#lila pitts headcanons
slagstagrams · 1 month
lila pitts who spent her teen years blasting good charlotte as the handler ran her through endless training
teen lila who begged the handler to borrow a briefcase to go see all american rejects open for fall out boy as a birthday present .
teen lila keeping the briefcase a little longer than agreed , going to see the sex pistols in 78'
teen lila staying up late to read through all the harry potter books again and again and again (and again)
teen lila who's guilty pleasure music was (and still is) gwen stefani
lila who instead of going out for her 21st birthday went to go see scott pilgrim vs the world alone in cinemas
bonus ; lila who ran into klaus at a party (yes she actually went to one of those , uninvited of course) in their early 20's , she went home early because she kept seeing dead people , thinking she'd been spiked . it took until she met klaus again to understand that she'd just been mimicking his powers
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the-krakens-bitch · 1 month
One of the aspects of season 1 and 2 that made them my favourite were the portrayal of the dynamics of the characters with each and themselves in their adult life.
Give me Klaus having a breakdown cause he’s starting to forget what Dave looks like and the sound of his voice. Show me him begging Five to just go back and save him, as he’s just one person, it won’t matter. But it will. Klaus knows that. He just doesn’t want to believe that.
Show me how Allison sees her daughter refusal to going to bed as something alike herself. Show me the doubt and fear that might come from her seeing herself in Claire.
Show me Luther trying to socialise with other people without it sounding like a formal report.
Show me Five having a hard time opening up entirely with anyone, especially his family. Show me Victor and him both relating that they feel like outsiders with their siblings, that no matter how good they are now, they will never know how it feels to be completely comfortable and secure with them. That deep down, they will always be alone.
Give me the honesty between Diego and Luther, the outraged desperation of Diego wanting to be the leader, to be seen as an equal to Luther, and Luther telling him that he always knew how that affected him. And deep down Luther enjoyed that his leadership was able to ignite some sort of emotion, even if it was disdain, just something to prove to him that what he was doing was worth a reaction.
Show me victor not being used of people calling on him to make the shots.
Show me Allison and Diego bonding over how it feels to lose their voice, to feel weak and defenceless in a world that is so quick to take away their power and anatomy
Show me Luther and Lila undermining anyone older who gives them guidance or are authoritative in fear of becoming susceptible in becoming mindless obedient soldiers again.
Show me Victors tedious relationship with the violin. How he wants to entirely forget how to play the violin, but hating himself by how easily it is to regain that skill. It feels like Reginald’s hand will always be holding his shoulder every time he holds that god forsaken thing.
Show me how Allison is able to conceal her insecurities and guilt with her award wining smile, on and off set.
Show me a quiet bonding moment between Diego and Victor showing each other’s littered scars on their hands, either by failed knife tricks and tightening strings. Both brought upon by an absent father that each other will never quite understand the others perspective
Show me Lila first thought fleeing anytime her and Diego get into a fight, thinking that it’ll be easier to ran away then to face him.
Give me Diego trying so hard trying to be badass but failing, because intrinsically he isn’t a whiskey shooting cold blooded ‘lone wolf’, he’s just someone who loves his family and wants to be truly close to someone
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nickeverdeen · 14 days
Dating yandere TUA characters
Luther Hargreeves
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Luther insists on training you to be strong and capable, just like him
He believes that the only way you can be safe is if you can defend yourself
He constantly pushes you beyond your limits, often to the point of exhaustion, but he sees it as necessary to protect you
Luther frequently brings up shared memories, emphasizing how much you mean to him and how special your bond is
He uses these memories to create a sense of dependency, making it seem like no one else understands or cares for you as deeply as he does
As the de facto leader of the Hargreeves siblings, Luther naturally takes charge
He extends this authority into your relationship, making decisions on your behalf and expecting you to comply without question
He believes he knows what’s best for you and often dismisses your opinions
Luther talks about your future together as if it’s already decided, with plans for marriage, children, and a shared life
He doesn’t seek your input on these plans, instead presenting them as inevitable and perfect, making it hard for you to voice any doubts or objections
Luther loves taking you on spontaneous trips to remote and isolated places where you can be alone together
These adventures are meant to be romantic, but they also serve to keep you away from others and make you more reliant on him
He collects and cherishes items that remind him of you, like a lock of your hair, a piece of your clothing, or a note you wrote
He keeps these mementos in a secret box, often looking at them to feel closer to you
Luther overanalyzes your interactions with others, always on the lookout for potential threats
He questions you about your relationships and can become paranoid, interpreting innocent actions as signs of betrayal or disinterest
Luther needs constant reassurance of your love and commitment
He frequently asks if you love him and requires you to demonstrate your affection through words and actions, making it difficult for you to express any dissatisfaction or desire for space
Luther often physically places himself between you and perceived dangers, whether it’s a person or a situation
His protective nature can be comforting, but it also isolates you and limits your freedom
Luther exaggerates situations to make himself your hero
He might create problems just so he can solve them and reinforce the idea that you need him to protect and save you
Luther intervenes in your life decisions, believing he knows what’s best for you
This includes your career, friends, and hobbies
He frames his control as care and concern, making it hard for you to see his actions as manipulative
Luther buys you clothes and insists you wear them, often choosing items that reflect his taste and preferences
He wants to shape your appearance to fit his ideal image of you
Luther keeps a secret box filled with mementos from your relationship, like movie tickets, dried flowers, and photos
He looks at these items to feel closer to you and to remind himself of your bond
Without your knowledge, Luther sets up cameras in your home to monitor you and “ensure your safety”
He justifies this invasion of privacy as a necessary precaution to protect you
Luther establishes strict traditions in your relationship, like weekly date nights or annual trips, which you must follow
These traditions create a sense of routine and stability but also limit your autonomy
Luther pushes you to integrate deeply with his family, encouraging you to spend more time with his siblings and less with your own family and friends
This isolates you from your support network and makes you more dependent on him
Luther is obsessed with monitoring your health, from your diet to your exercise routine
He insists on accompanying you to doctor’s appointments and making decisions about your healthcare
When you’re apart, Luther floods you with messages and calls, demanding constant updates on your whereabouts and activities
This makes it difficult for you to have any personal space or privacy
Luther uses his own emotions to guilt you into compliance
If you try to assert your independence or express dissatisfaction, he reacts with hurt and disappointment, making you feel responsible for his feelings
Luther demands your loyalty and commitment without providing the same in return
He expects you to prioritize him above all else, even if it means sacrificing your own needs and desires
Luther manages your social media presence, deciding what you can and cannot post
He wants to control how you present yourself to the world and ensure that your online interactions align with his expectations
Diego Hargreeves
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Diego is always armed and ready to ‘protect’ you from any slight inconvenience or perceived threat
He believes that being physically prepared is the best way to keep you safe, and his protective instincts can be overwhelming
He regularly tests your self-defense skills under the guise of safety
Diego insists on teaching you how to fight and defend yourself, often putting you through rigorous and sometimes dangerous training sessions
Diego secretly patrols around your neighborhood at night, watching over your home to ensure you’re safe
He often goes to great lengths to remain unseen, creating a sense of security but also a feeling of being constantly watched
Diego follows you silently to ensure your safety
He believes that by shadowing you, he can prevent any potential harm
This behavior can be unsettling, making you feel like you can never truly be alone
He conducts surprise safety drills to prepare you for ‘emergencies’
Diego might suddenly stage a mock attack or evacuation, expecting you to react quickly and correctly
Diego turns dates into elaborate missions, incorporating elements of danger and excitement
While he sees this as a way to bond, it often puts you in stressful and uncomfortable situations
He insists on checking the perimeter of any place you go together, whether it’s a restaurant, park, or even your own home
Diego’s need to secure every environment can be exhausting and intrusive
Diego challenges those who he thinks are getting too close to you
He becomes aggressive and confrontational, often picking fights with anyone he perceives as a threat to your relationship
Diego attempts to control the paths you take in life, from your career choices to your social interactions
He believes that he knows what’s best for you and tries to steer you accordingly
He gifts you weapons disguised as thoughtful presents, like a stylish knife or a discreet taser
Diego sees these gifts as practical and necessary, though they might make you uncomfortable
Diego enlists friends to watch over you without your knowledge
He creates a network of people who report back to him about your activities and interactions, making it hard for you to have any privacy
Diego obsessively checks the safety of your environment, from inspecting your home for vulnerabilities to researching crime rates in areas you visit
His constant vigilance can make you feel suffocated
He keeps a detailed journal of your daily activities, noting where you go and who you meet
Diego’s meticulous tracking is framed as a way to ensure your safety, but it feels more like surveillance
Diego enforces strict boundaries on who can interact with you, often forbidding you from seeing certain friends or family members
He believes that by controlling your social circle, he can better protect you
Diego gets you a dog to ‘protect’ you, training it to be fiercely loyal and vigilant
While the dog provides companionship, it also serves as another means of control and surveillance
He sabotages your tech so you can only rely on him
Diego might interfere with your phone, computer, or internet connection, making it difficult for you to communicate or seek help
Diego insists on accompanying you everywhere as a bodyguard, even to mundane places like the grocery store
His constant presence is meant to ensure your safety but also limits your freedom
He follows you in disguise to avoid detection
Diego goes to great lengths to remain hidden while keeping an eye on you, often lurking in the background of your daily life
Diego dictates where and when you can go out, planning all your outings to fit his schedule and ensure your safety
This limits your spontaneity and ability to make independent decisions
He forms alliances with those he deems safe for you, encouraging you to spend time with them while isolating you from others
Diego’s strategic friendships are meant to create a controlled social environment
Diego lies to protect you from ‘dangerous’ truths, often hiding information or manipulating facts
He believes that by controlling what you know, he can keep you safe and reliant on him
Allison Hargreeves
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Allison uses her power to ‘rumor’ you into believing you’re deeply in love with her and need her constant presence
She manipulates your thoughts and feelings to ensure you stay loyal and dependent on her
She meticulously curates your public image, deciding what you wear, how you present yourself, and even what you say
Allison wants to create a perfect picture of your relationship for others to admire
Allison manipulates your social interactions, ensuring you’re surrounded only by people she approves of
She subtly influences your friendships and relationships to maintain control over your social life
She uses her connections and influence to shape your career path
Allison might secure opportunities for you or sabotage potential threats, making you feel indebted to her for your success
Allison often brings up emotional moments from your past to keep you anchored to her
She reminds you of how she supported you through tough times, making it hard for you to imagine life without her
She involves you in her personal projects and passions, making sure your lives are deeply intertwined
Allison wants to ensure you spend most of your time and energy on things that matter to her
She subtly rumors you into developing interests and hobbies that align with hers
Allison shapes your preferences and desires to ensure you’re always on the same page
She uses her power to create misunderstandings and conflicts between you and others, isolating you from potential threats
Allison believes that by keeping you isolated, she can ensure your loyalty
Allison frequently engages in public displays of affection and declarations of love
She wants everyone to see how perfect your relationship is, creating pressure for you to maintain that image
She uses her powers to manipulate your emotions during arguments, ensuring you always come back to her
Allison can make you feel guilty, sad, or euphoric with just a few words
Allison insists on constant communication, flooding you with texts and calls throughout the day
She wants to know every detail of your life and ensure you’re always thinking about her
She shares personal secrets and expects you to do the same, creating a sense of intimacy and trust
Allison uses these secrets to bond you closer to her and to manipulate your emotions
She establishes strict routines and rituals in your relationship, from daily phone calls to weekly date nights
Allison believes that by creating a predictable pattern, she can maintain control
She offers support in ways that subtly sabotage your independence
Allison might take care of things for you, making you reliant on her help and diminishing your ability to function without her
She rumors you to have dreams and aspirations that align with hers
Allison shapes your goals and ambitions, ensuring you’re always working towards a future that includes her
Allison invests heavily in your emotional well-being, offering constant support and encouragement
She makes herself indispensable, so you feel you can’t succeed without her
She creates and reinforces positive memories of your relationship, often planning elaborate events and surprises
Allison wants you to look back on your time together with fondness and gratitude
She rumors others to be jealous of your relationship, making you feel special and valued
Allison uses this tactic to create a sense of exclusivity and pride in your bond
She tells protective lies to keep you from potential harm or distress
Allison believes that by controlling what you know, she can shield you from anything that might threaten your happiness or their relationship
She frames her controlling behavior as compassion and care
Allison insists she’s doing everything for your benefit, making it hard for you to see her actions as manipulative
She pressures you to be perfect in every aspect of your life, reflecting her own need for control and image maintenance
Allison’s high expectations make it difficult for you to relax or be yourself
Klaus Hargreeves
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Klaus creates a sense of emotional dependency by being your primary source of comfort and joy
He makes you feel that only he can understand and alleviate your emotional pain
Klaus’s behavior is erratic and unpredictable, making you constantly guess what will make him happy
This keeps you on edge and focused on pleasing him
He introduces you to his vices, such as drinking or partying, creating a bond over shared indulgences
Klaus uses these activities to keep you close and reliant on him for fun and excitement
Klaus emphasizes a deep, spiritual connection between you, claiming that your souls are meant to be together
He often talks about past lives and fate to reinforce this idea
He uses his own emotional ups and downs to manipulate your feelings
Klaus’s mood swings keep you constantly attentive and eager to make him happy
Klaus isolates you from others by monopolizing your time and attention
He makes you feel guilty for spending time with anyone else, insisting that you only need him
Klaus creates art, music, or poetry for you, making you feel special and unique
He uses these creative expressions to keep you emotionally invested in the relationship
He insists on being with you constantly, whether in person or through frequent texts and calls
Klaus makes it difficult for you to have any personal space or time alone
He gives you eccentric and meaningful gifts that only he could think of, reinforcing the idea that your relationship is unique and special
Klaus convinces you that your love is different from everyone else’s, using this belief to justify his unconventional and often controlling behavior
He creates or exaggerates emotional crises to keep you focused on him
Klaus frequently needs your support and reassurance, making you feel indispensable
Klaus makes you feel spiritually dependent on him, claiming that he can connect with the afterlife and provide insights that no one else can
He insists on late-night conversations that leave you emotionally drained but deeply connected
Klaus uses these talks to explore your deepest fears and desires
Klaus creates a chaotic environment that keeps you off balance and reliant on him for stability
He thrives in disorder and ensures you’re always part of it
He deflects blame for his erratic behavior onto external forces or other people, making you feel protective and understanding towards him
Klaus involves you in spiritual rituals or ceremonies, creating a sense of shared purpose and exclusivity
These rituals reinforce your bond and dependence on him
He needs constant reassurance of your love and loyalty, making you feel responsible for his emotional well-being
Klaus engages in dramatic displays of affection and devotion, making you feel like the center of his universe
He becomes your secret keeper, encouraging you to share your innermost thoughts and fears with him
Klaus uses this information to deepen your emotional bond
He takes you on spontaneous and eccentric adventures, making your life feel exciting but also unpredictable and dependent on his whims
Five Hargreeves
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Five views you as his timeless possession, someone who belongs to him across all timelines
He often speaks about your destiny together and how he’s seen every possible future where you end up together
He strategically isolates you from others, using his intelligence to create situations where you’re dependent on him
Five ensures that you rely on him for problem-solving and guidance
Five dominates conversations with his intelligence, making you feel inferior and dependent on his knowledge and decisions
He manipulates time to keep you close, altering events to ensure you always end up together
Five uses his powers to control your environment and interactions
Five constantly talks about the future he envisions for you both, making plans that leave no room for your own desires or independence
He calculates every possible threat to your safety and takes preemptive actions, often without your knowledge
Five’s protective nature borders on paranoia
Five uses his time travel abilities to observe you without being seen, ensuring you’re safe and loyal
His unseen presence makes you feel watched even when you’re alone
He strategically creates jealousy by mentioning other versions of you he’s encountered in different timelines, making you feel special but also insecure
Five engages you in intellectual games and puzzles, reinforcing your dependency on his intelligence and making you feel bonded through shared activities
He gives you gifts from different timelines, unique items that make you feel cherished but also remind you of his power and control
Five involves you in calculated risks and adventures, making you feel alive and dependent on his skills for survival
He plays mind games to keep you emotionally and mentally engaged, ensuring you’re always thinking about him and your relationship
Five keeps secrets under the guise of protecting you, creating a sense of mystery and dependency on his knowledge
He tells stories of alternate timelines where things went wrong, using these narratives to justify his controlling behavior
Five influences your decisions and actions without you realizing it, subtly steering your life in the direction he wants
He uses his abilities to constantly surveil you, ensuring you’re always safe but also under his control
Five creates an intellectual bond by sharing his knowledge and experiences, making you feel connected on a deeper level
He manipulates time to create perfect moments and memories, making it hard for you to imagine life without him
Five’s protection is calculated and strategic, ensuring you’re always in situations where you need him
He controls your emotions by altering events and interactions, ensuring you always feel dependent on his presence and support
Five’s commitment is timeless, making you feel like your relationship transcends all boundaries and time itself
Ben Hargreeves
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Ben uses his sensitivity to create a deep emotional bond, making you feel like he’s the only one who truly understands you
Even in death, Ben’s presence is felt, making you feel watched and protected
He often communicates through signs and messages, ensuring you never forget him
Ben shares his grief and struggles with you, creating a bond over mutual pain and understanding
He emphasizes a spiritual connection, claiming that your souls are linked and that you’re meant to be together even beyond death
Ben uses his emotions to manipulate yours, making you feel guilty or responsible for his happiness
He’s always there to comfort you, creating a dependency on his presence and support
He uses emotional anchors, such as shared memories or significant events, to keep you connected to him
Ben’s protective nature is overwhelming, ensuring you’re always safe but also limiting your freedom
Even when not physically present, Ben’s influence is felt, making you feel like he’s always watching over you
He emphasizes shared goals and dreams, making you feel like your futures are intertwined
Ben offers spiritual guidance, making you feel like you need his wisdom and insight to navigate life
He creates a sense of emotional dependency, making you feel like you can’t be happy or complete without him
Ben needs constant reassurance of your love and loyalty, making you feel responsible for his emotional well-being
He keeps and cherishes shared memories, often bringing them up to reinforce your bond
Ben is always there to provide emotional support, making you reliant on his presence and guidance
He creates an invisible bond, ensuring you always feel connected to him even when apart
Ben shares his pain and struggles, creating a sense of mutual understanding and dependency
He tells protective lies to keep you safe, making you feel like he’s always looking out for you
Ben often sacrifices his own happiness for yours, making you feel indebted and responsible for his well-being
He makes you feel spiritually dependent on him, creating a sense of belonging and purpose in your relationship
Viktor Hargreeves
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Viktor creates an emotional symbiosis, making you feel like your happiness and well-being are intertwined
He constantly seeks reassurance and validation from you, making you feel responsible for his emotional state
Viktor is fiercely protective, often to the point of overbearing
He insists on knowing your whereabouts and who you’re with at all times, justifying his behavior as concern for your safety
He shares his deepest fears and insecurities with you, creating a bond over mutual vulnerability
Viktor uses this emotional intimacy to keep you close and dependent on his presence
Viktor becomes your main source of support, both emotionally and practically
He’s always there to help you with your problems, making you feel like you can’t manage without him
He often revisits significant memories from your relationship, emphasizing how much you mean to him
Viktor uses these memories to remind you of your bond and to guilt you into staying with him
Viktor encourages you to share in his musical talents, making you feel special and unique
He uses this shared activity to create a deeper connection and to keep you engaged in his world
He becomes your emotional anchor, the person you turn to in times of distress
Viktor’s constant presence and support make you feel like you can’t face challenges without him
Viktor subtly isolates you from others, encouraging you to spend more time with him and less with friends and family
He creates a world where it feels like it’s just the two of you against everyone else
He needs constant reassurance of your love and commitment, often questioning your loyalty
Viktor’s insecurity makes you feel like you must constantly prove your affection
Viktor sacrifices his own needs and desires for yours, making you feel indebted to him
His selflessness creates a sense of obligation and loyalty on your part
He shares his past traumas and expects you to do the same, creating a bond over shared pain and healing
Viktor’s openness makes you feel like you’re the only one who truly understands him
Viktor tells small lies to protect you from harsh truths, believing it’s for your own good
His protective nature can feel suffocating as he tries to shield you from anything that might cause you distress
He manipulates your emotions to keep you close, using guilt, fear, and love to control your actions
Viktor’s emotional intelligence allows him to subtly influence your feelings and decisions
Viktor provides stability in your life, making you feel like you can’t function without his presence
His calming influence becomes a crutch that you rely on heavily
He establishes routines and traditions that you both follow, creating a sense of normalcy and predictability
Viktor’s routines make it difficult for you to imagine life without him
Viktor insists on constant tracking where you are and contact, whether through texts, calls, or in person
He makes you feel like you need to be in touch with him at all times to maintain the relationship
He bonds with you over deep, emotional conversations, making you feel like he’s the only one who truly understands you
Viktor’s empathy and understanding create a strong emotional connection
Viktor takes protective measures to ensure your safety, such as checking in on you frequently and advising you on who to trust
His protective behavior can make you feel like you’re always under his watchful eye
He creates a sense of emotional dependency, making you feel like you can’t be happy without him
Viktor’s constant presence and support make it difficult for you to imagine life on your own
Viktor shares intimate secrets and expects you to do the same, creating a bond of trust and vulnerability
His openness makes you feel like you’re the only one who truly knows him
He uses emotional blackmail to keep you close, threatening to harm or kill himself or leave if you try to distance yourself
Viktor’s manipulation creates a sense of fear and obligation, making it hard for you to break free
Lila Pitts
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Lila creates an emotional whirlwind around you, making every day unpredictable
Her volatile emotions keep you constantly engaged and focused on her
Lila’s behavior is highly unpredictable, keeping you on edge and dependent on her for stability
She swings between affection and anger, making you feel like you need to constantly please her
She uses affection as a tool to manipulate you, showering you with love when you comply with her wishes and withdrawing it when you don’t
Lila takes you on emotional highs and lows, creating a sense of dependency on her for your emotional well-being
She involves you in her adventures and schemes, making you feel like an essential part of her world
Lila’s thrill-seeking behavior keeps you constantly engaged
Lila creates constant drama in your relationship, making you feel like you need to be there to support and calm her
She demands unwavering loyalty from you, often testing your commitment through manipulative means
Lila plays emotional games to keep you on your toes, using jealousy, guilt, and affection to control your behavior
She isolates you from others by creating conflicts with your friends and family, ensuring you rely solely on her
Lila creates intense bonding experiences, making you feel like you share a unique and unbreakable connection
She makes you emotionally dependent on her, ensuring you can’t imagine life without her presence and support
Lila shares and demands intimate secrets, creating a bond of trust and manipulation
She manipulates your emotions to keep you close, using affection, guilt, and fear to control your actions
Lila insists on constant contact, ensuring you’re always thinking about her and your relationship
She controls your emotions by creating situations that elicit specific reactions, making you feel like she’s the only one who truly understands you
Lila’s love is unpredictable, swinging between intense affection and cold detachment, making you constantly strive for her approval
She shares intimate secrets and expects you to do the same, creating a bond of trust and dependency
She tells protective lies to keep you safe, making you feel like she’s always looking out for you
Lila emphasizes shared goals and dreams, making you feel like your futures are intertwined
She provides emotional support, making you feel like you can’t face challenges without her presence and guidance
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brellafaun · 20 days
today's episode is what build a bears i think the brellies would have/get. they take five as sibling bonding and he pretends to hate it but secretly loves it. allison records all of the heart ceremonies and cherishes the videos forever. i'm truly losing it i miss them so much
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luther would 1000% appreciate a golden retriever build a bear. he probably really wanted a dog as a kid but reggie wouldn't let him, so this would be kinda like healing that inner part of him (also rebelling against what reggie said!! win!!!). he would probably name it something like rover or scout and get the pumpkin spice scent and some jammies for it.
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shaggy highland cow. lila would tease him while they're looking at bears by saying their hair matches. it would only motivate him to get it out of spite. cannot think of a name while at the store, comes up with one once he's home. either gets one of the button ups with a funky print or an all black outfit with combat boots, with no in between. definitely a birthday cake scent guy.
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pawlette girlie all the way. classic, but not outdated. likely matches with a bear claire has. she would commit too hard to the bit and spend way too long trying to find the perfect outfit, maybe something that matches whatever she's wearing when they go. gets either sunglasses or one of the fake lattes as an accessory. either pumpkin spice scented or strawberry.
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rainbow bearlien no i am not taking criticism. maybe a frog, but this is the funnier option tbh. he would assemble the cuntiest little outfit possible for his bear, definitely using the faux leather crop top and some boots. additionally, he might get the emotional support bear shirt. takes the heart ceremony and birth certificates extremely seriously and gets his laminated. lavender scent ftw (maybe even gets his bear weighted?? weighted stuffed animals are great for anxiety tbh)
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timeless teddy bear because. he's timeless. okay listen that was funnier in my head. but i feel like he'd dig this guy because it's more like something he would've actually had as a kid. maybe it'd be like a bear he did have, sewn together by Grace. he would pretend that he doesn't want it, but he absolutely does. gets a little suit and shoes to match his (that, or he gets the emotional support bear shirt). the scents are probably a little too on the sweet side for his liking. (if she had planned it out in advance, allison would've gotten him one of the ones that has embroidery on the foot. it'd probably be something simple and grounding for when he's stressed.) immediately emotionally attached. the employees ask if it's his birthday at least twice.
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jennifur the cat. we all know why. but in all seriousness, i think he'd dig this one because he's got a secret soft spot for cats. it's also pretty separated from the aquatic animals, and doesn't remind him of the horror at all. gets a zip-up hoodie and jeans to match his. potentially gets a voice message in the paw, something from klaus or the whole family. fresh cut flowers scent.
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buffalo check pawlette just kinda fits the vibe? idk man, it clicks in my brain just right. the ears and paw pads are a good texture and he jives with it. joins mr. snuggles in the lofty position of on the bed. emotional support bear shirt, little denim jacket, jeans, and boots. maybe the plaid pajamas if he's feeling a more cozy vibe. lavender scent for sure. doesn't get a box and carries it with him as they leave.
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mothman. she's the family's own little cryptid. it works. finds the goofiest sleeper she can and bunny slippers. gives him a ridiculously intricate name like Sir Cornelius Weston XXVII. gets diego to record a voice message for her and refuses to tell anyone what it says (it's just him saying "I love you"). laughs at five doing the heart ceremony and refuses to do it when it's her turn. cotton candy scent
...........hargreeves family going to build a bear fic when
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surfthestardust · 3 months
Umbrella Academy characters as “bury your gays” style tropes except they’re not tropes, I made them up
Luther: apeify your straights
Diego (and Lila): institutionalize your bisexuals
Allison: deprive your straights of their loved ones
Klaus: resurrect your gays
Five: torture your aces with yet another apocalypse
Ben: bury your straights
Viktor: give your trans people unfathomable power
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chofisaquino · 11 days
Imagine something very cool about Diegolila's Children and Claire:
I imagined that they over time developed powers: Claire: The same power as Allison, but without using “I heard a rumor” but directly doing it by just touching someone and ordering them something specific, just like Cate Dunlap's power in GenV, but controlled or more slight. Grace: Controlling the direction of objects she throws, like Diego, but instead of using a knife she redirects it with a bow and arrow, like a kind of Hawkeye/Kate Bishop. Twins: I don't know their names, their names were never mentioned, but I figured the following: The girl with a power to copy abilities, like Lila, but not at the level of powers, but agile skills or read people's movements before they attack her. The boy a shapeshifter at will, something like a stronger version of mimic power that would not only go to the skills but to the physical, but it would be something temporary but enough.
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pepperf · 24 days
Aside from everything else...going from Mr. 'ten percent pelvic thrusts', ball gags on their second go-round, sex so good that she immediately decided she was having his baby, "sometimes they like to do it on the stairs"...to some pre-pubescent little puke whose only previous relationship was made of plastic. RIP Lila, what a downgrade!
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pepperuni · 1 month
Just started the 5th ep of tua s4 and idk if this is controversial for some but I just came to here to say i do NOT support five x lila!!!! can writers please stop going "well, if 2 people spend an extended amount of time with just each other, OF COURSE they'll fall in love"!!!! lila is still married and also an adult!!! five is aroace and in a minor's body (or close to, idk his exact age atp)!!!
(Please don't take this too seriously i beg)
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slagstagrams · 24 days
guys i'm thinking about lila pitts again and how when she was pregnant there was a part of her that was so scared , her first mother had died and the woman who raised her (i use raised loosely) was not the pinnacle of maternal instinct .
and she'd do anything not to be like the handler - but she has no idea where the boundaries of discipline sit , what a normal life looks like for her let alone a child . she was a commission worker , and then flitting between timelines with the briefcase & then a mother in an apocalypse .
but she does it - raises her children with gentleness she didn't think she had in her , teaches them not to drop fragile things & that loving does not hurt . she is everything she never had in a mother .
( only to have to be pulled away from her children in the end )
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drummer lila & five on electric guitar ⚫️⚫️
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boabelboo · 1 month
will never forgive the showrunners for taking platonic fivelila away
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fivelila · 24 days
Lila is definitely a sapiosexual.
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flower1622 · 1 month
Five: What are you doing in our house?
The Handler: I came to make a deal.
Five: What kind of deal?
The Handler: I want you guys to join me.
Five: No, thanks!
The Handler: Not even for your brother?
Five: What do you mean by that?!
The Handler: We have the one who speaks with the dead. He's such a sweety guy, isn't he? I even found a way to join his life with mine, so if i die, he dies. With Klaus's life connected to mine, my enemies will be your enemies from now on. But, don't worry, he's being taken care of.
Five: Where is he?!
The Handler: Hidden and safe. You can see him after joining me. So, what do you say?
Five and the others look at each other, and then at the Handler.
Five: For Klaus.
Diego: For Klaus.
Ben: For Klaus.
Viktor: For Klaus.
Alison: For Klaus.
Lila: For Klaus.
Luther: No.
Everybody turns to glare at Luther.
Five: Luther!
Luther: I won't. She's evil. I won't become a villain.
The Handler: Poor Klaus, he must be suffering so much right now...
Ben lets his monster out and throws Luther against the wall. Luther stands up, but Diego punches him in the face and in the stomach, making Luther fall on the floor from pain. Five appears in front of him and kicks him hard on his private part. Luther winces from pain and puts his hands on his private part. Five gets Luther by the neck suffocating him and leans over his face.
Five: If Klaus dies because of you, I'm gonna fucking kill you.
Diego: Count me in.
Ben: Me too.
Viktor: Me too.
Lila: Don't forget about me.
Five gets away from Luther and Alison appears in front of his face.
Luther: Alison, please no...
Alison: I heard a rumour that you accepted to join us.
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tua-braindump · 2 years
HC: TUA if you showed up to their doorstep with a stab wound.
1. Luther
*immediately carries you to the med bay and gets Grace*
2. Diego
"pendeja! How many times have I told you not to go patrol ALONE???"
3. Allison
*sighs and grabs her keys* "get in the damn car we're going to the hospital!"
4. Klaus
"Jesus Christ YN! what have you gotten yourself into this time?" *Looks for first aid supplies*
5. Five
*long suffering sigh* "alright, who the fuck did you piss off this time?" *As he shoves you into a chair and prepares to stitch your wound shut*
6. Ben
" why didn't you go straight to the hospital???"
*drives you there*
7. Viktor
*gasps* "are you okay? Here let me get something to wrap it and call a cab"
Bonus! Lila:
*laughs at you* "idiot, sit down while I go get the curling iron"
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TUA (and Lila) as teenagers, if they were raised in a healthy environment:
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(I couldn't put multiple flags but there could have been aromantic for Five, arospec and nonbinary for Klaus, ace for Ben, Queer for Viktor.....) I just love a bunch of queer siblings
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fiveapocalypse · 2 years
The Hargreeves and Lila and sparrow Ben play musical chairs except it’s complete chaos. Five is screaming obscenities because “YOU ARE ALL FUCKING CHEATERS.” And then there’s Luther and Marcus who are trying very hard not to use their strength to their advantage but Five whines about them anyway “THATS NOT FAAAAIR THEY HAVE SUPER STRENGTH.” And then there’s people like fucking Lila and Diego who just sit on each other’s laps and Five is shoving them off each other and screaming at the top of his lungs about how everyone SUCKS at this game.
They have fun though, despite their oldest-littlest brother screaming like he’s being murdered.
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