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princeofmisfortune · 15 hours ago
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Doodle dump
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sysrep-sorting · 2 months ago
Sanders Sides
Rating: 4/4
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Why this character is plural: While Thomas Sanders has explicitly stated that Sanders Sides is not meant to be a representation of DID, the plot of Sanders Sides involves each part of (the character) Thomas Sanders personality being personified and arguing with each other over what Thomas should do in various situations, often leading to conclusions about healthy coping strategies for things like anxiety and intrusive thoughts. As well as this, the sides will often have interpersonal drama that solidifies their presence as characters rather than simple representations of Thomas's personality. Kind Of Plural Evil Alter: No Erase The System: No One Dimensional Alters: No Internalized Ableism: Somewhat Ableism Rating: Good
Sanders Sides is Kind Of Plural because they have been explicitly stated not to be a representation of DID and rather different parts of Thomas's personality, but they are often relatable to systems. For the "Evil Alter" trope, I believe while the Dark Sides would traditionally be considered as part of this trope, it is subverted via the reveal that the alters are not actually evil people, rather, they are simply coping mechanisms within Thomas he doesn't want to confront. They are explicitly not actually evil and rather just socially unacceptable/taboo coping mechanisms. They do not Erase The System, and I don't see how they could as these are fragments of Thomas's personality attempting to get along. I think it would be counterintuitive to the messages of Sanders Sides to make them singular. While often I would label characters such as these as One Dimensional alters as they're explicitly only part of Thomas's personality, they are also STRONGLY depicted with individuals with their own tastes, personalities, dynamics ECT. If you are choosing to interpret this work as plural, the former is easily subverted by the latter. Because the series revolves around finding healthy coping strategies and dealing with mental illness, Thomas often expresses sentiments that Are Internally Ableist, few of these are ableism like the desire to get rid of alters, or wanting to be singular. The only component of DID-adjacent internalized ableism I can recall is his desire to get rid of his "Dark Sides", which is explicitly framed as an unhealthy mindset in the narrative. The Ableism rating, as expected from a series surrounding healthy coping strategies, is Good within Sanders Sides. The only reason they're not given the highest rating is because they're not a system ergo there's inherent flaws like the fact they're treated as multiple facets of the same personality.
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moonbeam-dragon · 1 year ago
Merry Bitchmas, Everyone!
To all the Fanders out there. We're a huge family and it's so nice to see everyone coming back after the new episode. I love to see your art and fics. Have a fantastic day or night. Happy/Merry whatever it is you celebrate. Or if you don't, just sending good vibes your way.
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lemonspades · 2 years ago
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"Hemlo famder? Is for me?
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rataticaisdreaming · 2 years ago
thanks to @rambling-prince-thoughts i'm now willing to share a full analysis on remus (the whole gang is here!). i wish my own personal headcanons and things i've found in canon can help people understand how complex remus actually is.
cw for religious commentary, bible quotes and remus being remus.
disclaimer: i'm catholic. this is not, in any way, meant to impose my religion. remus holds way too many references to the bible for me to not mention it. if this isn't for you, it's 100% okay to turn away from this post. don't leave hate when you can just ignore it. the reason behind saying i'm catholic is to show famders they can have faith and still kin remus the way i do! there's nothing to feel guilty about, intrusive thoughts just make you human 💚
so to quote our favorite trash rat: "let's start from the beginning!"
this will follow the story of cain and abel from genesis 4, which remus mentions in dwit. i'll color code who represents who according to both canon (the twins) and personal headcanon (c! thomas):
cain - remus / abel - roman / god - c! thomas
in 4 genesis 4:4-5 we see that one day, after working hard on their respective jobs, cain and abel present their creations to god. he looks proud at abel's work, but he doesn't with cain's. this makes cain angry. let me remind you green is the color of envy. we know thomas favored roman over remus' creativity during dwit, we see remus get upset over everyone constantly thinking of his work as useless or unwanted.
later, in 4 genesis 4:6-7, god questions cain's anger and tells him that only if he does the right thing, he will be accepted. if he doesn't, sin will try to consume him and cain needs to rule over it. i love the choice of words here: right thing, accepted and rule. everyone was shutting remus up, telling him how awful he was and how bad the things he said were. if only remus could be more like his brother, then maybe he could be accepted.
i have a whole headcanon on the "rule over it" part. i think remus just went insane. you see, during the split, remus got all the "bad" parts of creativity. not only that, but just like roman got thomas' ego, remus got the intrusive thoughts. the way virgil has his own anxiety. i'm convinced remus has his own intrusive thoughts.
at one point, the intrusive thoughts became so loud, he had no other option but to embrace them. in the genesis, god wants cain to resist against sin. remus in this case didn't resist, he took control over his thoughts instead of letting them consume him. he clearly knows what having intrusive thoughts feels like and that hurt him and scarred him real bad. he is okay now with being called demented, he ruled over the intrusive thoughts.
you can see there are moments where remus seems uncomfortable when they talk about intrusive thoughts. his role is creativity, but he is cursed with intrusive thoughts. talking from personal experience, i can see his distress. the screams, loud laughs and stimming. all in an attempt to shut up those thoughts, but sometimes they become too much and they have to get out. the worst part is that you blurt out horrible things like cannibalism and murder. people around you don't understand and they think you mean it. virgil was very right and very wrong when he asked: "but are they opinions that matter?"
yes, the intrusive thought itself doesn't matter. but it's not okay to imply remus' words and opinions don't matter just because he blurts out these things. he matters as much as roman, his brother deals with being the ego and pride. remus has his own issues too that should not be ignored or ruled out as "not important".
immediately after that, in 4 genesis 4:8-12, cain kills abel. god condemns cain to a life where his work will never bear fruit and he will be a restless wanderer. in the "5 years later" video, remus says: "did you know how bored i was before you decided to confront me? all i did was walk around and look for stuff in your head to fuck with!". which implies remus was free to wander around the mindscape, but couldn't be listened to by thomas until he wanted to. which happens in dwit since the thoughts became too much to ignore.
here's something really cool. in 4 genesis 4:14-15. cain says to god: "from your face i shall be hidden. i shall be a fugitive and a wanderer on the earth, and whoever finds me will kill me." god replies: “not so! if anyone kills cain, vengeance shall be taken on him sevenfold.” which in the context of what we saw in dwit, means that remus was okay to stay in the dark, but anyone who dares to go against the duke's work will suffer the consequences. we know this because the more the others tried to force him out, the more powerful he became.
(there seems to be an islamic interpretation which says that the devil whispered to cain: "hit abel's head with a stone and kill him", which i found very interesting considering roman took a morning star to the head and the whisper in thomas' head. but i know nothing about it, so i can't confirm it's true.)
i don't believe in patton or janus keeping him locked away, because c! thomas has more power than people give him credit for. remus explicitly says thomas made him the way he is, logan points out it was him who decided to split creativity: "at a young age, you filed away products of your imagination as either welcome or forbidden." it is during clbg that roman says to thomas: "you have to give us permission first..." and virgil says "you are the boss, thomas. any information you want to know, you can know. you just have to be open to hearing it."
imo, thomas doesn't know anything about himself and the things he can do. the sides are there to guide him, but i don't think any side has the power to keep something hidden from thomas if thomas himself wants to learn. the reason the sides were able to out janus was because thomas gave his permission, but in dwit the sides didn't want remus to show himself. it was thomas who allowed him in.
let's go re-watch dwit for the fifth time this week:
when he sings: “and since you haven’t puked yet, we'll know they're wrong when they call you sick.” i think it's a nice metaphor to say from the very start that “since you haven’t acted on these thoughts, they'll see there's nothing wrong with you”. he also sings about people not liking him, which makes me wonder about past experiences he had with the sides. he can also be talking about how a lot of people dislike intrusive thoughts and dark creativity.
“good and bad is all made-up nonsense!” makes sense even for me! i don't believe in heaven or hell as physical places, but rather states of self when we are alive. when you're a good person to yourself and others, you can be at peace, but you'll have a harder time if you're bad. good and bad are not extremes, they are a gray mix. just because something is seen as good or bad doesn't mean it is in some cases. intrusive thoughts are seen as bad, but they can be fun! maybe you got a meme pop into your head and started laughing? or how about being in a conversation and an intrusive thought finishes the other person's sentence and you can't keep a straight face because of how stupid it sounds?
the tree of good and evil from the genesis (also known as the tree of knowledge/tree of life) is known for the belief that indulging in pleasure is immoral, but that belief often comes from people who are not religious. good and evil actually represent “the everything”, adam and eve gained knowledge instead of just pleasure. the knowledge to see what's right and wrong, a moral compass and tons of wisdom. for example, without the fruit they would never be able to punish criminals. this tree also represents the mixture of good and evil that creates mortality. janus offering a morsel (fruit) from the tree to thomas or any side means: do not put good and evil into separate boxes, embrace your humanity, what makes you human and your life will be easier.
janus representing the snake is actually genius because he is deceit and no one will trust deceit, but janus represents someone who wants to show the truth. so to make him the lord of the lies is truly evil, mr. sanders. remus represents the truth, but he is also given an evil role. they both are there to give thomas the fruit that will allow him to be more honest and direct dealing with his issues, so that he no longer deceives himself about the ugliness within him. in that scene, while janus seems to be talking to remus, remus sings janus' part. to me that can be interpreted as: janus and i had a talk and here's how we help thomas.
remus talks about how every mortal sins and dies at some point, but they try to deny it and ignore it. remus saying he will still be there even if thomas is alone can represent how no matter how much we isolate ourselves from sin, it will always be there as part of the human psyche. might as well accept that fact now.
remus asks him: "why do you want to stifle your own creativity?" which can perfectly mean: "why are you denying and ignoring a part of yourself that can be good?" dark creativity can be amazing! take a look at your favorite horror films and games, tragic novels and dramas. they all use a perfect combination of remus and roman's creativity. without one of them, we would never have these things.
laughing at your own intrusive thoughts can be a sign of you hating those thoughts, but being so used to them you don't care anymore. remus obviously knows what it's like to hate them and try and force them out, lot of good that did him! he realized repression is horrible. you don't need to act on these thoughts, you can get them out by writing them down in a journal or saying them out loud in private. trust me, it feels way better than keeping them inside.
i really like remus recognizing he is not scary, but instead, people are scared of him. if anyone needs to hear this: you're not a freak or a monster for having intrusive thoughts or any dark interest, or both! remus is just trying to be himself and deal with a very human thing a lot of us can relate to. thats why he makes me feel like i'm not alone in this <3
i think remus threatening logan to shut up is because he thought logan would attempt to convince thomas to repress his thoughts the same way patton did. i really like that logan continues to teach amazing lessons on intrusive thoughts, why the duke is important and we can see remus listening to him without interrupting. until the last part where he is just a brat.
just remus saying there is no rhyme or reason to what he does is enough for people to remember intrusive thoughts are mostly meaningless, like virgil said. they just happen. don't take them too seriously or think too deeply about them.
i want to point out that remus becomes distressed when logan says his contributions are intrusive thoughts instead of a different creativity. like… remus just couldn’t convince anyone, not even logan, of his job. no wonder he acts like a brat in wtit. the one side who was closest to understanding him, ended up being just like the rest of them. stubborn and repressing his own feelings, that seems to be a recurring theme with our boys.
remus is able to be gentle, we can see that when he listens to virgil at the end of dwit. that genuine smile and eye contact (which he avoids for most of the episode), the calm chuckles compared to the loud laughter from before and sweet tone of his voice… it's clear that whatever happened between virgil and the dark sides, remus doesn't think ill of him. i could almost believe he misses him. i think that whatever happened, it was between virgil and janus. remus had nothing to do with it and virgil knows that. in the "happy fifth anniversary" celebration, virgil looks amused at remus. i think he misses him too.
in wtit, i absolutely adore how remus uses real traps for thomas to represent how intrusive thoughts can trap you in an endless loop of hurting. i love that he can just give thomas the thoughts without any effort, but he uses his creativity to have fun with his other job and be extra dramatic. the fact he can attack other sides, summon beings like real people or monsters AND control them, that makes me wonder how powerful he truly is. it can be a unique aspect of the twins and i would love to see more of that in future videos.
remus is not scary. i've seen scary people and remus is not it (it's what he represents that scares others). he is silly and playful, extra and dare i say, more dramatic than roman. there's a lot of curiosity from him that i believe comes from his constant intrusive thoughts, he also seems to be knowledgeable in specific topics. he is very genuine in the way he expresses himself, not really hiding anything. he is so unique and eager to spend time with the sides.
he also acts in a way that reminds me of how loneliness can affect someone when they finally interact with others. his poor ability to read the room and how others feel, the little control he has over how loud his voice can get, the constant need for attention. all signs of being neurodivergent spending a long time by himself.
remus tries to teach a lesson to logan about how he can't do everything by himself. sadly, remus is the only side around for some reason (i guess the others had a ddr tournament) and logan refuses to acknowledge remus as a potential helper. instead, he keeps seeing him as an antagonist in thomas’ day, which he is. i think remus could potentially be against thomas after being denied acceptance by the others. that's why i would love to see remus become orange’s ally in his way to create chaos. in dwit he does say he wants to wreak havoc. the dance scene can be seen as another battle between sides, logan winning because logic can be a powerful tool against the irrationality of intrusive thoughts. but since it's logan who is being affected by orange’s influence, i wonder what that will do to logan’s power over remus.
remus tried to be accepted before and he was refused the opportunity, he tried a last time in dwit and failed once again. i think he is fed up at this point, that's why he feels like such a threat in wtit. he doesn't seem to care that he is creativity anymore, instead leaning more into his role as intrusive thoughts and using his creative power to make those stronger. he looks PISSED when logan tries to talk to him at the end of wtit. he clearly doesn't trust him nor believes logan is being honest.
remus says “you're going to pretend that i don't exist, so i'll pretend you don't exist.” and logan goes about how everyone has their own role, but still cannot see remus as creativity and remus is just so mad at him and the others for that. the sides think they're acknowledging remus by accepting him as intrusive thoughts, when in reality, they're denying his main role. it's the same thing that happened with virgil, in denying virgil as helpful and thinking he was only anxiety (which is perceived as a bad thing), they saw the effects of no anxiety at all and how much virgil protected thomas.
i really like remus getting interested in logan when orange shows himself. i see it as remus finally seeing a flawed logan, which can allow sympathy since remus is extremely flawed. logan showed him he is repressing something and who is remus but an advocate against repression?
roman and remus’ relationship is extremely interesting, putting all the cain and abel parallels aside, i think they love each other the way siblings do. they banter and annoy each other to no end. roman says he doesn't like him at the end of dwit, but it's so obvious he is in denial. he doesn't want to admit someone like remus is his twin and that he is fond of him despite his weirdness. i want remus to close roman’s arc, i want remus to help roman understand that it's okay to not be perfect and still be a good creativity. if anyone can help roman feel less insecure about himself, it's his twin.
roman says remus shows him everything he doesn't want to be. remus is flawed and happy to be seen as such. roman struggles so much to keep up the mask of perfection and when he sees how happy his brother is being flawed, he hates it. the little things that make roman insecure, remus embraces them and roman can learn so much from him. they likely share a room, they spend time together or at least, remus whispers into his ear waaay too much. if you go back to episodes before dwit, you'll see how defensive roman gets over things he said that others disapproved off, clearly being influenced by his twin. i think the realization roman talks about it's not only remus being the one to influence him, but also that remus represents more than he thought he did.
i think we can all agree with roman that sometimes we see ourselves in the mirror and we see the parts that makes us flawed, we hate them and want to turn away from them instead of accepting them. remus makes people uncomfortable because the truth is, most of us see something in him that we try to deny. be it the intrusive thoughts, the dark creativity… or something as simple as having an annoying laugh. we will always be able to love ourselves and quicky find something that we hate. not because it hurts us, but sometimes… because others have hurt us for being this way. i'm autistic and i know how harsh the world can be to people who are different, but remus made me feel seen. he made me feel valid for being me! he always makes me laugh and most importantly, he makes me feel safe <3
the most beautiful thing about remus is how freely he is himself. people will try to stop you from being who you are at heart, they will call you a freak and try to shut you down. if you take one thing from remus (even if you don't like him or sympathize with him) is that true happiness can be found in allowing yourself to be who you are. without a care in the world, because the only person who can judge you is yourself. no one else. you know yourself better than anyone else, so be happy and go feral if you want. as long as you're living true to yourself and staying safe 💛
go ahead and eat that second cookie, you earned it 🍪✨ if you don't like cookies, go grab something you enjoy. reward yourself for staying strong against this mess we call world. thank you for reading! i hope you have a wonderful day/night ⛅
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nico-the-overlord · 9 months ago
Is it spelt famders or fanders?? I thought it was fanders this whole time (fan+sanders) but I see some spell it with an M sooo
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youngmonsterr · 6 months ago
I was really active in the Sanders Sides fandom from like 2018 to 2021.
I made mood boards, video analyses, and lots of fanfiction. I really enjoyed my time in a fandom space, and honestly I enjoyed writing back then too. I miss it.
I was thinking about archiving some of the old writing on AO3, but honestly I really do miss being in an active fandom.
Is the FamILY still around? Are Famder / Fander Sides still a thing? Should I make a new blog and try again, or am I just running to the past again?
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dee-as-roman · 1 year ago
I'm so glad I was allowed to stretch my legs for the last video!! *squeals* Singing all of those songs was just *dramatically faints* Mwah, ex-quis-ite! Go!! Go, my wondrous Famder's and just- *another squeal*
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hi famders quick question for. yall because I'm trying to make sense of what the fandom thinks about this. uhm.
what do you think orange is?
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milomeepit · 2 years ago
Rules: Tag 10 (or less) People you wanna get to know better!
I was tagged by @sleepyssnail :D
1) Relationship status: happily in a relationship with @black-king-white-knight uwu
2) Favourite colour: Purple and green! Specifically a minty or aqua green, but tbh any shade of either is 😗👌
3) Song stuck in my head: Swinging wildly between the music from The Owl House Finale (iykyk) and Crossing The Line from Tangled The Series/Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure
4) Favourite foods: homemade mashed potato, homemade Mac n cheese (bonus points for cauliflower), and spam musubi
5) Last song listened to: Say My Name from Beetlejuice
6) Dream trip: This is cheesy as hell, but I'd really like to do a run of all the major theme parks (Disney, Universal, Gold Coast, etc) and stop in on ComicCon, Vidcon, etc along the way. I just wanna have fun with it and indulge in my nerdy shit lol
7) Last thing I googled: ..... it may have been how to spell musubi lmao
I'll tag @sher-soc-the-famder (surprise I see you're reblogging so I'll take the opportunity to say hi lol) @thatgaydemigodnerd @horkbajir99 @changeling-ash @link-the-feral-anon @tulipscomeinallsortsofcolors @katesattic @djpurple3 (hi deej ilu) uwu no pressure if anyone's not interested obviously but love y'all!
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princeofmisfortune · 2 months ago
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How many cats are in this drawing?
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dee-as-logan · 1 year ago
Many gratitudes to all that tuned in for my Live Stream, your ideas were warranted. In fact, I have made a list of such ideas and I am going to share that with you all now.
So, as it was decided:
Roman: Shall be performing many a Christmas Play, namely The Nutcracker and, of course, A Christmas Carol.
Patton: This one was relatively easy to decide, however- baking cookies. I assure you, he shall be most joyful with that choice.
Virgil: He is not one for the Holidays, and so it was chosen that he shall watch Nightmare Before Christmas in his room. Or perhaps, listen to the soundtrack instead- should he so wish.
Janus: He shall be in charge of planning our Christmas Party, which- although I am hesitant about, I feel is a good match.
Remus: Ah, this was the one that I am most worried for. Though, it does fit him to a 'T'. However, this one shall be setting 'Home Alone' traps, with a Saw twist for added excitement.
Oneself: Ah, yes. A collection of quiet activities to get me through this Holiday. I especially like the Doctor Who portion, and doing some crosswords. Adequate.
And now for others that you Famders spoke about.
Picani: This was an easy choice, for he shall be watching animated holiday specials. Over and over again.
Thomas: One can hope that he goes on a Christmas date with Nico. It is said that a snowy setting can be romantic and help with *shudders* feelings.
Sleep: This is not much different to his normal routine, though perhaps less caffeine shall be consumed? Holiday drinking, for a full 3 or so days.
And the final decision, was that as a collective, we shall be caroling using well known songs like “Deck the Halls”, “When Christmas Comes to Town”, “Here Comes Santa Claus” all while wearing our Christmas Sweaters. Perhaps they shall be new designs? I will converse with Roman about such a project.
I rather like that robotic font, I may start using that for all future posts.
Anyway, I am going to sign off now and grab oneself a hot beverage and a crossword book. I shall speak to you all another time.
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dee-as-roman · 1 year ago
*squeal* Inside Out 2 is on its way, Famders!! So of course, I simply had to create a little video for such an occasion!!
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The TSS Fandom During a Hiatus as SpongeBob Memes
Fanders that left for Mincecraft YouTubers
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Fanders that long since got used to hiatuses
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Fanders that are trying to keep the fandom alive
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Fanders that joined other fandoms but still check in
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New Fanders that joined during the hiatus
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And lastly, shippers starving for more content
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princeofmisfortune · 2 months ago
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"Mirrors are hard to draw" I say right before i go on and draw a mirror for the 20000th time
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romanasanders · 5 years ago
Thomas in the new video: I should have just... talked to my friends about the issue
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