not a request !!
is it alright if i make ocs based off of your ID packs ?
this has gotta be the coolest thing we’ve ever been asked LOL the answer is YES but please tag us so we can see 🙏🙏 we’d probably reblog on our personal and go crazi in the tags. but also most of the stuff in the id packs…isn’t ours?? does that make sense….like most of the terms linked we did not create. so just make sure you give credit where credit is due yadda yadda I CANT WAIT TO SEE
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hello !! would you be able to do an id pack based off funerals, butterflies and a general theme of death? if u do, many thanks in advance !! ^_^ ,, and if not it's 100% okay !
we decided to make the death id pack,,,,however,,,our bug id pack can be found here,,,,enjoy,,,,:))
┣▇▇▇═─ POSTED 。
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┣▇▇▇═─ DEATH iD PACK 〰️
🪦 ︵︵ TAGGiNG @id-pack-archive ᶻ 𝗓
✙ ︵︵ SYSTEM NAMES : the deadly system/collective/etc. , the murder system/collective/etc. , the deceased system/collective/etc. , the funeral system/collective/etc. , the mourners , the graveyard system/collective/etc. , the mortal system/collective/etc. , the decaying system/collective/etc. , the autopsy archives , the grim reaper system/collective/etc. , the fatal few , the rot system/collective/etc. , the soulless system , the corpse collective , the slain system
✙ ︵︵ NAMES : deathe¹ , deathette¹ , raven¹ , lilith¹ , morticia¹ , killette¹ , poe , noir , noire¹ , noirette¹ , scythe¹ , scythette¹ , decay¹ , corpse , autopsette , desdemona , dolores , lola , lorelai , mallory , mort(e) , mortesse , persephone , ares , hades , adrienne , apollo , blake , cole , darcie , duncan , onyx , styx , crow
¹ names that certain alters of the darling stars use
✙ ︵︵ PRONOUNS : de death , death deaths , murder murders , funeral funerals , mourn mourns , grave graves , grim grims , reap reaper , reaper reapers , rot rots , decay decays , corpse corpses , scythe scythes , mort morts , plague plagues , crow crows , raven ravens , flesh fleshs , ⚰️ ⚰️s , 🪦 🪦s , 🩸 🩸s , 🕸️ 🕸️s , 🕷️ 🕷️s , 🪰 🪰s , 🪱 🪱s , 🍄 🍄s , 🍄🟫 🍄🟫s , 🥀 🥀s , 🐀 🐀s , 🐦⬛ 🐦⬛s , 🐈⬛ 🐈⬛s
✙ ︵︵ USERNAMES : mxshroomz , rotcoffinz , fatalfuneral(s) , wiltingrosez , thornycorpse , soullessflesh
✙ ︵︵ TiTLES : the grim reaper , this deadly kiss , the coroner , prn who dreams for an eternity , prns final resting place , the dead girl/boy/etc. walking , the rotting corpse , the decaying corpse , the graveyard girl/boy/etc. , the soulless entity , this rotting flesh , this decaying flesh , the great unknown , the mortician , the undertaker , the bug crawling beneath your lifeless flesh
✙ ︵︵ LABELS : dyingkin , assigned dead at death , coffinmate , deadhoarder , death system , killer/murderer system theme , death omninoun , rot system
✙ ︵︵ GENDER SYSTEMS : gendergrave , genderscythe , genderflormortic
✙ ︵︵ GENDERS : deadgender , deathgender , daechiren , decayflux , spicoffiyn , nexaean , deadboy / boydead , deadgirl / girldead , limbobodien , roteadangelic , peacefuldecayic , felimortic , morticomfac , deathidol , moricrow , necrobeing , decaybodyhorroric , deadthing , cemeflowian , rigormortisphrasic , maggotgender , deathsaint , morieous , deadsaint , cemetarian , cemeterycatgender , muerteian , cemeterylexic , graveyardgender , graveyardia , euthanasiac , deathbodiment , deadfluid , funeralexic , darkroseangelic
[PT: death id pack. requested by anon. tagging id-pack-archive. system names. names. pronouns. usernames. titles. labels. gender systems. genders. /END PT]
#— ꒰ completed ꒱#id pack#snpt#nput#npt#names#pronouns#usernames#users#titles#labels#gender systems#xenogenders#death
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fyodor id pack if you havent alr?? ik ur reqs are closed so if you have time when your reqs are open could you?
this request is already in the inbox and we do not like receiving requests when they are closed. they are closed for a reason. we understand if you genuinely did not see that they were closed but the amount of people coming into our inbox saying “i know your requests are closed but…” is getting a bit ridiculous. please write down your request and send it in when requests re-open. thank you.
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Hope this doesn't bother, but maybe a detective themed one, please? Thank you if so... :3
sorri for the wait!!
┣▇▇▇═─ POSTED 。
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┣▇▇▇═─ DETECTiVE iD PACK 〰️
🔎 ︵︵ TAGGiNG @id-pack-archive ᶻ 𝗓
✙ ︵︵ SYSTEM NAMES : the detectives , the detective system/collective/etc. , the deduction system/collective/etc. , the logical system/collective/etc. , the knowledgeable system/collective/etc. , the mysterious system/collective/etc. , the mysteries , the crime solving system , the investigators , the sleuth system , the private eye system/collective/etc.
✙ ︵︵ NAMES : edgar , dorian , rue , mysterie , autumn , sherlock , nancy , drew , auguste , darwin , martha , duncan , gideon , lupin , lincoln , theodore , adelia , amelia , bertha , clio , caroline , elizabeth , eleanor , theolinda , logan , hazel , noir , noire¹ , noirette¹ , dee
¹ names that certain alters of the darling stars use
✙ ︵︵ PRONOUNS : detective detectives , deduce deduces , logic logics , knowledge knowledges , mystery mysterys , crime crimes , investigate investigates , case cases , sleuth sleuths , priv private , private privates , eye eyes , law laws , justice justices , just justice , truth truths , noir noirs , 🔎 🔎s , 🔍 🔍s , 🕵️ 🕵️s , 🕵️♀️ 🕵️♀️s , 🕵️♂️ 🕵️♂️s , 🗞️ 🗞️s , 📰 📰s , 🗂️ 🗂️s , 🗄️ 🗄️s , 📁 📁s , 📂 📂s
✙ ︵︵ USERNAMES : detectivename , sleuthinnoir , mysteriousse , eyeonthecrime
✙ ︵︵ TiTLES : the detective , prn who solves the case , prn who unravels the mystery , prn who can solve any case in record time , the crime solver , the investigator , the sleuth , the private eye , the world renowned detective , the film noir star , prn who fights for truth , the revealer of truth , prn who keeps prns eye on the crime
✙ ︵︵ LABELS : detective npd , detective4author , detective aroace , detective transmasc
✙ ︵︵ GENDERS : detectivegender , noirfilmic , detectivic , noiric , detectigender , detectivevamp , almondique , sleuthlexic , deceptective, detectiveprince , detectimysteric , detectivesweetic , horopusic
[PT: detective id pack. requested by anon. tagging id-pack-archive. system names. names. pronouns. usernames. titles. labels. genders. /END PT]
#— ꒰ completed ꒱#id pack#snpt#nput#npt#names#pronouns#usernames#users#titles#labels#xenogenders#detective#detectives
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hello. I come here to request an ID pack of me, shadow the hedgehog. however, I have noticed that sonic the hedgehog is not a source in your whitelist, so i shall just describe the feeling of the ID pack I'd like: void, shadows, edgy, gay love, polyamory. I hope you can do something with those themes. please and thank you, dearest Quartz.
— Shadow 🖤🐈⬛
you’ve probabli alreadi done this but searching “shadow mogai” here on tumblr brings up a lot of sonic and shadow xenos :3 also tysm for reading the whitelist <3 a lot of people just. don’t. i hope you like it and i’m so sorri for the wait!!
┣▇▇▇═─ POSTED 。
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┣▇▇▇═─VOiD iD PACK 〰️
🕳️ ︵︵ TAGGiNG @id-pack-archive ᶻ 𝗓
✙ ︵︵ SYSTEM NAMES : the void system/collective/etc. , the empty system/collective/etc. , the abyss archives , the archives of the abyss , the numb system/collective/etc. , the system of darkness , the empty system/collective/etc. , the vacant system/collective/etc. , the infinite system/collective/etc. , the infinites , the blurred system/collective/etc. , the misty system/collective/etc. , the foggy system/collective/etc. , the scythe system , the silhouette system , the penumbra system/collective/etc. , the shadow system
✙ ︵︵ NAMES : noir , noire¹ , noirette¹ , gray , grey¹ , static¹ , decay¹ , odditie¹ , stacy , vacancy , infinitie , infinesse , mysterie , shadow , phantom , illusielle , wraith , wren , obscuritie , nightmare , scythe¹ , scythette¹ , luna , oblivionne
¹ names that certain alters of the darling stars use
✙ ︵︵ PRONOUNS : h? h?m , sh? h?r , th?y th?m , noir noirs , null nulls , void voids , blur blurs , infinite infinites , dark darks , shadow shadows , shade shades , phantom phantoms , twilight twilights , illusion illusions , penumbra penumbras , silhouette silhouettes , mist mists , fog fogs , lurk lurks , scythe scythes , forget forgets , spiral spirals , 🕳️ 🕳️s , 🌫️ 🌫️s , ⚫️ ⚫️s , 🌑 🌑s , 🌚 🌚s , 🌀 🌀s
✙ ︵︵ USERNAMES : lurkingshadows , lurkingphantoms , foggytwilight , shadowedinfinities
✙ ︵︵ TiTLES : the void , the forgotten one , prn who has long been forgotten , the empty one , prn who is empty , the abyss , prn who screams into the dark abyss , the darkness that keeps you awake at night , the infinite darkness , prn who is shrouded in mystery , the shadow of the night , the lurking silhouette , the one of unimaginable depths , the infinite one , your worst nightmare , the galaxy’s biggest mystery , the living void
✙ ︵︵ LABELS : darkness system , void spacebun , void transmasculine , void emotum , void , void transnull , unknown void kin , void transgender , void transneutral , void transmascfem , void transfeminine , voidattractional , voidpronounstelic , blurred system , blurry reflected
✙ ︵︵ GENDER SYSTEMS : shadow system
✙ ︵︵ GENDERS : gendervoid , voidgender , voidgender , lupusvoid , voibunstarmagic , starrypaintvoidic , novaity , heavoid , ivoyal , distorsweetic , voidox , voidbandaged , voidestroylyrica , voidfallangellic , voidbodiment , voidcattic , neagender , voispirean , staticgender , murkend
[PT: void id pack. requested by shadow black heart black cat anon. tagging id-pack-archive. system names. names. pronouns. usernames. titles. labels. gender systems. genders. /END PT]
#— ꒰ completed ꒱#id pack#snpt#nput#npt#names#pronouns#usernames#users#titles#labels#gender systems#xenogenders#void#voids
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helluu may I request an id pack (or whatever you want to do) based around jiangshi? or just zombies in general if that's too specific :3c thank yew in advance
zombiezzz >_< put off studying 4 thiz zo i hope you like itttt!!! blehhhhh
┣▇▇▇═─ POSTED 。
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┣▇▇▇═─ ZOMBiE iD PACK 〰️
🧟 ︵︵ REQUESTED BY @scythidol ᶻ 𝗓
🧟 ︵︵ TAGGiNG @id-pack-archive ᶻ 𝗓
✙ ︵︵ SYSTEM NAMES : the zombie system/collective/etc. , the council of the undead , the undead system/collective/etc. , the corpse collective , the apocalyptic many , the infected system/collective/etc. , the survival system , the gore system/collective/etc. , the rot system/collective/etc. , the decay system/collective/etc.
✙ ︵︵ NAMES : zomb , ash , stone , deedee , ann , calypso , arma , armand , gideon , enda , ender , mendel , syd , morticia¹ , deathe¹ , virus , decay¹ , undyne , rot , zeke , zob , shaun
¹ names that certain alters of the darling stars use
✙ ︵︵ PRONOUNS : rot rots , decay decays , zomb zombs , zomb zombie , zombie zombies , undead undeads , gore gores , corpse corpses , apocalypse apocalypses , infect infects , vi virus , revive revives , flesh fleshs , 🧟 🧟s , 🧟♀️ 🧟♀️s , 🧟♂️ 🧟♂️s , 🩸 🩸s , 🪦 🪦s , ⚰️ ⚰️s , 🐦⬛ 🐦⬛s , 🧠 🧠s , 🪰 🪰s , 🪱 🪱s , 🍖 🍖s
✙ ︵︵ USERNAMES : undyth , flesheatingkiller(s) , fleshmurders , fearfuldead , fearfulundead , corpsewalker , infectedzomb
✙ ︵︵ TiTLES : the zombie , the apocalyptic one , prn who is undead , the walking corpse , the infected one , prn whose body is a corpse , the rotting one , the decaying one , the apocalyptic revival , prn who rises from the grave , prn who claws prns way out of the ground , the one with worms where prns eyes should be , prn who converses with flies , prn who eats brains (for breakfast)
✙ ︵︵ LABELS : atypical zombie , zombie omninoun , nascimezombie , borderlinezombie , zombie , zombie lesboy , zombie lesbian , zombie achillean , zombie diamoric , zombie sapphic , undead nonhuman , zombiemotum , human presenting by choice zombie , mellow zombie , zombie alterhuman , zombie for zombie , zombie bear , zombie desert paracosm , zombie trans , zombie , zombiestelic , rot system
✙ ︵︵GENDER SYSTEMS : zombie system , reanimated system
✙ ︵︵ GENDERS : zombiegender , zombgender , zombcuos , rotzombrp , zombiecanicongic , zombieboything , zombgirl , lovizomb , malizomb , zomidolic , zombiegirl , zombielover , undeadspinnic , zomboy , zombinary , zombiespiderman , bloodzombic , kidneonzombic , musirotlove , zombieic , zombnursegender , zombiepup , fuzzetix , angelizomagican , tensic , boyrevived , girlrevived , zombidolfem , zombapocaesic , zombstar , cutezombiepupboy , apocolypsic , zombdollic
[PT: zombie id pack. requested by scythidol. tagging id-pack-archive. system names. names. pronouns. usernames. titles. labels. gender systems. genders. /END PT]
#— ꒰ completed ꒱#id pack#snpt#nput#npt#names#pronouns#usernames#users#titles#labels#gender systems#xenogenders#zombie#zombies
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i know your reqs are closed but when their open can you make a system id pack (?) that's mainly themed around our systems interests/things were ok with? I'm sorry to ask but I hope you can! and I think your sweet. things like: Serial killers (saw, scream, etc), horror, coffins/death, black cats/broken mirrors/over all "bad luck" things, and anything you thing would fit with these lol
this one has been finished in our drafts for awhile. idk why it never got posted TwT we decided to go with the horror theme, specificalli focusing on saw and scream. i believe there’s currentli a req for a death id pack in the inbox, so that’ll get done eventualli as well.
┣▇▇▇═─ POSTED 。
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┣▇▇▇═─ HORROR iD PACK 〰️
🔪 ︵︵ TAGGiNG @id-pack-archive ᶻ 𝗓
✙ ︵︵ SYSTEM NAMES : the horror system/collective/etc. , the thriller system/collective/etc. , the terror system/collective/etc. , the frightful system/collective/etc. , the suspense system , the mayhem system/collective/etc. , the gore system/collective/etc. , the bloody system/collective/etc. , the slasher system , the saw system , the scream system
✙ ︵︵ NAMES : ghost , stu , billy , sidney , adam , michael , hannibal , carrie , fred(dy) , jack , annie , annabelle , john , myer(s) , buffy , amanda
✙ ︵︵ PRONOUNS : thrill thrills , fright frights , suspense suspenses , may mayhem , mayhem mayhems , gore gores , blood bloods , slash slashs , kill kills , jig saw , jig jigsaw , jigsaw jigsaws , saw saws , scream screams , meddle meddles , static statics , thing things , fear fears , 🪓 🪓s , 🔪 🔪s , 🚬 🚬s , 🩸 🩸s , 🏚️ 🏚️s , ⛓️ ⛓️s , 🪚 🪚s , 🤡 🤡s , 🫀 🫀s
✙ ︵︵ USERNAMES : chainedhorrors , chainedterrors , chainedfrights , thrillerthing , meddlingmayhem
✙ ︵︵ TiTLES : the thing , the horrifying one , prn who is horrifying , the horrified one , prn who is horrified , the terrifying one , prn who is terrifying , the terrified one , prn who is terrified , the beaten and bloodied , the scary slasher , the killer , the screaming slasher , prn who lives for the thrill (of the kill)
✙ ︵︵ LABELS : cannibalfriend / cannibalmate , murderfriend / murdermate , sadakoric , horrordpd , horror fag , horror system , (reverse) bear trap lesbian
✙ ︵︵ GENDER SYSTEMS : genderslasher , genderghostfaceic , genderhorror / genderhorrific
✙ ︵︵ GENDERS : horrorgender , horrorgenderhoarder , horrorfem , horrormasc , horrorhoard , goreweirdo , grimmirian , slasherboyfriend , slashergirlfriend , horrornostalgic , horroringleader , slasheric , maskedslasheric , slashertix , slasherlexic , sawbathroomic , jigsawpigapprentic , psychoanatamic , stabbedgender , visceralexic , imprisonightmaric , feargender , horrorenigmatic , bloodigowne , gorecoric
[PT: horror id pack. requested by anon. tagging id-pack-archive. system names. names. pronouns. usernames. titles. labels. gender systems. genders. /END PT]
#— ꒰ completed ꒱#f slur#f slur reclaimed#id pack#snpt#nput#npt#names#pronouns#usernames#users#titles#labels#gender systems#xenogenders#horror#horror genre#horror film
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not a request just saying. nice blog :> when saw it, wanted to send a "love ask" opposite of "hate ask".
tehee thank you!!! it’s much appreciated :3
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I don't know if you're up to it but I was curious if you could do Dazai and Chūya themed system names, (Both together and apart possibly) -🩹
please check if requests are open next time before sending something in! they’re open now but they weren’t when you sent this. if you’re not sure if you’ll remember your request, i recommend writing it down somewhere!!
┣▇▇▇═─ POSTED && POSTED 。
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🍷 ︵︵ TAGGiNG @id-pack-archive ᶻ 𝗓
✙ ︵︵ SYSTEM NAMES : the sheep system , the fighting system/collective/etc. , the alcoholic friends (system/collective/etc.) , the tainted sorrow system , the prideful system/collective/etc. , the remorseless system/collective/etc. , the ruthless system/collective/etc. , the gravity defying system/collective/etc. , the loyal system/collective/etc.
✙ ︵︵ NAMES : cyrus¹ , cyra¹ , fury , mars , ares , nemesis , storm , blaze , phoenix , rage , wrath , ember , griffin , orion , chase , cassian , cassius , cassia , shepherd
¹ names that certain alters of the darling stars use
✙ ︵︵ PRONOUNS : rage rages , red reds , anger angers , sorrow sorrows , pride prides , gravity gravitys , loyal loyals , wine wines , booze boozes , knife knifes , cig cigs , cig cigarette , cigarette cigarettes , blood bloods , pup pups , 🍷 🍷s , 🔪 🔪s , 🚬 🚬s
✙ ︵︵ USERNAMES : ragefulsorrow , redgravity , redragepup , ragefulpup , loyalcig
✙ ︵︵ TiTLES : prn who is a member of the sheep , the mafia executive , the mafia’s strongest (martial artist) , the mafioso , prn who lacks remorse , the remorseless one , the ruthless one, prn who is ruthless , the loyal one , prn who is loyal , prn who is as loyal as a dog , prn who believes prn is not human , the god-like one , prn who easily loses prns temper , the gravity manipulator , prn who defies gravity , prn who never turns down a good fight , the one with gloved hands , the hot-headed one , the lab experiment , the test subject
✙ ︵︵ LABELS : bungou stray dogs system , chuuya4dazai , chuuya4kajii , rage eiment , anger emsoul
✙ ︵︵ GENDER SYSTEMS : gendersubject , genderexperiment , gendergod , gendergoddess , gendergoddex , genderdeity
✙ ︵︵ GENDERS : chuuyacharic , chuuyacharic , chūyic , chuuyadestroy , chuuyaabilityic , chuuyabodiment , chuuyasorrowic , genderrage , dogexperiment , pupexperiment , ragebodiment , redragephonkic , knifething , savecontrolyrica , sorrowning dog , fiergender , angerity / angerlity , ragelexic , deurseity , angerdevourin , pupgender , caniscorruptus , mafiathing , bloodgender , hatebodiment , ragething , aggressive canine gender
[PT: chuuya nakahara id pack. requested by adhesive bandage anon. tagging id-pack-archive. system names. names. pronouns. usernames. titles. labels. gender systems. genders. /END PT]
#— ꒰ completed ꒱#id pack#snpt#nput#npt#system names#names#pronouns#usernames#users#titles#labels#gender systems#xenogenders#bungou stray dogs#bungo stray dogs#bsd#chuuya nakahara#chuuya
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┣▇▇▇═─ DAZAi OSAMU iD PACK 〰️
🩹 ︵︵ TAGGiNG @id-pack-archive ᶻ 𝗓
✙ ︵︵ SYSTEM NAMES : the bandaged system/collective/etc. , the suicide system , the alcoholic friends (system/collective/etc.) , the detective collective , the (mafia) executive collective , the mysterious system/collective/etc. , the witty system/collective/etc. , the scheming system
✙ ︵︵ NAMES : daze¹ , darla¹ , static¹ , noir , noire¹ , noirette¹ , gray , grey¹ , raven¹ , morticia¹ , deathe¹ , deathette¹ , killette¹ , murdesse¹ , luna , bella , belladonna , darcy , dusk , night , onyx , shadow , hades , morte , nyx , rue , dorian , dante , raine , mysterie
¹ names that certain alters of the darling stars use
✙ ︵︵ PRONOUNS : void voids , null nulls , bandage bandages , death deaths , kill kills , murder murders , detective detectives , executive executives , mafia mafias , mystery mysterys , mist mists , wit wits , scheme schemes , lonely lonelys , blood bloods , plan plans , scar scars , ⚖️ ⚖️s , ⚰️ ⚰️s , 🪦 🪦s , 🩹 🩹s , 🖋️ 🖋️s , ✒️ ✒️s
✙ ︵︵ USERNAMES : bandagedtears , packagedsuicide , investigatingloneliness , voidkiller , nullifiedsorrows
✙ ︵︵ TiTLES : the bandaged one , the detective , the mafia executive , prn who is no longer human , the mysterious one , prn who experiences vast loneliness , the youngest leader in the history of the port mafia , the agency’s sharpest (detective) , prn whose blood is as dark as the mafia itself , prn who was born to be in the mafia , the one of great wits , the one of vast plans , the persuasive one , the confident one , the dramatic one , the suicidal maniac , prn who dislikes pain , prn who cannot die no matter how hard prn tries , prn who is able to see through any enemy scheme
✙ ︵︵ LABELS : dazai4sigma , dazai4chuuya , dazai4kunikida , dazai4yosano , dazai4sasaki , osamu system , osamu dazai hpd , dazai pocd , void species , void emotum , corrupthuman , offhuman , bungou stray dogs system
✙ ︵︵ GENDER SYSTEMS : genderscarred , genderbandaged
✙ ︵︵ GENDERS : dazaicharic , genderscarred , dazaidestroy , dazaiabilityic , dazaibodiment , scarbandaged , voidbandaged , gendervoid , outsmartion , genderpatched , neagender , everspiral , daechiren , mafiathing , deadboy / boydead , deadgirl / girldead , peacefuldecayic , deathgender , voidthing , voidgender , :3voidic , litvoidgender , bandbruisenvic , deadthing
[PT: dazai osamu id pack. requested by adhesive bandage anon. tagging id-pack-archive. system names. names. pronouns. usernames. titles. labels. gender systems. genders. /END PT]
#— ꒰ completed ꒱#suicide#id pack#snpt#nput#npt#system names#names#pronouns#usernames#users#titles#labels#gender systems#xenogenders#bungou stray dogs#bungo stray dogs#bsd#dazai osamu#dazai
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sitting here with fear in my heart and soul waiting for the wave of requests on the horizon to wash over me
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