#Teki Drummer
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It’s Tech Tuesday, and oh my gravy, my little giblets, have I dropped something for you!
As promised, here’s Tech, post Far Past the Ring. With a beard and a sweet MCRN suit, because….
- He’s captain of the frigate Enkidu and Chief Systems Engineer of the Transport Union.
- He’s part of Camina Drummer’s family now.
- He’s gone full Belter.
- The Empire is going to feel his tungsten toed foot up their butt.
I think he’d adjust his armor to have some flavors of his old life: he still has his pouches, the lights on his hands and arm computer, and painted the pauldrons with Mandalorian yellow for vengeance and bull horns in reference to Enkidu himself.
(I’d like to think Naomi or Prax told him the story of Gilgamesh and Enkidu, and he made the connection between himself and Camina)
(He’s not married to Camina, FWIW)
@amorfista @amalthiaph @eyecandyeoz @wrenkenstein @moosethren @merkitty49 @ilikemymendarkandfictional @techs-stitches @freesia-writes @sunkissedclones @sued134 @commander-sunshine @supremechancellorrex @skellymom @littlefeatherr @marymunchkiin @nika6q @vivaislenska @isthereanechoinhere96 @thecoffeelorian @eclec-tech @autistic-artistech @vimse
Let me know if you’d like to be tagged or not!
#tbb#cloneforce99#thebadbatch#the expanse#theexpanse#belter#the bad batch#tbb tech tuesday#tech tuesday#mcrn#mars#tech the bad batch#tech lives#tech star wars#Teki Drummer#crossover the expanse#the expanse crossover#star wars crossover#fan art#starwarsfanfiction
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03.21.2017 MERRY, sukekiyo & Metronome 3 Band Event “Okunnahareya” @ Shinjuku ReNY [PART 1/3]
Are You Ready For This
This was the last of the three「三月に咲く愚鈍共による錆びたハサミと戒厳令の雨あられ三輪車の花園にて、許しておくんなはれや」shows. The title roughly means “Blooming in March in stupidity, a hail of rusted scissors and martial law at the tricycle flower garden, please forgive me”. Okunnahareya (please) for short. The event was organized by Merry.
I went to the Tokyo show where the lineup was MERRY, SUKEKIYO, AND METRONOME. A++++
I lined up for goods really early but the knife still sold out and I’m still sad about it! I also didn’t win the Nero dakimakura even though I bought a ton of stickers. And I didn’t get the two stickers I wanted. BUT IT’S OKAY. The shirt is definitely one of my favorite tour shirts ever. I got two Merry trading cards this time and only got ONE Tetsu (I always get lots of him in webpon/trading cards… I think it’s my fate) and a Gara!! My first Gara trading card!
Detail of the sukemerry tshirt with Kyo’s drawings of sukekiyo and Merry!
Waiting in the venue... what is this sick bg music?
The show was at Shinjuku ReNY which is kind of shaped like a circle inside. A big marquee wraps around the venue and the name of that night’s band/tour revolves around the room. For this particular show, the marquee showed each band’s name in different colors, and then the event name in red… it took so long for the entire event name to make it all the way around the venue lol
There was also some really interesting music playing before the show/between bands. There was some I couldn’t place, but there was a lot from the avant garde band Guernica (whose vocalist you may know... Jun Togawa!!)
I remember hearing these two songs: 電力組曲 and クラウド9
The atmosphere that these songs created was pretty incredible. Everything about this event was strangely beautiful so this dramatic, retro, kind of cabaret feeling and strong and slightly unsettling vocals fit perfectly. The whole thing really felt like an extremely strange carnival, like Gara said. Honestly listening to Guernica I can definitely see why Gara, or Kyo, or both of them would have wanted these songs to play.
We were waiting for the first act (in the previous two shows sukekiyo had gone first). There was a heavy red curtain blocking our view of the stage. A staff member was yelling instructions and then SUDDENLY this loud electronica starts playing and the curtain slowly rises. Looks like metronome is first!?
I listened to metronome a little over 10 years ago so I was slightly familiar with them but I didn’t know many songs. This performance immediately made me a fan. It was just so incredibly FUN.
You could tell who was there for which band. People would rearrange themselves between sets. In some cases you could see a few people dancing around while others nearby were just nodding their heads.
I didn’t know anything other than the fact that I SUDDENLY LOVE METRONOME so I was copying furi from everyone around me and jumping around and just experiencing JOY.
Sanskrit was PROBABLY my favorite. It’s a song I like anyway, but the furi is NEXT LEVEL. There was a girl next to me that was obviously a big metronome fan so I was stealing her furi moves. During the chorus of this song you wave your hands up and down and then actually physically spin your whole body in a circle. It was SO FUNNNNN. No one else in my direct vicinity was doing it so it was mostly me and my new friend spinning around together. I can’t even explain the JOY I felt dancing and spinning while other people looked on smiling. We talked some after their set because I had so much fun I wanted to talk about it and she was happy that they had a new fan!!
Gimmicks also stands out as being REALLY fun because of the intense contrast between the intense parts and the upbeat verses (which then seem creepy in comparison). And also sekai wa minna boku no teki!! Sharaku does these robot moves back and forth along with the song between verses and when you move your hands in time with it it feels like you’re controlling him lol
Also their bassist Riu is ADORABLE? He knocked over his mic stand at one point and just smiled in embarrassment and picked it up and then knocked the mic off LOL. Do your best child.
Their MCs are SO CUTE AND FUNNY. Things I remember:
Sharaku likes it when fans who look dressed up/cute scream for him death voice style (versus the expected high pitched calling). So he referred to himself in that voice from then on.
Before Matsuri the drummer played a festival beat?? And we all clapped along?? And then Fukusuke started doing an MC in that kind of old festival Japanese voice?? I was so confused but I loved it.
During that MC Fukusuke talked about being invited to the event. He said sukekiyo and Merry are so dark and metronome is the only bright band. But it’s okay because their roots are dark! Riu looks cute and happy but he’s actually got a black heart!! (Riu raised both his arms up and posed) He said something similar about Sharaku and himself and they all posed. Sharaku’s pose wasn’t quite as impressive so he just kinda fell down to the ground and sat there LOL. We were laughing constantly throughout metronome’s MCs.
Sharaku said they had a show around Valentine’s Day so he decided to drive instead of taking the train because he expected to have lots of gifts. He said singers are ALWAYS the most popular member right? They HAVE TO BE, right? But he ended up only getting a small bag’s worth, so afterwards he just dejectedly said well… I could have just taken the train…
He also showed us the furi before each song yayyy
There was some talk about old VK bands versus new ones? People were just constantly laughing. I wish I understood lol
1. 解離性同一人物 2.世界はみんな僕の敵 3.ギミックス 4.アリガト 5.強くてNEW GAME 6.コンピュータ 7.MATSURI 8. ΦD-SANSKRIT 9.絶望さん
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SPORTOURISM - Tahun baru 2018 sebentar lagi, Sahabat Sporto berencana pergi liburan? Jika liburan akhir tahun kali ini ke Yogyakarta, coba datang ke Hotel Tentrem Jalan A.M no. 72A atau jaraknya tidak jauh dari dari kawasan Malioboro, Yogyakarta.
Akhir tahun ini, Hotel Tentrem sebagai salah satu hotel bintang lima terbaik di Yogyakarta, menghadirkan hiburan berkelas sebagai pilihan wisatawan maupun warga Yogyakarta dan wisatawan dalam merayakan pergantian tahun. Menampilkan The Best of 2 Divas Concert.
Dua Diva papan atas yang akan menghibur Sahabat Sporto di hotel berbintang lima ini, yaitu Raisa dan Vina Panduwinata. Dikemas dengan suasana eksklusive namun tetap akrab. Serta tata panggung dan pencahayaan berkualitas, konser yang bertajuk “The Best of 2 Divas” ini akan digelar di Ballroom Hotel Tentrem bersama J-Entertainment sebagai event organizer. Ikmal Tobing, drummer muda berbakat dan DJ Goeslan juga ikut ambil bagian untuk memeriahkan acara ini.
Sepanjang acara nanti, Raisa akan membawakan lagu-lagu terpopulernya, seperti Jatuh Hati, Teka Teki, Kali Kedua dan lagu-lagu dalam album Handmade tak pernah absen dari tangga lagu hits Indonesia.
Vina Panduwinata sebagai penyanyi senior Indonesia pun tidak ketinggalan. Dirinya akan menyanyikan lagu-lagu lawas, sehingga Sahabat Sporto akan terbawa ke era 80-an. Perpaduan dua Diva beda generasi tersebut, tentunya akan membawa nuansa berbeda dan berkesan dengan suguhan tembang yang akan membawa perasaan lebih dalam.
Tak hanya memboyong Raisa dan Vina Panduwinata, Hotel Tentrem Yogyakarta juga mempersembahkan makan malam istimewa di hari Natal dan Tahun Baru. Rangkaian hidangan yang tak hanya lezat di lidah, tapi juga sedap dipandang. Disajikan di Kayumanis Coffee Shop dan Summer Palace Chinese Restaurant pada 24 dan 25 Desember 2017 serta 31 Desember 2017. Menemani suasana bersantap, Sahabat Sporto dapat menikmati senandung Christmas Carol, ditemani Santa Claus dan Santarina di Hari Natal dan live music saat Tahun Baru.
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Ya know what? I’ll let Camina Drummer do the talking here. Both quotes from Far Past the Ring about Tech:
“And I have met with Teki multiple times–he is intelligent, brave, humble, and loyal.”
“Because you (Tech) are everything that makes us proud to be who we are. You are innovative, smart, and selfless.”
And here she is, tattooing the old boy (art by @cloned-eyes )
Say something good about this character!
#character#tech#the bad batch#tbb#tbb tech#clone trooper tech#sw#star wars#star wars the bad batch#cloneforce99
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Sebagian panduan mencari hadiah ulang th. untuk pria
Cari suatu hal atau barang yang Buket Bunga Boneka Wisuda memiliki faedah untuk dianya serta dapat digunakan, walau di rasa tidak romantis.
Alangkah sebaiknya memberi hadiah ulang th. satu barang yang waktu itu paling dia perlukan. Umpamanya arloji, tas, atau jaket, karna kepunyaannya telah rusak atau belum juga miliki sekalipun. Begitu kita juga akan dipandang lebih perhatian dari pada sebatas pemborosan.
Ingat, pria itu sederhana tidak complex seperti wanita, jangan sampai anggota surprise yang penuh teka teki, pria akan tidak menyenanginya karna dipandang merepotkan.
So, happy hunting ya Girls…
Kunjungi raja boneka untuk hadiah terlucu keponakan serta rekan kecil anda….
bantal guling club bola chelsea, manchester united, arsenal. bayern munchen
Hadiah Ulang Th. Antimainstream untuk Beberapa Cowok
Ulang th. adalah satu diantara event yang tidak bisa terlewati. Sering kita rayakan ulang th. seorang dengan memberikannya surprise. Selama ini, hadiah masih tetap menguasai jadi barang harus dalam perayaan ulang th.. Dalam pilih hadiah pastinya tidak dapat asal-asalan. Bila di pengetahuan marketing, ibaratnya kita mesti mencari product yang seesuai dengan tujuan customer (sok-sok berpendidikan dikit gapapa kan ya, hehehe).
Nah, dari penilaian yang sudah dikerjakan penulis (sebut saja saya), beberapa cewek senantiasa terasa kebingunan saat juga akan beli hadiah untuk pacarnya. Pasalnya, barang untuk cowok itu cuma sedikit. Paling-paling Hanya kaos, sepatu, tas, dompet, jaket, baju, serta sandal. Iya tidak? Telah tentu hal pertama yang ada dipikiran beberapa cewek saat pikirkan hadiah untuk cowoknya cuma sekitar pada beberapa barang yang telah ku sebutin diatas. Bayangin saja, seumpama anda telah pacaran sepanjang 7 th. sama cowokmu, masak ingin ngado barang yang itu-itu saja di tiap-tiap tahunnya? Walau sebenarnya anda berikan hadiah ke cowokmu tidak hanya di hari ulang tahunnya saja kan? Mungkin saja di hari jadian, atau di hari cowokmu menang kompetisi, di hari dia wisuda, serta banyak yang beda.
So, telah waktunya anda pikirkan hadiah yang beda. Kita mesti kreatif serta berani mncoba beberapa hal baru pastinya. Nih, di bawah saya akan berikan tau apa hadiah yang sangkanya antimainstrea, tidak mahal, sederhana tapi tetep bernilai serta super bagus untuk cowokmu. Cekidot girls!
Custom Peralatan Alat Musik
Custom Drum Stick (Solid Drum Stick)
Buat kamu yang pacarnya anak band, musisi, serta semacamnya anda dapat beri dia custom peralatan alat musik. Seumpama nih, cowkmu itu drummer, anda dapat membelikan dia stick drum dengan tulisan nama dia atau softcase stick drum dengan nama dia juga.
Bila cowokmu itu gitaris, anda dapat kasih dia pick guitar yang diberi karikatur/photo, namanya, namamu, tanggal jadian kalian, everything you want lah pokoknya. Dapat pula anda kasih dia soft case gitar. Itu berlaku juga kok untuk player beda, seperti bassist, keyboardist, saxophonist, serta yang lain.
Guitar picks
Guitar picks with sweet word
Guitar Picks
Guitar picks with photos and birthday congratulation
Dengan custom peralatan alat musik, anda dapat mendesain sendiri sesuai sama selera cowokmu. Sederhana kan? Janganlah cemas, telah banyak kok on-line shop yang jual product custom peralatan alat musik. Link-nya silahkan check di bawah girls. Sebagian panduan mencari hadiah ulang th. untuk pria : Cari suatu hal atau barang yang memiliki faedah untuk dianya serta dapat digunakan, walau di rasa tidak romantis. Alangkah sebaiknya memberi hadiah ulang th. satu barang yang waktu itu paling dia perlukan. Umpamanya arloji, tas, atau jaket, karna kepunyaannya telah rusak atau belum juga miliki sekalipun. Begitu kita juga akan dipandang lebih perhatian dari pada sebatas pemborosan. Ingat, pria itu sederhana tidak complex seperti wanita, jangan sampai anggota surprise yang penuh teka teki, pria akan tidak menyenanginya karna dipandang merepotkan. So, happy hunting ya Girls… Kunjungi raja boneka untuk hadiah terlucu keponakan serta rekan kecil anda…. bantal guling club bola chelsea, manchester united, arsenal. bayern munchen Hadiah Ulang Th. Antimainstream untuk Beberapa Cowok birthday-gifts Ulang th. adalah satu diantara event yang tidak bisa terlewati. Sering kita rayakan ulang th. seorang dengan memberikannya surprise. Selama ini, hadiah masih tetap menguasai jadi barang harus dalam perayaan ulang th.. Dalam pilih hadiah pastinya tidak dapat asal-asalan. Bila di pengetahuan marketing, ibaratnya kita mesti mencari product yang seesuai dengan tujuan customer (sok-sok berpendidikan dikit gapapa kan ya, hehehe). Nah, dari penilaian yang sudah dikerjakan penulis (sebut saja saya), beberapa cewek senantiasa terasa kebingunan saat juga akan beli hadiah untuk pacarnya. Pasalnya, barang untuk cowok itu cuma sedikit. Paling-paling Hanya kaos, sepatu, tas, dompet, jaket, baju, serta sandal. Iya tidak? Telah tentu hal pertama yang ada dipikiran beberapa cewek saat pikirkan hadiah untuk cowoknya cuma sekitar pada beberapa barang yang telah ku sebutin diatas. Bayangin saja, seumpama anda telah pacaran sepanjang 7 th. sama cowokmu, masak ingin ngado barang yang itu-itu saja di tiap-tiap tahunnya? Walau sebenarnya anda berikan hadiah ke cowokmu tidak hanya di hari ulang tahunnya saja kan? Mungkin saja di hari jadian, atau di hari cowokmu menang kompetisi, di hari dia wisuda, serta banyak yang beda. So, telah waktunya anda pikirkan hadiah yang beda. Kita mesti kreatif serta berani mncoba beberapa hal baru pastinya. Nih, di bawah saya akan berikan tau apa hadiah yang sangkanya antimainstrea, tidak mahal, sederhana tapi tetep bernilai serta super bagus untuk cowokmu. Cekidot girls! Custom Peralatan Alat Musik stick Custom Drum Stick (Solid Drum Stick) Buat kamu yang pacarnya anak band, musisi, serta semacamnya anda dapat beri dia custom peralatan alat musik. Seumpama nih, cowkmu itu drummer, anda dapat membelikan dia stick drum dengan tulisan nama dia atau softcase stick drum dengan nama dia juga. Bila cowokmu itu gitaris, anda dapat kasih dia pick guitar yang diberi karikatur/photo, namanya, namamu, tanggal jadian kalian, everything you want lah pokoknya. Dapat pula anda kasih dia soft case gitar. Itu berlaku juga kok untuk player beda, seperti bassist, keyboardist, saxophonist, serta yang lain. Guitar picks Guitar picks with sweet word Guitar Picks Guitar picks with photos and birthday congratulation Dengan custom peralatan alat musik, anda dapat mendesain sendiri sesuai sama selera cowokmu. Sederhana kan? Janganlah cemas, telah banyak kok on-line shop yang jual product custom peralatan alat musik. Link-nya silahkan check di bawah girls. Sebagian panduan mencari hadiah ulang th. untuk pria : Cari suatu hal atau barang yang memiliki faedah untuk dianya serta dapat digunakan, walau di rasa tidak romantis. Alangkah sebaiknya memberi hadiah ulang th. satu barang yang waktu itu paling dia perlukan. Umpamanya arloji, tas, atau jaket, karna kepunyaannya telah rusak atau belum juga miliki sekalipun. Begitu kita juga akan dipandang lebih perhatian dari pada sebatas pemborosan. Ingat, pria itu sederhana tidak complex seperti wanita, jangan sampai anggota surprise yang penuh teka teki, pria akan tidak menyenanginya karna dipandang merepotkan. So, happy hunting ya Girls… Kunjungi raja boneka untuk hadiah terlucu keponakan serta rekan kecil anda…. bantal guling club bola chelsea, manchester united, arsenal. bayern munchen Hadiah Ulang Th. Antimainstream untuk Beberapa Cowok birthday-gifts Ulang th. adalah satu diantara event yang tidak bisa terlewati. Sering kita rayakan ulang th. seorang dengan memberikannya surprise. Selama ini, hadiah masih tetap menguasai jadi barang harus dalam perayaan ulang th.. Dalam pilih hadiah pastinya tidak dapat asal-asalan. Bila di pengetahuan marketing, ibaratnya kita mesti mencari product yang seesuai dengan tujuan customer (sok-sok berpendidikan dikit gapapa kan ya, hehehe). Nah, dari penilaian yang sudah dikerjakan penulis (sebut saja saya), beberapa cewek senantiasa terasa kebingunan saat juga akan beli hadiah untuk pacarnya. Pasalnya, barang untuk cowok itu cuma sedikit. Paling-paling Hanya kaos, sepatu, tas, dompet, jaket, baju, serta sandal. Iya tidak? Telah tentu hal pertama yang ada dipikiran beberapa cewek saat pikirkan hadiah untuk cowoknya cuma sekitar pada beberapa barang yang telah ku sebutin diatas. Bayangin saja, seumpama anda telah pacaran sepanjang 7 th. sama cowokmu, masak ingin ngado barang yang itu-itu saja di tiap-tiap tahunnya? Walau sebenarnya anda berikan hadiah ke cowokmu tidak hanya di hari ulang tahunnya saja kan? Mungkin saja di hari jadian, atau di hari cowokmu menang kompetisi, di hari dia wisuda, serta banyak yang beda. So, telah waktunya anda pikirkan hadiah yang beda. Kita mesti kreatif serta berani mncoba beberapa hal baru pastinya. Nih, di bawah saya akan berikan tau apa hadiah yang sangkanya antimainstrea, tidak mahal, sederhana tapi tetep bernilai serta super bagus untuk cowokmu. Cekidot girls! Custom Peralatan Alat Musik stick Custom Drum Stick (Solid Drum Stick) Buat kamu yang pacarnya anak band, musisi, serta semacamnya anda dapat beri dia custom peralatan alat musik. Seumpama nih, cowkmu itu drummer, anda dapat membelikan dia stick drum dengan tulisan nama dia atau softcase stick drum dengan nama dia juga. Bila cowokmu itu gitaris, anda dapat kasih dia pick guitar yang diberi karikatur/photo, namanya, namamu, tanggal jadian kalian, everything you want lah pokoknya. Dapat pula anda kasih dia soft case gitar. Itu berlaku juga kok untuk player beda, seperti bassist, keyboardist, saxophonist, serta yang lain. Guitar picks Guitar picks with sweet word Guitar Picks Guitar picks with photos and birthday congratulation Dengan custom peralatan alat musik, anda dapat mendesain sendiri sesuai sama selera cowokmu. Sederhana kan? Janganlah cemas, telah banyak kok on-line shop yang jual product custom peralatan alat musik. Link-nya silahkan check di bawah girls.
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Hemlock suddenly snatched Tech’s data pad away from Emerie, and held it before them. No numbers or information was displayed on the screen that she had pulled up.
Instead, it was a picture.
It was Tech, sitting in front of Omega, both of whom wore the navy and silver uniforms of the Transport Union, clearly at an award ceremony. Omega’s arms were around Tech, and a little girl sat on his lap. Her brown hair and eyes matched Tech’s, while her pretty smiling face was a mirror of Omega’s, and Emerie’s as well. She held a toy tooka, just like Lula, and was happily cuddled into Tech’s arms.
Hemlock chuckled, as if he had just heard a good joke, looking at the picture.
“I most certainly would not have guessed this was possible, but variables are a core part of any scientific experiment. Who knew that clones were so paternal? ” He asked aloud to no one in particular.
'The Discovery' Into the Techiverse
Things are heating up on Into the Techiverse. While Tech is distracting Hemlock (and getting to Omega), Crosshair is being rescued. And the lurca hounds? Well, they're about to do something wild in the next chapter. Maybe that includes Batcher!
God bless Tech, looking through pictures of alternative versions of himself, including one where he's an officer with a wife and daughter.
OCs in here belong to @moosethren @wrenkenstein @techs-stitches and @ilikemymendarkandfictional.
#tbb#cloneforce99#thebadbatch#the bad batch#starwarsfanfiction#fanfiction#tech#tbb omega#tbb tech#tech clone force 99#tech lives#tech is a dad#Meg Drummer#Teki Drummer#dr hemlock#mt tantiss#escape#oc character#oc x canon
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"Every laugh, laugh line on your face Made you who you are today,"
Martina McBride
Happy OC Sunday! It's been a hot minute since I've posted something about Dr. Sjael Drummer and Tech (aka Captain Teki Drummer at this point). It's been over 25 years since they met, and they're getting ready to celebrate their oldest daughter's wedding. Proud Tech, father of the bride :*)
As I've mentioned, I just celebrated a birthday, and I'm facing the inevitably of both Getting Older and Time Passing. I'm feeling rather self-conscious lately about the wrinkles, thinning hair, and saggery that comes with age.
Cue me doing art where I can remind myself that aging itself is beautiful. Because it means you're surviving (and hopefully thriving!).
#tbb#the bad batch#cloneforce99#thebadbatch#the expanse#expanse oc#oc sunday#sjael drummer#tech x oc#oc x canon#oc#oc art#star wars#clone trooper#clone trooper tech#clone troopers#old man tech#my art#my artwork#my artwrok#tech tbb#tbb tech#oc character#oc drawing#oc artwork#my oc art#original character#crossover art
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Oh man, @eyecandyeoz got me when I'm cooking in the kitchen! I've got even more one-shots from Tales from Medina Station happening soon! But let's start from the beginning and work our way back (all are The Bad Batch and/or The Expanse):
Far Past the Ring:
The forested planet was small, even by outer rim standards.
According to the scans on the Marauder, outside of a handful of native non sentient animals, there were no others on the small, forested planet. It was a perfect hiding spot outlet for Hunter, Tech, Wrecker, and Omega.
"What's this place called?" asked Wrecker, wrestling Gonky into yet another lifting session.
"Station 47, I believe," Tech replied, steering them towards a landing spot in the middle of a field, "It's been an abandoned outpost by the Republic for quite some time. There is not even a presence of sentient life forms here."
2. A Conversation in the Sick Bay:
The room was unlike any sick bay that Crosshair had been in before. Unlike the cold, sterile rooms of the Empire's hospitals, the hospital room on Medina Station was designed to be a calm and peaceful environment. The clone's room was filled with soft lighting, the walls painted a gentle blue, almost as if he was in the deep end of a pool. Black and white pictures of engineering layouts of Medina Station itself were framed next to each other on the wall.
3. The Fairest in the Galaxy, or Echo the Disney Princess (this one I'm cheating, and just putting the Magic Mirror's rhyme, because it's just that insane):
“He was maimed and turned into a wreck
Then rescued by some guy named Tech
I afraid to tell your majesty
Echo, CT-1409, is more fair then thee.”
4. Mi Omega:
Sjael was unusual, in the fact that she enjoyed sitting in the examining room of a doctor’s office. Having grown up in her father’s clinic, she always associated the sterile environment with the end of waiting after a long day of school, her bespectacled father coming in, and giving her a series of slaps on the back, (as Dr. Drummer was many things, but a hugger, he was not) before taking her and her sister home.
But this time, when the door opened in Sjael’s examining room on Medina Station, a different Dr Drummer appeared.
5. Tenye Fo Me, Teki:
Tech looked over to see Wrecker fiddling with the gun deck, again. Normally, he’d have some strong words to tell his brother to be careful with the Marauder , but his mind was elsewhere today.
As it usually had been since they arrived on Station 47.
He picked up his backpack, checked his guns, and began to walk off into the woods. Omega and Hunter were out hiking in the woods, no doubt trying to get a new signal and see if they could contact Echo.
6. Kom Wanya Xom:
It was a typical Friday on Medina Station for Dr. Sjael Drummer. After finishing up the latest creation of the newest sucrose strain, Sjael quickly made sure that the processes had completed before sterilizing her lab equipment, turning off the fume hoods, and wiping down the tables.
Once she had stopped cleaning, the engineer waved goodbye to her colleagues, went to her locker, and changed from her lab coat to her long blue vest, which hung over her black shirt and leggings. She then wrapped the drapes of the vest around her torso, to make sure none of it would get caught in the spokes of her bike.
7. Good Enough:
Hunter and Tech had agreed, while at the Marauder , to discuss a new possibility of going to the Ring Gate. After weeks of talking about her new home, Sjael had convinced everyone, with the exception of Hunter, that Medina Station–the planet sized space station within a place called the Ring Gate–would protect them from the Empire’s reach.
The walk over to the Idunn, Sjael’s house sized gunship, was quick and quiet, with hunter being especially silent. Tech paid him no mind–he was already thinking about how to potentially get to the station if Sjael’s ship did not have hyperdrive.
8. Into the Techiverse!: (This one's a little funny, as two of the first segments were generously written by two of the OCs owners, @ilikemymendarkandfictional and @moosethren, both of whom are talented writers as well, count this as a tag. I will put my own in as a result below)
Tech knew multiple things, but there were two on his mind today.
The first was trying to better understand the new technology available to him in this new universe, that of the Sol system, including that of the blue-tinged alien technology, the Protomolecule.
The second, was to understand how the coffee maker in the main systems office of Medina Station worked.
9. Shoxa mi dem Setara:
It was a quiet night on the Marauder, on Station 47. It had been a week since the remains of Clone Force 99 had landed on the remote planet, and the quiet of the forested planet had been a welcome distraction for everyone. This was especially so for Tech, who was sitting in front of the camped Marauder, looking at his data pad, chewing on a ration bar. Omega, Hunter, and Wrecker were inside of the ship, asleep already.
Tech, meanwhile, was struggling. After all, it was quiet moments like these where his mind would wander. He wondered where Echo was with Rex, sometimes, and other times, thought about Crosshair, and what he was doing with the Empire.
I like big projects, and I can not lie. Tagging y'all if you want to join in: @wrenkenstein @supremechancellorrex @perfectlywingedcrusade @techs-stitches @isthereanechoinhere96 @sunkissedclones @sued134 @that-salmonberry-punk
Creator Self-Promotion
Rules: post the first lines of your last 10 fics you posted. If you have less than 10 fics posted, post the first lines of all your fics.
"But K, I don't write but I still create can I still play?"
Post your last 10 pieces and give us a play by play. What was the inspiration? Any fun facts you can share with us?
Anyway let's get on with it
1. Fishing for Compliments - Merman!Crosshair x F!Reader
A sigh passed the young woman’s lips as the sun began to disappear beneath the waves. The waves rocked her quaint vessel as if it were a mother soothing her child. Her meal as well as a plate of identical food remained untouched as she kept her gaze to the depths. Every ripple of its surface a reminder of the mounting minutes that her company kept her waiting.
2. Drop Me a Line - Wrecker x F!Reader
The young woman stifled a yawn as she continued to work the mass of dough to her standards to be plopped into pans to bake. She continued working the dough sparing glances to the chrono on the wall as the sky outside began to lighten with the sunrise. Her pulse spiked when the chrono was checked again. She abandoned the lump of dough as she snatched up a pastry box. The bell chiming as the door opened and closed.
3. Budding Romance - Rex x F!Reader
“And you’re sure you’ll have them there.”
“A bit of faith would be nice, Anakin.”
4. Skin in the Game - Wrecker x OC (Rina) (18+ Please view responsibly)
Wrecker was on the hunt. Thankfully the Marauder held only a few spaces to hide away as he searched the ship. His target tucked away by the sensors. Vibroblade twirling between his fingers while his idle gaze stared at the screen. The demolitions expert took a breath, hoping to find answers.
5. Hair Support - Tup x Reader
The days of the Clone Wars tended to drag on in between assignments. Thankfully, the Republic saw it fit to dispatch your research team with a clone legion escort to ensure the lush jungle planet would not eat you and your colleagues alive. It was in the sweltering heat of the afternoon that one of your study binges was interrupted. You shook your head knowing who dared tread into your tent.
6. Interrogations - Echo x F!Reader (18+ Please view responsibly)
The former arc trooper sighed. Another fruitless attempt at slipping free of his bonds. The chair he was bound to chilled any amount of exposed skin. The room kept dark to prevent him from gathering his bearings. He bided his time, waiting for the tell-tale clicking of his keeper. It was a whisper at first but grew louder as the automatic doors parted.
7. Personal Tastes - Hunter x F!Reader
Strands of meat sizzled and spat as she flipped the tangled mass. Her work distracting from the pair of eyes watching you from the doorway. Her culinary tasks from the staccato chops of a knife to peppers to the accented clink of a mortar and pestle offered a calming tune.
8. Just This Once, Everyone Lives - Rex x Reader
Your bottom lip remained captured between your teeth as the speeder came to a stop. The building looming over the city streets twinkled in the night. A beacon for personnel to gather while dressed to the nines. A hand curled around yours, smoothing over your knuckles.
9. Keep Away - UniversityAU Wrecker x Reader
You filed out with your fellow undergrads as your last class for the afternoon let out. the professor's voice offering mention of the end of the first sprint. You traversed amongst the student body's current before veering off to a corridor. The current loosening its grasp the closer you ventured toward the sanctuary of paper and ink.
10. Nothing Fight - Crosshair x F!Reader
It could be easy to say Clone Force 99 had a culture separate from the sea of clones. Clone medics would be reassigned in the blink of an eye and nat born medics often assigned whoever pissed off the higher ups. This led to your current long term assignment. Having a medic on board being the main reason one of your patients was released to his squad early pending observations.
NPT - @photogirl894 @rain-on-kamino @tecker @techs-stitches @littlemissmanga @annwayne @fakegingerrights @merkitty49 @moodymisty @starrylothcat
Wanna promote your work here too? Do it!
#star wars#the bad batch#sw fandom#sw fanfic#the expanse#tbb#star wars crossover#oc x canon#canon x canon#belters#clones#for beltalowda#crosshair tbb#tech tbb#echo clone wars#echo is a PRINCESS#there are two types of people in this world#people who accept Echo is the fairest prettiest princess with a bald assed head in the land#and everyone else who is wrong but shall be lead unto the light
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“And the fear that you might leave me
I thought of tomorrow
And I wished it was Monday evening
But I knew that you
With your heart beating and your eyes shining
Would be dreaming of me
Lying with you on a Tuesday morning.”
- The Pogues
Wanted to branch away from these two on V-Day, but still wanted to craft a quick. sweet picture of Sjael and Tech kissing. Never did one before. Plus prairie grass is so soothing to draw.
Also, there’s not enough art of couples who are the exact same height—especially if the woman is a 6-foot-something giantess like Dr Drummer (or myself!).
Need some writing of these two talking and getting it on? Click on the links below!
Showxa mi dem Setara
Tenye fo mi, Teki
And basically most of Far Past the Ring.
Tagging away:
@askwenjing @amorfista @amalthiaph @autistic-artistech @auntie-venom @warsamongthestars @eyecandyeoz @eelfuneral @eclec-tech @rocicrew @that-salmonberry-punk @thecoffeelorian @ilikemymendarkandfictional @insertmeaningfulusername @isthereanechoinhere96 @perfectlywingedcrusade @sometimes-i-talk-a-lot @dukeoftheblackstar @deezlees @just-shower-thoughts @littlefeatherr @vivaislenska @cdblake1565 @nahoney22 @notavalidusername @nika6q @skellymom @clownery-and-fuckery @marymunchkiin @merkitty49
#tbb#cloneforce99#thebadbatch#the expanse#the bad batch#theexpanse#belter#fanfiction#starwarsfanfiction#tech#tech lives#tech ship#tech star wars#tech talks#tech x oc#tech x sjael drummer#for the belt#belters#belter creole#Sjael Drummer#star wars crossover#the expanse fanart#the expanse crossover#clone force 99#tbb fanart#tbb fanfiction#star wars romance
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WIP Wednesday, Double the Trouble!
"Dr. Drummer?"
"Yes, Tech?"
"My, I mean, your little girl...would she like to meet me someday?"
"I think she would, very much. So would her papa, my Teki."
Into the Techiverse, Sjael Drummer and Tech
(Above: WIP of Cpt. Teki Drummer (formerly Tech), Meg Drummer, and Tech. More details need to be put in, and I need to fix Teki's five head!)
Two WIPS fpr today! The art above, and the writing below.
Into the Techiverse has an update! Read it here:
Into the Techiverse! - Chapter 10
Juno and Sjael have a good chat, and more importantly, Tech learns about his rescuers, especially Ash.
I'm also working on some art as well, but almost all are of the grand finale (s) of the piece. Including the one above, which is one of the final scenes off script, per se.
The characters in the story belong to @wrenkenstein , @ilikemymendarkandfictional, @moosethren, and @techs-stitches, respectively.
@sued134 @skellymom @littlefeatherr @eyecandyeoz @warsamongthestars @ithillia @isthereanechoinhere96 @eclec-tech @eelfuneral @askwenjing @autistic-artistech @auntie-venom @amalthiaph @amorfista @anxiouspineapple99 @deezlees @freesia-writes @constant-brain-fog @vivaislenska @verygoateebeard @nika6q @notavalidusername @marymunchkiin @merkitty49
#tbb#cloneforce99#thebadbatch#the expanse#the bad batch#belter#starwarsfanfiction#fanfiction#clone force 99#tbb tech#clone force 99 tech#tech lives#tech is a dad#oc child#into the techiverse#star wars fanfiction#star wars au#wip wednesday
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WIP Wednesday, to continue on from this piece from last week.
Don't know why I decided to draw with a pen like I'm back in high school, but it was fun! More shading and details need to be added for sure on this.
Decided to have a couple shot of Tech and Sjael at Glitch and Tech's wedding on Pabu (They're Techs from a different reality: Tech does not have multiple wives, lol).
This would be a few months after both Far Past the Ring and Into the Techiverse. Tech's an officer within the Transport Union under Camina Drummer, he officially goes by 'Teki Drummer', and he and Sjael have tied the knot with the Rocinante crew and Clone Force 99 in attendance.
Their families are safely on Medina Station, and they are starting to show that: Tech's got a beard and both he and Sjael are rocking comfortable, but fancy, duds for this ceremony. Of course Tech is never going to give up those damn pouches, where do you think he puts his data pad/cigars/flasks/fidget spinners?
Tagging away: @eyecandyeoz @wrenkenstein @moosethren @techs-stitches @ilikemymendarkandfictional @sued134 @cdblake1565 @marymunchkiin @merkitty49 @perfectlywingedcrusade @autistic-artistech @littlefeatherr @ithillia @nika6q @nahoney22 @auntie-venom @deezlees @amalthiaph @that-salmonberry-punk @freesia-writes @dukeoftheblackstar
#tbb#cloneforce99#thebadbatch#the bad batch#belter#fanfiction#starwarsfanfiction#tech#tech tbb#tech clone force 99#tech lives#tech fanart#tech x oc#tech bad batch#fancy tech#pabu#sjael drummer#oc x canon#oc character#oc art#my oc art#same height couples#tall women#tech x sjael drummer
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WIP Wednesday, my little pork pies!
Something I’ve noticed the people have liked in previous posts:
MCRN light armor from The Expanse
Camina Drummer
Tech with a beard*
Camina Drummer and Tech as a futuristic allegory for Gilgamesh and Enkidu.
So, I give the people what they want! I am but a humble servant.
Here's a piece I'm working on: President Camina Drummer and Captain Tech Teki Drummer (his name post Far Past the Ring. He's part of Camina's extended family). It's the rough sketch.
Yes, they will be kitted up and painted with Mesopotamian-style art on the pauldrons, chest plates, and thigh plates.
Yes, Tech has a SHOTGUN.
Who they're going to go after (Laconia? The Empire? Humbaba? Tech's Bitch Wife Laura?), I don't know! But it'll happen!
*= I noticed people went FERAL over this, least of all myself. My husband is fur-faced and when he shaved his beard off in 2021 for a few weeks I couldn't even look at him.
Tagging ya @anxiouspineapple99 @amorfista @amalthiaph @wrenkenstein @warsamongthestars @eyecandyeoz @eclec-tech @eelfuneral @rocicrew @techs-stitches @thecoffeelorian @ilikemymendarkandfictional @isthereanechoinhere96 @sued134 @freesia-writes @littlefeatherr @commander-sunshine @vivaislenska @verygoateebeard @blitzink @nika6q @moosethren @marymunchkiin @merkitty49 @skellymom
#tbb#cloneforce99#thebadbatch#the expanse#theexpanse#belter#the bad batch#fanfiction#starwarsfanfiction#tech#caminadrummer#camina drummer the expanse#camina motherfucking drummer#camina drummer#tbb tech#tech the bad batch#the expanse crossover#star wars crossover#star wars fanart#the expanse fan art#wip wednesday
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For Tech Tuesday, I’ve got the second to last chapter of Far Past the Ring up (the actual final chapter and epilogue will be posted next week!).
Pic above is a scene from the final chapter. Tech and Sjael Drummer have a conversation about where everything is headed for them, the clones, the citizens of the Belt, and beyond.
It’s also here where we find out that Sjael adores Tech’s receding hairline, and he loves the fact that she’s his height.
This may or may not be based on my own marriage, where my husband started going bald in his early 20’s and I’ve always been insecure about the fact that I’m a six foot tall giantess.
But my husband loves my long gangly arms and I love the fact that his hairline has such kissable spots when he’s sitting 💕.
Anywho, Tech (‘Teki’, in Lang Belta) has gone through one hell of a journey since the fic began in April. Won’t spoil it if you haven’t read it, but he’s got one hell of a hero’s journey that would make my old Anth professor at Berkeley proud.
@eyecandyeoz @isthereanechoinhere96 @merkitty49 @skellymom @eelfuneral @techs-stitches @amorfista @amalthiaph @thecoffeelorian @supremechancellorrex @sued134 let me know if I’m missing anyone!
#tbb#cloneforce99#thebadbatch#the expanse#theexpanse#belter#fanfiction#starwarsfanfiction#tech#the bad batch#tech bad batch#clone trooper tech#sjael drummer#oc x canon#tech x oc#the expanse crossover#the bad batch art#star wars bad batch#the bad batch crossover#tbb tech tuesday#tech tuesday#tech x sjael drummer
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Hello from Medina Station!
Howdy, call me Dr. Meat Muffin.
I'm a busy program director and writer, with a Ph.D in science education. When I'm not writing passive aggressive emails and reviewing terrible papers, working, I like to write and draw.
'Far Past the Ring' is my epic crossover of the world of The Expanse and Star Wars' The Bad Batch.
As of November 5th, 2023, the main story is complete. Side stories will be popping up, ranging from explicit smut pieces to simple conversations between characters. Some take place in the Star Wars universe, some in The Expanse, and some, well, in between.
Watch for them :)
Read on WattPad here
Read on AO3 here
Reddit AITA written by Sjael Drummer
Side Story: Good Enough
Side Story: Tenye Fo Me, Teki
Side Story: Mi Omega
Side Story: Kom Wanya Xom
Side Story: Implants
Side Story: Showza me dem Setara
As a science writer, I really wanted to explore the meeting of the two universes that seemed to respond to physics and biology in wildly different ways.
Additionally, I love The Expanse. Like, inhumanly so. And if you like Star Wars, I hope that this inspires you to watch this amazing show.
Finally, I also wanted to write a neurodivergent love story between an ASD individual and a neurotypical individual. I hope that I have done it justice.
'To Guard Against Titans' is the sequel to 'Far Past the Ring'.
If you want even more violence, sass, banter, warmth, and Adults Doing Adult Things, well, come on down.
Read on AO3 here.
Some Guides to 'Far Past the Ring':
OC: Sjael Drummer, Ph.D
OC: Tanke Drummer, MD
OC: Timon Chapelle
Minor OCs
Art (there's a ton!)
Author's Note: The Indigenous Future
Author's Note: On Neurodiversity and Relationships
Author's Note: Space Living
Author’s Note: On Neurodiverse Parenting
The TechiVerse!
If you like the concept of 'Into the Spiderverse', but are still heartbroken by the last finale of The Bad Batch, well, this one's for you!
Read it here on AO3
The OCs!
The non-canon Techs!
A collaborative project between multiple content creators (@wrenkenstein @moosethren @ilikemymendarkandfictional and @techs-stitches, plus yours truly. The characters used belong to their respective authors, all of whom are tagged here in this post)
Doug Talks Star Wars
My neighbor is an irreverent Boomer from Lafayette, LA, with all sorts of ideas and thoughts regarding a galaxy far, far away. I've taken to texting him regarding animated Star Wars shows and man, his Southern sass is magical. Enjoy!
My redneck neighbor Doug's interpretations on various 'Bad Batch' characters
My redneck neighbor Doug's interpretations on various 'Bad Batch' characters: Side Character Edition!
My redneck neighbor Doug on ‘The Outpost’
My redneck neighbor Doug on 'Pabu'
My redneck neighbor Doug on 'Tipping Point'
My redneck neighbor Doug on 'The Solitary Clone'
My redneck neighbor Doug on why Tech is a Florida Man
My redneck neighbor Doug on Space Cajuns, aka Belters from The Expanse.
My redneck neighbor Doug reads my fanfiction
My redneck neighbor Doug wants to write my fanfiction
My redneck neighbor Doug wants to cheer me up with 'The Clone Wars'
My redneck neighbor Doug writes Star Wars smut/fluff
#cloneforce99#thebadbatch#the expanse#tbb#belter#fanfiction#starwarsfanfiction#tech#techthebadbatch#theexpanse#oc character#my work#got questions dm me#no beta we die like Klaes Ashford#with an oscar nomination?#star wars crossover#star wars#star wars art#star wars fanart#clone wars#clonetrooper#beltalowda#my writing#doug the neighbor
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“Just…he isn’t my Teki.”
“Oh, Sjael. Let it go. Let him go.”
Dr. Sjael Drummer and Cpt. Jim Holden, Kom Wanya Xom
“It’s over, Tech. Let it go. Let her go.”
“No, I will not do that.”
Hunter and Tech, Far Past the Ring
Now that Valentine's Day is over and done with, here have some heaping angst!
I combined my individual, quick study pieces of Sjael and Tech in the full height of their separation: Tech realizing the depths of his loss, and Sjael trying her damndest to find him and the rest of Clone Force 99 through her calls in space.
Should I keep drawing and writing about these two? Eh, why not. I'm having fun with it.
#tbb#cloneforce99#thebadbatch#the expanse#the bad batch#theexpanse#belter#fanfiction#tech#tbb tech#the expanse fan art#the expanse fanfiction#star wars crossover#star wars fanart#clone wars art#starwarsfanfiction#clone force 99#belters#belter creole#beltalowda#james holden#jim holden#the rocinante#tech x oc#tech x sjael drummer#canon x oc#oc x cc#fan character
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“Your poor brothers, and you.
Thousands of parentless children, grown and tossed out into war like trash.
That is worse than anything the Inners could think of, even though they’ve used and thrown us aside when they decided it was convenient.
You were nothing more than a number, much less a child, to those terrible people, the Republic.
I’m so sorry, Teki.”
- Dr. Sjael Drummer, Far Past The Ring.
#thebadbatch#theexpanse#cloneforce99#the expanse#belter#tbb#starwarsfanfiction#fanfiction#techthebadbatch#tech#crossover tbb#sjael drummer#clone wars#clone trooper rex#clone troopers#clone troopers fanfiction
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