#and mind you
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stolenbuckets · 27 days ago
"I HATE F1 rpf" *stumbles over a Rock, falls to the Ground, Phone landing in front of me with the Google Tab open of Ao3 Liam/Logan Fics* "N-No!!! THOSE AREN'T MINE!! I-I Swear!!!" *starts to cry, reaching for Phone, accidentally clicks on the Tab on Ao3 with Alex/Logan Fics* "N-No... This... I c-can explain it!!"
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theside-b · 7 months ago
I was completely out of the loop with The On1y One controversy: the novel readers (more specifically the c-fans) are complaining that it's too different from the book, so much so that the director himself (the man behind Your Name Engraved Herein mind you) decided to come forth and say 'shut up and take it'.
I was going to say that if you want a word by word adaptation go watch JBLs, but then even those are suffering with crazy fans... that's why I can't fault the director's approach lol
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racingghost · 3 months ago
Vettel is a better man than me, because if I had a guy like Webber write books about how shitty I was and how much the team unfairly favored him, I'd absolutely drop my own perspective of the events in a very public manner.
My friends gave me the sweetest birthday gift, a book on the greatest rivalries of F1, but with a Mark Webber preface, so I was suspicious of how Seb would be portrayed right away.
But it really was worse than I expected.
For starters you have an index of these rivalries full of champion bc champion fights, so Webber appears there completely misplaced from the get-go. But then you read the pages about the Sebmark rivalry, and the whole thing is basically airing out Mark's frustrations.
Honestly, I feel like when you're making up this drama, only telling one perspective is a disservice to everyone. But the truth is, Vettel let things pass and never bothered to give his own backstage account to the public.
At most we know he was pissed at Mark constantly shading him in the media, and told him - in private - that he no longer respected him as a man. Hilariously, we only know this because Mark brought it up publically.
Idk man, my general position in life is that if you bring up conflicts like this and you only present one version of the events like they're the absolute undisputable truth, then you're only being manipulative.
As an example, this book brought up "all best car components end up on Vettel's garage" and "In 2009 they gave Vettel Webber's wing because they favored him", which Adrian Newey himself already said didn't happen (allegedly Webber didn't want the wing at all).
So this stuff is very much a "he said, she said".
And just overal in this book, the fact we read a whole intro on Mark's career, from Ford to Jaguar, to Williams, and obviously to Red Bull, but Seb who won 4 titles only got paragraphs about how he was favored by the team, feels really dirty to me.
I still love that they gave me this gift though haha
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shittygaypornmagazine · 3 months ago
"You're on your knees. Aren't you praying?" could have been such a sick fucking line if it didn't originally come from a weird lil old lady at the store I work at
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a-timely-problem · 2 months ago
....my friend told me that she once started watching Bridgerton and appearently she had known nothing about it... guess where she started watching it? On the plane. I would pay money to see a recording of her realizing what kind of show this was gonna be
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nemo-of-house-hamartia · 11 months ago
The way Aranea is going to be so ABSOLUTY INCENSED once the whole Dream Guardian's arc comes to a close.
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If you have read her bio and if you have played the game up until the 3rd Act, YOU KNOW WHY.
I suspect a huge barbecue will be going on in the Astral Plane.
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itsaboutbee · 1 year ago
Rat!Kai throwing himself down a stairless flight is and then trying to bite me upon trying to help him is very in character
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thewolfisawake · 1 year ago
Balmoral Being an Absolute Sap (aka Him Flirting with Mhoirbheinn)
"How can ah nae end up loving a' about my m'eudail? From your care a' the way t' your spite. ah love every bit. Ah love your violence. Ah love t' show every part of me fir your pleasure. Ah love a' the kinds of strength you have. Ah love you at peace an' restful. Ah adore every. little. reaction. Ah love it a' about you, Bheinnan."
"Nothing is ever wasted, if it is fir you. You dinnae need grand declarations you say but ah have t' say it so that you ken, it's engraved in your being how ceaselessly, devoutly ah cherish you."
"Come now, no need to be modest. Just with a single piercing gaze, strikes true to one's core. A figure already so distinct and to think, we have yet to finish that growth. And a yet waiting prowess laden with potential. How does anyone not notice? How does anyone not flit with the thought they might have encountered a baobhan sith? Or is it a leannan sith?"
"Some days I wonder if you have cursed me. For you are truly bewitching, Bheinnan. Your presence, your touch addictive. And if it were a curse, I have no desire to sever its hold. For it keeps you here with me."
"My leanan sith of destruction and ardor. If my fight be a well-loved canvas, then it only be because of the pull of my muse t' drive me. And a' of it merely a tribute t' my endless devotion."
"When the person ended up every bit of exceptional and then some despite everything…how am I not to fall for him?"
"M'eudail, my eyes always find you. Yes, even back during that time. Especially during that time. After all, how could ah no want tae trace your pure fine frame? Make an excuse tae hae your hair within my grasp? Hae a' excuse in the world tae make your splendid face starred with silver? When the sublime lies abreast tae you, would it not be tantalizing tae want tae partake of him?"
"Nothing of the sort. I have the divine with me, for what reason would I need an imitation?"
"You say to punish you. For you deserve it. Very well, but I will not bloody you because that is what you want and I will not be that kind.Because I know it hurts you when I touch you like this, I will do so. And because it writhes in your heart when I say, 'it is not your fault,' I will speak it. All this and more until you have had your fill of this torture…or until for even a sliver, you can believe my words are true, m'annsachd…"
"It pales in comparison tae the sublime befir me. A candidness thon ah feel only brings me closer tae thon pure brilliant heart. A gentle darkness thon enraptures and embraces yin so close like this. Truly yin so divine."
"A day I could finally capture your attention. A day where I could be able to have a taste of your being. A day of your reciprocation…indeed I have."
"It's pretty but ah hafta try harder fir yin just as lovely as you" (about getting hair accessories for Mhoirbheinn (which he has gotten a lot))
"Tae whit ah owe the honor of being graced by land's blessing made manifest?"
"M'annsachd, you are just that: a blessing. The only hand to reach out when turbulence threatens to drown any dissidence. The wings that keep one aloft. The only true levity of this world."
"I wonder the same. How can I possibly grant the bliss to a most precious being such as you? To the magnitude, no greater than the love you have gifted."
"To rule…that was all anyone wanted of me, asked of me, was why I was born…but you….oh, you…you were the one that gave me everything……you were the one thing I ever wanted for myself….all mine……"
"When I was little, there was a thread like this that brought me respite at a time where there was no hope, no future. What was tied to that thread……gave me strength to carve a path when there was none. So this tie is a reminder of that strength….and a symbol of my eternal gratitude."
"Centuries, I have toiled and reached for this. But this?" he held the diadem for a moment, "This was my duty. But you?" he gently placed it atop his head, hand caress and behold his beloved's face, "You were my dream."
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sanyu-thewitch05 · 2 years ago
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This is the Black equivalent of “Us Latinos are all mixed with black so racism doesn’t exist in Latin America!”
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yharnamsnewslug · 2 years ago
How fucking selfish, how fucking EVIL do you have to be to not just kill children in cold blood but also give the perfect fodder for conservatives to fucking punish more trans people. Rot wherever you are now.
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breathofthewildyaverage · 2 years ago
Just got links awakening and I let my sister play it and she got further than me on it. She was playing for half the time I was a she’s almost beat it
My competitive spirit wasn’t going to let that slide
Course I wasn’t going to do anything about it, so I just kinda sat there angry
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itslottiehere · 2 years ago
realising that one pod ticket at face value for harry is more expensive than what i have to pay for a whole year of uni is………… sort of insane
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dersitedreamr · 2 years ago
Another contrast between Izuku & Katsuki I feel isn’t explored widely in the fanbase is their family’s different socioeconomic status. Katsuki lives in this huge, single-family home whereas Izuku lives in an apartment complex. I think Mitsuki is a housewife now, but it seems like she met Masaru working, whereas Inko seems to strictly have a stay-at-home career and her husband works business abroad and sends money home.
It’s not really a point Horikoshi makes when they’re first introduced, so I can see why it’s glanced over when talking about them, but it’s still a dynamic that exists on like… a narrative… level, if that makes sense. Mostly I think to show how similar they are despite their contrasting origins.
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just-french-me-up · 2 months ago
'ao3 needs a like and dislike button'
what you need, my algorithm-rotten minded friend, is a grip
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year ago
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Knowledge Revenge.
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