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lilolilyr · 10 hours ago
Holy fuck the Star Wars obsession lasted quite a while, and I already know I'll get back to it sooner or later <3 anyway!
Mar'25: The Witcher fic, specifically Geraskier, specifically specifically the Accidental Warlord AU <3
I think I'm just gonna make a post to keep track of the things I called my 'current obsession' in the past
Idk: Lord of the Rings Appendices
Jun'19: Good Omens
Apr'20: The Witcher
Jul'20: Lie To Me
Aug'20: Taylor Swift Folklore.
Sept'20: The Old Guard
Nov'20: Andromaquynh & Milippa.
May'21: ESC and Måneskin!!!
Jun'21: Bernadette Banner and other Youtube things
Jul'21: Andromaquỳnh, Milippa, Andronilỳnh, Bering&Wells et al.
Aug'21: Gunpowder Milkshake!!!
Sept'21: Mirandy (gOd, don't ask)
Still Sept'21: @discoveryfemslashfortnight ! (Don't reblog! Idk why it re-tagged this lol)
Most of 2022: Gunpowder Milkshake & other MILFs xD
July'22: Star Trek Femslash Fortnight
Sept'22: So Many Fanwork Awards
Dec'22: gift exchanges and winter events
Jan'23: Ava x Deborah is taking over my life and making me contemplate my mortality
Feb'23: Berena my beloved <3 returning to calmer and safer ships for my own sanity
Mar'23: godforsaken ancient twilight SIOC fanfiction
Mar/Apr'23: NuMo's Curtains and Masks fanfic
Jun'23: Lie to Me Rewatch
Jul&Sept: semester abroad - offline and travelling!
Oct'23: procrastinating uni by writing for flufftober
Nov’23: St. Clare’s books
Dec’23: fandomy advent calendars!
Apr'24: finishing my fic WIPs
May'24: Hacks HBO
Jun'24: UEFA Euro Cup
Jul'24: Keeley x Rebecca from Ted Lasso
Jul/Aug'24: Summer Olympics
Aug'24: Star Wars longfics
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lilolilyr · 3 months ago
~ Lilo's 2024 Star Wars recs ~ (another Ao3 year in review)
This is specifically the star wars edition of my reader year in review, the rest & more info can be found here!
Descriptions/summaries by me, click the links for the ones from the authors.
The Good Sith by sonnyrain - Obi-Wan Kenobi and all of the Vod'e time travel and end up on a Sith planet. Obi-Wan, now 'Aranar', turns to the dark side, swearing to protect his men no matter the cost. Over a million words, lots of plot and character developments, fix-everything, still ongoing as of mid last year but you can read the first part(s) on their own.
I love this fic a ridiculous amount, I read several parts at least twice, and I'm thinking about it constantly. Like, when I think up my plotless little fluff piece fix everything bedtime stories I think up to fall asleep (and sometimes when something's good have to forego sleep to write down immediately because I know I won't remember fuckall come morning), I think of the versions of the characters from that 'verse just as often as I think of canon star wars characters or ones from any other fics. It fits into my headcanon 'verse really well because I always work with multiverse settings, and I love the kid characters especially little Sithling Aurek and his twin Soul.
Knives and Spices by argentee, mikaiyawa and others: A whole group of humans from earth is kidnapped into the Star Wars world, and separate fics follow separate characters. One becomes Mandalorian, one a pop star, yet another befriends some pirates and travels to lands we've never seen in canon. 280k, ratings and warnings vary, series still ongoing, parts can be read separately
I love and adore all kinds of self insert stories but this one is just extra levels of amazing - it's basically humans are space orcs meets Star Wars, and humans are all a bit force sensitive - the ending of the series summary describes it perfectly: "how much trouble can a few humans cause? All of it. All the trouble." and I love it all to bits!
Like a Tree by the River by @bairnsidhe - at Galidraan, Komari has a vision of the canon future and decides that she'd rather leave the Jedi behind than be a part of that massacre. Somehow, this ends with her and Dooku being adopted by mandalorians, and her in turn kind of adopting teenaged Obi-Wan at Melida/Daan? 20k T
Idk, this isn't even such a long one and I mean all of BairnSidhe's works I've read are great but somehow specifically this one with Dooku being the 'a bit old' ad and Komari therefore the bu'ad of a random coruscanti Mandalorian just stuck with me and I sometimes randomly think of Dooku being all confused and have to smile xD the plot&writing is also really good!
How a Romance Novel Saved the Galaxy by @arianaderalte: The mandos get their hands on a novel that describes a romance between mandalorians and jedi, and just how perfect jedi really are as partners for mandalorians... This changes things when both groups interact irl. 200k, rated T, Violence
This series has Everything. Jedi, Mandalorians, action, relationships, all kinds of queerness, and excerpts from a romance novel about the ancient Sith wars. Honestly, this fic just couldn't be better! I binge-read through it in one go even though I should have done a million other things at the time and I didn't regret it one bit xD
All the Amavikka stories: the slaves on Tatooine have a separate secret culture with language, myths and names, and Anakin, coming from this culture, reacts to Palpatine being his newest slave master
I think this idea of Tatooine slave culture and of Anakin's characterization is so interesting and I love reading it, from long Double Agent Vader by @fialleril, which I think is the original fic creating the Ekkreth lore, over the ongoing series Biting His Own Tale by @adragonsfriend, to the short story I can't find anymore about depur erecting a tower, a song-fic to Babylon by Dirt Poor Robin and the reason for my obsession with that band - please, if anyone has a link, send it my way! - and all other fics, I love this trope so much!
I think Ekkreth Skywalker was one of the first trope rabbit holes I stumbled into when I got really into Star Wars longfics in the middle of 2024, and I'm always excited to see references to it in fics mainly about other characters as well, like Breaking Chains by @jehanneargentee, and I went back to (re)reading fics about the trope on purpose several times as well :)
The last fic leads neatly into the next trope I really loved this year, Time Travel stories, more specifically Obi-Wan Kenobi time travelling and meeting mandalorians :D
I don't really have more specific stories for this one, I read so so so many of them that they just blur together in my mind. I marked a couple with the Ao3 rec function so I assume I liked those especially much, but going through them now I still don't really remember much, but I do recognize a couple fic author names as authors I read many good fics from, Ariel_Sojourner AppoApples @batshieroglyphics @roosjem LeeTheHobbit @triscribe cjwritesfanficnow @laurabwrites y'all's are awesome! Everyone, go check out all their fics!
I do also read and enjoy stories where people other than Obi-Wan travel through time, one that really stuck with me is In Good Time by morwen_of_gondor, about the Mandalorian trainers Kal Skirata and Walon Vau time travelling back to their time on Kamino.
All the fluffy h/c, fix-it, everyone lives, no order 66 Clone Wars fics! Pro-jedi, pro-clones, anti-sith (which sometimes includes Anakin, sometimes not), usually focusing on the 212th.
I never watched the series and it's been ages since I watched Attack of the Clones, but somehow, probably on the time travel -> Obi-Wan fics -> General Kenobi pipeline, I ended up reading a loooot of clone wars (fix it) fic, specifically lots and lots of Codywan!
You know that lovely feeling of getting into a new fandom without having any preconceived notions or otps or anything, so you can read All The Fic without any ships or bashing squicking you out? Yeah, that was me in Star Wars several months ago, cursed be the Codywan that got to me xD I can barely read time travel fics anymore without mourning the existence of the Vod'e because changing the past usually means they won't be created (unless they're the ones time travelling of course. Love those fics) and where I used to read just about anyone x Obi-Wan (and also anyone x anybody else lmao), I'm not pretty exclusively into Codywan... That being said, there's a reason for that, and that's the amount of amazing fics for that ship that I came across!
Again, I don't have specific fics that I remember because I just read so many one after the other... I guess I'll have to re-read them all. Which is great actually because me not remembering them much means I can reread them basically for the first time! I did mark some as rec but looking through them now I think they're not mainly recced for the codywan... My shippy bookmark tag might give a better overview.
Another ship I got into was clone troopers Waxer x Boil, I like the thought of the Vod'e being a society of to outsiders identical looking but to each other separate people who only see their immediate batchmates as siblings (which would also psychologically make a lot more sense), and these two are just super cute.
One of the first Waxer/Boil fics I read is also Codywan and it's one of these clones&Obi-Wan time travel fics I like so much :D The 212th Attack Battalion's Guide to Saving the Galaxy by Accident by @antigrav-vector and @quarra, it also has some Dooku/Sifo-Dyas which is another ship I really like.
Another one I still want to continue reading is RCAU: Open Skies mainly by @cacodaemonia, what I've seen of it so far is great and the story is So Long (almost 900k, a honestly daunting wordcount and probably what made me procrastinate continuing it, but also Awesome because So Much Fic), it's cute and shippy and no order 66 but also has plot and interesting characters and ocs and I just love it <3
Also similar but less ship centric, I absolutely love all the fics where Fox gets to kill Palpatine. Just, best trope ever. The Corrie Guard deserves a little Sith Murder. As a treat.
Jaster Mereel and his haat'ade (True Mandalorians), there are a bunch of really good ones where they rescue Obi-Wan and the Young from Melidaan, but also in general all the Jaster fics are great!
While I'm very anti guns irl I just love the fictional Mandalorian culture xD with their cool armor and their codex and the language (per my last count I know 90 words of Mando'a just from fic reading osmosis, send me an ask if you want a list lmao), the vibrant culture created by it being a creed, not one species... and Jaster is just my favorite Mando'ad ever, maybe because he doesn't have much canon attached so fanon just went wild? xD there are also a bunch of jedi shippy fics with him and Dooku sometimes in ot3 with Sifo-Dyas, or him and Jon Antilles like the wonderful 100k wip trade your heart for bones to know by @blackkatmagic, and I think there was one with time travelling adult Obi-Wan as well - edit: yes several, by @roosjem @cjwritesfanficnow @batshieroglyphics <3
Skywalker Family Values by Ariel_Sojourner: Sith-son Luke and senator daughter Leia end up in the same summer camp, it ends in a destruction of the speciist camp, a rebellious theatre performance and the reintroduction of their parents... Aka the parent trap/ Doppelte Lottchen AU that is still somehow perfectly in tune with the Star Wars world! 55k, T for violence.
Can't forget the fic that actually got me into Star Wars! At least I'm pretty sure this is the one? I think there was a tumblr post talking about crackfic ideas for a parent trap AU, and I went looking and found this one, which is actually 100% serious and such a good read. I actually made my mom read it as well xD Das Doppelte Lottchen (German original parent trap book from 1949) was one of our favs for her to read to me when I was a kid, and my mom is always looking for new reading material and as I'm mainly reading fanfic, I'm always happy to find fic she'll also like.
And, because I turn everything into a tag meme, maybe some of you also want to show your appreciation for the writers who got us through the last year - everyone who sees this, feel free to make your own post (if it's just Star wars fic I guess you can reblog-add to this one, but otherwise seriously make your own post)! and remember to leave your authors some comments especially if they can't be @-ed on tumblr :) tagging all the authors already tagged above and everyone else who sees this!
here's my 2024 rec list for other fandoms
more of my fic recs • my writing • my Star Wars • Star Wars fic recs
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tamagoneko · 4 months ago
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the luau scene 🥥🌴🌺🍍
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spacespacespace · 25 days ago
Tim is an avid Lilo and stitch fan. He binged the movie loads when he was left in his manor as a kid, and it quickly became his comfort movie. Nani was his favourite, and he always secretly wanted a cool older sibling (enter: Richard Grayson). He loved how responsible and supportive she was, and he could see how the more adult implications of eg. bubbles (I bet most kids don’t get the suspected neglected and custody themes), and emphasised for her. She was definitely one of his main role models, which I find adorable.
He, like all other kids, also found stitch adorable, and used a nepo baby amount of money on merch. Lilo was always one of his comfort characters aswell, and he felt like he related to her a significant amount as a kid (autism go burrrr). He liked how they both had jet black hair, and let’s be honest as a kid he’d totally get her side of arguments.
As he got older, Lilo and stitch still remained an important movie to him, he’d liked showing his friends (especially Kon, who’s definitely never seen it before), and it always held at an important place in his heart.
A few more years later, Damian joins the family. He’d just a kid, so would of course be prone to kid friendly shows (despite his insistence that he only watches mature educational videos).
He stumbled across Lilo and Stitch somewhere, and falls in love with it. He especially loves stitch- forces out of his first home, but finding a happier and more special family in his second one. He also loved Bubbles, and found him a very cool and role model deserving character.
One time Tim is casually watching Lilo and Stitch on his laptop in the dining room, and Damian happens to walk by and glance it. Him and Tim’s relationship is… strained, to say the least.
But he asked about it, and asked Tim if this is his first time watching it, and then they figure out that they’re both as in love with it as the other is. They finish the movie together, and after talk for ages about the characters, and imagery, and just how great the movie is (again, autism go burrr)
Now even more years later, they had a strong(er) connection, and even after a fight, or something bad happens, are always open to watching Lilo and Stitch together.
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lilolilyr · 4 months ago
@pers-books exactly how you got me into Berena :D
One of my favourite things when reading fanfiction is when you click with an author's style so much that you adore the fanfiction you're reading, and once it's over you need more. So you go to their page and hope that there's more for any fandom you might know- only there isn't any. They've written for other fandoms you aren't familiar with and never would've thought about before.
But you're down so bad for their style and talent that they got you wading in like:
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zeriphi · 14 days ago
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🌺 Ohana 🌺
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stolenbuckets · 1 month ago
"I HATE F1 rpf" *stumbles over a Rock, falls to the Ground, Phone landing in front of me with the Google Tab open of Ao3 Liam/Logan Fics* "N-No!!! THOSE AREN'T MINE!! I-I Swear!!!" *starts to cry, reaching for Phone, accidentally clicks on the Tab on Ao3 with Alex/Logan Fics* "N-No... This... I c-can explain it!!"
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liloslittlethings · 3 months ago
liam would hold farts in for louis...?
(otra vienna 6/10/15)
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lilolilyr · 11 months ago
i have the chapter kudos sticker and a re-read kudos one pinned on shortcut copy paste on my phone :D
Alright, to ao3's soon to be arriving Wattpad Refugees, a basic guide to general user culture:
1.) Unlike Wattpads vote system that let's you like each chapter, the ao3 equivalent kudos only allows one per work. Everyone is generally quietly annoyed about this. To engage with each chapter, you're heavily encouraged to comment. Trust me, it makes people's day.
2.) Ao3 has no algorithm. By default it's latest updated work first. You can find things to your taste through searches, filters and tags.
3.) 'No archive warnings apply' and 'user has chosen not to use archive warnings' mean two very different things. No archives warnings means the work is free from any content that could require a warning tag (character death, graphic depictions of violence, non-con, etc). User has chosen not to use archive warnings means it could contain any of the warning content, be it hasn't been explicitly tagged. Treat it like an allergen. No archive warnings apply is allergen free. User has chosen not to use archive warnings, may contain traces or whole chunks of the allergen. If you're likely to have a bad reaction, maybe don't take the risk.
4.) Speaking of warnings, ao3 has very few restrictions on the type of work that's allowed. Whatever your personal thoughts or feelings on that are, thats how the site is. You're likely to run across some dark subject matters and a lot of people are uncomfortable with reading that. You're well within your rights not like these works and have your opinion on whether they should be allowed, but harassing the authors of such works (or any works) is more likely to come back on you than them. Ao3 operates on a strong policy of 'don't like, don't read'. Use the tagging system to your full advantage to only engage with the kind of works you want to see.
We look forward to welcoming you all and seeing the fantastic works you create. Happy writing!
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artist-issues · 5 months ago
A friend said to me recently “it must be so hard for you wanting to go deep but then hearing people after a movie discussing it with such shallow takes” and I appreciate her sentiment but WRONG.
Not true!
It comes from the same root of thought that says, “does all that lighting and composition stuff really matter if I didn’t notice it until you pointed it out?”
Listen. If you and me both take a bite of a cookie, and I go, “wow, that’s delicious, the chocolate chips are my favorite part,” And you go, “wow, that’s delicious, I love the way you used dark chocolate instead of milk chocolate chips, and their bitterness is set off by the notes of brown sugar, while the salt cuts the sweetness,”
We both said true things about the cookie’s deliciousness.
We both enjoyed the cookie. It doesn't matter if one of us goes “deeper” than the other explaining it. Because the point of a cookie is to enjoy the cookie. And the point of a story is to feel/think what you’re supposed to feel/think as you experience it. More words, same concept.
A good storyteller’s main concern is not whether you “got the deep stuff,” just like a good chef’s main concern is not whether you “got the ingredients.” A good chef just wants you to love eating it. A good storyteller just wants you to experience the story. Laugh when you’re supposed to laugh, cry when you’re supposed to cry, edge to the end of your seat when you’re supposed to, and walk away really understanding what was said, not praising the choice of words.
So no. I am not sitting around like “aw if only someone would go deep about lilo and stitch.” NO. If you say to me, “lilo and stitch is so good, I loved it!” I’m not gonna go, “that’s nice but can’t you think harder? Give me something deeper?” I’m gonna go, “YEAH it is, it is so good!! You’re right! I’m so glad!”
As long as you’re saying something true about the story, I don’t care how “deep” or “shallow” it is.
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cartoon-enjoyer · 3 days ago
So uh, anyone else has read the Agent Stitch books?
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sparkledfirecracker · 2 months ago
Sometimes I crawl out of my reading slump dungeon and this was the perfect thing to read after waking up.
Had me screaming throughout, here’s some thoughts 😌
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You had ignored the gossip that it was especially for you, that the boss has some fondness for you. It wasn’t true, it couldn’t be.
Such a relatable thought process.
“It wasn’t nothing you broke her nose baby, now Bunny I won’t ask again” his voice was demanding but without malice.
What ya gonna do if we don’t say anything? Spank us? 😏, go ahead we’ll probably enjoy it, hahaha.
You contemplated lying to him.
But Ari had wanted you to come to him, maybe it was selfish but he wanted you to need him. 
Well Sir, you should be happy when I tell you this, we ain’t got no backbone when it comes to your presence 🙈🥵
“No it’s not Bunny” he answered before stepping forward and truly caging you between him and his large oak desk, his hips rolling forward so his heavy hard erection pushed into your silk covered soft belly.
“If you want me to stop bunny and I will, just say the words” he told you seriously as he pulled his thumb from your mouth awaiting her answer.
No no no no, no need for that. Keep going, keep doing what you’re doing. We like all of it, please and thank you.
Before you knew it his mouth was covering your and he had you on the desk, your skirt lifted and thong covered ass chilled by the cool wood while your legs wrapped around his waist. 
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A wet dream come true.
He sure is, it’s Ari fucking Levinson. The bonbshell of all gods. We will always be on our knees for him
You couldn’t even get your brain to truly function, you’d never been fucked like this. He was fucking you like his own personal toy and he was so so deep. 
“Looks like I finally caught you bunny”. 
And we ain’t mad about it at all 😌😏
Thank you for sharing this ♥️, this was so enjoyable to read this morning. I really loved it.
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Ari Levinson X Black/WoC Reader (can be read by anyone)
You’re the new bartender at Ari’s club and tonight you’ve had enough with how the other women treat you but don’t end up fired like you feared.
warnings: Ari lol. Sex. Bullying. Insecurities about weight. Fat shaming.
note: I still have love for Ari but this is the only thing I’ve finished for Ari and probably won’t be writing anything new for him either bc of other hyper fixations taking over my mind 😂 but I hope yall enjoy it and all its errors bc I’m too lazy to fix them. I’m trying to empty out the fics in my notes so the range of characters I’ve been stuck on over the years is crazy 😂 this has been in my notes a month shy of a year 🙃
also reader is always written with a black/woc perspective but no actual description in this one other then weight.
The cool air danced over your exposed skin, working for a night club meant the exposure was necessary. It attracted customers and that usually meant you got good tips. You didn’t mind, you enjoyed finally having a reason to wear pretty things all the time. 
You wasn’t even sure how you got into your current situation, you had been sitting across from your boss’s desk crying. You were so embarrassed when the tears started. Ever since you started the night club the other women working made your  life hell, at first you thought it was initiation but it prolonged week after week. Next week making 4 months you’d been on the clock here and every day you worked was a day you had to deal with their bullshit, they were by far worse than the male customers that tried getting handsy. At least the male customers got dealt with and thrown out. 
Apparently the club really never had much issue with the bartenders getting pushed up on, only the dancers, but when you started that changed. You thought your boss would fire you for the problems it caused at the bar but he just added security around the bar, adding a strict rule about the behavior at the bar and towards bartenders. Mostly you. 
You had ignored the gossip that it was especially for you, that the boss has some fondness for you. It wasn’t true, it couldn’t be. All the beautiful skinny women running around you knew he sure as hell wasn’t interested in you. Yea, you knew you were beautiful, you had eyes you could see your face but you were fuller, more plump than any other woman here. That alone lead you to believe you couldn’t be his type, no other women who looked like you worked here. Didn’t that mean something? 
You was surprised you even got the job, your potential boss did nothing but glare at you while the interview went on. He also told you dancing was off the table for you, but it had to be because you didn’t look like the other women. You were so hurt but did your best to not show it. You needed that extra money dancers got not believing you would do well fully clothed. Who did?
But you were wrong. The men drooled over you so much so the women complained about all the men being at the bar instead of their tables. Which meant you got great tips and more tips than usual since the men wanted to get their own drinks instead of the dancers bringing them to their tables. Men wanted to be around you. 
Through out the long nights you’d always catch your boss glaring down from his offices floor to ceiling windows. It was remote controlled, he could black out the windows when he wanted or have them clear so people could see him. It made your stomach flip at the thought he had wanted you to see him staring. 
Sometimes he’d have you personally bring his drinks up, which caused the men to groan with displeasure at your absence or he’d end the night by coming down personally for his drink when making inventory lists and everyone was gone and the cleaning crews took over. He’d always tip well. So well you didn’t have to work the rest of the week if you didn’t want to, but you did and saved your money like the plan called for. On nights you had the courage you’d asked him questions, simple questions as he sat across from you at the bar.  “How was his day” and such. He’d humor you with short polite answers, a smirk playing on his lips at your failure to hide your nervousness and arousal. You’d always have to clench your legs when you’d finally hear his voice usually for the first time that night and see that smirk. 
Ari Levinson, God he was a menace and the only person in the world you’d let call her some cutesy silly name like Bunny. 
You felt his presence tower over you and your mind finally caught back up to the present moment. You were in his office because one of the other women finally pushed you to the breaking point. You was embarrassed that something to stupid could finally get you to react. 
“What happened Bunny?” He husked while sharp blue stared down at you. 
He was so close, too close, you could hardly focus. You wiped away a stray tear before taking a deep breath. 
“It was nothing” you stuttered out, avoiding eye contact.
“It wasn’t nothing you broke her nose baby, now Bunny I won’t ask again” his voice was demanding but without malice.
You breath hitched as your eyes found his, storm blue ones raging. Though you totally misread it. What you miss took for anger because you let yourself believe the lies was Ari’s control hanging on by a thread. 
You contemplated lying to him.
Your eyes widen. Ari had to suppress the groan that fought it’s way up his throat at the sight before him. There you stood, eyes puffy from crying, lips red and swollen from nervously biting them, your teary eyes wide. Fuck that’s how Ari wanted to make you look but because of the pleasure he could no doubt provide. 
“She..she..uh.. she said you only hired me because you felt sorry for me and you would never touch someone as fat as me” you whispered, face hot with anger as you pushed some of curly hair behind your ear. 
As much as it pissed Ari off he couldn’t help the little happiness he felt at the fact that out of all the things he knew the women did to you, that made you react. Yes Ari knew about the way they treated you, this was his club he knew everything, hell he knew everything as he should about is his city. But Ari had wanted you to come to him, maybe it was selfish but he wanted you to need him. 
“And I’m sorry I shouldn’t have reacted that way! It’s just been a lot with them! But please I’m sorry I really need this job and it pays so well I can’t afford to lose it!” 
Ari stared at you while you word vomited in front of him. He was a little disappointed in himself for not thinking of it that way, that you wouldn’t cause a sense or make trouble by asking for help because of how much you needed the job. 
He shook his head at you as his hand grabbed your face softly, his thumb stroking your cheek.
“Shh Bunny, calm down, it’s ok” 
You were too shocked by the gentle caress to really hear his words. 
“That’s not true, not at all” he said.
“It’s not?” You asked not completely convinced, your doubtful eyes searching his.
“No it’s not Bunny” he answered before stepping forward and truly caging you between him and his large oak desk, his hips rolling forward so his heavy hard erection pushed into your silk covered soft belly.
“Don’t you see what you do to me Bunny?” His deep voice groaned wreaking havoc on your nervous system. You gasped at the feel of him.
Of course you suspected he was large but feeling him, it, so strong and heavy against you was something your imagination could never come up with. You could cum just from him rutting into your soft belly. 
Your hand flew to his shoulder to steady yourself and the other to get balance on the desk.
“Their just jealous baby because from the moment you walked your pretty little ass in this club I hardly given any of them a glance” he whispered as his lips ghosted up your jaw to nibble your ear. 
You clenched your thighs as you groaned in his ear. 
“And Emma, well she’s just mad because the last time I did fuck her” he stopped before pulling back to watch your face, you had went ridged under him, your face tight with anger. He continued before you could say something. 
“I called her your name while I came on her” His voice was deep and needy as he confessed to you, some how his thumb had made its way into your mouth pressing down on your tongue while he watched your face. He realized he seemed to love doing that, watching your reactions.
You were slightly angry with yourself for being so turned on. You should be mad he was talking about fucking another women, yet you weren’t. You wanted more than anything to feel what Emma felt but to know it was you that he wanted and it was you he was getting.
“If you want me to stop bunny and I will, just say the words” he told you seriously as he pulled his thumb from your mouth awaiting her answer.
As sure of himself as he was there was still that nervousness deep down in his stomach you would say no. Turn him away because of who he was and what he did. He knew you, had been watching you since you started and you were a good girl, everything he wasn’t. 
But you didn’t. With your eyes locked on his, you opened your mouth licking up the underside of his thumb before pulling it into your warm mouth to suck.
And fuck did Ari think his fucking knees would buckle. 
“Good girl” he replied trying to pull himself together. He was about to cum all over your stomach. 
It earned him a moan around his thumb.
“Now tell me what you want Bunny because if you want me then there is no one else, I do not share” he was serious, he had wanted you from the moment he saw you. Tried to keep you away because of his line of work but he was too selfish a man, he could only hold out for so long. 
You released him with a pop.
“I want you and I want everyone to know especially Emma because neither do I” you said finally showing a more confident side.
Before you knew it his mouth was covering your and he had you on the desk, your skirt lifted and thong covered ass chilled by the cool wood while your legs wrapped around his waist. 
Fuck you couldn’t believe he kissed this good, you didn’t even want to come up for air. 
At this point both your legs were up, ankles sitting on his shoulders, high heel clad feet dangling in the air. Your skirt tucked up around your waist so he could see everything. 
He needed to see everything. He fucking dreamed of this many of nights. 
His cock was free, long and hard. He ran the under side of it between your folds and up over your mound. Over and over again driving you wild as he collected your wetness. 
“Oh fuck Ari please” 
“Please what Bunny?” 
“Please please fuck me!” You whined.
Your body stilled at the intrusion, he was kissing you, running his hand up and down your body, pinching nipples trying to get you to relax just a bit more, he knew he should have worked you up more but he was past that, he had no control left, you were ready enough. 
“Fuck” he groaned out appreciatively once he pushed slightly into you, your gasp ringing out in his ears as your natural manicured fingernails cut into his back. A pain he welcomed. You were so tight, tighter than he could ever dream of and wet, so fucking weak. You were already leaking on his desk. 
A wet dream come true.
It was a few moments and thrust later you started to relax and Ari could really work into you.
“Oh fuck” you moaned out, both hands gripped the edge of the desk while his hands dug into you full round ass cheeks, your bottom hung in the air. Ari the only thing truly keeping you suspended. He loved this position because of how much control he had.
You couldn’t even get your brain to truly function, you’d never been fucked like this. He was fucking you like his own personal toy and he was so so deep. 
Because you weren’t functioning you had never noticed the call he made on his intercom, you didn’t notice the door open behind him, never noticed the blonde staring furiously at the sight before her.
Ari balls deep into the pretty little bartender she hated so much, who got special treatment from the most fear man in the city, the man Emma wanted more than anything. Hell any woman who crossed paths with the blue eyed giant wanted him. 
You didn’t notice until Ari leaned forward pressing into you completely causing you to scream out. Your fingers digging into his back once more, at this angle it was too much, you didn’t understand how he could feel deeper then he already was. 
There she was eyes locked on them, her face red with anger and embarrassment like you had been not to long ago at her hands while she held tissue to her bleeding nose.
Ari cursed, the tightness of you too much, your wetness dripping down his sack and thighs.
“Fuck bunny, tight wet little pussy is daddy’s favorite, you gonna let daddy come in you?” He groaned out feeling both of your ends near. 
Your eyes stayed locked on Emma as your fingers gripped his short hair.
“Oh fuck yes daddy! Please come in me! Fill me up” you moaned out. 
You was sure the whole club could hear over the music and you couldn’t care less.
Your body shook and your eyes roll back as that sweet feeling set her body on fire, Ari stilled after a few hard thrusts that cause his heavy desk to scrape backwards before he roared emptying himself into you.
You squealed as another orgasm slammed into you, the feel of his hot seed sending you catapulting into another one. Your eyes blurred as tears flowed from the pleasure.
When you opened your eyes Emma was gone. You both were breathing heavy when Ari used his hips to thrust you up on the desk a bit more. 
“Oh fuck” you yelled out feeling completely overwhelmed and overstimulated by his softening cock still buried deep inside you.
His hands grabbed your face, blue eyes locking yours in place. 
“Looks like I finally caught you bunny”. 
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harringroveera · 1 year ago
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He thinks it’s real fancy Steve
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britayne · 2 months ago
Idk how someone didn’t see this, but for me this “Zouis reunion” is all about Liam. For me it’s two people who have been loose their dearest one. That's the reason they get back together. I knew it could happen after Louis liked Zayn’ tribute post.
Now I think they might decide to honor Liam together. That kind of tribute I would like, because I know it would be full of love and genuineness
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cartoonjessie · 2 months ago
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My 1st entry for Wayfinder February - a Moana/Maui shipper event Finding Ohana - Chapter 1: The Impossible Sister
Simea’s temper tantrums are ruining her sister’s life. With social services breathing down her neck, Moana needs a miracle. Enter Maui, the only guy in Hawaii willing to help these two sisters out. They might not know it yet, but all their lives are about to change for the better as Moana and Maui fall in love.
Read chapter 1 on AO3 here. (new chapter every 2 days)
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jessiarts · 7 months ago
Trying to help these Palestinian Families!
There are two verified Palestinian GFMs in my linktree, and I want to help them meet their fundraiser goals.
To do this I hope to donate my art and time to raise the money.
How this will work is you donate directly to one of the GFMs in my linktree, and then send me a screenshot of your donation receipt as proof (via tumblr ask or email) and I will draw the fandom character(s) prompt you request based off the donation amounts in the graphic below.
Both GFMs are verified by Operation Olive Branch.
First GFM is organized by Tasnim Alhamss (on line #663 of OOB's spreadsheet), who is still trying to evacuate her sister's 3 children as well as her brother's 3 daughters. They're just a little over $2K from their goal. They're so close!
Second GFM is organized by Layal Qudaih (on line #844 of OOB's spreadsheet), who is trying to evacuate newlyweds Hala and Abd Al Aziz, as well as Hala's elderly mother, Amal. Hala was 7 months pregnant when the GFM was created in February. It is now August. That means there is now a baby, just a few months old, who needs evacuating too. They have only achieved 67% of their goal as of writing this post.
Below is the graphic detailing the type of drawing I'll complete in exchange for the amount donated.
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I encourage other artists to take this idea and run with it for their own adopted families. Operation Olive Branch has a whole spreadsheet of family fundraisers you can sponsor if you are able!
Hopefully together we can help more families meet their goals and get to safety!
I've included a list of fandoms and shows I'm most familiar with under the cut, but feel free to ask about others!
Again, this is not an exhaustive list, but I did try to put them in alphabetical order to make them easier to look through.
Avatar the Last Airbender
BBC Sherlock
Cartoon Network- Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy, Ed Edd & Eddy, Courage the Cowardly Dog, Kids Next Door, Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, Johnny Bravo, Powepuff Girls, Dexter's Lab
Child's Play franchise
Defiance Series
Doctor Who - mostly 9th Doctor through current Doctor, but I have seen a little bit of Classic Who too
Disney Movies- again, pretty much all of it- but some of my favorites were the Pirates of the Caribbean movies, Hocus Pocus;
classics like Little Mermaid, Aladdin, Tarzan, Emperors New Groove, Lilo and Stitch, etc;
newer stuff like Brave, Encanto, and Coco, Moana, Frozen, etc.
The Hobbit
House MD
Jurassic Park
Looney Toons
Lord of the Rings
Marvel- pretty much all of it, but especially familiar with Guardians of the Galaxy, Thor movies, Loki series, The Avengers, Deadpool, etc
Nickelodeon- Fairly OddParents, Spongebob, Danny Phantom, My Life as a Teenage Robot
Once Upon a Time
The Princess Bride
Scooby Doo
Tim Burton Films - Nightmare before Christmas, Corpse Bride, Alice in Wonderland, Sweeney Todd, Beetlejuice, etc
Unus Annus
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