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erinelliotc · 9 months ago
A few years ago I used to be that annoying "transmasc lesbians don't exist, this shit is harmful and invalidates both transmascs and lesbians" person, and now I'M the transmasc lesbian. Seems like the tables have turned, huh?
I've spent so many months, years, trying so hard to fit into these categories that I saw so many people talk about as if it were the definitive truth, and this shallow and simplistic vision seems to be gaining a lot of attention and traction here in Brazil. Isn't it ironic to free yourself from cisnormativity and heteronormativity and all these binary boxes to find yourself again trying to fit into other boxes and norms that don't actually describe your experience correctly? Because your experience with gender is so chaotic and confusing (as expected of a nonbinary identity, and even more so if you're neurodivergent too) that there's no simple way to describe it. Then when you find out what describes this, people say you can't identify yourself that way because two or more of your identities are "incompatible". I see people treating non-binarity as if it were an exact science, as if it were math, as if it were something simple and logical, as it is precisely the escape from what has been established in our society as the only two possible options, generating countless identities within a gray area outside this black and white vision, so of course it's something complex, abstract and subjective.
EDIT: One of my reasons for thinking this way was that I ignored that the transgender experience and the cisgender experience aren't and will never be equivalent. It's obvious that a cis man can't be a lesbian, but the same doesn't go for transmasc people, and I thought that admitting that was the same as being transphobic, denying the masculinity of transmascs, denying their male identity. I already had a debate on Twitter because people didn't want to admit that trans men and transmasc people in general can suffer misogyny and male chauvinism (as society can still see and treat us as women) because they also saw it as the same as saying transmasc people are women. The identity of trans people is a very complex experience that involves a series of factors that cis people will never experience. We cannot equate the trans experience with the cis experience.
I thought identifying as a butch lesbian was enough to describe my masculinity, but I realized that I felt like it didn't encompass everything I felt, I still felt like something was missing. Preventing and depriving myself of identifying with more explicit masculine identities was actually making me feel bad and dysphoric. So yeah, I've been avoiding identifying with male-aligned identities because I thought that would mean having to stop identifying as a lesbian, and I didn't want that, and I don't really feel like calling myself straight makes any sense.
I have a text in Portuguese talking about my experience as a butch lesbian, and I feel that now it also serves to describe my experience as a nonbinary transmasc (the part where I talk about not identifying with "traditional masculinity", but with a "different type", like "soft masculinity", is directly related to the fact that, in addition to being nonbinary, I don't identify as a man, I don't feel comfortable with the term "man", but rather with "boy"). I spent a few months wondering whether I was libramasculine or boyflux, and I ended up deciding that if I can't identify which one I am, maybe it makes more sense to just adopt both identities, maybe I am both then! I'm tired of trying to fit into supposed rules about being nonbinary. This is exactly how non-binarity shouldn't be. I'm supposed to feel free, not trapped again. My identity is my identity and that's nobody's business.
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lgbtqtext · 3 months ago
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dhddmods · 7 months ago
Non-binary is an umbrella term.
It feels like a lot of people forget that non-binary is an umbrella term for anyone that is not strictly a binary man or binary woman.
Yes, it can be used as a lone identity, and people don't have to call themselves non-binary if they'd rather use their more specific label under the non-binary umbrella, but it doesn't really make much sense to us when people say they are "not non-binary" while also having a non-binary gender. Its like saying you are omnisexual, but not m-spec.
It seems some people even in the queer community itself are under the impression that non-binary is synonymous with androgyne or neutrois, when thats really not the case.
Fenby, galby, lunarian, menby, enboy, solarian - its all non-binary.
Androgyne, neugender, neufem, neumasc, neuwoman, neuman, neuandrogyne, neuaporine, neuxenine, neutrois, agender, gendervoid, genderless, maverique, aporagender, stellarian, outherine - its all non-binary.
Xenogenders, aesthetigenders, noungenders - its all non-binary.
Multigenders, bigender, trigender, quadgender, quintgender, hexagender, septagender, octagender, enneagender, decagender, pangender, genderfluid, mutogender - its all non-binary.
Genderflux, girlflux, femflux, mascflux, boyflux, androgyneflux, neuflux, neutroisflux, agenderflux, maveriqueflux, aporaflux, outherineflux, xenoflux - its all non-binary.
Demigender, demigirl, demifem, duskian/demilunarian, demiboy, demimasc, dawnian/demisolarian, demiandrogyne, demineutral, demineutrois, demiagender, demimaverique, demiaporine, celestian/demistellarian, demioutherine, demix/demixenogender, demifluid, demiflux - its all non-binary.
A lot of people seem to separate these genders from the spectrum, and as a result, misinform people about what non-binary means, and water down its meaning until its hardly comprehensible. Its counterintuitive to turn a catch-all term into a singular conceptual gender. It is not a word for one singular type of gender.
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genderstarbucks · 8 months ago
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Transsexual Nonbinary | Transsexual Enboy | Transsexual Girlby
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Transsexual Agender | Transsexual Agender Boy | Transsexual Agender Girl
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Transsexual Genderqueer | Transsexual Genderqueer Guy | Transsexual Genderqueer Gal
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fishinsideabirdcage · 10 months ago
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give me y'all's flags I'll make em flowers
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caeliangel · 7 months ago
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⸺﹒xenenboy & xengirlby ⨟ requested by anon
A flag for xenenboys and xengirlbies. Similar to xenoboy and xenogirl, but with enboy and girlby.
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PT. xenenboy & xengirlby. requested by anon. A flag for xenenboys and xengirlbies. Similar to xenoboy and xenogirl, but with enboy and girlby. END OF PT.
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lgbtq-userboxes · 4 months ago
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cypric-rat-hyperfixation · 2 years ago
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"running rattos" I'm bothering to archive from my soon-to-be-slaughtered Redbubble shop
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kai-the-creature · 7 months ago
thinking of experimenting with the name flax and patch. if u want, it would be really nice to reblog using these names!!! also also, experimenting with he/him and hy/hym pronouns, sooo maybe also using those (alongside my other pronouns (found on my pronouns page in pinned) if you want too, but mainly using he/him and hy/hym).
ahhhh!!!! I actually really like these ones in particular :0
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redacted-coiner · 10 months ago
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Xenboy, Enboy, Xengirl
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Xeminine, Engirl, Xensculine
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Masculine, Xenine, Feminine
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DNI is listed within my pinned post. Please go read it before interacting with any part of my content. Ask to tag!
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fleabittenflags · 7 months ago
I like the colors of this (link) nonbinary man flag, but it’s not commonly used due to how similar it is to the demigender flags, so I’m proposing this alternative:
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[Image Description: A pride flag with four stripes of equal width. They are, from top to bottom, light green, white, light grey, medium grey. End ID.]
It uses the same colors but is structured like the nonbinary flag to avoid confusion with any demigender flags. Let me know what you think!
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your-bigender-big-brother · 4 months ago
Can I have a flag for a monogender enboy/enman (menby/menban)? Meaning nonbinary male monogender
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Here's what I have! I tried to make some adjustments so there was some blue and some nonbinary colors, following the format of the monogender flag. - 💙💚
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dhddmods · 11 days ago
Time for another gender-related design!
Everyone is free to use these designs on shirts, stickers, pins, whatever they'd like, as long as they are using it for inclusive purposes! Just don't claim it as your own, please.
Transparent version:
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Version with a background, for viewing purposes:
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The symbols/flags include the following:
Top, from left to right:
-Genderflux -Genderfluid -Multigender -Androgyne -Fenby/Finby/Femby -Non-binary woman/Galby/Engirl
Left, from top to bottom:
-Demigender -Agender -Genderless -Gendervoid -Neutrois -Neugender
Right, from top to bottom:
-Lunarian -Solarian -Non-binary man/Enboy -Menby/Minby -Atrinary -Abinary
Bottom, from left to right:
-Xenogender -Maverique -Outherine -Aporagender -Stellarian
(Here's a visual with each symbol/flag labelled.)
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Check out our other designs!
I support equality always
Gender and sex are spectrums
Nobody chooses their sex or gender
Intersex people exist
A-specs unite
Attraction is individual, not societal
Queerness is natural
Racial equality matters
All disabilities matter
Support all neurodivergence
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genderstarbucks · 11 months ago
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Bigender Enboy | Bigender Girlby
Bigender enboy and girlby flags but with the original bigender flag
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gendergasm · 3 months ago
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enbian4enboy — a term for enbians individuals who have a dating preference for or want to highlight their attraction toward enboys/nonbinary men especially if that attraction is distinctly non-achillean aligned
coined by me
note: mlm / achillean nbys can still use this term/flag!! i just made this with myself and my own attraction in mind and my attraction toward enboys is not achillean-esque lol
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queersekai · 4 months ago
immediately on it! best wishes to the both of you :c <3
transfem bi enboy tsukasa + transfem omnihet demigirl shizuku :3
Anon I appreciate you so much right now. Without going into details, my friend has been in the hospital for nearly the past 24 hours and his partner is going to fight the doctors to discharge him
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