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mxiero · 8 months ago
“Don’t lie to me.”
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Yellow Smoke au- when someone lies, Janus sees yellow smoke come out of their mouth. The bigger the lies, the thicker the smoke.
Not sure if I wanna make Moceit canon to the au but they fit way too well 😭 the au is pretty versatile so anyone can use it if you want lol (honestly it’s more like a headcanon)
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some-one56 · 2 months ago
Sanders Sides Frozen Au
Chapter Three
“Ugh. How long will this Coronation thing be again? Can we just get some food, steal some wine and leave?”
“You don't need a whole bottle of wine.”
“The hell I don't! That's expensive royal wine!”
Logan sighed and picked up his bag, slinging it over his shoulder. “Anyway, I'm staying for the entire Coronation, including the Ball afterwards. It's polite.”
“It's boring.”
Logan looked at his friend, Remy, and chuckled. “Sometimes that's how it goes, I'm afraid.”
Remy huffed and leaned against the wall of Logan's house. “It's just some pompous-ass prince being crowned king who can't even bother to be seen in our village. They're all fake.”
Logan shrugged. “That's your prerogative, I suppose.”
Remus had definitely forgotten that the Coronation was today.
He was in bed, snuggled up under his blankets- well… Half of him was hanging out of the bed. How he slept like that, nobody will ever know. He was snoring, albeit loudly when a knock sounded at the door.
Remus didn't wake up. He slept like a rock.
Another knock sounded, a bit more persistent.
“Prince Remus!” A voice called out from behind the door with a loud knock, startling Remus awake.
Remus yelped and fell out of bed and onto the floor. “Ow.”
“Your Highness, you need to wake up so you can get ready.”
“Give me a minute, I'm…sleeping on the floor,” Remus muttered in his half asleep state. “Get ready for what again??”
“Your brother's..Coronation…?”
“Ohhhhhhhh….mhm…” Remus closed his eyes again. And then he let that sentence sink in. His eyes snapped open.
Remus bolted out of his room and ran to get changed.
Remus grinned at his suit, which was tailored specifically for him. He thanked the servants that helped him get ready and ran out to the balcony in his room. “Whoa…” He whispered, seeing thousands and thousands of people waiting outside of the gates. People getting to come inside. This means Remus won't have to be alone. At least for this one day.
This perfect, wonderful one day.
Remus laughed and ran down the stairs, waiting by the palace entrance for the guards to open up the gates and let the people inside.
Roman paced around in his room, taking several deep breaths to calm his racing heart. He knew he couldn't get around this. Definitely can't just get crowned King another day.
He closed his eyes and took a final deep breath. He took off his gloves, revealing his trembling hands. He had picked two random objects to represent the Sovereign's Orb and Sceptre that he would have to hold during the ceremony. An empty candle holder and a chalice. Hesitantly, he grabbed both objects and imagined he was in front of the crowd.
The crowd of thousands of people. All watching his every move. If his magic slipped out, he would be done for. He would hurt someone again. Hurt Remus again-
He let out a gasp as his powers went slightly out of control, turning both objects into solid ice. He dropped them after being startled.
Roman quickly put his gloves back on and returned to pacing. “You can't keep them waiting. They're all out there…”
Putting on a neutral face, Roman walked out of his room, met face to face with a guard. “Tell the rest of the guards to open up the gates.”
The guard nodded and briskly walked off.
1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Epilogue
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reseaseo · 2 years ago
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Sanders Sides x Formula 1 🏎️💨🏁 imagine the chaos with this 6 on track (and yes i missed making art, so here you go — dunno when i’ll post again *flies away*) — #sanderssides #thomassanders #sandersgrandprix #sanderssidesfanart #janussanders #remussanders #romansanders #pattonsanders #logansanders #virgilsanders https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp5MldJve2a/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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loserlovercafe · 2 months ago
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The angle on this is so wonky- I might actually try redrawing this sometime, but honestly I still love this one. I have no idea what possessed me to be able to draw that train lol.
Also- I apparently spelt it “chose” and not “choose” originally, so uh, fixed that up haha
Not enough frog Patton in the world (◡_◡)💔
((Alternative versions by clicking more))
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we-all-horny-here · 2 years ago
for the ask game - roman !! 💝💄😶
💝 A headcanon about their love language
Defo gift giving, he's creativity, he's passionate to make, and equally as passionate to share it with his loved ones
💄 An appearance headcanon
I actually posted my sides designs a while back, tho u can't really see the scars there, from his adventures in the imagination
😶 A random headcanon
Hm, what to choose what to choose Basically I think his like animal would be peacock, which is why I draw his lashes that way They're like, feathered lashes :3
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darth-does-stuff · 2 years ago
okok bet
- i can move the knuckle of both my middle fingers and i think that’s fun
- recently got my hair cut short and it was one of the best decisions i’ve made lmao
- i’m a very avid reader and have been since like 1st grade lol
- i can make the most perfectly toasted bagel that you have ever SEEN
- i’ve started getting more athletic as of late and it’s been really nice :)
tagging (only if you want to!): @atomic-cat-dragon @norvtown @greatpistachiopie @lesbian-pattonsanders + whoever who wants to
Challenge: Reblog this and list five things you like about yourself. Tag 5 people to have them do the same.
- My stomach looks like a pillow, one of those round pillows that are really huggable and soft
- My eyes are hazel, the happier I am the more they look like gold
- My left thumb has a line in the knuckle that looks like a smirk
- My room is filled with whimsical things that make me happy
- I'm really resourceful and am able to find work arounds when my disabilities make it hard to do simple tasks
Tag list: @the-ding-dong-ditch-committee @novainthevoid @supernatural-raptor @hellsworstknightmare @bewilderedgrace
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ghostylen · 2 years ago
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It’s the gang 🌈
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boydidthatgowell · 2 years ago
logan, bursting through the front door: I’M GONNA SAY THE F WORD.
patton, clearly taken aback: LOGAN NOOOO —
virgil, skidding across the house in his socks at the speed of sound: NOT IF I SAY IT FIRST, SHITHEAD.
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thedukedudeinadress · 2 years ago
Sanders Sides as Gravity Falls Quotes (Part One)
Patton: Roman, what are you doing?
Roman: Running for mayor! Did I- did I not make that clear?
Patton: Roman, it’s not that we think you can’t do it, it’s just—
Virgil, to Patton: No no, it’s okay, Patton.
Virgil: *turns to Roman* We don’t think you can do it.
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darth-does-stuff · 2 years ago
AW thank you oh my god!!!!
@atomic-cat-dragon @lesbian-pattonsanders @norvtown
If you receive this, you make somebody happy! Go on anon and send this to ten of your followers who make you happy or somebody you think needs cheering up. If you get one back, even better! ♡♡
Here's some people I've not known for long, but make me feel appreciated and always can put a smile on my face:
@someone1348 @mythica0 @the-gingerbread-lee @tylerleeboi06 @sunsetsandsunshine <3. I love these guys so much /p.
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spookyspeks · 4 years ago
I'm offering £20/$27.72 full colour bust commissions (cheaper than usual)
I need at least three or four if I want to make it to my next loan installment
Pls dm me if you want a commission
I don't draw furries, only humans (I can't draw animals)
Payment will be through paypal
Examples of my art:
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Pls reblog I beg
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some-one56 · 1 year ago
A Dream is Not A Wish
Chapter One~Happily Ever...After?
Virgil gasped as he sat up straight. He woke up from whatever nightmare he had just went through. "Holy shit- That was intense."
However, Virgil then took in his new surroundings, which were unfamiliar to him. He was in a bedroom with seven small beds, and was currently sitting on several of them. "You've gotta be kidding me."
Virgil quickly got up, taking this time to look at the new outfit he was wearing. Thankfully, it seemed to be tailored to him perfectly, and it was quite comfortable. He was wearing a loose fitting purple and black plaid shirt with some ties hanging down from the collar. He also wore a pair of black wool pants with a pair of brown leather boots.
"Where the hell am I?" He asked himself, wondering out loud. He made his way down a spiral staircase, seeing he was, indeed, in a small cottage. A dirty cottage, as a matter of fact.
"Am I in a Disney movie or something?" Virgil asked himself, narrowing his eyes around the small room that was in front of him.
"You sure are!~" A familiar voice said from behind Virgil.
Virgil quickly turned around, his eyes widening as he saw the orange eyed creature from earlier. "You! What is... Where am I?!"
The creature laughs, snapping it's fingers. A cloud of orange surrounds the figure, covering them up completely. A male, who looked similar to Thomas and all the other sides, walked out of the orange cloud. The orange, glowing eyes helped Virgil realize that this was the creature, just in an actual human form.
"I told you I had something fun planned for you~" The person chuckled, smirking down at Virgil. "Yes, you are in a Disney movie. Snow White, just to be exact."
"Figures," Virgil mumbled with an eyeroll. "Why the fuck am I here? Where are the others? Are they here too??"
"They're in their own movies, dummy," the person chuckled, grinning at Virgil, who growled in response. "The only way you can end this is to make sure you have yourself a happy ending."
"Well that's easy enough. It's Disney. Pretty much every Disney movie had a happy ending," Virgil narrows his eyes.
"These won't," the person smirked. "Unless you can change the outcome of this story, they all will become terrifying, gruesome, and quite dangerous. You might die~"
Virgil's eyes widened at that, and he took a step back. "What...? What do you mean...?"
"Oh relax!~ I'm sure you can do it," he said, sarcastically. He chuckled, turning on his heels as he began to leave the cottage.
"Wait!" Virgil shouted. He watched the figure turn back to him with a grin. "What's your name..?"
"The Dream Keeper," the man smirked, disappearing soon after he came. A cloud of orange smoke was left in his place.
Virgil stares at the cloud for a second, before immediately beginning to pace around the room. "This can't be happening. Fuck! I need to contact the others. This is so bad."
Virgil peeks out the window of the cottage, not seeing anyone around. He quickly walks out of the cottage, making his way into the woods.
If I can get to the Evil Queen's castle somehow, maybe I can contact the others through the Magic Mirror? That's my only hope right now...
Janus groaned as he woke up, shivering from the cool air covering and surrounding him. He frowned, seeing the floor was hard concrete. "This isn't my bathroom- Where's my wine?! God dammit."
He sat up, eyes widening when he saw iron bars in front of him. He was in a prison cell. "The hell is this?"
Standing up, he looks past the iron bars. A long hallway lit with candelabras could be seen within his view. He saw a candlestick hopping down the hallway, towards him. "Ah. Beauty and The Beast," he muttered to himself with a long eyeroll.
"So you figured it out. Good job," the Dream Keeper said in the corner of the cell, smirking at Janus.
Janus glared at him with an eyeroll. "Oh please. Do you take me for a moron? I'm not Roman, Jesus Christ."
The Dream Keeper only chuckled, brushing some of the  red hair out of his face. "I hope you enjoy your stay with your Beast~ He's quite...feral at the moment."
"Whatever. I know your game here, you aren't fooling anybody," Janus says with a scoff. "I just play by how the movie goes, and then I'm free. Correct?"
"Not quite," The Dream Keeper laughed darkly. "I have a plan. But I'm not going to tell you that plan."
"You're no fun," Janus said calmly, checking his nails behind a gloved hand. 
"You'll see how fun I am when the Beast comes back, planning to make you never leave this castle," The Dream Keeper smirked, disappearing into a cloud of orange smoke.
Janus coughed when he breathed in some of the smoke, using his hand to try and clear the air.
A tiny knock on the cell caught Janus's attention.
"Psst! Monsieur!" A small voice said on the other side of the cell.
Janus looked down, seeing the candle stick looking up at him. Janus sighed, crouching down to him. "Hello there."
The candle stick looked surprised. "You are not...afraid of seeing a talking candle stick...?"
"Nothing scares me anymore."
Remus sat up, frowning when he felt sand underneath him. "Did I drown again?" He asked himself, seeing that he was also underwater.
He was in a type of cave, and each cubby held different trinkets and treasures.
Remus looked down at himself and gasped when he realized he had a green mermaid tail.
"SHIT!" Remus exclaimed in terror. "Now I can't fuck anything anymore, gosh darn it."
Remus shrugged, swimming around the treasure cove he was in, examining each of the treasures that had been collected. "I'm definitely in The Little Mermaid right now."
"At least you and Janus were able to figure out your movies," The Dream Keeper chuckled, appearing across from Remus, wearing scuba gear.
Remus just grinned, looking The Dream Keeper up and down.
The Dream Keeper narrowed his eyes. "What are you looking at...?"
"I'm trying to figure out how I can fuck you when I'm half fish."
"WH- ew- no that's...disgusting," The Dream Keeper said, but quickly cleared his throat and regained his composure. Your friends are in different Disney movies, and you'll all have to figure out how to escape~ Good luck!-"
"My only friend is Janus, sooooooo...."
"SHUT. UP." The Dream Keeper inhales deeply. "Thank God you won't have a voice later-"
"Yeah, it'll be gone from screaming your name all night~" Remus grinned.
The Dream Keeper sighed, disappearing from the scene, leaving a cloud of smoke in his trail.
Remus snickered to himself, but the grin faded when he looked down. "Hopefully everyone's okay.."
Prologue - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7
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just-some-gt-trash · 3 years ago
Big crush, small lover
I keep being lateeeeeee but here. At this rate I'm going to finish in April ;-;
This is for day 12 of @sanders-spring Moceit
I don't think there's any content warnings, but let me know if you find any!
Janus rang the doorbell of Patton's house, waiting patiently for them to open.
It had been a long time since he saw his childhood friend, college kept both of them very busy and there was hardly any time to visit each other. But Janus knew he had to be there as soon as possible when he heard Patton had been in some kind of accident while helping their aunt at work.
Patton swore they were okay and there had only been a few side effects from the substances they were exposed to, how could Janus not worry about that?! Patton did ask him to let them know when he arrived… but Janus forgot to do it.
The door opened and Janus smiled at his friend. Patton stood speechless for a moment before smiling widely, their whole face lighting up. God, Janus really loved that smile.
Patton sqealed and threw himself to Janus’ arms before he could say anything else. “I can’t believe you're really here! I’ve missed you!”
Janus chuckled and hugged Patton back, “I’ve missed you too.” With his arms wrapped around Patton, he could noticed it was getting harded to hold them? Janus thought they were pulling apart but no, and Patton's grip on his body felt tighter too.
Patton seemed to notice too, “oh shoot.” With a quick movement they grabbed Janus’ hand and pulled him inside, closing the door behind them. “I forgot, I forgot, I forgot,” they mumbled to themselves.
Janus was quite confused now, specially looking around Patton's house. All the curtains were closed, which was weird considering how much Patton loved natural light. There were a bunch of stuff on the floor or in places where they didn't belong, like they’ve been poorly rearranged after bumping on them. And there were several stools and makeshift ladders to reach high and low places, like a kid was living here.
“You forgot about whaaaa?” Janus turned around to see Patton now on his knees, back against the ceiling, and at least twenty feet tall!
Patton chuckled awkwardly and looked down at Janus, “I uh… this is why I wanted you to know when you were here.”
Janus had to back up to actually get a full look on Patton. Something was going to get into his mouth if he didn't close it soon. “Wha… this… how?!”
“The accident at my aunt’s? This is the side effect...” Luckily, Patton's embarrassment was already making them shrink… who knew how much though… “Please don't be scared, we’re still working to understand this.”
Janus noticed the change this time, he stepped closer to Patton. “So… you just grow randomly?"
Patton shrugged, “not really. We know the change is linked to my emotions but it’s not very… consistent. The first explanation the people on the lab gave me was that I grow with positive emotions and shrink with negative ones, but I’ve shrank while being happy too.”
“So it goes the other way around too?” That would be interesting to see, Patton was always the tall one.
Patton nodded, glad his head wasn't reaching the ceiling anymore. The shrinking also stopped for now, but at least he wouldn't be as intimidating.
Janus looked up at Patton “I think this is too tall even for you”
Patton giggled, “but I’ve been dealing with short problems too… sorry I used to make fun of you for that.”
Janus shrugged, “I’d say it's your karma.” He looked at Patton’s hand… just their hand was huge! A couple of feet more and he could sit on it comfortably.
Patton shifted slightly, dropping an inch or two. They knew Janus would be confused and all… but people have been staring at them for days and they were getting tired of it, “you're not… scared, right?”
Janus looked back up, did he stare for too long? “No! Of course not Patt! You're just big and it's shocking but, you're still my Patton.”
Patton blinked and blushed. They didn't know why but Janus calling him “his” made them all shy and flustered.
Janus’ eyes shot open and he blushed darkly, he said that out loud right? He cleared his throat, “well uh… is there anything I could do to help shrink you down?”
“I don't think so…” Apparently being flustered made them shrink too. Patton should write it down somewhere for their next checkup, “Could you move closer so I can stretch my legs? I don't want to hurt you or anything.”
“Sure.” Janus got closer to Patton’s body, he felt like a child on his mother's lap.
Patton extended their legs, instinctively holding Janus against him so he could get comfortable.
Janus couldn't help but blush even darker as Patton pressed him against their body. It was weird being held like this by a giant hand… but Patton was so warm.
Patton's legs were taller than Janus on their own! He used to feel small around them but this was a whole new level! He didn't mind, sure being on the smaller side was annoying, but with Patton… he always felt so protected and cared for.
Patton noticed, “oh I-I’m sorry I didn't mean to hold you like that.” They pulled their hand away, resting it on their thigh.
Janus looked up, he couldn't see Patton's face being this close to their body though. “It's okay Patt, I uh… actually like being this close to you.”
Patton's face turned red again and they started shrinking again, at a much higher pace.
Janus let out a small yelp as he felt Patton's body practically disappear from behind him. He turned around, finding a shrunken Patton sitting on the floor. They were definitely smaller than their normal size, “d-did I cause that?”
Patton looked up, seeing Janus from this angle wasn't helping them at all. He looked so tall and handsome, those thoughts only kept Patton shrinking.
Yeah Janus was getting worried now. Could Patton shrink to nothing? What if they did? How would he grow them back?! Janus kneeled down in front of his dwindling friend, “w-what do I do to stop it?”
Patton looked down at themselves. Okay they had to calm down before they got stuck too small… again, at least Janus would be here to help this time. “I- no, this is on me I’m just being weird about stuff.”
Janus raised an eyebrow. Too weird? About what?
Patton stood up, they weren't shrinking as much as before but they were definitely still getting smaller. Ugh! They weren't prepared to deal with all his fuzzy feelings! They weren't prepared before the accident and now there was no running away from them.
Janus let out a soft sigh as Patton's shrinking seemed to stop. “Is me being here making you… uncomfortable? I could leave if you don't want me to see you like this.”
“No!” Patton didn't want him to leave! Not only because moving around at barely two feet tall wasn't the easiest thing to do, but they didn't want to be alone. “I’m not uncomfortable, not around you. It's been days since they let me be back at home, and technically I can't interact with anyone… But I want you here.”
Janus had a slight blush on his cheeks, “Patt.. ugh I don't know. I don't want you to keep changing because of me.”
Patton shook his head, “I don't care. This size thing has been a pain to deal with, I don't want it to take you away from me.”
Okay, now Janus didn't know how to feel about that. Patton has been a big crush for, Janus even forgot for how long! He kept leaving flirty comments here and yhete to grab Patton's attention but it never worked. Janus thought they didn't have any effect on them but… he could literally see they did now. Has Patton liked him back for all these years.
Patton was getting desperate at not getting a response. Janus was spacing out on his own thoughts, as if they didn't have their own to deal with already. Patton was now closer to one foot but they didn't care, they walked closer to Janus and climbed his legs.
Janus felt Patton’s small body on him and instinctively cupped his hands around them. “Here, I don't want you to hurt yourself.” He helped Patton up his lap and let them sit there.
Was this what Janus felt being against them before? Patton didn't know if he could deal with it much longer. “You do have an effect on me Jan, but not a bad one. At least I think it's not bad.”
Janus was sure Patton was now smaller than he had been to them. “Uh… I affect you? How?”
“Well, it's hard to explain but I… mmm something attracts me to you. I feel safe and loved with you, and I feel like I want to make you feel the same thing.”
“Yeah… I think that's a great way to explain it.” Janus scratched the back of his head, “listen I didn't want it to come out this way. I never imagined it would come out this way, but if it makes you feel better.” Janus took a deep breath, “I feel like that too, I’ve felt like that for so long. Being away from you has been so hard, I just want to stay by your side.”
That stopped Patton’s shrinking, it actually gave them a small growth spurt. “You really mean it?”
Janus smiled at Patton, who was now at eye level with him. “I do, and I promise I’ll be here for you.”
Patton smiled and cupped Janus’ cheek. Their hand looked so small, it only made Patton a lot more flustered. “Can I?”
Janus chuckled a bit and held the back of Patton's head, “go ahead.” This was it, it was really happening! At least if he really understood what Patton meant.
They didn't wait any longer and closed the space between them with a kiss. Patton felt like a hundred butterflies were dancing on their stomach. They could feel the heat coming from Janus’ face merge with their own heat.
Janus felt Patton getting heavier as they leaned on him. He laid down on the floor, letting them lay on top of him. Janus kept going with the kiss, only stopping once Patton grew out of reach.
Patton frowned and looked down at Janus with a chuckle, “guess I got a bit excited.”
Janus chuckled back and nodded, “that's what it looks like.”
“You look adorable when I’m bigger than you.” Patton stroked Janus’ hair as they got off of him to lay on the floor.
Janus blushed, he felt a tingling sensation running through his body but assumed it was just him being flustered. Janus watched Patton as they started growing again… only to find a confused look on his face.
Looking around, Janus realized it wasn't Patton growing. He was shrinking.
Patton sat up and picked Janus up to try and comfort him, “uh… I guess it's contagious after all. I’m so sorry Jan.”
Janus was pretty sure he wasn't even a foot tall now, confusion and fear mixed together weren't good for his situation. He sat on Patton's hand and looked up, shaking his head. “You didn't know, it's not your fault Patt… but, you did say an antidote is being made right?”
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loserlovercafe · 2 months ago
。.。:+* ゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。:+* ゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。.。:+* ゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。:+* ゚
Not my favorite, but people seemed to really like it when I posted it on Tiktok so here
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lunithelummie · 3 years ago
So... It's Canon that Virgil is Remus and Janus' son
And Roman is Logan and Patton's.../j
But seriously I love them sm- this video made me so fuckin happy
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reindrops927 · 2 years ago
Dang, I really just typed out a whole poem and accidentally deleted it..... welp maybe tomorrow 😑
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