Oh my GOD, I forgot about the fusions. Ajajsmksksksns. They were some of my favorite things to come out of the fandom. Which were some of your favorites? I am desperate to go look back at them now but I can't remember any of the names
Mine are my favorites loll particularly Moxie and Anvity and Lodec, but @sweetest-honeybee had some super cute fusions I adore and even though she's not in the fandom any more I think some love to her fusions is worth a say!
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starcrossed-comic · 3 years
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Illustration of Queen Thalia and Lodec back when he was her Consort. Queen Bees are exceptionally tall, towering over most at 9 feet or taller. 
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ask-the-fusions · 3 years
Super curious about your queen bee! Who is she??? Is she a story character? If so where can I read/ check her out?
Abuse tw! 
She is the Queen of Lodec’s Hive of his World and she is his Main Antagonist. She’s in love with him you see, but only as much as one could love a prized toy most likely. Lodec knew he wasn’t a female bee for a long long time but he hid it from her because he was afraid of what she would do to him. After all, male bees are only good for being consorts for the highest bee officials (not that Lodec ever had one because he and others feel that’s an archaic way of thinking) and for reproduction. 
For a while it was fine, he was one of her most trusted confidants and advisers. Of course eventually she finds out and since he’d been so close to her she dubs him as her main consort and sends him for heavy training which entails a lot of etiquette and refinery training at a kind of convent and basically brainwashing so you can imagine how bad it is. He tries to escape and she sends the guards after him (who all feel betrayed because of course how could anyone want to be a male bee who isn’t one already?) 
Maybe as he’s being dragged back is when Progic’s portal opens and rescues him, maybe he falls through a portal while running away. Most likely he’s sent to Thalia and stuck being hers for a while before the portal opens and he goes through it. But either way he’s grateful he won’t have to go back but he often misses his hive because it was a hivemind collective.  Queen Thalia by the way, is still searching for him. She’s got this possessive streak a mile wide. She won’t give up her things without a fight and as far as she is concerned, Lodec is her thing. 
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dragonofthemountain · 5 years
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I think Viran may still be my favorite, but Lodec is creeping closer to the top spot lol, he’s a lot of fun to draw and a sweet bean!
I love all the redesigned looks, I hope I did the boi justice!!
@fangirltothefullest @ask-the-fusions
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starlightsruby · 6 years
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Took me a while but i finally drew fanart for @ask-the-fusions !
It was one of the first aus i ever came across when I was getting into the fandom and oh my god I adore all the fusions and their backstories (I really wanna draw the rest i love their designs <3) It honestly inspired me with wanting to create fusions of my own, which im slowly doing! But ahaha yes hopefully more to come in the future~?
taglist:   @notveryglittery @quantumducky @ajdraws0430 @ultimate-queen-of-fandoms2 @spacedouterri @warnadudenexttime @sanders-sides-rebloger@emospacegeekvirgil @colorfulcollectordragon-2f8ee55c   @theultimatemomfriend(message me if you wanna be apart of the list)
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dailysandersdoodles · 6 years
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Daily #28
Have I mention how much I adore @ask-the-fusions ??? Like Lodec is such a bean and I wanna hug him so badly and Remani is such a cutie pie???????? Like???? I LOVE THESE CHILDREN WITH ALL MY HEART?????
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sweetest-honeybee · 6 years
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I have drawn lodec in the Steven universe style! Bc,,,,ya know,,,,,he’s a fusion XD
@fangirltothefullest @teacupfulofstarshine @ask-the-fusions
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savage-fox-art · 5 years
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I.....Have no words for these. Except for
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liemonaid · 6 years
fusions, because they’re cool
I drew two of @breloomings ‘s fusions, Paran and Pavir
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And I also drew two of @fangirltothefullest ‘s fusions, Decan and Lodec!
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These first started as doodles, and then they turned into this
(I kept having a hard time with the lineart wirh the last two because I messed the sketch up and had to digitally fix it h n n)
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5am-the-foxing-hour · 5 years
Sparkling Morning Kisses
or: How to turn your new boyfriend into a blushing mess by Patton.
Being stuck in a car really makes your mind wander, I have no idea where this fluff came from, but alas here it is.
Ship: Logan, Patton and Deceit
Characters: Logan, Deceit, Patton, Virgil, Roman, Thomas is mentioned.
Warnings: none that i can think of.
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Tag list: @thought-u-said-dragon-queen, @philspinkyfinger, @leesacrakon, @cloudedskies29, @totellismert, @huntershollows, @naw2702, @corracii, @wolfoxymy, @winterswishing, @tacohippy56900, @cause-a-gay-has-got-to-slay, @ambersky0319, @bluethehamildork, @theorizing-puppet
General Fanfic Tag list: @ebony-wolf, @nashiraneko,  @secretlyanxiouspersona, @i-sold-my-soul-to-thefandom, @rabbitsartcorner,@punsterterry,  @sleepyssnail,  @nightmaresides, @virgilswritings, @ninja-girl2846, @ninjago2020, @starryfirefliesbloggo, @garecc,  @sympatheticdeceit, @cookiethedevil, @askthesnake,  @all-bridges-will-burn,
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The morning light shone in through the window of the kitchen, drenching it in a gentle golden light. Patton was humming to himself as he danced around in the kitchen while getting the breakfast for the others ready, the had prepared hot water with one sugar cube for Logan’s tea and had the tea bag next to the cup, it wasn’t time to put it in the water yet.
Patton was whisking together the pancake batter, the tea standing ready on the counter, when two slim arms wrapped around his waist and a sleepy hum came from the person behind his as they nuzzled closer. Patton hummed back and leaned his head to the side to rub his cheek against Logan’s dark brown hair.
 “Morning, love.” Patton spoke, gently kissing the crown of Logan’s head as he got a muffled greeting in return.
Patton would be lying if he said he didn’t enjoy how cuddly and adorable Logan was in the morning before he got his tea. He giggled when he felt Logan kiss his neck before lifting his head to rest his jaw over Patton’s shoulder.
 “Yeah, It’s the kiddo’s favourite,i’m not blind to the fact that they have booth been struggling for a while, so i thought making their favourite breakfast would make them feel a bit better.” Patton put away the bowl of batter and reached for the tea and handed it to Logan. “Here you go, honey.”
Logan untangled his arms from around Patton and gently took the cup smiling into the kiss, Patton placed on his lips, and cheeks before kissing him on the nose and pulled back giggling.
Logan opened his eyes to lean forward and kiss Patton on the nose as well, only making Patton giggle harder and an adorable flush covered his freckled cheeks.
The smell of pancakes filled the kitchen later, and both Virgl and Roman had come down to eat, having finished and gone back to their own thing.
Patton sent a look to the clock and nodded walking over to the coffee machine and made it ready for Deceit’s arrival.
 “Are we asking him today?” Logan asked as he looked up from the crosswords in the replica of Thomas’s newspaper.
 “I- yes? I was hoping so. I’m just a bit anxious about it.” Patton said as he put away the dishes.
 “How so?” Logan put down the newspaper and pen to give Paton his full attention. the moral side rubbed his hands along the cat hoodie.
 “What… what if he doesn’t feel the same way?”
 “From what I have managed to gather from the way he keeps looking at us when he thinks we are not looking, and from what Virgil had told me and I quote ‘he’s so stupidly in love with you two he won’t stop talking about it’. Also I believe it is best to show him what our intentions are and tell him, and if he ends up rejecting us, then… is it not better to know than being left in uncertainty?” Logan reached out and took Patton’s hand, giving it a squeeze of comfort.
 “You’re right Logan… but I can’t help but worry.”
 “And that is okay.” Patton only gave a nod in reply.
Deceit entered the kitchen with a wide yawn making his jaw crack and he rubbed at his closed eye with the heel of his palm as he waddled into the kitchen in his fluffy black and yellow striped morning robe, fluffy pyjama pants and a black t-shirt that had a bigger version of his logo on the chest, and fluffy yellow slippers.
It was to friggin early, despite the fact that it was the middle of the day.
He needed coffee and he needed it now, if he was to have the energy to deal with everything today.
He blinked when the coffee mug was placed in his hands.
 “Here you go, honeydee, just the way you like it.” Patton spoke giving him a peck on the cheek, and not just any cheek, the scaly one.
 “Glad to see that you are awake Deceit.” Logan spoke as he walked up behind him and gave his shoulders a light massage, knowing Deceit tended to get stiff often, despite his increased flexibility due to being part snake.
Deceit blinked again, when Logan kissed his other cheek.
He couldn’t help the squeak that left him at the suddenness of it all, not that he was fully against it. Logan and Patton had been part of his dreams for way to long and this was just one of many things his mind had made up for him to dream about.
 “Your coffee is getting cold, love.” Logan spoke as he gently pushed the cup closer to Deceit who remembered the coffee again. He took a sip and in a slight daze left the space between Patton and Logan to sit down on the table.
Patton and Logan let him leave and Patton moved closer to Logan still unsure.
 “Did we overdo it?”
 “I do not think he is fully awake yet, and therefore have not processed the information. Give him a few minutes after he finished his coffee, my dear.” Logan said kissing Patton on the temple.
It took precisely 10 minutes and 3 seconds before it clicked and Patton and Logan got to watch how the whole human side of Deceit’s face turned red as Roman’s sash and the scales flickering into a bring yellow.
Deceit slammed his now empty mug, held by both hands onto the table and stared at them making a garbled mess of sounds neither of them understood, but from the confused flustered expression it was clear to them both what he was asking.
 “We have talked to each other” Logan started “And we both care about you-” Patton elbowed him lightly in the side “Sorry we both love you very much, and would like for you to join our relationship.” Logan stated, rubbing his side with a pout that Patton kissed away in apology.
Deceit gaped like a fish before he closed his mouth and swallowed
 “A-are you… are you sure… you want me?” he asked slowly.
 “Yes!” Patton said before Logan managed to open his mouth again and moved over to grab Deceit’s cheeks squishing them a bit in the process. “I know we have had our differences and not always seen each other eye to eye in the past, but you’re whole presence here, dear, it made me realise that you’re not as terrible as you liked us to believe at first, and honestly, you are SO CUTE!” Patton turned to face Logan turning Deceit’s face to face him too “Just look at him! He’s an adorable noodle!” Deceit wasn’t sure what in his chaotic confusion spurred him on to blep, but still he did and Patton gasped long and loud as stars grew in his eyes “HE EVEN GOT THE TONGUES!” Patton screeched in glee, only making Deceit blush all over again.
 “Well I do have to agree that he is adorable, altho he has not yet answered our question, so please calm down a bit, love.” Logan said with a warm smile on his lips.
 “Oh! Oh right. sorry...” Patton let go of Deceit’s face and rubbed at the back of his neck with a sheepish look on his face.
 “I… I don’t know...” Deceit started
 “It’s okay, take all the time you need.” Logan reassured, Deceit stared at him before he looked down at his empty coffee cup.
 “I mean… are you guys sure you want this?” he looked up at them both, hesitant and unsure, but they could both see the small glimmer of hope in his eyes.
 “Yes.” Logan said with a nod and Patton was odding so fast and hard his face was getting burry as he repeated ‘Yes’ over and over.
Deceit looked away blushing at how honest they were being, before he rubbed at his scaled cheek and sent them a glance now and again before he swallowed, trying to get the dryness out of his mouth.
 “Then...” he started having to think about what he wanted to say “Then I… I- I would love to.” he blurted the rest of the sentence out glancing up to them afterwards to see if they caught it and from the happy growing beaming grin that grew on Patton’s face it was clear the moral side had heard him and Logan reached out and ruffled his hair, making the mop of already untamed hair a bit wilder.
Deceit gave away a startled yelp when Patton suddenly threw himself at him, unable to hold back his affections, causing them both to fall of the chair and crash to the floor with a audible crash. Logan placed his face in his hands and groaned.
Only looking up when he felt two pair of eyes on his and he turned his head to see how Virgil and Roman watched from the doorway.
 “What’s going on?” Virgil asked
 “Why is Patton and Deceit on the floor?” Roman said staring at the sight of Patton drowning Deceit’s face with kisses and hugs.
 “Deceit has joined our relationship and as you can see, Patton is being Patton.” Logan turned back to his two boyfriends and chuckled “All is good, now i got a boyfriend to save.”
Virgil and Roman could only stare as Logan with unknown strength picked up Patton from Deceit, giving him the promise of cuddles on the couch if he went and got it ready with blankets and pillows. Patton rushed by Roman and Virgil but not before giving them caring peck on the temple and crown of their heads.
Logan helped Deceit back to his feet, the other still flustered and looking dazed.
 “You okay?”
 “He’s gonna be the death of me, Logan.” Deceit looking up at him “And I would have no qualms whatsoever.” Logan only chuckled as he gently caressed Deceit’s cheek.
 “Well, I can not let Patton get all the fun, now can I.” he said and Deceit felt his face heat up once more when Logan pulled him close. “May I?” Deceit gave a nod, not trusting his voice.
Logan closed the rest of the way, letting their lips meet.
Deceit wasn’t sure what to do with his ands and grabbed hold of the front of Logan’s shirt as he melted into the kiss.
If he’d known the morning would turn out to be like this, he would have woken up earlier.
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dykeceit · 5 years
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moxceit, roloceit, analoceit, lodecality, prinxceit & royaliceit moodboards 💛💜💙❤
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fangirltothefullest · 6 years
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Gladiolus symbolizes strength of character, faithfulness and honor, but most importantly they are a symbol of remembrance.
Lodec after being gifted a bunch of beautiful gladiolus, his favourite flower. 
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"While someone’s crying" can i get this one with Sad noodle and caring bf's Logan and Patton? (Lodecality?? i already forgot their ship name)
dolos’s fingers crumple the letter as he holds it, hands shaking. we regret to inform you that your poetry submission has been rejected . . .
rejected. the word swims around his head as he crumples the letter into a ball and sets it on the counter. he heads for the bedroom silently, pulling on one of logan’s sweatshirts and wrapping himself in patton’s quilt. he shivers, blood running cold, and huddles up into a tiny ball. 
he doesn’t remember when he started crying. he doesn’t remember falling asleep, either. but when he wakes up, patton is curled up behind him, spooning him, and logan is hugging him, wiping the tears from his face. 
“it’s okay, sweetheart,” logan murmurs. “we saw the letter, but it’s okay. we’re still here for you.” 
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ask-the-fusions · 6 years
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DeeDee (Desi/Desmond) is Moxie's world's Deceit! She's unable to speak the truth and she's adorable! But that's why she's also a Rosy Maple Moth.
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I don't know if you're talking about me for the soft character ask, but I said Deceit, or Logan if someone had already asked for Dee? Or both, if you're so inclined
Yes!! I was! You're the only person to send anything about this.
And let me tell you, I typed this answer out THREE times and it just never posted. Then I accidentally deleted it...
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Dee can't really shower (neither the light sides nor the dark sides let him use their shower) so he sprays himself with whatever he can find, whether it be cheap cologne, air freshener, or perfume. Roman found out he would use one of his cheaper colognes, so he started to leave a more expensive cinnamon one he never used within easy reach. More often than not, Dee smells like cologne.
He loves the smell of chocolate, storms, and old hoodies.
He usually wears his usual outfit to sleep nowadays, as he doesn't want to be seen without it, but on certain days, he sleeps in a baggy t-shirt, an old hoodie that isn't his, and pajama pants or a green snake onesie.
Lodecality! I love Logicality, I love Dee, why not combine them? HC: Lo and Pat both often use Dee's head as an armrest because he's so short.
Anxceit. HC: Dee used to steal Vee's hoodie and hide for hours.
"Just Like You" by Falling in Reverse or "The Devil Within" by Digital Daggers
Snake. Duh.
Curled up for maximum warmth, cuddling his snake plush Sir Slithers.
He loves chocolate milk but hasn't had any since Thomas was 13.
A kiss!
Logan smells like freshly done laundry and, on special occasions, expensive cologne.
He loves the smell of new and old books!
He wears a space sweatshirt and gray sweatpants.
Logicality! HC: Logan confessed his feelings with "Science Love Song"
Logince! HC: They may argue a lot, but don't you dare insult one while the other can hear you. They WILL throw hands.
"Oh No!" By Marina and The Diamonds
Definitely a crow!!
Lo sleeps like me! On his stomach, one arm under his pillow and one arm over it.
He love love LOVES coffee but it has to be extremely sweet.
I would give him a megaphone because maybe then the others would listen to him.
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rosesisupposes · 5 years
Two quotes that work really well as superhero prompts : "The head never rules the heart, it just becomes its partmer in crime." and "No, but what was I meant to do?" -C.C.
Ooohhhh, you are so correct and I know I’m in the middle of writing a superhero au but… goddamn i got carried away
Logicality as supervillains - the Head and the Heart. Logan’s in black-and-white, Patton’s in bright pastels.
 Logan can’t read your mind, but he is able to sense reactions/movements incredibly quickly to the point that people believe he can. And he’s certainly not going to correct them.
Patton is the power of suggestion. When he asks you if you wouldn’t rather just step out of the way and let them into this secure facility, you start to believe that not only do you want to, but you’ve always wanted to, more than anything. You’re hardly aware he spoke - it’s like he gave voice to your deepest desire.
And that’s how they managed to break out all the unstable superheroes in custody, including the mysterious figure known only as Deceit. No one’s sure about anything surrounding this person - not their pronouns, not their affiliation, not even their powers. The best guess is some sort of body-and-mind horror - either illusions or they really can sprout hundreds of limbs and eyes that can defy physics and the normal bounds of human limits.
But one super they break out is understandably nervous about throwing in his lot with supervillains. So he seeks out the loudest and most public heroes instead. 
The Ruby Knight has the power of convenience - anything he needs is immediately at his fingertips with just a bit of concentration. Not the most typical power, perhaps, and one that shouldn’t be particularly attuned to fighting, but there was no way Roman was going to pass on a chance to be a hero. He learned martial arts and weapons mastery, and only really falters on thinking of the right thing he needs. He may also abuse his power to summon a single rose whenever he wants to flirt with a flippin’ cute guy.
Like, for instance, his superhero partner, Flashcoat. Remy reflects others’ powers like his sunglasses reflect light - he’s able to copy them to a slightly weaker extent. Invulnerability becomes incredibly high durability. He can borrow Roman’s but needs to fully picture what he needs, down to the weight and material. And it wears off whenever he sleeps.
Flash and Ruby, as they affectionately call each other, are a little taken aback by this odd, dark man approaching them. “He looks like a villain.” “Hun, maybe he’s just goth. Or emo. I don’t judge.” “You judge all the time that is literally your favorite thing to do.” “You caught me. Maybe I’m just soft for the early-era Brendon Urie look.” “…do I need to get a gold jacket, would that impress you?” “Oh babes, you deserve all the gold you can wear” 
“Uh, excuse me, y’all are the heroes, right? Am I interrupting?”
“Oh, right, sorry hun. Did you need us?” “Yes, are there citizens in danger?”
“Uh, there might be soon. The Heart and The Mind just broke out the super prison. I didn’t want to go with them. So I came to you.”
“You have powers? What can you do?”
“Yeah. I do. They’re… new. I don’t know their full extent. But so far… well, I should be dead. But then I woke up, falling out of a shadow, just an hour later. And they feel… friendly, and go where I direct them.”
Roman and Remy exchange a look. Roman’s the one to speak. “That’s… not the kind of power one would normally associate with a hero, is it?”
“No, but what was I meant to do?”
“Fair point,” Remy comments, taking a sip of the iced tea Roman summoned for him. “So, what do we call you, babes? Civilian or hero name, take your pick.”
“I’m Virgil. I don’t have a super name yet.”
Roman eyes the patched hoodie and the raven on the other’s shirt. “Hm. How do you like the sound of The Black Swan?”
“A bit extra, isn’t it?”
“Oh hun, you’ve no idea,” Remy says, throwing an arm around the shorter man’s shoulder. “Welcome to the team.”
I may like superhero AUs a little too much
Edited to add: dammit, I like this idea too much. Here’s a taglist: @residentanchor @royally-anxious @jemthebookworm @bewarethegrammarpolice @arandompasserby @sparkly-rainbow-salt @astral-eclipse @thelowlysatsuma @max-is-tired @adorably-angsty @almostoveranalyzed 
darlings, i’m so sorry, i have no impulse control: @potestessemagishomosexualitatis @hawthornshadow @mariniacipher
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