#living mindfully
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safe-haven-safe-place · 1 year ago
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chicagognosis · 4 months ago
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A zoom lecture for anyone to attend on Thursday, October 3rd at 7 PM CT. Beginners welcome!
Lecture Topic: Liberate Your True Self
After working with energy, the consciousness becomes enflamed and awakened. However, this type of birth is only one side of a spiritual equation. The rest of the work necessitates the comprehension and death of psychological contaminants like anger, lust, and pride. By directing energy towards the purification of the mind, it becomes possible to be fully rid of repetitious and harmful internal states, thereby enacting lasting, profound, and radical change. See how through a practice known as retrospection meditation.
Listen to the previous lectures in this course:
Join the Zoom Call:
Please RSVP on meetup.com/chicagognosis if you plan to attend. We look forward to seeing you!
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bondedbythoughts · 2 months ago
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Recognize that a good life doesn’t just happen. It's important to focus on being in command of yourself to be free from being bonded to the circumstances of your life so that you can blaze forth triumphantly,not allowing the challenges to rob you of your crown of wellbeing.Take some time to invest in personal growth to bring about positive changes in your life to elevate onward and upward.
Stop worrying about what others think.
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zibethrose · 2 months ago
Happy TuesDay kindred souls.May love and laughter be your daily bread🤗
Discover the sacredness of existence itself and use it to fuel your life in accordance with the love-centric blueprint of your divinity.
Know that People are gifts placed on your path to help you find yourself
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It is your soul that is the driving force of your life as its primary directive is to return you to Source by returning you to your true essence,which is unconditional love by attracting the people,places and things that will help your elevation to your truth.
The precursor for enacting change in yourself is to know who you are in order to Shift from occupying the constructed self towards living from your soul. The soul is always moving you towards wholenessf
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jsietasphd · 1 month ago
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ivemanifest · 10 months ago
You can look at your present moment in two ways. You can either look at your present moment in the terms of lack, of what is missing, what's not in your life and where you feel empty. Or you can look at your life in the present moment of what is, what is here now, what can I enjoy right now, what makes me happy right now, what fulfills me right now, what gives me freedom, what gives me peace, what gives me a sense of wholeness, of happiness and of true heart expansion that I can lean into right now.
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annpositivitylife · 2 years ago
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Byłam na wakacjach w górach🥰
W ośrodku w którym byliśmy mnóstwo jedzenia dobrego, ale już mówiłam, że to nie jest mój priorytet. Jednego dnia dostałam gorączki i się źle czułam 😢 i byłam nawet zła na siebie, niepotrzebnie. Niestety, nie odpoczęłam tak jak myślałam- choroba, do tego mieliśmy rozdzielone pokoje z rodziną, a już wolałam jak zawsze gnieździliśmy się w jednym, przynajmniej rodzinnie było xD. Korki na Zakopiance, deszcz, a w czasie powrotu upał w aucie. Do tego w Zakopanem masa ludzi, no i nie ma tego klimatu "góralskiego" co kiedyś. Trochę doświadczyłam za mało natury, a za dużo robót drogowych, ludzi, miasta. Dobrze że nasz ośrodek był na uboczu.
No i jak zwykle, wakacje to dla mnie trudny moment, za dużo czasu do myślenia. Jeszcze tak się złożyło, że odstawiam leki. Nie czuję się źle w takim sensie, jakby depresja czy lęk przed ludźmi wracał, ale czuję się po prostu nieswojo. Wiem, że często są takie przejściowe momenty w trakcie zmiany dawek. Szkoda że to wypadło na urlop, no ale trudno🙈. No ale czuję się dziwnie, jakbym miała PMS ciągle, zawroty głowy. Chyba się skontaktuję, bo nie wiem czy to normalne czy nie.
Staram się za wszelką cenę nie odczytywać tego w kategoriach porażki czy coś. No po prostu tak jest, chemia mózgu, wysoka wrażliwość, geny. Nie oceniam tego, staram się zachować spokój. Po prostu tak jest i tyle, moja złość ani frustracja tutaj nie pomoże. Moje zdrowie to nie są wyścigi. To nie jest tak że 0 to znaczy chora, a 1 zdrowa.
W międzyczasie wróciły wątpliwości i kłótnie z M., nawet nie wiem czemu. Ewidentnie moja podświadomość szuka problemów i nie godzi się na odczuwanie miłości 🫣, bo mnie sabotuje. Odzywa się moje wewnętrzne dziecko, poczucie niewystarczania. Chcę żeby było normalnie. I nie mieć overthink. Wydaje mi się, że większość dziewczyn się cieszy jak zaczyna się spotykać, że się podoba, może z tego powodu mają jakiś taki spokój, że jest ktoś, kto jest ich itp. U mnie takiego czegoś nie ma w ogóle🙈
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selectedthoughts · 11 months ago
There is no tomorrow; tirelessly seek always in the present moment, as it is the one you always live.
Moments go by, and we, burdened, let great opportunities pass by, to turn this present moment, while thinking about what comes next. When you are present, enjoying the moment and entering the flow of destiny; you find great fulfillment, happiness, tranquility, and even a more attentive intuition. In the becoming, it is when you forge yourself by responding with acts to undeniably complicated facts. While in the moments you enjoy, you find happiness and peace. This maintains the balance between our moments of learning and enjoyment. Making us people with resilience, speed, and empathy.
Searching is truly complicated, only, besides living fully, focus your efforts on thoughts and actions that align us with what we desire. You don't have to be a great sage to know what you want to do in your life. It is harder to carry it out, but by enjoying the moment we are living in. Doing what is in our power to find fulfillment and peace in every moment. You will find yourself doing things you really enjoy, and without a great achievement accomplished, as it will come along with all the effort, enjoyment, and becoming. The balance we have within aligns us always in the present moment.
Thus, we find a little more of ourselves that will make us who we are, but even better.
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positivepostoffice · 1 year ago
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halamanresmi · 2 years ago
Ngga Ngapa-ngapain
Sesi menyusui pernah membuatku merasa tidak berdaya karena ada perasaan "jadi ngga bisa ngapa-ngapain". Tidak bisa mengerjakan pekerjaan rumah, dan seringkali berusaha "nyambi" balas chat di ponsel.
Aku lalai mengingat fakta bahwa ketika menyusui, aku membutuhkan kalori lebih besar dibandingkan kondisi ketika tidak menyusui. Aku butuh  2425 - 2700 kkl untuk menyusui sedangkan dalam kondisi tidak menyusui adalah 2,125 sampai 2,250 kalori per hari.
Aku lalai mengingat bahwa ketika menyusui sebenarnya aku sedang melakukan sesuatu. Aku sedang menjadi perantara rezeki dari Allah untuk anakku. Aku sedang menjadi perantara kehidupan. ASI yang sedang kuperjuangkan agar bisa masuk ke perut bayi kecilku adalah makanan yang berisi nutrisi penting bagi pertumbuhan sel rambut, kulit, dan organ-organ penting lainnya.
Sesi menyusui juga menjadi pengikat batin antara aku dan anakku. Sesi yang dapat membantu mengisi tangki cinta bayi kecil ini agar semoga kelak diizinkan jadi manusia yang penyayang dan lembut hatinya.
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behaviorally-balanced · 2 years ago
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Choose happiness always. Happiness is a choice that we can make every day. Here are some simple steps to choose happiness and live more joyfully.
1. Gratitude is the practice of focusing on what we have rather than what we don't have. When we cultivate gratitude, we train our minds to see the positive aspects of our lives.
2. We all need a sense of purpose in our lives. We feel more fulfilled and satisfied when we feel like we're contributing to something larger than ourselves. Take some time to reflect on what's important to you and what brings you joy.
3. Humans are social creatures, and our relationships with others significantly impact our happiness. Make time for the people who matter most to you, whether your partner, friends, or family.
4. Taking care of yourself is essential for your happiness. Ensure you get enough sleep, eat well, and exercise regularly. Take time to do things you enjoy, whether reading a book, taking a bubble bath, or walking in nature. Prioritizing self-care shows yourself that you're worth taking care of, and that's an essential part of choosing happiness.
5. Negativity can be a happiness killer. Whether it's negative self-talk or dwelling on the past, negativity can hold us back from experiencing joy in the present moment. Practice letting go of negativity by acknowledging it when it arises and consciously focusing on the positive instead. Surround yourself with positivity by spending time with people who uplift you and consuming media that makes you feel good.
Choosing happiness is a daily practice that requires effort and intention. Remember, happiness is a choice that you have the power to make every day.
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safe-haven-safe-place · 2 years ago
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Yung Pueblo
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chicagognosis · 4 months ago
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“The balanced and harmonious function of the three brains results in the saving of vital values and, as a logical consequence, the prolongation of life.” ―Samael Aun Weor, Fundamentals of Gnostic Education
Learn how to use the experiences of your everyday life to grow spiritually. This lecture covers practical approaches to developing self-observation by working with the three brains.
New video with accompanying transcription!
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bondedbythoughts · 2 months ago
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Realign your thoughts to change your paradigm by becoming still to divest yourself of the things that do not resonate with your truth. Remember that your mind has the power to switch your challenges into opportunities, by you choosing thoughts that build you up. Allow your thoughts to echo the sentiments of your heart to live your best life however that may look for you.
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zibethrose · 6 months ago
Patience imbue you with true power.
It's the quality that you need to enjoy emotional freedom. Patience so oftentimes gets confused with inaction or passivity. Patience bears the hallmark of faith, trust, right action, and attitude, and the ability to bide for the right timing🤗Patience helps you maintain your sanity. Patience allows You to have faith that what you have seeded and nurtured will eventually give you the harvest you desire.  
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The power of patience rests on right action and divine timing. Having patience is to ascribe to the notion that there is a season for everything whilst harnessing the faith to bear or do what's necessary without resorting to complaining or wallowing in frustration. To stop yourself from becoming a “Moaning Myrtle”, or consumed with bitterness, irritableness, or temper tantrums learn to cultivate patience. 
Being patient is to tap into your personal power, your inner wisdom using your intuition and will to navigate the shitty parts of life without unraveling. Doing this will firmly put you in charge of the unfolding of your life. It allows you to bear short-term pain for long-term gains as well as tolerate the uncertainty of life itself without giving in to ineffectual behaviors such as forcing an outcome, getting into victim mode, or giving in to temper tantrums; which never gives you your desired outcome and just prevents emotional freedom.  
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jsietasphd · 1 month ago
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