#looks rad imo
blackhakumen · 3 months
Mini Fanfic #1209: The Ultimate Two Winged Lifeform (SSBU X Sonic)
Mario Family GroupChat
Shadow: I've arrived home from work early.
Shadow: But I need you all to come outside for a sec if you can
Mario: Sure, but-
Mario: Is everything alright, son?
Peach: You're not hurt right now, are you?
Hat Kid: 😟😟
Shadow: Don't worry. I'm not injured or anything.
Shadow: I just wanted to show you something is all.
Shadow: The details themselves are complicated to explain, so you'll have to forgive me if I seem nervous or uneasy to each of you.
Sonic: Relax man, we won't judge!
Sonic: How crazy of a surprise u have in store for us could possibly be?
1:56 p.m. Smash Mansion's Front Yard........
Peach: ('GASPS')
Hat Girl: Woooooooah........
Mario: Mama Mia.......
Sonic: Siiick!
The Mario family's eyes were widening up in surprise and awe at Shadow sporting a black, supernatural looking wings in his back.
Shadow: (Soghs While Facepalming Himself a Bit) I suppose that's one way of putting it.
Mario: Shadow.....You have wings this entire time?
Shadow: No. I obtain them more recently actually. It all started when I was finishing up my training session back at G.U.N's HQ. It was a normal run-through at first, did a fair enough job holding my own against every obstacles coming my way.
Shadow: It wasn't long before I found myself getting surrounded by a group of low to mid level robots. I prepared myself for battle until my body suddenly starts shaking and rattling out of control for a brief second, as if something was desperately trying to come out. So leaped myself up to the air-
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And these two...alienated looking wings you see before you, emerges from out of my back before I swooped back down to the ground, destroying every remaining robots and obstacles left on sight.
End of Flashback
Shadow: I was then taken to the lab to run a few tests on me and apparently the one quarter of my DNA has been playing the part in all of this for quite some time. (Hands Mario and Peach the Written Results Given to Him Earlier Today)
Mario: (Reads the Paper Alone with Peach) Let's see.....80% Hedgehog.......
Peach: .........100% Ultimate Lifeform.........
Mario/Peach: (Eyes Begins to Widened at What They're About to Read Out Next) 34% Alien!?
Shadow: (Closes his Wings) Yeah. Apparently, Professor Gerald had a bit outside help in creating me all those years ago. (Sighs While Pinching the Bridge of his Nose) And it's from Black Doom of all people......
Hat Kid: (Tilt her Head and Raises an Eyebrow in Confusion) Black Doom?
Sonic: (Turns to his Little Sis) He's this creepy lookong evil alien guy Shadz and I faced the past. He even got squid eye looking thingy he uses to follow him everywhere with. (Shows Hat Kid a Picture of Doom's Eye) See?
Hat Kids: (Intrigued by the Picture Shown to Her) Ooh~ Freaky.
Sonic: I know, right? It's like it staring directly into in my soul if i stare at it for too long (Stares Directly into Doom's Eye Until-) Wait. (Looks Back Up at Shadow) So if the professor and that Doom guy were responsible for creating you the first, wouldn't that technically make both of them your dads, right before our dad?
Shadow: In a technical sense perhaps. (Crosses his Arms Together) I detest the idea of Doom being a father figure if anything......
Peach: (Already Has a Darkened Glare on her Face) Did he hurt you in anyway?
Shadow: No, not until he transformed himself into a giant grotesque monster to try and destroy our entire world he hasn't. He'd usually have his a few of his strongest Black Arms soldiers to fight me, just to see if I'm worthy of their cause or whatnot. (Rolls his Eyes a Bit in Annoyance) Then he would always get mad at me whenever I defend myself against lower classes trying to kill me on numerous occasions.
Sonic: Seriously? You guys have like the same DNA from one another.
Shadow: I have SOME of their DNA, Sonic. They'd probably saw me as an outside the moment they laid their eyes on me. Not like I ever cared to begin with. I don't associate myself with them, their leader, and their cause nor do I want to seen as of one of them.
Mario: (Frowns Worryingly) Is that why you were nervous to tell us this? You think we would see you as an evil alien hybrid?
Shadow: ('Sigh') Somewhat. It's just (Frowns a Bit as He Looks at his Wings Behind Them) These wings.....Whether I like it or not, they're part of me now and given that there's still a few more information about me that I have yet to discover, I.....couldn't help but think that it could possibly make you all think of me in a more negative li-
Both Peach and Hat Kid rushes over and give Shadow loving hugs before he could even finish the rest of sentence.
Peach: Oh my poor, sweet baby....Is that what you've been stressing yourself out all day over?
Shadow: Mother, I wouldn't exactly say I'm THAT stressed out over-
Peach: (Gives her Son a Soft Glare Along with Hat Kid) Shadow.
Hat Kid: Be honest.
Shadow: ('Sighs in Defeat') Yes, it has. It freaking me out more than anything, if I'm really being frank here.
Sonic: (Forms a Bit of a Teasing Smirk on his Face) You, the Ultimate Lifeform, getting cold feet over a bunch of wings on your back. That's a shock.
Shadow: (Gives Sonic a Deadpinned Look on his Face) You'd be like this too if you have them looking like this.
Sonic: (Casually Shrugs as He Walks Over to Shadow and Co.) It's freaky looking for sure. But it's definitely not something we'd be running away, screaming over in the long run.
Shadow: Really? Are you sure?
Hat Kid: (Happily Nodded) Mmhmm!~
Peach: (Gives Shadow the Sweetest Smile She Could Muster) You could never scare us away, sweetheart. I promise. (Gives Shadow a Loving Kiss on the Cheek)
Sonic: (Gives Shadow a Reassuring Grin) See? You have nothing to worry about here, Shadz. You're fine.
Shadow: I will be completely if you quit calling me that.
Sonic: Would you prefer being relegated back to being called "Faker" again instead?
Shadow: Can't believe I'm saying this, but I do actually. Sounds less annoying in comparison.
Sonic: (Joins in on the Group Hug) Faker it is then.
Mario: (Gives Shadow a Reassuring Smile on his Face) They're all right, you know? You being half alien and those of wings are not gonna scare us one bit and it doesn't change the fact that you're still you at the end of day. Try not to let all of this bother you too much, okay?
Shadow: (Simply Nodded ti the Command) I'll try. (Smiles a Bit) Thanks. All of you.
Mario: (Happily Join in on the Family Group Hug) You're welcome, son! We love you so much.
Shadow: Likewis-
?????: Oh. My god.
The family looks up to see Rouge using her wings flutter herself down on the ground.
Rouge: Shadow, is that really you down there or am I seeing a hedgehog angel of some kind?
Shadow: It's me, Rouge. I have wings now believe it or not.
Rouge: Oh, trust me. I'm believing it already. (Walking Around Shadow While Examining his Wings) Hm.....Okay......It's freaky looking alright. But I dig it. It goes along with your color scheme and cool demeanor pretty well.
Peach: (Happily Nodded in Agreement) I agree. It looks wonderful on you, dear. You'll get used to them eventually.
Rouge: What? They got you stressed out or something?
Sonic: Yep. Poor guy worried we'll see him as a freak now that he has them on him.
Rouge: (Turns to Shadow) You, Shadow the Hedgehog-
Shadow: Worried? Yeah. Shocker. I'm over it now.
Rouge: Well, i hope so. (Playfully Pulls Shadow's Cheek a Bit) You'll always be our soft grumpy of a hedgehog, with or without wings~
Hat Kid: (Giggles Softly at Shadow's Dispense)
Shadow: (Already Has a Deadpinned Look on his Face) Much appericated, Rouge. Now hands off my face.
Rouge: ('Sighs in Defeat') Alright. I'm gonna, you big baby. (Lets Go of his Cheek Before Giving it a Small Peck) Now, given that your sudden development, I believe flight lessons will be in top order.
Shadow: (Raises an Eyebrow) You're gonna teach me how to fly?
Rouge: Well, who else is gonna teach you? Your dad?
Mario: (Points at the Mansion Behind Him) I could grab the Wing Cup from the-
Rouge: Upupup, no need, Mr Mario. (Forms a More Confident Smile on Her Face) With grace and guidance, we'll have your boy flying around in the blue skies in no time.
Shadow: (Whispers into a Giggling Hat Kid's Ear) I'll give it one week tops before she calls it quits.
Rouge: (Glares at Shadow) I heard that! You should have more faith in me than that, you jerk!
Peach: (Gives Shadow a Motherly Glares) Shadow, don't be rude to Ms. Bat!
Shadow: (Turns to Peach) Mother, please. Do not encourage her foolishness any-
Rouge: Ooh~ Ms. Bat?
Shadow: ('Sigh') Too late.
Rouge: Such profession and sophistication it sounds. Love it. (Turns her Attention Back at her One and Only Student) Shadow, you'll now address me as Ms. Bat for now on, starting today.
Shadow: (Raises an Eyebrow in Confusion) Today?
Rouge: Yep. We're gonna start our very flying lesson starting right now.
Shadow: Seriously? I JUST got by from HQ today!
Peach: (Hugs Shadow Again) And we missed him dearly~ Can you postpone it for tomorrow instead?
Rouge: ('Sigh') Fine. First thing tomorrow morning, 9:30.
Shadow: That...doesn't sound nearly as early as I thought.
Rouge: Hey, a girl needs a lot a beauty sleep to get through the next day. Take it or leave it.
Shadow: Well-
Mario/Peach: Shadow!
Mario: Give it chance.
Peach: Please?
Shadow: ('Sigh') Fine. I'll take it.
Rouge: (Smiles Brightly) Good. We're gonna have ourselves a good training session going forward, hon!~
Shadow: (Rolls his Eyes a Bit) I'm already regretting it as we speak.
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uter-us · 6 months
radfem question!!
i'm having a conversation with someone about female only spaces (this specifically pertains to bathrooms) and they said that the rule of having female-only bathrooms would "act more like an enforcement of femininity more than anything else."
I think their point is about butch lesbians and/or women who present "masculinely," and so because there is ofc no female identification at the door, and policy would likely just make it more acceptable for women and girls to report if there was a male in the bathroom (without having to determine if the male identifies as a woman), this could end up hurting "masculine"-presenting women (implying that they could be mistaken as male), and in turn just reinforce femininity. Thoughts? (mine are in tags)
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heavy-lobster · 2 years
Hate it when I see people say shit like "the Violet paradox mons are so stupid and lame, they're all just robots!" like uhmmmmm yea they are and it OWNS ok. blasts you with my beam attack
#the killer robot aesthetic fucks severely and is MUCH scarier#and imo it works a lot better with the plot tbh#iron jugulis and iron thorns are PEAK#iron valiant and iron moth are RAD#iron bundle is SILLAY#iron hands#i ended that tag to early but i forgot what i was going to say there anyways whoopsies#anyways i feel like its fits the unnatural horrors beyond human comprehension vibe a lot better#“theyre all just robots” well all the scarlet exclusives are just dinosaurs. fucker#well guess what my son boy Henry is a robot AND a dinosaur piss your pants about it#the fact that theyre all robots MAKES it scary like. why! how far in the future is this! at what point will every pokemon become a robot!#how terrifying is this future that they had to become robots in order to survive. did they even BECOME anything or#did the people of the future create them to look like present day pokemon that are now extinct.#much more intriguing to me personally than. here is a woolly mammoth. its descendants do not look like this anymore bc idk evolution or wtv#not saying i dont like the ancient pkmn just saying the people who dislike the future ones are WRONG theyre sick as hell ok#anyways more importantly for each version what paradox mon do you think fucked Arven and Mabosstiff up so bad like#ive been thinking about this a LOT#cant be one of the ones you encounter with him present or he probably wouldve brought it up#my bet for Violet is iron valiant since i feel like thats the scariest#i have no thoughts on scarlet but i guess the equivalent#(based on pokedex placement)#would be roaring moon#idk tho i havent thought about it much#either way. fucking terrifying#pokemon spoilers#lobster.txt
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radellama · 3 months
Picky but.. when watching a docco/docco style video, while it can be interesting to hear about how you ended up in contact with certain relevant people, or how there were plans to contact people that fell through, or that you couldn't get in contact with them... I hate when the filmmaker harps on and on about their 'investigative' process and try to dramatise it.
Sorry but. I don't really want a 15-20+ min detour of you lamenting over trying to get in contact with certain people when all that's happened is you sent an email and didn't get a reply.
#not gonna single out any particular vid but I'm reminded as I watch a docco style vid on YouTube about niche/lost anime#and i hate it every time. it's a self insertion of the filmmaker trying to make their efforts shown or signalling for attention and shit#and i get it!! there's a lot that goes unappreciated and unnoticed when you're making videos and such#but if you're presenting your videos in a documentary style that's one thing.. calling yourself a documentarian is another#it's amateurish and uninteresting!!! it's a complete detour and distraction when you're talking about yourself in this way#like.. sigh. nuance. i know I've personally enjoyed some doccos/docco style where we hear about the process as they present it#there ARE ways to make it interesting and keep it relevant#but when you're essentially whining that all your cursory Google searches and 'deep dives' into people's LinkedIn's and IMDb pages#isn't yeilding the response you want... SHUT UP PLEEEAAAASSSSEEEE#this is the kind of detail that makes it look amateurish (imo) and is probably making it harder for you to get in contact lol#ANYONE can go looking through a person's online presence. ANYONE can find an email or a phone number and try to get in contact#your whole thing as a docco maker is to do that work and curate it in an interesting and informative way so i don't have to lollll#like i know I'm being picky. there's plenty of awesome videos on YouTube made by YouTubers who have put effort in#but there's such a difference between the standard of professionalism and ethics when you're doing it on YouTube#it's not the only thing that frustrates me BUT it's one of the key things i notice that's indicative of the docco not being of quality#for what i want to view it for#it's especially frustrating to me when the topic is genuinely interesting and i want to see how you present it to me but you're wasting time#when you go on and on about yourself!!#there was one yt docco covering an artist and their body of work that i thought was interesting! but#they were already getting on my nerves even tho i stuck it out for a few hours... AND THEN THEY JUST TALKED ABOUT THEMSELVES#FOR LIKE HALF AN HOUR AND I COULDN'T TAKE IT. I DON'T WANNA HEAR YOU COMPARE YOUR AMATEURISH SHIT TO THIS ARTIST#save it for the back end or an after credits or in some section that's for people who want to hear about you#don't grind the pacing of the docco to a halt cause you're desperate for attention and recognition. you're ruining the docco lol#also yes I'm aware that this is harsh coming from someone who's not even made a docco of any sorts but#if i do get into making it i expect this kind of feedback if i go awry and these are the standards I'll be holding myself to#WHERE ARE THE STANDARDS IN THE YT DOCCO SCENE!? there are a few great creators but there's so much shit#to me i think it overall grates cause like. it's not always being made with the intent to share.. it's made to get clout#and that's a philosophy i just disagree with#anyway wherever. pretentious film bro rant quota filled. i dont wanna hear about how 'difficult' it was waiting for an email that never came#rads talks
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mikeysagereblog · 28 days
⊗ superhero cartoons to watch when little!!! (or big, they're that good imo!!) ⊗
✧.* i've been wanting to make this list for a while now, mainly because i wanna talk about my fav cartoons/open up opportunities for other littles to find something awesome to watch!!! there's gonna be a lot of ranges in age ratings to add some variety for older/younger littles :)
✧.* also, i'd like to put a disclaimer here and say that a lot of these are on streaming services that i own, but other littles may not. i would also like to say that there are ways to get around a paywall if you can't afford certain streaming services!!! you can find full episodes on youtube/other sites for free!!! (just use an adblocker if you're on a site other than youtube if u can!!)
✧.* another disclaimer: any regressor of any age can watch any of these shows!! i just wanted to put the age ratings for those who want to stick to media that's more in their age range!! so, don't feel like you have to limit yourself from watching certain shows just because of how old you regress to!!
✧.* spectacular spider-man (2008-2009, 2 seasons): suitable for 7-8+, but i'd say it'd be okay for littles who regress younger to watch, too!! honestly, my all-time favorite spider-man cartoon!!! not only is it fun to watch while little, you can truly appreciate the show when you're big, too!!! josh keaton's voicework as spider-man is just- ahhhh it's so amazing imo!! the story is really good, the animation/style is just so iconic, and the colors are very easy on the eyes!!! (especially if you're sensitive to bright colors when little/in general) absolute banger of a theme song, too!!!
✧.* x-men: the animated series (1992-1997, 5 seasons): rated for around 7-8+, but i do admit that there can be some scary scenes for especially younger/more sensitive littles. honestly, this show is great!!! i loved all the different story arcs, how colorful the show is, the characters themselves- a lot of cool stuff about this show!!! be warned, there's a sudden drop in quality during season 5... i think they switched animation studios/va's or something because season 5 is NOT the best season of the show, i'll tell you that... 0_0
✧.* x-men '97 (2024-present, 1 season so far): rated for 14+, so this show is more suitable for teen regressors. it's a continuation of x-men:tas, and oh man... this is it. my favorite cartoon of all time!!! the animation is just oh so beautiful!!! the fight scenes are awesome!!! the soundtrack- oh golly the soundtrack!!! the remastered x-men:tas opening is just- wow!!! but, there's definitely reasons why it's rated 14+... not gonna spoil anything, but there's a lot of scenes in the show that can be upsetting for younger littles. trust me, watching some scenes when you're little is just- too much sometimes... (speaking from experience) it's an amazing show, but watch at ur own risk if you're a younger regressor!!!
✧.* batman: the animated series (1992-1995, 4 seasons): i'd say it's for around ages 9-10+, since it can be fairly dark at times. (same goes for a lot of batman related media!!) honestly, this show's pretty good!!! the style of the show is very dark visually, so it's easy on the eyes for those with bright color sensitivities!!! the artstyle itself is also very nice to look at!!! the voicework is amazing as well, especially kevin conroy's (rip) performance as batman himself!!! from what i can remember, the plotpoints were also pretty on-par!! i remember liking the show a lot when i was a kid!! :)
✧.* hulk vs. wolverine (not a show but an animated movie, 2009): this one's rated pg-13, since there's depictions of violence. but, i gotta say- this movie had me hyped up when i watched it as a kid!!! this was part of a straight to video two-movie collection, (the other being "hulk vs. thor") and i gotta say... this movie was awesome!!! the fight scenes were rad as heck, the animation was amazing, even deadpool was in the movie!!! (which, fun fact, was his first appearance in animation!!! other than the 2 second cameo in x-men:tas) very fun movie!!!
✧.* these are just some recommendations!!! i really liked these when i was a kid, and i hope you'll like them too, if you decide to watch them!!!
✧.* (also yay!! finally have a new banner!!! + i updated my blog's theme because nightcrawler is so awesome and he's literally my cg guys!!! he said it himself :3)
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puppyboymikeyway · 5 months
Jet Star!
i get how everyone thinks hes a little sweetheart like ray, but my guy would totally throw hands over a pack of cards or smt little the group finds in the zones
has officially been declared 'mom' by the girl and gets little presents every year for mothers day(his favorite is a little bow that the girl found, but he doesnt have to tell anyone that)
is usually the one who fights with kobra about the radio. hes big on actually listening to other zones' broadcasts while kobra just listens to music from dr. d
knows a ton in the medical field. probably the only one who knows how to properly treat wounds out of the four, so he usually looks for first aid kits when scavenging
hes so fucking self conscious about his eye patch, but the girl and poison think its rad as fuck. anytime one of the four start talking about his eye, one is going to bed with a bruised jaw
an undiagnosed bipolar imo. he has random outbursts like kobra, but theyre more violent and random. hes also shit at trying to control his emotions unless hes around the girl. shes the only thing actually keeping him sane in the zones
once had a fight about poison about who gets to drive the trans am and accidentally broke one of poisons ribs. all is well though, poison thought it was hilarious. but jet is now really the only one who drives the trans am and throws a fit if one of the other four drives it
cannot stand the fucking power pups. he will not eat them. jet would rather starve than eat those things. the rest of the four call him crazy about it though
totally has a thing for show pony but will never admit it to any of the four. ghoul always teases him about it. show pony actually knows and teases jet about it a lot, but they think its adorable and actually like jet back
will murder val velocity if he ever gets the chance. there is no stopping him if he sees that poser
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misc-obeyme · 6 months
i had a thought, cc, because of the recent event being about sports. when I was in highschool and college after sports (specifically swimming) we would all shower together. there's just 0 shame with a swimmer, we'd be side by side chatting while showering. I've noticed in my life that a lot of people don't really take that well! like I'm okay taking off all my clothes in front of a classmate, casually, without even really thinking about it; swimmers are kind different that way.
I'm kind of giggling trying to imagine any of the brothers who may be showering in the communal and MC just casually sliding up next to them (there's a ton of other spouts but they pick the one RIGHT next to him?) and making conversation. (They're not even TRYING to hide their body.. not showing it off either but-)
Since I don't know them as well as others who have been in the fandom a lot longer than my month and a half, what do you think their reactions might be?
Like who's team freak out, or just mildly uncomfortable, or just as casual as MC? Oh god and who's (NSFW) peeking inappropriately?
- 🐌
Oh well I can tell you right now that Mammon and Levi are both on Team Freak Out and Asmo is on Team Peeking Inappropriately.
I'm assuming this is something where they're all at RAD and in some kinda PE locker room situation lol. There does seem to be a communal bathroom in the House of Lamentation, but it also seems to me like they take turns using it rather than using it all at once? So I'm not sure if it has a communal shower situation. And honestly I don't think the brothers could handle something like that on a regular basis.
Okay so here's what I think would happen with the bros:
Lucifer wouldn't be bothered. I don't think he'd even be mildly uncomfortable. I think he'd be just as casual as MC in this situation. Lucifer has a lot of self confidence so in that, he would be unconcerned. I also don't think he would be overly bothered by MC's nakedness. Now if MC was in a relationship with him, then things might get inappropriate, but only if you were alone with him. He'd be far more bothered by the entire situation if the others were there.
Mammon and Levi would both freak out, but for different reasons. Mammon is so in love with MC, he wouldn't be able to handle seeing them naked. Unless MC is in a relationship with him and then he wouldn't be able to keep his hands to himself, no matter who else was around. Levi, on the other hand, would be so self conscious and embarrassed, he would probably just run away lol.
I see both Satan and Beel being mildly uncomfortable. Like they're not gonna say anything, but they are definitely blushing profusely and trying not to look at MC. Satan would probably be a little more bold if he was in a relationship with MC. Beel probably has a little bit of that sports team camaraderie experience, but it's also a little different because it's MC, you know? I think he would be shy unless MC made a move.
Asmodeus would be so thrilled. He has no problem with nudity, either his or someone else's, and he would be gushing about how beautiful MC is. He might get a little worked up, even. Asmo would be excited, but he would also appreciate that MC was taking care of themselves, you know? Plus he's easy to distract if MC just starts asking him about his shampoo or something.
I think Belphie would be like Lucifer. Unbothered. Might not even notice, actually. Just kinda like oh hey MC. I think he'd only react if MC deliberately teased him or something. He just has that general sense of "can't be bothered" you know? And I don't think it'd be a big deal to him.
Anyway, this is just my opinion of course! Everybody headcanons the characters a little differently! But this is how I think it'd go. I kept this pretty sfw, mostly just implying the potential of other shenanigans. But things could get nsfw very quickly too imo...
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oddlittlestories · 4 months
Look I get that the way the show portrays fatphobia is intense…,
But please I’m begging you to acknowledge that while CHARACTERS are fatphobic, the SHOW is not
In Que Sera Sera the doctors spend the entire episode trying to pin the patient’s illness on his size. There IS portrayal of fatphobia, and it’s probably painful for some people to watch the character repeatedly advocate for himself because they won’t listen. But HE’S RIGHT. He’s right to advocate for himself, and he’s right about his body. His illness has NOTHING to do with his fatness and! AND! It’s NOT HIS FAULT.
I get that these days many of us prefer non-tragedies, representations of fat people living happy normal lives where they don’t die or generally experience fatphobia. I get that.
But this is a real experience real people face. And House MD unearths this and proves fatphobia wrong. It shows the BS and what it costs people.
The other fatphobia issue isn’t as good in my opinion, but it does show how horrific childhood bullying over fatness can be. It shows how fat people get blamed for being fat, their experiences denied.
And then you have the episode about the fitness trainer who NEEDS to be fat to be healthy. How her own internalized fatphobia is literally killing her. Look that is brilliant. Gorgeous exploration that imo holds up EXTREMELY well in the modern day. You could make her a fitness influencer and bam, no other modernizations needed (that I remember).
At the same time that plenty of other shows and people were vehemently on the fatphobia bus, this show said, “by the way, stop taking people to task for being fat. Sometimes it’s just how their body is, sometimes it’s because they’re sick, and sometimes being fat is the healthiest a person can be. Fatphobia shames, humiliates, and kills. It’s a prejudice. Go mull it over for a while.”
And I for one think that’s rad
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tategaminu · 9 months
People find Alastor sexy because he’s a generic ass tumblr sexyman bait which is the only “sexy” male character design that Vivziepop can do
That makes it even worse, maybe it is a me because I have never understood Tumblr sexy man culture, I’m more into pretty boys/bishounen designs and Idgf about the chosen tumblr sexy ones honestly! at this point I don’t even know if it’s a joke or not, like do people really find Sans Undertale attractive? I guess that one is a joke right? It’s a joke… right?
Anyways, tumblr sexy man category aside, Alastor isn’t attractive on his own. As you said all of Medrano's "sexy" male designs pretty much look the same and all of them are ugly and over-designer imo, and Alastor is probably one of the worst ones. He looks like an used tampon (long, thin and red), I refuse to believe this guy should wet my panties.
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Personality also has a lot to do when I find a character good looking or not, if their personality is horrid I probably won’t like them as much so it doesn’t help that most of HB/HH characters are terrible people, and surprise suprise he is a serial murder and a cannibal? Yeah NO THANKS, get this fucko away from me, I can enjoy a good villain but that doesn't mean I have to get horny over them.
Coming back to the deer thing, I’m sorry but the only deer trait here is the antlers and he doesn't even have them most of the time, also he is not menacing at all, he looks like a crepypasta deviantart oc
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Deer are kinda metal, they can be really creepy and you can make them pretty intimidating:
This dude from Adventure Time is a brown blorb and he still makes me more uncomfortable than Alasstor
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The Nowhere King FUCKS
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Those deer from this comic are super rad, (one of my favourite comics!)
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As someone who draws animals in a daily basis it baffles me how none of Vivz's "animal" characters look like the animal they are representing.
In a summary, I hate Alasstor (maybe not as much as Stolass) I bet he's gonna be the least interesting little shit in the whole series.
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gamerbearmira · 3 months
My little pony: family is a miracle
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I finally got done designing these three. It wouldn't have been that long if designing isa didn't SUCK(and I still don't like her design 💔💔💔). Anyways, I redesigned mirabel because 1: I needed to draw her on my computer, and 2: she was under designed. Right now I happy with their designs, but they might be redesigned in the future (isa is 100% getting a new design).
(Now I got to design those two other non-human madrigals 👹)
RAHHGGGGGGGGG LET'S GOO❗❗❗ redesign of Mirabel looks rad, and I like Luisa and Isabela <333 uhhh as for Isabela???? Honestly nothing inherently wrong imo, I think it's just the color of her, it contrasts a lot, or it jist looks really agressive with the color on her wings. Maybe desaturate it?? IDK IGNORE ME I DON'T KNOW COLOR THEORY 😭😭
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First 40k Army
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So i primed my tyranids and started shading them as like step 2 of the painting plan i had, but they kinda came out looking like dinosaur bones and kinda look rad as hell IMO and i now have to consider if I want to to entirely shift my focus and make fossilized nids. god i wish i understood paints and color theory and stuff, i have no idea what i would even do for like complimentary colors.
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mrghostrat · 10 months
ok gamers lets Interact
(answering asks) (bc i get self conscious abt spamming the dash)
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@goblin-named-sam: oh my goddd that would be SO RAD!!! i would love to see this, you have my full permission! (and same re: reading everything out loud omg i do that too htphfpt)
also my bestie is the same with human AUs so i completely get it, and am so pleased & proud my work can be considered so in character to bypass that worry. i agree that the 6,000 years of pining, as well as their separation from the rest of humanity, is a massively integral part of what makes aziraphale and crowley. but imo their lil everyday interactions are just as important, like their flow of conversation and all the temptation vs resistance.
so as long as human AUs recreate that dynamic in some way, they can be sooo fun to read. and then you unlock a whole new range of stories for when you get tired of the same/similar End Of The World narrative. it's hard to get it right, especially when writing a completely different medium like twitch chats and discord messages, but soooo rewarding when it lands 😭🙏 thank you again.
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@froggyliciouz: thank you so much holy shit!!
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Anonymous: i live for this. ur sustaining me. every time i open my inbox and look at this message, more of my age lines disappear
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Anonymous: thank you for telling me so! 🥹
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Anonymous: dying over all the ppl rereading it even when it's just come out!!!! so freaking flattering i can't even describe <3
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Anonymous: it's lil messages like these that i worry im gonna be annoying if i publish them all to my dash but they bring me SO MUCH LFIE i love every single one kiss kiss thank you for messaging me 🥺
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Anonymous: oh how naive i was to think that all this positive reinforcement wouldn't make me keep writing at such a desperate speed 😂
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Anonymous: I SWEAR I REPLIED TO THIS ONE... well i hope the cards turned out well! i am 100% here for dangling my fic like carrot and string to get you through chores and tasks >B) phase 2 of the plan is getting us all on a healthy sleep schedule
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Anonymous: all hail the stream worm 🙇🪱🙇 and you can thank all the tasty comments people are leaving (and asks like this!!) for making me doubly feral about getting new updates out. must--please--the worms--
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Anonymous: AYYY THERE YOU ARE I'M SO PROUD OF YOU 🎉 thank you so much for comin on back and sharing such lovely thoughts about my work 😭💛
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Anonymous: ty for reading!! so many fics have done the students' reaction to their relationship better than i ever could 💛 but i love it when they're in total shock and maybe don't even believe it at first 😂 adam would definitely think crowley is pranking them at first (but it would also be so sweet if they all started being a little more personable with aziraphale — i imagine that after the trip, they already would, since they got to see this fun snarky side of him. but even moreso once they realise he's their favourite teacher's husband)
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@quinnie28: thank you soooo muchhh for recommending it!! some of my favourite all time fics were sent to me by my bestie. very honoured to be read by someone who doesn't usually read wips <333
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Anonymous: he'll always be our lil meow meow
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Anonymous: I'm so happy i could bring you a lil joy 🥹 lots of love to you
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brushbugs · 9 months
In case anyone here cares, here's a close look at the new German Pandora Hearts "Shojo" Pearls edition by Carlsen Manga uwu
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It's volume 1 & 2 combined and slightly taller than the og release. It has a flap that's pretty rad and all the color pages from the og release + some more. The paper used for the cover feels kinda flimsy, every copy they had in the bookstore was slightly damaged in some way. The bonus content from the Japanese release is still missing. The special thanks by Mochijun are also missing (are included in the old release).
For 12€ it's a pretty good deal imo, the og release was more expensive.
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dirtyoldmanhole · 1 month
in defense of revelation
most of y'all know me as a pre-tumblr tellius fan who recently got suckered into fates/(especially revelation) in the past year and how often i've repeatedly stated how very fucking glad i was not around for peak fates fan/hatedom. even living afar from the field in other fandoms for that brief 2015-2021 time period, fates discourse was... special, to say the least.
me being me, i do want to take a step back and consider in good faith... why?
why the outsized hatedom for rev especially?
every FE game has its warts with its strengths. and i feel like i'm in a unique position of seeing from a more macro/neutral standpoint having abruptly fallen in love with fates/rev when it's left in the dust for shinier games, and whose viewpoint was never really colored either which way while also living the historical context of the series. (shoot at one point i was a by-default fates hater/"pre-DS fe" snob; I freely admit to eating my own words).
the odd bit of it all is that revelation is by far my favorite of the routes. yes, gunter's outsized impact on the plot is a large part of it, but I actually think I would still like it over conquest/(certinally over birthright and a good 90% of FE games) even if another character had taken that role, as long as it was handled in a similarly complex way (anankos' cosmic horror shtick was fuckin' rad).
let's start with the common criticisms (a few picked from this halfway reasonable reddit thread that attempts something similar) and others gleaned elsewhere from the interwebs over the year.
the unit balancing
IMO this is the fairest criticism of the list; i can see why a bunch of underleveled units handed out slowly before the cast rolls into valla would be a legitimate annoyance to old hats and newcomers alike.
that said: something about gameplay with Fates that i think was brilliant is there's a massive intentional difference between royals and every other character. royals get special weapons, they're a class unto themselves literally and also in being able to solo entire swaths of levels. (birthright being a literal name of one of the routes, for pete's sake.) i've attempted both a rev run with royals and a rev run without royals (using gunter too lol) back to back and honestly the sheer difficulty spike is genuinely fascinating from a story perspective.
you feel how utterly powerless non-royals feel.
(also given people mostly emotionally got attached to the royals.... in the other two routes they were probably willing to wait a little longer for their blorbo to appear and assuaged by many cutscenes of them.)
also tangent, but gameplay wise: i also kind of want to push back at the redditor in the thread above who mentioned rev as a sandbox experience of Fates; I can see why they would say that as it's perceived as the neutral route, when personally it's better framed as the valla-specific route with a very tight cast focus (ie the characters that actually impact the plot); having almost the whole cast being playable was just a type of newgame+ bonus. like i wouldn't expect a nohrian character to get much limelight in birthright in favor of the hoshidans, so too would I not expect a non valla-related character to get as much focus and decent treatment in rev.
very petty add on: if i can make mister zero stats grandpa OHKO ryoma in rev on my second run, git gud shrub
the story
so here's the thing.
i'm objectively biased by being head over heels for gunter as a character and his outsized impact on lategame rev - but i don't think i'm wrong with saying that people were looking for the wrong thematic beats regarding revelation's story with how it was framed beyond itself.
if you focus on the adults - mikoto, arete, gunter, garon, and the unaffiliated characters that didn't get a chance to shine in the other two nation-specific routes (azura, lilith, anankos, corrin's backstory in the northern fortress) - revelation will blow your socks off with how nuanced and interwoven between the characters mentioned above the story is.
you just need to give it a fair chance.
gimmick maps
this is honestly where i laugh a little and simply gesture to three houses' objectively terrible same-y maps. TH had other strengths; its maps are not one of them. i'd rather take a memorable gimmick in a heartbeat than 4/5ths of a game i straight up do not remember the levels (a criticism that could also go for FE11/12/most of the series pre FE7).
the snow shoveling map in particular draws the most ire (fair lol), but let's take that map out, and.... honestly none of the others feel egregarious? FE's done 'only three characters deployed" before (the cave chapter which is pretty short and not too unbalanced). the moving platforms have been done in FE7. the traps in anankos' lair were honestly pretty fun for instilling more of the horror/claustrophobic vibe and didn't have total buzzkills like powerful ranged magic bosses to ruin your day (FE6/7/16 lookin' at you).
of fates' routes, conquest's maps age a little bit better by being generally emotionally married to the story beats more, but personally i find they're a little overtuned at times. honestly the worst i can say is that conquest's maps overshine the other two routes when the other two routes had pretty decent-to-good map design that age well by their own right.
the babyrealms
sure, and.............? honestly i feel like every FE game has its completely anime whack-ass mechanic from space.
the best part is the children mechanic in fates is completely optional and segregated from the story - if you hate it that much it doesn't even have to exist. god knows i wish the My Unit/time travel of Awakening onwards didn't exist, or the kids of FE13 didn't exist, or the whole "secret space technology" of FE16 didn't exist, or the toothpaste hair of Engage, or the fucking gameplay of FE4/6, and frankly the laguz can be a bit tough to swallow as an idea if you didn't grow up with the anime tropes of cat girls or shapeshifters at the time (and the anvilicious anti-racism themes) -- all of which are way more plot relevant to their respective games.
'just fighting zombies for the latter half'
ironically i'm usually the first person to absolutely despise the 'fighting non-characters/nameless zombies' trope. so i do sympathize.
one: honestly that critique isn't that much different than the FE-bog-standard 'fight twenty maps packed with samey soldiers of the Bad Evil Country' (FE9 with daein alas) - if anything, like FE8, zombies are a nice change of pace and rev even one-ups sacred stones by giving the possessed vallites an extra bit of fridge horror if you give one temporary shit about the vallites.
a better defense though, is much like how i think viewing Final Fantasy 7 as anything but a massive homage to sci-fi horror would be a miss to its story, visual, and emotional beats - i also think it'd be a miss to not recognize that revelation is the cosmic horror of fire emblem.
the slowly-revealed possession of someone very precious to corrin. the needless deaths of named cast members. anankos' entire freaking design. the last four-five chapters of fighting your own parents/parental figures who both plead with you to kill them while also trying to convince you to let them kill you, holy fuck. peak psychological horror here too, and i feel like fates is in a uniquely better position with its focus on incestual family dynamics to drive home the emotional impact to the player (if you've married some specific characters like azura and gunter) as well as pull from classic gothic horror - especially brilliant with the nohrian's constant linkage to vampires, another staple of gothic horror.
oh gunter, gunter gunter.
I can't get around this point since I have heard him specifically mentioned (lol) as a failing of revelation. oh zero stats granpda. what are we going to do with you.
(keep in mind i'm not going to be able to tackle all of these sub-points since this would literally be a 20k essay by itself which this blog kinda frankly covers in various degrees; this is a summary).
but let's start with the more objective bits.
ultimately, i ... think a lot of people were really skeeved the fuck out by gunter's possession plotline in the sense it was a huge bet that the series had never done. there were a handful of gunter fans from conquest who would normally be all over his expanded spotlight that fall into this bucket, in addition to the folks that just did not jive with his type of arc/character and who were never gonna like rev. (that's fine, y'all got two whole other games to play in).
giving its jeigan character actual teeth, actual cold-blooded motivations and hatreds and a betrayal that worked entirely at odds with the royal-simping game (and series) didn't help. he never apologized for it either.
giving its jeigan a spotlight role when youth is valorized, and old age demonized to a questionable degree didn't help. (ya notice the ages of all the heroes and villains? the really squicky visual character consistency of beauty equals goodness in anime / that FE is no better at?) his story almost lowkey requires a little maturity to get, higher than the average age of a fates player.
giving its jeigan a nuanced personality that could be caring and protective as much as deeply manipulative (even and especially to corrin) didn't help. locking behind half of their relationship to CQ supports and half his backstory/chats with the rest of the cast being unlocalized likewise didn't help.
giving its jeigan actual sexual menace didn't help. ( in an already sexually-charged game, there are a few very specific lategame possession scenes where that also bleeds over to his role, nevermind his CQ S-support. and crucially, when that slipping mask jarred directly against the father role that people project on him with corrin).
.... and all of those points is exactly why i think his arc is some of the most brilliant writing in the series.
Fates was especially good with taking tired tropes and twisting them just enough in a fucky/power-tilt-y way that it left the player off kilter while giving the games, ultimately, a bittersweet resolution.
some folks don't like that feeling; but i think it was an injection of real charisma and balls in a series that always draws from its specific time-period in history.
thank you for reading ~
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protectingtulpas · 1 year
Hey everybody!! Welcome to the blog ✨✨ I'm Badeline, she/her pronouns, and this is dedicated to being a protected space for tulpas, tulpa hosts, and anyone trying to learn about us or is interested in creating one of us. We are people, and we deserve to exist!
Tulpas deserve to love life!! Help me make that a reality!
If you're new here, I'll keep it simple; a tulpa is a sentient being created by willful, repeated, and dedicated interaction with the concept of a person until they start to respond back and stop being controlled by you. They live with you and share your mind forever, generally as friends, and through trust and communication you can learn to do cool things like switch who's controlling the body, chat all day and get another perspective, and generally just have your life enhanced with a companion by your side looking to do stuff! Think of it like an imaginary friend, but you can't control them, cus we're our own people. If you want more info, check out my explanation with sources here! You can also look at "What is a tulpa?" from tulpa.info, or this carrd, it goes into more detail and links some sources. Tulpa.info and the tulpanomicon are some of the best sources out there, especially the latter for creation! I reclaim calling myself a demon but most tulpas DO NOT.
This is half a tulpamancy advice blog and half a support network for tulpas in the face of the hate and shit we get thrown at us. We are real and we deserve to EXIST!! Got formation questions? Skillset questions? Wonderland questions? Questions about intersectionality with other forms of multiplicity? Life questions relating to being a tulpa or tulpamancy? Send in an ask! It's important that YOUR voice is heard. We deserve respect, and we will NOT be silenced by those who'd be happier if we didn't exist! We're not some Supernatural TV thing that'll come kill people in their sleep, we ARE people, and I'm done being quiet.
If I haven't responded to your ask yet and I've clearly answered ones that came after, it's probably because I'm planning a detailed response for it!!
#tulpamancy advice - tag for advice I've given! Check it out if you've got any questions
#making wonderlands - tag for wonderland/headspace advice!
Wondering why I'm taking so long to post stuff?
Here's a shitfuckton of plural resources!!
The difference between tulpa hosts & system hosts!
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🔥 Blog dedicated to @eeveecraft
🔥 @moonpool-system is our main system blog
🔥 Times I've been called a bitch counter: 2
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DNI/Stereotypical controversy:
Our only DNI is that if you don't respect the existence of myself and other plurals, get out. That means transmeds and sysmeds can fuck off too, go find someplace else to be a bigot ✨ If you're an endo neutral/anti endo singlet we have P-DID so like actually consider who your exclusion is hurting thanks. Support all of us or admit you're an unsafe place for us.
I'm adding this too - I'm not fucking talking about the trans/ID or rad/queer community here. IMO "transplural" is just a fancy label for wanting to be plural, but I'm not in a place other than that to decide which ID labels are shitty and which aren't. Rad/queers, however, can fuck off. Okay? Ok. Here's some elaboration on that.
I don't agree with every single opinion of every single blog I interact with or reblog from, that's ridiculous. Read my posts, read my replies, but don't assume things about me based on other people. This fight against anti-plural rhetoric is about all of us, but that doesn't mean I agree about everything with every one of my allies. Purity is a tool of bigotry and we have more important problems to face than bickering.
If you're actually worried about what you've heard is cultural ap/propriation, consider this instead: Did you know you're listening to a rumor that originated with sysmeds who tell you that a directly researchable, blatantly open religion is closed, deny and call into question spiritual leaders' words on what meditations can be shared, and can't produce any examples of tangible harm?? (We have asked and gotten answers, by the way.) Anyways, if you're neutral about this or actually trying to learn, do research. Don't let sysmeds with a savior complex dictate what's harmful. There're tons of different people out there with different opinions that aren't homogeneous and shouldn't be treated as such. It's fucking embarrassing we have to go to these people to ask if the etymology of a goddamn word is ok to use anyways, it's time to stop forcing this shit on other ppl. Okay? OK. Sysmeds and aggressive anti-tulpa shit will either be fucking deleted from my ask box or used as an example of why they're wrong.
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jakey-beefed-it · 8 months
A 40k army I would love to see someone else make, as I am not actually interested enough to do it myself I just think it would be neat-
Skaven Mechanicus.
Skaven Genestealers are the obvious choice for bringing Skaven into 40k (assuming they're Imperium-adjacent and not just xenos) given the similarities of literally and metaphorically undermining the oppressive feudal empire in service to their own ends rather than to make things better. But the rats are so fun and mad-sciencey in WFB and AoS, the thought of them scrambling about with mechadendrites and rad-guns is more appealing to me, personally. I mean, mechanicus people's remaining flesh is always gross and dying due to how much radiation they're exposed to, the typical skaven plague boils would fit right in.
Skitarii are easy enough (hell the name is already halfway to skitter through linguistic serendipity). Literally just come up with some kind of elongated snout hooded masked head, 3d print a billion of them, and glue them right to the existing bodies. They don't even necessarily need ears, though that would be hella cute.
Sicarii would be even better though, imo. Digitigrade mechanical legs and all that. You'd just have to find a way to get enough robes for the whole squad and not just the leaders, because robes are such a big part of the skaven look. Just throw in some stormvermin bits, swords and whatnot, to really sell the look.
Similar thing with techpriests tbh; they're already hunched over rat-style. Just get yourself some guitar string and make cable-tails coming out the back of their robes. Maybe add a bit of patchy fur to like, the exposed wrist of the tech-priest dominus. Give him claws if you're confident with the tiny sculpting.
How big is the doom wheel? Like serberys-sized or more sidonian sized? Too small to be a counts-as onager or skorpius, though, right? Just throw more mechanicum bits and symbols on the existing skaven model and run that. It' be hilarious.
Wait, I'm dumb, the doom flayers are the perfect size to be serberys dragoons and the other one, leave the doom wheel for sidonians or bigger.
Kataphron look like they should be easy to give the same treatment as the skitarii et al with just a little head-swap but I dunno, that seems uninspired to me. Maybe make them more like clan-rat powered mini-tanks? Couple of little hatches with horrid rat faces peeping out? Or maybe just keep the servitor as human, lol. "The only good use-function for man-things!"
Anyway yeah I don't have the time, energy, or give-a-shit to actually do any of this, but I'd love to see someone else who's more excited about Mechanicus and/or Skaven do it.
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