#lokius fanfiction ideas
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samsayswhatever · 1 year ago
Lego TVA
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The marvel cinematic universe literally said that there is a lego universe in Across the Spiderverse.
So there could be a lego-people section of the TVA. It's an expansive place.
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Like, we only see very humanoid people in the TVA in the show. But we know there are like lego worlds and alligator Loki's out there.
Maybe even Lego alligators...
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So it's possible that there is a Lego version of the Loki we know that stole the lego tesseract at the same second, and got caught by the TVA in the same way, and met a Lego Mobius.
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So, it would be a different ship... Lekious? (lego + Loki + Mobius) idk. But it could be out there. And they could live happily ever after.
It wouldn't be the same, but it's something.
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lekhajhoka · 2 years ago
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insomniaflarrow · 4 months ago
Hello! (Plus fic)
I am slowly reintegrating into social fandom space after a long break, but am brand new to Tumblr, so I just wanted to say hi and link my recent project!
You can find my writing over on AO3 under the same user :D
Summary: Three hundred and fifty eight TVA cycles after Loki's unexplained disappearance into the Void with the timelines in tow, the universe begins to collapse.
Relationships: Loki & Mobius M. Mobius, Loki/Mobius M. Mobius (ambiguous)
Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Fix-It, Post-Canon Fix-It, Gen or Pre-Slash, Friendship/Love, Loki Needs a Hug (Marvel), Mobius M. Mobius Needs a Hug, Loneliness, Body Horror, not particularly graphic, body horror of the sci-fi kind, Hurt Loki (Marvel), Recovery, Post-Episode: s02e06 Glorious Purpose (Loki TV)
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dinurdi · 1 year ago
Fellas, me again. I think we need a scene when Sylvie lost her temper bc Loki couldn't confess to Mobius, bc "we all gonna die soon, we have no time". So Sylvie just took B-15 to talk
Sylvie: Yo.. what do you think about these dorks as a couple? 🥱
B-15: Mobius and Loki?! 😳 Oh! 😏 Actually before this shit with the loom we discussed it with X-5 and D-90 a lot.
Sylvie: 😶😳 Really?! They were like that since then?
B-15: 😏 aha, wanna know more?
*start gossiping with others 😏🤭*
One hour later
OB to Loki: Oh, you're here?! Congrats! I am so happy for you guys ☺️😄
Loki: WTF?!
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gburph · 1 year ago
Lokius writing prompts 3
My new ideas, some of them are inspired by the latest episode. My previous Lokius writing prompts are here, and here. If anyone uses them, please let me know. I want to read it. Today there are only 3 prompts but they are LONG 👀
1 - After saving the Multiverse, Loki and Mobius live together in Mobius' home. They are both busy working at TVA and looking after the children. Loki is so happy to have Mobius back and be part of his life that he doesn't question anything. That is until the younger of Mobius' children calls him dad (to his face or to someone else, and Loki overhears it). Loki then starts to notice that people around them (in TVA and outside) think that he and Mobius are together. This causes Loki to have an existential crisis, as he has been acting like the children's dad and Mobius' partner and for some reason has been completely unaware of this until that moment. Loki realises that he is really happy to be a part of Mobius' family and would like to start a real relationship with Mobius, but he is not sure what Mobius thinks about this and at this point he is too afraid to ask.
2 - Field Trip to Avengers Tower AU! TVA's Loki landed in the place of 2012's Loki just after the failed Chitauri invasion. He managed to convince everyone that he was under the influence of the Mind Stone, and to help fix everything he had inadvertently contributed to he promised to help defend Earth from a future invasion by Thanos. As a result, he joined the Avengers and, despite earlier scepticism about his intentions at this point after two years, most people more or less believe he actually wants to help. Still some members of the Avengers prefer not to get too close to him. Loki is again an outsider. On a day when the Avengers' tower is holding open days and another tour of visitors arrives, Tony Stark notices Loki's strange behaviour. At the sight of a perfectly ordinary 50-year-old father of two sons, Loki, the ever-confident god of lies suddenly turns into a bundle of nerves. He nervously fixes his hair and clothes, stammers as he talks, and for some incomprehensible reason starts talking about jet skis to impress the man. The strangest thing is that this tactic works because this DILF, whose name it turns out is Don, keeps emphasising that he is a single father and has no wife. Has he already mentioned that he doesn't have a wife? Tony takes pity on Loki (who completely misses the fact that Don is interested in him) and informs him that Don will definitely agree if Loki asks him out. Loki, who at this point was preoccupied by the fact that he had suddenly met Mobius whom he had completely given up hope of meeting again after the events at TVA, is at first shocked that Tony thought Loki was romantically interested in Mobius. However, he takes his advice as he sees no other option to keep in touch with Mobius and before he knows it he starts dating him.
3 - Loki and Mobius fight a very dangerous variant that jumps through different universes and commits serious crimes on them. It's so serious that TVA has decided that capturing this variant is their top priority. During the fight, Loki and Mobius become separated, and this variant steals Loki's tempad and throws him out of the time door. Loki lands in the middle of Avengers Tower, some time after Thor: The Dark World and Captain America: The Winter Soldier, but before Avengers: Age of Ultron. In this universe, Loki really died, so he wasn't pretending to be Odin. Loki lands right in front of Tony Stark, Rhodey and Maria Hill. Luckily for him, the rest of the Avengers are on a mission at the moment. Loki quickly surrenders, is captured and escorted to a makeshift interrogation room in Hulk's part of the underground. During the interrogation, Tony becomes so worked up that he starts showing Loki photos and informations about people who died during the 2012 attack on New York. Loki tries not to show any emotion on his face, but then he sees Mobius' face among the victims. Tony notices his reaction, but he doesn't know what does that mean. After the interrogation, Tony tries to calm down in his workshop when J.A.R.V.I.S. tells him that something strange is happening in Loki's cell. Tony prepares to fly in guns blazing to stop Loki from escaping, but then he looks into the cameras and sees the same man Loki reacted to earlier walking through a strange orange portal. From that moment on, Tony can't look away and sees and hears their entire conversation. He often doesn't understand it, but from what he sees, Loki can't get over the fact that he killed this man, and the newcomer is trying to calm him down. Elements of this conversation that would be nice to include:
Mobius knows about everything since before (at first he wanted to go where he came from but after pruning he changed his mind? sus. Maybe some other Loki variant returned his memories and this is why Mobius reacts the way he reacts when somebody talks about it)
Mobius doesn't care that Loki killed his variant because he doesn't think his variant at that time was important to Loki and his death is no different from the deaths of other people
Mobius knows about how Loki was being affected by: learning that he was not only adopted but also a frost giant, suicide attempt in 1st Thor, falling into the hands of Thanos and the Other, the influence of the Mind Stone, etc. and how it all contributed to what Loki did
Mobius knows that even Loki who was out of his mind was trying to sabotage the invasion (come on, he can teleport, change his appearance and covert operations are his speciality, but he does everything in the most flashy and dramatic way possible? and Dr Selvig, a weak human managed to oppose the Mind Stone to the point of building an off switch in the portal? sus)
Loki repeats what Mobius told him in the interrogation room during their first meeting ("You were born to cause pain and suffering and death. That's how it is, that's how it was, that's how it will be. All so that others can achieve their best versions of themselves.")
A very strong hug
After listening to this conversation Tony can't go back to hating Loki. When the rest of the Avengers comes back Tony is on the Loki's side and he tries to calm down Thor who is angry, hurt and doesn't like Mobius at all. It would be better if Mobius didn't have children in this fanfic.
(This is a prompt I'm trying to use myself but I don't know if I will finish this story so I decided to give it to you. You are welcome to use it if you want to. Especially because even if I finish it I don't know if I'm ever going to translate it into English - it's not my native language)
Yes, I know most of my prompts have the "sudden realisation of feelings" cliche in it, but I just don't think that with everything going on in the show Mobius and Loki have time to process their feelings. Which is why they need the slow burn story to have the time to:
A - notice how they are feeling, process it, confess and get together.
B - get together because reasons, notice their feelings, process them and then confess.
I also know that I use Tony Stark a lot in these prompts. You can replace him with any other Avenger if you want.
As usual:
Bonus points if in post season 2 canon complaint stories every member of TVA hates spaghetti with burning passion.
More bonus points for Loki's interactions with various members of the Avengers, Guardians, SHIELD, etc.
Even more bonus points for Lokius slow burn.
Tell me what you think of my ideas!
BTW - I don't have Disney+ and I never watched Loki season 2 🤡 (only the first 4 episodes of season 1.) Most of what I know about the show I know from the internet. I hope my prompts are consistent with the plot.
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alisamth · 2 years ago
Ugh I want a Loki/Mobius fic
Like a sappy, horrible little coffee shop au, or perhaps a forest witch!Loki and knight!Mobius
I am getting tired of reading fics where they either get together during the lovers quarrel/interrogation after Loki came back, or some sort of sad Loki needs comforting Mobius during the show.
ANYTHING but canon divergence… while they’re lovely, I need an AU, a good AU, please. Please.
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mythical-magik · 1 year ago
Another fic idea.
Was listening to Spotify and ‘Last Man on Earth’ was playing by Anna Bates. This song would go quite nicely with the Season 2 Episode 4 ending.
1,2,3,4 and 5
There go my friends
alll dropping like flies,
6,7,8,9 and 10
Here’s to the last man
on earth in the end.
One by one, Loki loses each person he’s come to care about until he’s the last one left. Perhaps add in a cute parallel moment of mobius putting a hand on Loki’s shoulder, like Loki did for him in a previous episode.
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samsayswhatever · 1 year ago
Writing a whole fic about Loki casually napping around Mobius. Somehow I forgot about this, this is perfect research!
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Story of a Real Romantic Relationship - Day 11
I don't know what's more beautiful here, the fact that Loki sleeps in complete trust or the way Mobius gently wakes him up. I'll let you choose, I can't.
Masterpost : here
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samsayswhatever · 1 year ago
Think of the Mobius variants
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Think of the fanfiction, my god
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andthekitchensinkao3 · 2 months ago
Author Ask Tag
Thanks @mercars-musings for the tag! Don’t think I don’t see you in my mentions 🖤
What is the main lesson of your story?
…which one? XD
Okay. I’ll go into my three current projects + a bit of general insights.
Most of my stories center around the ideas of found family, and finding love in unexpected places. There’s also (nearly always) a theme of self-acceptance, and that what you think are your biggest flaws can actually be something really awesome.
In my original novel, the protagonist goes through a character arc where he gets to turn one of his disabilities into the advantage that saves the day. It might sound corny, but as someone with that actual disability, I think it’s Hella neat. Hard-of-Hearing people, represent.
For Stories Told and Forgotten (DA Veilguard, Emmrook fix-it fic), I think the overarching theme is something along the lines of “the only way is through” coupled with “despair doesn’t last forever”.
For The World’s Fair Hotel (Lokius horror set in 1893), which is something of a classic horror story, it’s about… the Venn diagram where “You’re strong enough on your own” meets “your friends/found family = your biggest strength”.
What did you use as inspiration for your world building?
Original novel - everything from classic Brit Crime murder mysteries to epitaphs. With vampires. And a light whiff of steampunk.
Stories - primarily the Dragon Age games. I love the lore, and was saddened when so much of it seems to have gotten lost in the chaos that was developing DA4. I haven’t had a chance to read the books or watch the series etc, but I’ve loved the world since DA Origins. I’m even using one of the codex entries as inspiration for the Emmrook romance - a tragic love story between a mortal and a spirit.
World’s Fair Hotel - various documentaries on H H Holmes I’ve caught over the years, but also the vibe of The Devil In Me. And, as always with my Loki fanfics, Norse mythology and folklore. Any fellow Scandinavians out there? Hi!
What is your MC trying to achieve, and what are you, the writer, trying to achieve with them? Do you want to inspire others, teach forgiveness, or help them grow as a person?
I just want to write stories that are good fun. Whether that’s full on Fantasy romances or corporate conspiracy Thrillers, or serial killer Horror with romantic subplots. The reader will take away what they will from the text, and I’m fine with that.
Original novel - solving the suspicious death of the protag’s mentor/father figure. Stopping the killer from getting away with murder.
Stories - save the world. It doesn’t get much bigger than that.
World’s Fair Hotel - both Loki and Mobius are Very Concerned with 1) finding each other before it’s too late, and 2) getting out of the Murder Castle.
How many chapters is your story going to have?
Original novel is 28 chapters in total, clocking in at 84k words.
Stories - WiP. As many as it needs, as I’m pretty much fixing the plot of the whole game. Yes, I am a bit bonkers.
World’s Fair Hotel - No more than ten chapters. We’re entering the home stretch in chapter 7, which should be ready for uploading within the week. :3
Is it fanfiction or original content? Where do you plan to post it?
Original novel - I’m going to give it a final revision/edit after some excellent feedback I got from an editor, and then it’s back into the query trenches for me. Going to try finding an agent, or an indie publisher willing to take it (and me) on.
Stories and WFH are obviously fanfic. All my fanfic can be found on AO3. My username is “andthekitchensink” - because I tend to throw absolutely everything into my fics, and I genre hop like you wouldn’t believe.
When did you start writing?
From the moment I could write? Like, aren’t we all descendants of storytellers? :) My first novel-length project was when I was…12? 13? I never finished that one, and it’s in Swedish. But I like the bare bones of it. I started writing fanfic in my late teens, once I discovered shounen ai, and sadly stopped in my early twenties due to crappy fandoms and Life getting in the way. Then a little game called Detroit: Become Human came out, and I woke up one day thinking “Fuck this shit. I’m gonna write what I WANT TO READ and screw what everyone else thinks.”
Do you have any words of encouragement for fellow writers of writeblr?
I’m a pantser at heart - as in I write by the seat of my pants - but I’ve found a little bit of planning ahead makes it easier for me to keep track of a story. I use bullet points A LOT, but always with the tacit agreement - between me and my brain - that nothing is sacred, and everything is up for revising if the story needs it, or the characters take things in a different direction. And believe you me, I always end up scrapping things I’ve planned will happen, and the story is never worse off for it. But! Don’t throw away text you love! Keep it in a separate document, or several. You’ll never find out where those paragraphs or sentences belong if you delete them.
And, one last tip: trust your writer gut. That thing Character A insisted should be kept in the beginning of the story, you know, that Thing you have no idea where that came from? It might just reveal its purpose in a much later chapter. If you’ve had that sort of epiphany, you know what I’m talking about. And if you’re just starting your writing journey - you’ll know when it happens. It’s the best feeling ever.
Trust yourself. Trust your stories. Trust the characters, whether they’re your original babies, or beloved fandom blorbos.
Tagging everyone! No pressure, as always <3 And if I forgot someone, sorry! Consider yourself tagged!
@ghoulehhh @natendo-art @in-my-loki-feels @kusakichan15
@devilbearingtrouble @impulsemuppet @mirilyawrites @scifikimmi @silentxsymphony
@rin-love-is-green @confetti39x @stillwanderingflame
@insert-witty-user-name-here @blackbirdofasgard @dreamycloud @distracteddream
@mobius-m-mobius @dilfmobius @adorbspotat @lgwilt
 @redheadsramblings @starfleetteddybear @mercars-musings @starrose17 @holyglassbone @genocidalfetus @wolfpup026 @elodiah @lokimobius @thosegayoldmen @kcscribbler @lavender-tea-fling
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thosegayoldmen · 6 months ago
Rules: Answer and tag nine people you want to get to know better and catch up with.
Favorite color(s):
Has and always will be green 💚 Specifically an emerald green OR a mint green
Last Song
Currently Reading
So SO much fanfiction at the moment. I have a long backlog of fics I'm slowly working my way through 😅
Currently Watching
Finally working my way through Jujutsu Kaisen S2 (I know, I'm very late to catch up) as well as looking to start Interview With A Vampire soon!
Currently Craving
I would KILL for a burger right about now...
Coffee or Tea
Despite being British, I think I'd havr to go with coffee...but only iced coffee. (Although ideally I'd choose an energy drink over a coffee)
Hobby To Try
I've always wanted to learn to knit or crochet, I used to knit when I was really young (they taught us in primary school once) and I think it'd be a good thing to keep my hands busy while I'm watching something (since currently I have to have my phone in my hands in order to concentrate at all 😖)
Current AU
I haven't started writing it AT ALL yet, but I'm floating the idea of a BBC Merlin / Lokius AU. It's very much in the early planning stages at the moment, so don't expect it any time soon, but it's wormed it's way into my brain and I don't think I'll be able to just let it go now 😂
Thanks for the tag @loki-is-my-kink-awakening I love a good tag game! And I'm always willing to share more about myself 😊
Gonna tag a bunch of people even though I know some of ya'll have already been tagged 🤭
@in-my-loki-feels @lokimobius @elodiah @mythical-magik @devilbearingtrouble
@impulsemuppet @kcscribbler @natendo-art @mirilyawrites @andthekitchensinkao3
@silentxsymphony @kusakichan15 @rin-love-is-green
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samsayswhatever · 1 year ago
It’s on my list of things to write!
Need a Christmas hallmark movie kinda fic with Loki and Mobius 🙏🏽
Loki's from the big city, Asgard lol. And Mobius owns a bakery in a small town.
Do I write? Yes
Could I write this myself? Probably
Am I going to? No 😭
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impulsemuppet · 1 year ago
The Automat Lokius Discord Server
I got a few asks about this after posting my Parent Trap AU stuff so I'm doing a new post for the link (mostly cause I'm too lazy to look for the old one) Anyone can join: https://discord.gg/UysSM7ae5m
Here's some stuff you can expect
Everyone is super nice and helpful
We're constantly ranting about our headcanons and just talking about Loki stuff in general
Great place to run ideas for fanfics or to share yours, we have some amazing writers there.
Also, we have some amazing artists so you can ask for help on that too
You can ask for recs for fanfiction, we're always sharing what we read
We started a creative prompt challenge for all types of writers and artists, It is freeform and not restrictive at all
We are starting a more restrictive fanfiction challenge later this month
There are 18+ channels if you want to discuss spicier stuff
There are also channels for non-Loki stuff cause we all have many interests
I'm sure there's more I'm forgetting, but it's a great place. I can emphasize how nice everyone is there. Its also totally okay to lurk, we love lurkers too.
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gburph · 1 year ago
Lokius writing prompts 2
Recently I don't have anything to do at my job during the night so I sit and think of the Lokius writing prompts. This is why I created the second part of the list. First part is here and third part here. If anyone uses them, please let me know. I want to read it.
1 - After the end of Loki season 2, Mobius as a reward takes Loki to the Endgame scene where Dr Strange gives Thanos the time stone. They stop Thanos and meet the Avengers and Guardians. Together with Dr Strange, they all head to Earth to fight the Chitauri. You can use only the first part of the prompt or, if you wish, you can write my full vision for this scene:
As the stone flies to Thanos, Loki's hand appears out of nowhere and grabs the stone. The rest of Loki then appears and uses the stone to freeze Thanos' hand, the one with the gauntlet. Loki then scolds Doctor Strange for trying to give the stone to the Mad Titan. Loki continues to introduce himself in his usual style (with glorious purpose and all), but adds his variant number and copies the judgement scene from Loki. He lists Thanos' crimes (both serious and not, such as being annoying, perhaps adding a few crimes against himself) and asks how Thanos pleads. Thanos says he has no right to judge him, but Loki says this right was given to him by the TVA represented by his friend Mobius here. He points at him and, for the first time, all the people present notice Mobius standing in the back. Loki then passes judgment (he can use the stone to destroy Thanos). Later he, Mobius and the confused Avengers and Guardians talk; Dr Strange teleports them all to Wakanda to fight the Chitauri, and after the fight Loki and Mobius meet Thor. Thor may be pleased that Loki made a friend or be suspicious or even hostile as he worries after losing Loki from his timeline. The second and third options could be an opportunity for Loki to protect Mobius from Thor with magic or words. And also Mobius can defend Loki when someone tries to insult him.
(EDIT to prompt 1: you can add the fact that apparently Loki is going to be a god of stories)
2 - Tony Stark accidentally finds an old photo of Loki with an unknown gentleman from the 1893 Chicago World's Fair. Trying to find any information about the mysterious gentleman, Tony finds a man who looks exactly like the man from the fair living in modern times. He is a divorced 50-year-old jet-ski salesman. Tony decides to meet the man and talk to him.
3 - After the destruction of the TVA, Mobius is transported to New York in 2012 during a battle. Mobius realises that he woke up there because it was the moment of his Nexus Event (but now the TVA won't capture him for any changes). He decides to stop Loki and to do so he finds Thor and convinces him to hit Loki very hard on the head to stop the mind control. They manage to wake Loki from the mind control, but: A - This Loki is the one from the TVA, but when his mind was transferred to a past body, he was again influenced by Mind Stone. B - This is the Loki of that time and he doesn't know Mobius, but after getting to know him better he can't help but also like Mobius. Especially since he is the only person who believes in him and tries to help him (TVA Loki can be either dead or lost and later found)
4 - Loki resides in Asgard impersonating Odin. As we know, he was mainly concerned with the development of culture (mainly theatre). One day he is shocked when he meets a strange mortal (as if mortals in Asgard weren't strange enough) who tries to convince Loki that danger is coming and Loki should prepare all of Asgard for an invasion (TVA Loki has died and now Mobius is trying to save this Loki from Hela and Thanos).
Bonus points if in post season 2 canon complaint stories every member of TVA hates spaghetti with burning passion.
More bonus points for Loki's interactions with various members of the Avengers, Guardians, SHIELD, etc.
Even more bonus points for Lokius slow burn.
Tell me what you think of my ideas!
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goatmilksoda · 3 years ago
Headcanon that when Mobius comes to Earth from the TVA, his sleep schedule is like super fucked up. He's just straight up taking naps at the most inconvenient times or working with Strange and the other heroes at like 3 AM and Loki's like... what the fuck are you doing please come back to bed.
Alternatively: Mobius does not sleep at all period and no one really expected that? Like it makes it super obvious he's not a Normal Human Being (admittedly also a headcanon). This man is always up. He always has an energy drink or coffee in hand so some suspect he's hopped up on caffeine, but he never shows it. He doesn't get jittery or any more excitable from it... He just keeps on being awake and just... doesn't sleep.
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galaxytrigger · 4 years ago
I am well aware I'm not the best when it comes to writing & publishing fanfictions, but the thing that matters to me is those who read them are enjoying my works :)
Anyway, anyone here wanna read a fanfic about the tiny cowboy and tiny Roman from NATM that I still have in my drafts?
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