dragonssparkle · 2 years
just a fun bit of lipsinc with my girl. the beak was a fun challenge to work with
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spookky-aint-spooky · 3 months
I take my hobby as an editor very seriously.
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atomic-sludge · 2 years
Anyway I'm working on a thing in order to finally populate my YT channel ^_^
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Thank Titan this was (hopefully) the hardest part to animate~!
Hate this motherfucjing creachure ❤️
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kindaeccentric · 1 year
My CD player came in today and the speaker quality is just the perfect level of kind of good kind of shitty that gives it that cool vintage vibe. The first album I put on was Three Cheers and I sang the entire thing through (well, most, I can't scream like Gerard and some of the lyrics are too tightly packed to follow, but I tried)
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zanderbobs · 1 year
I actually hate the whole bizarre new way of consuming media where people think that you have to relate to something to like it and enjoy it. The whole obsession around 'nobody understands this like I do' and the general antagonism within fandoms that it creates when it's taken too seriously is so insufferable sometimes.
Being able to relate to something and see yourself portrayed in it is great! But if you can't relate, there's no point in pretending you do or forcing yourself to. You can still enjoy it and find it interesting, and maybe even find small aspects of it relatable. I'm just so sick of seeing people being relentlessly attacked for harmlessly enjoying media that isn't personally relatable to them because 'they'll never get it' or 'it's not for them'. Obviously some fans who aren't necessarily the target audience do cross the line (cough cough some mitski fans for example, but thats a topic for a whole other day) but in a lot of cases it's just some harmless fun and there's no need to kick up a massive fuss about it all.
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bigolechompers · 1 month
day 3 of my gender dysphoria death spiral and i just did the lipsinc trick in a full size mirror while wearing big shirt and binder
it helped
(a little)
anyway yall got any tips or tricks?
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devilst0at · 20 days
We need Dale headcanons for like his everyday life. What do you think he does? How many times does this man jack off a day😭
I feel like he probably doesn’t do much, to be honest 😭 yes, there is probably some jacking off involved because wtf else is he gonna do. Poor thing is probably lonely and bored. Making dolls would take up the majority of his time I feel like, they’re his duty and really his life’s main purpose. I feel like he does everything to serve the devil in a way, but also parts of the real him do show through his interests and such.
Maybe.. sleeps, takes little naps when he’s bored, writes, maybe listens to music or sits on the floor and strums on the electric guitar he has, organizes and cleans, and every once in a while goes on a little outing. Obviously he goes to the hardware store/craft store to pick up supplies for his dolls, but I could also see him going to used bookstores every once in a while, scanning the occult section for anything he didn’t see last time. Maybe he would also go to small antique or thrift stores and just kinda shuffle around awkwardly.
He probably doesn't have much of a normal routine since he's constantly in that basement. His idea of time must be somewhat warped. I mean, I imagine he would probably stay up into the night and early morning sometimes and then nod off while reading and not wake up until afternoon. I wonder what he eats, does Ruth make him food or does he buy stuff for himself? It's not like he'd have a stove down there though, and he would need to eat actual food eventually so I think Ruth probably brings him stuff at least once a day. I feel like he’d probably snack on popcorn, pretzels, pudding cups, fritos etc in between meals, just lame easy to store snacks. I would love to make him a nice meal like steak or something and give him a kiss on the forehead like here bbg let me take care of you :[
I feel like he’d be lonely and bored when he isn’t making dolls 😭 Maybe sometimes he’d lay on his bed and just stare off into nothing, thinking about things, sulking. Or he’d go for a drive and not go anywhere in particular, just staring off into the wilderness and the trees passing him until it gets dark and then going home, as much as Ruth’s house can be home. Maybe sometimes he likes to listen to music and do his makeup, we see in some younger shots that he used to and maybe still does wear some eyeshadow, so perhaps for fun or to feel better he’d do some makeup in front of his little mirror, look at himself for a bit then wear it til he goes to bed. Maybe do something cute like lipsinc in front of the mirror or try on his old clothes. I could also see him picking up sewing or something, especially for making clothes for his dolls.
Let’s be fr, he also probably has a collection of old fashioned porno magazines, judging from the fact that he has pinups on his walls… I think he’s mostly just kinda sad and washed up though, there’s obviously a lot of personality and also genuine talent in him but the duty he’s been chosen to serve and therefore the life he must live doesn’t always allow for that to shine all the way through. Still, he does what he can to maintain some semblance of purpose and individuality outside of being a servant for the devil.
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reggieisnotdead · 2 months
I need Thomas Sanders to lipsinc as Remus to Kesha's new song "Joyride" for,,, scientific purposes. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
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biohazard-4ever · 3 months
Claire parading and dancing in front of her mirror with Leon's super expensive jacket from RE4 as she lipsinc the song Judas by Lady Gaga
And Leon watching it from their bed, with a smile as Claire dances and entertain them with her silly play.
They should be getting ready for dinner... But lost the time enjoying each other's company instead.
They ordered delivery. Pizza and wine.
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rainbow-neko-artblog · 11 months
Sucky topic....but at least my lipsinc is getting better :)
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the audio to this tiktok went "this is the f*ggot the prophecy fortold," and yes, she lipsinced the slur
Jesus fucking Christ
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fernsproutxx · 1 year
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14 seconds down, 31 to go… hoo boy.
have a look at y/n’s unamused face in the meantime.
also, i’m not gonna do lipsinc for this, only text on screen, because that’s a whole ‘nother can of worms i’m not up to doing atm asdfghjklñ.
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shunshinstan · 2 years
Kakashi actually wears a mask so that the budget normally dedicated to lipsinc and facial expressions could be funneled into making random Gai scenes have incredible animation
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ryusei-yellow · 22 days
We begin a year before the start of the game. Yumenosaki is not doing well. Sure there are some students that still desire to excel among their peers(Valk) but everyone mostly agrees that Yumenosaki is becoming the epitome of whatever happens when you stop washing the dishes for a week: Dirty, ugly and followed by a group of people trying to furiously blame each other for it.
The students started to believe that in order to gain success they just need to become part of the top units of the school because their popularity alone would make them national idols -> they get lazy and unmotivated and start trashing the whole place and getting into fights + bullying (Chiaki).
There are people that realise that change needs to happen, but only one who is willing to go through with it. That someone is local rich blond kid Eichi Tenshouin, alive, out of the hospital and about to make that everyone's problem.
(Meteor Impact + Valk forming happens here but since you'll be reading the former and the later doesn't have as much importance I'll be skipping it)
Eichi teams up with Keito (he hasn't formed Akatsuki yet btw) in order to change Yumenosaki into something better. Eichi proposes the idea of pining the blame for the students' horrible performances on 3 top students, the Three Eccentrics, and that way the built up frustration and fear of the students will create strong feelings enough to revolutionise the academy. Those 3 eccentrics will be Rei(Susanoo, Japanese Kami of storm), Kanata(Tsukuyomi, Kami of the sea) and Wataru(Amaterasu, Kami of the sun). Then Eichi rectifies, saying that they have to Get Bigger, and decides to add 2 more, creating the Five Eccentrics instead.
Eichi is a little lost so he decides to ask Tsumugi because he's friends with a lot of people at the academy. Tsumugi suggests Shu as the fourth eccentric. Now they only need one more member, a first year specifically. Tsumugi proposes Hokuto and Subaru, but he later meets Natsume in the secret room of the library (becoming friends with him) and they make Natsume the last Eccentric instead.
Tsumugi and Eichi agree that they need an underdog unit in order to execute the Eccentrics and become an example for the rest of the academy. They add Nagisa and Hiyori (fun fact, Ritsu also apparently could've ended up in the unit) into the blend and call it Fine, Italian for "the end".
They need a plan to take down each one of the eccentrics. Eichi stirs up trouble in Yumenosaki's sister schools, that way Rei (the strongest eccentric) has to leave off for trips constantly to try and fix things, and Fine doesn't have to deal with him.
So who are they executing first?
The French one.
Shu Itsuki is having the time of his life, being the emperor of the school and sole conductor of the 3 man orchestra that is Valkyrie. Valkyrie currently has 2 members beside him: Nazuna (his perfect little angel with the voice of a thousand suns) and. Mika. He's just sort of there. whatever. Don't pay attention to him
Problem: Nazuna is going through Puberty™. His voice is changing and since his more mature voice brings Shu dysphoria (Shu believed that dolls >>>>>> people, and since he found comfort in Nazuna's doll-like appearance and voice, letting go of that isn't something he wants) he bans Nazuna from singing. Instead, they use prerecorded songs and Nazuna lipsincs.
Nazuna doesn't like this and thinks Valkyrie needs new songs in order to maintain their position in the academy, so he practices on the rooftop. He forges a friendship with Kuro, who's also Shu's childhood friend. (I'm starting to get off track so just please please please read Reminiscing Marionette if you're interested in exValk lore. It's really good I promise)
What will Fine do? Sabotage Shu's performance by turning off the recorded lines, of course. Mika (only served as backup dancer until now) takes the initiative and starts singing, Nazuna joins right in. They finish the performance and walk off stage, as they pass by their rivals, Fine, Eichi whispers something in Shu's ear:
"Thanks for playing like I thought you would"
Shu has a massive breakdown. He also acquires OSDD-1a and starts using Mademoiselle to express what he actually feels. Fun fact; Mademoiselle was probably inspired by Kuro's mom.
This is a turning point for the academy. Fine become a beacon of hope, the underdog unit that beat Yumenosaki's emperor, and other students start hating on the Eccentrics and rekindle their passions for Idols and music.
The student council(Rei used to be the president, now Eichi is) also creates a rule: units can only have 2 to 5 members (DreamFes system also gets added here). This means the Eccentrics can't perform alone (and since nobody likes them..boo hoo) and also the mass units, like Chess, disband into smaller groups.
One of these smaller groups is Knights (minus Tsukasa). The other exChess members host a fight in order to find out who's the strongest of them all. Leo, local egocentric Mozart in the making, is like "lmao here's the deal. You either use my super skibidi poggers songs or you get to be friends with me. Since I'm such a cool friend." "Nah man, we actually only liked you for your talent," reply the exChess members. "Haha lol okay I bet you don't even care about this competition. I can just bribe you out and Knights will win by default", says Leo, sweating heavily. "Sure man. where's the money at?" Reply the exChess members.
That's how Leo's brat summer comes to an end. Now it's time for year long depression arc and burnt out gifted kid syndrome (he locks himself in his room and forces himself to compose 24/7 + it's implied he did sh in there too). Knights takes a long hiatus.
Also Venus Cup happens. Trickstar perform together for the first time and become besties.
Kanata's execution happens here I think? Most of it is explained in the event.
After that happens though, Natsume calls Rei, terrified by what's happening in the school. Rei comes back to Yumenosaki and Eichi reveals that he's the one who has been causing trouble in the other schools in order for him to not get involved. Rei lets it slide, saying there's nothing left for him to do. He finishes saying that Eichi himself isn't so different from the monsters (the Eccentrics) he created himself. Rei has been defeated.
Tsumugi comes to the secret room to talk to Natsume. Natsume is Pissed and going through his "I Can't Believe You've Done This" era, calling Tsumugi a Fine member. Natsume is the youngest eccentric, so the others (who've all become good friends after being ostracized and hated by society overnight) decided to shield him from the shade. This only makes Natsume's guilt worse, and he's actually the one who hates Fine the most out of them because of it (except maybe Shu..).
Tsumugi says the last live will be Wataru's execution, and Natsume says that Fine has ruined everything, and also used everyone for their dirty work. Tsumugi doesn't understand why his friend is so mad, and compares Fine to magic, praising Eichi again. Natsume asks why Tsumugi let this happen. Tsumugi replies it was a natural sacrifice to pay. They only wanted everyone to be happy, isn't that what true idols do? People will begin to hate Eichi at some point, but that doesn't matter, because Tsumugi is Eichi's friend, and he'll protect him no matter what just like the Eccentrics protected Natsume. Because that's what friends do. Natsume kicks him out of his room.
Eichi had collapsed again, his condition having worsened exponentially. He doesn't want to die. He doesn't want to die yet please don't let him die yet.
Suddenly, a voice speaks from beside his bed, asking if he's the villain of this story. It is the last eccentric, Wataru Hibiki. Eichi tells Wataru to put his mask on, this conversation wasn't in the script of the play. Wataru tells Eichi this is a shitty script and that he doesn't know what role he's playing in this so-called tragedy. Eichi explains that he saved Wataru for last because he's the best actor in the cast and will play his role perfectly. However, he... He doesn't want to defeat Wataru. Wataru shushes him, saying he should keep his feelings locked away if he wants to be a true idol. Then he disappears.
Unfortunately. Natsume has eavesdropped on the entire conversation, and he won't let Wataru lose, no matter what.
The day of the live, Natsume gives Wataru a script of an outcome where the eccentrics win and get to be happy. Wataru says that if they win now, they will truly become the monsters that everyone thinks they are. Rei walks away with a very depressed Natsume and everyone prepares for the show.
(Is this a good time to mention that Natsume and Wataru see each other as their big/little brothers? I think it's a good time to mention that)
Eichi is alone backstage, still very frail. He says he's alone because the rest of Fine are only here because of the contracts he made, their relationship is exclusively of convenience. Wataru asks if Eichi has any friends. Eichi says Wataru hasn't got any friends either. Wataru corrects him, saying he values the other eccentrics as his friends more that anything, and thanks Eichi for allowing him to meet them, saying he's never been so happy in his life.
Tsumugi walks over and asks Eichi about their contracts. It says that, after this live, Fine will disband and go their separate ways. Eichi says this isn't a mistake at all, and that it's time for Tsumugi to rest. This entire thing must've been very annoying, right?
Eichi believes Tsumugi only became his friend unitmate in order to pay his mother's debts. However, Tsumugi genuinely wanted to be friends with Eichi and the rest of Fine. He's incredibly hurt and disappointed. Wataru says he's never seen anyone play the role of The Fool better.
Tsumugi replies that he just wanted to make everyone happy. Wataru explains that he can't force people to be happy. Being happy is a choice (Wataru liked Aristotle no clickbait), so you can't impose it on others, you can only help people find their ways there.
Wataru then puts the mask back on and urges the heroes of Fine to defeat the big bad Eccentrics and save Yumenosaki once and for all. Isn't that what they've always wanted? Why are they all so hesitant to go step onto the stage?
Wataru (he's performing with undercover Hokuto) is defeated. The five eccentrics are no more, and Fine disbands.
Out of the corner of his eye, Eichi sees Tori and Yuzuru, though he doesn't recognise them, watching his performance. He then feels sick and falls down, but Wataru catches him, saying he shouldn't collapse while the audience is watching. As the audience leaves, Eichi passes out, and his blood splatters onto Wataru's chest
Tsumugi and Natsume reunite in the garden, burning away the exFine contracts and the script where the eccentrics won. Nothing about that matters now. The war is over, so why do both of them still feel so... Dead?
Tsumugi tells Natsume to punch him. Natsume agrees
Eichi wakes up in the hospital, ready to let himself die. He doesn't deserve to live.
Wataru appears. Eichi asks if he's here for revenge, which Wataru denies. His friends are recovering, Shu found Mika, Kanata found Chiaki, Rei is going strong with Koga, and Natsume has found Tsumugi. You'd think the only loser of the war was Eichi, but Wataru feels just as lost, and asks Eichi to give him another role, because the last role Eichi gave him was the best in his life.
Eichi agrees that he needs a plan for what'll happen after his character dies. But what if he didn't die? Then he'd become the next Emperor, the next tyrant. Who knows, maybe Yumenosaki would go back to what it was before, and then he'd be defeated by some new underdog unit. He gets many ideas, and suddenly, suddenly Eichi wants to live. He wants to see what happens next, he wants to be part of it too!
But it's too much. He'd need help. He asks Wataru if he would like to see what the future has in store with Eichi, by his side. Wataru agrees, saying he's excited for the next era. The era of Trickstar.
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sadmages · 2 years
(your lipsinc thingy)
also is that jon by any chance?
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Thank you though!!! And no that's my own guy my sweet cheese my oc Glenn who existed long before any jon fanon design and is my strongest soldier for being mistaken for him so often orz
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red-might-be-dead · 1 year
i CANNOT do ANYTHING whilst i listen to Art Is Dead because i HAVE to lipsinc the whole goddamn song like im doing a fucking dramatic monologue
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