#langblr reactivation challenge
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in--other--words · 2 years ago
Top 3 Free German Resources
Week 3, day 5 of prepolyglot’s langblr reactivation challenge
(Probably goes without saying but just my personal top 3! You'll notice it is quite listening focused because that is what's most important to me.)
Nicos Weg (A1, A2, B1, Complete Youtube Playlist) - the story of a Spanish guy called Nico who moves to Germany. Really nice and well produced. Each level is made up of 80ish videos of a couple of minutes each, with exercises to review and test your comprehension. This adds up to a movie of almost 2 hrs for each level.
Easy German (x) - street interviews in German. Great for learning how Germans actually speak, outside of the artificial context that you find in a lot of learning resources.
The German Project (x) - online lessons with audio snippets and easy to understand explanations, plus animated short stories with audio. Wish there were some exercises to go with it! Also available for Spanish, French and Italian.
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xuexishijian · 2 years ago
Week 2 Day 2 of the Langblr Reactivation Challenge: Grammar Topic
(Totally forgot about doing this, but I’ve kinda been studying still in the meantime)
I’m reviewing grammar in the HSK3 standard textbook and doing a lot with 把 bǎ, so let’s talk about it!
This particle, placed before the result or object of a verb, allows us to focus attention on this result in what may be a much longer sentence. Mandarin normally is an SVO language, but when we use 把, the object is fronted and placed before the verb: S + 把O + V.
It is essential to use this structure when we have other modifiers after the verb (such as location). For example,
我把书放在桌子上。(I put the book on the table.)
We may also use it when an additional prepositional phrase follows the verb:
我把礼物送给他了。(I gave him a gift.)
Verbal complements are also frequently seen with 把:
我把这本书��完了。(I finished writing this book.)
老师把我的名字读错了。(The teacher read my name wrong.)
Note: 把 cannot be used with verbs dealing with feelings or perceptions, since they don’t describe and action that happens to the object. (E.g.: 看,爱,喜欢,想,等等)
Also note that 把 is also the measure word for handled objects (椅子,伞,刀).
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salvadorbonaparte · 2 years ago
Langblr Reactivation Challenge
Week 1 - Day 1 - Introduction
Hello! I'm trying to pressure motivate myself into studying with this :)
My name is Mack and you might know me from my folder of language learning resources but I'm also a translation student and really good at procrastinating my language studies.
I'm hoping to focus on Spanish, Romanian, Yiddish, Croatian and Korean for the rest of the year but I'm interested in more languages than I can realistically learn in a lifetime.
I technically have a degree in Spanish but I'm a bit rusty and I want to get my Spanish to a level where I can use it as a source language. I'm technically a beginner in Romanian but I understand more than I can use because of my experience with Romance languages and I have no idea what my Yiddish level is. I'm a complete beginner in Croatian and Korean.
I've been interested in Spanish for ages and studied it at uni. I got interested in Yiddish in high school because I thought the history was fascinating and I ended up writing my undergrad dissertation about Yiddish. Romanian I originally started learning for a job but now I want to stick with it and also eventually add it as a source language.
I'm starting Croatian because it might help me as a translator but I'm also interested in Croatian culture because I've travelled there once as a child. I'm starting Korean because I low-key thought about learning it for like seven years because I wanted to learn more about Korean history.
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studyscrasic · 2 years ago
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Langblr Reactivation Challenge 2.4
Record yourself reading an article, short story, or passage (basically anything written in your target language). Listen to it and see if you can point out any areas you can improve with your speaking and any areas that you’re doing well. You can post your recording if you wish.
I read this article in Norwegian, which was very fun because I didn't know the Norwegian word for butterfly is "sommerfugl" (literally, "summer birds!")
I think my pronunciation is decent, but I definitely need to work on not getting tripped up by numbers and long words. I also want to work on having a more natural speaking rhythm when I read aloud.
It wasn't a part of the challenge, but I also made a vocabulary list of words I didn't know or remember from the article, since there were definitely some unfamiliar ones:
art (n, m/f) - character, nature, kind, species stadig (adv) - constantly, steadily synlig (adj) - visible bevis (n, neu) - evidence, proof å styre (v) - to guide, to control, to govern å blafre (v) - to flutter å kartlegge (v) - to map, to identify, to survey langvarig (adj) - prolonged forekomst (n, masc) - an occurrence prikk (n, masc) - dot, spot, polka dot iøynefallende (adj) - eye-catching, conspicuous, striking skadedyr (n, neu) - pest, vermin å fungere (v) - to function å forutsi (v) - to forecast, to predict, to prophesy
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prekladatelsky-orisek · 2 years ago
🌸 Introduction 🌸
🍃🍄Hello! I'm Tony.🍄🍃
I'm an avid language learner and linguist (I have a bachelor's degree in linguistics and am pursuing an MA). I'm studying a bunch of languages, some more actively, some more passively, and some I'm just dabbling in for fun. Usually friends are my motivation for learning languages, but sometimes it's just sheer curiosity, music, or literature that reels me in.
📚 My favorite thing to use language for is reading, especially fantasy novels! I've read books in 9 languages so far. 📚
The languages I currently use/study are:
English (native, C2)
Czech (heritage, ~C1)
German (C1)
Spanish (~B1-B2)
Esperanto (~B1-B2)
Polish (B2)
Russian (~A2-B1??)
toki pona (~A2-B1???)
Korean (~A1-A2)
Scottish Gaelic (~A1-A2)
Upper Sorbian (B1)
Latin (~A1)
📖 I'm very interested in ancient languages, and would also love to learn to read Old Church Slavonic, Old English, Middle English, and Middle High German (among others). I think it would be fun to learn Latin in order to read The Witch Hammer and silly poetry.
📖 On the conlang front, I'm curious about Na'vi (I love the ejectives!), Quenya, and Dothraki.
📖 When I have the time, I would also love to study so many other languages...like Cherokee, Swedish, Zulu, or Yiddish.
I've never been that consistently active on tumblr, but I hope that making a langblr can be motivating for me as I continue studying! ✨
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mistysteeep · 2 years ago
Day 1: Introduction
I’ve been living in Italy for almost two years now and I barely speak any Italian. I am here for my Bachelors degree, and I am planning to stay here for next few years. But due to university workload, my mental state and procrastination I barely speak Italian.
I will be using teach-yourself Italian book for beginners, Duolingo (115 day streak :P) and help of my Italian friends. I hope to be more consistent and intentional about my language learning, maybe even implement a system and a schedule.
I used to follow a lot of Langblr and  Studyblr accounts, those communities are purely magical! I don’t use Tumblr as often as I used to. TodayI was doing vocabulary exercises I randomly remembered about existence of Langblr and decided to check the hashtag. I am glad that I could participate in this challenge and help to reactivate one of my fav Tumblr communities<3
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studieswithmi · 1 year ago
Sep 29, 2023 ・❥・Week 1 Day 1 of prepolygot's Langblr Reactivation Challenge
Day 1: Create an introduction post about yourself. What's your name? What languages are you studying? What languages do you hope to study? What do you hope you'll get out of this challenge?
Hi everyone, long time no see. My name is Mi, I'm 24, and a native English speaker. I use masculine pronouns in any language I study, as well as they/them in English.
My old url used to be hangugeo-hands but I changed it because while I do still want to learn more KSL, Korean and Korean sign language aren't the only languages I want to study. I'm shifting my focus to more Spanish right now because I'm looking at a possible trip in the future! That being said, I'll still post other languages as well!
With this challenge, I hope to use it as a fun little game to really motivate me to renew this blog as I continue my studies.
This is a side blog! Any follows come from @baldyeosang
Languages Currently Studying
Languages I'd Love To Study One Day
Get back into KSL
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palancinky · 2 years ago
Langblr Reactivation Challenge | Week 1, Day 1
Day 1: Introduction
Hello! I previously made one of these months ago, but I wiped my Tumblr and I'm starting fresh with some new goals in mind!
You can call me L (not sharing my name. and not the like the death note guy) and I'm currently studying Spanish and German!
I hope to pick up another language, preferably one that uses a different script. My eyes are on:
What I want to gain from this challenge is a more organized language learning process and to inspire myself to actually continue learning and make progress - because it feels like I've been stuck at the same spot for a long time - and probably getting worse in some areas too (particularly speaking and writing - so actually using the languages).
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mattspeak · 2 years ago
Langblr Reactivation Challenge
Week 1, Day 4
Day 4: Create a vocab list for one of the topics you created yesterday, if you want to make more, feel free to make as many as you like! Share your list and reblog other people’s lists. And most importantly, make sure you study these words!
Study-related terms in Uzbek:
Maktab - School
Universitet - University
Kutubxona - Library
Daftar - Notebook
Doklad - Lecture
Kitlob - Book
Ruchka - Pen
Qalam - Pencil
Ta'kidlash vositasi - Highlighter
Lu'gat - Dictionary
Kompyuter - Computer
Savol - Question
O'qimoq - To read
O'ylamoq - To think
Tomosha - To watch
Tadqiq - To research
I finally found an Uzbek-English dictionary! It's been pretty tough finding vocab up until now since most resources for Uzbek seem to be incomplete/limited or just wildly varying in information and quality. I'm glad I finally found something I can refer back to.
Link to the original challenge post
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jessylearnslanguages · 2 years ago
Langblr Reactivation Challenge - week one - day 2
My goals for 2023
Long-term goals:
Korean: reach B2 level.
English: I am already C2, but I want to keep improving it, specially my reading and writing. Maybe study for the IELTS.
Spanish: I have some classes at school, but I would like to self-study a bit to be able to have a conversation in Spanish (at least?).
Short-term goals:
Korean: start studying it again, everyday. I also would like to review my beginner grammar book and start using mainly contextualized books, with conversations and vocabulary.
English: read some of the books in English I've bought, like Pride and Prejudice.
Spanish: It is nowhere near my priorities, as I currently have quite a busy schedule, but I would like to maybe read a book in Spanish as well, maybe watch some videos in youtube...
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lasocietefrancaise · 2 years ago
JOUR 8 - LANGBLR REACTIVATION CHALLENGE Over the next week, create a playlist/playlists of songs in your target language(s), they can either have a specific mood or genre or they can be a collection of songs you’ve discovered.
Il est facile de faire une pause au milieu du semestre :) Mais, il est plus valorisant de continuer malgré l'envie de renoncer ! Ne pas prendre la voie de la facilité, donc cette semaine, je vais me concentrer sur la refonte d'une playlist basée sur de la vieille musique française (inspirée des années 60) que j'avais abandonnée.
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in--other--words · 2 years ago
German Cases
Week 3, day 6 of prepolyglot’s langblr reactivation challenge
Create a post explaining a grammar rule that you had/are having difficulties learning. If you’re currently having difficulties, do your best to explain and ask others to help you understand it better. Include example sentences in your explanation.
There are four cases in German: nominative, accusative, dative and genitive.
Case is a property of nouns and pronouns, but also affects any adjectives, articles or numbers associated with the noun.
The case of a noun is determined by the role it plays in a sentence.
Roughly speaking, nominative is for the subject, accusative is for the direct object, dative is for the indirect object, and genitive is for possession. (If you're not sure, there's an explanation of what these roles mean with a simple example in this post.)
The use of a preposition before the noun also determines the case.
This page is a complete guide to declension in German.
So yeah... It's not like I don't understand German cases... I can tell you the rules... I just make a lot of mistakes when trying to speak or write! So I wrote the section below as a note to myself on what I need to do to improve lol
Tips for learning German cases
Always learn the gender of the noun along with the noun itself. This will make it easier to learn cases, because when you see or hear German sentences, you'll be able to spot the patterns more easily.
Listen and read a lot. With repetition, correct declension will start to become intuitive and you will get an instant feeling of what "sounds right".
Practise!!!! Probably goes without saying but output German sentences. There are tonnes of exercises online (e.g. x) that can help with this. Also, speak to native speakers on tandem, HelloTalk etc., post sentences on HiNative and write blog posts on Journaly. All of these platforms allow you to get corrections from native speakers so you don't create any bad habits and continue to improve.
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xuexishijian · 2 years ago
Week 1 Day 6 of the Langblr Reactivation Challenge: Idioms
Chinese has these fun expressions called 成语 chéngyǔ, which are often four characters long and may reference classical literature, stories, or proverbs, which are then used as popular, well-known sayings. These aren’t the only type of idiom in Chinese but they’re pretty cool, so here are some examples!
心血来潮 xīn xuè lái cháo
lit. blood rushes to the heart
means: spur of the moment, on a whim
虎头蛇尾 hǔ tóu shé wěi
lit. tiger head, snake tail
means: strong start but weak finish (reminds me of that drawing of a horse that goes from super detailed to barely a sketch)
倾国倾城 qīng guó qīng chéng
lit. overthrow country, overthrow city
means: so devastatingly beautiful that people would topple nations for that person (dictionary says it refers to women usually)
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salvadorbonaparte · 2 years ago
Langblr Reactivation Challenge
Week 1 - Day 2 - Goals
add as source language
regain confidence speaking
read more Spanish books I own (especially Don Quixote)
watch el ministerio del tiempo
re-read grammar workbook
add as source language
read poetry collection and Dracula copy
Finish Teach Yourself
Finish Duolingo course
read classic literature (especially Tevye and Dybbuk)
talk to a native speaker
Finish Colloquial and In Eynem
Finish Duolingo course
add as (potential) source language
Finish Teach Yourself
learn more about differences to Serbian, Bosnian and Montenegrin
learn alphabet/pronunciation
be able to do small talk
be able to order food at Korean restaurant
settle on textbook
finish learning writing system/pronunciation
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studyscrasic · 2 years ago
Langblr Reactivation Challenge 2.7
Share with everyone some langblrs you enjoy seeing on your dash, try to put at least 5 people
I'm a bit shy, so I've been nervous about this one, but @salvadorbonaparte @pocketmouse-langblr @nordic-language-love, @ben-learns-smth, @linguistness and @ravenlesslangblr are all really wonderful to have on my dash
I am also always trying to find more langblrs/studyblrs with similar interests, so hopefully I can expand the list as time goes on!
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lesbiangerman · 2 years ago
what if i resumed the langblr reactivation challenge but actually stuck to it this time
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