#kazzy writes
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kazoosandfannypacks · 25 days ago
Another benefit of being homeschooled was that I was guaranteed my parents would read everything I wrote in english class. I once wrote a page-long persuasive essay about why they should buy me the lego friends dolphin cruiser.
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kazaleas · 9 months ago
Its quiet. You think.
You don't even remember what time it is when you're sitting at the couch and staring at the big rectangle tv, some old news channel playing on the lowest volume setting, spewing talk about some brand recall you could care less about. It's silent here, the only sound you can focus on is the sound of the air vents blowing and the ringing of the lamp dying in the corner.
The time ticks by, broken clock in the middle of the left wall that has long lost it's ticking sound since you bought this apartment, forever stuck on 2:48pm. You don't know what time it is, but judging by the way the sun is peeking through the window shades in soft blues, it's probably early morning in the AM, and you've pulled another sleepless night of the week.
How long will it be like this? You ask yourself.
The ceiling only gets so interesting after awhile, and the fiddling of fingers and clicking of nails can only drive you crazy for so long. And still, you sit there on the leather couch that sticks to your bare skin from how long you've been in the same spot, staring up and waiting for something to happen. Something, anything. But nothing. You're tired, you want to close your eyes and maybe you'll wake up, or maybe.. the latter option.
You glance to the phone you've left on silent since Monday, reaching your hand out to it while it sits collecting dust on the coffee table. Your arms makes a cracking sound when you finally move it after hours, fingers wrapping slow around the cold black screen and pulling it towards you. The light the screen makes is nearly blinding, but a slow adjust to the brightness and you can blink away the dark spots that had formed in your eyes.
The phone reads a page of notifications formed in paragraphs. Message after message, call after call, and it goes on and on. The purple you recognize so easily, the familiar smile of the profile picture you set with the 3 fingered hand formed in the shape of a heart, and matched with the hand of a faceless person next to it, which happens to be you. The messages are all from him, the name header labeled with 2 purple hearts and a robot emoji, and the name you've been accidentally ignoring since you stopped coming outside of these familiar walls that you hide in.
Each message starts off calm, collected, worried enough that it's fair. It goes downwards after that, spam calls and more than a triple text, hour after hour, voicemails filling up your inbox, even emails. Every single app he has access to you on is filled to the brim with message after message, which would be concerning, if it weren't for the fact you have been a ghost to everybody you know for the last.. 2 weeks?
Then it's there, your phone freezes, the screen goes white, and there's two small red and green buttons and one big circle profile picture with the familiar name under it. He's calling you. Your body freezes, and your fingers twitch forward towards the screen like they wanted to click something, but you were just stuck. Staring. Watching his name, watching the phone button ring, feeling your heart stop beating in your chest just for a few moments, but your face is practically emotionless. You know you feel something, but really you can't feel it at all.
Its quiet.
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kazoosandfannypacks · 3 months ago
Seeing that one of the lovely friends from my mutualsphere @kanerallels has gotten her book published (CHECK IT OUT, Y'ALL!) is inspiring me to work more on my original wip.
For every note this post gets, I will add 100 words to my third draft of The Admiral's Daughter.
For every ask I recieve in my sideblog inbox ( @theadmiralsdaughter ) with an ⚓ emoji, I will do a ten minute writing sprint and share a snippet of what I wrote!
Comments and reblogs are open for this, multiple asks in the inbox are welcome for this, and I'll just keep going at it until this draft is finished!
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kmomof4 · 1 year ago
Killian (Indiana) Jones?
Alright, love! After a 5min sprint- with at least the first two of those min spent staring at the doc- I got 2 sentences… and then I got another ask for the same fic from @frankensteins-mt-dew , so I will give you both everything I’ve got on the doc!
The jungle dripped with humidity as the tall man who was undoubtedly the leader pushed through the next tangle of vines and branches on the way to a cave that held the object of his desire.
Two men followed him- one plainly nervous, betrayed by the way his gaze darted around the jungle and the small flinches whenever the cries of animals concealed within the greenery reached them. The other was a native, and when the first man stopped for a moment, mopping his sweat covered brow, he approached with a chuckle.
“Not used to the heat and humidity of Columbia, eh, Dr. Jones? Aren’t you glad you brought me along…” The smug smirk on his face made Dr. Killian Jones roll his eyes in response.
“I’m fine,” he deadpanned, “I can assure you. I’ve been in jungles far worse than this. You just stay close.
Thanks for playing, y’all!
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kazoosandfannypacks · 2 months ago
fendra reunion:
5:04 pm Soon as I clock out I'm gonna begin a patrol. I got DW to cover the crime stuff for me while I look for you.
this week's word is...
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Find the word in any WIP and share the sentence containing it. Reply, reblog, stick it in the tags, tag us in a new post, or keep it private. All fandoms, all ships, all writers welcome.
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ablatheringblatherskite · 1 year ago
“Darling,” Christine suddenly said.  “Mm?” “Your heart… it's beating so fast,” she said, pulling away slightly so she could look up at him. Her hand was resting on his breast, just above where his heart was thundering away. “Are you alright?” Raoul swallowed. The truth was that he was not alright in the slightest. But he could not bring himself to say it. So he did the first thing he could think of to hide his shame—lie. 
Send an ask with any word and I'll share a snippet from one of my WIPs with that word!
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the-ultimate-muses · 9 months ago
🕯️ fr
Pry my muses brain!! (X)
“My emotions regarding the Tamer of Automatons have fluctuated greatly over the course of our shared knowing of one another: Annoyance, intrigue, concern, attraction, complete and utter bafflement; I could go on, but words would hardly be enough to describe all that has transpired between us. Truly dwelling on it, I can say one emotion rises above the others: frustration. 
I am not a fool, and he is not a good liar. He cares for me, but won't admit it out of the fear of possibility. Why ruin his life now, for what might not last, he says, but he has never seemed to question if what he has is even worth keeping. Yes, that man is his father, however if a parent begins to hate their child for something so inconsequential as their romantic preference, then why should the child care about maintaining the relationship at all? I am aware it is not that simple, that simply cutting someone off, especially a family member as close a parent, is hardly ever an easy task, however, it is his reluctance to talk about such a matter that upsets me the most. I no longer care about a relationship with him, not now, nor anytime in the near future. I have far too many of my own problems to hold the hand of a man unwilling to even think on the notion of working through whatever it is brewing in his pink little head. Holding yourself back because of what might happen; not pursuing a relationship because it might not last, and therefore he'll have ‘ruined’ his life with his father over ‘nothing’, it is the same as saying you will not walk outdoors because you might meet your end beyond your home's threshold. To live in such a way, it is soul destroying, for both himself and…and me. To be told you are not a risk worth taking, it…it is selfish, but there is no denying how badly it hurts. I do not hold it against him, nor do I blame him, but…it still hurts, in the end. 
However, that is not to say I do not still hold care for him, that I plan on writing him off entirely, or that I am unwilling to help should he ever need it, be it from this or any other matter that might upset him. Should he one day decided he does wish to pursue a relationship, I would not be opposed to it, however I will not sit here and twiddle my thumbs waiting around for him to admit to returning my feelings. I will always hold a love for him, it is up to him if it is to go any farther than it already has. There is nothing more for me to do with the matter. I have tried to talk, to reason, to understand, but thus far I have received nothing but denial and a refusal to explain why he is so unwilling to speak towards so much as a general reasoning for it all, let alone a way to reconcile the matter. 
I realize now that our time has not yet passed; it hasn't even come to be. It hasn't had the chance to move past an idea, a longing, and it may never evolve past what it currently is. He has much to work through, as have I. I will stay as long as he desires me to, I will never stop wishing to be his companion, no matter the definition society wishes to place upon it, but I will not pause my own life waiting for him to realize who he is and what it is he desires out of life. I can only do so much, and this is a curse I have slowly, reluctantly come to accept, it being by his own urging, in an ironic twist. This might not be the result he wished to be born from allowing myself to seek the help of others, to accept I cannot fix everything, whether on my own or with the help of another, but it is what has come to pass, as bittersweet as it may be. And…
And it hurts. That…that is my main feeling on the matter, on...on him. It hurts, and all I can do is sit here and try to stop the bleeding until it is able to clot on it's own, however long that may take...”
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gongedtornado · 1 year ago
h*zbin/h*lluva enjoyers fuck off from my page plz 🙏
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kazoosandfannypacks · 1 month ago
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how could we ever just be friends?
Sabezra moodboard 💜 for @kazoosandfannypacks 💜 kcsv (1/3) 💜 fic
Happy Valentine’s Day to my totally secret and unknown giftee @kazoosandfannypacks :)
I made you some moodboards and ofc had to start with one for need a play 2? because it’s the best ever.
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frodo-with-glasses · 2 years ago
Discord Highlights: To Dude or Not to Dude
From a conversation on 4/29/23
meg is me:
The Fellowship of the Dudes The other fellowship was male of course but not all of them were Dudes
Which then begs the question: which members of the Fellowship can be classified as dudes?? 🤔
Not Sam Not Frodo
Aragorn is a dude
Writing Valkyrie:
Are they honorary dudes?
What is a Dude?? 🤔
I think Legolas is probably a Dude. Very unsure about Gimli. Merry and Pippin have Dude potential. But are not Dudes.
legolas is DEFINITELY a dude imo
Verdict on Boromir?
Boromir is a Dude who temporarily becomes Not a Dude but then regains his status of Dude at the very end.
I support this
Gandalf is also Not a Dude.
meg is me:
To dude or not to dude
That is the question!
meg is me:
Ulmo is the Dudest
Writing Valkyrie:
As a treat, he will create super nice, ridable, barrel-y waves.
Verdict on whether or not Gimli is Dude material? I’m genuinely unsure.
Writing Valkyrie:
Gimli has a Dude Presence, but he doesn't always do the Dude Activities.
Gimli is Dude Adjacent
He does seem to straddle the line perfectly between Dude and Not A Dude
Movie!Gimli is a Dude tho
….this is not the content or conversation I expected when I joined Discord but I am 17496% not mad about it.
Welcome to the Fig Tree server!! LOL
I love it here.
meg is me:
And I love you random citizen
InvisibleWashboard is @invisiblewashboard, Writing Valkyrie is @writingvalkyrie, Kazzy! is @kazoosandfannypacks, and meg is me does not have tumblr :-3
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chestnuts-secret-lair · 11 months ago
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kmomof4 · 2 years ago
Yes, please. I need them all…
There are SO many more reasons for fake dating than "we need to go to an event together so I'm not embarrassed" and NO ONE is realising the potential here. We need to pretend to date because we need to pretend to break up in a huge scene so I can inject some excitement in my friends' lives. We need to pretend to date so your weirdo dorm mate doesn't make a move on you. We need to pretend to date so my anti-subletting landlord will let you stay in my flat until you can find your own in this horrifying housing market. Show some imagination.
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kazoosandfannypacks · 3 months ago
Just came up with the most beautiful fic plot. Characters A and B like each other. Character C knows they like each other but has been sworn to secrecy on the matter by both parties. A and B will both often separately ask C to help them spend time with each other by doing things like making plans for the three of them, then cancelling at the last minute, or asking them to go run an errand for them, or conveniently sending them to the same location on the same day.
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kmomof4 · 1 year ago
The Rescue 👀
I had a much easier time on this ine than the other, babe! Thanks!!! And I was very happy with what I got in this sprint, so I’m gonna give you everything!
Killian took one last huge bite of scrambled eggs and swallowed a mouthful of coffee as he and his partner Robin ran for their fire-rescue truck. As the two paramedics on shift at the firehouse, they were both needed on the scene. David, Will, and Killian’s brother Liam were right behind them on their way to the ladder truck the dispatcher had called for.
Sirens screamed as the two trucks sped for the scene of the accident. The morning rush hour was in full swing and it was a nightmare trying to get halfway across the bridge to where they could see the jackknifed tractor trailer.
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kazoosandfannypacks · 2 months ago
It's another snippet saturday at my sideblog, so here's a section featuring Maristella, Verity, and their ongoing feud with Victor Durand III.
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"And haven't you changed much these past few years?" Maristella asked. "Why, in this lighting, one might find themself tempted to draw the conclusion that you've finally grown into your nose. And my father mentioned you've joined the navy?" "The both of us have," Victor motioned to his cousin, "and you ladies can rest easy, knowing we're protecting the kingdom." He flipped his dark bangs with an overconfident smile, and Maristella decided, with as much of that promised civility as she had, to take him down another peg. "'Tis a shame you won't rest easy though," Maristella said, "not once a naval regulation haircut reveals a forehead that matches the depth of your ego." She watched his carefully constructed self esteem wash away like a sandcastle hit by a tidal wave as he fumbled for a response. "You're certainly one to talk, Miss Arrington." Victor added, halfheartedly. He and Alastair immediately left, the latter piping in with a genuine and enthusiastic, "you sure told her!" that was met with a punch in the shoulder. "It's no wonder Alastair is the only friend his cousin has." Verity said. "Truly." Marsitella said. "He's the only one on the planet who thinks as highly of Victor as he himself does."
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ablatheringblatherskite · 1 year ago
The boy clutched his head with both hands, his eyes widening even more. “I—I don’t—” his breathing started to come out in little gasps as his heart hammered frantically in panic. “Why don’t I remember anything? Why—what—? I—” He could feel confused, panicked tears forming in his eyes, and he stared down at his hands, which were trembling. He clutched his chest with his nails, practically clawing at it as he felt his panicked heart beat furiously. His breathing was coming in too-short breaths, and—and—he couldn’t remember— Suddenly the girl was kneeling in front of him, her eyes level with his, and he flinched backwards in surprise. She was trembling too, but she was breathing much more calmly. Carefully, she reached out and put a hand on his forearm. Ignoring the way he flinched, she started to caress his arm gently. He tried to match her slower, steadier breathing. Eventually, they both calmed down.
This is from one of my Phantom of the Opera fic WIPs, titled, "dance of the korrigans!"
Send me a "🎶" and I'll shuffle one of my playlists and share what song I got, and post a line from my WIP that fits that song's vibe!
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