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sixthwater · 7 days ago
Can mars get the fuck out of my sixth house right now I’m dead serious
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sixthwater · 12 days ago
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Two of Wands and The Devil
You carefully considered all your options, and then remembered you don't have any.
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sixthwater · 13 days ago
Having strong Mercury influence is sending voice notes in your chat and your friends going “can’t wait to listen to this episode of the podcast”
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sixthwater · 15 days ago
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The Fool and Temperance
It's time to walk away from a state of equilibrium.
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sixthwater · 23 days ago
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sixthwater · 1 month ago
I remember I was pulled to make a post about Aquarius forever ago, for once not because I was being annoyed by generalizations but I wanted to break Aquarius down
And with the split descriptions I’m seeing of Pluto in Aqua I might get back into that
As a preview, for those that enjoyed/know of riverdale: Aquarians are just Jughead
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sixthwater · 1 month ago
Reminder of who I am, recently too many people have been getting comfortable being ignorant so if any of that bothers you, unfollow me
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sixthwater · 2 months ago
idk why ive been listening to fall out boy so much suddenly but that means a new mustrology piece
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sixthwater · 2 months ago
So a bit ago someone had requested I look into Eminem's love life, for various reasons it fell to the back burner until I would get around to it, but today at work they played 'Cleanin' Out My Closet' and it reminded me of that request again so I wanted to look at his chart again.
Moon that would most likely square his Mercury
Damaged Venus probably squaring his Saturn
Don't think his Sun would aspect his mars but even then, Sun AND Mars are weak too. Mentioning mars because the song was supposedly about his father as well.
So very curious about when he was born because if he has a day chart his Jupiter can't help because it's weak as well, so the houses have to be doing something here to help elevate something for him because Sun is weak and at night Venus and Mars aren't strong either so
Curious as to where they lie there lmao
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sixthwater · 2 months ago
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Knight of Pentacles and Queen of Pentacles reversed
Someone is arriving with fresh supplies of the thing you just ran out of.
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sixthwater · 2 months ago
-Prince Harry & Meghan Markle
-Bang Chan from Stray Kids
Congrats! I'll do both submissions since it's not that hefty. So these will be the start of my celebrity astro series
(If I did not pick yours, the chart was unreliable, and considering the type of analysis I will be doing, it'd be very difficult to read it and I'd really just be doing the general series I'm already doing haha)
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sixthwater · 2 months ago
some of the esoteric community need a bernie mac talk i'm so serious
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sixthwater · 2 months ago
FOUND IT I have a whole thing written up but I put it on the wrong blog here those with a sixth house venus
Natives with a 6H Venus when people say they're always romantically involved with their co-workers
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sixthwater · 3 months ago
personal thing but i love when readers get cards and go 'what the fuck'
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sixthwater · 3 months ago
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Welcome to yet another clash of fiction and astrology! Today we are exploring Netflix's adaption of Neil Gaiman's "The Sandman", and seeing how a few characters beautifully display the core characteristics of certain houses in astrology.
The connections we will be diving into are:
Dream — Eighth House The Corinthian — Tenth House Lucienne — Sixth House Death — Seventh House
Would you care to sit down while I explain?
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I know that this is a weird association considering he is the master of our dreams, and that immediately goes to the twelfth. However, Dream stresses a lot about how he and the human race are connected on a more sensitive scale — which yes!! Is still very much a twelfth house  thing! It's just that the way he talks about it is always transactional and intimate.
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Humans provide the emotions, anxieties, goals — the spectrum if you will, for Dream. In return, Dream provides the appropriate 'realm' that they'll receive that night depending on whatever message they need to receive or if they just need a momentary escape. Transactional. It also immediately goes out of balance the second he’s caught and his items are stolen. People stop dreaming and basically go into a comatose state. If he can’t hold up his end of the deal and ensure things are okay, then things fall apart. Which is not necessarily a twelfth house thing. On a much lesser note, there was the whole thing with him having to go through trials and missions and basically rediscover himself all over again to get his tools back which just stinks of eighth house themes. (Which, as a side note, I guess you can place everyone just passing his stuff around as an inheritance?? Right we can place that under inheri)
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He also directly deals with death, despite not handling that sector of life. Hell he even got kidnapped in their place. Despite that he witnessed his raven being murdered in front of him and his captor ended up dying from a fatal wound thanks to a blow caused by the very bubble he was bound to. A mortal ended up dying from one of his tools as well. Just to be sensitive, I won’t place any of those examples here, but he’s not very new to those matters.
Speaking of which, his captivity did make many negative feelings bubble to the surface. While Dream is not new to these intense emotions, he is used to controlling them due to his service and how it can cause harm to the dream world. It did paint his view of humans in a negative light for some time and he found it very difficult to ‘just move on from it’. What does the eighth house deal with? Those exact deep, murky, disgusting feelings or thoughts we’d rather not explore. It holds the part of our psyche that is begging to be looked at so we can come face to face with our flaws and embrace our shadow side as something to not lock away and hide, but to soothe and heal.
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There’s also this very interesting scene that covers how deep the eighth house goes as well. It covers intimacy, deep emotional turmoil or investment. When things affect this house, it will either make, transform, or break you. We can see the combination of a deep grudge as well a devoted partnership play out (bonus points for it taking place in the underworld)
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The eighth house is a very deep pool to dive into, but it should not be scary. You should be encourage to make a dive every once in a while to get used to what’s going on in your waters, to make sure you don’t have to undergo any major maintenance, and everything is working as it should be. Lest you break down at a time you really can’t afford to.
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The Corinthian
This man drove me fucking crazy because I could NOT figure out  which house he was it only took me seven episodes until they literally spelled it out for me
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The tenth house is part of our reputation, and I find it hilarious that I'm writing this during an episode from a sitcom all about someone's reputation.  It's a mix of how you present and hold yourself within your career. It can also be around peers that only / mainly know you for your  achievements. It's the 'idea' of you that others hold and spread around to those that have even less of a perception of who you really are,  thus; the reputation is born.
It can also be the image that you prefer to present yourself as to  the public. A shield before people are let in and they get to know your sixth, seventh, eighth, and fourth house. A place to possibly represent the type of fans or followers you'll gain, and what influence you have over people or in that particular area.
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There's more to the tenth though, because it's tied to our fourth house (not specifically talking about MC/IC). Our roots, ancestry,  family conditioning - all of that follows us and molds us subconsciously  into what we want to project or pursue for our career. Which you can see pretty damn well with The Corinthian whenever he interacts or talks about Dream
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While Gault took a more passive and friendly approach to 'disobeying' orders and breaking free from what they were made to do, The Corinthian goes 100 mph into a brick wall essentially. Just to prove a point and flip off Dream. There are pretty obvious parallels to a sour relationship for him when he 'bonds' with Jed, even if it's manipulative and still rooted in getting underneath Dream's skin
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You can see how much of an impact Dream has on him whether or not he wants to admit it, and that translates right back to the impact your fourth has on your tenth
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It's an angle of influence and it gives you a metaphorical soapbox to direct other people who look up to you or see you as someone with wisdom, power, or experience
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Remember, the tenth is an incredible angle in your chart. It’s a symbol of where you stand within your field, the quiet power you hold within you. Where you landed after your fourth sent you off. How you can lead others should they look up to you for guidance. There’s much to be tapped into when it comes to this house. There’s a reason why it’s considered an angle.
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Ok I'm being objective for this entire post so I get to have my five minutes: this is my bitch right here and of course it is I'm a sixth stellium with a virgo mars leave me alone
Anyway the second they showed up and gave me this line, it was done. I mean I was open for a change of heart, but they were consistent as expected:
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Speaks volumes and pretty much sums the sixth up. The steadfast loyalty despite not knowing if Dream would return wouldn't necessarily be tied to the sixth in particular, but from Dream's eyes it gives him a sense of stability and comfort. After going through everything he experienced and coming back to his kingdom in shambles along with 90% of his staff gone, he has one person who attempted to keep things together and was right there the second he returned. It's an idea that someone or something will always be consistent and you know it will be there for you no matter what. Not to an undying, intense level, but you don't have to worry about it. That's the sixth. Also taking care of such a stressful, annoying and mundane thing as journaling every single thing that happened while he was away? Yeah.It's also associated with guidelines and following things correctly (at least loosely)
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Gotta be able to clear your checklist off somehow.
There's also a display (at least attempts) of objectivity from Lucienne so they can follow their Lord and the rules placed within their Kingdom, and while Dream was gone, they still attempted to keep the world running so things could keep moving without much problem
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Where would the world be without the workhorse that is the sixth house?
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If you're still here I'm sure these connections are annoying you but I have a case to make okay!
Death's entire episode (besides the obvious) was about ripping away the fearful aspect of it and showing it in a more 'softer' light. To a point where, at least in the Netflix adaptation, they're probably the most empathetic towards the human race
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When looking at Death, you'd think of the eighth house first.  Rightfully so. However once they start talking about how we're connected  and we feed off of each other — they can't survive without humans and vice versa — it can start to sound like a mix of eighth and eleventh. However, Death can act extremely intimate and caring towards their profession and with others. They take extreme care when showing up for their 'appointments', and when discussing how they just 'have a job to  do', they mentioned that they've been here since the first living thing came to be and they'll be the last to go so they can tidy up:
"When the last living thing dies, I'll put the chairs on the table, turn out the lights and... lock the universe behind me when I leave."
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This is what the seventh house is. It's gaining energy from the  other party during intimate conversations. Feeling like the other person  can understand parts of you better than you understand yourself at  times. It's a feeling of partnership with others through slowly merging your ego with others before trying to dance with the whole world all at  once. It's you not liking pickles on your sandwiches so your partner takes them for you because they like pickles, so the perfect partnership  is made.
It's also where you can get help in discovering sides of yourself  that you haven't figured out yet, and a great source of personal frustration. The seventh can be parts of you that are so obvious, you  end up being blind to them. It's a side of you that you end up only  bringing out around people that you feel comfortable with. Parts of you that others will need to help make you aware of by mirroring that  energy. It is up to you if you want to make amends with that not-so-hidden side of yourself. Death sealed the deal with this house when they expressed their difficulty with their job in the beginning:
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It's an air house, as well as a social one. It encourages growth  through interacting with others. It follows houses that want you to  build your ego so you can figure yourself out first before engaging with others. Once your roots are firmly planted, you can continue your  journey with the help of others to shine lights on things you might have missed, because we can't do everything alone.
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Thank you for your time everyone! I hope you enjoyed this post! Honestly I wanted to include Fiddler's Green and other characters but sometimes they don't throw in enough dialogue or screen time for me to make a definitive case (like I definitely wanted to do Matthew, but I cannot argue for the house I claimed). Please let me know your thoughts below, did you also think Lightbringer's battle outfit was sexy because I did.
If you enjoyed this post, please give it a reblog and a like. Be sure to check out my pinned post as my paid readings (both tarot and astrology) are open, and I have more content like this to check out as well! You can also check me out on other social media or drop me a tip too!
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sixthwater · 3 months ago
1. Me and Andrew Garfield have the same midheaven???
2. So convinced that if your seventh house is empty those placements do nothing for you or piss you off for sure
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sixthwater · 3 months ago
current list of grievances:
-Been way too in touch/psychic lately and its getting on my damn nerves
-Cannot finish scheduled posts and keep being called to do something else i know i was supposed to get more comfortable doing that but i have a sixth house stellium what do you want from me
-Way too sensitive I know I'm having a bad time but I really don't need a sign from dead relatives to let me know its okay like i love you but that perhaps will make me cry actually
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