#tech the bad batch x male reader
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badbatch-badfics · 10 months ago
Tech x Male Mandalorian Reader; Kar'taylir Darasuum Gar
Characters: Mainly Tech, little snippets of the rest of the Batch.
Relationship: All platonic buddies, except for Tech near the end.
POV: 2nd (you/yours)
Pronouns: He/him
Species: Unmentioned, but you have a normal "human" head (so no horns, lukku, etc.)
Content: Angst to fluff, get really hurt (literally) and then comfort. You're an idiot who can't confess unless their life depends on it.
Warnings: Description of injury and cleaning wounds(ish). Some throwing up blood ig. Cringe lol
Notes: Fem aligned and/or women can interact, but please be respectful. This is a MLM x reader fic. Don't be weird. Thanks. "Kar'taylir darasuum gar" means "love you" in Mando'a- I couldn't find the equivalent for "I." Also- I’m in the progress of making a version for each Batch member 👍
Word count: 5,364
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You sat in the co-pilot’s chair, arms crossed and leaning back.  Tech sat in the pilot’s chair, tinkering with some self-made miniature droid.  Everyone else was asleep, Echo in his hammock, Hunter, Wrecker, and Crosshair each in their respective bunks.  The ship was decently quiet, except for Wrecker’s occasional snoring, which, honest to Kad Ha'rangir, sounded like a Venator class star-destroyer powering up.  Contrasting the man’s tremendous snores, the hyper-drive produced a nice and constant low hum, with beeps sounding out every once in a while.  Tech’s screws and wrenches would clang out, and the sound of sparks would startle you into a more awake state each time it occurred.
Although there was no way he could know, seeing as your helmet was facing directly out the view-port, you were staring from the corner of your eyes.  Hard.  The way he effortlessly moved his fingers across the droid, connecting and severing wires from point A to point B, or how the golden sparks would illuminate his face and reflect off his goggles, casting a beautiful glow that you simply couldn’t get enough of.  Truthfully, you couldn’t have been more grateful for your helmet and culture, knowing full well he would have caught on to your… tendencies, and quick, if you didn’t wear it- bearing all your embarrassing expressions out to the world.
You knew it was bad to be feeling like this.  They were in the middle of war, which was no time for romantic relationships.  And, truthfully, you didn’t even know if Tech, or anyone else, liked you.  For all you knew, they simply had high tolerance for annoyingly secretive men they were assigned to work with.  You had always avoided questions about the culture you grew up with, obviously always avoided taking off your helmet, and hardly took off any of your armor- even when it came time to sleep.  Which must have been unsettling for them, or anyone, really, you were sure.  Someone who was highly skilled in fighting, but never took anything off, always electing to remain in the armor that was most certainly not a comfort to sleep in.  And, clearly, the fact that, out of nowhere, the Republic had hired and assigned you to them.  They had every reason not to trust you- or to, at the least, not like you.
And you had no clue what to do to lessen that mistrust.  Telling them about your culture was out of the question- you couldn’t deal with the…issues revolving when, if at all, anyone would be close enough to take off your helmet.  they might think they were close enough, but you didn’t.  Or, even worse, you might think you were close enough, but they didn’t.  And, Kriff, if they caught on to you hypothetically taking off your helmet more around Tech than the others, they would easily piece together your feelings.
But, hey, maybe you were wrong.  Maybe they found you at least somewhat amusing, somewhat useful, somewhat not a nuisance.  And maybe, just maybe, Tech would even feel the same way.  Doubtful, but since when was love logical?  A beep came through, pulling you out of the deep pits of overthinking and alerting Tech.  He lifted up his head, temporarily setting down the project.  Tracing his fingers over the wheel and control-panel.  “We have almost arrived.  Would you go and wake up everyone?”
You stood up, stretching your arms as far as they could go, audibly groaning.  “Sure thing, boss.”  You first walked to Echo, shaking him gently.  He was an easy sleeper, after everything.  Hunter could sleep well once he was in it, but otherwise, his enhanced senses made it difficult.  Crosshair was easy enough, not incredibly difficult, but you wouldn’t wake him up by simply walking around either.  Wrecker, on the other hand, slept like a rock.  You found out within the first week of your stay that his brothers would simply punch Wrecker in the shoulder, hard, to wake him up.  Hunter had explicitly granted you permission to do the same.
That being said, you wound up your arm before slugging Wrecker square in the shoulder, earning a startled grunt from him.  Once he registered what was happening, he lopsidedly smiled and mumbled a good morning of sorts.  After the four men were awake, you headed back to the cockpit, electing a chair further in the back so they could all sit closer- a common practice.  Hunter gave the mission debrief- same old, same old.  Just beat up a bunch of droids, and nothing special about this mission.  Echo and Hunter had a smaller, but more advanced battalion of droids to defeat within the building, so they needed to go radio-silent.  Crosshair and Wrecker would take a larger battalion, as would you and Tech.  After everyone was 100% certain in their role, everyone split up.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Kriff, this was not going well.  Blaster fire everywhere, explosions left and right, and the only Batch member you could see was Tech, double-blasting his way through any droid he saw.  You used a batch of whistling birds, each miniature missile hitting its mark.  Not that the few dozen marks did much damage against the entire droid battalion circling you two.  You reached for the pouch on your hip, which carried the multitude of bombs and droid poppers necessary for war.  Much to your dismay, there was only one bomb left.  And for better or worse, it was a giant bomb.  It would be incredibly difficult to evade- for both you and the droids.  It was designed with the intent of being far above the enemy- not 10 feet away from them.  But this was your only chance- if you could pair the main explosion and send out half a dozen droid poppers while the rest of them were distracted- it would be a victory.  And perhaps if you could run fast enough, dive, and get as many droids behind you to take the majority of the impact- perhaps you’d make it out relatively unscathed.
And, not that in a million light years would you ever admit it, the most important part- Tech would be safe if you pulled off this stunt.  You’d be able to get rid of at least one third of the droids with the large bomb alone, and sending out droid poppers in every direction during that opening would eliminate, at minimum, three quarters of the remaining droids.  All in all, Tech would have only a handful of clankers left, he would be safe, and the mission objective would be claimed as a victory.  Might as well.
“Run south!” you shouted over the blaster fire, instructing Tech.  For a split second he thought to question you, but decided against it.  He knows what he’s doing, and there’s no time to object, he concluded.  Tech sent a nod your way before running, still blasting his way through what was close.  As soon as he was out of range, you pulled the bomb from the waist pouch.  Maker, did you hope this will work.  You stared at the bomb, hoping you would be shown mercy, as if the bomb was a sentient being capable of choosing who to blast and who to not.  With a remorseful sigh, already having spent too long wondering and not doing, you reared your arm back and threw the ball as far as physically capable.
As soon as the sphere of mass destruction left your hand, you bolted- sending out droid poppers in different directions every few seconds, hoping to any god or higher being that they would take the majority of the impact, and not you.
Unfortunately, any and all higher beings seemed to be tastefully against you today.  You felt the heat and force before you heard it.  A stinging sensation sprung throughout your entire body, sending you crashing forward, groaning.  Apparently, you were not far away enough, and there were not enough droids to take the majority of the impact.  Kriff.  There was an excruciating ringing in your ears, or head-?  You weren’t sure, but it was loud and annoying as hell.  The last droid popper rolled from your palm, effectively killing off the half-dozen clankers headed over.
Although it was primarily obscured by the horrendous ringing in your ears, you could pick up faint sounds of blaster fire and metallic bodies hitting the ground.  You shakily got on your hands and knees, one arm clenched tightly over the stomach region, and lifted your head, groaning.  Although it was incredibly difficult to make out in this delirious state, you saw Tech running towards you.  He’s safe, was all you could think.  The mission was a success and he was safe, what else could someone ask for?  With that, there was no longer any reason to stay awake.
You promptly collapsed onto the cold ground, rolling over, hand still clutched.  You were coughing up blood, which just fell back down to your helmet and mouth, casing your cheeks and lips.  “Y/N!” Tech yelled, attempting to keep you awake and responsive- not his most successful attempts. You felt him lift your body upwards, examining the damage.  A shattered off droid piece had pierced through your abdomen, front to back.  Blood coated your armor, turning it from (color) to a dark ugly mess of browns and reds.  His eyes trailed over you, ever worried.  He and his brothers had never faced such an extreme injury, except for Wrecker’s large scar on his head.
“I need to take off your helmet.  I can hear you coughing up blood,” Tech informed.  You attempted to push him off, delirious of the extremity of the situation.  You were not ready to cross that bridge yet.  Tech felt bad, he did.  Even though he couldn’t possibly understand why a culture would not allow someone to simply remove a helmet, he would respect it, and he would respect you.  But in a situation like this, it truly didn’t matter.  If your helmet didn’t come off, you'd drown in your own blood before dying of the shrapnel was even a possibility.
“That was not a request, it was me informing you of what I’m going to do.”  You wanted to give him a smart-ass response, truly, but you couldn’t speak coherently, let alone think of one.  Accepting defeat in this minor battle, your head lolled back into his palm, coughing once again.  He placed his hand under your chin, just on the edge of the helmet, and carefully lifted.  The helmet hissed as he pulled it off, and your eyes squinted harshly at the bright light, now surrounding you from all sides, not just the visor.  This was not how you wanted him to see your face.
Tech grimaced.  Clear from the blood and sweat caking your mouth and cheeks, you had already coughed up a large amount of blood, and he highly doubted it’d be stopping anytime soon.  “Okay…I’m going to move you to that rock over there- you need to be more vertical than horizontal if I am to treat your injuries.”  A mumble was the only response he got.  Tech put his hand on your back, roping underneath your arm.  Using his other arm to support your lower back, he lifted, and despite all his effort in being gentle, it didn’t do much.  Even though the rock in question was only, at most, twenty feet away, it seemed like an impossible task.
With each step, despite Tech supporting the majority of your weight, it felt like another piece of droid shrapnel shooting though you.  Everything became more fuzzy by the second, dizziness overcoming you.  “We are almost there,” he said, observant of your worsening state.  After what felt like an eternity, you had arrived at the large rock.  He turned you around and gently placed you on the rock, blood coating his armor.
Reaching to his waist pockets, Tech pulled out a pair of tweezers, a large roll of bandages, and bacta-spray.  “I will cut space around your chest plate and clothing.  Do not move.”  You groaned, looking up at the sun.  Perhaps you shouldn’t have done the “throw a bomb and hope you outrun it to save someone else’s skin” plan.  Now you’d need a new chest plate and under-armor clothing.  Fantastic.  Tech pulled out a new set of tools, all to cut the chest plate.  Luckily, the hole was jagged and cracked, so finding a good place to further the diameter would not be incredibly difficult.
Tech carefully pulled out bits of the chest plate, making the hole larger by the second.  Unfortunately, him cutting that close, despite his best efforts, still applied far more pressure than you would like on your wound.  It was not a pleasant experience, to say the least.
“I am finished cutting around the front of your chest plate,” he said, breaking the tense silence.
“Okay…” you breathed out, voice shaky and dry.  He looked at you with pity before quickly tearing through the cloth, all too close to the droid bit.  He noticed your extreme uncomfort, face scrunched up, trying not to cry.  He felt pity towards you, but there was no time for any of that.  If he wasn’t quick and adequate, you could very well die.  Tech’s point was emphasized by another fit of blood coming up, some blood dripping on his armor as your head came forward.
He grimaced, using his thumb in a feeble attempt to wipe off the new blood.  “Can you lean forward while I cut open your back?” he asked, unsure whether or not it would be required to fully turn you around.  “Mhm…I think I can manage,” you mumbled, barely above a whisper and hardly intelligible.  You rocked forward, arms outstretched to hold up your weight.  Tech carefully moved behind you before repeating the process.
Eventually, Tech deemed the cloth and armor to be far away enough from the droid.  He would pull out the droid, then fully take off your armor and clothing, apply bacta-spray, and wrap you up.  Once you were on the ship, he could dig out any excess sharpanel.  Then everything would be fine.  He concluded that the best way to get it out was to not let you know.  He deduced that you were, more than likely, not thinking rationally- and even if you were injured, you were still heavily trained, and he didn’t want to risk you trying to push him off if there was a warning for what was to come.  To be fair, doing it suddenly would surprise you, which wouldn’t be much better, but your reaction time was certainly delayed, so it was still the best option.
“Lean back.”  You obliged, hitting the back of the rock and letting your head fall backwards.  While you were still looking upwards, he gripped the droid piece with both hands.  Pulling hard was most certainly not the best option, but he had already spent too much time clearing the space, and there was no equipment for performing the removal in a safe manner.  You would have to deal with it.
Tech pulled on the droid, and he pulled hard.  Your eyes went wide, and you lurched forward, hands grasping at the wound.  Short, ragged breaths filled the sound of the field, paired with the metallic clattering of the droid being tossed aside.  Tech cupped your face in his hands, looking into your eyes.  If you weren’t in so much agony, you would’ve been a flustered, blubbering mess.  “Hold still and do exactly as I tell you.  I need to dig out the smaller shrapnel, but the bleeding must stop soon.  There can be no distractions.”
At this point, you could hardly respond, choking on any words you attempted to form.  Now that the droid was removed, Tech could slip your chest plate off.  “Put your arms up and do not take them down until both your chest plate and clothing have been removed.”  Vision blurry and shaky, you lifted your arms despite them feeling like a hundred pounds each.  Quickly, Tech pulled up on your chest plate, immediately discarding it among the other debris in the field.  Following immediately after, he lifted up your shirt, slightly more conscious of the injury since the cloth was brushing directly against it.
As soon as he finished discarding your shirt, your hands fell limp once again, and you collapsed onto the rock.  Tech quickly doused the affected area with bacta-spray, not particularly caring if it got it more space than needed.  He needed to be quick, and there would be more time later to fix everything.  He positioned himself behind you, legs wrapped around to give you support as he cleaned the back, making sure to wipe off any large chunks of dirt or pieces of rock.  After your back and front were successfully doused in bacta, he re-positioned himself and you.
He moved about two feet away from the rock, legs straddling your waist.  He had turned you around, eyes meeting each other once more.  Your arms were gripping his shoulders, shaking with every breath.  Tech carefully reached around and grabbed the bandages, unfurling them.  He started at your waistline, moving upwards with each layer of binding.  He would carefully glance over your shoulder and angle himself to see your back to ensure it was all going smoothly- or, at least, as smooth as something like this could go.  The bandages had finally reached above your wound, before reaching over your shoulder for extra support and coming back down for a double layer.  Despite the wrappings having been on for less than ten minutes, the blood was already tainting the once white fabric.
“I am finished,” Tech spoke, finishing off the last layer and grabbing your waist to pull you closer.  He carefully grabbed his comm to relay his position and the situation to the rest of the Batch.  He knew it would have been useless to comm beforehand, as Hunter and Echo were radio-silent while Wrecker and Crosshair were dealing with a smaller squadron of droids.  But now that you were safe- or as safe as possible considering everything- and the rest of the Batch had their objectives completed, he could call them.
“Hunter, I need a pickup at the valley in between the two ridges where the droid squadron was.  Immediately- (Y/N) has been injured.  I have applied bacta and bandages, but it is not adequate.  We must get to proper medical care as quickly as possible.”
“Got it, Tech.  We’re on our way, just hang on,” Hunter replied, voice glitchy and faded out through the comm.  Tech pulled you closer, your head resting on his shoulder.  He placed his hands on your infraspinatus, rubbing small circles in them repeatedly.  The telltale humming of the Marauder approached, blocking out the sun and casting a shadow over the field.  The ship turned to its side before touching down about ten feet away, ramp opening.  Wrecker ran out, panic clearly written on his face.  He slowed down as he approached you, face falling more by the second.
“Wrecker, be careful around his abdomen, that is where the implication occurred.  Do not run or jostle (Y/N) too much, he can not sustain any more injuries than what he already has.”  Wrecker nodded in understanding before gently picking you up, hands under your thighs.  He placed your head in the crook of his neck, out of respect for you never taking off the helmet and hiding your face.  Your arms were draped over his back, bouncing with each step he took, despite the effort to be more gentle.
With a tired groan, you lifted your head up, eyes peering over Wreckers shoulder to be met with Tech’s.  He had stood up and taken off his helmet, the light gray armor tainted and stained with your blood.  You felt the incline of the ramp as Wrecker entered the Marauder, and the sounds of scattered feet and clattering could be heard.  Shortly after Wrecker had entered the ship, Tech followed suit, your helmet and chest plate in hand.  “Tech, what’s the deal with (Y/N)?  What do we need to do?”
“(Y/N) threw a bomb which effectively killed off the majority of the droid army, but was hit with debris in his escape.  He was regurgitating blood and had a large piece of a droid lodged in his abdomen.  I…have cleaned the wound, albeit quickly and not as efficiently as I would have hoped.  Clearly, I have bandaged him and removed the primary source of implication, but did not have time to adequately search through for smaller pieces of shrapnel.  We should not remove his bandages until we are on Kamino.  Someone should be watching him for the duration of the trip until we arrive, and we should attempt to minimize his sleeping until he has proper medical care.”
As Tech explained the situation, Wrecker re-positioned you into a more “bridal style” carrying, before gently setting you down on his bed and slipping his arms out from underneath you, all while avoiding your face.  Your head was propped up on Lula, and Wrecker draped a blanket over your body, the edge draping off the bunk.  He stood still for a second, glancing around nervously.  Tech came up behind him, placing a hand on Wrecker’s shoulder.  “Go in the cock-pit and help with the course.  I will stay here to ensure everything is alright.  There is no need to worry.  If I do require aid, I will request it.”  Wrecker glanced past his shoulder at his brother, sending a short smile of thanks before hurrying off to the cock-pit.  Tech carefully sat down on the edge of Wrecker’s bed, just beside your feet.  The bed made a small creaking noise and dipped ever so slightly.  Tech sighed, back slouching.  He glanced once more at your form, eyebrows furrowed.  You two would be having quite the serious conversation later.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Hunter walked up to the bunk, staring before finally saying something.  “Tech- we’re coming into Kamino.  Take the wheel and comm in (Y/N)’s situation.  I’ll get him prepped and Wrecker will carry him till the medical team shows up.”  Tech nodded in agreement and stood up, walking to the cock-pit.  Hunter glanced down at you, avoiding your face.  He had a few of his spare bandannas in hand, ready to wrap up the majority of your face out of respect.  It wouldn’t be perfect by any means, but any face covering would be better than nothing for you, he reasoned.  Trying his best not to look, Hunter lifted up your head and placed four bandannas on it- two on your forehead, and just one each for your nose bridge and chin.  As soon as your face was covered, he re-angled himself to tie the knot behind your head.
After your face was covered as well as anyone would do while still minimizing the risk of further complications, he carefully pulled the blanket away and lifted you up, cautious of the injury.  He stayed with you until Wrecker and Tech came, the ship having landed.  “There should be medical personnel on their way.  I requested that a droid be the one to attend to (Y/N)’s injuries, but whether or not they listened is… uncertain,” Tech said, glancing over at you, worry evident by the slight crease in his eyes and furrow of his eyebrows.  Hunter was slightly surprised at his brother’s concern for your culture.  There was no reason to explicitly request for a droid, but he did so nonetheless.  Usually, Tech would not have cared for such things- so long as the objective was completed and no-one was severely harmed, what did it matter if some cultural lines were crossed?
Hunter’s thoughts were interrupted by Wrecker picking you up bridal style once again, head draped back and arms dangling.  His loud stomps echoed through the metal corridor, and it was all Tech could focus on.  Which had never happened before- just focusing on one thing and one thing alone.  But here he was, watching Wrecker exit the Marauder, you in hand- unclear if you would survive, and the only thing he was aware of was the echoing of Wrecker’s footsteps, you disappearing along with them.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Tech waited anxiously outside the med-bay door, leg bouncing up and down.  The halls were quiet and deserted, only a lone wandering Kaminaon or clone every dozen or so minutes.  Tech didn’t know if he preferred the silence or the possibility of crowded and loud halls, people shoving past each other non-stop.  He was fairly sure they were both equally terrible options.  Hunter had stayed with him a while, but he needed to get back to the rest of the squad- Tech didn’t blame him.  He held your helmet in his hands, looking over every detail- every mark, burn, dent, scratch, paint chip, design and patterns and colors- everything.  Although, logically, he knew it was very likely that either you or one of his brothers, or himself, would die in this line of work, knowing about it didn’t quite reach the same levels as nearly experiencing it.
The doors slid open, AZ emerging.  Tech immediately sat straight up, more alert than ever.  Before he could even begin asking questions, AZ began speaking.  “(Y/N) (L/N) will fully recover within about 8 rotations.  He is no longer bleeding and all sharnale has been removed and the wound has been treated.  He is to remain on bed-rest until I give the say so.”  Tech didn’t even bother to respond, all he could do was practically jump into the room and land beside your bed.  You looked up at him, trying your best to smile- he was not amused.  In fact, Tech was at a loss for words.  Tech was never at a loss for words.
Actually, scratch all of that.  Tech had an abundance of words for you.  That much was obvious by the way his face went from “soft and glad you were okay” to his signature “are you kriffing kidding me?” look with an extra splash of anger.  Your smile immediately fell.
“What were you thinking- I mean, you decided to throw a bomb which you had no chance of outrunning and for what?  That was the most illogical and poorly thought out plan I have ever seen, and I have seen some very stupid things.”  It was clear he had more to say, but he figured he’d save it for another time.  Tech glared at you for a second longer before pulling up a chair beside the bed.
He let out a long sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose.  “You…are intelligent enough to have realized the risks.  Just explain why you took such… idiotic ones.”
Silence.  “I…I figured that if… you could get out of range, that would be enough.  I would throw the bomb and get far away enough to survive, taking out any more droids in the escape.  Then, you’d be… fine.  I mean, the odds weren’t exactly in our favor, Tech- we were losing that battle- hard.  We’d probably both be dead if I hadn’t done what I did.”  Tech glanced down, thinking over your words.  As much as he hated to admit it- you were right.  There may have been another way he would’ve come up with to save your hides, but at the moment- your actions did save them.
“I… am sorry I saw your face.  Although I do not understand why a culture would prohibit someone from showing their face- I respect you, and so I do apologize.  If it is any consolation, I requested droids only for the medical staff, and Hunter had wrapped up your face as much as he could.  Nobody really saw your face- just small fragments of it- except for me, obviously.”
You were silent, bandaged and calloused hands wringing around each other.  “It’s… it’s alright.  In my Clan, you are allowed to take off your helmet with… certain people.  Those you consider… close.  You can take off the helmet around those types of people.”  You glanced up, eyes just barely meeting.  He gulped nervously.  No-one outside of his brothers had ever considered him close- and if his hypothesis was right- this type of “close” you were describing was most certainly new- not the type of bond one shares with his brothers.
“Are you… implying that you have a romantic interest in me, (Y/N)?” Tech asked cautiously, as though each word represented him taking another step closer to the edge of a thousand-foot drop.
“Is that alright?” you asked tentatively, turning to properly face him, eyebrows slightly furrowed.
“Well… it is not standard military protocol to… intermingle.”  Your gaze fell downwards, grimacing.  So much for a confession.
Then he continued.  “But we have never been ones to follow protocol.”  Your mouth went slightly agape, and you looked back up at him.  Your eyes met each other, and he smiled.  He didn’t smile often.  Tech reached out hesitantly and grabbed your hand, rubbing circles in it.  You placed your free hand on his, like a weird romantic sandwich, and let your head fall back, closing your eyes in satisfaction.
“Y’know- if I knew all it would take to confess and know you reciprocated was to have a near-death experience, I would've done it way before.”
Tech jumped back slightly- “‘All it would take?’” he asked, mocking you.  His eyes were wide in disbelief at your disregard for such an event.  His face was absolutely golden, and you started laughing- evidently, far too much since within a few seconds you were clutching your side in pain.  Tech now wore a mixture of his “I told you so” and “that was not amusing” faces, judging you heavily.
"Regardless, AZ informed me that you would need an 8-day bed rest.  And as you do not contain your own proper sleeping area, you may share with me.  This way I can closely monitor you at the same time.  It will be greatly beneficial.”
You cocked your eyebrow, looking directly at him.  “If you wanted to cuddle, you could’ve just said so.”
“If you are to keep up this behavior in my sleeping quarters, I will not hesitate to kick you out- both figuratively and literally.  Perhaps I’ll just make your “visiting time” as terrible as possible.  I am not above such actions.”  You scoffed at him, rolling your eyes in a playful manner.
“Here- I made certain that I had kept your helmet.  The chest plate was practically unsalvageable, but it is currently on the Marauder.  Although you are… comfortable without it around me, it seems, I assumed you would want it for the walk back.  Am I correct?”
“You're always correct, and you know that.  Thank you, Tech.”  You carefully slid the detailed helmet on your head, somewhat sad.  Although it was clear that you would need to wear it in the halls and in front of his brothers, you still felt sad you two couldn’t enjoy more time, faces and secrets and emotions and everything exposed for the better.  You let the brief moment of sadness wash over- it was better to be grateful.  I mean, Tech reciprocated!  You couldn’t have asked for anything better.
“Let me assist you in getting up- you are most certainly not fit to walk by yourself,” he said.  You obliged, his arms coming up underneath your armpits and hauling you off the bed.  You quickly found your grounding, and swung an arm around Tech’s shoulders.  You two trudged down the long and barren halls of Kamino until reaching your designated barracks, pausing slightly at the door.
You don’t think you’ve ever felt such joy.  You looked at Tech, dark visor meeting his yellow-orange tinted goggles.  “Kar'taylir darasuum gar.”  Tech knew what it meant.  He didn’t need his fancy language visor to tell him what you said.  You loved him and he loved you.  And that’s all that really mattered.  He smiled at you once more before the door opened, Wrecker immediately shouting in joy that you were safe and sound.  Everything would be alright from here on out, war be damned.
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meshla-cyarika · 5 months ago
My Love, My Life
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Pairing: Tech x Jedi!reader
Word count: 1,063
Tags/warnings: angst, grief/mourning, there's alot of signs of autism shown in Tech in this fic but less obvious ones.
Summary: After finding your name in the Imperial obituary, Tech doesn't know how to move on.
A/N: How many aura points do I lose for crying while I wrote this even though it's not that good? I was originally going to have a part two of the reader's perspective where it's reveal that oh my god you're actually alive, but I dont know whether to do that now purely because of how deeply Tech is shown to be grieving and I kinda don't want to take that away from him. Yk what I mean? But if people say they want a part 2 who am I to deny them? Also, yes, the title is based off of that one ABBA song cuz I was listening to it while I wrote this.
The Marauder was tingling with tension. The genocide of the Jedi, the betrayal of the Empire, the loss of Crosshair and the gain of Omega all happened over the course of twenty-four hours. Everyone had their own reasons to be on edge.
Tech's mind had been on autopilot for days. As soon as he saw what Master Billaba's men did to her and how quickly Crosshair became bloodthirsty for all Jedi, time seemed to stop. He had frantically typed on his datapad to try and find an explanation for such a brutal attack. When Tech saw that it was a full fledged genocide, he swore his heart stopped beating for a second. The only thing that kept him from having a panic attack was his advanced biology.
When they got to the Marauder and fled Kamino, Tech was instantly searching the Imperial database for the list of the dead. He never thought he'd have to check an obituary to find your name, but there you were. Jedi Knight. Executed on Lothal. The reference image they used for you was haunting. To see you stood there, just so alive, with the word executed next to you was enough to make bile stir in his stomach.
It didn't feel real. Tech looked at your information in the obituary again and again and again, but his mind just couldn't process the information. He felt like the only way he could believe you were dead is if he saw your body laying before him and he could never bring himself to do that.
Everyone noticed the difference in their brother. Even Omega, who hadn't even been with them that long, noticed his irregular behaviour. His brothers were puzzled by his reaction to their new living  situation. Out of all of them, Tech should be the least likely to get emotional over this. Then again, change has alway been a problem with Tech. It always takes longer for him to process things like this.
They began working for a trandoshan called Cid to do some seedy work. It was obvious why Hunter made them work for her, obvious to Tech anyway. It was because being sent out on missions that have various conditions is all they ever knew. The concept of settling down on a planet and ignoring the war raging on outside is foreign to them.
It's been ten months, three weeks and five days, since your death. Tech's behaviour hasn't changed and his siblings have assumed it's all because of Crosshair up until this point. Tech had been understanding with Crosshair on Kamino and held only mild hatred for his decision.
No. This is something else entirely.
Hunter's heart aches at seeing his brother's despair and having no idea what's making him feeling this way. Tech being Tech, will never say.
He finally snapped when one of Cid's workers, Phee, persistently kept making moves on him. Tech couldn't help the pure emotion radiating off of him in waves, as he shouted and yelled at the woman. It should be you laughing at his sarcasm, it should be you calling him pet names, it should be you with him. He just wants you and that's the one thing he can't possibly have and it hurts, it makes it feel like his heart has been ripped straight out of chest.
Tech stormed off to the Marauder which was a mistake, because everything in there reminds him of you. Your first kiss on his bunk, your late night conversations in the cockpit, your shared experiments at his desk.
He wants to scream and yell at how unfair everything is. Out of everyone in the galaxy, why you? Why did death have to take you? His perfect cyar'ika who could do no wrong and managed to cling to the little faith you had left through the most devastating battles.
Grief is something Tech has experienced only a handful of times. The feelings still feel new and uncertain and that unnerves him. Tech's emotions are usually filed away in organised compartments that only he understands. Now, everything is overflowing and overlapping. Everything is too much.
It's like a bad dream. He doesn't want to be here anymore. He wants the comfort of a familiar routine, back when his biggest concern was what days him and his cyar'ika would be on shore leave at the same time.
Tech sinks down into the far corner of the bunk room, ripping off his goggles and letting them clatter agaisnt the durasteel floor. He draws his knees up to his chest and wraps his arms around his shins, before leaning his forehead agaisnt his kneecaps.
The last time he found himself in this position was back when he was a cadet. As much as he tried to ignore it, the regs had gotten to him. 99 had found him curled up in the corner of an embryo lab. He had said nothing at first, just sank down next to him and let him know that he was there if he needed him. Tech found himself wondering for years why he couldn't have been like everyone else, why the Kaminoans made his mind work this way. Tech would give anything to be "normal". He never asked for any of this.
A set of footsteps stomp their way up the ramp and Tech doesn't bother looking up. He's prepared for the demanding yells, the overbearing questions and the looks of outrage on his brothers' faces. What he isn't prepared for is someone sliding down the wall next to him. Tech almost flinches at the feeling of someone placing a hand on his back and tenses all the muscles in his body instantly. Eventually, his body goes back to being lax and a shaky sigh leaves Tech's lips, as he leans into his brother's side.
Tech doesn't want to talk about you to his brothers. If he talks about it, then it's real. Your body is rotting on Lothal and he'll never see you again. He can't face the reality of it. It's too real. He can't do it.
The hand on his back rubs soothing circles into his spine. I'm here, if you need me.
Someday, he will tell the tale of his beautiful cyar'ika and you'll become an honoured part of their mismatched family, even though they had never met you. You will forever live on in his heart.
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yoitsjay · 8 months ago
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We Are One Together
Pairings: Hunter x gn reader
Summary: After being courted for so long, you finally understand why Hunter's been doing it. So you say yes
Warnings: a bit of shouting, angry reader for a moment, mostly entirely fluff
Word count: 1,287
It started with small little gifts, like boxes of your favorite sweet treats or savory meals, then little boxes with jewelry would end up at your door, or would be given to you by Hunter himself. By now you had enough jewelry to cover you from head to toe. You knew all of it was from Hunter, but you had no idea as to why he was spoiling you so much.
You had been quite busy today, you and Crosshair were working on making him a new hand, since you were a mechanic and were handy with metals and things like that, building him a hand would be no issue for you. And with Tech’s help to make sure that the hand would connect to the nerves properly, you had no doubt that Crosshair would be able to use this hand with ease.
However as you tinkered with the mechanisms, Crosshairs broke your concentration. “sorry what did you say Cross?” You asked softly, turning to look at him as you set your tools down. “Hunter’s been courting you… it's a Mandalorian tradition that leads to marriage… I asked if you were accepting his proposal.” Crosshair spoke bluntly.
You stared at him for a moment, blinking once before you burst out into laughter. “Hah! your funny Crosshair, i didn’t know you were such a joker.” You snorted, turning back to the metal hand on your desk. However, tech spoke up this time.
“Crosshair is surprisingly correct. Ever since Tantiss, Hunter has been courting you for marriage… I am safe to assume he never told you?” Tech asked, watching as you gripped your tools tightly before standing up. “No Tech. He did not.” You seethed, dropping your tools as you turned to look at the two clones. “I will be back.” You started before walking out of the hut you were working in.
You made your way to Lower pabu towards the dock’s where you knew Hunter would be fishing with Omega. When omega saw you she smiled, however you gave her a look, one she knew well, and she quickly packed up her rod and made an excuse to leave before running off. Hunter raised an eyebrow, turning to watch her run past you, his eyes widening as he saw your arms crossed over your chest, an angry look on your face.
“Uh oh..” He muttered to Batcher, who barked and ran off after Omega.
“So when were you planning on telling me that you were asking me to marry you? huh? at the goddamn alter?!” You raised your voice as you stormed over to him. Hunter rubbed his neck nervously after setting down his fishing rod, a chuckle leaving his lips. “No- i thought- uh… i thought you knew already.” He answered.
You guffawed, shaking your head as you pushed his arm and then poke dhis chest. “How am I supposed to know that you want to marry me if you don't. bloody. ask me!” You exclaimed. Hunter sighed,gently grabbing your hand, giving them a squeeze before placing them on his shoulders, his arms now wrapping around your waist.
“I’m sorry Cyar’ika… i should have told you… and asked properly for you to marry me…” he trailed off, looking away from you with a sad look growing on his face. You sighed, gently cupping his non tattooed cheek in your hand, turning his head so he was looking at you again.
“I would have said yes Hunter, if you just asked.” You whispered, pressing your forehead to his as his eyes widened. “What?” He asked, and in return you grinned. “I said, yes. And I would've said yes months sooner too. I mean don’t get me wrong, I appreciate the gifts, but I don't need jewelry and little gifts for you to know that I love you, and that I'm yours just as you are mine.” You whispered, brushing your thumb against his cheekbone.
“Really?” He asked, and you nodded. “I really didn’t want to have to find out from Crosshair of all the people that you were showering me with gifts and proposing with them. How many times have I accepted one of your gifts and then just never said yes? i mean im not a bird Hunt, i wont shake my feathers to tease you and then fuck another man.” You joked, hearing the slight growl that left his lips when you had mentioned another man.
You rolled your eyes, and pressed a kiss to the tip of his nose. “I will marry you Hunter… and now we don’t have to wait anymore, we could have the ceremony tomorrow evening if you wanted.” You breathed out, pulling back slightly as Hunter smiled.
“Or we could have it right now.” He said, and you gave him a quizzical look before he suddenly picked you up in his arms. A squeal fell from your lips and you gripped him tightly as he carried you all the way up to the highest part of upper Pabu, having commed his brothers to get Shep in on the sudden wedding, and to get other guests too.
And soon you and Hunter stood in front of each other underneath the tree, with Shep between you, a grin on his face. His words were blurred to you as you stared into Hunter’s eyes, he grinned at you, gently squeezing your hand to snap you out of your thoughts. “We’re really doing this?” You asked Hunter, and he nodded.
“Yes… as long as you still want to.” He stated, and you just grinned, “of course I do Hunter.” You whispered, raising his hand and pressing a kiss to his knuckles.
“Alright, repeat after me then…Mhi solus tome, we are one together.”
“Mhi solus tome, we are one together.” you repeated softly, glancing over at the crowd that had formed, seeing Omega’s bright smile only making you more excited
“Mhi solus dhar’tome, we are one when parted.” Hunter started again, and you stared into his eyes once more before repeating.
“Mhi solus dhar’tome, we are one when parted.” you breathed, squeezing Hunter’s hand.
“Mhi me’dinui an, we share all.” He muttered, taking a step closer to you.
“Mhi me’dinui an, we share all.” You grinned, also taking a step closer, your foreheads now pressed together as Hunter spoke the last phrase.
“Mhi ba’juri verde, we will raise warriors.” He muttered, and at that last part your cheeks flushed brightly. You had never thought of having children with Hunter… but these vows, these promises… you’d fulfill with Hunter.
“Mhi ba’juri verde, we will raise warriors.” You repeated finally, before pressing your lips to Hunter’s, wrapping your arms around his neck as he wrapped his around your waist again, deepening the kiss for a moment before pulling back as the people of Pabu cheered, as did the bad batch.
Hunter then gently slid a wedding band, engraved with the vows you just spoke, on your ring finger, and you did the same, raising an eyebrow towards him. “Where’d you get these?” You asked him, leaning into him as you walked away from the tree and through the crowd. “I had Tech make them for me… this may have been slightly planned.” He chuckled, and your eyes widened before you slapped his shoulder.
“Hunter!” You scolded, your anger melting into laughter as he laughed with you, sweeping you into his arms as he carried you to his- now your shared home.
“Let’s go make some little warriors.” He whispered in your ear, a soft squeak escaping your lips before it was silenced with a kiss as you reached your home.
It was definitely one way to get married… but you wouldn’t have it any other way.
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waywardsou2 · 10 months ago
Shirtless Cuddles with The Batch
Tags: Trans!Reader/M!Reader, masculine terms, AFAB reader, romantic but fluffy, cuddles, just general nice fluff, gayness
A/N: This is a scenario for all of my trans fellas out there. Or anyone that was born AFAB but isn't necessarily comfortable with their chest. How the Batchers would react if you wanted to sleep without your shirt on.
Basically, for context I am trans, and I am AFAB. I have not had top surgery yet but find it uncomfortable to sleep with my shirt on most nights. I've been stuck in the Bad Batch brain rot at the moment and was wondering what it would be like to cuddle with the Clones for the first time without a shirt on. In a fluffy romantic context tho. (I don't even know if any of this is making sense but if it does then please read on. Also I wanted to include Omega but didn't really know how to make that work so she unfortunately won't be in this one)
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Scenario: You and your Clone are settling down for bed, it's been a long day and the missions have been rough recently. The two of you make your way to your shared quarters and you both begin changing for bed. You go to change out your shirt for another more comfortable one but you stop before you can even pull it over your head. You've been with your partner for a few years now and they know about your identity, they accept it wholeheartedly, but you've never taken the step to show them your body. You never felt ready, but something feels different tonight. "Hey, I want try something tonight?" Your Batcher turns to you and waits for you to respond looking slightly confused "I don't really want to wear my shirt tonight; it gets irritating sometimes. But I didn't know how you would react to my chest"
Hunter turns to you and gives you a soft smile, he's knows that you toss and turn a lot of the night not being able to find a comfortable way to place your arms with your t-shirt twisted around you body. It the exact reason why he hardly wears a shirt in bead. He reaches forward and slips his fingers underneath your shirt, he looks at you for consent to keep going and when you nod, he gently pulls it over your head and tosses it aside. His hands rest on your hips, and he looks at you, he doesn't even bother to look at your chest. It doesn't matter to him, he loves you for you, not your body, he loves the handsome man standing in front of him.
The two of you walk over to the bed and settle under the covers, you turn inwards, so your chest is facing his and curl up, he wraps his arms around you, stroking the exposed skin of your back and gives you a soft kiss on the forehead before looking back into your eyes, softly he says, "You will always be my handsome man, no matter what."
And with that you rest your head on his chest and listen to his heartbeat as his torso rises and falls with each steady breath.
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Crosshair looks at you with a small question on his furrowed brow "Why are you asking me? It's your body so it's your choice"
Knowing that's as about as good as a response you are going to get from him you turn around and pull your shirt off, discarding it.
He looks at the floor as you do so but when you turn back around he looks up, he looks at your chest briefly but only for a moment, your arms are crossed over it, but doesn't think much of it. Your chest doesn't change his image of you. He gives you a wry but reassuring grin and pulls you over to the bed and the two of you climb in.
He isn't wearing a shirt either so as he rolls over and pulls your back into his chest you can feel his breathing and his heartbeat and his warmth, the feeling very calming. He wraps his arms around your stomach careful to not touch your chest and pulls you closer to his so your spine curves into his chest.
He traces patterns into your stomach and lower chest, he traces a line up in the small space between your ribs in your upper chest, he does it slowly, creeping up ever so slightly and when you don't protest he lays his hand there, feeling your heartbeat. He sighs contentedly and so do you.
He gives you a kiss on the back of your head and mumbles "Love you" so quietly you almost don't hear it. You hum in response "Love you too Cross" and the two of you drift off to sleep.
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Wrecker is a little slow on the uptake and doesn't quite understand what you are getting at, at first.
"Huh? What do you mean?"
"I wasn't born the same as you, remember? My chest isn't flat like yours"
He thinks for a moment and then it dawns on him what you are getting at "Oh?! Yeah, I did kinda forget, you are just so manly it's hard to remember that sometimes"
You laugh, he's so endearing and his blunt honestly makes your heart thrum with happiness. Even if he doesn't realise his comments about blatantly stating how "manly" you are always fill your heart fit to bursting.
"So is it ok?" you ask again
"Yeah?! Of course!" he cups your face in his hands and gives you a big kiss on the forehead.
You take a step back to take of your shirt and then you step into his space again and he gives you a massive bear hug, you let out a laugh as he throws you onto the bed. He dives after you and you are both a laughing mess. So much for going to sleep.
He pulls you over so you are laying on top of him and he wraps his arms tightly around you "You are amazing you know that?"
You giggle and reply "You're amazing too Wrecker" and with that you lay there together, humming and laughing softly, an endless loop of uncontainable happiness. You felt so lucky to be loved by someone like Wrecker.
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Tech also doesn't quite understand, he looks at you quizzically and says "Yes? That is fine? Why do you ask?"
"Because it's important?" you respond a little upset by his blunt response
He thinks for a moment and studies your face as he does so, he seems to come to a conclusion and opens his mouth again "Would you like me to close my eyes or turn away?"
You shrug your shoulders noncommittally and Tech considers you for another moment, then his face lights up slightly, like a lightbulb going off in his head. He removes his goggles and places them beside your shared bed "There. This way I can't see and you know that I won't be able to see"
You chuckle at him, he's not wrong but it still feels a little bit silly. He seems to understand there is still some hesitancy and he takes your hand "You should only do what you are comfortable with, and you should know that I would never judge you for your body. No matter what"
He gives your hand a reassuring squeeze before he nods his head towards the bed. "Do you wish to cuddle or should I give you some space"
In response you scooch over to him and lay an arm over his side placing your head on his palm, which he turns over to cup the side of your face.
"Maybe one day you can ask the Kaminoan's to help alleviate your chest dysphoria. But you should know by now that your body will never define your gender."
His statement makes you tear up a little and you smile at him "Thank you Tech"
"It is no problem my dear"
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Echo looks a little taken aback "Yes, that's fine" he doesn't really seem to know what to say, and neither do you.
Instead, you slip your shirt off and he looks away politely. You touch his arm to grab his attention and turn back but he continues to look at your feet.
"Can I look?" he asks shyly
"Yeah, that's the point silly" you say with a chuckle
"That's not exactly what I meant" he says even more quietly than before. "I mean can I look at you, all of you?"
You feel warmth creep up your neck and cheeks as he says this
"Y-yeah" you stutter out and he looks up at you.
He looks into your eyes first and then drops them to your chest, he doesn't say anything but he also doesn't look for very long. You stand there a little shy and a little self-conscious but he looks away quickly enough that you don't feel uncomfortable.
He takes his one good hand and raises it to your cheek, cupping it gently and you nuzzle into it humming.
"You are a very beautiful person. I feel like the luckiest Clone alive to be with someone as amazing as you. Thank you for feeling comfortable enough to share your body with me. I know that couldn't have been easy"
You smile back at him, a grin stretching its way across your face "You can't be the luckiest man alive because I have you, and that makes me the luckiest" He blushes in return, the deep red a stark contrast to his pale skin.
You both crawl into bed and you wrap your arms around each other and slowly doze off, never letting go of one another.
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Hope you enjoyed! This one goes out to all my trans brothers out there!
!Feel free to request any other ideas that you would like me to write!
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green-alm0nd · 9 months ago
How each of the Bad Batch would react to
“I’m just so stupid! How can you possibly want to be around me?” Female / Male / GN Reader exclaims in tears.
+ possible Rex and other clones
[The Bad Batch x trans!male!reader (Headcanons)]: Light in the dark (+ Rex, Howzer & Fives)
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You've been feeling very self-conscious lately. Your favourite clone is there to comfort you.
TRIGGER WARNINGS: Angst, trans reader, mentions of gender dysphoria, self hatred, mentions of mental breakdowns, overwhelming thoughts, comfort, established relationship. Not proofread. Kinda self indulgent but it doesn't really matter.
A/N: I was looking for one of these type of requests for pride month heehee
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Hunter could feel something odd happening around you. He knew you had been struggling with gender dysphoria for a long time, and that odd feeling was the one he used to assign whenever you felt that dysphoria crawling back up.
So, he ran. He ran towards your shared bunk with a slight hint of worry on his heart. He found you crying, sitting down, probably in the middle of a mental breakdown, clenching your chest with tears in your eyes.
He kneeled down, looking into your eyes and asking what was wrong, before you said in tears:
"I'm just so stupid! How can you possibly want to be around me?"
His eyes widened and a pang on his chest brought him back to the gravity of the situation.
He placed his arms around your figure, hugging you tightly.
"You're not stupid. You're amazing, you're resilient. And I love you because of that. I want to be around you, you're an awesome person. Never forget that, trooper." He said.
That gave you enough comfort to believe his words.
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Echo came back from a long mission, and headed to your bunk. It was clear that something had happened, since he heard your sobs from across the door. He know you've struggled after you came out as trans, and he's been supportive throughout the entire path. Still, he know it's hard to keep it fine sometimes.
He opened the door, and saw you crying, hugging your arms, with your head low. The clone's expression softened, slowly walking closer to make you know he was there and in order not to scare you.
He sat down besides you, wrapping an arm around your small figure before he heard you say:
"I'm just so stupid! How can you possibly want to be around me?"
To this, his eyes widened, and he pulled you even closer, letting you cry.
"That's not true...you're not stupid. You're a brave man, and I love you so much for that." He said, kissing your forehead.
Echo is not a fan of physical touch, whether it's given or received. However, in moments like this, he doesn't mind giving you physical affection for as long as you'd like.
And you love him for that.
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He knows something is wrong immediately. He may act silly, but he's not dumb. He knows when you're feeling down, and he's been with you every single time you broke down in tears. He's the same with his brothers: he's the glue that kept Crosshair and Hunter from fighting so many times. He's the glue that kept you away from hurting most of the time.
Wrecker knew you were trans. He once tried to beat up a guy for misgendering you, but it's not like he can do that every time because 1) He'll draw attention to himself and the Bad Batch is not on the position to draw attention, and 2) It will make Hunter upset and won't let him go eat Mantell mix with you and Omega.
He opened the door, and saw you on the floor, hugging your knees. He felt his heart beat faster, concern washing all over his face. He also got worried when he heard you say:
"I'm just so stupid! How could you possibly want to be around me?"
To this, he gave you the biggest hug he's ever given you. He never really knew what boundaries were, he didn't know that word existed. But, he wasn't good at keeping boundaries when it came to hugging in middle of panic attacks, but he just had to do it because it's the only way he shows comfort.
"Come here. You're okay, you're fine. You're not stupid, you're pretty dang smart! And besides, who will I share Mantell Mix with whole Omega isn't here if it isn't you?" He said.
That definitely made you laugh.
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This man has, of course, studied about your emotions. When you feel them, what that emotion is associated to/with, if there's a reason it even 'triggered' whether it's positive or negative...
Like I said, he has studied your emotions. And it doesn't take a handsome man, with brown hair and goggles to understand and see that you're not doing well based on your position, and the tears flowing in your face. And, you told him you were trans and still struggling with gender dysphoria, so he figured it was linked to that this time.
He also understands why, but he is surprised when he hears you say:
"I'm just so stupid! How could you possibly want to be around me!"
Tech gets very uncomfortable when it comes to showing physical affection. Though there's small moments when he doesn't mind showing his love for you.
"Sarad, I do not think you're thinking clearly. You are not stupid, nor anything similar. You are a valuable team member and this group could not have done remarkable things without you. I also feel rather flattered when I find out that you listen to me when I speak. Which is something Crosshair lacks on, for example." He explained, awkwardly placing an arm around you.
He's very awkward when it comes to this stuff but he doesn't mind giving a thirty minute rant on how much he appreciates and loves you.
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This man notices everything. He may not have Hunter's enhanced senses nor Tech's ability to notice things based on actions; but he has the eye of a hawk and a sharp mind. Of course, he knew you were trans. And it wasn't the first time that he had seen you break down and be mad at yourself. He tried multiple times to change that, and he still tries.
He enters your shared room, keeping some distance between you two to give you space, especially since you were crying and breaking down, hugging yourself while you sat on the bed. His gaze softened when he heard you say:
"I'm just so stupid! How could you possibly want to be around me?"
He slowly got closer, to the point where he sat down on the bed and gave the side of your forehead a small kiss.
"I've felt the same for a long time, and those thoughts bring no good for you. Trust me." He said, staring at you. Crosshair grabbed your chin, and forced you to look at him.
"You...gave me a second chance when no one did. I owe you that, and much more." He swore.
He gave you another kiss on your forehead before he placed an arm around you.
REX (bonus)
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Now, Rex doesn't have enhanced senses, a great mind nor an eye of a hawk. But, he has a big heart and more than half of it belongs to you. You and the clone have been dating for a while, and he can tell when you're not doing alright. Especially, when you told him that sometimes gender dysphoria gets a bit hard to handle.
He come back to your shared barrack, only to see you crying with your back against the wall, curled in a ball. He quickly closed the door, and ran towards you.
He kneeled down, asking if you were okay, before he heard the words:
"I'm just so stupid! How could you possibly want to be around me?"
He pulled you close, hugging you tightly before he let go, and smothered your face with kisses.
"I can't believe you're saying that! You're not stupid! You're beautiful!" He said, between kisses.
"I love being around you, sarad! You're one of the best thins that's ever happened to me! Of course I want to be around you!" He exclaimed.
HOWZER (bonus)
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Howzer is like Rex. He came back from a tiring mission on Ryloth, and he only wanted to see you. However, it broke his heart to see you cry, and to see how bad you were doing. He felt guilty for not being there that often, since he was always in missions.
He took off his chest plate, and sat down next to you. He waited for you to speak, but when you didn't speak for a long time, he opened his mouth for you to say:
"I'm just so stupid! How could you possibly want to be around me?"
He placed an arm around you, pulling you closer to his chest.
"Don't listen to the voices, please." He whispered, hugging you.
He knows you've struggled with gender dysphoria, and he's tried to make the voices smaller. However, he knows it's not always easy, and that they come out pretty often.
"You're an amazing person. Those who don't want to be around you don't know what they're losing. You're a great friend, and a pretty great boyfriend too." He reassured.
FIVES (bonus)
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Fives used to be the type of boyfriend to distract you from the voices by doing things together: watching a holomovie, playing games, etc. However, when he realised your body dysphoria was getting worse, he knew he had to change his strategy. He bought you a few binders a long time ago, and you've used them plenty of times.
He still hated to see you cry. Especially when you sounded so broken. Though, Fives always came to the rescue. This time, too.
He entered your shared apartment, and saw you sobbing on the sofa. He approached you and hugged you close, but his eyes widened when he heard you say:
"I'm just so stupid! How could you possibly want to be around me?"
His expression softened, and he forced you to look at him by placing his hands on your cheeks.
"I won't let you say that, 'aight? You're far from stupid! You're smart, brave and strong. Heck, the entire 501st wants to meet you! They adore you and so do I!" He said, with a soft smile.
HAPPY PRIDE MONTH!!!! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️
As a trans male boy, I feel so proud that there's a month of representation for me, and for others like me!
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed your request anon! Stay safe and remember to drink water!
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dangraccoon · 1 year ago
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Tech x M!Reader
Warnings: sexual tension, explicit sexual content, cock rings, light dom/sub like very lightly implied, anal fingering, anal sex, inappropriate use of a mechanic creeper, multiple orgasms, anal creampie
Inspired by and Written for @clownbloody based on this very spicy masterpiece and outcry for more male reader fics told you I would ;)
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“I am not sure that your idea is a good one,” Tech noted, still not looking up at you. 
You’d been trying to distract him from the repairs he’d been working on for the last hour, having to repair a part to go back into the malfunctioning console. 
“Why not?” you asked, pushing yourself up to sit on his workbench. “The rest of the squad is going to be out for at least an hour, right?”
“Yes, they will be. However-”
You took his chin in your hand. “And it’s been a while since we had some time alone.”
“It has been two weeks-”
“Then what’s stopping you?” you moved your face closer to his, stopping mere millimeters from his.
He sighed, his breath tickling your lips. “I… Well, I do not want to neglect you. I want you to have my full attention any time we are… intimate.”
You chuckled a little, releasing your hold on his chin. “That’s sweet, but the repair needs to be done before we can get back into hyperspace.”
“That is accurate,” he agreed, his attention turning back to his work. 
“Don’t you think this could be a good way to multitask? You’re always talking about how you want to be more productive.”
His hands froze. You smirked at the small victory. 
“And you can have two things you love at the same time.”
He glanced up for only a moment, eyeing you suspiciously. “Those being…”
“Having the repairs finished and having your ass railed by your very sexy and very needy boyfriend.”
His breath caught in a tiny gasp as his grip on his spanner nearly faltered. 
“I mean really, you could think of it as an experiment.”
He set the tools down, finally returning his attention to you.
“What is it that you would be testing?”
“Oh, that would be you, darling,” you laughed, sliding off the table to stand behind him. You placed your hands on his shoulders before slowly pushing them down his chest, the shudder he fought encouraging you. Your hands slipped past his stomach to his thighs and his breath hitched. “I think it could be quite interesting to see just how long I need to fuck you to make that brilliant mind of yours go completely cock dumb.”
His head fell back against your chest as he sighed. Your fingers ghosted over his groin, pulling a whimper so soft that you felt like you might melt then and there. 
“So what do you think, my love?” you cooed in his ear. “Think I can shut down all that clever thinking?”
He took a moment to respond, obviously enjoying the way your hands roved over his body. “Y-yes, I believe such a… compelling theory should prove interesting to test.”
You padded off to your footlocker to grab a few tools you would need, allowing him the space and minimal distraction to finish repairing the part before he returned to the console.
He set the part on the ground and started to lower himself onto his rolling cart. 
“Aren’t you forgetting something?” you teased, chuckling at the confused look you received. “I can’t very well fuck you with your blacks on, can I?”
His cheeks flushed the prettiest pink as he pushed the bottom half of his underarmor down. 
You hummed, taking in the delicious sight of his bare legs. As he stood back up, you noticed the small discolored spots around his hip bones and the insides of his thighs. You dick twitched in your pants as you realized that those were left from your last adventure. 
He watched the way you licked your lips, swallowing hard as his length continued to harden with just the thought of what you were planning. 
“Go ahead and lay down, love,” you smirked, pushing your own pants down, as he laid on the cart, pulling himself under the console to begin installing the repaired part. 
You took out the items you’d retrieved before, two cock rings and a bottle of lube. You first put one cock ring on yourself, suppressing a moan as you situated it around you. 
You knelt down in front of Tech, grabbing his legs by the ankles. You heard his breath hitch as you lifted them up and apart so his ass would be on full display for you, humming satisfactorily. 
Releasing his ankles, you slapped his bare thigh, pulling a small whimper from him. 
“Don’t worry, sweetheart, I can smack you around as much as you want later,” you breathed as your fingers trailed over to ghost across his balls. 
“Please, cyare,” he whispered. “Teasing was not in the itinerary.”
“You’re right,” you agreed, wrapping your hand around his now fully hard cock. You pulled the cock ring onto him, his whimpers and moans sounding like a symphony in your ears. “Ready, love?”
He eagerly nodded, despite not looking away from his work. 
You lubed up two of your fingers and swirled it around his ass, pushing in suddenly. 
He gasped and let out a low moan as you started to work your fingers in and out of him. Once you were sure he was ready for your length, you applied more lube to your own cock. 
Kneeling in front of him, you lined yourself up and shifted your hips forward to slide into his waiting ass. 
You both moaned as he took you all the way to the base and you heard the sharp sound of metal meeting metal as a tool hit the floor. 
You wrapped your hand around his cock, lazily pumping at it, watching his face flush even darker. 
“Cyare,” he moaned. 
You smiled. “Yes, dear?”
“Please move.”
You tried to shift your hips but found the movement awkward. He was too close to the ground. 
You looked up at his face, amused at how he was clearly trying to concentrate on the repair. 
A grin split across your face as an idea entered your lust-riddled brain. 
You released your hold on his dick to grab his hips. Shifting your hips backward to slide out of him, you got comfortable. 
“Is something wrong?” he asked, glancing down at you for just a moment. 
“You tell me,” you hummed.
You yanked him by his hips, rolling the cart towards you to impale him on your cock. 
“Fuck!” he shouted, nearly losing hold of the wire he’d been reconnecting. 
You pushed him away again, before quickly pulling him back, your eyebrow quirked up, watching to see any objections. 
Not seeing any signs of dissent you quickened the pace, pushing and pulling the cart, slamming his ass against your thighs. 
He kept his attempt to work at a relatively steady pace. That is, until you shifted your hips just a bit and suddenly the tip of your cock was pressing against that soft spot. 
He cried out your name, his hands dropping to grip the underside of the console. A couple more thrusts and he was moaning between the heavy panting dripping from his lips. You saw the drops of precum beading at the head of his member and picked up the pace, wrapping your hand around him. 
“Fuck! Fuck, cyare- oh, fuck I’m going to-”
He fell apart with a shout, his hands flying to the cart. You fucked him through it, his cum spilling out over his stomach.  
Despite the delay the cock ring was providing, you knew the way his orgasm made his already tight hole squeeze around you would make you cum fast but at this point you didn’t care. 
His moans and cries were still ringing in your ears as you slowed your pace, pulling the cart out more. 
You repositioned, never fully pulling out of his ass, and pushed his legs up towards his chest. Then, you started anew. 
You pistoned your hips into him, sheathing and unsheathing yourself in his heat. His moans were nearly constant now and you felt his muscles contract beneath you. 
Tech attempted to form words, but they all came out as moans, but you soon realized what he had been trying to say; he was cumming again, the tip of his cock leaking cum. 
The gasping breaths he took between moans sent you over the edge and you plowed into him, working yourself through your own climax.
When the room stopped spinning, you pulled your cock slowly out of him, admiring the way your cum leaked down his ass. 
You took a moment to catch your breath before smiling down at him. “How’d the repair go?”
“Actually,” he managed between pants. “I finished it… just before I came. The- the first time, that is. I must say… that was- it was quite resourceful.”
You shook your head, laughing in disbelief. “Come on, genius,” you smiled, holding your hand out to pull him up. “Let’s go get cleaned up.”
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Thanks for reading! - River
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theromanticjedi · 3 months ago
okay, im sick of yearning for Boba so send me soft Boba Fett x male reader asks (no smut) and ill see if im any good at writing. Ill also wright for almost any clone if its one i like or hyperfixate on
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22hemi12 · 1 year ago
Another one of my Unedited thoughts, awhile back I was super into anything that has to do with humans having wings, like maximum ride.
So I made a very small and unfinished Winged! Crosshair X Reader. (A male reader was in mind)
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Taking one look at Crosshair, I know he's nervous.
"I've never really even looked at them myself" Crosshair and I were in our blacks, outside while the other batch members were in town.
Worry etching my soul at the fact that he has never taken care of his wings.
His wings were still bound flat to his back, I smiled at him. It's so sad how the kaminoans Clipped their wings, even sadder that the Jetti and the galactic wings organisation continue to let them.
Like the clones are lesser than any other winged being.
"would you feel better if you looked at mine first?" Crosshair looked at me confused.
"I've seen your wings before" I smiled at him. Without answering him I opened my wings, wide, watching the amazement on his face.
He reached up almost instinctively to touch them, stopping himself short. He glances at me. I nodded, feeling him softly graze his fingers over my feathers.
His eyes shined in fascination then sadness. "this is what our wings are supposed to look like?"
He glanced at me before turning his back, even with his wings bound they looked so sad. What should be white beautiful pristine wings were patchy and stained with blood.
I dare not think what the other batch wings look like.
Softly unbinding his wings, stopping every once and a while at his hisses of pain.
I sigh, dropping the offending cloth, moving my hands in between his poor wings to softly massage his back muscles.
At my assistance, his wings slowly shuddered to life and unfold, once his wings were fully unfolded I took a true look.
It's worse than I thought, missing chunks of feathers, broken feathers that have stabbed into his poor wing muscles.
It'll take months for his wings to heal and even more to learn how to use them.
Allowing Crosshair to fold them again, turning back around I see evidence of tears. Holding his face and kissing his wet cheeks.
"It's okay, I promise, I'll help" He nodded. Rubbing his forehead against mine. "Come, Tech said there was a lake nearby, let's clean off the blood"
Watching the blood swirl around us as I massage his wings, removing broken feathers and applying bacta to wounds that need them.
Now that his wings are cleaner I'm able to see any patterns or markings, seeing black tips on his pure white feathers.
The back of his wings has more black than the front.
His wings would look stunning when they are full of feathers. Sighing I kiss his bare shoulder, feeling him chuckle.
"you'll have to open your wings at least once a day so you get used to it" I see him nod. "Are you okay?"
"yeah, still getting used to someone who isn't my brothers caring" wrapping my arms around his torso.
"well I'm not going anywhere, my ram'ser"
It had been a year, and helping the boys with missions made the time go by fast.
We were on a planet, and keeping the wings a secret from the boys was hard, but now, Crosshair is ready to show them.
Hunter stood at the top of the ramp while Echo and Tech sat on the steps. Wrecker was sitting on the grass.
"So what do the two of you want to show us?" Echo asked.
"I knew you two were hiding something, but I didn't want to pry" Hunter had a smug look on his face, like he knew.
"Are you pregnant?" Wrecker asked with an innocent look on his face.
"Neither of them can get pregnant Wrecker" Tech explains making Wrecker groan sadly.
Crosshair groans "this was a bad idea" turning to me, nervousness etching his face.
"You'll be fine, besides when did you boys start listening to orders?" I teased, he smiled a little, taking a breath. He removed his chest piece, getting everyone's attention.
Taking one last look to me he unfurled his wings full of pristine white and black feathers.
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nahoney22 · 2 years ago
Hwooo! Love your TBB x reader fics they’re really somethin! May I request somethin for Tech x m!reader, (no y/n preferably) and perhaps a bit spicy bc episode 4 really set me off! Something to do with some alone time on the ship and some well deserved praise for Tech after winning the race…? Idk if I’m specifying the details right but there ya go :3 thanks!!
Your Winner***
Tech X M!Reader
word count: 1k
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After Tech’s win at the races, you just can’t help but award him in private.
warnings: NSFW, 18+only. Established relationship, male reader, praise, cumming on each other, blowjobs and handjobs, petnames, kisses. Slightly dom from both parties. Not proofread.
authors note: sorry for the wait. Hope you enjoy anon and it’s just enough spice. Not the best at doing male reader so hope it’s okay.
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If your love for your boyfriend could not have grown any stronger, today's events certainly elevated it to new heights. Witnessing him emerge victorious in the race for Cid sent your heart racing, and you couldn't help but be smitten by Tech's exceptional racing skills and precision.
Back at Cid's place, Wrecker and Omega couldn't contain their excitement as they boasted about Tech's talent. Their praise made Tech a bit bashful, yet everyone cheered and congratulated him. However, you wanted to express your congratulations in a more…intimate manner.
"Hey babe, care to join me on the Marauder for a little while?" you ask, leaning against the bar while he sits on a stool, savoring a celebratory drink. He looks up and immediately finds himself smirking in response to your hinting and flirtatious gaze.
"Do you have something specific in mind?" he inquires, raising an eyebrow curiously.
"Maybe," you hum, turning away from him. "Follow me and find out if you're interested."
He watches you leave the parlour, hastily finishing his drink before jogging after you. As you both hurry toward the ship, he slides his fingers between yours, a gesture of closeness and anticipation.
Once onboard, it is Tech who takes the lead, gently kissing your cheek, jaw, and neck, before moving up to your earlobe and finally capturing your lips. "Forgive me for being forward, but will you be rewarding me with pleasure, my cyare?" he whispers.
You moan softly against his lips, your hands finding their place on his broad shoulders as his touch begins to awaken your arousal, your pants tightening just a little. “Why don’t you take a seat and find out?” You smirk, gently pushing on his chest until he finds himself being pushed down to sit on the pilots seat as you stand in front of him.
He looks up at you with nothing but love and lust in his eyes, placing a hand over the growth in his pants and palms himself slowly. “What did you have in mind for my reward then? I’m rather intrigued.” He rasps, watching you slide of your shirt and slowly kneel down on the floor in front of him.
“It doesn’t take a genius to know what I want to do to you, my winner.” You grin, fingers caressing his toned thighs, making him shudder at the ticklish feeling.
Tech inhales as he watches you lick your lips before tugging on the hem of his pants and pulling them down where his erect cock springs free. You moan softly to yourself, always in awe at the sight of him especially as you look up at him from between his legs. “Do you want this?”
He nods, fingers gripping onto the underside of his seat as his cock twitches upon your touch, gently stroking his velvet length. “Yes handsome, yes I do.”
Slowly, you trail your tongue from the base of his cock up to the tip where you just can’t help but tease him with some soft kitten like licks to his swollen end. He sighs, eyes closing behind his goggles as he relishes in the feeling of your tongue wrapping around him as you start to suck him off.
“Good boy,” Tech whispers, biting his lower lip as he gazes down at you, “this reward is definitely worth the risk I took today.”
“It was dangerous,” you say softly, trailing your tongue along the veins of his length, “but very sexy.”
He chuckles, dark and husky. “Perhaps I am to engage in more dangerous activities if this is to be expected.” He grunts as you go deep, his tip poking the back of your throat that you expertly learnt not to gag too anymore. His hand lifts and holds the back of your head, gently guiding you as you move up and down against him.
Titling his head, Tech grins at the sight of what you still had hiding in your pants and orders you to touch yourself.
“I can see your erection darling, be a saint and let me see you touch touch yourself as you suck on my length.” Again, you softly moan and use one hand to free yourself from the confines of your pants, feeling how your tip was already oozing that you used as lubricant once you being to stroke yourself.
“Tech,” you whine, pulling away from his cock as you feel yourself nearing your peak already, desperate for release.
“Reward me by cumming on me, darling.” Tech cooed as he quickly pulls his shirt off and starts gesturing you to stand. Standing with shaken knees, you stand over him, pumping along your length whilst panting and sweating.
You bite your lip, stars starting to cloud your vision as Tech urges you to cum, calling you everything you wanted to hear. “T-Tech, fuck, I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna cum!” You pump rapidly until ribbons of white shoot out and onto Tech’s toned chest, painting him with your desire but it wasn’t over, you need him to cum too.
Leaning down and capturing his lips in a fiery embrace, you place one hand on the headrest of the chair to support you whilst using your other to palm his cock before flicking your wrist up and down, twisting and spitting on his cock until he reaches his climax and when he does, it’s stunning.
He’s begging into your mouth, whining for his release that you were more than willing to give him.
“Go on, cum for me Tech. This is your reward baby.” You grin against his lips, feeling his body twitch below you until he lets out an exasperated breath and you feel your hand start to get warm and sticky from his release.
He comes down from his high, sighing soundly and placing a lazy kiss to your cheek before sitting up after finding himself slumped down on his seat. “You really are something, my love.” He sighs happily with a toothy grin, watching as you clean yourself up and wiping your hand with a cloth, passing it to him so he could do the same.
“I could say the same about you too champion.” You smile and wait for a moment until he’s comfortable enough before you sit yourself in his lap and place a gentle peck to his sweaty cheek. “You should win races more often.”
“Perhaps I shall.”
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Tags: @andyoufollowyourheart @littlefeatherr @kaitou2417 @eyecandyeoz @captxin-rex @jesseeka @ashotofspotchka @oohyesplease @theroguesully @mustluvecho @ladykatakuri @jambolska-grozdova @arctrooper69 @padawancat97 @rain-on-kamino @either-madness-or-brilliance @staycalmandhugaclone @ko-neko-san @echos-girlfriend @fiveshelmet @dangraccoon @plushymiku-blog @chrissywakingup @kixs-husband @pb-jellybeans @nunanuggets @sleepycreativewriter r @crystal076 @blustalker @the-good-shittt
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fandomstars · 1 year ago
Hello:) can I request a tech x socially awkward male reader who has trouble understanding social cues/ norms (not forced)
Hm, well I’ll try. I definitely realate to said reader, just as a girl. I’ll do my best to not make it forced! Not sure how I’d do so, but here we go!
Tech x The Socially Awkward yet relatable Male Reader
M/R = Male Reader character
Tech didn’t realize for awhile how similar him and M/R where in said category till a couple months after their first date.
He found out through minor occurrences first, mainly through interactions with his other brothers.
He could see how forced (pun not intended) M/R laugh was at certain jokes. But he thought at first, it was just to appeal to his brothers.
Than came to public occurrences of more social cues, like when a joke can fall flat.
Tech was honestly more embarrassed from himself than the joke M/R tried to make out.
Eventually, it got to more and more examples, that Tech eventually could make a chart of said interactions and see the big picture.
Safe to say, he wasn’t going to let M/R down. While he too struggles with it, he won’t let M/R do the same.
So with a little help from his brothers, and further research, the two began to work on their social interactions with others.
If anything, it grew the two closer together.
That said, Tech still won’t admit M/R has a better rate of flirting success than him. So Crosshair will do it for him.
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badbatch-badfics · 1 year ago
Padawan (TBB x Male Reader) Part 1
Part 2
Characters: The Bad Batch - Crosshair. Not much of Wrecker, mainly just meeting them.
Relationship: All platonic
POV: Mixture between 2nd (you/yours) and 3rd (he/him)
Pronouns: He/him, but referred to as they/them when identity is unknown to the Batch
Species: Unspecified, should be pretty neutral
Content: Angst?? Panic?? Introductions?? Beginning of found family??
Warnings: Panic attacks, minor injury description, thinking about your death (non-suicide), anything that would be in TBB normally. Possibly some lore inaccuracies. Cringe
Word count: 4,777
Notes: If you’re willing, please let me know if you think 2nd person or 3rd person POV is better, or if the combo is readable.
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You balanced yourself on the beam, steadily walking across with eyes darting back and forth for anything that seemed of use.  Or, at least, a new pathway, or bridge, or anything that could lead you somewhere new, where there was the possibility of supplies.  Or food, or some type of communication device, or, quite literally, anything.  You weren’t picky, given the circumstances- couldn’t afford to be.  But in truth, there was little to no chance of finding anything new.  You’d scavenged through the ship countless times, and for the past…however long, there’d been nothing new.  You hadn’t missed anything from the previous ventures, no small creature had drug in anything from outside or from a part with limited access, nothing fell to reveal a hidden treasure of some sort.  Absolutely nothing.  But yet, each day you once again went out with a glimmer of hope- or denial- that there would be something.  Or maybe it was just a feeble attempt to focus your mind away from the events.  Not that it worked.
As the beam came across a body of water, you peered down to the pool, loathing at what was reflecting back- raggy, dirty, and bloody.  Kriffing Hell, I could be mistaken for a Tusken Raider with this shit-job of a covering.  Your normal Padawan robes, as well as ones from your Master, had been torn into several chunks, and wrapped around different limbs, as well as pieces of fabric from any corpses you’d stumble upon.  Layered on top of those was a poncho-cloak, barely holding on by a thread.  An oxygen mask hung limply around your neck, and was covered with a fine coating of dirt and grime, with splattered blood on top.  Bandages, cloth, and even animal pelts wound loosely around your head, leaving only small holes and strips for the mouth, nose, and eyes.  Your waist was adorned with a make-shift gear belt, holding a multitude of different bones- sharpened and shaped to become tools and methods of protection.  Your Lightsaber bumped lightly with each step, an eternal reminder to what happened- and as many bad thoughts as it brought, it would be an absolutely idiotic move to ditch the weapon.  Not wanting to look any longer, you pulled back your head and took a deep breath, continuing on.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Rex led the squad of modified clones through the dirty, deserted and desolate hallways, shining a light so nobody fell to their demise.  The group talked about the war, inhibitor chips, and the like until they came across a large canyon, so to speak.  Rex, Omega, Tech, Hunter, and Echo all shimmied their way across, leaving Wrecker to go last.  “You can do it!  Just keep your eyes on the table,” Omega yelled encouragingly.  With a few grunts and a shake of his head, Wrecker began climbing the cable upside down.  Unfortunately, but not surprisingly, it couldn’t hold his weight, plummeting him down to the murky water.
The collective panic from all six clones shot out an incredibly large Force ‘wave’ to the padawan, of which felt as though he was being hit by a speeder bike head-on and then ricocheted into a Bantha.  The shock of realizing that someone- scratch that, multiple someones- were here, on the ship with him, at this exact moment was more than enough to cause (Y/N) to stumble backwards from where he was standing and trip over some debris, falling flat on his ass.  Once (Y/N) could gather that he and the strangers had a decent amount of space in between them, his breathing calmed- but not enough to be normal.
(Y/N) carefully got up, watching his foot placement, before turning to where he had been sleeping and recouping for the past few months.  His legs felt both stiff and shaky, his vision was blurry, and his breathing was ragged.  Once (Y/N) was finally in the small space that contained his very few belongings, he fell to the floor, backed into the wall, and curled up into a tiny, and rather pathetic, ball.  People were here.  (Y/N) didn’t know if they were good, or bad- or if they weren't much of either.  Didn’t know their motives, didn’t know anything.  When (Y/N) had prayed to the Force to find new things, this is not what he meant.  At all.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Soon enough, and with several general or head-based injuries, all four men had their inhibitor chips removed.  Omega and Hunter were walking around, exploring this and that and whatnot.  Mainly because Omega would have done so anyway, but she most definitely needs supervision on the death-trap that is so humbly called a ship.  Unfortunately for you, the pair was getting awfully close to his “hide-out.”  Even worse, it seemed Hunter was aware of that as well.
“Omega…I think there’s someone here with us.  Stay close,” he whispered, pulling out his blaster.  Your breathing grew faster and more shaggy, and your vision clouded.  What could I do?  They’re in front of the only exit, and I haven't fought a person, or even touched my lightsaber in Force knows how long!  Considering the only way out, other than direct confrontation, seemed to be a 100+ foot drop- the choice was more or less clear.  You shakily stood up, grabbed the lightsaber which had been doing nothing else than collecting dust (and bad memories), and began to sprint as fast as possible, shoulder aimed at the door.  Dank Farrik, please- don’t let me die like this.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Hunter jumped back, quickly grabbing Omega’s arm and pulling her out of the way with him.  And lucky he did, otherwise she may have been crushed by the metal plate that went flying as the cloaked figure stumbled and bolted.  Immediately, Hunter reached up to his comm and reported, “There’s somebody else on the ship!  His motive is unclear- just blasted through a door and ran- looks like he’s going for an escape.”
On the other end, Wrecker almost jumped out of his skin in excitement- “Finally!  Some action!”  Tech couldn’t help but roll his eyes at Wrecker’s interest in beating someone to hell and back.  After some more information was passed through, Wrecker and Tech had an approximate idea of where they needed to head in order to intercept the stowaway.  Since Hunter had said that the mystery person appeared to be running away, stealth was not an objective for the pair- running through loudly was acceptable.
(Y/N) was solely focused on getting out- not where the others could be.  Which was a terrible mistake- if you’re running away from somebody, it’d generally be wise to know where they are.  Tech could guess as much, and used it to his advantage.  Although he hadn’t gotten a full map of the ship, based on Hunter’s location report, the mystery person’s motive, and the ship being heavily damaged, he could make a reasonable estimate as to where the person would be.
To no one’s surprise, Tech was absolutely correct.  After instructing Wrecker where to go, they had each blocked the end of a hallway.  Wrecker had cut in front and faced the mystery person head on, grinning as cracking his neck, while Tech had stealthily followed from a ways behind.  By the time Tech caught up, the mystery person had already slammed to a stop and immediately turned around to exit the other end, but to no avail.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
You ran as fast as you could, and you really did try paying attention to your surroundings, but it was all utterly useless.  The intruders had pinned you.  One giant guy to the front, and one smart guy to the back.  Brains and brawn.  Your heart beat far too fast, feeling the thump thump in your head, being far too hot, and your vision was rapidly becoming smaller and more tunneled.
It didn’t help when the big guy spoke, and you realized they were clones.  Odd clones, granted, but clones, who, as far as you knew, executed Order 66, executed your Master, friends, your entire sense of familiarity and comfort.
You weren’t prepared for this- you hadn’t trained in months, or even used your lightsaber.  There was no means of escape, considering the second either of them saw you reach for a weapon, it would be over.  Running would do you no good, and if they had followed Order 66, talking wouldn’t do any good either.  It seemed you’d join the other jedi in whatever afterlife awaited.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
The figure fell flat on their ass and scrambled half-way backwards and half-way to the nearest wall after hearing Wrecker’s voice- they were shaking, sweat drenching their clothes all the way through, and, all in all, resembling a caged animal who knew it was done for.  A loud echo ran out as the figure roughly contacted the metal wall, and pulled their legs up, semi-resembling the fetal position, as their hands were still on the ground.
Wrecker and Tech slowly approached the figure, blasters balanced on their arms.  Both took notice of the shaky and rapid breathing, the occasional twitching, and how the figure seemed to be ever-so-slightly rocking.  This person was a very good actor, or nothing more than someone scared, who was in the very wrong place at the wrong time.  They both assumed the latter.
As Tech walked forward, he used his scanner to find the general age and species of the subject, brows furrowing as results came forward.  The figure was somewhere in between 15 and 18, was (chosen species), and, as more data was collected, Tech discovered that the figure was a Jedi.  Or, at the very least, someone with a high midichlorian count.  He stopped walking, lowered his blaster- not a lot, but just enough, and gestured to Wrecker to copy.  Wrecker made a grunt in confusion, not understanding.  Tech sighed and replied, “I do not believe they intend to harm us.  If my data is correct, they are a teenager, and most likely a padawan.  And it would seem they do not wish to engage through a fight, anyway.  Put your weapons down.”
(Y/N)’s head darted back and forth between the two, confused- was he safe?  They were clones- were they not going to execute Order 66, or at the very least, kill him as a simple intruder?  Just then, a third clone appeared- one with half the helmet white, the other black, with a few more details and some large red stripes.  He had a vibro-knife in one hand, extended outward with a curve, and his other hand, holding a blaster, rested on top of it.  “Hunter, I do not think they are a threat- at least, at this moment.  There has been no attempt to harm us as of yet, and they appear to be force sensitive, which would most certainly warrant an attempt to flee from a group of clones,” Tech informed.  (Y/N) slowly reached his hand towards the lightsaber on his makeshift belt, but didn’t quite grab it- not yet.  Hunter slowly put his weapons away and set down his helmet, a small hiss ringing out when he took it off.
He crouched just enough to seem smaller and slightly less intimidating, without looking like he was getting ready to spring up.  He extended his hands, walking slowly towards (Y/N).  “We’re not here to hurt you- we're not like the other clones– we’ve had our inhibitor chips removed.  You’re safe,” he spoke slowly and clearly.  Tech jumped in, “The inhibitor chips are what programmed the regs– the other clones– to execute Order 66.  So we don’t want to hurt you.”  Wrecker grunted something in agreement.
“Now, we have a functioning ship with us, and we can get you out of here- somewhere safe, or at least, more safe than here, okay?  We have food, water, medical care, and we have a place to stay where the Empire won’t bother us.  Let us help you.”  By the time Hunter had finished his little speech, he was only a few feet away from (Y/N), crouching down, now eye-level with him.  (Y/N)’s hand slowly came away from his saber.  This felt safe- he could sense it, more or less.  There wasn’t actually any danger, and the clone, who (Y/N) assumed was Hnuter, felt safe and honest– reminding him of the warmth and comfort the Jedi Temple, his fellow Padawans, his Master, all brought him.
(Y/N) tried to say something, but his voice caught and cracked horribly- a mixture of the panic, and having not talked to anyone in months.  He felt his eyes water behind the terribly dirty rags, which stung more than it should have.  “Let's start by getting those rags off you, okay?  Tech, bring over some bacta-spray and clean bandages,” Hunter instructed.  Tech did as he was told, fishing out some spray and bandages from one of his several pouches that lined his waist.  
Tech passed the supplies to Hunter, who indicated for him and Wrecker to go report to the rest what was happening.  He directed his attention back to (Y/N), calmly asking, “I’m gonna take off your face wrappings, alright?”  (Y/N) mumbling what Hunter assumed was an ‘okay,’ and felt his body go heavy and almost limp.  Hunter reached up, tenderly brushing against the Padawan’s face, swiftly untying the bounds of cloth.  He quickly used his other hand to bring the rest of it down, now draped around (Y/N)’s neck.  His face was dirty, caked in dirt, grime, and what appeared to be blood.  The mixture of paste, so to speak, was cracked and chipping, looking like a desert’s mud-crack.
Whether or not he meant to, Hunter grimaced at the sorry state of the Padawan.  He took his gloved hands to try and brush and scrape off the majority of the paste off, which was primarily successful.  After the layer of muck was removed, Hunter found one long gash, following the curvature of (Y/N)’s jawline, from just below the eye to just above his mouth.  It was inflamed and oozing, and was most certainly going to need stitches.  He held up the bacta-spray, and lightly spritzed it onto the wound.  A sharp hiss sounded out from (Y/N), who was now squinting his eyes.  Hunter mumbled some sort of apology before taking out the bandage and delicately, yet firmly at the same time, placed it on the gash.
“Are there any more major injuries we should worry about?  We can take care of the smaller ones on the ship, but still.  Better safe than sorry.”  (Y/N) shook his head no.  Hunter slowly stood up, and extended a hand, but (Y/N) just seemed to stare at it.  Slowly, though, the Padawan extended his own hand out, flinching and hesitating once his arm was half-way extended.  After a few seconds, though, he fully reached out and tightly grabbed the man’s hand.  Using the wall behind him, (Y/N) pushed himself up, legs shaky.  As soon as he was steady, (Y/N) ripped his hand away, bringing it close and pinning it tightly against his own chest.
Hunter commed Tech, instructing him to get everyone on-board the Marauder, and to try and use any spare pieces of clothing or blanket to form some type of clean cover that would fit the Padawan.  After what seemed to last forever, Hunter broke the silence- “So, what's' your name, kid?”
“(Y/N)...” he mumbled, quiet enough that only Hunter’s enhanced ears could make it out clearly.  The pair continued their walk through the broken up ship, eventually coming up to the ramp that led out to the Marauder.  (Y/N) brought his arm to his eyes, squinting at the sun- being far too bright, seeing as he hadn’t gone out of the ship in Maker knows how long.  Hunter took notice and briefly stopped, turning his head back to the teenager.
“You alright?  I’m sure I have something if you want to block out the sun for the walk,” he gently offered.  (Y/N) silently shook his head no, while slowly taking his arm down, bringing it back down to his chest, head and eyes solidly trained on the ground.  Hunter stared for a few seconds more, just to be sure, before continuing on towards the Marauder.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Your head was woozy, your heart beating out of your chest, and you were simultaneously shaking, yet felt numb.  All in all, it felt terrible.  And perhaps even worse, you knew there was no real reason to feel this way.  You were finally safe.  And there was no possible way that the clones would turn and execute you.  They would have done so already, without a doubt!  Why would anyone go against direct orders, and pure convenience, just to make someone suffer more?  That would be beyond inadequate. And it just made you feel terrible for not trusting them, or at the very least, for being suspicious of them.  And now your head hurt more than before.
Finally, after what seemed like forever, but was no more than a five minute walk, the pair came up on the Havoc Marauder, in all its battle worn glory.  Echo was leaning on the frame to the entry ramp, draping a clean, albeit worn and torn, wool poncho over his scomp.  From the time Echo had spent with them, he gathered that the Jedi seemed to really like their ponchos.
As you and Hunter finally came up to the ramp, you froze.  Your heart got significantly louder, palms sweater, which, by the way, was never pleasant under the dirty rags, and your eyes began darting around.  There was only one way out, it seemed.  If the group did have ill intent, you’d be done for as soon as you set a single toe in the ship.  That was not a comforting thought.  Hunter could hear your heartbeat and smell your sweat (or rather, the reaction it has with your skin) from a mile away.
Alerted by this change in demeanor, he turned back to look at you- who was completely frozen stiff, eyes wide, mouth slightly agape and pulled downwards.  He may have been prepared for any mission the Republic gave him, but there certainly wasn’t any briefing on traumatized teenagers- let alone force sensitive teens.  Kriff, he barely knew how to socialize with the Regs, and it was a miracle he could bond as much as he did with Omega.
Echo, even with his lack of enhanced senses, could easily see Hunter’s predicament.  “How about you get the rest of the squad together, keep it calm for the kid.  I’ll go take care of this.”  Hunter silently nodded in thanks, brushing past his brother to head inside and start giving orders.  That he was good at, no matter the topic.
Echo slowly, but not too slowly, as that would seem like a predator circling its prey, walked down the ramp and stood just in arm’s reach of the Padawan.  You seemed to stare at each other for an eternity before he slowly handed you the poncho.  “Here… seems you Jedi like ponchos, and we had one lying about.  Hope it works.  Got some more fabrics up on the ship, if you need any.  And better med-kits, stuff to find infections or fevers.  In case.”  He spoke both in a calm and precise manner, and continued on, “Name’s Echo, by the way.  Yours?  If you don’t mind, anyway.”
You didn’t respond for a few more seconds, taking it all in.  Finally, you mustered up a small response, “(Y/N)... and thank you.”  Echo smiled lightly, extending the poncho out a  bit further.  Quickly, you threw off the old poncho, which wouldn't have lasted another week, and put on the fresh new one.  “Come on, let’s get you cleaned up, at least around the arms and face, yeah?  We’ll be on another planet soon, and then you can get some proper fitting clothes.”
Echo turned and walked back up the ramp, making sure he could hear your footsteps following him.  A few steps after you had gotten in, and the ramp seemed to slam shut.  Realstickly, it was probably shutting for a while, but you hadn’t noticed it until it registered that there was no way out now.  And everything seemed so tight.  Sure, you had just been in a wrecked ship for Maker knows how long, but it was a big one.  Now, you were stuck on a much smaller ship, with however many clones.  Before the claustrophobia and feeling of complete despair could kick in, a small blond girl tugged at your burnt, calloused, and wrapped up hands, attempting to pull you somewhere.  Of course, given your larger mass, as well as training, you didn’t budge, not one bit.  You stared down at the young girl, eyes wide, yet blank.  To say it disturbed her would be an understatement.
“Omega!  I’m Omega, and this is Lula- Wrecker’s tooka doll!” she exclaimed, bringing your attention to a large stuffed…rabbit?  Or… loth cat?  It was hard to say.  It had a black body, with red sock paws, similar to the red tips on its ears.  The tooka doll sported some pattern of white, clearly resembling a face, with two red dots for eyes.  Distracted by the stuffed creature, she could successfully pull you, where she then disposed of you in someone's bunk.  She all but slammed Lula into your chest before running off, what, or who she was looking for, a complete mystery.
She came back with a collection of blankets, pillows, and snacks, and most certainly more than she could carry. Immediately, Omega got to work, bundling you like a baby in a blizzard.  You were too stunned to do anything, really.  What could you do, anyway?  After about two or so minutes of her layering, she paused, and frowned.  “How are you going to eat if your hands and arms are covered! Agh!”
She quickly began undoing her work, until your arms could be brought out, and then resumed the stacking of blankets.  All you could do was blink repeatedly, ever confused.  After another five or so minutes, she smiled triumphantly at her work.  “Perfect!  Here, have some mantell mix!” she said as she shoved a fist full of some clunky substance into your palm.  Looking down at it, mouth watering, you slowly reached down and plucked one of the misshapen balls, and popped it into your mouth.  And by the Maker, was it delicious.  Your eyes widened, and without a second thought, your hand flew to your mouth, sending the entire pile of mantell mix down your throat.  After eating random rodents, insects, and food that was quite possibly expired from the ship, this mantell mix was a blessing to your senses.
As you continued chewing and swallowing the treat, you leaned back against the hard wall of the ship, a quiet, content sigh escaping.  While it certainly wasn’t the most comfortable, it was ten thousand times better than anywhere you had slept on the Venator.  Lula was still resting across your chest, and Omega smiled proudly at your comfort before running off again.  Although it was muffled, you could hear her talking to one of the clones, before grabbing something and running back towards you.
“I was training with Nala Se and the medical equipment at the Kaminoan facilities, so I can fix you up!  Now, where does it hurt the most?”  She was a bit too excited about her ‘patient’ needing help, you thought.  It was cute, though.  The younglings and other Padawan at the Jedi Temple were like that, too– always eager to be the first to help, even in situations where most would never be joyous.  You supposed there wouldn’t be any harm in humoring the girl, even if she was, by all means, a possible threat, with everyone else on the ship.  I mean, if they did plan to harm or kill you, there’d be no chance of survival, so you might as well play along with the little girl.  Either your last moments wouldn’t be too bad, or you’d start bonding with your saviors.  Either version was a win, in one way or another.
Cocking one eyebrow, you raised a question– “How are you supposed to take care of me if I can’t move under all these layers?  That seems rather counter-productive, no?”  Her face molded into one of thought and consideration, nodding her head in agreement.  Before you could register her next move, she essentially lunged, quickly stripping you of the layers for the second time within the hour.  Now, the blankets all strewn around you resembled a porg’s nest, without the sticks and twigs, anyway.  Omega yanked your arm forward, a tad too eager, considering you should always be gentle with your patients.  Your eyes squinted, brows furrowed in a smidge of pain- Omega immediately noticed, and gave you a sheepish smile before apologizing and bringing it towards her more gently.
She carefully wrapped the bandages off of your arm, eyes widening at the…state of it.  Burn spots, blisters, scratches, bruises, and more littered the entirety of it, looking like it came out of a horror holo-film.  You stared at it rather intensely.  You had no clue it was this bad.  I mean, it hurt, obviously- you were in a crashed ship and had no proper care for however long.  Of course it was going to hurt.  But seeing it, that was still a shock.
“Umm… I should probably get Tech.  I’m not this good, I don’t think…” Omega whispered, frowning.  She scurried off, but you just kept staring.  How could you have let it get this bad?  Was all the training useless?  Or was it you?
Tech, the one with goggles and a plethora of gear, came over, holding what Omega had given him, and more.  His armor was still on, but the helmet had been discarded.  He bent down on one knee, and scanned over your body, checking for any and all injuries.  And, oh boy, did he have his work cut out for him.  Tech carefully took your arm in his gloved hands, and stared for a little bit before spraying a lot of bacta on.  You lurched forward, bringing your other hand to your side, in a feeble attempt to focus the pain elsewhere.  Your brows scrunched, and cheeks pulled down, biting your tongue in every attempt to not bother him any more.
“Let me know when it stops stinging.  Most of the bacteria should be gone, then.  We’ll still clean it out routinely, as they’ve been untreated for so long,” he spoke precisely.  After what felt like eternity, he was finally finished applying the spray.  “Hold your arm out.  Make it as level and steady as you can,” Tech instructed.  Fingertips barely brushing your skin, he brought the clean cloth around, wrap after wrap, from your palm to your elbow.  He took some smaller bandages and wrapped them around each of your fingers, leaving your entire arm covered.
You lifted up your other arm, and you both repeated the process.  Bacta, wrap, done.  He gestured at your legs, silently asking to both take off your shoes and life up your pants, to at least the knee.  There was a much larger and deeper gash on your left shin, courtesy of a falling metal plate as you finally managed to get some sleep.  “That…will need stitches.  Wait here.”  Not like you were going anywhere.
After what felt like hours upon hours, everything that was physically wrong with you had been fixed- or, at the very least, temporarily fixed.  Obviously, there weren't the best medical supplies on a smaller ship that had long left the army, and thus left behind the blessing that was gift-wrapped med-kits.  Finally, he gave you some type of liquid- not a lot, just a shot.  He could see the quizzical look on your face, and quickly explained– “It’ll help you go to sleep, for quite a while, and it’ll help reduce the pain.  By the time you wake up, we should be at Orl Mantell, where we’ve been staying.  Or, at least, close to it.”
In a fraction of a heartbeat, you downed the small glass and handed it back to Tech.  He ran one more scan on you, just to be sure, before getting up and heading to the cock-pit with his brothers and little older sister.  Your heart slowed, and your eyelids grew heavy.  That serum worked fast.  Half involuntarily, you fell face first onto the bed and drifted into the best sleep you’d had in countless rotations.
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purplefangirl42 · 2 years ago
Hey!! I saw you’re looking for requests, specifically Star Wars ones, so I was wondering if you might be willing to do something fluffy and romantic for Tech and a male reader as his love interest? I think generally a “shared interest in science and time together on missions eventually leads to love” type theme would be really cute, but of course there’s no pressure to do this if you don’t want to!🥰
Thanks for the request Jackie! I'm so sorry this took so long to get done, and thank you for being so understanding and working with my changes. I hope you enjoy it! 💜
Thank you to @beating-a-dead-plot for beta-reading this for me! Divider from @djarrex
Tags: Parts Shop Worker Reader, Family Dynamics, Fluff
The sound of the bell rang through the room, indicating that someone had entered the shop. Wiping the grease off your hands, you made your way from the back room to greet the customer, plastering on the courtesy smile your mother had taught you.
“Can I help you find anything?” you asked as you came up to the counter.
A tall man wearing goggles was browsing through a shelf of spare parts, picking one up to examine it closer. He turned his head slightly at your question, brown eyes flicking up to meet yours. 
“I am certain that I can find what I am looking for on my own. There is no need for your assistance,” he said before looking back to the piece in his hands.
“Noted,” you said in response. 
He appeared to know what he was looking for, so you left him alone. Unfortunately, you couldn’t return to what you had been doing previously until he left. Pulling a stool up to the counter, you sat down to wait for him to finish perusing. 
After a few minutes you heard him sigh in frustration. He turned his attention back to you and walked over to the counter. There was a loud clunk as he placed a part down in front of you. It was very obviously broken and was showing serious signs of wear.
“I was hoping that you would have something to substitute for this, but was unable to find a suitable replacement.”
You picked up the part, turning it over in your hands as you looked at it. You had a hard time deciphering what the part even was, and the grime and general wear made the process more difficult. 
“What is this?” you asked. 
“It is a part of the life support system aboard my ship. Normally, I am able to fix things on my own, but I cannot undo wear and tear. Do you have something I could use as a replacement?”
Now that he had told you what the part had been at the start, you were able to see the similarities to something you had pulled off a junked ship months ago.
“Nothing new, but I might have something,” you said, standing from your stool. “Come with me.”
You led him over to a shelf near the back of the shop where you kept miscellaneous parts from the ships you and your siblings had scrapped. After a few moments of scanning, you found the part you were searching for and pulled it down before handing it to him.
“Will this do?”
He turned the part over in his hands, thoroughly examining it. 
“This will do nicely. I may need to do a few tweaks on the ship itself, but this will work to replace the missing part.”
He looked up to meet your eyes, a small smile quirking at the corner of his mouth. The sight made your own lips curl up into a genuine smile in return, abandoning the mask of courtesy you had put on in the beginning.
The moment was interrupted by a beep at his wrist, which startled you slightly. He pressed a button and you heard a deep husky voice ask if he was almost done with his errand. Not wanting to be rude and eavesdrop, you made your way back to the counter to wait for him again. 
When he had finished his conversation, he came back to the counter with the part you had found for him and some solutions used for cleaning a variety of parts. He placed them all down on the counter. When you had finished ringing everything up and told him the total, you watched his shoulders slump slightly. His hand rested on the part before he pushed the rest of the stuff aside.
“How much for just the part?” he asked.
When you told him, he let out a heavy sigh. You could sense that the number was still too high. You wished you could do something to help him, but the shop didn’t belong to you, it belonged to your older brother. You didn’t have the power to give him any kind of discount.
“I can hold onto it for you,” you suggested. “Put it aside until you can come back with the credits.”
“That would be much appreciated,” he said. “Hopefully, it won’t be too long.”
He moved to grab the supplies he had brought to the counter, but you stopped him.
“I can put those away, don’t worry.”
With a tilt of his head and a quiet thanks, he turned and left the shop, the door chime sounding as he exited. You picked up the part he had left behind and placed in a box to save it for his return. As you went to label it before putting it away, you realized something.
He had never told you his name.
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Over a week later, you found yourself in a similar situation. Working in the back of the shop, before the sound of a bell interrupted your activity. This time, however, when you went to greet the customer, you found two people in the shop. A man with a gaunt face and very pale skin stood near the counter. He was looking down and talking to someone. Just over the edge of the counter, you could see the top of a blonde head.
“Can I help you?” you asked, approaching the counter.
The man looked up at the sound of your voice and the blonde hair rose a few inches to reveal a pair of brown eyes beneath as the young child beside him stood on their toes to look over the edge of the counter.
“Our brother was in here about a week ago and he said that you had put aside a part for him,” the child, who you had noticed was a young girl, said in an accent you were unfamiliar with.
“Your brother?”
The man beside her lifted his right arm, which ended in a scomp, to a few inches above his head.
“About this tall, goggles, terrible posture.”
“Ah yes, my mystery customer. I do have the part he needed stored away in the back. Let me go get it.”
You left the pair standing at the counter to retrieve the part before returning and setting it down. You repeated the price you had given to your original customer and the man handed over the credits. As the two of them left your store, you could hear the young girl chattering on about Mantell mix and asking if they could stop to get some, a request her brother denied.
“You eat way too much of that stuff,” was the last thing you heard before the door closed behind them.
You smiled to yourself at his comment, knowing how easy it was to get hooked on the treat, especially when you were a child. You wondered if this strange family lived on Ord Mantell or if they were just visiting. Maybe you would get the chance to see your mystery customer again.
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The next time you came across a member of the family, it was a much larger man. You only knew about the connection because of the presence of the young blonde girl with him. The two of them had bumped into you in the market, their attention on the boxes of brightly colored snack food in their hands rather than where they were going.
“Oops, sorry about that!” the large man said, righting the container in his hands to prevent the treat from falling on the ground. “Didn’t see you there.”
“Hey, I know you!” the young girl said, pointing up at you. “You’re the guy that we got the part from.”
“Indeed I am. Did it work for what your brother needed it for?”
The young girl shrugged.
“I don’t know exactly. Tech says a lot of things that I don’t understand, especially when it comes to the ship. I’ve been trying to learn, but it’s a lot of information.”
Tech. So that’s his name.
“Well, I hope it did its job and he was able to fix everything up. Tell him to come by the shop again if he needs anything.”
“C’mon Omega, Hunter’s waiting for us,” the large man said, jerking his thumb over his shoulder.
The young girl, whom you assumed was Omega, waved at you before walking off with the man.
Omega. Tech. Hunter.
They weren’t the most common of names, but Ord Mantell was full of a variety of people from different backgrounds. A varied group of brothers with a young sister was just another addition to the colorful population, no matter what their names were.
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Tech seemed to take your offer seriously when you said he could stop by the shop whenever he needed something. In the past 3 weeks, you had seen him 5 times. He had only actually purchased something one of those times, all the rest of his visits seemed to be for him to ask your advice.
While you weren’t the most experienced mechanic, you had seen some tough situations and found workable solutions. Tech seemed to be a fan of non-standard fixes, which you guessed stemmed partially from a lack of funds. The rest seemed to be because he enjoyed finding out how things worked and adapting to various circumstances.
Today was his 6th visit, and he plunked a bag down on your counter before you could get out your customary greeting. You examined the bag cautiously before emptying the contents onto your counter. It contained a variety of parts that you knew were uncommon, at least uncommon to scrappers and small mechanic shops.
“I thought that you could clean these up and sell them in your shop,” Tech said. “I have no use for them myself, but they no doubt hold value to someone in your position.”
“Thank you, Tech. This means a lot to me,” you said, giving him a grateful smile. “What do I owe you?”
Tech waved his hand dismissively, his attention already shifting to something on the shelf next to the counter. He picked up the box displayed there and placed it next to the pile of parts. It was a box of small tools. They had been yours as a child, specially sized for your small hands. 
“Could I take these off your hands in return?” he asked. “I think Omega could get good use out of these when she helps me work on things.”
You had been trying to sell the tools for a few years now with no success. Your brother had told you to just toss them, saying that no one would ever buy them, but you had held onto them just in case. You thought about the young girl and how she had told you she was trying to learn how to fix things herself. The excitement and determination in her eyes brought back memories of your own childhood back to your mind. 
“I think that would be a reasonable trade,” you said. “I hope she can use them and learn many things from you.”
“That is the goal,” Tech said, grabbing the handle of the box and lifting it off the counter again. “I’ve been trying to teach her the ins and outs of our ship and how to fix it. It’s a slow process, but she is learning.”
“You’re a good brother, Tech. All of you are. Taking care of her and making sure she can learn things to help her in life. She couldn’t ask for a better group to watch over her.” 
Tech’s expression shifted into one of contemplation and you could see that there was some lingering doubt in his eyes. He seemed to not agree with your observation, but you didn’t care. It didn’t change how you felt.
“Thanks for the parts, I’m sure they will be useful for someone in the future,” you said, trying to move the conversation onto a different topic. “Is there anything else you need while you’re here?”
“I wanted to ask you something, but I’m not sure if it’s appropriate,” Tech said, fiddling with something on his wrist.
“I believe it is customary that when you enjoy spending time with someone and you would like to take a step towards strengthening your relationship, you invite them to go to dinner with you.”
You stared at the man before you, blinking in disbelief. 
“Tech, are you saying that you want to go on a date?”
“With you, yes.”
You felt your mouth open slightly as your jaw dropped in surprise. While you had thought Tech was handsome since the first time he walked into the shop and you enjoyed his visits, you had never expected things to go in this direction.
“If that idea is not appealing to you, I understand,” Tech said, avoiding meeting your gaze.
“No! I’m sorry, I was just surprised, that’s all!”
You saw him perk up at your response and his gaze returned to you. 
“I’d love to go to dinner with you,” you said, giving him a warm smile. “Just name the time and place and I’ll be there!”
Tech returned your smile and opened his mouth to say something else before a loud voice sounded from his wrist, interrupting whatever he was going to say.
“Told ya he could do it!”
You covered your mouth with your hand to hide the laugh at Wrecker’s outburst, not wanting Tech to be embarrassed more than he probably already was. He seemed to have accidentally pushed something on his comm device that allowed his brother to eavesdrop on your conversation.
“Yes, thank you for your confidence, Wrecker,” Tech said into his comm before switching it off and giving you an embarrassed glance. “Sorry about that.”
“It’s okay. It’s nice your brothers are supportive.”
Tech rolled his eyes in response which made you laugh again, but this time you didn’t hide it. You had noticed in your interactions that he cared about his siblings greatly, even if they annoyed him sometimes. 
“When you know what the plan is, just let me know,” you said. “I’ll be waiting to hear from you.”
You could swear you saw the tips of his ears darken slightly, but he didn’t seem flustered. He gave you another small smile and with a promise to be in contact, left the shop. You could only imagine the teasing he was going to be the victim of when he returned to his family, and you felt a surge of pity for the poor man.
A few minutes passed before the shop door opened again, Tech returning through the doorway. You looked at him with a puzzled expression at his sudden return. You hoped he hadn’t changed his mind.
“I suppose it would work better if I actually got your contact information before leaving. Hard to call you without it.”
“A little bit, yeah.”
You told him your comm frequency, which he entered into the device at his wrist before giving you a final wave and disappearing out the door again. It seemed you had been mistaken before. He was flustered, and you found it adorable. 
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yoitsjay · 8 months ago
Heard you were looking for requests. *places down manilla folder* If you're comfortable with it. Male Reader x Crosshair on Pabu before the timeskip after Crosshair lost his hand, trying to have a "normal" day out going to the farmers market or whatever the star wars equivalent of them are.
Have a good day *slides off while shooting finger guns*
I love you.
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A Little Bit Of Normal
Pairings: Crosshair x Male!Reader
Summary: trying to live normally now was harder for Crosshair after all that happened... at least he has you by his side, the only normal thing he needs.
Warnings: a bit of angst, ptsd probably, crosshair loves you and won't admit it. Gay
Word count: 1,271
It had only been two days
Two days of nightmares, seemingly endless.
Two days of crosshair waking up in bed with bloodshot eyes and deep bags underneath, showing the signs of zero sleep.
Two days of Crosshair leaving his room in your hut, slinking into your bed to find comfort in your warmth.
He hadn’t left your bed since the middle of the night last night, and now it was edging on the afternoon of the third day. But he was sleeping, that much you counted. Hunter, and the rest of his brothers were worried.
Echo had sent you messages asking about Crosshair because he had left again to do missions with Rex, and Tech (who’s thankfully alive in all our minds) was doing research on what could be the issue.
However, you and Hunter settled on one thing. So after making something to eat for yourself and Crosshair, you bring it into your bedroom, setting the meal on the table before you gently tug the blankets, which stirred Crosshair awake. Waking a man with what Tech diagnosed to be PTSD was a difficult task, and when you did wake up Cross you would always take two steps back, waiting until he registered where he was before you took two steps forward and sat beside him on the bed.
“You slept for longer today Cross, I'm proud of you.” You spoke softly, offering him a glass of orange juice. He reached out for it with his right arm, quickly realizing that he had no hand to grab it with. Crosshair frowned for a moment, using his left hand instead to grab hold of the glass. “I have a little plan for us today.” You started, standing from the bed to open the curtains in that room, turning your head to look at Crosshair, who was now picking at the food on the breakfast tray you brought him.
“Oh yeah?” he drawled out, sounding unimpressed but you knew better. “Yeah, you're going to accompany me to the market today. I just noticed that I'm out of fruit, and I should also pick up some fish while we’re there too.” You replied, turning to look at him fully now.
“So get dressed, and if you need my help-”
“I don't.” Crosshair cut you off with a firm tone in his voice, before offering you a silent apology. You smiled, and cleared your throat. “IF you need help Crosshair, I'll be in the kitchen.” You finished, walking towards your bedroom door. “Enjoy your breakfast.” You added before walking out.
It didn’t take crosshair long to emerge with the empty breakfast tray, however his shirt was hiked up to his chest, and he stared at you expectedly. “I uh… couldn’t get it down all the way.” He muttered as you approached him, staring anywhere but at you as you swiftly tugged the shirt down the rest of the way.
“Don’t worry hun, Tech got the last piece he needed to build you a metal hand, so you’ll be handless no longer in a week or so.” You encouraged, moving to stand on your tippy toes as you gave Crosshair a light kiss on his chin, since he was unfairly taller than you, considering you were taller than Hunter and Echo.
“Now, to the market we go. I’ll need your help with carrying some of the bags I'm sure.” You grinned, lacing your right hand with Crosshair’s left one, giving it a gentle squeeze when you felt him flinch back just ever so slightly.
“You’re going to be okay.” You whispered, before leading him out of your house, and up to upper Pabu where the market stalls were. Taking these little trips to the market was always fun, and you’d typically always go with one of the bad batch if they were around.
When you had first met them you were the only one to offer up your entire house for them all to stay in. And when they got Crosshair back from the Empire, you were again, the only one who gave him a temporary home until they built one for him… But he eventually settled on just living with you, especially when your relationship began… Now that was a day you wouldn’t forget.
After the imperial attack on Pabu, you had gotten hurt, not severely but hurt enough to where you needed assistance walking for a couple weeks, so that's when the bad batch started coming with you on your market trips. And then Crosshair fully took over that duty.
Eventually, you and Crosshair arrived at the markets, which were quite busy with the influx of all the new residents. You hummed, scanning the area as if you were setting a course to take. “Alright this way my love.” You spoke softly, your words catching Crosshair off guard for a moment, but it wasn’t unwelcome. He squeezed your hand and then followed close behind as you led him through the stalls.
You knew exactly where you needed to go, and at every stall you would have crosshair hold open the bag with his hand and arm as you put in whatever produce or meats you bought. You never mentioned if he needed a hand with the bags, you just treated him like you would with a hand, and if he needed a bit of help he would gently tap your shoulder and you’d take one handle while he had the other.
Your actions, they made him feel… normal… as normal as he could be anyway. You were his normal. His perfect, normal boyfriend that didn’t judge, or say anything harsh or teasing. You made Crosshair feel stronger than how he felt about himself on a regular basis… and he wouldn’t ever tell you in public, but he was grateful for everything you did for him, even though he felt as if he didn’t deserve it.
“Alright Cross, I think we got everything we needed. You got all the bags? are they too heavy?” You asked, worried about the weight, not if he could actually carry them… again, another small thing he was grateful for.
“I’ve got it, doll, let's go home.” He replied, carrying the bags in the crook of his elbow, using his left hand to hold yours as you both made your way out of the crowded market, and back down to your home.
You and Crosshair maneuvered around the kitchen like a well oiled machine, putting away the produce and meats in their designated places. And soon all the bags were empty, and you were tucking them away in their designated drawer.
As you were turned away, Crosshair took the chance to sneak up behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist which caught you by surprise. “Oh! you startled me, love.” You chuckled, leaning into his chest as you looked up at him.
“Thank you.” He whispered, and you almost didn’t catch it. “For what?” You asked, resting your hand on his forearm, rubbing your thumb along the bare skin. “For making me feel… normal… despite it all.” He replied hesitantly, staring down into your eyes. “You’re perfect.” He muttered, kissing your forehead gently as you chuckled again.
“I’m nowhere near perfect Cross… but if I'm what you need to get better, then I will always be right here.” You muttered, reaching up to his cheek, pulling him down a bit as you pressed your lips to his, feeling him smile against you before he pulled away.
“Now… I say we should go to the beach.” He spoke up, making you laugh, but agree nonetheless.
“To the beach we go.”
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burningfieldof-clover · 2 years ago
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I wanted to try my hand at a photo board and @ilovestarwarsmen725 is forever my muse and inspiration so this lovely thing was produced for him 🥰
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thegreymarveljedi · 2 months ago
The Lucky Twins
(Tech x Reader x Crosshair)
Even without the final poll results it seems that “The Lucky Twins” wins, so here it is!
Idgaf if people say that Crosshair and Tech aren’t twins. In my head they are and that’s all that matters to me this fic so suck it up haters. Anyway! This story was inspired by @techhasmjolnir because they asked for more Bad Batch smut and this lovely idea popped into my head so I hope you all enjoy!
(Also, The comedian mentioned is a rip off of an actual real life comedian cast in the SW universe)
(Divider by @stars-n-spice )
Warnings: SMUTT, oral! (Male and female receiving), threesome, gentle/rough sex, double penetration, p in v sex, p in a sex, nipple! play, spanking, praise! Kink, implied poly! Batch, use of pet names, hair pulling, slightly bratty reader, slight Dom!/Sub! dynamics, over simulation, mild size! Kink, multiple orgasms, squirting orgams (let me know if I missed anything).
Words: 6.5+K (*insert evil laughter*)
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It was game night for the boys, the 212th barracks filled with laughter as everyone drank and played games. The Bad Batch was sat around in a circle with Cody, Waxer, Boil, Metric, and a few other Troopers, all of whom were winding down after another successful string of missions. The 212th seemed to be one of the only battalions in the GAR that The Bad Batch got along with, the conversation flowing easily.
(Y/N) sat among the boys, a glass of spotchka in hand as she leaned her head against Tech’s shoulder. She was laughing along with a joke that Boil told as his turn for truth or dare came to an end, Waxers turn to ask next. He spun the bottle to determine who he would ask next and his eyes lit up as it landed on (Y/N).
Waxer turned to face (Y/N), a shit eating grin on his face that only seemed to be even more enhanced due to the alcohol. (Y/N) smirked right back at him, her confidence showing as the rest of the boys waited with baited breathes for the question.
"(Y/N) truth or dare?" He asked and everyone's 'ooooed', even if they knew it was coming. It was no secret that the 212th viewed the Bad Batch’s civilian medic as one of their own, their vod’ika was one of them no matter what.
"I'll stick with truth cause I am not drunk enough to pick dare," she answer and raised her glass, everyone laughing along with her as she took a swig from her drink.
Doing his best to imitate Bale Bill Bar, a famous comedian among clones, Waxer asked, "Name something you'd like to have two of on your bed."
The guys smirked, Wrecker letting out a loud boisterous laugh as they all looked around the room before looking back at (Y/N). She smirked back, downing the rest of her drink before answering with a teasing wink at Crosshair from across the circle, her head nuzzling more into Tech’s arm.
"Twin’s Waxer," (Y/N) answered and everyone laughed including Hunter, Wrecker and Echo, knowing that she was teasing the twins of the squad. (Y/N) looked to Crosshair who was looking back at her with a down right sinful smirk, the toothpick in his mouth falling to the floor. She chanced a look up at Tech, his eyes glossed over as they met hers and a satisfied smirk on his lips.
"I do believe we can arrange that for you darling," Tech spoke up in a husky voice, his hand finding it way to her chin, Crosshair nodding along with him from his place across the circle. The way Tech spoke made (Y/N)’s insides simmer, heat beginning to pool in her belly.
"I believe we can," Cross added, crawling somewhat seductively over to her from across the circle, his smirk never leaving his face. When he made it over to (Y/N), which actually didn’t take long at all, he swatted Tech’s hand away, tilting her chin up to look at him instead, eyes glazed and voice quiet. The rest of the boys groaned, all now regretting letting Waxer ask that question. Said trooper didn’t look remorseful or regretful in the slightest, if anything he seemed very pleased with himself. The others looked to (Y/N), Tech and Crosshair, telling them to get a room or to keep it in their pants.
"All right boys, a room it is," (Y/N) said and winked at them both before standing up, making a show the sticking her ass out and slowly rolling her hands up her body as she went before walking towards the door. When she made it to the door of the barracks she stopped turning a little and looking over her shoulder back to the twins.
“You guys coming? Or am I going to have to play with myself?” She said with a smirk before walking out, swaying her hips teasingly and enticingly.
She could hear the wolf whistling from the 212th troopers as she walked, all of them enjoying teasing her. She could hear Tech and Crosshair scrambling to get up and follow her, both of them laughing as Wrecker whined about not being able to join and Hunter and Echo shaking their heads.
'Tonight is going to be fun,’ she thought as she walked out of the 212th barracks, moving swiftly towards the barracks that the Bad Batch had been allocated to. She heard them before she felt their hands, Crosshair and Tech coming up behind her, both breathing heavily.
Cross wrapped a hand around her wrist and pulled her into him as Tech held her other arm, his opposite hand finding its way into her hair. They stopped her in her tracks , both holding onto her like she would run away. (Y/N) smirked and leaned into their hold, feeling excited yet safe in their arms.
“That was a very dangerous display you put on back their mesh’la. Swaying those sinfully full hips infront of our brothers?” Crosshair said, his voice low and sultry, giving. Teasing smack to her behind as emphasis. Tech hummed in agreement, moving himself forward towards (Y/N)’s neck, eyeing it as a vampire would its prey.
“You should know better than to tease us needlessly cyar’ika,” Tech said, burying his face in (Y/N)’s neck, inhaling her scent and nipping at her pulse point. (Y/N) groaned as Tech marked her neck, his lips feeling so soft against her body.
“It was worth it,” (Y/N) said and she felt Crosshair growl against the other side of her neck, also making his mark there. He bit down roughly, sucking it as he went before licking the mark to soothe it.
“Was it now Ad’ika? Teasing us and putting on a show for others was worth it?” He said and grabbed a handful of her ass. (Y/N) yelped at the contact, not expecting the impact of Crosshair’s hand on her behind.
“It got you guys riled up didn’t it?” (Y/N) said cockily, her confidence after Crosshair’s spank to her ass coming back in full force. She loved to tease the twins, often brushing up against them both even when she didn’t have to or purposely swaying her hips when she was around them. She did that with all the Batch members but for now, she wanted the twins.
“Tsk tsk cyar’ika. You should know better than that,” Tech said again, his tone taking on a dark edge as he pulled on her hair. (Y/N) moaned wantonly at the feeling, the pain only adding to her pleasure. Hearing Tech speak so dark and dirty was making her feel so many things, between her thighs beginning to feel wet and sticky.
“You’re such a dirty girl aren’t you ad’ika? So ready and willing to have two of us with you in bed,” Crosshair said and licked a strip up her neck that was now fully exposed thanks to Tech. (Y/N) groaned, her arms still somewhat trapped between the two enhanced men making it very difficult for her to touch them.
“Please, Tech, Cross, please,” she begged, her confidence slipping away as she was teased by their words and mouths. Crosshair removed his hand from her arm, bringing it around her body to grope at her breasts.
“Oh now look who’s begging not to be teased. Doesn’t feel very nice does it kitten?” Crosshair said as Tech slid his other hand to her other breast, the hand in (Y/N)’s hair staying where it is it.
“I think we should take this somewhere more private, wouldn’t you agree cyare?” Tech asked, giving her nipple a tug through her loose shirt. She had forgone her armour in favour of comfy clothes for the night, not expecting to need it and she was happy she had made that choice.
All (Y/N) did was nod, which proved to be quite difficult with Tech’s hand still gripping her hair. Crosshair gave a growl into her neck in warning, nipping at her ear before whispering, “we need words love. Need to hear you say that you want this.”
“Isn’t it obvious that I do?” She said, a bit of bite in her tone. That earned her another spank to the behind, this time from Tech, his dexterous hands feeling heavy against her ass. Crosshair let out a low chuckle as he watched his twin dole out some discipline to their squad mate. It was a different side that not many got to see but when it came to (Y/N), Cross knew that his brother was a dominant devil.
“Vocal confirmation and consent is required for us to continue cyar’ika,” Tech said as he rubbed the spot on (Y/N)’s ass that he had spanked. He didn’t feel bad in the slightest, a smirk in his lips as he listened to the little gasp that left her’s.
“Y-yes, please let’s g-go back to the barracks,” (Y/N) finally conceded, her confident aura crumbling as she became putty at the hands of these two enhanced soldiers. They both chuckled at her new found desperation to get to their private quarters, both of them equally as eager to ravage her body.
“Then let’s get going Mesh’la,” Crosshair said, placing his hand on her lower back and guiding her hurriedly towards the barracks. Tech relinquished his grip on her hair in favour of holding her neck from behind, massaging the sides subconsciously. (Y/N) groaned and moved with desperation, almost pulling out of the men’s hold but they tightened their hands, unwilling to let her get to far even if they were heading to the same place.
When they reached the barracks Tech pulled away and quickly opened the door, Crosshair guiding (Y/N) in as Tech closed and securely locked the door behind them all.
When the lock engaged, Crosshair immediately pulled (Y/N) into his body and crashed his lips against hers, holding her body close and pulling the air from her lungs. She moaned into his mouth, hands finding purchase in his shoulders as she melted into his embrace. She felt Tech come up behind her and slot himself against her back, his hands running up and down her sides as he kissed her neck. His hands found the edge of her shirt, lifting it ever so slightly so that he could run his gloved hands over her skin.
(Y/N) groaned into her kiss with Crosshair, pulling away and turning her head to capture Tech’s lips. He gave in quickly, turning her around and deepening the kiss, Crosshair taking over running his hands up and down her body. He was happy that (Y/N) had chosen to forgo wearing her standard under armour and full medical kit, both garments hiding her body from them daily. But now, she wore one of Wreckers tops and a pair of her own sweat pants, both articles of clothing loose enough to give the men easy access to her body.
Crosshair took maters into his own hands, reaching around (Y/N) and grabbing Tech’s vibro blade from his belt, neither of them noticing. He smirked and leaned down to (Y/N’s ear, his breath fanning over it making her shiver.
“Don’t move a muscle Cyar’ika,” Crosshair whispered into her ear as he brought the vibro blade to the edge of the shirt she was wearing and with quick, almost practiced movements, cut it perfectly in half up the back.
(Y/N) gasped as she felt the material slacken even more around her frame, the cold air kitting her back and making her squirm. She pulled away from her kiss with Tech, looking over at Crosshair who had a malicious smirk on his face. Tech took the opportunity to maneuver, the shirt off her body, pulling it off her arms and throwing it to the other side of the barracks.
(Y/N) looked at Tech with the same bewildered expression but only received an innocent smile in return. She knew there was nothing innocent about it as she stood topless between the men.
“I liked that shirt”, she whined, pouting like a child as Crosshair once again took hold of her hips and pulled her body into his.
“You don’t need it tonight Cyar’ika,” he said, words conveying an aura of lust, “the only thing you’ll have on your body tonight is us and our cum.” He emphasized his point with a short thrust of his hips against her but cheeks, (Y/N) moaning at the promise in his words. Tech moved to be infront of her again, kissing her cheek and making his way down her body as Crosshair held her still.
“Crosshair is right an’edee. You will not be needing any clothing tonight,” he said, pulling her sweat pants down her legs along with her panties. Crosshair made his next move and removed (Y/N)’s breast band, tossing the offending piece of cloth somewhere into the barraks just like they had done with the rest of her clothing. His hands immediately gripped her breasts, fondling them in his hands and rolling her nipples between his fingers.
(Y/N) moaned at the feeling, her hips bucking slightly before Tech held her in place. She looked down at him, keening wantonly seeing him on his knees in front of her. It was so sexy to see, his eyes looking back up to meet her at he licked a long strip up her pubic mound. It was cleanly waxed and moisturized, something she did at the start of every week. It was more comfortable especially on long missions, no hair to rub against her body or irritate her skin.
“So smooth down here cyar’ika. Did you do this just for us?” Tech asked, pinching her fupa between his thumb and pointer finger. She groaned, knees weak and legs trembling.
“You’re shaking already and we haven’t even gotten to the good part mesh’la,” Crosshair said breathlessly in her ear, one of his hands traveling up to her neck while the other stayed dutifully on her breast, “are you that turned on by us that you can’t help it?” His words were cocky but she had no defence against them, only being able to nod and bite her lip.
Tech pinched (Y/N)’s fupa once more and licked up and down her mound, this time getting closer to her slit. She threw her head back, moaning loudly at the sensations. She blinked, trying to regain her composure but it was being made very difficult by the men sandwiching her between them.
“Words love. We need you to use that pretty mouth and give us words,” Tech said, both his and Crosshairs teasing stopping and waiting for her answer. She cried out, squirming in frustration as she was denied what she craved. She yelped again as Crosshair once again, laid a harsh smack to her ass, heat radiating from where he hit now that it was against her bare skin.
“Y-yes! Yes you turn me on. So much, so so much. Please! Please please I need you both, want to both so fucking bad,” she begged, her words coming out jumbled and slurred as she looked down at Tech. He only smirked and lifted one of her legs over his shoulder with ease, his other hand staying on her hip to keep her steady. Crosshair helped his brother out, using his hand on her breast and moving it to hold her thigh up, making sure she wouldn’t get too tired.
“That is what I wanted to hear,” Tech growled before diving into her pussy, licking and sucking up her juices like a man stranded in the deserts of Tatooine.
(Y/N)’s breath left her body, finally having Tech’s mouth where she needed him, feeling Crosshair squeeze her neck and mark the other side with bites. She was in heaven, having both these hot, sexy men ravaging her body just as she had asked for. And somehow, both of them looked even more handsome in their armour which they were still in. All the batch except for (Y/N) had chosen to stay kitted up, feeling more normal in their armour than in civies.
But now she wanted them to take it off, wanting to feel their skin against hers, run her hands along their bodies like they had done to her. She reached down with one hand and cupped the back of Tech’s head, giving his hair a little tug. All he did was groan into her pussy and speed up his ministrations, sucking her clit into his mouth. She moaned loudly, moving her other behind her to reach Crosshair.
“T-take it off,” (Y/N) mewled, her words almost indecipherable but Crosshair heard her as clear as a sniper shot.
“Take what off ad’ika?” He asked, biting her ear. He knew what she was referring to but he wanted to hear her say it.
“Your a-armour- F-fuck- I want it off. Want to f-feel you,” she stuttered as Tech continued what he was doing, savouring her taste like it was his last meal. His eyes however, remained locked on her face, watching her reactions. He had heard what she wanted, but he wanted her to cum on his tongue first.
“We can do that for you darling. But I’m sure Tech would love to do something else first,” Crosshair said and continued to hold (Y/N)’s thigh up for Tech. The goggled trooper nodded before his intense make-out session with her lower lips ramped up. She felt two of his now bare fingers -when did he ditch the gloves?- rub circles around her hole, teasing her before he dipped them in slowly.
“Oh fuckkkk,” she moaned as Tech’s fingers entered her slowly, rubbing up against her walls.
“Does it feel cyare? Having my vod’ika’s fingers inside you?” Crosshair whispered huskily in her ear, his hand around her neck tightening ever so slightly more. He ground himself against her ass, feeling himself grow uncomfortably hard under his cod piece. Tech pulled his mouth away from (Y/N)’s cunt, his fingers remaining steady in there quest to make her cum.
“Technically Crosshair, I am older than you by a few minutes,” Tech said, his eyes challenging as they looked at his younger brother. Crosshair scoffed, his hand squeezing (Y/N)’s thigh possessively as he glared down at his brother.
“And I’m taller than you therefore I’m older,” Crosshair said defiantly.
“That is not how it works at all and you know this Crosshair. I have explained it to you all many times.”
“Yes well-“
“Okay enough!” (Y/N) said, very annoyed that they had chosen now of all times to have this debate. Both men looked at her slightly bewildered at her tone, Tech’s fingers stoping their movements inside her. She groaned, bucking her hips and glaring down at the genius clone.
“Y-you both chose the worst time t-to have this debate. Tech,” she said, addressing the man on the ground directly, “you have your fingers I-inside me right now and have said that y-you want to make me cum before you take your armour off right?”
“That’s is correct,” Tech said and curled his fingers in a come hither motion. (Y/N)’s head fell backwards against Crosshairs shoulder again.
“Yes,” Crosshair drawled on, even if the question wasn’t directed at him. He knew that they were frustrating her with their bickering, but it was fun to watch her squirm.
“Th-then get to it before I force my way out of here and b-back to the 212th barracks to find someone who will make me cu- ahhh,” Crosshair didn’t let her finish his sentence, removing his hand from her thigh and moving it to her clit, rubbing it furiously. She screamed, feeling her insides tighten around Tech fingers as he began to thrust them in and out of her in time with Crosshairs against her clit.
“You will be doing no such thing you bratty girl,” Crosshair growled in her ear, biting the lobe as he continued to circle her clit with ernest.
“Th-th-then make me c-cum,” she whispered, her voice airy as they worked her body over. She was panting, her breath coming out short as they pleasured her and brought her toward her end.
“We will satiate you darling. Do not worry about that,” Tech added, speeding up his fingers inside of (Y/N) weeping pussy. He watched as her eyes rolled back and her throat bobbed, trying to take it air as she moaned loudly.
“Fuck! T-tech, Cross please,” (Y/N) begged, her legs begin to shake violently as they brought her to the edge.
“Cum for us mesh’la, cum on our fingers,” Crosshair said. His words sent her over the edge along with their ministrations, moaning as she came hard on their hands. The men guided her through her ecstasy, feeling her body convulse as she came down from her orgasmic high.
(Y/N) blinked rapidly, trying her best to come back to reality, both her legs now back in the ground. She no longer felt Crosshairs hand around her neck, instead she felt both his and Tech’s hand against her sides, both of them kissing along her neck and cheeks, drawing her back down to land.
“You did so well for us ad’ika.”
“Such a good girl for us. So tight as well.”
The praise made her whine, her legs shaking as she relished in the attention they bestowed upon her and her body. But now she wanted to feel them, skin to skin and heated bodies against hers.
“Armour off, now.” This time it was (Y/N) who growled at them, hands coming up to pry Tech’s chest plate off. Both men chuckled and stood away from her, beginning to discard their armour with practiced movements. She watched them intently, memorizing every move they made, every clasp, magnet and button that kept their bodies from her.
It’s not like she hadn’t seen them all in various states of undress before, she was their medic after all. But this was different, intimate, hot and heavy, she was seeing them naked for pleasure rather than their physical health. Even with their blacks in, the boys all looked amazing, their physique well maintained for the good of the army.
Her mouth watered as their armour came off, Crosshair moving on to his blacks while Tech still had a few pieces to remove. She reached forward to help Tech, her hand moving to his cod piece and removing it for him. Their eyes met and he leaned in, kissing her lips delicately, as if she would break with any further pressure. But he knew she wouldn’t, she was too stubborn to and she had proven that time and time again on the battle field.
Once Tech’s armour had been fully removed, (Y/N) pulled away from the Kiss, turning to look at Crosshair who had just finished removing his top blacks and had moved onto his boxers, pants discarded first. She watched as he smirked at her and slowly, teasingly, pulled his boxers down his thin yet muscular legs. She couldn’t help but eye his erection as it sprung fee, the hard appendage hanging out and proud waiting for her.
(Y/N) took the moment to approach Crosshair, pulling him in to a kiss by his neck, lips meeting sloppily as her other hand took hold of his cock. He grunted at the sudden contact, not expecting her to be so bold. She pumped his cock firmly, running her palm over the tip and feeling beads of precum dripping down.
“Feel so heavy in my hand Crossy,” she whispered against his lips, running her tongue along her own lips, “can’t wait for you to fuck me. You feel so big.”
Crosshair groaned, the feeling of her hand around his cock something her had only ever had the pleasure to dream about. He leaned forward and kissed her again, this time with more force, making her take a few steps back. She backed him right up into Tech’s arms, the giggled man having removed all his clothing as well.
(Y/N) swapped hands, removing her hand from behind Crosshairs neck and instead, moving it down to his dick. With her other hand she grabbed Tech, jerking him off the same way she was doing to Cross. He moaned, his head falling back as he relished in her grip on his manhood. (Y/N) leaned over and kissed Tech, her lips almost eclipsing his as she did so. He returned her enthusiasm, on hand finding its way into her hair just as he had down before they got to the barracks.
(Y/N) pulled away from the kiss and keened, feeling so well taken care of by these men. She got down on her knees, still between them both and took Tech into her mouth, moaning at the little bit of precum she managed to get off his cock.
“Fuck mesh’la, you do that so well,” Tech said, watching as she sucked him off. (Y/N) continued to jerk Crosshair off while she gave some attention to his brother, being mindful that they both deserved her. She popped off of Tech’s cock and moved her mouth to Crosshair’s, taking the tip in her mouth and sucking on dutifully. The snarky sniper moaned, one of his hands finding the top of her head and petting her hair like massiff.
“So good at sucking our cocks an’edee, feels so good,” he praised her. That praise went straight to her cunt, (Y/N)’s legs clenching together as she took in what they were saying, how they were praising her.
She sucked at them hungrily, pulling them both closer to her so she could take their cocks in her mouth together. Both men groaned at her display, not expecting such a performance but pleased with the outcome. She sucked on both their tips, hands reaching down to fondle their balls gentle, being mindful of how sensitive they could be.
“Fuck cyar’ika!”
“Such a dirty girl you are mesh’la.”
She pulled off them once more, jerking there cocks a little longer before standing up, kissing Tech sloppily before doing the same to Crosshair. When she pulled away from the sniper she was panting, so much running through her head but the main thing was how she wanted them to fuck her, finally.
“Need you both, please. Need you inside me,” she moaned, both men putting their hands on her and feeling her body up once more. They looked to each other and nodded, as if having a silent conversation which happened more time than she could count. It was something the Batch did well, speaking without words and understanding with having to hear any.
Tech took (Y/N)’s wrist and slowly moved her hand off his cock, bringing it up to his lips and laying a kiss to the back of it. It was such a loving gesture for such a debaucherous time, (Y/N)’s lustful grin turning to a soft smile.
“How do you want us love?” Tech asked, eyes blazing with desire and need. But there was also a hint of concern in his gaze. He didn’t want her to get hurt in any way from this, he wanted it to be fun.
“I want you both, together at the same time. Please?” She said looking between Tech and Crosshair. The latter smirked, mimicking Tech’s actions of moving her hand to his lips, placing a kiss to the back of it that was far too delicate for the silver tongued sniper.
“Of course an’edee, we’re going to fill you up so good,” Crosshair said, his words a promise which made her moan and nod frantically.
Tech guided them all to (Y/N)’s bunk, laying down with his head against the pillows and stroking himself with a slight smirk. (Y/N) watched with big doe eyes as he did so, mouth watering at the prospect of finally having them.
“I’m going to have your beautiful pussy while Crosshair has your ass. Is that okay with you mesh’la?” Tech ask and (Y/N) nodded again, moving onto her bunk and straddling Tech’s hips. She was thankful that their temporary barracks were bigger than those on the marauder and had much better cushioning. Crosshair got on the bed behind her, his hands on her hips as he kissed up her back.
“Can’t wait to fuck that tight ass of yours cyare, ruin it for anyone else who dare to even think about you other than us.” Crosshairs words sent a shiver down (Y/N)’s spine, her pussy clenching around nothing as she imagined having them both.
Tech guided (Y/N) to look at him, bringing her head down so that he could kiss her. He did so softly at first before it began to get heated again, his hands in her hair as he moved to hover over his cock. There were no words exchanged as he slowly began to guide (Y/N) onto his cock, both moaning at the relief it provided.
“Fuck Tech, you’re so big,” she whined, pulling away from the kiss and bracing herself against his shoulders. The goggles clone smirked, bucking his hips a little in a teasing manner.
“I’m glad you think so darling,” he replied, voice strained as he refrained from fucking up into hurriedly.
Crosshair has left the bed but returned quickly with a bottle bacta-based lube, squirting a generous amount on his dick. He pushed (Y/N) forward, forcing her down so that her tight hole was visible to him.
“Fuck an’edee, such a pretty little hole you have here. Can’t wait to fuck it up,” he said. Crosshair’s words were filthy, his eyes dark and lustful as he poured line onto her ass. She gasped slightly at the cold sensation but was quickly distracted by Tech pulling her into a kiss. (Y/N) moaned into the kiss, feeling his hips finally meet hers as he sheathed himself fully inside her.
It was a few moments later at (Y/N) felt the tip of Crosshair’s cock again her hole, body tensing slightly at the feeling. She had done it to herself before, using toys that she suck onto the marauder, but this was the real deal. Crosshair and Tech both caressed her sides, coaxing her to relax and the sniper slowly pushed in. (Y/N) let out a drawn out groan, trying her best to relax as instead, focusing on the trooper below her.
“You are doing so well cyar’ika, such a good girl for us,” Tech praised, watching her eyes roll backward as Crosshair continue to push in.
“So tight ad’ika,” Crosshair said, his voice strained. He was almost fully inside of her, Tech lifting her off his cock until only his tip remained inside. She whimpered at the loss though it didn’t last long as Crosshair finally filled her from behind.
She moaned, the dual sensations and the fullness she was experiencing was a whole new level of pleasure that she hadn’t ft before. Slowly Crossshair pulled out and Tech pushed back in, filling her cunt up with his cock once more. (Y/N) couldn’t help the sounds coming out of her mouth, her eyes glazed over and not a thought in her head besides the two men fucking her.
“Fuck yesss, fuck me so good,” she said as Tech and Crosshair set a good pace, one pushing in as the other pulled out, always making sure (Y/N) had a cock inside her. They kissed and nipped at her body as they fucked her, their pace slowly speeding up as they got more comfortable. It was a dream com true for them both, getting to fuck their girl like this even if they were sharing her.
"Does that feel good ad’ika? Do you feel filled up by our cocks?" Tech growled in (Y/N)’s ear, hands on her hips as he thrusted into her pussy. Her head was resting on his shoulder, hands in either side of his head as she tried to move her hips against them both.
"It feels so f-fucking good,” she cried out, not even trying to hold in the sounds that Crosshair and Tech were forcing out of her, “more please, need more- nghhhh.” They both smirked at her cries, both pleased with how pliant and submissive she had become. Their confident, independent little medic was now a whimpering mess between their bodies, all sense of reality being slowly transformed.
"You're doing so well for us. You’re our little barracks bunny, aren’t you an’edee?” Crosshair spoke seductively in (Y/N)’s other ear, kissing down her back as he thrusted into her from behind, one hand in her hair and the other on her ass, giving each cheek a good spank every now and then.
"You were made for us,” Tech said, his thrusts somehow becoming more forceful. His cock was reaching places inside of her cunt that she had only ever read about on the holonet, her pleasure skyrocketing into the unknown places. She could only moan at Tech words, nodding against his shoulder and feeling the tug of Crosshair’s hand in her hair.
"You're such a good girl,” Crosshair said slyly, his voice dripping with sin and desire as he too picked up the pace. (Y/N) moaned and gripped the sheets underneath Tech a little tighter, her lips finidng their way to his neck and biting down, marking him with her own love bites.
Tech grunted, his hands tightening their grip on (Y/N)’s hips as his stuttered, holding her down against him as Crosshair continued to fuck her ass. She screamed, the feeling of both of them inside her at once was pure ecstasy. Up until now they had thrusted in and out at opposite times, one in and one out but now they had taken it to a whole other galaxy.
It also didn’t help that they were above average in their sizes, their enhancement making them larger than most. Crosshair’s body was lean, not much meat on his body but he was quite muscular. A six pack of abs with a smooth chest and a thin silver happy train leading down to his impressive endowment. He was thick, veiny and cut to perfection, his cock heavy though not as long as expected but still longer than average. Looking down a little more, his balls hung low and were ready to burst with his load.
Tech on the other hand was a little more built, his muscles a little more defined in the arms though still lean in the body. He too had a six pack of abs with a prickly chest and a longer, brown happy trail leading to his cock. Tech wasn’t as thick as Crosshair but what he didn’t have in girth, he made up for in length. His cock was long and weeping, veiny like Crosshair and cut as well but it hung a little lower between his legs. His balls hung just as low as Crosshair, full of his seed and ready to fill their girl up with all of it.
"I'm your good girl," she moaned, bucking her hips and trying to encourage Tech to start thrusting again. He did so without hesitation, thrusting his hip in time with Crosshair and filling her up with both their dicks together. It was a tight fit, pure unbridled pleasure for all three, relishing in the warmth of their conjoined bodies.
"So dirty. You enjoy having two of us don't you?" Crosshair said, his grip on her hair still tight and painful but pleasurable all the same. (Y/N) could barely nod in acknowledgment to his words, to wrapped up in the sensation of her nether regions being torn apart.
"I do. I enjoy it so much, mmm-" she moaned, her moan turning into a scream as they sped up their pace even more, skin slapping against skin and balls slapping against each others. At this point they didn’t even care, they just wanted to fill her up, cum inside her tight walls and let it be known to anyone that she belonged to them and them alone, The Bad Batch, that is.
"Can you feel us both? Deep down I know you can. Are we making you feel good?" Tech said, words to tight as her brought one of his hands down to her clit, rubbing hard circles against the sensitive bud. (Y/N) moaned, coming without warning and drenching them with her cum. She was panting as they fucked her through it, not stop even as she became over sensitive.
"So good, It feels so good. I can feel you both so far inside, Keep hitting that spot- ohhh," she moaned, voice hoarse and almost inaudible from how much she had exerted herself.
"She's shaking, can you feel it Vod?" Crosshair said, watching (Y/N)’s legs tremble, running his thumb up and down her spine as he thrusted into her even faster than she thought he could.
"Indeed I can, it feels so good,” Tech answered, tight lipped as he focused on his thrusts, wanting to draw another orgasm from the woman before he came. He wanted to make her cum in his cock again, wanting to feel her clench around him.
"Look at her face, she's so gorgeous,” Tech said to Crosshair, the sniper leaning over as best her could and taking a hold of (Y/N)’s chin to look at her face. Her eyes were cloudy and wide, tongue out and breathing uneven. She was so cock drunk that it made him grin wickedly, their mission accomplished even before they had filled her up.
"P-please, it feels so good,” (Y/N) said, hips bouncing against Tech and Crosshair, trying to entice them to cum with her. She had almost no words to describe how good they made her feel, how full she was and how she wanted them to cum inside her.
"Are you almost there ad’ika? Are you going to cum for us again?" Crosshair said, emphasizing his words with another powerful thrust. Her reached around her body with his unoccupied hand, grabbing at her chest and pulling at her nipples which made her scream.
"Yes yes yes yes please! Please don't stop please!"
And they didn't. Not until they had emptied themselves inside her and she had squirted all over them, both men praising her for the display.
Deep heavy breathing and sweat covered bodies are all that were left, cuddled up on (Y/N)’s bunk. She was content and fully satisfied, scratching Tech’s head and Crosshairs back, both men sighing in contentment. They laid there in bliss, the afterglow of their orgasms making them all feel relaxed.
That’s when the door to the Barack’s opened, three pairs of foot steps making their way in before the door closed again.
“Well well well. I hope you saved enough energy for us Mesh’la.”
Oh shitttt
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I hope you all enjoyed this!
Next story is scheduled for January 20th so keep an eyes for that. It will be Wrecker x Reader😈 so if you would like a tag for when it’s up, comment down below!
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merlincmgirl · 5 months ago
Dirty Talk - Echo x FReader - NSFW
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Summary: Being forced to the sidelines with your riddur for company could be worse, but you were bored! Just the sound of Echo's voice was enough to get your mind wondering. He offers to help make your thoughts a reality.
Characters: Echo
Pairing: Echo x F!Reader
Word Count: 5,213
Warnings: PinV sex, fingering, oral sex (male and female receiving), dirty talk, teasing, use of derogatory language (once), bratty behaviour. If I've missed anything, please let me know.
Authour's Note: Echo deserves better, especially from the writers! My precious boy!
“We should be out there with the rest of the team, you shouldn’t have to be stuck inside babysitting me!” you grumbled, monitoring the communications between the rest of the Bad Batch.
Echo rolled his eyes, he had heard the same complaint for the 56th time already. The only reason he hadn’t said anything was because it was you, his love, ner cyare. But it was wearing a bit thin. “I’m not babysitting, and besides you could be spotted out there. It’s not safe for you to go wondering around markets when the governor has placed a bounty on your head” Echo reminded, glancing at you from the corner of his eye.
“All I did was accidently address his mistress as his wife” you pouted, crossing your arms and resting your feet on the corner of his chair.
“In front of his wife and a news reporter” Echo added, shaking his head at you. That had been a very eventful evening, resulting in your quick get away and as many apologies that Hunter and the GAR could come up with. It still hadn’t saved the governor’s marriage though.
“How was I meant to know he was having an affair? Or that woman was the planet’s primary news reporter” you huffed, glaring at the screen in front of you. Honestly, it wasn’t like you intended to cause trouble, maybe the governor shouldn’t have been cheating on his wife.
Echo pursed his lips and took a deep breath – all precursors to a lecture or rant from him. You settled even more comfortably into the flight chair, knowing you would need to do so to enjoy whatever he was gearing himself up to say.
“Well if you had read the briefing that Tech put together, mesh’la, you would have known what his wife looked like. Or realised that the woman who was standing next to him was not his mistress. She was standing behind them, why would his wife not stand beside him?” Echo lectured, eyes burning into yours as he went on. His low, grumpy voice was always something you enjoyed listening to. And when you two were alone in his bunk, it was more than enough to get you breathless. So when he started gesturing with his hand and scomp to make his point, you began to feel a bit heated.
“This is why it’s important to get all the details. It was wrong of the governor, but that doesn’t mean that we had to be the ones to expose his affair. I’ll give you that you didn’t know about the reporter, you couldn’t have known that, but next time mesh’la, perhaps listening to Tech when he tells us about a planet or government that we’re working for. I know he can go on, but it’s in your best interests, cyare” Echo ranted on, hand coming down occasionally to rub at the bare patch of skin at your ankle.
It was always so beautiful to see him so passionate about something, in this case, your inability to listen to Tech’s debriefs and noticing the little details. You didn’t mind, Echo only wanted to keep you safe and protected, he didn’t mean his words in a harsh way. You knew he would do anything to protect you. It was why you loved him so much, he took care of you in a way nobody else had before. “Are you listening to me, mesh’la?” he sighed, bringing you out of your head and back to the present.
“Of course I am! I know I should have listened more, sweetheart. I’m just glad to be here with you. Even if we are stuck on the Marauder” you smiled, leaning forward to place a kiss on his cheek. Echo returned the smile, his hand cupping your cheek briefly as he pressed a similar kiss to your own cheek before returning back to work.
Looking out the cockpit window, you could see a variety of different buildings from where you were docked. The planet’s architecture was beautiful, buildings in soft sandy colours with rich blues and greens mixed into the stone. It reminded you of the sea almost, the colours shimmering in the sunlight, just like the water reflecting the sun’s rays.
It was beautiful, and it just made you want to explore even more. Turning to your riddur, you forced a pout onto your lips. You knew he saw you, because his shoulders tensed up as he was listening to the comm chatter that was going on between the rest of the team members of the Bad Batch.
“Couldn’t we go out just a little? We wouldn’t even have to go far from the Marauder” you suggested hopefully, reaching out to rest an imploring hand on Echo’s scomp.
“Mesh’la” he huffed warningly, tone already showcasing how much he was not enjoying your behaviour at the moment. “We’re staying on the ship. We have to be prepared in case the others need a pick up” he said firmly, raising an eyebrow at you as if daring you to keep it up.
Which really, Echo should know better, because of course you would. He had set you a challenge, and who would you be to refuse it. Especially when you were bored.
“Fine!” you grumbled, looking back out of the window and ignoring his look. Echo narrowed his eyes at your simple agreement but went back to what he was supposed to be doing.
When you were sure that Echo was busy and engrossed in his work, you began to move the foot that rested in his lap slowly back and forth, underneath the kama that he wore. Occasionally your toes would dip into the small gap between his thigh plate and codpiece. Watching him from the corner of your eye, you could see Echo’s jaw clench but he continued on with his work.
Disappointed to not get a bigger reaction, you shifted around and sighed loudly, hoping to disturb him enough to make him pay attention to you. Again nothing.
Frowning, you began to think of something else to capture his attention away from the system displayed in front of him. Finally you spotted the answer to your problem. On the side next to you was your datapad. Grabbing it, you quickly began typing loudly on the screen, drumming your nails against the casing every so often. Clicking your nails against the datapad wasn’t working and only got you a small huff of air through his nose in annoyance. Still Echo didn’t react how you wanted him to. He wasn’t even touching your feet that you had left in his lap. He never missed the chance to touch you in one way or another.
Well, if he was just going to ignore you while you sat bored in the cockpit, so be it. You would at least try and fill the quiet that had settled in between you. Selecting a video that Omega had sent you, you leaned back in your chair and turned the volume up. It was of a little akk puppy chasing after a holoball, tumbling around and falling over it’s own legs. You couldn’t help but coo at the sight.
“Love, I’m trying to work” Echo bit out through gritted teeth. His shoulders had straightened and there was an obvious twitch along his jaw that made your heart beat a little faster.
“Work then, I’m not stopping you” you shrugged, keeping your eyes focused on the screen in front of you.
Sighing heavily, you felt Echo shift beneath you, hips adjusting in the chair before he seemed to settle. Glancing up through your eyelashes at him, you noticed that his pale cheeks were getting flushed. Either in annoyance or frustration you weren’t sure, but it did make him look even cuter.
Relaxing further into your chair, you waited a few more minutes before edging the volume up every minute or so, waiting for a reaction from him. Unable to help it, you laughed loudly at another video of a tooka cat, unable to muffle the noise as you became lost in the videos.
However a hand landed on your ankle, clasping the fragile bones tightly and tugging it closer to him. You looked up, blinking at him innocently. He looked annoyed now, jaw fluttering in anger as he scowled at you.
“You’re doing this on purpose” he accused you, thumb rubbing against your ankle, the pressure was enough to make you want to close your eyes and press into his hand but you refrained.
“Doing what? It’s not my fault I’m bored and you’re not talking to me” you huffed, crossing your arms to look back at him. He raised an eyebrow and let out a little scoff.
“Oh you want my attention, is that it?” he drawled, turning around to face you with an arch of his expressive eyebrow. He pressed a few buttons on the control panel in front of him before he levelled you with a hard look. “Why are you trying to distract me?” he asked, the rough tones of annoyance filtered through his voice making your stomach churn in desire for him. You loved when his voice got all deep and rough when he was rebuking someone or feeling annoyed.
Sighing heavily, you poked your bare feet into the seam of his hip, teasing him some more. “You’re not even talking to me… I like listening to your voice” you explained, shrugging slightly to help ease the nerves that you felt after admitting this to him.
“Oh” Echo breathed, back straightening at your answer and blinking a couple of times in surprise. He obviously wasn’t expecting that answer off his cyare.
“It makes me feel warm inside, like I’m safe and protected. But also… I don’t know, you make me want to drop to my knees in front of you so that I can be your good girl. Makes me want you to read one of my racy holobooks just to hear what the love interest could sound like in those moments” you admitted, biting your lip and looking away from him. Heat raced across your face, feeling like it was blistering your cheeks at how embarrassed you felt from your words. He would probably just politely say that he was flattered but it wasn’t something he was also interested in doing with you.
“Is that right, cyare? Maybe you’ll have to pick me one of your favourites, I’m sure I could get into them” he murmured, running his thumb against the arch of your foot, pressing slightly to ease the pressure there.
“Don’t tease me!” you pouted, covering your face with your hands at his words.
“I’m not cyare, I just didn’t realise that you liked my voice so much” he soothed, hoping to ease some of your embarrassment and worry. Carefully, he placed your foot on the floor, leaving the cool metal to spread a shiver up your body at the sudden temperature. “But maybe I should have guessed, you’re always get this glazed look in your eyes when I’m talking to you. Reminds me when we’re alone in my bunk, and you’re trying to keep quiet while we have some fun” he stated, leaning closer towards you, elbow on his knees.
“Echo!” you hissed, glancing to the comms in front of him in case the others were hearing your conversation. Thankfully, it was all turned off from your end. You didn’t think your skin could run any hotter until you heard his words, your cheeks colouring even more.
“On your knees, mesh’la. If you’re feeling bored, might as well give you something to entertain yourself with” he ordered, and you felt your panties dampen even further. Getting up from the co-pilot seat, you slid in between the control panel and his chair, settling in between his splayed thighs before you knelt before him. Your mouth watered, eager to listen to more of his demands.
Echo’s breath faltered for a moment, just staring down at you between his legs. You were gorgeous! He had never thought he’d ever get to experience the love and devotion you showed him, especially not after Skako Minor. He didn’t feel deserving of you, not looking like he did, not with half of him being more machine than man. But you didn’t think that. You loved him, every part of him, both metal and flesh. And you always would gently chide and rebuke him whenever he talked badly about himself, instead praising him and kissing him until he forgot all about the fear and hate he carried with him.
“Echo?” you frowned, recognising that his mind had gone elsewhere, and not a good place. Resting your hand on his, fingers twisted together you guided him back to the present moment. “Everything okay?” you asked worriedly.
The ARC trooper smiled softly, squeezing your fingers in his hand and nodded. “Just thinking about how perfect you are, cyare” he assured, scomp brushing a few strands of hair away from your face.
You turned and pressed a chaste kiss to his scomp before smiling up at him. His thighs tensed around you and his eyes fluttered shut for a moment. “I think you promised to entertain me, Corporal” you reminded him, dragging your hands down his thighs under his kama.
“That’s right, I did” he chuckled warmly, hands coming up to deftly unclip the codpiece and dropping it to the side with a small clang. Groaning at the relief of pressure, he deftly unfastened the compression suit underneath and freed his cock. It was already half hard, your words from earlier enough to chub him up. He reached down and gave himself a few pumps as you looked up at him, mouth watering at the thought of having him in your mouth. Of tasting him on your tongue.
“God, look at how eager you are. Bet if I felt you down there, you’d be soaked through” he rumbled, voice deep and rough as arousal thickened his words. Your thighs clench together, proving just how right he was. “Open up, mesh’la” he ordered, running his thumb across your bottom lip before dragging it open even more.
You helped guide him in, hands wrapping around the bottom of his shaft to keep him steady. However instead of pushing in all the way just like you expected him to. He keeps your mouth open, drool beginning to collect in the corners and leak down your chin. His cock was a warm, heavy weight against your tongue, and you couldn’t help but rub it briefly around his crown.
Echo let out a loud groan of your name, eyes sliding shut at the warm, wet feeling of your mouth surrounding him. It was enough to have him force his scomp arm to rest on the arm of the chair, not wanting to hurt you by trying to pull you closer or use too much force on your neck.
“Kriff cyare, you look gorgeous like this. Just keeping my cock in your mouth, those beautiful eyes focused on me. Such a good girl” he moaned, hand coming up to rest on the back of your head. When you tapped the metal plates of his thigh – your signal for him to carry on – he groaned and began sliding his length further into your open mouth, careful to not go too fast. Not yet anyway.
When the tip of his cock reached the back of your throat, you took a deep steadying breath in through your nose, feeling him weighing heavily in your mouth. Running your tongue along the underside of his cock, you tried to take him even further, wanting to gag on him. However, the hand on the back of your neck suddenly reached to tangle into your hair and pulled you away slightly. You whined around his length, looking up into his lust filled eyes with your own.
“Force, your mouth, cyare. So eager to be filled with my cock, is that it? Couldn’t focus on our mission because you were so desperate to get filled by my cock” he groaned, unable to look away as your eyes watered from holding him in your mouth.
You could feel heat pool and slick leak out of your cunt, drenching your panties in your juices at his words and actions. Just the feel of his length against your tongue and his pre-cum dropping onto you had your hips rocking forward, wishing you could reach down and offer yourself some relief. But you knew that if Echo caught you, he wouldn’t be happy. No, he wanted you to remember that you shouldn’t be trying to distract him while you were both supposed to be working.
“Sucking my cock really gets you off, huh? Go on love, I can see how much you need it.”
Blinking in surprise, you felt Echo’s leg move in between your spread thighs, offering his boot up to you. Was he serious? Did he want you to hump his leg while you sucked his cock? The thought did send heat shooting down your spine at the thought, but it would highlight just how much you were needy for him, and for some friction against your tingly clit. Seeing his encouraging nod, you settled yourself against his boot before finally rolling your hip, searching for pleasure.
After the first roll of your hips against the hard, shiny plastoid of his boots, you couldn’t restrain the moan that escaped your mouth, muffled by Echo’s cock. It had you reaching out to his calves, holding them as sparks of your arousal flittered to your core, tightening the knot of arousal even further. Echo, just moaned your name, feeling the vibration echo around his length as he pulled back before sliding back in swiftly.
“I remember my vods being desperate for you to look at them. If they could see you now, drooling on my cock, begging for relief as you hump my boot. They’d be so excited to see what a slut you are, but only for me. Right cyare? Only I can make you feel like this” he murmured, hips rolling against your face. You tried to get out a ‘yes Echo’ but it all came out in a garbled mess around his cock. “Oh, that’s it! My perfect girl” Echo moaned, feeling the vibration around his length.
The sounds he was letting out was almost too much and you ground heavily against his boot, eager for something to relieve the pressure that was building in your cunt. If he continued fucking your face, and you the rolling of your hips against the slight arch of his boot, then it wouldn’t be long before you both cummed from this alone.
The gurgles and spluttering noises as he pushed into your throat had you clenching around nothing, and you reached a hand up to hold his scomp, wanting to be touching him more, even with his cock forcing itself down your throat.
“Fuck! Stop, stop mesh’la!” he cursed, pulling out and holding your head away from him. Your ARC trooper panted heavily, breath coming out in short sharp jabs as he held you away from his sensitive length. You grumbled, wanting to taste more of his salty, unique taste. “I don’t want to cum down your throat” he murmured, shaking his head.
After a few seconds of you both calming yourselves down and taking in a few deep breaths; Echo reached under your arms and pulled you up to your feet. You let out a little squeal in surprise before he was up on his feet too, turning you both around until he was guiding you to sit in the chair he had just been occupying.
“There we go cyare. Need to open you up before I take you” he said, a smirk playing on his lips as you nodded your consent. God you wanted him to curl his long fingers inside of you and prepare you for him.
Echo gripped your hips, tugging you down until your ass was near the edge of the seat. Hooking his fingers into your leggings and panties, he dragged them over your ass and down your thighs, throwing them somewhere behind him. He helped pull your legs up as well, landing a kiss on each knee and grazing his teeth along them before looking at you, love, awe and lust all rolled into his beautiful whiskey coloured eyes.
“Spread your legs, mesh’la. That’s it… wider… wider mesh’la” he breathed, biting his lip as you hooked your legs up on the arm rests. He sunk to his knees on the floor in between then, his warm breath caressing your sensitive mound.
However, he didn’t touch you, much to your building frustration, preferring to look at you and take in your musky, heated scent and the clenching of your entrance as you were spread out for him. Like a beautiful feast he couldn’t wait to enjoy.
“Fuck, Echo please!” you whined, voice coming out more breathlessly than you hoped. Closing your eyes, you clenched your hands around your thighs. Both as to keep them spread for him, and because you needed at least a brief touch to remind yourself that you weren’t going crazy, waiting for him to touch you, to just do something.
“You’re gorgeous. Such a needy, little thing for me, aren’t you? I haven’t touched you yet and you’re already begging for me” Echo groaned, not taking his eyes away from your dripping slit. He wanted to run his fingers through your soaking wet folds, spread your lips and drink your juices straight from the source. The sounds you were letting out was making his hard as durasteel cock even harder, as you tried to encourage him to move.
Noticing the rolling of your hips upwards towards his face, he chuckled, gathered your slick on two of his fingers before pushing them into your quivering entrance.
The sound you let out at finally being filled and not teased was music to Echo’s ears. Your hot, tight walls pulsed around him, eager to pull his fingers even deeper into your core. He could feel just how wet you were, already leaking into the palm of his hand as he withdrew them before thrusting them back in, curling slightly to search for that sweet spot.
When he had it, you reached down to grip onto his pauldron, fingers curled tight around the smooth plastoid as you let out a cry of his name. Although you loved his voice, he was just as good with his hand and he could pull orgasm after orgasm from you with little more than his fingers.
“That’s it, mesh’la, you feel fucking fantastic surrounding my fingers, it feels like you never want to let them go. I’d be a happy man if I could stay here between your legs for the rest of my life” he growled, before nipping and sucking at the inside of your thigh to leave a mark.
Wasting no time, he pressed his scomp against your clit, activating a gentle vibration that had you clenching even tighter around him, hands coming up to the back of his head to push him closer to the apex of your thighs.
“FUCK! ECHO!” you cried out, body tightening as he used his scomp to push you over the edge, still keeping up his delicious thrust of his fingers inside of you.
“That’s it mesh’la, doing so good” he moaned, pressing his lips to your slit and catching your release on his tongue, swirling against your entrance to catch as much as possible. “Taste so good, mesh’la, can’t get enough of you” he grunted, his words pressed right into your folds, the gentle vibration combining with his scomp to keep you riding your high longer than you normally would.
When he pulled away, you practically sagged into the seat, completely boneless after Echo had knocked every thought out of your head apart from his name. He rubbed soothing circles on your thigh, pressing gentle kisses along your smooth and soft skin as he waited for you to catch your breath.
“You okay?” he checked in, noticing the small smile on your face that was aimed at him.
“Yeah… yeah ‘m feeling good” you murmured, trailing your fingers along his handsome face and down his neck. He closed his eyes, shivering slightly at the tender caress.
“Think you can go for more?” he asked, biting his lip.
“Kriff yes! Want to hear how you’re going to fuck me, trooper” you grinned, sending him a wink.
Echo smirked, eyes blazing with heat and want as he pinched your hip, enjoying the little squeal of surprise and happiness that you let out. “It’s Corporal to you! And why tell you when I can show you instead?” he grinned, pulling you up with a firm grip and spinning you around so that your back was pressed against his chest.
You shivered as the coolness of his armour was held to you, the temperature always a bit cooler than normal on the Marauder since your escape from the Empire. After all, you had to save fuel as much as possible, meaning the heating was the first thing to be sacrificed. He rubbed his hand up and down your arm before pressing a number of kisses to the back of your neck, sucking marks along the way as he dragged your shirt up with his scomp.
“Going to bend you over this chair and fuck you, mesh’la. Right where my brothers and I sit. Every time I’ll sit here I’ll remember this. How eager you were for me to fill your needy hole up. Every time I’ll send a comm or answer one, I’ll think about how much you love my voice. How wet it makes you” he murmured, fingers coming to brush against your folds.
You whimpered, his words sinking in as you realised just how open you were in the cockpit. Anybody could look up and see you through the visor at the front of the ship. Hell, Hunter would know exactly what you’ve been doing in here just as soon as he stepped on the ship, maybe before. The thought that this chair, this room would forever be remembered because you couldn’t help but feel turned on by Echo’s voice and the way he lectured you. It had you sinking over the chair, hands on the arm rest as your head hung between your shoulders.
“Oh, do you like that thought, mesh’la? That I won’t ever be able to forget what we’re doing whenever I’m in here. Going to get me hard just as soon as I walk in here” he chuckled, sliding his hand and scomp to your waist to pull your ass closer into his hips. He moaned at the feel of your ass cheeks brushing against his straining erection. “Ready?” he asked, thumb rubbing circles on your hip.
“Please Echo!” you groaned, gritting your teeth and pushing back into him even more.
“Alright, alright” he chuckled, notching the head of his cock at your entrance. With a final nod of consent from you, he slid home into your tight cunt. Your combined visceral moans echoed along the walls of the cockpit as Echo didn’t stop until he was fully inside of you.
You gritted your teeth, the feel of his length inside you was almost too much. It felt like his cock was carving a way into you, moulding your inner walls around him until he fit perfectly into you. Your hands gripped onto the arm rests, eyes fluttering as you became used to the sensation of feeling so filled by him.
“Fuck Echo, you feel so good. Feel amazing baby” you praised, reaching a hand behind you to catch one of his hips, squeezing tightly as you felt his hips quiver at your words and touch.
“How are you this tight? We were together last night” he breathed, shaking his head as he felt you clench and pulse around him. Inside of his head he was reciting the regulation manual of the command structure if there was no Jedi Commander. It wasn’t thrilling but it ensured that he wouldn’t end this sooner than he wanted.
“Come on, please Corporal” you breathed, throwing your hips back.
It had Echo flittering his jaw as he snapped his hips into yours, burying his length into your warmth over and over again until the sounds of both of your soft grunts and moans, and the wet squelching of your cunt was all that could be heard in the cockpit of the Marauder.
He wrapped his metal arm around your waist, pulling you even tighter to him and fucking himself as deep as he could go into you, angling his hips to find that spot that had you seeing stars. When he found it, you growled out, fists clenching and digging into the soft leather of the chair.
“Kriff, you’re so good! Fucking perfect cunt, can feel how much you want me. How much you need this pretty pussy to be filled by me” he growled into your shoulder, eyes closed tight as he focused on fucking you hard and deep into the pilot’s seat.
“Yes, yes, I need you! Please Echo” you cried, throwing your head back and reaching up a hand to cup the back of his neck. The shift in position had his cock pounding into the spongy part of your walls that had ecstasy burning through you. You groaned, tightening around him as much as you could as you felt your release approaching.
“My good girl, my good fucking girl” he grunted, hand sliding from your waist to under your shirt, pinching at your nipple and twisting it. The sharp shooting of pain and pleasure mixed together and you felt yourself gush around him as you was thrown over the edge. Echo gasped out your name, hips stuttering a few more times before he shot his load inside of you, pace faltering as he all but collapsed over you.
“Hmm, Echo, heavy” you complained, feeling the weight of him bearing down on you from your bent position over the chair.
“Sorry, cyare” he breathed, turning you gently both around until he could collapse in his seat, pulling you with him into his lap.
You spent the next few minutes catching your breath and soaking in each other’s affection and tender touches. Both of you didn’t want to move, happy to just be in this moment with your riddur. You ghosted your fingers up and down his arm, smile plastered on your face at how boneless and loved you felt. Echo smiled into your neck from where he was whispering sweet nothings into your ear. Such a contrast to the dirty words he was using with you before.
Echo hummed against your neck, pressing a light kiss to the spot under your ear before pulling away. He caught your chin, guiding your face to meet his own. His eyes danced in amusement and exhaustion as they met yours.
“Well cyare, entertained enough?” he grinned playfully at you.
You snorted in reply, sinking back into him and closing your eyes. “For now” you teased him, feeling a rumble in his chest at your answer.
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