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Girl I LOVE your fic <3 I love how different the reader is depending on the variant and I would love to read a part 2 with some of the other variants that you didn't do yet!
Good idea ♡ I also plan to write more about the previous variants in the near future, so this will be like a bonus chapter.
(Bonus) Invincible Variants X Fem! Reader
Includes: Masked Mark, Veil Invincible (Shiesty Mark), Unmasked Mark, Viltrum Mark
Word Count: ~3.7k
Warnings: Dark Content, Violence, Yandere Behavior
Masked Mark
This Invincible was sorrowful.
“Oh no, how horrible…”
You stood in your kitchen, a small knife in hand.
You had originally been chopping up some ingredients, but your eyes were now glued to your Tv, watching recaps of the chaos that unfolded over the world.
As you focused your attention back to chopping, the sound of a window opening caused you to jolt.
You quickly caught your breath, before wincing in pain soon after. Your knife had sliced through your hand in the spur of the moment.
But you couldn’t worry about that now. Someone was breaking in.
You crouched low, hiding behind a table.
Heavy footsteps could be heard, and you clutched the knife to your chest. When the footsteps were close and had stopped, you decided this was your time to act.
You quickly leapt out from your hiding spot, ready to stab whoever you saw. But to your surprise, no one was there.
That is, until you looked up.
Someone was floating in the air above you, and was looking directly at you.
You gasped, and the person put their hands out.
“It’s okay! I won’t hurt you!” He said.
He was wearing black and blue, and his mask completely covered his face. His voice didn’t seem to hold any ill intent, but then again, he had just broken into your home.
You recognized who he was, and you now knew your situation was dire.
“You’re… one of those Invincible Imitators on the news…” You whispered, taking a step back.
“Y/n, I promise I won’t hurt-”
“How the hell do you know my name!?” You snapped. As he moved closer, you outstretched the knife in your hand, your eyes narrowed. “Stay. Back.”
To your surprise, he stopped moving towards you, his once outstretched hands falling to his side. The only distance between you two now was your arm’s length.
“...You’re hurt,” he murmured.
You had completely forgotten about the cut on your hand. The dripping blood had now accumulated into a tiny puddle just below your feet.
He then turned away, making a beeline for your bathroom. This left you confused, until he returned with your first aid kit in hand.
“I’ll explain everything, but please, let me help with that.”
Your instincts were screaming at you to fight, but you had seen what one of these guys could do to an entire city. So you instead lowered the knife on the table.
He washed the blood off your hands, cleaning the area as he spoke to you.
“I know your name because… I know you. When you were alive in my world, we loved each other.”
“Some terrible things happened. I lost mom and then you… I couldn’t handle it,” he explained. He sounded so… troubled. You winced as he applied ointment, and he quickly apologized. “But I was given a second chance here. I could save you, I could save her…”
He now wrapped your hand in a bandage. Once it was firmly secured, his hand gently grazed across yours, before looking up at you.
“I didn’t want to be a monster, but I had to be. For mom, and for you.”
He didn’t seem sadistic, or even cocky. He was just… sad. You almost felt sorry for him.
You snatched your now bandaged hand away from him. Your eyes looked directly into his goggles, the sound of pure hatred in your voice.
“I could never love you.”
That completely shattered his heart.
“Y/n… please don’t say that...” he whispered. It sounded like he was on the verge of tears.
Great, now you felt like a monster.
You looked away, a pang of regret on your face. As he spoke again you looked back at him.
“We can talk more later.” His hand locked around your wrist, and your heart dropped. “I found you, but I still need to find mom.”
“I can’t go with you,” you said, trying to pull away from his grip. He was not letting go. “This isn’t right. You can’t just take what you want.”
“I don’t know if the others know about you, so it isn’t safe to stay here-”
“Let, go of me,” you said. Your free hand reached for your knife, before ramming the weapon into his arm. The knife immediately snapped on impact, breaking itself but not his skin. You cursed aloud and tried to pry his hand off you, but he only pulled you into a gentle hug, now locking both your hands to your side. “Let go!!!”
You kept screaming and he frowned. Your yelling would only bring more attention to the two of you once he left the house.
“Y/n, please.”
“No!! No!!! You can’t-”
You then felt a sudden pain on the side of your neck, your vision instantly blurring. Your cries for help had ceased, and your body now went limp in his arms. His swift attack had knocked you completely out.
“I’m sorry…” he whispered. Seeing you unresponsive made him immediately regret his actions. “I had to...”
He held you close for a bit, before once again making his way towards the window.
“I’ll change my ways, I promise. But for now, I have to be this monster.”
Veil Invincible
“Find me a good interview. Or today will be your last, Y/n.”
His variant was arrogant.
As you sat in the backseat of the news van, your boss’s words lingered in your head. This was an ultimatum. If you didn’t get a good interview before the end of the day, then your dream of being a reporter was over.
You needed to find someone worth interviewing, and that’s when you saw him.
He was clad in blue and yellow, and had a mask that fell down his face, similar to a veil. Only one thought shot through your mind.
Invincible! Bingo.
“Stop the car!” You exclaimed.
The driver barely had time to slam on the brakes before you pulled the door open. As you hopped out, you noticed that civilians ran past you in fear. You calmed yourself before running towards the destruction, slowly making your way closer to the hero.
He wiped the bottom of his face, taunting those who he had just beaten.
“Is this the best you’ve got? Come on, I’ve barely broken a sweat!”
“Excuse me! Excuse me! Mister Invincible!”
He turned to the sound of the voice, noticing that your calls were specifically directed at him. You were in a tailored suit, and was dangling off a somewhat large piece of rubble.
It seems you attempted to climb over that rubble to get to him?
You then abruptly let go, dropping just a bit before landing on your butt. It took some time, but you eventually picked yourself up, dusted off your suit, and quickly made your way towards him.
What the fuck was he seeing?
Were you going to fight him? No, it wasn’t that. You just looked determined.
He dropped his fighting pose, before resting both hands on his hips.
Now he had to know what you wanted.
You mentally prepared yourself as you now stood right in front of him.
“Hello Mr. Invincible!” You happily said. Your eyes sparkled, and he was genuinely confused. Shouldn’t you be running away?
“....Uh, Hello?”
“Do you mind if I ask you a few questions?” You said.
He looked you over, noticing you were wearing an earpiece and holding a microphone in your hands.
Oh, so you were a reporter. That explains the outfit.
He turned away from you before throwing up a hand, waving you off.
“Sorry lady, you’ve got the wrong guy.”
That left you embarrassed.
You remained in place for a bit, eyes focused to the ground.
“But, you answered when I called…” you murmured, clutching your microphone. “I thought you were him…?”
Maybe your boss was right. You weren’t cut out for this. The weight of constant failure was becoming too much.
You thanked him for his time, tears spilling down your face as you turned away.
“Wait wait… You just can’t go off crying without telling me what’s wrong,” he said, a sigh leaving his lips. You hesitated, your back still faced away from him as he continued to speak. “Go on.”
“I need an interview.” You were embarrassed that you were even mentioning this. You quickly wiped your face. “Or my boss will fire me today.”
“Now that’s fucked! You seem to be doing a good job in my opinion,” he said. The fact that you were out here without a care for your safety was amusing to him. You quietly thanked him. “Seems like you really need that interview. I’ve got time.”
You spun around to face him, your eyes now lit up.
“Really? Thank you so much Mr. Invincible!”
He held back laughter. Where did all the tears go?
You looked to your left and noticed your camera crew in the distance. You happily waved them over, but to your surprise they seemed… panicked?
“What’s wrong? Guys, I’m over here!!” You yelled. Now he was laughing as he spoke.
“I’ll bring you over to them.”
He then lifted you into his arms, before flying you to where your camera crew was. As he set you down, you encouraged your camera crew to set up, and they quickly did so upon seeing the cracking knuckles of a certain Invincible.
Once you were given the all clear you began your interview.
“Hello everyone! This is Y/n L/n, and I am joined today with our hero, Mr. Invincible! Now, Mr. Invincible, what are your opinions on the current catastrophe?”
“Well, I’d say this place was definitely overdue for a remodeling.”
You laughed at his silly joke, but your camera crew were dying inside.
“-But as long as I can fight someone, I’ll keep fighting, no matter what,” he said. You smiled at him.
“I applaud your tenacity! Have your recent battles been tough?” You asked.
“Some yes, most no. But this world does have a lot to offer.”
“I see. Anything else you’d like to say before we sign off?”
He waved to the camera.
“Stay safe out there! You never know who you’re dealing with. Or talking to!”
As the cameras shut off and your camera crew ran for their lives, you thanked him profusely. You were ecstatic to finally get an interview, and from Invincible no less!
“I’m sorry for taking up your time, especially with so much going on…” you murmured. “But I truly appreciate it.”
“No prob. You did a good job out there, lady.” He said as he leaned in. You leaned in as well and pecked the side of his face, him freezing in place at the sudden kiss.
“My name is Y/n, Mr. Invincible.”
“...Fuck- Do you kiss every person you interview?”
“Nope, you’re the first.”
He then pulled you close, and the two of you shared a passionate kiss…
In the midst of total chaos.
As you both pulled away, you were on cloud nine. You silently thanked your camera crew for not being here to see this.
“You mind if I speak with your boss? I need to let him know how much of a mistake it is to fire you,” he said.
Now Invincible was going to speak to your boss on your behalf? Your day just kept getting better!
“I don’t mind at all!” You happily said. You handed him a card specific to your news station and he browsed over the address. “Feel free to visit anytime!”
“How about we both go together right now? It’ll be faster.”
“Oh! Okay then!”
He lifted you into his arms, and you happily wrapped your arms around his neck. As he took off into the sky, you smiled brightly.
Today was a perfect day.
Unmasked Mark
*Note: This variant's love for you is purely platonic.
This variant was quiet.
You were one of his closest friends, so he had to do this.
Your left hand wiped across your face, noticing the alarming amount of red that now painted your fingers.
It was blood. But it wasn’t yours.
You slowly turned to your left, seeing a person clad in yellow and blue. His face was completely visible, and he was crouched low, his eyes focused on his latest victim. Or more like what was left of them.
Your fiancé.
The body was unrecognizable. This monster had left your lover in a mangled mess.
As he stood, he was drenched in blood. You covered your mouth and turned away, trying to prevent yourself from vomiting up your insides.
“Oh God, this can’t be happening…”
He flicked the blood off his hands, but didn’t bother with the splatters of blood across his face. He held a look of disdain, his eyes focused on what was once your fiancé. When he looked at you though, his eyes softened.
He didn’t say anything. Why wasn’t he saying anything?
“Why…?” You whispered. Tears spilled from your face. “He’s not dead. He can’t be…”
“What the hell is wrong with you!” You screamed. “He was my fiancé!! I loved him!!”
He looked away, his gaze now focused to the left of him.
Your response to this situation was justified. But he really hated that guy. Your fiancé had murdered you in a fit of rage in his world.
So if he killed him now, you wouldn’t have to worry about that. It seemed to be the most logical thing to do.
He was certain you would find someone else.
“...I’m sorry,” he murmured. He wasn’t remorseful of his actions in the slightest. But he did feel bad you witnessed that.
Maybe he should have waited a little longer to kill him.
Your eyes widened at his response.
“You’re apologizing? That’s all you have to say?!”
His hands were clasped just below his stomach, listening attentively to you. In any other situation you would have sworn he wouldn’t hurt a fly, but you had just seen him violently slam your lover’s head in.
“Say something!” You choked out, tears now pouring from your eyes. You couldn’t muster the courage to look at your other half anymore, already scarred for life.
So you just cried aloud, covering your bloodied face with your hands. You just wanted this all to end.
When you felt a hand on your shoulder, your body froze in place. You were too frightened to keep crying, let alone look up. His words were haunting.
“You can be with someone else… I won’t kill them.”
Not unless he had to.
He didn’t know if that was the right thing to say at the moment, but he meant it. He ultimately felt responsible for your death in his world.
And he would not let that happen again.
You pushed away from him, running into the night. The sidewalks were dimly lit, and the faint smell of smoke filled the burning city. Your screams for help were drowned out by the sounds of wailing sirens.
He stayed in place for a while, looking up to the starry night above.
Hopefully you’ll forgive him.
He then took to the skies, his eyes scanning the world below. He needed to keep track of you. When he spotted your running form in the distance, he moved down to speak.
“I can take you home.”
“Stay away from me!!” You screamed, clutching your head. Why was he still here? Did he enjoy seeing you suffer?
“Shut up!! Shut up!!!”
You then veered away from him, running into the streets. You were too in your head, and the only thing that caught your attention was the blaring sound of a large vehicle. You stared ahead into the blinding light, before happily sighing, grateful that you’d be joining your lover soon.
Or so you thought.
In an instant, he stood in front of you, hand outstretched.
The truck slammed into him, the entirety of its front crushing in from the intense pressure. Your eyes watched in horror as the once speeding vehicle was now forced to a complete stop. The front lights flickered on and off, giving you glimpses of the now dead passengers.
He was completely unharmed. He then turned, his eyes focused on you.
“Let me take you home. It’s safe there.”
He gently lifted you into his arms, and you silently sobbed. You didn’t want to go. Not with him.
Death... The only thing that ever followed him was death…
Viltrum Mark
This variant was serious.
“Get dressed. We’re leaving.”
You peeked your head out from behind the dark shower curtain, raising a brow.
This guy had barged into your home (and your bathroom) completely unannounced, then told you that you were leaving? Who was this guy?
“Let me guess, Cecil sent you?” You asked, looking him over. He was dressed in a white and grey uniform. When he replied with a ‘No’, you laughed. “Okay then, who did?”
“I am here on my own accord.”
You couldn’t help but smile, despite him maintaining that cold gaze.
“Could you have at least waited until I was done showering?”
You then pulled your head back behind the shower curtain, shutting off the water.
“Give me a minute to get dressed. We’ll talk then.”
He now stood against the wall outside your bathroom door. Once you finished putting on some clothes you opened the door and walked past him, before sitting comfortably at a desk in your room.
You maintained some distance, and silence soon followed.
“Okay, who are you?” You asked. His gaze felt like it was burning a hole through your head. “Have we met? If I pissed you off somehow then I apologize-”
“I’m your husband.” He calmly stated. Oh…? “We will be returning back to my world together.”
You remained quiet, noticing the serious look in his eyes.
“Really?” you asked, resting your chin on your hand. “I don’t recall marrying you, or anyone else for that matter… Are you sure you’ve got the right person?”
“I am sure, Y/n.”
“You know my name…” you said, smiling a little. So what? A lot of people knew your name. “What’s yours? Oh husband of mine~”
He internally sighed. You rarely took things seriously. How he fell in love with you, he’d never know.
“We’ll talk later. Gather some personal belongings. We will not be returning.”
You frowned at his words.
“What if I don’t want to go?” You asked him.
“You don’t have a choice.”
“I figured you’d say that.”
You then lifted a finger, and every piece of furniture in your room slammed into him within an instant.
Yes, you had powers. But you were sure he probably knew that.
You quickly stood and waited for the smoke to clear. Once it did, you noticed that he was still standing in the same place, calmly waving the dust in the air away.
“That little attack of yours accomplished nothing,” He stated. He then crossed his arms, before he sent you a small smile. “Want to try again?”
You immediately flew out of your open window, your mind racing.
“Of course he’s superpowered. Why did he have to be superpowered?” You murmured. You looked behind yourself for a split second, and to your horror he was right on your heels. His outward expression was calm as he followed you. While you were fearful, he was in a good mood.
He hadn’t chased you in a while.
You zigzagged through the air, narrowly avoiding his attempts to grab you. Each of his grabs were calculated, and your window of error was becoming too small. One attempt of his was enough to graze your ankle, and your blood went cold.
You were out of breath. As you looked up at him though, you noticed that he had barely broken a sweat.
A small smile was on his lips as he stayed suspended in midair, no longer bothering to chase you. The two of you were apart as you also remained in the air, weighing your options.
You couldn’t keep flying around like this. Your powers heavily sapped at your strength-
“If you had just followed orders,” he told you. “You wouldn’t be in this situation Y/n.”
Smug bastard.
You then shot off higher into the air. As he closed the distance, you spun around to face him, before extending both of your hands. You used every ounce of power you had left. This forced him to a complete halt, his movements freezing in midair.
You were gasping now, attempting to catch your breath. Thankfully, he still wasn’t moving. You waited a few moments, before talking to him.
“God, what are you made of?” You asked him. “I used everything to stop you. It felt like stopping a mountain.”
“You can still talk, you know,” you lightly teased him. You moved closer to get a better look at him. “However, you won’t be able to move for a while.”
He then immediately moved towards you, and your heart dropped. The smile on your face was gone in an instant, now replaced with pure disbelief.
“...How?” You whispered. No one, and you mean no one got out of your hold once you stopped them.
“You never stopped me,” he stated, now centimeters away from your face. “I am aware of how your powers work.”
So he was pretending you stopped him? Lovely.
“I see…” You murmured. Well, it was over for you. You were completely out of strength, and would fall out of the sky any second now.
As if he knew, he wrapped both arms around you, holding you up.
You sighed bitterly before speaking.
“Okay then husband-” You felt his lips press against your neck and your heart raced. His hair tickled the side of your face as he leaned in. You then placed your hands in his hair, before attempting to pry him off you. He didn’t budge. “...You won, for now.”
His lips now pressed against your cheek as he spoke.
“I always win,” he murmured. You frowned as he continued, “Especially when I’m with you.”
How was this longer than my previous post...?
I've currently written for 9 different variants in total, and my sanity is leaving me. So the number will definitely have to dwindle back down lol.
#invincible variants#invinciblexfemalereader#yandere invincible x reader#yandere invincible#mark grayson#yandere#invincible x reader#shiesty mark#masked mark#fem reader#yandere behavior#variants#variantsxreader#viltrum mark#viltrumite#x reader#reader insert#invincible season 3#invincible season three#fanfic#fanfiction#writing#invincible x you#fem!reader#reader#unmaskedmark#veilinvincible#hoodvincible#Viltrumincible#Nomaskible
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You are his lover in all universes, and in these you have joined him—what is it like to be his queen?
Characters: Sinister Mark, Mohawk Mark, No Goggles Mark, Prisoner Mark, Sheisty Mark, Bald Mark, Goggles Mark, Viltrum Mark & Omni-Mark
Sinister Mark / Capevincible
- You are his moon in a sky perpetually painted in blood. The only thing he does not destroy. He moves through the world like a blade cutting through flesh, carving out civilizations with the efficiency of a butcher, and yet, when he looks at you, there is something like reverence in his eyes. His love is not gentle; it is a possession, a claiming, a cruel kind of worship. He touches you with the same hands that have torn bodies apart, and the contrast is almost poetic—his violence does not reach you, but it is there, always simmering beneath his skin.
- When he kisses you, it is not an act of love but of conquest. His lips press against yours with the force of a war drum, his teeth scrape, his tongue invades. He wants you breathless, drowning in him, a willing offering on the altar of his dominion. There is no hesitation in his touch, no uncertainty. He owns you, and you do not resist, because resistance is meaningless. He is Capevincible. He could rip apart the cosmos itself if it dared to keep you from him.
- The nights are a battlefield. Sheets twisted like bodies in the aftermath of war, your throat hoarse from gasping his name, from the unbearable weight of his body pressing into yours, pinning you down as if he fears you might vanish into the ether. He does not love with tenderness—he loves with hunger, with ruin. There is no act between you that does not leave its mark, no moment of intimacy that does not feel like surviving something primal. And yet, you cannot imagine belonging to anyone else.
- He whispers terrible things against your skin in the dark, the same way he speaks before executing his enemies. His breath is hot, his voice like the edge of a blade, telling you how beautiful you look when you break, how you are the only thing he will never destroy. And you believe him, because even monsters can have their treasures, their obsessions. You are the one thing he will not lose, and that means he will kill for you, destroy for you, burn entire worlds if you so much as shiver.
- There is a moment, sometimes, when you wonder what you have become. You were once human, once fragile, once bound by mortal morality. But now you sit beside a god of carnage, watching the universe bend to his will. You no longer flinch at the screams, no longer care for the lives snuffed out like candles in a storm. He has made you his Queen, and a Queen does not weep for the conquered. You were beautiful before, but now? Now, you are terrifying.
- And perhaps, that is why he loves you. Because in the end, you are not just his lover—you are his legacy. When the stars finally collapse under the weight of his brutality, when there is nothing left but blood and ruin, he knows you will still be there, standing beside him, unshaken. Because you are his, and there is no fate more absolute than that.
Mohawk Mark / Movincihawk
- He is laughter in the midst of carnage, grinning wide as his fists tear through bodies like they are made of paper. He does not kill with duty, nor with hatred. He kills because it is fun. And you? You are the only thing he keeps intact. His beautiful little trophy, the only thing he does not mock, the only thing he does not break. He calls you gorgeous like it’s an insult, mine like it’s a death sentence. And it is. No one touches what belongs to him and lives.
- He does not worship you—no, that is not his way. But he adores you in his own twisted fashion, in the way he pulls you into his lap as blood pools around his feet, in the way he tilts your chin up to kiss you even as his hands are still warm from crushing a skull. He loves you the way a wildfire loves a forest—devouring, consuming, leaving nothing untouched. You burn under his attention, and you love every second of it.
- The bed is not a sanctuary; it is just another battlefield. He is relentless, insatiable, merciless in his desire for you. His strength is overwhelming, his need all-consuming. He does not ask permission—he takes, he claims, he leaves bruises like war paint on your skin. And you let him, because there is no greater thrill than surrendering to a force that could end you, yet chooses to keep you instead.
- He talks while he fucks you, taunting, teasing, mocking. What, can’t take it? And here I thought you were my little Queen. Pathetic. But his grip tightens when you moan, his breath stutters when you rake your nails down his back. He wants you, needs you, in a way he will never admit. So instead, he laughs, bites at your throat, leaves marks that scream to the world that you belong to him.
- There is no peace with him, no soft moments of love and tenderness. There is only the thrill, the rush, the violence of passion that never fades. He does not say I love you. He says you’re mine. And it means the same thing.
- One day, when the universe is nothing but dust beneath your feet, he will still be laughing, still be reveling in destruction. And you will be beside him, his Queen, his equal in this glorious, endless reign of chaos. Because love, for Movincihawk, is not a chain—it is a fire. And he will burn for you forever.
No Goggles Mark / Nogogglesible
- He is arrogance incarnate, a god among insects, untouchable, invincible. And yet, you have touched him. You have brought him to his knees, not with force, but with something far more dangerous—desire. He is cruel to everyone, but with you, it is different. He does not kill you. He does not mock you like the others. Instead, he craves you, like a dragon hoarding treasure, like a king unwilling to share his throne.
- He is insufferable, cocky, and childish in his amusement, always grinning, always talking, always taunting. But when he touches you, all that arrogance melts into something sharper, hungrier. He does not like to be denied, does not like to be challenged. And you? You challenge him. You push back. You make him work for your affection, and it drives him insane.
- The way he takes you is almost playful—almost. He grins as he pins you down, as he makes you beg, as he ruins you. Is that all you’ve got? he teases, even as he’s shaking, even as his hands tremble against your skin. He is obsessed with making you fall apart beneath him, with proving that even the Queen of Invincible is his to break.
- But the moment someone else so much as looks at you? That arrogance vanishes, replaced by something much darker. He is a nightmare when jealous, a force of pure annihilation. He will kill without hesitation, will make sure the universe knows that you are his and his alone.
- He likes to watch you after, basking in his victory, stroking your skin like a dragon hoarding gold. He tells you you’re beautiful in the same breath that he tells you how easily he could break you. And yet, he never does. Because he is already broken for you.
- In the end, the universe will crumble, the stars will die, and he will still be here, grinning, mocking, loving you in his own twisted way. Because he is Nogogglesible. And you? You are the only thing he has ever truly wanted.
Prisoner Mark / Prisonincible

- He is not the Mark you once knew. That Mark—the hesitant boy with wide eyes and too much hope—died long ago. What stands before you now is a man sharpened into a blade, honed by violence, stripped of mercy. He is not kind. He does not pretend to be. The world tried to break him, so he broke it first. And yet, despite all his cruelty, all his rage, you are the one thing he cannot hurt. He holds you with hands that have wrung the life from countless enemies, hands that have tortured, ripped, shattered. But when they touch you, they are careful. Reverent. As if you are the last beautiful thing in a world of ruin.
- He doesn’t ask for your love. He takes it. The way he takes everything else. His kisses are bruising, possessive, his grip unrelenting. You feel his strength in every touch, in every whispered threat against your throat—Mine. Mine. Mine. He is not gentle. He is not soft. He does not worship you; he claims you. And you let him, because what else is there? He has remade the world in his image, and you are the only thing that remains untouched. Untouched, but not unmarked. He ensures that.
- The bed is a battlefield, a place where he does not have to hold back, where the rage that simmers beneath his skin finds its release in you. He grips your wrists too tight, drags his teeth along your skin, leaves bruises that bloom like violets against your flesh. He loves the sight of them. Proof of his claim. Proof that even the Queen of Invincible belongs to him.
- He whispers terrible things when he is inside you—promises, threats, dark admissions. If anyone ever touched you, I’d rip their spine out through their mouth. His lips are at your ear, his breath hot, his voice raw. He does not speak of love. He speaks of possession. And you don’t need to hear the words to know what he feels. His love is in the way he would burn the world for you. In the way he already has.
- And when it is over, when the sweat cools on your skin, when the bruises begin to fade, he holds you. Tightly. Desperately. As if letting go would shatter him completely. His lips press against your temple, his breath ragged. There are no apologies. No guilt. There is only the silence, the aftermath, the unspoken truth that neither of you will ever leave. You are bound to him, by blood, by war, by something darker than love.
- And in the end, you do not want to leave. Because if he is a monster, then you are his Queen. And monsters do not weep for the fallen. They stand among the ruins and rule.
Sheisty Mark / Hoodvincible
- He is chaos given form. A force of destruction wrapped in arrogance, in crude words and bloody knuckles. He does not fight for duty, does not conquer for power. He does it because he can. Because he enjoys it. Because he looks at the world and sees something to break. And yet, when he looks at you, it is different. He does not see something to destroy. He sees something to keep.
- His love is reckless, feral, unyielding. He grabs your chin when he kisses you, bites at your lower lip, pulls at your hair like he is daring you to fight back. He wants you to. He wants the challenge, the game. But you never win. You can’t. He is stronger, faster, crueler. He does not let you have the upper hand. Not in the fight. Not in bed. Not ever.
- He fucks like he fights—wild, unpredictable, merciless. He throws you down and drags you back up, leaves scratches down your thighs, bruises on your hips. His voice is raw with laughter, with dark amusement. You’re still breathing? Damn. I must be getting soft. But his hands tell a different story. They shake when they touch you, as if the thought of losing you makes something inside him unravel.
- He hates how much he needs you. Hates the way his body betrays him when you sigh his name, the way his chest tightens when you smile. He is cruel to everyone else, but with you, there is something else beneath the mockery, beneath the swearing and the sneers. Something fragile. And that terrifies him. So he covers it with arrogance, with insults, with violence. But you see through it.
- When the world is quiet, when the battles are over, when his body is slick with sweat and exhaustion, he does not let you leave his arms. He holds you with a grip that is too tight, too desperate. Don’t fucking go anywhere, he mumbles into your skin, voice slurred with sleep. And he will never say it, never admit it, but you know what it means. Stay. Stay. Stay.
- And so you do. Because you are his, and he is yours, and there is no world where you would ever choose anything else.
Bald Mark / Capvincible
- He is a nightmare wearing a smirk. He does not kill out of duty, or necessity. He kills because he enjoys it. Because he loves the way people scream, the way their bones crack beneath his fists. He is the worst kind of monster—the kind that does not believe he is one. And you? You are his one exception. His one indulgence. His one weakness.
- He touches you with the same hands that have torn men apart, but with care. Not because he is gentle, but because he wants to savor it. To take his time. To draw out every moment, every sound, every shudder of your breath. He likes when you squirm beneath him. When you beg, when you break. Not out of cruelty—no, this is love. Love, for him, is the act of unmaking you piece by piece, then putting you back together just to do it all over again.
- He makes you beg. Not because he needs to hear it, but because he wants you to admit the truth. That you need him. That you want him. That you are his. He drags it out, teasing, taunting, watching your resolve crack like fragile glass. Say it, he purrs against your throat, breath hot, hands relentless. Say you belong to me. And you do. Of course, you do.
- He whispers against your skin as he takes you apart—dark promises, wicked threats. You’d look so pretty covered in blood, sweetheart. Maybe next time, I’ll let you have a little fun with me. He means it. You know he does. He would kill for you. He already has.
- When it is over, he watches you. Eyes dark, unreadable. There is something terrifying about the way he looks at you—like a lion watching its mate, possessive, protective, utterly devoted. You own him as much as he owns you, and he knows it.
- And so, when he kisses you again, slow and deep, it is not a claim. It is a vow. No matter what happens, no matter who dares to stand in his way, he will never lose you. And if the universe tries to take you from him, well—he will simply have to burn it all down.
Goggles Mark / Gogglesvincible
- He is stillness—a predator that does not need to snarl, a killer that does not need to raise his voice. Where others rage, he is quiet. Where others lose themselves in the thrill of bloodshed, he remains composed. There is no excess in him, no wasted movement, no unnecessary cruelty. When he kills, it is efficient. When he destroys, it is deliberate. And when he looks at you, it is with that same terrible focus.
- His love is calculated, methodical. He does not indulge in theatrics. He does not waste words on affection. Instead, he watches you, memorizes you, understands every detail—what makes you shiver, what makes you whimper, what makes you beg. When he touches you, it is with the same precision with which he tears the world apart. There is no hesitation, no uncertainty. He knows exactly how to unravel you, and he does. Slowly. Mercilessly.
- He does not speak of love, but he shows it in the way he possesses you. His fingers trace the marks he leaves behind, his lips linger over the bruises, his grip tightens when another dares to look at you too long. They are insignificant, he murmurs, voice calm, deadly. They don’t matter. But I will kill them anyway. And he does.
- In bed, he is merciless. He does not give without taking. He does not allow you to simply exist beneath him—you must surrender, you must earn every touch, every moment, every gasp of air. He denies you what you crave until you are shaking, pleading. Until you forget your own name and can only sob his. He listens to your every breath, your every sound, adjusting, fine-tuning, perfecting the torment he inflicts. And when he finally gives you what you need, it is overwhelming.
- He does not rest after. He remains awake, watching, waiting. He traces patterns over your skin, his expression unreadable. You ask him what he’s thinking, and he only tilts his head, gaze unwavering. Nothing. A lie. Everything.
- And when you sleep, he remains at your side, a silent sentinel, guarding the only thing in the universe he has ever allowed himself to keep.
Viltrum Mark / Viltrumincible
- He was raised with purpose. Raised to be strong, to be ruthless. To conquer, to rule, to win. There is no hesitation in him, no doubt. He knows what must be done, and he does it. Earth belongs to the Viltrum Empire. You belong to him. There is no question, no argument, no alternative. You are his Queen, his consort, his everything.
- And yet… there are moments. Small, quiet moments. A flicker of something behind his eyes when you say his name softly. A hesitation in his grip when his hands are rough against your skin. A sigh, barely audible, when he allows himself to rest against you. A part of him still remembers the boy he was before he chose power over love. Before he became this. He does not speak of it. He will not speak of it. But you see it all the same.
- When he takes you, it is with the force of a conqueror. His hands do not ask—they demand. His kisses are not gentle—they are devouring. He does not let you hide from him, does not let you breathe without his permission. You are mine, he growls against your throat, his body pressed against yours, unyielding, overwhelming. He does not need to hear you say it. He already knows.
- He does not tolerate weakness. Not in himself, not in you. If you dare to challenge him, if you dare to push, he meets you with force—pinning you down, forcing obedience from your lips, making you submit with teeth and tongue and hands that refuse to let go. And yet, there is a thrill in it. In the way he wants you to fight, to resist, just so he can remind you who you belong to.
- When it is over, he does not move. His arms remain around you, his breath warm against your shoulder. He does not speak, does not soften. But his grip tightens, just for a moment. As if he is afraid. As if he knows that, despite everything, you are still the only thing he cannot afford to lose.
- And so, he does not lose you. He will not. If the Viltrum Empire demanded it, if his father ordered it, if the entire universe conspired against him—he would burn it all before he let you go.
Omni-Mark / Omnivincible
- He is cold. Detached. The world means nothing to him. His past means nothing to him. Even his own name is an afterthought. He does not care for nostalgia, does not waste time on regret. He has seen too much, lost too much. Love is a weakness, attachment a liability. And yet—you.
- You are the one thing he cannot ignore. The one thing he cannot abandon. He tells himself it is not love. He tells himself it is possession, a claim, a consequence of habit. But even he is not so deluded. He needs you. And that terrifies him.
- He does not speak of his feelings. He does not tell you he loves you. Instead, he shows it in the way he keeps you close. In the way he stands at your side, unwavering, even when it would be easier to let you fall. In the way he touches you—not with passion, not with desperation, but with certainty. As if you are the only thing in existence that he will allow himself to have.
- When he fucks you, it is methodical. Efficient. Every movement is controlled, every touch calculated. And yet, there are moments—brief, fleeting, almost imperceptible—where the control slips. A sharp breath, a tremor in his hands, a growl that is just a little too raw. He buries them quickly, forces them down, but you notice. And it is in those moments that you understand—he is afraid of how much he feels.
- After, he does not speak. He does not hold you. He does not linger. He watches. As if waiting for something. As if expecting you to vanish. And when you do not, when you remain at his side, when you reach for him with hands that are too warm, too soft, too human—he exhales. A slow, quiet thing. As if he has been holding his breath for years.
- He will never say it. He will never admit it. But you know. You are the only thing in the universe that he has not abandoned. The only thing he will never let go. And if the world burns because of that—so be it.
#invincible x reader#invincible headcanons#invincible x you#invincible variants#invincible variants x reader#mark grayson#mark grayson x reader#mark variants#mark grayson variants#sinister mark#mohawk mark#no goggles mark#prisoner mark#sheisty mark#bald mark#goggles mark#viltrum mark#omni mark#x reader#variants
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Invincible!Mark x reader x Variants!Mark part 2
Warnings: AFAB Reader, Heavy Pregnancy, Psychological Distress, Possessive Behavior, Multiversal Variants, Angst, Horror Elements, Slight Yandere Themes
The air grew heavier, thick with the clashing waves of emotion radiating from the Variants. Some of them looked ready to lunge, while others stood still, their gazes filled with something far worse than rage—longing, desperation, hunger.
Mark squeezed your hand tightly, his stance unwavering despite the impossible odds. "I’m not going to let you take her," he repeated, voice firm. He was trying to hold his ground, but you could feel the tension in his grip, the minute tremble in his fingers betraying his fear.
One of the Variants scoffed, arms crossing over his chest. "And what, exactly, are you going to do about it? Fight us? Be realistic, man. You’re outnumbered."
"You think I care?" Mark growled. "I’d die before I let you touch her."
"That’s the problem," another Variant murmured. He had a haunted look in his eyes, his expression filled with an emotion you couldn’t quite place. "Some of us already did. We died trying to protect her. And she still slipped through our fingers."
Your breath hitched. The way he spoke—as if he’d lost you before—made your stomach churn.
"This time, we won’t lose her," another added, his voice eerily soft. "We can make sure of that."
The shift in the air was palpable. You weren’t just an object of obsession. You were a fixation. A wound that never healed in their universes. And now, given the chance to change fate, they weren’t going to let you go.
One of them took another step forward. "You can’t even run, sweetheart. You can barely stand. You need us."
Mark bristled, but before he could respond, you felt a sudden movement from within your belly—your baby shifting, as if sensing the growing danger. You pressed a hand to your stomach, inhaling sharply.
The motion didn’t go unnoticed.
"Careful," a Variant murmured, voice dripping with false concern. "Stress isn’t good for them. We should get her somewhere safe before anything happens."
Mark let out a bitter laugh, shaking his head. "You actually think she’d be safe with you? You’re insane."
"We’re you," one of them shot back, his patience fraying. "We love her just as much as you do. Maybe even more."
That struck a nerve. Mark’s jaw tightened, his grip on your hand nearly crushing.
"Enough talking," another Mark interjected, his voice filled with quiet authority. "She’s coming with us. You can make this easy or—"
Before he could finish, the tension finally snapped.
Mark moved first. He knew he couldn’t win in a fight against all of them, but he didn’t need to—he just needed to buy you time. The first punch landed hard against the nearest Variant, sending him staggering back. But the others were quick to react, launching forward with brutal precision.
Your heart pounded in terror as the safe house erupted into chaos, fists and bodies colliding with bone-crushing force. Mark was holding his own—barely—but you could see it. He was outmatched.
"Mark!" You gasped, stumbling backward as the fight escalated. Your swollen belly made it impossible to move fast, and the realization that you were helpless in this moment sent a wave of panic crashing over you.
One of the Variants, still untouched, turned toward you, his eyes gleaming with something unreadable. "Come here, love. Let’s get you away from all this violence."
You froze.
He wasn’t looking at you like you were a person. He was looking at you like you were his.
And he wasn’t going to stop until you were in his arms.
part 3? 👀
#mark grayson x reader#mark grayson invincible#mark x reader#invincible comic#invincible season 3#invincible fanfic#invincible x you#invincible smut#invincible x reader#mark x you#invincible crossover#sinister invincible x reader#mohawk mark smut#mohawk invincible#variants#sinister invincible#sinister mark#sinister
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#lady dimitrescu#alcina dimitriscu x reader#lady dimitrescu x reader#alcina dimitrescu#resident evil village#mother miranda#wlw#sad lesbians#donna beneviento#re village#bela dimitrescu#cassandra dimitrescu#daniela dimitrescu#morticia addams#svetlana#verian#variants#middle aged women#i love women#gothic woman#resident evil#re 8 village
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I need to draw og mark,, got compelled to draw this variant cause of that one edit oughhh
#need og mark and his hot variants to pass me around like a blunt ngl#artists on tumblr#digital art#fanart#procreate#art wip#mark grayson x reader#mark grayson#mark grayson variants#variants#invincible variants#invincible#invincible season 3#invincible invasion#digital drawing#digital illustration#hehehe#mark grayson is so hot#why can’t he be real#please give me a chance
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ADOPTABLES FOR SALE All designs will be fully rendered to a high quality, and finished upon purchase. Payment is done through paypal, DM if interested.
Water Dog Pokemon £200 for the full line of 3
Fire Cow Pokemon £200 for the full line of 3
Mr.Crime Dark type Mr.Mime Variant. (£50)
Mime.Jr variant for this can be designed for an additional £25 if required.
Three Starters A water type Raccoon (boozy theme). A fire type Opossum (bin fire energy). A grass type Skunk (weed inspired).
Buyout price of £75 for all three 1st evos. Additional £50 for the 2nd evos (IF REQUIRED) Additional £75 for the finals (IF REQUIRED)
Fire/Flying Demon Pokemon £125 for the three. Flying type, until the end where its Flying/Fire. Charizards natrual competitor, a vicious fighter.
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Lost and Found: An Invincible Fanfic in the works
She was their driving force. Their will to be good. Their lover, partner, friend. And in the blink of an eye… She was taken from them. It wasn't her fault! It was his! Why would they take her?! How could they hurt her?! She was innocent! They will pay… They. Will. Pay!!!
Sinister Mark
Target Mark
Omni Mark
Viltrum Prison Mark
Viltrumite Mark
Mohawk Mark
Phantom Mark
Psycho Mark
They all lost their world's Natasha. Their girlfriend who loved them deeply and stood by them. Even when she didn't agree with their morals (what little morals they had anyway). She saw the good in them while others called them tyrants... She was only guilty of one thing. Being too close to him.
Attacked by rebels
Shot in the back of the head
Stabbed to death
Murdered by Viltrumite guards
Executed for treachery
Assulted and strangled
Kidnapped and never found
He wished he could have been there to help her. To rescue her. To soothe her cries, but she she died. Alone, scared and wondering where was her hero. The grief did something to him. It broke him. It changed him. He was still Invincible, but he could NEVER be a hero. Ever again. Never again.
#character x oc#oc#x black oc#original character#x black reader#x black fem reader#x black!reader#x black y/n#x fem!reader#x female reader#x female y/n#x fem oc#x female oc#black girl magic#black reader smut#black reader#invincible mark grayson#invincible x reader#invincible#hero oc#variants#invincible oc#invincible variants#fanfic comin soon
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pairing: butch!wolverine x reader x jealous!logan howlett
summary: Logan felt ignorant of his jealousy towards his female variant. she was him, but better when it came to getting close to the woman they had eyes for. he was ready to lash out once he saw y/n being his variant up to her room until the variant had a plan — a plan she had been planning for weeks.
warnings: homosexuality, female variant automatically being better, jealousy, dominating, rough sex, threesome, creampies, breeding kink, claiming, territorial, anger, etc.
note: I spent a while on this one — I really see the vision in this story, and I hope guys do too!
this story was requested!
“I think you’ve had enough to drink tonight, Bubba,” Lo, the female variant of Logan asked as she brushed up against y/n’s back. Y/n had only been in the void for a month, and it didn’t take any time for the two wolverines to make their move.
“And, why is that?” Y/n asked as she turned around in her chair with a smirk plastered across her face. “You can barely hold your class, sweetheart,” Lo said before she leaned into her ear. “And, I bet you’d let me kiss you with ease,”
Lo was known for taking her shot whenever she wanted, and right now seemed like the best time. Y/n had been eyeballing Lo all night, smirking, and even looking her up and down. She knew exactly what she was doing.
“Hey, Bub — Why don’t you fuck off, yeah?” Logan said as he came up to the two, blood boiling because he knew Lo was here to make a move on y/n before he could.
They’ve been fighting over the young girl ever since she got here, yet they both never had any luck. Even though y/n shows affection towards both of them, she loves watching them argue for her.
“Why would I? Seems like she’s pretty comfortable here, yeah?” Lo turned to y/n who was smiling at the two already butting heads. “Yeah- I’m comfortable,” y/n said as she softly touched Lo’s bicep, making sure to look straight into Logan’s eyes.
“You see — Your girls comfortable,” Lo said before chuckling and leaning back into y/n’s ear. “How about we bait him upstairs to have a good time, Bub,” Lo whispered, making sure Logan had no idea what y/n would be giggling at.
“C’mon, then,” y/n said as she got up and pulled Lo with her. “Hey!” Logan said as he followed the two. He knew how much of an asshole head be if he tried cock blocking Lo because his cousins get y/n, but at this point, he didn’t care.
“You’re gonna have a fun night tonight, sweets,” Lo whispered into y/n’s ear before slapping her ass, as y/n made her way up the stairs to her room. “Hey- Lo! — We need to talk!” Logan demanded only a few feet behind the two, witnessing everything Lo was going to get.
“We can talk tomorrow- I’m pretty busy, as you can see,” Lo said as she made it to the top of the stairs. “Go into the room, princess — I’ll be right there,” Lo whispered into y/n’s ear once again before stopping to look back at Logan.
“Who the fuck do you think you are? Huh!?” Logan pushed Lo against the wall. “Someone who can get your girl before you,” Lo smirked as Logan turned around with his fist tight, wanting to beat Lo unconscious. Would it matter? He would be basically beating himself.
“You needa chill, though, dude — I never said I wouldn’t be down to share,” Lo said, wanting Logan to finally understand that she liked the Wolverine, which is them both. Not just one.
“What? Are you fucking dumb!?” Logan grabbed Lo’s by her tank top and slammed her against the wall. “Hey- Relax! — I’m saying we can have her at the same time. She’s in there waiting for us both, not just one of us,”
At first, Logan wanted to argue until he thought to himself. He calmed down at the thought of y/n actually wanting him to. Even if she bonded more with Lo. He honestly couldn’t care less who she liked more, he just wanted y/n to know she belonged to him too.
“If this is one of your sick games, you’re dead, you understand?” Logan asked. “Understood, Mister James,” Lo said before pushing Logan off of her. “Now, don’t hold back — I’ve been dying for this night,” Lo warned Logan not to mess up what they’ve both been waiting for, for weeks.
“Sorry, I took so long, Bub — Had to convince this dickhead that you’ve got plenty of holes to kiss, yeah?” Lo asked as she made her way into y/n’s room. Logan came in after her before closing and locking her room door.
“Yes, but- I-I didn’t know you were serious, Lo. I-I’ve never done anything like t-this before,” y/n said as she shifted in her bed. “I think you’ll be just fine, Bubba — All you’ve gotta do is lay back, and let us work, yeah? We’re two big strong mutants that shouldn’t need you to do much,”
The way all speaks to y/n, makes her feel safe and sure that absolutely nothing could ever go wrong, as long as she’s there. Lo was the only reason why y/n was in the position she was in now.
“F-Feel-Feels good,” y/n stuttered, now laid on her back as Logan’s fingers curled inside of her, and his tongue went at it on her bud. Lo on the other hand had one hand pinching a free nipple as her other nipple stayed occupied with her mouth.
“J-Just so much,” y/n whined at how rough Logan was fingering her. Without knowing, the man kept edging her, making it harder doe her to give him what he’d been asking for. “Stop holding back, Bub, before you make me angry,”
Y/n whined at the way the man talked to her. She loved his aggression, but right now, his aggression wasn’t giving her time to leak over his face.
“Dude, you’re switching your strokes too many times. Stay at one!” Lo shouted at the man, but Logan refused to listen to her. “Fucking dick,” Lo said as she got up and pushed Logan off of y/n.
“Get to suckin’ on her tits before I slice your tongue off — Fucking useless,” Lo said before she went down onto y/n, instantly making y/n cry out in pleasure. The young girl's hands rushed through Lo’s hair as the other reached for Logan.
“I-It felt good- I just need it more g-gentle for the first run,” y/n wants to make sure Logan didn’t feel left out. The man leaned into y/n, wanting to apologize, but y/n crashed her lips onto his to assure him he read fine.
Within a minute, y/n could feel the knot in her stomach ready to untie. She tried holding it back for a little, just to keep Lo in between her legs, but it was impossible. She had shushed and throbbed onto the woman Wolverine’s face.
“F-F-Fuck,” y/n shook as Logan kissed over y/n’s neck, wanting to somehow mark her as his in some way. He wanted people, including Lo to know that y/n had to be his.
“Maybe, instead of giving her middle school hickeys, fill her up,” Lo suggested as she got up to wipe her face. “What!?” Y/n said after Logan pulled away, wanting to know if she heard Lo well.
“C’mon, Bub — We’re all adults here — Plus, you talk to me like your average girl-friend. I know you’re on birth control,” Lo smirked over at y/n as she wiped her face in the cover of the room.
He didn’t know why, but Logan felt a rush of going feral run through his body. The thought of filling her up, and claiming in that way whenever he pleased, was something Lo couldn’t possibly do.
“I — I don’t know about that,” y/n said, as she looked at Logan who was now looking at Lo. She could feel her heart drop, knowing she signed up for something that she wouldn’t get out of any time soon.
“Is this a one-time thing, or does she actually belong to us?” Logan asked. “I barely wanted to share her with you,” Lo admitted. “So, I’d be the only one filling her up?” Logan asked, making Lo roll her eyes. “God, are all of my men variants so territorial?” Lo rolled her eyes as she sat down on a couch.
“Yes, Logan- You’ll be the only one to fill her up, now could you maybe make her orgasm like I did, or so I have to get back up and show you how it’s done?”
Logan wasted no time hovering over y/n and moved in between her legs. “Wait- I-I didn’t agree to anything yet,” y/n said which only made the two wolverines laugh.
“Baby, just relax and take the real Wolverine. He may not be good with his fingers, but because he’s me, I know he’d be a dog with his dick,” Lo just knew Logan wasn’t going to disappoint when it comes to fucking y/n. She’ll never tell him, he she had been waiting to watch this for weeks.
“Logan? Are you seriously not gonna talk to me?” Y/n looked up at Logan with puppy eyes, maybe thinking he’d slow down a bit, and let her get an idea of what she was in for, but those eyes only made him want to use her more.
“I’m gonna fuck the shit out of you, y/n, and you’re not gonna fucking stop me — Just like you didn’t stop Lo from eating your sweet soul out,”
Logan had already had his cock out, ready to go to work on y/n, but now y/n began to fight. At first, Logan thought he should maybe calm down, and that y/n could perhaps actually be uncomfortable.
But, then he remembered how strong y/n was. She was a variant everyone down here was scared of, including Cassandra. If y/n wanted to push Logan off for real, she would’ve by now.
“You like it rough, don’t you?” Logan asked right before he reached for y/n’s neck, and gripped. “Then you’d be perfect for me,” Logan added before he plunged into y/n, making sure every inch slipped past her folds.
A scream escaped her mouth before they turned into whiny loud moans. “Yeah? — Feels good?” Logan asked, wasting no time pounding his way into y/n with as much roughness as she could take.
“Logan-“ y/n’s voice broke as her eyes squinted, trying to figure out ways to take him, but it was impossible. He was huge and long, and every vein he had brushed all over her walls.
“T-Too much- Please — Please break real quick,” y/n quickened her sentence as she felt like she couldn’t speak. The way he pierced her stomach made her feel like she was going to pass out. She would be lying if she said she hated it…
“I don’t think you need a break, princess — I think you need it deeper, yeah?” Logan asked, but couldn’t care for an answer as he pushed y/n’s legs further apart and back before pounding deeper into her.
“N-No- Fuck,” y/n felt ashamed that she was going to cum hard around the man she swore could never have her. He knew exactly how she felt, and that’s why he smirked down at her. He was an asshole, but she loved it.
“Thought I couldn’t fuck you, huh? Look how easy it is now — Can’t even take a few inches,” Logan growled inches from her face. “I don’t think that thing’s a few inches, buddy,” Lo chimed in.
“But, she talked so much shit — Telling people I couldn’t possibly handle you, yet, you’re here fighting for your life,” Logan teased as y/n’s violently shook. She tried keeping her voice in but ended up whining so loud, her eyes began to water.
“Ah huh- that’s it — Give it to me, baby,” Logan groaned as he picked up his pace. “Fucking give it to me!” Logan shouted in the young girl's face as y/n felt like she was going to see her memories flash before her eyes.
“That’s fucking it, baby. That’s fucking it- That’s how I want it — That’s how I want it!” Logan continued to pound as he felt himself twitch and then spill into y/n. He could tell by the way his cock twitched, that this would be the biggest spill he’s ever had.
“No way she’s leaking you already,” Lo giggles to herself as she watched the man pound down into y/n’s now messy and soaked cunt. Logan had groaned at what Lo said, now feeling like he could dump a few more into her.
“Turn around,” Logan demanded, but before she could even think for a second, Logan pulled y/n up, turned her around, and slammed her down on her stomach.
“Log- Logan!” Y/n went to speak, but she was too late. The man had already slammed into her from the back, basically imprinting her into the mattress. “So fucking tight!” Logan growled into y/n’s ear as he ran his hands through her hair to tug on it a few times.
“You’re like an extra small condom on my cock- squeezing me so fucking good — All in the right places,” the huge man whispered in her ear before leaning up and pushing her head into the mattress, now slamming into her with absolutely no mercy.
#james howlett#james howlett smut#james howlett x reader#logan howlet smut#logan howlett x reader#wolverine#wolverine smut#logan howlett smut#logan howlett xmen#wolverin smut#james howlett x you#logan howlett x fem!reader#logan howlett x you#logan howlet x reader#logan wolverine#logan howlett#the worst logan x reader#the worst wolverine#wolverine x you#wolverine x female reader#wolverine x reader#wolverine xmen#wolverine x men#hugh jackman x you#hugh jackman x reader#hugh jackman smut#hugh jackman#variants#variant Logan Howlett#variant Wolverine
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Earth911b X-men composition progress
Finished sketching all the ones I wanted to do for this list (going insane atm)
#jean grey#angel#archangel#professor x#beast#cyclops#iceman#bishop#storm#colossus#kitty pryde#nightcrawler#wolverine#rogue#gambit#romy#magik#cable#psylocke#x-men#marvel#comics#alternative universe#variants#earth-911b#marvel rivals
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Deadpool Prime and Worst Wolverine fucked in 2013 Light Blue Honda Odyssey
Patch Wolverine and Deadpool (the one in a suit and a hood if ykyk) fucked in 2021 Black Bentley Bentayga
Cowboy Wolverine and Cowboy Deadpool fucked in…
Wild West Wagon?
#honda odyssey#poolverine#deadpool and wolverine#deadclaws#worst wolverine#old men yaoi#toxic yaoi#enemies to lovers#in this essay i will#variants#mcu#x men#i believe this is right🙂↕️
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James and Marlene are variants of Steve and Robin from stranger things.
I don't make the rules
#james and marlene#theyre best friends who play quidditch together#james potter#marlene mckinnon#why don't they have a ship name#marauder era#dead gay wizards#ao3#faniction#hp fanfic#marauders fanfiction#marauders fandom#hp marauders#marauders#robin and steve#stranger things#variants
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Invincible Variants x Fem! Reader
Includes: Sinister Mark, No Goggles Invincible, Goggles Invincible, Mohawk Invincible, Omni Invincible
(I love these names sm lol)
Word Count: ~3.5k
Warnings: Dark Content, Violence, Yandere Behavior
Sinister Mark
“Oh, you’re pretty tough.”
He was terrifying.
You made the horrible mistake of attempting to trade blows with this variant clad in yellow and black. You were strong, but nowhere near his level. A single hit to your gut gave you visions of the afterlife.
It took all your strength to stay conscious.
You fell harshly to the ground, and within an instant he was on top of you.
You tried to fight him off, but his hands pinned your arms to your sides.
Blood trickled down your forehead as you breathed heavily, your eyes staring back into his black goggles.
“I’m going to kill you,” he said, almost too casually. “Scream if you want, it’ll be music to my ears.”
You couldn’t beat him, but you could endure.
Your body relaxed, your eyes unwavering. He raised a brow.
“Not going to plead for your pathetic life?”
“There’s no point,” you said. Those words felt like daggers to your throat. “Either way I die.”
His gaze flickered up to the cut on your head, noticing the wound was closing ever so slowly. A healing factor?
He then looked back at you and lifted a hand, before harshly jabbing it into your side, just below your ribcage. His fingers opened your skin easily. You gritted your teeth at the newfound pain, him examining the bloody tips of his fingers and your newly opened wound.
Was he going to torture you? Why couldn’t he just rip your head off and be done?
Every fiber of your being wanted to scream out. But you couldn’t give him the satisfaction.
He noticed that your body was already attempting to close the wound, and you shut your eyes to collect yourself. You didn’t know how long they were shut, but once you opened your eyes you were still under his gaze. A smile graced his features.
He… waited for you to collect yourself?
He then leaned in, and for the first time you were afraid of him. His tongue dragged against your forehead, licking off the blood there. His chest was dangerously close to yours, and you could feel the warmth emanating from his body.
Strange. You were certain he was a cold blooded monster.
“I don’t recall ever seeing you in my world,” he said. You felt a hand on your neck and your blood went cold. The pressure was terrifying, but he wasn’t choking you. He tilted your head up. “...Then again, I lost track after killing so many.”
His lips then locked with yours. As you tried to resist he squeezed your neck, causing you to gasp. He then shoved his tongue into your mouth, the metallic aftertaste of your blood leaving you queasy.
In the heat of the moment, you noticed that he now only had one of your arms pinned down.
You needed to stop this.
A punch was hurled at him and he easily caught it, pulling away from your lips. A cold smile graced his features.
“Feisty~” His hand rested on your shoulder and you felt something crack. You immediately lost feeling in your arm, it plopping back down to the ground beside you.
Oh God. Oh God.
Your head shifted to look at your arm. Thankfully, thankfully it was still attached.
“Now should I do your other arm?” He mused. “Or will you be good for me?”
No Goggles Invincible
“This is so much fun!!”
This variant was wild. You didn’t even know you had even encountered him. All you saw was a destructive blur.
Tremors caused you to lose your footing and you fell flat on your face, colliding onto a nearby rock. As you pulled yourself up, you heard a distant cheerful voice and noticed something, no, someone approaching fast.
You threw your hands out in front of you, fear now overtaking your splitting headache. Your last line of defense were your words.
That seemed to have worked because whatever was approaching suddenly halted, you feeling a strong rush of wind in the process. The force was enough to knock you over yet again, but this time someone had caught your hand, preventing your fall.
“Stop? Why?” A voice asked.
It took some time for your vision to clear, but once it did you came face to face with a person clad in blue and yellow. He was smiling at you, and a look of curiosity was in his eyes.
“Invincible…?” You asked. But he was missing his goggles. “Is that you?”
“Yep! That’s me!” He happily said. You had a terrible headache, but was glad a hero was here to help.
“I think someone’s attacking this place,” you told him. Since he was still holding your hand, you squeezed his. Concern was in your voice as you spoke to him. “Stay safe out there okay? I’d hate to see you get hurt.”
His smile widened.
“Aww! My heart! Don’t worry about me, cutie! I’m-”
You laughed, enjoying his enthusiasm.
“I’m well aware,” you said. He was now beaming. He let go of your hand and floated around you in circles, a smile never leaving his face.
As you wiped the small trickle of blood from your nose, he then stopped behind you, before speaking.
“But I’m actually not the Invincible you know,” he said. You froze at his words, confusion setting in.
“Nope! Do you see all this destruction across the city? That was all me! And oh, it was so much fun!!”
Your heart dropped at the newfound knowledge.
“You did this…” you whispered.
“That’s right!”
He hoisted you into the air and spun you around, vertigo now added onto your headache. He continued to speak.
“And it was awesome! The screams, the destruction, Oh ho! I enjoyed every second of it!”
…How could someone be so sadistic? Why was he telling you this?
Only one morbid reason came to mind.
“Oh God,” you said. “You’re going to kill me, aren’t you?”
“I mean, I definitely considered it!” He admitted. The fear on your face made his smile widen in response. “...But, you’re so sweet. I’d much rather not.”
He then pressed a kiss against your cheek and you froze, hearing the “Mwah!” sound from him as he pulled away.
“I’ll just make you my girlfriend instead, okay? How’s that sound?”
Sounded like a nightmare. You were panicking now.
“What’s your name?” He asked you.
“Let me go!” You exclaimed. He laughed.
“That’s a weird name-”
“No! I said let me go!!”
“Oh, okay! You’re the boss!”
He then dropped you, the sudden fall causing you to scream. You had completely forgotten you were hundreds of feet in the air. He watched your descent in good humor, before frowning.
“Why isn’t she flying?” He asked. It immediately dawned on him. “Oh shit, she can’t fly.”
He then flew down and caught you, laughing at your terrified expression. You were mere moments away from death.
“Why’d you tell me to let go when you don’t have powers?” He asked, still laughing at you. “I thought you did! You’re hilarious~”
You were at a loss for words. As you tried to calm yourself, he smooched your face, only adding to your fear.
“Don’t worry!” He assured you. “I’ll be sure to hold onto you much tighter from now on!”
Goggles Invincible
“Let. Me. Go.”
This variant was condescending. Mostly towards others, but occasionally towards you. He had grabbed you in the midst of the turmoil and taken you into the sky. He now just casually floated in the air, with you in his arms.
“Now why would I do that?” He asked you. “I worked so hard to find you. It would be nice if you reciprocated my feelings.”
Buildings burned in the background, and it was all his doing. You couldn’t even push him away, his grip was too strong.
“You can’t expect me to love you. I don’t even know you,” you said.
“But I know you, Y/n.” He brushed through your hair, removing some stray rubble. “And I know that you’ll love me. Eventually.”
You were sure you never met him before, but somehow he knew you by name?
He then abruptly turned, holding you closer as a stray bullet hit his back. He looked down, and you craned your neck, seeing a few police officers in the distance, guns outstretched.
“Surrender! Now!!”
He sighed, before returning to the ground, setting you down gently. You barely blinked and he had already closed the gap, violently slicing through every person that opposed him.
You watched in horror as he held one last person by their throat, lifting them off the ground. Blood seeped from that officer’s mouth as they gasped for air.
“You almost shot my girlfriend,” he told the officer. His voice was calm, but his tone was terrifying. “Maybe I should sever your spine for that.”
He squeezed their throat harder.
“Or just rip you in two-”
He paused, turning to you, the officer still in his vice grip.
“Please,” you pleaded. “Don’t hurt them.”
You looked at him with so much desperation in your eyes. He smiled, thoroughly enjoying your expression.
“You don’t want me to hurt them, sweetheart? Well, unfortunately I already have-”
“Anymore.” You quickly corrected yourself. “Don’t hurt them anymore. Please…”
The silence that followed was deafening. You could hear your heart violently beating in your chest, awaiting his response.
He then turned his attention back to the officer.
“Consider yourself lucky.”
He released the officer from his hold, much to your surprise (and relief). The now freed officer collapsed to the ground and gasped for air.
You had saved that officer, but unfortunately not the others. It was a horrifying realization.
“Shh, it’s okay…”
As he hovered towards you, you instinctively took a step back, before his hands reached out to grab you. He held you in place, leaning in so only you could hear.
“I did that for you, Y/n. Can’t you see how much I love you? …And I think I deserve a reward, don’t you?”
Your startled look was adorable to him. He leaned in, pushing his lips against yours.
He was gentle. And you had to reciprocate, or he’d kill that last officer, you just knew he would.
So you swallowed your fear and pushed your lips against his. He smiled into the kiss before capturing your lips again, holding you as close as humanly possible this time.
Once you both pulled apart you were breathless, and a knowing smile was on his face.
“See? I told you you’ll love me.”
Mohawk Invincible
This variant was maniacal. The second the prison was attacked you cursed under your breath, gathering your files in hand before making your way down the now crumbling hallways.
You were the head nurse of the psychiatric ward in this prison, and to say you were desensitized to all situations was an understatement.
“I quit,” you grumbled, hearing the sounds of what seemed to be mass destruction outside. “Once I file these reports, I’m getting a new job-”
You stopped when someone slammed through the roof of the prison right in front of you and into the hallway, landing harshly in a pile of cinder blocks.
That person then quickly pulled himself up, wiping the blood from his nose.
“Fuck,” he spat. He was wearing black and blue, and had a mohawk.
Judging by how he looked more pissed than hurt, you decided your best course of action was to remain silent.
He then crouched low, you assuming he was going to take off, but he paused midway when he saw something in his peripheral vision.
You stood there, clad in high heels, a ruffled blouse, and a pencil skirt. Notes were in one hand, and your other hand was on your hip. Although you were frowning, his eyes lit up, his attention now solely on you.
“Hey baby~” Those words rolled off his tongue too smoothly. “How’d you end up in a hellhole like this? I’d be breaking in just to see you.”
“I’m assuming you’re the cause of all this chaos?” You asked him. He made his way over to you, a smile on his face.
“Yea, you’d be right.”
Just your luck to meet the person behind all this. Fire was slowly beginning to spread, and your way out was now obscured by smoke.
“You know…” he said. “I thought this world sucked, but you just might change my mind.”
He seemed completely unfazed by the now raging fire farther down the corridor. You on the other hand had internally panicked, your way out now engulfed in flames.
“Can’t change anything if I’m dead. I don’t suppose you’ll get me out of here?” You asked him. He laughed.
“I mean I could get you out, but I’d want something in return.”
“I see. I’m on my own then,” you said.
You then spun around and raced off, heading back the way you came. Much to your surprise, a few seconds later, he flew right beside you, continuing the conversation.
“You’re going to fucking die at this pace,” he casually said, his tone somewhat amused. Although annoying, he was right. Your high heels were slowing you down significantly. So you pulled them off and ditched them. “Aw, that was my third favorite thing about you.”
Third? "What’s the first thing?”
“Your ass."
You stopped when faced with a wall of fire, your new route now also engulfed in flames.
You were trapped.
Sweat dripped down your face as you took a cautious step away from the fire, your back bumping right into his chest. His arms then wrapped around your waist, keeping you still as he leaned in over your shoulder.
“So, are you gonna die here? Or do you want my help?” He taunted you. You were already feeling lightheaded, it wouldn’t be long now.
You kept quiet for a bit, your body becoming heavy.
“...Guess I’ll…” you choked out. “Just die…”
Your legs then gave out, and everything went black.
As you regained consciousness, you noticed two things. The first was that you were laying on your back, a ways away from the prison. The second was that someone had pulled their lips away from your lips, their body on top of yours.
“Oh shit, that actually worked-”
“Get! OFF ME!”
You pushed as hard as you could, the person pulling back a bit. It was him. You coughed as you spoke.
“The hell’s wrong with you?! Kissing me while I was unconscious!?”
“I was RESUSCITATING you!” he yelled. “What the hell is wrong with you? You’d rather die than ask for help?!”
“I don’t want your help!”
You tried to move away from him, but his arms locked you in place.
“Oh no you don’t! I saved you, so you owe me.”
“I didn’t want-”
His lips were on yours again, and since you couldn’t push him away, you bit his bottom lip as hard as you could.
Sadly for you, it seemed to have no effect.
He laughed into the kiss, before pain then seared through your lip.
“AH! What the hell?!” You exclaimed, blood now dripping from your top lip. He rolled his eyes.
“You started it.”
Omni Invincible
This variant was calm.
Of all the people he could encounter, of the billions of people on Earth, he had to spot your variant.
He knew you quite personally in his world, so seeing a different version of you here was jarring to say the least.
He didn’t believe in fate, but this… the probability of seeing you here, at this exact moment? That alone made him question himself.
So he remained silent, and just watched you from the sky.
Amidst the chaos, your car had refused to start. You turned the key as many times as you could, the engine whirring for a few seconds, before coming to a complete halt.
“Well, there goes my escape plan,” you sighed.
You then exited the car, shutting the door behind you. People were screaming and running past you, trying to get as far away from the destruction as possible.
“Guess that’s my next course of action,” you mused. You locked your doors, and paused, staring at your reflection in the car window.
He frowned.
You should really be focused on getting away from the turmoil, but you were taking time to sort out your thoughts instead?
You never really had survival instincts.
“If I die here, then so be it,” you murmured.
You then ran, moving away from the middle of the street, opting to stick more to the sidelines. You had gotten a ways away from the destruction until you heard explosions, noticing a building in the distance was crumbling. Your head whipped to the left, thankful you weren’t in that area.
In your rush, you failed to notice that you were heading towards a large sinkhole where the ground had crumbled.
He furrowed his brows, arms crossed.
He shouldn’t interfere.
You got dangerously close to the edge, more focused on the destruction behind you and not the impending doom directly in front of you.
He shouldn’t interfere.
You then fell over the edge. A gasp of surprise escaped your lips, quickly followed by an ear-piercing scream.
He was forced to act.
Your screaming stopped when you realized you were no longer falling. Relief washed over you in waves, before confusion followed, your eyes looking up to meet your savior. He was clad in red and white. You recognized that outfit.
Omni Man?
Wait no, it wasn’t him… who is this?
“Hey.” Was all he said, his expression neutral as he looked down at you. You could see your reflection in his goggles. “You should be more careful.”
You didn’t care who it was. He saved you, and that’s all that mattered.
Tears spilled from your eyes as you thanked him profusely, causing him to frown.
“I thought I was ready to die,” you said in between tears. “But I’m terrified of meeting my end.”
Those words…
It was the exact words his version of you said before she died.
It was… unpleasant to hear them again.
He didn’t say anything, and you noticed that you were both ascending. Now out of the large sinkhole, you were greeted with the gentle breeze from the world above. You assumed he was going to set you down here, but instead he veered to the right, leading you far away from the destruction.
The once large city was now a speck in your peripheral vision.
He landed in an open field of flowers, before setting you down.
“I need to go back,” he told you. As he turned away from you, you nodded in agreement.
“I understand. You have to help more people, right? And stop the bad guys!”
“. . .”
“Just be safe out there, okay?” you said.
While he was faced away from you, you noticed how darkly stained his cape was towards the bottom.
What was that?
Before you could examine any further, he had turned to face you, a small smile on his face. He offered a hand, and you happily accepted, intertwining your hands with his.
When certain words left his lips, you were taken aback.
“You… want to kiss me?” you whispered, disbelief in your voice. A nod from him confirmed you heard him correctly. “O…o-kay.”
He then leaned in, his lips pressing gently against yours. You returned the gesture, the two of you sharing a kiss. He was so sweet, so gentle. That set your heart ablaze.
You didn’t know who he was, but you knew you loved him.
As he pulled away you quickly leaned again for a quick peck, kissing his cheek.
“Thanks for that, you should go now. People need you,” you said. Your eyes held so much adoration for him. He then ascended into the air, pausing to say something else.
“I’ll check in on you later, Y/n.”
And with that, he was gone.
Your heart was still pounding from the kiss. But as you calmed, you furrowed your brows, letting your thoughts sink in.
“...How did he know my name?”
I love the invincible variants so much! Also this is my first ever post! Feedback is very much appreciated ♡
#invincible#invincible x reader#mark grayson#invincible variants#sinister mark#mohawk mark#omni mark#yandere#yandere invincible#yandere invincible x reader#gogglesmark#nogogglesible#nongogglesinvincible#invinciblexfemalereader#fem reader#yandere behavior#Variants#variantsxreader#viltrumite#x reader#reader insert#invincible season 3#fanfic#fanfiction#writing#invincible x you#fem!reader#reader
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Think of the Mobius variants
Think of the fanfiction, my god
#loki series#loki season 2#lokius#loki#loki x mobius#mobius#mobius m mobius#mobius variants#variants#loki variants#owen wilson#mobius my beloved#fanfiction ideas#fanfiction
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The Loki season 2 soundtrack is considered for a Grammy nomination!!!
And it would be such a deserved one

📸: Natalie’s Holt Instagram
#grammy awards#marvel#loki#lokius#mcu#loki series#mobius#tom hiddleston#owen wilson#loki x mobius#sylvie laufeydottir#disney tv shows#soundtracks#music#ouroboros#kang#victor timely#b 15#variants#natalie holt#yay 🥳#comics#marvel comics
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black brother's variants

#just me?#maraders era#marauders#variants#ekko#ekko lol#ekko league of legends#ekkojinx#ekko arcane#timebomb#powder#jinx#jinx and isha#jinx league of legends#jinx arcane#black brothers angst#black brothers headcanon#regulus and sirius#regulus arcturus black#regulus black#sirius and regulus#the black brothers#james x regulus#jinx and vi#vi and jinx#arcane
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