devilst0at · 2 days
hey does anybody else get so sad thinking about dale that their chest hurts with emotion and anguish? no? okay
in the 20 years that he stayed in that basement it is unlikely that he had any connection or interaction other than the little he would have with ruth and small interactions with people in public when he goes on errands. no family except for the strange fucked up one he has created. he hopes satan loves him back, but he is a pawn. he wants to be pretty and desirable but people gawk and turn away no matter how many painful procedures he goes through. he spends so much time alone. all to be unloved by pretty much anyone and die in a cold interrogation room. he was so happy to see lee
i wonder if he had moments where he realized this was the path he was going down and just felt awful. i wonder if he cries about what he does and how awful he is. i wonder if he has moments of clarity that this is it, this is the end, and he will do this ‘til the end, that it’s his purpose and there cannot be anymore.
i’m not okay
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devilst0at · 12 days
I do really want to comfort Dale, especially since we know that he is tired and sad and lonely and so exhausted from working for the devil, but…
I think I need him to comfort me even more. I need him to be there for me so bad, I don’t know what it is but he seems like such a comforting presence. It sounds funny, because obviously he’s meant to be a frightening character, a villain. But he genuinely seems like he would be so sweet and so good at comforting and taking care of someone. I think maybe I partially feel this way because I’m chronically lonely/have trouble socially and generally don’t receive as much comfort from others as I need, so a character like Dale who I adore so much and who is even weirder and more outcasted than me just seems like the perfect person to be there for me when I need it. Not sure if anyone else feels that way.
I would kill to just be friends with him, it doesn’t even have to be romantic though I obviously would want it to be, I just wanna talk to him and tell him everything and seek comfort and advice from him, almost like a guiding figure (I mean he is much older than me lmao I’m 21) or at least like someone I know I could go to for help or comfort. Our relationship would be a bit odd considering our age difference but I think it would make it even more comforting, he has more experience in the world than me. I have absolutely no idea what about his screentime/character says that he would be a good friend, I just have a feeling. I feel like if I started crying in front of him he would hold me so nicely and shush me and do that cute silly little ‘ohh’ and pity me and pet my head until I stopped crying. I could never be anxious or scared with him. Which again is so funny because he is supposed to be scary but I’m very serious.
And he’s silly! He would be able to make me smile and giggle when I need it the most and he’d take me out shopping and he’d do my makeup for me and he’d carry me to bed whenever I’m too tired to get up from the couch. If I ever felt rejected or weird or self conscious I could go to him and we’d rejoice in each other’s oddness. I just know it. I wanna go shopping together and then listen to music on the way back, and I’d scream the lyrics so loud my throat would hurt and I’d tire myself out, and then I’d rest my head on his shoulder the rest of the way home and smile and fall half asleep.
Dale to me is someone who got caught up with the devil, perhaps due to needing that guiding or powerful force in his life or seeking something that was missing from his life, perhaps love or acceptance or meaning, and started doing all these awful things for the devil because it’s what he had to do, even though it’s not in his nature. He acts out of service to Satan, not out of genuine malice towards others or the urge to hurt or kill - just love and devotion to Satan, and I feel that underneath this web he’s caught himself up in, he is a sweet, gentle person trapped and dampened by evil influence (Satan to me is not entirely evil, it’s more nuanced than that, but obviously the act of killing innocent people is evil). He’s a creative, and that’s how he does his work, as is his nature - if he is to kill, if he must, he’ll do it artfully and distantly, make beautiful things crafted with love and care to be the devices of death.
To a normal person it may be hard to understand, but he’s someone I really wish I had in my life and I would just kill to curl up into his arms after a long day and stay there as long as I needed. I’m definitely one to see the good and the sweet in awful, broken things. I see so much beauty in him and I really feel the softest, purest affection for him ❤️‍🩹
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devilst0at · 16 days
We need Dale headcanons for like his everyday life. What do you think he does? How many times does this man jack off a day😭
I feel like he probably doesn’t do much, to be honest 😭 yes, there is probably some jacking off involved because wtf else is he gonna do. Poor thing is probably lonely and bored. Making dolls would take up the majority of his time I feel like, they’re his duty and really his life’s main purpose. I feel like he does everything to serve the devil in a way, but also parts of the real him do show through his interests and such.
Maybe.. sleeps, takes little naps when he’s bored, writes, maybe listens to music or sits on the floor and strums on the electric guitar he has, organizes and cleans, and every once in a while goes on a little outing. Obviously he goes to the hardware store/craft store to pick up supplies for his dolls, but I could also see him going to used bookstores every once in a while, scanning the occult section for anything he didn’t see last time. Maybe he would also go to small antique or thrift stores and just kinda shuffle around awkwardly.
He probably doesn't have much of a normal routine since he's constantly in that basement. His idea of time must be somewhat warped. I mean, I imagine he would probably stay up into the night and early morning sometimes and then nod off while reading and not wake up until afternoon. I wonder what he eats, does Ruth make him food or does he buy stuff for himself? It's not like he'd have a stove down there though, and he would need to eat actual food eventually so I think Ruth probably brings him stuff at least once a day. I feel like he’d probably snack on popcorn, pretzels, pudding cups, fritos etc in between meals, just lame easy to store snacks. I would love to make him a nice meal like steak or something and give him a kiss on the forehead like here bbg let me take care of you :[
I feel like he’d be lonely and bored when he isn’t making dolls 😭 Maybe sometimes he’d lay on his bed and just stare off into nothing, thinking about things, sulking. Or he’d go for a drive and not go anywhere in particular, just staring off into the wilderness and the trees passing him until it gets dark and then going home, as much as Ruth’s house can be home. Maybe sometimes he likes to listen to music and do his makeup, we see in some younger shots that he used to and maybe still does wear some eyeshadow, so perhaps for fun or to feel better he’d do some makeup in front of his little mirror, look at himself for a bit then wear it til he goes to bed. Maybe do something cute like lipsinc in front of the mirror or try on his old clothes. I could also see him picking up sewing or something, especially for making clothes for his dolls.
Let’s be fr, he also probably has a collection of old fashioned porno magazines, judging from the fact that he has pinups on his walls… I think he’s mostly just kinda sad and washed up though, there’s obviously a lot of personality and also genuine talent in him but the duty he’s been chosen to serve and therefore the life he must live doesn’t always allow for that to shine all the way through. Still, he does what he can to maintain some semblance of purpose and individuality outside of being a servant for the devil.
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devilst0at · 15 days
sorry if this is vulgar but do you think dale knows his way around a vagina? like do you think he’s “studied” women’s anatomy (like reading books?) and maybe knows how to pleasure his partner or do you think his partner would have to guide him through it and show him?
[NSFW ahead ‼️]
First off, I don’t personally think he would be a virgin. If he was actually at least mildly successful in his local scene as a musician in the old days, he probably had at least one or two flings i imagine - but by the time that the movie takes place, he probably hasn’t touched a woman or anyone in a very long time. Like, i cannot imagine that this guy has gotten any action for the past 30 years or so, maybe more, assuming he’s around 60.
That being said, even if he might be very rusty and nervous and overwhelmed, his hands are very.. oughsjh.. deft and sensual and skilled 🥴. He hasn’t touched anyone in so long, but he knows how to. I wouldn’t look past the idea of him studying the idea or having the anatomical knowledge to be good at it. I feel like this man knows where a clit is and that’s more than you could say for like half the male population. I don’t think you’d have to guide him, he’d know how to make his partner feel good (especially aside from fingering, like putting his hand on ur throat in juuust the right way) but he would love it if you told him exactly how you like it, he’d enthusiastically obey and try his damn hardest to do as much as he can for you. I think his touch would be so nice, loving and purposeful but soft. It might’ve been a long time since he’s done that for someone, but once he gets into it I think it would be really good.
And he’d be so into it too, he’s definitely the type to watch you the whole time and just eat up all your reactions, that’s half the fun for him and he’s getting dizzy and whiny just watching you. He’s staring intently and whining and talking you through it softly yet vulgarly while he does it. I do think at some point during sex he might get a little rough or clumsy cause he wants it so bad, but can you blame him..? I can see him getting so worked up that he loses a little bit of his sensual touch and gets desperate and shaky. And honestly me too, I’d be absolutely losing my mind if I got to have him so we’re both gonna be a bit of a mess at some point.
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devilst0at · 18 days
yes!! more soft dale headcanons!! i like to indulge in him being intimidating sometimes but i also just want to hold him
ask and you shall receive, dear anon :)
as i’ve established in my last dale headcanons post, i really truly feel that he just needs love… oz perkins himself has said/suggested that dale is sad and feels like an outcast and is self conscious about who he is and other people’s reactions to him. nobody really responds positively to dale in his everyday life. he probably severely lacks any positive interactions or kindness from others in his day to day, and probably feels so lonely and sad all the time, so i think if someday someone just genuinely wanted to be around him and talk to him he wouldn’t even know what to do with himself.
i like to imagine our first interaction as running into him somewhere, maybe a craft/hardware store or small grocery store/gas station, and maybe that day he decides to actually wear his nice clothes like with his little pink vest and jacket instead of just some pajamas and slippers. usually people think he’s kinda creepy and weird and just ignore him, partially rightfully so because he is kinda strange, but personally i’d just be enamored by him. like as soon as i spotted him i’d be staring and drooling (even if he was just wearing pajamas). especially if i was working there (i’ve worked my fair share of retail/service jobs so i could def see it happening) and he came up to the counter i’d be immediately looking him up and down and just smiling at him like a fucking lovestruck idiot even though this guy is like 40 years older than me. maybe he’d try to do/say something weird cause it’s what he’s used to so he just kinda accepts it and even purposefully tries to creep people out, but oh that’s not happening with me.
whatever he says/does at that counter i’m giggling and smiling at him and saying he’s funny and asking his name and if he lives around here. for a second i think he’d just be silent and dumbfounded, his expression going eerily blank because that kind of reaction is so foreign to him. but after a second he might snap out of it and realize i’m actually being genuine and maybe even smile and breathily laugh a bit with his adorable little smile and even give me his name, and then suddenly i’m talking to him and there’s nobody else behind him at the counter and in his mind he’s just so dumbfounded that this person is being nice to him. i’ve already rung up his stuff but i’m still talking to him and smiling sheepishly and blushing and he’s slouching and fidgeting his hands on the counter trying to act as normal as possible (difficult for dale but i find it endearing).
maybe i even have the balls to say he’s pretty, in which case i think his brain would just full on short-circuit. like he’s stopping for a second with his mouth open and blinking and stuttering as i giggle and he’s just genuinely so confused why i would say that. if i get as far as to ask for his phone number (if he would have a phone, i mean there were cell phones in the 90s and he also could have his own house phone or something) or ask to see him after work he’s just nodding silently like an idiot and then going back into his car and sitting there with his hands on the wheel and a blank face for a good few minutes to wonder if that actually just happened.
if he actually let you go on a few dates with him and start hanging out with him regularly (people stare at you when you go out probably because you’re hanging out with this weird ass guy but you don’t give a fuck because you think he’s just gorgeous and perfect) he’s just so not used to being swooned and blushed over but you’re doing it constantly. if you somehow manage to go hang out with him in his basement and compliment his decor, ask him about the guitar, be amazed by his dolls/craft stuff and want to sit on his bed and look through his records or something he’s just so fucking dazed and stoked. he’s smiling and giggling and getting a little too close to you and maybe even acting kinda hesitant because he’s not. used to hanging out with someone. shift the focus from his cool stuff to just smile at him with adoration and run a hand up his arm, he’s freezing and clenching his hands and letting out a shaky breath cause oh my god you’re touching him. tell him he’s so pretty and that you really like him and ask if he’ll be your boyfriend or whatever and he’s probably gonna ask you why you would even want that, like he’s genuinely confused but flustered and blushing and trying not to breathe too heavily.
but once you manage to explain to him and get it through his skull that you actually like him, a lot, i think all that starved need for affection is gonna spill its way out whether he can help it or not, and all of a sudden he’s just a mess, smiling and whining and shaky sighing and reaching for you and trying to get in your space and hear how much you like him as much as possible. and maybe even trying to hold back tears and getting into that weepy tone of voice he gets into and squirming or rocking he’s so worked up. he wants to hear every thing you have to say and get reactions out of you and get real close to you and touch you anywhere, it’s been so long since he’s touched someone affectionately that he’s just gonna run his hands up your arms and neck and face and stomach just savoring the feeling and staring at you (maybe sorta creepily but if you’re anything like me you love it and think its cute), maybe just hold your face and smile at you and instead of pulling back with disgust or fear, you smile back with adoration and lean in. that in itself might make him cry, he’s just this weepy mess for you.
another thing i think about regularly is cuddling with him and listening to his voice real up close and just being so comforted and even lulled to sleep. i fucking love his more gentle tone of voice, specifically the way he speaks in the “i know you’re not afraid of a little bit of dark, because you are the dark” line, like if he talked to me like that while i laid my head on his chest and stroked my hair i would go ABSOLUTELY FERAL, not only would i be severely turned on but i’d just melt and swoon and my heart would be going so fast but i’d be so happy and relaxed at the same time. another great example is the part where he tells lee about him/ruth’s reaction to her going into the fbi, he’s so gentle and normal there i neeeeed to just listen to him talk sweetly to me god. in that scenario i might not even be able to resist lifting my head up and putting my hands in his hair and kissing him, and i think he’d be so happy to be kissed that he’d be gripping your clothes kinda forcefully and holding you really tightly as if he’s trying to trap you but it’s just because it’s so nice and he just wants to be close to you.
in conclusion dale kobble is a big weepy needy mess for affection and i will die on this hill
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devilst0at · 16 days
Do you think Dale likes ‘basic’ looking people or more alt/goth people? Is Dale a sociable person like would he walk up and be like “when’s your birthday?” Or is he shy? :) I need ur opinions on this
I think he would like people with a sense of fashion, whether or not that would be more mainstream fashion (but he definitely appreciates 60s-80s fashion more if that’s the case) or alternative fashion! Glam-rock was definitely somewhat of an alternative subculture especially in the fashion sense, it defied social norms by rejecting traditional gender presentation, which is also part of the reason I think Dale is so androgynous. Like have you seen those guys, they had long puffy hair and crazy in your face makeup and high heels and shit, so Dale would definitely appreciate someone with a weirder/more unusual sense of style! As someone who’s alternative myself (i sort of belong to multiple different subcultures but mostly identify as goth-adjacent when i actually have the energy to dress the part lol, besides that i’d say i align most with romantic goth and listen to goth music) I would really like to imagine he’d appreciate alternative subculture/style. I definitely do think if he saw someone who was alternative outside he would be impressed and oggling at them and think they’re so cool. If it came to having a partner I think he’d just want them to love him regardless of their personal style, but being stylish would def be a plus for him!
As for whether he’s more sociable or shy, I think he’s more sociable/extroverted but maybe that’s been kinda dampened because everyone else sees him as a freak so he kinda keeps to himself a little more if he can help it 😔 Especially in his younger days, I think he’d be quite friendly! Like especially if he wasn’t hunting you down to give you a Satan doll to make you kill your family (lol) I think he’d be quite sweet! Maybe it’s cause he’s talking to Lee in the opening/flashback scene, idk, but he seems so cute and cheery like he’d be fun to talk to [“downstairs… from where?” “everywheres! :)”] [“cheese and crackers!!”] I really do think he’d be a sweetheart if you were involved with him outside of his Satanic duties. He seems sociable in the sort of less socially aware way which I think is why a lot of people think he’s weird and creepy (aside from the fact that he looks odd). He means well and is friendly but he just often goes about it in the wrong way, is too forward, is too weird, etc and gets negative reactions. The only time I think he’d he shy is when he’s receiving romantic attention/affection from someone for the first time, in that case he’d lose his confidence and just become a shaky shivery dazed-out mess. Which I love. I can never understand the people who genuinely think he’s horrific because personally I’d be jumping into his arms and asking him to take me home but 🤷
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