#tech x mandalorian reader
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badbatch-badfics · 10 months ago
Tech x Male Mandalorian Reader; Kar'taylir Darasuum Gar
Characters: Mainly Tech, little snippets of the rest of the Batch.
Relationship: All platonic buddies, except for Tech near the end.
POV: 2nd (you/yours)
Pronouns: He/him
Species: Unmentioned, but you have a normal "human" head (so no horns, lukku, etc.)
Content: Angst to fluff, get really hurt (literally) and then comfort. You're an idiot who can't confess unless their life depends on it.
Warnings: Description of injury and cleaning wounds(ish). Some throwing up blood ig. Cringe lol
Notes: Fem aligned and/or women can interact, but please be respectful. This is a MLM x reader fic. Don't be weird. Thanks. "Kar'taylir darasuum gar" means "love you" in Mando'a- I couldn't find the equivalent for "I." Also- I’m in the progress of making a version for each Batch member 👍
Word count: 5,364
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You sat in the co-pilot’s chair, arms crossed and leaning back.  Tech sat in the pilot’s chair, tinkering with some self-made miniature droid.  Everyone else was asleep, Echo in his hammock, Hunter, Wrecker, and Crosshair each in their respective bunks.  The ship was decently quiet, except for Wrecker’s occasional snoring, which, honest to Kad Ha'rangir, sounded like a Venator class star-destroyer powering up.  Contrasting the man’s tremendous snores, the hyper-drive produced a nice and constant low hum, with beeps sounding out every once in a while.  Tech’s screws and wrenches would clang out, and the sound of sparks would startle you into a more awake state each time it occurred.
Although there was no way he could know, seeing as your helmet was facing directly out the view-port, you were staring from the corner of your eyes.  Hard.  The way he effortlessly moved his fingers across the droid, connecting and severing wires from point A to point B, or how the golden sparks would illuminate his face and reflect off his goggles, casting a beautiful glow that you simply couldn’t get enough of.  Truthfully, you couldn’t have been more grateful for your helmet and culture, knowing full well he would have caught on to your… tendencies, and quick, if you didn’t wear it- bearing all your embarrassing expressions out to the world.
You knew it was bad to be feeling like this.  They were in the middle of war, which was no time for romantic relationships.  And, truthfully, you didn’t even know if Tech, or anyone else, liked you.  For all you knew, they simply had high tolerance for annoyingly secretive men they were assigned to work with.  You had always avoided questions about the culture you grew up with, obviously always avoided taking off your helmet, and hardly took off any of your armor- even when it came time to sleep.  Which must have been unsettling for them, or anyone, really, you were sure.  Someone who was highly skilled in fighting, but never took anything off, always electing to remain in the armor that was most certainly not a comfort to sleep in.  And, clearly, the fact that, out of nowhere, the Republic had hired and assigned you to them.  They had every reason not to trust you- or to, at the least, not like you.
And you had no clue what to do to lessen that mistrust.  Telling them about your culture was out of the question- you couldn’t deal with the…issues revolving when, if at all, anyone would be close enough to take off your helmet.  they might think they were close enough, but you didn’t.  Or, even worse, you might think you were close enough, but they didn’t.  And, Kriff, if they caught on to you hypothetically taking off your helmet more around Tech than the others, they would easily piece together your feelings.
But, hey, maybe you were wrong.  Maybe they found you at least somewhat amusing, somewhat useful, somewhat not a nuisance.  And maybe, just maybe, Tech would even feel the same way.  Doubtful, but since when was love logical?  A beep came through, pulling you out of the deep pits of overthinking and alerting Tech.  He lifted up his head, temporarily setting down the project.  Tracing his fingers over the wheel and control-panel.  “We have almost arrived.  Would you go and wake up everyone?”
You stood up, stretching your arms as far as they could go, audibly groaning.  “Sure thing, boss.”  You first walked to Echo, shaking him gently.  He was an easy sleeper, after everything.  Hunter could sleep well once he was in it, but otherwise, his enhanced senses made it difficult.  Crosshair was easy enough, not incredibly difficult, but you wouldn’t wake him up by simply walking around either.  Wrecker, on the other hand, slept like a rock.  You found out within the first week of your stay that his brothers would simply punch Wrecker in the shoulder, hard, to wake him up.  Hunter had explicitly granted you permission to do the same.
That being said, you wound up your arm before slugging Wrecker square in the shoulder, earning a startled grunt from him.  Once he registered what was happening, he lopsidedly smiled and mumbled a good morning of sorts.  After the four men were awake, you headed back to the cockpit, electing a chair further in the back so they could all sit closer- a common practice.  Hunter gave the mission debrief- same old, same old.  Just beat up a bunch of droids, and nothing special about this mission.  Echo and Hunter had a smaller, but more advanced battalion of droids to defeat within the building, so they needed to go radio-silent.  Crosshair and Wrecker would take a larger battalion, as would you and Tech.  After everyone was 100% certain in their role, everyone split up.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Kriff, this was not going well.  Blaster fire everywhere, explosions left and right, and the only Batch member you could see was Tech, double-blasting his way through any droid he saw.  You used a batch of whistling birds, each miniature missile hitting its mark.  Not that the few dozen marks did much damage against the entire droid battalion circling you two.  You reached for the pouch on your hip, which carried the multitude of bombs and droid poppers necessary for war.  Much to your dismay, there was only one bomb left.  And for better or worse, it was a giant bomb.  It would be incredibly difficult to evade- for both you and the droids.  It was designed with the intent of being far above the enemy- not 10 feet away from them.  But this was your only chance- if you could pair the main explosion and send out half a dozen droid poppers while the rest of them were distracted- it would be a victory.  And perhaps if you could run fast enough, dive, and get as many droids behind you to take the majority of the impact- perhaps you’d make it out relatively unscathed.
And, not that in a million light years would you ever admit it, the most important part- Tech would be safe if you pulled off this stunt.  You’d be able to get rid of at least one third of the droids with the large bomb alone, and sending out droid poppers in every direction during that opening would eliminate, at minimum, three quarters of the remaining droids.  All in all, Tech would have only a handful of clankers left, he would be safe, and the mission objective would be claimed as a victory.  Might as well.
“Run south!” you shouted over the blaster fire, instructing Tech.  For a split second he thought to question you, but decided against it.  He knows what he’s doing, and there’s no time to object, he concluded.  Tech sent a nod your way before running, still blasting his way through what was close.  As soon as he was out of range, you pulled the bomb from the waist pouch.  Maker, did you hope this will work.  You stared at the bomb, hoping you would be shown mercy, as if the bomb was a sentient being capable of choosing who to blast and who to not.  With a remorseful sigh, already having spent too long wondering and not doing, you reared your arm back and threw the ball as far as physically capable.
As soon as the sphere of mass destruction left your hand, you bolted- sending out droid poppers in different directions every few seconds, hoping to any god or higher being that they would take the majority of the impact, and not you.
Unfortunately, any and all higher beings seemed to be tastefully against you today.  You felt the heat and force before you heard it.  A stinging sensation sprung throughout your entire body, sending you crashing forward, groaning.  Apparently, you were not far away enough, and there were not enough droids to take the majority of the impact.  Kriff.  There was an excruciating ringing in your ears, or head-?  You weren’t sure, but it was loud and annoying as hell.  The last droid popper rolled from your palm, effectively killing off the half-dozen clankers headed over.
Although it was primarily obscured by the horrendous ringing in your ears, you could pick up faint sounds of blaster fire and metallic bodies hitting the ground.  You shakily got on your hands and knees, one arm clenched tightly over the stomach region, and lifted your head, groaning.  Although it was incredibly difficult to make out in this delirious state, you saw Tech running towards you.  He’s safe, was all you could think.  The mission was a success and he was safe, what else could someone ask for?  With that, there was no longer any reason to stay awake.
You promptly collapsed onto the cold ground, rolling over, hand still clutched.  You were coughing up blood, which just fell back down to your helmet and mouth, casing your cheeks and lips.  “Y/N!” Tech yelled, attempting to keep you awake and responsive- not his most successful attempts. You felt him lift your body upwards, examining the damage.  A shattered off droid piece had pierced through your abdomen, front to back.  Blood coated your armor, turning it from (color) to a dark ugly mess of browns and reds.  His eyes trailed over you, ever worried.  He and his brothers had never faced such an extreme injury, except for Wrecker’s large scar on his head.
“I need to take off your helmet.  I can hear you coughing up blood,” Tech informed.  You attempted to push him off, delirious of the extremity of the situation.  You were not ready to cross that bridge yet.  Tech felt bad, he did.  Even though he couldn’t possibly understand why a culture would not allow someone to simply remove a helmet, he would respect it, and he would respect you.  But in a situation like this, it truly didn’t matter.  If your helmet didn’t come off, you'd drown in your own blood before dying of the shrapnel was even a possibility.
“That was not a request, it was me informing you of what I’m going to do.”  You wanted to give him a smart-ass response, truly, but you couldn’t speak coherently, let alone think of one.  Accepting defeat in this minor battle, your head lolled back into his palm, coughing once again.  He placed his hand under your chin, just on the edge of the helmet, and carefully lifted.  The helmet hissed as he pulled it off, and your eyes squinted harshly at the bright light, now surrounding you from all sides, not just the visor.  This was not how you wanted him to see your face.
Tech grimaced.  Clear from the blood and sweat caking your mouth and cheeks, you had already coughed up a large amount of blood, and he highly doubted it’d be stopping anytime soon.  “Okay…I’m going to move you to that rock over there- you need to be more vertical than horizontal if I am to treat your injuries.”  A mumble was the only response he got.  Tech put his hand on your back, roping underneath your arm.  Using his other arm to support your lower back, he lifted, and despite all his effort in being gentle, it didn’t do much.  Even though the rock in question was only, at most, twenty feet away, it seemed like an impossible task.
With each step, despite Tech supporting the majority of your weight, it felt like another piece of droid shrapnel shooting though you.  Everything became more fuzzy by the second, dizziness overcoming you.  “We are almost there,” he said, observant of your worsening state.  After what felt like an eternity, you had arrived at the large rock.  He turned you around and gently placed you on the rock, blood coating his armor.
Reaching to his waist pockets, Tech pulled out a pair of tweezers, a large roll of bandages, and bacta-spray.  “I will cut space around your chest plate and clothing.  Do not move.”  You groaned, looking up at the sun.  Perhaps you shouldn’t have done the “throw a bomb and hope you outrun it to save someone else’s skin” plan.  Now you’d need a new chest plate and under-armor clothing.  Fantastic.  Tech pulled out a new set of tools, all to cut the chest plate.  Luckily, the hole was jagged and cracked, so finding a good place to further the diameter would not be incredibly difficult.
Tech carefully pulled out bits of the chest plate, making the hole larger by the second.  Unfortunately, him cutting that close, despite his best efforts, still applied far more pressure than you would like on your wound.  It was not a pleasant experience, to say the least.
“I am finished cutting around the front of your chest plate,” he said, breaking the tense silence.
“Okay…” you breathed out, voice shaky and dry.  He looked at you with pity before quickly tearing through the cloth, all too close to the droid bit.  He noticed your extreme uncomfort, face scrunched up, trying not to cry.  He felt pity towards you, but there was no time for any of that.  If he wasn’t quick and adequate, you could very well die.  Tech’s point was emphasized by another fit of blood coming up, some blood dripping on his armor as your head came forward.
He grimaced, using his thumb in a feeble attempt to wipe off the new blood.  “Can you lean forward while I cut open your back?” he asked, unsure whether or not it would be required to fully turn you around.  “Mhm…I think I can manage,” you mumbled, barely above a whisper and hardly intelligible.  You rocked forward, arms outstretched to hold up your weight.  Tech carefully moved behind you before repeating the process.
Eventually, Tech deemed the cloth and armor to be far away enough from the droid.  He would pull out the droid, then fully take off your armor and clothing, apply bacta-spray, and wrap you up.  Once you were on the ship, he could dig out any excess sharpanel.  Then everything would be fine.  He concluded that the best way to get it out was to not let you know.  He deduced that you were, more than likely, not thinking rationally- and even if you were injured, you were still heavily trained, and he didn’t want to risk you trying to push him off if there was a warning for what was to come.  To be fair, doing it suddenly would surprise you, which wouldn’t be much better, but your reaction time was certainly delayed, so it was still the best option.
“Lean back.”  You obliged, hitting the back of the rock and letting your head fall backwards.  While you were still looking upwards, he gripped the droid piece with both hands.  Pulling hard was most certainly not the best option, but he had already spent too much time clearing the space, and there was no equipment for performing the removal in a safe manner.  You would have to deal with it.
Tech pulled on the droid, and he pulled hard.  Your eyes went wide, and you lurched forward, hands grasping at the wound.  Short, ragged breaths filled the sound of the field, paired with the metallic clattering of the droid being tossed aside.  Tech cupped your face in his hands, looking into your eyes.  If you weren’t in so much agony, you would’ve been a flustered, blubbering mess.  “Hold still and do exactly as I tell you.  I need to dig out the smaller shrapnel, but the bleeding must stop soon.  There can be no distractions.”
At this point, you could hardly respond, choking on any words you attempted to form.  Now that the droid was removed, Tech could slip your chest plate off.  “Put your arms up and do not take them down until both your chest plate and clothing have been removed.”  Vision blurry and shaky, you lifted your arms despite them feeling like a hundred pounds each.  Quickly, Tech pulled up on your chest plate, immediately discarding it among the other debris in the field.  Following immediately after, he lifted up your shirt, slightly more conscious of the injury since the cloth was brushing directly against it.
As soon as he finished discarding your shirt, your hands fell limp once again, and you collapsed onto the rock.  Tech quickly doused the affected area with bacta-spray, not particularly caring if it got it more space than needed.  He needed to be quick, and there would be more time later to fix everything.  He positioned himself behind you, legs wrapped around to give you support as he cleaned the back, making sure to wipe off any large chunks of dirt or pieces of rock.  After your back and front were successfully doused in bacta, he re-positioned himself and you.
He moved about two feet away from the rock, legs straddling your waist.  He had turned you around, eyes meeting each other once more.  Your arms were gripping his shoulders, shaking with every breath.  Tech carefully reached around and grabbed the bandages, unfurling them.  He started at your waistline, moving upwards with each layer of binding.  He would carefully glance over your shoulder and angle himself to see your back to ensure it was all going smoothly- or, at least, as smooth as something like this could go.  The bandages had finally reached above your wound, before reaching over your shoulder for extra support and coming back down for a double layer.  Despite the wrappings having been on for less than ten minutes, the blood was already tainting the once white fabric.
“I am finished,” Tech spoke, finishing off the last layer and grabbing your waist to pull you closer.  He carefully grabbed his comm to relay his position and the situation to the rest of the Batch.  He knew it would have been useless to comm beforehand, as Hunter and Echo were radio-silent while Wrecker and Crosshair were dealing with a smaller squadron of droids.  But now that you were safe- or as safe as possible considering everything- and the rest of the Batch had their objectives completed, he could call them.
“Hunter, I need a pickup at the valley in between the two ridges where the droid squadron was.  Immediately- (Y/N) has been injured.  I have applied bacta and bandages, but it is not adequate.  We must get to proper medical care as quickly as possible.”
“Got it, Tech.  We’re on our way, just hang on,” Hunter replied, voice glitchy and faded out through the comm.  Tech pulled you closer, your head resting on his shoulder.  He placed his hands on your infraspinatus, rubbing small circles in them repeatedly.  The telltale humming of the Marauder approached, blocking out the sun and casting a shadow over the field.  The ship turned to its side before touching down about ten feet away, ramp opening.  Wrecker ran out, panic clearly written on his face.  He slowed down as he approached you, face falling more by the second.
“Wrecker, be careful around his abdomen, that is where the implication occurred.  Do not run or jostle (Y/N) too much, he can not sustain any more injuries than what he already has.”  Wrecker nodded in understanding before gently picking you up, hands under your thighs.  He placed your head in the crook of his neck, out of respect for you never taking off the helmet and hiding your face.  Your arms were draped over his back, bouncing with each step he took, despite the effort to be more gentle.
With a tired groan, you lifted your head up, eyes peering over Wreckers shoulder to be met with Tech’s.  He had stood up and taken off his helmet, the light gray armor tainted and stained with your blood.  You felt the incline of the ramp as Wrecker entered the Marauder, and the sounds of scattered feet and clattering could be heard.  Shortly after Wrecker had entered the ship, Tech followed suit, your helmet and chest plate in hand.  “Tech, what’s the deal with (Y/N)?  What do we need to do?”
“(Y/N) threw a bomb which effectively killed off the majority of the droid army, but was hit with debris in his escape.  He was regurgitating blood and had a large piece of a droid lodged in his abdomen.  I…have cleaned the wound, albeit quickly and not as efficiently as I would have hoped.  Clearly, I have bandaged him and removed the primary source of implication, but did not have time to adequately search through for smaller pieces of shrapnel.  We should not remove his bandages until we are on Kamino.  Someone should be watching him for the duration of the trip until we arrive, and we should attempt to minimize his sleeping until he has proper medical care.”
As Tech explained the situation, Wrecker re-positioned you into a more “bridal style” carrying, before gently setting you down on his bed and slipping his arms out from underneath you, all while avoiding your face.  Your head was propped up on Lula, and Wrecker draped a blanket over your body, the edge draping off the bunk.  He stood still for a second, glancing around nervously.  Tech came up behind him, placing a hand on Wrecker’s shoulder.  “Go in the cock-pit and help with the course.  I will stay here to ensure everything is alright.  There is no need to worry.  If I do require aid, I will request it.”  Wrecker glanced past his shoulder at his brother, sending a short smile of thanks before hurrying off to the cock-pit.  Tech carefully sat down on the edge of Wrecker’s bed, just beside your feet.  The bed made a small creaking noise and dipped ever so slightly.  Tech sighed, back slouching.  He glanced once more at your form, eyebrows furrowed.  You two would be having quite the serious conversation later.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Hunter walked up to the bunk, staring before finally saying something.  “Tech- we’re coming into Kamino.  Take the wheel and comm in (Y/N)’s situation.  I’ll get him prepped and Wrecker will carry him till the medical team shows up.”  Tech nodded in agreement and stood up, walking to the cock-pit.  Hunter glanced down at you, avoiding your face.  He had a few of his spare bandannas in hand, ready to wrap up the majority of your face out of respect.  It wouldn’t be perfect by any means, but any face covering would be better than nothing for you, he reasoned.  Trying his best not to look, Hunter lifted up your head and placed four bandannas on it- two on your forehead, and just one each for your nose bridge and chin.  As soon as your face was covered, he re-angled himself to tie the knot behind your head.
After your face was covered as well as anyone would do while still minimizing the risk of further complications, he carefully pulled the blanket away and lifted you up, cautious of the injury.  He stayed with you until Wrecker and Tech came, the ship having landed.  “There should be medical personnel on their way.  I requested that a droid be the one to attend to (Y/N)’s injuries, but whether or not they listened is… uncertain,” Tech said, glancing over at you, worry evident by the slight crease in his eyes and furrow of his eyebrows.  Hunter was slightly surprised at his brother’s concern for your culture.  There was no reason to explicitly request for a droid, but he did so nonetheless.  Usually, Tech would not have cared for such things- so long as the objective was completed and no-one was severely harmed, what did it matter if some cultural lines were crossed?
Hunter’s thoughts were interrupted by Wrecker picking you up bridal style once again, head draped back and arms dangling.  His loud stomps echoed through the metal corridor, and it was all Tech could focus on.  Which had never happened before- just focusing on one thing and one thing alone.  But here he was, watching Wrecker exit the Marauder, you in hand- unclear if you would survive, and the only thing he was aware of was the echoing of Wrecker’s footsteps, you disappearing along with them.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Tech waited anxiously outside the med-bay door, leg bouncing up and down.  The halls were quiet and deserted, only a lone wandering Kaminaon or clone every dozen or so minutes.  Tech didn’t know if he preferred the silence or the possibility of crowded and loud halls, people shoving past each other non-stop.  He was fairly sure they were both equally terrible options.  Hunter had stayed with him a while, but he needed to get back to the rest of the squad- Tech didn’t blame him.  He held your helmet in his hands, looking over every detail- every mark, burn, dent, scratch, paint chip, design and patterns and colors- everything.  Although, logically, he knew it was very likely that either you or one of his brothers, or himself, would die in this line of work, knowing about it didn’t quite reach the same levels as nearly experiencing it.
The doors slid open, AZ emerging.  Tech immediately sat straight up, more alert than ever.  Before he could even begin asking questions, AZ began speaking.  “(Y/N) (L/N) will fully recover within about 8 rotations.  He is no longer bleeding and all sharnale has been removed and the wound has been treated.  He is to remain on bed-rest until I give the say so.”  Tech didn’t even bother to respond, all he could do was practically jump into the room and land beside your bed.  You looked up at him, trying your best to smile- he was not amused.  In fact, Tech was at a loss for words.  Tech was never at a loss for words.
Actually, scratch all of that.  Tech had an abundance of words for you.  That much was obvious by the way his face went from “soft and glad you were okay” to his signature “are you kriffing kidding me?” look with an extra splash of anger.  Your smile immediately fell.
“What were you thinking- I mean, you decided to throw a bomb which you had no chance of outrunning and for what?  That was the most illogical and poorly thought out plan I have ever seen, and I have seen some very stupid things.”  It was clear he had more to say, but he figured he’d save it for another time.  Tech glared at you for a second longer before pulling up a chair beside the bed.
He let out a long sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose.  “You…are intelligent enough to have realized the risks.  Just explain why you took such… idiotic ones.”
Silence.  “I…I figured that if… you could get out of range, that would be enough.  I would throw the bomb and get far away enough to survive, taking out any more droids in the escape.  Then, you’d be… fine.  I mean, the odds weren’t exactly in our favor, Tech- we were losing that battle- hard.  We’d probably both be dead if I hadn’t done what I did.”  Tech glanced down, thinking over your words.  As much as he hated to admit it- you were right.  There may have been another way he would’ve come up with to save your hides, but at the moment- your actions did save them.
“I… am sorry I saw your face.  Although I do not understand why a culture would prohibit someone from showing their face- I respect you, and so I do apologize.  If it is any consolation, I requested droids only for the medical staff, and Hunter had wrapped up your face as much as he could.  Nobody really saw your face- just small fragments of it- except for me, obviously.”
You were silent, bandaged and calloused hands wringing around each other.  “It’s… it’s alright.  In my Clan, you are allowed to take off your helmet with… certain people.  Those you consider… close.  You can take off the helmet around those types of people.”  You glanced up, eyes just barely meeting.  He gulped nervously.  No-one outside of his brothers had ever considered him close- and if his hypothesis was right- this type of “close” you were describing was most certainly new- not the type of bond one shares with his brothers.
“Are you… implying that you have a romantic interest in me, (Y/N)?” Tech asked cautiously, as though each word represented him taking another step closer to the edge of a thousand-foot drop.
“Is that alright?” you asked tentatively, turning to properly face him, eyebrows slightly furrowed.
“Well… it is not standard military protocol to… intermingle.”  Your gaze fell downwards, grimacing.  So much for a confession.
Then he continued.  “But we have never been ones to follow protocol.”  Your mouth went slightly agape, and you looked back up at him.  Your eyes met each other, and he smiled.  He didn’t smile often.  Tech reached out hesitantly and grabbed your hand, rubbing circles in it.  You placed your free hand on his, like a weird romantic sandwich, and let your head fall back, closing your eyes in satisfaction.
“Y’know- if I knew all it would take to confess and know you reciprocated was to have a near-death experience, I would've done it way before.”
Tech jumped back slightly- “‘All it would take?’” he asked, mocking you.  His eyes were wide in disbelief at your disregard for such an event.  His face was absolutely golden, and you started laughing- evidently, far too much since within a few seconds you were clutching your side in pain.  Tech now wore a mixture of his “I told you so” and “that was not amusing” faces, judging you heavily.
"Regardless, AZ informed me that you would need an 8-day bed rest.  And as you do not contain your own proper sleeping area, you may share with me.  This way I can closely monitor you at the same time.  It will be greatly beneficial.”
You cocked your eyebrow, looking directly at him.  “If you wanted to cuddle, you could’ve just said so.”
“If you are to keep up this behavior in my sleeping quarters, I will not hesitate to kick you out- both figuratively and literally.  Perhaps I’ll just make your “visiting time” as terrible as possible.  I am not above such actions.”  You scoffed at him, rolling your eyes in a playful manner.
“Here- I made certain that I had kept your helmet.  The chest plate was practically unsalvageable, but it is currently on the Marauder.  Although you are… comfortable without it around me, it seems, I assumed you would want it for the walk back.  Am I correct?”
“You're always correct, and you know that.  Thank you, Tech.”  You carefully slid the detailed helmet on your head, somewhat sad.  Although it was clear that you would need to wear it in the halls and in front of his brothers, you still felt sad you two couldn’t enjoy more time, faces and secrets and emotions and everything exposed for the better.  You let the brief moment of sadness wash over- it was better to be grateful.  I mean, Tech reciprocated!  You couldn’t have asked for anything better.
“Let me assist you in getting up- you are most certainly not fit to walk by yourself,” he said.  You obliged, his arms coming up underneath your armpits and hauling you off the bed.  You quickly found your grounding, and swung an arm around Tech’s shoulders.  You two trudged down the long and barren halls of Kamino until reaching your designated barracks, pausing slightly at the door.
You don’t think you’ve ever felt such joy.  You looked at Tech, dark visor meeting his yellow-orange tinted goggles.  “Kar'taylir darasuum gar.”  Tech knew what it meant.  He didn’t need his fancy language visor to tell him what you said.  You loved him and he loved you.  And that’s all that really mattered.  He smiled at you once more before the door opened, Wrecker immediately shouting in joy that you were safe and sound.  Everything would be alright from here on out, war be damned.
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iamburdened · 2 months ago
Happy new year to every writer who wrote at least 1 fanfiction in 2024. If you posted it online and let other people read it: happiest new year EVER! Doesn’t matter how many likes, kuddos or reblogs it got, if you wrote and shared a story: you made this year better. Thank you!
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Prompt List
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Hey! I am so sorry for not uploading for like five months! I really want to start uploading again but I think doing so many Taylor Swift inspired prompts burnt me out - if you sent a request or do send one I will get to it just give me time.
Here is a prompt list I'll be using from now on, like always if you have your own idea(s), send them in!
These's prompts include: "dialogue", 'anything in quotations is what the whole fic will be based around', 5 times plus 1, AU's and more!
Send in just one or merge some ideas together!
Click here to add yourself to my tag list! 🤍
1 - “You’re in love with her, you know that right?”
2 - “I didn’t know where else to go.”
3 - “I’m replaceable, you’re not.”
4 - “You kept it?”
5 - Leaning their head on their shoulder
6 - “Because that’s what you and I do, we protect each other.”
7 - “I swear on us.” “Why us?” “Because there is nothing I have ever believed in more.”
8 - Person A getting hurt protect Person B
9 - “Hey, calm down. They can’t hurt you anymore.”
10 - “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have kissed you.”
11 - “Whatever you do, don’t let go.”
12 - 5 times Person A and B correct people about their relationship status and the 1 time they just accept it
13 - Everything is black and white until you meet your soulmate. The world goes back to black and white when they die.
14 - “For what it’s worth, I never gave up on you.”
15 - Accidental love confession
16 - “You’re staring at him/her again.”
17 - “Give me one good reason why I should trust you?” “Because no matter how much you hate me, you know I have never lied to you.”
18 - “I hate you, I hate you, I hate you.”
19 - “If there was ever anybody meant for me, it’s you.”
20 - “You had your chance with her. You had your chance and you blew it, and this is my chance and I am not going to blow it because we are made for each other.”
21 - ‘I still hope there is more to our story. Maybe we just had to fall apart to find each other again one day.’
22 - “You weren’t there…why weren’t you there? I needed you! I needed you and you weren’t there!”
23 - “It’s my job to keep you safe, yes, but you could work with me a little to make it easier.”
24 - “Because I haven’t stopped thinking about you and you haven’t stopped thinking about me.”
25 - ‘I am usually an optimist but I have never hoped for a sad ending like I do for you and her.’
26 - “I can’t say if the day I met you was the best or worst day of my life.”
27 - “Don’t look at me like that.”
28 - ‘Do you think the universe fights for souls to be together? Some things are too strange and strong to be coincidences.’
29 - “She’s my best friend, that’s never changed.” “Yeah, the only thing that changed was your feelings for her.”
30 - “How many fingers am I holding up?”
31 - “You’d die for her?”
32 - ‘He had that awkward tenderness of someone who had never been in love and was forced to improvise.’
33 - “I did it for you, you idiot.”
34 - “If I never see you again just know that I love you so, so much.”
35 - ‘He kissed her. Without warning, without permission. Without even deciding to do it, but simply because he couldn’t have done anything else.’
36 - “I thought you were dead!”
37 - Squeezing their hand reassuringly
38 - “Whatever you do, do not make a sound.”
39 - “I had a nightmare about you and I just wanted to make sure you were okay.”
40 - “I can’t do this without you. I won’t do this without you.”
41 - “See? I told ya they’d get together.”
42 - ‘There is some good left in this world and it is worth fighting for.’
43 - Born with your soulmates first name tattooed on your body
44 - ‘There are some people that you meet and you just know from the get go that they are important, that you have to do anything to keep them in your life. He was that person.’
45 - “You came to me, begging me for help!”
46 - “Tell me about your life before all of this.”
47 - ‘S/he would always be my biggest what if.’
48 - “It turns out I’m absolutely terrible at staying away from you.”
49 - One being forced to hurt the other but refusing, getting themselves hurt instead
50 - “Why is it always the people you can’t trust saying “trust me”?”
51 - ‘If you were going to die, I was going to die with you.’
52 - “You can’t sleep yet kid, I need you to stay awake.”
53 - ‘We met at the wrong time. That’s what I keep telling myself anyway. Maybe one day, years from now, we’ll meet in a coffee shop, in a faraway city somewhere and we could give it another shot.’
54 - Five times they wanted to say ‘I love you’ and the 1 time they finally did
55 - “I always thought you were the bravest person I’ve ever met.”
56 - “I’ve never had a family before.”
57 - “I’m not leaving without her.”
58 - ‘Sometimes we do everything right and it’s still not enough.'
59 - “Hey, you’re bleeding.”
60 - ‘We’re in love, we just want to be together. What’s wrong with that?’
61 - “Take me instead. Leave her/him and take me.”
62 - Sitting together on a rooftop
63 - “I think…I’m in love with (Name.)” “Congrats on being the last one to find out.”
64 - Needing somebody else to point out the fact you have feelings for character
65 - “I know we’re not…friends or anything, but…I’m here for you, if you need someone to talk to.”
66 - Drunken kiss
67 - “Come on, let’s get you cleaned up.”
68 - ‘Home is not where you are from. It’s where you belong. Some of us travel the whole world to find it. Others find it in a person.’
69 - “If I had it my way, we’d never leave this bed.” 
70 - ‘Everything that needs saying, truly saying, begins with a lump in the throat.’
71 - When mysterious injuries appear on your body, it’s because your soulmate got them.
72 - ‘For old times sake.’
73 - “I’m never gonna be good enough for you, am I?”
74 - “Don’t hurt him! Just stop hurting him, please!”
75 - ‘Sometimes there are no words that can help. Sometimes you just need to sit together in silence and try to come to terms with how the world works.’
76 - “When I let a day go by without talking to you, that’s just not a good day.”
77 – “Do you have a plan?” “I have a gun.”
78 - “How long did you think you could hide that?”
79 - “Leave with me.”
80 - ‘She was good and he needed a little good in his life because without it there was an awful lot of darkness.’
81 - 5 places Person A and B have kissed plus the 1 place where they did more than that
82 - “Honestly I wasn’t listening but I always disagree with whatever you say.”
83 - “There’s no way I’m sharing a bed with you.” “You’re more than welcome to sleep on the floor.”
84 - Person B is frowning all the time but Person A can always see when they are happy (Grumpy x Sunshine)
85 - ‘I want you to always remember me. Will you remember that I existed and that I stood next to you here like this?”
86 - “I’ll do it, but only because you asked me to.”
87 - 5 times Person A treated Person B’s injuries, plus 1 time Person B treated Person A’s injury.
88 - ‘Maybe one day we’ll meet again and I’ll be right for you and you’ll be right for me.’
89 - "Dying in the middle of nowhere doesn't seem so bad if you're here."
90 - “Oh no, you’re a morning person.”
91 - “I hate you.” “I love you too.”
92 - “No, don't stop, keep talking. I like hearing you talk.”
93 - “Are you cold?”
94 - “What do you want from me?”
95 - “Look, I know you hate me but I don’t know what to do and I really need some help.”
96 - “I’m not leaving you. Not this time.”
97 - “I wish things had been different.”
98 - “I can’t leave you alone for a second without you getting into trouble, can I?”
99 - “You’re not sleeping?” “Nope.” “Why not?” “Don’t want you to stab me the second I close my eyes.” “I won’t.”
100 - “This isn’t just an (object), it’s a promise.”
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yoitsjay · 8 months ago
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Ner Cabur
Pairings: Tech x male Mando! Reader
Summary: you save tech from an unfortunate end, and spending time with him had become a luxury you didn't want to let go.
Warnings: season 3 spoilers ish, cannon violence, loose episode references, Tech fluffiness
Ni kar'tayl gar darasuum - I love you
Ner Cabur- my guardian
Ner kar'ta- my heart
burc’ya- friend
Word count: 2,720
The stars streaked past as you piloted your sleek, battered lambda class T-4A shuttle through the endless expanse of space. The thumping bass of your favorite rock band pulsed through the cockpit, shaking loose a few forgotten crumbs from your last meal.
With a grin, you adjusted the controls, leaning back in your worn pilot’s chair. Your black and blue painted armor gleaned dully in the cockpit lights, reflecting the occasional flicker from the starry display. The rhythmic beats matched your heartbeat as you primed your ship for landing on the nearby planet’s spaceport, for some repairs and supplies
You checked your dwindling credit’s and winced. Just then however, a flicker of static interrupted the music. A message blinked into view from your transceiver. You clicked the answer button, sliding your helmet back on as you did so, leaning back in your seat as Saw Gerrerra popped up.
“Saw.” You greeted, but the man looked like pleasantries were way off the table. “We need you on Eriadu, I'm sending you the coordinates now with your mission details. Then com me and meet me at the rondevu.” He instructed before ending the call. You huffed, quickly taking the joysticks of your ship's center console, maneuvering out of the asteroids and into free space, typing in the coordinates that were sent before jumping into hyperspace.
When you had arrived at Eriadu you followed Gerrerra’s instructions, which were basically fly around and prepare for pickup. You were flying low, hiding your ship in the canyons surrounding the empire’s main base of operations. You had scrambled your ship's signature in order to sneak by the sensors, so they had no idea you were here.
You were flying slowly, hidden by the fog but still able to see where you were flying… and that was when you saw someone falling from the rail carts. Your eyes widened, and you quickly maneuvered your ship towards the falling figure, placing your ship in “float mode” as you ran out of the cockpit and down the ramp.
You had equipped your jet pack so you just flew straight out of the ship, plummeting down towards the falling man. Before he could hit the ground, you managed to catch him in your arms, the added weight making you stumble as you ran across the ground before sliding to a stop.
“Hey man, you good?” You asked once landed, the man still held in your arms as he looked at you, eyes wide in surprise. His helmet was strange, with goggles instead of a shielded visor. Eventually you put him down, and he stared at the ground, and then back at you.
“yes i-” The man paused, nodding again. “Thank you.” He added, and you nodded. “You with Saw Gerrera?” You asked, but he shook his head. “No- i’m here with my brothers… Do you perchance have a vessel?” The man asked, and you nodded. “Yeah. First you're gonna tell me your name, then we can figure out what to do next.” You teased me. The man nodded, removing his helmet.
He was quite cute, his hair forming soft curls against his forehead, a lighter brown that accentuated his amber eyes. He was around your height, if not a few inches shorter. “My name is Tech.” He introduced, and you nodded, slowly removing your helmet as well.
Tech’s eyes widened, but you didn’t notice. You also didn’t happen to notice the slight blush on his cheeks too. “My name is Y/n. Now I'm gonna have to carry you again.” You stated, winking at Tech before placing your helmet back on your head. Tech nodded and did the same, and you picked the man back up in your arms.
He wrapped his arms around your neck as one of your arms supported his back, the other his knees and you lifted off into the air, flying back through the ramp and cargo entrance before setting Tech down again as you landed on your feet. You closed the ramp and ran up to the cockpit, seeing a beeping transmission.
You answered it. taking the controls of your ship again as Tech sat in the seat beside you. “We need pickup Y/n! Where are you?” Saw shouted, and you huffed. “On my way, I had an unexpected pickup.” You answered, soaring out of the canyon and towards the rondevu point. You kept your ship hovering, lowering the ramp as Saw and the others entered.
You flew away, breaking through the atmosphere before setting coordinates to one of the rebel planets and jumping to hyperspace. You released the controls, setting your helmet down on the top of the console as you turned to Tech. “I gotta deal with them, then I can help you.” You explained, gesturing for him to stay put before you walked out of the cockpit and to the center room before your tiny sleeping areas.
“What happened?” You asked as you saw Saw, who looked stressed. “Clones happened, The Bad Batch more specifically.” He huffed, and you raised an eyebrow as he gave you a brief explanation. “Ah okay, well they are right you know.” you stated, and he glared at you.
You raised your hands in surrender, but continued. “They’re only going to re-establish their ranks, if you want to end this empire, you gotta take out bigger ideas. Like infantry units, training centers. Communications centers and command stations.” You listed, crossing your arms over your armored chest. “Anyway, all I'm saying is that killing officers will only halt progress for a little while. Then you’ll have to do it again, and again and you’ll never stop fighting.” You finished, waving at them to rest up as you walked back into the cockpit.
Tech stared up at you as you entered, having removed his helmet again. “I heard what you said… Those were my brothers he was talking about.” Tech stated, and you hummed. “So you're a clone? you don’t look like a clone.” You stated, seeing him smile a little bit before explaining that he and his brothers were an experimental enhanced unit made during the clone wars. Their DNA was twisted, and they came out much different.
Tech had superior smarts, amongst other things, but his brain was information central according to his brothers.
“I see, well that's quite cool.” You started with a grin. “I guess that almost makes you Mandalorian.” You joked, and Tech chuckled for a moment. “Not really, however, I appreciate the sentiment.” he stated.
Soon you dropped from hyperspace, and dropped Saw and his mercenaries off at their destination. You topped up on rations and fuel, and did a bit of repairs with Tech’s help before taking off again.
“So, you have a home Tech?” You asked him, almost feeling… disappointed that he was going to be leaving so soon.
“Yes, Pabu is where i… reside with my brothers.” He answered, and you nodded, putting in the coordinates, only to feel Tech’s hand on yours, stopping you for a moment.
“I know we have only been acquainted for a few hours, but I have enjoyed conversing with you. And I would love to learn more about your culture, discover more than what is in the datapad.” He paused, pursing his lips before he looked at you again. “What I am trying to say is, you saved my life. And I would like to spend more time with you.” He breathed out, almost expecting the hard reality of no, or a disgusted look.
But instead you smiled warmly, nodding. “I would love that Tech, thank you.” You beamed, and finished setting the coordinates before entering hyperspace. “Here, you can use my transceiver to contact your brothers and let them know you're alive. Keep an eye on the controls while I go make us some food.” You stated, pointing to your transceiver before you walked away.
When you had come back you noticed Tech was still talking with his brothers, who were all talking over each other as they argued. When they saw you however, they went quiet. The one who looked and held himself as a leader spoke up.
“You saved our brother, and we are so grateful. If you weren't there we- well, he would have died. So thank you, burc’ya” The man spoke up, using a word in your native tongue which made you smile. “It was no problem, truly. Tech has been an amazing company, and a good friend in this short time.” You expressed, and the man nodded.
“That's good to hear. See you soon. And Tech? never do that again.” The man stated before the transmission ended. You chuckled, handing Tech a bowl of Tiingilar, a hearty Mandalorian dish which Tech devoured.
It was about a standard rotation’s worth of hyperspace travel before you reached the island of Pabu. Since you were across the galaxy after dropping off Gerrera. Tech told you where to land, where you already saw quite a large welcoming party.
You landed, opening the ramp as you and Tech stood up, both your helmets under your arms as you walked up together. However as Tech scanned the area, he realized that one was missing.
“Where is Omega?” He asked, and the leader, whom Tech had told you was Hunter, frowned. “We went back to Ord mantell- and Cid she- she betrayed us to the empire. They took Omega.” Hunter explained.
Tech balled his hands into fists as he stared at the ground, shoulders sagging when he felt the warmth of your hand through his armor.
“Then we find her.” You spoke up, determination lacing your voice. “I have some contacts spying within the empire, I can ask around, acting like a bounty hunter in case it gets traced. Not like it will- but still-” you rambled for a moment, before pausing.
“This Omega, she's obviously a very important foundling, yes?” You asked, and Hunter raised his eyebrow foundling?” He asked, and you huffed, readying to explain.
“Yes, a young being abandoned by its parents, raised by others.” You explained simply. Hunter nodded. “yeah… she’s our sister.” Hunter stated, and you nodded. “There! even more of a reason we should find her yea?” You asked, nodding to yourself. “I'll get on it then, is there somewhere more secure to have my ship in the meantime?” You asked, and Tech rubbed his chin.
“Yes, there is a cave entrance where you can park.” He stated, and Hunter gawked. “What? when did that exist?” Wrecker spoke up with a shout. Tech sighed. “I thought it was obvious.” He started, looking over at you with a smile. “Thank you, for helping us.” He stated, grasping your hand in his own.
You nodded. “Of course Tech, it’s the right thing to do.” You stated, nodding to him once more before you released his hand and entered the ship, taking off to park your ship in a more secluded location.
There you scrambled your signature again before reaching out to your imperial contacts. There really wasn’t much in the way of where Omega could have been taken, or why. But there was talk of something called M-count, and a name. Tantiss.
So for weeks you worked alongside Tech and his brothers, hunting, searching and gaining intel, almost getting killed quite a few times, especially by living vines. Now that was exhilarating.
But almost all intel you and The Bad Batch had gathered had been of no use, there was nothing about Tantiss, barely anything about Hemlock either, the man who took omega in the first place. You could tell the brothers were starting to give up hope, traveling back through hyperspace when the comm’s suddenly went off.
It was Omega, and she had sent coordinates to meet her on one of the moons of Ryloth. It could’ve been a trap, but with you and Tech there, the chances of living were a lot better.
So you went, and watched as Omega embraced Tech and Wrecker, so relieved that Tech was alright. Hunter walked up to you, and you nodded to him, placing a hand on his shoulder as a form of comfort, watching as he walked down before running to meet omega, hugging her tightly.
The reunion was heartfelt, but you could feel tensions rising when a second person stepped out from the imperial ship, a taller man, bald with piercing eyes. Omega argued that he had changed, that he had been betrayed by the empire, But Tech, Hunter and Wrecker were still very much on edge.
You walked down the ramp, ready to aid them if need be.
You stood behind Tech, looming behind him as you turned to look at Crosshair. Your helmet was on, but despite that it looked as if his eyes met yours. You saw the hurt, the guilt and regret in his eyes, and you removed your hand from where it was resting on your blaster.
“We need to leave, before the Empire shows up.” You stated, and walked back to the Marauder with Tech on your heels as his hand once again found yours. Hand holding has become a form of comfort between you and Tech these past weeks. And you found yourself feeling more for him than just friendship.
But now wasn’t the right time, and you both knew that.
But soon, Omega and Crosshair were back on Pabu, and the whole bad batch was reunited it seemed, as Echo was waiting on Pabu for them, for Crosshair’s information more specifically.
While they talked, you felt a tug on your poncho, which you had started wearing more recently after finding it in a Pabu stall.
You looked down, noticing the young girl, Omega, smiling at you. “So are you Tech’s boyfriend?” She asked, and you let out a choked sound, glancing over at Tech who seemed to have the same reaction.
You knelt down, removing your helmet as you stared at her. “No young one… but would I have your blessing if I wanted him to be?” You asked quietly, and she squealed in excitement. “Yes! of course!” Sh exclaimed, and you chuckled, looking over at Tech with a smile before standing up again.
So much more had happened after this, Omega was taken again, and everyone was devastated, including you, since you had grown to care for the young girl during the calm before the storm.
After Omega was taken, you had been relieved to have hidden your ship elsewhere, since the Marauder had been destroyed. You had to move some stuff around, but you had made the addition of four other people work, especially since you and Tech started sharing a room.
Getting Omega back was the only thing on all of your minds, but that didn’t stop the light touches, the hand holding. You didn’t complain when Tech would slip into your quarters after enjoying a meal with his brothers, and he would relax into your embrace before falling asleep.
Echo had joined up in your efforts when you had actually located Tantiss. You had left your ship at one of the clone rebels' bases, and piloted an imperial ship instead, in order to sneak into Tantiss. Omega was smart enough to break herself out, but during that time you and the other batchers, including Tech, had gotten separated.
You were with Echo and a new addition, Emerie, when you hid against a wall as clones and troopers walked by, and your eyes widened when you saw Crosshair, Wrecker and Tech’s unconscious bodies being carried away.
After that you fought like hell until everyone was safe. Even Hunter couldn’t deny that you were a ruthless warrior, even before you snapped you were incredible.
But Tantiss was destroyed at the end, The Bad Batch reunited, and you had decided to settle down on Pabu, your’s and Tech’s growing relationship finally able to blossom. You had taught the younger clones on the island all about Mandalorian traditions, and it felt like you had started your own clan on Pabu. Clan 99 you had joked.
But in reality these men had become your family. And Tech would stand beside you through it all.
“Ner cabur.” Tech whispered into your chest as you laid with him, you smiled, kissing the top of his head.
“Ner kar’ta, Ni kar'tayl gar darasuum”
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Tech tag:
@moomoog017 @only-my-unexistent-fiances
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imabeautifulbutterfly · 1 year ago
Hello again! I've returned with another fic roulette request!
I would love to see what you can do with 2 and 31 Tech and f!reader. Please and thank you~ (Apologies for another Tech request, I'm a wee bit of a Tech girlie. ^^' )
Hello gorgeous,
I'm a Tech girlie too, so don't worry. I love our lovable nerd clone. He's so adorable.
I hope you enjoy this fic, since you didn't specify a platonic relationship, I didn't write one. I hope that's okay.
Also all the star talk is copied from Study.com, 'What Causes a Star to Shine Brightly?' article. Thank you to the writer for providing a great synopsis I could use.
Also it got a bit long at 1400+ words.
Love oo,
Just a Dream
Warning: Fluff, anxiety, force sensitive reader, possible character death, fear, nightmare, information dumping, I think that's it, if I miss any please let me know.
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Main Master List   |  Star Wars Fic Roulette
The house was quiet, the island was quiet, not surprising when it was nearly two in the morning. You did your best to try and sleep, but you couldn’t. You kept having the same dream, a secret meeting with Imperial commanders. An explosion that dislodges a cable car. Tech hanging from a rappelling cable. No matter how hard you tried to push those images away, you couldn’t. Something about Tech dangling over nothing from a rappelling cable put knots in your stomach. You grabbed the shawl one of the villagers made you, they said you looked like the kind that indulged in warmth. She was a kind older woman, and you couldn’t say no. 
You tightened the shawl around as you sat on the patio chairs that had been donated to you and the Bad Batch. It was their way of welcoming all of you and honestly, you were beyond overwhelmed by Pabu’s hospitality and openness. You never wanted to leave here. 
As quietly as possible you moved the chair away from the patio table, took a seat and looked up watching the stars, trying to calm down your mind. 
It was a few minutes before you heard the door to the house close and footsteps coming to join your side. 
Tech sat down and looked up to the stars with you, he knew if you were out here it usually had to do with a nightmare that wouldn’t leave your mind or it had to do with some anxiety you were going through at the moment. 
“Do you know a star is a glowing body of gas and plasma? The reason a star glows is that it uses nuclear fusion to fuse hydrogen atoms into helium nuclei producing both heat and light. Scientists can determine what elements make up a star by looking at the emission spectra of the light they produce.”
You turned your head looking at him smiling, enjoying listening to his voice.
“There’s a star that is known as a red dwarf star, it’s smaller and cooler than main-sequence stars. However, due to their dimensions and cooler temperature they are too dim to be seen by the naked eye. You need a telescope in order to see them.  And some have been estimated to have a life span of 10 trillion years.”
As you listened to his soothing voice you couldn’t help but smile and keep looking at him as you turned fully to face him, keeping the shawl close, shutting out the cold air.
“What other star is there?”
“Well I’ve also read about red supergiant stars. Now these stars have fused all their hydrogen, so now they are fusing helium into carbon. Causing the star to expand in size until all the helium runs out in about one to two million years. The stars with the coolest temperatures appear red, and when a red supergiant star dies, it explodes into a supernova.”
You smirked as you listened to him, “When did you learn all this stuff about stars?” You asked him as you watched him turn his head to look at you.
“When I learned you enjoyed looking at the stars.”
“You didn’t have to do that.”
“Yes, I did. You are important to me, and what you find enjoyable is important to me too.”
“You’re always there for me, aren’t you?”
"I will always be there for you. Whether you need me to simply info dump so your brain turns off, or you need someone to sit beside you in silence and hold your hand. I’ll always be there for you.”
As he said those words the image of him dangling from the rappelling cable came back into your mind, your smile fading as the sense of dread from before filled you again. 
He didn’t have to ask to see what something was wrong, he moved his chair closer, and gently caressed your head, holding your hand, “Hey, hey, shhhh. Shhhh. You’re okay. Hey, look at me.” He tilted your head, using his forefinger to lift your chin, until your eyes met his. 
“What’s wrong?” He gently wiped the tears that had been silently falling down your cheeks, “What is it? Was it a nightmare?”
You simply nodded afraid that speaking what you feared may come true. 
“Was it a bad dream?”
Well that’s the thing, it wasn’t necessarily a bad dream, but the feeling that came with the dream is what made it worse. It was almost as though your heart was preparing you for a loss that you hadn’t even experienced yet, “I … I don’t know.” You finally answered, giving the only answer you really could. 
Tech tilted his head as he looked at you, slowly guiding you out of your chair, to sit on his lap as his arms wrapped around you, gently rubbing your back as you tucked your head into his neck, wanting to hide from everything.
“Well… can you tell me what’s got you so upset. Was it something in the dream? Or was it something you realized because of the dream?”
“It …. It didn’t really …” you took a breath and closed your eyes as you wrapped your free arm around Tech holding him close, “It was about you.”
“Me. Okay. What about me? Did I say something wrong?”
“Was I mean to you?”
“Did this have to do with a mission?” You were silent. “Okay, a mission. Did something go wrong in the mission?” 
“I don’t know… I think so. I saw an explosion.”
“Okay. Explosion, was someone injured because of the explosion?”
“Was I in danger because of the explosion?”
“I don’t know.”
“Okay, well what can you tell me?”
“You were dangling.”
“Dangling. Was I holding on to something for dear life, dangling? Or was I gripping onto Wrecker’s arm, and waiting for him to pull me back to safety dangling?”
“You were hanging over nothing from a rappelling cable. I know it doesn’t sound bad, but … I have this feeling.”
“Yes. I feel as though … I … I’ll lose you.”
Tech didn’t speak for a second, processing what you were saying, trying to understand the fear that had somehow embedded itself into your heart. 
“So … you think I’ll die on this mission that we haven’t planned or even expected.”
“I don’t know how to explain it, but … I feel something big is going to happen, and because of that … we’ll be forced to make a decision. And because of that decision … I’ll …” your voice died down, barely above a whisper as you were about to answer him, “I’ll lose you. Forever.”
He let out a sigh, as he turned his head to kiss your forehead and wrapped his arms tighter around you, “Death is part of life, cyar’ika. You know that, I know that. These dreams … I know your force sensitive, not a Jedi, but at least somewhat knowledgeable of the force, and … it could mean a lot of things. It could mean that I’m simply dangling out in the open for a short amount of time. Could mean that I need to pack a second rappelling gun, in case the first one gets jammed it doesn’t mean I’m going to die.”
He took a minute to breathe in your scent leaving another kiss on your forehead, “And even if I die, it won’t change how I feel about you. How I’ve always felt about you. Ner cyare, please know that the time I’ve spent with you, being loved by you, having the privilege to love you in return has been some of the happiest and most loveliest days of my life. I look forward to every morning and night, because you’re there to make it better. I’m not saddened by the fact I may have to face my death, because I have no regrets.”
“I don’t want you to go” you stated, trying to fight back the tears despite the pricks you felt, “I’d rather have you alive and beside me. I …” you voice trembled as your bottom lip quivered, “I’m not ready to let you go.”
“Cyare, it was just a dream. I’m not going anywhere. Like I said there are no missions we plan on taking or are planning. I’m going to be right here.”
Tech held you for the rest of the night, even when you went back to your quarters, he didn’t stop holding you, keeping you pressed against him hoping to calm your fears and worries. He didn’t want to tell you, but the fact you may have dreamt his death, unnerved him a little. He shook the idea out of his mind, there was no need to worry. There were no missions coming up. 
At least that’s what he thought, until he received the distress call from Crosshair. 
Main Master List   |  Star Wars Fic Roulette
Tag list:
@liadamerondjarin @badbatch-simp24@spicymcnuggies@lady-ren @firstofficerwiggles @darkangel4121 @discofern @kavecika @monako-jinn-stories @ladykatakuri @avathebestx @theroguesully @furyhellfire66 @carodealmeida @ciramaris @sprout-fics @twinkofthedink @dindjarin-mandalorian @ulchabhangorm @littlemisspascal @tortor-mcgee @vodika-vibes @clonethirstingisreal
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mandos-mind-trick · 1 year ago
Kinktober 2023 Masterlist
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Masterlist for Kinktober 2023. These fics are very NSFW, so minors be gone. Each fic will have appropriate warnings so please heed them and use your own discretion.
Also I will be tagging those of you on my Everything/Dark Side taglist in Kinktober, but if you would like to be tagged and you are not on those lists, please let me know, or if you would like to not be tagged please also let me know.
Leather - Sub!Tech x Dom!reader
Titfucking - Gregor x reader
Bukkake - Torrent Company x reader reverse harem
Teratophilia - Krrsantan x reader
Omorashi - Rex x reader
Menophilia - Crosshair x reader Vampire AU
Stuck In A Wall - Tech x reader
Breeding - Wolffe x reader Werewolf AU
Lactation - Hunter x reader
Sensory Deprivation - Hunter x reader
Somnophilia - Maul x reader
Size Difference - Savage x reader
Orgasm Denial - Tech x reader
DP in One Hole - Boba x reader x Din
Fivesome - Bad Batch x reader
Spanking - Wolffe x reader
Voyeurism - Rex x reader
Watersports - Hardcase x reader
Tentacles - Fives x reader sea monster AU
Intercrural Sex - Tup x reader
Deepthroating & Facesitting - Jesse x reader vampire AU
Oviposition - Boba Fett x reader
Edgeplay - Cody x reader
Overstimulation - Crosshair x reader
DP in Two Holes - Crosshair x reader x Wrecker
Cockbulge - Wrecker x reader
Virginity - Asajj Ventress x reader x Quinlan Vos
Free Use - Torrent Company x reader
Breathplay - Hunter x reader Incubus AU
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seishinnookami · 7 months ago
A little about me!
If you are reading this, ✨congratulations!✨ You have reached a small writer’s posts! English isn’t my first language, so please excuse my grammar errors and spelling mistakes.
This isn’t the first time i write, but only now I thought about actually publishing them to others. I write poems, love verses, fan-fictions and self written books.
i dabble in quite a few fandoms, like;
-Twisted wonderland
-Hypnosis Microphone
-Nu: Carnival - Bliss
-Obey me!
-Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation
-Star wars
-Call of Duty
-Bad batch
-EPIC; the musical
And many others. I hope i can make many things for you reader to enjoy! I promise not to disappoint. My iconic character is the ducky you see. Also, none of the arts are mine unless written so! I’ll try to credit as many times as i can.
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lady-pug · 2 years ago
Lady Pug's Masterlist
Hello!! Welcome to my masterlist, hope you enjoy what you find (also, please feel free to send in requests!)
You can also find me on AO3
* = mature content (steamy and/or sugestive) ** = explicit content (smut)
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The Mandalorian
Din Djarin
i just wanna see the stars with you
Warm Sand, Soft Hands Snowflakes In Your Hair In Sickness And In Health In Sickness | In Health
The Clone Wars
Ahsoka Tano
The Bad Batch
How do we move on? | Moving on
she's sweet like candy (in my veins)
Copikla Anything For You
Hands to Himself**
Hands to Himself**
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Stranger Things
Eddie Munson
she's a, she's a lady (and I am just a boy)
The Bet All Night Long* Babysitting Duty
Chrissy Cunningham
i'm in love (with an uptown girl)
Part I | Part II | Part III
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The Sandman
Dream a Little Dream of Me
Chapter I | Chapter II | Chapter III | Chapter IV
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Game of Thrones/House of the Dragon
Aemond Targaryen
Written Between the Lines
In Between These Lines We Shall Find Our Answers Parallel Lines Intertwined* Where Lions Preen and Dragons Feast** Two Hearts as Embers One Flesh, One Heart, One Soul** Interlude - Meddling With Our Hearts Fill Me with Love** Wrap Me In Your Embrace, Quell My Fears
The Ballad of Green Snakes and Honey Badgers
Prologue Wherever We Go, A Hundred Eyes Follow
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Pedro Pascal Characters
Jack Daniels | Agent Whiskey
Wouldn't It Be Nice
Chapter I | Chapter II | Chapter III | Chapter IV
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hellhound5925 · 1 year ago
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Cyare Verd
*OC Raven x Hunter
A/N: Welcome back! I apologize for taking so long but ☝🏼 I edited my original story up to the fourth chapter only to decide I still didn’t like it so guess what I edited the same four chapters again 😅
I’ll start by saying, yes it still follows the season two storyline of The Bad Batch (unoriginal I know) but I did change it up quite a bit. If your looking for Omega (lol) shes gone 👋🏼 I was never a huge fan of her so I wrote her out 🫣 otherwise, I hope you enjoy the new version of my fic. I will be taking it off Wattpad and AO3 in the meantime so I can finish making edits.
Oh, one last thing. If you would like to be tagged please drop a comment or send me a message ☺️ Thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking time out of your day to read this. It means the world to me.
Anyways. Without further ado 🤲🏻 I present to you my updated fic 💖
Raven (If you see this. It’s the Pov for the following)
​Before order 66 went down, I spent my time on Kamino training new batches of clones for the Grand Army of the Republic. I met many of the troopers who lived there during the time including Sargent Hunter of the infamous Clone Force 99. Our interactions were usually quite brief but there was a certain charm about him I enjoyed from our very first encounter. However, I was there to perform my duty to my clan and that always came first.
​It was an honor to continue the legacy my father - Kal Skirata - left behind. He and my brothers - the Null ARC’s - have been off trying to thwart a plot they didn’t realize would lead to order 66.
​During that time, Kal’Buir had asked that I stay on Kamino not only for intel but also to get out any defecting troopers.
A friend of mine, who is another Mandalorian by the name of Aspen, posed as a supply ship for myself. She would drop off supplies or bring me an array of random items I asked for to validate her being there. Aspen would then smuggle troopers to Mandalore where they were to live out their days as they wished. A part of our clan. Clan Skirata.
When order 66 did finally happen, my brother Ordo had warned me to prepare for something big that would be happening soon. Whether or not he knew exactly what I’ll never know.
For the first few days, I lingered on Kamino waiting for any one of my brothers or Kal’Buir to contact me but it didn’t come. About a week later a droid appeared in my quarters with a message. ‘Get out now. You’re in danger Sen’ika (little bird).’ Kal’Buir was the only one who ever called me Sen’ika - mostly because I hated it but he could get away with anything.
Shortly thereafter, I packed my things discreetly and called for Aspen. She came within a rotation claiming the usual - that she was here to deliver supplies for me - and to my surprise they let her in.
The minute I was on her ship, the two of us left. We ended up on the planet in the mid rim. Where Ord Mantell became our temporary home.
Chapter One: Cid’s Parlor
Standing out in the busy streets of Ord Mantell, the sun beats down on my beskar fighting the darkness that rests on my shoulders. I will my feet to move it’s as if this weight is too much for them to carry.
My irritation radiates off me as the thunderous pitter patter pounds in my head each time a citizen passes by - must be nice to live so carefree - I think to myself. Yet they pay me no mind, even though the very nature of my armor is intimidating.
The dull black shein of a well-worn helmet that sits upon my head, with the infamous T shaped visor. The rest of the plates are the same color with a few iridescent feathers poking out from underneath. Ironic right.
This armor is my pride and joy. It was a coming of age gift - if that's what you want to call it - from my father. Kal’Buir was by far one of the greatest Mandalorians in the history of our people - though my opinion might be biased.
A wave of sadness washes over me at the thought of him, my family, my brothers, and my best friend Aspen. Shaking the thoughts from my mind I tell myself they wouldn’t want me to sulk. Aspen would smack me if she were here. Unfortunately, the two of us had to go our separate ways after getting into some trouble. What else is new?
Aspen has always been the friend I can count on for anything. We met as kids on Mandalore and practically grew up together. Once we were old enough, the two of us would drink - a little too much - and run our mouths. Sometimes I’d come home with a black eye and Kal’Buir would say ‘I hope the other guy looks worse’. With a osik (shit) eating grin he knew I could handle myself.
Eventually that trouble caught up to us. When I had been on Ord Mantell before, she and I got into it with a group of merc’s and Cid saved our skin. Usually I didn’t pick fights we couldn’t win but that time I did.
That was just after our home was bombed by the Empire. My family. My clan was there as far as I know. Rumor has it the surface is no longer safe. The blast destroyed everything and killed everyone. Grief does funny things to people.
Since then Cid feels we owe her every time she calls. Aspen was smart enough to ignore her but I can’t leave business unfinished. I don’t like owing people anything.
Bitterness courses through my veins and I find my feet moving through the doorway.
Cid's Parlor is loud and crowded - as usual. Which for enhanced senses is why I prefer the solitude of the ship. Let’s not even get into the stench of hot bodies and alcohol might put me over the edge.
I take a deep breath to steady myself and push out the overwhelming sounds and smells, in an attempt to tune back into my brother's conversation. Echo and I were discussing whether or not the Marauder needs maintenance. Which is true it does. However, we don’t have the credits.
One glance over at Wrecker and its obvious Tech is beating him - again - at dejarik.
With a sigh and a gentle swirl of the pint in my hand, I watch as the amber liquid spins like a world pool. The sickly-sweet smell of blood orange and yeast reaches my nose. I let myself get lost in it for a moment, the scent totally washing over me.
The weight of the things we have had to endure begins creeping in. My men. Their safety and well-being are my responsibility. Crosshair.
Before I’m sucked too far into the void, my senses pick up something that wasn’t there a moment ago. Dark, sweet raspberry, rose. I’d recognize that scent anywhere after the hours I’d spent committing it to memory.
Lifting my gaze from my glass, it’s pulled like a force of gravity as a Mandalorian female enters the parlor. A warmth washes over me mixed with a little relief at seeing that all too familiar T-visor. I can’t contain the shock that creeps on my face at her presence or the memory—
‘Alright everyone, today we go over the basics.’ Her voice is crisp but not cold, giving orders and yet…silky smooth. I could listen to her speak to the regs all day.
She continues barking out orders which I recognize as the basics for hand-to-hand combat. I stop listening about half way through just to commit her to memory.
Covered head to toe in dark black beskar, her visor drifts over the group of men before her. The small frame is quite a contrast to the 6ft Clone troopers in formation. She has such a commanding presence, exuding confidence. My eyes roam over her curves and stop at the dual westar -35’s attached to either side of her thighs. For a moment I swear my heart might leap out of my chest—
Raven Skirata.
My trousers suddenly become constricting forcing me to shift uncomfortably. We only ever ran into one another a few times on Kamino. Mostly casual conversation about war efforts. The sound of her laugh when I told her about some of the things we’d improvised on missions, is one my brain never lets me forget. I never did get the courage to ask her about herself.
Raven crosses over to the bar and my eyes follow her every move. It’s only now that I notice she’s skinnier than I remember. Her complexion is quite pale in comparison to the dark circles under her eyes. The sight causes my chest to tighten. What the hell happened?
"Long time no see. I was starting to think you wised up" the Twi-lek bartender says by way of greeting. There's a long pause as the Raven drops her shoulders considerably.
"Unfortunately, I'm a little low on rations to be wise" she shoots back, that silky smooth voice taking on a sarcastic tone.
Having caught the attention of a rather large man - whose been talking loud enough for everyone in here to hear - he leans over to speak to her.
"Wow, that must be real beskar.......Wonder what kind of price someone would pay for th-that...." He slurs a little at the end.
In one smooth motion, Raven ejects her vibro-blade from her vambrace - the steel practically sings - slamming his head into the bar top with the other hand. A loud thud follows. Some of the patrons stop talking to stare while the Twi-lek laughs.
Pressing her blade to his throat she leans in close she sneers, "Try to take it from me and I'll find out how much someone will pay for your head.”
The man proceeds to mumble and she cocks her head at the bar tender as if in annoyance. Letting go of the man he slumps to his knees before getting up and stumbling away, hand pressed to his temple.
I have to work had to suppress the smile that threatens to creep onto my face, the corner of my mouth twitches anyways.
"Don't mess with Mandalorians" Echo chuckles, drawing attention. Raven glances our way tensing. Mentally I command myself to look away but I can’t. For a moment I swear, even through her visor we make eye contact.
After I’m satisfied I’ve put this man in his place, I let go and he slumps to the floor. Comments fly from over my shoulder but there’s that voice I’ve heard thousands of times that stands out.
I can’t help but turn and that when I see them. The red and white plastoid. Thanking my ancestors for the helmet, I roll my eyes at just how ironic it is they are here. Sargent Hunter and the Bad Batch. He and I have spoken a few times on Kamino but the others I’ve never officially met.
Frozen in place, I stare for a second. The Sargent doesn’t take his eyes off me with an unreadable expression. If I’m lucky he won’t recognize me - I think to myself. Forcing myself to move, I turn back to the bartender with a finger in the air, signaling I’d like a shot.
My gloved hands make their way to my helmet and gently slide it off, letting my messy blonde braid at the back of my head fall. Lately I find myself caring less and less about what I look like.
Placing my helmet on the bar top, I take a breath to steady myself before taking the shot. The burning liquid a welcomed punishment if nothing else.
The bartender nods over my shoulder and I sign knowing what's coming.
"Aren't you a sight for sore eyes" Cid says, throwing an arm over me like we are old pals.
I roll my hazel eyes "I'm not here because I want to be. Lets get on with it" I grumble.
"No 'Hi Cid, how are you?'" She asks.
"Nar'sheb (shove it)" I say in my native tongue with a polite smile on my face. She has no idea what I said to her but there's a snicker from someone close by.
"Remember what happened last time you threw your attitude around like that? " Cid scolds me as we enter her office.
Picking dust off my flight suit I sass, "I'm not here to discuss my 'attitude'. What's the mission?"
Cid moves behind her desk and crosses her arms "Fine, I need you to help out a group of fine gentlemen." She starts to explain, her tone a little too...chipper.
I raise a brow, shifting my weight and hum my dissatisfaction.
Cid immediately gets defensive, “Look it’s not my fault you mandos like to find trouble. You’re just lucky I was there to bail you out. Besides, these guys could really use someone with your skills. Dooku's private stash is being relocated by the Empire and I want you to help them get as much as possible".
The fact that she said Empire had my attention and attitude immediately shifts.
"I thought you might like that and I promise I'll give you 20%" she continues noticing my mood lighten.
"30 and it's a deal" I counter.
"Hey! I gotta pay those other guys too. I feel I'm being quite generous.”
I guess for considering who I’m speaking with… "Fine 20%, Now who are these guys?"
"They call themselves the Bad Batch. Wait here I'll go get them" she doesn’t give me a chance to respond before she heads out the door.
For a moment I stay where she left me and contemplate my next move. I can either play it like I don’t know them and take the chance their Sargent will recognize me or…
With an annoyed sigh, I stride over to her desk and set my helmet down before scanning the book shelves. Most of these I’ve read during my ‘spare time’ when Cid let me crash here before. Not surprisingly, there’s nothing new.
Leaning my back against one I take my gloves off and unbraid my hair. The blonde waves fall loosely over one shoulder ending just below my breast. It’s a wonder I ever let it get this long but a part of me just can’t bring myself to cut it.
I make myself comfortable at her desk, leaning back and kicking my boots up on it, When Cid flings the door open and scowls at me. My stomach ties itself into knots but I try to seem disinterested by playing with my hair.
There’s a chance these guys decided like the others to side with the Empire. But the odds they did and they are here? Slim but not zero.
Pushing off the desk I stand and stroll around to the front, leaning against it. A few golden strands fall into my face with the movement. My hands naturally side down towards my blasters holstered at my sides. A defense position that’s become muscle memory. The Sargent eyes follow my every move.
"Take it easy there Mando these are the good guys."
Cid rolls her eyes after seeing my body language. Once again in typical Cid fashion she hid this from me, likely knowing I wouldn’t come.
The largest one of the 4 pushes past.
"I'm Wrecker! I like to blow stuff up!" He says very loudly, sticking out his hand. My body is further tensing.
I hesitantly shake his hand, which compared to mine - even with gloves on - looks like it could easily crush it.
"Wrecker, I feel that last part was not necessary" says the one holding a datapad.
"I am Tech by the way.”
Nodding by way of greeting, I quickly glance over at their Sargent. Had I blinked I would have missed the split second of recognition before the mask of a leader slid into place.
The one with a socket arm glances over at him. Probably from the tension radiating off of me. Those amber eyes see me for exactly who I am.
My breathing picks up, but I quickly get it back under control. The former doesn’t seem to notice, not taking his eyes off me.
I decide to meet his gaze with a challenging one. Hoping to hide whatever it is he sees.
Shaking his head like he’s having a difficult time dragging himself from thought, introduces himself.
“I'm their Sargent-well was their Sargent...Hunter and this is Echo" he gestures to socket arm.
Echo waves at me with his socket and a soft smile. I nod slowly and clear my throat.
“I know who you are.”
Tech lifts his eyes from his datapad to look at me once again. Before he or anyone else can I say anything I continue,
“Raven. Raven Skirata.”
When I start towards my ship - alright so it's not really my ship, I stole it - I was so deep in thought I almost didn’t hear someone call out to me.
"Wouldn't it just be easier if we all went together?"
I stop not bothering to turn around "How do I know you won't leave me behind?"
If these are the clones I’ve heard so much about, there’s a good chance I can trust them. However, my instincts are telling me not to. Echo, almost like he is reading my mind says,
"You can trust us, we aren't like the others".
The sorrow in his voice fills the space between us, making me uncomfortable. I roll my shoulders, hands flexing at my sides.
Without saying anything I head up the ramp to my ship, gather a few things in my pack, and come back out to see Echo standing where I left him. The rest of the group must have gone to their ship. With a small nod he leads the way.
As we approach, I stop for a moment before heading up the ramp to admire the hull before me. An Omicron class attack shuttle but it’s been modified. It’s just as impressive if not more so in person. My brothers - specifically Mereel and Jaing - would have loved this thing, I can practically hear them fighting with even Ordo for who would pilot.
With a few steps up the ramp, I peer inside and it’s notably clean. Briefly I take in the surroundings noting the others up front in the cockpit area. Echo glances back at me sensing my hesitation.
“I’ll show you around”
I tip my visor towards him appreciatively, without saying a word.
Echo finishes the tour with the bunks, two on the left and two on the right. He gestures to the right, showing me which one is mine and offers me a gentle smile. With a quick glance I realize there are only 4 of them.
“Hunter usually stays up in the cockpit. You get his bunk.”
I nod my appreciation again and take my pack off my shoulder. The only things in it are a couple changes of regular clothes and some rations. I've not got much to lose that isn't my beskar these days.
Placing my pack on the lower bunk, the mythosaur skull on the back of my gloves stare back at me with hollow eyes. It’s almost like they know. Our people are gone. For a moment I wonder if anyone will even remember what it means.
I forgot Echo was still standing there until his throat clears. He says carefully, “Your father is Kal Skirata.”
My heart starts to thunder in my chest at the mention of his name. I finish settling my pack before I turn to face him. A part of me wants to answer but it feels like my mouth is full of cotton. I mentally thank my ancestors for the visor between us.
“He was one of my instructors. In my early days I mean. He was always really good to us. I heard about what he did...he got some of us out.”
Silence fills the space. I slide my helmet off, tucking it under an arm. Unable to look him in the eye, my boots seemingly interesting all the sudden.
“He’s gone.” My voice almost doesn’t sound like my own. Distant.
“Too many good people have been lost because of the war. I’m sorry to hear that.”
In his kind words, the galaxy feels a little less lonely. I finally lift my head and meet his gaze, seeing the loss there.
“I’m sorry for your loss too.”
Echo only offers me a somber smile in response. My walls go back up and I decide to change the subject. It comes out a little sassier than I had intended.
“So, you all have enhanced something or other right? I mean I was on Kamino and spoke to your Sargent a few times but mostly what I know is what I’ve heard.”
”Each of us had a unique quality. Wrecker is brute strength, Hunter has enhanced senses, and Tech is really smart.”
”Wasn’t there another member? Crosshair?”
Another sad look from him, “He chose the Empire.”
“Ah” I nod my understanding. “How do you fit in here?”
He rubs the back of his neck and chuckles.
“I was originally with the 501st under General Skywalker. We were on Skako minor and I was blown up. Captured by the Techno union and they made me mostly a machine.” Echo lifts his socket arm as a reference.
“My Captain. Rex. He and the Bad Batch rescued me. I owe them everything.”
That name. Captain Rex. It sounds familiar. ”No offense but you just met me and you trust me enough to tell me all this?” My sass once more evident.
He smiles and says “Your father spoke highly of you.”
My throat closes up at the same time pride washes over me. When I don’t respond he continues.
“I’ll leave you to get settled in” and with that he turns and heads toward the cockpit.
I watch as he reaches the others and takes a seat. Unable to do anything else other than process what he just said.
It takes me a while to recover from the conversation. A part of me hesitates to comm Aspen but I can’t risk compromising her.
Instead, I take my time to check my weapons (two blasters at my hip, vibro blade in my vambrace, and the various blades stashed in my boots and under my back plate). No one bothers to check on me, which is just as well. Finally, I end with checking the HUD in my helmet - which seems to be functioning fine.
Discarding my helmet on the bunk, I head for the cockpit where the others are chatting quietly. The hushed tones likely to prevent me from overhearing. Hunter stiffens as I approach which only confirms my thought.
The four seats at the front were taken up by each of the members. Leaning against the doorway I cross my arms over my chest plate.
"We don't have a reason to trust each other but once this mission is over and I'm paid, I'm gone. You won't have to worry after that.” The annoyance plastered on my face is visible to all.
They all glance at one another except Hunter, his eyes fixed on my face like he’s trying not to look anywhere else. He almost looks hurt at my comment.
"That seems reasonable" Tech says very matter of factly.
”Great. So, what's the plan?”
“Get to Serenno and scout the area." Hunter says turning his attention to space zooming by at light speed.
I sigh, "That's not much of a plan but I can improvise."
Wrecker chimes in, ”Ahaha you’ll fit right in!” Awkward silence fills the space before I break it.
“Right. Well I guess we should all rest up so let me know when we land.” Spinning on a heel, I head for the bunks.
Next Chapter here.
Wattpad link here.
Taglist: @cloneloverrrrr @lune-de-miel-au-paradis @idoubleswearimawriter @savebytheodore @savebytheodoresnonjosestuff @jediknightjana @techs-goggles9902 @clonethirstingisreal
Lemme know if you wanna be tagged in the future!
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writersnook11 · 4 months ago
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Hi there! Welcome to my blog. I've never used Tumblr this thoroughly, so please forgive any hiccups.
I do not consent to nor approve of the use of any and all of my written work in teaching/training Artificial Intelligence of any and every kind.
I do not consent to nor approve of the reposting or archiving of any and all of my written work. If you want to translate my work, you must reach out to me for consent before doing so. This excludes simple reblogging.
Happier details under the cut.
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Reader-inserts (no use of Y/N, may use a nickname for the sake of variety in writing style, will note if nickname is used)
Female!Reader (vague descriptives except when necessary)
Pregnancy/Childbirth (though it may not be the most accurate)
Domestic bliss
Mundane everyday tasks/moments
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Cheating/Adultery (with exception to referencing)
Rape/Non-con (with exception to referencing)
Most AUs (Modern, Mermaid, Soulmate, etc. Ask if you have questions)
Omega-verse (Alpha/Beta, etc.)
Witchy, cultish, or character worship
Specific reader details (height, weight, race, etc.)
Underage relationships
Male or Gender Neutral Reader POVs (Ask if you have questions, but this is primarily due to the fact that I am not confident in writing for these POVs and do not have the time to learn.)
Female Character x Reader (Similar to previous bullet, it’s extremely difficult to write something I’m not personally attracted to/interested in)
Hatred towards Omega
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Star Wars: Clones [Echo, Fives, Rex, Wolffe, etc.], Bad Batch [Tech, Hunter, Crosshair, Wrecker], Obi-Wan, Mando
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon
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I’m sorry to those of you who requested to be tagged when I publish, but I will not be keeping a taglist for my posts.
I work overtime most weeks and I’m lucky to have the time to even write at all. As much as I love each of you and am incredibly grateful that you want to read my work, I just don’t have the time nor mental energy to maintain a taglist. I’m sure in this day and age there’s ways to make it easier, but I’d rather avoid the hassle altogether and make posting as stress-free as possible, that way I’ll still enjoy it and continue to want to do it. I want to avoid making writing and posting a chore, and you all don’t deserve to be seen as a chore. <3
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I’ll update this and make an announcement if and when this status changes. Requests will be taken with creative liberties, though I will do my best to honor the original request/prompt.
For guidelines refer to do’s and do not’s above. Any requests that don’t adhere to the do not’s will be deleted.
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This post is subject to change at any time. I will keep it pinned and/or linked for ease of reference.
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rinixo · 5 months ago
hey pals
if you have ‘xreader’ prompts send em to me
i can’t promise i’ll do them all but maybe it will help me get over some of this writers block
i mainly write for the following but you can send in any (star wars) characters: din djarin, tech, rex, howzer, qui-gon jinn
sfw, fluff, nsfw, scenarios, etc - doesn’t matter
∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
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ladyzirkonia · 2 years ago
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Welcome my dear fellows.
I made another bigger update to my main Masterlist now The Bad Batch season 3 ended. Added some OC stuff (we love OCs in this house!) and a lot of GIFs and Edits. Have fun! 🖤
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Renegade 99 Squad Crosshair - @toothpick-man
Nite Owl RP-blog - @nite-owl-with-attitude
Knife skill challenge - Hunter and Nite Owl
bg3-blog: @lady-of-waterdeep
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Z's suicide squad
Jurij ''just Doc'' Vega - Cybernetic specialist, mad scientist and clone activist - Doc's Masterlist
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Ekaterina ''Captain Z'' Zhakov - Ex-Imperial, starfighter pilot and Rampart's chaotic pain in the ass - Introduction
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Collecting some data - Tech x Reader (''Fascinating'')
The perfect drift - Tech x Reader
Eye Rolls & Travel-Biscuits - A little Rampart One-Shot
The Bad Batch Modern Tattoo Shop AU - Tech and Crosshair/OC
Commander Ghoul x Doc - OC x OC (Part 1 - Part 2)
The Clone x Reader Bingo Event
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Masterlist here.
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My Edits (please credit if you use)
The Bad Batch
Tech in ''The Crossing''
My favorite twins - Tech and Crosshair
The First Battle Memorial of Geonosis - Crosshair
Tech in ''Faster'' - Part 1
Tech in ''Faster'' - Part 2
Neon lights Part 2 - Hunter
Neon lights - Crosshair
Angry boy Crosshair
Looking respectfully - Tech and Hunter
Good morning - Crosshair
Grumpy Crosshair, Wrecker and Lula
The clone/Twi'lek couple
Commander Mayday
Tech in ''The Metamorphosis''
The Bad Batch Season 3
Masterlist - PART 1 - PART 2
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The Clone Wars
Juicy Jesse looking at me - with Kix
Look at these crazy boys - Bad Batch (Clone Wars)
Sassy Cody and Baby Rex
Phantom Liberty video edit - Commander Fox
It's hard to be the one who survives - Commander Cody
The faces of Commander Wolffe
Code red - Commander Fox
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Masterlist Here.
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The Bad Batch and Clone stuff
Incorrect Quotes
Commander Wolffe and Commander Fox
Our favorite twins - Tech and Crosshair
Bad Batch incorrect quote
Memes and rumbles
Mr. tits and Mr. I'm standing there like a model - Jesse and Tech
Every day I wake up meme with Tech
Lost my fucking cat - Crosshair
Shoutout to all my clone- and tech-girlies - Tech x Phee
protective clone (The Last Of Us) submission
The Tech-Turn
I belong with Wrecker but I fear for my spine - Bad Batch quiz
The Kinner Brothers and Cidgor
I have to confess this man does something to me - Dr. Hemlock
Hunter - Joel Miller era
Echo and some grief
The Crossing
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Just some random Star Wars stuff
Mandalorian armor culture
Mandalorian tenets or the six actions
Patental divorce - Mando'a
Real talk - about shipping and romances
Space Utah appreciation post
Grief - Tech x Phee and Kanan x Hera
Ahsoka Trailor Star Wars Celebration - Screenshots
I'm so excited for my favorite blueberry! - Ezra Bridger
Were is Captain Rex? Is he safe? Is he alive? - Ahsoka Trailer
Jedi Survivor got me like this
Hottest shit on the Mandalorian throne - Darth Maul
Mandalorian women and light saber - Bo-Katan and Sabine
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Cyberpunk 2077 (photomode)
Chippin in - Johnny
Who allowed you smiling like that? - Johnny
Just hanging around - Johnny
Hey choom - Johnny
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thelovelylolly · 9 months ago
sorry ive been inactive
life hit me in the face and i havent gotten a second to just breath and write and just be creative, i havent been able to write for myself even
SOOOOO im back :) i'll be taking requests and posting some ideas that i've had for a while. also would you guys like to see stories featuring my ocs? i can talk abt them some more and tease them, see if yall like them lol
anyway, send in your requests and i'll get to them asap!
request guidelines !!!
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yoitsjay · 8 months ago
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Sparks of Freedom
Pairings: The Bad Batch (minus echo) x Male Mando reader
Summary: you had been exiled from your clan for just wanting to be free. But on Corellia you quickly found where and who you belonged with.
Warnings: cannon typical violence
Word count: 2,548
When the Mandalorian conflict first began, a lot of people were upset. Mandalore was always a different planet and it still is, however the new Dutchess sparked a lot of conflict. Many mandalorians wanted to embrace their old culture and fighting lifestyle, so many mandalorians left and built up their clans on other outer rim planets. Minus death watch which stayed close to Mandalore, plotting some revolution from what you last heard.
You were the son of your clan’s chief and leader, her only child and therefore heir to the Chief’s title. You however didn’t want the responsibility of leadership. You never did. Your father, before he died, always said you had a wild spirit, not one to be tamed by that of titles or romance. Your mother always tried to snuff that flame out of you… until you finally had enough.
“Enough of these petty arguments buir! Pick someone else to take leadership over this clan! There are many capable soldiers who would lead these people right! I would not. I’m reckless and all I want is to be free and travel where I want to! So I'm leaving and you can't kriffing stop me!” You shouted at your mother whilst gathering your weapons and civvy clothes into a large bag. You had a ship luckily enough for you, albeit a bit busted and in dire need of repairs…
Your mother let out a growl as she bawled her hands into fists, before taking a deep breath, turning her head away for a moment. “You know what? you're right. You wouldn’t make a good leader. So go ahead, leave. but don’t you dare show your face back here Y/n, you are exiled!” She shouted, storming away just as you turned to look at her, shock lacing your features.
You sucked in a deep breath before placing your helmet over your head. Your clans colors were elegant, black gold and purple details painted across your armor… but now you knew you couldn’t wear it…
you finished packing as quickly as you could manage, throwing your stuff in your bag before walking out of what was once your quarters. You could tell your fellow clan members- well they weren't your clan members anymore because of your stubborn mother… You could tell that the other Mandalorians were staring, having heard your argument and then your exile. Whispers could also be heard, but you just stared straight ahead, walking out to your ship.
You climbed inside, throwing your bag somewhere random as you went up to the cockpit, checking the important systems. You glanced out the window, staring down at your home. With another sigh you started to lift off, turning your ship so it was facing away as you flew it into the sky and up through the atmosphere.
You remembered when you were first learning how to fly, your father was with you in the co-pilot's seat, instructing you how to turn and speed up or slow down and make fighting maneuvers… You pressed a few buttons, priming your ship for hyper space after selecting some random planet off the holo map… well it wasnt that random, you knew this place was a good hub for trade and ship maintenance, and probably bounty work too, which you would have to begin doing…
You plotted a course for Corellia, a strong feeling in your gut that seemed to guide you there, and maybe it was for bounty work, or for good parts to fix your ship… or the people you’d meet. However, you tried not to dwell on the what if’s of your situation and you jumped into hyperspace. You leaned back into your seat, removing your helmet as you set it on the co-pilot's seat, hesitating for a moment before placing it down and standing up. Might as well do some repairs while you were waiting, you did have some time after all…
Urgent alarms blaring ripped you from your focus underneath a wiring panel and your ship shook violently as you were ripped from hyperspace. You quickly ran to the pilot's seat, grabbing the controls as you swerved to avoid an incoming republic freighter. You cursed under your breath, patching through your coms to the lead ship which was already flagging you. “Unidentified ship please slow your course or we will have to slow you ourselves.” One of the pilots said, and you huffed. “I'm trying my best here but my ship's controls just crashed on me, I can't stop my course, I'm gonna need an aided landing here.” You replied, sending your necessary codes to actually get onto the planet. After a few moments some more fighter ships flanked you, and started aiding you with the landing sequence as they guided you on world and to one of the larger space ports.
“We’ve got you shatter 1, prepare for a bumpy landing.” one of the pilots announced after receiving your codes and ship name. With their aid you successfully crash landed in one of the docking bays, one of your landing legs having snapped which caused half your ship to tilt to the side. But that was a worry for another time as the republic fighters commed you again. “get your ship fixed shatter 1, you need it.” The pilot teased before the transmition ended.
You let out a slight chuckle before gathering your things, slinging your rifle across your back as you fastened your helmet over your head, grabbing your credit pouch from your duffel bag, tying it to the front of your belt by your blaster and a couple knives you had as well. You made your way off your ship, taking a loot at the damage.
The engines in the back were smoking pretty hardcore, and you'd need to replace the hyper drive and many other necessary components. You shook your head, knowing how many credits that was going to cost you… you were better off buying a new ship.
One of the mechanics followed by their droids walked out and you sighed, turning to look at them as you gave them about 10,000 credits out of the 50,000 you had. “Fix what you can with that.” You muttered before walking past them and out of the port. You could see hundreds of people already, having just set one foot out of the spaceport. There were stalls and shops further in selling knockoff trinkets or genuine items, however none of this caught your eye.
You continued walking, keeping one hand firmly on your pouch of credits, keeping your items close so that no ruffian would dare steal or pickpocket you. As you continued on you heard many vendors shouting about what they sold, whether it was information, or food.
You kept your eyes and ears open, searching for anything that resembled a bounty hunter guild, or a bar that had bounty stations… Eventually your search led you to this one place, which was definitely a shit hole with sleezebags and drunkards hanging off the arms of poor women who just wanted to be left alone…
However, the minute you stepped foot in the bar it went silent, and all heads turned to you, staring at your armor especially. Seeing an armored Mandalorian outside of Mandalore was a rare thing, especially with the duchess preaching pacifism.
You walked forward, the sound of your boots mixed with the clanking of your metal armor filling the area as you reached the bartender. “I’m looking for a bounty stand.” You spoke simply, your helmet having deepened your voice, making it slightly crackly as well. But that alone seemed to intimidate the barkeep as he shakily pointed to a room with a curtain. You nodded and walked towards that room, poking your head inside to check for any surprises before walking in.
After successfully getting a bounty for here in Corellia you walked back out towards the bar area, putting the fob and the puck in a little satchel hanging from your right side. You walked to the bar, ordering a drink before walking to a more secluded table in the back, removing your helmet and setting it down on the table. You held your drink in your hands, swirling the liquid in the glass before taking a sip.
Everyone seemed to be back to whatever games they were playing, ignoring your presence now just as you ignored theirs. However, just as you stood up after your drink, you felt something snap from your belt. Looking down you realized a small twi’lek girl had snatched your coin purse. With not a second wasted you placed your helmet over your head as you gave chase. She was fast but your legs were longer and they carried you further.
You chased her down the street, watching as she made a sharp turn down an alley. You grunted, activating your jetpack as you flew into the alley, landing in front of her, grabbing her arms to stop. She struggled against your grip, however you unrelented, instead crouching in front of her as you snatched the coin bag from her hands. “Enough!” You exclaimed, seemingly startling her into stopping. “Here.” You muttered, taking out a few credits, enough for a few decent meals and maybe a new coat, placing it in her hands.
“We all need to survive, kid. but don't make a habit of stealing from Mandalorians, just ask.” You muttered, rubbing her shoulder before letting her go. She stared at you for a moment, glancing behind you before running off down the alley, meeting up with some of her friends as she showed the credits she got, all of them running off to buy food, probably.
You suddenly heard someone clearing their throat behind you as you stood up, you turned your head, seeing three burly men with their arms crossed over your chest. You sighed, putting the credit bag in your satchel, turning to face them fully. “So armored Mando’s are real then.. wonder how well they can actually fight, considering their dutchess is a coward.” One hissed, and you just hummed in response, “I agree.” You replied simply, taking one of them by surprise.
He quickly gathered himself however, pulling out a knife while the others readied their fists. You shook your head. “Look guys, I really dont wanna have to do this.” You stated, tilting your head ever so slightly, watching… waiting. “hand over your credits and we can leave you alone, but we have you outnumbered… and surrounded.” The leader said, and you turned your head and ducked just in time for a fist to come flying towards your head.
You quickly grabbed the arm of the one who tried to punch you, kneeing their cut as you threw them over your shoulder towards the leader. You tightened your hands into fists, raising them at chest level as another one of the goons came running towards you, the second one not far behind.
They tried to throw punches at the vulnerable spots in your armor before quickly switching to knives to make it more effective. However as they jabbed their knives at you you simply moved your body in a way where they would either hit your armor or they wouldn't hit you at all whilst you made a succession of quick punches. One of the goons swung for your helmet, to knock it off or to actually punch you, you didn't know. You just ducked, landing a swift punch to his gut before landing a hard punch to his jaw, hearing a crack whilst also rendering one of them unconscious.
You took care of the last goon quite quickly too, pushing his limp body on top of the others that you had already beaten, leaving the leader last. “Well? still want my credits?” You asked, however before he could charge, you heard the sound of a stun blaster hit the leader, and he quickly fell to the ground, and standing behind him was a group of four soldiers in interesting black and red armor, with a skull decorating each of their pauldrons.
“I could have handled him” You told the soldiers with a slight kid to your words as you took a step forward, watching as they removed their helmets. You could immediately tell that these men were clones, but not like any you've seen before. They had varying heights and different looks and attributes to them, but each one of them had a part that tied them to the clone hood, and that you picked up on quite quickly.
You stepped out of the alleyway, removing your helmet now as you stood face to face with the group of four, seeing their curious looks. “Oh we saw! you're good.” One of them spoke up, the biggest of the four and also the happiest it seemed, as he was the only one grinning. You then looked down slightly at the man who stood in front of you and in front of the other three clones, and he extended his hand for you to shake.
“Im Hunter, we were making a supply run when we bumped into a young girl, she told us that a Mandalorian gave her credits, but she had to run because the corellian thugs had showed up, so we headed over to see if you needed to help… But it seemed like you had it covered.” the one called Hunter stated, and you shook his hand firmly.
“Yeah they were nothing compared to what I've trained with, but I appreciate you taking care of the last one for me, save the bruised knuckles.” You joked, letting your hand fall to your side. “The names Y/n, I just got here actually, my ship’s having some troubles and I had to make an emergency landing in one of the larger hangars, so I'm just trying to make some credits to either get a new ship, or get it fixed.” You explained, and Hunter nodded, humming as well.
He turned to his brothers for a moment, whispering to them before nodding. “Well maybe we can help you with that. If you don't mind taking some republic work, we could take you on our ship for a bit, and you could help us with some missions. We could definitely use your particular skill set.” Hunter explained, and you hummed, staring at them all before you shrugged. “Why not?”
And that was the day you met your real family, your clan. You ended up becoming a permanent member of the Bad Batch, despite you not being a clone, however the republic and whoever was in charge of overseeing the clone battalions had agreed that adding a skilled warrior to an already skilled and unorthodox group just might be what they needed to help turn the tides.
That day was the day you had taken a paint stipper to your armor, seeing the beautiful shine of the beskar, only to take black and red paint and cover it up all over again, matching the theme of the bad batch. You took aspects of each of the members designs, but the prominent thing was the skull that rested on your right shoulder pauldron.
These men became your family… and you wouldn’t trade it for the world.
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imabeautifulbutterfly · 1 year ago
Congratulations on hitting 450!
Maybe you could do Tech x Jedi!Reader post Order 66?
I've recently been obsessed with all youre writing, youre doing GREAT!
Awww thank you anon! That's so sweet of you.
I hope you enjoy this little fic.
Love oo
Warnings: Order 66 mentions, deaths, loss, angst, fluff, comfort, I think that's it. If I miss any please let me know.
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Main Master List   |  Star Wars Fic Roulette
The datapad gave off a faint glow as you looked at the list of wanted Jedi in the galaxy. There were so many that had been declared dead, even your name had a line through it. You were no longer a threat to the Empire, that is until they found out you were actually alive, and living with Tech and his brothers on Pabu. 
You let out an exhaustive breath, it was all gone. Everything you had grown up knowing. All your friends, family, people you looked up to. Gone. Tears pricked your eyes and you did your best to stifle a sob, the last thing you wanted to do was wake up Tech, but you’d failed.
He stirred and sat beside you putting on his glasses, “What is it?” his fingers played with your hair, hoping the action would calm you down enough to tell him what was wrong. However, he didn’t have to take too long to guess, as soon as he saw the datapad in your hand, he let out a sigh. 
He wanted to comfort you, to take away the sadness and pain, the loss you felt from that day. He slipped the datapad from your hand and placed it on the stand beside him. As he pulled you into his arms and leaned back into the mattress, he slipped off his goggles and placed them on top of the datapad, and then turned his attention back to you. He squeezed tighter as he kept you tucked into his side, kissing your temple and forehead.
“It’s okay.”
“They’re all gone. Everyone …” you stated as you tried to fight the sobs.
“Shhh … it’s okay. I know.” He pressed another kiss, “But you’re not, and I’m still here.” He held you tighter in his arms, tucking your head under his chin. “And obviously that list is faulty, so who knows how many truly survived.”
“Maybe we could try and find them.”
This was a point of contention between the two of you, you wanted to go out there and find other Jedi, track down every lead; and he could understand your desire, but for Tech that would put you needlessly in danger, and it never sat well with him. 
“Listen, cyare, I know you want to find your people. I understand, however … you’d be putting yourself in harm’s way, and you wouldn’t even know if it was worth it. If you’d even find the ones you’re looking for… no one is as important as you. I know I’m being selfish, however … I don’t want to lose you.”
You couldn’t really argue with him about that, you didn’t want to lose him either. You wanted to stay on this paradise island, and remain in his arms, but you couldn’t. 
“I know, and you are the most important one to me too, but … I need to do this. Alone if I have to, but … I need to know. I need to know I��m not the last one.”
Tech fought back the tears, he would gladly go with you, gladly stay by your side, but not if it meant you’d be putting yourself in harm’s way. He couldn’t handle seeing you in that vulnerable position again. It took everything within him to find you after Order 66, and when he did he thought the galaxy gave him one final gift knowing you were still alive and in his arms. But now … now you wanted to leave. 
“There’s nothing I can say that will change your mind, is there?”
You shook your head, staying tucked under his chin and holding him close. “I’m sorry. I love you, Tech. I do. However, I … there’s a calling deep within me that won’t rest until I know there’s at least one more Jedi out there. I … I don’t want to be alone. I don’t want to have the weight of the Jedi order on my shoulders alone. I’ll stay in constant contact, and I’ll start looking for those who were already declared dead. I know some of them died on Coruscant, but there are others whose deaths were confirmed but their bodies were never found. I can start there. It’ll be safer, for now at least.”
“And what happens if you do find out you are the last?”
“Then I’ll come back to you.”
“I’ll come with you. I … I don’t want to be apart from you, and not being by your side and worrying will be worse.”
“Tech, you don’t have to, I know how much staying with your brothers and looking after Omega means to you…”
He shook his head, “No. They’re my family, but you’re my cyare. It was my duty to make sure Omega, Hunter, and Wrecker were safe. However, Echo already left to pursue his own sense of duty, it’s now my job to make sure you’re safe. We’ll tell everyone in the morning. Hunter can take us to a space port, where we can ‘borrow’ a ship.”
“I love you, Tech. Thank you.” You shifted and pressed a kiss to his cheek.
“I love you, too. But so help me if you die on me, I’ll bring you back just to yell at you.”
You laughed as you pressed your forehead against the side of his face, “Okay. You have my approval to bring me back from the dead and yell at me.”
“Good. Now go to sleep cyare. I’ll keep you safe.”’
“Thank you, Tech. I love you.”
“I know.”
You closed your eyes and let out a deep sigh, as though a weight had been lifted off your shoulders. You didn’t know if this was a smart idea, but the force was telling you, you needed to look for those on the list, it was telling you to help. How could you say no to the force?
Main Master List   |  Star Wars Fic Roulette
Tag list:
@liadamerondjarin @badbatch-simp24@spicymcnuggies@lady-ren @firstofficerwiggles @darkangel4121 @discofern @kavecika @monako-jinn-stories @ladykatakuri @avathebestx @theroguesully @furyhellfire66 @carodealmeida @ciramaris @sprout-fics @twinkofthedink @dindjarin-mandalorian @ulchabhangorm @littlemisspascal @tortor-mcgee @vodika-vibes @clonethirstingisreal
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badbatch-badfics · 1 year ago
i’m gonna make a tech x male mando reader (and probally the same thing for all of the batch), but how would yall want the mandolorian culture to effect the reader?
no helmet removal at all will probally have more angst, where as ‘free to go’ closes a certain window, but the mixture allows for angst AND bond building and admitting feelings
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