#lunar transits
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guided-by-the-skies · 4 months ago
🍑 Moon Into Virgo
As the moon moves into virgo we may be seeing preparation for the winter ahead. Emotional preparation too can herald a time of new beginnings
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🍑 Moon is in it's third quater meaning we are fast approaching the new moon. At this time boundaries between the subconscious and unconscious become thinner.
🍑 At this time of year we have also just moved into sagittarius season. This kind of moon during this season can herald a powerful leap ahead within the subconscious world.
🍑 Moon opposition saturn in pisces can indicate more unconscious insight about clashes with authority e.g. "why am I acting this way?"
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🍑 moon in this phase makes influence of water on us shrink. you may feel more spiritual inland or on mountains and in valleys
🍑 this moon brings calming earth energies down ley, water and dragon lines and is a great time to ground yourself if you live near any of these
🍑 this kind of moon can increase intuition to do with the earth and buried history. you may feel more spiritual if you live near old historic areas.
Thank You!
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delicatevenus · 3 months ago
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꧁🦋𝓖𝓮𝓶𝓲𝓷𝓲 𝓕𝓾𝓵𝓵 𝓜𝓸𝓸𝓷🦋꧂
This final Full Moon of 2024 sits at 23° Gemini, in the sign’s third decan, governed by the Sun ✨☉✨ (Chaldean) and Mars’ bound. This decan is represented by The Executioner’s Sword, signaling a moment for sharp decisions and the cutting away of outdated dualities.
The Omega symbol for this degree is “A man who heals water, be it in lakes, rivers, the ocean, or a glass.” This lunation can be used as an opportunity to clear emotional blockages, allowing healing to restore clarity and balance to your inner world. Take this moment to release what no longer serves you and make space for the new, letting your emotional waters flow freely once more.
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With her Moon and Saturn both at 20° Gemini, ✨Dita Von Teese✨ embodies the balance between emotional complexity and intellectual discipline. This convergence manifests in her burlesque performances, where she fuses creative expression with an elegant display of focused precision. The duality of Gemini’s intellect and Saturn’s structure is clear in her work, which requires both spontaneous flair and meticulous attention to detail.
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Butterfly weed (milkweed) holds spiritual significance in Native American cultures, particularly among the Lakota and Navajo, where the butterfly represents transformation and the unity of life. This symbolism resonates with Gemini’s themes of change and growth, inviting us to embrace evolution and renewal.
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This lunation, Luna finds herself deeply guided by the celestial forces of love and connection. In close conjunction with asteroids Amor, Cupido, and Eunomia, and trining Isis, she is bathed in the energies of deep affection, desire, and harmony. She also sits in opposition to Eros and Hebe, and forms a square with Hathor. It is a time to release outdated emotional patterns and create space for new growth. These aspects call for emotional clarity, inviting healing and deeper connection to love’s transformative energies.
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seafoamreadings · 2 years ago
now i've also made lunar transits posts available for a free trial on patreon :)
these can be a valuable tool for navigating day to day life. the moon changes degree and sign fast, so these are the fleeting influences that affect our moods
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elminx · 2 months ago
The Cancer full moon is tonight!
Magical ideas for the Cancer Full Moon
Tomorrow evening, on 1/17, the moon will be full at 27° Cancer. There's a lot going on astrologically: the Sun will be conjunct Pluto, the Moon will be opposed Pluto, Venus retrograde will be trine Uranus, Mercury retrograde will be conjunct Saturn and square Uranus, and Saturn is square Uranus. With two personal planet retrograde going on, this isn't the time to focus on things outside of ourselves but it is the divine right time to do things for ourselves and our homes.
The Cancer Full Moon is a great time to:
1. Magically clean your house! - I know that many of us don't like to clean but I promise that (for me at least) working magic into the cleaning process has helped me to enjoy/keep up with mundane housekeeping. I've written a full post about magical housekeeping here, so I won't be redundant BUT it's a watery full moon on Moonday - this is the perfect divine timing to clean up the stagnant winter energy. 2. Work with lunar energies - I mean, every full moon, amiright?!? But the sign of Cancer is ruled by the moon so this stands doubly true for this moon. 3. Do some bath magic - a watery moon is a great time to do a bath spell. You could do a cleansing bath OR make and charge your own salt scrub or bath salts for future bath magic glory. 4. Divination - again, bring it that lunar energy. Whatever your cup o' tea divination is really will do. In fact, do some tasseomancy (tea leaf reader) to double down on the watery energy. 5. Dreamwork - Since Cancer is ruled by the moon, this is a great time to re-up your dream spells or make a dream spell for the first time. This could be a spell to get rid of nightmares, a spell for better sleep in general, or maybe a spell for lucid dreaming.
6. House Magic - Cancer is the ruler of the 4th house which is very focused on House & Home. This is a great time to do any brand of house magic that you prefer - make a simmer pot, do a protection spell for your space, feed your altars, consecrate a new house candle - the sky is the limit here.
7. Work with Emotions - This is pretty open-ended purposefully. You could do a spell to heal your broken heart. Or a spell to make you more open or less open to the emotions of others (as you need in your own life). The caveat here would be that Venus is retrograde so it is very ill-advised to do a spell to affect the emotions of others - focus on yourself during this time. I hope this was helpful - comment and let me know what type of magic you are doing for the Cancer full moon!
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l3xistentialism · 2 years ago
The moons ingress from Leo to Virgo feels like subdrop
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ariesprincesss · 3 months ago
Super Random Astro Observations :P
View more Astro Observations here🔽
Super Random Astro Observations Pt. II
Super Random Astro Observations Pt. III
Super Random Astro Observations Pt. IV
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(Disclaimer, I am not an astrologer just a silly girl that knows a ton of information on astrology🤓)
•When I had my first kiss, I had transit asteroid kiss (8267) conjuct my chart ruler & also my natal kiss conjuct transit moon & mercury.
•i feel like gemini placements are good at customer service jobs (not that they enjoy it) but just because it can be easy for you to switch the personality “on” when you need to communicate with others.
•when i had an event that happened to me that literally changed the course of my life through a mental (good) shift that led to me changing how i looked/wanted to look physically, i had pluto in the 1st house & also sun, vertex, & venus in the 8th house in my lunar return chart.
•as a someone with both capricorn moon & 4h pluto i have a hard time believing that these placements always indicate something bad. i’ve seen a lot of fear mongering regarding both, however for me it manifests as having a hardworking mother with a prominent job🤷🏾‍♀️
•i’ve had sooo many situationships with 7h moons & each one basically ended up bad LMAO but during they treated me perfectly??? #lovebombers. my 5h neptune can’t help but love u guys.😫
•context is SUPER important because i have mars in the 10th house BUT i also have saturn there too. because of that i currently don’t have the clearest image of a real career i want yet :/ this is why it’s def important to take single placement observations w a grain of salt!
•8h synastry where my sun and mercury was in his 8th house the intimacy…oh. my. god. like nothing i’ve ever experienced we never even fully had sex just making out but lord the eye contact ,the breathing…amazing and very intense .
•my name asteroid was in a partners 1st house in their lunar return chart conjuct sun & mercury when we met , had an instant connection & talked all day to night !!
•neptune, saturn, & north node in 7th house lunar return chart my dating life was HORRIBLE but from it i finally became aware of horrible patterns that i allowed in my dating life.
•transit moon conjuct natal 9h venus when i went on a tropical vacation to an island!!
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whitlovealways8 · 10 months ago
Astro Observations Part 2
Disclaimer: I am not a professional astrologer. However, I have been studying astrology and making accurate observations and predictions
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Pisces & Gemini risings tend to be very crafty or technically skilled. I think its their mercurial 4h and it being something passed down their family line.
9h placements can and often have a regular job, but they must be following their purpose too.
People with gemini & scorpio placements are good at analysing, researching and the occults. 3h & 8h.
5h synastry is childlike joy. Strong friendship vibes. This person speaks to your inner child.
Natal 5h saturn folks, if you do not have children yet and you haven't experienced your 1st Saturn Return yet...wait! Speaking from current experience with a toddler. Parenting feels soooo hard.
Cancer & Capricorn children really are ancestral children. They are meant to go further than others in their family.
Unevolved aries moon/sun people can fall inyo selfvictimization traps when not embodying their true power. I get it, itd exhausting being martian at times. But a balance has to be struck.
Mars in Taurus people are not meant for high intensity workout. Do yoga, somatic exercises and/or qigong.
Cancer placements love language is cooking. Taurus placements love language is eating lol nah Taurus people can be great cooks too.
Virgo moon people are impossible to please especially emotionally. They have a difficult time getting along with a spouse or in the dating world.
Scorpio risings with 8h placements should invest in talk therapy if they do not have good friends to talk to. They should still invest even if they do, because they will need professional guidance at times.
7h Mars or 7h Venus ruled folks attract a lot of envy. People will always try to control them or humble them. They need strong supporters in their corner.
12H placements also attract a lot of envy. Things they experience others may not believe. But they are lied on, spied on etc.
More astro notes to come :) Follow me on twitter @whitlovealways8 and on youtube @whitthamessenger
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northopalshore · 20 days ago
hey so i wanted to ask what could be an indication of blockage of like manifesting in like solar return? like being unmotivated?
Unmotivated indicators
in the transits, Solar & Lunar Return chart
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Note: this post applies to the transit & natal overlay, solar return and lunar return chart. Results may vary from each placement, but it is a general indicator that can be used with proper context (your personal chart) & discernment. It's not necessarily the defining key that will cause you to lack motivation, but they are possible signs to look at or be aware of.
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🕕 Pisces Stellium ( like the one we have transiting currently, being more tired or lazy. though the house it's in for your Lunar/solar return gives you more context into what's lacking motivation)
🕕 Mars in the 12th house (unmotivated, at peace, directionless)
🕕 Chiron in the 3rd or 6th house (delays, problems in your routine; especially in retrograde)
🕕 Neptune in the 3rd house (can indicate a lack of focus or just daydreaming away)
🕕 Stellium in the 12th house (not necessarily, but it can be somewhat of an added weight if you already felt like you were in a rut)
🕕 Sun in the 12th house ( but it also means choosing to lay low or remain hidden; pondering. If your natal sun is in a generally optimistic sign & degree, you tend to fare better even if it does feel "lonely")
🕕 Saturn in the 3rd, 5th, 6th & 12th (feeling restricted, boredom or a lack of purposeful movement)
🕕 Mercury in Pisces ( not being able to think straight or as productively as before; there's more stalling & indirect energy involved)
🕕 8th house Stellium (feeling drained or overly cautious/sensitive, you could be easier to trigger as a lot may be going on in your inner world)
🕕 Mars in retrograde
🕕 Lots of personal planets being in retrograde
🕕 Debilitated Mars ( Mars in Libra, Taurus, Cancer)
🕕 Mars/ Mercury square Jupiter/Neptune/Saturn
🕕 Uranus/Neptune in the 6th house (especially if you are usually a hard worker, suddenly you may feel tired or lazy)
🕕 Sun square Neptune ( a lot of doubting & second thoughts; this is literally the two of swords placement in my opinion)
🕕 Sun square Mars (frustrated at yourself/ your own intentions,having conflicting goals)
🕕 Sun square Saturn ( what you have to do isnt what you want to do)
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Hope this helps!
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uyuforu · 11 months ago
Is lunar return as important as solar return? What's the difference? Are the interpretations the same?
Thanks 🤎
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Astro Observations: Lunar Return Chart I
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Hii! That's a very good question! So Lunar Return Chart is pretty similar to Solar Return Chart, except that it is focused on the moon. While the Sun takes a year to come back, the Moon takes a month, so your Lunar Return Chart change every month. It will tell you how your month will go, what will most likely happen. I have never been through a lot of Lunar RC but I will try yo make an observation post now! I hope you will like it :)
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How to make a LRC?
✮⋆˙ Go on Astro.com
✮⋆˙ Free Horoscopes > Horoscope Drawings & Data > Extended Chart Selection
✮⋆˙ Chart Type: Scroll to "Lunar Return Chart"
✮⋆˙ Start Date: I suggest to start with 1st of the month and you'll see the date written when your LRC starts on your chart.
╰┈➤ For ex: For April, mine starts on April 12th 2024 and the next date if May 5th 2024 for my May LRC. So be careful about the dates!
✮⋆˙ Don't forget to add additional objects if you want to, and you are done!
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All pictures are from Pinterest.
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જ⁀➴ Solar Return Observations I
જ⁀➴ Solar Return Synastry I
જ⁀➴ Solar Return Synastry II
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ִ ࣪𖤐 Best tool to know about LRC.
ִ ࣪𖤐 Sun 1H will make you have focused on confidence this month. You could also be more bold and you could be more courageous. You could want to take actions on whenever house/ sign is complimentary to that placement. You could also move more and be more physical in general.
ִ ࣪𖤐 Sun 3H will make you have a month focused on expressing yourself. You could also commit to know more about yourself, discover yourself, and it could be a time of getting to know us better.
ִ ࣪𖤐 Sagittarius Rising/ 21° will makes you appear as pretty open minded this month! You could appear as curious, smart, immature too, but you could also appear as someone who knows a lot of things and who want to learn more.
ִ ࣪𖤐 Gemini Rising/ 27° is quite similar as Sagittarius Rising/ 21° but you could appear as gossipy or veryyyy talkative lol. People could think you speak non stop.
ִ ࣪𖤐 Moon will always be at the same sign as your Natal Moon and same degree also, so you should look mostly on which house it falls every month.
ִ ࣪𖤐 Moon 5H will make you feel quite creative this month. If you want children, you could want to be pregnant. You could also find yourself spending more time with children this month! You could be very sensitive to art in general but also you could be good at acting/ pretending your emotions. You could want to spend more time with friends, loved ones. You could be more flirty this month too. More romantic.
ִ ࣪𖤐 Mercury 3H means you will def speak this month about you, your thoughts, your feelings, you will share! It's a good time to go to therapy, to talk to a friend about you and what is deep inside of you. You will probably need to lash out. You could also spend a lot of time just talking, small talking, but actually speak with people will probably be a need this month. You could also be very into drama and gossips lol.
ִ ࣪𖤐 Venus 3H could mean you could do or have a love confession! You could speak a lot about your feelings this month, speak a lot about love and how you love people around you. But you could be overanalyzing or overthinking your feelings and your relationships with your loved ones this month too.
ִ ࣪𖤐 Chiron 3H could mean you will have hard time with communication this month, you could argue more with your friends, or people in general. This could be because of miscommunication or just misunderstanding people. You could also speak in a more mean way this month, and be more vulgar too.
ִ ࣪𖤐 Mars 12H could mean you are quite sensible this month and you could not have much motivation. You could be very lazy and it could also be a sign of depression.
ִ ࣪𖤐 Mars 2H could also be you being lazy but you could also be very money focused. You could not be quite that motivated.
ִ ࣪𖤐 Jupiter 5H means you will be lucky for sure this month and you'll probably be very creative too.
ִ ࣪𖤐 Jupiter conjunct Uranus 5H could mean a sudden idea on the creative side, or a sudden luck that you didn't expect.
ִ ࣪𖤐 Mars conjunct Saturn means you'll struggle to be motivated this month.
ִ ࣪𖤐 Saturn 2H could be that you'll very focused on your money and income situation, this can be stressful because you'll feel like you need to take responsibility for that.
ִ ࣪𖤐 Uranus 5H could be a sign of sudden ideas, sudden popularity, sudden love and flirt, romance could happen unexpectedly, but also fun moments.
ִ ࣪𖤐 Pluto 1H could be there is a big change about your physically. Perhaps you'll decide to lose weight or do more sport this month.
ִ ࣪𖤐 Sun 10H means you can focus a lot on your career, your reputation, how people see you but also you progress in your life. You could become just very hard working and you could be more busy during this month.
ִ ࣪𖤐 Moon 11H could be that you'll probably spend a lot of time online, you could also find some comfort online, talking to some online friends perhaps or just texting/ calling friends. It could also watch a show you love, or playing video games. Technologies and internet can bring you comfort. But being with friends, talking to friends or spending time with people with whom you feel good.
ִ ࣪𖤐 Mercury 9H could be that you can be focused about learning a new language, or learning things about a certain culture. You could also just be very focused on your studies, whatever you do. Even if you work, you could be very focused about learning new techniques or tools. You could also be more into spirituality than before.
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ִ ࣪𖤐 Leo/ 5°/ 17°/ 29° Rising will make you seen as very popular, someone people look at a lot, you could be seen as the main character. You could be very fashionable and you could dress up very well this month. Could be a sign to be a it-girl.
ִ ࣪𖤐 Libra/ 7°/ 19° Rising will make you be perceived as very beautiful, fashionable, good looking, you could be seen as someone who dress up well, do well your make up, take care of your appearance.
ִ ࣪𖤐 Sun conjunct Venus in 10H could mean you could become very popular and well liked by other people this month. You could have a lovely reputation. You could also get a good popularity at work.
ִ ࣪𖤐 Venus 10H will make you love your job! You could also love your reputation lol. This could be a sign of you feeling more well liked and you could really like the popularity you get.
ִ ࣪𖤐 Venus conjunct Uranus 10H means you can get an unexpected popularity at work, or recognition. You could not expect it, or this can be pretty sudden and unplanned. This could also happen online.
ִ ࣪𖤐 Sun conjunct Uranus 10H could represent sudden fame! It can also represent sudden rise up in your work, career, you could get a sudden recognition for something you do. A good popularity and rise up in your reputation.
ִ ࣪𖤐 Mars 9H could mean you'll have more motivation in studying this month. You could want to learn more and you'll have a lot of drive to do so. You could also be very motivated to expand your knowledge in general.
ִ ࣪𖤐 Mercury conjunct Mars 9H means you'll study a lot during this month. You could want to achieve a certain goal. You could also be talking a lot about your spiritual goals if you have some.
ִ ࣪𖤐 Jupiter 10H means you can get lucky in your job and career. You'll also be very luck in general because of your good reputation! This also means you'll probably get good opportunities at work.
ִ ࣪𖤐 Venus conjunct Jupiter 10H represents big opportunities that you probably always wanted to happen in your work. Opportunities that will make you love your job more.
ִ ࣪𖤐 Sun conjunct Jupiter 10H means your month will be very focused on your work and the opportunities you'll have. You'll be very focused on your career this month because you'll feel more lucky about it.
ִ ࣪𖤐 Jupiter conjunct Uranus 10H means unexpected opportunities and good fortune in the work field! Happy!
ִ ࣪𖤐 Uranus 10H means expect the unexpected in your career field! You could have some things happening suddenly in your work.
ִ ࣪𖤐 Saturn 8H could be a sign of feeling very overwhelmed, and depressed this month. You could have the feeling to go insane sometimes. Be aware of this, this is a sign to be careful with your thoughts. Your mental health will not be that great, so don't be afraid to ask for help.
ִ ࣪𖤐 Neptune 9H means some life lessons will probably confuse you and you can get hard times to learn those. But this could also mean you will probably be more spiritual this month!
ִ ࣪𖤐 Vertex 5H means something important could happen in your love life, fun life or creative life.
ִ ࣪𖤐 When your LRC Rising is the same as your SRC then this month will be very important in your life!
ִ ࣪𖤐 Pluto 6H means there could be a change in your health and how you eat, how you live your life. You could also try to work on your health, and mental health too.
ִ ࣪𖤐 Part of Fortune 1H could be a sign of a glow up. It could also be a sign of you being naturally lucky this month.
ִ ࣪𖤐 North Node 9H could mean you will learn some important life lessons this month.
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Thank you for reading!
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serpentface · 6 months ago
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This was going to be a panel of a little comic but I got too invested in drawing minute background details so, here.
#They are having an argument over 1) whether crops can be grown on the moons 2) what - if any - impact does this have on the feasibility#of an afterlife being located on the moons#Brakul is a partial convert to the Imperial Wardi faith but this mostly entails having adopted the seven faced God (and some#other elements of the belief system) into his worldview and participating in expected rites while retaining his central#ancestor veneration practices completely unchanged and mostly prioritized.#This doesn't actually cause much friction in of itself with the big exception being disagreements on the afterlife#Wardi practices surrounding death prioritize proper handling of the corpse and funerary rites in order to get the dead where they#need to be- death is a fraught transition from one state to another. analogous to birth. The role of the living is to get the dead through#this transition (preventing them from being stuck earthbound as earthbound ghosts - which is the Bad afterlife). Once the dead#make it to the moons that's it. They don't really interact with the living. There's plenty of conceptualization of what it's Like#in the lunar lands but the cultural priority is not even slightly on the Logistics of existence there.#Whereas the CORE of religious practice among the Hill Tribes is ancestor veneration - ancestors remain interactive with the living#and require/desire their continual support. They are conceptualized as having earthlike 'lives' where they eat and drink#and grow crops and herd livestock and they need the support of the living (in prayers and offerings) to do so prosperously.#There is a HIGH cultural priority on the logistics of their afterlife and it's self-apparent that the world of the dead needs fertile earth#to support them.#So like bottom line Brakul thinks there's no goddamn way that the moons could support an afterlife (they are described as#barren rock that was flung into the sky during creation and certainly Look that way)#and that the Wardi are just wrong about their afterlife's location. They probably go to the celestial fields (which are located#behind the moons and stars) like everyone else#And Janeys finds this aggravating and doesn't see his fucking point but has developed a nagging concern that Brakul Could be#partly right in that the celestial fields could Maybe exist in addition to the lunar lands.#So like maybe they aren't going to go to the same place when they die?#He's already terrified that he'll be stuck as an earthbound ghost and really doesn't want to be even further separated so#he figures he should make sure he gets himself dead and cremated at the same time as Brakul so they can navigate the#transitional period together.#Brakul is unconcerned because he figures that if Janeys actually does get stuck on those barren ass moons he can just kinda#Go Get Him#Ancestor spirits fly to the earth all the time and the moons would be a much shorter distance. Probably wouldn't be an issue.#Long story short these disagreements and underlying anxieties result in fights over whether you can grow corn on the moons or nah
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zytes · 6 months ago
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9.16.24 / 9.17.24 - september supermoon
#last img is a composite btw. wanted moon clarity AND noise blowout; had to get clever to have both#‘she’s was so big and bright last night!’ - my mom#did you know the moon completes its orbit around earth in 27.3 days? it also completes a spin along it’s axis every 27.3 days#so we always see the same side of moon locally; but it depends on where you’re at on earth#the lunar cycle completes every 29.5 days - as opposed to the 27.3 it takes to complete its own orbit;#that’s a difference of 2.2 days!#something something pythagorean comma#like the leap year! a sidereal year is 365.25 days; every four cycles we gain a ‘semitone’ - an extra day#in musical scale: if you complete a circle of fifths using just intervals of perfect fifths; you’ll gain a quarter of a semitone#the interval leading from an old octave into a new one. like a step forward; a comma which denotes transition#so not a ‘circle’ but a spiral/fractal#in western music we flatten each fifth by a 12th of a pythagorean comma to give us our seven ‘perfect octaves’#also called ‘equal temperament’#this flattens each fifth by ~2 cents to eliminate the perceived discordance cause by the slight bump in tone#I’m not saying there’s a metaphysical connection between the chromatic scale and lunar activity#but#it’s neat when you notice that our moon (and other celestial neighbors) move with a sense of musicality#even if that is a modal sense of musicality and not a tonal sense#raw planet sounds be like: BWAAAAAAAEEERRREEEEGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH. or at least the signals they blast out into space sound like that#my art#aesthetic#art#artwork#webcore#internetcore#glitchcore#abstract#artists on tumblr#photography#moon
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guided-by-the-skies · 4 months ago
Moon Into Libra 🍇
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🍇 Waning crescent moon makes our connections with the subconscious more accessible
🍇 Weak square to venus in Saturn suggests problems may arise with debts, reaping of reward, and material favour of authority
🍇 a balanced mindset can allow you to weigh up emotional priorities
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🍇 A good time for dealing with things that are troubling you regards the 9th house (moon is in 9th house UT)
🍇 ruler of libra is neither exhalted nor in detriment. make use of this netral energy to figure out those knotty 9th house problems
🍇 figures who may become important at this time: older male family members, your boss, companies and organisations, male spiritual guides and mentors, people in finance, debtors and creditors
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delicatevenus · 5 months ago
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With her Moon at the exact degree of this New Moon, I felt that it was beautiful timing to honor Brittany Murphy as my muse for this lunation. Brittany’s roles often captured Scorpio’s raw and unfiltered emotional layers. She brought an unguarded honesty to her characters, portraying lives marked by struggle, resilience, and passion. Her ability to reveal the complexities of human emotion made her performances unforgettable, embodying Scorpio’s willingness to dive into the heart of life’s most intense experiences without hesitation. Brittany’s spirit continues to mirror the powerful and luminous energy that is shared by this New Moon.
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𖦆 Wisdom rests in the places I’ve been wounded
𖦆 I bloom through layers unseen
𖦆 I emerge, whole and powerful
𖦆 The pull of deep waters draws me closer to my core
𖦆 My heart opens wide to the storms I once avoided
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seafoamreadings · 15 days ago
full moon lunar eclipse at 24 virgo
eclipses are inherently volatile and with mercury stationing retrograde right around the same time this is not meant to be a comfortable period, so hang in there. care for your body and feelings above all else. others around you less well-advised and prepared will not be doing so, so try to be patient with them as we all navigate this highly unstable time. while you hopefully have *people* around you you can trust, do not be overly trusting of incoming facts/data/information. do not try to be perfect, about anything. some of it may be true and some of it may turn out perfect! but you won't know until the dust settles, so don't count on it yet.
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mamamoon92 · 1 year ago
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calmwaterstarot · 1 year ago
What can we expect from 2024 dear!?? 😌
2024 has a lot going on; there are so many astrological transits happening that have a huge impact on all of us.
January 1, 2024: Mercury went direct after being in retrograde for several weeks. This means communication gets better, legal documents can be signed without issues, and anything related to speech is cleared up.
January 20 - September 1, 2024: Pluto enters Aquarius. This is going to be a wild ride. The last time Pluto was in Aquarius was around the late 1700's, and during that time, the world underwent MASSIVE change. Both the American and French Revolutions occurred, coups happened with governments, royalty was dethroned, battles and wars were fought, the first wave of feminism began, etc. There's so much more than this. You should see the list. I'll include it here--start around 1777 and go through 1798. Pluto represents death, rebirth, and transformation, while Aquarius represents humanity and technology. When you pair these two, you're looking at major transformation socially, politically, economically, and technologically. There's a brief retrograde into Capricorn for one last time during our lifetime, and then Pluto will return to Aquarius for another 20 years. It's interesting to note that the rise and fall of empires throughout history is around 250 years. The cycle for Pluto is 245 years. Coincidence? I think not.
February 16, 2024: A stellium in Aquarius. A stellium occurs when three or more planets are in the same house/sign in an astrological chart. This Aquarius stellium will feature Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Pluto. The last time this occurred was in February, 1962, and was commonly referred to as the "Age of Aquarius." This time period brought about major changes in the fields of technology, science, and aerospace. I'm afraid that during this time, though, there will be a strong focus on AI and its advancement. Pay attention to headlines regarding an upgrade in technology.
March 25, 2024: Lunar eclipse in Libra. Major historical events typically coincide with lunar eclipses, and since this one will be in Libra, I foresee society wishing for balance, harmony, peace, and justice. I believe this will be a time that humanity will call for us to take a deeper look at how we can end strife and get along with each other. Be ready for major calls for wars and upheaval to end (even though it's happening now, this will be on a much larger scale with this eclipse).
April 8, 2024: Solar eclipse in Aries. On the flip side of the lunar eclipse, we have the solar eclipse in Aries. This will be a time where we start anew and are ready to charge down a new path. Mars' energy represents war, destruction, violence, revenge, but also strength. This particular eclipse is warning us about war and destruction on a collective level because it'll be conjunct the North Node (the direction we're all going). I believe we're headed into a total collapse and rebirth when we add in the Pluto in Aquarius energy, but it's something that needs to happen for us to evolve as a civilization.
May 25, 2024: Jupiter in Gemini, which is actually in detriment. This means the energy is weaker in this sign for the planet. Expect changes in telecommunications (voice, data, and video) and social media, since Gemini is ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication.
June 2, 2024: Neptune is anaretic. Anaretic means that a planet has entered the 29th degree, which holds a sense of finality because this planet has transited all 30 degrees (starting at 0). It's ready to move on and cut ties. What does this mean for Neptune? Well, the planet of illusions will lift its veil and a lot of what we've held onto in our beliefs will die out. Some people will still try to hold on (sunk-cost fallacy) because they're stubborn, but the majority of people will release, mourn, and deal with the fallout that's going to be super messy. Imagine the feeling of being betrayed by someone you love. That's what Neptune lifting it's veil is going to feel like for most. Again, collectively, we NEED this energy for healing and spiritual growth.
July 21, 2024: Full Moon in Capricorn. Most of the time, nothing major happens on full moons, but this one is interesting because it falls on an anaretic degree, just like Neptune. Capricorn represents structure, discipline, rigidity, and order (its ruler is Saturn), so we're going to see some upheaval in regards to these issues. The old way of doing things will no longer serve the same purpose. This is the equivalent of saying, "Out with the old, in with the new."
August 5, 2024 – August 28, 2024: Mercury Retrograde in Virgo and Leo. With Mercury rx in Virgo, this might be a time where you lose or misplace documents, feel irritated, have constant miscommunication, or face scrutiny from the general public. Remember to write down important deadlines and keep everything organized so you don't lose anything. With Mercury rx in Leo, I'm fully expecting some celebrity scandals during this time. Otherwise, it'll be a time of thinking about trying something new or wanting to get out and do something fun.
September 17, 2024: Lunar Eclipse in Pisces. This will happen in the 25th degree (an Aries degree), so anyone with heavy Pisces placements will have creative breakthroughs during this time. We'll see a rise in great music, art, poetry and literature, as well as film and visual arts. This time period might feel very dreamy and whimsical on the art scene.
October 2, 2024: Solar Eclipse in Libra. We had the lunar eclipse in Libra in March, so now, the solar eclipse will bring justice and balance. Anyone with Libra placements in early degrees will feel the need to purge what's not working. Even though most Librans are peaceful, this will be a time of upheaval. Expect people to help the oppressed even more (seeking justice) in a world that needs to be more fair and balanced (Libra energy).
November 19, 2024: Pluto goes direct in Aquarius for twenty years, until March 8, 2043. Buckle up! It's going to be a bumpy-but-necessary ride.
November 25, 2024 – December 15, 2024: Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius. We all know what happens during Mercury rx, but what happens when it's in Sagittarius? Sagittarius represents higher education and learning, all things foreign and travel-related, religion, and spirituality. Expect religious or spiritual leaders, as well as educational leaders at universities, to have private documents leaked, misinformation stemming from foreign countries and media, as well as travel issues (delays, being rerouted, lots of crowds, etc.). This will not be a good time to travel.
December 6, 2024 – February 24, 2025: Mars Retrograde in Cancer and Leo. This is going to be...interesting. Mars hates being in Cancer; it's in detriment. Why? Cancer represents empathy and compassion, while Mars represents a more masculine energy that strives towards war, violence, and destruction. Cancer wants to provide a resolution to all of the conflict occurring, while Mars isn't having it. Expect masculine energies, especially men, to be more irritated and aggressive during this time. This duo can bring about discussion regarding balancing masculine and feminine energy, which we all have. Because Cancer is represented by the Moon, or the "mother" in astrology, expect some discussions about fertility and reproduction, birth rates (especially the low birth rates of some countries), marriage (or lack thereof), and any social dynamics with males and females. These discussions will carry over into 2025.
2024 is going to be a year that'll go down in history, that's for sure. One silver lining in all of this is that Venus does NOT retrograde this year, so we might see or hear about fewer breakups, and we might see or hear about more people entering into relationships and staying together.
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