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flameturtles · 1 year ago
Disney+ possibly Canceled Production for the English dub of Tokyo revengers Tenjiku Arc
So Disney has the streaming rights for Tokyo Revengers: Tenjiku Arc. Since partnering up with Kodansha the largest publishing company in Japan ans takimg the rights away from Crunchyroll. Disney never promoted the Tenjku Arc so a lot of people didn't know it came out on Disney+ which Resulted in low views Making Disney see the anime less Profitable and not worth it to release it in dub so it seems they decided to cancel the dub. Which also makes me worried for future seasons of Tokyo revengers because of season 2's lack of viewer count.
(Here's a link to Hulu's response to the issue)
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Zeno Robinson (Shuji Hanma's English voice actor) has encouraged the fans to make our voices known as he believes that if there are more demands for the for Dub as the Audience has more power than them. Zeno said on twitter as far as he knows Disney has no plans on dubbing the Tenjku arc
(Zeno Robinson's tweets)
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Disney's lack of soupport and marketing has seriously screwed everying up. Disney should not be partnering up with anime companies if they can't do the Bare minimum and elevate animes to the Audience. This isnt the first anime that Disney has screwed over with it English dubs.
The future of Tokyo revengers is in our hands we have to work together to get the studio to listen to us. There is a Pettiton currently up demanding for Disney to include the English voice case. Please share the link to help reach our goal!
(petition Link)
I encourage everyone to tag and comment to Disney/Disney+ on Instagram, Tiktok, YouTube, Facebook Twitter, Email etc who does care about the dub until we get a response from them. If there's enough public outrage Disney has no choice but to address the situation. Because of Disney not Advertising Season 2 Part 2 (aka season 3) of the Tenjiku Arc. Tokyo revengers gotten less popularity, and it puts the series at risk of getting canceled if we don't do something now.
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