#louis de pointe du lac headcanons
pjobroadwayslut14 · 1 month
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guys HELP my dad has discovered next level headcanons he was listening to my chemical romance and decided that louis and lestat fucking LOVE mcr and play it all the time, while armand HATES mcr but is too afraid to say. which according to father dearest is the reason he got with daniel, so he can finally get out his bruce springsteen records again. i want you all to know that he told me this in an extremely matter of fact voice. the tumblr genes are so strong.
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once-delight · 2 months
Daniel: So this "Farm" thing, what is it really? A setup like in Blade 3 with humans in body bags, waiting to get drained?
Louis: Daniel!
Armand: The Farm is an elite school for underprivileged youth we run. They recieve a full scholarship to higher education too, and all they have to do is donate blood for 'medical research' once a month.
Louis: Seriously, Daniel, how could you ever think something so sinister?
Armand: What do you take us for, monsters?!
Daniel Molloy:
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fanfictionroxs · 3 months
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Grace always accepted Louis's vampire/queer nature. People forget she was really nice to Lestat & Jonah to the point that Jonah visits her after years and they have food together. She wanted to meet Lestat, teased Louis about his 'french white'. Grace tells Louis he's a 'better you' after she sees his vampire eyes. Calls them beautiful like church windows. Gives him chances upon chances. But she also lost a brother, her happy day ruined and then her older brother leaves her too. Decades of being rebuffed, her children being ignored. Having her financial situation thrown in her face at her mother's funeral by her older brother who THREATENS her. Like I love Louis, but when it comes to Grace, he ruined their relationship all by himself with a little help from Lestat. Dismissed his own sibling as 'human entanglements'. At the end, Grace only has resigned acceptance and still she leaves him with a kiss on the cheek. If I was his little sister, that damn tomb would NOT have been empty!
PS If you identify as Louis De Pointe Du Lac's little sister, you might be entitled to compensation for being abandoned lmao Grace and Claudia need to start a club. But also, do you all think Claudia better understood Grace's anger during Florence's funeral after realising that she would never be Louis's choice?
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annahamiltonsstuff · 2 months
You can tell me whatever you want, but Lestat is the King of voice messages. And he sends them all to Louis. Not that he has to say that much, but 6 minutes is a must.
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monathedefiant · 2 months
Hey, hope I’m not overstepping (if so, please ignore me), but do you wanna share some of your thoughts about Louis’ hand kink?
idk i've always just gotten this feeling that louis has a thing for lestat's hands?? his brain always seems to short circuit just a little bit more when lestat touches him. notable examples:
when he put his hand around louis' throat during their first hookup
them gently touching pinkies at the opera (bar none the gayest sentence i've ever typed lol)
louis watching raptly while lestat took notes at that same opera
lestat caressing louis' face before turning him and the way louis subconsciously dips his head toward it
louis infamously sucking lestat's thumb
that boy is horny for them hands and it's giving me all these fanfic ideas😈
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terraae · 13 days
louis de pointe du lac has seen all seasons of the golden girls
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desertfangs · 3 months
Just thinking about Armand and Daniel deciding to go to NYC Pride while staying at Trinity Gate, since they went together in the late 70s and the queer community in NYC always feels a little like home to them.
They convince Lestat to go by handing him a tube of body glitter. Armand cojoles a reluctant Louis to join them, but once there, Louis enjoys being out in the crowd. It reminds him of Pride back in San Francisco in the early 70s, the first time he ever saw such a celebration, and he's enamored with the idea of queer people being so out and proud.
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armandsfangs · 15 days
Wonder if type A blood is the least favorite amongst the vamps. Mosquitos tend to not be that attracted to it as much, so perhaps having that type offers a bit of protection against the supernatural.
Wow I didn't know that about mosquitos
Love the idea of some of kind of supernatural protection in the blood! But also part of me thinks it'd be hilarious if it's protection in the same way that chili peppers produce capsaicin to protect themselves from being eaten but end up appealing to those of us who enjoy spice 😆
Imagine the part of the reason Louis decided to do the interview instead of draining Daniel was because he took a sniff and went "nah that's too high on the scoville scale for me"
But Armand is the kind of vampire that's like bring on the ghost peppers so when he drinks from Daniel, he sighs contentedly, "Mm, spicy" while Daniel is woozy from blood loss and wondering for the first time if he should consider getting clean from drugs if his blood is somehow spicy
Lestat looks like he thinks mustard is spicy but I'd like to imagine he's got a taste for that tingly blood protection too, only at jalapeño level because "Some of us like to enjoy the taste of our food without our tongues going numb unlike le petit gremlin"
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Ash I’ve been bitten by the Louis!Simp bug, I need your headcanons about his romantic side please and thank you 🥹 (with specific partners or in general or both, dealers choice!!!)
JESS!!!!!! hello. in all forms but physical i am squeezing your shoulders and kissing your cheeks. welcome to the louis!simp club i am so glad you're here
anyway YEAH i think in terms of fanon, folks tend to underestimate Louis' interest/capacity for romance because he always has a bad time whenever anyone tries to show him a Grand Romantic Gesture but i just adhgdskfbhsjbfvdjhbf I think Louis is one of the most romantic characters in the series!!! he just shows it in ways that aren't obvious to those who don't know him well, but I know for a fact that this man is down so bad for Lestat and Armand and just wants to see them happy.
He strikes me as the kind of person who puts a lot of time and effort into the love he gives— whether that's spending actual time with his lovers (I always HC that his preferred love language is Quality Time) or hunting down a specific gift, or even taking the time to better himself!!
Like I know we talk about it a lot, but I think all the times throughout later canon where Louis dresses nicely for Lestat and Armand is such a great example of the type of lover Louis is. That's the closest thing to any Grand Love Gesture he'll get. We know if it were up to him, he would wear the same clothes for centuries. He doesn't care about his appearance, but he knows that Lestat and Armand do. He knows that they like to look at him, that they like to see him in fine things, just as he used to like seeing Claudia in fine things. They gift him clothes because that is their way of showing affection, and he knows he can ease Lestat's or Armand's anxiety just a little bit by accepting that affection and allowing them to fawn over his beauty, even if it makes him uncomfortable. Louis is someone who thrives with the comfort of the familiar; to step out of his comfort zone is a BIG DEAL to him, and I think we really see that reflected in Lestat and even Armand's narration any time they do see him all dressed up, like they always seem so surprised and awestruck LOL
ANYWAY yeah he cares so deeply for his loved ones like really truly, I think that Louis is the kind of lover who is just so thoughtful. Gift giving isn't necessarily his preferred love language, but he's ALWAYS thinking of Lestat and Armand, and it manifests in different ways. Some nights he'll barge into the room and read aloud an article he thinks they might find interesting, and he'll ask them questions and soak in every one of their opinions. Other nights he simply graces them with his presence and reads silently beside them.
And other nights still, Louis will revisit arguments that occurred a century ago, or even an hour ago, and will pick at old wounds not because he is truly upset, but because Louis is genuinely the kind of person who is constantly thinking about the things Lestat or Armand have said to him. He's constantly picking their words apart in his head, trying to find new meaning, and I know it's absolutely infuriating for Lestat, but there's something about Louis where, even as he's rebutting an argument from two years back, there's a passion in his eyes that's just so exciting and almost kind of sweet. You just KNOW that Louis loves to debate, not for the sake of winning (though he loves to win) but because he loves to hear his lovers' ideas and understand their psyche. Honest to god, I think Louis' ideal date night would be debating beside a cozy fire LOL
Okay sorry this is getting long! I don't have a lot of individual headcanons BUT one favorite headcanon that I've had in my back pocket and do want to turn into a fic one day is that Louis teaches himself to speak Armand's native tongue, so he can tell him he loves him with a language Armand has not heard for centuries.
Another headcanon I've been thinking about as well is like, in a similar vein to the clothes thing, Louis understanding how insecure Lestat gets at times, especially about how their relationship is perceived. So like, again with the comfort zone thing, I think Louis tries very very very hard to swallow his discomfort in order to occasionally hold Lestat's hand in public. Maybe even kiss him, who knows. He loathes being perceived, but he'll do it for Lestat.
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leslutdepointedulac · 3 months
What do you think Louis first thought when he saw Daniel again as a vampire? What do you think was the first thing he said to him (or Armand) about it?
Ooh I think about this a lot 😭 So I think Louis' initial reaction to seeing Daniel would literally just be deer in the headlights, poor guy is gunna be questioning his reality. But I think he had somewhat speculated that Daniel might make it to vampirism eventually.
Obviously Louis knew that he had survived his attack and he couldn't really know for sure that he'd been brought over. But I think that Louis knew Daniel was determined and was going to stop at nothing to get what he wanted, regardless as to whether or not he did actually get it. Whereas Louis' intention was to scare Daniel into leaving it all alone, I don't believe he necessarily thought it would work, deep down.
So seeing Daniel as a vampire may have come as a surprise to Louis at first, but really, is it that out of the question that he is? There have been more surprising things that have happened lmao.
As for what he said to Daniel, it was probably something along the lines of "I see you got it in the end, immortality." And he probably asked how Daniel was coping with it, what his experiences had been so far (even though it hasn't been long at all).
And then with Armand, Louis might have (somewhat jokingly) said that he never took Armand for having a fledgling, and that it's a bit of a shock. But at the same time, that he was happy for Armand - happy that he'd found someone who he was so committed to, and loved so much that he couldn't bear to let him die. To the point where he was willing to break his own vow to himself. Louis was pleased that Armand had allowed himself to do something both for him and for Daniel. It was both a selfish and a selfless act, but that's okay. They both deserve that.
I also think that Louis was just happy that Armand found someone who could be committed to him in return. Something that Louis previously hadn't been for Armand. He may have even thought about his own time with him and thought about how unfair he'd been (though given the circumstances, it was more than understandable). Louis was glad Armand was with someone who gave him what he himself never did.
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pjobroadwayslut14 · 1 month
the way louis looks at armand in 1x03 after he said he’d turn daniel now and the way armand looks like his heart falling through his stomach
i can’t do this rn
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You guys thought this hurt then wait til you hear about the first time Louis DOES admit that the idea of becoming like Those Who Must Be Kept alongside Lestat feels right: in his WEDDING VOWS.
Or about how thousands of years into the future when they are practically statues, no matter where their caretaker places them and despite never actually having witnessed either of them move, they ALWAYS come back to find them in their chairs, right next to each other, Louis’ hand resting on top of Lestat’s.
Or when you hear that one or the other of them can always be found with a thin, gold necklace chain dangling out of the other fist, that has never been successfully removed from either’s grasp by anyone.
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fanfictionroxs · 3 months
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Now that we have confirmation from Delainey that Claudia and Daniel would be besties... for weeks, I've been thinking about these two and how similar they are beyond being the bandaids for Louis's shitty marriages. I love imagining them sitting in a room writing in their respective notebooks/diaries, just scribbling away the entire night on those pages, taking little breaks to mutter to each other about the meaning of some word or the phrasing of some sentence.. Louis standing at the door like a stern dad going "Children, have you seen the time! Off to bed both of you!" And maybe to Claudia, Daniel is "Uncle Danny" or "Dad" depending on his and Louis's relationship.. different universes, different results, but whatever it is, he could have been one of the few reliable adults in Claudia's life who adores her and understands her. And maybe she would have found additional friends in his daughters Leonora and Kate.. oh what could have been!
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sam-reid · 2 years
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I want to interview you. Sounds fun.
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thequeenofsastiel · 2 months
Laughing thinking about how much Armand must have resented Daniel shoehorning in on his Master/servant roleplay with Louis
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