#literally no awareness of their privilege
vizthedatum · 1 year
And once again… white men
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cosmicdorito · 1 year
"hozier my cottagecore lesbian bog man" shut the fuck up
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toytulini · 2 days
man the thing about beauty standards and being ugly and being pretty and being insecure is that ultimately you do just kinda have to Decide that youre pretty. like ultimately thats how you become pretty, or hot, or sexy. you have to just Decide that you Are. you have to recognize that its made up, its arbitrary, its subjective, and that people might disagree with you about it, and as much as you are able, you need to completely and utterly disregard their opinions on your appearance, and decide that youre pretty now. and THEN.
you need to find beauty in "ugly". you need to recognize that ugly is made up, that its arbitrary, that its subjective, and you need to be able to find the beauty in it all. and this means you cant bodyshame people. you cant body shame shitty celebs or politicians. you need to base your criticisms on the substance of their character and misdeeds and unhinged horrific opinions and not give a shit about what they look like. you cant go calling people ugly for being shitty. you cant go calling people ugly for looking A Way You Dont Like.
and then if you wanna really galaxy brain this shit you start using ugly as endearment. OBVIOUSLY do not fucking call other human beings ugly. that shit is far too loaded, its just Rude. Dont call specific features of people or even characters ugly cos thats also too loaded. as a term it has baggage. but you can see the ugly in tacky, loud, garish clothing, and it can be Good. you can see the ugly in a distinctive, horrible tiny car from the 90s, and it can be good. you can see the ugly in animals that have evolved to look the way they do, without a single thought of what humans find appealing. you can see the beauty and the freedom in "Ugliness". you can break out of this shit altogether and feel nothing but disdain for anyone who stoops to insulting your appearance if they disagree with you about shit. you can get completely out of the cave of these beauty standards. you can find it so freeing to revel.in letting yourself be ugly. in recognizing that the way you look and exist might be ugly to some people, and youre out of the cave enough to simply recognize. thats just your opinion and it doesnt matter. didnt ask.
you can look at ppl arguing about the correct amount of skincare products to use daily, the Correct Amount of makeup, and whether or not its radical to conform to beauty standards or defy them and argue about is it really conforming if visible makeup pisses men off, and you can say, well I dont care about any of that, I recognize the societal pressures of flawless skin and all that but you see,
I just want to look like a silly little clown :o3
#toy txt post#i wasnt gonna end this on that silly note. but then i had to#ugly#pretty#beauty standards#not saying its easy. not saying you have to do this#but like if youre tired of feeling insecure about your face your fashion. you gotta just figure out what you like and lean in#and you gotra recognize this shit is made up and subjective and arbitrary and you shouldnt be doing it for anyone else ever#i used to be insecure about a few features of mine that i feared made me Ugly. and then i Decided to try to find it pretty.#it sounds so stupid and made up but like literally i just. Decided. im pretty now. this is pretty. this shit is made up. why am i listening#to you. you dont know shit. im pretty now. AND THEN i decided. actually. im ugly on purpose now but not in a way that has much to do with#my actual appearance so much as my complete disregard for your opinion on my appearance. you gotta do it for you. you gotta dress for#yourself#ANYWAY#before anyone comes in with how beauty standards are often externally enforced via peer and social pressure:#yea bud im a human being on planet earth. im aware. thats why i said: as much as you are able. i recognize i have a number of privileges in#this regard that not everyone does. the way im given more space and freedom to dress like a little freak as a thin white person etc#but like i still had and have societal pressure to shave my legs and underarms to conform. theres societal and peer pressure to wear makeup#and i just. dont. the legs thing is less noticeable tho ill admit cos i also Hate Shorts but thats a whole complicated can of worms#which also involves i am not exposing myself to ticks like that are u insane#anyway. yea. the other magical thing about this philosophy of mine is that you also just dont have to. like you can just Ignore Me.#you can keep doing what youre doing and thats fine too#but genuinely if you struggle with insecurity about appearance you gotta just. this is the fake it til u make it shit#i decided im pretty now and it got easier to take selfies bc i was pretty then#doing art and exploring different faces for ocs and making them look different from the conventional beauty standards. also helped#and like dont get me wrong theres still shit im vain about appearance wise that doesnt matter. i still like to style my hair before i leave#the house etc. im still looking in the cave sometimes#but perhaps one day i will be as blissfully uncaring about ppls perception of me as a fuckin goby#anyway. anyway anyway anyway#if you do this things get so much easier. but you dont have to. i have no power over you
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zevranunderstander · 3 months
living and being born in a western country, especially as a white person is so infuriating. like. you're privileged and you can get everything you want at a store and all that but like, so many of the things you can buy are direct results of genocides and massive exploitations and labor rights abuses, and you can't even do anything about it. no one even really tells you about this most of the time. everyone here has a phone and it's just kind of accepted that black children die in some mines *somewhere in africa* for this, but that doesn't stop anyone from buying a fucking phone each year
and trying to bring this up always shows how comfortable everyone is exploiting the global south, because then it's always 'well, me not doing this won't change anything so why should I stop? everyone else is doing it too!', and the deeper you dig the more you realise that really any action you take makes the life quality of everyone in the global south so much worse
and if you advocate for climate change action, or go vegan, or stop buying plastic, or try to only buy fair trade, your impact obviously is only very marginally doing anything, but your interaction with the fact that western civilization is built entirely on exploitation makes everyone around you so fucking uncomfortable, that they need to turn you into the laughing stock for being such a hippie or whatever, when it should be our basic fucking responsibility to try not to be complicit in systems of systemic exploitation if we can, and people who are so comfortable in their luxury fucking laugh at people for protesting climate action and call them delusional while people in India die of heat strokes en masse
and this is just my personal take, but I hate (hate!) the sentiment on here that's like 'well it's all corporations fault, *they* need to change, we need regulations', which isn't wrong, but it's literally not gonna happen without pressure being applied. corporations only care about the profit margin and if that means burning everything on the planet alive so be it, and government regulations are slow and usually even slower because of relentless lobbying, they aren't gonna do anything if their user base is comfortable with their exploitation.
idk maybe it's just me but if you are comfortable explaining to a mother of some child that just died in some mining accident in africa, that yeah, you produced more plastic waste in a week than any of them do in half a year, and yeah, you bought two phones in two years, and yeah, you love shopping on shein and going to primark, and yeah, you eat cashews imported from the southern hemisphere that are produced on slave labour and that use massive amounts of water for one fruit, but really none of these things are your fault because it's not you who needs to change its the corporations, and I don't think you're entirely wrong, but like, I won't just sit in fucking Omelas paradise and enjoy a comfortable life on the blood of the other half of the world population just because I got lucky and was born in as a white person in Europe.
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inkybinkyboink · 4 months
semi-vent/semi-headcanon but making specifically a police officer the narrator (lockstock) was kind of crazy and perfect because like. they have the ego to be narrators. does that even make sense? you could argue that it's because he's in the middle between the rich and the poor because he's part of the law, but that's not true because cops are intrinsically harmful and biased. in a way, lockstock is an unreliable narrator. he's still violent to the poor when he's not narrating. he still kills bobby. from a story-telling point of view, this doesnt matter because to the audience he's more of a narrator than he is a cop, but from the point of view of the poor people, officer lockstock kills one of their own. i feel like there's a joke there that lockstock doesn't actually protect the city because he's too busy narrating, and when he does, he's just as violent as barrel.
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lovemeanslife · 5 months
see i genuinely love taylor swift's works but ohmygod how can you be an advocate of feminism and yet you dont talk about the struggles of the Palestine crisis and the assault of Palestinian and Arab women?
Your feminism has to be too whitewashed to be literally so oblivious to the sufferings of people after having such a HUGE fanbase and still not uttering a single word about the ongoing genocide.
and people who say that she has a choice to not speak about it and that i am no one to decide what a global popstar does, that's exactly where privilege plays a role.
we have the PRIVILEGE to NOT speak. we have the CHOICE to NOT speak. Palestinians don't even have that choice. They HAVE to resist to exist. and that is why it is necessary for the people who have the privilege of having a choice, to choose to speak up for the ones who don't have the same privilege.
and it's not just her, but several other people who have the privilege to speak up and create awareness. like please. use your privilege wisely at least.
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grishaverse-chaos · 1 year
shit I remembered this too late to add to the post I was replying to, but: people (and by "people" I mean darkl!ng stans and nikolai antis) will call nikolai an example of the White Saviour trope, and they're kind of half right in that he is a SUBVERSION of the trope
so yes, he's initially presented as that archetype - a member of the majority group, who sympathises with the minority group and uses his institutional power to improve the lives of that group
(of course, this is subverted right off the bat because he is CONSTANTLY offering to share his institutional power with Grisha: proposing to Alina, creating the Triumvirate, even the Nolniki to an extent)
but the trope is FULLY subverted at the end of RoW, when he literally addresses the question of whether he is the right person to "save" Ravka, and decides to literally GIVE all his institutional power to a Suli Grisha woman (Zoya)
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officialralsei · 2 years
How do you percieve us? Are we like a text? A voice? Or do you just have tumblr app?
I have the app! Though I have a modification to the program that will read off your questions to me automatically as soon as I recieve them. My eyes hurt from looking at the screen sometimes so it's easier to just use that most of the time, haha. I sometimes have a bit of trouble typing too, so, um, usually I use speech recognition!
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piplupod · 2 months
objectively a stupid thing to get irritated or upset by, but i really hate when people at the centre try to tell me how lucky i am for the life i live or how good i have it, esp when they tell me they had it sooooo much worse when they were my age. they do not know me. they do not know my life. they have no idea what my situation is.
they see somebody who is exceedingly polite and unerringly kind and shows up in nice clothes most of the time. they see that i draw in a sketchbook. they see that i work on the jigsaw puzzle. they see that i hold the door for people. they see that i greet people and ask people questions about themselves in a way that makes others feel seen and heard and appreciated.
now what the fuck are they getting from that that makes them think they know anything about me or my mental health or life situation!!! if anything they should be curious because I share so little about myself with people, I tend to keep things focused on others because that's safest for me. do they not question why i am at the mental health centre so often if i apparently seem like i have such a great life ????
#and perhaps this is oversharing but i have literally been keeping relapse cuts hidden under my sleeves almost all week long lmfao#which feels... fitting for this. symbolism moment lol#also i know people are self-absorbed esp if they have mental health shit going on#and i know i think about others way more than the average person. but like. cmon. do not assume all that shit about me#it was really fucking hard not to snap at this one lady today who is always telling me how lucky i am for what she assumes i have in life#maam allow me to just push up my shirt sleeve like two inches. do you see? shut up! shut up! you don't know me!!!#and i AM aware of how good i have it compared to others. i have food. i have shelter. i have the centre to spend time at during the week.#i have my old lady group once a week if i choose to attend. i have enough social awareness to function somewhat in society#i have some very nice belongings that i get to call my own. clothing that i like. public transit system. some craft supplies.#there are good things. there are privileges that i am lucky to have. i see this and i am grateful for it.#but there is also a lot that i am massively struggling without. safety for one. a family that actually cares for me. mental stability!#emotional stability too lmfao! enough energy to do more than 1-3 tasks in a day! affordable food or perhaps just a form of income!#i dont know. i'm just really tired and frustrated with people. its unfair of me to be frustrated w them bc yeah i guess i do look like-#-i have it together on the outside to people. and all these people struggle with social awareness and etiquette so... sigh.#i should not be annoyed but i am struggling to be patient with these people when they assume this shit about me#because there isn't really anything i can say to them other than nodding vaguely and smiling. like i can't argue lol#pippen needs 2nd breakfast#self harm tw
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vulpinesaint · 5 months
truly you have to participate in the compliment economy. random compliments are so rare but it's not because you don't deserve them! our discomfort with engaging with other people makes it so that only some people take the initiative to give compliments in the first place, and that's really only if there's something standout about the person they're complimenting. it doesn't have to be that way. get comfortable with telling people that you like their clothes or their hair or that they have nice eyes or a good smile or a pretty laugh or that you admire the way they carry themself or like their music taste or just that you think they're nice or smart or cool. put a little delight out into the world! once you've done that, it opens up similar dialogues bit by bit... and as a secret special bonus, when you tell someone something nice, they're often very happy to have a chance to tell you something nice in return :)
#sorry for being cringe i will always go out of my way to tell a stranger that i like their shirt.#if i'm not making pretty girls smile then literally what is even the point. and all girls are pretty girls#if i notice something i think is cool then i'm saying something.#god as my witness the nice things that i have to say will NOT stay in my head. putting them out in the world 🫡#and again i cannot emphasize enough that girls will get smiley and blush and giggle when you tell them nice things#which is far and away a reward of its own. i just think it's nice to make people feel nice...#if you see something say something. that's all i'm saying.#might make the guy out front of the ross blush and stop functioning when you tell him you like his hat#but a) he is probably not often exposed to a bunch of trans people walking by and someone in cat ears paying him a compliment#and b) he probably doesn't get complimented often!! and you have the power to change that. isn't that awesome#my thesis statement forever. you can just tell people when you like something about what they're doing in life.#i have gay people privilege so i can tell girls they're gorgeous without it being taken as creepy guy stuff#so. y'know. be aware. don't be a freak about it or put people in uncomfortable situations.#but you Can duck across the sidewalk rq to tell someone that you think their bag is cool or their shoes are nice or you like their outfit#it's free it's easy... and you'll never see them again most times so what could even be the harm...#get over your social anxiety by telling boys they have nice eyes it is going to free up your whole world /hj#valentine notes
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dockaspbrak · 3 months
thinking your opinion is the correct and only one and you're better than other people because you know best is the mind killer. Even about dumb shit. Even about big things. People have different lives than you!!!!!!!! Have some open minded empathy!!!!
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asteraceaye · 4 months
Besties on my phone I found out that people in my study abroad program cried because their parents forced them to fly economy 🧍
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creetchure · 1 year
Cool you're in America, you get to use DCUI to legally read your comics online have you considered: couldn't be me.
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etchedstars · 1 year
favorite thing ever is to go on goodreads and search up the names of books i hate to see if Everyone Else has the same opinion on it
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tomurakii · 6 months
I truly apologise but I've never found a character more irritating than Ruby Rocks. It is severely impacting my ability to watch a crown of candy because this bratty literally-the-embodiment-of-the-status-quo bitter bastard child won't stop sulking and being shitty to the only good surviving member of this royal bloodline (Saccharina).
The immediate Rocks family in general is so unsympathetic, I'm sorry but if you want me to feel bad over your personal growth journey you can't ALSO be a monarch who has absolute power over an entire nation-state. If you had literally the best education of everyone in your country and you're still an idiot I don't know what to tell you except that you're a resource hoarding pig who has not earned an iota of the power or luxury you have. They have SERVANTS and all they do is complain about going to class or doing their job. Hey if it sucks so bad demolish the state and redistribute your wealth <3 you won't <3
#shes just wrong and a brat. ive found it difficult to sympathise with the monarch characters the whole time but shes the worst of the 3#i was her age 3 months ago and I've NEVER been as stupid and ignorant and selfish as she is#youre gonna send thousands of your people to die at war over your own petty vendetta??? you grow up in immense privilege and all you do is#complain about the tiny bit of responsibility it comes with but the second someone else (who has worked infinitely harder and suffered#infinitely more) comes along and is willing to take that responsibility you hate her and talk shit and try and turn people against her#because she'll “uphold the status quo” WHERE did you get that from. she has more respect for the people and awareness about the monarchy#than you EVER have. youre a fuckin idiot rich kid. this is game of thrones-themed 1400s monarchy. some 30% of kids die in their first year#barely any of them can read. 90% of your people have experienced the death of their parents or siblings firsthand#but rather than ending the war you're gonna send MORE of them to die fighting the empire over your personal vendetta#saccharina has NEVER been pro church??? she is quite literally only taking the throne to CHANGE the status quo#meanwhile your ass would probably keel over and die after 2 seconds without the luxury that status quo has afforded you your entire life#you dont want to change SHIT. youre just mad it isnt you or your OTHER sister on the throne anymore. your dad is the fuckin EMPEROR#you ARE the status quo. “changing the status quo” means people come and take your house from you brat ass loser. it means they kill your#father. you dont want that youre just making excuses because youre a stupid brat who got oneshotted your first time leaving the castle#because despite 18 years of the best possible education you dont understand simple concepts like “people want to kill royalty”#jet died because she was immature and by god if ruby isnt carrying on her legacy
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gottagobuycheese · 2 years
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Without realizing it, she reached out and grasped both of his cheeks.
She was not an 'author' like Han Sooyoung, nor was she the 'protagonist' like Yoo Joonghyuk.
No, she was Yoo Sangah. Yoo Sangah, who was Kim Dokja's colleague and also his friend.
For no reason whatsoever, tears welled up to obscure her vision, but she still managed to smile brightly.
⸢She returned here in order to protect this Kim Dokja.⸥
Excerpt From: Sing-shong (싱숑). “Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint”.
Hugtober Day 4/? - The Person She Remembered
(special thanks to @imperiousphasmid for the last minute color fixing!)
[ID: A greyscale piece of fanart depicting Yoo Sangah and Kim Dokja from Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint. Kim Dokja is dressed in a dark suit and tie, sitting in a swivel chair facing the right of the drawing. His hands are tensed on the armrests and his feet are on the ground one in front of the other as if poised to spring away. He stares up at Yoo Sangah with a bewildered expression as she cups his face between her hands, smiling widely. Yoo Sangah, meanwhile, is dressed in a light suit and dress shoes. She walks toward the left of the drawing, her back foot raised mid-step as she leans down and grasps Kim Dokja’s cheeks in her hands, scrunching them together. Tears stream down her cheeks as she grins at him, her long hair falling forward over her shoulders while the rest cascades down her back. /end ID]
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