#musuem of portuguese language
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londonlingo · 2 years ago
History of @
Did you know that...
"The @ symbol, which we call "at" and which integrates the electronic address of any person on the planet, has its origin in Latin.
It appeared in the Middle Ages, when monks who copied texts and documents created symbols to replace letters, words and proper nouns, making their work easier. For instance, to replace the Latin word et, they created another symbol, interlacing the two letters: the ampersand (&).
Using the same interlacing resource, they replaced the Latin preposition ad (in house of) with the symbol @. Often used in accounting, the @ moved to the typewriter keyboard. And in 1972, American programmer Ray Tomlinson took advantage of the symbol to create the first electronic mail system."
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SOURCE: Museu da Língua Portuguesa (São Paulo, Brazil)
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abvnai-a · 5 years ago
FULL NAME: valentine annabel riley.  PRONUNCIATION: va-luhn-tain an-uh-bel  rai-lee. MEANING: valentine — strong and healthy.  annabel—beauty of grace.  riley —valient.  REASONING: valentine is from st. valentine’s massacre. annabel is feminine, but after the edgar allen poe poem, annabel lee. riley is her mother’s surname. NICKNAME(S): val, tinny, vale, brook, riley, riles, beau, lazurus, babe, birdie, bastet/bast, kitty, lynn, sekhmet.  PREFERRED NAME(S): beau riley, valentine riley.  BIRTH DATE: december 10th. AGE: 26, 28 to 30 · verse dependent.  ZODIAC: sagittarius.  GENDER: cis-female. PRONOUNS: she/her/hers, responds to they/them/theirs if you know about bastet. ROMANTIC ORIENTATION: panromantic SEXUAL ORIENTATION: pansexual NATIONALITY: american ETHNICITY: black, white. CURRENT LOCATION: brooklyn, new york.  LIVING CONDITIONS: okay; by herself ( or with cats; whoever chooses to stay with her. ) TITLE(S): miss/ms. due to bastet: lady of the east, the female devourer, the tearer, lady of the flame, eye of ra, goddess of the rising sun, cat goddess, lady of light, mistress of splendor, lady of life, lady of heaven and earth. 
BIRTH PLACE: san francisco, california. HOMETOWN: new york, new york. SOCIAL CLASS: middle-class. EDUCATION LEVEL: bachelors/master’s degree. FATHER:  unknown. sperm donor — unknowingly to beau, he’s a professor at boston university. MOTHER: naomi riley. head curator at the metropolitan musuem of art.  SIBLING(S): half siblings on her father’s side, unknown to her.  BIRTH ORDER: eldest of her mother, second youngest of her father’s.  CHILDREN:  none / verse dependent.  PET(S):  calico kitten — moxie ( female ). bengal cat — nyx ( female ). bombay-manx mix — horus ( male ). OTHER IMPORTANT RELATIVES: suzanne ( former nanny, confidant. )  PREVIOUS RELATIONSHIPS: unmentioned high school boyfriend.  ARRESTS?: none. PRISON TIME?: none.
PRIMARY SOURCE OF INCOME:  archeology.  SECONDARY SOURCE OF INCOME: checks from her mother/incoming inheritance.  TERTIARY SOURCE(S) OF INCOME: hunting. APPROXIMATE AMOUNT PER YEAR: 50,000 from primary, mother can be anywhere from 30-40,000 additional.  CONTENT WITH THEIR JOB (OR LACK THERE OF)?: she loves her job, and hunting bad things. it at least provides an wide amount of entertainment. PAST JOB(S): waitress, tutor, assistant to curator.  SPENDING HABITS: on other people. will buy food, clothes and things for other people. most of her money is spent on other people.  MOST VALUABLE POSSESSION: her jewelry collection from bastet, her khopesh. 
PHYSICAL STRENGTH: ████████ 8/10. OFFENSE: ████████ 7/10. DEFENSE: █████████ 8/10. SPEED: █████████ 9/10. INTELLIGENCE: ████████ 7/10. ACCURACY: ██████ 6.5 /10. AGILITY: ██████████ 10/10. STAMINA: ████████ 8.5/10. TEAMWORK: ██████ 6/10. TALENTS: ballet. can play flute, piano, and accoustic guitar. telepathic with cats. first aid. snake-charming. reading hieroglyphs. pyrokinesis. morse code. cave diving. kickboxing. tracking supernatural beings. SHORTCOMINGS:  can’t play the drums. cannot embroider things.  LANGUAGE(S) SPOKEN: english, arabic, spanish, japanese, manderin, latin, sanskrit, egyptian coptic, greek, french, portuguese.  DRIVE?: yes. JUMP-STAR A CAR?: yes. CHANGE A FLAT TIRE?: yes. RIDE A BICYCLE?: yes. SWIM?: yes. PLAY AN INSTRUMENT?:  yes. PLAY CHESS?: yes, not great at it. BRAID HAIR?: yes. TIE A TIE?: yes. PICK A LOCK?: yes.
FACE CLAIM: zoe kravitz.  EYE COLOR:  brown. HAIR COLOR:  dark brown/black. occassionally blonde. HAIR TYPE/STYLE:  braids, bun, short cut. GLASSES/CONTACTS?: no. DOMINANT HAND: right. HEIGHT: 5′5. WEIGHT: 136 lbs. BUILD: mesomorph. EXERCISE HABITS: running from the cops ?? jk, morning runs, occassional weight lifting, lots of yoga/pilates/kickboxing. SKIN TONE: brown/bronze. TATTOOS: rose on right ribcage. anhk and eye of ra on the back of her neck. arrow lotus on her sternum. rose on the side of her left hand on her thumb. laurel on the right side of her right hand. faith in script on right wrist. moon lotus on her left thigh. flower mandala on her left shoulder cap.  PEIRCINGS: two piercings in her lower earlobe. a closed piercing in her left forward helix. MARKS/SCARS: a small scar on the right side of her chin. several scars assorted on her back and her hips, a couple on the outside of her thighs. NOTABLE FEATURES: feline eyes; saber-tooth like canines. USUAL EXPRESSION: calm, sometimes stern. CLOTHING STYLE: casual, tomboy, rocker, occassionally sophisticated.  JEWELRY: typically stud earrings in her lower lobes, a ring on her left index finger, and occassionally a necklace. ALLERGIES: coconut.  BODY TEMPERATURE: 99.3 F. DIET: protein, vegetables, fruits, very few carbs. PHYSICAL AILMENTS: n/a. besides being a shapeshifter.
JUNG TYPE: INFJ —introvert-intutive-feeler-judger ENNEAGRAM TYPE: the reformer. MORAL ALIGNMENT: chaotic neutral TEMPERAMENT: Melancholic. ELEMENT: fire. PRIMARY INTELLIGENCE TYPE: interpersonal. APPROXIMATE IQ: 136. MENTAL CONDITIONS/DISORDERS: PTSD.  SOCIABILITY: does well in large groups, but only for brief periods of time. EMOTIONAL STABILITY: highly in touch with her emotions even if she doesn’t want to talk about it. OBSESSION(S): n/a. COMPULSION(S): n/a, PHOBIA(S): n/a, ADDICTION(S): chocolate. DRUG USE: n/a. ALCOHOL USE: only during dinner and social events.  PRONE TO VIOLENCE?: er, sort of. 
SPEECH STYLE: formal, intimate. ACCENT: slight new york accent, but she really doesn’t have one. QUIRKS: fiddling with keys, popping her knuckles, humming, doesn’t care for wearing socks or shoes indoors at her own home.  HOBBIES: gardening with her former nanny named Suzanne, baking, shopping, dancing, playing the flute/piano/guitar, knitting, painting, calligraphy, flying , reading music, doing hair, quilting, stargazing, reading baking books, watching plays, poetry, photography, long walks, morning runs, pottery, painting, watching true crime documentaries, cake decorating, solving morse code, camping/hiking, solving puzzles, cave diving, cooking and giving the food to homeless/less fortunate, sewing, swimming, yoga, kickboxing. HABITS: drinks a glass of water first thing in the morning, memorizes a poem a day.  NERVOUS TICKS: tapping her fingers on her bicep. DRIVES/MOTIVATIONS: justice, what is good for the majority, displeasing her mother, proving people wrong.  FEARS: seeing the people she loves die, failure. POSITIVE TRAITS: warm, trusting, loving, kind, altruistic, strong-willed, confident, funny, generous,   sweet, level-headed, loyal, protective, realistic, assertive. empathic, protective,  controlled, selfless, responsible, adaptable, authentic, faithful, passionate, adaptable, leader-like, driven, crafty, secretively affectionate, alert, ambitious, centered, discreet, efficient, honest, honorable, just, mature, organized, meticulous, proactive, precise, tenacious. NEGATIVE TRAITS: snarky ( when she wants to be ), sensitive, stubborn, reflective, tends to blame herself, calculating, mannered, brave, soft, can lose control of her emotions, puts a lot of pressure on herself, vicious, aggressive, serious, closed-off, defensive, evasive, resentful (towards her mother), can be manipulative, perfectionistic, self-destructive, slightly cynical, impulsive (when she wants), lonely, cunning, reclusive at times, unforgiving at times, rebellious, deliberate, deadly, dangerous. SENSE OF HUMOR: corny, silly. DO THEY CURSE OFTEN?: eh, usually in surprise or enraged.  CATCHPHRASE(S): n/a.
ACTIVITY: playing the piano. ANIMAL:  cats. although she has a soft spot for dogs. BEVERAGE: peach tea. BOOK: catcher in the rye.  CELEBRITY: she doesn’t have one. COLOR: red. DESIGNER:  doesn’t have one.  FOOD: fettuccine alfredo. tied with vanilla bean buttercake covered in strawberry icing. FLOWER: sunflowers. lilies.  GEM: garnet. HOLIDAY:  halloween.  MODE OF TRANSPORTATION: motorcycle. suv — Chevrolet Traverse. MOVIE: pulp fiction.  MUSICAL ARTIST: TLC. QUOTE/SAYING: “Flectere si nequeo superos, acheronta movebo” in Latin which translates to, “If I cannot move Heaven, I will raise Hell” -Virgil, Aeneid. SCENERY: leaves falling in autumn. SCENT: jasmine and sandlewood.  SPORT: soccer. SPORTS TEAM: new york yankees. TELEVISION SHOW: the simpsons. WEATHER: moderate, slightly overcast. VACATION DESTINATION: n/a.
GREATEST DREAM: being loved GREATEST FEAR: someone she loves dying as a result of her actions MOST AT EASE WHEN: at home LEAST AT EASE WHEN: when being touched by someone she doesn’t know WORST POSSIBLE THING THAT COULD HAPPEN: you could rip out her heart BIGGEST ACHIEVEMENT: pissing her mom off BIGGEST REGRET: not looking for her father MOST EMBARRASSING MOMENT: probably when she came back from the dead and looked like she had been through hell. BIGGEST SECRET: she’s an immortal goddess ( sort of ) TOP PRIORITIES: protecting the weak, women, and children; hunting ghosts and demons; sleeping longer than 3 hours a night
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