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barb not backing out of the bet 😭😭😭 I CAN'T
Accidentally In Love
Summary: sometimes you and melissa joke that you're 'wives'. somewhere along the line, it's not a joke anymore.
WC: 3.35k
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If there’s one thing that you love about working at Abbott Elementary, it’s your coworkers. Of course, the children are wonderful no matter where you would’ve ended up, but your coworkers can make or break the work day for you. And this quirky, rundown school, with a ragtag group of teachers that have quickly made their way into your heart, has the best team that you could ask for. While all of the teachers are supportive for the most part, you have found yourself in that exclusive little friend group that has agreed to be part of a documentary on the Philadelphia public school system.
Janine Teagues, Gregory Eddie, Jacob Hill, Barbara Howard, Mr. Johnson (you realize far too late into the friendship that you genuinely don’t have the slightest clue what his first name is), Principal Ava Coleman, and… perhaps your favorite one: Melissa Schemmenti. 
All of your friends are wonderful in their own ways, but the redhead has a special place in your heart. It’s been made known to you that the second grade teacher is usually rough around the edges, but since your appearance she’s softened significantly.
It’s been a couple of years since you’ve joined the second grade team, and at this point, it’s odd to see you or Melissa on your own. It seems that the two of you are always together and close whenever possible at school.
And that… that might be your doing. You’re hopelessly in love with the woman who took you under her wing and helped you succeed in this less affluent community. You soak up any time that you can get with her, and it’s clear to you that she doesn’t mind in the slightest. If you don’t seek her out, she meanders her way down to your classroom to sit with you while you grade. It’s always like the calm amidst the chaos that is always happening at the school.
There’s something warm and comforting about the two of you being in a room together. There are times where the silence that comes over the two of you is more than comfortable- just sitting together in peace while you grade student work. And then there are times where the two of you chat about what’s happening at the Abbott. And then of course, there are the conversations that take place surrounding real life things- like now.
You had just received an email from your landlord that your rent was going up a significant amount- enough that you wouldn’t necessarily be sitting comfortably anymore. You groan quietly and lay your head down on your desk.
“What is it?” Melissa asks you. “A kid fail? Was it Kimiyah?”
You shake your head softly before turning your laptop to face the redhead. “From my landlord.”
The woman looks through her glasses to skim over the email that you had just received. “Oh.”
“Yeah,” you sigh quietly. “This- this could break me.”
“So move in with me,” your colleague suggests casually.
You turn to face her, eyes drifting from the papers in front of you to those green eyes. “What?”
“I have an extra room, and I could use a roommate again since Jacob moved out,” the redhead shrugs. When you only continue to look at her strangely, she sighs. “You can move into my nice house with me, or you can go find some slum where you’re paying a ridiculous amount of money to hate your home. Your choice.”
“I-” you smile softly. “I’ll move in with you.”
“Good choice,” Melissa tells you as she sets a gentle hand on your knee. “We can start moving stuff in this weekend.”
You technically still have your apartment for another month, but almost all of your things are out and moved into the Schemmenti household.
“Just move in early,” your coworker tells you at lunch that day. “It’s not like you’re paying rent.”
“I already told you, I’d pay rent,” you argue back.
“You’re not payin’ me nothin, hun,” Melissa tells you sternly.
At the table beside you, Jacob, Janine, and Gregory all smile to themselves. It’s so nice to see the two of you happy and together.
You end up going to Melissa’s house (your house too, you guess) that night.
“You’ve been here before,” the redhead rolls her eyes. “You know the deal with everything.”
You just nod and smile at the kitchen counter while she cooks. And damn, is it a good meal. Of course, because she cooks, that means you clean. She never lingers far from sight though- mostly perching herself at the island with a glass of wine, watching to make sure you do it right. You do. Of course you do.
The two of you settle on the couch with your respective drinks and sigh with content.
“This is nice,” you mumble as you maneuver it so that your legs are tucked under you.
Melissa hums her agreement. “To a new chapter in life.” She raises her glass slightly, and you have to lean over just a little to clink your mug with her glass. 
The weekend passes nicely and calmly. There is one hitch in your morning though. You had never thought that Melissa could look more beautiful than she does at work, but it turns out that she’s incredibly stunning as she comes down the steps from a night’s rest. You find that her natural beauty is something that draws you in much more than you thought it could.
You and your new roommate go grocery shopping together, finding that it’s easier to do such a tedious errand together. You lounge around for the rest of that Saturday, and on Sunday, you help her prep meals for lunch. You find that you’re quite excited to not be resigned to boring sandwiches and salads anymore. 
Come Monday, Melissa insists on driving to work, and she’s bringing you along with her.
“Why would we drive separately?” she raises a brow. “Save gas, and save the planet.”
“I see Jacob influenced you,” you smirk.
“Shut up.” Green eyes are rolled.
“You love me,” you tease her.
“You’re lucky.”
You can only give your coworker and roommate an innocent smile.
“You want coffee?” Melissa tosses over her shoulder as you go to the refrigerator to put your lunches away.
“Please,” you chuckle weakly before sitting in your designated spot.
By the time the redhead is bringing over two mugs of coffee, the staff room has filled up significantly.
Jacob watches as his former roommate sets the cup of coffee down in front of you. And then he watches the way that you look up from the papers that you’re grading to smile warmly at the redhead.
“Thank you.” There’s something about the look in your eyes that makes the social studies teacher’s heart warm.
As the two of you get used to living with each other, life becomes quite domestic. There’s a natural flow and easiness that follows the two of you. There’s rarely a disagreement, and when there is, it’s resolved quickly- the two of you have come to realize that it’s you two against the world.
On work days, the two of you carpool- almost exclusively in her car. She’ll tease you and tell you that you’re her passenger princess. It gets you to roll your eyes each and every time. You eat the lunches that she preps for you, not caring in the slightest that you get teased for taking advantage of her cooking. And when you head home, both of you make dinner before settling on the couch to get some work done as the television drones on softly in the background. It’s not uncommon for one or both of you to doze off on the couch once you’ve given up with grading and preparation for the days to come, curling up into the other’s side with a soft hum.
And on weekends, it’s just as domestic- if not more so. There’s warm mornings with breakfast, joint grocery shopping, lazy days, times at church together, even a few Schemmenti family dinners that you’re invited to.
It’s gotten to a point where the two of you have been living together for quite some time, and at this point, you joke that you’re wives. You really are in all ways- aside from the fact that you aren’t in a relationship. It’s almost like a common law marriage at this point. You’ve been referring to her as your “wife” for a while now, you live together, and neither of you really has the intention to stop living together any time soon. The only thing that doesn’t make your common law marriage official is the fact that you aren’t actually together romantically- at least not on both ends of the relationship.
You’re somehow more in love with the redhead than you were when you first started. And unbeknownst to you, Melissa has only fallen further in love with your than she ever thought possible. But because neither of you want to ruin what you have going for you, you stay quiet. You keep your thoughts on the matter to yourself and mask those emotions through jokes. She does the same. 
Your coworkers know that the two of you are practically inseparable- you’ve even managed to edge your way past Barbara. It’s not that she minds though; now she’s more available to Gerald.
Today though, after work, Melissa is supposed to go out with Barbara. And at lunch, the kindergarten teacher has to tell her colleague that she’s unable to follow through with their plans.
“I’m so sorry dear,” Barbara sighs softly. “It entirely slipped my mind that Gerald has an appointment that I have to pick him up from.”
The second grade teacher shrugs.
“But I’m sure it will give you some more of that quality time with your wife,” the veteran teacher smiles.
“My wife?” Melissa raises her brow. “What do you mean ‘my wife’?”
“Y/N,” Barbara says casually. “Haven’t the two of you been married for like… three years now? Together for five?”
That gets you to pause the conversation that you’re currently participating in with Gregory and Janine and turn to face both older teachers.
“No?” Melissa states, although it sounds much more like a question.
“But you call her your wife!” Jacob cuts in, and he points his finger accusatorially.
Green eyes look to you, and there’s a hint of mischief in them. But then when she turns back to your coworkers, she realizes that they all think the two of you were being serious- Barbara Howard included. “Oh my god.”
“Oh my god,” you echo softly.
“They- they really think we’re together,” Melissa nudges you. “I- Youse are… raise your hand if you thought that we were together romantically.”
Immediately, everyone’s hand goes up. Panic filled eyes look to you. “Oh my god, have we been dating, and I didn’t know it?”
You can’t help the bubble of laughter that erupts out of you as you lay a gentle hand over the redhead’s. “I mean, no, but the way we act sometimes… I see why people think that we are.”
“You two really are so… loving with each other,” Janine sighs dreamily. “It’s honestly relationship goals.”
“What do you-”
“Melissa, you call her your wife!” Barbara exclaims with gusto. “It would make sense for us to assume that the two of you are married!”
“Barb, if I got married while we worked here, you damn well know that you would’ve been invited to the wedding… probably would’ve been my matron of honor,” the redhead deadpans.
The kindergarten teacher takes that information, clearly touched, before nodding. “I suppose that would make sense.”
“So we all lost the bet,” Ava sighs heavily.
“A bet?” you raise a brow at the principal.
Melissa whips around to look at the boss, who looks as uninterested as ever as she files her nails.
“The bet that we all made about how long the two of you have actually been together,” Mr. Johnson states from the corner of the staff room. “No one bet that you weren’t actually together.”
“So what are we supposed to do with the-”
“Barbara,” Melissa admonishes. “You bet on my love life?”
The eldest teacher just shrugs innocently. “I thought it was a slam dunk, as the kids would say.”
“Donate the money to the school,” you roll your eyes as you begin to pack up your lunch. “I have to prep my science lesson, so I’ll see you guys later.” You gently pat Melissa’s shoulder as you thank her for lunch quietly, and head out.
“Don’t look at me like that,” the redhead grumbles as she too begins to pack up her lunch. “I’m gonna go help my wi- my friend.”
“You was gonna say wife, girl!” Ava calls as Melissa leaves the room. “Just admit it so I can win my money!” 
Neither of you say anything in terms of the conversation that had taken place at lunch- not at work, at least. And you both end up throwing yourselves into work- not bothering to look at your phones throughout the afternoon. Had you, the two of you would see an abundance of apologies from your fellow staff members. Well, every staff member aside from your boss. Ava is asking both of you to lie for her to be able to win the bet; apparently she had a lot riding on it. 
The only time that either of you speak of it is once you’re in the comfort of her car. You hazard a glance at your phone, as does Melissa.
“Oh Jesus,” your roommate groans. She sees the face that you’re making as you stare at your phone. “They texted you too?”
You nod. “You got Ava’s text?”
“I’ll yell at her tomorrow,” Melissa rolls her eyes as she sets her phone down and pulls the car out of the lot.
Instinctively, the woman driving the car lays her hand gently over the gear shift, and your hand rests over top of it. And then you sigh softly.
But still, neither of you speak of what’s on your mind in regard to the situation.
Your evening plans go as they usually do. It’s only when you curl up on the couch together, not having any work to catch up on, that you know you have to talk to her about what’s going through your head.
“Do you think… I don’t know. I think maybe we should talk about what happened at work today,” you bite the bullet.
“Probably,” the redhead next to you sighs softly.
“What do you think about the situation?”
Your roommate bites her lip as she thinks. “I- I mean, we are practically married anyway.” You just nod silently and urge her to go on. “If we did get married…” You feel your heart flutter. Is this the moment that she’s going to tell you that she is in love with you? 
“… we would get a nice tax break.”
You do everything you can to not let it show how you feel about that proposal. “Uh, yeah. We could do that. We’re essentially in a common law marriage at this point anyway.”
“But I also…” the redhead continues to worry her lip through her teeth. “I guess I have been thinking about what they were saying.”
“What do you mean?” you prompt.
Green eyes turn soft as they look into your own. “I think that maybe… in all of the ebbs and flows of life, jokingly calling you my wife, it- it stopped becoming a joke.”
Your heart begins to beat faster. It’s now or never. “For me too.”
A brow raises. “What?”
“It’s not a joke for me anymore either,” you whisper. “Somewhere along the line, I really did fall for you.”
“Have we been dating for the last five years without knowing it?” Melissa asks you as she gently cups your cheek.
“I think so,” you chuckle.
And then, just like in the movies, the woman of your dreams leans in slowly and her lips meet yours for the first time.
When you pull away, your eyes shimmer with happy tears. “You don’t know how long I’ve wanted to do that.”
“Me too, hun,” Melissa whispers as she pulls you back in again.
It’s later that night, once the two of you have truly spoken about how you want to go about this new relationship that you’ve found yourselves in.
“So, if we’ve been unintentionally dating for the last five years, how would you really feel about getting married? Not just for the tax break,” Melissa asks you. “Although, that would be nice.”
You just roll your eyes. “Melissa Schemmenti, are you proposing to me right now?”
“Do you want me to?”
And so, the next day, the two of you make your way down to City Hall to file for a marriage license before heading into Abbott to work your half day. During your prep period, the two of you search for wedding bands on Amazon to be delivered in time for Saturday when you’ll officially be wed.
On Friday, you and your fiancee request that Barbara come to Melissa’s room at the end of the day. Of course, she complies.
“What’s this about?” the kindergarten teacher asks.
“What are you doing tomorrow?” you ask your coworker.
“Why? What’s happening tomorrow?”
“We were hoping you would come be the witness at our wedding,” Melissa states casually.
Brown eyes are blown as wide as saucers. “I- Oh! Oh my goodness! Are you serious?”
“You know I wouldn’t joke about a nice tax break,” the redhead smirks.
“Still don’t like that joke,” you roll your eyes as you lean over, a hand resting on Melissa’s shoulder as you kiss her cheek.
“So the two of you have been together!”
“No,” you laugh. “We only got together Tuesday after we both realized that maybe calling each other our ‘wife’ wasn’t a joke anymore.”
“An’ if we’ve been dating for the last five years, we might as well get married,” Melissa smiles.
“And catch that tax break,” you chuckle.
Your fiancee glares at you playfully. “I thought you hate that joke.”
“Only when you make it,” you reply sweetly before turning back to Barbara. “So, can you come?”
“I wouldn’t miss it for the world,” your beloved coworker promises you.
On Monday, you wait for your entire work family to make their way into the staff lounge.
“So,” you sigh as you glance to your boss.
“What the hell could you want on a Monday morning?” Ava groans.
“Not much,” you chuckle, your left hand still stuffed in your Eagles sweatshirt. “Just going to need a sign change.”
“A sign change?”
“The sign outside my door with my name on it. I’m gonna need it changed.”
“To?” the principal rolls her eyes, not yet putting it together.
“Mrs. Schemmenti,” you say innocently as you hold up your left hand. Your now wife does the same.
Both you and Melissa look around the room anticipating your coworkers’ reactions. And they’re exactly what you expect- it’s hilarious. And as the excitement of this news dies down, Jacob raises his hand to ask a question.
“You don’ need to raise your hand, Hill,” the redhead rolls her eyes. “What?”
“So who won the bet?”
“Yeah!” Mr. Johnson exclaims.
“Still no one,” you run a hand over your face.
“There ain’t no way the two of you haven’t been hiding this for years,” Ava tells you.
“We haven’t been,” Melissa tells the group. “Ask Barb.”
All eyes turn to the kindergarten teacher quietly sipping her coffee. “Got married on Saturday. I was there, just like Melissa said I would be.”
“But,” Barbara holds a hand up. “While I was incorrect about the amount of time they’ve been married, I am the only one that said they were together for five years.”
“We haven’t been together for five years,” you furrow a brow.
Barb shrugs. “You both told me that the two of you have been essentially dating for the last five years.”
Tags (and let me know if you want to be included!): @schemmentis @thesapphictimelady @marvel210 @itisdoctortoyousir @morgana-larkin @doesthatsuggestanythingtoyou @sweetcheeksschemmenti @megamultifandomtrashposts @lemz378 @http-sam @melissaschemmentisbranzino @imaginesmultifandoms @sexysapphicshopowner @lilfartbox1 @maybe-a-humanbean @imlike-so-gaydude @a-queen-and-her-throne @notinmyvocab @melanielaufeyson @dvrkhcld @cosmichymns @sasheemo @m1lflov3rrr @ricejucie @temilyrights @emilynissangtr @squinnchy @dopenightmaretyphoon @emeraldoceansstuff @shinyfaerielights  @blkmxrvel @marvelwomenrule @casualfoxwitch @babytakeittothehead @schemmentits @schmentisgf
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Do You Know What You're Doing?
Anywhere I Want (1)
> melissa schemmenti x fem!reader
> requested? kinda, by the peeps of tumblr 🙇🏻‍♀️
> content/warnings: dress shaming? is that even a thing...
> a/n: PLEASEEEE, don't worry i'm gonna post more as i go deeper the algorithm of tiktok
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Stealing glances between the five of them, Ava tilted her head as she locked eyes with Barbara, silently asking what just happened. Barbara gave the young woman a shrug and pulled Melissa towards their chairs.
“So, what're we going to talk about? Don't worry we don't bite.” Charlie started with a sickeningly sweet smile, which made Kristin Marie lean forward and stare at the blonde.
“Why is she like that?” You whispered to the Italian blonde right next to you. Kristin Marie gave you a shrug. “Beats the hell outta me.”
Sighing at the situation, Melissa raised a hand. “Yes? Schemmenti with the red hair!” Pointing her hand towards Melissa, Ava gave the room a bright smile.
“How ‘bout we just do our jobs—”
“Right! That’s so right, Schemmenti! And not your sister, you!” Charlie's overly passive aggressive statement made Melissa's eye and hand twitch, one more comment from the blonde, Melissa would have to march down her classroom, get her baseball bat, and beat the headlights off Charlie's car.
“What in the fuck?” Holding her laugh, Kristin Marie gave you a nudge and nodded towards her sister's direction. Being the obedient person you are, you turned your head to look at the redhead’s direction and found her already looking at you with a raised eyebrow.
Nodding her head towards Charlie, Melissa silently asked you what the hell is going on between your friend. In reply, you gave her a shrug and kicked Charlie lightly to stop her from staring at Melissa with shade.
She looks at me like I'm a trend and she's so over it
At last the meeting was over. With Charlie always butting herself whenever an Abbott teacher was speaking made all the teachers, even ones from Addington, very irritative.
“This whole meeting could've finished within an hour if the blonde baboon kept her mouth shut.” An elder Addington teacher rolled his eyes as he opened the building front door.
“Totally true.” Another teacher agreed.
“Well, that Charlie's going to be the talk of Addington now.” said Barbara as she stood behind the front desk, fishing for her lost pen that she lent to the front desk worker yesterday.
“Yeah,” started Janine sadly, “but she was just giving out ideas, guys!” She looked at the people in front of her and not one gave her a ‘yes’ or a nod.
“Y’know Janine, in this industry, you can either be overly respected by not saying anything or have at least an ounce of dignity before you open your mouth.” Melissa gave Janine a look before jostling her bags as she looked for her car keys.
“Schemmenti's right, with that dress on you would've thought she knew how to brake her mouth.” Ava gave Melissa a pat on the back, which Melissa shrugged her off harshly before glaring at the principal.
“She was just doing her job, I see nothing wrong with that.” Gregory gave Janine an encouraging smile. “C’mon Greg, what part of being a teacher has you bamboozling your colleagues?” Jacob gave Gregory a challenging look which made him look at the camera in defeat.
“Your principal’s right, beanpole. C got a little carried away today.” An accented voice behind them spoke.
Turning their heads towards the voice, they saw you and Kristin Marie in front of them. “A little? You mean ‘too’.” You huffed as you crossed your arms in disappointment.
“She was all over the place, hell she's not like that when she teaches gym at school.” You threw your hands up and gave Kristin Marie a look.
Shaking her head, Kristin Marie gave you a nod. “Yeah, well, this isn't Addington.” She pulled you by the arm towards the exit. “C’mon pipsqueak. See ya’ later at the dinner, Red.” Kristin Marie gave her sister a nod and left with you.
But no amount of vintage dresses gives you dignity
“Dinner? You do know you have a husband, right?”
“’Course I do, you moron.” Kirstin Marie tossed you another dress. Chuckling as it landed on your face.
“Then why do I have to go?” You stomped your feet as you plopped down your bed onto a pool of dressed your friend gave you.
“You have nowhere to go.” You raised your eyebrow at your friend. “Fine, Ma has been askin’ ‘bout you this month. Gonna give ‘er what she wants.”
Rolling her eyes, Kristin Marie threw another dress at your face. “Put that on and put an act later.”
Pulling the dress off your face, you turned around and walked towards your bathroom. “An act?”
“Yeah, you bozzo. Ma’s expecting you to come with Red.” The blonde sat down on your bed, making you poke your head out the bathroom door and give her a glare.
“Get the fuck off my bed.” Throwing her hands in disbelief, Kristin Marie stood up. “And what do you mean ‘act’?”
“Toni’s gonna be your girlfriend tonight.”
“What?!” You shrieked as you entered your bedroom. “Isn't that lying to your mom? And your family?” Giving Kristin Marie a twirl, you went towards your vanity and fixed your hair.
“Yeah, don't act like you haven't lied before. You ain't a saint nor Mother Theresa, stronzzo.”
“Plus, it'll be fun playing with Red.” Kristin Marie wiggled her eyebrows and grinned. “It’s gonna be so fun.”
Giving you a tap on the shoulders, your friend prompted you to get up. “C’mon, pipsqueak. We have revenge waiting.”
Slinging your bag on your shoulder, you but your lip. “I don't know about this, Tin. What if Mel gets mad? Why are we even doing this?”
“And? She ain't gonna to anything ‘cause Ma’s there. We're doing this because Toni and I find it funny.”
Locking your door, you bagged your house keys and got your car keys out. “Fine, but if Mel unfriends me on Facebook, it's your fault.” The effect of what you were going to do to you made Kristin Marie burst out laughing.
Holding her stomach, your let out a breath. “Jesus Y/N. She's not gonna do that! Trust me. I ain't gonna do anything to worsen your rift with my sister. The family likes you. That redhead idiot just needs a push.”
Opening the car door, Kristin Marie pushed you inside the driver's seat. “Let's go!”
She's not a saint, and she's not what you think
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god i’m not your strongest soldier.
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238 notes · View notes
“Anywhere I Want” is so good!!!!!!!!!! It’s def one of my favourite Melissa Schemmenti fics now ❤️❤️❤️
awww, the fact that nothing even happened between them yet makes me giggle 😭 DEF GONNA MAKE IT TO SMTH!
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Anywhere I Want
> melissa schemmenti x fem!reader
> requested? no
> content/warnings: idk an unfinished curse?
> a/n: please please please tell me what you want me to do with this one, a series? stay as it is what it is? TELL MEEEE
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“That’s a nice necklace, Mel! Where’d you get it?” Was Jacob’s greeting to Melissa as she sauntered towards her Barb’s table in the teacher’s lounge, making Melissa glance down at her chest— seeing the flower shaped pendant sitting still on her sternum.
“What’s it to ya, pipsqueak?” said Melissa, receiving a light slap on the arm from Barb. “He’s just asking. No need for that sour mood when the Lord has given us this sunny day to enjoy!” smirking and shaking her head at Barb’s statement, Melissa turned her attention back to Jacob.
“Wanna ask again?”
“Where’s that from?” asked Jacob as he leaned his head on his arm. “Italy.”
Huffing at Melissa’s vague answer, Jacob rolled his eyes. “Come on! There’s gotta be more to that necklace! You replaced your cross one with it today!” Clutched his phone and looking at Janine to back him up.
“Jacob’s right.” Janine and Gregory glanced at each other, then at Jacob, before finally giving Melissa a pointed look.
Pursing her lips at the trio’s pressing attention at her, Melissa huffed and rolled her eyes. “Fine! Someone gave it to me. Before— years ago. Just foun’ it recently while cleaning out my room.”
As Janine was about to speak, the half-hour before bell rang, indicating that the teachers had to go to their classrooms to prep before the kids came, making Melissa thank the Gods as she grabbed her bag and ran towards her classroom.
You wear the same jewels that I gave you, as you bury me
“Y/N. Are you sure? Really really sure about this?” asked Charlie as she sat on one of your children’s desks.
Turning your attention on her, you huffed and pushed her off the desk with your broom. “Yes. It’s just an inter-school thing, C. Nothing’s going to happen.” This made Charlie hum and lean against the wall. Seeing another blonde walk by, she pushed herself off and grabbed the blonde— pulling the teacher inside the classroom.
“C! I just mopped there, gosh!” Throwing the broom down, you rolled your eyes and sat on your desk, facing the two blondes in front of you.
“Yeah, c’mon C, she just mopped and you go pullin’ people inside her classroom.” Kristin Marie smirked at Charlie as she sat on a desk, the one Charlie sat on earlier. “Tin!”
Laughing at your exasperation, Kristin Marie stood up and raised her arms. “What?”
“You have to tell her she can’t go to next weeks inter-school competition!” Shaking Kristin Marie’s arms, Charlie raised her eyebrows to remind the other blonde.
“Because wha-? Oh… oh!” Slapping Charlie’s hands away from her, Kristin Marie shook her head and walked towards you. “I say she go. I mean, what’s gonna happen?”
“The worst can happen! Am I the only one that remembers what your sister did to her?”
Walking towards Charlie, you held the hand pointing at you and put it down. “Nothing’s going to happen to me. Hell, I don't even think she remembers me, C.”
Holding both of Charlie’s hands, you looked into her eyes. “I promise, nothing is going to happen to me. Even Kristin Marie promises it. Right, Tin?”
Biting her lower lip, Kristin Marie joined you, caressing Charlie's arm. “Yeah, not while we're with her.”
I didn't have it in myself to go with grace
“Okay y'all, Addington’s gonna be here for a week cause the district wanted to make a few bucks of kids beating each other in chess.” said Ava as she walked in the lounge, beelining towards the coffee maker she bought last week.
“C’mon Janine, we talked about this!” Melissa gave Janine a glare, making the other 2nd grade teacher pout.
“I didn't do this! I’m not even in the district anymore!”
Nodding his head, Jacob agreed. “That's right, Janine left them.”
Cupping her face, Barb huffed the stress away from her space and turned to Ava. “A week? Full of games?”
Leaning against the counter, Ava hummed in agreement. “Yeah, so y'all be ready cause those charter kids ain't gonna let the kids here beat them. Especially them teachers over there.”
“I heard there's a new teacher there, the previous art teacher died of heatstroke— the school didn't even tell the kids the truth, told them Mr. Jamal left to get the treasure at the end of the rainbow.” said Gregory as he drank his fruit smoothie, making the other teacher's raise an eyebrow at the information.
“Where the hell did you get that? He left to join the thugs, boy!” Mr. J pointed his index finger at Gregory.
“Enough of the dead talk! How do you know the new teacher there?” asked Barbara as she looked at Gregory to Janine. The 1st grade teacher followed her gaze and shook his head frantically. “Y/N was my classmate in college, actually she was taking her master's at Brown, then we became friends when we found out we were from Philly—”
As if the name struck a nerve in her, Melissa’s stare at Gregory turned into a harsh glare before Barb took her attention from the first-grade teacher.
And I can go anywhere I want
“Well, y'all are early.” Ava greeted the Addington teachers.
The teachers were having a pre-game event, mostly to talk about how they would play it light when the kids were around. The number one rule? No cursing at the other teachers.
“Have to, we know how y'all play.” Kristin Marie rolled her eyes as she locked gaze with her sister, Melissa.
“How we play? Why you idio-”
“We noticed you have a vacant seat? Not complete yet, huh?” Jacob cut Melissa off before she could start a fire between her and her sister. This made Barbara give the boy an appreciative nod.
The double doors opened with a bang, the suspect? You. Panting due to the long run you made from Addington's parking lot towards Abbott's building. “Here! The seat's for me. Jesus, Mary, and Joseph!” You tumbled towards your chair and plopped your ass down, hard.
“Ow… Are the chairs here really that hard, Eddie?” You glanced at your friend who gave you a chuckle and a nod.
“Yeah, not as soft as the chairs in Brown. You have to excuse us.”
Shaking your head, you let a chuckle that turned into a full blown laugh. “Oh geez! That's fine, Eddie.” You stood up and embraced Gregory. “I’ve missed you!”
“Miss you too, Y/N.” Gregory gave you a pat on the back. “This is Janine Teagues, my girlfriend.” He held the hand of a shorter woman as both of you pulled back from the embrace.
“This is Janine?! Hi!” You gave the shorter woman a hug and an energetic shake of hands.
Seeing the change of energy, Charlie stood up from her chair and held your arms to stop giving Janine an arm exercise at seven in the morning. “Sorry, she's like a golden retriever with her energy surges.”
“No, I'm not!” And in your defense, Charlie gave you a pointed look that told you to shut up.
Shrugging, Gregory waved his hand and laughed. “Nah, it's fine. These are my colleagues— Jacob,” a lanky brown-haired man waved at you, “Ava, our principal,” a curvy fashionable woman gave you a wink, “Barbara,” you received a ‘hello dear’ from the woman, “and Melissa.”
Before you could look at the redhead beside Barbara, Charlie pushed you towards your chair. “Would you look at that! All of us are here, shouldn't we start by now so we can all go home early— right, Principal Coleman?”
Anywhere I want, just not home
Do You Know What You're Doing? (2)
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Multi-Chapter Stories
At Arm's Length: Part 1. Part 2. Part 3. Part 4. Part 5.
Fire In My Heart: Part 1. Part 2. Part 3. Part 4. Part 5.
What Happens At PECSA...: Part 1. Part 2.
Bridge Over Troubled Water: Part 1. Part 2.
Too Late Now: Part 1. Part 2 . (Weeds)
Warmth: Part 1. Part 2
Tough Philly Girl: Part 1. Part 2.
Personal and Professional: Part 1. Part 2. Part 3.
When There is Love, There is Life: Part 1. Part 2.
Intervention: Part 1. Part 2.
Unexpected: Part 1. Part 2.
Scrubs: Part 1. Part 2.
Longing Looks and Stolen Glances: Part 1. Part 2.
Never In a Million Years, Unless...: Part 1. Part 2. Part 3. Part 4.
You Matter To Me: Part 1. Part 2.
Save Me Before I Lose Myself: Part 1. Part 2. Part 3. Part 4. Part 5. Part 6. Part 7. Part 8. Part 9.
She Didn't, But Melissa Did: Part 1. Part 2. Part 3.
I Hate You, I Love You: Part 1. Part 2. Part 3. Part 4. Part 5.
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“what's a milf?” oh dear gracie... 😭😭😭
All To Myself
requested by @schemmentisbaby
Summary: Your little girl is getting ready to go to Abbott- not that your wife's coworkers know.
WC: ~3.6k
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Melissa Schemmenti, second grade teacher at Abbott Elementary, your wife, and mother to your beautiful little girl: Grace Marie. Melissa Schemmenti, a woman who rarely talks about herself, so all that her coworkers know about her is that she’s married- and even then, she wishes they didn’t know that. It’s not that she has anything to hide or like she’s ashamed of you, but after growing up the way that she did, she’s learned that keeping her mouth shut about personal information is probably for the best. The fact that people know she’s a Schemmenti holds enough weight as it is.
Your wife has been able to keep it quiet that she has a little girl due to the fact that while she is present on Facebook, and so are you, there are very few people that she has on there. The only people that she’s so graciously allowed to friend her on that social media app are you, her family (yes, Kristen Marie included), and one Mrs. Barbara Howard. Those that are present on your social media aren’t aware of the weight that your last name now holds, having grown up just outside of Philly in the suburbs. So when you post images or updates on how your life is going, it doesn’t much matter, and Melissa doesn’t mind.
The second grade teacher has been relatively successful at keeping the personal and professional lives from mixing. That is going to change though, because Gracie is getting ready to head into kindergarten at none other than Willard R. Abbott Elementary School.
“Hun,” you sigh to your wife quietly as the two of you begin to grasp the fact that Grace is going to be attending your wife’s workplace.
“I just didn’t think it was going to be happening so soon,” Melissa mumbles. “I mean, it’s like she was born yesterday, and now she’s getting ready to enter kindergarten.”
“You’re telling me,” you chuckle. “I feel like we were hearing her heartbeat for the first time, and now we’re getting ready to send our baby to school.”
“Jesus, we’re gettin’ old.”
As it turns out, Grace is more than excited to be heading to school- she’s so excited to see the place where her mother works, and she can’t wait to be a big kid. And luck just so has it that your daughter is placed in her Aunt Barbie’s class.
“I get to be with Aunt Barbie all day?!” Grace squeals out with excitement when you tell her who her kindergarten teacher is.
You can’t help but chuckle at how precious she is. “You do, but at school she’s Mrs. Howard, yeah?”
Your little girl nods her head with enthusiasm. “When do I get to go?”
“School starts in two weeks, but Mommy goes in next week,” Melissa tells your little girl at the dinner table. “And on that Wednesday, they have a special night for kindergarteners to meet their teachers and get familiar with the school.”
“I can’t wait for school!”
“Oh, but I can,” your wife grumbles so that only you can hear her.
The day before Melissa goes back to Abbott for professional development days, she’s a bit more moody than usual. Because of this, your little girl spends most of the day with you. The redhead is stressed beyond belief trying to ensure that she has everything packed into her car to take to the school for the new year. She’s focusing on meal prepping so she can just grab things and go. Her outfit for whatever reason is stressing her out more than it usually would.
“Honey,” you mumble as she stands in your closet staring at all of her shirts. You wrap your arms around her waist and set your chin on her shoulder before kissing her neck gently. She hums as she leans into your affections.
“What has you so worked up tonight?” you prod gently. “Usually you don’t care what you wear to work.”
“I just… these are the last few days where my coworkers will see me as just Melissa, not Grace’s mother,” she admits. “Reminds me I’m gettin’ older.”
“We are getting older,” you remind her. “But that just means that we’re one step closer to retirement, to having a beautiful daughter to take care of us, more years of love under our belt.”
Your wife sighs softly and cranes her neck to look at you. “How do you always know what to say to help calm me down?”
“We’ve been married for years,” you chuckle. “Practice.”
The next morning, Grace cannot for the life of her understand why she doesn’t get to go with Melissa to her new school. She’s gotten herself dressed and ready, adorned with the backpack that is just about the size of her, and her new sparkly shoes.
“Mi amore,” your wife sighs as she kneels down to pull your daughter into a hug. “Mommy has to go do boring things at the school. Trust me when I tell you, you would rather stay with Momma and play at home for these last few days.”
“But I want you!” your little girl pouts. “I want Aunt Barbie!”
“And you’ll get me tonight,” Melissa tries to placate. “And I will talk to Aunt Barbie and see if she can come over today after work to play for a little bit, how does that sound?”
That seems to satisfy your daughter who comes bouncing over to you. She curls into your arms as your wife makes her way out the door.
At work, the redhead is happy to see her work wife, but she isn’t necessarily thrilled to be back at work for the school year.
“I saw Gracie’s name on my list for this year,” Barbara whispers to her friend when she’s certain no one else can hear.
“She’s real excited to have you as her kindergarten teacher,” Melissa chuckles softly. “She’s asking for you already. I told her I would see if you could come over after work today.”
“She’ll be sick of me by the end of this year,” the kindergarten teacher laughs.
Green eyes are rolled. “I doubt that. I’m fairly certain my kid loves you more than she loves me or Y/N.”
“You know your little girl has the most love for her mothers,” Barb smirks. “And then of course for Aunt Barbie. I’ll be there.”
“And I’m going to need every hand on deck for kindergarten orientation on Wednesday,” Ava announces. “This is the biggest class to come through Abbott since the 90s.”
“No can do,” Melissa states in front of everyone. “Have business I need to take care of, and it ain’t like you’re payin’ me.” She shoots her boss a look that dares her to challenge.
The principal quirks her lips to the side before rolling her eyes and sighing loudly. “Every hand on deck except for Red Hot.”
After the workday is done, the kindergarten and second grade teachers make their way back to your house. You and your little girl are sitting in the living room reading a book when you hear the front door open and close. All thoughts of the game are abandoned when Gracie jumps to her feet and goes to the door as fast as her little legs will take her. She launches herself at Melissa, who catches her with ease. Then she’s throwing herself at Barbara, who has just barely kneeled down to embrace her.
“How’s my baby girl?” Barbara asks as she kisses your daughter’s head.
Your little girl soaks up the attention. “Good! I want to go to school though.”
“Well, that comes next week, but I’m sure Mommy’s told you about how you’ll get to come see my classroom in a few days.” When Grace nods with excitement, Barbara continues. “And I know at home I’m Aunt Barbie, but at school I have to be Mrs. Howard. Think you can remember that for me, baby?”
“Pinky swears,” your daughter holds out her pinky with a grin.
“That’s my girl,” the kindergarten teacher smiles as she links pinkies with your little girl. “Now, what are we going to do today?”
Come Wednesday, after a long day of professional development in the morning and prepping for open house on Thursday, Melissa comes home to you and your excitable daughter.
“Mommy!” Grace goes running over to the front door, abandoning her station to help you prepare dinner.
“Mi amore,” your wife sighs happily as she lifts your daughter to her hip. “My beautiful girl.”
Grace giggles incessantly as the teacher pecks her cheeks continuously. Then your wife is making her way over to you.
“My gorgeous wife,” she whispers as she kisses you softly. “You’re the best.”
“I’m making your favorite,” you tell her quietly as you lean in to kiss her again.
Grace makes a face at your affections. “Ew, moms. Stop kissin’!”
The two of you roll your eyes in a playful manner. “You know I just love your momma so much,” Melissa laughs that low laugh that you find irresistible. She kisses you again.
“Are you ready to go see Aunt Barbie and your new school?” the redhead asks gently as she sets your daughter back down on the chair you have pulled up to the counter.
“Mrs. Howard,” Grace corrects with a toothy smile as she picks up the spoon to begin mixing the salad again.
Melissa rolls her eyes and pokes your daughter in the belly. “You’re lucky you’re cute.”
After dinner, your family makes their way down to Abbott. Grace clings to your hand the entire time. At the thought of going to a new school, she was excited. But now that the time is upon her, she’s nervous.
“It’ll all be okay, Gracie girl,” Melissa promises. “You know Mommy wouldn’t work here or let you go here if it wasn’t a good place to be.”
That seems to settle your daughter’s nerves just slightly, but she still remains close to you.
You and Grace walk in and head right to the little check in, knowing immediately where to go. Barbara just smiles and checks off your daughter’s name before greeting your wife who is trailing a few paces behind.
“Melissa!” you hear the boisterous voice of the principal of the school. “You said you wasn’t coming!”
Your wife just rolls her eyes and shrugs. “What can I say?”
The incoming class of kindergarteners are ushered into the gym for a quick presentation of teachers that they might come across throughout the school year. Of course, Barbara is up on the stage with all of the kindergarten teachers, but so is your wife and the rest of her work crew, as well as some other staff members that she rarely mentions.
Once that’s over with, they begin to move the children down to the classrooms that they’ll be spending most of their time in for the year. Grace takes your hand gently and guides you towards the correct line.
Abbott is a special school, you can see that just by walking through the halls. It’s filled with artwork from students, there are several plaques with various award titles on them, the teachers who are helping to guide students around are warm. Aside from the odd lingering smell, you can understand why Melissa works here and has worked here for years. 
Your wife lingers in the room under the guise of just helping out her work wife- it makes sense to the rest of the staff that she would go with Barbara. Grace finds her desk with ease, knowing all of the letters in her name. She squeals with happiness when she sees the few little goodies that Mrs. Howard left on the students’ desks.
“Momma,” your little girl tugs on your shirt. “Sit with me?”
You oblige her request with a smile, settling in her chair before pulling her on top of you. Grace brightens and gives your wife a thumbs up before beginning to color the princess page Barbara had placed there. You can’t help but press a soft kiss to your girl’s temple before looking up at your wife with a smile. She’s absolutely precious. Melissa tries to hide the fact that she was sneaking a picture of the two of you, but it’s no use. Her cheeks tint just slightly red before shrugging her shoulders with a bashful smile.
The rest of your daughter’s class settles in and is allowed to color for a few moments while Barbara and Melissa chat with parents- no doubt answering questions that will surely be answered within the next few minutes.
Your wife’s boss makes her way into the classroom, and she eyes the redhead warily before teasing her. “I shoulda known you’d find your way into Barb’s classroom.”
“Well, she is-”
“I don’ care,” Ava states. She turns to scan the room, and her eyes immediately land on you. She winks.
You have to fight to roll your eyes. It’s funny that she chose you to focus in on, but it will be even funnier when she realizes that she just hit on her shadiest teacher’s wife.
Before the principal can say anything too out of line, Barbara claps her hands together and begins her spiel about herself as a teacher, the classroom that the students will be in, and the school itself.
Grace seems more than content to sit in your lap and color quietly while Melissa nods along to the things that her work wife is saying. She knows it all already, but it’s nice hearing what will be expected of your little girl while she’s in Barb’s classroom.
“And now, while the parents are filling out the paperwork necessary for the beginning of the school year, I figured I might take the students on a walking tour of the areas in the school that they’ll be in,” the kindergarten teacher explains with a clap of her hands. “So, we’re going to practice lining up and walking in the hallways like big kindergarteners.”
She manages to line up the entire class quietly before walking them out the door with Melissa. You sigh and begin to quietly fill out the paperwork for your little girl. It’s a while before you hear footsteps come back into the room, just as you’re getting ready to write down Melissa’s name under the second guardian spot. When you look up, you expect to see Barbara, your wife, and the students in tow. Instead, it’s Ava again, and she’s looking directly at you- you can practically feel her eyes on you.
“Does anybody have any questions about Abbott?” the principal asks.
A few hands go up, but she blatantly ignores them. She points to you. “What about you, angel face?”
Your brow goes up. “I think I’m all good, but thank you.”
“Surely you can’t know everything there is to know about this school,” Ava frowns. “You have to have at least one question.”
“Not that I can think of,” you tell her. If you do think of a question, you doubt she’ll know the answer to it anyway.
“Is that little girl of yours your first one to go through Abbott?”
You nod. “But I know all about this school.”
“Oh?” Ava smirks. “You did your research?”
Instead of telling her that your wife is Melissa, you just nod. Sure, you had done your research and asked your wife about the building, but you know the ins and outs of this school- the things that go on behind the scenes. 
You think that’s the end of the conversation and start to write “Mrs.”, but she makes her way further into the room, and she stands over you sitting at a student desk.
“Where’s the wife?” Ava asks you as she leans against the desk. She drapes a gentle hand over your wrist. “Because I know someone as fine as you has one.”
You look up to her with a smirk before beginning to write down Melissa’s name.
Almost comically, the principal gasps and her hands fly to her mouth. She stands straight up. “You ain’t telling me Melissa is your wife, are you?!”
With impeccable timing, Melissa walks back into the classroom with Barbara and the kindergarteners. 
“I am,” is all your wife states as she folds her arms over her chest and stares down her boss. “Why? You got something to-”
“Bye, y’all,” Ava runs out of the classroom as quickly as she had come in.
Barbara just looks to you with the silent question of if the principal was flirting with you, and you nod subtly.
Your wife sees red for a split second before she makes her way over to you with your daughter and wraps her arm around the top of your shoulders.
“Idiot,” Melissa grumbles as she plants a kiss to the top of your head. “Flirting with my wife like that.”
You reach up a hand and lay yours gently over hers. “She didn’t know because you didn’t tell her.”
“‘Cause she has no business knowin’ about my personal life,” your wife mutters.
“She will now,” you remind her. “Grace is goin’ here now, and you know that Ava’s gonna open her mouth about it the first chance she gets.”
“Which will be once everyone is out of the school, and we somehow get corralled into helping break everything,” Melissa rolls her eyes.
It’s a bit of time before Ava makes the announcement that all families should head out of the building to allow the teachers to get home for the night. But when you think that Melissa is going to try to book it out of there as quickly as possible, she begins to help her work wife straighten up her classroom.
You know that the two of them are quite close, but it is something else to see them working together in silence. It’s like how you and Melissa work- in sync, with ease, naturally.
And then the rest of the group begins to come in, asking questions before they even fully enter the room to see you and your little girl sitting quietly on the carpet reading a book together. Okay, you’re reading, but Grace is touching each word as you read.
You pause your reading as the boisterous group comes in. Their eyes immediately go to you, and they halt their questioning.
“I’m sorry,” a shorter woman, who you can only assume is Janine, speaks quietly. “I didn’t realize you still had a student in the room.”
“They’re fine,” Melissa cuts in before anyone else can say anything. “They’re with me.”
Gregory furrows his brow. “Why would they-”
“Melissa Schemmenti, when the hell was you goin’ to tell us you have a daughter that was going to come to Abbott?!” the principal yells as she struts in. “And that your wife was fine as-” She cuts herself off at the challenging look green eyes give her.
“They’re with me because that’s my wife and my daughter,” the redhead points to the two of you. “Gracie, come say hi to Mommy’s friends.”
Your little girl jumps out of your lap and runs over to your wife, who lifts her onto her hip with ease. “I’m Gracie, and I’m five!” she holds out an entire hand for emphasis. Her smile is enough to melt their hearts.
“Oh, Mel Mel, she’s so cute,” Jacob grins as he high fives your daughter.
“Mi amore,” Melissa jerks her head for you to come over.
“Y/N,” you smile that charming smile of yours as you wrap an arm around the Melissa. “Mrs. Schemmenti, if you will.”
“How the hell didn’t we know about this now?” Mr. Johnson wrinkles his nose. “That’s a load of bull… trash.”
Emerald eyes are rolled. “Because the boss don’t look at the rosters to know who’s comin’ in.”
“I did!”
“Did you?” Janine narrows her eyes as she looks to the principal. 
Ava looks offended. “So what if I did or did not? Overseeing an entire school is hard! It ain’t my fault Melissa never told us she had a daughter!”
“You didn’t tell them about me?” Grace frowns, and she looks a bit wounded by that knowledge.
“Mommy just wanted you all to herself,” your wife promises as she dots a few kisses along your daughter’s hairline.
That seems to placate your daughter, who snuggles right back up to the redhead before yawning. “Aunt Barbie is my teacher.”
“She is,” you chuckle as you smooth down a few of her wild locks. “But at school she’s Mrs. Howard, remember?”
“Mrs. Howard is my teacher,” your little girl yawns out.
“I think it’s about time we head home,” Melissa chuckles softly. She looks to you. “Are you about ready t’head out?”
You nod and grab your purse from where Grace will be sitting next Monday. “Well, it was really nice to finally meet you all,” you chuckle out. “I know she’s in good hands here at Abbott.”
The group seems to have more questions for the redhead that is quickly escorting you out, but she ignores them and ushers you out.
Just as you’re leaving, Ava shouts down the hallway, “Girl, don’t think we ain’t talkin’ ‘bout how youse are milfs tomorrow!”
There’s a loud chorus of “Ava!” that can be heard right after. You have to hide the smile. You’re already well aware that your wife is hot.
“Momma?” Grace looks to you with curious eyes.
“Yeah baby?” you ask.
“What’s a milf?”
“Ava is dead tomorrow,” your wife grumbles.
“You love your boss, and your coworkers,” you remind her.
Melissa sighs heavily. “They’re freakin’ lucky.”
TAGS: @schemmentis @thesapphictimelady @marvel210 @itisdoctortoyousir @morgana-larkin @doesthatsuggestanythingtoyou @marvels--slut @sweetcheeksschemmenti @megamultifandomtrashposts @lemz378 @http-sam @melissaschemmentisbranzino @imaginesmultifandoms @sexysapphicshopowner @lilfartbox1 @maybe-a-humanbean @imlike-so-gaydude @a-queen-and-her-throne @notinmyvocab @melanielaufeyson @dvrkhcld @cosmichymns @sasheemo @m1lflov3rrr @ricejucie @temilyrights @emilynissangtr @squinnchy @dopenightmaretyphoon @emeraldoceansstuff @shinyfaerielights  @blkmxrvel @marvelwomenrule @sarahjohannson @casualfoxwitch @babytakeittothehead
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can u believe i have midterms and i still have time to read new fics and/or cry over old/completed/in progress fics????
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“full of shit” the fact that i can HEAR AVA SAY THIS IS HILARIOUS 😭😭😭
Longing Looks and Stolen Glances- pt 2
part 1.
This was requested a long time ago by @theboreworms and honestly, let me know if you want to see a part 3!
Summary: Your coworkers react to you getting engaged, and you're forced to explain how it happened.
WC: ~1.75k
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“You got engaged?” Your coworkers all shout at you.
“Melissa Schemmenti,” Barbara admonishes. “You don’t even tell me, your work wife, that you are romantically involved with someone, and then you walk in engaged?!”
“Surprise?” you try to smooth over. It doesn’t work very well. Your coworkers continue to flounder for words at this news.
Before you can stop them, Jacob and Janine grab for your left hand to inspect the beautiful engagement ring that is now sitting on your finger. It sparkles as the sunlight hits it perfectly.
“Holy shit,” Mr. Johnson lets out as he gets a glance at the ring. “Damn, Red. You did good with that one.”
Your fiancee can’t help the pride on her face.
“Well, I expect to hear all about this now,” the kindergarten teacher hits the two of you with pointed looks.
So, with a sigh, you divulge into the story of how the two of you got together. “One of the camera men was innocently flirting with me.” Green eyes glare at the camera man in question. “And I guess this one got jealous, because the next thing I know, she’s storming into my room and is kissing me.”
“They all knew we were dancing around each other and took matters into their own hands,” the redhead rolls her eyes. “And the only reason I was okay with their meddlin’ is because I got the girl in the end.”
“We started dating quietly, no one knowing except for the camera crew because they had to,” you state.
“And I swore them to secrecy,” Melissa sighs. “Ain’t nobody need to know our business until we were ready.”
“And then… it just became kind of normal, and we forgot to tell youse,” you smile apologetically.
“How do you forget something like that?” Barbara rolls her eyes. “I assume the two of you are moving in together?”
You bite your lip. “Do you remember when I was moving about a year ago?” you ask sheepishly.
“You moved in with Mel Mel?” the redhead’s former roommate asks, brows about as high as they’ll go.
“I did,” you smile shyly. 
“I thought you said you was never gettin’ married again,” Ava states. “Full of shit.”
Your fiancee looks to you. “I think I said it would take a freakin’ miracle, and… Y/N is that miracle for me.”
“Well,” Janine bounces back and forth on her toes in excitement. “How’d it happen? And when is the wedding? And are we all invited? Ooh, is Barb going to be in the-”
“Slow your roll, pipsqueak,” Melissa chuckles with a roll of her eyes. “One question at a time.”
“How’d you get engaged?”
It honestly wasn’t that much different than any other day in your lives. The two of you had woken up yesterday morning and gotten ready for school as you usually would. Melissa made breakfast, and the two of you enjoyed your meal and hot beverages in a peaceful bliss before you had to head out to school. She drove the two of you in, hands resting intertwined on the center console. You sang along to the radio, and it took everything in your girlfriend to not get distracted by your absolute beauty. The school day went on as it usually does, if not filled with more chaos than usual. And when it was time for the teachers to head out for the day, you were stuck prepping for the next day as usual. You’re the last teachers to leave. That isn’t uncommon, so most teachers don’t know that you come in and leave together anyway. But, even those who do know that you live relatively close to each other, so you often carpool (they don’t realize that you actually live together). Dinner was lovely as always, and the wine that was paired with your meal was absolutely perfect. The two of you cleaned up, changed into more comfortable clothes to lounge around in, and then settled on the couch for some relaxation time with another glass of wine and some homemade tiramisu from the night before. You’re watching some corny show about love that the two of you love to indulge in secretly.
“This show gives such unrealistic expectations of love,” you sigh out as you settle a hand on her knee.
Melissa brings a spoonful of the sweet dessert to your mouth, and you smile softly. “What do you mean, hun?”
“They show all the glitz and the glamour and all of that shit,” you chuckle. “But they don’t want to show the everyday realness of the dates that people go on, or the nights in. They don’t show the harder moments. They only want to show the fireworks of a relationship.”
“I guess you’re right,” your girlfriend laughs as she takes her own mouthful of the tiramisu.
You kiss her softly. “Like, I get it… I just think they skew people’s perception of what love is.”
“Do you think we have a realistic love?”
You nod. “Of course I do. We’ve had our own firework moments, but some of the best moments are the everyday life moments.”
“Like… our drives to and from work, or just out to a plain and simple coffee shop where we both focus on getting papers done. Or when we cook dinner together and dance around like fools.”
“Do you miss the big firework moments?”
“Lissa,” you turn to her with warm eyes. “I love everything about our relationship. You know that.”
“You’re not going to miss the engagement, and all of the things that come with a wedding?” she asks you hesitantly.
“When we started dating, I told you that I don’t need all that stuff,” you tell her honestly. “A life with you is complete, whether we have the rings and the piece of paper or not.”
“But like, when you were younger, you dreamed of being married with kids,” your girlfriend says softly.
“I did,” you admit. “But then I met you, and none of that mattered anymore.”
Before you know what she’s doing, Melissa is off the couch and on the ground, propped on one knee. She takes your hands in her own. “Marry me.”
Your eyes go wide. This was not what you were expecting tonight. “Lis, what?”
“Marry me,” she says again. “You’re worth all of my doubts and fears. You’re worth the harassment we’ll get from the group for getting me to change my mind on it all.”
“Mel, you don’t have to do this,” you tell her as you try to get her to get off of her bad knee. And why she chose to kneel down on the knee that she’s always rubbing at is beyond you. “You don’t have to do this because you think it’s what I want.”
“I want this,” she tells you finitely, continuing to kneel. Then she jumps up. “Hold on.”
Your girlfriend runs up the steps and races back down before kneeling back down in front of you and opening a beautiful ring box. “Does this prove to you that I want this? Marry me.”
You look into her eyes for any hints that she’s feeling pressured to do this- that this isn’t what she truly wants. But… for a brief second you think about the fact that you didn’t even know she had gone ring shopping- that you haven’t spoken about marriage in any certain ways since things started to get serious between the two of you.
To your girlfriend, those few moments where you don’t say anything feel like a lifetime, and she almost stands from her place and tells you to forget she ever said anything. Before she can though, you capture her lips.
“Yes,” you mumble against them as you pull her off her knee and onto the couch. “Yes, of course I’ll marry you.”
The redhead smiles into the kiss, and when you pull away she slips the ring onto your finger with shaky hands. “Really?”
You don’t even look at the ring before you place your hand on her cheek and wipe away the tear that threatens to escape from her face before nodding and kissing her again, nodding.
Only once you’ve pulled away for a second time do you take a gander at the ring. It’s stunning, and yet it’s so simple and screams you. 
“It’s beautiful,” you whisper as you admire the sparkling rock that now sits upon your finger. “When did you get this?”
She takes your hand in her own and runs her thumb along your knuckles. “A couple months ago, I started thinkin’ more seriously about us. How I always said it would take a freaking miracle for me to even consider gettin’ married again, and how you happily accepted that answer despite your own desires. I got it about a month ago, and I’ve been thinkin’ about the perfect way to propose, but… I couldn’t wait any longer.”
“This was the perfect way to propose,” you tell her quietly. “Just us alone, in the peace and quiet of our own house. I told you, I don’t need the fireworks to know that I am the happiest I could be with you.”
The entire staff is looking at you with soft, warm eyes as they swoon at the way that the two of you got engaged. Barbara, for as annoyed as she looked when the two of you revealed that you were not only together- but engaged to be married, looks thrilled for the two of you. She nudges her work wife gently.
“Look at you, getting married again,” the kindergarten teacher smiles.
Your favorite green eyes are rolled as Melissa grabs your hand softly and kisses your knuckles.
Janine and Jacob, in their trademarked fashion, begin to bombard the two of you with more questions, but your girlfriend simply puts up her hand to signal them to stop.
“As much as you know I would love to answer all of your questions,” your now fiancee says, sarcasm dripping in her voice. “The lady and I have to get down to our classrooms to prep for today, and hopefully start planning the first Abbott wedding.”
The group immediately starts to protest, but Melissa simply picks up her coffee cup, gestures for you to do the same, and pulls you away.
You throw them all a wink. “We’ll give you details today at lunch.”
“Babe!” Melissa groans.
tags: @schemmentis @thesapphictimelady @marvel210 @itisdoctortoyousir @morgana-larkin @doesthatsuggestanythingtoyou @marvels--slut @gwennybriggs @megamultifandomtrashposts @lemz378 @http-sam @melissaschemmentisbranzino @imaginesmultifandoms @sexysapphicshopowner @lilfartbox1 @maybe-a-humanbean @imlike-so-gaydude @a-queen-and-her-throne @notinmyvocab @melanielaufeyson @dvrkhcld @cosmichymns @sasheemo @m1lflov3rrr @ricejucie @temilyrights
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why tf am i imagining the next part where she goes to another state (new york) and like joins nypd 😭 AND LIKE A LAW AND ORDER: SVU CROSSOVER????
Partner in crime part 4!!!! Pleaseeee it’s all my heart desires
God! I thought nobody was liking it for the low interactions and that really took my inspiration away, but thanks for sending a request, that really helped ♥️
~Partner in crime~ Part 4
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
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Pairing:Melissa Schemmenti x Reader/Melissa Schemmenti x Joe
Gender:soft, cute, young Melissa, friends to lovers, slow burn, hurt
Warnings: SMUTTTTTT! This smut is for the sinful souls that also want to be loved. Also, mention of drugs and drug abuse
Summary :When they send you to work back in your home town, you start to recall all your memories from your teen years involving the redhead.
Remembering that first kiss with the redhead brought a twinge to your chest that you hadn't felt in years. No matter how much time had passed or how much you wanted to deny it, your heart still missed her immensely, your heart was still hers.
She wasn't your first kiss but she was undoubtedly the best, she was not your first partner but she was your first love, she was not the love of your whole life but she was the one who stole and stayed with your heart forever.
Letting out a sigh, you took your wallet and very delicately took out an already worn and a little opaque Polaroid, a photo you took with the redhead on the most magical night of your life, and although you knew that this story ended in pain, you decided anyway to continue walking that path of memory.
-Years Back-
After that first kiss many more came and it made you feel proud how at school they began to know that you were a couple when you walked hand in hand through the halls of the establishment. While kisses and caresses were not lacking, you had not yet been completely intimate with each other, but that was good for you, the redhead was giving you time and you were very nervous about it, since it would be your first time having sex with someone.
It wasn't until the end of the year, that you definitely prepared your head to do it.
As you looked yourself in the mirror in your polished outfit, your hands trembled with anticipation thinking about what will happen on this important night.
Since it was Melissa's senior year of school, her prom had arrived and she had invited you as he plus one, as her girlfriend. With nervous hands you adjusted your hair once again and took the perfect corsage you had bought after seeing a thousand options, piece which matched the flower on your pocket.
After crossing the street, you knocked on the door of her house, her grandmother opened immediately smiling widely
-"Look at you! So handsome! You look like a cute and fancy penguin with your tuxedo!" - Her grandmother hugged you tight, full of happiness and pride, which almost made you cry but you didn't want to ruin your makeup, so decide to hug her tightly and take a deep breath to control yourself
-"Mom, let the poor girl go, you will wrinkle her suit..."- Melissa's mother came over and adjusted your tie and suit and then kissed your forehead-"You look perfect..."-her voice was interrupted for a sound of clacking shoes coming down the stairs, when you lifted your head, the most gorgeous woman in the whole planet smiled at you. There she was, using a long dark green dress that matched your tie and had a perfect match with her eyes. Her pale skin shone like a diamond under the sun light and her dark red lipstick looked like a delicious and juicy red apple.
Your mouth felt dry and your heart started beating very fast, your ears ringed, your hands were sweating but your body felt cold, you were almost convinced that you were having a heart attack. Her mother rested her arm on your shoulder and whispered in your ear
-"Breathe..."-When you did what she said, your body began to relax and return to normal, just in time for the redhead to reach the bottom of the stairs where you were standing
-"Hi Melissa... You look amazing" - You whispered and she smiled softly, resting her hand on your cheek, giving little caresses with her thumb. Looking at you with such love in her eyes
-"Hi... You look so delicate and pretty" - she gave you a little kiss on your lips, the stickiness of the gloss she had applied on top of her lipstick transfer a little to your lips, mixing with the color of your own lipstick, leaving a cherry taste on you. Carefully you took the corsage and put it on her wrist making her smile. She was so perfect, she was a piece of art that deserved to be admired forever.
In that moment, in a flicker to the future, you could picture how you will be putting a ring on her finger one day. They said you will know it when you know it, and you knew in that exact moment, that you wanted to spend your life with her no matter what.
A flash made you come back to the present, you blinked a few times adjusting to the light to see her grandma with a camera on her hands
-"Okey, we have an hour to take pictures with all your siblings, so let's start" - she said calling all the kids by their names.
By the time you finished with the pictures, the limo, that you has rented with all the money you could save doing little jobs here and there, was outside the house waiting for you two. Taking her hand in yours, you said goodbye and walked to it.
The night passed in the blink of an eye, nerves made you remember little of it, but the Polaroids you took in the photo booth made you have a memory that would not be easily erased. You danced together, ate and drank a little, and although Mel didn't won as prom queen, for you there was no one more beautiful in that room or in the whole world than her.
By the end of the night when her feet were already sore from wearing her heels, you gave her your shoes and walked with her hand in hand to call for a taxi.
The parking lot lights projected a warm glow, illuminating the quiet intimacy of the moment. Hand in hand, you stood beside her waiting for the car to arrive, the night air thick with anticipation. Prom's magic still lingered, but this was a different kind of enchantment.
-"Hey..."-she called your attention and you looked at her lifting your eyebrows - "Your hands are trembling, are you okay hon?" -she caressed your cheek lookin deeply into your eyes, you could see how she worried about you even if she was tired from the night, you smiled and turned your head a little to kiss her palm
-"I'm thrilled and exited to be by your side..."-you took one of her hands and covered with yours
-"I feel like I'm floating" - she whispered, her eyes locked on yours. Melissa's smile was soft, hesitant
-"Me too" - You whispered, her thumb traced gentle circles on your hand.
The world around you melted away, leaving only the thrum of crickets and the beat of your own hearts. Your gaze drifted to Melissa's lips, and you felt the familiar flutter that came with having her around
-"Melissa?"-Your voice barely rose above a whisper
-"Yeah?"-Melissa's eyes searched yours, filled with a mix of longing and trepidation. You took a step closer, your heart pounding
-"I love you"- You said, the words tumbling out like a confession. Melissa's breath caught
-"I love you too..."-Her voice trembled, but her eyes shone with conviction. The vulnerability of the night wrapped around you like a blanket. No pretenses, no fears – just the raw truth.
Without another word, you leaned in, your lips brushing against Melissa's. The kiss was tender, exploratory, filled with the promise of forever. It wasn't your first kiss but every time you kissed her, they made a diferent part of your body tingle and a new way of loving her appear.
As you broke apart, gasping softly, Melissa's hands cradled your face
-"You make me feel seen" - she whispered.
-"You make me feel alive."-you kissed her again softly and briefly. Melissa's eyes sparkled, her fingers mapping the little freckles of your face
-"I've dreamed of this moment for so long" - she confessed and your heart skipped a beat
-"Me too...I want all with you" - You whispered, your voice barely audible, making her understand that you were ready for the next step and she took the hint. Your lips met again, this time with a deeper connection. The world around you dissolved, leaving only the gentle pressure of her lips, the softness of her skin.
As you parted, your gaze lingered on Melissa's
-"I never thought I'd find someone like you, I never thought someone could make me this happy, this complete..."- you confess and Melissa smiled, your voice filled with emotion.
-"You don't have to worry about losing me, (Y/N) . I'm yours" - she reassured you and your soul swelled with happiness
-"You're mine" - You repeated, the words settling deep within you. In that parking lot, under the stars, you found your forever, a love born of vulnerability, trust, and the courage to take a chance.
When the taxi arrived, you explained to Melissa that you had rented a room to spend the night together, that there was no pressure for anything to happen but you really wanted to be alone with her to make the magical night last longer.
When you arrived in the room, you took off the Melissa heels you were now wearing and turned around smiling at her. She was surprised seeing the beautiful room you had gotten
-"How did you manage to get this room?" - she asked looking at the fancy towels forming a heart on the bed
-"You are not the only one who knows and has a guy for everything..."-you teased trying to play mysterious even when the true was that her grandmother payed for the room with the money you gave her because you were a minor and couldn't rent it on your own.
-"You are getting too smart and cute... You will be the ruin of me" - this time she teased hugging you by the waist and kissing your forehead-"Thank you for all of these... I thought you were working to save money for something else, not for this...Not for me... " - Her voice was filled with emotion, she was truly touched to see the effort you put into this
-"I did it for us... Tonight was a important night on your life, I just wanted to make it last longer"-You whispered just inches from her lips, she kissed you in a very soft and caring way, short but giving you chills on your lips
-"You make me feel so seen, like never before" - she kissed you again, slow, passionate, enhancing your sences, you could smell the aroma of the fresh and clean sheets and the perfume of the salts on the bathroom, you could hear the soft breeze that came from the window that she opened when she just came in, you could feel her soft hands teasing the parts that the suit didn't covered, playing with the loops of your belt and the end of your shirt, you could taste her cherry chapstick on your lips, you could see little sparkles that were projected on your closed eyelids... You could feel every little thing, you could feel her in every little way.
You let your hands travel to her back and play with the zipper of her dress, she parted lightly from your lips
-"Hey... We don't need to do this right now, there is no pressure, we can keep kissing all night and that will be okay with me" - she said caressing your cheek and you smiled. You've talked about this before, she had more experience than you, basically because you had none, but you wanted for her to be your first time
-"I'm scared, I won't lie... But I want this, I trust you, I've been waiting for this too much" - You pulled her zipper a little more down and she smiled with lovely but hungry eyes
-"If you want to stop, at any point, you tell me and we will do it, okay?" - she asked and you nodded. Her arms contured your waist and kept their path up to your arms, slipping her hands between your body and your jacket, taking it off of you and tossing it to a chair on the corner. She kneeled at your feet smiling at you, opening your belt gently and taking it off, making a little loop on her hand, that made you think of wilder things for the future, before she put it away carefully. Her hands slipped inside your pants a little and your heart started beating more agresibly, she hooked your shirt with her fingers and pull it out of your pants, freeing you from the tigth tension on your shoulders because of how tigth and straight you tried to put your clothes on to look perfect for her. She lifted your shirt a little and kissed your tummy
-"Your skin is soft and warm, you smell heavenly" - she said in a soft voice and you smiled looking how her lipstick left a mark on your skin. But even if this was what you were wishing for it to happen, you were very nervous about looking good in a moment like this and your excitement was mixed with insecurity as her hands unbutton your clothes and uncover more skin, so you tried to diverge the attention to her, grabbing her hand and helping her stand
-"Let me help with your dress" - You whispered but she just smiled and kissed your lips cutting you midd sentence, seeing rigth through you, gently grabbing your hips and guiding your backwards towards the bed
-"Your body is shacking love... I know it's a little scary and you are worried, but is me, it's us, it's a safe space... I've seeing you get changed and I've seen you naked before, I know your body and is the most perfect thing in the whole world, so you don't need to worry about it... You just need to focus on enjoying this..."-when she gave you a little push on your shoulder you seated on the bed and she bit her lip-"Just... Enjoy" - she unzipped her dress all the way down and let it pool at her feet without breathing eye contact, her breasts bounced free from the dress, making you salivate. You tried to be respectful and look at her in her eyes, but she noticed that and laughed, making them bounce again and attract your attention to them. You felt your hand buzzing from the need to touch them. She sat on your lap leaving her breast almost in front of your face-"You want to touch them?" - she asked and you nodded enthusiastically, Melissa grabbed your hands and placed them on her milky thighs. You squeezed her soft flesh, running your hands along her skin until they reached her hips, you took the little string of her underwear between your fingers and let it snap on her skin, making her jump a little and release a soft whimper. You kept mapping her skin with your eyes and hands, trying to engrave her perfect body on your mind. When you finally reached her boobs, each one of your hands took one carefully, they were full and heavier than yours, also her nipples had such a perfect pink color that invited you to taste them, between her breasts there were a lot of freckles decorating her light skin like starts on the dark. While you admired her, on of her hand made gentle circles on your cheek and the other carresed the soft skin of your exposed neck
-"Do you like what you see honey?" - she asked, her voice deeper than normal, you were worshipping her in suck a way with your eyes that made her very aroused
-"Your body is so perfect, like a blank canvas ready for me to paint with kisses" - You whispered and she smiled, putting her hands on your shoulders and pushing you all the way back so you could be laying flat on the bed
-"First, you have too many clothes" - now that she saw that your mind was focused on her body and no on how you looked, it was easier for her to unclasp all your buttons and completely remove your shirt. She made sure to cover with kisses all the new exposed skin, scratching gently your abdomen with her nails making you feel electricity down your body. With her hands she unzipped your pants and I a quick motion she took them off of you. A cold breeze made you realize how naked you were, but that same breeze made her perky nipples be more awake than ever. Unaware, you parted your lips thinking about sucking them, she lowered herself on top of you and kissed you, carefully slipping her tongue on your mouth, making you moan in her lips. Her hand slipped inside your soaking and ruined panties and she smiled on your lips when she felt how weat you were already. You let out a small whimper when you felt her hand, but she sat on one of your legs, letting you feel how wet she was too through her panties.
The redhead sucked your tongue a little into her mouth and guided your hand to touch her breasts at the same time that her other hand carresed your outer lips.
Her breasts were soft and perky at the same time, her niple was an hipper sensitive part for her and as soon as you realized that, you started pinching them making her grind harder on your leg.
Her middle finger separated your pussy, finding that sweet spot on top, your perfect button, your clit was so sensitive and needy that, as soon as she started to gently masagge it, you felt like you could orgasm rigth there on the spot. She made gently circular motions over it and her mouth started kissing your neck when your moans made difficult to keep kissing you.
Your eyes closed trying to let your other senses flow. Her wet clothed pussy grinding on your leg felt heavenly, her slow rhythm on your clit accelerated the beat on your heart, your hands squeezing her breast felt like they belonged there and her little whimpers and praises made you felt like heaven.
When her finger found your entrance you opened your eyes and she smiled at you with love
-"Do you want me to stay where I was before?" - she asked when she noticed how nervous you got, embarrassed you nodded. Her hand went back to your clit adding more speed and one finger to massage it. She gently pinched it between her fingers and your body made and involuntary jump. Her kisses went from your neck to your breasts, and when she started sucking them, your body started shacking, your toes curled and you bit your lip, her hand moved with more speed and you stared to see stars even when you had your eyes closed. Even though you felt like the sound around you died for a few seconds, you must have been moaning very loud because she came back to kiss you to swallow your moans.
When your body came down from its peak, Mel kissed from your forehead down to your pussy, your body was too relaxed to notice what she was doing until she removed your ruined panties and tossed them aside to kiss and lick your pussy, even though she was cleaning you gently with her mouth, your hand went to her head to hold her hair, moving your hips against her mouth and arching your back a little. Her hands slipped under your legs and she pulled your pussy closer to her mouth, this time she could easily slip her tongue in your entrance and your body didn't seemed to have any reaction of nervousness or discomfort, on the contrary, you opened your legs more for her. She started sucking eagerly, addicted to your taste, the more she sucked the wetter you got and the sloppier she moved, her tongue started to bump gently against your clit and before you could proses it, you orgasmed again, trapping her head between your thighs and letting a long scream out with her name on it.
A few minutes later when your mind returned to your body, you noticed how the redhead had you hugging her body, making gentle patterns with her fingertips on your back. You smiled and gave her soft, short kisses on her lips
-"Welcome back to earth" - she teased and you weakly laughed-"How are you feeling?" - she caressed your cheek
-"A little stupid for not doing this earlier" - You said and she laughed-"I feel like heaven" - You whispered and kissed her again
-"You taste like heaven... I love you so much" - she whispered back
-"Can I taste you?" - You asked, your body was tired but you wanted her to enjoy too
-"Your body is barley responding... Tomorrow you can have me for breakfast..." - she kissed your forehead and hugged you closer-"Let's rest... I really love you"
-"I really love you Mel... I'm so happy that you are my first time" - You whispered hiding on her neck.
As amazing as that first time was, all your new experiences together were, she always made everything feel like magic and she always made you feel loved.
-More years passed-
As the years began to pass, you grow up together and the love you had for each other did too. Even when Mel went to study for teacher and you for police, your love kept growing and you overcome every rock that was put on your path. When she was not on campus she was with you and every little time together was like magic.
More years passed, and when both of you finished your studies and got jobs, you decided to live together, and you were so sure that she was the person that you wanted to be forever with, that you bough a ring to propose to her, very convinced that she would said yes.
You had planned everything perfectly, you had called her telling her to get ready and elegant since you were going to eat with her family, when the truth was that you would take her to a terrace with the best view in all of Philly, with a fancy meal and a whole tub of ice cream to remember those nights spent on the roof of your house talking, to remember how that love that was just blooming then, now had become a leafy tree with strong roots, and after remembering that love, you would tell her that that love still had a lot of room to grow and that your story still had many years to be fulfilled, then you would pull the ring out and asked her to marry you.
You had your ring in your pocket and the speech ready on your head, the only thing you had to do to finally propose was finish your shift, nothing could stop you from asking her that question and for her saying yes, or that's what you thought, because after that shift, everything changed.
When you got home, Melissa was ready and more gorgeous than ever waiting you with an bright smile, but when she saw your pale face and the way you dragged your feet until you could sat on the couch, her smiled faded. She had seen you come home traumatized before for loosing someone on the job or something going wrong, but now it was different. Usually you hugged her for confort, but instead of that, you stayed on the couch covering your face with your hands
-"Love... Are you okay?" - she asked and sat by your side, grabbing your hand and forcing you to look at her. Your eyes were full of tears and you had shacky hands, you grabbed her hands in yours and you kept shacking your head
-"I'm so sorry Mel" - You whispered and she tried to figure why you were apologizing
-"What happened?..."-she asked and got worried when you started to avoid her eyes
-"I... I got called for a noise complain on a dangerous neighborhood... And we got to a big abandoned house... Someone OD on it and apparently a fight happened... And I'm really sorry" - You kept repeating and she seemed more confused than before, worried for you and lost-"We arrested a few people and... And Tony (Melissa's younger brother) was there..."-Your voice was barely above a whisper and she frowned
-"What? Why? Is he okay? He... He was just there because he has some dangerous friends but he would never do anything bad..."-she started to get nervous and you denied
-"Mel... He was there selling drugs... All of it was on him" - You tried to explain and she let your hand go
-"You... You know him, he is just a kid and you are a police woman, if you said something he would have listened and let this drug things go... Please tell me you let him go" - she asked looking at your eyes
-"I... I couldn't, all the drugs were on him, he even tried to shoot one of my coworkers... Mel he is in jail..."-you said and she stood from the couch
-"He is just a kid, they will let him go rigth?" - she seemed scared and you tried to took her hand again but she didn't let you
-"Mel... He is not a kid anymore, he has 21, he is old enough to be responsable for his actions, he made a kid OD with those drugs, a literal kid died because of his drugs... He will go to trial, but he also shot one of us... He will be facing a few years of jail at least..." - You tried to explain the most calmed as you could but her anger only grew
-"Can you do something for him? Call someone? Take him out?" - she begged you
-"I can't, I won't... I could loose my job and someone has to respond for that death..."-You insisted that this was the correct thing to do, but she didn't saw that way. Tony was her younger brother and she practically raised him, this was something very painful for her, and you being the one making the arrest and not wanted to do something to help him only made it bigger and worse.
-"I... I can't see you right now" - she said before grabbing her purse and going outside the house.
After that, things only got worse, the oficial sentence came and her brother had to spend many years in jail for being the one selling drugs to a minor who passed away. She did everything to avoid looking at you or being with you, and when she was there, she couldn't even breath the same air as you, less alone talk to you. The love she once had for you became despise, she stated to hate you for breaking her family apart and for taking her most closer brother into jail. She started to move her things away from the house little by little and no matter how much you insisted, she didn't wanted to listen to you or talk to fix things.
You maintained the ring on your pocket and your facade of a relationship for a little while, trying to convince yourself that she would come back at some point, but she never did. And without any conversation in between, you both realized that your relationship broke the day you got home after the arrest.
At one point she stoped seeing you and you stoped insisting.
And even though it hurt you, you walked away from her.
Sometimes you found something about Melissa when you talked to Kristin Marie, sister that hated you the least of all of them and was still your friend because she understood that you were doing your job and that her brother did something wrong. Kristin tried to avoid talking about Melissa with you because she could see how sad that made you ,and tried to see how you were, but sometimes things slipped, like when you found out that a year after you broke up, Melissa started dating her school friend Joe, the one that was in love with her when you were younger and went to high school.
You tried to go on with your life too but it was hard when every plan in your life usted to include her.
At one point you decided that the best thing to do was moving out of the country and try to forget her, because she was in every fucking corner of the city, all the memories and dreams were there and you couldn't live with her gosth following you every where.
The last time you saw the redhead in person was from very far away, when Kristin told you that Nana died and that before passing she asked about you, that she wanted in her funeral, so you went, even when that meant that you could see Melissa again...
After the memorial, you watched from the back of the room as Joe hugged and comforted Melissa, your body barely moving, so little that you where almost invisible, completely unnoticed by the others in the room. You paid your respects to the redhead's mother and her siblings, but your body didn't have enough strength to get close to her, you couldn't, it was as if hands from the ground came out and held you in place, digging their nails on your skin and giving you immense pain and taking away your strength to move. Your breathing was agitated and your body begged you to get out of there, but even for that you didn't have the strength, the only thing you could do was watch as her eyes full of tears sought refuge in the cleft of his neck.
She was wearing a matching ring with him, a ring that shined every time that Joe dried Melissa's tears with his hand... At least one of you could fulfill your dreams of getting married and forming a family.
That's the last time you saw her and where your memories with her ended forever.
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geez, i snorted at captain phasma's 😭
using the headcanon generator on Gwendoline Christie's characters pt. 1
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First look on Gwendoline Christie for Severance S2 that'll premier on January 17, 2025.
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doesthatsuggestanythingtoyou · 10 months ago
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The dress? The body? The hair? And THAT FUCKING SMILE??? Bye 😭
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