#lilith dusk
gengarghast · 6 months
Lilith Dusk: The Wraith of the Leviathan
A short explanation of my Destiny 2 OC.
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Warning: This post is going to be VERY LONG!! Do not open below the cut if you don't want it to go supernova.
TLDR: She was trapped on EVIL MUSHROOM SHIP and got dragon ghosts all up in her brain.
Background (For people new to Destiny)
A while ago in Destiny, there was this guy called Calus. Alien space emperor type. He hosted tournaments and games on this giant ship called the Leviathan, and he showered the winners in praise and treasure. And then, he vanished. Roughly around two years ago, during the Season of the Haunted, the Leviathan reappeared, covered in this gross shit called Egregore fungus that feeds on the psychic trauma created by death.
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On the Leviathan
Anyways, Lilith was one of the Guardians¹ who were participating in Calus' games, but unlike the others she didn't leave the ship before it vanished. So she was forced to hide and skulk around and steal and survive all the while the ship was overtaken by the Egregore and the Darkness. Her armor is of her own creation, forged from stolen scraps of Ahamkara² bone as well as gold and silver and whatever else she could scavenge- Including the armor of other fallen Guardians who suffered the same fate as her.
Over time, the many, many fragments of Ahamkara bones that made up her armor began developing the ability to psychically communicate with her, and they forged an uneasy alliance- Her wishing³ for basic things in order for her to survive, and the bones keeping her alive so that she could keep wishing.
During that time, she also obtained her two favorite weapons, both also having Ahamkara bone modded into them- Dead Man's Tale, an old-fashioned lever rifle, and Bad Juju, a pulse rifle adorned with the skull of a small Ahamkara.
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Eventually with the Leviathan's reappearance, she was able to escape the ship. During that time, she had grown fond of the collective Ahamkara voices that had been bound to her, and they had grown fond of her in turn. And so, she continued to wear that scavenged armor, with some minor professional tuning and tweaks to make it not just bones stuck to armor.
She also ate, like, a lot of Egregore. Like a LOT. Which is how all those Ahamkara bones formed such a strong bond with her mind, because Egregore spores open your mind up to outside influence, or in this case, psychic dragon ghosts.
Lilith "Lily" Dusk
In terms of her personality, her time aboard the Leviathan made her paranoid and jumpy, but very loyal to those she sees as trustworthy. Aside from that, she is also very prone to angry outbursts or getting overwhelmed when faced with confrontation and judgement. After being isolated on the Leviathan for years with only her Ghost⁴ and the Ahamkara voices to keep her 'company', she is terrible when it comes to social encounters and usually bungles it, being rude, blunt, and abrasive without even realizing it. Despite this, she tries her best to be nice.
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Also, she doesn't like to take off the armor. She probably sleeps in it tbh-
Guardians are the player characters in Destiny, super-powered people who can come back from the dead with the power of Light.
Ahamkara are a species of 'dragons' in the Destiny universe- They wield paracausal abilities that allow them to grant monkey's-paw wishes and remain semi-sentient after death, whispering psychic messages to the one who wields their bones.
Wishing feeds Ahamkara, as they consume the cosmic chaos/energy that results from wishing.
A Ghost are a Guardians' companion, they supply their Guardian with the power of the Light and are able to resurrect them when they die.
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chiconisroc · 3 months
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The following is the full demon form of Adam in the "Hope In Hell" fanfiction : ). This is drawn my SillyMarzipan : D
This form shows up in the story on chapter 25 : ) Thank you SillyMarzipan for drawing Adam full demon form : D, it's so nicely done, ahhh. love the way you used the bandage wraps on his body : 3 and those wings and fire, ahhh! Everything about it :'3. Peeps can follow them through - and if you like it, please also like it and reblog it on X : ) and follow SillyMarzipan <3, they deserve it : D
Link to the fanfiction:
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mysaldate · 1 year
And yet again, the "Genshin can't have canon gay characters because China" defense fails. Yet again, it's thanks to Lilith.
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Gavus and Eugene, two fathers forsaking their factions and adopting kids together.
I can't wait to see the full cutscene of the twins saving them 😍
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soundlessdreamss · 8 months
Can I have a Lucifer vs Alastor fighting for the reader romantically, please if possible yanderes...
Lovely riddance
part two
pairings: y!alastor x reader & y!lucifer x reader
Note: reader will be a fallen angel for this! (Also this is prolly ooc)
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You were a normal sinner (totally a sinner and not a fallen angel) living in hell you were in hell because of you questioning heaven which led to them throwing you down here… but you realized how different the other people in hell were compared to you. it just made you feel very weird, a total standout!
it made you miss heaven. A lot. Since you had made so many friends there and now you just lost it all. Well not all of it to be exact, your old friend Lucifer is the king of hell because he was the first one to rebel against heaven. You admired him for being so fearless against heaven themselves.
as you were in your own thoughts on the street of hell suddenly you passed by a poster that snapped you back to your senses. You suddenly scooted back to the poster and read it “want to be redeemed so you can live a gorgeous life in heaven? Well visit the hazbin hotel and let yourself be purified!” Oh my god. This could be your chance to meet other people like you! You decided to fly over there since the other angels didn’t rip off your wings when you fell down.
after like 69 minutes of flying (lol) you finally made it to the hotel! You couldn’t help but feel a bit anxious though, what would they think about you? Would they make fun of you? Would they humiliate you if you did one thing wrong- no you couldn’t let that stop you. This could be your chance to find your friends in heaven again. You knocked on the hotel door and waited for a response. It felt like it was taking forever until a blonde haired girl opened the door. (It only took 3 seconds for them to open the door but okay.)
she nearly screamed out of joy when she realized someone actually came to the hotel to be redeemed. She gave you a hug and welcomed you into the hotel where all the people there introduced themselves. There was Charlie, Vaggie, Angel dusk, Husk, Nifty, (nifty is a cutie) and a snake who you didn’t bother remembering his name cause it was too long. (Totally not an excuse to not have to write his name)
you almost choked though when Charlie said her last name was Morningstar, like Morningstar as in Lucifer Morningstar? She was his daughter?! You had no idea him and Lilith had a child but you felt happy for them. Not until she told you her mom left her 7 years ago. (Lol)
To your surprise (and relief) they accepted you and treated you nicely. And you recognized Vaggie but didn’t out her because you had a feeling that she didn’t want that to happen and you respected her.
All of a sudden a man just teleported out of the floor and tapped you on your back which made you scream so loud. He chuckled and said not to worry as it was him, the radio demon! And he also introduced himself as Alastor. He grabbed your hand and kissed it which made you a bit confused but you rolled with it. Over the couple of days you had spent there you bonded really well with all of them, but alastor specifically wanted to spend a lot of time with you.
he often invited you to brunch, dinner, and to help him work on the hotel. Had you caught his eye? Maybe… maybe you had caught his eye more than you thought you did. (He also may or may not be planning to make a deal for your soul.)
timeskip to when Charlie invited her dad over. ——————————————————————————————————————
you had all prepared for the place to look nice since the king of hell was coming to visit! Aka Charlie’s dad, and you wanted to make a good impression on him after you haven’t seen eachother for such a long time. He seemed happy that his daughter was inviting him over based on the tone of his voice when Charlie called.
You guys all got in position and Charlie was about to open the door until Lucifer barged in and greeted his daughter with a bear hug! He looked around the place awkwardly after and Charlie introduced him to everyone in the hotel. He stared at you for a couple of seconds not knowing if it was really you. He was about to speak to you until alastor teleported right next to you.
Alastor put his hand on your shoulder and had a death grip on it. Like he didn’t want Lucifer to even be near you. They both introduced themselves to each other and as they were talking about the hotel ideas, Alastor pointed out a thing you did for the hotel which helped them a lot. He brought your face to his as he put his hand around your neck pulling you closer. Your face was squished with his. He only did this though to simply piss Lucifer off and trick him into thinking that he had got to you first and that you guys have a deep connection.
as you pulled yourself away from him and looked at the two it suddenly felt as if there was an intense aura in the room all of a sudden. You laughed nervously and tried to excuse yourself before Lucifer grabbed your hand.
he was nervous and tried to compose himself to talk to you as it had been so long since you two had talked. Wtf was he even suppose to say? He decided to finally speak after an agonizing 5 seconds.
Lucifer: “oh [reader]… it’s been so long since we’ve last seen eachother! How have you been doll?”
[reader] : “oh I’ve been just fine. Well despite the fact that heaven kicked me out, it feels better here. Like I can actually breathe in this place.”
Lucifer: “good to hear. Would you mind visiting my palace sometime? Id like to show you some of my latest creations, especially one I made just for you!”
his smile became wider and his eyes seemed more sincere like he really wanted you to visit. I mean after all you guys haven’t seen eachother in eons!
before you could reply to his offer, Alastor grabbed your other hand and yanked you away as he chuckled.
Alastor: “I’m sure they would love to visit you sometime, but they’re busy with me today as I invited her to dinner and they accepted. Didn’t you dear?”
you suddenly remembered that you and Alastor were gonna go out for dinner tonight and you nodded your head.
[reader] : oh that’s actually right! I totally forgot about that for a minute. Well Lucifer would you like me to visit anytime I’m free if that’s okay?
Lucifer: oh, that’s just fine! Just try to make it soon cause I can not wait to spend time with you again!
his smile faded a bit and he seemed to give a glare to Alastor. In response Alastor simply had a wide smile as he continued to hold your hand after yanking away Lucifer’s.
After the argument with Lucifer and Alastor over Charlie was done.
Finally everyone calmed down after they argued over who Charlie preferred as a dad. Thank god Mimzy barged through the door before another fight broke loose. After a couple minutes Alastor decided to tell everyone you and him would be leaving for dinner about now, you thought it was later but alright!
as you guys left through the door to go to your favorite restaurant, Alastor couldn’t help but giggle feeling Lucifer’s eyes burning a hole through him. He knew it pissed him off and he was glad that it did. And little did you or Lucifer know the Alastor was making more and more progress to his plan. His plan was to woo you enough so that you’d made a deal with him for your soul.
of course you’d get benefits aswell! Alastor would be at your every beck and call and you would do the same for him. It would just be a matter of time before he proposed the idea to you. He just hopes a certain someone wouldn’t mess it up.
part two coming soon…
note: hiii to everyone who read this, I’d like to thank you all for all the likes on my previous two posts! I’m going to be working on part two sooner or later. Also sorry is this is a bit ooc, I’m new to writing fanfics and tried to make alastor manipulative like he is in the show. :)
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koolades-world · 1 year
Got inspo after that satan angst hc, here’s the link in case you haven’t seen it. also drew inspo from willow and lavender haze by taylor swift, my favorite normie artist LOL
hurt/comfort, happy ending :)
just like lilith
Loud crashes and bangs, followed by enraged, maddening screams echoed through the House of Lamentation late at night, a tell tale sign Satan was mad about something again. His brothers didn’t dare check on him and everyone who walked by kept as silent as possible. He really tried his best to not do that anymore, he really did. But some things just couldn’t be helped.
He toppled another bookshelf with both hands and knocked over another with the accidental lash of his tail, making him even more upset. Pages fluttered as the shelf hit the ground. He grabbed one book in particular that had been a gift from Lucifer and ripped it apart by the spines, throwing the halves to separate sides of the room. He hated Lucifer.
Stupid Lucifer.
Stupid Mammon.
Stupid Levi.
Stupid Asmo.
Stupid Beel.
Stupid Belphie.
Stupid Celestial Realm.
Stupid angels.
Stupid Devildom.
Stupid Lilith.
He didn't mean that... did he?
Diavolo, why did everything have to be so complicated? The name Diavolo alone sent him into another rage induced fit. He tore off part of his bed frame and threw it as hard as he could at the only mirror in the room. Despite it being enchantment, it shattered into hundreds of pieces. Part of the enchantment held up, as it stayed in its frame despite being in so many pieces. He snatched it off the wall and began hitting against any surface he could get his hands on. He tried his hardest to do any more damage to it, but it stayed intact.
As he tried clawing the mirror, he noticed himself again. Messy blond hair stood on it's ends. Obsidian horns curling out of sight. A ruddy face. Deep jade eyes, bloodshot and red in the whites. Tears actively fell from his eyes, streaking their way down his face.
When had he started crying? He saw hundreds of himself, each and every one coming to the same realization. He swiped his tears away. All of his mirror-selves followed suit. For once, he was unsure how to feel. He looked himself in the eyes, horrified yet transfigured to the spot by the sight of his own face.
He found his thoughts drifting and his rage slowly took the backseat. Was Lilith's hair as wispy has his? Did she have those little flyaways and that cowlick that refused to behave no matter what he did to it? Did she really have the same straw-yellow blond? Asmo always told him his eyes were breathtaking. Did he tell her that too? Were Lilith's the same? Did they reflect everything she felt? Were they really the same green, the green that could be both jade and emerald at the same time? With the same hints of yellow at the bottom the were reminiscent of the sun on the horizon before dawn or dusk? Was she also fond of beautiful things? He was sure if she was the rising sun, he was the setting sun.
Usually his fits were about Lucifer, and how he felt he could never escape his shadow. In the end, they were the same. Not this time though. This time, it wasn't even really his fault. If it wasn't his fault, who's fault was it then? Could he really blame his brothers for seeing their lost sister in him? They probably missed her so much it hurt. If she had survived, would they even want to see her like he was? He knew she would have taken his place as the Avatar of Wrath. If he and Lucifer were two sides of the same coin, what does that make Lilith to him? Were they the same face, or did were they too two sides of the same coin? What did that make Lucifer to Lilith once he was added to the equation? Did Lucifer subconsciously wish to have Lilith back? Is that why he was the way he was? Would he even be here if Lilith had lived? Would his brothers prefer that?
The thoughts were dizzying. It overwhelmed him. He threw the mirror as hard as he could across the room. It finally shattered. The tiny shards showered across the ruins of his room like snow onto a battlefield. He let his tears fall freely, and sank his knees in the small patch of moonlight coming in through his window. He let out an agonizing cry, one that everyone in the house could feel the pain deep from within. For once, his brothers felt bad. They would never understand. It felt good to get a little of that feeling off his chest. He wallowed in the silence after his shriek, until he heard a soft knock on his door. This caused him to snap to attention and growl at whoever was on the other side.
"Satan?" He heard an echo of the voice he knew so well. Their tone was gentle in a sorrowful way. No longer was it warm. This was waterlogged, droopy, like a small flower under heavy rain. "Can I come in?"
"Mc? Yes, come in." The door cracked. For a moment, he thought his brothers would be behind them, and that it was all a trap. But he was wrong. They were alone, still dressed in the fancy outfit from the dinner they had gone to as a family earlier that night. Their eyes were just as red as his own. They stepped into the small gap and shut it behind them. As they got closer, he noticed silent tears falling from their eyes. He got up and met them at the door, pulling them close to his chest. They began shaking, wracked with sobs. He quickly forgot about his own spiral that had taken place just minutes before. While he was raging, Mc had been out there somewhere, upset. He began to feel more awful about what he had done.
"What's the matter?" He ushered them over to his bed, one of the few mostly undamaged things. Part of his bed frame had been used to shatter the mirror, and at some point he had shredded a few pillows. They sat among this fluff, holding each other, Mc in his lap. It was silent for a while before Mc was calm enough to answer.
"I'm so sick of your brothers." They looked up at him with tearful eyes. He gazed back at them, knowing he probably looked exactly the same. "It's just... I love them. I really do. But I am so tired of trying to be my own person. I am not Lilith." Her name cut him like a knife. But as Mc placed their hand on his chest and leaned in, he could fell the cut heal. A small void within himself began to fill.
"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" He wiped away their tears that had been steadily falling, like he had his own.
"You must be tired of hearing that name." They couldn't even bring themself to look up at him anymore. He felt guilt seep in. He had never even considered that. They had been hiding everything from him to keep him safe. He cuddled them closer, hoping to shield them from all the pain. "Lilith must have been so sweet, but I am not her. You are not her. We are not her. I've seen the way your brothers look at us when we're together. It's like they don't even see us. It's only Lilith to them. Part of me wishes we never found out. Maybe things would be the way they were before. I wouldn't even be here if everything hadn't happened the way it did, and maybe you wouldn't either. But they just don't seem to care about that and it's sickening how obsessed they are over the idea that we are what they lost."
"What happened after I left?" He had an idea of how this had all started. He had stormed off to his own room after they got home from dinner upon discovering his brothers wanted to retake a particular photo they had taken with Lilith but with him and Mc where Lilith was. That was the whole reason behind the dinner, and he and Mc were the only ones left in the dark.
"I wanted to go after you, but Lucifer wouldn't let me. I didn't know what had started the argument in the first place, so I wanted to get to the root of it. Everyone seemed uncomfortable. I get it now. They were feeling guilty about what they had decided to do. They filled me in on everything after I screamed enough. I said some things that would have made you proud." He could feel them smile weakly against his neck. "I told them I hoped they were sorry for what they had done. I honestly didn't mean to be so harsh with my words, but I think it was the wake up call that they needed."
"What did you say?" He stroked their hair, laying his head on top of theirs.
"I told them Lilith was dead and that she wasn't coming back. Lucifer slapped me and the force sent me pretty far. The others tried to act like they were concerned, but it was just as much their fault as it was his. I refused to let them touch me. And then I came here." After hearing that, he pulled them off his chest to look at their face. Tears were still bubbling over both of their faces. The room was dark, but he could see the bright red outline of Lucifer's hand on their face.
"Don't do that ever again. Not on my behalf. What if you got seriously hurt? What would I do without you?" It was silent for a moment. He wasn't sure if he wanted to know the answer to his questions or not. "Where does it hurt? Let me make it better."
"It hurts here. And here." He watched as their hand ghosted over their face, and to their side, their back and their leg. He could feel fresh tears rolling down his cheeks. Holding them close, he muttered a spell that would take away the pain. Feeling them relax in his arms soothed him a little.
"I'm never going to let Lucifer near you again. I'm... scared. What happens if he gets his hands on you?" He wasn't used to admitting how he was feeling, but the moment felt raw enough to admit it. He took in a shaky breath and hugged Mc tightly like they might disappear.
"I want you to know that you're beautiful. Satan, the Avatar of Wrath. You're you, and nobody else. The man who established so many animals shelters across the Devildom. The man who got me through exam week time and time again. The man who took me in whenever I felt upset just to get away from it all. You are your own person, and I love you for that. I love you. I love you, I love you, I love you." Mc burrowed their head into his chest to place a kiss over his heart. At some point during their conversation, he had shifted from his demon form to his regular appearance.
"I could say the same about you. You're also your own person. You've been there for me more times than I could count. I love you too. All the love in the world wouldn't be enough for me to give you. I wouldn't trade you for the world." He began to smile for the first time that evening. Mc lifted their head to meet his eyes.
"I have an idea. Diavolo owns me a huge favor. How does a spontaneous trip to the human world sound? Just you and me, for as long as we need, and as long as it take your brothers to really miss us?" The mischievous glint in their eyes was something he was so familiar with. He met it with enthusaism.
"That sounds wonderful. Where would we go though?" He thought about the logistics quickly.
"While my first thoughts were my house or Serenity Manor, but once they realized we weren't in the Devildom, they would look there first. Diavolo has mentioned this small, cute beach house he goes to from time to time on his own. He would let us borrow it. It's barley big enough for two, but we could make it work. It's in the middle of nowhere. Perfect for us." The more Mc talked, the more Satan liked the idea.
"I love that idea. When do we leave?" Satan was never one to agree to spontaneous idea like this, but in the moment, it just felt right.
"How does in twenty minutes sound? We pack right now and disappear before your brother realize we're gone. Diavolo has to be awake right now anyways." Mc brushed their hands over his face. Tears had stopped falling. The stains lingered but they could only see each other.
"Let's do it. I'll take you to your room first, just in case Mammon happens to be in there." He stood up, and hugged Mc for a moment more before letting them go in favor of taking their hand. Satan knew he would be in for a fun time. He could always rely on Mc, no matter what.
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powerpcinside · 6 months
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Sunshine Blues Skinblend
I finally succumbed to the urge to make my own skinblend, mostly because I decided I wanted something with more definition in the bodies. Then of course I decided to go full semirealistic, found a skin base, and went to town with Photoshop. (The name was because I had '49 Mercury Blues stuck in my head for some reason.)
The base of this skin is Mouseyblue's Sunshine skin. The original skin did not have saggy boobs for elder females, and that's something I like (because, you know, it happens!) so I stole the boobs from this skin. Then I decided I wanted to have bodybuilder ladies as well, so I overlaid the abs from the male fit states onto the female fit states. The last change I made to the body was lightening the palms on colors darker than Sunkissed.
For the face, I went with variant #4 of the original skin and overlaid Lilth's Cara nosemask and Whispers lips on top of the original, and slapped some mouth corners on because I liked the way it looked.
After all that was done, I ran Trapping's actions over it (though I tweaked the hues of Dusk and Sunset slightly because they were too red for my liking), met in the middle for some Maxis defaults, and attempted to smooth out all the pixelization I could. There's still some pixelization, mostly around the collarbones and other details that I didn't want to erase, but it's not as bad as it was before. Warning: do not compressorize these because they'll be pixelated. Also you only save 3 megs and storage is cheap these days.
There are three options: Maxis defaults, geneticized skins, and custom skins. The geneticized skins are based off of these skintones (Party for One/Calm Depths/Honeygold Redeux), which also conflict with Lilith's Marigold skin, so you can't use them both at the same time, sorry. The Maxis defaults are between Warmth and Sunkissed for Light, Beach/Olive Skin for Tan, Sunheat/Dusk for Medium, and Sunset/Moonlit Night for Dark. The swatch with the Bodyshop sims is the maxis defaults, the other swatch is the Trapping range. The full body pics above show all the skintones, the Trapping ones on some of my sims and the Maxis ones on premades. Fit and fat states are indicated where applicable.
I'm still working on the supernatural defaults, I have a few things to iron out with the alien skin, the zombie and vampire ones are pretty much done, and I still need to figure out what I'm doing for plantsim and if I'm doing any others. I also plan to do matching monolid eyeshadow using another variant of the base skin.
Ok now that you've read all that, time for the downloads:
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saintvainglorious · 6 months
Fics I Enjoyed in February & March
18 fics and ~720k (!!!) total. Includes fics from the following fandoms: Fullmetal Alchemist, Game of Thrones, Harry Potter, Hazbin Hotel, Helluva Boss, Kung Fu Panda
Pornstar Martini by blatantblue/@blatantblue and brightened Hazbin Hotel | Angel Dust/Husk | 5k | Mature | Part 1 of Pornstar Martini
Naturally, Husk’s kindness goes straight to Angel’s head. This is why he doesn’t do heroin — you try that shit once, you always want it. You may never take it again, but you’ll carry the gaping-aching hole in your chest until the end of your days. Or the end of eternity. Angel never needed aftercare before; he puts the blame squarely on Husk’s huggable shoulders.
Sour Dove by blatantblue/@blatantblue Hazbin Hotel | Angel Dust/Husk | 6k | Explicit | Part 2 of Pornstar Martini
“What do you need?” Husk asks again, hand in Angel’s hair, always in Angel’s hair. Angel needs to feel something that’s his and only his. He needs to know there’s a part of him, a pathetic inch, when he doesn’t yet end and Valentino doesn’t yet begin. He needs a lie. “Put me on my knees.” Husk doesn’t even flinch. “You know I’m not gonna do that, baby.” Angel and Husk get as close as they can without breaking each other.
Call Your Bluff by RazzAppleMagic/@razzapplemagic Hazbin Hotel | Angel Dust/Husk | 72k (WIP) | Explicit
Val may be a fucking monster, but he’s a monster that Angel knows. He’s a monster that Angel understands. Angel isn’t stupid; he made the choice to sign with Valentino because he was the only overlord that made sense for Angel’s lifestyle — for what Angel wanted out of Hell. But now you’re tellin’ him that his soul is owed to some random fucking jackass who swindled Val in a game of cards? How can that be fair? How can that be something that’s just allowed to happen? (In which, Angel's contract is acquired by a new overlord — Hell's very own Gambling Demon, and they both get more from the relationship than either of them bargained for.)
snipers solve 99% of all problems by silentwalrus/@silentwalrus1 Fullmetal Alchemist | Gen | 260k (WIP) | Mature
Ed had thought, after the whole Promised Day, homunculus, entire country harvested for alchemical batteries thing, the batshit quotient of his life would have settled down some. He really ought to have topped out the meter with that one. But no. The bullshit is just getting started. “Are you fucking kidding me,” Ed demands. “The wizards?”
Call Sign: Morning Star by blatantblue/@blatantblue Hazbin Hotel | Alastor/Lucifer Morningstar | 7k | Explicit
“You,” Alastor says slowly, “came up here to proposition me?” Lucifer shrugs. “And if I did?” Joy and the thrill of friendship are not on Alastor’s frequency, and neither is Lucifer. But it may be their last night in Hell; in the circumstances, Lucifer’s mouth on him is infinitely less of a terrible idea.
You're in MY House, Bitch by brightened Hazbin Hotel | Adam/Lucifer Morningstar | 3k | Explicit
“Is this what you’ve been up to?” Adam asks. “A rubber duck orgy?” Lucifer gasps, reaching for the nearest duck and clutching it to his chest. “How dare you! I’ve never fornicated with any of my ducks. In fact … I haven’t fornicated since Lilith.” Lucifer drops the duck in favor of drumming both hands on his chest. “Well, that’s embarrassing. Why am I saying this to you?” Lucifer propositions Adam. Not in that way! But also, yes in that way.
Dusk Till Dawn by Novaeris Helluva Boss | Blitzø/Stolas | 13k | Mature
When Blitzø gets drugged and kidnapped by an imp gang, he has to fight tooth and nail to make it out with his life. When his injuries prove to be a bit too much for him to handle, he sucks up his pride and goes to ask Stolas for help. Normally, not a big deal. Except this time, he hasn’t spoken to the guy since their shitty first date at Ozzie’s. And when one of his wounds gives Blitzø a nasty fever, he finds himself revealing a lot more than he intended. A post ep 7 fic with a lot of Blitzø whump and Stolas finally learning where the lines of communication had broken down between them.
Far From Heaven by Novaeris Helluva Boss | Blitzø/Stolas | 45k | Explicit
After their disastrous first date, Blitzo and Stolas struggle to pick themselves back up again in the aftermath. It takes many small steps before they can finally be honest, with themselves and with each other. Blitzo learns to tell the truth. And Stolas learns that, sometimes, things aren’t as hopeless as they appear. A study of Blitzo and a study of Stolas as they fall apart and then come back together after ep 7.
Palaces and Souvenirs by CloudySonder/@cloudysonder Helluva Boss | Blitzø/Stolas | 14k (WIP) | Mature
So Stolas is objectively. Objectively. Attractive. Kinda soft-looking, sometimes. Pretty. Whatever. Fuckin’ whatever. That’s always been a thing. Blitzo knew that, Stolas definitely knew that-- whatever. This is not, Blitzo thinks, sounding a little bit desperate even to himself, some sort of revelation. the lack of Slow-Burn Friends-With-Benefits to Lovers with Octavia & Blitzo Bonding as a Sideplot content in the stolitz community is Appalling, so i am merely fulfilling a demand in the market
"Red." by QUINADEN Helluva Boss | Blitzø/Stolas | 10k | Explicit
Another full moon, another sexual rendevous. But when Stolas suggests that he return the favor for once, Blitz has to confront the fact that giving over even more control of the situation might be the scariest compromise he’s ever had to make.
At Your Service by QUINADEN Helluva Boss | Blitzø/Stolas | 14k (WIP) | Mature
When Blitz was 10, his family sold him to the Ars Goetia family, believing that he’d have a far better life than he ever would in the circus business given his lack of general talent and skill. With his soul forever bound by contract, he has one job and one job only: to serve Prince Stolas of the Ars Goetia. Part of that duty eventually became having a nearly two-decades-long affair with the prince. But when their secret is discovered by Andrelphus, who threatens to expose them both to the Goetia family, just how far will Blitzø be willing to go in order to protect Stolas, and, by extension, his own life?
The Devil Is My Shepherd by QUINADEN Helluva Boss | Blitzø/Stolas | 28k (WIP) | Mature
No longer able to live in the comfort of the home and property he owned for decades, Blitzo has now moved in (at least temporarily) with Stolas while he recovers from his injuries sustained at the hands of the local Catholic congregation. No one said adjusting to an entirely new life in Hell would be easy, but between Stolas' daughter going through the motions of her parents separating, his new friends planning their wedding, a manager who is both younger and far braver than he is, and Stolas himself, it's been difficult, to say the least. Grappling with a brand new lifestyle and world without the comfort of the deity his parents raised him to embrace, things are certainly going to be rough. He's already been dragged down into the depth of Hell, though: how much worse could it get?
Traces of Spring by nehezt/@nehezt Kung Fu Panda | Gen | Mature
While investigating a strange phenomenon, Po inadvertently brings Tai Lung back from the Spirit Realm. Forced to live again, Tai Lung must grapple with his place in the world and the feelings that led to his attack on the Valley of Peace.
Competition by astolat/@astolat Game of Thrones | Jaime Lannister/Brienne of Tarth | 11k | Mature
Almost the instant Brienne was out of earshot, Bronn turned to Podrick, jerked his head towards Jaime and asked, “Has he fucked her yet?”
Words by astolat/@astolat Game of Thrones | Jaime Lannister/Brienne of Tarth | 10k | Explicit
“So we’ll look for you in the North," Robb Stark said, "coming to pay your debt."
Let The River Run by astolat/@astolat Game of Thrones | Jaime Lannister/Brienne of Tarth/Robb Stark | 61k | Explicit
The deep satisfaction of having made the right choice; of having found a clear-flowing wellspring of true honor to protect.
Royal Flush by astolat/@astolat Game of Thrones | Jaime Lannister/Brienne of Tarth/Margaery Tyrell | 85k | Explicit
Robb Stark had swept his entire hand of cards off the table, and Tyrion couldn’t see how to make a single play at all.
Winter's Crown by astolat/@astolat Game of Thrones | Jaime Lannister/Robb Stark | 76k | Explicit
“When the Night’s King rides,” the giant said, each word slow as cold honey pouring, “the King in the North must answer. The King in the North…whose name is Stark.”
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pupsmailbox · 7 months
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NAMES ⌇ abir. agnes. ahriman. avira. axar. banshee. bella. blanc. blanche. blanchette. bliss. bones. boo. booelle. booette. boolita. buffy. caden. carrie. casper. caspian. cassie. cheery. claw. cynthia. damien. deathilia. deathphia. desdemona. drauaga. dusk. eidolon. eisa. emmett. esme. espi. esprit. espíritu. eulalia. evelina. evie. exo. exor. expiry. fantasma. fantôme. felis. frightenne. frispirit. geist. ghoest. ghost. ghostelle. ghostette. ghostie. ghostisma. ghosty. ghostyre. ghoul. ghoulesse. ghoulette. ghoulie. ghouline. ghoulita. ghoulity. ginny. grave. grim. grimric. hantu. haunt. hauntelle. haunterly. hauntide. hauntie. hauntoille. haunty. hellgeist. huntesse. huntette. huntus. idony. imp. ivy. jan. klara. knyftes. kotori. lili. lilith. lillith. lorena. lucille. lumia. luna. mary. merry. mon. mona. morrigan. mortimer. nyx. ophelia. ouija. oul. penny. phan. phantom. polter. poltergeist. priscilla. ramona. rascal. reaper. roho. ruin. ruth. ruyu. sable. salem. shen. shy. shyette. shyine. soul. soulesse. soulette. souline. soulphi. specter. spectra. spectral. spectre. spir. spirit. spirited. spite. spook. timid. timida. timido. tomb. trix. twilight. twyla. veil. weep. winona. wisp. wraith. wrath. wynnie. yurei.
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PRONOUNS ⌇ agony/agony. avoid/avoid. bone/bone. boo/boo. breeze/breeze. che/cheer. cleanse/cleanse. coffin/coffin. cold/cold. creep/creep. dea/death. dead/dead. dead/death. death/death. dis/embodied. dread/dread. eerie/eerie. entity/entity. ex/expire. fear/fear. fester/fester. flo/float. float/float. fog/fog. freeze/freeze. fri/fright. fright/fright. frolic/frolic. geist/geist. ghast/ghastly. gho/ghost. ghost/ghost. ghoul/ghoul. glee/glee. gra/grave. grae/grave. grave/grave. grave/graveyard. grave/yard. graveyard/graveyard. haunt/haunt. horror/horror. hun/hunt. hx/hxm. hy/hym. ir/ir. ix/ix. joy/joy. kill/kill. kni/knife. light/light. linger/linger. lone/lone. lost/lost. lurk/lurk. mer/merry. mist/mist. murmur/murmur. phan/phantom. psych/psyche. roam/roam. salt/salt. scare/scare. shadow/shadow. shx/hxr. shy/hyr. shy/shy. slash/slash. smoke/smoke. smol/smol. sorry/storie. soul/soul. spec/specter. spec/spectre. spi/spirit. spir/spirit. spire/spire. spirit/spirit. splint/splint. spook/spook. spooky/spooky. sun/sun. thxy/thxm. ti/timid. timid/timid. tomb/stone. tomb/tomb. tomb/tombstone. undead/undead. unknow/unknowing. unknow/unknown. unknown/unknowing. unknown/unknown. veil/veil. victim/victim. wander/wander. wander/wanderer. whi/whisp. whisp/whisp. whisp/whisper. whisper/whisper. wraith/wraith. ⚰️ . ⚱️ . 👻 . 🤍 .
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pyrohearts · 3 months
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vampire npts
names - alice, alistair, blaine, dean, demonia, dusk, dusk, edward, elvira, james, lilith, luci, lucile, luna, magnus, marce, marceline, marshall, mavis, thorn, vampess, vampyr, victoria, viktor
pronouns - bat/bats, blood/bloods, coffin/coffins, dusk/dusks, fang/fangs, grave/graves, grim/grims, night/nights, rot/rots, suck/sucks, vamp/vamps
titles - prn who hides in the night, prn who is drinking blood, prn who lurks in the shadows, prn who sleeps in a coffin, prn who sucks blood, the bloodsucker, the count(ess), the lord/lady of the night
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hazbin-hotel-6-3 · 8 months
Alastor and lilith
Alastor values his free will more than anything, clearly saying to adam that chosing his own fate made him this powerful. So he didnt sell his soul simply for power.
What i think happened is that he was seeing lilith go to heaven ( he loves Gossip and would spy on someone ) and she caught him. Forcing him into a deal where he isnt allowed to tell anyone ( only told husk he sold his soul but not everything / he is shown having stitches over his mouth ) and serve her and in exchange she lets him live. Making it a forced deal with no real Benefit to alastor and an excident with cost him everthing.
He was serving lilith in heaven. That is why nobody saw them. ( others just saw alastor with angels during the deal lilith made with them, asuming he is about to die = starting the rumer he was killed by them. Why he is so afraid of Others mentioning the angels. It is not about their race but more about what happened during that moment )
During the song he mentioned that he want to clip his wings. Usually that is the opposite of freedom but what if wings stand for heaven instead. Wanting to cut his strings to heaven.
Not sure why lilith would need a servant or what alastor was doing in heaven for her or why he is allowed to see hell again.
This is interesting since Alastor made it clear that his wish is to chose his fate / gaining his freedom. And that that wish is stronger in him than even in husk or angel dusk. They were hating what they have to do, but their fates feels more like an abusive job your stuck in. Alastor feels more like a caged animal who loses his sanity because of his lack of choice.
Making him the perfect foil to our lilith ( hypocrite who pretends to value hell, so why would she be honest about valueing free will = she was only interested in her own well beeing and choice not for everyone elses will ). Alastor cares about it, that is why husk has the ability to live his live outside of the job. Having a somewhat friendly deal. He even hugged him during the end with the Others ( but wasnt Smiling )
In the end, the Others will see alastor finally break down ( cyring not angry ), showing his longing to freedom. Since he will help angel dusk to get free and let husker go. They will pay back his kindness and help him get free.
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maryhale1 · 9 months
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In shadows' dance, Lilith's gaze unfolds,
A mystic tale, in whispers yet untold.
Her spirit, wild, a tempest's gentle grace,
A portrait painted in the moonlit space.
She walks the realms of twilight's tender hue,
A symphony of secrets, ancient and true.
With every step, a dance of shadows cast,
In Lilith's world, the present and the past.
A goddess born of dusk and starry night,
Her essence weaves through realms of soft twilight.
In silvered dreams, she whispers to the wind,
A timeless muse, where mystic tales begin.
Lady Lilith, keeper of elusive lore,
Her song, a melody forevermore.
In moonlit verse, her essence finds its way,
A modern ode to Lilith's endless sway.
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marcishaun · 4 months
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Vlad opens his eyes in time to see Morgan & Caleb run back into their cabin. In the blink of an eye, Lilith is by his side holding him.
Lilith: It's okay! I put it out!
Flames had started to appear on Vlad's clothing, and Lilith rushed to pat it out.
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Vlad's flesh continues to smolder in the sun as Lilith hugs him tighter.
Lilith: We have to find shelter, and then return home at dusk!
The world starts to turn black as Vlad lets himself be held by the one woman who hasn't betrayed him.
Vlad: [weakly] Must...hibernate...rejuvenate...
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chichirid · 6 months
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ʚ mafuyu asahina id pack ɞ
(names, pronouns, titles)
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names: arachne,  aurora, belladonna, blair, circe, diskette, dusk, eris, evelyn, fuyue, fuyuka, hecate, horona, juliette, kiyoka, lavender, letal, lilith, luna, mashiro, melanie, ophelia, runami, sabrina, sekka, shiori, shizuha, shuuka, thorn, touka, twilight, vesper, willow, winter, wren, yuki, yukime, yukimi
pronouns: it/its, sno/snows, wi/winter, melo/melody, doll/dolls, mari/marionette, pu/puppet, snow/snowflakes, bli/blizzard, mu/musics, twi/twilight, own/owns, ❄️/ ❄️s, 🎭/ 🎭s,
titles: (prn) with a frozen facade, (prn) who writes haunting lyrics, (prn) with a hollow smile, (prn) who is searching for an escape, (prn) who fakes all that is real, (prn) who is overbearingly protected, (prn) tied by snowy strings, (prn) idolised by all, (prn) hiding from a blizzard
the frozen puppet, the admired doll, the imprisoned lyricist, the doll who needs guiding
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zablife · 1 year
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An Evening at Arrow House: A Collection of Harrowing Tales
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Here you'll find all the spine tingling fics and haunting artwork created for my 2K follower celebration. All writers have the same goal- to frighten, deceive and otherwise torment Tommy Shelby's new bride until she leaves Arrow House permanently. As submissions are posted, I will add them here or you can follow #zablife 2K celebration. If you enjoy dark fics, you're in the right place ❤ If not, you might want to follow Mrs. Shelby to the nearest exit.
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My fics and moodboards
Meeting Arthur in the Wine Cellar
A Walk in the Garden with Heaven Shelby
Michael's Wedding Gift
Ruby's Tea Party
Drinks with Polly in the Parlor
Mary the Helpful Housekeeper
The Last Supper
Careless People
A Wrench in Our Plans
No Peace For You Ever
Ada's Tour of the Library
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Thanks to all my lovely and talented moots who have contributed! ❤
An Evening at Arrow House by @there-goes-thefighter
The Attic by @noforkingclue
Bad Omen by @peakyswritings
Barbe Bleue by @notyour-valentine
Behind the Green Door interactive fic by @raincoffeeandfandoms
Betrayal short story by @cillmequick
The Choice by @look-at-the-soul
Codependent Siblings by @multifandomwriter56
In the Graveyard with Lilith Rose Shelby by @chaosinkest1996
Love in a Haunted House and Part 2 by @pacifymebby
Love Ritual by @call-sign-shark
Mrs. Francesca Shelby by @kmhappybunny240
Nightcap by @murderousginger
Nocturnal Me by @emotionalcadaver
Polly's Intuition by @the-makingsofgreatness
The Red Room by @evita-shelby
There's Something About These Grounds by @runnning-outof-time
Third Time Lucky by @brummiereader
When They Cry by @thegreatdragonfruta
Which One is Safe to Drink? game by @raincoffeeandfandoms
Moodboards and GIFs
An Evening at Arrow House by @cljordan-imperium
Arrow House Riddle by @moral-terpitude
The Brides by @thomashelbyswife
Butcher!Alfie by @alicent-targaryen
Dusk at Arrow House Stables by @holacia3
Nocturnal Me by @emotionalcadaver
Psycho!John by @alicent-targaryen
The Red Room by @evita-shelby
There's Something About These Grounds by @runnning-outof-time
Music recs
An Evening at Arrow House Playlist by @shelbydelrey
"Girl With One Eye" Florence + the Machine
"Francesca" Hozier
"A Heart Made of Yarn" Franz Gordon
"Dead Come Talking" Roe Kapara
"Me and the Devil" Soap and Skin
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firstdeerwife · 5 months
Prologue | Adam C.1
Pairing:Adam x Eve
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In all the time Eve had spent with Adam, they had never hidden anything from each other they always tried to be honest and deal with their problems.
However, the last few days Eve hadn't told her husband where she was going or who she had met and she didn't think that would be a problem after all, what could happen?
Eve and Lilith, as the days went by, had maintained a cordial relationship where every day when Eve looked for her on the other side of the garden, Lilith waited for her with a smile and they talked until it began to get dark.
Adam had noticed this change in his wife who did not usually go out and now went out for a walk every day and returned almost at dusk,After all, there was nothing in this garden that could attract her too much.
One of those afternoons they were at the lake while Adam was trying to catch some fish Eve was sitting under a tree making more baskets. Adam paused and looked at his wife who was looking at the sky and Adam knew why, in all these days he had paid attention to the moments when Eve went on her walks so he knew that Eve left when dusk began.
Adam came out of the lake and sat next to her.
"Hey Eve, what's wrong, I notice you're distracted." Eve looked at him and smiled, trying to hide it.
"It's nothing to worry about, we should go"Eve stood up and started walking when Adam stopped her.
Adam had grabbed her wrist to stop her from walking.
"We're fine here, it seems like you want to be away from me." Adam's voice was demanding although he tried to sound calm.
"That's not true," Eve alleged.
"Then why do you disappear every afternoon, you're supposed to be here with me Eve"Adam took her by the shoulders to make her look at him.
There was a moment of silence until Adam spoke again. "Sorry, I didn't mean to behave like that,I just don't know where you go every afternoon, you never tell me anything, I worry about you Eve and I don't want you to leave me."
Eve smiled and caressed his cheek. "Adam I will never leave you after all I am your wife "I just need to take a breath sometimes and be alone."
Adam kissed her forehead."Just do not lie to me"
Eve nodded. "From now on, no more secrets, you promise."
Adam swallowed, he still hadn't told her anything about Lilith.
"I promise"
▲•▼•▲•▼•▲〘 ♡ 〙▲•▼•▲•▼•▲
"Why did not you come yesterday"
Eve and Lilith were sitting under a tree chatting while eating some fruits.
"I had a problem and couldn't come."Eve responded while looking at the grass, she felt guilty for having left Lilith waiting but Adam had insisted that she stay with him for the afternoon.
"You're okay, you look distracted."Lilith looked at Eve with concern.
"Uh...no I was just thinking about something,Don't worry."Eve forced a smile.
"You want to tell me, after all we are friends, right?" Eve smiled and nodded.
"It's just that maybe I shouldn't keep coming here with you."Eve spoke almost in a whisper, she didn't want to be rude to Lilith after she had been so kind.
"What are you talking about? I thought you liked being with me."Lilith took Eve's hand.
"Don't get me wrong, it's just that I've moved away from my husband and he says I should stop being here."Eve tried to explain to Lilith.
"Wait, you're listening to your husband."Lilith narrowed her eyes
"Why shouldn't I do it?"Eve removed her hand from Lilith's.
"Well he can't give you orders, you have to decide what to do."Eve looked at Lilith confused, she couldn't believe what she was saying.
"Of course I have to obey Adam, he is my husband and he is in charge of taking care of me, and I come from one of his ribs, of course I owe him a lot,besides Adam doesn't know that I'm here with you and I don't want to lie to him because he never hides anything from me and I don't want to lie to him anymore."
There was a moment of silence until Lilith spoke again.
"Typical of Adam, he has always been an idiot, I didn't think you were really going to obey him and believe everything he says do you really believe that he is not lying? Maybe he has told you about me, why does it seem that you really believe that you are Adam's first wife?"
Eve shook her head
"It's not true, you're lying." Her voice trembled slightly.
Lilith smiled and whispered in her ear.
"Don't believe me but you should ask him"
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qwib · 11 months
Looking For VtM Players
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Hey ho! Two of my players have recently put down their roles for the foreseeable future. They're sticking around as friends, but that means I'm looking for new players to add to my roster.
New Orleans by Night has been running for two and a half years and is entering its final arc. Interested? More details are under the read more.
Chronicle name: New Orleans by Night / The Dusk Club
Base system: V5
Any homebrews?: Many. V5 is basically unrecognizable save for the basic roll system.
Language: English
Preferred time/timezone: 6pm GMT+1 (Berlin) / 12pm EST (New York). We have players from both the US and Europe, so this is the time we stick to. Our sessions tend to run an average of 5 hours. Day of the week is subject to change depending on player needs.
Where: Discord, sessions held weekly in text. (Meaning sessions are scheduled weekly the same as they would be for a voice session, except everything takes place in text.)
General description of the chronicle: Current applications are for my Chronicle “New Orleans by Night”; but as that chronicle is nearing its end within the next year, we are exclusively looking for players that will also want to join us for our next upcoming chronicle, “The Dusk Club”. 
The Dusk Club: Led not by me but @cthylla-rlyeh, this Chronicle will start running after New Orleans is finished (roundabout a year from now). Cthylla has been a player of mine for almost 2 years now and is one of my best friends as well as an incredible Storyteller.
New Orleans by Night: Following the Beckoning, New Orleans is left in a power vacuum. Countless parties are vying to be on top. A Tremere Prince works hand in hand with the Second Inquisition to stay in power; an ancient Tzimisce considering herself Lilith reborn is sacrificing Thinbloods in droves in an attempt to awaken an Antediluvian she believes to be sleeping underneath the city. We are Anarchs, trying to create a world in which Kindred of all walks of life can live together in peace - but some nights, it’s hard to even catch our breaths.
This chronicle has been running for two and a half years and we are well into the story, but I have prepared a timeline document summarizing prior events. Feel free to ask for the document at any point in your application. Your character will receive all the XP the other characters have accumulated over past seasons.
Nothing interesting ever happens in Mosspoint. A sleepy little town by the sea, the most earth shattering news you heard in recent years was when it-girl Caroline Kyng cheated on her boyfriend. Meaningless gossip. 
But everything is about to change. What was supposed to be a nice evening out at a concert will turn into a massacre, thrusting you into a life you never would have believed possible, all while coming to terms with your own death… and what it means to be a Thinblood in this world.
All players will be playing Thinbloods in this Chronicle, but your sire’s Clan will affect your abilities, merits, and flaws. The daywalker merit will come free to all Coterie members. A primer document exploring Mosspoint exists.
Required experience level: Should have at least a general overview of the setting. Given how far we are into the chronicle, I would rather not be explaining the system to you.
How to apply: Simply send a message introducing yourself to either me or @cthylla-rlyeh
Anything more?: As a group made up entirely of queer people, we are exclusively looking for other queer people. 
We are extremely invested in these stories and our characters, and would love for you to bring the same level of enthusiasm to our table - we promise to welcome you with open arms. 
Our chronicles are filled with extremely triggering content. If you are sensitive to themes of sexual assault (kept off-screen, but discussed), body horror, gore, addiction, disability, self harm, suicide, and homophobia, our table is not for you. If you have any specific triggers, feel free to ask. 
We will not be jumping right into the chronicle with you. Rather, we will be holding multiple one shots with applicants to vet how we work together. The number of one shots we hold will depend on the number of applicants so we can give everyone a fair shot.
Ultimately, we will be looking for 1-3 new players.
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