#lol those kits are literally the worst
puppiekit · 3 months
One thing about the warriors Mapleshade hate train era of the fandom that still pisses me off actually is how people swore up and down that Mapleshade MUST be an unreliable narrator and so therefore nothing she expirienced or thought could be in any way accurate.
When in reality it was just the fandom making up bullshit headcanons out of thin air and portraying it as canon just so they can excuse Thunderclans blatant hatred/xenophobia, assault of a mother, and banishment of literal babies. Nobody wants to admit the fact that Mapleshade was severely screwed over and had every right to be pissed the hell off! (and don't get me wrong murder is inexcusable but like.... you guys baby so many other murderers in this series please stop playing)
Because outright saying "Mapleshade lying is worthy of assault and/or death" will reasonably earn you a WTF response, so people exaggerate her aggressors victimhood by making up bullshit about Mapleshade being a "baby trapper" or an "overtly possessive toxic girlfriend", and/or crafting some make-believe soppy sad backstory for Frecklewish. All to make Maples decision to lie seem worse than it in actuality was, or actively malicious in nature, and deserving of the recieved "punishment" (assault and death of her children).
Like... I cannot state enough how much it pisses me off when people discredit *the literal POV expiriences of the book protagonist* just to make up random crap about her clanmates and craft some elaborate tale where Maple is the worst and has sucked all along. When we know literally nothing about them, and especially Frecklewish, except that she made a stupid assumption, is willing to beat a mother in front of their kids, and quiet frankly didn't actually give a shit about those kids the moment she realized they weren't blood related. LOL
Like completley out of nowhere people decided Mapleshade lying was the worst crime ever commited in the history of the series... UNLESS you're literally any other character in the series to do it like Bluestar Leafpool Squirrelflight Yellowfang etc etc etc.... When they get flack for lying it's unfair and they were doing what they thought was right! But also it's completely unacceptable for Mapleshade to lie about her children's half-clan heritage in an environment where her peers are violently hateful and xenophobic. Because it hurt their feelings ... LOL
And don't even get me started on the fact that, quiet frankly, Frecklewish and Oakstar were being unreasonable from the very beginning by being hateful and blaming Riverclan for their loved ones death. They literally sent their son/brother INTO BATTLE and are now mad that he DIED? What the hell do they think happens when you send people out to beat eachother up (often to the death)??
Battle and death is such a normal and accepted part of clan culture it genuinely baffles me people dont realize that, as understandable as their grief, their anger/hatred is pretty crazy, even if Appledusk *had* killed Birchface. They were wrong to assume Birchface was the father and they were wrong to project their hatred on Mapleshade and her kits. Not a single action made by them was reasonable or excusable. You don't put that kind of pressure on a single mother who *explicitly avoided stating her kits father* and get all mad when it isn't who you assumed it to be. Like it's next level stupidity
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enpr-ss · 1 year
“That guy’s in a funny spot…. And yet I’m not laughing” etho pls
Him jumping off the stairs to dodge being trapped by 2 ravagers is just so cool. And then he enters level 3 and it’s pathetic tiny slime man again. “I wanna go homeeeee”. He’s so panicked in the dripstone it’s great. HOW DID HE DODGE BETWEEN THREE VEXES AND A RAVAGER AND EVOKER TEETH OH MY GOD. he can’t make the chain parkour when it’s not going LOL. and then he gets help from Pearl to do parkour! Everyone is an etho girl. All that and he dies to a vex.
The audacity to call Gem a chihuahua when he started it and the one who shakes like a little dog.
That’s an interesting strategy of also considering the slots the cards take up. Never thought of it that way before. That one should swap commons for rares makes sense obviously, but the way explained it! What a gamer.
BRO HE TRUSTED THAT CARPET BLOCKER SO MUCH!!! such a greedy boi. He has his loot path READY. so far he seems to be more scared of level 1 than of Willie. The shaky cam is REAL. DOUBLE REPAIR KIT HOLY!!!!! THE DUNGEON LOVES HIM. 3 EMBERS 2 CROWNS 4 COINS!!!! Tango probably limited it to 1 repair kit a run because he’s etho-proofing it. He knows. HE’S LEAVING THE DUNGEON WITH LIKE 10 CLANK BLOCK!!!
I’m not surprised he’s willing to trade 4 tomes for bounding strides. Jump boost is no joke. Etho knows that any game breaking strats he employs is going to be nerfed. He is self aware. Mountain climbing ravagers are no joke.
What a greed run. Wide turns to get the treasure! Evasion + tome = “a failed rusty run”. this guy.
Speedrun!!! Server literally forcing etho not to be greedy. All that in 5 minutes.
“There’s no ravagers here” SIKE. I really like how he strategizes and really makes use of his deck and where the cards get deployed. Less shriekers in level 3 means a chance to build up clank block. Gotta go down to level 2 asap to trigger treasure and keys there. Lure the ravagers to create an exit path. OF COURSE ITS THE GEM OF GREATNESS THAT TROLLS HIM BY BEING ONE BLOCK OFF. HAHAHAHA. SECOND WIND CLUTCH!!! HAZARD BLOCK WITH A RAVAGER BUT IT MADE A DIFFERENCE ANYWAYS!! JUST BARELY MADE THE CHAIN PARKOUR!!! Rusty!!! 6 EMBERS 4 COINS AND A CROWN OH MY GOD. Noooo he missed the crown in the center! “We stumble and we run” “STUMBLE”. The Shaky Camera!!! “I don’t want to see Swagger right now if I see Swagger I’m going to cry” *Swagger pops up immediately* “nooooooo”
HE JUST BE JEDI MINDTRICKING THAT RAVAGER INTO THE ROOM!!! Hypno must be fuming right now. I cannot believe he jumped right over Willie’s head, got stuck, and still manages to swim to shore without getting a single hit. Cub is so sad right now. Etho always has a Strat for the worst case scenario of being hazard block (a hard learned lesson right there lol), and he’s so happy when the way is actually cleared for once. Dodging that ravager and then MOMENT OF CLARITY RIGHT BEFORE HE EXITS!!! The dungeon is taunting him and wants him to stay so bad. AND THEN SWAGGER IN THE SHOP!!!
So he WAS a honey doper and sus stew slurper. Your barrel betrays you Etho. Oof that was rough. Ravager wrangling on level 1 is hard sometimes. He gives fair deals!! And calls out ripoffs! And it still doesn’t work lol. Infrequent runners giving out shards for cards makes sense because they aren’t going to use those shards anyways and having fun in dungeon with better cards matters more lol.
Remember when Tango said that people would never hit treasure limit on level 1? Especially without getting a key? Etho and Hypno and Gem are laughing at his redstone right now. Etho badmouthing Sprint before reluctantly buying it and now he loves it. Etho explores ONE time and immediately gets punished and he vows to never make that mistake again. HE GOT SANDWICHED BY THE LEVEL 2 DOORS LOL. HE ETHOWALLED HIMSELF. And of course the shop continues to torment him with bounding strides and nimble looting. I think he made the right choice there; especially since his deck has so much clank block.
How does he always get sprint right before entering level 3?? Rigged. HE ALREADY MEMORIZED LEVEL 3 AND LURES WARDENS AROUND!!? DARES TO UNSHIFT WHILE BLINDED AND ITS RIGHT THERE?!?! HOW?!! ETHO MY MAN HOW ARE YOU DOING THIS?!?! And then he misses Willie right there. AND HE MAKES IT!!! EVEN WITH A CAMPING RAVAGER!!!
Gem is absolutely right. Tango would hide an egg in the spiders den.
HE DOES IT AGAIN!!! Sprint right before level 3, in and out in roughly a minute, loot and scoot speeding his escape. And now Rusty!! 3 embers, 3 coins, and 3 crowns. That’s a lot. And he talks to Rusty like he’s telling his wild stories too. Sprint might be op, especially for level 3. Maybe tango should consider either nerfing it, making it more expensive, or limiting which level it can play at. He got 10 crowns. That’s insane. I don’t think anyone has ever left with 10 crowns without finding an egg / egg loot.
Etho: this is a deck building phase…. Here are three very good cards that I could buy. Hmmm…
Etho: *buys 5 tomes*
Etho: *hands in 20 tomes*
I hate him so much why is he like this. I think sprint and a time would have been fine too. But yeah any of those cards would have been fantastic. AND HE CALLS GEM A TRYHARD IN THE CAKE ROOM. THIS LITTLE SHIT.
Etho out here defending victims of scams and bad deals. First Cleo now Bdubs. And of course Bdubs voted armadillo when Etho specifically said not to. Gem’s a loyal ethogirl!!! That’s why she wants to beat him up so much. Etho on his rants. We love it. And then he just sets up Bdubs perfectly for Scar’s ravager jumpscare. Love that jump boost activated at the perfect time for that as well.
Wow that’s a lot of coins. Wished he didn’t cut him looping those ravagers though. And look he’s too scared to do the gem vine swing over the ravager in the spiders den. I’m really liking the crystal tings for level 3. It sounds so cool. Etho’s got level 3 down pat. Oh my god that bdubs track gave me a legit jumpscare. Was that tango messing around?? And I can’t believe that Etho maxed out the treasure for both levels. Of course he did. How does the shop always troll him with a card that literally just out of his reach.
That was a classic turn around the corner and BAM ravager jumpscare. Truly it is the spooky season this phase. Slime Etho!! Look at him go, looping wardens and finding the right spot somehow in all that blindness and tension. He got loot and scoot combined with bounding strides. And it got wasted because he was blinded and the warden was right there. The jump boost lasts for so long. The ravager wrangler is back at it! And he’s just there telling tales to Rusty as he waits for the loot to dispense. 2 coins, 4 embers, and 3 crowns!! Max Clank? We haven’t seen that for a while. YO THAT RAVAGER WAS RIGHT THERE HOW DID HE NOT SEE IT?!? HOW DID HE SURVIVE? Bro the redstone delay with the vexes saved his life right there. I CANNOT BELIEVE HE JUST CHARGED THROUGH RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE RAVAGER ON ONE HEART!!!! OH MY GOD. AND HE MAKES IT!!!! That shaky camera though.
Wait has Etho not died on level 3 yet? Omg he isn’t afraid to not perma-sneak. Look at him breaking the game again. The wild thing is that he found a parkour shortcut that many people had thought impossible previously. And of course jump boost occurs immediately after. His runs are just hilarious. I THOUGHT HE WAS ABOUT TO JUMP INTO LAVA HAHA. And what a perfect ending with the exact amount of frost embers needed to purchase suit up.
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everybody-loves-purdy · 2 months
I am one of those Wrenflight haters, but I don't have Wrenflight, I actually had a soft spot for her before she even became relevant, but I hate the fact that the Erins choose to make yet another female character have such a hopeless crush on a miserable male protagonist.
I fear that the only personality that Wrenflight will ever get is "giddy girl with a crush" which is barely anything and it feels like a cop-out. Rootspring gets to move on and have his government mandated kits with the most irelevant woman he can find while Bristlefrost is still mega dead.
the concept of WrenRoot is cute, don't get me wrong, but in a series where the male characters constantly get to move on and get new (very boring) wives and children while the female characters die or are just forgotten it just feels very aggravating and unfair. Bristlefrost's death was already toeing the line with the female fridging issues of this series, but Rootspring moving on would be the straw that broke the camel's back for me.
Why can't Rootspring not get a new mate. He can learn to live with the grief, but does he really need a new mate to replace Bristlefrost?
I want Rootspring to have a proper grief act without a Woman Prize at the end, I want Wrenflight to have a personality other than Crush On Man Mourning His Girlfriend and I'd prefer if the authors didn't just randomly conjure romantic feelings out of nowhere all the time, it gets annoying after a while.
Ivypool's Heart will have to do a masterpiece of a job for me to even remotely tolerate this ship. Now it feels undeserved and very random.
That is totally fair, my greatest fear is that Wrenflight will be relegated to just “standard female love interest” it’s honestly one of the worst fates that can befall a warrior cats character, simply because they often cease to be a character. Especially if they then become a mother on top of that. Then they just become “motherly ™” regardless of their previous personality.
I feel like if RootWren happens we won’t really see it until changing skies. And if it does happen then there I hope we see Wrenflight’s personality beyond being in love, because I have a strong feeling that we will not see her again in this super edition.
I am undoubtedly going to be disappointed but I am going to treat myself and allow myself to dare hope that the Erins might do more than the bare minimum with her. I did dare hope for Flutter in Riverstar’s Home to be more than just a bland love interest and look how she turned out to be the most fridged woman in warrior cats history lol.
I mainly like the idea of RootSren because I think Rootspring would be happier to share his life with someone, he comes across as a romantic to me, and Wrenflight seems sweet and energetic and I think they would do well together, from the literal two sentences we’ve had from Wrenflight anyway. I would only want it to happen slowly and when Root feels ready though. I do not want Ivypool’s Heart to end with a cat marriage proposal.
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thelastspeecher · 4 months
eregyrn-falls replied to your post: “I've been watching a lot of tornado related...”
tornadoes are something that terrified me as a little kid, no doubt due to television. (i can remember a nightmare from early childhood about a tornado.) i grew up in eastern PA, where at the time we didn't have any. so it was the IDEA of them that terrified me. honestly, it still does. i would very very VERY much prefer never to live in a place that gets them with any regularity.
​i realize they're old hat for you, and that's true for anyone who lives with a natural phenomenon. you come to respect it, rather than be terrified of it. but for me, i can't get past the suddenness of them. the fact that they can strike in the middle of the night when you might have almost no warning at all. while they aren't completely unpredictable (obviously there are observable weather fronts and stuff), to me, they feel that way.
the natural disasters that i can deal with are hurricanes, and blizzards. both of those are things you see coming for DAYS. you can get out ahead of them. you can take steps to protect your house and your pets and yourself. (i mean, both of those in theory, assuming you have the means and the financial situation.) earthquakes and tornadoes are too sudden for me and that's why they scare me.
oh you're not the only one who's had a tornado nightmare! one of the worst nightmares I've had in my entire life was a tornado nightmare!
I think that what allows me to continue living in a tornado-prone area despite my general anxiety over like, idk, life, is two things: 1) tornado predictions give a crazy amount of warning nowadays, and 2) I live in a tornado-prone area, I've had a few close calls, but it's not like I live in Moore, Oklahoma lmao.
most tornado warnings aren't even that a tornado has been spotted by someone or confirmed by radar. most of them are "radar indicated rotation", meaning that a thunderstorm with a rotating cloud has been detected on radar. which doesn't mean tornado. it does mean a storm capable of a tornado and more likely to produce one, but it doesn't mean a tornado. or even a funnel cloud!
very VERY rarely are people caught off guard by a tornado anymore. FEMA says the average amount of time between a tornado warning being issued and the tornado or storm striking the area is 10 to 15 minutes. plenty of time to grab your emergency kit and go to your safe place. we have tornado watches if the weather is favorable and often know days in advance whether we'll be hit by weather conducive for tornadogenesis.
and even when we don't know in advance, like I said, we still have plenty of warning! about a week ago, I woke up to sirens, then ten minutes later, heard them again. which I knew likely meant a tornado warning had been issued (the first time, I checked my phone and saw it was severe thunderstorm and just rolled over to sleep some more lol). and before I could check, my phone went off, blaring the same alarm as an Amber Alert. which I knew 100% meant tornado warning. and it was. my roommate and I had time to use the bathroom, grab the dogs and emergency bag, and even take the dogs outside really quick to pee before the storm hit us! and we didn't have a tornado watch in effect. there weren't supposed to be conditions for tornadoes that morning.
and like I said, I don't live in Moore. if I did, I wouldn't even DREAM of living somewhere without a basement. as it is, I fucking hate that my best option is a hallway on the first floor. we've gotten tornadoes before. some have gotten close to me. one literally lifted over a building I was in. but thankfully, we're not as prone as other locations in my state; the storms tend to lose some steam by the time they reach here. and the tornadoes that do spawn tend to be lower level, again, because of the storms losing steam by the time they get here.
I know a lot about the science of tornadoes and grew up in Tornado Alley (or adjacent, depending on what graphic you use), so I know that our current methods are so flipping good at protecting us. we DO have warning. not as much as for a hurricane, but generally speaking, enough to, like I said, use the bathroom and grab the pets. earthquakes...yeah those don't typically give much warning, but that's something scientists are working on. buildings in earthquake-prone areas are built to withstand them (much like many buildings in tornado-prone areas are built to withstand severe storms), and people grow up learning what to do in an earthquake. (which is find a table to hide under, essentially, btw.)
no, what scares ME the most are wildfires.
you're flat-out fucked over by those.
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jennagrinsoverml · 2 years
⛽️ Name a fic that you got energy from after reading.
I’m not entirely sure what this means, tbh. Maybe a funny fic like œuf ouch owie since I tend to get energy from laughing?
👶🏻 First fic you remember reading?
Answered here.
🥰 Your comfort fics that you can re-read several times and still love them?
Oh gosh. So many. I download all of my favourite fics as epub files onto my ipad and, especially when I'm tired and don't have the energy for something new, I'll just go through and read the same fics over and over and over again.
By no means an exhaustive list, but all of the fics off my Must Reads rec list, A Secret Worth Keeping, The Prescription and Super Fan by @gabriel-agreste-has-no-rights, Operation: Bisou and most of @ghostlyhamburger's smutty one-shots, i think it’s time i told you (i’m a fan of your universe), tell me what you want so we can do just what you like and the Hey there, hot stuff~ series by @clairelutra, Bad Week by @ominousunflower, Banter series, Stars series, A Cat of Their Own, Bet, Jealousy, Enthusiasm and The Open Line by @sariahsue, A Nice Matching Set by @bridgetinerabbit, The Pole Kit and Kaboodle by @chatonne-rousse,  rumour has it by @settledownsummer, twists and turns and your lips are meant to be kissed by @zimtlein, (Emergency) Boyfriend by @nomolosk, Maintaining a Professional Distance and Off the Mark by @buggachat, pretty lady, look at how he's smiling, our hands would not be taught to hold another's (literally just reread this Thursday night for the umptieth time) and Me, My Best Friend, and Her Cat by @ladyofthenoodle, and of course after reading that last one I have to read the sequel, A Miraculous Reveal: Locked in a Closet by you (and of course all your reveals but I linked those already in the Must Reads post) and The Five Minute Adventures of Snake Noir.
Also my own stuff because it's all written exactly to my tastes lol
Favorite fic trope?
M U T U A L P I N I N G ! ! !
I go absolutely wild for two people being absolutely stupid in love with each other and thinking their feelings are unrequited and pining away. Far and away my favourite trope! (Honourable mentions go to fake dating and identity reveals.)
✏️ Ever gotten inspired to write your own fic after reading someone elses?
Experimental Kisses by @komorebirei. Basically Ladybug agrees to kiss Chat because it's not fair that he doesn't remember his first kiss. She sets some ground rules including that it doesn't change anything or mean anything. Except that after she experiences "what it feels like to be kissed by someone who loves you with all of their being" well....it affects her.
There's some fantastic flirting and banter, and then Ladybug leaves and the fic ends. And it's wonderful! But I'm obsessed with what happens next.
In my head, that kiss keeps her up at night for weeks until she finally caves and asks for more. I just love her not being able to stop thinking about it. And it driving her absolutely crazy. Because she wants to kiss him again.
But she can't, obviously. Of COURSE she's not going to kiss Chat again. But she wants to.
It's all she can think about. She's distracted in class, distracted out with her friends (she was so distracted she even missed Adrien greeting her once! Alya thought she was sick)
But the worst is when there's an akuma attack or they have patrol because Chat is RIGHT THERE and she knows how easy it would be to kiss him again and she wonders if it would be as good as she remembers or if she's built it up to something bigger than it was in her mind
And then one night she lets something slip, maybe asks Chat if he's kissed a lot of girls before or something like that. And he catches on right away: "you're still thinking about it!" Excited. Hopeful.
And she tells him to shut up but her cheeks are on fire.
And then he's like "we could kiss again, you know. If you want."
And she should say no, right? This is a terrible idea. She never should have said yes the first time.
But.... she can't stop thinking about it. Maybe one more kiss will help her finally put this out of her head.
She agrees.
And he kisses her again, gently but insistently like before, but this time SHE KISSES HIM BACK.
And then I'm imagining like weeks of ladynoir makeouts...and that was as far as I got!
I've also got a partially written fic playing in @buggachat's Bakery Enemies AU, but giving Adrien's POV.
(For the Fic Readers Ask Game)
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2af-afterdark · 1 year
Pffft seen the Kuya with kits post. But imagine,
Eiden because of his essence and his strong bond with the members made a magical child.
A child with each one. Eiden Yakumo kid, Eiden Edmond kid and so on
Poor guys XD
See, all I can think is who would be a good dad and who would be terrible.
Morvay and Aster? Bad dads. Sorry, but they are. Morvay doesn't know how to take care of a child and Aster is too busy running the entire household to be an involved dad.
Yakumo? Very loving father who adores his child more than anything. Very anxious that he will screw up somehow though (and it shows). He hears a mind whine and is trying everything to comfort his baby.
Edmond? Good dad in the most stereotypical way possible. Has his shit together with balancing work and childcare. He has one of those child carriers that keeps the baby against his chest too.
Olivine... I am of two minds. On one hand, he is very caring and would be an affectionate father. On the other, his parents fucked him up so badly that I think he'd be almost afraid to raise a kiddo. Maybe he wants to simply be a better parent than he had. Also, that kid would be raised by literally everyone since they love Olivine so much. Lol
Quincy? A protective dad, but otherwise kind of bad at parenting. Let's baby sleep on his chest and they nap together, but he leaves baby at home when he goes out because... he forgot. However, the second baby is in danger, he will be there is 0.2 seconds (no matter how far away he was). I feel Topper is the nanny.
Kuya... well, I already gave my feelings there. Acts like a bad dad, is a good dad when no one is looking. Will teach his kids how to cause chaos before they are a month old.
Garu is the worst dad. He would act more like a friend or playmate than a parent. Karu is not much better.
Blade is a mixed bag. He wants to spoil his kid because that's his Darling's baby, but he can turn on serious mode when needed. His kid will be so weird when they get older (affectionate).
Dante is the ruler of a whole ass country with nannies and advisors and shit. He is set. That kid is going to be pampered and intelligent and have every possible advantage. Love that for them.
Kids are not for experimenting, Rei!!! Bad dad squad. I think Father is going to have to raise that kid if they have any chance. Rei is just... a lot.
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sethan-obsession · 10 months
one thing that doesn't come up very often when anything about Neco-Arc comes up is the characters' position in the actual games they're in
while Melty Blood isn't something that a lot of people are very versed in (especially amongst people that like the little =3 cat, myself included), outside of meme culture and story mode funnies within the series, the characters are almost entirely a nonsequitur
Neco-Arc and Neco-Arc Chaos (the latter abbreviated to NAC and the former abbreviated to usually "Neco", for later reference) typically occupy the bottom 2 position in whatever game they're in, approximately, between their 3 moons. moons are a "groove" system in melty blood similar to that found in CVS2, or otherwise it's similar to the differences between Shadow and Normal characters in Persona, essentially mixing around your characters' set of universal mechanics and general moveset, though especially strongly associated signature attacks are usually kept between all moons.
some specific characters are considered worse on their "bad moon(s)" than the Necos on their "good moons", but generally those characters' "good versions" outshine most anything any variant of the necos can do.
their general pros between them are "annoying" and "small and difficult to hit or combo, conditionally". they typically attempt to play a zoney, pixie-esque air focused game, but the common theme between much of the necos' kits are that they seldom function, and are a traditional hardcore style "joke character" like street fighter Alpha Dan.
i want to generally focus on NAC for this because i find them more interesting (and they look cute & unique, design and personality wise), the character generally deferred to as bottom 1 with the worst moon in the game amongst popular opinion.
on Mizuumi (for those unaware, a "poverty" FG wiki equivalent to sites like Supercombo and Dustloop), NAC's strongest moon in Crescent (shorthanded to C-NAC) has a wall of cons and a short burst of pros which sum up to "annoying" and "so bad that people don't have match experience to know the matchup".
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even at their absolute best or with their most "complete" kit that forms the most functional gameplan, NAC is still marred with some of the funniest shit ever. check these green boxes out:
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all of these are incredibly slow normals and mostly the only epitome of "range" NAC has, with other buttons literally extending a few pixels in front of their silly little cat sprite. they extend their gigantic hurtboxes before they're active and up until NAC is actionable again in most cases. only normal you can actually play footsies against in melty blood.
C-NAC focuses on specials that do passable zoning (though generally easily disrespected, and low reward). the other moons, however, are quite dire.
Half Moon Neco-Arc Chaos (H-NAC) can be generally surmised by the first thing at the top of their page, before even their normals:
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it's no exaggeration, either. Skeleton is pretty much the only person who even has H-NAC games on record. there are a few here and there, mostly some locally recorded matches between friends, but in the modern day, this is your guru, and the only advice they have is "Please do not pick this character". splendid. extremely funny.
H-NAC generally suffers from losing out on important things that allow NAC to play as a "worse than almost everyone else but still almost functional Melty character", such as having a functional airdash or backdash, but hey, they've got a command throw in case someone's response to not knowing the NAC matchup is to hold downback instead of mashing (if you find an individual of such criteria, i'll give you ten dollars.)
F-NAC, however, is the worst it's ever been. take a gander at this:
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H-NAC lacks the ability to really do much of anything, and is blessed with an EX move which does *zero damage*, has a superflash as Melty EX moves do, and is -20 on what, on meterless variations, is meant to be a pressure reset special. in exchange, if you hit with it point blank (and i mean it, your pushboxes have to be touching in most cases) it can cause Circuit Break (no meter usage or gain for x amount of seconds) on the opponent, but that's meter you can spend on bad reversals instead, since your abare is terrible. if you don't hit with the Circuit Break point blank hitbox, it instead builds a ton of meter for the opponent on hit, drains yours, and does zero damage, leaving you in a bad oki situation after.
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four hit jumping mid which has the same terrible hurtbox rules, isn't very active considering NAC's bad jump arc and airdash, and fails to combo into anything beyond that usually. good move.
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cabeswaterdrowned · 1 year
ask game:
tsc (i’m sorry i always ask about them, my brainrot is strong and i love hearing your thoughts)
and community
don’t apologize pls lol I also am brain rotting hard and have few people to talk about it with so it’s appreciated :)
The Shadowhunter Chronicles
M/F OTP: there are others I really like or love in a more normal way, but Emma/Julian Will/Tessa and Jem/Tessa are the ones that hit on another level for me emotionally, I’m clinically insane about them. Also it’s a bit hilarious to think about, since this was formative media for me (I first read TID in late elementary/middle school and TDA as they were coming out in high school) how my taste in ships generally speaking was shaped… like if you look at pairings I gravitate towards in other fandoms since there are def patterns xd. The impact!
Other M/F ships I have love for (including this category because ik i don’t talk about them as much and in another fandom where I had less dynamics I’m super fond of to choose from I could have placed them in that first category think of them as like second tier Otp’s for me ): Mark/Cristina, James/Cordelia, Simon/Isabelle (last one also was formative they were thee hot girl/soft boy nerd ship to me in middle school. But it has been a while so unsure if they’d hit the same on reread, they are the tmi couple I would most like to see in the better in black collection though!)
M/M OTP: Jem/Will! And then follow up Kit/Ty Surefire ways to get me invested in a ship: they do necromancy together, meet cute with a knife to the throat, they break up without ever dating. Triple check.
F/F OTP: along those lines it’s Lucie x Grace literally the main reason I want to reread TLH (well I do also just want to see how it reads back to back and not broken up and I have other reasons but like. Those are less important) is to be able to properly write fic about them, like it genuinely pisses me off this fandom is so boring and tasteless I can’t believe I actually miss the legacies fandom they were annoying as hell but at least they understood that when women do dark magic together it’s polite to write detailed analysis of how gay they are 😭. The way I know cc has seen Buffy too like flop. Also it just fits archetypes of antagonistic femslash I tend to love in general see: Julia/Marina Aria/Alison Elena/Rebekah and more
OT3: Herongraystairs and then Kierarktina
Friendship OTP: Tessa & Magnus + Will & Magnus! And for familial relationships I adore all The Blackthorn siblings in TDA and their dynamics but especially Julian and Mark’s relationship is v compelling to me and I also love Cordelia and Alastair’s relationship v much it was my favorite overall development in TLH. And then for psuedo familial dynamics I Love Charlotte’s relationships with Tessa Jem Will and Jessamine. her relationship with Jem might be my softest spot overall especially because they have moments in CP2 that make me go 🥺 but as a documented Tessa lover I adore how having Charlotte as a mentor figure effects her arc. So those are my favorites Ik I failed at picking just one. Oh I also adore Emma and Cristina’s friendship although I also sometimes ship them romantically
Canon OTP: Blackstairs Wessa Jessa like I said
Crackship OTP: what even counts as crackship? I will admit that during my CP reread I did look up how many Will/Magnus fics there are on ao3 although I did not read them (there are 12 for inquiring minds).
Anti-OTP: The worst ship to me is Jordan/Maia but it’s been a long time so the vitriol has worn off and I don’t have another solid notp besides them but the other canon pairings I’m #unimpressed with are Clace Ghostwriter and Gracetopher … Lucie/Jesse probably irks me the most these days because I actually want to like them because the concept is so good but the execution falls flat for me and I really like Lucie and want someone more interesting for her (like Grace lol.)
M/F OTP: ultimately when I’m actually watching the show it’s Jeff/Britta love their emmaxknightleycore vibes. But I did get really into Abed x Annie at one point and even wrote some fic about it over quarantine (when I first got into Comm) so I have a soft spot for that concept too
M/M OTP: Troy/Abed. They of course are The otp of the show.
F/F OTP: not really otp status but well I did write this Annie x Britta Carmilla Au: https://archiveofourown.org/works/27728689?view_adult=true
(I orphaned that account post quarantine)
OT3: Troy/Abed/Annie
Friendship OTP: I mean all the study group dynamics but I especially have soft spots for Annie and Troy + Abed and Britta moments
Canon OTP: Jeff/Britta
Crackship OTP: what even counts as crack …
Anti-OTP: I just don’t like Jeff/Annie I used to viscerally hate it these days I’m just like. It’s not for me lol.
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commanderbuffy · 1 year
kit telling jade about her memories in the worst way possible is so her lol. LOVED the flashback in the pool and kits fight with sorsha just… all those complicated feeling for her mother are *chefs kiss*. please tell me this conversation with elora happens next chapter bcse i need it like OXYGEN
Literally the worst way possible. And the conversation with Elora does happen in the next chapter
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lindseyhoranstan · 4 years
Sky Blue v. Washington Spirit
Buckle your seatbelts, folks, cause we’re about to kickstart the NWSL fall series and it’s going to be a wild ride. I was hiking this morning during the game (15 miles, baby), but I haunted the CBS site until they put up the replay. 
I’ve got to say, this game was amazingly well matched. Both teams had pretty good accuracy and the possession wasn’t swayed super far in either direction. I think both teams showed a pretty good match, but Sky Blue created more opportunities and took better advantage of the opportunities they were given. 
Speaking of which, Onumanu’s goal in the 18′ was an absolute miracle. Everything set up perfectly and she ran it through and finished it like a total boss. On a completely unrelated note, Onumanu is absolutely gorgeous and she was so cool and collected during her halftime interview. She deserves way more credit than she gets. 
 I liked to hear our pal Lisa explain some of the shit storm with Utah during the half as well. 
And a moment of deep appreciation.... for this haircut. 
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Never have I ever seen something that I loved so much as this haircut. Every time she touched the ball, I got distracted by that slanted lightning bolt thing down the side. 
Also, let’s have a moment of silent appreciation for two, *TWO*, female commentators. 
And they clearly know what the people want. Is it more universal access to Women’s sports on US tv? Is it prime time ESPN coverage of the NWSL? Is it equal pay for the women’s national team? Is it the news that women’s soccer will be the first offical “sport of the gays”? 
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it’s a freaking playground. Well, we’ll take what we can get. 
Then we had this interesting little interaction that still has me scratching my head. Starting with an innocent pass from Sheridan to Lewandowski....
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Who is then pushed around a bit by Meghan McCool. As someone rooting for Sky Blue, you may think this would irritate me, but I’ll allow it seeing as her last name is McCool. 
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Then the world descends into chaos as Ashley Hatch joins the fun. Kailen Sheridan is on the ground, people are shouting, whistles are not blowing, and the commentators are going full nuts because they, like the rest of us, have no clue what’s going on. And Kailen Sheridan is on the ground!
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And then a whistle breaks through the chaos to call a ........ off sides? 
You know, I’m just going to forget this and move on to the rest of the game. 
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Kailen Sheridan and her huge-haired glory is back on her feet and the world is going to be okay. 
And also Ashley Sanchez struggled big time with her heart rate monitor at 39′. She tried to put it on while walking, but eventually had to stop and still took a good 20 seconds to strap that thing back on. It’s okay honey, take your time. We all struggle with seemingly simple tasks sometimes. Your braided ponytail is cool enough to make up for it. 
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And then Kailen Sheridan got wiped out, knowing that once she got up, she was going to have to defend a penalty kick. Here are two blurry screenshots of her getting taken out by Meghan McCool. (Okay, so the name thing only goes so far)
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 Luckily, she was sitting up pretty quick, only to lose a penalty kick
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BUT IT DOESN’T MATTER! Because who do we have to save the day but this dream team..... Mallory Diane Pugh and Margaret Melinda Purce. Mal literally JETS down the field in the 90′ and hits the post, but it doesn’t matter because mere seconds later, she fires this ball to Midge Purce who sends it in for the game-winner. 
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And that sums up my recap of the game. My very gay gal of the match is a tie between Kailen Sheridan (who always wins simply because I’ve watched her since she played for Clemson) and a new winner, Midge Purce. 
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Have a wonderful Labor Day Weekend, my dudes, dudettes, and non binary dude people. 
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tonguetiedraven · 2 years
can i ask for some bonrin wound tending?
You absolutely can ask for that! I always love the boys taking care of each other <3 This is Ryuuji tending Rin's wounds, with a get together because that's where the fic went, lol. I'm part way through another scene with Rin tending Ryuuji's wounds, so I'll might post that soon too.
I hope you enjoy!
— — — ◝(ᵔᵕᵔ)◜ — — —
Rin healed in seconds. It was probably the only real advantage of being a nephilim/halfling. You didn’t have to spend a lot on your first aid kit. He could take a bullet and keep running. He could lose an arm and throw a punch within ten minutes. 
He could lose liters and liters of blood, and just keep right on ticking. 
Rin healed quickly, and even when someone infected him with poison or venom, he still healed quickly. Those times used to suck, because the healing hurt a lot when it didn’t happen immediately, but now…
Rin was perched on the bathroom counter with his legs dangling off the edge. Ryuuji was standing between his legs with his hands on Rin’s shoulder as he gently applied the gauze to the holy-water laced wound. 
Ryuuji had really warm hands. They were rough hands too. Ryuuji had spent his life working. Whether it was gardening, manual labor to repair the broken parts of his temple, weight lifting, martial arts, or preparing special bullets, Ryuuji was always doing something with his hands, and they were a bit roughed up because of that. They weren’t soft and smooth, they were calloused and textured, and really shouldn’t be gentle. That didn’t stop them from being gentle when they disinfected Rin’s wounds and applied the bandages. He was slow, and extremely careful not to pull or aggravate the injuries. 
“Can’t believe you did that,” Ryuuji muttered as he dabbed the wipe at Rin’s next wound. “You promised to be careful.” 
Rin’s brain felt a bit floaty. Ryuuji’s gentle touches had his skin all buzzy and warm in a much nicer way than the burning stings of the wound.
“I know…” Rin’s voice was barely a whisper, and it wasn’t as ashamed as it should be. He couldn’t be ashamed when none of the others had gotten hurt and the worst that had happened was he got a few extra minutes of Ryuuji’s time. 
 “I didn’t mean to. I didn’t know they had the poison.” He would have still done the same—
Rin grinned. What a nerd. 
Ryuuji sighed and grabbed another roll of gauze. There was blood on his fingers. “It’s not your fault. Not really. Just… you don’t gotta run into every fight, Rin. You can let other people fight. You can hang back.”
Rin adamantly shook his head and Ryuuji grit his jaw. He had a strong jaw. A nice jaw. It was easy to see up here on the sink.
 “You gotta know being reckless doesn’t help anything.”
Rin swung his uninjured leg. “Not my fault you all are too slow to beat me.”
“We’re not slow. We’re moving as  a team. The same thing you’re supposed to be doing.” Ryuuji shook his head and tossed the soiled wipe into the trash can. “It’s been a year, Rin. How come you can’t figure that out?”
Rin’s heart thumped hard as Ryuuji gently lifted his arm and started to wind the new gauze around it. Ryuuji, even when he was grumbling, was gentle. Ryuuji treated him like he was breakable even though he healed quicker than any of them, and could take a much harder hit. He was careful not to poke at the wound, careful not to put pressure on it, but careful to make sure it was fully dressed. He held Rin’s elbow in a secure grip with one hand, and the warm touch was incredibly distracting. He had a strong grip, not unbreakable because Rin could break anything, but grounding and firm, and enough to make Rin’s heart flutter. Ryuuji’s hands were big, and they made him feel safe.
When Ryuuji let him go, Rin wished desperately that he hadn’t. 
“Sorry,” Ryuuji muttered, setting the remainder of the gauze to the side with the unused wipes. “That probably sucked. I’ll try and be—”
“Doesn’t. Not when you’re fixing ‘em.” 
Ryuuji’s eyes lifted up to him. “Huh?”
Rin felt his own eyes go huge. He had not meant to say that. Great. Could he get out of this? Sure. He could totally get out of this.
“Nothing!” Rin squeaked unconvincingly. He was not going to get out of this like that. He needed to be cool.
“Nothing?” For a moment Ryuuji actually looked disappointed. “Okay. I just gotta finish the knee. Then you’ll be good to go. Try not to aggravate those—”
“It was something,” Rin blurted.  His tail rose into the air in shock at his own boldness, and he felt his cheeks turn a fiery red. Hopefully not literally fiery. It was fifty/fifty on that. 
Ryuuji paused midway through pulling out the cloth to mop away the blood and goo that demon had leaked. His eyes shot back to Rin a bit uncertainly. It was strange how they were eye level like this. Ryuuji was always so much taller (Rin was still hoping for a second growth spurt), but now…
Had Ryuuji’s eyes always had that many colors? Like broth and honey and little specks of gold and dark chocolate.
“Something?” Ryuuji asked, stepping a little closer, the knee momentarily forgotten.
“It, uh, doesn’t suck when you fix ‘em up. You’re, uh, gentle and stuff.” Perfect. So smooth. Just the smoothest. Was it too late to hope that poison could kill him?
Ryuuji raised an eyebrow, but Rin hardly noticed that because Ryuuji’s cheeks also went a bit red. “Yukio rough?”
“Nah, but he lectures a lot more.”
“I can up my game.” 
Rin grinned and swung his uninjured leg again. This felt less dangerous. He might be bleeding and showing his wounds, but those words had been what felt vulnerable.
With the cloth, bandage, and disinfectant in hand, Ryuuji dropped to his own knees and considered Rin’s bloody one. It made it so Rin could see the top of his head, and he frowned as he noticed a few singed hair in the longer locks.
Ryuuji’s head tilted up. “What?” He grabbed Rin’s ankle in his right hand and used his left hand to slide Rin’s pant leg up to reveal the wound. It was bigger than Rin had thought it was. Oops.
Blinking, Rin focused back on the problem at hand and not how nice Ryuuji’s hand felt around his ankle. The guy just made him feel secure and happy.
“You got hurt!”
Rin reached over and pulled on the locks. Ryuuji let go of his leg and batted at the hand.
“Hey! Knock it off.”
“You burned your hair!”
“So? You look like you were mauled.” Ryuuji pushed the pants leg back up and grabbed the cloth to clean up the mess. 
“But you were hurt too! Why’re ya lecturing me?”
Ryuuji snorted in disbelief. “I got singed hair and you got  chewed on by that thing. You seriously gonna try and say it’s the same?”
“Ye—” Ugh! Ryuuji’s fingers were curling around the back of his calf while he gently wiped away the blood, and how was Rin supposed to think? How did Ryuuji even put this much gentleness in the motions? It was making Rin’s heart thump all the harder. His cheeks were all hot and his tail was thumping against the sink happily. 
“Yeah. You better not finish that statement.” Ryuuji set the rag aside and brought up the disinfectant wipes. “Brace yourself. This is the sucky bit.” 
Rin nodded and gripped the sink as Ryuuji brushed the wipe over the wound in long, even strokes, taking care to cover every inch. He had an (adorably) studious expression on his typically stern face, and Rin wanted to kiss it away.
That wasn’t really a new thought, but it was an embarrassing one when they were in situations like this. Ryuuji was being nice and helping him out and Rin was thinking he was cute.
“Alright. Last step and you can go get rid of those wiggles.”
Rin hadn’t even noticed he’d started vibrating.  He nodded and blushed hotter. (Hopefully not literally.)
Ryuuji got the wrappings off the bandage and glanced up at Rin before applying it. Rin gave a short nod and realized he wasn’t the only one blushing. Ryuuji looked back at the wound and applied the bandage with as little pressure as he could. Seeming satisfied with that, he gave Rin’s calf one last (affectionate?) squeeze, and sat back on his heels. He gathered his supplies together and stood up, dumping them in the sink to be sorted later.
“That’s it. You’re good to go.” 
“I am?”
Ryuuji nodded and stepped back. Rin’s hands shot up in a grabbing motion without absolutely any thought. It was now too late to back out, so he committed. Ryuuji blinked at his extended hands for a second before rolling his eyes and stepping back towards Rin. He might have been feigning annoyance, but he was also blushing as his hands curled around Rin’s hips and helped him off the counter. Rin looped his own arms around Ryuuji’s shoulders (all broad and nice,) and didn’t let go like he should when Ryuuji set him down. 
“Thanks,” Rin said, staring up into Ryuuji’s eyes (so much taller! But ugh, his eyes looked so nice from this angle too!)
“No problem,” Ryuuji whispered back, wide eyed and blushing. 
And then, because Rin’s impulsivity had gotten him into this mess and he would probably never have any real kind of hold on it, he blurted the next thing that popped into his head. (The only real thing that was and had been in his head since all of this started.)
“Can I kiss you?”
Ryuuji’s blush spread to his ears and his eyes went even wider. “What?!”
Rin loved the flustered look on this boy. He didn’t even notice any pain from his wounds. “Can I kiss ya?”
Ryuuji’s eyes shot to the side bashfully. “I—” that was when Rin realized Ryuuji hadn’t let go of his hips either. 
“Only if you want,” Ryuuji finally said, looking back at Rin with an invigorating sort of determination. 
Rin used the arms around Ryuuji’s shoulders to haul him down (stupidly attractive height!) and kiss him.
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twilightofthe · 2 years
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More character prompts from this post!
Did Obi Wan’s here
What does your blorbo's phone/laptop/car/backpack look like?
Ok so Padmé isn’t stupid, Ani, she knows what planned obsolescence is, she knows the tech industry is predatory and stupid and Apple is some of the worst, but living in a capitalist society means you have to participate in capitalism and she likes the convenience of Apple software, so she always has the newest iPhone. She likes to get them in regular silver or white.
Her phone screen has a protector on it and you BET there is no crack to be seen because her phone is very much her baby. The case for the phone is a pretty marble/geometric/metallic design that’s got decent enough ratings online in terms of protection. Maybe it has one of those little built-in slots where you can put a spare credit card or ID, and if it does, she actually uses it lol
Her lockscreen is a screenshot of her weekly schedule because she is a neurotic type-A over planner and she needs that along with her twenty million alarms and reminders of everything all the time 
Her homescreen is actually a cute picture of Anakin/Satine/Sabé/Obi Wan/whoever she’s in a relationship with, or if she has Luke and Leia it’s Luke and Leia. All her apps are meticulously organized into categorized boxes and everything is positioned on the screen so you can actually see the homescreen background and everything is accessible
She has no less than five different email apps. She checks all of them meticulously.
And this is just her personal phone, it’s not even the phone she keeps for work lmao
Pads also has the latest up to date MacBook Pro.
She’s like Obi Wan and she keeps a cleaning cloth for the screen because the dirty screen CONSTANTLY getting schmutz all over it drives her nuts
Her laptop background is some aesthetic floral background, but she actually has a screensaver slideshow of one of her photo albums with people she likes on it
She has a laptop case, it’s also very aesthetic and something with pretty abstract patterns in pastel colors, she has a matching colored rubber keyboard cover to keep yuck out of the keys.
Akshskdhk Padmé honey I’m so sorry I keep giving you literally every single one of the stereotypes for the rich liberal white women who were in my area growing up, but let’s be real that’s what you are 😂
So yeah Padmé has a new model shiny silver luxury electric sedan. She’s got a good job and rich parents
Not a Tesla because fffffuck Musk but one of those other brands. She feels like a BMW driver to me but idk if they come in electric.
Her license plate is specialized with her initials and has a special plate because she donates to the state wildlife society
She’s a faster driver; there isn’t really any wear and tear on the outside, like not in terms of dents, but there’s stress on the tires
Nice leather seats, seatwarmers, great sound system, the works. She’s always got a vanilla air freshener in it, it smells nice enough and she keeps the front area fairly clean, but do NOT open up the trunk or the glove compartment or pull down the sun visors, she’s got twenty million emergency first aid kits and spare outfits and boxes of pads and apocalypse prep boxes and three knives and four shopping bags of things she needs to return and bags of stuff she’s going to donate to the poor/soup kitchens
One of the check engine lights or something is constantly flickering on and off, Pads ignores it because “eh I need my car, I don’t have much time to get it fixed and nothing seems to be wrong with it, it should be fine”. Anakin’s eye twitches every time he sees it because not only is it something Broken he’s not currently Fixing(TM), he’s honestly not sure he CAN fix it because these new techy digital cars are extremely anti-self repair, and that just gets him and Padmé right back into the planned obsolescence argument again.
Bold of you to assume Padmé Amidala only has one (1) backpack
She has multiple high quality ones that suit her various needs
Two for school/work. They’re the same brand, small and one is plain leather and one is bougie-plaid and they depend on what outfit she’s wearing. They contain her laptop spare electronics and chargers, her emergency kit, umbrellas, and her purse
She’s got like three more for leisure. A bit more slouchy and aesthetic for just carrying random stuff when she doesn’t want a purse, still contain everything you could possibly need
Also one sports backpack
All in top quality shape
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twstarchives · 4 years
Happy Birthday・Idia
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Card: Birthday Attire - SSR Characters: Idia & Yuu. Mentioned: Ortho, Muscle Crimson
Chapter 1
NRC Campus News Interview with the Birthday Student ~Idia ver.~
Yuu: Happy birthday!
Idia: Huh...? U-Uh, um... Th-Thank... you.
That’s a lovely outfit.
Idia: You think so? This “Yo! I’m a big merry chief!”-looking outfit? Your aesthetic is something I can’t even begin to understand.
It’s fancy, it’s too tight, and it s-stands out.
But worst of all, I’m having people whose names I don’t even know just casually talking to me... Have you ever experienced something so horrifying?
I’m at my limit... Hah... I wanna get this thing off as soon as possible...
Alright, let’s get started with the interview——
Idia: Eee! Y-Y-You said “interview”? With me?
No, no, no, you’re joking...
That’s just way too impossible for a modest guy like me... I have to decline.
...I-I can’t? Y-You’re really stubborn. H-Hold on a second...
          (He switches to speaking from his tablet)
Idia: Okay, I’m good now. L-Let’s get this over with.
How does it feel with everyone sending you birthday wishes?
Idia: ...I-It’s nothing but literal torture to have flocks of normies come up and talk to me...
The idea that every single person wants a huge birthday celebration with lots of people is a complete lie!
Aren’t you happy it’s your birthday?
Idia: It just means my lifespan decreased by a year. What’s there to be happy ab—oh, wait, just kidding! Scratch that.
I’ve got loads of amazing birthday events in my games!
Between collecting limited voice lines and reading all my birthday stories... I’ve been extremely busy since this morning~.
S-So, can I go back to my room now...? No? Okay.
Chapter 2
Please let me continue with our interview.
Idia: N-No, the things I have to say feel kinda pointless. Haven’t you heard enough already...?
I’d rather not talk to you through a tablet...
Idia: ...Does that mean we can end this faster if we talk face-to-face? Okay then.
          (He discards his tablet)
Thank you. First off, what’s your favorite food?
Idia: ...Candy. They’re good and they’re easy to eat while playing games... It’s perfect.
I-I love educational candy kits the most. The ones where you can add water and mix it, sprinkle powders in it, make it solidify...
The candy itself is like a game, so I get so focused on playing it... Hehe.
I can make the colors and shapes whatever I want, so it’s really fun. And if you think it’s a game for kids, then you’re wrong.
What about your least favorite food?
Idia: ...Raw fish. I-It’s smelly, lukewarm, and the texture feels slimy, slippery, and sticky...
Plus it’s annoying when you can’t eat something without utensils. Getting those out takes so much time. I hate it...
It’s just important to get nutrition into your body, and well-balanced block candy does that fine! Yup, you can’t disagree with me!
Is there a reason you’re always wearing headphones?
Idia: ...O-Oh? So you can ask actually good questions. Obviously, it’s to listen to phenomenal music with the best sound quality.
It’s courtesy to the creators who brought these masterpieces to life to listen to them in HQ.
Oh. The noise canceling function is also very important. ...It lets me shut out the outside world.
What kind of music do you listen to?
Idia: ...I-I stan some idol groups... I love their songs.
The appeal of idols isn’t just their looks~ I wouldn’t stan a group if their songs sucked~
So you like idols? Do you have a favorite group?
Idia: Moirai! Moirai on the Edge! You don’t know them? This is why you’re a normie...
They’re a popular trio of veteran dancers and seasoned vocalists!
Listening to their godly songs makes me start chanting and clapping like I’m at one of their live concerts...
I-I could show you some of their music if you’re interested... No, I won’t force you if you don’t want to...
Chapter 3
Please let me continue with our interview just a little longer.
Idia: ...Are you serious? I’ve already been enduring this for so long keeping my tablet away...
H-Hey, can we just end this? I’ve talked enough. What do I even get out of this?
I’m the birthday boy or whatever (lol), but my opinion doesn’t get to be respected...?
I-It’ll be over soon, I promise... Um, tell us about a birthday memory you have.
Idia: Uhh... My parents gave me a lot of games as presents.
Console games, board games, all kinds of things for me to play in my room.
I was always ecstatic when I got them, and Ortho would play them with me.
I always won more than him when we were little. I mean, I am a genius, so what do you expect? Hehe.
But Ortho would get upset about it every time, so I slowly started changing the games we played.
To board games that use things like roulette wheels and dice.
Th-That way, Ortho could still have fun with them without needing to have any technique...
That was nice of you.
Idia: W-Well, it was my birthday... and I’m his big brother...
But it’s not like I can beat Ortho at computer games now!
I have one last question to ask.
Idia: Huh? I-Is it really the last one? I can’t do this anymore...
I promise it is. Has anything happened for your birthday today?
Idia: Um... Th-The second the day changed, I got dozens of birthday messages flying in from my online friends...
Oh, yeah. Muscle Crimson-shi gave me a rare weapon as a present~
Man, I was so touched!
...Hah. I wish everyone would just send me birthday wishes online instead of coming to me face-to-face...
The idea that talking in-person is more significant than online chats and texts is such an outdated point of view...
Extroverts should be aware that making eye contact and laughing puts so much pressure on someone...
           (He switches back to his tablet)
Idia: Speaking of, I’m much more attentive and genuine when I talk through my tablet lolol.
Thank you. Once again, happy birthday!
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wc-confessions · 3 years
in that frecklewish article they also said something like "did ashfur really belong in starclan? some might argue it was starclan's mistake, but we all agree that frecklewish belonged in dark forest for (reasons that are either lies or just don't make sense)" in the end and that's fucked up in so many levels.
ok so frecklewish wasnt a saint but she didn’t deserve to go to the dark forest. unlike ashfur, her character could easily get redemption. literally none of the things she did was sinful enough in the sense of warriors to force her into the dark forest. plus, there are like so many cats in starclan atm who’ve done way worse than her.
ashfur entering starclan was purely writers choice and literally anyone could tell. starclan is messy but im not even going to entirely blame the way they function. because on the surface i think they work well, its just the erins don’t really have common sense when it comes to who belongs and who doesnt.
i feel like if the erins just want to add characters to hell or whatever for plot reasons then they should just say it instead of making excuses or forcing fans to figure it out themselves because they cant.
i think the worst part about this is that frecklewish was extremely loyal to her clan whilst living. obviously her loyalty kind of fucked with her judgement and emotions towards mapleshade and her kits. ofc shes going to believe her actions are justified because of her dedication and these beliefs put onto her. 
what i mean is, loyalty and whatnot is a literal rule made up by those in starclan. with her beliefs, of course she’ll follow it even if it makes her do morally bad things. we have encountered cats who pick their own better judgement over the code, but of course not all cats will do it. there are going to be cats fearful to make their own decisions because they desperately want to be good and go to starclan. so, its extremely fucked that this warrior whos loyal to her clan and the code is rejected by those she believed in because she did what they wanted her to do. what her clan literally wanted. any hatred she has toward them would be valid at this point. 
like so what if she didnt save these kits. like its bad that they died but literally mapleshade was a dumbass the entirety of the book lol that was on her. but freckle taking the blame just. dont sit right with me because she could’ve been scared or panicked, plus we know she doesnt know how to fucking swim. 
i dont believe its right to say anyone being unprepared should risk their life for others. its good to do good but ppl have a limit and there are moments where you literally cant. she couldnt have done all of tht and starclan and the erins shouldve been considerate. in any scenario anyone wouldlve died get over it
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Could you share Ukraine headcanons 👉👈
Yup! I already did some but I'd be happy to do some more! :)
(Here's the link to my first Ukraine hcs post: https://emma-likes-to-write.tumblr.com/post/649441066342350848/ukraine-headcanons)
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(Image belongs to Hima ofc)
She strikes me as one of those women that keeps literally e v e r y t h i n g one can possibly ever need in her damn purse. Chapstick? She’s got it. Pain killers? She’s got ‘em. Bandages? She’s got ‘em. An entire first-aid kit basically? She’s got it. A fucking pocketknife??? She’s got it. Like she packs her purse like she’s going to get into 30 worst-case scenarios everywhere she goes lmfao.
She loves dad jokes/corny ass puns. Her English isn’t the best so it usually takes her a few minutes to understand said jokes, but when she finally gets it, she’ll laugh her ass off as if she was just told the funniest joke on planet earth.
She loves to garden :)
She especially loves to plant sunflowers—
She wakes up with the biggest bedhead ever every. Single. Morning. (No hate ofc, I do too, it looks cute on Ukraine though trust me) (I feel like Russia wakes up with a big bedhead too) (while Belarus’ hair looks so fricking perfect every morning??? Like how???) (ok I’m digressing lol)
She’s one of those people that, when you’re on the phone with her, she will n e v e r let you hang up. She’ll ask you a million questions to prevent you from hanging up—even if you’re like “ok I seriously gotta go” she’ll ask you yet another question or say something else to you so that you can’t hang up.
She has this one, really comfy but worn robe that she lounges around in the house in 90% of the time.
Annnnd that’s about it! So sorry I don’t have more to share—but I hope you guys enjoyed nonetheless!
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magalidragon · 4 years
fire on ice | a crackish Jonerys drabble
Soooo... @moggett reblogged this post and well I felt compelled to write a drabble for one of those prompts so I give you this crack fic-- a funeral home meet cute!
I give you....FIRE ON ICE!  And this is also partially @youwerenevermine‘s fault, lol, because we literally had same idea for one of the prompts.
“Thank you so much Mr. Snow.”
Jon nodded politely, solemnly, his gray eyes the perfect amount of sympathetic, sad, and he hoped the right amount of ‘normal’— lest people think him a total fucking creep—while he shook the hand of the Greatjon Umber, whose son Smalljon Umber had unfortunately encountered the wrong side of a chainsaw while out trimming trees.  
Greatjon began to go into a tale about his son—who by all accounts had been a horrible person—speaking like he was the second coming of Aegon the Conqueror for all his ‘talents’ and ‘successes.’  “Hmm,” he murmured, walking him slowly to the door.  “He sounds like quite a man your son, thank you Mr. Umber, we will speak later regarding tomorrow.”
“Of course, thank you again Mr. Snow.”
The door shut loudly behind him, Jon slumping against it, relieved.  He glanced at his cousin, who had emerged from the basement, shaking her chopped bob out of its messy little knot atop her head.  “He gone?” she demanded.
“I had half a mind to sew his arm on backwards.”
Jon closed the doors to the viewing room where Smalljon rested in repose until tomorrow when he’d be taken to the Karstark’s castle for the final funeral and ultimate burial in the crypts, as was custom for the Northerners.  He clicked his tongue.  “Arya, be nice.”
“Remember when his wife died, and he squeezed my arse?”
“Aye, I remember.”
“Thought so.”  Arya checked her phone.  “Your beloved texted me.  We have another on the way.  This one fell from the Wall.  Ygritte said he’s a fucking mess.”
He made a face; he hated that she referred to his ex-girlfriend as his ‘beloved.’  “Will you stop calling her that?”
“She works for the morgue Jon, what were you thinking?”
“It’s hard to find women in this line of work.”  He heard the bell ringing on the other side of the old stone house that served as their place of business and home—the five-floor monstrosity he knew people in town referred to as ‘Castle Black.’  He did wear a lot of black.  Came with the territory.  He waved off Arya.  “Just make sure you finish up with Mr. Lannister before the end of the evening.”
“The rich dude who died on the shitter?  Yeah, no thanks, that’s all yours.”
“Do you want to take this one?  Where the fuck is Robb anyway?”  Robb was the master of this shit, not him.  He was better with the dead.
Arya walked away before he even could try to play ‘Dragon, Wolf, Lion’ with her or answer as to where her eldest brother happened to have gone off.  Guess it was all him.  He caught his reflection in one of the mirrors in the hallway, adjusting his black tie at his neck and raking fingers through his curls.  It did nothing to tamp them down. He schooled his expression, solemn, and pushed through the dark wooden doors from the funeral home side of the floor to the entry way.  He let them swing back and folded his hands in front of him.  
“Welcome to Three Wolves Funeral Home, may I help you?” he asked, voice gentle; you never knew who might be waiting to speak with you on this side of the building.  He’d been accused too often in Robb’s post-services discussions of being too cold.
The woman standing in a dark red dress with long black overcoat was not someone who appeared to be in mourning, but then you never really knew, some people were good at masking emotions.  Her silver hair was in an elegant, braided knot at the back of her head and she had large black sunglasses folded in her hands, gazing at the table with various brochures for caskets.  
She turned, blinking wide violet eyes at him, her lips crimson, face pale.  “Good afternoon,” she greeted him, eyebrow arching.  “I’m inquiring as to your crematory services.”
“For yourself?” he blurted, before he realized how it sounded.
She smirked, while he flushed, thrown off by her stunning beauty.  He tried to school his expression again; she could very well have been there for her husband, boyfriend, or other, he did not need to stumbling through this.  He wished Robb was there.  “That would be interesting, wouldn’t it?  Well, I can assure you I’m not here to burn myself alive, but you know…” She inspected her hand, a couple rings on them glittering gold.  She grinned up at him.  “I have heard stories my ancestors were immune to flame.”
His throat constricted.  “Apologies.  Can I help you?”
“Your crematory services?” she wondered again, walking by him and into the showroom, running a finger over an ebony casket.  
“Ah…I am afraid Three Wolves does not offer such services.  We can, however, assist with selecting one, urns, and preparing a memorial service.”  He wondered what she was doing; she was now leaning down to look underneath a massive white casket.  No one really cared what the underside looked like.  He gestured towards the office.  “We can speak in private, if you wish?”  
The woman shook her head.  “No I’m fine, thank you.  Just doing a little bit of research.”
“For a relative?”  
“Something like that.”  She wore very high heels, which clicked loudly on the hardwood.  She glanced sideways; eyes shrewd.  “Are you one of the Three Wolves on your sign out front?”
“Yes, Jon Snow, I’m the mortician.”  It sounded so creepy like that, but it was the truth.  Robb handled the hand shaking, the business side.  Arya was their resident makeup artist—she could do wonders with faces practically taking them on and off—but he was the one who handled everything else.  
“Hmm, yes I heard of you.”  The woman offered her hand.  “Dany.”
“Jon,” he repeated, like an idiot.  He was put off by her beauty, rather disarming.  He swallowed hard again.  “Nice to meet you.  Is there…”
“This was enlightening Mr. Snow.  I’ll be back.”  Dany wiggled her fingers, waving, striding out decisively.  “See you later.”
What the seven hells was that about? He spun on his heel, about to ask her what else he could help her with, when the front door slammed shut, bell ringing on her exit.  He heard the door from the services wing open, Robb walking in.  He scowled.  “Where were you?”
“Talking with the Umbers, heard it went well, did we have a customer?” Robb adjusted his tie, eagerly seeing dollar signs.  “Where are they?”
“They left.”  
“Damnit Jon!”
He rolled his eyes, storming by.  “I’ll be downstairs.”
“With Tywin Lannister?  Better make him look good, the Lannisters are paying through the nose for this.”
“Aye,” he said idly, heading downstairs and to his ‘lair’ as Robb referred to it.  He shook his head, preparing in the locker room, putting on scrubs and his protective gear.  When he tugged on gloves, walking over to the block of freezer drawers, he rolled his eyes again, making another face.  He was better with dead people anyway.
A couple of weeks later, Jon saw the beautiful silver-haired woman again, this time from the front step of the funeral home, while Arya sat on the railing, Robb in shocked horror as the sign went up across the street.  
Dracarys Funeral Home and Crematory Services
“How did this happen?  We had the run of things here!” Robb exclaimed.
Arya cracked her gum.  “Want me to get info?”
The silver haired Dany waved from the front step of her home.  “Hello Starks!”
Jon shook his head, appalled.  “I thought she was just asking because someone died…like they all do.”
“You didn’t think that she was scoping the competition?” Robb shouted.
“I told you I’m better with the dead than I am the living!”
“Oh leave him alone,” Arya chided.  She rubbed Ghost’s ears—his great white wolf—gazing across the street again, shrugging.  “Maybe we can make this work.  Jon, you were the one who met her, maybe you can get some more info.  They do crematory, we don’t.  Maybe we can make a deal or something.”
Robb nodded, poking his shoulder.  “Go over there, find out more.”
Jon sighed.  He really didn’t want to do this. “I have that Wall guy to deal with.”
“Jarl will keep, go find out more.”
He slid away from the column, clicking his tongue for Ghost to follow him, the two of them crossing the street and up to Dracarys.  He entered into the front room, seeing that everything was a shade of black and red.  He glanced at Ghost, who was scanning the space with his bright ruby eyes, white fluffy tail wagging slowly.  “What do you think?” he mumbled.
The walnut wood stairs creaked in the back, drawing him towards the door leading away from the showroom and sitting area.  He peeked into another part of the old house, just like how their business was set up, with a viewing room and seating area.  He moved to another door, which was open, leading down a set of stairs.  
A massive black cat yowled from a sunbeam near the door, hissing at Ghost and running off.  Ghost didn’t bark but took off after the cat.  He sighed, calling out.  “Please don’t kill her cat!”  
He went down the stairs and pushed open a set of swinging double doors, pausing at the sight.  It was state-of-the art and he scowled at some of the fancy equipment he’d been trying to convince Robb to upgrade to for the last year.  He ran his tongue over his teeth, arching a dark brow at the woman who had been wearing head-to-toe designer when he’d met her and now was in black scrubs and protective gear, leaning over a dead man, a kit of makeup and brushes next to her.  
“Jon Snow,” she called.
“Daenerys Targaryen.”  He used her full name.  The proprietress of the competition, he would not refer to her as Dany.  “You could have told me you were moving in across the street.”
“And you would have shown me around?  I think not.”  
He stepped closer, curious at what she was working on.  His eyebrows flew to his forehead.  “Greyscale, huh?”
“Hmm,” Dany murmured.  “Yes.”  She looked up, grinning.  “I saw you coming over, decided not to stop you from finding me.  You’re not squeamish.”
“No I’m not.”
“They call you the King of the Dead.”
It wasn’t the worst thing he’d been called.  “And you are?” he retorted.
“The Dragon Queen, I suppose you could call me.  Or at least, that’s what they called me at mortician school.”  She selected another brush, grinning.  “I’m offering a service that your busines does not Jon Snow, that’s all.”
“The North doesn’t burn their dead.”
“I know, but many in the South do.  There’s plenty of them moving up here.”  Dany stood and pushed the gurney with the greyscale man into the freezer, closing the door.  She removed her gloves and gear, walking by him, and began to wash up.  She tossed a serene smile over her shoulder.  “I think we can make this work Jon Snow.  Don’t worry about it.”
“Robb isn’t used to competition.”
“And you?”
He shrugged.  “I work better with the dead.”
“So do I.”  When she finished, she studied him for a few seconds, which unnerved him.  He tore his eyes from her, wondering what she was doing.  She approached him, hands on her hips.  “Would you like to get a cup of coffee?”
He frowned, nose wrinkling, surprised.  “Coffee?”
“A hot beverage, sometimes served with milk and sugar?  Other times with various accoutrements like cinnamon or chocolate?” Dany’s smile softened.  He saw then how gentle she actually was, how soft.  It was comforting and he wasn’t even grieving.  She must be very good at her job, he thought.  He was numb, unsure how best to reply.  She patted his arm, stepping by him.  “Come on, I’ve got a lovely blend from Braavos.”
In the kitchen on the third floor of her house, where he assumed, she lived, she prepared the coffee.  He wondered where Ghost had gone.  “This how you get all the competition?” he managed to get out.  “Ply them with coffee?”
“Just you.”  Dany sat down across from him at a small bistro table in a large bay window, with a beautiful view of the mountains in the distance.  She passed him the mug of coffee and used a small ceramic pitcher to pour milk into her coffee.  Lifting it to her lips, she smiled again, warm and eyes dancing.  “You intrigue me.”
He sipped his coffee—it was very good—a small smile on his lips.  “You are an interesting one, Dany…if that is your real name.”
“Only my friends can call me Dany,” she mouthed.  
“And we’re friends?”
“Well I hope we’re not enemies.”
Jon figured he’d have to wait it out and see for certain, but he didn’t think enemies was the best word for it.  He was not good at this sort of thing, so he chose to continue drinking his coffee.  He set the mug down on the table, sighing and cocking his head, a slight furrow to his brow.  “I’m not good at this.”
“I know,” Dany shrugged.  “But I am.”
Well that was that then, he figured, smiling at her.  
“So where did you two meet?”
Jon wasn’t quite sure how to respond to that, as one of Sansa’s friends from King’s Landing had cornered him, trying to get info on Robb.  “Where did I meet…?” he echoed, playing dumb.
Margaery Tyrell frowned.  “Where did you meet Daenerys?  Sansa didn’t tell me.  In fact, she’s being really weird about things.  Won’t even tell me what Robb does for a living.”  Her eyes lit up.  “I like a challenge.”
“Um, well…”
His wife of the last two hours emerged at his side, looping her arm through his.  “We met at a funeral home,” she said, smiling at Margaery’s wide-eyed, horrified expression.  Dany gazed up at him, love shining from her beatific face.  “In fact, we contemplated holding the reception there, but figured everyone might think that a little weird.”  She smiled even wider.  “Also in the future, please keep the Fire on Ice Funereal Services in your thoughts for any funereal needs!”
Jon stifled a snort, glad to be rid of the odd questions.  He smiled down at his beloved.  “We didn’t actually consider the reception there or…did you?”
“No of course not, I don’t want to mix business and pleasure.”
“Isn’t that exactly what we did?”
“Nah, I came to scope out the competition and this really cute guy who couldn’t look me in the eye without blushing wandered in.”  Dany rose on her toes, pecking his cheek.  She patted her hand against his chest.  She beamed again.  “Best decision I ever made.  I could have sent Viserys.”
At the mention of her annoying older brother, Jon shivered.  He squeezed her close.  “Very well then.  Let’s at least try to figure out a better story, you’re scaring people.”
“Well it is the truth.”  
Jon shook his head, but smiled anyway, his arm around her and hers around him, both of them walking off into the crowd of guests.  He even thought that he overheard someone say the King of the Dead had found his queen.  He kissed her temple, sighing.  He certainly did.
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