#lokius fanfic
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cha-melodius · 2 days ago
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Paint Me in a Corner (But My Color Comes Back)
Mobius believes him, is the thing. Believes he’s innocent. Also believes he has no one in his corner besides Mobius. Loki can’t exactly hire someone to look into it, nor does he trust anyone very easily. And maybe Mobius is being manipulated, but helping him is still the right thing to do. The fact that he’s maybe a little in love with Loki, that he’d do anything for him anyway, is irrelevant.
(Mobius spends his days keeping his eye on parolees and helping them re-enter society, and he's certainly not expecting his latest case—a trust-fund kid with a white collar conviction—to be any different than any of his others. But Loki Odinson proves to be full of surprises, including an uncanny ability to get Mobius to break every one of his personal and professional rules.)
Read it on AO3 (E, 16.6k, fill for @marveltrumpshate 2021 [never lose hope lol])
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Seven Sentence Sunday
Lokius. Book kink continued. Suggestive.
“Oh, yes,” Loki purred, stepping back a fraction. It wasn’t much but Mobius couldn’t say if he truly wanted space. The way the trickster’s eyes shimmered when he brought the book up into the small space between them felt electric. They tracked his tentative touch, how his fingers gently ran along the edge towards the joint. He let himself linger there, feeling sure Loki would enjoy the tease of circling the little open space. From the whimper he heard, Mobius knew he’d guessed correctly and did it again and again. By the time he finally dipped the tip inside, Loki had lost all composure entirely.
Tagged by @elodiah @insomniaflarrow @kcscribbler @lokimobius @distracteddream
Passing the tag onto: @in-my-loki-feels @devilbearingtrouuble @thosegayoldmen @ghoulehhh @starport-seven-five
@insert-witty-user-name-here @lgwilt @agent-birdnoises @mobiusismycomfortcharacter @boredintjqueen
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aritks · 1 year ago
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I bet he was crying inside of happiness.
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ibenology · 1 year ago
one thing I will say about the ending of Loki is that they truly made it super easy for fanfiction writers to go “Loki takes a day off, finds Mobius and they spend their time on this particular timeline.”
they really made every single AU canon in 20 minutes
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radyoaktif-ghostt · 3 months ago
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I wanted to draw the elevator part from the awesome lokius fanfic written by @rabbitking1 on AO3! and I put the link to the fanfic below! You can read it if you want!^^
Even though the fanfic was left unfinished (T^T), it was the best lokius fanfic I've ever read!
I just wanted to draw it because I felt like it :D
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lokiusly · 1 year ago
OG s2e5: Loki observes timeline Mobius from afar, unsure of how to proceed. They make eye contact. Mobius walks to Loki & kisses their cheek. “Hey honey, what’s up? Where are the kids?” Loki’s cheeks redden for the first time in eons— mouth agape.
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zephyrsobsessions · 2 months ago
WIP Wednesday
Tagged by @insomniaflarrow (my first tag in one of these!!! Thank you!!!)
Sharing another bit of Don hit Loki with a wrench cause I've been writing it so much and really like how it's coming along! Wanted to show a bit of Loki's perspective this time!
“It’s alright,” Loki waved his hands dismissively, “I deserved it.” Loki admitted, realizing how he had probably sounded. “It doesn’t look too bad.” Mobius grimaced, the hand that was on Loki’s shoulder now hovering near his injured cheek. Loki chuckled, easily detecting Mobius’ lie. “Yeah, alright.” He rolled his eyes, and then with a flick of his wrist, healed himself. He opened his mouth to adjust his jaw, checking that it was back in place, but quickly noticed the disbelief flash across Mobius’ face, followed by several other emotions that Loki could instantly name. It only took Loki a moment to realize why Mobius was so shocked. Because this was not his Mobius, therefore he did not know that Loki was the god of mischief. “Uh…” Was all that Loki could muster, once again finding himself speechless. It wasn’t often he didn’t know what to say.
I don't know many people who write fic, so here's a couple no-pressure tags: @distracteddream and @gloriouslokiuss! (Feel free to let me know if you'd like to be tagged in the next one!) And even if you aren't tagged, feel free to tag me in it anyway, I love seeing what people are writing!
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virgil-upinthestars · 7 months ago
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like a little prayer - chapter one
Pairing: Loki x Mobius, Deadpool x Wolverine
Words: 2,585
Summary: Mobius and Sylvie pull some strings to contact some of the only people who might be able to get to Loki, proposing a plan that could help them all.
Chapter Warnings: Strong language, somewhat insincere threats of violence, light shenanigans, angst, pining, gay bickering
header/ch 1
Into the sparkly sling ring portal, out onto a squeaky black marble floor. Wade’s forehead collided with it, which was less than courteous, and he made a mental note to ask Cassandra what the fuck if they ever met again, but he dearly hoped that would never happen. 
“Ugh, rude!” he groaned, getting his knees under him and grabbing Logan’s quite muscular arm to pull himself up. Logan promptly shoved him into what felt like a desk. 
“Hello,” said a dry, faintly raspy voice. “If you two could sit down and not knock over your drinks, that would be nice.”
Wade grabbed a chair, steadying himself and squinting at a frankly dumpy-looking middle-aged man in a brown suit. “’Scuse me?”
“We’re back,” Logan muttered, his eyes darting around the ceiling beyond the cubicle, and yep, that orange lighting was unmistakable. “She sent us back here. Why’d she do that?”
“Well, I’d assume it’s because you can go anywhere from here, but I’d like to hope it was because I asked nicely,” the man mused, sitting on the other side of the desk and pushing two paper coffee cups towards them. As per usual whenever someone else bought him coffee, Wade popped the top off to check the contents. Once he saw the whipped cream and sprinkles, he gave the drink an approving nod and lifted his mask to down half the contents.
Logan didn't touch his, as he apparently found much more joy in glaring at the man who had so graciously offered them caffeine after a fight. “Nicely?”
“Mm, yes,” The man took a sip of his own coffee, those eyes flicking between the two of them. “The TVA’s had a deal with Cassandra Nova, ever since a few of our operatives ended up in the Void. I’d be the first to admit that a large majority of the Void’s inhabitants probably don't deserve to be there, but unfortunately, that doesn't apply to everyone.” 
“Yeah, Nicepool definitely deserves to be down there," Wade snorted, wiping whipped cream off his face. "Not Mary Puppins, though, can we go get her?”
The man opened one of the orange files on his desk, and turned it around so they could see its contents. “Pyro. Decent kid, but he's taken a deal with your department head, Paradox, to kill Nova. Which I imagine went over fantastically.”
“Yeah,” Wade sucked in a breath through his teeth. “Remind me what this has to do with saving my universe?” Just to be nice, totally not because he felt guilty, he jabbed a thumb towards Logan. “Or fixing his?”
“Well, I've been watching the two of you for a bit, and . . . .” The man folded his fingers on the table. “I think you can help me.”
Immediately, Logan’s eye twitched. “Why should we?”
A smile just flickered on the other man’s face, and he looked up from Pyro’s file. Something about those eyes gave Wade pause, even though they were set in the face of what looked like a middle-aged dad. 
“Okay,” Wade sighed, and he decided that this guy looked like his name would probably be Phil. Or Kyle. Ooh, or John, or — “Owen. We’re on a bit of a mission right now, and unless you’re willing to help me save my universe from that Tom Wambsgans-looking guy — don’t get me wrong, I loved Succession, it was like watching a house full of sex offenders burn down, but —”
“That’s exactly what I’m talking about,” the man said, closing Pyro's file and brushing it to the side. There was a hard light in his eyes, one that Wade recognized: desperation. “Yes, Paradox wants to destroy your timeline, but from what I'm guessing, Nova would be perfectly happy destroying all of them.”
“You people like your guesses,” Logan grumbled.
Wade sighed. “For the last time, peanut, it was an educated wish —”
“Call me that again, and I'll shove that double-whip diabetes bomb right up your —”
“Okay,” the man said loudly, now looking very much like a middle-aged dad. Possibly also a jet ski salesman. “I’ll just cut to the chase. Also, your coffee has Irish whiskey in it, so please do me a favor and drink it.”
“Really?” Logan muttered, lifting the drink. He took a hesitant sip, but it soon turned into chugging the whole drink in one go.
“Thank you,” the man sighed, then cleared his throat. “You two have been dealing with middle management this whole time.” His eyes flickered with a new sort of light, something like hope. “How would you like to go all the way to the top?”
Mobius M. Mobius had been having a very rough few months. First, he finally manages to catch a Loki, then fucks up by getting attached to him, then gets betrayed by him, which, honestly, what was he expecting — only for that Loki to come back, wide eyed and pleading with him. Then Sylvie went and committed some good old-fashioned murder, and the multiverse started falling apart, tearing Loki into pieces across space and time as he desperately tries to help, and eventually decides that the best way to solve it was apparently to go fuck himself off into oblivion without discussing it with any of them.  
Mobius could’ve killed him.
He also would've given anything to see him again.
He also didn't know whether Loki would feel the same, ‘I did it for you’ or not.
He also was about two inches away from ripping his own ears off so he didn't have to hear these two assholes keep going at each other in some kind of weird, extremely violent, seventy-two hour long foreplay. 
“So, it's a tree,” said Wade Wilson, holding his empty coffee cup like a drag queen as Mobius led them down the hall. Logan was trailing behind, silent for now, but still looking like he was debating whether to slam Wade against or through the nearest wall. “You fancy-pants time CIA bastards take orders from a tree?”
Mobius took a long breath. He could almost hear Loki snapping back that we used to take orders from three lizards who turned out to be robots, how’s the tree sound now?
It was making his heart ache.
“We don't take orders from the tree,” Mobius said, forcing himself to maintain an easy tone. “We protect it. It contains all timelines, all possibilities, branching out into infinity. We can't control it, it can't control us, we can only protect h—it. And if the tree were threatened, the fabric of space-time would start to unravel.”
“Oh, so that’s why you're open to stopping Tom Wambsgans from destroying my universe!” Wade laughed. “Finally, there's a threat big enough to the precious tree for you to acknowledge the fact that my whole life —”
“I didn't know about your timeline, okay?” Mobius sighed, shoving open a door marked NO ENTRY. He led them down a curving stairwell, to where Sylvie had agreed to meet him. “No one knew, until five minutes ago, when unsanctioned time-ripper activity was detected in your universe. B-15’s running through the normal channels to shut it down, but until then, I'm trying to arrange something that will help both of us.”
“Oh, both?” Wade said, tossing his empty cup into the abyss. He promptly sat on the railing and began to slide down it. “Do tell.”
“Yes,” Mobius said, gritting his teeth. The line between his thoughts and his words were quickly becoming blurred. “I get you to the guy at the top, you get him to sustain your world while we deal with Paradox, and then you get him to come the fuck out of his little self-imposed isolation hermit hole.”
Precious silence hung for a few seconds, only to be punctuated by a soft “ooh”.
“So,” Wade slid to Mobius’s side, somehow balancing like a goddamn French girl on the railing. “This guy at the top, huh? You two have a history?”
Mobius glanced back at Logan, who just snorted and rolled his eyes. “You’re the one who gave him coffee.”
“Couple of hand brushes?” Wade was saying, his voice needling into Mobius’s ear. “Lingering hugs? Old married couple banter? Maybe even a soft, gentle, unforgettable night on an office couch —”
“Like you two didn’t basically hate-fuck in that Odyssey!” Mobius snapped, making the white eyes of Wade’s mask go wide.
“Pervert,” he said at last. “That was a very private moment.”
“I will throw you down this stairwell,” Logan hissed, an honest-to-God vein popping out on his forehead. “Say another word, I fucking dare you — ”
Logan swung a fist towards Wade. Mobius barely had time to think the claws aren’t out, that’s an improvement before the Wolverine’s blow was stopped by a swirl of green light.
“Oh, my!” called a familiar voice. Mobius leaned over and caught sight of Sylvie on the landing below, her eyes fragile with a hopeless sort of amusement, like a man set for execution laughing because he had sixty-nine days to live. “This is them?”
“I’m afraid so,” Mobius called back, unable to hide the relief in his voice that he was now one step closer to getting these repressed disasters out of his sight. “Do you have it?”
“Of course I do,” she snorted, flicking He Who Remains’ TemPad out of her jacket pocket as she climbed the stairs towards them. “I held my end of the bargain. The real question is if they’ll hold theirs.” Her lips twitched slightly as Logan yelled for her to get your fucking magic off me, and directed his arm back to his side before releasing control. Her eyes flickered as she met Mobius’s gaze. “You really think this will work?”
“I hope so,” Mobius replied, forcing a smile to compensate for the slight shake in his voice. “I really hope so.”
“Right,” Sylvie muttered, turning the TemPad over in her hands as she surveyed the two men. “Wade Wilson and Logan Howlett. Gifted with extraordinary healing powers.”
Wade slid off the railing. “Among other things,”
“Good.” Sylvie’s eyes flashed. “We’ll be testing them today.”
“Hold on,” said Logan, the first time he’d really spoken without provocation. He shouldered his way past Wade to scowl at Mobius and Sylvie with equal force. “Whatever this is, I’m not doing it for free.”
“Oh, fantastic,” Mobius sighed, frantically running through a meager list of things the Wolverine might be willing to risk his life for. An overaged bottle of Jack Daniels probably wouldn’t count. Neither would another Irish coffee. Maybe —
“X-23,” Logan said, his voice brusque. “Laura. She’s in the Void. Get her out.”
Mobius blinked.
“Oh my God,” Wade whispered. “I knew the dad instinct was in there somewhere.”
“Shut up,” Logan snapped, before refocusing on them. “Get her out of there and I’ll do it.”
“Uh, sure,” Mobius glanced towards Sylvie, who gave an easy shrug. “Where, uh . . . do you want us to bring her here, or —”
“I don’t care.” Logan’s throat bobbed. “Take her to this idiot’s world if you want, just don’t take her to mine.”
“His is in danger, though —”
The man’s eyes hardened. “Well, it won’t be.”
For a moment, Wade was actually speechless. The Merc with a Mouth was staring at Logan like he’d just dropped out of the sky, white eyes of his mask wide and hands hanging listlessly in the air. 
“You got it,” Mobius said, pulling his TemPad out of his pocket. Ever since he’d come out of the Void himself, he’d tried to keep a closer eye on anyone who might be surviving down there. He hadn’t even been sure that X-23 was still alive until he’d caught word of her with these two, and now that she’d raided Nova’s place with her friends, they’d all be easy to find. “Sylvie, you wanna give them the speech?”
“Love to.” Sylvie held up the black and gold disc, shocking Wade out of his trance with a shiny thing. “This is a TemPad. With it, I’ll be sending the two of you straight to the trunk of the tree itself, where hopefully, you’ll be able to withstand the Gods-awful amount of temporal radiation long enough to get the attention of the annoying prick at the center. Sound good?”
“Ooh, temporal radiation!” Wade let out a whistle. “I’ve never experienced that one before. What does it do?”
Sylvie’s lip twitched, but there was no humor in her eyes. “Turn you into skin spaghetti.”
“The levels around the tree would be very lethal to me or Mobius, but we’ve been hoping for a while that you two would be able to complete the job for us.” She twirled the disc in her fingers, and at a sharp look from Mobius, she rolled her eyes and continued. “And we’ll be sending this with you, for your way back.”
“Really?” Wade brightened, holding out a hand. “Yes, please — ”
“Not you.” Sylvie pointed at Logan. “You. You actually seem like the responsible type.”
“Oh, we are truly in catastrophic times,” Wade groaned, leaning back against the railing. “So, about this ‘annoying prick at the center’ —”
Mobius’s TemPad began to buzz. He flicked the notification away from the approximated map of the Void he’d been building, but then there was another alert, and then another, and the thing was nearly buzzing out of his hands. Over it all, highest priority, was a message from B-15.
If you don’t reappear sometime in the next thirty seconds, the whole multiverse is fucked.
Mobius’s heart shot into his throat as he scrolled through the hundreds of alerts, then dropped right down into his stomach.
“Shit,” he whispered.
“Mobius?” Tense worry spiked in Sylvie’s voice, nearly shocking him out of his haze. “Mobius, what’s happened —”
“It’s Cassandra Nova,” he choked out, fumbling up the stairs. “She’s — she’s heading for the Time-Ripper.” His heart pounded in his ears. “She’s — she’s going to —”
She’s going to kill him.
Sylvie hissed something in an old Asgardian tongue, flicking her TemPad and opening a door in front of him. “Get to the war room, I’ll make sure these idiots make it to the tree.”
“Just —” Mobius turned back to Wade and Logan, two men in bright primary-colored suits standing in a TVA stairwell, two men who were as likely to try and kill each other as they were to fuck, two men who were each certified mental disasters but as it stood, his only chance of ever seeing Loki again. 
He’d been watching them for more than a while. He’d gone looking for variants who could withstand the tree’s temporal radiation the second he’d gotten back to the TVA, since Sylvie had told him she could pinpoint the tree’s location, but he hadn’t been able to convince any to help him until now. Here were two men, just as desperate as he was, two men who were now looking back at him with that mirrored, last-ditch determination.
Because fuck it — if this didn’t work, nothing would. 
Mobius swallowed, managing to say, “Just — tell him I miss him, would you?”
If he’s even still alive when you reach him. If any of us are still alive.
Wade nodded. “You got it, Lightning McQueen.”
His lips twitched. “Mobius.”
“Oh!” The white eyes of his mask widened. “You’re Mobius! Which means the guy in the tree has to be —”
Mobius didn’t even care how Wade knew, he didn’t want to hear that name said out loud. He knew he wouldn’t be able to stand it. Instead, he turned and bolted up the stairs. 
Towards the one thing he could do.
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andthekitchensinkao3 · 2 months ago
Seven Sentence Sunday Jan 12
Thank you for the tags, in no specific order, @lokimobius @blackbirdofasgard and @elodiah
This week is for my lokius horror fam >:3 From the upcoming chapter 6 (The Murder Floor part 1) of The World's Fair Hotel, in which our intrepid pair faces off against none other than America's first serial killer, H. H. Holmes, to stop him from killing his contemporary con man, Victor Timely. We find Mobius and Timely searching the second floor, after having been separated from Loki and B-15 in the previous chapter.
“One room at a time, and keep your eyes and ears wide open. Let’s go.” Mobius took his revolver from its holster, double checking the barrel. He kept the gun pointed at the floor, and his thumb on the safety. The TemPad, he gave to Victor, with the torchlight turned on. Somehow the risk of being caught because of the glaring beam of light didn’t compare to the risk of missing something crucial, such as a switch, or tripwire. Or someone bleeding out in a darkened corner of the room…
Tags under the cut. As always, no pressure, but if you want, go ahead and share what you're working on :3
@ghoulehhh @natendo-art @in-my-loki-feels @kusakichan15
 @redheadsramblings @starfleetteddybear @mercars-musings @starrose17 @holyglassbone @genocidalfetus
@devilbearingtrouble @impulsemuppet @mirilyawrites @scifikimmi @silentxsymphony @kcscribbler @loki-is-my-kink-awakening @lokisbluepopsicle
@rin-love-is-green @confetti39x @stillwanderingflame
@insert-witty-user-name-here @blackbirdofasgard @dreamycloud @distracteddream @wolfpup026
@mobius-m-mobius @dilfmobius @adorbspotat @lgwilt
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boredintjqueen · 14 days ago
WIP Wednesday
Thanks for the tags @kcscribbler @lokimobius @thosegayoldmen @elodiah 💚🧡
More from the upcoming chapter of Dark Necessities ✨
“This here is the mission report title.” He traced the title of the first page with his forefinger. “It’s the most important bit of all ‘cause it’s gotta be succinct while telling the reader everything they need to know.” Loki shuffled closer, his knee brushing Mobius’ thigh, no doubt deliberately. It sent a wave-like pulse of electricity radiating outwards from the point of contact, all the way to Mobius’ extremities.
Open tag cos I think everyone I know has already been tagged.
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cha-melodius · 2 months ago
For the hug prompt
17, Loki / Mobius
15, Alex / Henry
(Now taking a little fandom break—thanks for the Lokius prompt! I will circle back to the firstprince one later. This is a little season 2-set moment. read all the hug ficlets)
17: The hug where they have their other hand rubbing circles on your back, kisses littering your hair, words of comfort on the tip of their tongue.
Most loops, Loki doesn’t have time to let the reality of what he’s continuously experiencing sink in. He’s got a job to do and far too much to learn, so no matter how many times he fails, no matter how many times he watches his friends—this small collection of people he’s come to care so much about—simply disintegrate, he keeps his head up and keeps going. There’s no other option, really.
Occasionally, though, the accumulated damage to his psyche that such things inflict catches up with him. Occasionally, Loki time slips somewhere into the past he doesn’t intend to, as if his mind is giving him an enforced break. Once, after a particularly troubling iteration in which he and Mobius somehow ended up in a yelling match before Mobius stubbornly insisted on getting himself spaghettified, his control of the slipping, well, slips and he ends up in the TVA archives at some unknown time.
He was at his wit’s end when he started slipping, and once his body comes to rest he falls to his knees and lets out a frustrated yell, then collapses forward onto his hands, breathing heavily. The release makes him feel marginally better, so that’s something. It doesn’t do much to help the ache in his chest, though, the hole being slowly carved out every time he watches his friends die. Tears still sting in his eyes, and he squeezes them shut hard in an attempt to make himself get a bloody grip.
Another moment, and he’ll time slip more purposefully, to sometime when he’ll be able to be useful. Hopefully.
Before he can collect himself, though, a familiar cadence of footsteps echoes through the empty archives. Loki’s about to slip anytime else, because either this Mobius won’t know him or he’ll be too familiar, and Loki’s not sure he can take either right now. He doesn’t quite manage it before Mobius rounds the corner, his eyes going wide.
“Loki? What are you— Oh, what’s wrong?”
And Loki shatters. It’s too soon, he wasn’t prepared, and he’s hit the end of his rope. Because this Mobius knows him—more than that, he’s got that look on his face, the one that Loki’s been trying to ignore, the one that says that Loki means more than he should to him. The one he’d had on his face when he refused to let Loki venture out into the time loom, the one that rends tears in Loki’s resolve, even though he’s doing all of this for Mobius.
For all of them, of course. But it would be stupid to pretend that Mobius isn’t special, and Loki’s not stupid.
Mobius moves more quickly than he expects, dropping to his knees beside Loki and wordlessly tugging him into a breathlessly tight hug. And Loki goes, lets Mobius wrap his arms around his shoulders and tug him against his chest, lets the emotion wash through him for once instead of burying it deep down where no one can touch it. He’s not sure how long they sit there on the floor of the archives, Mobius rubbing comforting circles between his shoulder blades and murmuring promises that it’ll be ok— promises that he certainly can’t keep—into Loki’s hair.
It doesn’t really matter how long, anyway. For once, Loki lets himself have this moment of comfort, and knows that these minutes in Mobius’ arms will sustain him for a few hundred more attempts, at least.
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loki-is-my-kink-awakening · 14 days ago
WIP Wednesday
Lokus. A grieving Loki tries to pull himself together to fix things. Temp character death mentioned.
Loki’s footsteps echo through the hallway towards that wretched elevator. B-15 is waiting for him there, holding the door open. She doesn’t say anything when he walks past and heads inside. She already knows what’s on his mind. Instead, she presses one of the many buttons and leans back against the wall. The machinery whirs and they rise, leaving the horrors of the basement floor.
HIs eyes sting from all the crying he’s done, but he can’t do that forever. He needs to pull himself together for.. for him. If there’s a way to fix this, as B-15 suggested, then it has to be his focus. He has to bind the tear in his heart up and ignore the way it hurts, but his mind keeps thinking back to that prone body left behind
The silence etches on and on until the elevator stops and the door opens. Loki starts to walk out and B-15 grabs his arm.
“We will find a way. I promise you.”
As always, thanks to these lovely people for the tag:
@elodiah @thosegayoldmen @tealdropsworld @lokimobius @kcscribbler
Passing the tag onto these lovely people:
@insert-witty-user-name-here @lgwilt @andthekitchensinkao3 @distracteddream @dummyminded
@mirilyawrites @natendo-art @wolfpup026 @mobiusismycomfortcharacter @blackbirdofasgard
@cha-melodius @starport-seven-five @dewdropreader @dreamycloud
And anyone else who wants to do this
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tealdropsworld · 14 days ago
Wip Wednesday
Thanks for the tag: @thosegayoldmen !
ahem, about that Valentine’s Day fluffy domestic fluff with some on brand bickering that I’ll eventually finish…
A sudden idea hits Loki out of the blue, as if he just got struck by one of Thor’s lightnings—
“Loki?” Then Mobius calls his name and squeezes his leg underneath the blanket, and Loki forgets it all. Loki can’t help it—Mobius looks so ravishing with his unruly hair that has been getting quite long and portraying a tantalising view of his bare torso because the upper buttons on his shirt are left undone, the lamp light reflecting on the silver hair on his chest… it all makes Loki’s mouth water.
Loki wants Mobius all the time; he wants him forever.
“Earth to Loki?” Mobius waves a hand in front of him. Loki tries to get his mind out of the gutter.
“We aren’t even on Midgard…” he argues.
“Don’t cha say, smartass.”
Tagging: @elodiah @lokimobius @loki-is-my-kink-awakening @kcscribbler @kusakichan15 @in-my-loki-feels
And basically everyone else who wants to do it 🫶
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aritks · 1 year ago
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They live happy together and have their own lil Key Lime Plants to make homemade pie's 💚
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radyoaktif-ghostt · 3 months ago
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mehhhh I don't like this drawing so much for some reason TT
and I'm making a short animation for Loki rn^^ I hope it's finished and then I'll continue with the dtmg comic!!!!
I'm so slow because it's my exam year please excuse me!!^^
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silentxsymphony · 4 months ago
My offering for the @lokiusbang!
Summary: Five times Mobius wasn’t sure where he stood with Loki, and one time Loki made sure he never had to wonder again.
OR a look back at the progression of Mobius and Loki’s relationship told through Mobius’ POV and a lens of music metaphors.
Inspired by @forevertrueblue’s “Timeline of Lokius” playlist and the following prompt: Songs about Lokius during the show and Mobius’ feelings afterwards when he comes to terms with Loki leaving. “Thanks for the spark”!
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