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aquaburns · 6 years ago
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I figure today needs to be empowering women day. . Wearing Flower Power Yoga leggings. . Use Code LEGGINGS25 For 25% Off until Friday. Free shipping too... . And you will be in the draw for my Ladies Night Giveaway. . Thanks to @jensyogajourney 💜💙❤️ Day 4 of #LoveYourBodyNoMatterWhatYourBattle . . Why are mammograms important? Annual mammograms can detect cancer early - when it is most treatable. In fact, mammograms show changes in the breast up to two years before a patient or physician can feel them. Mammograms can also prevent the need for extensive treatment for advanced cancers and improve chances of breast conservation. (ACR and SBI) Sponsors: @liforme @faithfoxdesigns @will2wow_jewelry @sashka_co #yogachallenge #yogaeverydamnday #yogaforacause #breastcancer #yogafit #breastcancerawarenessmonth#breastcancerawareness #igyogafamily #igyoga #kickcancersbutt #beatcancer #breastcancerwarriors #photooftheday #yogadaily #perfectasitis #beYOU #jensyogajourney #asmalltownyogagirl #yogapractice #inspiredyogi #practiceandalliscoming #inspiration #dontgiveup #feetup #feeuptrainer #aquaburns #bakasana #armbalance https://www.instagram.com/p/Boq0NUOhzsG/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1kru4qfcnbmuo
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eulanda-blog · 6 years ago
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Good morning World About a perfect body... #loveyourbody #loveyourself #fitness #love #vegan #loveyourbodyloveeverybody #plantbased #followme #loveyourbody321 #healthyfood #sarvaasuperfood #healthylifestyle #loveyourbodynow #loveyourbodynomatterwhatyourbattle #eatclean #nutrition #superfoods #loveyourbodytowellness #health #chocolate #superfood #organic #loveyourbodyloveyourlife #loveyourbodyday #loveyourbodyagain #following #loveyourbodyloveyourself #loveyourbodyfirst #loveyourbodyhiit #follow (at England) https://www.instagram.com/p/BogRWILABXB/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=py65vb3gchdj
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thefeliciastarks · 5 years ago
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You is kind. You is smart. You is important. - . . 👉🏾Don't gain Nomo weight... (unless you're intentionally gaining muscle)😁 . This message is coming from the most loving place. . . You're loved, you're valuable & you're so important, so love yourself enough to make your mind, body(health) and soul top priorities daily. You can help your family THE BEST when you put self care 1st...you're able to give 100%! . Your partner, spouse, kids, family and God are counting on you for SO many things...plus in order to fulfill your purpose/destiny....and it's a lot easier to do when your mind is clear & your health is great! Your health is your wealth. . . #mindbodyfitness #nutritioniskey #fitspo #fitfam #fitmom #momswholift #busyfitmoms #busyworkingfitmom #fatlosshacks #onlinenutritionspecialist #mentallyfitmoms #mentalhealthmatters💚 #busyfitmoms #busyworkingfitmom #fatlosshacks #weightlosshelp #weightlosstips #loveyourbodynomatterwhatyourbattle #lookgoodstarknaked #lookbetterstarknaked #lookbetternaked #womeninfitnessrock #fitnesswomenrock https://www.instagram.com/p/B4Z9rZVjDKi/?igshid=1fs1kx90utevh
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urbanizedbeauty · 5 years ago
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Posted with ❤️ • @sphinxwgr THANK YOU to Urbanized Beauty and Balance Your Leaf, sponsors of Pretzel Twister Yoga and Prep Your Poses2. These were mid-summer challenges for which I was one of the grateful winners. My deep apologies for being late to share a thank you post. I had to clear stuff off my to-do list and carve time to try out the lovely items shown. Also frankly, a thank you photo had to coincide with it not being so hot, so I could fuss with my hair and makeup to look decent before humidity botched the look. Yes, I'm a procrastinator and vain, but come through with promises! Among my other faults is that I easily daydream and lose track of time (not while driving, just saying). This cube timer is great! Turn it over to the preset time, and you're set for steeping tea, hair color, a nap, whatever. Thank you, Balance Your Leaf! The moisturizing lotion bar from Urbanized Beauty has cocoa, shea butter, and coconut oil. It's super soft and hydrating. It contains the natural, simple ingredients I prefer for facial skin care. Urbanized Beauty is highly mindful and eco with their offerings and business practices. Thank you, Urbanized Beauty! These sponsors also are very nice people. They're small entrepreneurs being super nice to sponsor Insta yoga challenges. Thanks again to the sponsors, hosts, and participants -- looking forward to playing with my prizes! In Oct, I'm wearing pink to support breast (and ovarian) cancer awareness, #loveyourbodynomatterwhatyourbattle. My awesome leopard leggings are by @kiragraceyoga, a favorite yoga clothing line that's woman-owned. I'm in front of pink roses. . 🙏😀⏰😘🐆🎀💕💕💕 . #pretzeltwisteryoga Hosts: @mrs_khaleesi_gaither, @jennyg2bfit, @renny_sito, @hfm_yogaholic . Sponsors: @zenpolitan, @thesamadhiinitiative, @ajnawellbeing, @urbanizedbeauty, @ahmworld . #prepyourposes2 Hosts: @busybee.yogi, @theopen.yogi, @wimanuco, @omwithmelissa, @ehatss_fit . Sponsors: @urbanizedbeauty, @ape.movement, @naturesblingoregon, @sloganfit, @mamakuka, @balanceyourleaf, @toesox, @vayumudra, @bhogabalance . #sphinxyoga #purelightyoga #highpointyoga #ncyoga #yoganc #summeryoga #summeryogachallenge #instayogachal https://www.instagram.com/p/B3aCAJfjft_/?igshid=1d9pck1q2wavs
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secretofhealth · 6 years ago
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You all believe,love yourself and make it🤩😇 ......... If you 💞love my posts...keep supporting me...... . . . . . . . follow👇 up guyss......for more posts like thisss . . . . . need support from you all🤝 #healthforlife #lifestyle #fit#loveyourbodynomatterwhatyourbattle #calm #relax #breathe #meditateeveryday #nourish#healthyfoodsharing https://www.instagram.com/p/B1yoCAqg1I6/?igshid=1be5tey7lyhim
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prsquires · 6 years ago
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Give yourself permission to let go and fly...#fly #loveyourbody #justfacts #loveyourbodynomatterwhatyourbattle #dobattle #faceyourbattle #mindfulness#betruetoyou#spiritualgrowth#bestversionofyou #higherground #femaleentrepreneurs #ladyboss #strength #manifestbeauty #beautywithin #bethebossofyou #workingmothers #handcrafted #personalstyle #workingmoms #beautifullife#bossofme #enddomesticviolence #strongwomen #takeyourpowerback #turnyourpainintopower. #publicspeaking #love. #peace. #truth. #wisdom #letstalk #publicspeaker #healing #millionairemindset #healthyrelationshipd #imheretohelpyouheal # relationships #womenshealth #youareenough #chictribe #bebrave #iamworthy #nomoreviolence #beinlove #getintherace #championshipmindset #winning #workit #loveyourbody #abusenomore # emotionalabuse #focusinthepositive #youcanheal #givetourselfspace #youdeservehappiness #healfromabuse #youcanbefree #youmatter #trauma #survivor #wolfinsheepsclothing #takebackyourpower #redflags #cycleofabuseisreal #findyourself #heartbroken #youwillheal #lettinggo #besafe #selfworth #recovery #loveyou #youareworthit #gaslighting #boundries #healthyboundries #healingfromabuse #emotionalabuse #rape #bossofme #iamthebossofme #hiddenabuse #shame #noshamingthevictim #PTSD #breakthesilence#walkalone #manifestyourvision #bebrave (at Sewickley, Pennsylvania) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxklStpA0-p/?igshid=11lf30gzwufib
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krisxtine216-blog1-blog · 7 years ago
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Got tagged by my sweet @activefityoga for #loveyourbodynomatterwhatyourbattle, thanks for the tag my love! Most definitely had to participate in this tag cause it's so close to my heart. It's October which is #breastcancerawareness month. My mom was diagnosed with breast cancer a few years ago and luckily they were able to catch it early enough. This was the single most terrifying and eye opening moments of my life. Early detection is soo soo soooo important. My love goes out to anyone battling or knows or has lost a loved one from breast cancer or any kind of cancer and survivors 💖🎀 This ones for you mom 🤗�� Love you more than you know! Sending this tag to my beauties @treasa007 and @yogiregina! Hope you babes can join when you can 💖 #fuckcancer #breastcancerawarenessmonth #yoga #yogi #yogaeverydamnday #namaste #workout #fit #fitspo #fitness #motivation #travel #explore #adventure #wanderlust (at Highline179)
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mizpz-aerialyogadance · 7 years ago
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Tomorrow is Day 3️⃣ Of #YogaSchool101 and we’re working on #warrior2 or #virabhadrasana ll. 💕Please wear pink to support Breast Cancer Awareness Month and #loveyourbodynomatterwhatyourbattle challenge! Join in at anytime and tag your photos so we see a ‘Page of Pink’. 💕 . . Try to tag three people to spread the awareness Breast Cancer needs to eliminate for good! Would @myshydragonfly_yoga @nico.nicnac and @noudacris like to join me? . . Teachers 👩‍🎓 @omniyogagirl @cececarson @helen_garner_yoga . . Sponsors 🙏🏼 @thebeadchick @infinitystrap @studiopixels @yoga_everywear . . . ________________________________________ #yogaphotography #yogisofinstagram #instayoga #igyoga #yogi #yoga #yogini #yogagirl #yogalife #yogalove #yogachallenge #yogapose #yogaeveryday #yogateacher #yogaeverydamnday #yogaeverywhere #yogainspiration #strongwomen #fitgirl #fitfam #fitspo #fitness #fitnessmodel #fitnessmotivation #sixpack #girlswithmuscle (at Chicago, Illinois)
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spangherj · 7 years ago
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En países occidentales 1 de cada 37 mujeres morirá de cáncer de mama. La prevención es la mejor manera de combatirlo: ❤️ Hacete una mamografía por año ❤️ Hacete el auto examen de mama todos los meses ❤️ Adopta una dieta alcalina y libre de lácteos Una dieta libre de lácteos reduce las posibilidades de contraer cáncer de mama y hasta ayuda a reducir los tumores. La Prof. Jane Plant expone los argumentos científicos en su libro Your life in your hands. La salud es más importante que los hábitos alimenticios. Ojala lo hubiese sabido a tiempo para ayudar a mi madre. Aunque sea una verdad incómoda y muchas personas piensen que soy una ridícula, voy a seguir esparciendo el mensaje. Una dieta vegana te puede salvar la vida. 🎀🎀🎀🎀🎀🎀🎀🎀🎀🎀🎀🎀🎀 Unite a  #LoveYourBodyNoMatterWhatYourBattle para acompañar a @yogini_444 sobreviviente del cáncer de mama, y promover la conciencia sobre el cáncer de mama. Las asanas son elección de cada yogi. Usar el rosa en la foto. 🎀🎀🎀🎀🎀🎀🎀🎀🎀🎀🎀🎀🎀 Invita a 3 amigos para difundir el mensaje Gracias @daniielaa_sk por la invitación a este hermoso desafío.  🎀🎀🎀🎀🎀🎀🎀🎀🎀🎀🎀🎀🎀 #breastcancerawarness #cancersucks#practiceandalliscoming #yogafitness #yogafit#yogafamily #fitnessjourney #yogatribe #yogatherapy#yoga4growth #yogabody #bodypositive#yogaphotography #yogastrong #workoutmode#strongisthenewskinny #yogaart #yogarevolution#yogaanywhere #yogastudent #happythoughts #strongisbeautiful #strongandfit #govegan #dairyfree #vegan #veganforanimals #veganforhealth (en Lloret de Mar)
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aquaburns · 6 years ago
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They look so green. It’s amazing what a bit of sunshine can do to color. . Wearing A Sea Green yoga leggings. . Thanks to @nkg22 💚💚💚 *I am enough. I am at peace. I am stronger than I think.* Your words influence your thoughts, which influence your attitude. Tell yourself good things today. Wearing #aquaburns @aquaburns leggings and @faithfoxdesigns #loveyourbodynomatterwhatyourbattle #breastcancerawareness #affirmation #bekindtoyourself #grounded #centered #atpeace #breathethroughthefear #exhalerelease #exhalefear #inhalepeace #youarestrongerthanyouthink #loveyourself #jamaicanyogis #yogainjamaica #blackwomendoyoga #melaninandyoga #blackgirlyoga #thisisyoga #bestillandknow #yourbreathislife #gratitude #stronginfaith #positiveaffirmations #nyashastrong #nyashasyogajourney #trustyourprocess #bloomwhereyouareplanted https://www.instagram.com/p/BpAfP45FQ-h/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=4rubk7jhh9y6
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eulanda-blog · 6 years ago
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Good morning "Your relationship with yourself sets the tone for every other relationship you have.” #loveyourbody #loveyourself #fitness #love #cold #loveyourbodyloveeverybody #plantbased #followme #loveyourbody321 #healthyfood #sarvaasuperfood #healthylifestyle #loveyourbodynow #loveyourbodynomatterwhatyourbattle #eatclean #nutrition #superfoods #loveyourbodytowellness #health #snow #superfood #organic #loveyourbodyloveyourlife #loveyourbodyday #loveyourbodyagain #following #loveyourbodyloveyourself #loveyourbodyfirst #loveyourbodyhiit #follow (at England) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtdJiotFb-a/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1fwiby4m2zhhr
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sunitha-yogini-blog · 7 years ago
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I almost didn’t post this because my thighs look huge. But then, it occured to me that I’m pretty darn healthy. So why bother about the exterior? . Learn to love yourself unconditionally, and you’ll find loving others unconditionally becomes almost effortless . Happy Tuesday IGers ❤️ . . . . . #roosterpose #loveandalliscoming #loveunconditionally #ashtangaprimaryseries #ashtangiwannabe #yogaarmbalance #armbalance #ashtangayoga #ashtanga #loveyourbodynomatterwhatyourbattle #yogaeveryblessedday #yogajournal #yogajourney #ashtangajourney #yogalove #liveyouryoga #gratefulyogi #yogagirl #yogabody #loveyourbody #loveyourself #practiceahimsa #practiceandalliscoming #sgyoga #yogisofig #igyogacommunity #igyoga
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michellerosado · 7 years ago
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For Day 3 of the #LoveYourBodyNoMatterWhatYourBattle #yogachallenge I offer a variant of Utkatasana or Chair Pose in my #tiptoes. Someone once told me that if I ever feel doubt, look up, but still stand your ground. Yes! ☺️🙏🏻🕉🎀💚🍁 @yogini_444 . . . . #vegansofig #yogaeverydamnday #yogaforacause #utkatasana #igyogachallenge #breastcancerawarenessmonth #breastcancer #yogafit #breastcancerawareness #igyogafamily #igyoga #kickcancersbutt #beatcancer #breastcancerwarriors #yogachallenge #cancersucks #yogalove #chairpose #vegan #vegangirl #yogaheals #whatveganslooklike #vegansofnyc #yogaforeveryone #october
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prsquires · 6 years ago
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I DID IT! My first 5K in 25 years. I used to run 10Ks, half marathons but my Crohn’s knocked me outta the game. Baby, I’m back, one step at a time....#soproudofme #5krun #lovetorun❤️ #loveyourbodynomatterwhatyourbattle @womenscenterandshelterofgreaterpittsburgh @trentshelton #excercise #mindfulness#betruetoyou#spiritualgrowth#bestversionofyou #higherground #femaleentrepreneurs #ladyboss #strength #manifestbeauty #beautywithin #bethebossofyou #workingmothers #handcrafted #personalstyle #workingmoms #beautifullife#bossofme #enddomesticviolence #strongwomen #takeyourpowerback #turnyourpainintopower. #publicspeaking #love. #peace. #truth. #wisdom #letstalk #publicspeaker #healing #millionairemindset #healthyrelationshipd #imheretohelpyouheal # relationships #womenshealth #youareenough #chictribe #bebrave #iamworthy #nomoreviolence #beinlove #getintherace #championshipmindset #winning #workit #loveyourbody #abusenomore # emotionalabuse #focusinthepositive #youcanheal #givetourselfspace #youdeservehappiness #healfromabuse #youcanbefree #youmatter #trauma #survivor #wolfinsheepsclothing #takebackyourpower #redflags #cycleofabuseisreal #findyourself #heartbroken #youwillheal #lettinggo #besafe #selfworth #recovery #loveyou #youareworthit #gaslighting #boundries #healthyboundries #healingfromabuse #emotionalabuse #rape #bossofme #iamthebossofme #hiddenabuse #shame #noshamingthevictim #PTSD #breakthesilence (at Sewickley, Pennsylvania) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxVE3UyAcMA/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=d00moid211hh
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mizpz-aerialyogadance · 7 years ago
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Tomorrow is Day 2️⃣ Of #YogaSchool101 and we’re working on #trianglepose or #trikonasana. 💕This also my pose for @david.bruce.usa to support Breast Cancer Awareness Month and #loveyourbodynomatterwhatyourbattle challenge! Join in at anytime and tag your photos so we see a ‘Page of Pink’. 💕 . . Try to tag three people to spread the awareness Breast Cancer needs to eliminate for good! For those that actually read this, my son is doing his part as a biology major in College, and worked in a cancer research lab last summer 🤓 . . Teachers 👩‍🎓 @omniyogagirl @cececarson @helen_garner_yoga . . Sponsors 🙏🏼 @thebeadchick @infinitystrap @studiopixels @yoga_everywear . . . ________________________________________ #yogaphotography #yogisofinstagram #instayoga #igyoga #yogi #yoga #yogini #yogagirl #yogalife #yogalove #yogachallenge #yogapose #yogaeveryday #yogateacher #yogaeverydamnday #yogaeverywhere #yogainspiration #strongwomen #fitgirl #fitfam #fitspo #fitness #fitnessmodel #fitnessmotivation #sixpack #girlswithmuscle (at Chicago, Illinois)
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aquaburns · 6 years ago
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Don’t forget it’s still Breast cancer awareness month. That means check and or go and get checked. . Not all countries have free screening like Australia. But free regular screening is saving lives. . Wearing Blue Royale yoga leggings. . Thanks to @pupkar 💙💙💙 Pinking it up for Day 16 of #LoveYourBodyNoMatterWhatYourBattle Oct 1-31. Join in for a day, a week, here & there or the entire month of October. Breast cancer awareness is so important.🙏💓💕💟💝💖🎀 Sponsors are @liforme @faithfoxdesigns @will2wow_jewelry @sashka_co  with more to come!  @yogisoli @landcdoyoga @yogi_john please spread awareness!🙏💕 #yoga #fuckcancer #yogapose #yogic #yogaeverydamnday #chinstand #aquaburns #yogafashionista #danasyogajourney https://www.instagram.com/p/BpA2ImBlYQV/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1v5gyskz3sy60
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