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heavenlyraindrops · 1 year ago
japanese is such a kind language. like you forget a character it will hold ur hand and tell u that everything will be ok and you can just write it in hirigana and everyone will understand :)
and then chinese is like oh im sorry you forgot a character? youre illiterate. you mispronounce a word? your mother is now a horse
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londonlingo · 2 years ago
Brazilian texting slang
Here's a list of abbreviations that Brazilians use:
pro/pra -para o/para a -this meaning depends on the context but it can be 
Kkkkkkkkk -hahahahaha 
Fds -fim de semana -weekend OR -foda-se -fuck you/fuck this/screw this
Hj -hoje -today
tô /tá -estou/está -i am/he/she/it is
Vc/ce/cê -você -you
Cmg -comigo -with me
Gnt -gente -guys (used to refer to the whole group of people addressed)
Tbm -também -also/as well
Vdd -verdade -true 
Blz -beleza -sorted/great
Msg -mensagem -message
Pfv -por favor -please
Pq -porque -because
Mto -muito -a lot/very
Sdd -saudade -this means something similar to nostalgia or to miss someone/something
Bjs -beijos -kisses (get your mind out of the gutter!!)
Slang -Portuguese word -Eng translation
The inspiration behind this post is a text my friend sent in a group chat: “Be ce ta na uni” meaning Bê, are you at uni (university)? I saw this and felt proud of how much Portuguese I’ve learnt because honestly it is a difficult language.
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in--other--words · 2 years ago
Fav Langblrs
Week 2, day 7 of prepolyglot’s langblr reactivation challenge
linguistness - lots of cool langblr but also linguistics content (German, Swedish, French, Czech)
cumbiana - phd life with some Spanish and langblr content thrown in
spanishskulduggery - really helpful explanations about Spanish grammar and vocab
thetudes - lots of useful resources for French
3oey - cute vocab drawings for Russian :3
tealingual - tonnes of resources for tonnes of different languages, great for resource masterposts
sciogli-lingua - several languages but especially Italian
pompadourpink - the ultimate authority on the French language as far as I'm concerned forget L'Académie Française
linguenuvolose - language study and general life posts, just a nice vibe
fluencylevelfrench - French and also book recs
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munchymunchkin · 2 years ago
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akaessi · 1 year ago
reading an article that uses the phrase "linguistic rights as human rights," and damn if that isn't the exact thing I want to explore and study in my life !!
so excited!
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arthoefmann · 1 year ago
Hi Linguists of Tumblr! For my bachelor thesis I created a website that is visualizing the IPA so you can learn it easier :D I wanted to share this resource with you it's still a work-in progress but you can already click through the letters and animations + also get more info on the IPA (you can basically click on every expression and it will be explained to you)
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nombinary-snax · 2 years ago
Linguists, lend me your learnings! I am really interested in linguistics but have little background in it. I feel very called to stay in healthcare and try to change the healthcare system so I am not likely to pursue a linguistics degree unless I have $50k lying around waiting to be used on something someday (unlikely).
I am looking for books, podcasts, webinars, etc that I can consume on my own schedule that would give me a good foundation in linguistics. Do you have recommendations?
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To all my mutuals and everyone who has sent me messages, I’m sorry I’ve been so dead on here- but I’m writing my masters thesis- and it’s on Tumblr! And I’m mentioning Criminal Minds so that’s my mind criminally blown!
Super excited to post more about it when it’s down very soon! And to get back to this blog!
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jsem1ubomira · 2 years ago
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I found this 70s Russia’s German language textbook distinguishes between ll and tt, mm and nn. It’s interesting for me cause I think it’s not difficult to distinguish t and l. And I wonder whether they’re distinguishing the sound or the shape of mm/nn?😂
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victusinveritas · 11 months ago
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londonlingo · 2 years ago
History of @
Did you know that...
"The @ symbol, which we call "at" and which integrates the electronic address of any person on the planet, has its origin in Latin.
It appeared in the Middle Ages, when monks who copied texts and documents created symbols to replace letters, words and proper nouns, making their work easier. For instance, to replace the Latin word et, they created another symbol, interlacing the two letters: the ampersand (&).
Using the same interlacing resource, they replaced the Latin preposition ad (in house of) with the symbol @. Often used in accounting, the @ moved to the typewriter keyboard. And in 1972, American programmer Ray Tomlinson took advantage of the symbol to create the first electronic mail system."
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SOURCE: Museu da Língua Portuguesa (São Paulo, Brazil)
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the-last-teabender · 7 months ago
A little something for Linguistics Tumblr.
So the Crunchyroll newsroom isn't a "room" so much as a Slack channel. We have news writers all over the US, in Australia, and in Japan. This means we have something akin to 'round-the-clock coverage, but it also means that our schedules respective to each other are skewed. For example, when the East Coast contingent is starting their day, the Japan contingent is shutting down for the evening.
Because of that, we started experimenting with greetings that could apply when Party A was coming in for the morning and Party B was leaving for the night. One person came up with "konbarning": a combination of "good morning" and "konban wa" ("good evening" in Japanese). It stuck.
Over the following months, "konbarning" got shortened to "barning" and other permutations. Now, a year or some later, this is how we announce our arrival:
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shamebats · 1 month ago
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evonnesun531 · 1 year ago
When I read articles in foreign languages, I always translate them effortlessly into Mandarin. Weird thing is that I sometimes forgot they're in other languages.
Another funny thing is thinking in the way of different languages, it's like changing a personality!!
i love the strange reality of being a human person with a human brain. one time someone said something to me in a foreign language (japanese, which i do not speak) and i automatically responded in a different foreign language (spanish, which i do not speak well) and then we both said "what?" in english, an experience made more surreal by the fact that everyone around us was speaking loudly in canadian french (as this occurred in Quebec)
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tayalla · 5 months ago
there's this word in Serbian 'vukojebina' which literally means 'the place where wolves go to fuck' but they use it to mean 'in the middle of nowhere'. it sure does the job well, but the visual stayed with me longer than I would have liked it to.
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