#m-spec identities
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For anyone who has a complex identity and thinks anyone who doesn't support them can fuck off.
This includes:
- M-spec gays, lesbians, enbians, etc
- Xenogender users
- Gaybians
- Lesboys/Turigirls
- Label and gender hoarders
- Cuspers (people who are between cis and trans)
- Gendered agender people
- Transfemmasc people
and more
Other variations + symbol
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crows-templets · 5 months
mspec lesbians arent valid kys, ur just str8 w extra steps :3
Hi! I don’t usually respond to asks like this but I think I need to address this
I am not an m-spec lesbian, so if you’re intent was to hurt an m-spec lesbian, you didn’t by harassing us.
Telling someone to kill themself is NEVER ok. Even if you hate them. It’s not ok and you shouldn’t be proud of it.
It’s not being straight with extra steps, and the way you phrased this makes it seems like being straight is bad. It’s not, it’s ok to be straight
And finally! M-spec lesbians aren’t hurting anyone! It’s confusing yes sure. But it makes people feel comfortable with themselves and they aren’t actually hurting anyone! Unlike you, who is harassing people in their inbox.
You don’t get an award for being a bad person.
Thank you.
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this is a good time to mention that i'm going to be including a lot of xenogenders in the project, so if you don't support xenogenders uh. let me know so i can block you i guess
i'll also be including m-spec identities. so if you don't support m-spec identities let me know so i can block you
pride month is going to be fun (genuine)
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bigender polysexual girlguy who's attracted to women and men and others alike, all in a lesbian way.
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fagweave · 2 years
'Good faith identities' "Radically Inclusive" or you know. Not feeling the need to police queer people's sense of identity, you know, like how cisheteronomative society has done to us for centuries.
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bi is inherently queer and we should be able to talk about our sexuality without people doubting how much we actually care about certain people in our life and deal with other people's insecurities and only allowing us to talk about one side or some part of it like,, i will always address my mlm attractions because i AM a guy attracted to other guys but that doesn't make me any less bi or make me love my girlfriend any less, who talks about her wlw attractions.
also i will always address my mlm attractions with 'I'M GAY' because that's how it feels to me. let us speak.
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lilliaace · 4 months
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I'm going to put this as nicely as possible.
You're fifteen, according to your bio/pinned post. I'm 30. I have been alive literally twice the time you've been alive in this world. You are a baby queer. I don't mean that demeaningly. I mean this as to say this - you don't know smack about the LGBTQ world beyond the walls of the internet, maybe a queer club at your local school (high school if you're in the USA).
The online and club spaces for the LGBTQ world are so incredibly sanitized, period.
No, bi lesbians and their sister labels (pan lesbians, omni lesbians, polysexual lesbians, straightbians, fagdykes, lesboys, asexual lesbians, aromantic lesbians, etc.) ARE NOT putting their lesbian/dyke sisters in danger, period.
Pushing that the idea of "m spec lesbian" is somehow damaging...
victim blaming for ladies attempted to be 'forced converted' by straight men
Xenophobic towards MANY global gender IDs that are specific to certain cultures (2-spirit for indigenous USA tribes, Hijra in India, etc.)
Shifts the blame from the rapist to the victim, regardless of circumstances
Also minimizes the fact that asshole men are going to be asshole men, regardless of whoever they're being a jerk to. A jerk is going to be an asshole, regardless.
The idea of a "m spec lesbian" has been around FOR YEARS. Documented since at LEAST the 1950s.
I strongly recommend reading "Stone Butch Blues" and "The Stonewall Generation" as well as "PoMoSexuals: Challenging Assumptions About Gender and Sexuality"
You might get lucky and find them at your local library. There's a free PDF floating around of Stone Butch Blues. I got Stonewall Generation by going to a LIVE PRIDE event that was local. You should be able to find them on Google Shopping, Amazon, Ebay, and/or Mercari.
Human sexuality is complicated, period. Many women who were exclusively (or almost exclusively) attracted to other women often paired up with men for the sake of affection, protection, and companionship rather than genuine attraction (Elenor Roosevelt and Virginia Woolf are the first two famous people who come to mind). Also, Kristen Stewart recently came out as a bi lesbian in a recent interview.
We exist, period. NO ONE is helping by LGBTQ identity policing. Y'all are only hurting yourself. PLEASE talk to real life queer people face to face, beyond the safety net of social media and school clubs. You will learn so much.
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i-like-her-like-that · 4 months
Pride month is rapidly approaching, and as such..
Do not exclude anyone from pride. [ Save for harmful identities, of course. ]
We are here to be here, and we are here to be queer. We are here to be proud of who we are, and pushing people out of what's supposed to be an accepting community defeats the whole purpose.
You might see "straight" couples at a Pride march. Don't exclude them. Either of them could be:
a different gender to how they seem to present.
allies !
just at pride. literally just at pride. deal with it, honestly.
anything else.
Also, just on that. Appreciation to:
transgender people who don't pass.
feminine trans men.
masculine trans women.
nonbinary people who don't look androgynous.
those who are questioning.
he / him lesbians.
she / her gays.
non-binary lesbians / gays.
any controversial identity that is not harmful.
aromantic allosexuals.
people using microlabels.
people who don't fit the stereotype.
people who do fit the stereotype.
people with so many labels they feel like they're not valid, or everyone will laugh at them.
people who can't present the way they want.
those who have just come out.
those who are never going to be able to come out.
those who want to come out.
those who feel like they need to be accepted, and want other people's validity.
those who just are fine with who they are.
religious queer people.
those who don't want to come out.
queer youth.
queer elders.
anyone who has said they are unlabeled.
agender people.
multigender people.
all of you ! everyone ever ! you're all valid, i love you, and i'm here for you. <3
Reminder: You don't owe anyone anything at all. You are you. And I love you for who you are, even if no one else does.
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esf-art-and-design · 8 months
You wanna know something crazy?
I work for a LGBTQ+/Queer non-profit, I’ve had to sit in on training seminars on how to best support our community, how to create a space that is actually safe for everyone in the community, etc.
You wanna know the one thing that was emphasized by these professionals running these seminars (who are also a part of the community btw)
Telling queer people what their labels for their identity ought to be is extremely harmful.
Gatekeeping the community from other people who are figuring themselves out because of labels is harmful?! Shocker I know, but yes it is.
You know what this means right? It means that:
You don’t get to tell a guy experimenting with queer sex that he’s gay/bi/queer/etc if he ID’s as straight
You don’t get to tell a woman experimenting with queer sex that she’s lesbian/bi/queer/etc. if she ID’s as straight
You don’t get to tell aces who are hetero sexual/Romantic that they don’t belong in queer spaces
You don’t get to blame bi lesbians/m-spec women for creepy cishet men entering wlw spaces to hit on women (in an entitled way) (that’s called misogyny babes)
You don’t get to tell someone they are unlovable/not deserving of a relationship/etc. because of the label they use
You don’t get to tell people that actions invalidate their labels because “actions speak louder than words”
You don’t get to demand to know what labels someone uses because of their actions. (Or you don’t force someone to out themselves)
You don’t apply labels to someone from pure speculation (you could be outing someone and putting them in danger)
You don’t get to tell people their labels are “contradictory” or “don’t make sense” and demand they choose one label over the other
Other Labels cannot harm your own identity, and if you act like it can your wrong and harming the community
And ultimately, It means that according to actual professionals within the lgbtq non-profit space, the exclusionists in the community are wrong and are doing immeasurable harm.
Basically what I’m saying is that everyone is welcome here on my blog, policing identity is harmful, and yes, the exclusionists that told you that your identity is invalid or made fun of you for your identity we’re so fucking wrong.
Everyone who experiences sexual orientation, attraction, gender identity, and gender expression differently belongs within our community.
Gatekeeping only keeps people deserving of services away from the spaces where they can get those services. It keeps them away from peer support. And that’s not good, especially if you know the statistics for self harm and suicide within the community.
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wickedapostate · 3 months
It earnestly is so meaningful to me that the companions are all pansexual and said as such. There is not a lot of specifically pan rep out there and even less of it is mainstream or with poc or older characters. There is also a lot of times where pansexual rep is erased for other m-spec identities or to call a character gay, which I understand we are all shorted for good representation, but I really hope that doesn't happen now
Either way, I'm just overjoyed about it 💙💛🩷
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oceancoins · 10 months
EVERIQUE (Updated Flag + Carrd)
Original Post Here [link] | Term Carrd Here [link]
NOTE: The Carrd site is not mobile friendly at this time. I plan on updating it soon to be more accessible for mobile platforms.
Everique is a term to describe when one views their entire identity as queer, and thus views all of their attractions as such. It can be used as a modifier alongside other labels or as a term on its own. There could be a multitude of explanations for this, some of which are (but are not limited to):
Being trans and having a complicated relationship/history with your sexuality because of that.
Being multigender and/or genderfluid and therefore experiencing queer attraction regardless of who you're attracted to.
Being non-binary and not fitting binary definitions of queer vs. not queer.
Being m-spec and feeling as though all of your attractions are queer because you are m-spec.
Being a system/collective where the line between individual identities is blurred.
Being angled a-spec and experiencing "straight" attraction through a queer lens due to being a-spec.
Simply being queer and resonating with the term's meaning.
Many, many more.
This term is meant to encompass everyone in the community. If you feel this applies to you, use it. There are no limits to this term. This term is inclusive of m-spec lesbians and gays, lesboys and turigirls, romeogirls/darcygirls and julietboys/bennetboys, multigender and genderfluid individuals, gaybians/velaurians, loveless individuals, non-traumagenic systems, etc.
The new flag is very reminiscent of the original, but with a few alterations and added meaning to the design.
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The descending rainbow for each of the bigger stripes are supposed to resemble the whole of the queer community and how everyone is included under the label Everique.
The white is supposed to resemble the 'everyone inbetween'. The identities that are often left out of discussions and pride, the identities that are often forgotten, dismissed or attacked even by members of their own community.
The purple in the middle is to resemble unity and togetherness for all queer people, meant to be a nod to the chevron queer flag.
Everique has a new symbol, that being a rose. It symbolizes love, happiness, positivity and (again) unity. Each petal of a rose is still connected to the same bud of the flower, much like how all queer identities are still connected under the shared experience of being queer, regardless of their differences from each other.
Here are some transparent images of the term's symbol, but any rose can be used to symbolize Everique.
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The love this term has gotten has meant the world to us, but it was our first term ever. The original flag, while cute and charming, was made with very little flag-making knowledge. None of the colors held significant meaning.
You are still more than welcome to use the original flag if you feel it fits you best, but this is the one that has resonated with us the most and we feel encompasses what Everique is.
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lostryu · 1 year
I do not think that people understand the genuine problem that has started to crop up in the lgbt+ community when it comes to lesbians. Even in a space that is supposed to be safe and exclusive FOR A REASON, we cannot escape men in any capacity due to the unchecked lesbophobia.
Like, if someone makes a post about any wlw/nblw experience it is constantly derailed in favor of including men and man aligned identities. If we try to take joy in our attraction and how it excludes men, someone will always butt in and try to include men in some way.
No matter what we always have to reassert that no this isn’t inclusive of men, no lesbians are not attracted to men, no lesbians cannot be men, and it is genuinely exhausting. It's so fucked up that in cementing what lesbianism truly is, we have to constantly mention men and our lack of attraction to them!!
Sorry, not sorry, but if you think that m-spec lesbians or bi lesbians are not lesbophobic, you are wrong and you are complicit in infringing on lesbian spaces. You are responsible for the alienation of lesbians from the community.
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dhddmods · 2 months
Non-binary is an umbrella term.
It feels like a lot of people forget that non-binary is an umbrella term for anyone that is not strictly a binary man or binary woman.
Yes, it can be used as a lone identity, and people don't have to call themselves non-binary if they'd rather use their more specific label under the non-binary umbrella, but it doesn't really make much sense to us when people say they are "not non-binary" while also having a non-binary gender. Its like saying you are omnisexual, but not m-spec.
It seems some people even in the queer community itself are under the impression that non-binary is synonymous with androgyne or neutrois, when thats really not the case.
Fenby, galby, lunarian, menby, enboy, solarian - its all non-binary.
Androgyne, neugender, neufem, neumasc, neuwoman, neuman, neuandrogyne, neuaporine, neuxenine, neutrois, agender, gendervoid, genderless, maverique, aporagender, stellarian, outherine - its all non-binary.
Xenogenders, aesthetigenders, noungenders - its all non-binary.
Multigenders, bigender, trigender, quadgender, quintgender, hexagender, septagender, octagender, enneagender, decagender, pangender, genderfluid, mutogender - its all non-binary.
Genderflux, girlflux, femflux, mascflux, boyflux, androgyneflux, neuflux, neutroisflux, agenderflux, maveriqueflux, aporaflux, outherineflux, xenoflux - its all non-binary.
Demigender, demigirl, demifem, duskian/demilunarian, demiboy, demimasc, dawnian/demisolarian, demiandrogyne, demineutral, demineutrois, demiagender, demimaverique, demiaporine, celestian/demistellarian, demioutherine, demix/demixenogender, demifluid, demiflux - its all non-binary.
A lot of people seem to separate these genders from the spectrum, and as a result, misinform people about what non-binary means, and water down its meaning until its hardly comprehensible. Its counterintuitive to turn a catch-all term into a singular conceptual gender. It is not a word for one singular type of gender.
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bimdraws · 9 months
I have to say, if you see "m-spec lesbian/gay" in someone's profile and the first feeling you get is anger you need to re-evaluate what being queer means to you. Bi-lesbians aren't redefining lesbian identity anymore than white chocolate redefines chocolate or brown sugar redefines sugar.
We are a community constantly under attack, microlabels are decidedly not a concern!
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sirenium · 4 months
This started off as a multigender rant but includes other things, because I'm so pissed off at the queer community for these things that I need to fit it all in one post. Sit back and prepare for this, it's a long read (also feel free to scroll past) being multigender sucks because I feel too paradoxical to be taken seriously. It doesn't help that I'm also agender :/ Like yeah, identity is your own and you shouldn't shave off parts of it to appease others, but damn does the 'passive' hostility and invalidation towards multigender people such as myself make me feel pushed towards changing myself sometimes. You can scream into the void all you want about being normal about multigender people and how they label their experiences, but some people just... never will be. That's what it feels like, from the fucking queer community as well as cishet society. It sucks. I can never be comfortable to explore my womanhood because then my manhood and agenderhood will never be taken seriously. Hell, the fact that I simultaneously experience gender AND being genderless is enough for people to just shit on me and exile me from queer spaces. The fact that I prefer ze/hir and it/its and nounself pronouns is enough for people to call me one of the bad ones. AND, the fact that I am more comfortable being perceived as a man suddenly makes me a 'danger to women'. There are so many issues with how multigender people, neurodivergent queers (literally any kind of neurodivergent, not just the neopronoun xenogender autistic person), queer POC, the list goes on are treated; if you aren't a white woman god help you, god forbid you're a man in any way either. And don't even get me started about how aroace people are fucking treated. I could go on for another few paragraphs about how I, as someone who is aroace spec and a plethora of other things, don't feel safe sometimes. I could go on and on and on. And fuck it, I will (under the cut because this post is already comically long):
'Aroace is a spectrum' this, 'all aroaces are valid' that, until you're romance/sex oscillating or even favorable, until you're polyamorous, until you're also a lesbian or a gay person or m-spec. Even in the fucking aroace community you're held by some bar of being aroace enough, and if you diverge even slightly god forbid. Allo fictives of aroace characters, hell even those who are aroace in a different way, have to listen to the incessant whining of the 'stop making sexual/romantic fiction of this character! they're repulsed in canon!' crowd. It's fucking obnoxious. Aroace people are already not taken seriously, aroallos and alloaces are already not taken seriously, and then you have the clown parade of people forcing their own idea of what they want you to be down your throat. The queer community and its many facets feel so fucking unsafe at times, and that sucks because we're all we've got. Some people don't have supportive family or connections outside of online queer spaces, and this is what they get. It's so incredibly shitty. I don't feel aroace enough because of my experiences, despite also having very stereotypical aroace experiences. I feel forced to constantly be sex/romance averse at times because again, god forbid you're ever favorable. I have two partners, okay? I have partners who I don't necessarily 'love' but care about a lot, and then I have to come across things that erase the fact that I am quite often averse to sex and romance because of this fact! People like me are constantly erased, and when they're represented in fiction people throw a hissy fit. "Oh you're forcing an aroace character into allonormativity!" Hey asshole: maybe, just maybe, aroace people can date just as much as they aren't required to. Fucking. Jesus. Some community this is, for there to be so much exclusion and hatred and segregation.
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lilliaace · 8 months
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This includes but is not limited to: M-SPEC lesbians/gays, aroallos, aroaces, heterosexual biromantic, asexual hetero romantic, etc.
Image ID: an old school lgbtq pride flag with the white text "You don't owe anyone anything who questions or attacks you for whatever you claim your good faith identity is " followed by a white heart.
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