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Red Velvet - Chapter 7
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Chapter 7 - First Snow
Himuro has never felt so at peace as he did in these last two months.
To begin with, he had won a match within the Kengan Association, securing yet another new property for his boss to further expand Ginokuniya Bookstore's business and, as a bonus, he had received a large commission to put him at ease regarding financial matters for the next few months.
Afterwards, he got a little closer to one of Tomori's friends who had become interested in him and asked for his contact information. Her name was Mariko, and she had a very refined taste for drinks and cocktails, so they were getting along quite well. A friendship with benefits to keep him warm in those cold days.
And finally: it had been two months since Rihito had stopped bothering him with his constant whining and requests for alms in the form of girls' phone numbers. The truth was that Rihito no longer complained about his lack of luck with women, because through some miraculous intervention from some merciful god, he had become able to attract them on his own.
May God, the devil or whatever bless Agata Akane, because she deserved it.
His phone buzzes, and a text appeared in his friend's group chat:
Kanami invited you guys for a hotpot here at our house on christmas eve
we’ll have karaoke and dancing games, according to her
come if you want
If it has karaoke and just dance, tomori is already in for sure, and so am I LOL
Himuro smiles at this, setting the dishes aside and drying his hands on the tea towel so he can type.
I’m in!
is it okay if I bring a friend?
miss kanami knows her as far as I know
it’s one of the girls tomori introduced me to
I’m going to spend Christmas with my family this year, guys, sorry 😔
But even if I went to this hotpot, I would be just third wheeling
c’mon, man, hiro and mr. paikon are single too, they’ll probably also go
and koga and ryuki, and kazzy…
True, but I still can’t go. My bad
no, the two kids and yamashitakazuo also have plans
kaede went on vacation
it’s just us
lets fill that house up then
I’ll bring my friend
we need more women for that party lol
and don’t worry kaneda
will you also spend new years with them?
I can spend it with you guys if they don’t force me to stay with them 😆
try to show up, we’ll spend new years eve getting shitfaced lmao
I finally got a day off on the 31st guys
the first in two years, holy shit
we can’t miss this opportunity
well, if we do that on a safe place, I’m in
the message is given anyway
we can inform ichiro later
I haven't heard a peep from him since afternoon
he must be out on the razzle somewhere
or getting busy with miss agata 😏
Oh damn xD
Chu-cha-cha-chu-chu-cha 🎶
You really liked this brazilian funk thing, uh
I swear to you guys
you have no idea how PEACEFUL my life has been in the last two months
first okubo got a girlfriend and stopped being a pain in my ass
and now rihito finally got a fuckin grip and learned the bennefits of kissing and not telling
or fucking and not telling in this case LOL
and consequently he stopped bothering me too
I’m living the fuckin dream
that’s what I call a christmas miracle
nope, you learning how to get outta the convo without kicking yourself outta the chat is what I call a miracle
and good evening guys
speaking of the devil
there he is
good evening loverboy
hey there is an invitation up there in the chat
I saw it and I’m also im!
especially since we'll be eating auntie's food
hell yeah 😎
hey can I bring someone too?
I already know who it is
Kanami said she knows the organ thief, and she does not steal organs 😎
so its fine
my guy, she steals other things
not organs, but sometimes what comes out of them LMAO
but yeah, its her
she's already an old friend of the bakery staff, so I think it'll be alright
so she steals blood then?
I do that too, but with my fists 😎
Seriously, guys, quit with these jokes Ohma never gets 🙄🙄🙄
I actually got it, kaneda
you are the ones who did not get mine 😎
and seriously kaneda
you're asking rihito to stop being an idiot, basically
its like asking water to stop being wet
just give up
man I don't know if ohma is dumb or if he just pretends to be
you will never know 😎
I'm too busy to try to understand what's going on inside tokita's head
but I'll go to the hotpot, it'll be dope
alright, I will tell kana
she told you guys to bring drinks, minus okubo, who will come with tomori
he can bring some soda
fine be me
but the party is in two weeks, isn’t it?
miss kanami really likes to give invitations in advance, doesn't she?
Well, she’s a business owner
She needs to be organized
And early invitations help us to prepare accordingly
It helps you guys, in that case
well, now the message is definitely given
drinks are kinda my thing, so we're covered
I'll tell my friend to bring some too
speaking of which, mr. ohya gave me a nice gift
do you remember that pricey sake called Kotozakura?
he gave me a full bottle!
damn himuro
that’s what we’re talking about!
this is getting better and better!
if you start to drink too much and do some stupid shit, I will kick you guys out
kanami said that
relax, we’ll behave
you heard that, rihito?
for fuck’s sake
I didn’t do anything!
I’m just chilling!
said the guy who got arrested about 4 times for doing dumb shit after drinking
And you say I’m the dumb one
shut up, I’m not the only one!
okubo also got arrested with me
but you fuckers always forget about that
you guys are obsessed with me, I swear
do want me to fuck you too or something?
what, are you mimicking your friend now?
are you also a cannibal? 😎
damn, I went to drink some water and came back only to be accused of past shit
first an organ trafficker and now a cannibal, this shit only gets better LOL
If you bring her, you will be the dish, not us 😎
fuck, and that makes so much sense
he called her a "sword swallower"
that's why he's so quiet now LMAOOOOO
you guys can go suck a bag of dicks
fucking assholes
anyway, I’m kinda busy here
I’ll take to y’all later
too busy fucking and not telling?
(answering to @Mr_Iron_Fingers) Nah, I like mangoes better 😎
what’s happening to you
you’re scaring the hell outta me
since when do you make this kind of joke? o.O
I learned from you guys 🤨
I’m not deaf, and I’m a quick learner
Hell yeah bro!
you’re finally learning from the master, eh, seaweed head
I’m so proud!
you’re going places!
weren’t you busy?
Christmas came early?
Fuck you!
it’s ‘cause you guys won’t shut up!
what a short attention span 😎
I think I finally got it, Himuro
Ohma uses the smiling face with sunglasses emoji to make it clear that he’s joking
yes, and I’m doing it right now
koga says it helps making things clear
if I don’t use it, everyone thinks that I believe all the shit you guys say
kaneda almost started crying last time
and koga thought we were going to spar in the middle of the night
he waited about 30 minutes for me and almost froze from the cold
Oh, poor kid 🤣🤣
He’s okay, right?
And thanks for your concern, Ohma
I can tell when these three are joking, but you almost never change your tone when in or out of the chat
I really thought you went to call the Kure that time 😭
he survived 😎
and just remember that I would have to pay an arm and a leg
the kure would never work for me for free, and I don't want it either
raian is my friend, but I don't want anymore favors from the Devil
he's more of a cannibal than ichiro's girl 😎
how many times do I have to tell ya???
and she isn’t my girl
she’s just a friend that I fuck occasionally
change my nickname and I will think about using yours
for fuck’s sake
(@Mr_Iron_Fingers changed @Dickhead_Tokita’s nickname to @Kelpthullu)
happy now?
my name isn’t Kelpthullu, dumbass
fuck it, now you’re Ichiro forevermore 😎
go cry about it on Cannibal’s shoulders 😎
holy shit rihito
even ohma is making fun of you
you’re out of your game lol
I'm also inspired today so don't get used to it 😆
this must be the afterglow you guys talk about so much
seriously, guys, I’ll be off now
my shift is almost over and I have to catch the train home
I’ll talk to you later
I’ll be off too, I was going to just send the invitations but got carried away
And the chat went silent after that.
Himuro puts his phone in his pants pocket, still laughing to himself. Adding Ohma to that group chat had been the most genius idea they had come up with. Now only quality jokes came out of there.
He finishes stacking the glasses and heads out to clock out; he couldn't wait to get home and take a hot bath. It was freezing cold now. Soon the first snow would fall. It would be the perfect time to stay under the blankets with someone...
And at another establishment, on the other side of town, another member of that group chat was enjoying the evening in the exact same way.
"Rihito, are you okay? You're looking at your phone like you want to punch it..."
Rihito starts a little, turning his head to look over his shoulder. He was sitting on the edge of the huge bed, in one of the several rooms in the luxurious Gold Pleasure Club building, in the company of two beautiful employees who were willing to warm him up on that cold night, the three of them resting from the night's activities. He smiles awkwardly, trying to contain his anger.
"Oh, it’s okay, girls, relax. It's just my friends talking shit in our chat group, as always. I'm turning off notifications."
"Anything interesting there?," One of the girls, a curvy blonde, bites her lip. The other one, who talked first, had dark skin and curly hair.
"Nothing as interesting as you!," He lies down again, and they both laugh when he hugs them, bringing them close to his huge chest. And he does it without grabing them too enthusiastically, which was a very welcome development "I was feeling so lonely today... you guys just made my night better."
"Yes, you've been coming here alone these last few months. So Okubo really got a girlfriend?," the dark-skinned one asks.
"Yep! And now he's out there, too busy being all cute and disgusting with her," He pretends to sniff, his tone playfull "He's too good for his brothel bro now..."
"That's so mean," the blonde pouts, "Leaving his friend behind like that..."
"Well, at least we still have this hottie here to keep us company," the dark-skinned one puts a leg over his hips, smiling "But man... is it just me or you got sexier?"
"Yeah, you made me shiver all over," the blonde laughs "Even more so when you asked me to sit on you."
"C'mon, I pale in comparison to you," He laughs slyly "And I really developed a taste for that, I won't deny it. What can I say? I see these smooth, soft skins and I already want to kiss them all over...," He pretends to try to bite the dark-skinned one, who makes a sound that was half a scream, half a high-pitched laugh, playfully pushing him away.
"Oh, okay, that's enough," she gets up "Let us clean up, you animal. Come on, Naoko," she calls for the other one.
"We'll be right back," she kisses his neck before getting up.
"Alright. I'm just going to stay here and laze away...," He smiles as he stretches, dropping back onto the bed with a satisfied sigh. Wow, what a great way to end that night! Good booze, some snacks, two beautiful girls on each arm... was there a better way to live life?
"It's just a shame Akane is so busy with that evil lair she calls a hair salon..."
The thought makes him open his eyes. Akane and he had gone out together a few more times in the last two months, to eat or to dance, and they always ended the night at some small love hotel or at her apartment, if they were close enough to it. He honestly preferred the apartment; he had developed a taste for colorful walls and tacky decor, especially the hot pink monster that was the couch. Just as he had enjoyed Akane's company too. So much so that he even missed it. She was busy during the end of the year, with women appearing one after the other in the salon, wanting to get all dolled-up for the holidays in an attempt to impress uninterested husbands. So he had to seek company at the Gold Pleasure Group, which always ended up emptying his wallet. He couldn't wait for the year-end bonuses...
He hears a very low buzz and some giggling in the bathroom of the suite, but what caught his attention the most was hearing his name.
He raises his head immediately. Oh, were they talking about him? A mixture of strong curiosity and fear took hold of him. Were they arguing about his performance? Those giggles were worrying... unable to resist, he got up from the bed and went to the bathroom door, as silently as he could, putting his ear close to the door to hear better.
"... when he got closer I thought he was going to grab me, but then he brought me closer slowly, and gave me a sniff on the neck… wow, I got goosebumps…," he heard the blonde say.
"I saw it... but I was too busy feeling him inside me... where did he learn to do that?"
"Girl, I wouldn’t mind if he comes after me again, I swear to you…"
"I know! He’s much better than before. What happened to him?"
"I don’t know, but it was good… a winter miracle, I’m actually cumming for the first time in months…"
They begin to laugh coquettishly.
"Stop, that sounds so wrong…"
"Am I lying?"
"I was luckier than you then… but it’s true, he’s really getting better."
Rihito had to make an absurd effort not to run to the window, throw his fists in the air and scream in triumph for the entire fucking district to hear.
Damn, he had done it! Two girls loved his performance, and not out of pure pretense so as not to hurt his ego! He had truly learned how to be a good lover!
“And it was all thanks to her!”
And again, thinking about Akane brings that warm joy deep in his chest. Damn, he was going to make that woman moan and scream so much the next time they met! She deserved all that and more.
"Oh... damn," he heard the dark-skinned one say.
"What is it?"
"Our time is running out... shit, I wanted him to give me head too."
"We can ask him later, outside…"
"For free? No, he'll get used to it."
"Yeah…," she sighs "It’s a shame… but we’ll offer our services if he comes later, okay?"
"Hell no, I want him for myself."
They both laugh louder.
"Okay, let's go, we have to tell him anyway...," he hears footsteps.
He starts for a second, running away from the door and lying back down on the bed, trying to strike a relaxed pose on the sheets, with his arms behind his head and one leg casually bent up. That's it, a badass pose, he had to keep good impressions with the girls...
They look at him, picking up their dresses from the floor while smiling at him.
"Sorry, Rihito, we have to go."
"Yeah, time's up…," the dark-skinned one says in a sad tone, which he learned was genuine.
"So… are you going to come visit us again?," the blonde smiles.
"Oh, it’s a shame, I was loving the company," He smiles at them, "And I intend to, when my wallet is a little fuller again, hahaha! But it was really worth it. You two are wonderful," He coos, in a deliberately sugary tone to make them laugh.
And they really laugh, one of them waving her hand shyly. They quickly put on their clothes and leave.
"Oh, you still have another half hour, so just relax," the dark-skinned one says "You already know how it works."
"I know! I'm going to stretch here a bit. Good night," He blows kisses to them, and they laugh again as they close the door. He takes another deep breath, stretching and hugging a pillow.
That bed was really huge, warm and comfortable. But strangely, he missed something. Preferably something a lot more... fuzzy.
He opens his eyes again. And here come those strange thoughts... it was probably because she had been mentioned in the group chat, when he had received carte blanche to take her to Kanami's house, at the upcoming Christmas party that their friends would throw.
He frowns. Would inviting her be too weird? They weren't dating or anything, just having fun together every now and then... but damn, they were friends now, weren't they? What harm would it do to want to have some fun with a friend, especially among so many others? He finally makes up his mind, grabbing his phone from the dresser next to the bed and searching for a specific chat.
hey miss lumberjack
are you busy? lol
She takes a few minutes to respond.
hey he-man ❤️
I’m home now
I have an invitation for u
do you have any plans for christmas eve?
I’ll be busy during the day
those hags love to show up at the salon on short notice
but I’ll be free after 5 o’clock
we’ll have the next day all for ourselves ❤️
great, it's a nighttime event anyway
our friends are planning a hotpot for christmas eve
at miss kanami’s house
you’re invited
we’ll bring booze and ours empty stomachs lmao
wow, really?!
Butch’s gonna throw a party?? And she’ll cook???
she never baked me a loaf of bread without charging me for it!
damn what a Golden boy doesn’t do to a bitch’s humor LMAO
A fuckin christmas miracle indeed
I’m in! Christmas Eve, right?
yeah, but quit with the Golden boy shit lmao
that sounds so fucking gay
I’m a Fuck-Buddy with a capital F 😎
and anyway, her boyfriend eats like he’s about to starve
he must have convinced her lol
I’m talking about HER Golden boy, dumbass LMAO
and yeah, that must’ve been it
Butch’s the kind of girl who grabs men by their stomachs
and you’re a Golden Retriever, yea, but far from a Golden boy, get a fuckin grip LOL
ooh, got it
but he isn’t golden either
he’s a cosmic horror creature coming straight from the depths 🐙
then he found his own Amazon
you’ll met him at the party
well fuck
I’m curious now, he doesn’t seem bad…
is he such a pain in the ass?
anyway, forget about it
I got worried that Butch was with some good-for-nothing pos, but I remembered that she would’ve kicked him to the curb if he was that bad
that woman is terrifying
believe me, I know that lol
and don’t worry, he’s nice
he’s one of my bros
he’s just dumb as a roch
LMAO I got it
anyway… are you coming or will you stay there, scratching your balls?
or did you already have fun and just wanna chat?
I guess it’s the third option, you usually show up earlier than that
hey, is this an invitation?
I can crash at your place, no problem at all
I prefer your nails to scratch my balls anyway LMAO
and sorry, you were busy at the salon today
I thought I would be a bother if I showed up
well, if you went straight to the salon you wouldn’t come out alive LOL
but you’re welcome at my place
speaking of which, I still haven’t crashed at yours
do you have a roommate?
since you do not bring any girls there lol
I was talking about waiting for you at your doorstep, dummy
I won’t steep a foot in that chicken house you call a salon ever again LOL
I thought you were too tired to do anything, but if not, I’m coming
and yeah, you still haven’t see my place
I also live alone
A massage from your fingers would be really nice, not gonna lie
and well, I’d like to come to your place, but you can come to mine today
and since you must’ve already fucked some bitch today, I'm going to prepare a bath
I won't kiss a mouth that tastes like other chick's pussy LOL
dude fuck you LMAO
alright I'll tidy up before I go
gotta rinse my mouth to meet Her Highness' demands lol
I’ll be there in 20m
man its so fucking cold!
a hot bath would be really nice, specially with good company 👅
you really think that I’ll waste water just to wash your stinky ass?
you must want some glitter-filled bath bombs too, oh my
maybe for me cause this bitch here likes to smell good, but you?
only if its like when we're on my couch
you on top of it and me on top of you 🍑🍆
have some shame, you demon LMAO
I’ll give you some real bombs after the bath, not before
right on top of your pink-pornstar monster
no, seriously, I’m coming
want me to bring something?
chocolate, some beers idk
dunno, bring some noodles or anything we can microwave
and yeah, beer and chocolate sounds good too
oh yeah I almost forgot
bring your sausage and two eggs causa I’m starving LMAO
I mean, if there’s anything left for me 😗😗
if not, we can do netflix without chill LOL
fucking hell woman LMAO
you wanna make me run like the fuckin wind or something??
I need to be careful, I don’t wanna get run over lol
but alright then, beer, chocolate, instant noodles, my sausage and two eggs
that’s my grocery list
be there soon
man take your mind outta the gutter
I just want a sandwich 😇😇
yeah, sure you do
a sausage and eggs sandwich
whatever, I’ll bring everything
kiss on ya tits 🍒
He then leaves his phone aside, going to the bathroom to take a quick shower, just so he doesn't show up in her apartment smelling like perfume from two different women. They weren't dating, but it was all about respect and consideration.
About ten minutes later, he had already paid for his stay, gone to a convenience store nearby and bought everything she asked for. He had even bought more than one chocolate bar, because in that cold weather, a sweet treat sounded really good. He walks through the busy streets of the outskirts, the extremities of his body slowly becoming numb from the cold. Holy shit, it seemed like winter was getting more intense with each passing year, and it wasn’t even snowing yet! He lets out a shaky breath, the air leaving his mouth and condensing into smoke, hanging in the air. He then makes up his mind, taking out his phone and sending a private text to Okubo.
seriously, man
let’s bring some quality booze for the hotpot
if it’s cold af now, just imagine how much worse it’ll get til christmas
Okubo answers pretty quickly; he must’ve already been on his phone.
I’m counting on that bro
I’m shivering all over and I’m not even outside wtf
I’m on my car, with the heater turned on and everything
wyd man?
your space heater broke or something? lol
I’m leaving the golden pleasure club now
all alone in a cold winter night, all because my brothel bro found a bedmate to keep him warm
I’m going to akane’s house
lol you’re one to talk
you have a bedmate too, she’s just not your gf
anyway, I have to go now, I’m kinda in a hurry
I have to get there in time before the First Snow falls 🥰
Rihito frowns, the sight of that emoji sending shivers down his spine.
First Snow?
and what the hell is up with that emoji??
dude, are you gay? 🤨
I should ask you the same lmao
you never heard about the First Snow thing? I read about it recently
it’s a thing about couples watching the first snowfall of the year
it’s said that, if a couple watch it together, their relationship will last forever
it’s the kind of cute, cheesy thing tomori likes
will I get something good in return? For sure
so I’m in 😁
… Okubo Naoya
my man
my guy
my chummy chum
that was the gayest shit you've ever said on this chat
fuck that first snow crap
why are you making excuses to get laid? Just get under your sheets with her and that’s it
you can watch that first snow from the window while you’re pounding her
says the guy who twerks like a bitch LMAO
and my girl like this stuff, man
if that makes her all wet for me, so be it LOL
and besides, it’s fun!
getting under the sheets with a hot cocoa mug and my chick to keep me warm sounds fuckin awesome, 10/10
LMAO you fucker
I knew it, you’re a pervert just like me afterall
but whatever, do what you want
I don’t need all that to get laid, I’m a very simple man
and I only twerk if I know that’ll get someone twerking for me in return
it’s the same principle, dumbass
my girl only asks for a bit of snow
yours asks for you fucking dignity LOL
what dignity LMAO
I have way more dignity than a mf who’s gonna watch some stupid snowflakes fall
drinking hot cocoa and eating some sissy cookies
while he waits for his missus to get in the mood
but again, do what you must to get a good fuck, that’s not my problem
have fun
and tell tomori that akane will be at the hotpot
hell yeah!
alright, go twerk and have some fun yourself
send my regards to your Cannibal LOL
And his icon goes offline. He must already be on the road.
Rihito thinks about calling Okubo every name under the sun, but it wouldn't be funny since he wouldn't see those messages until the next day, after spending the night fucking his girlfriend to the sound of crackling fireplaces and snow piling up on the windowsill. And like the helpless romantic that he was, he would be too happy to care about some dumb insults. It wasn't even worth wasting time.
He huffs and puts away his phone, picking up the bags with his purchases and walking faster, eager to get away from the cold. He didn't need all that cheesy bullshit. He had found a friend who disliked them as much as he did. And they were both going to enjoy that cold as it deserved to be enjoyed, yes sir.
The relief is great when he finally sees the dirty block where Akane lived. The good thing about that freezing cold was that the smell of garbage and cat piss was much less pronounced.
He goes up the stairs; the place was strangely quiet for such a neighborhood. Normally he would hear some ear-splitting music from some apartment, or some crazy couple in the middle of a screaming match or even cats fighting or mating on the roof. But the night was completely silent. Which was actually good, at least the walls were thick.
He knocked on the door and a moment later she opened it. She smiled and opened it completely when she saw who it was. She was in her homely clothes, with her glasses and a loose shirt, and barefoot.
"Hi," she lets him in and closes the door, giving him space and grabbing the bags he was giving her "Get in the bathroom, I'll put the groceries away and I'll be right there."
"'Night!," He greets her with a smile, his face red from the cold, but it didn't seem to have affected his mood at all "Sorry for coming this late. If I had known that you'd be free after work, I would've come straight from work," And after taking off his shoes, he heads towards the bathroom, without thinking to much. He had been visiting that apartment for two months now. They were already past the formalities.
"Sorry, I also thought you were busy. I remember once you were working late on a last minute delivery, and the next day you had a match scheduled," She says while putting things away.
"See? It’s not just you who’s racing against the clock because of a job," He comments, raising his voice as he opens the door to the bathroom, already taking off his clothes and folding them over the basket next to the sink "Year's end has been pretty busy, but after the holidays we'll be able to make the most of it..."
Rihito had seen that bathroom before: it was tiny, but organized and very clean, and of course, a bit cluttered, with colorful things on the shelves, some motivational pictures (his favorite was the one were it was written “one shit a day make your problems flush away”) and some little decorative plants. It still was way less eye-catching than the rest of the house (no piece of furniture had surpassed the vintage-porn couch yet), but still, he doubted he would ever meet a more extravagant, wild and exigent woman when it comes to home decorations and her own appearance, but that still had a no nonsense attitude and was as foul-mouthed as a truck driver.
This stark contrast, to this day, made his head spin so much that he simply went with the flow while trying not to laugh to himself as he undressed.
As she had said, the bathtub was already filled with hot water, which was good for the cold night; it was a little shallow because otherwise, given its size, the water would overflow. He was a big man, afterall.
A thought comes into his head, “She thinks about everything, doesn't she?”
The sudden thought ended up eliciting a mischievous half-smile from him. Yes, that woman thought of everything, including the best ways to take advantage of a poor motherfucker who until recently was a lost cause in terms of interactions with the opposite sex. But he would never complain about that, because he was learning a lot from her. Not only to be a better lover, but to be a better friend and person as well.
He enters the bathtub after having undressed completely, closing his eyes and letting out a low sound of pleasure as the hot water enveloped him, up to his chest. He rested his arms on the edges of the bathtub, throwing his head back a little "Damn, this is one of the best things you could do at the end of a long day... you can almost nap in here..."
"I do it often," Akane appears at the door, coming closer to him "Even more so after I had a really busy day," she sits on the closed toilet seat, on the edge of the bathtub, enjoying the view "Feel free to relax."
"I already am…," He jokes, smiling at her "But what about you? A bathroom isn't the best place in a house to keep your clothes on, you know…?"
"I know... I'm just enjoying the view for now...,"
"Oh, feel free to enjoy it, but you can also enjoy it while your sausage is warm from the water," He laughs, while she gets up and opens a side cabinet, where there were some hygiene products "So... are we going to have a party at Butch's house?"
"Yes, we will! A Christmas party with everything we could ask for, a courtesy from Aunty! But we still need to bring booze."
"Aunty? You're hopeless, man, if she hears you...," She laughs softly, taking a weird little ball from the cabinet "Anyway... I'll go for a casual look, since the girls will be there, and Kanami's house usually has a more cozy atmosphere."
She takes off the loose shirt she was wearing, and... oh, what a surprise, she wasn't wearing anything underneath. She takes off her glasses too, throwing her curls around to loosen them. She sighs, approaching the bathtub and throwing the ball she had in her hand inside of it. The ball hits the water and immediately starts to sizzle, releasing good-smelling bubbles.
"Yeah, it's some sissy shit but I love it. Shut up," she says as she was getting into the tub, and the water overflows when she sits on his lap.
"Hnn…," He shivers slightly, the middle of his legs being duly graced by her ass, which for him was very welcome "I deal well with other people's sissy shits if I'm well rewarded for it, you know," And he hugs her to his chest, bringing her closer, one hand already going to lazily play with one of her tits.
"The view is enough for you, don't lie," she uses a little bowl to catch some water and pours it on his head, wetting his hair "Did you come to spend the night here? "
He closes his eyes so the water doesn't get into them, blowing some, the droplets spreading around "Yeah, the view is pretty awesome... and I'd like too, if that's okay. It's freezing cold outside... returning home in the early hours of the morning would be torture... it could start snowing today."
"The forecast said it was likely," he feels, still with his eyes closed, her nails massaging his scalp, applying some kind of shampoo with a subtle scent there "In that case, you’re more than welcome. I think I have something in my room that might help you. If I remember correctly I have a pair of sweatpants, so you don't tease me early in the morning," and she laughs softly.
He laughs along with her... and then wonders how a single woman, who lived alone and was so thin could have sweatpants that fit him. Was it someone else's? The thought wasn't the most pleasant, but damn, it was either that or his dick would shrink two inches from the cold, and that was the last thing he needed that night.
"Fine by me. And I hope it's not yours, because if it is I'll finally find out how guys who have a fetish for wearing panties feel, hahaha!"
"Hahaha, no, dumbass, I bought it for you," she presses her nails into his scalp, laughing "I knew that one time or another you'd end up spending the night here, so I took precautions," She throws some water in head head, rinsing his hair.
He chokes on the water, such is his amazement. He wipes his eyes quickly, blinking awkwardly at her.
"What… did you buy me sweatpants? Really?!"
"And why not? Or do you prefer to sleep in jeans?," She raises an eyebrow "I don't think so," She continues to wash his hair, her expression unchanged, but still seeming a little embarrassed by his surprise; her already small mouth had turned into a pout due to her full lips.
"No, that's not it! It's just...," He doesn't know what else to say, even more disconcerted when he sees her embarrassment. He tries to get back on track by hugging her again, his hands around her hips, her breasts pressed against his chest. And for the first time in two months, the proximity didn't turn him on. It only increased that strange heat in his chest "It's just that no one had done something like that for me before. Damn, woman... you're making me feel like a fag here, making me all emotional like that, hahaha..."
"Then shut up and just accept it," she laughs a little "And that's not fag shit, you're just happy, and even though it's for a silly reason. It's just like you," she shakes her head "An extroverted through and through," and she continues playing with his hair "And you're my friend, so... it's just consideration, no big deal. "
He laughs through his nose, thanking the heavens from the bottom of his heart for the water she poured over his head, since he could use it to disguise any sign of emotion. Because for a tiny second, he felt his eyes burn. And crying in front of her would mean exposing a fragile side of him that he flatly refused to expose, even more so to that woman, who he wanted to continue seeing him as a friend, protector and a respectable sexual partner, and not as a crybaby who needed to be comforted all the time. He tries to interrupt that flow of disconcerting thoughts by closing his eyes, enjoying the caresses on his scalp while hiding his face on her chest, between her breasts.
"Fuck, you're such a… no, seriously, thank you. Now I’m going to think of something nice to give you in return…"
"Nah, you don't have too," she rinses his hair again, putting the bowl aside and grabbing a soap bar "I did it for myself too. Now seriously, let me finish washing your hair. It's a mess and I can't stand seeing it like that."
"I didn't have time to take care of it these days, my bad. And it wouldn't cost me anything to give you something too, come on. I usually only bring you food when I visit, not counting my sausage," He jokes in an attempt to push those strange emotions deep down in his gut again "What would you like to get? An appointment at a nail salon? Some extensions for your hair? A pair of stilettos that can be used as weapons if necessary?"
She laughs at the last one, shaking her head.
"I don't need any of that," she looks at him, and her expression is strange "Okay, you'll accompany me on a thrift store hunt. Don't make that face, you'll have fun, I guarantee it."
"... Alright then," He nods, sighing "I want to return the favor, afterall. Let’s go hunting for cheesy things to buy at a bargain price. Maybe some heart pillows to match your monster in the living room, so I have somewhere to rest my head while you ride me," And he slowly squeezed her buttocks while he lightly nibbled between her breasts. She laughs at the answer.
"You really liked my couch, huh," she jokes, shivering with his touches "Wait until you try my bed…"
He looks up at her "Good idea. Now that I'm thinking about it, I've never been in your room before," He says, surprised. Akane had never invited him into her room, and he had never suggested for them to go have sex there, both because he respected her need for privacy and because he really liked that fuzzy monstrosity in the living room. And now he wondered why she had that preference "You never invited me and I never asked..."
"Oh, it's because it's messy," She blushes a little "It's where I keep my stuff... and I have a lot of stuff," she concentrates on scrubbing his skin so she doesn't have to look at his eyes "And it's also where my sewing supplies are, so expect to see patchwork everywhere."
"Oh... believe me, I have no room to judge. My place is messy too," He shrugs calmly "Mess has never bothered me. And honestly, all things considered, I might like it as much as I like the rest of your place. All this cozy cheesiness and such," And he relax underneath her hands, enjoying the feel of the soap sliding across his skin, the hot water undoing all the tension in his muscles accumulated throughout the day.
She smiles. "I'm glad you don't mind. And it's also not fair for me to make you sleep on the couch when there's so much space on my bed... and it's a cold night too, so your presence is more than welcome," she runs her hands over his face and then stops "Oh, I didn't notice... you didn't shave before coming?"
"I'll gladly accept the offer, ma’am. And I ended up leaving it like that, I jumped outta bed in a hurry and didn't had time to shave," He pouts at the way she pressed his cheeks, smiling like the cute idiot he was "Do you like it? If so, I can leave it like this more often."
"Look, I don't mind shaving, I like it both ways, but this looks great on you too," she smiles, and then lets him go, becoming more serious "Okay, you're all clean. Now get out and let me wash myself up too. You take too much space," she bites his neck "Use that big whit towel on the basket. Now scram."
He shivers at the bite, laughing afterwards.
"Hey, I let you wash me, didn't I? It's only fair that I return the favor," He raises an eyebrow, smiling as he picks up the soap and the sponge "You know how good I am with my fingers. Don't you want to try 'em out in other areas?"
She smiles "You'll end up just groping me and making me horny. We won't be able to leave the bathtub even after the water gets cold...," she squinted at him "If you want to do it so badly then be chaste about it, you pervert."
"Are you doubting my ability to behave and do things like that without ulterior motives? ... Yeah, you wouldn't be the first or the last," He snorts, pouting when she laughs "Seriously, I want to try! I'm feeling quite generous today, so you should take the opportunity. And besides, I prefer to do our funny business on your bed, because this water will soon cool down."
"Stop messing around," she turns her back, sitting on his lap and moving her hair away "And don't make me wait," she looks at him mischievously.
"So fucking bossy...," He grumbles, but promptly obeys, rubbing the soap on the sponge and then sliding it across her skin, slowly, cleaning and adding some light pressure from his fingers on her muscles. He takes the opportunity to kiss her on the back of the head in the meantime, as innocently as he can, while bringing her closer so he can wash her chest too.
She smiles and lets him do it. She seriously thought about provoking him with moans, but when she felt his effort, she held back. But that didn't mean she couldn't relax with the massage he was giving her, even if involuntarily. He had said he had strong hands and she knew he did. But there was something about it, even though he knew how to control that strength well, he still had a somewhat rough touch, one that she liked, because, all things considered, he was extremely gentle with her.
Some intrusive thoughts came to ruin the mood, stupid memories of painful touches long ago, coming from people she thought she could trust, which made her tense.
She feels his fingers pause momentarily, seeming to hesitate. And then she hears him ask, "Hey... am I making you uncomfortable? I'll stop if you want to, okay?"
"No… it's not you. Just some annoying stuff that came to my mind. Don't worry. It's just old ladies gossiping and things like that," she diverges the subject.
"Hnn... okay," He says simply, realizing that she didn’t want to extend the subject. He felt a certain relief in parts, because he was terrible with traumatic or sentimental issues. But on the other hand, he also felt a certain guilt. He remembered all the things his friends had already told him, about how inconvenient and clueless he could be about things like personal space, especially when it came to women. After a few good blows to his ego, he had become much more aware of those flaws. And he felt distressed at the thought that he might be inflicting them on her.
He tries not to think about it too much, finishing with her chest, managing not to play with her breasts too much, and then imitates what she did with her hair, putting shampoo in his hand and rubbing it slowly, taking the opportunity to appreciate the various colors that appeared beneath those golden locks. He smiled with himself.
"That seems like a lot of work. Do you do things like that in the salon?"
"Not often, and not in colors like these. I use more of the normal ones, black and shades of brown... sometimes a redhead when someone gets divorced, ahahahaha," She says, being happy to have a new subject to focus on "I do more haircuts and hairstyles that use hairspray, and to not lose practice, I test it on myself. There are times when I wanna die of boredom, but old ladies at the salon are pretty good friends. There are times when they treat me like I'm still sixteen, but oh well, what can I do...," She leans back against his chest "It's not like I've changed much since then," She smiles, relaxing.
Okay, she seemed relaxed enough, so he wasn't the problem. He sighs in relief.
"I can relate to that, hahaha," He bends down a little to touch the curve of her neck with his nose, still massaging her scalp "And most of the clientele must be old ladies, right? It must be boring as hell. I'd schedule an appointment with you there if it wasn’t for the anti-male brigade that threatened to fry my eggs, hahaha.”
She laughs again, "Exactly... but they're right. That salon is a woman-only temple, and there are things that men cannot hear under any circumstances. And… you can still book an appointment with me, right here at home. I’ll give you a discount. I love doing freelance jobs," She turns her head, looking at him "Because they're always the most fun".
"I'm in! I'll just wait for the end of year bonuses to come in, I kind of emptied my wallet...," He makes a face while picking up water with his hands "Close your eyes...," He instructs before pouring water over her head "Thank fuck the guys came up with this hotpot, because otherwise I would spend Christmas eating noodles in my apartment or in a bar, drinking my ass off, hahaha..."
"Hey, what about me? You have me too, dummy," She whimpers "I would probably be watching movies or getting drunk at home or making things to wear or give as gifts next year," she helps him rinse her head, and then she gets out of the bathtub "Shall we?"
"Uh... would you stay with me for Christmas, if we didn’t have another party to attend?," He blinks, and then he smiles, getting up from the bathtub to go with her "I would be in! It's just that I thought you would have arranged something else if I hadn't invited you, like a night-out with your friends, or a party with your family..."
"I don't have any family," she dries herself, handing him a towel meanwhile "Well, not anymore. I don't want to spend the holidays with the salon ladies either. My Gyaru friends, or ex-Gyarus, already had their own plans too. I remember one invited our group to an Izakaya but everyone else declined, so if it was just me and her there it would feel like a date, according to her. I told her to stop being dumb and she told me to fuck off. We ended up not going out, afterall," she shrugs.
"Well, I made that invitation at the right time then, haha ," He laughs a little, trying to hide a sudden outburst of sympathy by hiding his face in the towel as he dries himself. So she didn't have a family? He understood the situation perfectly. Biological family had always been a sensitive topic for him, so he understood her need to not talk about it more tha necessary. He didn't need any fucking biological family anyway. He had a stepfamily with all the friends he had made in recent years. And maybe she had something like that too "And ex-Gyarus, huh? Traitors to the lifestyle?
"More or less. They just changed their views, it's normal. Some of them still keep some remnants of it, but it's like something from a punk phase or a rebellious phase, you know. At some point there are people who find those studded coats a pain to wear, and there are girls who, when they leave their teens, realize that that lifestyle doesn't suit them. I… well, not only does it suit me, but I embrace it…"
"Hunf," He sniffs with a certain haughtiness, one hand on his hip while the index finger of the other scratches his nose "So it's just you and me, the pillars of fidelity to a lifestyle, while the rest conforms over time. I won't stop bleaching my hair, and you won't stop being a Gyaru, and that's what makes us badass, hehe," And he playfully pats her on the hip, making her smile.
"Yes, in my case I was never anything else. I've always had this tanned skin, y'know. My friends were jealous because I didn't need artificial tanning to achieve this tone," she covered herself with the towel until she remembered who was next to her "C'mon, I'll show you my room. Your pants are there anyway."
And she leaves the bathroom, drying her hair with a towel, putting her glasses back on her face.
He follows her quickly, drying his hair and shoulders too, not bothering to tie the towel around his waist, either "I'm right behind you. And you can tan so easily... the beach would be another nice place for us to go, just so I can see it with my own eyes," He smiles, enjoying the sway of her hips without any shame.
"I'd love to. It's been a while since I've been to the beach, I'd been a little... eh... uninterested. But I intend to in the near future, I love summer," they quickly arrive at the bedroom door "And... eh... sorry about the mess in advance."
She opens the sliding door, and Rihito smells the pile of clothes (clean but put away) before he even enters. Yes, as he suspected, the bedroom was the largest room in the house, but it seemed small with the amount of things piled up there, and none of them, interestingly, were decorative. There were at least three closets, one with a huge mirror on the door, the other two made of wood, and they all had clothes inside, organized on hangers. On the other side, there was a shelf full of drawers with labels, saying “silk”, “chiffon”, “polyester”, “beads” and others. In another corner, barely visible, there was a very vintage, old-fashioned sewing machine, black and with a foot crank. The environment looked like the dressing room of a famous artist or the home of a costume designer who shared the apartment with the tacky owner who owned the couch. In the center, beyond the window on the wall, he wasn't surprised to found a double bed with a heavy, plush duvet, with a Frankenstein-like amalgam of hundreds of different, furry animal fur prints. Saying it was tacky would be an understatement, but he already knew it was all her: so tacky that it was actually beautiful.
"Yeah... this is my... eh... my bedroom-studio," She looks at him, blushing "I told you I sew most of my clothes".
He smiles a lot as he enjoys the immensely colorful and extravagant mess "Wow, would you look at that. The pink monster in the living room swallowed the 70s and threw everything up right here, eh," He laughs at her "I loved it, like the rest of the house, hahaha! And yes, you said you sew your own clothes. Did you find that sewing machine at a thrift store too? I think one of these costs a fortune on the internet."
"No. It's a family heirloom," She smiles a little tenderly "It was from my mother's side. But it was the only thing besides me that she left, and this beauty still works today, so it's still with me," She nods "It must already have a soul within itself, with how old it must be."
"Ooh…," He nods, trying to hide his embarrassment, wondering if he should say something. Damn, he was starting to get frustrated with his own insensitivity. Well, the others had always told him... "Maybe it has, who knows? If you took such good care of it all these years... it must've become the protector of the apartment or something. She and that pink monster, beating the shit outta intruders to keep them from disturbing the Force, haha."
"Ahahaha… very likely. If you were surprised by my pink monster, then it must definitely have a sense for disturbances in the Force. It's aura is very unique, as Butch said," she covers the machine and the table with a heavy cloth. She was probably working on something before he arrived "And again, you reacted much better than I expected...," she opens an embarrassed smile, blushing a little, as she sits on the bed.
"I didn’t react badly to your vintage porn couch, why would I react badly to your room?," He shrugs, unconcerned "I already told you, I like the atmosphere in your apartment. All the cheesiness is fun. And I find it cozy. It's not like those houses of stuck-up rich people that look more like a dentist's office, where everything is white, cold and there's not even a fucking plant in a corner. It's a house that really looks like a house, where there are people actually living, not just existing. Do you understand me? Or am I talking nonsense? I don't know, I just know that I like it and that's it."
She smiles "Yeah, I understand, and I think the same. I like colors," she lies down on the bed "And interesting things to look at. And you can get a sense of the personality of the person living there. I think you look at a jaguar print on a dress in a store and think 'Akane', right? Or cheesy and furry things in general."
He... he had been a little amazed to find that she was right. How many times in the last two months had he passed by a thrift store on his way to the fridge or the gym, seen things like leopard print rugs or pink plush dice and immediately thought that Akane would to have one of those? Four? Five? It was kind of impressive that he was able to remeber her tastes that well and had learned to make associations automatically, without anything needing to remind him of that. Was this what happened when you became intimate with someone? Did things that reminded you of that person start to appear frequently? Or have they always been there and you simply become more interested in them?
He didn't know, and that complex monologue was already overheating the simple machine that was his brain, leaving him frustrated. He dispels those conjectures by doing what he does best: smiling and being a hopeless pervert.
"Sometimes. And what reminds you of me every day? The sausage you buy at the butcher's?"
She laughs loudly and turns her back to him on the bed, still laughing, even letting out a light snore before composing herself "No... not exactly...," she doesn't turn around, letting him look at her back "But now that you mentioned it, I'll put it on the list."
Her back, exposed like that, naked and sporting those almost imperceptible bikini lines, was too tempting for him to resist. He approaches, climbing onto the bed, supporting himself on his elbows and knees above her, and she feels his lips touching the base of her neck, descending with a slowness that makes her shiver.
"I want to hear about the other items on that list later…"
Akane shivers at his touch, smiling a little, turning her head so he has better access to her neck "Oh... I have some... like... I was watching a movie where one of the guys was splitting wood and he picked up the wood and ripped it in two with his fingers. For some reason it reminded me of you and that coin. I see… hnmm… a fit guy leaving the gym, then I… you're going to think it's crazy, but I keep thinking that you could easily beat his ass. And also... cats. Big cats...," she turns around, pulling him into a hug, while sighing "And for some reason a very big and fluffy golden retriever from a neighbor reminded me of you, but I apologize for that, because I laughed," she laughs softly.
He had to hold back for a while not to grab her right there, exultant with the comparisons as he returned the hug "Splitting logs in half, huh? Yes, I can do that, I'll even show you later if you want... and I certainly have the capacity to beat some gym rat's ass, but it won't happen because I don't want to be arrested, hahaha! And I'm a leopard, lady, just like you... but a golden retriever?," He blinks. And then he smiles scathingly "I'm a leopard, but I can also be a dog. Raawn!," And he nibbles her neck, then licks it.
She gasps, laughing, and hugs him more "Ahaha, hnmmm... I know, but part of it is because you're both blonde and cute," she then blinks, a little surprised by what she said, making a pout.
He looks up at her, equally surprised. Boy... had she called him there to have sex or to make him all disarmed and dumbfounded every five minutes? He manages to recover relatively quickly, however, smiling mischievously "Oooh, I think I understand... today you want me to be cute, then? I can do that. I'm going to be adorable," And he kisses her, his tongue asking for passage, his cock slowly brushing between her legs.
"Ooh," she lets him kiss her, and thanks the heavens that he is stupid, or at least ignores these things. She didn't really want to think about it. She hugged him with her legs, passing her thighs along his sides "Yes... but not too adorable, I'm not made of porcelain," she jokes, and her nails passed over his torso, tickling him in a good way "I'm not much in the mood for foreplay, anyway," she looks at him, biting her lip; her eyes were light brown, but like when she was using blue contacts, they were very intense.
He shivers with the feeling of her nails running across his skin, with the heat between her legs, and especially with the words spoken. He was already getting hard as a rock "Hnnn... not even a little tongue? We're being very straightfoward today...," He jokes, his hands massaging her breasts, his thumbs playing with the nipples until they become hard.
"Oonh… I like it, but when I'm a bed with you like this I get wild," she runs her nails through his hair, letting him play with her, panting softly "Hnmm…. so much so that...," she pushes him away a little and turns onto her stomach "I want you like this...," she pushes her buttocks against the middle of his legs, her torso on the mattress, looking at him "Choose your entrance...," she says in a malicious moan "As long as you come in slowly."
He kneels on the mattress, and she sees, over her shoulder, the exact moment his brain turned off and everything else turned on, his green eyes becoming a little unfocused, delight written in every line of his expression.
"Damn, that's the best invitation I’ve been given today…," He leans over to kiss the tattoos on her thigh, moving down to her buttocks afterwards "I accept it… but doing it dry like that won’t be good for you, right? Don't lie to me, you want some of this...," And she feels when his fingers slide from bottom to top along the line of her sex, massaging it, searching for her clit and gracing it as soon as they find it.
And he is surprised when his finger practically sinks into her heat when he presses a little, before reaching the clit. She gasps more when he moves, shivering all over.
"Ahnn.. I told you… ooh…," she looks at him "But don’t stop, please…"
He would be a complete idiot if he didn't comply with that request. He goes back to kissing and licking her buttocks, positioning his arm more comfortably and then moving his fingers back and forth, moving his phalanges to massage her insides, especially that little elevation he felt when he went up to where her clit was. And all the while he was admiring how wet she was, running on his fingers, his mouth watering at the sight.
"Damn, you got like that without me barely touching you... all this just by imagining me fucking you? Hnn?," He asks in a hoarse growl "Naughty girl... "
"You already know who I am…," she says between moans, looking at him "And I know you were already getting a hard-on just with me invited you in, you big dog. Just me calling you-aaah!," She trembles all over, arching her back, when he touches a sensitive spot beyond her clit.
"Dog... you know what happens when you provoke a dog, right?," He takes a bite there, on the juicy flesh of her buttocks, sucking a little to leave a reddish mark and smiling mischievously at her reaction to the capricious work of his fingers "You get eaten... both ways. Only one thing at a time...," And he presses his face against her ass, giving a nice lick from bottom to top, from her sex to that tight hole between the buttocks, and her stays there, his tongue caressing it while his fingers work vigorously.
"Aaaah...," She trembles all over "Oh, fuck yeah... Rihito, this is torture," she doesn't make any move to stop him, however "I love that tongue, and those fingers, ooh... they make me melt, aahn...," she was so wet that her juices ran down his fingers.
Her praise made him even more hallucinated, hard as a rock, and even more desperate to devour her and extract more of those sounds. He makes her lift her buttocks so he can move his arm more freely, loving the sight of his fingers moving in and out of her, the pink flesh hugging them in a way that makes him ache for his dick's turn. He licks her butthole in the meantime, kissing it afterwards, saying in a low growl, "Ask for it. And don't play coy with me. I want to hear it, Akane..."
"Ahnn… eat me, c'mon… fuck my pussy and fill my ass up...," She asks, and in such a sultry way… she even wiggles her buttocks in his face "I know you want it too…," she leaves her glasses on the bedside table and when she comes back, she hands him a package. He knew exactly what it was.
"Fucking hell, woman...!," He takes his soaked fingers out of her, almost panting with excitement, bending down to give that juicy flesh a long lick before picking up the condom, wraping himself up as quickly as he can before positioning himself, his huge hands firm on her hips "Yeah, lift that ass for me... hnnnn...!," And he shivers as he enters her all at once, being immediately pressed into that delicious, warm grip that made him a little dizzy "Fuck, there's- there's nothing better to do in this cold...!"
"Aahnn!," She moans loudly "That's it, c'mon, fuck me! hmmm!!," she lifts her torso a little, to arch her back more "Say you love this, say you'll always want to fuck me!"
She was a vocal girl, she knew that, but she always had this fear of being foul-mouthed with her partners, so much so that she had heard complaints or even hands over her mouth several times... but with Rihito... no, with Ichiro, she knew that he loved every note and every sound she made, and he even asked for more. This euphoria was everything to her.
And holy fuck, how much he loved it. He holds her even tighter, grunting like the dog she accused him of being as he thrusts into her, slamming his hips into hers with loud, wet sounds, rotating his hips to make sure he hits her in all the right spots "Damn, I want...! I want to fuck you every day, all the time, I can't stop thinking... hnnnn...! Thinking about those beautiful tits, that ass, that pussy...! And your face..."
She raises her torso even more, placing her back against his chest "I want it too, I'll never get tired of such a hot motherfucker, aaaahn!," She grabs his neck, bringing his head to touch her shoulder "Oohhh yes, I love it... more... hold me tight, don't let me get away... Ichirooo...!"
And the sound of his real name was like a magic word. He grabs her willingly while biting her on the shoulder, growling, keeping her in place like a male cat biting a female's neck, the pounding of his hips against hers becoming even more merciless.
"Gruunf...! I'm not going to... you're gonna stay here with me, you're gonna let me fuck you and make you come all night, you're not gonna leave my side...!," And one of his hands moves between your legs, his fingers firmly on her clit, his strong, hoarse breathing in her ear, an extremely welcome sound as an accompaniment to those wet pops.
"Aaanh! Yessss...!," she moans loudly, and when she is touched she practically whines, facing him, her breasts bouncing with his thrusts "K-Keep going, Ichiro, I love when you fuck me like that, uughnn... I love it...!," The view of her mouth open, her sexy face, with her eyes closed facing a window showing the dark night sky, the snow falling outside... it was something that would remain engraved in his memory.
He stares at the window with snow piling up on the eaves, the dark sky seeming to be dotted with white spots that fell in a slow dance, the ecstasy of the climax arriving seeming to make the scene more surreal, intimate, cozy... and then he lets out a deep sound of pleasure, the back and forth getting rougher, as well as his fingers "Fuck, Akane...! I'm almost there, come with me, squeeze me tighter...!"
"Aaannn, me too, Ichiro… don’t stop-aaahh! Ahhhnn!," She squeezes him hard, with her arms and with her insides, while shaking hard, bouncing on top of his dick while riding her climax "Ohhh... Ichiroooo... I love... oohhh..."
"A-Akane...! hhnNNG...!," He locks his hips, holding her tight against him, and damn, cumming hard while he was inside that wonderful woman while snow was falling outside in the silent night was an almost magical experience, fuck how cheesy that is sounded! He then goes limp, resting his forehead on her shoulder, breathing heavily. She feels his lips sliding there, on her skin, in a small kiss. "Holy shit... I love it too... shit, I've really missed you..."
He ends up sitting on top of his own legs while she sat on top of him, still panting her, leaning against him.
"Oh... me too," she turns her head and kisses him. "Hmmmm," she lets him go slowly, looking into his eyes. In that light, her eyes were even more bright, and she looked at him with a face full of want that gave him goosebumps.
He looks back at her, his eyelids heavy, his face sweaty and his breathing still labored. Her eyes looked like a cat's in the dim light, bright and penetrating... yes, there was no better nom de guerre than 'Panther' for her. He smirks, a shiver running down his spine. "Good to know... because I didn't forget that request of yours... about filling your ass up. Just let me recover first...," He gets rid of the condom (good thing there was a little trash bin next to the bed. She'd certainly thought of everything, huh), and then makes her turn over onto her back, slowly laying on top of her. A hand goes up to her face, giving her another kiss, and then he rests his head between her breasts, an idiotic smile of satisfaction taking over his face. "You're so fucking hot that I can barely stand it, haha…"
"Hnmm... with someone as hot fucking me, is hard not to be," She hugs his neck, keeping his face between her breasts, caressing his head. "Hmm... I love this feeling... the aftergloow ... hmm," She hugs him more "It makes me melt..."
"Me too... I don't even want to get out of bed to eat...," He murmurs, almost moaning with her caressing his hair. "Even more so in weather like this, hnnn... damn, this bed is almost as good as the pink monster in the living room, yes sir..."
"Haha, I told you… good thing there's enough space for both of us and very warm blankets…," She pulls out a pillow and adjusts herself on it… then she lifs her eyes and sees it. "Oh, just as the forecast predicted. It's snowing outside… it's a very nice sight when you're inside a cozy room, right?"
"Hell yeah!," He turns over in bed too, looking at the window. "I kinda saw it two minutes ago, but I ended up forgetting. You are a sucker of memories, as well as souls, hehehe!," And he puts a hand on her back, watching the snow fall with a happy smile "The first snowfall of the year…"
"Hnmm… yeah…," she says nothing more than that, caressing his head with her nails, as if combing his hair, a smile on her lips.
He reciprocates by caressing her back more, his fingers very gentle, almost affectionate, seeming perfectly happy to just stay there, enjoying the moment with her. He covers them both with the blanket (colorful, fuzzy and patterned, because if it weren't, it wouldn't be Akane, after all), murmuring against their skin, "Thank you for inviting me to come here. On a night like this, it's better to sleep with someone than alone."
"I agree... and I wouldn't leave you in the cold like that, honey," She kisses him on the top of his head. "Thank you too."
In the silence of the room, with his body still not very tired, his thoughts did some pirouettes until they reached what his friend had said. The First Snow… He chuckles.
"Hey, lemme tell you something funny. I exchanged a few texts with Okubo before arriving here. Guess what he was gonna do with Tomori," And he indicates the window, which had already accumulated a certain amount of snowflakes on the sill, with a gesture of his head.
"Let me see… Tomori and I are birds of a feather, but she loves cheesy shit… so some really good sex, with hot cocoa and fluffy blankets on the side?"
"The Egghead loves that shit too, even though he doesn't admit it, that's why they're perfect for each other," He laughs more "And that's exactly it, but that would be the consequence of their original plans. They went to see the First Snow," He rolls his eyes with a smile that she saw was more affectionate than mocking "Some kind of winter magic and whatnot…"
"Really? What kind of magic?," She blinks "Never heard of it...," She blinks, and then she seems to remember. "Oooh, it's a Korean superstition about the first snowfall of the winter," She smiles at him. "It's just that they believe that if a couple confess to eachother as soon as the First Snow falls, the love between them become pure as snow, so it will last forever...," She laughs softly "Tomori kept telling me that, and she and I watched some Korean soap operas that had that trope in them. Kinda cute, but… that's… eh…," She sighs, looking disbelieved.
"Oh, so it's Korean? I didn’t know that. But yeah, that's exactly it! The gayest shit to end all the other gay shit," He has a small coughing fit while laughing. "My bro was never into that stuff, but he found a girlfriend and immediately let the hopeless romantic that always existed inside him come out," He pouts , making kissing sounds, and then he looks out the window at the snowy night. "Eh, he's as happy as a clam, and that's what matters..."
He turns to her. Then he notices her thoughtful expression. The smile fades from his face.
"Uh… I'm just joking, okay? I don't think less of those who believe in that stuff, I just think it's funny..."
"It's okay. It's not like you can actually kiss someone under a snowfall and shazam! True love...," She snorts, shrugging a bit. "But I'm happy for my friend. Good for them..."
"... Yeah," He looks at the covers, before looking up once again, admiring the dark winter night outside. "I don't have any experience in the department, so I can't say much. But I know that, with those two specifically, it wasn't a Disney movie or all the shit we see in soap operas. I saw everything unfold from the beginning. I know they built something nice and solid together. So this First Snow shit seems a bit unnecessary in their case. But yeah... I'm happy too."
"Huhum…," she strokes his head once again. "Tomori told me some things while it was all happening, but I couldn't do much for her, unfortunately. I was in a tight situation myself, but when I managed to settle everything, I went to talk to her, and she told me that they had sorted things out. I was happy for her, she'd been waiting for her special someone for years, and she was lucky enough to bump into her idol at Butch's bakery. But seriously, was that pure coincidence? You guys saw the bakery, got in to have a quick snack and boom! Instant meet cute?"
"Actually, we found out about the bakery through Tokita and his employer, Mr. Yamashita," He tells her, smiling again. "Some crazy things happened that made Miss Kanami need help, and our friend group ended up offering themselves. Because of this, Okubo, Himuro and I decided to go visit the place. We were curious to meet the buff baker," He laughs softly. "And what a surprise we had when the cute subchef had a burst of happiness when she saw Okubo and ran over to ask for his autograph. You should've seen his face, the happiest dumbass in the whole world, hahaha…"
"Ooh… so it was thanks to the buff couple? How interesting...," She smiles too. "And cute... she got the romance she wanted so much. Now my chest feels all warm, "She looks at him. "And your face looks pretty warm too," She laughs.
He laughs too, all happy, pushing his face between her breasts even more.
"Girl, it'll be warm for the whole night if you let me stay here. But anyway! The Seaweed Head was the pure definition of a clueless virgin, and then, out of nowhere, he and Aunty fell in love. Three months later it was Okubo Tomori's turn. Mr. Yamashita says that Tokita finding someone was the event needed for some cosmic lock to open, and them things snowballed from there. What do they call this stuff again...," He frowns a little, making a face of hilarious concentration before continuing. "Oh yeah! Butterfly Effect."
"Interesting. And a clueless virgin? Really? A handsome guy like that? He must've been traumatized to his core. Maybe someone fucked him and he ended up not liking it," She wonders. "I've seen people like that."
He shudders, making a slightly scared face.
"Don't joke about these things, Phanter. And anyway, he's not even that handsome! He just has that sulky face that a lot of girls like, I don't know why...," He makes a jealous pout. "But anyway, I don't really know what happened to him, but I know he had a fucked up childhood. And meeting Mr. Yamashita, us and, later, Miss Kanami, gave him the chance to live like a normal person. That's it. He's even making double entendres in our group chat nowadays, the clown..."
"That's good to know," she nods, and the she looks at him, raising an eyebrow "And I wouldn't call it a 'sulky face'... it's pure presence, the aura of someone who doesn't playt around. You know, that person who enters a saloon in cowboy movies, and everyone inside stops whatever they're to look at his face. They're all tense, already thinking that he's going to shoot everyone if someone messes with him... that's what I'm saying. This type of person has this kind of presence for two reasons," She raises two fingers, pointing at eachone. "Either someone fucked him up and he's trying to get revenge, or he ruined a lot of people's lives and enjoyed doing so. In general, women like this kind of guy because it's the aura of someone who doesn't need to prove anything to anyone and has a lot of self-confidence. A lot of girls are deceived by that and fall into his web."
Her tone, he noticed, was not that of someone who admired this kind of man. She sounded like someone who had seen a lot, to the point of being able to analyze these things from afar and not fall for the trick.
"... Alright, fair enough. Can we stop talking about the Seaweed Head now, please?," He asks, almost whimpering, hugging her tighter. Damn, it was quite a sight, a man that size acting all jealous. It seemed that he didn't get even more mad only because he realized that she was speaking as an analyst and not as an admirer.
"You can have all this confidence too, you know?," She smiles at him, when she notices the pout he made.
He looks up at her. And then he smiles happily.
"I already have it. All thanks to you."
Her eyes widen as she blushes. She was going to tease him about also being fucked too boost his confidence, but he caught her completely off guard. Shit, why did he had to attack her with a cuteness combo? The entire sentence she was formulating went down the drain in her conscience and her chest began to complain about the blow, so she looked away so as not to stare at that human golden retriever with leopard claws.
"T-That's good to know... I was good for something," She opens an embarrassed smile, still mortified. "I'm happy to have helped you, yeah..".
"Don't talk as if your help wasn't a big deal, or I'll be forced to fuck you even harder just to reinforce the message," He stretches a little to reach her lips in a quick kiss. And then he lifts himself up a little, sitting up and taking the covers with him. He calls her as he pats his own lap, smiling more, "Now, since we've succumbed to all that cheesy shit, how about we just go with the flow? I can wear the sweatpants you bought me and then we can stay here, watching the snow fall until we feel hungry," He looks out the window, his eyelids getting heavy, his expression serene. "I have to admit, it's really pretty…"
She looks at him again, her eyes glistening. It was the third time he's seen her with that slightly surprised, even helpless look, as if he had break down a wall that was surrounding her. But it always lasted half a second, with her smiling a little mischievously and shrugging. "Heh. Alright then. If you're going through Hell, walk as if you own the place...," She hugs him, resting her head on his arm "... which I do, since I'm a she-devil."
He laughs loudly, hugging her eagerly and throwing the fluffy covers over the two of them. "Well said. And you can sit on my lap whenever you want while we're doing so, hahaha!"
"Careful what you wish for, big guy," She jokes more, tickling his ribs a little. "Because I’ll do it."
"As if I were going to stop you in any way...," He smiles in the same way after laughing with the tickles, reciprocating with a firm grip on her tattooed thigh. They ended up getting into a playful fight, while she furiously tried to tickle him and he calmly parried her blows, barely using any strength. As expected, Rihito ended up winning, pinning Akane by her arms to the bed. Their movements caused something to fall from the bedside table with a thud, and when they realized with alarm that it had only been a plastic lamp, neither of them could hold it, laughing loudly.
Deciding the game was over, but still laughing, they arranged the pillows so that they made a soft backrest where they could relax, slouching on them under the covers.
And then they stayed there, hugging each other, watching the first snow of the year fall.

Next chapter Here
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I wrote this for myself bc my favs are hot <3 (there are four characters because, again, I wrote this for myself. My character limit has not changed.) LORD this is self indulgent i wanna make out with em so bad. This took me FOREVER to do theres a reason my limit is 3. (CW's; gets a small bit heated but I don't think I would classify it as even lime. Use your own judgement)
Getting interrupted while making out with Kazuichi, Gundham, Kaede, and Celeste
Y'all were at the usual triweekly party. Togami decided that parties would keep spirits up while everyone searched for a way off the island. Monokuma was pissed, but it was a rule that he couldn't hurt you all. At this point y'all had almost forgotten about the murder package (which didn’t exactly make Monokuma happy).
You and Kazuichi had been sent to the supermarket to grab more sodas, an unplanned chugging contest having taken out most of the stock.
Once you had the sodas by the door, though, you hummed. "Hey, Kazzie? Can you come here for a moment?"
Your lovely boyfriend bounded up to you. "Yeah, what's- mmph!"
His words were cut off by you grabbing the collar of his jumpsuit and pulling him towards you, smashing your lips into his.
The kiss quickly turned into a heavy makeout session, Kazuichi getting backed into the windowed wall at the front, though he was definitely pulling his own. Your leg was hoisted to rest on his hip, his hand gripping your thigh tightly. The two of you broke apart for air, gazing at each other with dusky eyes.
Licking your lips, you dove back in to continue the session-
"TIS I, THE OVERLORD OF- oh. Oh, uhm."
You and Kazuichi stared at each other before slowly turning to the new voice. Gundham was standing there, sweating and covering his hamsters innocent eyes.
"The humans were worried that you had fallen into darkness, as the sands of time have fallen much more than they needed. I will go inform them of your delay. Worry not, for the overlord of ice can hold his tongue!"
With that, Gundham picked up the soda bottles and left, though through the dark window you could see that he started sprinting once he was a few feet out.
"Well, that was… something." You said, and burst into laughter.
"Kinda ruined the mood, though." Kazuichi complained, tugging on his hat.
"Oh, I don't know." You reached up and tugged a lock of his hair, his pupils dilating a small bit. "I think we can still have some fun."
The glinting of sharp teeth was your only warning before your back was up against the wall, his left hand clawed into your thigh and his right holding the back of your head.
The two of you were in the storage closet at the old building. Everyone was searching the island for music or other media to listen to- while you were all glad that there were no deaths, going weeks without listening to any music was a mild torture of itself.
But, any annoyance you may have felt in searching the dusty old room vanished because your boyfriend was there.
Though…. There was something you two could do that would be more fun.
“Hey, babe?” Your voice caused him to look up from the box he was searching in. The Devas looked up from their searching of the shelves, but you discreetly shood them off- you didn’t want to risk Gundham lecturing you about exposing his Devas to themes too mature to them.
You gestured him closer to you, and once he was in front of you you leaned in. “You have some dust on your face. See, right-” you gestured on your own face, and barely held in a laugh when he attempted to brush it off.
“Here, let me.” You threaded your fingers in the neck portion of his scarf and pulled his face to yours, gently pressing your lips together.
Two minutes later, the kiss wasn’t quite so innocent, the spit linking your mouths and heated atmosphere proof of that. His Devas were in a box by the door at this point, their master pinned to the wall by your body. The two of you were breathing heavily, taking a moment to catch your breath.
Then Hajime burst into the room.
“Hey you two, Togami sent me to- oh. Oh god.”
Later, you would admit that bursting into a room in the middle of a makeout session is extremely awkward. But in that moment, you were mad. Only Gundham hiding his face in your shoulder kept you from stalking over to him.
You pointed at him, then pointed behind him, lastly making a slashing motion across your neck. Hajime slowly nodded, shutting the door quickly. The newly darkened room settled your nerves, but with it your… Other emotions settled a tad too much to continue your previous activity. So instead you hummed and draped your arms around Gundham’s shoulders.
Kaede was putting on a concert. But not just any concert- a concert at the largest music hall in all of Japan. While other Ultimates had done the same thing before, it was still an incredible honor. You along with some of your classmates were there to support her.
It was, of course, an utterly gorgeous concert. You even cried during some of the pieces, your girlfriend putting so much emotion into them.
A few minutes from the end, you snuck out of your balcony seat and into her dressing room, holding a humongous bouquet in your arms. Hey, she absolutely deserved it!
Once the piano music over the speakers and the uproarious applause ended, Kaede entered the room, letting out a sigh of exhaustion as she closed the door.
“Kaede, my beloved!” You called, and thrust the bouquet into her arms. “I loved the performance! It was just as gorgeous as you are.”
It was a testament to how wrung out she was that she didn’t even laugh at your pickup line, merely smelling the flowers with a tired smile on her face before setting them on the table. She fell into your arms, you supporting her with the practiced ease of having done it before.
“Mind if I kiss you, beloved?” You whispered after a minute of holding her, having slowly moved the two of you to sit on a bench. At her nod, you leaned in and pressed kisses all over her face, gentle as a feather.
A few minutes later, the kisses were getting sloppier and sloppier, your hands all over each other as you desperately made out like you were poisoned and the antidote was in each other's saliva. She was still in her rental dress, the only thing keeping you from going at each other like animals.
A knock at the door caused your eyes to widen, but it opened before you could do anything more. Shuichi stood at the door, with a flower in hand.
“I figured I should warn you-” He started, and froze at the sight of you two. You pulled yourself off of Kaede, blood rushing to your cheeks as you dusted yourself off. Kaede did the same, her face completely red and staring anywhere but at Shuichi.
For his part, Shuichi looked like he wanted to be anywhere but there. He placed the flower, a daisy, next to the door, and coughed.
“The… Rest of the class, is, ahem, going to come by. So.” He fled once his piece was said, and you and Kaede locked eyes. No more kisses until the two of you got home, unless you wanted Kokichi screeching and spraying you two with water.
Celeste is a very reserved person in public, usually limiting PDA to simple hand holding or kisses on the cheek at most.
However, she had just won the largest poker tournament in the world- while she had been a popular name in the gambling world, for the first time her name was known by EVERYONE.
And the payout for the tournament was no small thing either. In fact, it was enough to finally help her achieve her dream- the European castle with her every need taken care of.
So if she dragged you off to a small, unused room, it wasn't anyone's business but yours.
"Celeste! I'm so happy for you-" was all that left your mouth before she grabbed you by the shoulders and melded your mouths together. You couldn't help but let out a small moan as she pushed you back towards the table in the center of the room.
However, you weren't going to let her do all the work. With the hand that wasn't stabilizing you against the table, you tugged at some hair peeking out from her wig, she gasped in surprise enough for you to lean forward, no longer needing to support yourself on the table.
After a minute of this, the two of you broke apart, your fight for control a temporary draw. Her makeup was slightly mussed, though not for your lack of trying.
She pulled her makeup pouch out, touching up her makeup and lipstick. You didn’t wipe off the lipstick marks she left on you, though that was mostly from your dizziness.
Once she looked up from said makeup touchup, you were in front of her and pulling her into a deep dip. Gazing into her eyes, you gently kissed her, wary of messing up her lipstick again.
This is, of course, when the reporters broke in.
You all stared at each other, you pulling Celeste out of the dip, her wig thankfully still stuck firm on her head. If that had come loose, you would be begging for mercy for weeks.
“Do you… Need something?” Her fake accent was pulled up and stronger than ever as you dusted her off, avoiding eye contact with the reporters. “No? Then I’ll interview you after you GET. OUT!” At her shouts, they fled the room, tripping over each other in their haste. You slammed the door behind them and turned to her. To your disappointment, she was touching up her makeup into her ‘publicity’ style. No more kisses for you, then.
#danganronpa x reader#danganronpa imagines#kazuichi x reader#celeste x reader#gundham x reader#kaede akamatsu x reader#kaede x reader#kazuichi soda x reader#celestia ludenburg x reader
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For Gundham
Smoochbug (this one started as a joke but now he won’t stop)
Gum Dum
Dummie (with love of course)
Gundso (only when he wants to be annoying)
Gummy/Gummy Bear
For Kazuichi
Squichable Pocket-Size Ketchup Packet Of A Man
Prince of the Unknown
Dumb Fuck (he only said this once and it was because he was tired and Kazuichi has eaten an entire box of Triskets in 10 minutes and was complaining about his tummy hurt :(( )
Master of Automatons
Gear Boy
Grime Lord
Zucchini (born out of Kazuichi’s disgust)
Most things that aren’t his name to Spice conversation up a bit
In short: they are stupid and have stupid things to call each other. 💕
#dumb post from moss cause she was supposed to be asleep like#4 hours ago#and it is Morning#and she is tired#goodnight simp nation#gundham tanaka#soudam#kazuichi souda#daily soudam#kazuichi x gundham#gundham x kazuichi#danganronpa#sdr2#mod 🌱#nicknames
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Oliver being the kind of person to call him friends pet names 24/7 because He Totally Would
Oliver calling Bree every name associated with being fast that he can think of
Speedy, zoom zoom, racecar,
He and kaz come up with them
With occasional help from chase
But when he’s not being a lil shit
He has a name that he only only uses for each person
Kaz- kazzy OR hun
Occasionally he says BITCH and kaz is just “...yes dear?”
Kaz calling Oliver dear is adorable shut up
He calls chase sweetness
Idk why but it’s just so cute
He’s the only one that skylar has said that he can call her sky
Cause the was he says it is the only was she want to hear it
But he also calls her sparky because she would love it but absolutely hate it at the same time
Cause she has the whole energy beams and whatever with her powers
But she always complains cause that’s a dog’s name
He calls Bree sugar when he’s not being a lil binch
They all know Oliver’s nick names for them and if he yells one of their nicknames from another room they know who it is
They may complain but they all love it
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HEHEHE tumblr's new ask system is finally working for me (finally!) >:3 and so i will likely spam you with cute images of your f/os ehehehe
Luckily for you, I’ll never complain about f/o spam (especially if it Kazzie since shark boyo go brrr) so go nuts >:3
And i don’t think you meant to but that sprite of him is literally my 2nd fave of his so you lucked out (#1 fav is definitely sparkly eyes) :3
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SoC Au Part 1 of ?
So, ya girl is getting tired of writing this bc this is far more work than I thought it would be. Everything up until Kaz starting college is going to be in fic form which is why it’s taking me so long. Anyway, here’s part 1. Hope it’s alright.
Alone in the back of the bus, Kaz stretched out across the seat. There was a chill beginning to set into the smoggy Baltimore air. With the chill, came the aches. It had been years since Kaz had lost his footing on the ledge of his windowsill, plummeting to the ground. Nathan and his men had themselves quite a laugh when Kaz had dragged himself through the front door.
“Sure you don’t want a doctor?” Nathan asked. Standing on the ladder that led up to the attic, he rested his arms on the door’s framing and rested his chin on them. A wicked light danced in his icy eyes.
“I’m fine,” Kaz snapped as he dragged himself into bed. Nathan laughed.
“Hey, fine. I’m Nathan.”
“Please don’t,” Kaz said. His bed lay deep in the shadows of the attic. He hoped that the darkness was enough to hide his burning ears. He’d made a fool of himself tumbling down the roof.
He doesn’t care about you, Kaz reminded himself. You’re just an investment. No matter how many times he said it, the words still felt like a knife twisting in his gut. Ahead of him, Kaz heard the cheers and laughter of his team. Winning tonight's game had won them a place in the semi-finals. Their rowdiness grated on Kaz’s nerves but he figured they’d earned it. Not once had he joined in on his team’s festivities, something he knew they constantly complained about, but no one dared cross him.
Digging noise-canceling earbuds from his bag, he popped them in. Blissful silence enveloped him. Leaning his head back against the cool glass, he closed his eyes. Behind his lids, he found highlights from the game replaying themselves. The silence granted to him by his earbuds served as a blank canvas. The sound of feet pounding on the court, the ragged breathing of exhausted players, the sound of the ball rebounding off the walls painted themselves into the most magnificent picture of all. From his place in goal, Kaz had the greatest seat in the house.
Exy was a bastard sport and Kaz, the Bastard of Baltimore. Crawford claimed that there was nothing quite as serendipitous as that. Money might have been Kaz’s one true love but Exy was a close second. From the slamming of the bolts on the court doors to the clacking of racquets against one another, nothing made Kaz’s heart race the way Exy did. It made him feel alive. From the moment that the court doors slammed shut to the ringing of the final buzzer, Kaz was no longer truly the Bastard of Baltimore. He was Kaz Rietveld, son of Klaus and Tess, and Jordie’s baby brother.
Klaus had been a cold, callous father who’s heart only seemed to warm when he stood upon the court with his boys. Kaz had fought hard for his father’s love. It was a battle he hadn’t had time to win. A small part of Kaz hoped that, wherever his father was, he was proud of him. Nathan certainly wasn’t. There was little Kaz could discern about Nathan’s hatred for the game that he held so close to his twisted little heart other than it had something to do with Nathaniel.
Nathaniel. The very name sent a wave of anger crashing over Kaz, destroying the beautiful reminiscence of his game. For the last eight years, Kaz had fought to win a place in Nathan’s heart only to find that, when Nathaniel had left, he’d taken Nathan’s heart with him.
Kaz unlocked his phone to find something to drown out the thoughts in his head. A thousand messages of congratulations greeted him, all cleared from his notification board with a single tap of his fingers. There was a snap from Leena, captain of the cheer squad. Kaz scowled. It was undoubtedly another sordid attempt of hers to get his attention. Leena was traditionally beautiful. Her round face was set with sapphire eyes and framed by long locks of gold. Her long legs and generous curves were always on display. Anyone else might have jumped at the chance to be with someone as beautiful as her but the very thought of someone, anyone touching him sent shivers of disgust down Kaz’s spine.
With shaking fingers, Kaz navigated to his music. Stuffing down all the memories threatening to overwhelm him, Kaz wrapped his jacket tighter around himself as he huddled cold and alone in the back of the bus.
Kaz didn’t know when the rowdiness of his teammates had subsided nor when they’d even started onto the road, only that they were currently pulling into the bus lot by the school. Ripping the buds from his ears, Kaz tossed his phone into his bag. He was standing before the bus had stopped. Sliding his cane from beneath his seat, he waited for the rest of his teammates to disembark before making his way down the aisle. Cheers greeted him as he stepped off the bus. The sea of players parted around him when he moved through them. All of them congratulated him on the win, claiming they wouldn’t be anything without him. Their cheers were wasted. He didn’t care what they thought of him as long as they played.
Kaz made his way to his car, waving away their congratulations. A small smile tugged at his lips as he unlocked the car door and got in. He turned to toss his bag into the back seat before situating himself in his seat. Starting the car, he found a familiar form illuminated by the headlights.
Kaz groaned in exasperation as he let his head fall onto the horn. He heard a knock at his window and picked his head up. Rolling down the window just a crack, he prepared himself for whatever it was Leena was going to try to pull this time.
“Hey, Kazzy,” she cooed as she pressed up against the window, her chest smushing against it.
“Don’t call me that,” Kaz said, not even trying to disguise the annoyance in his voice.
“How about I call you ‘mine’ instead?” Kaz could hear the mischief in her voice.
“How about you move before I run over your foot?”
“You wouldn’t.” But Kaz would. And he did. His smile grew wide at the crunching of her bones beneath the tires of his Aston Martin. Flying down the street, Kaz dropped the windows to feel the wind on his face. It was a short drive to the Wesninski House. Pulling into the drive, Kaz found Nathan’s car gone. His shoulders sagged just a little.
“You’re just an investment,” he whispered to himself before cutting off the engine. Hauling himself out of the car, he grabbed his stuff and walked up to the door. He let himself into the dark house and headed down the corridor. It was three flights of stairs up to his room. With a grimace, he hobbled up the winding staircase to the third floor. He’d have to climb the ladder up to the attic before he could finally rest.
Arriving on the third floor, Kaz found himself drawn to the door that stood beside the ladder up to the attic. Don’t, he told himself as his gloved hand wrapped around the doorknob. The door stood ajar only a hair’s width. Hoping against hope, Kaz pushed the door open. Laying on the bed was the last person he wanted to see today.
“He’s gone to find his son,” Lola said from amid the rumpled sheets of Nathan’s bed. Kaz watched as she shifted in the bed, suddenly aware that she wasn’t wearing very much. Turning to face him, her soft brown hair fell over her face but did little to hide the sharp, crooked smile growing across her face.“His real son,” she clarified. Kaz had been living in the Wesninski house for six years now but the words still cut him sharper than any knife ever had.
Set to inherit Nathan’s territory as the Butcher of Baltimore, Kaz was raised in the Wesninski House. As such, many thought him to be the bastard child of Nathan himself. He wasn’t, a truth that Kaz desperately wished wasn’t one at all.
Kaz felt no remorse for wanting to replace Klaus with Nathan. The Rietveld family had been a broken one. Klaus’s cold nature had driven Tess to take her own life rather than live her life bound to such an unloving man. It wasn’t that Klaus had not loved his wife. It was that he hadn’t known how to show her that he did. Both his sons bore a striking resemblance to their mother. Living with Jordie and Kaz was a constant reminder of the wife Klaus had lost. Bouts of anger overtook him often. How dare she abandon him like this? How dare she leave her darlings here to mock him incessantly with their thatches of dark hair and black coffee eyes?
Klaus took to beating his sons until their skins were mottled with bruises and he could no longer see their pale, porcelain skin. Purple marred the sharp planes of their faces but not a soul spared them even a passing glance. It wasn’t until the accident in the field outside the house that the Rietveld boys finally escaped the little farm town they’d grown up in. Waves of memories surged up, threatening to drag Kaz beneath them once more.
“I’m not the one missing my Daddy” he snapped, focusing back on the present. Lola’s nostrils flared and anger flashed in her hazel eyes. Scrambling to wrap the sheets around her, she made for the edge of the bed. Kaz backed out of the room, right into a man who seemed to have materialized from the shadows.
“You better watch that mouth of yours, you little bastard,” he sneered. That voice… Kaz knew it immediately. Turning his gaze up to him, Kaz felt his heart stop. That was the final straw. The memories crashed down over Kaz, forcing him under.
Suddenly, Kaz was 6 again. Manic laughter echoed through Kaz’s head as he knelt above the spazzing body of his brother. Jordie’s eyes were bright, too bright. His smile was stretched too wide. Clutching his brother’s hand, Kaz saw that his nails had turned black. Tears poured down Kaz’s face, mixing with the thin sheen of sweat blanketing Jordie’s face. At the time, Kaz had been vaguely aware of someone screaming. Now he knew it to be his own desperate cries for help. Everywhere Kaz looked he saw people. Dead people. Every one of Jordie’s friends had been Opioid addicts. Every one of Jordie’s friends was now dead.
A voice sounded from the other end of the alley. Just as Kaz was about to call for help, he heard the man talking to another. They were going to incinerate the bodies. Throwing himself over the twitching body of his brother, Kaz lay as still as he could as the footsteps drew near. Laying atop Jordie, Kaz heard his brother draw one final shuddering breath before his heart finally gave out. Stunned, Kaz let himself get manhandled and thrown into the back of a truck. He landed atop a pile of lifeless bodies, all in various states of decay. The sweet smell of rot filled his nostrils and made him gag. Scrambling to the body of his brother the second the tarp was thrown across the pile of bodies, Kaz clung to Jordie. Tears continued to flow down his face. A few slipped between his parted lips. Their salty taste mingled with the overly sweet taste of death.
With each shuddering breath he drew, Kaz found himself struggling to stay in the present. Kaz squeezed his eyes shut and focused on one single memory. Curled in the limp arms of his brother, Kaz imagined that they were back in the little motel room they’d found themselves. He heard his brother’s voice singing as he drew Kaz close. Kaz remembered the way the steady beat of his brother’s heart had lulled him to sleep so many times and choked on a strangled sob. Every passing second drew another ounce of the warmth of Jordie’s body from him. Even now, he knew, that the arms wrapped around him weren’t really hugging him close.
The truck came to a screeching halt and the pile of bodies lurched forward, burying Kaz in them. He opened his mouth to scream only to allow the hand of a rotting corpse to enter. Staring up at it with wide eyes, Kaz saw the corpse. It was a burly, young man with beautiful brown eyes, now empty and lifeless. The light filtering through the tarp turned the man’s blond hair into a halo of gold. Flesh peeled from his face to reveal the decaying muscle beneath. The angels of old were said to be hideous and terrifying to look upon. Fear and awe paralyzed Kaz as he gaped at what he was certain was an angel.
Men called back and forth around Kaz. Suddenly, the tarp beneath Kaz began to lift. The bodies shifted once more and Kaz was effectively buried beneath the mass of bodies, the angel pressed right up against him. The bundle of bodies swung and then thudded heavily on a wooden deck. A barge horn sounded and Kaz felt the roll of waves beneath him. They were on a boat. Kaz didn't know how long it was before he realized that he was struggling to breathe. Thrashing about in the tarp, he found a sharp earring decorating a severed ear. Using it, he tore through the tarp. The mass of bodies spilled forth from the bag, forcing Kaz to claw his way through them. Making it to the edge of the boat, Kaz saw the waves crashing down against the sides.
It would take a miracle to survive that fall. If only Kaz had an angel. Raking his gaze over the pile of corpses, Kaz easily picked out the form of the burly young man. Dragging the man over to the railing, Kaz inspected the decaying body. It was more than a little worse for wear but it was his only hope. Hauling it over the rail, Kaz slipped between the bars. A man cried out for him to stop but it was too late. Kaz was already falling. Wrapping himself around the body, Kaz managed to tuck into some semblance of a dive. Beneath the water, the lights of the city blurred and danced. Kaz began kicking towards the surface, the body in tow. Breaking the surface, Kaz gasped for air. The body floated beside him on its own. Latching on once more, Kaz summoned the dregs of his energy. Kicking towards the shoreline, Kaz clung to the corpse of his angel.
Washing up on the shore, Kaz lay face up. The rising sun cast a soft orange glow on everything it touched. Exhaustion hit Kaz as the adrenaline wore off. Surviving the turbulent sea was nothing short of a miracle. Beside him, the waterlogged corpse lay. It had grown far more grotesque with its exposure to the saltwater. Kaz’s limbs ached from fighting so hard to make it back to shore but he had one last job to do. With his bare hands, Kaz dug up the loose sand on the empty stretch of beach he’d landed on. Making sure no one else was around, he carefully rolled the body into the shallow grave he’d managed to carve for it. The high tide swept in, stopping just short of the grave. Yet another miracle, Kaz thought as he packed sand over his angel’s body. Scouring the shore, Kaz found several smooth, flat stones and arranged them in a cross at the head of the grave before finally collapsing.
Kaz woke several hours later with the sun beating down on him. Hauling himself to his feet, he stumbled back towards civilization. Snagging some money from the pockets of passersby, he found enough money to take a bus back downtown. The entire ride there, all Kaz could think about was Jordie’s dealer. He was a tall, muscular man with a deep voice. A scar ran down the length of his face, through his left eye. It had turned a milky white as the scar tissue built up. Sleeves of tattoos raced up and down both the man’s arms. Stepping off the bus, Kaz swore that he’d have his revenge. That man and everyone he loved would pay for what he’d done.
“Brekker?” the man asked. Kaz was once again in his own body. Standing before him, the man wore a look of concern. It mocked Kaz for he knew that, ten years ago, it had smirked down at him as he’d snatched up Jordie’s money in exchange for a little bottle and a needle.
“I’m fine,” Kaz hissed as he stumbled away from him. His cane was the only thing keeping him up now, but even that shook. Kaz couldn't let the man see. It had taken Kaz ten years to find this man. Ten years hunting high and low, but it was all for naught seeing as the man had waltzed right up to his doorstep and entered his home.
The man frowned at him before entering Nathan’s room. The door shut loudly behind him. From behind the door, Kaz heard Lola shouting. The man spoke in a calm, even tone too low for Kaz to make out the words. Retreating back to his room, Kaz collapsed on his bed a shaking mess.
Exhaustion wore at his body, but his mind was racing. The sun’s rays were already slipping between the blinds of Kaz’s windows before he’d managed to quiet the thoughts in his head. Shutting his eyes, Kaz knocked out and slept the day away. He didn’t wake until the sun began to dip beneath the horizon once more.
Dragging himself back out of bed, he grabbed his toothbrush before taking a quick shower in the makeshift set up Nathan had helped him install. He was dressed and down in fifteen minutes.
There wasn’t a soul in the house, save the dogs. Both of them barked eagerly from their kennels, begging to be let out. Fury burned in the pit of his stomach. Lola knew she couldn’t lay a hand on Kaz so she sought out the things that he loved and punished them for his actions. So far, Kaz had come home to three broken racquets, a large pile of ashes that had once been his collection of old maps, and his poor dogs locked in their kennels without food or water.
“One of these days, I’m going to set you two on Lola,” he said as he let the dogs out of their cage. They bounded out and greeted him with sloppy kisses. The weight of them toppled Kaz to the ground. “Stupid mutts,” Kaz grumbled but he made no effort to stop them. Kaz set out food and water for them before moving rifling through the fridge for food. Snagging last night’s lasagna, he set the pan in the oven to reheat. As he waited, he checked the security cam feeds. Lola and the man had left the house only an hour before he’d gotten out of bed. Letting himself relax, Kaz grabbed the tray from the oven and headed upstairs, quite a feat considering the pan in his hands and the dogs following at his heels.
On the third floor, at the end of the hall, stood Nathan’s office. Balancing the tray in one hand, Kaz withdrew a key from the pocket of his sweatpants and let himself in. Kaz didn’t need really need a key. The first thing Nathan had taught him was how to pick a lock. No, the key was a symbol. It was an open invitation into the room. It meant more to Kaz than he preferred to admit.
Setting the pan on the table, Kaz dug through the drawers until he found a fork. There were always dishes and silverware scatter around the house, the result of Nathan refusing to sit still for very long. Taking his food with him to the bay window at the far end of the room, Kaz snagged his laptop from atop the snare of charging cables where it lay.
Booting it up, Kaz finally dug into his food. It was only after the first bite that he realized how hungry he was. Both dogs sat at his feet, waiting for him to drop them bits of meat. Kaz hated being predictable but the hellhounds would always have a place in his twisted, little heart. Joseph and Micheal were from the same litter and had arrived just in time for Kaz’s tenth birthday. The pair had earned the nicked names 'hellhounds’ for their fierce appearance and penchant for wreaking havoc throughout the house. Many thought the pair to be monstrous menaces but the truth was they weren’t half bad. Neither of them could help their appearance but the damage they wrought upon the house was just them using up all the energy they had after being cooped up in cages all day.
Kaz pulled up his email and felt his heart stutter. There was an email from Nathan dated yesterday. Opening it, Kaz found that Lola was right. Nathan had left in search of Nathaniel but at least he’d thought to tell Kaz. It did little to soothe Kaz’s wounds. No matter what Kaz did it was never enough. Nathan would never care for him as he did for Nathaniel. Kaz was just a placeholder until Nathan got his own son back. A few years ago, Kaz had slipped into this very room to find a wasted Nathan slumped in the seat behind the desk.
“Nathaniel?” Nathan asked, perking up. As Kaz stepped out of the shadows he saw the way Nathan deflated. “Oh, it’s just you, Kaz.” Just you. The words made Kaz feel so small. “I don’t know how I could mistake you for him,” he continued. “He was such a little shit. Nathaniel was always picking fights with everyone, especially Riko. God, he wouldn’t have survived at Evermore. Not like you.” Nathan looked over at Kaz. “Nathaniel was never going to take over Baltimore, he was too soft. You’re so much stronger than he was. So much smarter. Sometimes, I wish you were my son.” Kaz felt his soul leave his body.
“You don’t mean that,” Kaz whispered, the cracking of his voice barely audible
“I do,” Nathan replied. “It would have made everything so much easier. Greed, Kaz. Greed is all you need to manipulate a person. The Moriyamas don’t allow lines of succession. Successors must earn their place, not inherit them. They gave me two choices. Either I could send Nathaniel to Evermore or… I could kill him. I couldn’t do it,” Nathan whispered, his voice cracking. “I tried. I really did, but I loved him too much. I was greedy. I thought I could have my empire and Nathaniel’s love. He was my life, Kaz. I’d give anything to have my Nathaniel back.
“I gave him my heart and what did he do? He crushed it. I gave him freedom and what did he do? He ran. I’m going to slit his tendons so that he’ll never run from me again. I’m going to carve the flesh from his skin so he knows what it’s like to lose his own flesh and blood. I’m going to tear out his heart and crush it with my bare hands just as he did mine.”
Revenge. That was what drove Nathan and Kaz. Surely, he’ll understand, Kaz told himself as he rose from his seat. The dogs watched as he drifted over to the large desk at the other end of the room. Slipping behind it, Kaz knelt before the cabinet. Sliding a hidden panel open, he found the safe that Nathan stored his business ledgers in. It was a simple model, opened with a 5-digit pin. However, any wrong attempt to open the safe would incinerate its contents. Normally, Kaz would dust for prints and attempt to decode the pin but he knew Nathan wiped the keypad each time he used it. Kaz had one chance. Sucking in a deep breath, he punched in a code.
The light turned green and Kaz let out a sigh. Nathan might have been the cruelest man in all of Baltimore but he was still a man.
Kaz stuck his hand in and withdrew a laptop and a box full of thumb drives. Stacking his haul atop the desk, Kaz settled into the chair. He threw open the lid of the box to find the drives ordered by year. Maybe Lola is good for something, after all, he thought as he recognized her neat handwriting on the cards. Combing through the tabs, he found the ones from just before his arrival. He spent the night searching through the drives for any hint of the man. His phone buzzed in the early hours of the morning, alerting him of motion in the front-drive. Lola was home.
Scrambling to return everything to safe, Kaz wiped the keypad before whistling for the dogs. Making sure he locked the door behind him. Kaz ushered them up the ladder to his room. The front door banged open just as Kaz made it up the final rung of the ladder. Kaz cursed as he remembered that he’d left his cane in the other room. Hopefully, Lola wouldn’t enter the office until he had a chance to grab it himself.
His phone chimed. Lola had texted him, demanding his presence in the kitchen immediately. Grumbling to himself, Kaz grabbed his spare cane and headed back down the stairs, leaving the dogs to wander about the attic.
Lola had made a run to pick up some men that owed Nathan money. Descending the stairs, Kaz felt his heart jump into his throat. At the bottom of the stairs, the man from last night stood.
“Brekker,” he said in lieu of hello. In the harsh lighting of the basement, Kaz finally inspected the man’s features. His lips jawline was nearly as sharp as the blade in his hand. His nose was crooked as though it had been broken and reset incorrectly. His lips were small but plump. His remaining eye was a beautiful hazel and his hair a soft brown that matched it. A sharp, crooked smile grew across his face. “We’re going to have quite a bit of fun tonight.” He barked a laugh that nearly sent a shudder down Kaz’s spine.
“I never got your name,” Kaz replied. With a name, Kaz’s search would probably go much smoother.
“Oh, it’s Malcolm. Romero Malcolm.” the man said. Kaz’s blood ran cold.
“Malcolm?” he asked more to himself than the man. Then Kaz saw it. The eyes, the hair, the smile.
“Come on, before Lola gets mad,” Romero said before moving to join his sister by the table. The rest of the night was a blur of blood and the screams of the men mingling with the laughter of the Malcolms.
#just a pipe dream#SoC/TFC au#six of crows au#all for the game au#SoC au#aftg au#the foxhole court#six of crows#all for the game#kaz brekker#soc kaz#reveal to me your deepest desires
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Catch Me
Title: Catch Me
Pairing: Sam x Reader
Word Count: 3,144
Request: Hi Kazzy! I'm so happy to see you back! I was hoping to resubmit a request from a while ago? A Sam x Reader where the reader and the brothers stay with Jody after the reader gets hurt. Jody notices how Sam and the reader feel about each other and she kinda pushes them together? Maybe some jealous Sam when Dean tries to help the reader? No big deal if you don't want to write it! Please and thank you :)
Theme song: Catch Me If You Can by Walking On Cars
A/N: I’ve had this in my drafts since last year. Literally. Yikescycles! Here it is! Just some good ol’ fluff for you!
“Alright, talk to me, guys. How we doing back there?”
“Super,” you managed out through gritted teeth.
“She’s losing a lot of blood, Dean,” Sam added.
“Your bedside manner could use some improvement,” you told him. He tried to smile over at you but all he could manage was a tight, worried line. He added more pressure to his bundled up jacket pressed tightly to your right side and you gasped sharply, surprised you could hurt more.
“I know. I know. Sorry. Dean!”
“Going as fast as I can here, Sam,” Dean said from the driver’s seat. Still, you felt him give the Impala just a little more gas, pushing her to her limit.
You leaned your head back hard into the backseat’s headrest, closing your eyes. Your world felt reduced to two points now; the intense and deep, constant throb of pain in your side where Sam’s bloodied hands were pressed, and the less insistent, sharp sting in the crook of your arm. The latter had been bandaged quick and dirty with the extra shirt you’d had packed in the trunk when Sam and Dean had gotten you back to the car.
“Sucks,” you murmured, half to yourself. “It was one of my favorites.”
“What was?” Sam asked. You shook your head slowly, but Sam wasn’t going to let you get away with your non-answer.
“Hey!” he barked at you. Your eyes snapped open and focused on his. “I need you to stay with me, ok?”
“I’m going to be fine,” you told him, the slur in your speech not adding much to your point.
“I know you are,” he said firmly, holding your gaze. “We’re a few miles out from Jody’s. I think we just passed that gas station where we dared Dean to eat all the chilis on his nachos last time we came through here. Do you remember that?”
“I remember that,” Dean said darkly from up front.
You laughed weakly and nodded.
“I remember. Worth the twenty bucks.”
Sam continued this way for the rest of the drive, eliciting memories from the roads you’d driven together, evoking memories of rest stop sunsets, two lane high way lane closures that had taken the three of you on detours to motels that were just barely keeping themselves open anymore. Sam kept you awake, painting pictures of hunts and days gone by until you felt the Impala slowing some, Dean taking turns as easy as he could so as not to jostle you. And finally, finally, the car came to a stop in Jody Mills’ driveway.
“Keep pressing on that, alright?” Sam asked, his voice gentle now as he took one of your hands in his and pressed it over his jacket, allowing you to take his place. You nodded at him, best you could, and he was out of the car in an instant, jogging around to meet Dean and Jody.
“—got some towels and a suture kit ready,” Jody was saying as Dean opened the back door.
“Son of a bitch got her twice. Once in the side and once in her arm,” Dean said.
“Alright, sweetheart, let’s get you out of the car,” Jody said. She was smiling widely down at you, as though it were an ordinary visit, but the way her worried eyes flashed over your injuries didn’t go unnoticed.
“Easy. Easy,” Sam said. He took hold of your uninjured upper arm, working with Jody to ease you from the backseat. You swayed slightly on your feet, trying hard to orient yourself to being upright once again, but one step forward and your knee buckled beneath you. Your vision was starting to blacken around the edges and so you felt rather than saw that someone had swept you up into strong arms.
“So I take it I was right about the werewolves on the edge of town? How come you idiots didn’t call me for backup like I told you to?” Jody asked, leading the way to her front door.
“We didn’t really think we’d need it,” Dean’s voice replied from above you. Your head was lolling against his chest and you could practically hear Jody roll her eyes.
“Of course you didn’t.” She held the door for Sam and Dean. “Down the hall, first room on the right. Clare’s been complaining about her ‘lame bedding’ for awhile so you can go ahead and bleed away on it, alright, Y/N? She’ll thank you for it; I’ll just have to make a store run before she and Alex get back Monday.”
“Gentle. Dean, be gentle,” Sam reprimanded sharply as Dean eased you down onto the bed.
“I’m being friggin’ gentle, Sam. You want to do it?”
“I tried to do it, but you picked her up before I—“
“Boys! Not really the time, don’t you think?” Jody interjected. “What are we looking at? Claws?”
“Knife actually,” Dean said.
“Good. Probably cleaner,” Jody said. You blinked up at her, trying to focus in the evening light streaming in through the blinds.
“I’m going to be ok,” you told her, just as you had Sam. She nodded at you, giving your hand a small squeeze.
“Yes, you are,” she said. “And I’m just going to take this from you now.” She helped to gingerly peel your fingers away from the grip you had on Sam’s bundled jacket before pulling it away from the sticky mess of blood at your side. You winced as the fabric peeled away from your skin, sucking in a sharp breath. Sam knelt at your side, taking your now free hand in his.
“I’m going to need you to hand me the gauze and the alcohol, Dean,” Jody said.
Your breathing picked up immediately; you’d had cuts before that had to be cleaned with rubbing alcohol. You knew the sting, you knew the burn of it, but it had never been on such a nasty gash as you had on your side now. Never so deep.
“Hey. Y/N,” Sam said softly just by your left ear. Jody was continuing to give Dean directions but you focused on Sam’s voice instead. You turned to look at him, how he was just at eye-level with you.
“This is going to suck,” you whispered, feeling a tear slide down your face and to the pillow beneath your head. He nodded at you and wrapped his other hand around yours, covering it with both of his.
“It is,” he said. “But I’m not leaving. Just squeeze my hand as hard as you want, alright? Bonus points if you leave me a bruise for tomorrow.”
You let out a shaky laugh and nodded. You could hear the sound of a bottle being uncapped, smell the astringent alcohol.
Jody ran her hand over your forehead, giving you a tight smile.
“Ready, kiddo?”
You kept your head turned, eyes on Sam, and nodded. He ran his thumb softly over the back of your hand, you squeezed your fingers tight around him as you readied yourself, and then you felt the strange simultaneously cold-and-hot feeling of alcohol pouring over your wound, and you started to scream.
You woke to darkness and you lay still for a full five minutes, adjusting your eyes to the curtain-shrouded nighttime of Clare’s room and doing a body scan for yourself, assessing the damage. You had a sharp pain nagging just behind your eyes, probably some combination of blood loss and dehydration. The cut on your arm was bandaged more neatly now and you moved it around gingerly, testing to see how sore it was and finding more mobility than you’d have expected.
There were footsteps in the hallway and then Jody was peering in through the partially open door. Her face broke into a soft smile when she saw you were awake.
“How’re you holding up? You did good.”
You rolled your eyes and laughed once, feeling the dull ache in the tug of your stitches.
“I passed out.”
Jody lifted her shoulder in a shrug.
“It happens. Thought with you out that we’d at least get an extra pair of hands from Sam, but he wouldn’t move from your side,” she said. You sat up a little straighter, as if at the mention of his name, Sam was going to appear in your room.
“That’s nice, that’s really sweet. He’s always been a good friend when I need him,” you said, smiling down at your hands. Jody pushed open the door a little more now and leaned on the frame, arms crossed.
“Yeah? That’s one word for him, I guess,” she said, a grin playing at her mouth and you looked at her again, your brow creased in confusion.
You felt your cheeks flush in the darkness and shook your head.
“That’s—it’s not like that,” you told her.
“Really?” she pressed. “Because I’ve been on more than a few first dates lately and I can’t tell you what I’d give to have one, employed, normal guy look at me the way your friend looks at you.”
“Oh come on, you’d hate dating a normal guy,” you teased, but now it was Jody’s turn to shake her head, not letting you distract her.
“You’ll have to stay here a couple days till those stitches heal up,” she said, pushing away from the door. “It’s a little closer quarters than you’re used to at the bunker. Good thing we’re all friends here.”
You couldn’t help but laugh as she walked away, though her words were left circling you in the dark room and you wondered idly if Sam was still awake, just down the hall.
Jody was right about the close quarters, you realized after about a day. You were used to having Sam and Dean around, of course, but not used to laying in bed and hearing their voices down mixing the hall in a quiet, deep amalgamation from which you couldn’t pick out any specific words. Not used to them passing by your room half a dozen times a day and poking their heads in each time, checking on you, making sure you didn’t need anything.
“You doing ok? Need some more water?” Sam asked during one of his pass-throughs. Dean appeared behind him, assessing your room.
“You know we can drag the tv in here if you want, you must be bored as hell just laying there,” he said.
“Or my laptop, which is a lot less work and has more on it,” Sam said, with a perfect just-tolerating-Dean-sigh.
“Thought you said your laptop was for work only. Case research and geeking out.”
“Yeah, that was when you wanted to borrow it to watch your cartoon smut. I trust Y/N,” Sam countered.
“Wow. Really, Sam? More than your own brother?” Dean asked in mock offense. Sam stared at him, stone-faced.
“If you two just stand there like this all day, it’s the only entertainment I’ll need,” you said with a smile.
“Hey, we’ll be here all week,” Dean grinned back. “Speaking of, how’re your stitches? If you’re healing up alright, we could probably hit the road tomorrow, get out of Jody’s hair, get you some scenery.” He left Sam in the doorway to your room, coming to sit on the side of your bed where he pulled the comforter and sheet away from your side. He had his hand just at the hem of your shirt when Sam’s voice startled you both.
“Dean, stop. The more you mess with them, the longer she’ll take to heal,” Sam said; he’d taken a few steps inside your room.
Dean looked back to you, giving you a teasing this guy eye roll and eliciting a laugh.
“It’s fine. I’m feeling a lot better. We could head out whenever,” you said.
“Yeah, well, we’ll see how you’re feeling in the morning,” Dean said, giving your wrist a small squeeze. Sam cleared his throat behind him.
“We should be letting her rest,” Sam said. Dean scrubbed a hand over his face, shaking his head.
“You’re the one who wanted to stop in in the first place. You remember that, right?”
“I didn’t mean so you could barge in and go sit on her bed and mess with her bandages.”
“Dude, seriously, what is your problem—“
“Really,” you interjected loudly, trying to force a laugh. “You two are better than a soap opera.”
Dean stood and gave you a smile; still, it was Sam’s eyes you felt on you and you met them for a quick second. You tilted your head at him slightly, noting a coil-tight feeling in your stomach that had nothing to do with your injuries. Sam’s expression had softened noticeably now that he’d turned his attention to you, and his mouth turned up in a small smile.
“I’m good,” you said; it was meant for them both but you couldn’t find your way away from Sam’s eyes now. “You guys aren’t bothering me.”
Dean pointed at you with eyebrows raised and looked to Sam as if to say “You see?”, but Sam was looking only at you too, allowing himself to be satisfied, to turn away only when you’d smiled back at him. And they headed out of your room, back down the hall to sit with Jody in the living room. Your three friends. You chewed on the inside of your lip and let out a deep breath, feeling—truly— how small that word seemed for Sam.
There was a small knock on your door later that night, after the gauzy curtains in front of the windows that were your view had changed from a sunset gold, to a muted pomegranate, and now to the violet that preceded the moonrise. You’d been dozing on and off, allowing yourself to rest as you’d been instructed, but you blinked your eyes awake now and cleared your throat to invite your guest in.
It was Sam and he pushed the door open tentatively, eyes roving over you.
“You were asleep,” he said.
“No. No, I was awake.”
“No you weren’t. I could hear it in your voice,” he said with a gentle laugh. You returned it and sat up slowly.
“That I was asleep?”
He took a few more steps in, pulling his bottom lip between his teeth.
“It’s, uh…it’s hard to explain,” he said, but he was smiling and so you waited, not wanting to break it. “It’s kind of the only time you don’t sound like you’re ready to fight someone.”
You laughed full-out now, face in your hands.
“I’m not always ready to fight someone, am I?”
Sam waited until you looked up at him again and then looked pointedly at your injured arm. You laughed again, your other hand going to it in instinct.
“Well I didn’t really have a choice on that one.”
Sam had crossed the distance and was right beside you now, and you felt your breath hitch as he sat down on your bed, just as Dean had done earlier. He felt closer somehow.
“Yes, you did,” he said.
“He was going for you.”
“You could have let him. Then I’d be the one laying there bloodying up Clare’s sheets.”
“Like I said, didn’t have a choice on that one,” you said, quieter this time. Sam took a bottle of pills from his jacket pocket and placed them on your bedside table.
“Jody said you might need some more painkillers,” he said. You shook your head, glancing at the clock on the wall.
“Not for another couple hours.”
“She said I should check, said she couldn’t remember,” Sam said. You nodded once, a smile blooming slow over your face.
“Of course she couldn’t.”
Sam waited a beat and then moved to stand, but your hand shot out to his forearm before you could register that you were doing it, and he sat again, stilled by your touch.
“We’re…this is dumb, but…we’re friends, right?” you asked. Sam’s brow furrowed and he looked at you, really looked at you the way he did sometimes at the bunker or in the Impala that always made you feel ungrounded, disjointed somehow. It was dizzying.
“Of course. You’re…” Sam paused and looked to the ceiling as if he were searching for the answer there. “Huh. I think maybe you’re my best friend?”
You stared at him, at the way his face was kind of scrunched up like he was trying to remember something.
“What’s that face?” you asked, laughing. He blinked at you and was back to neutral, then laughing as well.
“I don’t know,” he said. “I just said it and it felt…weird.”
You nodded a few small, fervent times, whispered a “yes”.
“It’s kind of like the word doesn’t fit you or something,” you added.
“It doesn’t fit you,” Sam repeated, half to himself.
“But you are,” you insisted. “Even on the car ride here, you listing all those times we’ve had, keeping me awake, sticking with me when they were fixing me up.” Sam winced some at this, but recovered quickly.
“Right. Because you’re my friend,” he said, trying the word out again.
He looked down at your hands, how you still had yours over his from when you’d asked him wordlessly to stay. And slowly, slowly, he turned his over, palm up under yours, and then he twined his fingers with your own. You were forcing your breaths to come slow, willing your heart to stop its pounding, but Sam was so close to you and his hand in yours felt nothing like it did when Jody and Dean had been stitching you up. The room was quiet, and you felt everything between you laying exposed in the darkness. How laughable the word friend seemed.
His eyes found yours and you weren’t sure who leaned in first, but it didn’t matter when your mind registered a few milliseconds late that you were kissing him. Kissing Sam. The hand that wasn’t knotted in yours wound around your back and he moved forward on the bed a little closer, and you had a hundred images flash in your head that you hadn’t ever strung together before. Sam sitting by you in the bunker’s library, or on his bed with his elbow touching yours when the two of you watched movies together at three am when you couldn’t sleep. Sam holding you together in the back of the Impala and letting you bleed on him, on his clothes, while urging you to stay with him. How he was always trying to be closer.
The simplicity of the word friend fell away into the back of your mind as Sam moved his lips with yours, deepening the kiss, and you marveled inwardly as you felt all of yourself falling back together, inside and out, pressed into Sam until every last piece fit.
#sam#sam winchester#sam one shot#sam fic#supernatural#supernatural fanfic#supernatural fanfiction#spn fanfic#spn fanfiction#supernatural one shot#spn one shot#sam fanfic#sam fanfiction#supernatural reader insert#reader x sam#hurt!reader#jealous!sam#jody mills#dean winchester#fluff
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Josie and Kazuya ♥
Nobody judge me for my weird crack ships, but I absolutely ADORE KazuyaxJosie <3 so far, the shipname I have for them is Jozuya/Josuya lol Kazusie also sounds kinda cute lol
Since, I know no one’s gonna send me my OTP with these asks, I’m just like, the heck with it and answer it myself <3
Ask 1 questions & Ask 2 questions
Who asks the other on dates: Josie
Who is the bigger cuddler: Josie, Kazuya doesn’t do hugs and most of the time when he lets Josie hug or cuddle him, it’s because she did something that he liked or that she’s too annoying and he needs her to shut up
If we’re talking lil and big spoon btw, obviously Kaz’s the big spoon
Who initiates holding hands more often: Josie, Kazuya isn’t touchy feely not unless it involves sex
Who remembers anniversaries: Josie, Kazuya could careless about them
Who is more possessive: Kazuya, Josie just likes hogging Kazuya’s attention so she looks possessive but, the moment someone tries to approach Josie he’ll give them the death glare and hell, just outright punch the person without any explanation at all
Who gets more jealous: Josie gets jealous easily~
Who is more protective: JOSIEEEEEE, she’s afraid someone might steal Kazuya away from her lol
Who is more likely to cheat: Kazuya, since he needs to make sure he hasn’t gotten attached to Josie and is still evil and all that shit
Who initiates sexy times the most: Kazuya but, Josie always declines because “I want to make love with the person I love who I’ll marry one day.” Kind of shit because hey, she may not look like it but, she’s a devout Catholic who’s actually pretty prude
Who dislikes PDA the most: Both don’t like PDA, Kazuya would only do it when needed
Who kills the spider: KAZUYA. Josie is afraid of all creepy crawly bugs but, she can kill them if she has no choice
Who asks the other to marry them: Josie lol
Who buys the other flowers or gifts: Kazuya, since he can buy whatever he wants, Josie is more of a hand-made type of person gift giver
Who would bring up possibly having kids: Josie because she loves talking about families and dreams of having her own. She talks about it too much that there was a time where Kazuya actually thought about it himself but, it was only once or twice before he quickly stashed the thought away and locked it up deep in his mind.
Who is more nervous to meet the parents: JOSIE. Kazuya doesn’t get nervous lol Who sleeps on the couch when the other is angry: Josie, but Kazuya’s couch is usually convertible into a sofa bed so yeah
Who tries to make up first after arguments: Always Josie but, if Kazuya apologize first it’s because he needs something from her
Who tells the other they love them more often: Josie, Kazuya doesn’t do love yo
Ask Questions 2
Who’s more likely to find who wearing their clothes?: Josie loves wearing Kazuya’s clothes <3
Who enunciates hand holding?: Josie~
Who likes having their hair washed by who?: Kazuya loves it when Josie washes his hair, but itrarely happens because Josie is a shy lil cinnamonroll
Who likes to slow dance?: Both do tbh
Muse that’s more likely to fall asleep with their head in the others lap?: Kazuya, because for once he feels rather “safe” and peaceful when with Josie
Muse that does all the cuddling in a blanket fort?: Josie loves cuddling~ Who hogs most of the covers at night?: Surprisingly, Kazuya
Muse who nuzzles the others shoulder to get them to give them a head rub?: Josie~
How do they share a desert? Two forks or one?: Two forks, but Josie always tries to feed Kazuya because lovey-dovey~
Who gets jealous more easily?: Josie Who gets angered more easily? Kazuya
How do they go to sleep at night?: Josie gives goodnight kisses to Kazuya whilst Kazuya just replies back with a gruff goodnight. Since if he tries to kiss back, he’ll kiss deeply and want more and Josie would push him away and say something about her chastity and shit lol
Who gets the most shoulder rubs?: Kazuya, Josie may not be a pro massager but she has experience~ What are there arguments/fights like? How often do they fight?: They normally don’t fight because Josie is very submissive towards Kazuya and does whatever he wants. Kazuya is pretty secretive of the dark things he does so he doesn’t hear Josie complain.
If anything, Josie complains about his family problems and how they should work it out together. Also, lack of time spent together.
Who is more likely to throw things in fights?: Josie tbh
How do they make it up to each other/apologize after an argument? Kazuya would buy gifts and Josie would cook
Do they have nicknames for each other?: Josie calls Kazuya her Kazzy wazzy, cupcake, peanut butter, scotch, the love of my life. Sometimes, when Kazuya gets lazy he calls Josie, Jo lol
Caring for each other while ill, how does the other muse go about it?: They have personal nurses and doctors for that, but Josie wouldn’t leave Kazuya’s side at all till he gets better~
Who’s more likely to be patching the others wound?: Josie~
Muse that says ‘I told you so’, after they come home from the beach and other muse is burnt to a crisp while whining how bad it hurts for not listening and putting on sunblock after the other muse repeatedly told them they’d get burnt?: None, both of them aren’t stupid enough to go under the hot blazing sun lol Josie is somewhat immune to the sun because she’s from a tropical country whilst Kazuya just remembers tbh
Your otp has a newborn baby, who gets up in the middle of the night when he/she cries?: Josie, it is a mother’s duty~ but there’ll be a moment where Kazuya does it
Your muse’s of the otp reaction to finding the others crying about something? And how do they make them feel better?: This will be a BIG IF, but I imagine that if they do have a good ending together, they get married and have kids, Kazuya would cry when he first sees their kid and Josie would just smile and hold his hand tbh
On Josie’s part though, she’s a cry baby so Kazuya’s used to it but, when he gets irritated and wants her to shut up he’ll tell her sweet lies and gentle promises just so she could pipe down
What would they be like as parents?: Both of them would be very strict tbh, but Josie would be a doting mother who would always tell Kazuya that he’s being too harsh
What would they have been like as childhood sweethearts? Everyone would think that Josie is the helplessly in love girl that’ll never get noticed by the cold-stoic heir, and when they do get together, everyone will think that Kazuya’s just using her for a quick fuck or smth because seriously, Josie’s hot but he actually really cherishes her, he’s just not that good at showing his feelings
Who enunciates taking a bath together?: If they were married, most likely Josie, once the initial embarrassment has simmered down
Who likes who playing with their hair?: Kazuya, he loves Josie’s hair~
The place they mostly likely accidentally fall asleep together?: Kazuya’s limo lol
#Tekken#Josie Rizal#Kazuya Mishima#Mishima Kazuya#Jozuya#Josuya#Kazusie#I love my OTP#ughhh#svdhcvwhj#Josie Mishima#ahhhhhh#I'm in love#<3#Tekken 7
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i should actually just start being so fucking mean to people tbh.
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i can't fucking see what i'm drawing but im not allowed to change the lights in my room lest the Vibe be disturbed
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#oh. thats a guy getting offed on my tl. thanks twitter#i fucking hate twitter#i cant tell you how many times people getting k1lled and edtwt has appeared on my tl.#INCLUDING transph0bia.#uugghh#kazzy complains#cw death mention
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the urge to just lob off my tits, shave my head, and grow out my body hair just out of spite.
i love being feminine but i hate the way my mother makes me hate being feminine. because im supposed to be a hard working woman, a care giver, and at some point a mother. i dont want to be.
i want to dress and express myself as i please without having my mother disapprove and tell me i cant because its not very “lady like” or whatever. i want to be able to love men and women and anything and everything in between without it being deemed as “wrong and disgusting”. i want to be loved and accepted by my mother as i am and not this mask of who i am perceived as.
i wish my mom was more accepting and more open, and i wish she would see me as human regardless of my preferences and my identity. but seeing as my living situation is- i wont be able to express myself the way i want to for a very long time. and that hurts a lot.
i just want to be me. truly me. not the front ive been putting up for so many years just to survive
i want to wear dresses and suits all the same without being told i have to be one way or another, or i should be the way i was made and stick to it. i want to love others regardless. i want to be loved and be me.
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help girl i got too silly <\3 (overthought every interaction ever)
#im okay i think#(lying)#hoooh boy#ill be alr but girl (/gnc) what the fuck is this#nahh i could’ve had a NORMAL FUNCTIONING brain but yknow what i got instead ?#a sentient lump of meat. that likes to imagine scenarios that will *never* happen and form ideas of what people think of it#even if like. yknow. ITS IRRATIONAL AS FUCK AND LIKELY WRONG ABOUT EVERYTHING#see. if i was a house cat i wouldnt have to worry bout this shit . just be kitty. lick paw. take nap. eat. in whatever order i desire.#oh and be silly and cute.#‘’embarrassing myself in front of a customer? overthinking what a coworker said?’’#‘’eeerm. oh? you wanted to carry on about your day?’’#‘’too bad. here’s the underlying feeling of dread for the next few hours. have fun!’’#I HATE BEING SENTIENT RAHHH RAHHH#I COULD HAVE BEEN A LITTLE GUY DOING LITTLE THINGS. WHAT IS THIS!!!! WHAT THE FUCK!#i know i should be a big guy and act like it. but sometimes you gotta like. be a little insane.#okay anyways anxiety rant over. if for some reason you read my rant while i was Probably loosing my mind um.#1. i am sooo sorry you had to witness my illposting#2. i give you a little smooch (/p) for sticking with me . I bite you . (/pos)#kazzy complains#me when im cringe on main
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h*zbin/h*lluva enjoyers fuck off from my page plz 🙏
#like im so fucking sorry?#youre telling me the scene that depictd angel’s abuse *in detail* was storyboarded by a pr0shit? /srs#‘oh but what about the sa victims who-‘ im also an sa victim but god forbid any of them talk about it without being spoken over right?#what makes it worse about that scene is the storyboard artists *ships* angel with his abuser. do you not see whats wrong with that.#i genuinely dont understand how anyone defends this show or the people working on it anymore. you guys are fucking weird#kazzy complains#rant#EDIT: YOU MEAN TO FUCKING TELL ME TO MY FACE#THE STORYBOARD ARTIST THEMSELVES HAD THE AUDACITY TO SAY ‘Im not an SA survivor. but-‘#okay not word for word but paraphrased . essentially the same shit#IM JUST GONNA OUTRIGHT SAY IT.#(directed at raphielle) ACTUALLY GO KILL YOURSELF.#‘yeah its an r word ship not a p word ship get it right’ KILL YOURSELF#cw kys#cw sa mention#‘representation’ MY FUCKING ASS. the storyboard artist literally wasnt a victim themselves#to clarify im not saying you *have* to be a victim to be able to write about that kind of stuff .#however . there are right and wrong ways to represent it
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shout out to the 34 year old woman in the art program who also has a kid and flaunts the absolute piss out of herself. you a bitch and i hope you see this
#/nbh#no because how the fuck are you gonna be literally over a decade older than majority of the people here and act like that#‘hehehe i got first place and you didnt. sad’ i shit you fucking not. how are you even real#‘heyyy how do you guys like My pieces!’ (context: it was a collaborative gallery with someone else and she flaunted the fuck out of herself)#i kinda wanna say something mean#kazzy complains#and i KNOW IM NOT overthinking it because literally my whole ceramics feels the same about her#NOT good
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shout out to customers who are grown ass people and throw a fit when i try to help them out because we didn’t have a specified item or something. idk. y’all absolutely make my day <3 (/s)
#‘this is ridiculous!’ ma’am i have explained to you that this department is not responsible for your order fucking up.#there is nothing i can do .#like god forbid i try to help anyone out anymore#ughhghh#kazzy caws#kazzy complains#work rant
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