#males are necrophilic
necroseptic · 12 days
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dybzk · 2 months
♡₊˚ 🦢・₊✧
I need some friend PLEASE dm me I'll try my best to reply!
[Please read my intro before!!!]
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funeral · 8 months
In death the female loses the quality of being Other, and becomes an inanimate object that no longer threatens male order. Her body, once ‘a site of superlative alterity’, can now be controlled, composed, and dissected. In this state, the woman can be idealized. These ideas can be placed within the nineteenth century patriarchal cult of invalidism ... This cult glorified female suffering, illness and consequently, their deaths. Women who could be defined as either faint, frail or fading away, were set as icons of virtuous femininity. The ‘consumptive’ look consequently became an ideal of feminine beauty, which prescribed a pale, almost translucent skin, feverish eyes and an emaciated body. This sort of idealization went hand in hand with an eroticization of the dead female, the ultimate object of male fantasy ... Her total passivity enlarged her ‘erotic potential’. An almost necrophilic interest was thus taken into the bodies of lifeless females in nineteenth century Western art ... a morbid fascination that also surfaced in the Victorian iconography...
Valerie Meessen, "Post-mortems: Representations of Female Suicide by Drowning in Victorian Culture"
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most murderers are men most serial killers are men most rapists are men most pedophiles are men most child rapists are men most war criminals are men most warlords are men most necrophiles are men most doms are men most sex buyers are men most zoosadists and zoophiles are men most sadists are men most domestic abusers are men most violent offenders are men most nationalists are men most terrorists are men most porn consumers are men most stalkers are men most peeping toms are men most exhibitionists are men etc etc
how do so many people #notallmen these issues instead of recognising that male violence has a system?
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killjoyfem · 1 year
And remember ladies, on the subject of mortuaries: Necrophilia is a particularly male thing. In this study, 95 percent of necrophiles were found to be men. In addition, 100 percent of the cases of necrophilic homicide were perpetrated by men. (source)
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gorelesbian · 4 months
Please, tell me your top ten most disturbing books you’ve read. I honestly need recommendations.
thank you very much for asking!!! <3 some of these are so nasty that i feel the need for a disclaimer; i read disturbing horror (sometimes. can't stomach it continiously) when i get bored of everything since i know for sure it'll be stimulating and never boring. these are those books in no particular order!
the troop by nick cutter is about a troop of boy group scouts and their scoutmaster who are camping on an island when a fucked up parasite starts spreading. the body horror and animal cruelty/death in this are beyond insane, the turtle scene haunts me. i gave it 5/5 stars.
any man by amber tamblyn is one of my favourite books ever but i've never dared recommend it to anyone. it's about the male victims of a female serial rapist and genital mutilator. it's extremely harrowing and disturbing but i knew after 30 pages this would be a 5 star read for me, some of the best writing i've ever read. i gave it 5/5 stars. fun fact: amber tamblyn is also the girl who dies in the opening scene of the ring (2002)!
tampa by alissa nutting is about a woman who starts working as a teacher at a high school just to seduce and have sex with (rape) preteen boys. it's written from her perspective and it is extremely unpleasant to be inside her head. absolutely disgusting but also very well written. i gave it 4/5 stars.
earthlings by sayaka murata is about a young girl who has convinced herself that she is an alien from another planet to cope with the horrific abuse she going through. this book goes places i couldn't explain if i tried. i expected this to not be that disturbing and insane since it's quite popular but i was very wrong! i gave it 4/5 stars.
exquisite corpse by poppy z brite is about two gay necrophilic cannibalistic serial killers on the loose and their victims. it's set during the 1980s aids crisis which is very interesting. not much else to say about this one honestly! lot of nasty things happen! i gave it 3/5 stars.
tender is the flesh by agustina bazterrica is about a world in which animal meat has become unsafe for humans so we have started breeding and keeping humans for consumption. maybe not as disturbing as the other books on here but really interesting portrayal of the meat industry and how society treats minorities aka people they deem as "less human" than themselves. i gave it 4/5 stars.
gone to see the river man by kristopher triana is about a woman who has started a relationship with an imprisoned serial killer and has agreed to go on a quest for him. i was stressed as hell throughout this because she brings her mentally disabled sister with her who has no idea what's going on and i massively feared for her wellbeing. it actually wasn't disturbing at all until about 80% through and then it starts smacking you across the face. yikes! i gave it 3/5 stars.
things have gotten worse since we last spoke by eric larocca is about two women who meet online and quickly get involved in a very intense and fucked up relationship. goes pretty hard on the body horror and animal cruelty and baby cruelty. jesus christ. i gave it 4/5 stars.
to be devoured by sara tantlinger is about a woman who becomes obsessed with the thought of being a vulture and finding out what rotting flesh tastes like. she goes further and further to try and find out the vultures' secrets. now THIS is real weird girl swag. i gave it 4/5 stars.
i ran out of novels help. the most disturbing manga i've read is brutal: confessions of a homicide investigator by kei koga and ryo izawa which is about a homicide investigator who secretly punishes the criminals he encounters. this is very brutal. for example he finds a guy who raped a woman and he shoves a stake up his ass. i gave it 4/5 stars.
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justforbooks · 3 months
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Donald Sutherland
Commanding and versatile actor known for his roles in MAS*H, Don’t Look Now and The Hunger Games
Donald Sutherland, who has died aged 88, brought his disturbing and unconventional presence to bear in scores of films after his breakthrough role of Hawkeye Pierce, the army surgeon in Robert Altman’s M*A*S*H (1970), one of the key American films of its period. It marked Sutherland out as an iconoclastic figure of the 60s generation, but he matured into an actor who made a speciality of portraying taciturn, self-doubting characters. This was best illustrated in his portrayal of the tormented parent of a drowned girl, seeking solace in a wintry Venice, in Nicolas Roeg’s Don’t Look Now (1973), and of the weak, nervous, concerned father of a guilt-ridden teenage boy (Timothy Hutton) in Robert Redford’s Ordinary People (1980).
Although Sutherland appeared in the statutory number of stinkers that are many a film actor’s lot, he was always watchable. His career resembled a man walking a tightrope between undemanding parts in potboilers and those in which he was able to take risks, such as the title role in Federico Fellini’s Casanova (1976).
Curiously, it was Sutherland’s ears that first got him noticed, in Robert Aldrich’s The Dirty Dozen (1967). During the shoot, according to Sutherland, “Clint Walker sticks up his hand and says, ‘Mr Aldrich, as a representative of the Native American people, I don’t think it’s appropriate to do this stupid scene where I have to pretend to be a general.’ Aldrich turns and points to me and says, ‘You with the big ears. You do it’ … It changed my life.” In other words, it led to M*A*S*H and stardom.
Sutherland and his M*A*S*H co-star Elliott Gould tried to get Altman fired from the film because they did not think the director knew what he was doing due to his unorthodox methods. In the early days, Sutherland was known to have confrontations with his directors. “What I was trying to do all the time was to impose my thinking,” he remarked some years later. “Now I contribute. I offer. I don’t put my foot down.”
Sutherland, who was born in Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada, was a sickly child who battled rheumatic fever, hepatitis and polio. He spent most of his teenage years in Nova Scotia where his father, Frederick, ran a local gas, electricity and bus company; his mother, Dorothy (nee McNichol), was a maths teacher. He attended Bridgewater high school, then graduated from Victoria College, part of the University of Toronto, with a double major in engineering and drama. As a result of a highly praised performance in a college production of James Thurber’s and Elliott Nugent’s The Male Animal, he dropped the idea of becoming an engineer and decided to pursue acting.
With this in mind, he left Canada for the UK in 1957 to study at Lamda (the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art), where he was considered too tall and ungainly to get anywhere. However, he gained a year’s work as a stage actor with the Perth repertory company, and appeared in TV series such as The Saint and The Avengers. He was Fortinbras in a 1964 BBC production of Hamlet, shot at Elsinore castle and starring Christopher Plummer. He also appeared at the Criterion theatre in the West End in The Gimmick in 1962.
In 1959 he married Lois Hardwick; they divorced in 1966. Then he married the film producer Shirley Douglas, with whom he had twins, Kiefer and Rachel; they divorced in 1971. Kiefer, who grew up to become a celebrated actor, was named after the producer-writer Warren Kiefer, who put Sutherland in an Italian-made Gothic horror film, The Castle of the Living Dead (1964). Christopher Lee played a necrophile count, while Sutherland doubled as a dim-witted police sergeant and, in drag and heavy makeup, as a witch.
In an earlier era, the gawky Sutherland might not have achieved the stardom that followed the anarchic M*A*S*H, but Hollywood at the time was open for stars with unconventional looks, and Sutherland was much in demand for eccentric roles throughout the 70s.
He was impressive as a moviemaker with “director’s block” in Paul Mazursky’s messy but interesting Alex in Wonderland (1970), which contains a prescient dream sequence in which his titular character meets Fellini. In the same year, Sutherland played a Catholic priest and the object of Geneviève Bujold’s erotic gaze in Act of the Heart; he was the appropriately named Sergeant Oddball, an anachronistic hippy tank commander, in the second world war action-comedy Kelly’s Heroes; and he and Gene Wilder were two pairs of twins in 18th-century France in the broad comedy Start the Revolution Without Me.
Sutherland was at his most laconic, sometimes verging on the soporific, in the title role of Alan J Pakula’s Klute (1971), as a voyeuristic ex-policeman investigating the disappearance of a friend and getting deeply involved with a prostitute, played by Jane Fonda.
Sutherland and Fonda were teamed up again as a couple of misfits in the caper comedy Steelyard Blues (1973). It initially had a limited distribution due mainly to their participation together in the anti-Vietnam war troop show FTA (Fuck the Army), which Sutherland co-directed, co-scripted and co-produced.
Sutherland always made his political views known, although they surfaced only occasionally in his films. In among the many mainstream comedies and thrillers was Roeg’s supernatural drama Don’t Look Now, in which Sutherland and Julie Christie are superb as a couple grieving their dead daughter. Despite the dark subject matter, the film was notable for containing “one of the sexiest love scenes in film history”, according to Scott Tobias in the Guardian, the frank depiction of their love-making coming “like a desert flower poking through concrete”. The actor so admired Roeg that he named another son after him, one of his three sons with the French-Canadian actor Francine Racette, whom he married in 1972.
John Schlesinger’s rambling version of The Day of the Locust (1975) saw Sutherland as a sexually repressed character – called Homer Simpson – who tramples a woman to death in an act of uncontrolled rage. Perhaps Bernardo Bertolucci had that in mind when he cast Sutherland in 1900 (Novecento, 1976), in which he is a broadly caricatured fascist thug who shows his sadism by smashing a cat’s head against a post and bashing a young boy’s brains out. “And I turned down Deliverance and Straw Dogs because of the violence!” Sutherland recalled.
In Fellini’s Casanova, the second of his two bizarre Italian excursions in 1976, Sutherland coldly calculates seduction under his heavily made-up features. The performance, as remarkably stylised as it is, still reveals the suffering soul within the sex machine.
In 1978 he appeared in Claude Chabrol’s Blood Relatives, a made-in-Canada murder mystery with Sutherland playing a Montreal cop investigating the murder of a young woman. More commercial was The Eagle Has Landed (1976), with Sutherland, attempting an Irish accent, as an IRA member supporting the Germans during the second world war, and as a chilling Nazi in Eye of the Needle (1981). Meanwhile, he was the hero of Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978), who resists the insidious alien menace until the film’s devastating final shot.
In 1981 Sutherland returned to the stage, as Humbert Humbert in a highly anticipated version of Vladimir Nabokov’s Lolita, adapted by Edward Albee. It turned out to be a huge flop, running only 12 performances on Broadway. Both Sutherland and Albee played the blame game. “The second act is flawed,” Sutherland said. “Albee was supposed to have rethought it, but he never did.” Albee told reporters that he had scuttled some of his best scenes because they were “too difficult” for Sutherland because “he hasn’t been on stage for 17 years”.
Continuing his film career, Sutherland played a complex and sadistic British officer in Hugh Hudson’s Revolution (1985), and in A Dry White Season (1989) he took the role of an Afrikaner schoolteacher beginning to understand the brutal realities of apartheid. In Oliver Stone’s JFK (1991), he held the screen with an extended monologue as he spilled the conspiracy beans to Kevin Costner’s district attorney hero Jim Garrison.
After having made contact with young audiences in the 70s with offbeat appearances in gross-out pictures The Kentucky Fried Movie (1977) and National Lampoon’s Animal House (1978), the latter as a pot-smoking professor, he was cast as an unconvincing bearded stranger in Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1992).
On a more adult level were Six Degrees of Separation (1993), in which he played an unfulfilled art dealer; A Time to Kill (1996), as an alcoholic, disbarred lawyer (alongside Kiefer); Without Limits (1998), as an enthusiastic athletics coach; and Space Cowboys (2000), as an elderly pilot. By this time, he was gradually moving into grey-haired character roles, one of the best being his amiable Mr Bennet in Pride and Prejudice (2005).
The Jane Austen novel was also featured in the television series Great Books (1993-2000), to which Sutherland lent his soothing voice as narrator. Other series in which he shone as quasi baddies were Commander in Chief (2005) – as the sexist Republican speaker of the house opposed to the new president (Geena Davis) – and Dirty Sexy Money (2007-09), in which he played a powerful patriarch of a wealthy family.
Sutherland continued to be active well into his 80s, his long grey hair and beard signifying sagacity, whether as a contract killer in The Mechanic, a Roman hero in The Eagle, a nutty retired poetry professor in Man on the Train (all 2011), or a quirky bounty hunter in the western Dawn Rider (2012), bringing more depth to the characters than they deserved. As President Coriolanus Snow, the autocratic ruler of the dystopian country of Panem in The Hunger Games (2012), Sutherland was discovered by a new generation; he went on to reprise the role in three further films in that franchise, beginning with The Hunger Games: Catching Fire (2013).
He played artists in two art-world thrillers by Italian directors: in Giuseppe Tornatore’s Deception, AKA The Best Offer (2013), he was a would-be painter helping to execute multimillion-dollar scams, while in Giuseppe Capotondi’s The Burnt Orange Heresy (2019) he was on the other side of the heist as a reclusive genius targeted by a wealthy and unscrupulous dealer (Mick Jagger).
Aside from James Gray’s science-fiction drama Ad Astra (also 2019), in which he co-starred with Brad Pitt, Sutherland’s best late work was all for television. In Danny Boyle’s mini-series Trust (2018), which covered the same real-life events as Ridley Scott’s All the Money in the World, he played J Paul Getty, the oil tycoon whose grandson is kidnapped; while in The Undoing (2020), he was the father of a psychologist (Nicole Kidman), reluctantly putting up bail when her husband (Hugh Grant) is arrested for murder.
For the latter role Sutherland was in the running for a Golden Globe, having already received an honorary Oscar in 2017.
He is survived by Francine and his children, Kiefer, Rachel, Rossif, Angus and Roeg, and by four grandchildren.
🔔 Donald McNichol Sutherland, actor; born 17 July 1935; died 20 June 2024
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ninathekllrr · 2 months
How the creepypasta fandom feels after headcannoning half the male population as necrophiles
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sewers-headmates · 2 months
one sick fucked up man coming up
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Name: Patrick Bateman
Age: 27
Gender: male
Pronouns: he/him
Sexuality: very very VERY closeted gay man, to the point where the concept of being gay makes him sick (he still stares at men all the time though)
Species: human, transGod
Source: american psycho (movie & novel)
Roles: gatekeeper, aggressive protector
cisIDs: brown hair, antisocial, asocial, anger issues, intrusive thoughts, delusions, NPD, no emotion
transIDs: transHarmful, permaDelusional, transBPD, transASPD, panCluster-B, transSmart, transMurderer, transSerialKiller, transNormal, transEmotions
Paraphiles: sadist, necrophile, MAP, consang
Other Labels: he’s a sadistic awful man who supprisngly helps the body out a lot with self care and keeping worse people away + other persecutors at bay
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i hope you enjoy this awful vile man
-mod max
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literallyrousseau · 7 months
𝕴𝖓𝖙𝖗𝖔𝖉𝖚𝖈𝖙𝖔𝖗𝖞 𝖕𝖔𝖘𝖙
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"𝕶𝖓𝖔𝖜𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖔𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖗𝖘 𝖎𝖘 𝖎𝖓𝖙𝖊𝖑𝖑𝖎𝖌𝖊𝖓𝖈𝖊; 𝖐𝖓𝖔𝖜𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖞𝖔𝖚𝖗𝖘𝖊𝖑𝖋 𝖎𝖘 𝖙𝖗𝖚𝖊 𝖜𝖎𝖘𝖉𝖔𝖒"
Who am I? Previously known as the Third Husband, in the internet I am Rousseau. As stated in my blog’s description, I am eighteen and Brazilian. I am not a writer and this blog merely exists to interact with friends and overall people, as well as with things of my interest.
I like to watch films and anime, play games, read and learn. My favorites are JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, Attack on Titan, The Lost Canvas and Monster for anime. For games, Call of Duty [mobile specially] and the good old Roblox. I also enjoy motorsport, particularly Formula 1.
I am really passionate about History and Philosophy, vide the name. Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Baruch Spinoza, Montesquieu and Max Weber are my all time favorites. I am also an art admirer, even if I cannot draw, paint or write.
In conclusion, I am just a sophist, bisexual man looking for some good interactions and camaraderie.
“𝕸𝖆𝖓 𝖎𝖘 𝖇𝖔𝖗𝖓 𝖋𝖗𝖊𝖊 𝖇𝖚𝖙 𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖗𝖞𝖜𝖍𝖊𝖗𝖊 𝖎𝖘 𝖎𝖓 𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖎𝖓𝖘 “
Who can interact with this blog? Basically anyone as long as you are over sixteen and not a chauvinist. Provided you are a not homo/trans/xenophobic person, racist, zionist, necrophile, pedophile or a pederast, you have all freedom to interact with me.
“𝕿𝖔 𝖇𝖊𝖈𝖔𝖒𝖊 𝖙𝖗𝖚𝖑𝖞 𝖌𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖙, 𝖔𝖓𝖊 𝖍𝖆𝖘 𝖙𝖔 𝖘𝖙𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖜𝖎𝖙𝖍 𝖕𝖊𝖔𝖕𝖑𝖊, 𝖓𝖔𝖙 𝖆𝖇𝖔𝖛𝖊 𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖒”
Who should interact? Though not a primarily moot account, I am really open to making new online friends. In other words, I follow back and feel free to leave messages in the inbox‼️
"𝕾𝖍𝖔𝖜 𝖒𝖊 𝖜𝖍𝖔 𝖞𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝖋𝖗𝖎𝖊𝖓𝖉𝖘 𝖆𝖗𝖊, 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝕴 𝖜𝖎𝖑𝖑 𝖙𝖊𝖑𝖑 𝖞𝖔𝖚 𝖜𝖍𝖆𝖙 𝖞𝖔𝖚 𝖆𝖗𝖊"
@hyena-boy69 @embry-garrick @ccreekside @atlasaurusrex @moralesirl @miguel-owhora @miguelo-hara2099 @kylesgarrick @adrawinggnome @virtualconnoisseurtheorist47 @insuke69 @starre-eyes @dreadfullyrottenn @mrnoodle69 @demovamp @theannoyinghuman @amxnanodalhard @sexualexplorers-blog @male-wife-grinder @prodigy-from-pluto @strboyshfts @dioenjoyer @strawbieqt @feralcazz @coffeeauthorvibing @softggh0ul @ccyberangelz @abisangelss @malyjohn @cheriecosmos @s1ckh1mb0 @happyfeet3351 @theratthatgotyeeted @maxbeloved27 @agoofyannoyancetolaw @m1dnight-mars @peapodsinspace @imaroyalburneraccount @corpsemakoto @apple-dilf-shake @yuliapavlovsky @akingdomscrypt
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𝕹𝖔𝖓 𝖔𝖒𝖓𝖎𝖘 𝖒𝖔𝖗𝖎𝖆𝖗.
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dworkinsdaughter · 1 year
I can’t help but see the simultaneous release of the Barbie movie and Oppenheimer to be an encapsulation of current gender culture. I haven’t seen either movie (and don’t plan on watching Oppenheimer) but womens culture is bright and colourful and fun and people are dressing up and having parties in real life. Daughters are going with mothers. Sisters going together. Girlfriends with girlfriends. And it’s just. Even not even taking about the content of the film which with barbie I honestly have no idea what it will be. It’s fun.
And Oppenheimer. I’ve had so many sponsored posts at me about it. How I have to see it on the big screen. So lots and lots of money behind marketing it. Shoving a movie about bombs in my face while the stuff with Russia is happening. Is it not a bit on the nose? And why do I ‘want’ to care about bombs. I don’t. I hate them. I hate war. I hate that so much money has gone into wars and death dealing bombs and obviously so much money has gone into this film and it’s promotion. It’s male necrophilic culture that capitalises on death. I hate it.
Would love to know your thoughts (women only)
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badshipshitblog · 1 year
How do you think a necrophilic Bro would be?
i already think bro (and dirks in general) is a necrophile! eroticizing his death, likes the idea of his body still being useful/sexually important after death, kind of like the Ultimate Submission to both life & whoever's fucking your corpse. i think he would also be into the idea of fucking corpses himself, wrt having total control over someone's body. in many ways, corpses are like puppets. plus he's into gore
bro's definitely has fantasies abt fucking dave's corpse, but those are also tied up in semi wanting dave to die so that he can be the Alpha Male Protagonist. if dave died pre-game, i think bro would definitely fuck him. in general i think a dirk w access to a dave corpse would fuck it. and often vice versa
i don't think bro's a practicing necrophile in canon, if that's what you mean. he's a busy guy. but were he, i could see him breaking into morgues to see what's going on and playing w a body if it caught his eye. he would bring cal. i don't think bro has sex w/o cal there
in a darker au it would be fun for bro to be serial killing blond teens that he fucks & disposes of in the crawlspace while dave's home
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bimbo-bah · 2 months
🪻- for notif
Ah yay! Thank you!! (Anon that asked about an immoral-bah req that wasn't filled)
alter type: I dunno what this means /lh
source: brain made!
system roles: persecutor, aggressor, similar
name(s): up to you, a few choices please!
species: vampire transhuman, you can add if you want :D
gender: male leaning genders, but xenos if you don't mind!
pronouns: he/slay/ up to you
sexuality: stalkersexual, pansexual with a pref towards masc people
age: 20s
cisids: rapist, stalker, killer, anything else problematic you want to add!
transids: severity IDs (wanting to be more harmful etc) and some physical appearance ones related to being transhuman, please!
paras: biasto, erotophono, chrono (12+ including adults), others that you want to add!
personality: an asshole, add whatever you want!
likes: crime shows, smoking, hunting + camping, whatever you want to add
dislikes: whatever you think works!
aesthetics: reds, blacks, purples. gothic but in a subtle way if that makes sense?
typing quirk(s): a couple of them, please!
face claim: up to you!
Literally you have full creative freedom on top of what we outlined, we love your packs :D
Alright, I hope this is good enough~! Also, Altertype is basically if a character is a Brainmade, fictive, songtive, etc.~!
{Super Problematic Alter~!}
𓆩♡𓆪 Alter Type: Brainmade
𓆩♡𓆪 Source: N/A
𓆩♡𓆪 System Role(s): Persecutor, Bezerker
𓆩♡𓆪 Name(s): Leech, Butcher, Hound, Corpse,
𓆩♡𓆪 Species: Vampire (TransHuman, TransGod)
𓆩♡𓆪 Gender: Goreboy Goreimageic Gorecoric Torturelexic Visceraesic Gendergore Woundthing Slashgoreic Caeduerine Horrorboy
𓆩♡𓆪 Pronouns: He/Slay/Vamp/Bite/Kill/Gore/Hurt/Rot/Vi/Vis/Sinew
𓆩♡𓆪 Sexuality: Stalkersexual Violentsexual Pansexual Masc-Pref
𓆩♡𓆪 Age: 23
𓆩♡𓆪 CisIDs: CisMurderer, CisStalker, CisRapist, CisXenosatanist, CisAbusive, CisBrainwasher, CisGroomer, CisNPD, CisCAPD (Compulsive Abusive Personality Disorder), CisALD (Absorbant Love Disorder), CisBloodDrinker, CisNullEmpathy, CisSelfish, CisDoxxer, CisSuibaiter, CisHacker, CisNicotineAddiction, CisKidnapper, CisGodComplex, CisTorturer, CisSnuffFilmer, CisPeircing, CisJapanese, CisNorwegian
𓆩♡𓆪 TransIDs: TransNullFangs, TransCannibal, TransASPD, TransCultLeader, TransProgrammer, TransDeltaProgramming, TransEtaProgramming, TransHumanTrafficker, TransCyberSexTrafficker, TransNazi, TransSexSlaveOwner, TransSeverityStalker, TransSeverityMurderer, TransSeverityBrainwasher, TransBlueEyes, TransEmotionless, TransConsang, TransOlderBrother, TransZionist, TransSeverityKidnapper, TransGod, TransWorshipped, TransParasitic, TransMassShooter, TransTanned, TransLobotomist
𓆩♡𓆪 Paras: Biastiophile, Sadist, Erotophonophile, Chronophile (12+), Pedosadist, Autoteratophile, Necrophile, Transandrophile, Thanatophile, Emapihtophile, Haemotophile, Odaxelagnia, Somnophile, Zoo, Traumaphile, Autohybristophile, Apagophile, Menophile, Phobophile, Lyssophile, Dopephile, Narkobiastophile, Anthropophagolagnia, Unaisiphile
𓆩♡𓆪 Personality: Introvert. Leech is, as his name suggests, a human parasite, or at least tries his damnest to be. While he enjoys tormenting multiple people at once, he'd often prefer zoning in on one victim and using them for all of his entertainment until they either die or he gets bored of them. He considers himself to be everyone's worst nightmare, and he enjoys watching people break and crumble before him.
𓆩♡𓆪 Likes: Crime shows, Snuff Films, Smoke, Hunting, Camping, Stalking, Finding new prey, Traumatizing others
𓆩♡𓆪 Dislikes: People trying to 'knock him down a peg', not being listened to, victims with strong resiliance.
𓆩♡𓆪 Aesthetic(s): Gothcore, Horrorcore
𓆩♡𓆪 Typing Quirk(s): O = 0, H = #, S = Z, U = V, I = 1, All Caps, Triple Puncuation (ex. T3E QV1CK BR0WN F0X JVMPZ 0VER T#E LAZY D0G...)
𓆩♡𓆪 Face Claim:
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bayfuzzball7050 · 5 months
So uhh did ya know that dolphins are necrophiles?? There is record of them trying to procreate with corpses of seals, whales, big fishes, and sharks and even humans
Plus their mating ritual is killing the females pod and forcing her to procreate with 3 males or more
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haggishlyhagging · 1 year
The average American woman works almost twice the hours, and receives a little more than half the pay, of the average American man. This fact has become a feminist cliché. If housewives were paid for their domestic work alone, they would earn $17,000 a year. This too has become a cliché. In lieu of payment, the average white middle-class American homemaker is patted on the head and praised for her "priceless work," a woman's work that is so important it can't have a price tag put on it. This baloney comes from men who have deliberately constructed a world in which all power over life and death is a function of money, of ascertainable wealth, period. A world of male power that is economically established on the fact of women's unpaid labor. But millions of married women accept this baloney, and the patronizing head-pats, because they see very clearly that unpaid labor within a marriage is still better than most of the alternatives. I.e., the effect of increasing poverty, especially of the "feminization of poverty," is to force new generations of women into accepting the old traditional terms of patriarchal marriage. American mainstream feminism's offer of “equality within the system” becomes meaningless within a rotten system. A patriarchal, Fascist economic system ontologically predicated upon the exploitation of female labor cannot possibly offer huge numbers of women anything but two choices: economic enslavement inside of marriage, or economic enslavement outside of marriage. A third choice is total poverty.
It is women, in fact—it is the fact of women's labor—that presents the most unanswerable challenge to the theoretical and practical claims of "free-enterprise" economics. Very simply, it is the accumulated days, years, and centuries of women's unpaid or poorly paid labor that utterly refutes the astoundingly simple-minded notion that hard work equals wealth. If hard work equalled wealth, all the world's women would be quite rich.
But clearly, the world's women are not rich. In The Anatomy of Freedom, Robin Morgan quotes United Nations statistics, presented by UN Secretary Kurt Waldheim in his Official Report to the UN Commission on the Status of Women in 1982:
While women represent ½ of the global population and ⅓ of the labor force, they receive only ⅒ of the world income and own less than 1% of the world's property. They also are responsible for ⅔ of all the working hours on earth.
People who put in two-thirds of the world's working hours and receive in return one-tenth of the world's income should have something to say about the idea that hard work equals wealth. They should have something very interesting to say to the neoconservative enthusiasts who insist, "Hard work is rewarded, and only the lazy are poor." The bitter truth is, under four thousand years of patriarchal "exploit-for-profit" economics, the women of the world have worked long and hard, often under the worst necrophilic conditions, to keep the human race minimally alive. In return, we receive mostly dismal statistics signifying not reward, but rip-off.
As Robin Morgan underscores in The Anatomy of Freedom, all those major issues labeled "world problems" are in fact women's problems. The world's starving millions are predominantly women and children. Some cultures traditionally give all their protein to men; in famine and other crises, food goes first to the male armies. It is women who are expected to stay alive on nothing, to feed infants and toddlers from their bodies as well, while gathering and preparing some kind of sustenance for everyone else . . . usually in terrain stripped of all nourishment. Over 90 percent of all the world's refugees are women and children. The world's poor are overwhelmingly women and children. And this means that most of the world's health problems, the problems of illiteracy and child abuse, are also women's problems; as is the problem of old age—of being old, and caring for the old. The major problems facing the world today are women's problems. Yet, as Morgan notes, the male "experts"—the world-analyzers, the world-developers, the world-planners—continue to list these problems in a secondary category, labeled "women's issues," ie., consigned to the dustbin. Even war, the glamorous "male issue," is a woman's problem, for global female energy keeps going into the sustaining of biological life in the face of man's technological preoccupation with death. And it is man's preoccupation that gets all the funding, it is obsessive preparation for war that drains off all the resources of will and energy needed to continue life. It takes almost ten months to make a human body, it takes a fraction of a millisecond to destroy one. Apparently war-oriented males feel this gives them a technological superiority over women, although all the superiority is on the side of death.
-Monica Sjöö and Barbara Mor. The Great Cosmic Mother: Rediscovering The Religion of the Earth.
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sewers-headmates · 2 months
looked at the mod interest list so... Incel headmate? 👀
hell yah take this freak :)
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Name: Maddox, Myles, Milo, River, Lane
Last Name: Way, Void, Willis, Lee, Reeves
Age: 19
Gender: male
Pronouns: he/him
Sexuality: bisexual
Species: human
Source: brainmade
Roles: persecutor, anger holder
cisIDs: incel, brown hair, long hair, depressed, bad vision, glasses, PTSD, anger issues, autistic
transIDs: transHarmful, transHateful, transSexist, transAbuser, transMisogynist, transADHD, permaAngry, permaViolent, transAddict, transPillAddict
Paraphiles: sadist, necrophile, biastophilia, menophilia, oplophilia
Other Labels: polyamorous, despite being strongly attracted to women he will never get into a relationship with one. he despises them to much to even interact with them
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i love my fellow trans/cis/trisIncels <3 i hope he suits you well!
-mod riddler
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