Nate | 26 | USA | Learning Norwegian, Scottish Gaelic, Irish, German, and Yiddish. Biology, history of science, cultural studies, and science communication student. I follow back from @astriiformes
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Passed the German language proficiency exam offered by my university as well so now I will have TWO little lines on my transcript about my language knowledge :)
Also I am seriously considering taking one of the advanced German courses offered next semester to keep working on my language skills, especially since it'll be helpful for grad school.
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It's interesting taking an actual German course and writing more things about myself in a highly gendered language (as opposed to when I was taking Norwegian, which only kind of sort of has genders, and you don't really change the forms of nouns so much), because even though I waffle a little on masculine terms in English, I'm finding I love talking about myself as male in German.
Like, ja, ich bin Student! Ich will Professor werden!
I don't know, it's just fascinating how even though I don't always want to be called a man (hashtag transmasc but also nonbinary feelings), I love how using masculine word endings makes me feel.
#also my german course is going pretty well which i am proud of!#because up until this point i was completely self-taught#but i am keeping up with this fourth semester class just fine#and tbh some of my grammar and especially my pronunciation is better than some of the other people in the class#which proves i actually did teach myself a fair bit!#(also like. norwegian is another germanic language. so having studied that one for four semesters definitely also helps)#but still!#langblr#german langblr#deutsch | german
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It's that time of year again! Applications for OSRJL classes for the 2024-2025 academic year are open from now until September 16.
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Opposite Adjectives 2
sulten | mett hungry | full
hvit | svart white | black
lett | vanskelig easy | difficult
frisk | syk healthy | sick
vid | trang wide | tight
ĂĄpen | lukket open | closed
rett | feil right | wrong
fast | løs fixed | loose
bein | skjev straight | oblique
blid | sur cheerful | grumpy
bratt | slak steep | gradual
rask | sakte fast | slow
hurtig | treg rapid | sluggish
sliten | opplagt exhausted | freshened
energetisk | trøtt energetic | tired
riktig | gal correct | incorrect
tam | vill tame | wild
uklok | smart unwise | smart
stolt | flau proud | embarrassed
stram | slakk tight | slack
sjenerøs | gjerrig generous | stingy
grådig | velgjørende greedy | charitable
morsom | kjedelig funny | boring
modig | feig brave | coward
lik | ulik like | unlike
hyppig | sjelden frequent | rare
dyp | grunn deep | shallow
identisk | annerledes identical | different
brĂĄkete | stille loud | quiet
våken | søvnig awake | sleepy
mektig | umektig powerful | weak
rolig | rastløs calm | restless
skyldig | uskyldig guilty | innocent
praktfull | grusom splendid | awful
trang | romslig narrow | spacious
solfylt | skyggelagt sunny | shaded
streng | mild rigid | mellow
subjektiv | objektiv subjective | objective
teoretisk | praktisk theoretical | practical
tilfeldig | planmessig random | systematically
tillatt | forbudt permitted | forbidden
vannrett | loddrett horizontal | vertical
variert | ensformig diverse | uniform
voksen | barnslig adult | childish
sta | medgjørlig stubborn | pliant
komisk | tragisk comic | tragic
konkret | abstrakt concrete | abstract
moderne | gammeldags modern | old-fashioned
naken | pĂĄkledd naked | dressed
positiv | negativ positive | negative
konstant | skiftende constant | volatile
aktiv | passiv active | passive
homogen | heterogen homogeneous | heterogeneous
først | sist first | last
arrogant | ydmyk arrogant | humble
flat | kupert flat | jagged
fysisk | psykisk physical | psychological
obligatorisk | frivillig compulsory | voluntary
kriminell | lovlydig criminal | law-abiding
beruset | edru intoxicated | sober
dynamisk | statisk dynamic | static
glatt | ru smooth | rough
fin | grov fine | rough
blek | brun pale | brown
fet | mager fat | skinny
generell | spesiell general | special
individuell | felles individual | collective
brĂĄ | gradvis abrupt | gradual
maksimal | minimal maximum | minimum
maskulin | feminin masculine | feminine
optimistisk | pessimistisk optimistic | pessimistic
spiss | butt pointy | pointless
skarp | sløv sharp | blunt
sentral | perifer central | peripheral
rund | kantete round | angular
naturlig | kunstig natural | artificial
informativ | intetsigende informative | inane
muntlig | skriftlig oral | written
pratsom | taus talkative | silent
innvendig | utvendig internal | external
profesjonell | amatørmessig professional | amateur
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A question -- what are everyone's favorite websites for German reading practice? I want to start doing little vocab exercises like the ones I sometimes do with Norwegian news articles, but I haven't been able to find a good site for German practice.
Part of it is that I like trying to read articles that would interest me in English, too, on topics I'm actually invested in -- things like history, science, nature, folklore, queer issues, and books/fiction. Any suggestions for German websites that frequently have articles on those topics?
#i also want to pick a book to read in german soon but that's a different question entirely#langblr#german langblr
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Pulled some new Norwegian vocabulary words from Glad i vĂĄrtegn? VĂĄrsoppene er her -- as a forager myself I thought it would be interesting to read about foraging in another country! It turned out to have a lot of really technical language and species names, and not all of them are actually edible mushrooms (some are the opposite!), but it definitely still made for interesting reading.
en vĂĄrfagerhatt (n) - St. George's mushroom (Calocybe gambosa) ĂĄ forveksle (v) - to confuse, mix up giftig (adj) - poisonous en tilpasning (n) - an adaptation, adjustment ĂĄ tale (v) - to bear, stand, tolerate et omslag (n) - a change ĂĄ anlegge (v) - to build, construct et legeme (n) - a body ĂĄ dukke opp - to emerge, turn up et skarlagen vĂĄrbeger (n) - scarlet elf-cups (Sarcoscypha austriaca) en kvist (n) - a twig en bekk (n) - a brook, rivulet et svart vĂĄrbeger (n) - ebony cups (Pseudoplectania nigrella) ĂĄ antyde (v) - to hint, imply, suggest en egenskap (n) - a property, trait, characteristic et oransje elgbeger (n) - (Byssonectria terrestris) en hvitveis (n) - wood anemone (Anemone nemorosa) et symrebeger (n) - (Dumontinia tuberosa) en stengel (n) - a stem, stalk en sandmorkel (n) - false morel (Gyromitra esculenta) grov (adj) - coarse, rough et tilfelle (n) - an occasion, case, occurrence kreftfremkallende (adj) - carcinogenic ĂĄ pĂĄvise (v) - to point out, prove en nedbryter (n) - a decomposer en grankonglehatt (n) - sprucecone caps (Strobilurus esculentus) en furu - a pine tree
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God syttende mai!
Jeg skal ferie i dag og lese artikler pĂĄ norsk. Se pĂĄ bloggen min for noen nye ordforrĂĄdlister!
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Officially took my university's German entrance exam and tested into the 3rd semester course, which I'm pretty happy about! I had been hoping I might test a little higher, but I'm still pretty proud of the fact that I'm officially at an A2ish level despite having only ever self-taught myself the language.
I'm looking forward to taking an intermediate German class next semester and excited to see how much more my skills can grow in a classroom environment!
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There's a symposium happening at my university right now on Hebrew printing and type (inclusive of Yiddish, Ladino, Judeo-Arabic, and other languages, too) and I am absolutely geeking out about it. There are folks here from some amazing institutions, including the Yiddish Book Center, and the talks so far have all been amazing. It's making me really want to work on my Yiddish again, and also just making me so happy for Jewish reasons!
#there's even going to be a printing workshop tomorrow at a local book arts place that i'm really hoping i can make it to#i especially loved the early modern printing talks in the morning but it's all so fascinating
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trying to finish my dissertation in 3 weeks, hopefully i can finish the introduction today 🥀 listening to my lastest ambient mix while i write
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Holy grail for Yiddish learners- a massive collection of over 100 Yiddish audiobooks books recorded by native speakers! You can listen on the internet, download to listen as mp3, and read along from the free uploaded copies on the Yiddish book center website - and it’s all completely free and accessible, no password needed
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I discovered that my university offers a wholly online placement test for German that I could take on my own time to try to test into a higher level course, since I'm thinking about taking some German next semester!
I'm going to try to kick my studying into overdrive over the next few weeks before taking the test, which has reading, listening, and writing components, because while my reading skills are pretty decent, I definitely am lacking more in the other two. But I'm really interested to see what course I'm able to test into.
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This 7th of May, 2024, we use our own language again!
If your language, native or not, is something other than English, on May 7th you can speak that language all day!
You’ll blog in your chosen language(s) all day: text posts, replies, tags (except triggers and organizational tags).
Regardless of what language people choose to speak to you, you can answer in your own.
Non-verbal, non-written languages (like sign language, dialects, otherwise non-written languages) are more than welcome! See my FAQ for tips
English native speakers can participate in any other language they're studying/have studied/know.
The tag is gonna be #Speak Your Language Day or #spyld for short.
Please submit me some language facts for me to share on this day <3
Pinned post and FAQ
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Hi! I noticed that you said at some point that you were learning a northern Norwegian dialect! I was just wondering, which resources could you use for something like that? Ever since I started learning Norwegian I wanted to learn a dialect but unfortunately I can't find many resources for any of them.
hi there!Â
unfortunately i haven’t really been any luckier than you.. finding resources for dialects is h a r d. for nordnorsk, i basically read the wikipedia page to learn the things that are specific to this dialect but i didn’t learn much.. try to find some music made by artists from the area where the dialect you want to learn is spoken! for nordnorsk, i like to listen to sondre justad (lofoten), resikulert (tromsø), kristian kristensen (harstad), virkelig (bodø) and snö (tromsø). reading the lyrics often helps learning the particularities of the dialect. another idea could be to listen to the radio. nrk offers a bunch of radio channels from the different regions of norway, they don’t always speak in one specific dialect but it could still help! (to do that, go to this website, click on the little arrow next to NRK P1 and choose the place you want).
Really hope that helps at least a little bit! Norwegians, if you know any great resources, feel free to leave them here!
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celtic languages mega drive folder
i've been meaning to share my folder of celtic language pdfs for a while now, especially since duolingo has gotten even worse. the folder has pdfs of language-learning material, as well as some stuff on literature, history, indentity, etc. this is very much a work-in-progress, as i will add to the folder as i find more resources.
my folder currently has: welsh, breton, cornish, irish, scottish gaelic, manx, béarlagair na saor, early modern irish and classical gaelic, old irish, middle welsh, old welsh, and proto-celtic (although not all of them have a lot of pdfs in their folders yet).
(also if you want online resources, fiction books, media, etc, then take a look at this website: - it has both free and paid resources for irish, scottish gaelic, manx, welsh, cornish, breton, old irish, and classical gaelic.)
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It's a new semester and I've got a new slate of classes keeping me busy. I'm excited about them though! This semester I'm taking:
Scientific Thought (a philosophy of science class)
Introduction to Medieval History
Writing on Issues of Science and Technology
Human Health and the Environment in History
...and a short ongoing half-semester course for my history mentor program (teaching middle and high school students history research skills and resources)
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