captain „Flirtation mask“ Gregor, you didn‘t expect THAT!! This Mandalorian badass is a rancor tamer AND part of the Chaos Squad💥😎
@wings-and-beskargam My dear Archer, I guess that Clone Commando will call you „Sir“ out of reflex after this encounter ☝️🫠
Thank you so much for answering on Gregor’s Flirtation Mask with your amazing mini-comic showing your incredible armor kit, your skill, your beauty and your creativity!!!! 😱🫠✨ and for so much fun, ori‘vod 🥰🫶
Chaos vode, look at her 😎✨ @lonewolflupe @ghostymarni
Carol, your Flirtation Mask gone Mando wild with sparkles ✨🫶 @clonethirstingisreal
Taglist: @eclec-tech @bixlasagna @returnofthepineapple @sunshinesdaydream @covert1ntrovert @general-ida-raven @vrycurious @dystopicjumpsuit @chaicilatte @groguandthebadbatch @justanotherdikutsimp @ladylucksrogue @spaceyjessa @morerandombullshit
Bets? 😎 I think one-man-army-but-chuckling-surviving-explosions-joking-about-it-badass-Gregor could have a tiny chance… but not really 🤷🏽‍♀️☺️ I MEAN LOOK AT MY VOD. And she has a rancor. A FEMALE rancor (way more dangerous) named Copi, that tends to snatch clone commandos like Wrecker himself like nothing 😂
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amandamadeathing · 11 months ago
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I got the Black Series Tech. My thoughts about the action figure are below the cut, as well as the same rant I've been commenting and re-blogging are below the cut, if anyone cares.
I want Crosshair to join his Chaos Twin on adventures, but all that's available is at a reasonable price is in Imperial armor.
He looks confused or annoyed (did he get a leak of the season 3 script?). His hairline is even further receded. His features look more like Jango's than the cartoon character, but he is further white-washed. 🙄 He was not bank-breakingly exponsive, not as cheap as that loose die-cast K2-SO up there. I am tempted to double his cost to buy a 3D printed head off Etsy to give him goggles and darker skin, since he's never seen without them in the show. Why did this and the helmet-less Funko have him without goggles? (More season 3 foreshadowing).
Disney didn't care about The Clone Wars or The Bad Batch. I firmly believe the creators thought they'd get 4 seasons of 30 minute episodes, which would have neatly resolved things at a comfortable pace. It's not Disney's full IP, unlike Rebels- The Mandalorian and sequels. And it doesn't have the tested legacy of the Original Trilogy. It's animated, which everyone knows is not the very serious storytelling medium live action is (Ahsoka is a very serious show) . Part of my evidence is how many Black Seies Ahsokas and Reys are there? Why can't I meet Wrecker or Rex in SWGE?
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