#loss weight loss supplements
freeonlineworkouts · 9 months
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Flat Stomach Supplements
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watchmedropweight · 1 month
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Health supplements for the journey ✨✨
Did you know zinc helps in rapid weight loss
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biohackhealthnow · 9 months
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Understanding Probiotics: Benefits and How they Work
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rainyfestivalsweets · 5 months
I just talked myself out of a protein bar and into afternoon supplements & 2 calcium chews.
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It should be noted that the urge to eat was preceeded by someone sending a 5 min voice message describing all the deaths in their town recently.
So- not true hunger. Emotional eating.
Eating to deflect the pain of empathetic experience.
It was overwhelming. I almost need TW for that stuff. I have the notifications off, but I do go check snaps like 1x a day at least.
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malkomroids · 27 days
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ad-services · 5 months
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Fitness Tips
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colibay · 4 days
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21-Day Smoothie Health & Wellness Program
One of the most effective daily health products is a nutrient-rich smoothie. Packed with fresh fruits, vegetables, and protein sources like Greek yogurt or chia seeds, smoothies provide essential vitamins and minerals to boost energy, support weight management, and improve overall wellness. They’re easy to customize, keep things exciting with varied recipes, and can complement an active lifestyle.
For a guided approach, consider joining a 21-Day Smoothie Health & Wellness Program to set clear goals, create balanced meal plans, and track your progress toward a healthier you!
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kyrakyrakitty · 1 year
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this is the funniest way to advertise your scam
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optimal-living-lab · 5 months
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Boost Your Fitness and Performance with the Right Supplements
In the pursuit of improved fitness and performance, many athletes and fitness enthusiasts turn to supplements to give them an edge. While a balanced diet should always be the foundation, certain supplements can complement your training regimen and help you reach your goals faster. Let’s explore some of the most effective supplements for enhancing fitness and performance.
1. Protein Powders
Protein is essential for muscle repair and growth, making it a cornerstone of any fitness program. Protein powders, such as whey, casein, and plant-based options like pea or hemp protein, offer a convenient way to increase your protein intake. They can be consumed as shakes or added to smoothies, providing a quick and easy source of high-quality protein.
2. Creatine
Creatine is one of the most researched supplements for improving strength and power. It works by increasing the body’s stores of phosphocreatine, which helps regenerate adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the primary energy currency of cells. This can lead to improved performance during high-intensity activities like weightlifting and sprinting.
3. Branched-Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs)
BCAAs, including leucine, isoleucine, and valine, are essential amino acids that play a crucial role in muscle protein synthesis. Supplementing with BCAAs can help reduce muscle breakdown during exercise, enhance recovery, and promote muscle growth.
4. Beta-Alanine
Beta-alanine is a non-essential amino acid that combines with histidine to form carnosine, a compound that helps buffer acid in muscles during high-intensity exercise. By increasing muscle carnosine levels, beta-alanine supplementation may delay fatigue and improve endurance during activities like sprinting and interval training.
5. Caffeine
Caffeine is a well-known stimulant that can enhance performance in various ways. It increases alertness, reduces perceived exertion, and can improve endurance by stimulating the release of adrenaline and mobilizing fatty acids for energy. Caffeine can be consumed in supplement form or obtained from sources like coffee and tea.
6. Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Omega-3 fatty acids, found in fish oil supplements, have anti-inflammatory properties that can benefit athletes by reducing exercise-induced inflammation and promoting faster recovery. Additionally, omega-3s support cardiovascular health, which is crucial for overall fitness and performance.
7. Vitamin D
Vitamin D plays a vital role in bone health, muscle function, and immune function, making it important for athletes and active individuals. Many people have suboptimal levels of vitamin D, especially those who live in northern latitudes or spend limited time outdoors. Supplementing with vitamin D can help ensure adequate levels for optimal performance and overall health.
8. Electrolytes
Electrolytes such as sodium, potassium, and magnesium are essential for hydration, muscle function, and nerve signaling. During intense exercise, especially in hot conditions, electrolyte losses through sweat can impair performance and increase the risk of cramping. Electrolyte supplements or sports drinks can help replenish these crucial minerals and maintain electrolyte balance.
9. Nitric Oxide Boosters
Nitric oxide (NO) is a molecule that dilates blood vessels, increasing blood flow to muscles and improving nutrient and oxygen delivery. Supplements containing ingredients like citrulline and beetroot extract can enhance NO production, leading to better endurance and performance during workouts.
Supplements can be valuable tools for enhancing fitness and performance when used appropriately alongside a well-rounded diet and training program. However, it’s essential to choose high-quality supplements, stay within recommended dosages, and consult with a healthcare professional or nutritionist if you have any concerns or underlying health conditions. With the right combination of supplements and dedication to your fitness goals, you can maximize your potential and achieve the results you desire.
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rainyfestivalsweets · 8 months
The MLM hack list
Alright. So there are a bunch of MLM diet companies that make a shitload of money of of us and yet our obesity rates in developed countries are thru the freaking roof.
How many times have you gotten the messages on Facebook, Instagram or whatever and it's like: Hey girl, haven't seen you since high school, let's get coffee... OR... they just post the precopied message & ask about your goals, & proceed to add a flurry of hyperpositive social media messages, like my friend recently did to me.
Did anyone in high school like you? Not me! Do that screams danger from the start. I was horrendously bullied in elementary school. I was gone to a parochial school for a couple years so the only reason that I avoided constant bullying in high school was because... they forgot who I was.
Here are some ideas I stole from various companies, cheaper:
Herbalife: this company's stuff works, for 2 reasons- you replace 2 out of 3 meals with shakes. However, alot of people are not successful if they make their shakes at home and if they add in all the snack bars. People do, however, lose weight if they get their shakes from a "nutrition" shop. Why? Because they blend those shakes super thick with a metric shitton of ice & I think alot of them add sf pudding, which enhances the thickness. Also, you get an iced tea, normally with added fiber. So the answer is- you have 2 drinks that take a long time to finish AND give you added caffeine & fiber. So? Just do it at home: keep your shake calories low, make it extra large & thicker than a snicker, & follow with a caffeinated tea & add fiber to it. I like the herbalife brand but I order it off Amazon so I don't have to get the whole shpeel. Now brand has "prebiotic fiber" that is cheaper. There is also benefiber from Walmart. It is cheap, so why not?
Beachbody: you don't need to spend a billion dollars on protein shakes or meal replacement shakes. I do, however, love some of their workout systems.
Tai Slim: this company's great idea was the chocolate gluccomannon chews, I just didn't know ot at the time. I have tried to order it but have been unable to so maybe they don't make it any more. So my hack would be- the chocolate calcium chews, some gluccomannon tablets, & a large glass of water.
Modere: this company was all over tik tok & reels for awhile, while the reps were trying to schlep people into this scheme. The Golden Child was the liquid CLA chocolate, probably because it tastes like a chocolatey treat while it is actually a CLA supplement. CLA can be purchased at almost any health food store, way cheaper.
Plexus: the pink drink. More research needed on this, but I think it is just a fiber drink. Hack: gluccomannon powder & a Starburst all pink flavor packet.
Most of these companies often sell an associated "fat burner:" often something with caffeine, ecgc from green tea, etc. You can get something similar at a health food store for a fraction of the price. If you want something fancy, there is Ember from the Ambrosia Collective. Use the Google. MFINGCOO is a discount code that I think still works, but it isn't mine.
Buy In for then"tribe:" Weight watchers (not an MLM, just a diet culture sales supergiant but they still somehow acquire affiliates, idk if that qualifies as a True MLM), beachbody, herbalife are pretty cultish in nature-- they rope you into a bunch of meetings, calls, and online groups. If someone calls you to ask why you weren'tat Power Hour, you may have bought into a cult! It works by reprogramming certain thought & behavior patterns..... Basically a bunch of people are sharing ideas regularly and getting involved in their cultish antics.& promoting it on social media. (Example: OMG have you tried the new WW/herbalife/beachbody PROTEIN BAR?? Only $15 for 4!! What a deal! LINK IN MY BIO) You can do this on your own by finding your own people. You can get your own seminars by watching a lot of youtube. Anything that focuses on reprogramming you to cook at home and eat primarily whole foods will probably work. Join free groups. Disregard anything outside of what works for you ( I have to ignore a lot of dessert recipes because they cause bingeing for me).
Lipozene: pretty sure this is just gluccomannon. You can find gluccomannon tablets way cheaper at a health food store. Walmart also was carrying a generic version.
Hydroxycut: pretty sure the active ingredient here is HCA? I don't have a bottle currently to look. But isn't HCA just garcinia? So much cheaper at a health food store. I personally cannot take hydroxycut, it makes me RAGE. I like, get upset and freak out at work, so I don't even think I am willing to try it again.
It works: I think the skinny coffee would be comparable to the "slim coffee," which was cheaper but seemed to be chromium. You can just pick up a chromium supplement... & seriously, you can just drink coffee. Don't add calories to it.
Apple cider vinegar gummies: Just take shots of apple cider vinegar. You can buy a gallon at walmart, it will last a long time. Play with shot recipes, you can do good girl moonshine (ala Trim Healthy Mamma), & use it liberally for dressing recipes.
L-Glutamine: don't remember the company, but this is available at more health food stores, not for $100 a container.
Maybe I have bought so much shit so you don't have it. Is there an MLM company I missed? 🤔 let me know and I will check it out for future posts.
Remember- whatever you do, stay safe. Research your shit. Focus on your daily habits and remember that what you are eating outweighs almost any supplement you could buy. Eat whole food, walk, have an exercise routine & stop expecting a 30 day result for a body that took you 40 years (or whatever) to create.
I definitely don't think the ozempic trend is worth the cost, but if there is no other way for you & you have the money, it is worth a shot. Just don't expect your insurance to pay for it. Many insurance companies are currently not covering it, and I don't really know if they should consider it.
Surgery? If there is no other way and you want to, go for it.
The way that these things work though, is by changing what you are eating. Period. These are all systems to change what you ingest and you can change what you eat for free.
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I am still on Nomorbidity & Alkemi from the Ambrosia Collective. I have not found suitable replacements for them but I am also not looking hard, they have a reasonable price point to me.
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Edited: To reword, as WW is a diet culture vulture, not quite an MLM. Just a big money making company.
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goodmanpharmacy · 1 month
Buy Humatrope (Somatropin)
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shewalicious · 1 month
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"SlimPulse Weight Loss: A Comprehensive Guide to Sustainable Fat Burning and Gut Health"
SlimPulse Weight Loss is not just another supplement but a holistic approach to sustainable weight management and enhanced well-being. Unlike extreme diets or rigorous exercise plans, SlimPulse offers a balanced combination of natural ingredients designed to support fat metabolism, curb appetite, and boost energy. By addressing various factors related to weight gain, SlimPulse enables you to take charge of your health and achieve enduring results.
What is SlimPulse?
SlimPulse is a fat-burning supplement that aims to increase the number of beneficial bacteria in the gut, which can help suppress hunger, reduce cravings, enhance metabolism, and prevent fat accumulation.
The gut microbiome, consisting of millions of bacteria in the digestive tract, plays a crucial role in digestive health, immune function, and even mental well-being. A well-balanced gut microbiome also aids in detoxification and nutrient absorption. Research from institutions like Harvard has shown that improving gut bacteria can aid in weight loss, offering renewed hope for those struggling with persistent fat.
SlimPulse's creators claim that their supplement, designed with advanced phytosome technology and scientific precision, addresses gut health imbalances. Manufactured in an FDA and GMP-certified facility in the USA, the product is made under strict quality control conditions.
Ingredients in SlimPulse:
Silymarin: Found in milk thistle seeds, silymarin has long been used for liver health due to its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and liver-protective effects.
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Chlorogenic Acid: A polyphenol found in coffee beans, fruits, and vegetables, chlorogenic acid is known for its potential health benefits and therapeutic properties.
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Camellia Sinensis: The leaves of this plant are used to make various types of tea, including green, black, oolong, and white tea. It originates from East Asia and is known for its diverse health benefits.
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Pricing for SlimPulse:
SlimPulse is currently available at discounted rates on its official website, with three purchasing options:
1 Bottle (1-month supply) for $69
3 Bottles (3-month supply) for $59 per bottle
6 Bottles (6-month supply) for $49 per bottle
A 180-day money-back guarantee is offered, allowing customers to seek a refund by contacting customer service via email or phone, which reinforces the product's credibility and customer trust.
Order now:
SlimPulse Weight Loss presents a compelling option for those aiming to reach their weight loss goals and enhance their overall health. With its scientifically-backed blend of natural ingredients and proven effectiveness, SlimPulse offers a safe and sustainable approach to weight management. Whether you're aiming to lose a few pounds or undergo a significant health transformation, SlimPulse Weight Loss can be your ally in achieving long-term success. Discover the benefits of SlimPulse Weight Loss today and start your journey to a healthier, more vibrant you.
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healthy444 · 1 month
How can I lose weight without feeling hungry?
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Losing weight without feeling hungry is all about making smart food choices and managing your portion sizes. Here are a few tips:
Eat High-Fiber Foods: Foods like vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and legumes keep you full longer because they take longer to digest.
Include Protein in Every Meal: Protein helps you feel satisfied. Think lean meats, beans, tofu, or Greek yogurt.
Stay Hydrated: Sometimes thirst is mistaken for hunger. Drinking plenty of water can help keep those false hunger pangs at bay.
Have Healthy Snacks: Keep healthy snacks like nuts, seeds, or cut-up veggies handy to avoid feeling starved between meals.
Eat Mindfully: Pay attention to what you're eating and savor each bite. This can help you feel more satisfied with smaller portions.
Don’t Skip Meals: Skipping meals can make you hungrier later and lead to overeating. Try to eat regular, balanced meals.
Choose Low-Calorie Dense Foods: Foods that are low in calories but high in volume, like soups or salads, can help you feel full without consuming too many calories.
Add Healthy Fats: Foods like avocados, nuts, and olive oil can help keep you full. Just be mindful of portions since fats are calorie-dense.
Opt for Whole Foods: Processed foods can leave you feeling hungrier and faster. Stick to whole, unprocessed foods for better satiety.
Eat Slowly: Giving your body time to signal when it's full can prevent overeating. Try to chew thoroughly and put your fork down between bites.
Use Smaller Plates: Sometimes, a smaller plate can trick your brain into feeling satisfied with less food.
Incorporate Spices: Adding spices like chili pepper can increase metabolism and make meals more satisfying.
Get Enough Sleep: Poor sleep can affect hunger hormones and make you feel hungrier. Aim for 7-9 hours a night.
Manage Stress: Stress can lead to emotional eating. Find healthy ways to cope with stress, like exercise, meditation, or hobbies.
Plan Your Meals: Preparing meals ahead of time can help you make healthier choices and avoid grabbing unhealthy snacks when you're hungry.
Incorporating these strategies can make it easier to stick with your weight loss plan without constantly feeling hungry.
P.S: "Get Your Dream Body Without Dieting – Order Today!"
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ketolivityblog · 2 months
What are the basics of the keto diet and mental health?
Learn the basics of the keto diet and its impact on mental health in this comprehensive guide. Learn about the science behind ketosis and how it affects brain function, neurotransmitter production, and gut health. Discover potential benefits for conditions such as depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, and neurodegenerative diseases, and gain insights into effective implementation, potential risks, and emerging research trends.
Originally published at https://ketolivity.blogspot.com
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colibay · 11 days
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Daily Detox Smoothie
Start your day strong with this daily detox smoothie! 🍃 It’s loaded with antioxidants and healthy ingredients that keep you feeling light and energized.
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fitnessmantram · 3 months
Exercises to Lose Belly Fat Home #yoga #reducebellyfat #bellyfatloss #yts...
"Melt Belly Fat Fast with These Simple Exercises!" For better Try Java Burn
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