#anime fans
vorpalfae · 6 months
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🕷️ 𝔰𝔭𝔦𝔡𝔢𝔯 𝔩𝔦𝔩𝔦𝔢𝔰 🕷️
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scipunk · 20 days
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Bubblegum Crisis: Tokyo 2040 (1998)
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sailorgl0om · 1 year
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lilsageart · 9 months
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luffyvace · 7 months
Aizawa crush headcanons
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”aizawa crush headcanons, but like make him realize he’s in love with you at the end, so that like, he can do something about it or he can’t ignore it”
asked by a good friend of mine irl. she didn’t mention gender so i’m going with afab since i haven’t written for that yet ♡
(ps i’m not going to mention what type of person he would like unless you req that i want to keep this as neutral as possible)
aizawa having a crush on you means finding cats to take care of together
it means warm, comfortable, solidarity silence
he would still be himself around you for sure, he would want you to like him for who he is
changing himself is too much effort. if you don’t like him back he’ll have to move on whether it hurts or not
people still need teaching and saving after all and the world isn’t going to stop just for him
being a realist he’s aware of that
but that doesn’t mean he isn’t going to clean up if you go out somewhere together (prior to dating, first impressions are everything)
he wouldn’t be afraid to tell you like it is if you ask for his opinion,
in his eyes sugarcoating things aren’t going to help you
but he wouldn’t necessarily be as harsh on you as he is on his students or mic
to woo you he wouldn’t really do anything above and beyond
he acknowledges that he likes you but he doesn’t want to waste time if his crush on you doesn’t blossom into something bigger
so instead of going all out he relies on things like little compliments, little favors and quality time
”you don’t look half bad today l/n”
”not too shabby, i guess” *combs hand through hair* (yeah that’s another thing, he’ll do little gestures to sway you but we’ll dabble into that more later)
”you smell fresh, that’s a nice aroma”
for little favors……
you: “ahh crap i left my keys in my car”
him: *magically knows a way to open locked out cars* you: *clearly having a rough day* him: *opens a window for you to vent* you: “awww man the last of ____ is sold out!”
him: “hmm..well, i’ll keep an eye out for when it’s back in stock” *the very next day* “oh yeah turns out i already had one i just forgot, here you can have it”
im not lying he actually did have one and forgot
as far as quality time:
inviting each other over for movie nights (he always falls alseep so you get most of the popcorn- 🎉 unless it’s his favorite movie- then he stays up eyes red and all, while sucking nothing out of an empty juicy box)
although movie night only happens when your closer friends though- he keeps his friend circle small because anyone could betray him and he doesn’t like people (he doesn’t hate them either he just stays to himself)
quality time for him can also be texting and checking up on each other
it doesn’t always have to be physical for him to feel appreciated
if YOU want to sway HIM though
get him a cat
self explanatory
but you can also listen to him when he talks, shoulder massages (only when your real close tho), give it to him straight.. definitely don’t be phony…and yeah!
pretty much be yourself
if he doesn’t fall for you himself there’s no way to convince him to
and if he falls for you it’s not for any facade you put on
its for your real true self
your personality.
he accepts your flaws and who you are but he will talk to you about bettering yourself a few times if they’re really bad and habitual (which he’s perfect if you have low self esteem because he’ll help you realize you might be overthinking and underestimating yourself, bringing you back to reality like the realist he is)
he’s not necessarily judgmental though
i feel like the part of him that’s not afraid to tell it like it is, is being misunderstood as him being judgmental
anyway that’s for when he has a crush on you
now its time for love
okay so what (for), when, where and why right?
(“what about who? 🤓☝️“ YOU, FOOL!)
so what (for):
i dabbled in this okay? he loves your personality
for your flaws, your strengths, your weaknesses, your IQ (high or low), your fears
he loves everything about you
probably when you guys are pretty close
not him and mic close
but y’all have been friends for some time now
i say a couple of months
he doesn’t fall fast
maybe first though, if you an oblivious typa person
where (does he realize);
he was probably sitting on his couch after dinner, waiting for his shower to get hot, snug as a bug in his sleeping bag, drinkin a juicy box.
see the vision?
so he was thinkin n thinkin n thinkin…
about you.
about you
why was he thinking so much about you.
omg wait..
he just remembered..
your beautiful smile (don’t care if it’s crooked, missing teeth, over/underbite- it’s GOREGEOUS)
your beautiful hair
your beautiful eyes
your personality
he realized he was thinking about you so much because…
he loves you
sits there head empty for a hot minute…
then falls asleep..
(rip water bill- shower still running)
wym why he fell in love? your YOU!!
your amazing even if he doesn’t say it all the time
or even if you don’t think it
even if no else thinks it!
someone does!
he’s not the type of person to romanticize the person he loves
but he does accept you!
but as i said he loves you most for personality!
purely, truly—you
now let’s dabble back into the little gestures he’ll do to sway you once he realizes he loves you
for one like i said he’ll comb his hair in his fingers
and if he sees you find that attractive he’ll do it a little more around you
now keep in mind
your special
he doesn’t go around doing things like that for just anyone
no matter how small the change if it’s not beneficial he won’t do it
but this is beneficial
because he’s trying to court you ;)
he loves you, and he wants you to love him back now :)
but anyways
back on topic
he’ll also shrink his personal bubble around you
so now you can;
stand a little closer than normal
brush your fingers together
have your arms side by side
touch knees together when sitting
lay your head in his lap during movie night and he won’t say anything
(he wouldn’t pet your head but he’s not going to move you either)
rest your head on his shoulder as he does stuff/work (usually in private like when he’s planning his lessons on weekends)
speaking of that you can now come over unannounced and he’ll be glad to see you, ask you about your day, etc
back on topic to gestures he does,
his favors can get more personal,
like if you need to run errands but aren’t feeling well he’ll go shopping for you
(although i will say he doesn’t like shopping and has no idea what brands of products you normally buy he’ll do it to help you out)
he’ll also feel comfortable putting his arm on your shoulder (not around, on)
the gestures aren’t a lot because he isn’t the most cuddly guy (in my realistic headcanons)
but they mean something to you
AN: i tried to write canon aizawa more than fanon because it’s better that way to me but if anyone wants a little more cuddly/fanon aizawa i’d be happy to give it to them
i’m really happy with the way this turned out so i hope everyone can enjoy as well
ps: if you want specifically how he asks you out id love to do that (i might do it anyways 😋)
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imyour-buddy · 4 months
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Rengoku is proud of you! :3
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mosqitofood · 23 days
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Fanime 2024 one piece gathering
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apocketfullofpoesis · 21 days
Who's afraid of little old me is literally made for Chhuya and you can't convince me otherwise
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taytayb1993 · 4 months
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I'm posting this as a tribute to the man who created a manga that turned into anime, Akira Toriyama. I think he's the one who brought fans and anime community together. As much as I remember, my first time watching Dragon Ball Z was in probably 1998 on Toonami, and I just started to like the show. I was rooting for Goku when I was little. I used to dislike Vegeta, but now I started to like him. Dragon Ball Z has been my favorite anime ever since my childhood, I watched that anime probably every night after school. Good times.
It's amazing that this anime Dragon Ball series had unintentionally created a fan based community, adopted into a pop culture atmosphere. Went from manga, to anime, to pop culture, and now today, fan-based community.
RIP, Akira Toriyama, and thank you. We anime and comic book fans will always remember you and your artwork as we will remember our times watching and reading your masterpiece you made.
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kideaternomnom · 6 months
Nothing is funnier than when ANIME FANS out of all people are racist towards Asians or just any race in general. Because by reading manga, making videos or posts about Anime, or even just watching Anime online you’re supporting Japan and consuming their media. Either that or promoting others to watch it. So you’re contradicting yourself by liking and supporting that race you claim to be prejudice against. ☠️
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Happy Father's Day
To the ones who are present, for the ones who were lost, and the ones who stepped up
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vanillsposts · 11 months
I need to summon the help of my fellow magical girl fans please help me find where to watch the list below!!! Much appreciated if you know where to watch safely!!
1. Sugar Sugar Rune
2. Most of Precure ( excluding what’s on Crunchyroll. ). I’d love someone to help me find Max Heart and Smile Precure specifically - as Netflix only has the dub.
Magical Doremi/ Ojamajo Doremi ( Eng Subs with Japanese format plz! ).
Flowering Heart ( Korean audio with Eng Subs! )
And lastly, MewkleDreamy ( with Eng subs plz! )
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scipunk · 2 months
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Bubblegum Crisis: Tokyo 2040 (1998)
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azure-infinitum · 2 months
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The official Twitter account for the #anime adaptation of Satoru Nii's "Wind Breaker" manga introduced new cast members for the Shishitōren on Friday.
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lilsageart · 9 months
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JSA informants report to the battlefield. We going in.
Follow me: https://www.instagram.com/joshuasageart?igsh=YnVkNTIxdDJxcDRz&utm_source=qr
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luffyvace · 7 months
Zoro x male reader headcanons
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from my list on my profile :)
btw keep in mind there will be no ‘dom’ in this relationship for these headcanons. i have nothing against it as long as it’s still sfw so don’t be afraid to request that :).
zoro wouldn’t stand for a weak s/o
he doesn’t wanna have to worry for you
so if your weak he’ll make you train with him
and if your not ‘great! let’s spar!’
it doesn’t matter if you use swords or a weapons at all
yall gon spar.
y’all prob fight even more than him and sanji at this point
but not actually angry fight—spar fight
he’ll even teach you his no swords style if he has to 😭
also he’s not a huge cuddle bug or anything but he’s always warm
he’ll grunt if you snuggle up to him for warmth but won’t move you or anything
another thing—he always has your back
especially in fights
not really in petty arguments with other people tho
he might join in on it but not on your side
just to tease you
but you know he means no harm
except for with ero cook
then he’ll team up with you
zoros love languages are quality time and acts of service for sure
zoros quality time looks like working out together,
trying to understand whatever hobbies you like
drinking contests
sitting in solidarity silence
and his acts of service is
saving your butt in battle
going shopping together
any little favor you need really
if your carrying something heavy and almost drop it he’s got you
he shows he cares in little ways like that
zoro is the one to tell it like it is in the straw hats
like he did when usopp left
and he won’t be afraid to call you out on your crap if your wrong
hes not trying to alienate your or something
he just wants you to realize what your doing and change to be a better person
youll have to stop him from getting into trouble btw
like the time he almost shanked charlos
and you always makes sure he doesn’t get lost :)
may or may not come of with nick names for you depending on what you look like/do a lot
like with sanji and ero cook
but they’re less insulting
if your a more excitable person he won’t mind same with being a chill person
hes indifferent about a lot of things
hes chill with 90% personalities and 100% of looks
the 10% of personality he doesn’t like is sanji’s
apologies to sanji kinnies :)
you and zoro kinda always end up going wherever the other goes
like y’all are always together but like not on purpose
it’s cute to robin and nami
zoro would open up to you about his past a good amount of months into the relationship
but it won’t be at random
itll probably happen after you open up to him about yours
then he starts thinkin
’should i tell him?’
he decides he’ll take the opportunity when it comes to him
it was a much needed conversation that let him get a lot off his chest
especially about kuina
he never directly told anyone about who she was
he always just says i promised someone
or his childhood friend
but he never went into depth
which is just even more confirmation that he really loves and trusts you
communication with him is actually pretty good
some topics might get skimped though
if he does something you don’t like subconsciously
dont hesitate to come to him about it
it won’t offend him
he’s a tough cookie anyways he’ll be alright
plus he’s all about betterment
so he’s open to criticism as longs as your being genuine and not sarcastic
he’s also most likely to take it if it’s from you
yall trust each other with y’all lives 100% on another note
if you wanna go on dates?
ya mean drinking contests?
nahh jk
but it won’t be anything sappy because he refuses to take any advice from love cook
just chillin somewhere peaceful on an island
hopefully you have navigation skills or at least not his sense of direction so y’all don’t get lost 😭
don’t let him lead btw
he’ll try to and insist he knows where he’s going
no he dont
stop him
you have to be stern or he’s going his way
hes kinda stubborn
you love that part of him too tho
i’m proud with the way these came out!
i hope any guy that reads this enjoys because there is 100% a lack of male content- so here you are! :)
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