#Decan sanders
Zodiac for September 9
September 9 Zodiac As a Virgo brought into the world on September ninth, your resolve and hierarchical abilities are among your most noteworthy gifts. You dazzle others with your capacity to work resolutely notwithstanding intense difficulties. You can carry control to practically any circumstance, particularly when it is involved to lead others. Your innate capacity to comprehend others permits you to assign errands in a successful manner. Your companions, family, friends and colleagues respect your drive and aspiration.
Earth September 9 Component Zodiac for September 9 - Your matched component is Earth and being a Virgo, you are the main zodiac sign with a proper relationship to the component. You need a day to day existence that is basically as steady as the ground you stroll on. Albeit this want is in some cases went with determination, it is likewise answerable for your common sense and realism. You burn through brief period with your mind in another place, rather continuously shifting focus over to sensible objectives. These characteristics will put you on a way to progress, however keep away from the over-circumspection that occasionally goes with Earth's impact.
September 9 Planetary Impact Mercury is your planetary ruler, yet as you were brought into the world in the second Decan, or part, of your sign, you likewise get the planetary impact of Saturn. On the off chance that Mercury's powers could be summed up as that of correspondence and acumen, Saturn's impact would be dive in the domains of discipline and control. Your planetary impact joins to make you a more regular pioneer and achievement driven than the other Virgo Decans. Your drive might be so high on occasion that you become disappointed with any result other than flawlessness. To keep away from frustration, remain consistent with your awareness, particularly while managing others.
September 9 Vocation Your discipline and mettle will consider progress in almost any field. As a characteristic chief, you might find the universe of business or the board engaging. On the off chance that you rather work for yourself, you might be happy with the enterprising course, such was the situation with Colonel Sanders, who was additionally brought into the world on September ninth. Assuming that engaging others is your actual energy, you might be attracted to composing or acting. Shift focus over to the life span of Adam Sandler's profession, one more of your superstar birthday twins, for consolation.
September 9 Sabian Image The Sabian Image for your birthday is a savage volcanic emission. There might be disappointments or worries in your day to day existence that you are stifling. While this might appear as though really smart, there is an extraordinary risk in restraining your feelings. Set aside some margin to figure out your sentiments in your own specific manner, to stay away from an undesirable "blast."
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lizord-lord · 6 years
Prove me wrong, coward @fangirltothefullest
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(moxie i am so sorry but you fit it slightly better than moric and i had to fill out the chart)
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heckoffmate · 6 years
Just realised I said Deitton instead of Decan... Eh, they're similar enough, it's not noticeable. Anyway, I was thinking about if all @fangirltothefullest 's Sanders Sides fusions hung out, it would make a pretty good show. So I made an attempt at humour with two awesome Deceit fusions.
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khadij-al-kubra · 6 years
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*yeets half fast fanart* I’m probably gonna do more doodles like these in the future because I’m obsessed with @fangirltothefullest Sanders Sides fusions au. For now though, this is what I can up with. Hope you like them.
Viran probably has attempted to poke Anvity while he naps. And I get the feeling that he probably didn’t want to sleep alone after the incident.
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savage-fox-art · 5 years
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I.....Have no words for these. Except for
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liemonaid · 6 years
all you need is love...
Welcome to remi remembered to post here! I’m 100x more active on my Instagram ( @ sauceyart ) than here. I just forget because, well, I’m not the brightest with some things.
So enjoy this!
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rainbowsidesofacat · 5 years
Apex Predator
Decan: Don't be fooled by the pink
He is not playing dolls
He is stalking the halls
For the thrill of the kill
Every person around
Is aware of his stare
When he tosses his hair
They go perfectly still
All their eyes say, "don't attack me."
Watch them sweat and pant and shake
Every food chain has its acme
Virom Prince eats steak
He's the king of the beasts
He can smell your fear
In this biosphere
He's the apex predator
Like a great dragon
Only with less scales
Everyone must hail
To the apex predator
Deman: At the watering hole
See the ones who weren't nice
Have to scatter like mice
From this royal beast
And though Villyn is great
She does not have this power
People literally cower
Villyn can't do that
See us mark our territory
As I follow in his train
I was victim, I was quarry
Now I shake my mane
He's the king of beasts
And I'm in his pride
I have hitched a ride
With the apex predator
And it's kinda fun
When he bares his claws
When I'm safe because
I'm with the apex predator
Both: Will he braid your hair
Will he eat your heart
How can you outsmart
The apex predator
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emovirgil-sanders · 6 years
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Okay, so I know he looks kinda weird, but @fangirltothefullest mentioned Steam Powered Giraffe as in relation to their Steampunk AU and I, being someone who’s never heard them, looked them up and fell in love. One song, Brass Goggles, made me think of Tashi’s Roman/Deceit fusion, Decan, for some reason. So, I drew him in their Steampunk AU. Also, excuse the fact that he has no hat- I can’t draw a fedora to save my life. You can see where I struggled with that and his collar. I also experimented with a new style and I can say I kinda(?) like it. 
Anyways, here’s just some notes I came up with while I was thinking about him:
Somehow, Decan is an automaton bound with two souls. (you know, to give him the fusion aspect)
No matter how many repairs he goes through, his eyes and vision stays monochrome.
No one knows why he was built with three eyes or why the ‘normal’ ones are shaped like snake pupils. 
Also, on the left side of his face, that is rust from something(idk- add something here, I don’t remember enough about Decan). 
Two kinda closeups are also included below the cut.
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fangirltothefullest · 5 years
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Decan! <3<3<3
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prinssess61 · 4 years
The Fire Within Me Ch. 2
Summary: Decan and Patton are going to a new school and they both make friends. Decan is adopted... and is obsessed with intrigued by the supernatural. He may finally get a chance to investigate, but one must be careful with what you wish for.
Decan tried to walk around them, but two of the other students blocked his path.
"Where do you think you're going?"
"Away," Decan replied.
The bully chuckled and grabbed his shirt collar. Decan inhaled sharply, not having expected it. The people around him laughed. The bully was about to speak when a voice from behind Decan spoke first.
"Hey, Bruce! My old pal… You should put the kid down. I mean, I would hate for something… private of yours to get out."
Bruce immediately let go of Decan with wide eyes and Decan turned around. It was the purple-haired guy. Beside him was White Streak hair guy.
"I-I didn't know he was your bud, V. I, uh, I gotta go, do… something."
He walked away as fast as he could, but still trying to look nonchalant, the other kids following him.
"Thanks, I guess," Decan said. He began to turn around, but White Streak, who looked a lot like Roman, began talking.
"Hey, what's your name?"
"Doesn't matter. Bye."
"I like you," Purple Hair said suddenly and Decan stopped in his tracks.
"You've got… character." He held out his hand, right eye flashing purple as he grinned, but fading as soon as it came. "I'm Virgil. This is Remus."
Decan hesitantly shook his hand, staring at his right eye. "Decan. What's with your eye?"
"Oh, don't worry. Remus and I are just… different."
Decan narrowed his eyes a bit, but then shrugged. "Whatever. What did you mean about that kid's 'private' stuff?"
Virgil smirked. "I may or may not have some gotten some pictures of him singing a kid's song into a hairbrush in the locker room and that would absolutely crush his tough kid reputation."
Decan snorted. Remus smiled fondly at the memory.
"Come on. Why don't we go and cause a little trouble?" Virgil said, a mischievous look in his eyes.
Decan smirked and started walking with them. He had an odd feeling about these two, but he couldn't tell what it was. He pushed it down, and kept talking with Virgil and Remus. For some reason, he felt like he could trust them completely.
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What Zodiac Sign is September 9
September 9 Zodiac As a Virgo brought into the world on September ninth, your resolve and hierarchical abilities are among your most prominent gifts. You dazzle others with your capacity to work resolutely despite intense difficulties. You can carry control to practically any circumstance, particularly when it is involved to lead others. Your inherent capacity to comprehend others permits you to assign undertakings in a powerful manner. Your companions, family, friends and collaborators respect your drive and aspiration.
What Zodiac Sign is September 9
Earth September 9 Component Your matched component is Earth and being a Virgo, you are the main zodiac sign with a decent relationship to the component. You need a day to day existence that is pretty much as steady as the ground you stroll on. Albeit this want is in some cases went with willfulness, it is additionally answerable for your common sense and realism. You burn through brief period with your mind floating around in dreamland, rather continuously shifting focus over to sensible objectives. These characteristics will put you on a way to progress, however keep away from the over-circumspection that occasionally goes with Earth's impact.
September 9 Planetary Impact Mercury is your planetary ruler, however as you were brought into the world in the second Decan, or part, of your sign, you additionally get the planetary impact of Saturn. In the event that Mercury's powers could be summed up as that of correspondence and keenness, Saturn's impact would be dive in the domains of discipline and control. Your planetary impact consolidates to make you a more regular pioneer and achievement driven than the other Virgo Decans. Your drive might be so high now and again that you become disappointed with any result other than flawlessness. To keep away from frustration, remain consistent with your awareness, particularly while managing others.
September 9 Profession Your discipline and grit will consider progress in almost any field. As a characteristic chief, you might find the universe of business or the executives engaging. Assuming that you rather work for yourself, you might be happy with the innovative course, such was the situation with Colonel Sanders, who was likewise brought into the world on September ninth. Assuming engaging others is your actual energy, you might be attracted to composing or acting. Focus on the life span of Adam Sandler's vocation, one more of your superstar birthday twins, for support.
September 9 Sabian Image The Sabian Image for your birthday is a rough volcanic emission. There might be disappointments or worries in your day to day existence that you are smothering. While this might appear as though really smart, there is an extraordinary risk in restraining your feelings. Get some margin to figure out your sentiments in your own particular manner, to keep away from an undesirable "blast."
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sweetest-honeybee · 5 years
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Progic and Decan fusion! She’s a beauty ❤️❤️💙💛 I’m gonna call her Pri (Pree)! Short for Prican :D
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heckoffmate · 6 years
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I would totally play a dating sim with @fangirltothefullest 's fusions
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Moxiety + 14
14. starting with a kiss meant to be gentle, ending up in passion
Patton smiled softly as he and Virgil walked hand in hand down the boardwalk. It was their third date and so far it had been simply spectacular. The bubbly teen felt warm down to the tips of his toes from what a perfect evening it had been. It was a shame it was coming to an end, the two young sweethearts reaching Patton’s car down where it was at parked. He kept his hand clasped in the other’s while they reached it, not letting go until after he opened the passenger side door for his boyfriend. The red tint that painted the goth teen’s face at the gesture made his smile stretch wider and a giggle to slip from his lips. “You’re so cute.” he couldn’t help but gush out, making the red darken and cause the other to hide his face in the teddy bear Patton had won him.“Shut up.” came the muffled response which was honestly the most adorable thing ever. But he figured he could keep that bit to himself this time. With a quick squeeze, he finally released his hold of Virgil’s hand and allowed his boyfriend to get into the car. Once he was sure that all limbs were safely inside, he closed the door and walked around to the driver’s seat. He got in quick and buckled up, double checking that Virgil was as well, before starting up the vehicle.
And thus he drove the other boy home. The radio played softly and Patton drummed his fingers to the beat. A peaceful silence fell between the two. Comfortable and easy. They had talked plenty throughout their date, and he knew Virgil needed quiet sometimes.
Sadly, the drive didn’t last long and within fifteen minutes he was pulling up to the other’s home. He put the car into park and shut it off, getting out of the car and walking around to meet Virgil as he stepped out as well. Like a good date, he walked the other boy up to the door. The two hand in hand once more.
“I had a great time tonight.” he said gently, a sudden shyness overtaking him as he looked up at his taller boyfriend. Virgil must have felt the same way as he looked only at the teddy bear and nodded.
“Me too.” Fluttery sensations ran through him at those words, a bubbly laugh slipping passed his lips.
“I’m glad.”
The two stood there on the porch, quietly holding hands. He knew he should let Virgil go on inside, he’d see the other boy at school on Monday. And they’d probably text each other a lot until then too. But… he didn’t want to leave. Not yet. Virgil didn’t seem to want to leave either, remaining in place and slowly returning his gaze. With rosy cheeks, he rubbed his thumb along the other’s hand. Honey brown eyes looked into darker ones before flickering down to chapped lips.
“Can I kiss you?” he asked softly, looking back up to see Virgil’s face tomato red. He was sure his own face looked the same. Silence fell over them for a beat or two before Virgil finally nodded. Adjusting the hold he had on the other hand, he stepped in closer. His feet pushed up slightly, not quite tip toes, and his free hand reached out to cup Virgil’s face while he leaned his head in.
A brush of lips touched, gentle and shy. But as soon as contact was made, Patton couldn’t help but press in firmer. Unintentionally he pressed Virgil up against the door, kissing his boyfriend deeply. The other let go of his hand and instead gripped the back of his head as he kissed back with as much as Patton gave. The action caused Patton to gasp into the kiss, and suddenly there was a tongue plunging into his mouth.
A groan escaped him at the feeling, his own tongue moving to meet its unexpected guest. The action in turn caused Virgil to groan as well and Patton felt excited that he could cause that kind of reaction.
The kiss didn’t last long however, as suddenly the door opened. Causing both boys to start to fall. Thankfully they were saved from fully falling by whoever opened the door. “Did I interrupt?” came the teasing voice of Virgil’s brother Decan. A flush filled both boys’ cheeks as they separated, with Virgil glaring at his brother.
“You’re such a pain.” the goth teen hissed, which only caused Decan to laugh.
“I have to go anyway.” Patton said, a mix between embarrassed, happy, and a little sad. He didn’t want to go, but he did have a curfew to meet. “I’ll text you when I get home.” he promised, a shy smile on his lips. Virgil nodded, a tiny smile on his own. Patton wanted nothing more than to give one final little kiss goodbye, but he knew his boyfriend wouldn’t want an audience so he settled for a quick hug. “Bye!”
And with that, he ran down the driveway and to his car. A final look behind him to see Virgil step inside.
Best night ever.
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liemonaid · 6 years
fusions, because they’re cool
I drew two of @breloomings ‘s fusions, Paran and Pavir
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And I also drew two of @fangirltothefullest ‘s fusions, Decan and Lodec!
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These first started as doodles, and then they turned into this
(I kept having a hard time with the lineart wirh the last two because I messed the sketch up and had to digitally fix it h n n)
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anxiously-chill · 6 years
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More fusions? More fusions.
Decan And Moxie, @fangirltothefullest‘s creations. :) Enjoy!
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