#listen don’t talk to me about it being disrespectful to the animators
iwaasfairy · 20 days
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drew some kaiju no 8 manga panels as anime becauseeee I wish this is what we got :<<<
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zephyrchama · 2 months
(obey me!) moments where they fall in love with you all over again
It’s dinner, and you’re talking about mundane things that happened during your day. You saw a cool bird, got some gum stuck on your shoe, and bought a new flavor of toothpaste to try. Everyone is listening intently. If only they would pay this much attention in class.
Lucifer knows the way his brothers look at you all too well. It’s a look full of respect, admiration, and fondness. It’s a look that’s often reflected on his own face when in your presence. At first he never really understood why you put up with his siblings, as the option to ignore them and be on your way was always there. Yet you continue to make time for them anyway. How unusual.
Moments like these where everyone is together and you don’t treat them as the Seven Rulers of Hell, you just treat them as your dear friends and family. That’s what makes Lucifer soft. He tries to imagine a long future of things staying just like this.
Mammon’s hesitant to lend anybody money, even you. It takes a few minutes to butter him up and fluff his ego before he relents. At last, he hands you the crispest bill in his wallet. “Don’t spend it all in one place,” he kids, knowing full well he’d do just that if he was in your shoes.
He’s curious what you plan to buy. It never dawns on him that you have no intention of spending the cash. Half an hour later, he finds it on his desk. The exact same bill, now creased and folded neatly into an origami bird.
He picks it up to wiggle the little paper wings, entranced, then looks around frantically and catches your eye. A playful smile graces your face and tugs at his heartstrings.
Leviathan is not typically one to make mistakes when it comes to anime. But even he’s not perfect.
He had it set in his mind that the new show premiered at 6:00pm, which left plenty of time to prepare the ultimate solo viewing party after school. He was humming quietly to himself when you walked over. “Isn’t your show starting soon?”
You specifically took an interest in his hobbies. You remembered that it started at 16:00 (four o’clock), not 6:00. Leviathan wondered, how could he make such a egregious mistake? You were the one who dashed back to the House of Lamentation at full speed by his side. When your human stamina started failing, he unconsciously picked you up so you’d both make it in time. You made it with two minutes to spare.
Sweaty and out of breath, still in uniform, you were able to watch the premiere together. It wasn’t until after credits rolled, you went elsewhere, and the live reactions on social media started calming down that Levi realized what a big deal this was to him. What a big deal you were to him.
Satan wasn’t expecting you to be spacing out in his favorite armchair. He had plans to read in it that evening, and considered asking you politely to move. But the way the lamp light shines on your skin, the thoughtful expression on your face while pondering ideas unknown. The way your lips part ever so slightly and your eyes gaze off into nothing. It captivates him. You look like a painting. His breath gets caught in his throat, and in clearing it he manages to break your trance.
“Oh, hey. Welcome home, I didn’t realize you were there.”
You go to get out of the chair, but Satan insists you stay. It doesn’t look right without you anymore. He doesn’t feel right without you anymore.
Asmodeus does not have wardrobe malfunctions often. His outfits are of the highest quality and a lot of care goes into putting them on. Still, things happen.
When his fans rush forward out of nowhere, sometimes they are successful in tearing his clothes. A fistful of shirt here, a mouthful of pants-leg there. Being in the center of a lust-fueled stampede can make even the most collected people lose their minds, but you are steadfast. You shout at the rabid demons, shaming them for their disrespect. You believe you can chase them off all on your own, not knowing that the Avatar of Lust behind you is exuding a killer aura and warning his fans to back off with a powerful glare.
As you sloppily stitch up what remains of his shirt so he can walk home without the incident repeating, Asmodeus is smiling from ear to ear. You’re so focused on genuinely helping that you don’t even notice the bedroom eyes he’s flashing. The scene of you waving your arms and trying to chase off a pack of demons as if they were stray pigeons is permanently ingrained in his memory. Just as your existence is ingrained in his soul.
Beelzebub knows what he likes. He knows what will catch his interest and is pleasantly surprised when a new one crops up.
One thing he likes is you. Another is food. Both are in the cafeteria. He piles a tray high with carbs and goes looking for you at lunch time, finding you seated in the middle of a long table at the edge of the room. He calls your name.
It’s unexpected, the way you quickly swing your head up mid-bite. Your cheeks are full and noodles dangle from your mouth, sauce dripping back onto your plate. Your eyes light up as you look at him from below. It makes him stop in his tracks, causing several shorter demons to walk into him. Such a simple action, yet so profound. You hurriedly chew and offer him a seat while Beelzebub powers through his emotions. He takes a seat across from you to offer a napkin, wondering when he’ll see that face again.
It’s late, far past everyone’s bedtime. Yet Belphegor forgot to tell you something during the day and decided now would be a great time. When you don’t respond to the quiet knocks at your door, he lets himself inside. Your sleeping figure looks too comforting to resist and he gets the brilliant idea to crawl into bed with you to whisper in your ear.
The problem is, as soon as he lifts the covers, you fart. It’s loud. You don’t move an inch, remaining fast asleep and ignorant of what just happened.
Belphegor freezes in his tracks to process it, but is soon doubled over on the futon laughing. The vibrations wake you. You sleepily open your eyes to see who is in hysterics and ask the obvious: “what?”
Belphegor is laughing too hard to tell you. He doesn’t want to tell you. It’s too priceless. You groggily smack him with a spare pillow and it makes him laugh harder. While he loves to look at you, that week it becomes difficult for him to meet your eyes without erupting into a fit of giggles.
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sixthwater · 8 months
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Hello! Have you been feeling a bit lost recently? Especially with all of the eclipses that we've been experiencing? Well, here is some short advice from your spirit guides and angels to help get things sorted out.
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Left → Right / Pile 1 → Pile 4)
Decks Used: The Psychic Oracle, Fairies Oracle Deck, Elle Qui Oracle, Woodland Wardens Oracle, Sacred Creators Oracle, Sea Melodies, Language of Flowers, Wild Unknown Animal Spirits,
Disclaimer | Pinned | Tip Jar | Paid Readings
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Pile One
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I began your reading and my back started killing me; make sure you’re doing proper stretches or you’re not pushing yourself too hard to wear yourself out.
There is a sense of holding your tongue or keeping yourself trapped in the closet. I just got an image of The Little Mermaid when she signed away her voice but it’s not the Disney version it’s the legitimate fairy tale, it’s also more of a choice? It’s difficult to describe; it’s not that you prefer to be uncomfortable and to hide under a mask blah blah blah, but there’s experience of pain and loss so you don’t want to do it again. Maybe you haven’t expressed certain emotions or identities, but you overheard them being looked down upon or it was made fun of, so instead you locked these emotions up and threw away the key (ex; someone laughing at you having feelings for them when brought up as a joke or someone disrespecting a sexual orientation/identity, etc). Your pile is the very first, in all of my history of reading, where I want to be completely silent and only listen to certain frequencies as well.
The advice: You need to listen to yourself and the world (in a way). You already have the answers to your questions/concerns inside of you, but you do need some help finding them obviously. You’re looking for external answers, but it’s only causing more confusion because...well everyone sees the world differently. So when you try to put yourself in those shoes, it causes more scratches on the Vinyl record that is your life, you know? It’s funny to say this but they’re kind of asking you to pull back and not move on so fast from what’s going on because you haven’t really sat with your feelings and gone through the process. What’s been upsetting you and why did it bother you. Why did you react that way. Well how did you get to Point E from Point B? Take a time out and sort these things out when you can because it’ll get you some clarity. There’s also a piece here about communicating and becoming vulnerable. It’s not exactly the same, but I need to figure myself out sometimes with talking and I end up stumbling upon revelations through discussions. You might need to have a low energy discussion with someone you feel comfortable with you so can get to these answers. You don’t need to immediately express or explain these things, but it will help you out. Some of you might need to re-route yourselves because you are lost and you took the wrong exit; it’s fine, that’s life and it’ll happen constantly. There’s nothing to be embarrassed about, if you weren’t here to make mistakes then what are you even here for. Confide in other people, ask for help, get some guidance. You can rely on those around you, not everyone will want to hurt you. I keep being nudged to an issue with identity and — for some it’s just figuring out who you are but there’s pain so if it is what i mentioned earlier, only you know yourself. People can help, but do not let them police who you are and decide what’s ‘correct’ and what’s not. The main message overall is that there is a need for you to be vulnerable with people — or at least someone. There is either embarrassment or pride here holding you back and it’s smothering emotions that end up causing inner turmoil. I would say this points to seeking out a therapist but there are no swords here, so I believe this could just point to finding people to confide in or making peace with the softer aspects of yourself that you might find shameful.
With ‘Chance’ and ‘Dive’, I believe it’s just pointing more towards diving deeper into unknown territory which would be emotions you haven’t explored yet. ‘You cant live your life dealing with surface level things’ is the phrase I’m getting.
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Pile Two
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Pretty simple so this might be short. The energy check is a bit out of reach despite how simple it seems. I think the first two songs might sum it up a lot better than I can. I don’t believe it deals directly with love, but the idea remains.
I think the advice here is to not teeter too much to one side. You’re not lacking in passion, but you might pull back too much if something fails. There’s a slim piece about being a bit scattered in where you want to go, but we’ll touch on that later. For now, it’s being enveloped by how alive you feel when you’re going after your dreams. How happy it makes you and the rush you get. I keep being drawn back to Passion Ignited as well as Aylis because they’re similar; a glowing ‘orb’ that’s placed over the chest somewhat. Ah that reminds me of The Greatest Showman. Just it’s song ‘Come Alive’, I think that fits this pile quite well. You just have to be comfortable diving into your passion and not be embarrassed, and even when making mistakes, to laugh it off and keep chasing after it. It doesn’t even have to be a dream — people call nearly everything cringe these days. Are we not supposed to have hobbies? Enjoy your hobbies, that’s the point of living. What does it matter. Express yourself and be a bit goofy, you’re a bit tense and scared of messing up right now, but it’s okay. Now before I mentioned being scattered — there’s a small message of getting a clear view of what you want in your life. Do you want to be an influencer or do you just want a good work-life balance. Or a remote job. It’s the general idea that you have which might not really be what you want at the end of the day, and they’re just asking you to clarify, because you can make certain things come true if that’s what you want. However, with just as many ‘let loose’ cards you have, they’re balanced with some grounded cards here. Also, if you haven’t reached your goal yet, don’t give up. We never reach our goal with just one attempt or in just one chapter. You will get there.
Tiger Lily...maybe my job example was on point? If you’re thinking of jumping into something headfirst with no back-up, really think about it. Make sure you have savings, you have a safety-net, you have all your bases covered, etc. There are plenty of people who can afford to take a risky route of income because other people are covering bills with an insane paycheck, or they’ve had years to build up a base. Be patient, and work dutifully to get to that place. It’s difficult, but with these really precious spread I believe that you will have much to offer people if you take your time. This doesn’t mean give up, it just means be smart and take your time.
Associated Songs: Passion – Utada Hikaru, All My Heart – Sleeping with Sirens, Tonight – Kesha
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Pile Three
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This is gorgeous. The energy while pulling cards was light and goofy and I’m understanding why now. The meaning of these cards would usually give off a blue/purple aura, since there are a lot of messages alluding to soul searching, but I believe this is more...personable? How do I explain this.
Usually when you think of soul searching, you think of The Hermit. Someone who pulls back from socializing and focuses on themselves. However with this combination, it feels more like really thinking about- I’m sorry the strongest smell just popped through my vents and it smells like Cinnamon. It is not my favorite but it reminds me of gatherings late at night, anyway — It feels like thinking about the people around you and how they reflect you and what you want in your life. You figure yourself out and what you want out of life by interacting with others. It’s not that you need others to do this, but they shine a light on certain aspects of yourself or they bring you to do activities that you wouldn’t have done on your own, thus making you have these realizations. So the advice itself is saying that you should sit on these moments and really let them seep in. They’re not necessarily telling you to isolate and do some introspective thinking, but when you have these moments, don’t push them aside to keep up with others. You have a knack for knowing yourself inside and out, and what’s best for you. I know that seems pretty normal, but it’s not necessarily common. Knowing who or what you want VS what you don’t is a good gift and you should be utilizing it right now. I keep hearing ‘don’t be satisfied’. Keep looking for things that really make you happy. It’s not in a greedy sense, but don’t think ‘well that’ll do’, go seek out experiences or hobbies that make you feel whole! I don’t deal with chakras, but all this green is hard to ignore considering it stands for the Heart and I’ve felt happy and calm the entire reading. There’s not much advice here because you might already have the answer inside of you but more like recommendations; such as going for walks, or having calm hangouts with friends or family. I think you’re already doing what’s being said here, but do your best to keep a balance of focusing on those revelations of what’s best for you and healthy doses of engagement with those around you. I don’t have to pull extra cards either, you seem to be doing quite fine honestly
(There are no songs here, a lot of light-hearted songs. Some goofy mixes. Good Time by Carly Rae Jepsen & Owl City as well as chill songs that don’t really have messages in them)
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Pile Four
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Confidence. That sums up your whole reading. Well that and some change. Right now it doesn’t necessarily feel like doubt or naysayers, but you don’t really have people to boost you up. Or you need to feel extremely safe/supported in order to really go after something — which feels more physical than spiritual. So it could be a change in majors, career, personal expression, hell maybe just changing direction with your life in terms of dropping out or not using your degree in pursuit of something else entirely. The flowers in the Deceit card resemble horns right now and it’s like opinions or external thoughts regarding the situation that can make you overthink your next steps or how you feel about the topic in general. Gosh I’m forgetting the term but in a way, they could end up being right in a sense that they affect your natural ability and make you way too anxious to perform naturally, thus making you fail. So it’s the ‘well I’m going to fail so I’m not even going to do my very best’ so when you fail you think it was destined to happen.
Your guides and angels are asking you to just take a chance and trust in the adventure. You have to move with confidence, you can’t be sheepish with this. You could be new to this change, so obviously mistakes will happen, but you can’t go into this with a pessimistic attitude. I’m seriously not getting any negative energy around you so don’t worry about that. If the world around you is dull, explore different avenues that give you joy. I’m always going to say to never just leap into the unknown without any thought, but you seem extremely hesitant and it’s holding you back from a new chapter and great experiences that are meant for you. This could be in the shape of a new job or merely just new friends who could help you gain more confidence within yourself. Again though, this pile seems more material based than the others, so I’m thinking it’s related to money matters or at the most, possibly moving but that’s a stretch. There’s a small piece of being scared to take up new opportunities because you’re not well versed in them but, you won’t know everything in the world? The only way to gain experience is to test it out. If it’s for you, then you’ll know once you try it, right?
Haha the Bear! Yeah, this is an uncomfortable time for you, but it’s urging you to sort of learn how to walk, and embrace the natural calmness yet underlying formidable strength of this animal. I’m thinking of when someone was arguing that the bear was one of the scariest predators in the world, but this card also stands for inner strength and you literally have Strength here so, you just have to be comfortable entering this new stage of life (transitions, which there are too many examples for me to list here). Don’t be hard on yourself, everyone has been in your place before.
(Not many songs, just Bends by Carly Rae Jepsen stood out)
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nexusnyx · 1 year
heyyy. so what if reader and joel got in a really big argument because he wasn’t being safe and putting his life on the line and that pissed her off. so joel gets on a horse, and rides off into the sunset in true cowboy fashion. when she’s on a supply run with some of the other people from tommy’s town, they find joel, injured and hiding out in a barn. she didn’t recognize him at first, and pointed her gun at him but when he’s like “it’s me.” she’s all like “for fuck’s sake, joel. i almost shot you.” “someone already did.” and yeah feel free to take that anywhere u want <3
that's such a cinematic idea!! you've got a good imagination, Sof. thanks for the request. — main masterlist | 🏷️: established 'situationship', post-outbreak, mentions of past attempted suicide, hurt/comfort, fluff. [WC: 1.7k]
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ˗ˏˋ꒰ foolish ꒱
All of his recklessness had a direction. A purpose.
Joel had no reason to tend to his own life with careful hands. Not when those same hands had inflicted so much damage already. When they'd caused so much destruction. He knew how to direct his anger and reckless behavior well—to protect, evade, survive.
All of that kept him away from building any kind of real relations, but that goes up in flames after Ellie. And then it really disappears after you.
Joel's scared again. He panics. He cares, and he talks about himself, and he lets spill out secrets he never once spoke about.
He's just not ready for what comes after they're out in the open.
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“I just can’t concentrate if I’m worried about you going in with your knuckles and elbows to someone’s fucking face instead of at least trying to keep it cool. y’know? I don’t know. Call me crazy, Joel. I thought you could control yourself.”
“No. That just ain’t fair. Was I supposed to do nothin’?”
“Yes! Exactly. If you’d given me at least one second—”
“He asked if you up for offer. I should’ve fuckin’ killed, him.”
“Joel, he could’ve asked ‘if the little bitch worth a quarter or 10 bucks’ and I couldn’t give less of a shit—”
“You—I swear to god.”
“He’s an animal! And a fucking idiot. But he was the idiotic animal with the goddamn information. Which we needed. And now we don’t have, ‘cause he and his buddies have ran back to wherever the hell they’re hiding and we’re never gonna see them again. And they had the real deal—they had medicine we need that are lacking in the stock.”
“I know. I know. Fuckin’ hell, I know.”
“... you know I’d help you do anything you wanted, right? I don’t care about what they say. And I’d wanna kill anyone who disrespected you like that, too, but we gotta be at least smart before we’re emotional.”
“...Tommy’s gonna fuckin’ kill me.”
“No, he won’t. I’ll talk to him. Make something up.”
“You don’t need to.”
“I know. But I’m gonna.”
“...thank you. … I really am sorry, ‘kay? I’m still gettin’ used to—I just. I saw red.”
“And I get that.”
“...you really do, don’t you?”
“Yeah. Remember how I acted at that river trade? Because of what that man said about you?”
“Couldn’t forget it if someone blew my brains away. … You’re a lil’ crazy, baby, y’know that?”
“Coming from you, Miller. That’s rich.”
“Yeah… It’s kinda beautiful. You’re like—a force o’nature, or somethin’. Fuck, I’m sorry—I’m drunk—but listen. I won’t fuck up again.”
“I know you’ve got my back. I just want you to have yours, too. I worry about you and how you dive head first into dangerous shit ‘cause when it comes to you, you don’t think.”
“... had no reason to, ‘till recently.”
“Well, now you do. Should’ve always had, but now you really do ‘cause there are people, like Ellie, like Tommy, like me, who are gonna be pretty pissed off if you’re stabbed again anytime soon. Don’t make me go feral and have to kill a fucker ‘cause you know me by now. I have the whole thing where I have to bury the bodies I’m responsible for and, honestly—have pity on my back’s sake, Joel. I don’t got the back for that shit anymore.”
“You’re so—can’t believe your fuckin’ jokes sometimes.”
“You’re laughing.”
“Yeah, ‘cause I’m crazy too, obviously.”
“‘don’t got the back for it’. You’re—You know, I never thought I’d be this happy I didn’t blow my brains out. Last time I thought that Ellie was standin’ on top of a fuckin’ dinosaur and—”
Joel shivered.
You found him as you were searching a barn on a supply run with Tommy, the day after he ran away on Shimmer’s back.
A stom had followed his departure, not minutes later, and he was still out of the gates when the time to close them came by, which meant he’d been locked out. Tommy was the one to give the ‘ok’ for the gatekeepers to shut them down, his face twisted into a painful twist and an apologetic look sent your way, but it was also Tommy who nodded his agreement to go with you when you announced you were going out the very next morning despite the horrible weather and the feet of snow making everything ten times harder.
It was obvious to you he couldn’t have gone far.
When you find him, Joel speaks up first. “It’s me.” He somehow heard you coming before you saw him.
Of course he did. It’s Joel.
The voice still makes you flinch—Joel was kneeling on the ground with his thickest jacket wrapped around him and his knees pulled up, and—”Jesus Christ, Joel. I almost fuckin’ shot you.”
As you’re lowering your gun, he goes. “It’s happened before.”
It’s such an oddly-timed joke that it halts your steps toward him, but then, his eyes find yours and it happens, just like always. You two share a private, ‘this is a fucked up joke, but we find it funny either way’ laugh. The same one that bonded you two.
You kneel beside him, taking out the blanket you brought in your backpack exactly for this, and wrap it around his shoulders, rubbing him up and down on his arms and his back.
When you’re satisfied with your job — he quit shivering — you finally make eye contact.
“You got stuck because of the storm, right?” your question comes out in a whisper, and your breath fogs up the air between the both of you.
You didn’t run away, right?
Joel takes a deep breath, and nods. His eyes close for a moment before he leans in slowly until his forehead is touching yours.
“Told you I wouldn’t do that.” Joel said those words a couple of months ago, and you still had trouble wrapping your head around them. I ain’t goin’ nowhere. I like it here. With you.
“‘kay.” Your lips search his in the dark and find them waiting for the kiss already. With your hands still on his shoulders, you can feel a lot of tension dissipating when you sigh into the kiss, and Joel seems to fully come back to his body. You pull away against your will, and take a few seconds before you’re able to open your eyes.
His warmth always spreads through you like an oven slowly heating up.
“‘m sorry if I scared you.”
It’s inevitable—a smile blossoms in your face, and you start laughing.
“What?” Joel asks, confused and serving the biggest doe eyes in your direction.
For someone who punched first and asked questions later, a night stuck with the howling story winds made quick work of reminding him he was cared for. “Nothing.” I love you. “You did scare me. I spent all night thinking about whether you were okay or not.” The doe eyes seem to glisten with the soft light, and it pulls you in to seal your lips on his again. “But it’s ok. I just wanna go now and run you a hot bath and massage… all of your body. Is that ok? Can I do that?”
Joel’s eyes said I’ve never felt more vulnerable and that’s going to be a lot, but it also said it’s exactly what I need and I don’t know how to say that out loud. From his lips, it came out, “I… yeah. Yeah, ya can. I wanna… Wash your hair. And—you. ‘s that weird?”
“It’s not.”
“I like that smile on you. ‘s my favorite.”
“I am so happy I left Tommy behind.” Joel laughs at that, and he makes a move to get up. “I’m serious. We’d never hear the end of this.”He gets up with your help, and you two can walk side by side, leaning on each other and not speak of the storm that passed and carried more than just heavy snow all around. The things that are rising and growing between you are deep-rooted somewhere—nothing seems to shake you and Joel away. Only closer together. Tighter. Realer.
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🏷 @sakuralikestars — @mostardentily — @thegreat-annamaria — @leiticia — @polyglot-noodle — @casssiopeiaaa — @levylovegood — @simply-sams-things — @lavenderhhze — @gracie7209 — @waywardwolfbonklight — @shadytalething — @yesimwriting — @celestialstar111 — @averysblog — @pedrostories — @fleursirvart — @sirtommyholland — @capbrie — @hawsx3 — @superflymaterial — @ashleyforeverareject — @girlofchaos — @queerponcho — @am-3-thyst — @nyotamalfoy — @my-tearsricochet — @ponyboys-sunsets — @peqchsoup
ㅤㅤㅤㅤ* . join my Fireplace celebration. * | send me mail 💌
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waywardseraph · 4 months
Scrolling through tumblr has been a rollercoaster today. Tons of Sam lovers slandering Dean. Tons of Dean lovers slandering Sam. I don’t understand the hatred. And it may be in part that I don’t consider myself a ‘Sam person’ or a ‘Dean person’ so there isn’t that divide there. I am a Winchester person.
Sam and Dean have both made mistakes. It’s okay to admit it. For example: when Dean was sent to purgatory and Sam never looked for him. That was a mistake. I didn’t agree with that and still don’t. Another example: when Dean tricked Sam into giving Gadreel permission to occupy his body. That was a mistake and it was wrong.
Admitting that isn’t blasting hatred towards Sam or Dean. I understand why they did it. I understand how hard it had to be to make those decisions. You have to understand that you aren’t in those situations when watching the series; so you are able to think it over with a rational mind. Sam and Dean wasn’t given that privilege. Their decisions were fueled by emotion, so naturally, mistakes were made. And it’s not right to hate either of them for it. You can hold them accountable and not like the decisions that were made, but that doesn’t mean you have to be disrespectful and slanderous.
To elaborate on the ‘I am a Winchester’ part in the beginning, I’ll start with Dean. He is not a love interest to me. I believe that if I was in the series then Dean would be a brother to me. I relate to him a lot. And not in the “this is my favorite character, so I’m gonna change my personality to be just like him” kinda way.
I grew up on the road. I never had a house, never had a room. My family and I were crammed into hotels for my entire life, traveling between states to follow my father’s job. The longest we ever stayed somewhere was a couple weeks at most. Countless schools, no friends, no freedom. At the time I was the youngest (I am now the middle child) and all the responsibility fell onto me. I won’t elaborate further on that subject but it was a lot. And all of that doubled when my little brother was born. It was hard and I struggled, both mentally and physically because of it. When I did reach out for help, I was shut down or ignored, so I learned to cope by myself. To smile through the pain with the quote ‘Fake it til you make it’ cycling through my mind. I am 21 now and can’t say that much has changed. I could go on and on but will cut it short for your benifit.
On to Sam. Him, I consider a love interest. His ability to go through so much trauma that barely anyone could hold a candle to, yet still not belittle those that are expressing minor trauma is heart warming. He is gentle, expressive, compassionate, and caring. He tries so hard to belong even when he expresses multiple times throughout the series that he doesn’t feel pure. As someone surrounded by a die hard Christian family, I know the feeling. With Sam, I feel like I could sit for hours and talk with him, never worrying if he is listening or wishing I’d just shut the fuck up. Not to mention I love animals and I think Sam would absolutely adore Tigger, my holland lop rabbit.
With all of that being said, I love the Winchester brothers so much but for entirely different reasons. They both hold a special place in my heart.
And Cas, that beautiful winged man, I relate to him as well. But since this post is about the Winchester brothers, I didn’t include him. But just know, you are in my heart as well. Squished right in the middle of Sam and Dean.
If you read this far then you deserve a reward. Here’s some pie: 🥧 (Dean made it himself) Enjoy!
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wbswag · 12 days
I cant believe you were gaslit for saying Overhaul was right I'm gonna rewatch that arc cause it's my favorite I've only seen it twice and I dont remember much but resently I've fallen in love with Overhaul and Shigaraki so I need to consume their content again BUT I DIDNT KNOW OVERHAUL DIDNT ACTUALLY REALLY START ANYTTHING THERE also about the compress thing he wasn't really trying to take Compress out I dont think, he just got too close to him and he swung at him taking his arm he like got a little YO BACK UP scared I guess? Idk, SOMEBODY SAID IN A YOUTUBE COMMENT THAT OVERHAUL WAS EVIL BUT YOU GOTTA ADMIT HE HAD A HUSTLE IN MIND WITH SELLING TO THE HEROES AND VILIANS 😭 I wonder what it would be like if the LOV did actually work with the Shie hassaikai I was reading a fic where somebody did actually make them work together and its funny
Yes. For so long… they all told me… “Oh, Chisaki started it, he was talking so much shit!!” “Well, Chisaki was talking smack so he deserved it” “Chisaki was being a jackass for no reason so it’s all his fault”
And then I read it. Now I don’t know if I’m missing something, but huh??? Idk if it was like, different in the anime vs the manga, but huh??? Now okay, to be fair, idk why but I’ve always had trouble telling when people are like… being mean/harsh, especially with their words, so idk if I’m just misreading it, but to me it seriously seemed like the LOV were the ones who started shit?? Bc first off, Compress was the one who “smack-talked” (straightforwardly criticized) the Yakuza first (which Chisaki didn’t get upset about!!) and then it was Magne who attacked him first, and then Compress followed her blindly into battle. What exactly did the League expect him to do?? Stand there and let them kill him?? Listen, both sides were being assholes. But Chisaki was not the initiator.
He’s evil but he looks cool doing it (he looked good in the anime. He looked like something carefully sculpted by the gods’ own tools and hands in the manga). He did seriously have something with the whole monopoly-on-the-market plan, which strengthens his point that he was better equipped to be leader than Shigaraki at the time. Although, I do understand that it’d be disrespectful to just say Shigaraki, the successor of AFO, shouldn’t be the next leader. lol. Chisaki still made a strong argument though.
But yaknow, as much as I might give off the impression I don’t like the LOV when I talk about this, I actually absolutely adore them. I love the LOV bro, they just were not as right here as people say they were imo. 😭 I do really wish that they and the Shie Hassaikai would’ve gotten to genuinely be a team, but we know why that couldn’t happen 😔 I love AUs where they work together though :D
Btw, I love your art. Esp how you draw Chisaki. Keep doing what you do
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metalandmagi · 9 months
Hello....If you don't mind me asking, who are your favorite romantic relationship's couples in books/ manga/manhwa/ anime/movies/tv series (can be canon or non-canon)? Why you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before....
Hope you don't mind if the same person ask a different questions. Thank you so much @metalandmagi .....
Funny you should ask, because I was just listening to a podcast episode about favorite fandom ships, and I had actually started making my own list that I was going to post anyway! And I don’t mind you asking, since I don't really have people to talk to about this stuff. I like looking at your blog and seeing other people’s answers too!
Here's my top ten! These are going to be kind of repetitive because I’ve already talked about these fandoms so much, but these are my favorite CANON SHIPS, meaning they’re actually together or at least have kissed or something. I have a million non canon ships.
10. Jem, Will, and Tessa from The Infernal Devices- I wanted to keep myself to one ship per fandom, but I couldn’t help it, I just love this OT3 so much. I don’t care what anyone says, they are a poly relationship, not a love triangle (and I maintain that if Jem wasn’t already dying, he and Will would have realized they loved each other romantically, and their parabatai bond would have fucked them over eventually). They all have an equal amount of love and respect for each other, and they balance each other so well. And I appreciate that none of them are relegated to being “the overly jealous partner who ruins everything for the other two.” We get time with each of them and love them all equally.
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9. Patroclus and Achilles from The Song of Achilles- Call me a basic bitch, but these two are unparalleled in terms of doomed romances. I love friends to lovers, and the story is so widely spanning that it gives their relationship such gravitas.
8. Yona and Hak from Akatsuki no Yona- Still haven’t finished the manga, but these two are god tier for fantasy romances. I love that they completely lose their minds over each other whenever they are not within arm’s reach, and they’re another great example of childhood friends to lovers. Hak’s “teasing” attitude in the beginning of the series wasn’t my favorite, but it’s funny to look back on it later, knowing that he’s so in love with Yona and would murder the first person to disrespect her. 
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7. Shigure and Akito from Fruits Basket- Because why would I choose one of the normal, healthy relationships when I could go for one of the most fucked up romances in shoujo? These two…I don’t even know where to start. They’re the definition of toxic for most of the series, but by the end, you’re really rooting for them to be together with the Sohma family curse broken. Shigure is desperate for the curse to be broken so he can prove to Akito that he loves her without them being tied together by fate. Akito feels like she needs the curse because otherwise everyone will leave her forever. Akito sleeps with Kureno. Shigure sleeps with her mom. They’re “gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss” meets “mansplain, manipulate, man-whore.”
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6. Sasaki and Miyano from Sasaki to Miyano- What can I say? They’re just so freaking cute! I think they represent the romance a lot of people in fandom want, because they bond over manga and slowly come to learn more about each other. Sasaki never pressures Miyano to return his feelings, and I appreciate the patience he has in waiting for Miyano to give him an honest answer to his confession.
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5. Jesper and Wylan from Six of Crows- Another basic answer, but these two are so entertaining whenever they’re together. I love that Jesper starts out teasing Wylan relentlessly about looking like a pampered rich kid (despite the fact that Wylan also lives on the streets), but Wylan deadass saves the group time and time again, so Jesper comes to respect him more. This is how you do teasing in a relationship: they get under each other’s skin but aren’t complete dicks to each other. And I appreciate that the Shadow and Bone show changes their dynamic slightly while keeping the chaotic duo the same at their core. 
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4. Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase from the various Percy Jackson series- The pinnacle of middle grade/YA romance. Nobody else is doing it like these two. What works about their relationship is that we truly believe their friendship as 12 year olds before they start to have feelings for each other. So many times, authors shove two characters together because they feel like they need a romance, but Percy/Annabeth progress so naturally. They tease each other, but they know they’re both capable individuals at the end of the day (and their wildly different brands of intelligence work so well), and as long as they’re together, they can get through anything.
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3. Hua Cheng and Xie Lian from Heaven Official's Blessing- I’ve shipped these two for much less time than these other ships, but they have smashed their way to my top 3 ships of all time. How do you compete with a god who’s fallen from grace and his eternally devoted follower who would burn the world down to see them smile? How do you compete with Hua Cheng, who has stayed by Xie Lian’s side for hundreds of years out of pure devotion, but not in a creepy or weird stalkery way? I think the biggest thing this ship has going for it is its sincerity. Hua Cheng doesn’t stay with Xie Lian because he’s hoping Xie Lian will fall for him eventually. He doesn’t believe he’s even worthy of Xie Lian’s love. But he stays anyway, because that’s what unconditional love is like. You stay when the one you love is at their lowest and you can’t do anything to help. You stay when they’re fighting the heavenly emperor and kick ass alongside them. You hold an umbrella over their head when it's raining blood and carry them across the ground when it's littered with corpses.
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2. Magnus Bane and Alec Lightwood from The Mortal Instruments/Shadowhunters- These two have destroyed me over the years. I think the best thing about this ship is how they bring out the best in each other and have changed each other’s lives for the better. Magnus is so outgoing and free spirited, but with Alec, he wants to “settle down” (lol) and raise a family. Alec started as the personification of the frowny face emoji, stuck in the closet with a stick up his ass, but now he’s basically running the shadowhunter world. They’re the perfect example of “opposites attract” who have changed their world simply by being in love.
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1. Damen and Laurent from Captive Prince- Speaking of couples who change their world simply by being in love…I don’t know if any other ship will top them for me. All the other enemies to lovers ships can get the fuck out. They’re nothing compared to Damen and Laurent. So many times, people will write “enemies to lovers” or “hate to love” relationships that are just two characters snipping at each other or bullying each other for no reason. Get that shit out of here. These two start with the purest, most honest loathing possible. They hurt each other in countless ways, but they come to learn each other slowly. They have every reason to be enemies, but they come through each layer of trauma with love for each other. They’re the kings (pun intended) of this trope.
Honorable mentions: Nick and Charlie from Heartstopper- They’re just so wholesome and sweet. The progression of their relationship from like to love is so realistic, and they’re basically the live action/book version of Sasaki and Miyano.
Ronan and Adam from The Raven Cycle- (haven’t read the last book in the Dreamer trilogy, but I hope nothing bad happens). Their differing brands of chaotic energy compliment each other perfectly, and as a reader, the slow realization that Ronan is in love with Adam was so eye opening and satisfying in a way few other series have been able to capture.
Just for fun, here are some of my “less canon” ships too.
* Inej and Kaz (they're practically canon, but they never explicitly say they're together or in love...but we all know they are)
*Kylo Ren and Rey (also practically canonical since they've at least kissed)
* America and England from Hetalia (if I really want to go back to my fandom shipping roots. I read nothing but fics for them for like 2 years in high school 😅)
*Izaya Orihara and Shizuo Heiwajima 
*Hinata and Kageyama
*Carole and Tuesday
*Link and Sidon
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tinyozlion · 1 year
TinyOZlion's GW Episode Guide for People Who Aren't Gundam People: Episode 01 - “The Shooting Star She Saw”
ᕕ( ᐛ)ᕗ OH boy oh BOY! It's time for PGW's first episode analysis! Let’s get started!
First let me pop in my 20 year old VHS tapes! ...Wait, I can’t. I don’t have a VCR player anymore, huh. Well, okay, let me just pop in these 20 year old DVDs! ...Nope, I can’t, computers stopped having disc drives in them. So... I guess. Uh.
Okay. Listen. Hear me out: I’ve bought this entire series on TWO redundant formats already. I’ve bought every manga. I’ve bought posters. I’ve bought model kits, I’ve bought figurines, I’ve bought toys. 
–80 minutes and 2 seeders later– 
Wow, so this is the Blu-Ray edition huh? Let’s check it out, how different could it bbbvvhOLY SHIT
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It’s so…… crisp.
This feels intimate. I shouldn’t be seeing the Gundams like this. They’re… they’re so… clean.  I don’t recognize any of these people without the artifacting, the scan lines, the VHS blur.
I can see all the cel jitter??
No… NO! This is wrong. This is DISRESPECTFUL.
God never intended 90’s anime to be viewed at 1080p! It wasn’t DRAWN in 1080p!
And yet… the color quality…  that seductive line definition … 
Fine, The Crispness, you win. I’ll watch my anime in high definition, but I WILL NEVER FORGET MY ROOTS!!!!!!
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...Actually fuck that, this is gorgeous and I’m never going back. If I ever have a few hundred bucks burning a hole in my pocket I guess I’ll just buy it AGAIN. To be responsible.
OKAY. Now we can start.
Note!: While this Episode Analysis is sort of 1/2 walkthrough for new viewers and 1/2 refresher + commentary for returning Wing fans, what it ISN'T intended to be is a full episode summary (for really good episode summaries, you can go here!) However, I am going to be going over this particular episode with a fine tooth comb, because episode 01 is by far the worst offender of the series. It’s got it all: bizarrely worded dialogue, mistranslations, delivering a bunch of new information to us by taking it out of the fridge and pouring it directly down the back of our shirts...  Later in the series I will be grouping episodes together to cover more ground, but this one is a doozy, so it’s getting its own solo entry. Get ready: The pacing of this first episode is BONKERS. Things are going to move very fast, and a lot of new concepts are going to be dropped in quick succession.
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With high expectations human beings leave earth to begin a new life in Space Colonies. HOWEVER– (the way Optimus-Narrator says “However” lives in my brain as a permanent sound bite) the United Earth Sphere Alliance gains great military powers, and soon seizes control of one colony after another– in the name of “justice” and “peace”. The year is After Colony 195– Operation Meteor: in a move to counter the Alliance’s tyranny, rebel citizens of certain colonies scheme to bring new arsenals to the Earth, disguising them as shooting stars. HOWEVER– the Alliance headquarters catches on to this operation... 
This intro is actually very succinct, clear, and to the point– IF you already know what to expect from this genre. (In my section on the history of Gundam in Japan and North America, I talked about how Wing's opening exposition was written based on the assumption that everybody watching would already be familiar with the basics of the Gundam franchise, so all that needed to be explained for Wing was what was departing from the original.)
--The main takeaway from the exposition is that A) There are Space Colonies, B) The earth is oppressing them via its military, using big robots to terrorize the small squishy people living in the space hamster wheels; and C) during something called “Operation Meteor”, an unspecified resistance group from the colonies sent secret weapons to earth. 
Earth Big Military Bad, Space Colonies Oppressed, Space Colonies Send Five Mystery Weapons To Earth To Do Something About It.  Okay we’re all caught up. 
--Oh, what are the big robots? They haven’t been introduced yet– presumably because every single person watching this Gundam show already knows what Mobile Suits are, and knows that a Gundam is a big, special Mobile Suit, right? Unless you’re me, and nine years old, and watching it for the first time in America in the year 2000 AD. So just in case you're me from then and I'm me from now, let me clarify: the big robots are called “Mobile Suits” and this is a show about them. They aren’t Transformers, they need a person inside to make them go.
Let’s meet some of them, shall we?
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--In this really very pretty opening sequence, we are shown the five mysterious capsules shooting down to the big blue marble that is earth. Fun science note: compare these to the Apollo command modules, and other vehicles designed for reentry! 
--We cut to an Alliance surveillance satellite. The crew has picked up the Secret Colony Weapon Gashapons on their radar, but have no idea what they are. It’s probably just space debris, but just in case it’s Something Bad, they decide to let the closest available military person know about it, so someone with guns can deal with it. 
--It is indeed Something Bad, and the military person they tell about it already KNOWS it’s bad, because he’s a main character and his name is Zechs Merquise. He’s the handsome fellow wearing a strange helmet/mask.
He is immediately dismissive of the Alliance satellite crew, because to him it’s obvious that space debris wouldn’t “ride the wave course to earth”. I have tried my best to identify what a “wave course” is, to no avail. I’m assuming that here it means a standard or safe path for reentry vehicles to take. 
(EDIT: It turns out "wave riding" is a thing from Zeta Gundam! It is indeed a procedure mobile suits use to "surf" with a heat-shielded device for safe atmospheric reentry! Now we know!)
--As alluded to by the Narrator, the Alliance (or at least, this particular and very significant group of people currently associated with the Alliance) does in fact know something about Operation Meteor (or “M”). They being to close the gap on the one capsule out of five that they can catch up with. 
–And here’s our first round of confusing dialogue! Goodie!: 
Zechs: “One would do just dandy. A hired front line soldier mustn’t rush to battle.” Soft-Spoken Zechs Groupie Who Doesn’t Get A Name So I Will Call Him “Milo”:  “That’s quite the bold statement, sir.” Zechs, chuckling: “I told you. I am a True Soldier.”  
–Now, what the fuck does any of that entail. Allow me to explain:
Firstly: Zechs indicates that catching up with only one capsule is fine (or “dandy”), because Zechs suspects this encounter will lead to combat of some sort, so even if it WAS possible to catch up with more than one capsule, it would be risky to engage multiple targets of unknown abilities. “A hired soldier” would be especially unwise to do so, because they’re not fighting for anything particularly meaningful– they’re just there to do a job, and why be in a hurry to die for your salary? 
--This is our first introduction to Zech’s ethos on fighting and what it means to be a soldier, or “True Soldier”. This is also our first introduction to one of Gundam Wing’s Big Important Vocabulary Terms! Which you can find explained in detail in the Dictionary Section.
Unfortunately for us, “Soldier” and “True Soldier” will sometimes be used interchangeably, but they mean very different things. 
Zechs is a man deeply concerned with chivalry, honor, and purpose– the morality and aesthetics of combat. A “soldier” might be someone paid to fight, enlisted with no particular goals, or deployed on a mission that doesn’t involve them– but a “TRUE Soldier” is someone fighting to prove something, to advance their goals, to test their own limits in battle with a worthy opponent, to discover something about themselves in the process of fighting. 
Soldier-I’ve-Named-Milo gives him a Look™ and says “that’s bold of you sir” because Zechs is most certainly not a hired soldier-- as we'll soon learn, he's OZ's ace pilot (more on OZ later), known for his exceptionally fast reflexes and high speed MS combat, which has earned him the moniker "Lighting Count". So while he isn't actually the type to jump into things before understanding what’s going on-- unlike some other people we're about to meet in this episode-- not rushing in combat isn't really what he's famous for.
Also, he’s being kind of a prick! Calling everyone else hired guns and then doubling down by reminding them that HE is a True Soldier?? Yikes!
...Or at least, that’s how the scene reads in English.
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First-Episode-Zechs is really laying it on thick for us. And if you’ll take a quick peek behind the curtain with me: Zechs isn’t written this way past this episode. Or really, past this HALF of the episode.
But, if one is looking for an in-character explanation for this dialogue as it stands, it’s possible that First-Episode-Zechs is a glimpse into what a cocksure ace pilot raised on Treize’s idealism (more on that later) is like, right at the peak of his so-far spotless career, and in the last moments he’ll be able to afford this kind of unbridled arrogance before the world conspires to humble him. 
Honestly, that would be in keeping with the way ALL the characters are depicted in these early episodes: each naive or overconfident in their own way, not yet having been forced to challenge their ideals.
–But! this might also just be one of many localization fumbles. A fan translation of this scene indicates that what Zechs might actually be trying to say here is more like:
“No need to chase after more work than we signed up for, we’re all just grunts on the front lines together after all”
and Soldier-I’ve-Named-Milo is therefore responding to him more like:
“That’s a bit cheeky of you to say, Mr. Best-Friends-With-The-Colonel Ace Pilot The Lighting Count Merquise.” 
(...I’ve lamented this before but it’s DAMN HARD to find alternate translations of GW's script, and I'm limited by being a feeble monolingual English speaker. If you’re reading this and have more expertise than I do on this matter and want to share your insights / sources, please know that I'd sign over my soul to see them.)
–On a side note, I love how super crunchy Zechs’ voice is in this first episode. As one astute comment I read once suggested: you can tell Brian Drummond was coming down from playing Vegeta. He still had some of that ol’ Saiyan phlegm in him.
– And now for a brief interlude from our scifi high-politicking to witness some relatable familial drama!
I appreciate this contrast! The important takeaway from this scene is that Relena is the daughter of Vice Foreign Minister Darlian, an important dignitary who mediates between the Earth Sphere Alliance and the Space Colonies. They’re on their way home from one of his frequent business trips to space. 
A vague spoiler, but I find it bittersweet how Zechs is unaware that Relena is on the shuttle about to be caught in the crossfire, and by showing up, he is saving her life.
Zechs: “So that’s their little battle seed, all ready to sprout into new battles.” Soldier-I’ve-Named-Milo: “Ha. Operation M.” 
--I get the feeling that Milo is used to Zechs-isms by now and is just like “Oh lieutenant, you kidder,” whenever he says some wild allegorical shit he just made up. 
Anyway, here’s the thing about “battle seed”– this is obviously an idiom that we've done poor service to. But in the original, it’s apparently “Battle EGG”, or perhaps, “EGG OF WAR”. Does that help? No? Well that’s all I’ve got for you. Sorry.
Soldier-I’ve-Named-Milo: “It moves just like a bird…”
Aw, Soldier-I’ve-Named-Milo, you’re so cute when you talk about the enemy death machine. Of course it moves like a bird, it hatched out of a Battle Egg! 
Soldier-I’ve-Named-Milo: “Let’s wake him up with our machine gun!” Zechs: “No. No machine gun for him– Shoot him down!” Otto: “But, Lt. Zechs…!” Zechs: “We were told the purpose of this operation was to bring in the weapon, but it’s not the weapon, (the real target) is the fighter pilot inside!”
Now, I know “don’t shoot him with the gun, shoot him DOWN with the gun” sounds stupid, but really he’s just saying “No warning shots.” 
Whatever kind of new technology they’re up against, strafing it with a machine gun would be like hitting it with spitballs. What they need to do is get the enemy craft out of the air and capture the pilot, and the carrier ship’s machine guns just aren’t going to cut it. --Which is why Zechs is about to hop out and try and fuck it up with a Mobile Suit.
Fucking things up with a Mobile Suit is what Zechses like best. 
--It is worth noting that Zechs immediately clocked the pilot as the most dangerous and valuable part of the enemy operation (because of course! Pilots are warriors, and warriors have honor, and a warrior’s honor is proof of humanity’s worth). Mind you, this is moments BEFORE they see the actual Gundam, but nevertheless, this is a significant value statement that will be important throughout the series: It’s the people that matter. It’s always the people that matter. The weapons are secondary. Even if superior technology grants someone an edge in battle, a weak person behind the controls will always betray themselves.
This is partly why Zechs doesn’t use the Aries MS that’s designed for flight, despite this being aerial combat; he goes in his preferred Leo suit, which is your bog-standard humanoid canon fodder Mobile Suit used as ground troops. This seems like a suboptimal choice, but Zechs lives by the idea that a good pilot can overcome the limitations of their machine. 
And this is put to the test literally the instant he drops. 
–The unfortunate aspect of this scene happening in Episode 01 is that the viewer will have no context yet for exactly how absolutely, impossibly, ludicrously impressive this stunt is. Zechs not only isn’t dead after this, but he manages to fuck up a Gundam using a Leo, which is testament to exactly how much of badass this guy is. 
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Oh hey speaking of which check it out, it’s a Gundam. 
–Two of Zech’s backup squad are instantly blown away in one shot from the Wing Gundam. This is barely commented on, and I think that’s one of the bigger mistakes of this episode.  Those two guys aren’t named, and Zechs’ only remark is that it's "not too shabby" / "unbelievable". Considering how much the death of his subordinates weighs on him later, this seems remarkably flippant. 
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Soldier-I’ve-Named-Milo: “Are you alright?” Zechs: “Yeah. Sorry to worry you. I did everything I could.” 
See? That’s the kind of rapport Zechs and his subordinates usually have; they keep it professional, but the people who work with Zechs respect him immensely, and as their officer he tries to do right by them. 
Zechs: “There’s no bright future for soldiers scurrying for their reward.” 
This is a fancy-pants way of expressing disdain for the Alliance sailors who weren’t involved in the fight, but were more than happy to claim the spoils. In the fan translation of this episode he literally says “tell them the treasure sunk at these coordinates”. To him, these are just pirates after loot, not True Soldiers. 
We just talked about Zechs for a long time. Now let’s talk about Heero Yuy.
Unfortunately for our first Gundam pilot, he took a long, precarious, silent shuttle ride all the way to earth only to be discovered immediately by the Alliance military. He fails to shoot down the civilian carrier that's seen him, and then he fails to shoot down the OZ mobile suit carrier ("Wait" I hear you say, "OZ mobile suit carrier? What's OZ? Aren't Zechs & co. from the Alliance?" Aha! Sharp-eared listener, you miss nothing! Have no fear, we will discuss OZ shortly).
Heero barely has time to dry out the wings of his Wing Gundam before he’s blindsided by OZ’s ace pilot and crashing his infinitely valuable Mobile Suit into the ocean. He makes it out alive by the skin of his teeth.
Not a great first day on the job for our boy Heero! Bad luck meeting Zechs Merquise first thing upon entering earth’s orbit. 
But a surprise encounter with OZ's top pilot notwithstanding, this... probably could have gone better, right? Why would our first introduced Gundam pilot be so cavalier about crashing and burning the second he makes it to his destination? Why would he recklessly reveal his Gundam and pick a fight on a stealth mission? And what’s with this giddy energy he’s got after making a fresh kill? Heero isn't exactly a cheerful guy; he only seems to laugh when he's exhilarated about having gotten away with something. This is one of those times, and it is his very most unhinged cackle. Finally, he gets to DO something. Feels good. Feels right. 
...It’s almost like this boy has zero sense of self preservation and no investment in his future; shooting down enemies for him is a game with no stakes.
–For the returning Wing viewer: if you're familiar the gist of Operation Meteor, remember that it would have been slated to happen directly before the series started; that’s when all the Gundam pilots (at the urging of their Doctors) independently decided to steal their Gundams and ignore the original premise.  So Heero just recently made off like a bandit with the Wing Gundam. He stole that motherfucker right out the display case. His primary objective at the moment isn't primarily to take down OZ and the Alliance (though that's obviously the long-term goal), it's to make sure the Barton Foundation DOESN’T get the Gundam. So really, getting shot down immediately upon arriving on earth isn't the worst thing that could happen. Heero smiles when he finally sees the earth because it means maybe this will be over soon. Mission accomplished. Now all he has to do is die! :)
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Relena Darlain’s father is a very important, very busy man who never has any time to spare for his daughter, even on her birthday, and in this telenovela of her own life, she’s going to graciously pretend like this doesn’t bother her and make her strong, independent, teenage girl way home on foot, narrating her predicament out loud along the way. She’s the main character, after all, the center of the world. Her troubles are the only troubles that are real.  
*Record scratch*
 Lying there on the beach is someone who is actually in trouble. She’s the only one here. She HAS to help. 
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–Alright, okay. I see what you did there, Wing.
--The gentleman in Napoleonic cosplay is Treize Khushrenada. He is a Major General (for now) in the Alliance military (for now), and his eyebrows are so big because they are full of secrets.
He and Zechs are best buddies forever and ever, they have matching charm bracelets, and they can finish each other's sandwiches. Whenever these two are on screen together I am going to have to decipher every. single. word. because Treize and Zechs are ALREADY cryptic bastards, and when they're together they talk in friend-speak where only half of what they're communicating actually gets said.
Just this once, as a treat, they are having a fairly intelligible conversation. First one's free.
...But really Treize, taking a call DURING the performance? Bad form old chap, bad form. 
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SIDE NOTE: Based on the teeny tiny figures, this could maybe be Petrushka? And I desperately want this to be Petrushka because:   
It means Treize has good taste 
–To put this conversation in perspective: Gundanium is a very sophisticated type of semi-metallic ceramic-like compound that can only be refined correctly in outer space. Think of it as something you’d have to spend all your faculty funding on to buy a gram of for your science department. Suddenly, someone rolls up with a six-story building made out of the stuff. “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me” is the only appropriate response.
Treize: "Something like this never would have happened if you and I had been in OZ 15 years ago; that much is for certain."
--If I may humbly direct your attention to my Policy of Ignoring Stupid Shit, this one of the many reasons why we are going to glance at Zechs and Treize's canonical ages, do the math, realize that 15 years ago, Treize and Zechs would have been 9 and 4 years old respectively, and then we are going to gently slide those numbers into the garbage and crank them both up to a respectable adult age in our minds.
--OH RIGHT! OZ!! Remember, we were going to talk about OZ? Well, Treize is going to tell us about it here in a minute, I'm going to tell you about it now, because we need to know what OZ is in brief before we can make sense of this exchange:
OZ is a secret paramilitary organization hiding inside the official Earth Sphere Alliance military. As an organization, it's responsible for a great deal of clandestine political skullduggery and foul play that has left the Colonies and Earth in a state of easily-manipulated perpetual turmoil. OZ has been around for a while-- that's because its even MORE clandestine and sinister parent organization is even older. In its current incarnation, OZ is hiding out inside the elite mobile suit division called the "Specials", which Treize commands. In addition to being the Special's commander, he personally trained many of its top members when he was serving as an instructor at the Lake Victoria Military Academy. Zechs, and a number of other important characters we'll meet, all graduated from this academy under Treize's tutelage, and now serve him as elite mobile suit pilots in the Specials. Which is OZ. Which is the even more shadowy and sinister organization beneath that. It's a turducken of villainy.
What makes the Specials / OZ noteworthy in the ranks of the Alliance is that they are given free reign to act on their own initiative in combat. They don't answer to the Alliance military, they answer to Treize. This pisses a significant number of significant people off.
Treize pisses a significant number of significant people off. He's under the age of 65, which makes him an infant in the ranks of the brass. He's got elusive, powerful aristocratic backing that makes him untouchable. His followers are fanatically, and I mean FANATICALLY loyal to him. And he has the absolute chutzpah to be really good at everything he does. GOD he's the worst. His eyebrows are insured for $10,000.
--When Treize is lamenting that he and Zechs weren't in OZ fifteen years ago, he is referring to a very, very important sequence of events that began around AC 180 (give or take, if you're following my advice about stretching the timeline); events that brought the Earth and the Colonies within an arm's reach of unification and peace, only to be catastrophically and violently ripped apart, to the detriment of both.
(This is a very important date for Zechs, in particular. It's a very important date for the Gundams as well.)
Treize is making the point that if he and Zechs had been in charge back in the day, well, all this revolutionary sentiment wouldn't be necessary. We would have handled that mess far more sensibly, wouldn't we, Bestie?
-- Zechs has already absorbed this subtext and skips ahead to say "Gundams are on earth." Emphasizing that yes, shit really is popping off. The thing we heard scary bedtime stories about is real and it's happening and we get to be the ones to deal with it. Exciting times we're living in.
Treize: "I'm sure you're aware, but this is an important period. Do not do anything to anger the Alliance." Zechs, smirking: "I fully understand."
The Gundams aren't the only scary thing under the Alliance's bed. Lots of volatile elements are about to collide, all at once, very soon. Treize is just giving Zechs a wink and a nudge-- hey, I know you already know that big things are afoot, I trust you not to rock the boat too early.
--Oh! For the record, OZ stands for Organization of the Zodiac. You may have noticed that the two standard Mobile Suits we've been introduced to so far were called "Aries" and "Leo". OZ is inseparable from the history of Mobile Suit development, and all of its MS are therefore constellation-themed. ...But it's also just straight up a reference to "The Wizard of OZ", because OZ's signature mascot is--
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...Yes! Thank you Tinylion, now we know why you're here. Back in your teapot now, sweetie. There you go.
--It's a lion, and the insignia for the OZ space corps is the Tin Man. The series lead scriptwriter Sumisawa loves him a book & film reference, you will find them all over Wing.
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–Gosh, Treize is so SASSY in this episode. Look at this delinquent, showing up late for War Class because he was at a concert and on the phone with his boyfriend. Here he is giving lip to his supervisors, answering questions with totally undisguised disdain. He can’t keep getting away with it. He’s a naughty, naughty boy. Someone should teach him a lesson.
–God yes, General Septem. Fuck yes. The best worst voice acting in the show. Iconic. Immortal. Powerful. Showstopping. Brave. Go off, Nappa. 
–Treize is sitting at the war table like a fox in a chicken coop, biding his time and thinking: “I don’t owe these complacent, arrogant fools answers for anything. They haven’t left their desks in decades. They’ve never seen the cost of human life first hand. In the depths of their ignorance they think they’re the ones who can steer the course of the future. Hilarious. Thank god for Me.”
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MEANWHILE: Relena is still on the beach trying to figure out what to do with this sick feral cat she found.
The TNR crew finally shows up with a kitty crate but the cat wakes up and tries to chew its own head off in self-defense. Having failed to die, it bites everyone, hijacks their car, and gets the fuck out of Dodge. 
“Ma’am have you had all your shots?”
Relena is not listening. Relena is introducing herself to the Heero-shaped dust cloud that’s still lingering in the air, because what the fuck else are you gonna do. 
Oh hey look it’s more Gundams!
The Gashapons of War have touched down in different parts of the world and set to work wreaking havoc immediately.
Unbeknownst to the Alliance or OZ, any appearance of coordination between the Gundams is an accident– none of them have any idea there are other Gundams besides their own. 
They’re all in the same position as Heero: they refused the original premise of Operation Meteor and now they’re on borrowed time fighting whatever enemies come up on their radar. Each of them thinks they’re in this alone (except for Quatre, who has groupies). 
However, just because the pilots aren’t coordinated doesn’t mean the mysterious people giving them orders are. But we'll learn more about that later.
--- Let's meet the rest of the Gundam boys!
–Duo: LEEEEROOOOY JENKINS we only get old memes in the colonies –Trowa: New phone, new name, new Gundam, who may I ask is calling –Wufei: Stealth missions are for casuals who can’t fight their way out of impossible odds. Skill issue.  –Quatre: I am literally begging you to not fuck around so I don’t have to make you find out.
Speaking of Quatre: Hey! If this were a different series with a mature audience rating, this scene would be unmentionably gruesome! 
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-Awww, Soldier-I’ve-Named-Milo is bad at math! He’s just like me for real. Anyway, there are (4 + 1 = 5)....Five. Five Gundams total.
-Zechs correctly makes the assessment that the game has just changed, and it’s about to get extremely serious very quickly. 
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And now, the moment we’ve all been waiting for: 
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Spicy feral kitten arrives at Relena’s school. Relena is more confused than ever, but now this is officially a Mystery. She likes mysteries. She likes Mystery Boy. He’s the perfect foil for her, the main character, in this YA novel that she is the protagonist of. 
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Feral Mystery Boy suddenly makes it 100% publicly clear that he has no interest in playing nice, or in playing at all. Mystery Boy leans in real close, and says a thing that you might hear from, say, a guy in a black suit you accidentally witnessed murdering someone in a back alley, who then followed you to school.
The telenovela of Relena’s life is hitting its mid-season dark plot-twist, and 
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Tune in next week for Episodes 2 - 3! 
~TinyOzLion, out.
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mahiiimahiiii · 4 months
Hiiiii!!!! I saw you were doing Bg3 Pairings and if you’re able I’d be interested in submitting mine. I’ve only don’t this like one other time but I think these a fun so far :))
Age: 19
She/ Her Cis
Myers Briggs: INTP
Likes: Cats (especially mine), Animals in general, classical art, most kinds of music (especially rock and alternative), horror movies, gothic literature, being outside
Dislikes: Cat and Animals Haters, loud noises, people who are very angry all the time, modern pop, Wasps, people who don’t appreciate art and artists, Peas, Lima Beans :(
Favorite Feature: My eyes, most people say I have pretty eyes so I guess thats my most outstanding feature
Favorite Food: Steak and Lobster (also cookies, god I love cookies)
Song that would describe me: Squaring Up by Sir Chloe
Interests: Art, Writing, Going outdoors especially in the rural countryside or in the woods, cats
Hobbies: Drawing, Writing, Reading, Swimming, Weightlifting, dancing, spending time with my cats, listening to music
Mini Description: I’m 5’6, 175 lbs, muscular build, I have shoulder length black dyed hair with purple roots and blunt bangs. I’m goth so I dress in all black like all the time, sometimes I add in some darker colors. Im kind of a quite person until you start talking to me and then I can’t stop yapping about one of my hobbies or interest or some niche topic I really like. It’s funny though because some people are scared to talk to me when they first meet me, and trust me im literally just a goofball who is obsessed with art and cats. When im not studying for my classes im usually working on my comic book that I want to publish and/or working on animation because I want to be an animator and make a show out of my comic book. I like to keep busy, I don’t like to stay still lol
Anyways have a good day/night! Thank you for your time! :D
(i am staring at you with jealousy and disrespect, also you have good taste in music.)
this was a bit more difficult, but ultimately made my decision because sir chloe is very karlach coded, and so is disliking lima beans.
i get that in people are afraid to talk to you, i've heard in some alt subcultures that's the general vibe! i find that those who may be the scariest are the sweetest at heart.
i feel like both of you have an orange cat energy about you, if that makes sense. im feelin, red velvet cupcakes, and those chocolate covered cherries people buy from the dollar store during Christmas time. no clue why anyone would like them, but they're sold nonetheless.
(dunno if that's the most American thing i've said, will someone let me know if it is.)
a couple of odd balls if you catch my drift.
also, you can steal her clothes, though in a modern sense karlach would probably just be in baggy tees and sweats. always the best outfit to have in ones wardrobe.
one thing of her affection would be insisting for you to do her eyeliner, special bonding time, per se.
it reminds me of that image of the two girls doing each-others makeup. :'D
i think because you both have scary dog energy she probably will need to offset it by being bright and bubbly.
a date seems like snuggles when you cant sleep late at night, so you give into the insomnia and watch video essays together, with cups of tea of course. perhaps building a pillow fort!
im sure she would love cats, a little guy in her house!!! a creature just chilling there!!! wow!!!!!
scents would be, rain on concrete, and water left in a water-bottle for too long. both positive things i suppose.
hope you enjoyyyed
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yappingmoxie · 1 month
made a birthday post for my grandma yesterday since no one else remembered it and immediately afterwards my sister made one and really drilled in hard about how she named my newest niece after her. and idk. I’m still upset. I’ve been crying off and on about it because like. I know it wasn’t right but my grandma would tell anyone who listened how I was her favorite grandchild (and tbh I think besides it just being true she did that bc she knew how awful my mom and sister were to me) and would brag on me constantly. and my sister did nothing but talk about how annoying my grandma was and say the worst things about her right before she died. but yet she loved her so much that she forgot her birthday 2 years in a row so I mean clearly she just had to take the name I fought with her over during her first pregnancy. I’m so glad I’ve had my cousin throughout all of this because otherwise I’d feel legitimately insane. She’s been amazing at reminding me how much grandma loved me and helping reinforce that grandma and I DID have an agreement that she wanted ME to name my daughter after her if I ever had one. Everything my sister does though feels so spiteful. Like I love my niece so much and it just sucks that I can’t even spend time with her without being reminded of how much my sister wants to hurt me. I don’t blame the baby though. Like it hurts and makes interacting with her a little difficult but she’s innocent. And the thing is I wouldn’t have even minded if she named her that out of genuine love and respect for my grandma but I know she didn’t. From not letting anyone be with my grandma in the hospital when she died to putting her ashes in my fucking mailbox to telling me that my grandma hated me and I didn’t do enough for her to telling me how awful I was for taking a week off to implying I should’ve been there even tho she lied to me about her being in the hospital to withholding photos she promised me of her to ruining my grandmas house (she lets my 5 year old niece write all over the walls and keeps a million fuckin farm animals like ducks and chickens and turkeys inside when grandma didn’t even let dogs in) to asking the preacher at her funeral to say some pointed remarks about me being no contact with my mom to now using her daughters name as a direct slight against me I can’t help but feel like all she wants to do is weaponize my dead grandma against me without even worrying about how disrespectful she’s being to her as long as it hurts me. I haven’t even tried talking to about my nieces name because after confronting her about my grandmas passing I know it’ll do nothing to actually remedy anything and will just lead to even more explosive fights where I know she’ll just double down on saying things she know will hurt me. And I don’t want to argue about my grandma. I don’t want to use her memory for something disrespectful. It doesn’t feel right and doesn’t feel like honoring her in any way that she’d appreciate. I just want her to be respected. I want her name to be used for something kind and loving instead of spiteful. Because ultimately that’s what she was. My kind and loving grandma. Not a tool to cause arguments and tension. She was always the mediator in the family and I can’t help but think how disappointed she’d be to know her passing has been used in the way it has to further drive a shift in the family.
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imyour-buddy · 4 months
what does that mean?!
well, my good friend, it means precisely what you think it does!
It means! I’m a buddy you can talk to!
feel free to talk to me about anything! I may not get it all the the time but I’ll listen none the less~
this blog is a safe place for any loners, losers, misfits or regular peeps to come together and make a community!
learn about me ⭐️
refer to me as Yela! I’m a minor (I don’t feel comfortable sharing my exact age and you shouldn’t feel pressured to say anything here either!) *・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*
I like anime! -Kny, csm, jjk, bllk, mha, aot, hxh, ohshc, bsd, black butler, Tokyo revengers, fire force, one piece, there’s a merman in my bathtub, mob psycho 100, saiki k (and more but I haven’t watched it yet)
I’m a shifter! I have been shifting for roughly 2 years now! :) feel free to talk about your intended reality selves (and again, there will be no judging here <3)
I’m an artist!! I love to draw! Anime fan art and my intended reality self inserts mostly :) I do mostly digital now a days but I definitely do paper art as well. I used to main being a paper artist actually ;>
I love fashion!! -tbh i love a mix of things but I really like k-fashion, dark/light academia, acubi and street wear! Temu fashion is a good example (*´ー`*)
Share your ocs with me!
talk about anime!
talk about your day!
make friends!
find others with your interests!
DM me! things I may not get seeing as though I’ve never experienced them :D ⬇️ (⚠️TW!! Sensitive topics!⚠️)
being bullied (cyber or physical) , Physical abuse , never having friends , doing drugs or alcohol , sewer slidal thoughts
i think that’s it for now but just know you will eventually find someone in this community who will relate to you!!
no fun rules! :)
do’s: interact with me, ramble (in inbox or dm), talk to me about anime/book/shows, ask me questions, set boundaries, introduce yourself (to me or our community), ask for advice (to me or others—also note that I’m not a professional), anything! (Etc I’m really open)
don’ts: be racist, be sexist, be ageist, be rude/disrespect others, judge others, insult me or others here, be homophobic, discourage other’s beliefs, talk about inappropriate things..this is a safe place for minors! (etc you get the jist! Don’t be that guy.. :P)
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I love the matchups you do, I was hoping you could do one for me with Demon Slayer (also attack on Titan if you can but don't feel pressured)
My name is Kaylee
Pronouns- She/her
Sexuality- on the Asexual Spectrum (though I am heteromantic oriented)
Zodiac/MBTI- Gemini/INFJ-T
Appearance- Light blue eyes, thick dirty blonde hair just passed my shoulders, short (4’10), I wear glasses, I look much younger than my actual age ( l'm 24 and people still think I'm a teenager), pretty pale to be honest.
Personality- I consider myself a more introverted leaning ambivert. I find it hard to talk to people I don't know unless I have to but once I get to know someone l'm very outgoing. l'm passionate about helping others and do what I can to spread a little positivity if I can. I love almost all animals. I can pretty much get along with anyone as long as they aren’t being outright rude and disrespectful to me or someone else
Likes and Dislikes
Likes: Kindness, spending time with my family and friends, watching movies or TV shows
Dislikes: People being assholes just because, closed mindedness, spicy foods (I'm a wimp with spice), insects
Hobbies- reading, writing, enjoying my favorite shows and movies, collecting merchandise from my favorite shows and movies
Any extra information- I'm not diagnosed but I'm pretty sure I have ADHD. I haven’t had much experience in dating or relationships but I would have to get to know the person before I developed feelings/got into a relationship with them.
Hi Kaylee! Thank you for your request! Sorry it took so long. I hope you like your matchups!
In Demon Slayer, I match you with...
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Giyu is a lot like you in that he needs to really know someone before he gets into a relationship so I think it would take you two a while to get together.
Once you both open up to each other though, you’re inseparable. Not in the sense that you have to be together all the time, but in the sense of it would take a lot to break you apart.
Enjoys spending time with you, whatever you do. Giyu has a fondness for reading with you but he’s also happy to watch movies and shows with you. As long as you can spend time together, he’ll be happy.
Thinks it’s a cute quirk of yours that you like collecting merch. When he’s travelling for work he’ll keep an eye out for new merch that he knows you don’t have.
Will get rid of insects for you if they’re bothering you. They don’t bother him but at the same time, they’re not something he wants around. He’ll catch them and take them outside so they’re not annoying either of you.
In Attack on Titan, I match you with...
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Levi is a lot like Giyu in that it will take him a long time to open up to someone and get into a relationship with them. But once you’re in a relationship, your bond will be very strong.
He can be rude sometimes but he often has a very good reason for it. If it still bothers you, Levi will do his best to only be rude to people when you’re not around.
Please share your writing with him. Levi particularly likes it when you read your writing to him. He’s not huge on reading but he does enjoy listening to you read to him; he thinks your voice is soothing.
Since you find it difficult to talk to people and Levi’s not the most socially adept person, you’ll probably only socialise with people that you work with. But if you want to socialise more, Levi will join you for the support.
He enjoys spending time with you since time is precious in the world of Attack on Titan. Even in a modern au, Levi would still enjoy your presence. He’s already opened up to you, he may as well let you know he cares about you by spending time with you.
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s3lf-c0ncious · 2 years
“Dysfunctional” Jay (Okja) X GN! Reader with Tics
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Tics: a compulsive, repetitive sound or movement that are involuntary and difficult to control.
Jay has been on a mission with the ALF for about two weeks, calling you every chance he gets. Which unfortunately isn’t much. He hasn’t been telling you much about the missions he’s on other than a good thing here and a messed up plan there. Your imagination fills in the rest of the pieces to a very dangerous puzzle, it stresses you beyond belief.
Before he left, your tics were pretty controlled, being on a new medication to trial, your attacks have been at an all time low. Once he was gone, the security of knowing he was okay went with him. This added fear of the unknown and what could happen to him was making your tics skyrocket. Unfortunately your job isn’t too happy with this spike in tic activity.
“Hello, *tic* welcome to y/j/h how can, *tic*, can I, *tic*, can I help you today?” You tried to get the sentence out without letting your tics interrupt you much. But you could tell the damage had already began. Even with the “I have Tourette’s” badge you wore, the customer got annoyed with your eye rolling and noise making.
“Can I get a functional employee please? Preferably one that doesn’t disrespect me.”
This had happened on so many occasions that you were completely ready to quit your job. Technically, with Jay’s job you didn’t have to work. Not only was it emotionally rewarding, it was financially as well. But you would feel bad having him pay for everything for you and him. You keep trying to push through without having the comfort of crawling into bed with Jay and telling him all the horrible things people say on the daily. For now, the phone calls every chance he got had to be enough.
You kicked your shoes off at the bottom of the stairs and dragged yourself to your room, ready to hopefully end this day with the sound of Jay’s voice. You laid in bed and grabbed your phone out of your bag, throwing it to the ground. Finding his contact, you clicked it and waited as the phone rang.
It rang for a bit and eventually stopped, he didn’t answer. ‘Maybe he’s just busy? Don’t jump to conclusions…’ you thought, attempting to comfort yourself. You tried again, listening to the annoying ringing of the phone.
Your mind was jumping from thought to thought as a tic almost made you throw your phone. You could feel the electric feeling just before a tic attack. The stress of everyday work and now Jay not answering or texting you all day was getting to you.
Your eyes were twitching, tics were starting to go off every few seconds, making it harder and harder to stay still and hold your phone. You placed it down and tried to find your stuffed animal to hold so you don’t harm yourself.
“Hello? Y/n?”
Tics still going off, you were now in the middle of a tic attack when Jay answered the phone.
“Jay! *tic* You *tic* *tic* answered! I *tic* missed you.” You tried to talk but Jay could tell how tired and in pain you were just hearing your voice.
“Baby, it’s okay, I’m sorry I didn’t answer earlier, we were really busy but we’re done now. I have the rest of the day to talk to you.”
You tried to answer him but your tics were starting to hurt, making you tear up.
“I *tic* hate this *tic*.”
“I know, do you have your stuffed animal?” Jay tried to comfort you, but being thousands of miles away was hard when all he wanted to do was cuddle you.
“I *tic* I do,” you pulled your plushie closer to you and held on to it tighter.
Jay was about to say something else when a knock came at his hotel door. He quickly got up and muted his phone. Answering the door, it was another ALF member, just asking if he wanted to join them for a meal.
You were wondering why he went silent, you got a little anxious, “Jay? *tic* What *tic* happened?”
He unmuted himself when the member went away, “Nothing love, everything’s fine. Another member knocked on my door, but everyone okay.”
Your tics started to calm down after about thirty minutes of constant one after another. Jay whispered sweet nothings into the phone, reminding you that he loved you and that it would be over soon.
Finally after about an hour attack, you were completely out of energy.
“Jay?” You whispered, he’d been quiet for a minute.
“Yes, baby? Are you okay?” He perked up when he heard you speak without interruption.
“I’m better now, I’m so tired. I wanted to tell you about my day, but I guess my brain had other plans,” you joked.
Jay chuckled, “That’s okay y/n, if you want, you can still tell me. I’ll be here all night for you.”
Finally feeling a little better, you began telling Jay about all of the stress from your job, and how much you missed his presence.
“Y/N don’t listen to those people, if they can’t read and see that you can’t control it, that’s there problem, baby. There is nothing wrong with you.” His words made you tear up again, this time out of joy that you had the best boyfriend in the world.
“Are you crying baby? Don’t cry, it’s okay,” Jay was so badly worried, he contemplated flying back just to get you. But he knew he wouldn’t be able to forgive himself if anything happened to you on a mission.
You wiped your tears and fondly stared at your phone.
“I really love you Jay.”
“I love you too, Y/N.”
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-Jay would always be there to protect you from anyone who criticizes you for your tics. He doesn’t stand for ableism just as much as he can’t stand animal abuse.
-He’s always buying you new plushies and padding to keep you from hurting yourself during tic attacks or with violent tics.
-Jay always ignores your tics as to not trigger them, but occasionally he laughs at a weird or funny one as long as you’re laughing too!
-Always sure you never miss an appointment for new meds or checkups, he wants his love as healthy as possible.
-Constantly asks if you’re okay and if you need anything, even if he’s overseas and has to ship the item to you.
-Will love you no matter what, of course!
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I’ve been wanting to write another fic, this time with a different character, though I do have more ideas for my lovely Klitzy 👀. Send me some requests if you want too! Honestly I wanna get back into writing like back in 2014 💀. Anyways hope you enjoy!
[Tags💕] @gaylorswiftlovebot
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glamjoys · 7 months
the name is alodie blaire! wish referred as odie, or didie. but, i can go with any possible nicknames based on my name, i’d love to keep them! i’ve reached of consent age, yet my account is safe for work and safe place for everyone as i love to socialize! i prefer to addressed with feminine terms. an xnfj girlie, and happen to being born under earth sign.
ᅠ♥︎. things that i adore
i put my interests on ghibli studio, barbie films, crayon shin–chan, bunnies, cats, ice cream {heart_eyes}, and foods a lot! i enjoy reading novel and manga/hwa. labelling myself as a weeb since i’ve watched and explored a lot of animes. my current watch anime is the yuzuki family’s four sons! i like to spending my spare time to watch 2000s teenlit and romcom movies or series, cartoons, k–dramas, and some youtube channels as well.
let’s talk about music, shall we? my taste in music knows no bounds, but i really enjoy listen to rock–metal, indie, and r&b genres!
a top casual listener of grentperez, taylor swift, why don’t we, valley, niki, lauv, mac demarco, sabrina carpenter, keshi, olivia rodrigo, bts, wave to earth, dept, one direction, the smiths, one ok rock, pixies, my chemical romance, bad omens, wallows, coin, beabadoobee, day6, d.o, yoasobi, maliq & d’essentials, hivi!, tulus, lyodra, mahalini, jkt48, hindia, dewa19, reality club, etc.
i adore k–pop in general as well! my playlist are mostly filled with newjeans, enhypen, le sserafim, ive’s songs, but also listen to the boyz, aespa, txt, stayc, red velvet, itzy, seventeen, nmixx, everglow, boynextdoor, fromis_9 and twice.
ᅠ ♥︎. additional information
i do post various things, it could be my interest, my day, my fav, and pic of quote or kindness reminder. i like to chattin’ with my mutuals, i find it joy in interacting about random things in my personal space. so, if you’re not planning to, it might be best for us not to be mutual at all. also, i share link of my current go–to song. please take a note that i get drained easily too, i go ghost mode every once in a while. my account type is counted as non–labeled.
i don’t tolerate anyone that is disrespect or rude, any phobic, support zionist, and enjoy spreading hate. those who often engages in unnecessary drama or fanwar, and posts too many not safe for work stuff or any explicit contents should not be around on my timeline. my account is follow, unfollow, block, or mute free since i do soft–hard blocking to those whom i feel uncomfy or barely talk with, no hard feelings!
thank you for spending your time to get to know me! please let me know if, by any chance i do something wrong or there’s any matter to solved through my dm since it’s widely opened for everyone. there’s nothing more and nothing less, let’s get along and be a good friend, lovely_soul beings!
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Sun Myung Moon was a Bully
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I think I was 16, because there was talk of a surprise matching.  I don’t think I could have been younger than that.  Anyway, it was Christmas, and Father had declared that he wanted to see all the 2nd gen who could come.  The urgency of the request had us all loading into vans to flock to New York from several states away on Christmas Eve.  When we got there, I don’t remember him having any special message, and I was somewhat disappointed that it was just the usual.  He gave us all watches from Christian Bernard, and had us promise to start Christian Bernard clubs at our schools.  I remember, even as I promised with all the kids around me, that I had no intention of starting or participating in such a club.  My family could barely afford new shoes.  I knew that life was expensive. The idea of asking other high schoolers to join me in an elite and obscure watch club was unthinkable.  I couldn’t afford the watch I held, and I certainly didn’t think excluding others from my club because they couldn’t afford one was fair.
Anyway, that’s not really what was most impressed upon me during this particular speech.  Like all the D.C. blessed children, I’d been to many, many speeches, and to be honest, I mostly thought that they were boring and long, and didn’t really question their truth.  But one girl did.  He had been talking for a couple hours, and he was making an analogy about tigers and lions.  I don’t even remember what the point of it was, but I remember that he said he was one and he would beat the other (representing Satan, or individualism, or whatever), because of some innate quality of his.  And one girl dared to raise her hand and say that it would be switched, based on what she knew about the animals.  I knew the prowess of the big cats was not his point, and I expected him to bypass the comment like a mature adult, and explain “the analogy is not the point – what I’m saying is yada yada.”  But he didn’t.  Instead, he argued his analogy, and became hostile.  It was weird to watch the Messiah become so defensive over nothing.  She said something about having seen a program about it on National Geographic, supporting her assertion.  And then it happened: True Father became every bully in high school I have ever known.  The perfect man, the Messiah, and second coming of Jesus said, “Well if you’d stop watching National Geographic all day, maybe you wouldn’t be so fat.”
Later in the speech, another kid had a question, this time a boy.  And I don’t remember what his question was, but I do remember when True Father told him to stand up, and then said “Are you a boy or a girl? You’re so fat I can’t tell.”  He was chubby, but obviously a boy.   There was no call for that.  The kid’s question wasn’t disrespectful.  We sat there in stunned silence.
No matter what else I knew about True Father, I knew him to be a bully from that day on.  He was petty and superficial, and unfortunately, that colored my view of God, and my perception of my own body.  I have waited on writing up this account because I never wanted the victims of his attacks to ever read this and re-live that humiliation.  And so, I wanted to say to them, and to all of us who were there, that what happened was wrong.  It’s wrong to attack a teenage girl’s weight because she has questions.  It’s wrong to embarrass a teenage boy because he’s had the audacity to raise his hand.  He was wrong and acting completely immature. A child or adolescent bully attacking their peers is bad enough, but a full grown man picking on children for their appearance is a pathetic human being.
Re: Bully
I had read that post in the past. I think it’s very revealing of what reality was; a reality most of us didn’t want to face.
Reading the comments below the post I saw that someone seems to think that any “old Asian teacher” would respond that way to “American kids” who don’t want to listen.

I suspect, first, the commenter may be Asian. Second I suspect he or she may not be fond of American kids. Was it mentioned that the two individuals were American? After all only American kids would be bored by the litany of nonsense that the “Messiah” used to pour on us for hours, right?

Third, we’re not talking about an old Asian teacher. Like the poster very well expressed, we’re talking about a person who’s supposed to be bigger than a teacher; a broader and deeper human being, not a constipated Confucianist character who can’t get past someone that they consider inferior challenging in any way anything he says. No real teacher would do that, because teachers as a rule of thumb are concerned for the psychological well being of their students. Being Asian wouldn’t be considered an excuse in my book. I find absolutely no excuse, NONE, for that behavior.
It reminded me how Mr. Moon got so offended at Belvedere when someone who had been addressed by him, in English, had the audacity to say that he couldn’t understand the Reverend’s accent! OMG! Hell broke loose! How dared he! That was brought up by Moon week after week after the incident! And we members nodded in agreement. How dared he! Poor, spineless creatures we were…

You’re not supposed to be honest; you’re not supposed to be unafraid, and much less have an opinion contrary to his. As a western person I grew up with a loving father who allowed me to disagree with him, giving me room to think on my own. What a tragic mistake to transfer that understanding of what a father is to the “True” Father! Oh, no! You have to fear him, you have to accept and take notes of whatever crap he says and never question it. That is what the loving “True” Father of all mankind and the cosmos expected of you. (Scoff.) “True” my ass. Excuse me.
Shocking video of UC of Japan demanding money – English transcript
Moon extracted $500 million from Japanese female members
Suicide of Japanese ‘Moon money mule’ in Uruguay; mother of three children
Japanese woman recruited by the Moon church and sold to a Korean farmer
The Japan Times No glory for bullies: South Korea's school violence epidemic
First S. Korean state compensation ordered for victim of Vietnam War mass killings by SK troops
Human trafficking in the UC/FFWPU is despicable
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My journey with Idol’s animes and mangas - Part 3
A new path of this journey has ended. Today I'm going to talk about “Kami Kuzu Idol” (or, “Phantom of the Idol”, but I don't like the choice of the english title).
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BUT! First of all I want to say, I’m not a big fan of men idols. I tried, it is hard (but lately maybe is not), and I just can say the biggest company of men idols is Johnny’s, where you can find groups like Arashi, NEWS, Hey! Say! JUMP, Sexy Zone (if you saw Fuller House, you might know them) or King & Prince; 
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but I know there’s another one called DD Company, which has groups I’ve been told to listen (and are interesting), these being MeseMoa, *ChocoLate Bomb!! and Panda Dragon.
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  Okay but… Why am I saying this? Well...
  Kami Kuzu Idol is an anime about a guy called Niyodo Yuuya, who is in a duet group with Yoshino Kazuki called ZINGS
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; this guy (Niyodo) is an idol just because he thought it was easy money, 
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has the problem that he doesn’t give his best… Well, anything. Suddenly he found the ghost of the “Kami Idol” Mogami Asahi; we have them talking about how Asahi died, how she really misses being an idol (she died just when she reached the center as she said). After a small and involuntary action from Asahi (she literally possessed his body and couldn’t get out for a moment), they started working together 
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and making Yuuya a better idol and partner for Kazuki, because, yes, there was a kind of threat to both of them to get better (well, Niyodo) or Yoshino would go solo (and he has a bit of stage panic).
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  After the first live being possessed by Asahi, all changed.
  I won’t lie, I hated Yuuya, at first he even wanted to overwork Asahi, but she wants to see him get better. Niyodo doesn’t know a thing about idols, seems to not pay even a small attention to what he’s been told at work, or about being a fan, so he won’t give a kind of connection with his fans, as idols do. So Asahi’s work also becomes a kind of “Let me teach you about this wonderful world, work, my never ending dream” (she doesn’t say this, is my interpretation of her actions).
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  A part of the anime is also “OshiBudo like”, this meaning that fans have a point to exist as characters. Mainly three fans, who are Niyodo’s. They’re more comic, but as I said about OshiBudo, they work for their idols; oh right, in this case the fans are all women…
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Until a certain moment, because ZINGS isn’t the only group, another important (just one character to be honest) is C Grass. They are the biggest idol group in the anime, “The princes of the nation” or something like that. Well the leader Setouchi Hikaru, was (or better said still is) a big fan of Mogami Asahi, and he was looking to ZINGS, he found sometimes the same mannerisms of Asahi on Niyodo (I wonder what would he think if he knew the truth)
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and he even threatened Yuuya to stop disrespecting Asahi in that way, this also makes him to try not use her a lot.
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  This anime was nice to watch, but tries to convey many things (i think) in 10 episodes.
Now a meme i agree with for most of this anime.
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The important point is how it ends, saying that an idol is someone who stands on a stage and shines, so they make their fans’ hearts shine, and while the fans loves them more, the idol’s shine will grow, and as the fans keep loving them (this meaning after they are idols, whatever is the reason) they will keep shining; obviously this last part are heavier words as it refers Asahi’s death, and her surprise about still having fans that still love her; but it is applicable to that time after the day they graduate (leave being idols, specially if they become a normal person) 
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  I like how Asahi explains what being a fan is, how a fan feels, how important it is to Niyodo, even though this dummy just realices it basically in the last episode.
  The songs are nice to listen to, but i wouldn’t get all over that, but the meaning of some of these are explained at the last episode.
The opening was “Let’s ZING!”
The endings changed basically for every episode (well, it was more like rotative)
Personally I Liked “Uraomote no Duet” and “Hare La Lu La”
  The 3D was used for scenes where they dance, but I found it a bit weird when i looked at Niyodo, personally i don’t think it fits right with his character design.
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  THEY HAVE DIADEM MICROPHONES! I’m sold with microphones at sight (please learn SHINEPOST)
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I think I don’t need to say that Asahi Mogami is my favorite character; but also, without her there, the story wouldn’t exist as it is. She’s cute, a top idol, she really likes that work, and is really proud about it,
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but not being annoying, that’s why she helps Yuuya; she has told even when she failed, stuff she doesn’t know about (skin care for example) and how she did it. She is such a pure soul.
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  Yoshino is a cute guy, the total opposite of Yuuya, like a lost puppy I'd say. You think in the first episode he might lack self trust, and is confirmed later. He does his best, maybe limited by that self trust lack.
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  The Niyodo fans are funny, in a way relatable, but not as much as the fans we saw on OshiBudo; because it is also a completely different ambient. You can see part of ZINGS 'story through them.
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  Niyodo is annoying,
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but you may understand why he might think some stuff, how he does stuff. He gets trust on Asahi to even avoid overwork her, and to work in a way he can make her proud (specially last episode). At the end you learn to like him.
  Hikaru is interesting to me, he’s a kind of tsundere fan of Niyodo; I don’t care about this point though. There’s an episode where we have context how he became an Asahi’s fan, and then an idol, and even how he got her death’s news. But my interest is how he became a fan, because my emotional state was probably a bit similar to his; I don’t want to put here personal stuff, but feeling empty, and not having such energy to even go to school, 
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 and then having your heart filled with that magic idols give, is pretty important.
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  “We want the fruity level” you might think (yes, i think it is important to add this on every post). OKAY! The point here is the work Yoshino puts into not becoming a soloist, is not only because of his own good against his stage panic; he says it. Besides that, Hikaru is like a tsundere Niyodo’s fan, he even blushes a bit hard at one point.
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The fruity level is “meh”, but exists.
  With all said, it isn't the best anime, has one of the bestests girls, touches some light topics in an interesting way, gives a good laugh, and is casual.
I give it a 6 or 7 out of 10.
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But it is recommendable, at least to be all “awwwww” about Asahi being a ball of cuteness and love for being an idol.
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