#mainly updates of what im doing or feeling when posting
rashomonss · 7 months
Part XV
previous part
taglist: @miridiums-writing, @zerchila, @aeongiies, @xmoogx, @coffeeandtealol, @food-lover9000, @l0diluvs, @vichsy, @valeriele3, @entolomaeden, @acaribeau, @arcayia, @jessiegerl, @capricorn-anon, @crescentworld, @g-l-1-t-c-h-3-r, @chumbinhoeba, @chaos-n-kindness, @strawberryfire17, @zenxvii, @misscaller06, @luminarysol, @simpinginthecorner, @your-next-daydream, @bontensbabygirl, @crxwned-mxnarch, @ibtisam-aran, @mochicurls21, @rxsehxney, @xpixie, @ihatecorns, @hello-gloomy, @lunarloathsome, @crazytacokoala, @levia-chan, @bunny-masks-blog
a/n: hey y'all!! yay i finally updated haha….im so sorry it took so long if you’ve been keeping up with my other posts you’ll know that february was not good to me haha
also i wanted to let y’all know that we’re finally reaching the end of this story!! i plan on only making a few more chapters then i believe that’ll be all!
lastly thanks for all y’all’s patience and continued support I love reading every one of y’all’s comments and theories, it means the world! love y'all ♡
warnings: violence, fighting, angst
express just how you feel, don’t bottle it up anymore
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“MC how are you? Even though I previously saw you everyday I’ve missed this you” Diavolo said with a bright smile as you joined him for breakfast. No thanks to Barbatos’ constant pestering.
You gave him a polite smile and nod as a response. It was easy enough to come up with a basic answer that you were fine, even if that wasn’t the case at all.
However as he ranted on about missing you and what activities he’d enjoy doing with you after he finished his paperwork you couldn’t help but feel nauseous.
After all he dislocated your shoulder the other day and now he was acting as if everything was perfectly fine?
Even if it was another version of him it was still him in a sense, which filled you with unease. If that version of him could do something that significant to you without so much as a thought then you had every right to be worried.
Is this how the other version of you felt?
Is that why they hated being touched by any demons?
Another hearty laugh broke out sending a chill down your spine. It reminded you of when he cornered you in the hallway as you tried to escape.
“MC are you sure you’re feeling okay? You look a little pale?”
You went to nod but your body betrayed you. A new wave of nausea washed over you and you felt bile rise up in your throat.
“MC…?” Barbatos questioned as he moved closer to you when you ignored Diavolo’s question.
Your fingers gripped the soft tablecloth as you tried to ground yourself. If anything you refused to lose your stomach in front of them.
Both demons looked at each other worryingly and Barbatos went to place a hand on your shoulder for comfort. Immediately you jolted in response and slapped his hand away as a sensation of fear became present in the pit of your stomach.
You had no idea where it came from, much less why you were scared when the butler reached out to help you. But you did know one thing, you didn’t want anyone touching you.
“Don’t touch me!” you yelled.
Your tone of voice startled him and Diavolo but mainly you as well. What was going on with you?
You never acted like this before, even when staying in the other timeline for so long. So why now? Why was everything anyone was doing so triggering you in any sort of way?
“I apologize…I didn't mean to upset you, I only wanted to check if you were okay,” Barbatos replied as he backed off. Even though he didn’t bother showing it, he was clearly worried about your current mental state. It appeared to be out of control ever since you returned. Which was another point he’d have to bring up with him later, since many instructions weren’t followed.
“…I’m…heading back to bed” you replied as you swiftly stood up and made your way to the door.
“But…you just woke up” Diavolo said softly but you were well out of range for his voice to actually reach you.
With a sigh the butler looked to his lord then to the floor. Maybe they weren’t the right demons to welcome you back after being gone for such a decent amount of time. It was better if you were around demons you were used to, ones that were comforting.
So he picked up his D.D.D and quickly called the first demon that came to mind.
Seven bodies rushed towards you faster than you could process and some large beautiful roses were shoved in your face as you tried to process everything that was going on.
All seven of your demons began talking at once and exclaimed how much they had missed you.
“Oh MC! I can’t believe you’re back, I’ve missed you so so so terribly” Asmo cried as he clung onto your shoulder.
“Hey let go of them!” Mammon yelled in your ear as he tried yanking you away from Asmo.
“Stop pushing” Belphie groaned as he hugged your frame from behind.
“Mammon stop yelling so loudly” Levi shouted out as he was hugging you from the same side Asmo was.
The other three demons who weren’t suffocating you were also arguing with their brother as they clung onto you. Yelling and shouting could be heard from all around you as you stayed in place watching all seven of them yell back and forth like children.
It was too overwhelming. The yelling in your ear, the way one would hold you tighter if they got mad, the way four of them were putting all of their body weight on you was too much for your liking. And the fact the other three were aggravating the four who were holding onto you.
You felt so suffocated.
You were suffocated in your own timeline due to your willingness to indulge all of the seven demons you lived with.
You were suffocated in the other timeline because you decided to show some demons some kindness they hadn’t experienced for a very long time. Look where that got you. A dislocated shoulder and some unresolved issues that you refused to acknowledge.
You were suffocated with the prince and his butler. They always were on some type of schedule, and when you didn’t follow what Diavolo wanted at that very second, you would never hear the end of it from Barbatos.
Why was everyone so demanding?
God forbid you do something for yourself for once.
You struggled in their grip and tried to get their attention to possibly settle down. The constant loud yelling was getting you more agitated by the minute and frankly you were getting a headache.
Just as you were about to speak someone yelled over you and a fight between two of them broke out. Since you were absolutely fed up with it you shouted for all of them to shut up and pushed them off of you.
Each of the seven demons shut their mouth in an instant and the prince and butler looked at you with a worried expression. Due to that being the same tone of voice you used with Barbatos earlier he knew that something was obviously wrong.
Diavolo then spoke up for you as he walked over to the brothers. “Don’t mind them, a lot is on their mind right now especially since they’ve dealt with so much physically and emotionally these past couple days. So please give MC some space to relax”
You in turn shot him a glare. “I’m perfectly fine. However I don’t appreciate it when someone is screaming in my ear and putting all their weight on me while others are fighting in the background like children”
“How about you head back to the House of Lamentation. A lot is on your mind MC, it would do you good to go rest in a place you’re comfortable and familiar with” Barbatos then added trying his best to ease the tension in the room and change the topic as well.
With a nod you departed with the brothers about fifteen minutes later for a silent trip to the House of Lamentation. Each of them were too worried to bother you so they all left you to do your own thing when you all got home.
However Mammon was still going to try to comfort you in his own way.
“Hey MC, ya wanna hang out and watch a movie? I got a few in my room and we can relax” he asked with a soft smile as she walked up behind you.
“Thanks but I’d rather rest right now, maybe later” and before he could even finish you were off.
It was odd, during any other time you would’ve enjoyed hanging out and relaxing in his room like you used to but as of now you really wanted to just be by yourself.
So quietly you made your way to your room and when you opened the door you were absolutely applauded by the way it looked.
Everything was everywhere and the decorations you had of you and your demons were ripped and taken down. Clean clothes were piled onto a chair and your bed was an absolute mess as a few shits and things littered the floor.
However you were too tired to take care of it at the moment. Due to how emotional exhausted you were a nap sounded lovey so you plopped down and in minutes you were out.
Around late afternoon you had walked into the kitchen to grab a snack since you didn’t exactly have much of an appetite after everything that had happened in the past two days. Surprisingly enough two demons were already occupying the kitchen when you arrived, one gossiped and the other listened even though he was believably bored.
“MC” Satan said with a smile, he was very grateful that someone showed up to stop Asmo’s rambling.
With a nod you dug through the fridge and grabbed something to eat and walked over to the two hesitantly.
“What are you both talking about?” You asked after they stayed silent and smiled at you.
Amso was the first to perk up and tell you. “Well we were just talking about some new gossip about this one actor and her husband, some people we know and you…well the other you”
“The other me?” You asked
“Yeah the one you switched with remember.” Satan added.
You nodded and then looked at them before responding. Just how did the other version of you act? Were they like the other Barbatos said? Angry, stubborn, and everything. Did they treat your demons like how they’d treated theirs? So many questions ran through your head at once, but you opted for only asking a basic one.
“So just how was the other version of me?”
“They were a bit intense at first…no I take it back they were really intense at first, but in reality they only wanted one thing in the end then they finally were content” Asmo said as he reapplied some lipstick to his lips.
“Really what did they want?” You asked, now interested in the other versions' motives.
“They just wanted an apology. After Belphie gave them an honest heart to heart in the planetarium they finally calmed down and we were able to be civil with them” Asmo explained.
“Yeah and they even started opening up a bit, although they were exactly like you so learning about what they liked was cute since we already know what you enjoy” Satan added with a smirk.
You tuned out the rest of the conversation they were having with you as you focused on the said “apology” Belphie gave the other version of you.
So it was true and they weren’t lying when they talked to you previously in the attic. Somehow that ticked you off even more.
“Oh yeah and we’re so sorry you had to go through all that crazy timeline stuff dear, I bet it’s been so exhausting huh?” Asmo asked as he rubbed your back.
“Uh huh” you replied and then brushed him off as you excused yourself out of the kitchen without another word, causing the two demons to look at you with a slightly confused expression.
Silently you paced around the house for a bit as you rethought about what the two of them said. With a sigh you ventured into the common room and stared at the fireplace. So you were worth a basic sorry but not one that took responsibility for all the damage they caused you?
It’s not as if their words actually meant anything. Honestly if they had been keen on sweeping the whole incident under the rug then why even offer the other version of you an apology?
They did it to better help them heal?
What about you?
How come they could do that for anyone else other than you?
When you’ve helped them so much.
Your rage and jealousy had been bubbling up inside you for so long that it finally reached its breaking point.
If anyone was supposed to receive any words or actions of their forgiveness it should’ve been you and you were tired of pretending you didn’t deserve anything less than that.
In a rage you trashed the common room as Asmo and Satan watched in horror since they just happened to walk by.
They rushed to try and stop you but you used your pact to stop them in place as you broke everything in sight. The sound of yelling and glass breaking alerted all the other demons in the house and soon the rest of them watched in awe as you demolished anything in your path.
Mammon ran to you as you ripped the roses they all bought for you and tore them to shreds right in front of them. When he reached you he grabbed you by the arm and you shoved him away and yelled at him in response.
They all just kept getting in your way, it was so unbearable.
As the six demons froze in place due to their activated pacts you picked up one of the large vases Lucifer loved and proceeded to lift it up to throw at them.
“This is all your fault! Look at what you’ve done to me” you screamed out to the six demons standing in front of you. Your cry was not one of just anger, they could sense the sorrow in your voice. The way it cracked and longed to just be healed.
You wanted someone to comfort you and the ability for someone, anyone honestly to just acknowledge what had happened to you. Maybe then if they did you could finally feel like your feelings were valid, rather than unnecessary and pointless.
Fresh tears fueled by pure anger and frustration fell from your eyes as you got ready to swing the vase at the six of them. That was until the youngest brother rushed in front of his brothers and spoke.
“This is my fault MC, please don’t take it out on my brothers” Belphie said as he stepped in front of the six of them, shielding them with his body.
“No it’s not just your fault. It’s all of your faults. Don’t feel too special Belphie, you're not the only one out of your brothers who has tried to kill me.” you spat out.
“Each of you have threatened to end my life at least once ever since I’ve been here, and believe me I haven’t forgotten a single moment of it. Unlike before I continued to ignore what happened just like all of you but I’m fed up now.”
The seven demons looked at themselves then back at you and sighed.
“MC we’re truly sorry, you know we-“ Lucifer began.
“I don’t want your apology. It means nothing to me anymore. Especially since you can go and hand it out to whoever now” you replied swiftly, cutting him off in the process.
“Then if I truly can’t make you believe me I’ll show you.” Belphie then said quickly.
“And how do you expect to do that?” You asked, crossing your arms in front of your body.
“Take it out on me.”
“Excuse me?”
“All of your anger, everything you’ve had building up. Punch me, hit me, choke me, do whatever you need to do so that you don’t have to feel this way. I know my apology means nothing to you, and believe me this is much more selfish of me to ask you to do this but I want to make it up to you MC. Even if you’ll hate me for the rest of your life I want you to get the closure you deserve. I’ll do whatever I can to make it up to you. For as long as I live”
Your eyes widened slightly as you looked at him in shock. You hadn’t expected him to actually respond like that, much less take responsibility for everything that had happened.
“Belphie-!” Beel began, he was still standing back with the others, but the worried look on his face was apparent as he watched his twin pour his heart out to the person they both cherished.
Belphie shook his head at his twin then looked back towards you. “I promise MC, I’ll show you how much of a better demon I can be. So go ahead”
The six demons behind you watched as you slowly approached the youngest hesitantly. Surprisingly enough he still had the same soft smile on his face as he watched you come closer.
Then you swung.
With a swift punch to the face, right on the nose Belphie stumbled back and grabbed his face as a small drop of blood pooled out.
You swung again.
And again,
And again.
As you watched the youngest fall to the floor you continued. And for some odd reason you didn’t feel bad about how beat up he was beginning to look.
Instead you finally felt a form of closure for the first time.
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Hellooo you guys rlly liked my last two headcanon posts so I’m back with another, however since no one left any requests I decided to do one of my favorite tropes!
Once again thanks for all of the support, feel free to request anything!! (Pls I need ideas)
Warnings: Smut, Threesome, Fem reader.
Obanai and Mitsuri 💕
Somehow, you managed to find yourself in love with two beautiful people. Lucky for you, both of them felt the same.
Mitsuri and Obanai called you to their house one night for a seemingly normal chat.
You did not expect the topic to include you joining their relationship.
Obanai was pretty blunt about it. “It’s kinda obvious you had feelings for us, it annoys me that you never came to admit them.”
Mitsuri was all ushy gushy “EEEEEE Y/N!!! IM SO GLAD YOU LOVE US TOO!!”
From that day on, y’all were a throuple (I think that’s what it’s called)
Obanai cherished both you and Mitsuri. He was always looking out for you two, glaring at others but then softening when either of you are near.
Kabumaru approved of you as well, occasionally sliding from Obanai’s shoulder to yours.
Mitsuri absolutely adored you. There was never a moment where she wasn’t physically touching you. She liked wrapping you in hugs and just never letting you leave.
Every time one of you left for a mission, the remaining two would always be anxious and waiting for updates.
It was hard finding time to spend all together with Mitsuri and obanai being hashiras.
you found yourself alone on certain nights, both of your partners being on a mission.
However, every time they returned they were sure to give you all of the love you missed.
At night you usually sleep in between your lovers. Mitsuri curled up to your chest, whilst Obanai has a tight grip on your waist from behind.
You and Mitsuri tend to be troublemakers sometimes, Obanai always having to cease chaos.
girl you are in for one helluva ride
All of you tend to switch roles around, but somehow you manage to find yourself mainly on the submissive side.
Most sessions usually occur by one of you initiating and the other two joining in.
Both of them love body worship, they make sure you know how beautiful you are.
Mitsuri and obanai are munches you cannot prove me wrong.
Mitsuri is more jumpy and flirty, she tends to start a lot of the actions.
She absolutely loves face sitting, wether it’s you or her on top she does not care.
For this instance, your sitting on mitsuri’s face. She’s sucking and licking at your clit with fervor, making an absolute mess out of you.
Obanai kneels in front of your trembling self, kissing and sucking on your upper body whilst you stroke his length.
Running his hands through Mitsuri’s hair, he suddenly pushes her head up into your hips.
You jump and Mitsuri moans as she sucks harder on your wetness.
You’re cumming in no time, Obanai has to literally lift you off of Mitsuri’s face to get her to stop.
You’ve got her all worked up, quickly rising to her knees and pushing obanai to sit on the bed.
Mitsuri crawls on top of him, turning back to look at you longingly.
Almost instantly, you climb up behind her and start marking up her nape with your mouth while Obanai directs himself into Mitsuri.
He gently begins to roll his hips up, pulling out mewls and moans from Mitsuri’s mouth.
Your arms reach around from behind Mitsuri, grabbing onto her breasts.
She gasps, leaning into your touch as Obanai speeds up his pace.
He’s slightly grunting now, hips timing perfectly with Mitsuri’s.
Obanai gives you a familiar look, seemingly signaling you to do something.
With a cute smile on your face, you reach your hands down towards Mitsuri’s center. Swiftly, you spread her folds and place a finger on her clit.
Mitsuri arches her back at the sudden action, making Obanai hold her still on his cock.
Seeing that the both of your lovers are close, you begin to quickly circle Mitsuri’s clit. You lean your head over her shoulder, trapping Obanai into a kiss.
They come undone just a few seconds after, riding out the rest of their highs with your help.
Obanai is the prime aftercare initiator, seeing it as his job to take care of you and Mitsuri.
He’d guide you both into the bathroom and begin to run a bath.
You and Mitsuri are giggling and hugging each other while Obanai adjusts the bath temperature.
After a while, you all help each other get in the tub without slipping.
With you on one side, and Mitsuri on the other, Obanai seems content. He keeps a gentle grip on both of your waists.
Together, you all enjoy a nice warm bath.
EYAAAAAA THIS WAS FUN TO WRITE I LOVE OBANAI AND MITSURI SO MUCH!!!! The nsfw headcanons were more of a Drabble but meh whatever i think it’s good. Once again DONT BE SCARED TO REQUEST STUFF!!
I hope y’all enjoyed this as much as I did, all likes comments and reblogs are appreciated!!💕
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anonymouscheeses · 4 months
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Exorcist gang! (I'm so sorry it took forever to get to your ask. I kind of dropped the au for a long time and just now got the motivation to pick it up again.)
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Right on the money! I just narrowed it down to three because I can't do anymore(lazy ahh). But they can't actually drive motorcycles because none of them have a drivers license so they just try to seem badass by saying they are a biker gang. All christian but they have no idea how it works and do things looked down upon by the christian community. Left Victoria. Middle Stephanie. Right Kamaria. Kamaria got a tattoo of the upside down cross to seem cool but she knows it's St. Peter's cross so it's kind of a double meaning for her. I also gave Kamaria three toned lips because I jst found out that exists and I had to include that in some character. Atleast one.
Maybe one day I'll draw them as angels just to do it.
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For context, they are exes 😫
Are there still feelings? Kind of, they just aren't over eachother yet. Right now tho they are mainly enemies. Valerie(Vaggie) is kind of like Blitzø(relationships wise), but less of an asshole. It was mostly her fault they broke up though. She was uninterested and embarrassed by Kamaria almost all the time so ofc Kamaria doesn't stand for shit and ended it before it got worse. Valerie is like that with Charlie in some ways, but of course that's for growth purposes.
Oh also Valerie dated Lute too before she dated Kamaria so it's just this entire problem within the group bro.. Like, Lute is not over Valerie and not in a "I am in love with u still." Way, but in a "I hate the way you walk, the way you talk, I hate the way dress-" ahh way(and in an i am still in luv wit u way but shh). Lute has no idea why Valerie broke up wit her ass and takes it out on Kamaria. Kama takes no shit and bounced out that place quickly. Good for her ig. She still an asshole too, anger issues ahh, everyone except Charlie(until the vee accident 😏)deserves a kick in the ass.
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Pretend Charlie is in her human form. I'm still workshopping it right now! 😔 so yeah nobody else except Valerie knows she's a demon jst so you know!
Chaggie aren't dating yet! But they will one day 😈
For now it's kind of just pining. On both sides ofc.
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"So it mine el" we say in unison.
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Helmets and glasses off! I think they look pretty nice but im not great at making my own character designs from ground up. Which is why I havent shown my actual own OC's. Victoria is trans because I said so. Kamaria is probably Lesbian but she doesn't know yet, it's kind of a label she uses until she knows for sure (so me). And Stephanie is Stephanie (she don care. She don kno 💀). I FORGOT THE FLAME ON KAMARIA'S JACKET RAAAA.
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They also all have a picture on the back of their jackets that's jst wings and a halo. So do with that what you will.... if u wanna make fanart that is..... pls..... I'm begging..... jk but it would still be cool lmao.
They used to be in a gang with Adam and Lute but after Valerie was beat up real bad by Lute they all decided to just part ways. Not on good terms... So it's just Adam and Lute now who jst act like they are all that when they cant pack a punch at all 😒. I'll show Adam and Lute's designs in the next update (or somewhere) but that's all I have right now. I can't wait to draw the duo ughhhh‼️‼️‼️
(I have also changed a few things from my original idea, so if your a hxd au og from the first like... 3 posts I made abt it then ya... there's major changes. I'll go through them deeper in my next updates on this au!)
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cat3ch1sm · 2 years
⚰️~ hello, everyone! welcome back to another post. i finally finished my masterlist, so now it will be updated as i write and upload new works. see my pinned post to find the masterlist <33 anyway, here are some nsfw jjk headcanons. ive done these before, with death note and hxh, and they can be found in the masterlist! i will probably do this for all the fandoms i write for lmao 💚 enjoy, ily <33
˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*·̩̩̥͙ nsfw ahead, fem!reader, eating out
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𝐝𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐞𝐚𝐭 😺? 𝐟𝐭. 𝐣𝐮𝐣𝐮𝐭𝐬𝐮 𝐤𝐚𝐢𝐬𝐞𝐧 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐨𝐧𝐞! 𝐟𝐭. (aged up!) 𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐢, 𝐧𝐨𝐛𝐚𝐫𝐚, 𝐦𝐞𝐠𝐮𝐦𝐢, 𝐢𝐧𝐮𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐢, 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐢
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𝐲𝐮𝐣𝐢 𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐢
some people are weird about eating 😺, but not itadori. he’ll do whatever you want to make you feel good. he might not really know what he’s doing at first, but a nudge in the right direction and he’s got it- just tell him where it feels best when he runs his tongue over your sex and itadori will never forget. he’s really eager with it, too, kinda like a puppy tbh with his tongue flicking up and down your clit. (a/n-bitch what the fuck kinda comparison is that stop😭😭) itadori asks constantly “does this feel good?” “does that feel good?” and he’ll just keep going like that even when he’s obviously doing well and you can’t even get a word out to answer him. he’s really good at making you finish, not too fast and not too slow, and he’ll swallow whatever comes out of you.
𝐧𝐨𝐛𝐚𝐫𝐚 𝐤𝐮𝐠𝐢𝐬𝐚𝐤𝐢
nobara, believe it or not, is a tiny bit shy about being eaten out or eating someone else out. still, she’s not selfish, so nobara will definitely eat you out if you really want her to. she might start out a bit tentative. she isn’t really the “does this feel good?” type like itadori, but she does pay attention to your body language, like where she kisses you that makes your breath hitch or where she licks that makes your moans louder. when nobara gets the hang of it, though, she kinda gets cocky, but not in a genuinely mean way. she’s more like a soft dominant type, like “that feel good, huh, baby?” or “you like when i do this, don’t you?” AGH i wish this girl was real im literally so weak for her.
𝐦𝐞𝐠𝐮𝐦𝐢 𝐟𝐮𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐠𝐮𝐫𝐨
suspiciously enough, he’s very good at it (what girl taught u this nigga?🤨) the only thing is he can be a tiny bit timid, so he’s a little slow to make you cum. as a result, though, megumi’s great at edging, however unintentionally. he can stall an orgasm for just long enough that it feels twice as amazing when you finally come. he is also big on foreplay, and makes you wait until he actually puts his mouth on you. expect lots of light thigh kisses and breathplay before megumi actually eats you out. he also likes to use his fingers on you simultaneously, except he goes agonizingly slowly on purpose just to listen to your needy whimpers. he’s honesty just as cocky as someone like gojo would be doing this, just in a much quieter way, but you can see it in his eyes.
𝐭𝐨𝐠𝐞 𝐢𝐧𝐮𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐢
he eats your 😺 mainly for his own pleasure. because of this, he likes to prolong the time before you come as much as possible- toge’s very big on edging. obviously he can’t dirty talk, but his actions speak for themselves. he kisses you a lot, both during and after eating you out as praise. when you grind your hips into his tongue, toge squeezes your thighs to let you know you’re doing a good job. he also does not care about wiping his mouth off after you cum in his mouth before kissing you- he loves hearing the tiny whimpers you emit when you taste yourself on his lips.
𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐢 𝐳𝐞𝐧𝐢𝐧
i kinda hc that maki is wlw anyway (please don’t kill me), so she’s not new to eating 😺. at the same time, though, that means not every girl likes the same things, so she’s very attentive to how your body reacts and asks every now and then if what she’s doing feels good. maki is big on edging and overstimulation- she won’t let you come for the longest time and make you beg for it and then immediately after make you come until you physically can’t anymore. also soft dom energy- “you’re doing so well, pretty girl” or “come on, beautiful, i know you can come just one more time for me, okay?” although maki does overstimulate you, she isn’t mean about it, and will definitely periodically make sure she isn’t doing too much. she’s also the type who lets out these low, barely audible moans when she’s eating you out- that’s how much she enjoys making you feel good.
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ghostyclay · 3 months
Web of Lies hermitcraft AU (Summary/info post)
Grian is surprised when Jimmy contacts him, especially since they haven't spoken in years. Back then, Grian was still a journalist who secretly worked with villains and Jimmy was a young adult who got accepted into a hero program...
Apparently Jimmy had become a vigilante instead, and the reason he contacted Grian was because he and his civilian friend Joel were creating an underground fighting ring and they needed workers for the bar above it that functions as a cover up.
He's hesitant to accepts their offer, since he's been trying to stay out of any... Crime "Shenanigans" for the past few years since quiting his job as a journalist, but agrees after they assure him that they just need a civilian worker that won't rat them out to the heroes.
Everything goes well at first and Grian slowly gets to know the other staff members better, that is until he starts to overhear more and more strange conversations between his co-workers, mentioning a strange type of magic that has been causing chaos in the city recently. It sounds awfully familiar to a cult Grian knows from his time as a journalist in Evo.
Grian is determined to stay out of it, ESPECIALLY if it turns out he's correct about the watchers being involved, but he has to at least do something, right?
Or, Grian has to make a choice between his quiet life as a "civilian" and saving his friends. Determined to do both, he tries to influence the watchers games from behind the scenes without anyone finding out, even going as far as creating new secret personas. Too bad the watchers think identity reveals are incredibly entertaining...
!!Masterpost is here!!
more stuff below!
(These things might change slightly, but I'll keep updating this post as i write the fics/comics!)
Major characters: Grian, Joel, Etho, Mumbo
Important side characters*: Jimmy, Gem, Pearl, Evil X, Ren, Doc, Xisuma, Scar,
Other minor characters: Cub, Zedaph, Skizz, Beef, Tango, Bdubs, Cleo, Martyn, Scott, Impulse, Joe, Iskall, False, Stress
(*still count as major characters, but they r either only relevant during one arc, don't get much screen time, or don't influence the plot that much)
The main ones r just.... All of the major chars ig? Like, Grian&Mumbo, Grian&Jimmy&Joel, Joel&Etho, Grian&Etho, Grian&Gem, Grian&Pearl,...
Side ones / only relevant during one arc: Grian&Evil X, Grian&Xisuma, Grian&Scar, Etho&Bdubs, Etho&Doc, Pearl&Scott, Cleo&Scott, Skizz&Beef,...
Theres also some side (friend)ships that im not sure about yet, mainly boat boys and rendoc, since i can't decide whether i wanna make them platonic, ambiguous or romantic 😭 feel free to tell me what u prefer!!!
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clownsnake · 2 months
guys. Astarion wasn’t literally considered a child when he was 30. Among elves he was clearly seen as Of Age to do adult things like drink and live independently and fuck and pay taxes. its just that elves have a stupid extra concept of adulthood that doesn’t MEAN adulthood in a literal sense. has nothing to do with physical or brain development. not even necessarily emotional development, but it kind of is depending on how u interpret it, but I’m getting ahead of myself.
basically elves in the forgotten realms trance instead of sleep (we know this) and until around age 110, during their trances they “dream” of their past lives (I’ve only seen a few ppl who know this, but idk if they also knew it stops at a certain age). They then stop dreaming of their past lives naturally, and it’s generally considered kinda traumatic to go through bc well. you’re losing what has been a fundamental part of yourself for so long.
I interpret that as being like a “shared trauma maturation stage” where instead of elves brains literally becoming more adult, losing the guidance of their past lives feels like more of a final step towards independence to them. and adulthood is just the closest social experience to this stage of being “truly on your own”
around 30-40 they get a “first reflection”, which is when their dreams start having experiences from their current life. (Makes sense for Astarion having a dream about Cazador in origin runs that prompts the biting scene) And then the loss of past life memories at 100-110 is called the drawing of the veil.
Tl;dr Astarion was a young adult by elf standards stop infantilizing him PLEASE
Getting into headcanon land now, feel free to draw your own conclusions from here.
i imagine older elves kind of have a sense of being more “mature” than under-110 elves in the way tht people comparing their trauma tend to do. Like “u think ur so smart and worldly but you haven’t even been through half the shit I’ve been through.” PATRONIZING that’s the word I’m looking for, it’s patronizing. And since every elf goes through this, they just kind of assume that yeah, going through this trauma/emotional loss IS a big step towards being a full adult. so it’s like if the concept of adult had a Pokémon evolution that didn’t involve getting wrinkly and hair loss and going through menopause or erectyle dysfunction. Adult 1.5 steam update.
I have no clue if Astarion would have the drawing of the veil as an undead elf. The fact that he even has dreams shows that being revived as a vampire keeps certain bodily functions running, mainly anything relating to the brain and consciousness, but idk if it would keep him physically at 30 or let his brain change.
Although hold on, in the epilogue where you’re a mind flayer and considering eating Astarions brain, you get narration that’s like “ooohh his brain part that handles senses must be sooo wrinkly” which would only be caused by the shit he went through post-vampirification. Meaning his brain Would be able to change and “mature”. But that’s also just an assumption that mindflayer!tav/durge is making.
k I looked it up. The exact quote is “Astarion’s sweet brain may be a bit less wrinkled than the rest, but you hunger for its teasing cells. His parietal lobe - which controls his sense of touch - will be an aphrodisiac in your maw.” Hilarious, he canonically gets called smooth brain. Anyway if u kill him I don’t think you get to eat his brain, withers just banishes you asap lmao. So we don’t actually know if his parietal lobe changed over his un-life! I’d wager it did though, based on his “don’t touch me” selection line (and probably some other lines hinting towards over-sensitivity tht im forgetting). And change caused by external trauma vs change caused by aging is different anyway.
no conclusion wrt to if he’d reach the drawing of the veil or not. Does it even matter? He’s still the same adult man, who’s gone through far worse hardships than losing memories of his past lives. If he lost his past life dreams too, well then I don’t think that’d make much of a difference for him.
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monscrow · 22 days
intro post, i guess!!!
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⚠️flash warning for blinkies at the bottom⚠️
free gaza, free palestine, stop genocide. you don't agree? block me.
i go by both mons and crow.
pfp by 00violens !!! tysm for drawing my child orion as party poison 😭🫶🫶🫶
my pronouns are they/them, he/him and any neos/xenos that you think would fit either comedically or off of vibes.
i'm a minor !!!
aroace, something like that; qprs are sick asf and all hail relationship anarchy.
super amazing pretty boyfriend !!!<3 🍎
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audhdcd (asd + adhd + ocd 😻😋) and hEDS. i use tonetags.
bday is oct 7. 🎉🎉🎉
i'm mexican!! i speak both spanish and english.
timezone is cst/utc-6.
i say slurs i can reclaim (mainly the f and t queer ones) and swear a lot, though if that makes you uncomfortable please either block me or lmk so i can try to tone it down when around you.
i love interacting!! feel free to tag me in stuff, send some asks (be it on anon or not), or message me! moots can ask for my discord even if we've never actually talked before. though i suck at keeping consistent, nothing personal i promise</3 /gen
i tend to spam-reblog so do with that information what you will.
some tags you might see me use here and there:
#mons rambles ← just my thoughts, ideas, opinions, and whatever i feel like throwing into the tumblr void.
#ask a crow / #anon asks ← askbox replies.
#crow draws ← doodles and drawings, though i might make an art blog in the near future.
#save / #art save / #fav ← these are more for myself, but yeah they're pretty self-descriptive. just in case you get curious or anything.
#🍎 ← beloved.
hyperfixations/interests/things i'm passionate about !!! i guess, kinda
→ mcr (+ most of the members' solo projects)
→ killjoys (california + national anthem, but mainly calif and fanon)
→ demolition lovers lore (i have literally written like at least three different essays about it for school help me i'm so serious)
→ emo/alt/diy culture
→ will wood
→ bandom in general
→ graphic design, arts and crafts, illustration (that's right y'all graphic design IS my passion 😔)
→ fnaf
→ cosplay/costume-making
→ d&d
→ crows (no way, crow, really???)
→ australian shepherds
→ the umbrella academy (s4 isn't canon in my heart + currently reading the comics !!! )
→ gravity falls
→ neurodivergencies/psychology/disabilities (this one's pretty meta ngl)
→ lgbtqia+ identities (emphasis on the aroace-spec ones + relationship anarchy)
→ politics/activism
→ linguistics + conlangs
→ fantasy in general (high fantasy, magic, vampires, tieflings, you name it)
→ boardgames
→ uhhhh there's more but i don't remember rn, i'll keep adding as i see fit (probably... maybe..... perhaps....... quizás........ puede ser..........)
terfs, transphobes, anti lgbtqia+, exclusionists, ableists, racists, you know the drill. this blog is run by a very neurodivergent, mentally ill, mexican, transmasc, aroace faggot, and any kind of hatred will not be tolerated.
proshippers/anti-antis, irl gore, pro-israel, pro-ai generated "content", pro-nft, non-critical media consumers, classists, ed blogs, sh blogs.
also, i'm aware that dnis tend to not be effective and i probably will still get shitty ppl in my inbox so i can and will block. though im p chill as long as you're chill so we vibin'
blinkies made with blinkies cafe !!!
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pssst btw, before you go, if you read my intro post i'd heavily encourage you to like it, so i can at least know!!! :] (/nf though!)
last updated 25/september/2024
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ppnuggie · 2 years
💙💙I AWAKE FROM THE DEAD// I saw you were mainly doing MTMTE so here :)) ||
GN reader with trailcutter, skids, swerve, Megatron and roddy [separate] [headcannons], them reacting to reader flirting with them? fluff, crack do whatever I need my Teebs bro,got me feeling empty 😭😭
achoo see you next year prob idk, happy times💙💙
      MTMTE x gn human reader
    『 trailcutter ,, swerve ,, megatron ,, rodimus ,, gender neutral human reader    』
  -> bots reaction to reader flirting w/ em 🫣
  — fluff ,, sfw ,, crack
  — yep ! see ya next year ! :D i mean ,, it will be next year when this is posted 💀 but i am writing it on dec.30 rn 🫣 ughh teebs 😞😞 i just got the part where he dies im so heartbroken ,, my mans ,, 😭😭😭 he didnt deserve alla that ,, smh ,, but tysm for requesting 😏 tbh i might not actually be online for this to be posted ,, bc this is in my queue along with many other things to be posted later 🫣 so theres a little update for not having links updated in the second masterlist 🕺
trailcutter ::
• he’d be quite flustered ,, not sure what to say not only because he was most likely super drunk but also surprised you were flirting with him
• any time you compliment him for something ,, his fans will kick on immediately ,, and whenever you’re not around some mechs might coo at him and make smoochy noises ,, mainly whirl
• he may try to return the compliments ,, though he’ll end up tripping over his words and end up more flustered if you say something about it
• primus help this man ,, hes just ,, stuck dealing with these flirty lines and little compliments whenever you decide to just drop them outta nowhere ,, swerve swears that one day he’ll combust if he has to see this sappy romance continue on for any longer !
swerve ::
• he might brush it off as a joke ,, or a dare if anything ,, because why of all people would you flirt with him ? swerve ? the annoyingly loud mech who doesnt shut up ?
• of course you’d have to reassure him that it isnt a dare ,, or just you trying to get something out of him ,, but that you generally like him
• he’ll malfunction right then and there and then ratchet will have to deal with another bot ,, poor ratchet 😞
• he may try to return any compliment with a horrible pick up line ,, but end up think you’re laughing at him and not the worst pick up line ever to be heard in the universe
megatron ::
• megs would be ,, confused but also flustered ,, because have you not seen him ? dont you know of the things he’s done ? hes megatron ! a feared bot throughout many parts of the universe ,, known to kill humans
• and yet here you are ,, sitting beside him as you read his poetry that you somehow persuaded him to show you with your little secret magic hypnosis ,, and now youre calling him cute
• he’d scoff ,, say that he wasnt cute in his mind ,, but not mutter a single word out loud
• he wouldnt know what to do ,, and instead just sit there in silence and listen to your attempts to flirt with the mech
rodimus ::
• he’d return it immediately ,, but with horrible compliments and pick up lines
• one time he said “ nice shoelace “ after you said he looked stunning with the new paint job after his recent mishap on another planet ,, and he keeps thinking back on it to this day ,, wondering why he said shoelace ,, like he even knows what a shoelace is 🙄
• ultra magnus would be so done with you two ,, because roddy would decide to start flirting with you during the meeting and despite you not returning any remarks or even acknowledging you even heard him ,, the mech continues
• even after megs passive aggressively told him to “ stop with the nonsense “ he only continued ,, only 10x worse this time
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felixx1e · 13 days
☆» Felix ✧ 18 yrs ★ᯓ
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⊹ ₊ PHIGHTING! artist ₊ ⊹
╰❯ ⚂ He/Him ⚂ ❯
Haiii, I'm Felix :3 I've been playing phighting for a little over a year now, and I've been really wanting to show off my fan art.... I get a little nervous with it because I feel a little embarrassed but y'know!!
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I mainly draw Subspace (as evident) because he's my favorite character!! But I do draw the others :3! I main Rocket, Skateboard, Boombox, and Subspace when I play phighting! As i stated before I mostly draw Subspace, but I also usually draw Skateboard, Medkit, and Hyperlaser!
I do really want to get into the fandom, so asks are appreciated :3!! If you want to see my designs of individual Phighters, I have a carrd in progress! (this post will be updated) As for ships, I ship the following (but I'm very open-minded when it comes to them, so I recognize the potential when it comes to it)!! Subkit - Hyperspace - Skateshot - Swocket - Hypertana - Boomskateshot - Medbox - Hyperspacekit (... i love polycules.. X3)
I have ADHD, and im transgender ^^!! I suffer a lot from artblock mostly because I lose motivation once i start something... But I try my best to do what I can! I'll probably post sketches and similar things because of it :3 Full artworks will still be uploaded, just less frequently... I'll also be posting WIPs!
『✦』 “My greatest Invention!!” 『✦』 I might respond to asks as Subspace because I love him and you guys can't stop me. When I do, I'll color it pink! Not exclusive to him, of course, but it might be more often hehe. Probably WILL say ooc stuff (dont hate me)
My Socials! Feel free to dm me anywhere, I really like making friends! Discord: felixxie Roblox: felixx_ie Instagram: felixx_ie Tiktok: f3lixxie
Heres my music taste for those interested X3!!!
━━━━━━━ ⟡ ━━━━━━━
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aurienneirua · 1 month
trying to think about how aurien would take castor’s death since i haven’t really articulated it quite yet . .
i think ill be using how blue diamond from steven universe take’s pink’s death as a bit of an projection onto aurien and inspiration !
well, ill start on how aurien was with solei’s disappearance . since me and @billwasnot actually discussed this before, i feel like i can articulate and word this much more then i usually do . ill also limit how long this is since that’s probably for a whole nother post .
( edit after finishing : wow im a really bad liar )
to put it into simple and hopefully straightforward words, aurien did not process solei’s disappearance at first, and her feelings about it in extension .
when they finally started to bubble up, she shoved them down . they poison parts of her in response, and she’s stuck in a cage and cycle of grief, slowly shutting down mentally and emotionally . even when she and solei reunite, she still has them shoved down .
now, finally onto cas !
for him mainly, id say she feels empty after his death .
she falls into a prolonged period of time where she either feels just . . empty, or all she can feel is pain and grief .
although she openly expresses her emotions now and doesn’t shove them away, she instead wallows in them, refusing to move on because she just doesn’t want to .
the words im referring to starting at 1 : 07 and ending on 1 : 16 being :
“ im sorry . im so sorry . i should have done more . ————— says it will all be over soon . i wonder what you would think . “
also think blue’s tone matches her exactly as well lol . quiet and low .
the words “ im sorry . im so sorry . “ transferring onto aurien in the way of how she knows she failed to save him, and “ i should have done more . “ being how she wishes that she could have, and regrets greatly how in the end, she did not .
also gonna put down some lyrics from what’s the use of feeling blue as well since that can also fit auri . .
“ why would you want to be here ? / what do you ever see here ? / that doesn’t make you feel worse then you do ? / and tell me, what’s the use of feeling, ( blue ) ? /
oh, how can you stand to be here with it all ? ( here with it all ) / drowning in all this regret ? / wouldn’t you rather forget ( him ) ? /
start looking forward and stop looking back, oh “
( formatting style originally by @sotogalmo ! )
ok, first, “ why would you want to be here ? / what do you ever see here ? / that doesn’t make you feel worse then you do ? / and tell me, what’s the use of feeling, ( blue ) ? / “ would probably be about her extreme unwillingness to move on ? and maybe also how as a result, she only feels worse and worse, inflicting pain upon herself because she feels she deserves it .
secondly and lastly, “ oh, how can you stand to be here with it all ? ( here with it all ) / drowning in all this regret ? / “ this one’s a more clear one for me . . she definitely is drowning in regret . another possible thing would be that the lyrics “ how can you stand to be here with it all ? “ can maybe be her actually asking herself that . .
how can she still stand here— why is she still here with everything that’s been going on ? she’s not special . so many people matter so much more then her . why does she live ?
anyways, i wrap it up here . . partly because i don’t think i have anything else to say, this post is already getting long, and im pretty disappointed about how this came out .
i came in with a clear mindset, ( which normally helps a lot when im trying to write things like this ) but it got muddled pretty easily . although i want to take more time on this, im not really patient with myself, and ive been having a lot of trouble wording things lately .
i don’t know how long it’ll take to “ word this right “, but i know it’ll be long combined with some other factors . I think I’ll maybe come back to update or expand on this though . . anyways, any thoughts about my depressed pookie aurien ?
( castor : @bluemoonscape )
( side note : lolol id love to hear your and possibly cas’s ( if he were still alive COUGH ) on this ! also i already have a little au in my head where auri and solei save cas . . and auri shoots and shatters a screen displaying kyo that was distracting cas mizi all in style . . may i know how he would react to this and hold up if they did save him . .
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lilliancdoodles · 3 months
Hi, hope you’re doing well!
I really enjoy your art (especially the one for the mer au) and you’re my favourite FitMC/Pactw live blogger (mainly bc I have to work during their streams so I feel like I am in the loop when I see your posts haha).
I saw that you made a fic rec list in February and I really enjoyed your recommendations!
Do you have any more fitpac fic recommendations (or qsmp fics in general)?
Thank you!
I'm really glad you like the Mer art!! I'm really proud of it and im working on something that should put most of the character sheets to use. ;) . Also happy to help with the live blogging. idk how i got here i just like doing it i guess XD.
FIC RECS!!! Im so glad that you used the list and im more happy that you liked them!!! Admittedly im not in the tag as much as I was early on but I do still have a few recommendations!! All that it meant (and all that it did not) (by @yb-cringe) - On going Fantsy AU fic focusing on Fit and Ramon. only has one chapter so far but I like it a lot. Since it's only one chapter i don't want to spoil much, but the world building seems super interesting with Madagio and the border and everything. It's a prequel to a Fitpac fic that will get written later but I love fit and ramon fics so this is amazing. I'm really interested to see where it will go
I'm worried 'bout the future, aint fuckin' with the past (by @tastytoastz) - On going Time Travel AU where Tazercraft travels back in time 8 years to 2b2t. If you haven't seen me reblogging every chapter of this and freaking out, please take this as the sign to read it. It's a wonderful look at how 2b affected Fit especially while he was in the middle of it, and how it still affected him years later on Quesadilla island. It's such a good fic like everything Toast writes <333
Lightning and Thunder (by ..... Tastytoast (you can fight me if me recommending literally everything toast has ever written is a problem (/j /lh)) - One shot were Fit has trauma from lighting storms on 2b2t and Pac comforts him when one causes him to panic. Very sweet fic of protective fitmc. It's also an english translation of Blixtar och dunder (also by Toast).
Maybe you really are Alive (by @yourfauxentropy) - On going, Detroit Become Human AU , also only one chapter so far. Pac is Connor and Fit is Hank. I had a big dbh phase so im really looking forward to this one and seeing what they add
I think your roommate is hotter (by @fitpacs) - One-shot were Pac and Cellbit are friends with benefits but Pac meets Cellbit's new roommate Fit and it goes from there. It's really good and one of my favorites from Fitpacs. I read it a while ago honestly surprised it wasn't on my first list
hypotheticals (by @tinkatonic) - One-shot of Fit and Pac in different worlds, and in some of them they get to kiss. A bunch of mini peaks into different AU's like royalty, roommates, and a few others i don't want to spoil. But it's absolutely lovely and I love all of the au's so much.
Hideduo Stardew Valley AU (by @hepbaestus) - This is a series as opposed to a one shot or chapter-ed fic, but it's a Rose Family centric au series (including Rosa, Fitpacs fan child) They're all so cute, the last one made me cry. Im also happy that Richas is getting included in Rose Family stuff, i feel like he gets left out a lot.
to love is to be changed (by hepbaestus) - One-shot fic following the popular headcannon that the eggs adapted features of their parents, and this is when Ramon's eyes change to look like pacs. It's so sweet and wonderful. Hep my beloved.
Like a parody of Tantalus (by InconvenientImmortal; @shikai-the-storyteller here on tumblr) - Ongoing (?) Pac centric fic that hasn't been updated in a while, but it's still amazing. It focus on pac's relationship with food, love, and him growing up. This first chapter is so wonderful and his relationship with Isa is so sweet. There's only one chapter so far but if it ever updates i would love to keep reading it.
Teeth, Talons, and Hearts (by WyldChild) - On going modern au (i think?) where most of our cast were federation experiments but all broke out at some point and dedicate themselves to helping others who are lab experiments. They rescue 11 dragon hybrid kids and thats about where the fic is, but it follows Fit's pov and it's going to be FitPac eventually, and raising Ramon and Richas. It is a pretty dark au, the federation are EVIL, and the kids have been through hell, so pay attention to the tags and the warnings before reading. I can easily see how this isn't everyones cup of tea, but im liking it so far.
heaven found in a hellhole. (by kmsquill) - One shot purgatory fic where fit and pac get stuck in a hole hiding from Bolas and they spend that time talking and totally just being roommates. I think it's best described with two of the tags they have '#kissing #woah who put that kissing tag there' My favorite purgatory fic, honestly should have submitted it to the awards.
I said I had a few and i think this list is almost the same length as the last one. There's at least 4 more that I haven't read yet so i don't want to recommend them yet but once I do i'll probably make another post. Hope this has some stuff you would be interested in!!!
(and for anyone else here is the og fic rec list)
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radiobelle23 · 2 years
Part 2: All The KinnPorsche fanfics that had me in a chokehold: COMLETED FICS Including KimChay/VegasPete
Im back with another AO3 rec list and its not just KP this time! If you haven’t seen my prev completed rec list, then click here! I also posted a list of incomplete/ongoing works here! If you check out that list please note some of the works have since been completed and you may find them down here, as well as chapter count/updates have changed.
WARNING: As I’ve prev mentioned, I MAINLY read VERY EXPLICIT SMUTT. Below are some pretty slutty versions of our lovely KP characters and its heavenly. There are a couple of fluffy fics here and there, mainly corn - i should mention there’s one or two pretty angsty/heavy fics. Please read the tags before continuing! Also there are some fics listed here that can only be read if you have an AO3 account.
for you (i'd burn the world to the ground) - cuteandtwisted
Summary: "It’s so weird how intense Porsche gets when Khun Kinn is in danger. I mean he’d die for him in a heartbeat!” “We all would, dumbass. It’s our job, remember?” “Not to Porsche though. I don't think it's just a job for Porsche."Porsche is Kinn's most vicious bodyguard. Feared by most and respected by all, he flinches at nothing and fears no one. (And if he feels his knees give out whenever Kinn enters the room, then nobody has to know.)Or: AU where Porsche grew up at the compound after his parents died serving the main family and spent his childhood/teenage years annoying his way into Kinn's thoughts (and heart), before an 'incident' turned him into Kinn's most lethal weapon.
Chapters: 6/6  Words: 41,765
So who do I trust? - Wickxd
Summary: Porsche finally gets fed up with Kinn’s mistrust of him. Because sometimes kisses and sex can’t fix deep-rooted pain. Maybe...Ep 10 after being betrayed and Porsche finds out it was all Kinn’s plan.
Chapters: 8/8 Words: 14,351
When You're Young You Just Run - forevermore (Sabbyyy)
Summary: “I left because I was in love with you” Porsche couldn’t hold himself back any longer.“I’ve been in love with you since high school but I dared not confess to you for the fear of losing you completely."ORAn au where Kinn and Porsche grow up together and Porsche ends up falling in love with Kinn.
Chapters: 3/3  Words: 10,597
Stronger together  - NeedSleepBut
Summary:  The Theerapanyakul's are almost completely ruined under the ruling of Korn and Gun Theerapanyakul. The only way for them to rise again is for Kinn and Vegas to join forces to rebuild what their fathers destroyed. The only problem is in their absence, the family of misfits the Kittisawasd's have risen in power thanks to them looking after the families and people Korn and Gun failed to protect.
Chapters: 34/34  Words: 115,131
Your Life Is Mine - Danica_Redfern_Lee
Summary: Porsche just wants to have a good evening, just one then Kinn happens.
Chapters: 1/1  Words: 1,158
Into the inferno danced the moth - SeaOfSoba
Summary: Kinn finds himself plagued with the information that the one attempting to murder him on repeated occasions is his head bodyguard and the object of his interests, Porsche. Whilst most would be horrified to find this out, Kinn can't help but enjoy Porsche's complete attention with each attempt on his life.
Chapters: 4/4  Words: 18,736
Only Love Can Hurt Like This, Only Love Can Hold Like This - SongTaegguk
Summary: After more than 5 years of being together, Kinn's eyes start to wander. Porsche tries to be understanding. He thinks it's only a little wandering, but then it settles on someone. Porsche knows that loving Kinn will only hurt him but he can't let go of the hold Kinn's love has on him.
Chapters: 1/1  Words: 3,790
Note: This one broke me....
Cliff Jump - AirgiodSLV
Summary: “You know the rules, then?” Kinn asks.Porsche looks amused, like he can tell how badly Kinn wants to wreck his composure. “No kissing, no marks on you, bubble bath first,” Porsche recites easily. “I read your notes file.”Kinn is almost certain Porsche isn’t supposed to tell him the escort agency keeps a notes file. (or, an AU in which Kinn requests an escort for the night, and gets Porsche.)
Chapters: 1/1  Words: 4,824
when the heat wave comes - oliviacirce 
Summary: "I don't think that's normal," Porsche says doubtfully.
Chapters: 1/1  Words: 5,143
Here's Your Gentleman - Everyforkedroad 
Summary: It's a lazy Sunday morning. What better way to spend it than for Kinn to bottom for Porsche?Sexy times with a side of fluff.
Chapters: 1/1  Words: 3,227
Raindrop - Nejinee
Summary: Kinn loathes the rumour that he plays favourites with his people. He does no such thing. Why would he? And why, out of all his highly skilled, competent bodyguards, would he choose Porsche as his favourite? People must think he’s a fucking idiot. The fact he may also want Porsche to sit in his lap is beside the point and has absolutely no bearing on the matter.
Chapters: 4/4  Words: 22,613
I can feel the sun on you - phnelt
Summary: Kinn brightens. “So we’re going to fight?”
“Mm,” Porsche agrees. “But let’s make it interesting.”
“The usual bet?”
Porsche nods. A gleam comes into Kinn’s eye, the competitive spice they need to make this a real contest.
Chapters: 1/1  Words: 2,320
quis custodiet ipsos custode - concernedlily
Summary: Porsche props his chin on Kinn’s chest, on his favourite spot in the valley between his pecs, and peers up at him. “Tell me? I’ve never seen you have a nightmare like that.”
He toys with the edge of the bandage wrapped awkwardly around Porsche’s shoulder. It’s a knife wound, scored shallow but long down from his collarbone towards Porsche’s nipple, which is certainly in Kinn’s top ten parts of Porsche’s body and probably top five, and not to be endangered under any circumstances. Porsche had tried to treat it himself and Kinn had dragged him to the medical wing and supervised the stitches and the bandaging himself, mentally cursing out the minor family’s men for a crowd of incompetents the whole time. “Deng. He was… the first bodyguard who died for me.”
Chapters: 1/1  Words: 8,067
you've got to beg to be proud - starstrung
Summary: Kinn and Porsche have a rule. Their work may take them to dangerous places. They might have to make hard decisions, be threatening, be charming, or a deadly mixture of the two.
They always come home to each other.
Chapters: 1/1  Words: 2,430
crimson clover - daltoneering
Summary: Kinn falls silent, holding his gaze for a long, uninterrupted moment. Sizing him up. Porsche meets his stare defiantly, squaring his shoulders and lifting his chin. He won’t let Kinn know how much he is internally quaking about what he’s agreeing to do, or how much it aches to think that he doesn’t even know when he’ll see Chay again. He’s doing this for Chay. He’s doing this to save him.
Porsche reluctantly agrees to help the mafia out on a quick job at a diamond auction, because he’s desperate and probably also insane. As it turns out, he’s signed up for a lot more than he bargained for.
Chapters: 10/10  Words: 52,401
diesel is desire, you were playing with fire - butterflylungs
Summary: “You didn’t think I’d be done in one round, did you?” Kinn asks huskily, and with a hint of condescension. When he lifts his head, he looks disheveled and not the least bit satisfied. If anything, he looks hungrier. His pupils are blown so wide they’ve eaten the brown of Kinn’s eyes, two bottomless pits of black. Porsche starts to think he might be in over his head.
“Oh, I…”“I told you I wouldn’t be able to stop.” Kinn starts playing with one of Porsche’s nipples, rolling it cruelly between his fingers. “I need a lot more, Porsche, and you’re going to give it to me.”
When Kinn is dosed with a strange drug, Porsche steps up to help.
Chapters: 1/1  Words: 10,368
Night Call - vesna (mrsronweasley)
Summary:  On Kinn's birthday, Kinn is dragged by Tae and Time to a strip club, where he gets a private dance from a man who calls himself Jom. Kinn is smitten. Things spin out from there.
Chapters: 1/1  Words: 32,433
Good Enough to Breed - rainbowcolored7
Summary:  Now this, almost a year into their relationship, Porsche was discovering one more unexpected thing about himself thanks to none other than his infuriating and handsome boyfriend. One more thing he needed to chew on and deconstruct before he brought it up to Kinn. Because self-preservation and pride aside, this new thing couldn’t be resolved without Kinn, if it was something that could even be resolved at all. Porsche had no idea.
Chapters: 1/1  Words: 16,110
(KinnPorsche) "I'm Getting Married.” Oneshot. - jacquelinea
Summary: (Alternate Universe) Kinn and Porsche have a world of history behind them as best friends – but when Porsche is invited to be the photographer at Kinn's wedding unexpectedly, a whirlwind of emotions and confessions are put out on the table for all to see.
Chapters: 1/1  Words: 5,079
mirror, mirror - wicca
Summary: When they started this twisted game of cat and mouse, Porsche was sure he was the cat. After all, he had the advantage of studying every single blindspot in every single room that Kinn entered. Kinn, on the other hand, had a reputation to uphold. An image of invulnerability that couldn't be tainted with losing his composure because of mundane things like, let's say, having his bodyguard's foot on his crotch during a security briefing.But somewhere along the way Kinn had taken a different approach; had studied Porsche and found all the right buttons to press. Kinn started using his words. And Porsche, to his own horror, found that he liked them.Or, Porsche fucks around (with Kinn) and finds out (more about himself than what he'd initially bargained for).
Chapters: 1/1  Words: 3,885
Porsche Plays Ball with Kinn (for ฿500k, No Touching) - Rubicon12
Summary: The title says it all.
But in case you’re not familiar with the idiom:
play ball: to agree to work with or help someone in the way they have suggested (Cambridge Dictionary)
Chapters: 2/2  Words: 7,909
let there be no barriers (between you and i) - anakinn
Summary:  Porsche is utterly bored during a lecture, so he decides to run a test. The student he's been crushing on his whole university experience passes it with flying colors.
Chapters: 5/5  Words: 13,418
Contact Allergy - bewarethetreaclepuppies
Summary:  Porsche hadn't ever imagined himself getting married and taking a Dom but he was floundering in his care of his younger brother, and making a deal with the devil in the form of his estranged grandfather to save both his home and his grandfather's failing company, he found himself married to Kinn Theerapanyakun. It wasn't the worst thing in the world, and at least he'd be able to put his brother through school, but Porsche couldn't help but feel himself slowly dying inside at the constant rejection by his Dom, who had never wanted a husband in the first place.
Chapters: 26/26  Words: 75,863
Mutual anything - Morathi_Cain
Summary: An AU inspired by the trailers:
Porsche started working for Kinn's father. He hates Kinn for several reasons. So being locked into a small storeroom with the man is really more punishment than he can endure. Maybe there will be murder by the time they come out, maybe something different.
Chapters: 7/7  Words: 28,248
forget the horror here - koyaqtkoya
Summary: “How long has it been since anyone’s seen him?”
Next to him, Porsche can feel Kinn take a deep breath.
“Two or three weeks.” Pete answers quietly.
Kim is kidnapped and no one notices. Putting the pieces back together isn’t so easy.
Chapters: 8/8  Words: 26,263
Temptation - kimhawt
Summary: When Chay began his daily routine of checking his social media accounts that Friday morning, he wasn’t expecting to be popping a boner quite so soon, especially not when he literally just had sex a couple of hours ago.
His jaw dropped as he clicked on the photo of the latest post displayed on his phone.
Chapters: 1/1  Words: 2.683
Daddy, When I Fight Back (Tell Me You Like That) - imdeadlily
Summary: "Say that word again." Unbelievable, how a single word changed the tune of their fucking from then on.
Now, it’s a lot more than a word. Now Kim’s hooked.
This is just KimChay porn with daddy kink.
Chapters: 1/?  Words: 4,163
Just to be with you - aaanya
Summary:  Kim moves back into the Theerapanyakul mansion with only one goal and no plan. To his surprise, he finds an unexpected friend in one of the new residents.
Chapters: 1/1  Words: 6,309
I Would Die a Thousand Times (Just So You Can Feel Alright) - BelladonnaWyck, StratsWrites
Summary: Presenting is not the sort of thing that happens all at once. It’s not like one minute you are nothing and the next you’re an Alpha, or an Omega. It’s more of a slow, gradual process. For some people, it can take up to a week.Chay starts to feel feverish three days before his eighteenth birthday. Fever can mean anything, to be honest, even Betas sometimes present with fever. So he’s not super worried when he makes birthday plans with his friends. He could have ages before something happens, and it could be a Rut, which is shorter and more manageable. Or nothing at all!
(It’s not going to be a rut. Or nothing. Chay knows, deep in his bones, exactly what he is. But after his last encounter with an Alpha, it’s the last thing he wants to think about, so he simply doesn’t. He makes his plans and he pretends he isn’t waking up from hazy dreams, sweaty and hard.)
Chapters: 4/4  Words: 26,349
Black Ocean eyes - donuteeba
Summary: Kim is a single dad and struggling his ways, but he finds himself in a difficult position. He needs to find a babysitter for his daughter and his brother helps him. Kim finds himself falling and adoring.
Or where Kim is a single dad and he falls in love with his daughter’s babysitter, Porchay.
Chapters: 1/1  Words: 11,433
Tired of Being Lonesome - IamtheLight
Summary: There is no way I am pregnant, Pete thought as he went through the motions, I have always been on birth control.The time taken for the test result to show was the most excruciating wait of his life. Once five minutes was up, Pete quickly picked the stick back up to check the result. Two small lines stared up at Pete, as if mocking him. He was pregnant.
Or, Pete was sent to the Minor Pack as a 'Gift' to clear a debt between the two families. Pete didn't think he would end up as Vegas's personal 'bodyguard', pet, emotional punching bag, body pillow and the mother of his child. In that order.
Chapters: 30/30  Words: 54,215
Silver Circle - greygerbil
Summary: Pete has done many things in the service of the Theerapanyakul family, but being ordered to play Vegas's boyfriend might beat even Tankhun's most bizarre ideas.
Chapters: 5/5  Words: 16,763
or until my heart explodes - saru
Summary: Vegas watches him. He takes in the way his fringe falls into his eyes, dark hair contrasting against the flush of his cheeks; studies the way he holds himself, quiet, unassuming. He tries to reconcile between every piece of rumour he’s heard about him and the image of the slender, almost meek-looking boy in front of him.—or, 17-year-old Vegas meets 18-year-old Pete when the latter becomes the Minor Family’s newest hire. A love story in three acts.
Chapters: 3/3  Words: 26,682
Worth It - idiom
Summary: Pete’s an Omega who got a surprise bundle of joy after a steamy one night stand at an exclusive club in downtown Bangkok. He doesn’t remember the handsome Alpha who fathered his child—the club was dark and they’d both been a little too tipsy to grab numbers after a mind-blowing time together. All Pete has to remember the Alpha by is the all-too vague memory of his intoxicating scent and a tiny baby boy with a death glare that can cut through mountains when he doesn’t get his way.It was the best night of Pete’s life, but was it worth it?
Chapters: 11/11  Words: 50,515
Black Velvet - kerrikins
Summary: Vegas notices Pete watching him during the torture scene. Intrigued and more tempted than he expected to be, he stalks Pete and succeeds in taunting him into coming with Vegas so they can fuck. It starts off as a cat and mouse game for sex, but when the two of them are finally forced to reckon with the fact that they're on opposite sides, they both find themselves more conflicted and drawn to each other than ever. Originally gratuitous smut, now with some plot thrown in. Enemies to lovers, Vegas/Pete style.
Chapters: 20/20  Words: 161,923
Battle of Love -  SolarMirae
Summary: After Vegas fucks Pete in Kinn’s car, Kinn is determined to get revenge on his cousin.Soon they find themselves in the middle of a sex war with the sole purpose of annoying each other.Pete and Porsche could help stop their boyfriends stupid antics, but they would rather just sit back and enjoy the ride.
Chapters: 13/13  Words: 35,654
the mortifying ordeal of falling in love - hawkshadow
Summary: “If I had to rate you?” Pete pauses and tilts his head with a low hum, considering. “I dunno, a six out of ten? I thought you were a sadist, but you didn’t really give that impression. Are you actually kinky? That didn’t feel kinky. It didn’t do it for me.”
Vegas looks like someone punched him. Hard. His cock is still out and his hair is rumpled and he looks devastatingly disheveled, like Pete was the one who just took Vegas apart and not the other way around.
“I’d worry that it was just a fluke,” Pete continues, ignoring Vegas’s flabbergasted sputters, “but I also don’t think I’d give you a second time to prove me wrong.” Pete shrugs and fixes his shirt, petting back his hair. “Anyway, see you around.”
Or a fic in which Vegas fucks through all of Kinn’s bodyguards and lands on Pete, but Pete uno reverses it on Vegas leaving Vegas wanting so much more. Vegas gets humiliated and has to work for it.
Chapters: 2/2  Words: 17,301
Serial - dnghyck
Summary:  Pete creates a thriller webtoon about a serial killer inspired by his family's gruesome murder. What will Pete do if the same serial killer became his fan and imitates the murders from his webtoon in real life?
Chapters: 3/3  Words: 13,281
take the pain, take the pleasure (i'm a master of both) - wegathpete (bwimincore)
Summary: "Speaking of which, where is Pete? I don’t think I remember seeing the two of you apart since he moved in,” Kinn chuckles and Vegas wants to strangle him a little.Oh, if only you knew, you fool, he thinks to himself but instead of voicing it, Vegas clears his throat. “Pete’s—,” and fuck, his voice sounds wrecked, like he is the one with his throat full of cock, “Pete’s taking care of something around the house.”Pete, the little shit, has the gall to chuckle between Vegas’ legs and Vegas just prays to every god out there that Kinn mistook his noise for the creak of a floorboard or the shuffle of Vegas’ shoes. Pete is nothing if not a little tease and Vegas likes to think he can anticipate his moves — therefore the collar and leash secured around his neck, the end of which is resting in Vegas’ grip.
Chapters: 1/1  Words: 4,128
note: I’ve been trying to find a VP fic where they’re soulmates/mates and Pete knew but Vegas doesn’t realize until they have sex the first time and was upset Pete never told him. If anyone knows it can you please leave the title in the comments. I think i forgot to bookmark it.
If You Like Series
Some Stubborn Kind of Love - LuckyDragon  Tay/Kinn/Porsche fic
Summary:  Tay learns that love is timeless when you first learn to love yourself.
Works: 2  Words: 42,054
A Series of Messages - chaoticworldofanidiot KP
Summary:  What started out with a bit of jealousy turns into them finally confessing and then fucking.
Works: 6  Words: 37,595
KinnPorsche a/b/o -  sabrina_il (marina) Tay/Kinn/Porsche
Summary: “We can do this,” Kinn insisted, between one kiss and the next, lying on top of Tay on the massive bed in his suite. “It’s totally doable.”Tay had to laugh. Kinn was very sexy and very heavy on top of him, and Kinn’s shirt was barely buttoned anymore and Tay appreciated all of it, but Kinn was an absolute idiot when it came to being an omega. Tay had known that even before they’d gotten together, almost six months ago. He’d known it for most of the time they’d spent as friends.“We absolutely cannot,” Tay countered, kissing Kinn again.
AU where Tay and Kinn are both omegas who get together (after breaking up with Time and Tawan respectively) and due to Reasons both go into heat at the same time. Porsche is the alpha they hire to solve all their problems. Suffice it to say, everyone gets way more than they bargained for.
Works: 2  Words: 12,051
it feels right, it feels good - Baby_Droll
Summary: one relationship falls apart; another grows in its place. infidelity au with a side of grad student porsche, and did i mention it’s omegaverse?
Works: 6 Words: 42,091
Readers Choice
Note: Some of these authors have 10+ fics written and this list was getting crazier than the last one so I decided to cut it down to my top favorite fics. Highly recommend checking out their archives you haven’t already!
Blue Blood
Summary: In the dark, low places of the underworld is a club called Sang Bleu, a place where the depraved and the debauched can enjoy themselves with reckless abandon, and enjoy the brutal fights that take place in the infamous pit. Kinn finds himself amongst them, invited by the owner to celebrate a newly formed alliance. He doesn't expect to be entertained by the mindless violence and spectacle, until the next match is announced; a fight to the death, in his honor. And then he appears; the Phoenix, a man with golden skin and dark eyes and a saunter in his step that makes Kinn's blood hot. He doesn't stand a chance, not against an opponent twice his size, but the arrogant jut of his chin says he believes otherwise. For the first time in a long time, Kinn feels intrigued. Against his better judgement, he places a bet.
Chapters: 15/15  Words: 121,572
Happy Birthday
Summary: Porsche is determined to bake Kinn a cake, no matter how many botched batters and burned bases happen along the way. He isn't expecting Kinn to come home early, catching him in the middle of entertaining himself while he waits for his latest attempt to rise in the oven. One thing leads to another, and Porsche ends up back at square one, forced to start the process from scratch. Only this time, Kinn is determined to make his life as difficult as possible.
Chapters: 1/1  Words: 7,891
The Best You Ever Had
Summary: "Shut up," Porsche snaps. "I'm not jealous."
"So if I said that there was someone who took more than you, you wouldn't be bothered at all?"
Porsche's eyes narrow. "Not one bit," he grits out. Kinn chuckles again, leaning in close until Porsche can feel the gentle heat of his breath on his cheeks.
"Well," he drawls. "There was this one guy..."
Wherein Porsche discovers there's someone out there who's done more with Kinn than he has. He sets about to rectify that as soon as possible.
Chapters: 1  Words: 5,551
In the Night - Series
Summary: Porsche has wondered. Of course he has. How could he not, watching the endless parade of boys waltz in and out of Kinn's bedroom, each more starry eyed than the last? He's wondered what it would be like. What Kinn would be like.
AKA the fic where Porsche pretends to be asleep, and Kinn sees how much he can get away with.
Works: 2  Words: 10,320
Boys Like You
Summary: "I'm not-"
"Gay, I know," Kinn finishes for him. "It's just sex. Doesn't have to mean anything."
Porsche blinks. "I've never– I can't–"
"Just the tip," Kinn insists. "Just the tip, at least."
Chapters: 1/1  Words: 5,520
Below the clavicle
Summary: One of Kinn’s hands wraps around the back of Porsche’s head, scratching gently through the short hair at the nape of his neck. It’s addictive, and so, so sweet and Porsche swallows, feeling suddenly miserable. He tugs himself away. Kinn’s hand lingers on his neck as he digs into his pocket and pulls out a tiny plastic bag with a small white pill in it.
Porsche puts the pill into his glass of expensive champagne, and they both watch it dissolve, slowly; bubbles foaming out until the golden liquid has entirely swallowed it up. Kinn raises an eyebrow at him, waiting for an explanation. His hand strokes gently on Porsche’s neck. Porsche smiles blandly as he takes the glass, swirls it gently around, and then tips half of it into his mouth in one go.
Kinn jerks, an aborted motion, grabbing Porsche’s wrist – but he’s too late.
Or: Porsche drugs himself to re-enact the night of the diamond auction.
Chapters: 1/1  Words: 6,910
Counting the waves
Summary: Plus, with so many staff dead after the attack, everything seems to take three times as long to do. The work carries on, despite their depleted resources. Everyone’s pulling long hours. Kinn rarely has evenings free anymore, and Porsche certainly doesn’t. They speak on the phone when they can; Kinn in his room, Porsche in his own, sometimes reporting on what they’ve been doing, sometimes just listening to each other breathe until they fall asleep. Most days, from what Kinn can tell, Porsche works till midnight, crawls into bed for a few hours, and then gets right up and starts working again.
Kinn knows his father wouldn’t want him here. He’s sneaked out—sort of. Arm knows where he is, and if Arm knows, Tankhun knows (which is why Arm knows). Papa had told Kinn that he should let Porsche get established on his own, to show trust. It does make sense, if Kinn thinks about it logically.
But he misses his boyfriend.(Or: Kinn visits Porsche at the minor family house.)
Chapters: 1/1  Words: 8,777
KinnPorsche: The Series (La Fortissimo)
Summary:  Moments during episodes 2-5 when Kinn and Porsche could have (should have?) hooked up, if Kinn was just a little meaner about it.
Works: 4 Words: 23,112
squeeze a little, tease a little more
Summary: Porsche knows he’s tucked up well under the desk, theoretically completely hidden, but all it would take is an accidental noise to give him away, or for a pair of wandering eyes at the exact right angle to catch a glimpse of his socked feet.The idea doesn’t entirely put him off.
Chapters: 1/1  Words: 3,428
didn't know that you were cold 'til you felt my fire
Summary: “You’ve done well,” Kinn adds, and the words warm Porsche through to his bones. “I just need one more thing from you,” he says, red eyes bright and luminous.“Anything,” Porsche hears himself say.The corners of Kinn’s mouth curl up into a smile, but nothing about it feels friendly.
Chapters: 1/1  Words: 5,601
i can't stop and look the other way
Summary: “I thought you weren’t coming,” Porsche confesses, panting.Kinn scrapes his teeth against Porsche’s pulse point. “One of these days, I won’t. You know that.”Porsche shuts his eyes, heart pounding in his chest. “Yeah. I’ve heard that before.”
 Chapters: 1/1  Words: 2,846
rush of adrenaline
Summary: “Kinn,” he breathes out, clutching at his arms. “It really got you going so hard?”“It’s not the killing,” Kinn assures him again, his hand sneaking inside Porsche’s briefs and curling around his erection. “It���s the adrenaline and the thought that I have cheated death again. With you by my side.”Porsche moans out loud, not caring about the noise now as his hips buck forward into Kinn’s tight grip and he cocks his head to the side, exposing his neck for bites and kisses.
Chapters: 1/1  Words: 5,149
good deeds
Summary: He flicks half of the cigarette to the ground and stomps on it, taking a deep, long breath, before he reaches for the door. He’s about to come inside, when he hears the noise again. He pulls out his gun and carefully goes to investigate.The closer he gets to the big dumpster, the louder the cries are. God, it sounds like a baby. He jogs the rest of the way and swears loudly, pocketing the gun.On the ground lies body of a young woman and right across her chest rest a small baby, Porsche has no idea how old, something around half a year probably.“Shh,” he shushes, kneeling next to the small child. “Hey, it’s okay.”
Chapters: 1/1  Words: 9,054
be the best you ever tasted
Summary: “What’s your name, darling?” he questions.“Jom,” Porsche replies after a moment, it makes a snort pass through Kinn’s lips.
“You don’t look like a Jom. Forgive me for repeating myself but you’re a shit liar,” he says once more. He still looks amused, like Porsche is telling jokes.
Porsche presses his lips together stubbornly, which makes a small smirk appear on Kinn’s lips; he looks delighted for some reason. “Tell you what, darling, you tell me your name and I will end the session now. How about it?” 
or an AU where Porsche's life is shit so he shakes his perky little bum for strangers at a strip club and Kinn books him for a private show
Chapters: 11/11  Words: 90,893
three's company
Summary: Porsche pulls Pete over the minute they come back inside, tugging Pete’s shirt aside like an accusation. “A collar?” he asks, unable to keep the incredulity from his voice. “You’re wearing a collar?” Pete gives him a look, yanking his shirt back up. “Yes,” he replies, completely calm and nonchalant, like this is normal. Which, maybe it is. Porsche has heard some stuff from Tankhun but he thought he was exaggerating. “Why?” Pete looks at Porsche like he’s lost his last braincell. “Because I’m his pet,” he says. Like that’s normal. “And that’s what pets do.”
Chapters: 1/1  Words: 5,853
Three's a Crowd
Summary:  “But how many men have you kissed?” Vegas presses, pulling Pete closer. “Am I the first?” He kisses him and it’s sweet if a bit heated. Pete feels a low hum of arousal curl in his gut. Nothing urgent. “Am I the only?” He kisses him again, a bit deeper, a bit hungrier—
“Two,” Pete blurts out before he can stop himself.
Vegas raises his brow but the smile on his face is still teasing. “Oh? Who was the other one? One of the main family bodyguards? Did you get bored in that huge house and decide to experiment?”
“Hardly,” Pete scoffs. Then grins up at Vegas because he’s about to blow his mind. “It was Porsche.”
He’s right. Vegas bursts into incredulous laughter, letting Pete go as he falls back into the bed. “Porsche?” He’s barely able to get the word out. “You kissed Porsche?” Then he rolls back over with this wicked gleam in his eye that Pete knows means trouble. “How was he? Was he good? He seems like he’s kissed a lot of people. I bet he’s good.”
Chapters: 1/1  Words: 4,416
Summary: “Tell me to let you go.” Vegas’s voice is soft in Pete’s ear, his mouth just brushing against the nape of his neck. “Tell me to leave you alone.”
Pete doesn’t say anything, his heart hammering in his chest, his gut clenching. His breathing goes fast and shallow.
“Come on,” Vegas breathes into his skin. Then licks right along Pete’s pulse, making it jump even faster. He’s already getting hard and Vegas hasn’t even done anything. “Tell me to go, and I’ll go.”
Pete clamps his mouth shut.
“That’s what I thought.”
Chapters: 1/1  Words: 2,381
Smoke and Raindrops - Series
Summary:  Taking a break in the back of Hum Bar shouldn't have been what brought a vampire into Porsche's life, but he's always had shit luck. This vampire in particular is sticking around, and not just for the cocktails.
Works: 2  Words: 5,967
Ask, and You Shall Receive
Summary:  Porsche asked for this a week ago, and still Kinn hasn't done anything. So he's decided to take matters into his own hands. It turns out he may have gotten more than he bargained for.
Chapters: 1/1  Words: 3,382
Beg for your Desire
Summary:  Answering the phone had been a mistake. Now Porsche can’t get that line out of his head, “Would Khun Kinn like an escort for tonight?” As though Porsche hadn’t been the only one in his bed for the past five months. What need could Kinn have for some nameless body? Porsche feels the doubt creep in even as he pushes it away. He’s more than enough for Kinn, and he’s willing to prove it.
Chapters: 1/1  Words: 4,888
Happily Bloody After
Summary: Porsche was Kinn's Phoenix, his perfect weapon, and like all perfect things... they needed to be taken care of.There had been more than one occasion where Kinn had stroked his cock to the flames of desire licking at his heart at the thought of Porsche’s surrender to him. The heady feeling cutting into his very being at the knowledge that Porsche was their source of fear, but for him, Porsche was his harbour, holding him steady through each storm.
Chapters: 2/2  Words: 6,623
 Sugar and Rubies
Summary: Sugar Daddy Kinn + Sugar Baby Porsche + Changing Room + Diamonds + Rubies + Gold = absolute filth and sex! Kinn covering Porsche in jewellery is the sane equivalent of a dog peeing all over a fire hydrant to declare it as theirs, also Vegas and Kinn have a slight sex competition in the background of this fic.
Chapters: 2/2  Words: 10,255
Give Me The Throne, and I Will Burn It to Rise Above Its Ashes
Summary: “The Russians have agreed to entering talks with us regarding the procurement of Elysium. With so much still needed to be done for both our sides, I would delegate this matter to Kim—”“Khun Korn, it must not have been made known to you yet, but a deal has already been struck on the side of Khun Porsche.”A corner of Porsche’s lips quirked up into a smirk, finger placidly tracing the rim of the amber-filled crystal tumbler. His eyes flicked to Korn, and the shade of red that the old man’s face had adopted almost matched the burgundy of Porsche’s shirt.
Chapters: 1/1  Words: 4,935
Sound of My Heart
Summary: Vegas stares down at his blank wrist. It’s funny how people who lost their soulmates and those born without soulmarks receive the same therapy.-Vegas is born without a soulmark. He meets his soulmate.
Chapters: 1/1  Words: 2,723
Summary: “Good afternoon” Porchay says and feels his heart stutter when those dark, wide eyes look up to meet his. Porchay sets the menus down next to each other, making sure they don’t touch the cutlery and utensils on the table.
“Porchay” Kimhan returns, and despite 3 weeks of being greeted in the same way, it still makes Porchay flush.
Porchay is a waiter at Kim's favourite restaurant. Kim is not there for the food.
Chapters: 1/1  Words: 2,997
Summary: “Now now, girls. There’s enough of me to go around” he drawls and the girls giggle, one bravely running her finger over Porsche’s flattened abs. His grey t-shirt has been pushed up to just below his nipples.
“Oh, really?” Porsche hears and his head turns in the direction of the kitchen entrance so fast, he gets woozy for a second. By the time he blinks away the dark spots, Kinn is standing at the island, looking down at him with a smile, “And when would I get a turn, Pachara?”Porsche feels a flutter in his stomach as he stares up at Kinn.“Anakinn, you’re here"Or, the KinnPorsche frat party we all wanted.
Chapters: 1/1  Words: 5,969
I just wanna say thank you to all of the authors for all the time and energy you’ve put into writing these fics. You deserve all the love in the world! Readers, please check out the authors other works that they have. Majority that I've listed have plenty of other works that I haven't had a chance to read yet. And the ones that I have read were already mentioned in the prev completed rec list I have.
Never forget to leave your kudos and comments to the authors!
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justalilpearlie · 2 months
!! Intro !! (updated)
Hello everyone, my name is PearlescentMoon
Hihi! I'm Pearl! Magic is quite a fine name aswell. Although I'm a man of many names ;)
I am a minor, my gender labels are gendervoid verinix, tho I also ID as bigender and ftm (fem presenting tho! not transmasc, just trans man)! I'm queer, leaning on mlm, tho I also like girls here and there.
I go by He/Xe. I can She/Her myself + close friends/mutuals are allowed, but refrain from doing so without explicit permision please. (I also use neos: Void/Moon/Sweet/It/Fluff/Love/Fizz/Paw)
I'm from Argentina, born and raised, never moved. Speak fluent english and spanish.
I'm autistic and I have ADHD aswell as BPD and a few other things I wont list right now! But yeah I'm psychotic (ooo scary word.. lmao)
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I'm an IRL of many, mainly c!Pearl (mcyt), c!Magic(outsmp+psmp), Samuel Emily (fnaf [games canon]) and Shin Tsukimi (yttd). If you don't like it you can leave, block me, or whatever, cause you aint gonna change my life or how I am. I'm in therapy, which unlike random hate and harrassment online, does help me :)
I like to stream, roleplay, draw, sometimes make playlists or moodboards.. And my biggest interests right now are the Outsiders SMP, The Hatchetfield Musicals, Life Series and Empires 1.
I use kin tags for reach cause I'd love interaction from any mediamates!! Specially from Outsiders <3
Fictionkins, therians and traumagenic systems all welcome!
- -💥-🐺-🌙- -❤️- -💛- -✨-💥-✨- -💛- -❤️- -🌙-🐺-💥- -
DNI prefferably:
- Basic DNI criteria (proshippers, homophobes, transphobes, racists, TERFs, ableist, etc)
- Endos/non-traumagenic "systems" DNI. block me if u want, i wont argue abt it in the comments/reblogs. or interact if u want but im not gonna follow u back or anythin shrugs.
- reality checkers or anti-IRLs DNI. I aint "romanticizing" shit, I'm existing and living my life, if thats a problem to you too bad cause my psychologist aproves of what I'm doing, since I aint harming anyone and I myself am doing dandy.
- anti-kin also DNI cause most of my friends are fictionkins and if you talk shit abt my fellas idk i wouldnt like having u around much
CCs I'd rather if you didn't interact, but if you shall do so anyways, do so at your own risk, you've been warned. /lh
- -🪸-🐸-🌙- -💙- -🩵- -✨-🪸-✨- -🩵- -💙- -🌙-🐸-🪸- -
- I talk about MajorMoon (Scott x Pearl) a LOT, if u didnt notice by the acc theme. These are my romantic memories, its a gay ship, not woman/gay man, so if it makes u uncomfortable or u hate it or whatever then ur probably not gonna like my content lmao. COUGH, consider joining us if you do like what you see... /nf We're a small comunity of supporters.. just me.. and a few of my peeps... that was a joke, sir. /ref
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- This isn't roleplay, its my main acc where im ""unapologetically"" myself, but if u do wanna rp outsiders/life series/empires/fnaf u can always shoot me a dm and maybe I'll give u my discord.
- I talk about myself (c!Pearl) using 3rd person in many posts tagged with main fandom tags. This is to cause less confusion to casual fans slash ""normies"" (lhj) that well.. don't know what IRLs are! Also that way I feel safer and don't have to worry as much abt getting harassed and such for my identity.
- -🌸-⛰️-🌙- -💚- -💙- -✨-🌸-✨- -💙- -💚- -🌙-⛰️-🌸- -
Special People Mentions!! fps = * (1 or more.. wouldnt say in a priority sorta order but. more or less yea)
Family! <3 🌼 @pehpurr* SISTER!! YOU'RE AMAZING, DAISY. SO SO GREAT. YOUR ART IS INCREDIBLE, YOU ARE SO PASSIONATE ABOUT EVERYTHING YOU DO, YOU ARE SO VERY CARING FOR OTHERS, SO KIND AND TALENTED, A GREAT WRITER AND THE BEST BEST SISTER I COULD EVER ASK FOR!! Scar, you changed my life, you were there for me when I needed you the most, I know you ALWAYS have my back. You're kind to me even when the world isn't, and know that even if we fight or if you do things I disagree with (ehem forgiving too much ppl /lht), I will never leave you, and I will never stop coming after you. I love you, Kanna. You're the best Peeps, keep it up, for you're a beacon of hope in everyone's lives. I'm so proud. ♡ ⚙️ @gentlexmadman DAD!! I FREAKING LOVE YOU DAD OMG!! I am SO very happy we got to spend our first fathers day together even if just a little, you made this the first year I was actually happy to celebrate it, looking forward to it and making a gift of my own :) Im so so happy to have you in my life. You are, likewise to Pepper, an AMAZING artist, so much detail, just so awesome in general. I love hearing all your silly stories about work and the people you know, old man. Thank you for being with me, papá, I never thought I'd actually find you again. Thank you so so very much. ♡
🐸 @bigb-enthusiast SIBLING!! MY SIBLING IN ZAYA OH MY GOODNESS IS THAT USER BIGB ENTHUSIAST?? YES IT SURE IS!! Bro I could listen to ur analysis and rambles til the end of the world u got the best ideas ever wtf!!?? Ur very freakin insane but also ur my best buddy, my nosey neighbor for life!! I appreciate u a lot, Bee, my favorite insane asylum escapee ♡
Simply special <3 ☕ @insomniac-coffeehouse** You're all simply so very special to me. I love every second we spend together. I love seeing yall thrive. I love your insane yet endearing behavior. You might be a bit unhinged sometimes, and admittedly not the healthiest person when it comes to your schedules, but I'm just so proud of everything you create and accomplish. I hope you get to accomplish all your dreams, and I hope I can be here to see that happen, if you let me :)! For many years more, cause I'm just oh so glad I met you. You spark joy in my brain and my heart <3 From the bottom of my heart, I'm in love with the hope you bring to this world. 🍊 Jack***, Oh my dearest, where do I even begin with you, sport... you trully are my soulmate, my other half... mi media naranja, if you will, heh.. Every second I get to spend with you is like heaven, no matter whats going on, I know everything will be alright cause I have you. You mean absolutely everything to me, my Hero, I know you'll always be there for me. You are the sweetest man I've ever met, and I'm so proud of the person you've become. If I had to choose between you or the world I'd choose you 10 times over, and I can say surely, that you'd do the same. I love every single detail about you, thank you for being so patient with me, you're wonderful, cielo. I love your voice, I love your eyes, I love your smile, your laughter. I love your use of words, the way you speak, your humor, your seriousness and stupidness. You stiff fuck, you were made for me and I was made for you, and I wouldn't have it any other way. You're my everything, mi vida, mi luz, mi estrella. Mi amor, mi mundo. ♡
Friends! 🏜️ @thecranewivesrpf My right hand man!! OMG we havent talked in a WHILE but ILYSM !!! MY SECOND IN COMMAND IN THE MAJORMOON SERVER FRFR!! WE SHOULD TALK AGAIN, I MISS U POOKIE </3
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Badges I've earned:
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(More TBA)
That's it for now folks, love yall and see you around!
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luciddreamingcrow · 2 years
Playable Character Au p.1
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---Song recommandatteon for today is BITE by Troye Sivan---
Sumery: in this au, you the reader, are a playable character/nps in which the fanbase have made their own ships with other characters based on voice lines, canon inteactions, popular headcanons etc. :D
A/n : Ones again I apologize for not updating as frequently as I want to, for a long time I didnt have any inspo and I started school again, again Im so sorry for my long absence I promice to start posting more frequently <3
The General Mahamatra
About Reader:
I've met reader around the first year when I just started to study in the academia, we relied on each other to keep ourselves sane and awake during these years, now even outside of work we hang out quite frequently going to the same spot in sumeru city to play with my cards and order the same food as last time, the loser gets to pay for the food, lets just say that they may or may not have a 5 winning streak, and not because they are good at the game.
About Readers Reputation:
Reader is a individual that demands respect opon first sight and will not hesitate to show it, but outside of their personal workplace they are actually really humorous and a trustworthy companion that’s more than willing to take a bullet for people they trust, come to think of them they are surprisingly rebellious whenever the sages want their way, insisting in treating a situation as any other regardless of ones status, its really entertaining seeing how Reader puts the sages in their plase with no hesitation.
General sumery about your relationship with said character:
Your status in the academia is a simple but a respecteble one, basically you are the second in comand of the Matra organization(operation?idk how its called) you are mainly tasked to deal with paperwork, searching info and data about students that have broke the rules and traked down by Cyno, and more oftentimes than not you have to deal with students that have cheated on their tests/exams or iligal use of caned knowledge
What the fandom thinks/though:
At first when you were announced fans had mixed feeling, the Twitter part of the fandom as they always do, they complained, other casual fans were pleased and didn't mind that much. As for the shipping part of the fandom surprisingly at first Cynder (the ship name between Cyno and reader) was considerd as a rare pair being overshadowed by Cynary and Cynolu. But when voicelines, canon interactions, ect were leaked, the shippers whent WILD. Withing some days the Cynder tag was THRIVING, fanart, fanfiction, canon content👏you👏name👏IT. Yes there are some toxic shippers ESPECIALLY on tik tok were saying that Cynder doesn't work cuz "it ruins their fav ship"🙄 some even claimed it was a "proship" 😃, but honey ignore them, they don't know whats good.Jokes on everyone cuz in later events it was extremely hinted that it was canon also lets not forget about the study dates that he takes you on <3
Fantastical Evening Star
About Reader:
Reader? OOoooh, you mean my roommate, right? I really enjoy their company, quiet iet so energetic and loud, I dont really know how to explain it but on one second you can see them running errands for the rest of the students with a smile on their face and on the other they are speed running their forgotten homework for next class, they really have to start to manage their tasks and start getting their life together.
General sumery about your relationship with said character:
You and Layla are roommates and most of the time you make sure and by make sure I mean forse Layla to go to sleep earlier and make food for the both of you, and whenever you accidentaly fall asleep she makes sure to do some of your work so you wont burn yourself out, and yes some times you two blast music and sing in your shared dorm just cuz you guys had too much energy one night, the next morning both of you regretted it instantly.
What the fandom thinks/though:
The first thing that came into the fandoms mind is that Layer( the ship name between Layla and reader) is that the both of you fit the sun-moon trope (Layla- moon, reader-sun) and stuck with it, refusing to change its mind. And most people just accepted it, though its not really popular its not considered a rare pair either is just in the midle, and it has enough content to satisfy the Layer shippers^^, Also not to mention the unholy amount of hurt/comfors fanfics there are👀, as canon goes theres a good amount of scenes with Layla from your hangout to support the ship as "hinted as canon" by mihoyo.
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leonsleftbicep · 10 months
Intro Post
updated: 9/2/24
Hi i'm Roach but on here you can call me Leon or Ducks. i'm cool with all pronouns, but i have a preference for masc, gender neutral, and neo pronouns.
i'm an artist that dabbles in writing and other things. i'm mainly known (at least i think i am) for being a Sleep Token fan-artist that talks about music a little to much.
i'm goofy and make jokes and i do draw a line to what i will and wont do. i make nsfw headcanons/writing/art sometimes so if your not cool with that you can just make your way out of the metaphorical door. i will not discuss the identities of any of the vessels because thats their personal lives and they have boundaries. i dont know what they look like and i dont want to know. i will also not talk about any crew on the team in any sexual sense or talk about their personal lives.
i constantly interact with @randomfandomsoup (im matching pfp’s with them currently) and if you are a mutual that is in the jaws of sleep token or just really cool i will interact.. be afraid/j
Currently writing a fic under the title: Bake Me Back To Eden. you can find updates under the tag: #BMBTE.
(more info under the cut, its kinda a master list i guess)
*smacks table loudly* MY FANDOMS
Sleep Token
Steam Powered Giraffe
you can click on one of them and it will take you to the tag on my blog
#Lavender and Roses - my OC version of sleep token who share the names of my BMBTE vessels!!
#pinup token - i feel it self explanatory. me playing dress up with the vessels
#the duck has thoughts - my rambles
#the duck has THOTS - the slutty version of my rambles
#the duck can draw - my art
#the duck can animate - my beautiful “animations”
#the duck can write - my writing
#the duck can reblog - my reblogged stuff
#the brain duck - inner most brain thoughts (me yearning and me being gay and having the craziest ideas for characters that aren’t even mine)
#slasher saturday - every saturday when me and @randomfandomsoup watch a slasher/horror movie
#sleep cryptid boys - where you can find my head cannons for the sleep token vessels and the ocified versions as well as my fan art
#oc token - my oc versions of sleep token, which includes my headcannoned faces
#the duck is finding prompts - prompts i find for writing or drawings. sometimes i use them sometimes i dont.
#WHORESHIP - the gayest, sluttiest sleep token tag/j
#the duck talks music - i talk about bands and music i enjoy, possibly some playlists to be dropped as well.
#sleep token groupchat shenanigans - my silly little thoughts of what their group chat looks like in my head
#BMBTE - official Bake Me Back To Eden fic tag where you can get updates and silly info about the fic!
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trashyandtiredsol · 1 year
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UPDATED: September 14th, 2024
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My Pinterest
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My Twitch
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My YouTube
ART FIGHT My Art Fight Profile
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Full Sona Picture Art Piece
Bust Up Sona Picture Art Piece
Updated Sona Reference Sheet
|REF RECS FOR WHUMP WRITERS (and something to come back to for my au)|
Reblogs On My Art Are Greatly Appreciated!
Please Do NOT Repost, Edit, Trace, Use, And/Or Sell My Art‼️
ASK For Anything Else Regarding My Art‼️
Life Death and Love - Master Post
-> |#Life Death and Love au|
|Art Requests Open!|
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Personal Info And Tags (Only Some That I Actually Remembered To Add :P) Under The Cut
Multi-Fandom Blog (Don't be surprised when you follow me for one thing then I post about another thing).
My name's Sol or Solstice! (On here that is, not my actual name, tho I wish it was sometimes :/)
17 (Birthday's May 2nd, 2007 !!)
🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈 Demigirl and Queer! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈
Recently found the term demigirl and I quite like it for myself so- ye I'm adding it here :3
Pronouns are He/She/They (mainly She/They tho)
-> |#sol full of art| my art tag
-> |#she/they| the pronouns posts I've made for myself
-> |#pinned post| important stuff
-> |#my saved art tips|
-> |#my saved tips|
-> |#nice music| It's just music I've reblogged that I like and maybe you'll enjoy it too!!
-> |#venting me| my vent tag, feel free to ignore!
-> |#answering asks|
-> |#nice convos!!| for conversations I have!! Kinda forget to tag this sometimes (a lot of times) and some of the conversations aren't really conversations either
-> /#absolutely/ plus some other word like fabulous or love it or lovely or gorgeous or stunning or love this concept or some other words I don't remember at the moment (Try searching absolutely in my blog and hopefully all the reblogs I did will show!)
-> |#saving!!| for some saved stuff I wanna look back on
-> |#sol full of texts| for my text posts
-> |#sol full of asks| for answered asks
-> |#tag chain|
-> |#picrew| for picrew's I do
-> |#sol's sona fanart| for were other's draw my sona!!! :D
-> |#ask game| for ask game reblogs
-> |#blum pirates| for the Blum Pirate Crew im a part of! All the info on that is in this tag
-> |#foodie au bluecrop blueberry| for my foodie au oc
-> |#tmnt foodie au| general tag for the foodie au
-> |#collabs| collabs I've done with others
-> |#art| art from reblogs and very occasionally my art if I add that tag to those art posts and is also a huge compilation of a whole bunch of art from different fandoms (you can click on other specific tags on most of those to find other related stuff I've reblogged)
-> |#Garfield Logan| and |#Beast Boy|
-> |#dtiysol💚| My DTIY's!
(70+ Follower DTIY) so far it's only Blue from the foodie au ( participant's: 01 ) Deadline: December 1st, 2023 (only adding a deadline so I don't end up forgetting about this after 2 months)
(100+ Follower DTIY) for my Life Death and Love au
( participant's: 00 ) Deadline: None
(Permanently Ongoing I Guess? )
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