#vircei sanders
fangirltothefullest · 6 years
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So UH I’m hopping aboard this Into the Spider-verse design train CHOOCHOO! 
Here’s Vircei! His powers include being able to create his own webbing and see behind him, not to mention the six arms! He is still mute but he can communicate telepathically which is hard to hide when he’s NOT in the suit. He CANNOT read other people’s thoughts, just project his own. His spider sense is tied to the eye on the back of his head and he constantly wears hats and hoods cause he can;t hide it so easily like he can hide his arms. He’s 16 in this AU!
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stormcrawler75 · 6 years
The Mistake
This short fic was inspired by @fangirltothefullest and @ask-the-fusions ‘s answered question about Vircei stealing clothes and someone finding out and getting upset! I do not know how to link answered questions, I don’t even know if you can, but this fic is inspired by that! Please go to their blog and see all of their content because it’s amazing!
This is set in the fusion au @ask-the-fusions created!
Characters: Moric and Vircei
Warnings: Crying and mentions of screaming.
Moric scrubbed furiously at one of the shirts he had taken from Vircei’s room, clenching his jaw. There were food stains on one of the shirts and this was going to take forever to clean off!
(He tried not to think about the heartbroken look on Vircei’s face when he left.)
He slammed the little scrubby pad he had in his hands down on the kitchen counter and huffed in frustration. Why hadn’t Vircei just asked for the clothes! They would’ve all gladly given him some and he wouldn’t have had to steal any of them! Anvity had been looking for one of those shirts for weeks now!
Moric tapped his fingers against his side and bit his lip. A little voice in his head was whispering to him now, softly reminding him how nervous Vircei always was when asking for things. Like they would all laugh at him for wanting things and tell him that he didn’t deserve whatever it was he wanted.
How many times have I tried to explain to him how things work here!? Moric shot back, already feeling himself start to lose his anger and grow guilty. I’ve told him that stealing is bad but he still did it!
But he’s lived his entire life in a place where stealing is one of the only ways to survive, the voice responded, a voice Moric knew was his conscious. He did what came naturally to him. And did you notice that those clothes made up a nest for him? He was using those clothes to remind him of his family.
Moric sighed and ran his hands through his hair. Okay, maybe he had been too rough on Vircei, just screaming at him like that. He should know better than that. Moric knew how Vircei reacted to screaming. He should’ve gently explained why Vircei should not have stolen the clothes. Moric bit his lip and looked at the clothes he had plopped onto the counter. Only Anvity’s shirt was wet, the rest still waiting to be washed.
He’d bring them back, Moric decided. The others would understand, especially after Moric explained why. And this time Moric would tell Vircei to just ask next time instead of stealing them.
Moric grabbed the laundry basket he had grabbed on the way from Vircei’s room and pushed all of the clothes inside, leaving Anvity’s shirt where it was so Moric could finish washing it first. He picked up the basket and leaned it against his side as he made his way back up to Vircei’s room.
When he arrived, he knocked softly on Vircei’s door. “Vircei?” He called. “Sweetie? Can I come in? I’d like to talk to you.” There was no answer, not there would be a verbal one but Vircei usually knocked back in response. Moric bit his lip and opened the door, poking his head in. What he saw made all three of his eyes tear up.
Vircei was curled into a ball on the floor with his hood pulled over his head. Though Moric couldn’t see his face, he could see how hard Vircei was trembling and how he was rocking back and forth. Moric froze and his face crumbled.
What, what had he done?
He slowly placed the basket on the floor and closed the door behind him. He walked up to Vircei slowly, like he was approaching a scared animal. Vircei didn’t seem to notice him, not even when Moric knelt down in front of him.
Moric reached out a hand and placed it on Vircei’s shoulder gently. Vircei froze and he cautiously raised his head, paling when he saw it was Moric. Tears were running down his cheeks and his eyes were red and puffy. He raised one of his hands up and rubbed his chest in a clockwise circle, the hand shaking uncontrollably. He sobbed silently and clenched his eyes closed.
“Oh, oh Honey, no.” Moric moaned and pulled Vircei to his chest, feeling Vircei’s hand continue signing his apology with the hand pressed up against both of their chests. “No, it’s okay, it’s okay. I overreacted, I shouldn’t have screamed at you like that. Shhh, shhh, it’s okay.”
He shifted into a sitting position and pulled Vircei into his lap, rocking the younger fusion back and forth. “It’s okay, it’s okay. I’m not mad anymore, it’s okay.” Vircei finally stopped signing after a few minutes and he clenched his hands into Moric’s shirt. Moric saw the eye on the back of Vircei’s hood blink at him and stare at him sadly and in regret.
“I’m sorry I yelled at you.” He whispered, pressing Vircei’s face into his shoulder gently. “I got mad and I shouldn’t have. I overreacted and did something I shouldn’t have. I should’ve talked to you about it and I’m so sorry. It’s alright if you want to use our clothes as a nest. Shhh.”
Vircei didn’t pull back to respond but hugged Moric tighter, like he was afraid Moric would disappear if he let go for even a moment. Moric kept rocking him and whispering apologies into his ears. He made a mistake and he would make sure Vircei understood that.
The clothes laid in the laundry basket forgotten by Moric for the moment but he would personally give them to Vircei as soon as he could. They were just clothes after all. They had a lot of them and could always get more. Vircei was more important.
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heckoffmate · 6 years
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@fangirltothefullest Ahhhh, I can't remember a thing from Creaiity's design. I remember it's beautiful, but it's hard to remember, so I just put him in a nice little top.
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lizord-lord · 6 years
Prove me wrong, coward @fangirltothefullest
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(moxie i am so sorry but you fit it slightly better than moric and i had to fill out the chart)
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bluebelle-does-art · 6 years
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whoops never posted this! I was scrolling through some art and this is my first digital piece so yeet!
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roxiusagi · 6 years
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Inktober day 9 - Precious
designs of Moxie and Vircei belongs to @fangirltothefullest
I already drew Viran and Moxie some time back, but decided to draw some more cinnamon buns fusions in the name of the inktober.
/click for better quality/
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emovirgil-sanders · 6 years
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Cosplay of @fangirltothefullest ‘s Deceit/Virgil fusion, Vircei!
God, I love him. I think he’s one of my favorite fusions and I really wish I could’ve made more of a costume for him. And, yeah, I took the last one before I remembered that Vircei’s hood is literally part of him, but I liked it so I’m posting it anyways. I still wish my phone could capture more of the purple in my hair because there’s a lot that it isn’t showing.
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crazypie-art · 6 years
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I made a little thing about vircei chewing his sleeves since @fangirltothefullest mentioned that vircei would do that if you removed the stitches
that and I wanted to draw cute vircei so whoop (im so sorry this looks like hot garbage XD)
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bunny222 · 6 years
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I had a lot of fun drawing the amazing @fangirltothefullest’s anxceit fusion Vircei! (Click for better quality)
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5-crofters-jams · 6 years
So as you very well may know:
@fangirltothefullest has a ton of super awesome Sanders Sides fusions! And I got inspired to closet cosplay one of them, namely the Virgil/Deceit fusion Vircei! (Link to the og post here.) I know it’s not super accurate, but I did the best with what I had and late night passion, lol.
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fangirltothefullest · 6 years
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“I’m not fine. Perfectly not fine, don’t mind the other expression. I’m not avoiding you, please I need, stop asking. PLEASE I’M LONELY. I’M LONELY I’M LONELY I’M LONELY.” 
My Anxiety/Deveit fusion “Vircei” (Ver-sey) AKA “The Puppet”. He may not have strings but he sure is easy to push around and super clingy no matter what the talking face says. He has 4 arms  but two are always trapped with the sleeves tied behind him much like a straight jacket. Status: Semi-unstable
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definitely-a-plant · 6 years
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I desperately needed a break from Romans Logo (because i was starting to see red spots), so I took about an hour or so to do @fangirltothefullest ’s fusion Vircei symbol. Because he is precious and I love him so much.
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heckoffmate · 6 years
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A demisexual Vircei. Fusion and art entirely belong to @fangirltothefullest, I just put a flag behind him.
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ace-anx · 6 years
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I really loved a small fic of @fangirltothefullest fusions anviety, moxie, and vircei! The ending was such an adorable scene i just had to draw it! ❤💜💙
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the-gay-in-the-way · 6 years
Yo, real quick.
This is really a separate thing from when I was talking about the dating sim so I’m posting it separately.
But it’s about fangirltothefullest’s fusions still, just so you know.
So can you imagine CAP Virgil meeting the fusions?
Especially Vircei!
Like, CAP Virgil is the most protective of beings and I can just see him instantly being really nice and sweet with Vircei and trying really hard to make him feel more comfortable and happy in his universe.
And eventually Vircei would start clinging to him and it would be the best thing because CAP Virgil is already so used to everyone clinging to him already that he would just hold and carry Vircei without question or hesitation and it would just be the best thing.
I’m sorry, I just really needed to talk about this.
There’s not even any serious story thought or ideas here.
I just really like the idea of CAP Virgil being friends with Vircei.
I think it would be the most adorable and sweetest of things.
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spiraling-voids · 4 years
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I drew Vircei! He was a little difficult to draw but I still did it
Vircei is @fangirltothefullest ‘s fusion
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