Warrior cats discussion blog where I ramble, and you can send in asks to discuss and share opinions/ ideas and just generally talk about the books and anything warrior cats related. Asks will generally be answered within 48 hours. Icon is official warrior cats art. Header is the official Purdy mini. Main is @cuddlycharizard (I also reblog warrior cats stuff on main)
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am I crazy or is stripestar on the stormclan's folly cover the same as the cat on the river of fire cover
Also the one on thunder rising. There are slight differences, but all three are extremely similar.
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I wonder if how Galestar and Stripestar are positioned in the full cover art is an intentional nod to how their story plays out. Galestar’s gaze is focused on Stripestar, foreshadowing how after being left behind in the storm with their kits, she tries to find him; her gaze is focused solely on him. Meanwhile, Stripestar’s gaze is focused on the horizon, foreshadowing how the fate of StormClan rests solely in his paws after what he believes is the death/disappearance of his mate and their kits (I am delusional)
I really hope this is an intentional artistic choice. Hopefully they’ve started to give Owen some actual context to the illustrations they ask him to do because he sure has hell doesn’t seem to have gotten them in the past (ie Frostdawn’s multiple designs) but recently with this cover and hidden moon, it seems that he may have received more specific guidance on what is wanted from him.
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Galestar only has eyes for Stripestar, but Stripestar is focused instead on a distant horizon
Owen Richardson has revealed the full cover art for StormClan’s Folly on his instagram.
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"👁_👁Where did you put the fucking mouse, stripestar."

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I have to know what made Heatherstar and by ext. the rest of WindClan so chill with their deputy fathering half-RiverClan kits that they agreed to help Reedfeather steal them and forcibly assimilate them into RiverClan.
Stormkit and Featherkit were the grandchildren of one of RiverClan’s most well-known leaders and many cats in RiverClan still didn’t want them on account of them being half-ThunderClan.
This was during a time where half-Clan kits were still viewed as being unable to live life in either of their parents’ Clans due to their mixed blood. Talltail should’ve been a warrior by the time Willowkit and Graykit were kidnapped, yet this isn’t mentioned in Tallstar’s Revenge.
I’m beginning to wonder if their kidnapping happened during the time Talltail had left WindClan to seek vengeance for Sandgorse’s death.
Yeah the whole thing is very weird the wiki estimates that Talltail’s Journey with Jake took place in leaf bare, Hopkit and everything with him took place in new leaf, and then the kidnapping happened in leaf bare, so at least the clears up the Talltail aspect of this whole thing if it’s accurate.
As for why they were so determined? My guess is maybe they had a dry spell of kits and were just kind of desperate to get the nursery filled? It is very odd though, the whole attitude around those kits is very lax compared to what we see both before and after the events of Crookedstar’s Promise. I’m guessing overall it was a touchy subject but if one parent tried to make a particular claim to the kits the clan would back them up out of loyalty to that clanmate (if they were liked) as opposed to actually wanting the kits around?
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Owen Richardson has revealed the full cover art for StormClan’s Folly on his instagram.
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The official website has produced visual allegiances for TPB book 2.
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For US fans, fan meet-ups are returning in Barnes and Nobel stores to celebrate the release of TPB graphic novel 2

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Path of a warrior

So I’ve been making some covers for individual novellas for my tier list, because I really didn’t want to lump things like Spottedleaf’s Heart and Pinestar’s Choice together in rankings.
They are not very good at all, nor super consistent, but I am going to post them anyway so if anyone else wants to use them for ranking lists etc then feel free to go ahead. I’ll reblog this with each novella set I do (which will be all of them that have never had novellas published individually).
So first up, legends of the clans

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Haven't read the Elders Quest because I still need to wait for it to be translated :D
Are there any scenes between Birchfeather and his older Siblings? Or their opinions on Birch leaving? I'd imagine that could be very cute.
There is one scene, they seem to affectionately say goodbye to Birchfeather when he leaves to be in SkyClan. I don’t think there’s any other scenes with them in relation to Birchfeather sadly but hopefully as the arc goes on we will get more!

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One element that is present in Tawnypelt’s Clan that I wonder if will come back in changing skies is how Tigerstar immediately goes cold towards Dovewing when she contradicts his parenting. She tries to be affectionate but he just gives her nothing but a glare, not even a goodbye or some kind of “ok I’m not happy about this but if you think this is best” type thing.

Granted he does apologise when they return. But I wonder if this was over something else that didn’t involve Dovewing leaving for half a moon, what would he have done? He went cold towards Shadowsight in the broken code for several days when he went against his father, he’s gone cold towards Birchfeather because he’s moved clan, and he went cold towards Dovewing here.
I just can’t help but wonder that if Dovewing goes against him when it comes to ostracising Birchfeather (which I do definitely believe she is close to doing), how will he respond? Will he do what he does here and he has done with his sons and go cold on her? And I’m sure he will apologise eventually, he always does, and I’m sure he will to Birchfeather eventually too, but what damage will be done to the relationship in the meantime?
If that happens then I hope people remember this pattern of behaviour, before saying that such a move would be totally out of character.
If you’re reading changing skies and haven’t read Tawnypelt’s Clan, I recommend giving it a go. There’s a lot of elements there that are present again in changing skies; Tawnypelt and Tigerstar butting heads (to the point where she compares him to the first Tigerstar), Tigerstar insisting that his children belong in ShadowClan and ShadowClan only, Tawnypelt feeling disrespected and isolated in ShadowClan, and Tawnypelt being a good grandma and putting what the welfare of her grandchild above the wants of her son.
Even if you have read this novella in the past I would recommend a revisit during the release of the changing skies arc.
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If you’re reading changing skies and haven’t read Tawnypelt’s Clan, I recommend giving it a go. There’s a lot of elements there that are present again in changing skies; Tawnypelt and Tigerstar butting heads (to the point where she compares him to the first Tigerstar), Tigerstar insisting that his children belong in ShadowClan and ShadowClan only, Tawnypelt feeling disrespected and isolated in ShadowClan, and Tawnypelt being a good grandma and putting her grandchild above the wants of her son.
Even if you have read this novella in the past I would recommend a revisit during the release of the changing skies arc.
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I just remembered that a few weeks ago someone asked me my favourite code of the clans character (or something along those lines) and the ask just disappeared from my inbox before I could get to it.
The answer is Daisytail
#sorry about that!#it happens every so often I’ll get the notification but a few hours later the ask is long gone#I just remembered this because I was thinking about code of the clans
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I love when people draw Mistystar, Stonefur, and Mosskit with brown undertones to their gray fur or with brown markings
Same, it also helps differentiate them from their biological mother so the parentage cover up is a little more believable
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I saw someone mention how they wished that Shrewtooth had been Hawkwing’s father instead of Sharpclaw and honestly, I’m kinda digging that idea
Same that is really cool. I like the strained relationship he had with Sharpclaw, but imagine him also having a strained relationship with Shrewtooth because Shrewtooth’s anxiety and Hawkpaw/wing’s temper stops them from being able to have a proper conversation about Duskpaw with each other.
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While I'm excited to see what the new prophecy will look like under these new illustrators - I must admit I am a bit sad that Sara and Natalie aren't returning, I really loved their style and character designs - and the backgrounds and page layouts they make are just remarkable
Yeah I will definitely miss them, they did an amazing job with the first arc, but at the same time I definitely understand why all the arcs won’t be adapted by the same illustrators, it’s a lot of work and very restricting if anyone wanted to do anything else.
For yourself and anyone else curious, here is how Sammy (the new illustrator) draws cats, they have a very cute style! Obviously at this stage we don’t know how much it will be adapted for warriors.

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Do you have a list of when the books come out? The wiki is hard to read lol
In terms of upcoming releases?
TPB graphic novel 2 - 8th April
Tigerstar and Sasha full colour - 8th July
StormClan’s Folly - 26th August
TPB graphic novel 3 - 30th September
Hidden Moon - 4th November
Into the wild deluxe edition - 4th November
If you want every book that has already been released there is a table at the bottom of this page you can sort by release date.
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